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Started by Tenkohime, June 22, 2011, 09:35:32 PM

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on October 19, 2012, 04:05:42 PM
hm, then what about ayaki for this one?
Sounds good

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on October 19, 2012, 04:05:42 PM
there are also 2 more in the gallery....

The second one should probably be named something that involves film making; given how she's dressed. I'm drawing a blank on what the first one could be named, though


hm, okay, Ayaki for that one.

Ayasatsu, or Ayatsu for short (綾撮 "Film Design" (or, rather, "Design Film" by the order of the kanji) )
could also be spelled Satsuaya, or Satsuya for short. (personally, i like Satsuya.)
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Quote from: Bella on October 14, 2012, 12:23:09 AM
Whoops, I thought it was clear I was implying that Dustii-san's design is well-thought-out. If not, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

I'm just saying, I will always give priority to a -tan design that has been given a personality with quirks and flaws, references to the system within the character design, familial relationships and friends, etc. (which, in this case is Dustii's design) over a nice-looking anime girl who's personality is still-undefined, if it even exists (as is the case with the official[?] Windows 8 mascot design).

I guess what I'm getting at is, in my mind personality and backstory is paramount to a character, not which nation it originated in or whether it has the most fanart. Better to be a fully-fleshed-out character only drawn a few times, than a good-looking design fanarted ad-nauseum yet still lacking a personality as far as anyone knows. x)

(Doesnt check forum in a week or so > Tons of unread posts)
Why thank you Bella ^^

Cool names guys!
Official -tans are my bat signal.


@Kari: Satsuya would work :3


@dustii: yeah, if you're gone even a day things can get away from you. if i were you, i'd just leave the tab open. i'm willing to bet everyone here does. xD

@pent: cool! then how about Haruya (陽綾, "Sun Design" (referencing her blonde hair) for the last one?
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Sounds good, yeah. Any others you want  feedback on names for?



(this isn't the thread for that, dude. plus, there isn't much attachment to the 8-tans, meaning it's easier to get people to accept the names, than for say, 3.1-tan.)

Haruya then. since that's all of them, i feel like my work here is done. *flies away~~~~*
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That's what I meant; other 8-tan designs :\

But, it looks like you're done, so whatever


well there aren't any more, are there? :\
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To commemorate the OFFICIAL release of Windows 8, made some wallpapers (sorry if theyre not any good)

Metro Style Wallpaper with Aya Madobe, Claudia Madobe
EDIT:Touched up and added shadows to tiles

Windows 8 Wallpaper with Aya Madobe

Windows 8 Aya with Logo shadow

Oh, and my Windows 8 Upgrade is at 97% 100% downloaded c:

Yay 8!
Official -tans are my bat signal.


hey look, they got new mascots for windows eight.

Madobe Yu (twintails) and Madobe Ai (long hair)

cute, aint they? >///<

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Quote from: HaloCapella on October 26, 2012, 04:14:46 PM
hey look, they got new mascots for windows eight.

Madobe Yu (twintails) and Madobe Ai (long hair)

cute, aint they? >///<

Yah! Someone else posted the DSP Box art with them a few pages back.

...I wonder when someone will upload the special themes like they did with Nanami Madobe & Windows 7...
Official -tans are my bat signal.


i just hope the themes are ported over to 7. just because i don't like the OS doesn't mean i don't like moe themes. >>;
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the themes in general are compatible with Windows 7 if im correct. only difference is theres a few sounds missing (sounds that were removed from 8. such as Log In & Log Off. but thats about it)
Official -tans are my bat signal.