What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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Has any one here watched black rock shooter or Hidan no Aria(Scarlet Ammo)
Simon was here :P


Quote from: Simonorged on November 13, 2012, 10:41:17 AM
Has any one here watched black rock shooter or Hidan no Aria(Scarlet Ammo)
Hello there~
Can't say I have, but I do have that on my "to watch" list. And I do own a couple BRS figures. haha Why dontcha introduce yourself here: http://ostan-collections.net/forum/index.php/topic,125.0.html
Hope to see you around~

Oh and just wanted to post:

Whoo Steins;Gate movie~ I wonder when I'll be able to watch it....





@simon: i've seen the first episode of the BRS anime. it's interesting, but sort of hard to understand (in an arty way, i guess). given that the entire BRS franchise was spawned from a random Pixiv image, i'd say it makes sense.

@raffaelle: ooo, new ghibli film!? so excited now. don't spoil anything, but can you elaborate a bit? :3

recently have been watching a slew of anime. finished Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita, Acchi Kocchi, and Tasogare Otome x Amnesia. the reason i burned through the 3 was to write reviews on them (along with Ai Yori Aoshi, which i finished a few months back) for my newly formed anime revew blog, Konpeito Kari Reviews. check it out if you get a chance, my next anime to tackle will be Tsuritama. ^^

also been watching Sukitte ii Na Yo semi-religiously, with new episodes coming out from commie every sunday. the club is also still hard at work watching Sword Art Online and Kamisama no Memochou. :3
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I wanna give Acchi Kocchi a look after reading the review... : o


do it. DO EET. the series is ADORABLE.

been marathoning Tsuritama all day, up to ep. 6. god this series is weird. but the art style is really cool/pretty/unique, and it's actually given some practical fishing advice. .__.
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I've got a couple plans for the coming months

1) Finish Bodacious Space Pirates
2) Girls und Panzer
3) Operation You're Under Arrest Now Dog, my attempt to watch every You're Under Arrest anime ever.


i know what the first two are about, but what is the third about?
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Do you know what Gunsmith Cats is, Kari?  It's kinda hard to explain but I guess you could call it Gunsmith Cats if the protagonists were cops and less obsessed with firearms, crossed over with Barney Miller.


Bodacious Space Pirates is playing on Time Warner's on-demand anime channel (which sort of sucks btw, there are only a few titles running at any given time).


wait, there's still anime on demand? i can't find it! :\

@stew: i've heard of gunsmith cats but i don't know what it's about. guess i should just look it up. ;^;

watched some more Tsuritama in the station and on the bus today. SHIT'S GETTIN' REAL, YO (REAL MAGURO)
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Amazon suggested Bodacious Space Pirates to me. I might give it try eventually, but I have a decent backlog as it is.

I'm going to get back to Softenni this afternoon, for starters ^^;


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 07, 2012, 03:03:25 PM
wait, there's still anime on demand? i can't find it! :\

What cable provider do you have? On Time Warner it's channel 941 "Cutting Edge on demand".


see, you guys are lucky, you still have "the cutting edge" as a catagory. comcast doesn't anymore and i can't find where they've hidden the good stuff. :\
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Just finished Upotte! which was... amusing. Not sure if I genuinely like it or if it falls into the "so bad it's good category". Or maybe somewhere in between. lol Found some manga scans and it looks like they cut that last battle short. Kinda like the manga version of that. Oh well.
Next up, Girls und Panzer (see where I'm going with this?)


someone's on a "girls in theatre" theme. -w- (if you don't already have it on the list, i reccomend Muv Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse, as technically it falls into the theme. -w-

as for Upotte!, all i have to say is "ohgodthatseries." i previewed it for club. i still get a kick out of that, thinking it'd ever be school appropriate in any way. xD
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