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Started by Tenkohime, June 22, 2011, 09:35:32 PM

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Thank you! ^^

If im not mistaken, OS-tans are supposed to be the personification of OSes, so with windows 8 os-tan i tried personifying windows 8 the best i could, thus the little details. ^^
Official -tans are my bat signal.


You're correct, but sometimes people will just design a random anime girl and slap a logo on her and call her an OS-tan - it's good to see a designer put thought into the details of their personification. ^^


looks cute, man. i'm a firm believer that the devil's in the details, and you did it right. -w-
though i lol'd at the compatibility bracelet, since from what i've heard 8 isn't very friendly towards the older Win-tans. xDD
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Lol... funny though. i got Release Preview of Windows 8 running on my ancient laptop (and desktop), as well as had great luck with some of my older software (nothing a little Windows compatibility mode doesn't fix), so i figured 8's OS-Tan would be somewhat nostalgic and would be friendly towards the other Windows OS-Tans.

And if i had the equipment and time id probably of added even more details. that was just a quick sketch with some of the more obvious (to me) personifications of Windows 8.

And i did notice some people just make a random anime girl and slap on a logo, which actually irks me a bit. that's part of the reason i put such thought into the details. I wanted my design to be true to an OS-tan and personify Windows 8. Not just some random girl with a logo.
Official -tans are my bat signal.



It's funny you should mention nostalgia and friendliness toward older OS-tans - actually, one of the first things I thought when I saw her hairdo was that it reminded me of NT-tan and OpenVMS-tan....

...who are technically distant ancestors of hers' (owing her Windows NT heritage). ^.^


i still follow japanese canon, but i like this design too. all of the canon -tans have had some features of the OS incorporated into either exterior or personality (or are japanese puns; the puns are more typical). however, some of the fringe -tans (take the pink-haired vista, for instance) are just anime girls with a label. oversimplification is a scary thing, in my opinion. (of course, i'm the one who hand-lettered labels on every single package during a scene in a grocery store. -w- )
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I was trying to find an easy to use 3D Avatar creator (to no avail) to try and make my OS-Tan concept, but i did happen apon this one anime avatar maker, so i made those avatars of 8's OS-tan i came up with.

...still wish i had some sort of drawing tablet or something to actually create a full image of my concept...
Official -tans are my bat signal.


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Ill try. i WAS trying to find a non-torrent download, but i guess ill have to use the torrent.
Also, my internet is slow, and its a big software...
Official -tans are my bat signal.


not terribly big. and i don't think we have much of a choice since the software isn't sold in this country. :\
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Okay. so after 5 hours of getting a 1.3gb torrent i got it. installed. open...

Desktop sucked in themiddle into the darkness.
Green lines appear all over screen.
I worry its a virus.
Oh! Its just a fancy opening animation! :)

Im used to the editor but...

How do i add custom items like that one person did with there os-tan design?
The ties are all wrong and i need the skirt to have the Windows 8 Logo.

Shoes are alright, though not EXACTLY what i want :P

any help?
Official -tans are my bat signal.


Finished Hiratai's Pro outfit in that software suggested by ChocoFreak13.

I had to add the logo to her skirt by editing the image in GIMP since i dont know how to make custom clothes and add them directly to the software.

Also, does anyone know how to make custom outfits in 3DCG? i want to create a vest with color changing tshirt underneath (so i can make the RT outfit)...
Official -tans are my bat signal.


we're all new to the program too, so i'm afraid none of us can help you. :[
that said, she looks pretty nice, man. if you have experience in other 3d programs or MMD, i've heard these models can be ported to either. :3
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i know models can be exported to mmd. i have it (though fail at using it)...
but the exporter is hard to use cause its in japanese and it keeps failing to export.

Oh well... at least i got a model of her pro outfit. :)
Official -tans are my bat signal.