What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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5+ years of using VirtualBox and I haven't experienced a single problem with any "mainstream" OS and quite a few hobbyist and experimental ones. In fact I've run the same XP installation under it for the last 3 years. I've also run Windows 1.0 - 2k without any problems, a many Linux distros (although I've had serious problems with some, that's a story for another time), OpenSolaris, Plan 9, I've even managed to get the notoriously fickle OS/2 Warp 4 running (as well as OS/2 1.3 and Warp 4.5). Of course i've been using VirtualBox 4.1 for the last three years, so perhaps it's gone downhill since then?


I'm just starting, but I have had only the issues in 9x series... but have yet to install any mac


@lack of theme support: as i said before, if you can access the sound schemes manually, you can basically install a theme manually. it's more work, but at least it's possible.

but then, i've never used either starter or home basic, so idk if you can access the sound schemes. all i've ever had experience with is ultimate. >>;
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@VirtualBox: I've never had a single problem out of it in the nearly 2 years I've used it. Not like the most recent version of Virtual PC; which can only install Windows XP or Vista, as everything else crashes during boot or installation :\


i think i'd like to bootleg a copy of flash...
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To be honest, I don't know what you mean by "bootleg a copy of flash" either.


Likely she means that she wants to get a pirated copy of Flash; so she can make stuff. You're likely thinking of Flash Player; which is a freeware add-on that YouTube and other sites use


bootleg = pirate
flash = adobe flash, an animation program

when i refer to flash player, i call it flash player. i was saying i want to get a bootlegged copy of flash, but i don't know where to start. :\
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I have a PORTABLE Version of It, if You want I can upload it to one of my cloud accounts and give you the Link... (no, not the kokiri beoatch!)


@Kari and Pent: Ahh, thanks for the clarification! A couple minutes after posting it occurred to me that Kari meant the animation program, but for some reason it wasn't clicking with me at the time. ^^;;;;
