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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Huge pickup you got there, awesome ^-^


Guys I'm a high school senior now wat
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 30, 2013, 10:39:10 AM
nah sleepy, i think you nailed it right on the head. i ran into a lot of people lacking in some social graces at con....

but honestly, it's getting frustrating how many times i've run into this problem. can't i be a nerd AND a girl without having every guy knocking down my door? ><;
I feel for ya, but nothing short of social education on massive scale directed at "loners" or "introverts" can help. I mean, can you imagine a person with raging hormones, wanting to get a girlfriend, but has never spoken to a female in any significant amount outside of their family? Of course they're going to be stupid about the whole thing. This is something you learn by doing, and being a social outcast at school has stunted this development by years. The hormones stuff gets in the way of natural conversation as well, making the problem worse as women reject the guy at every attempt.

Oh, and that's not to say you were wrong in rejecting him. He needs to learn somehow. If this person has good friends, they can point him in the right direction. Otherwise, I just feel really sorry for the guy. He simply doesn't know any better.

I think over here, it's not as bad since nerd culture is pretty accepted and widespread, so there is a lot of potential for social encounters on the topic of related interests--this essentially gives these guys enough practice that they eventually "get it". 

I'm not as well versed on the otaku/nerd-culture on the east coast, but I never got the feeling of unified social groups outside of cosplayers at cons or university clubs.


we're like terrorists over here. people view us with curiosity or suspicion and we operate in cells depending on interest. LARPing isn't something brought up in casual conversation with a stranger.

@cockle: herly shert our little girl is growing up
srsly, enjoy it while it lasts. college was a nice ride for me for a few years but then i crashed and burned worse than the Red Baron over Amiens.

@leaf: thanks bro. i make swag #1 priority at cons, above food, sleep, and sometimes even bodily harm and/or friends. -w-;
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So, my sister gave me a Dr. Whooves figurine as a late birthday gift >:3


i didn't realize they made figurines of that character. :0
click to make it bigger


Yep. It's not something you'll find down the Pony aisle at Wal-Mart or Toys 'R' Us, though; my sister found it at Hot Topic :3


Oh yeah, I didn't go to AB. From what I hear, it was a wise decision.


Quote from: PizzaDrill on May 30, 2013, 08:40:53 PM
Oh yeah, I didn't go to AB. From what I hear, it was a wise decision.

What do you mean by that? I'm sincerely curious since i hadn't heard any bad news about AB.

Also, is there anything more amazing than being in an air-conditioned space on a hot summer day? The only other thing I can compare it to is sitting by a fire on a cold winter day. That being said, between the AC and several fans running it's super-noisy in here and my skin and sinuses are feeling dried out but SWEET LORDY COOL AIR.

(Oh yeah, and I have a large fan aimed at the back of Eve ... I'm not sure if that's so great for her vents [though it doesn't seem dusty in here ...] but at least it's keeping her case nice and cool.) -w-


Very nice ^^

So, I went to see Star Trek: Into Darkness. I'll share my thoughts in What's Playing. That aside, today is going alright, even if I didn't accomplish anything I had planned to do today thanks to mom dragging me around everywhere before the movie :\


I just read your review. It's good to hear it's at least watchable, since I've heard quite a few bad reviews. o.o

Speaking of reviews, the Outdoors are hot and humid and full of insectoid terrorists, 1/10 would not go outside again.

Except my dad's gone to work for the next two days and I have to take care of the lawn for him so I sorta have to, barring a heavy rainfall. *ponders doing rain-dance...*


If I could, I'd send some rain your way; since its supposed to rain this weekend


Quote from: Bella on May 31, 2013, 05:16:21 PM
I just read your review. It's good to hear it's at least watchable, since I've heard quite a few bad reviews. o.o

Speaking of reviews, the Outdoors are hot and humid and full of insectoid terrorists, 1/10 would not go outside again.

Except my dad's gone to work for the next two days and I have to take care of the lawn for him so I sorta have to, barring a heavy rainfall. *ponders doing rain-dance...*

When in doubt, sacrifice to the Allfather. 10/10, would blot again.

So my cousin graduates on tuesday. I probably don't have to tell you what that entails this time, so stay tuned for pictures of random people spraying booze over each other and driving around town in huge, overdecorated truck beds with way too many speakers pumping way too loud music everywhere.

Did I mention booze? Because there's going to be a lot of it.

A. Lot.


wet t-shirt contests? hm, okay.

@bella: *sits in warm, cozy room with fan*
@pent: *goes to read*
@pizza: oi, this year was fucking AWESOME. don't knock it till you try it. >>;
click to make it bigger


I would sacrifice a goat for the Black Lagoon poster.

That's a big part of why I avoid cons and other such clubs/meetings relevant to my interests.  As everyone here's probably full aware of, I don't like people in general for a variety of reasons that generally boil down to having high standards of social behavior.  So that very rarely meshes up with things I'm willing to do or meet with in public since most other people sharing relevant interests just aren't people I want to deal with off the internet where topics are limited to our mutual interests.  Totally different story with the OSC crew though, and I did attend thirteen consecutive Shenandoah Valley Railroad Club Model Train Shows until college took me away from home but cons just give me a ton of anxiety.