What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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Google...glasses? Wut?

I was watching My-HIME, but the DVD was damaged ;_;


tomorrow i will watch some episodes of sword art, in addition to some other series cause there's nothing on tomorrow.

EDIT: watched Barefoot Gen with my sister. they didn't pull any punches with that one. the movie is over and i'm still feeing the sads. ;^;
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Quote from: Bella on February 02, 2013, 05:11:43 PM
Finally got back to watching Steins;Gate. *hangs head in shame*
Admittedly, S;G does start slow. However, if the second half doesn't keep you going, well, I don't know what to say. haha

Quote from: PentiumMMX on February 02, 2013, 05:17:58 PM
I was watching My-HIME, but the DVD was damaged ;_;
Mai-HiME was one of the first anime that I really got into.  This is like the "SleepyD has just discovered fansubs" era of my anime life. I was watching each episode as it aired, and damn, dem cliffhangers. I'm pretty sure the feeling would have changed if I was able to marathon it instead. The ending was blah, but what a ride it was. :D

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 02, 2013, 08:03:50 PM
EDIT: watched Barefoot Gen with my sister. they didn't pull any punches with that one. the movie is over and i'm still feeing the sads. ;^;
Then do what I did for that anime class I took and watch Grave of the Fireflies right after. lol Talk about depressing.


oh, i've already seen fireflies. but unlike gen, fireflies resolved itself, so at least you're left with some inner peace. with gen the sad just lingers on and on and on....

watched Sword Art Online ep 14 and 15 today. NO DON'T LET THE CREEPER GET HIS HANDS ON POOR INNOCENT ASUNA
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My friend that is a girl said that I should watch all of these animez...
Rosario to Vampire
Cupa 2
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Tenchi Muyo

So uh... since you guys are the anime nuts around here, whaddya say?


I have not seen the first two, but my thoughts on the latter two:

Neon Genesis Evangelion:
It's a pretty good series series. It gets really weird as it goes on, to give you a fair warning, and keeping spoilers to a minimum, the ending was underwhelming. Still, it was a pretty good series, and the fight scenes are beautifully animated

Tenchi Muyo!:
I haven't seen this in forever, but I enjoyed watching it as a kid (Although the version I watched was heavily censored). It wasn't that long of a series, either; it was about 12 episodes or so from what I can remember. Still, it's a classic harem comedy that's worth giving a watch


Rosario Vampire's anime is VERY fanservicey, for the record. like, 10x what the manga is. just keep that in mind.
no idea what Cupa 2 is...
Evangelion is a CLASSIC. a little on the 16+ side, but not enough to be a problem for most people. just don't faint at the sight of blood or potentially boobs.
haven't seen Tenchi Muyo. but it's from the late 90's - early 00's, and seems to be a harem comedy, so i can draw the conclusion that it's gonna be fanservicey.
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I remember Tenchi Muyo being light on fanservice...but keep in mind I watched the daytime Toonami edit of it; the original uncut version is likely heavier on fanservice


it's late 90's. and a harem. and look at the art style. fanservice city. >>;
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Quote from: LeaflameSD on February 04, 2013, 03:42:03 PM
My friend that is a girl said that I should watch all of these animez...
Rosario to Vampire
Cupa 2
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Tenchi Muyo

So uh... since you guys are the anime nuts around here, whaddya say?

I liked Rosario + Vampire thought is a lot of fan service and an improvement to vampires as a whole
(btw, cupa 2 wouldn't be season 2 - dubbed Capu 2
Eva I used to see it at midnight,, so besides Shinji's state of pussy, was kinda traumatizing... and for GR genre I like Sokyuu no Fanfer better, more blood, main char is less of a pussy and it's terrifying
I saw toonami's muyo, so I won't talk about it...


It's shit, all of it.

Watch Gurren Lagann instead and be a man.


Quote from: NejinOniwa on February 05, 2013, 06:35:26 PM
It's shit, all of it.

Watch Gurren Lagann instead and be a man.

trying to watch it alongside Cookie here (hell girl) and cockle (Aeon flux) via sky one... the eko chapter of cookie creeps me out


I watched the first 2 OVAs of Tenchi Muyo!. I love it's calm atmosphere and junk.


so 90's, so nostalgic. xD

i can't shake the feeling that i watched anime recently. maybe it's just because i was looking up japanese culture stuff last night? :\
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90's were good years... until Lolita de la Vega came up... then the world became shit and the kids were fed stupidity on TV