What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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So, I just finished episode 20 of Bebop, and felt like sharing a bit of history here. As a note, there are spoilers...but given that everybody on this site has likely seen Cowboy Bebop before, I won't use the spoiler tags

When I saw the preview for this at the end of the previous episode, 2 things ran through my mind: that this was going to be a weird episode because nothing was really said in the preview, and that the laugh that played during it sounded eerily familiar. Once I started watching it, it slowly started to make sense why that laugh sounded so familiar: I've seen this episode before.

Rather, I came in half-way through it many years ago; during the showdown between Spike and Mad Pierrot; a mysterious foe who resembles the Batman villain, the Penguin. I also remember seeing a bit of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex right after, and likely changing the channel mid-way through; as I ended up thinking the events of the 2nd half of this episode of Bebop were part of the following episode of SAC. I do remember being very creeped out by that episode of Bebop; that stacked with the bit I saw of the movie (With the strangely metallic audio track that makes it sound like all the dialog was recorded in a metal room), is likely why it took me so long to finally give the series a chance.

This episode was just plain weird, and even now, still manages to creep me out, even after seeing the episode in full and now having context for the bits I remember; between the climax taking place in a closed amusement park (Something that has always been a source of nightmare fuel for me; given I once had a nightmare about being trapped in a theme park after hours, completely alone) on top of the character of Mad Pierrot in general (Creepy laugh, creepy grin, crippling fear of cats to the point he gunned down a cute cat toy (A part that stuck with me for years), and his rather disturbing death).

This episode makes me want to check out Stand Alone Complex sometime soon; now that I know the creepy bit I remember was 100% Bebop. Now if you excuse me, I think I'll watch some Slayers; after all, something more lighthearted before I go to bed seems like a good idea


My brother's a big SAC/ Ghost in the Shell fan, I got him the movie for his birthday...... I really need to watch something...


Mmm :3

Once I finish Bebop, I'm going to likely do an anime movie week. So far, I know I'm going to watch the following:
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Of course)
- End of Evangellion (I think my body is ready)
- Lucky Star: The OVA (To help me recover from End of Eva)
- Pokémon: The First Movie (The original, uncut Japanese version)
- The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (Hopefully no endless recursions of time)


you're making me think that i need to watch bebop again, since i don't remember that episode.

that said, yesterday i watched Kingdom ep 1 and 2 (it's a 1-hour special), Ebiten ep 1, and Ozuma ep 1 (from the creator of Space Battleship Yamato and Galaxy Express 999! ).
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You should watch Bebop again, if only because it's a kickass series >:3


whoo, one more to add to the queue. =__=;
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Just finished Cowboy Bebop. Wow, that ending was good

So, after I watch the movie likely tomorrow, I wonder what series to watch next; since, finishing Bebop frees up a space in my current rotation (The other 3 slots filled by Slayers, G Gundam, and Digimon Adventure 01)


ai yori aoshi ep 14-18. skip beat ep. 1. lovely complex ep. 1. tokimeki tonight ep 2.
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Just finished Buttobi CPU. That was certainly an interesting choice for a series to watch right after Cowboy Bebop ^_^;;;

That series is rather lulzy, as Kari put it. I loved every minute of it xD

EDIT: Watched the first episode of "I My Me! Strawberry Eggs" during my short-lived anime sampler night (Intended on watching more, but technical difficulties).

So far...not quite sure if I want to finish it. Keeping spoilers to a minimum, the idea is interesting, and the main character is an attractive trap, but the school principle just pisses me off as a character; she reminds me way too much of my incredibly sexist 5th grade Sunday school teacher, and it's unlikely this character will be killed off, so I'm not 100% sure if I want to continue to watch it.


Tonari no kaibutsukunTomato's blog, episode 5


@nej: and you said that you didn't care about any of the series this season. -w-

@pent: sucks that you only got to watch one. as for I My Me!, i know it pisses ya off, but i get the feeling it might piss most men off. it's an anime, and he wouldn't be doing a trap without that plot detail. one bitchy character shouldn't make you give up on the series. after all, if that were true, you would have given up on Dr. Who, too. :3

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@Kari: True. I might still finish it, but it'll likely wait until much later.
Also, wut? I don't remember a bitchy character in Doctor Who, unless you meant Melanie Bush; who was just a useless damsel in distress more than anything :\

So, I watched more anime today; having a much more successful run of sampling series:

- Softenni
I remember seeing Kari post pics from this last year, and wanted to see it after that. So far, this series got quite a few laughs from me; I might just make this the next series I watch :3

- Megas XLR
It's not anime, but it's worth mentioning anyway. I've never seen this show in proper order; just a random episode many years ago. Not much to say, except this series is quite good so far. I'll likely continue watching it after I finish G Gundam; which I have about 12 episodes left.

- Urusei Yatsura
The series is an enjoyable kind of weird; the line from the ending theme that goes "let's put weird and weird together, and make it even weirder!" seems like an accurate description of the series, from this first episode and a few random clips I stumbled onto on YouTube a while back. I like this one so far, though given how many episodes there are of it, I might not tackle it right away; it being more of a series I watch occasionally when I feel like it.


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on October 30, 2012, 07:07:28 PM
@nej: and you said that you didn't care about any of the series this season. -w-

I may have lied.
Also, that was before I discovered the fact that tomato is voicing almost every single series this season. Seriously! TLR, Magi, tomatoblog (of course)...


@nej: see? it's not a total wash. ^^

@pent: @softenni: yaaaay, softenni. this series was so fun. there was quite a bit of censoring, but it didn't make it any less fun, so if you need something for a laugh (when your mum is out of the room, given the ecchi nature of the series >>; ), go for eet.

@megas: errgh, i remember this show fondly but vaguely. someday i'll get around to watching it. but it kicked ass, and it seems like it'd be right up your alley.

@urusei yatsura: this is the type of series where you're better off watching it one season at a time. they're divided up into about 24 episodes each, so they're manageable. you DO have all of season 10, right? ^^;

up to episode 10 in Ai Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~
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(also watched Tokimeki Tonight ep 3 earlier)
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