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What are You Wearing?

Started by Bella, September 26, 2010, 12:14:38 PM

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Sailor Moon Tshirt #2 (Purple with Sailor Moon, Rini, and Luna-P)
School Uniform Skirt
pink socks
messy, messy high bun
Heating Pad
The Usual Accessories.

Sailor Moon Tshirt #2 (Purple with Sailor Moon, Rini, and Luna-P)
Red Tripp Pants
Loose Socks
Doc Martins
Grey Sweater
Leather Coat
Messy High Bun
Backpack (full to bursting)
The Usual Accessories.
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Now dropping the normal stuff and entering trap mode

- Schoolgirl uniform
- Glasses


You know, talking about trap mode in this topic is more fun than actually talking about what I normally wear around the house :3

- One-piece swimsuit (The one from the attempted 2k cosplay)
- Glasses


You're wearing a swimsuit and I'm already into winter-wear.

-Teal shirt under my Penultimate Rainbow Sweater
-Dark brown corduroy pants
-Black boots


Well, it's starting to cool down somewhat here. Not cold enough to need a jacket during the day, but cool enough for me to sometimes need a blanket at night :3

Anyway, switched back into my normal, boring around-the-house clothes


jeans, t-shirt, shoes, sock, watch


@bella: what, you've never worn a bikini in the snow? xD
though you have to think proportionately. i went outside in a skirt and tshirt in 50-degree weather last week. that's scary in texas.
@pent: i imagine. it must be like the feeling of getting dressed up for a party or halloween or a play. :3

earlier: summer school uniform
grey ribbed socks
doc martins
blue parasol
crab tails (hairstyle)
the usual accessories.
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@Kari: True that. It's a nice feeling :3
Also, I often go outside in a t-shirt and shorts when it's about 55F outside; as much as that shocks my mom, who claims I'm just begging to get sick by doing that

EDIT: Fell asleep in trap mode, so currently wearing:

- Light blue t-shirt
- Schoolgirl skirt
- Glasses


black and grey striped longsleeve shirt
red tripp pants
white socks (with holes)
sandals (with hole ;^; )
crabtails (in hair)
the usual accessories.

earlier: same as above, minus sandals
doc martins
leather coat
grey sweater
leather gloves
dual scarves (standard issue military scarf, jolly roger scarf)
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Just my usual around-the-house wear, with the addition of headphones and a bowl of spaghetti (Can bowls count as accessories? Well, I count my laptop, so why not?)


Because I'm bored, and this seems like the best topic to talk about it, I figured I might as well do a review on the 2 types of swimsuits I have worn; because who cares if it's autumn when it feels like a summer day today?

- It's not a speedo
- Conceals everything without being too tight

- It's not tight enough; you need to make sure you tighten up the drawstrings really well unless you want them to fall off when you get out of the pool (Which I've nearly had happen before >_<; )
- The "net" inside is rather awkward at first

Women's one-piece swimsuit
- It conceals everything well
- Is tight-fitting without being restrictive; when properly sized, this won't fall off you while swimming

- You have to take it off completely if you need to use the bathroom

In terms of functionality in the water, I find a one-piece more practical and comfortable than trunks; even giving the added inconvenience when you need to use the bathroom. Now, maybe next summer I can try out a bikini and give it my rating :3


bikinis are alright, and more convenient for when you need to pee. but they make me a tad self-conscious. and if you don't make sure they're uber-tightly tied on the bottom, they run the risk of falling off. i suppose that doesn't apply to regular bikinis, though, just string ones. :\


BAOOOOOOO (otherwise known as Odango, Double Buns or Ox Horns) with bun covers. >w<
grey and black striped longsleeve shirt
hello kitty polka dot PJ pants
monochrome star ankle socks (new!)
the usual accessories. -w-
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Currently in trap mode

- Light blue t-shirt
- Blue striped miniskirt (New - just obtained today)
- Short-haired red wig
- Glasses
- PSP in hand


today: Bao Bao (hair)
grey tanktop
red tripp pants
purple striped long sleeve shirt
monochrome striped socks
doc martins
jolly roger scarf
paper bling
paper flower (in hair)
brown leather jacket
the usual accessories.


same as above, but substitute long sleeve shirt with purple sailor moon shirt


same as above, but remove all shirts except for grey tanktop

bao bao (hair)
grey tanktop
solid grey and white socks
hello kitty polka dot PJ pants
the usual accessories.
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Have the house to myself for a bit, so in another one of those strange half-way points between standard and trap:

- The usual blue t-shirt
- Black skort
- Glasses

Fun fact: When worn together, the hem of my skort stick out 1 inch from where the hem of my shirt stops