What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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oh god that one. is it any good? the whole idea of "LOL HI GERMS" is really off-putting for me. ;^;

considering torrenting sugar sugar rune. :3
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What's Sugar Sugar Rune about?

So, I decided to do another Anime Sampler Night...completely disregarding all the shows I've left hanging to try out some new stuff, while sharing my thoughts after a single episode

- Sword Art Online
After seeing Kari gush about this series, plus the fact it looked kickass from the trailer, I decided to finally try it. It's definitely giving me a .hack vibe, which is a good thing IMO. I think this one's going to work its way into a more regular rotation; I need to know what happens next *w*

- Saki
All I knew about this anime beforehand was that it's about mahjong, and has and a girl who loves tacos as one of the main characters (Which, I love tacos as well -w-). Now, I know it's all that with a side serving of yuri >:3
I think quite a few people here might like this one. I know I like it so far, and have an urge to hug Yuuki and give her tacos >w<


saki has yuri undertones? guess i missed that, i should move it to higher on the list.

oh yeah, and i need to write a review for sword art. maybe tomorrow after the open house. ^^;
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Well, it's not in-your face, but more subtle when it comes to yuri


Finished Teekyuu a few days ago. Has it's fair share of fanservice.
Midori No Hibi Ep.4.
Rockman Wish Upon a Star OVA 2.


Quote from: PentiumMMX on March 22, 2013, 10:31:22 AM
Well, it's not in-your face, but more subtle when it comes to yuri
Really, it wasn't in your face?
I thought it was the exact opposite. haha I must be reading too much into things. (I mean sure there wasn't anything physical going on, but DAMN they sure did like each other)

And if anyone plays japanese mahjong, let me know. Always fun to get new players to play with. :3


Mmm. I guess it depends on who's watching it

Also, I used to play mahjong solitaire years ago. Never played a proper, multiplayer mahjong game


Saki looks interesting, I would watch it but I'm into more casual short anime series.
Also guys... know any Bittorrent trackers or websites which host a fuckload of anime dubs? They are getting really hard to find :s


Quote from: PentiumMMX on March 22, 2013, 11:50:36 AM
Mmm. I guess it depends on who's watching it

Also, I used to play mahjong solitaire years ago. Never played a proper, multiplayer mahjong game
One of these things is not like the other... haha
Apart from learning what the tiles look like, knowing mahjong solitaire won't help. Compare solitaire and poker. They both use the same set of cards, but they're both completely different games. Same here, just tiles instead of cards.
(although it plays more like gin rummy than poker, but has the popularity that poker does here in the states)

Quote from: LeaflameSD on March 22, 2013, 12:01:57 PM
Saki looks interesting, I would watch it but I'm into more casual short anime series.
Also guys... know any Bittorrent trackers or websites which host a fuckload of anime dubs? They are getting really hard to find :s
Saki is only about 20-something episodes. I don't see how that's long, especially when compared to Jump series. It's not 13-eps short, but it's only the next level up.

Anime... dubs? yeah, good luck with that. Most subbers choose to sub and encode the original Japanese language. And more people are comfortable in that legal gray area as opposed to blatant piracy of US domestic goods.


I guess. Dual-audio torrents are easier to find, maybe if I look on bakabt or some jargon like that I'll find dubbed+subbed torrents.

Also I began Steel Angel Kurumi. EDIT: Watched Ep. 2 DUBBED
Has it's fair share of boobs and profanity.


kids shouldn't be watching that
stop eet
that series is basically nothing but porn, without being all about porn.

@sleepy: i'd like to get into mahjong, but the first episode of saki had my head spinning with all the terminology. there's no real transition into the game in that series. of course, there wasn't much introduction to koi koi in Summer Wars, but that one's easier to pick up. Saki isn't with Mahjong what Chihayafuru is with Karuta.
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Midori No Hibi Ep.7 AND 8.
1987 OVA Elf 17. It was interesting... /deskchair.


what series is that...? not midori, the other one. >>;

so we were trying to figure out what to watch next in club last week, and we couldn't figure it out. but i may have solved my own problem, since we never finished Acchi Kocchi. -w-
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It's just one video. It's about this elf girl Ruu, who is selected to go on a tour of a galaxy after beating the contestants in a boxing ring.

Is Acchi Kocchi a bad anime? :O