Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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laptop fan, tv in the other room, cousin occasionally throwing up, poyopoyo kansatsu nikki (paused).
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"AVGN SNES Vs Sega Genesis Response"


Oh, and The Big Bang Theory in the background.


my grandpa is having a conversation with a friend who came over, though they just wrapped up.
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What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


tv in the next room. someone's in the kitchen. i have both the batman theme and La Noel Sucree stuck in my head, and possibly Everybody Wants to Rule the World, too.
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Game Grumps. I love me some Donkey Kong Country 2


russell is ending some programs on tk, so i'm hearing nanami's voice every once in awhile.
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Game Grumps: Mario Party 8


Deadly Women Marathon. i was gonna watch the SVU marathon, but it's all season 13 episodes till 2pm. >:\ (and after that, there's only 2 normal episodes and then it's over. ><;;; )
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I take it season 13 isn't that good? :\

So, I was trying to watch the new ep of Spoony, but I got kicked from my neighbor's wifi and my home connection is incapable of loading the first second of video, let alone all 26 minutes. Thanks, Springboard >_>


seems those episodes i was looking forward to is at 2 AM, not PM. and season 13 is the season stabler left.

Mystery Detectives, since i'm at my grandparents' and my grandpa is watching tv. or actually, i think he fell asleep in the chair. so there's some light snoring next to me, too.
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Shows often go downhill when a character leaves. Stargate SG-1 just wasn't the same after Colonel O'Neil left the show :\

I'm about to watch new Game Grumps


SVU is on commercial. i was watching Storage Wars: New York on the commercials, but i got distracted and i've basically missed all of that, so i gave up.
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