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The Exit

Started by SleepyD, October 15, 2006, 12:42:49 AM

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Yay!  Achain-sama is back!  ^__^
Normally I'd drag the ear of every other member over here to give you a proper greeting as well.  ^v^
But it's usually in the member introductions thread where people take notice of new members.  Please stop by there when you have the chance -- I'm sure a lot of people will be happy to meet you too.  ^__^

QuoteFirst, if this is off topic for this thread, please guide me to better place.

I used to have an OS/2-tan thread, but it's now locked since I consolidated all my -tan threads into a single one called "The OS-tan Annex Project".  Consider it as my prototype "Wiki", before the real OS-tan Wiki was made.  ^___^'

Short of creating a new OS/2-tan thread, how about we continue our discussions there for the time being?  ^v^

[Please note:  Page 1 has all the details of my so-called "Annex Project" (just a bit incomplete).
All the remaining 9 pages are just discussions ranging from serious to silly, so feel free to ignore them.  ^___^'


seems we have a net celeberty here :D  dont mind the pig, he is kinda clingy :P  We apriciate your attempts to stay on topic.. its our worst problem around here.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Me?  Clingy?  Surely the Captain jests.  ^__^

Raffaele the Amigan

I tried to explore Futaba Channel as linked by SleepyD.

I desired to visit the first famous site on which OS-TANs were born, but when I load the page, and clik on ENTER, then I receive as return only this message:

403 Forbidden

Is it normal to get usually 403 by Futaba, or is it dead, or perhaps just closed to people who are not registered?
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).


Quote from: "Raffaele the Amigan"I tried to explore Futaba Channel as linked by SleepyD.

I desired to visit the first famous site on which OS-TANs were born, but when I load the page, and clik on ENTER, then I receive as return only this message:

403 Forbidden

Is it normal to get usually 403 by Futaba, or is it dead, or perhaps just closed to people who are not registered?

The first link, correct?

Odd, I can see it just fine.  Did you try refreshing it? If that doesn't work... I'm stumped.  Maybe use a proxy? o_o


In the japanese description at the top page of, they say they are blocking oversea accesses.


Quote from: "achain"In the japanese description at the top page of, they say they are blocking oversea accesses.

Then it's a mystery why I can access it... being overseas. o_O?
Thanks for the translation though.  

Quote from: "C-Chan"
BTW, SleepyD, biiiiiiiiiiiiig favor to ask of you....  ^v^
By any chance, are you gonna use your sketch of the multi-tasking chibi OS/2-tan?  (The one where she's painting, sculpting, killing viruses, etc?)

I'd like to ink that for you if you don't mind.  ^__^

Sure, you may ink that. ^^
That chibi drawing is so small tho... and I did it in like, 3 minutes. Feel free to make edits.


BAH!  SleepyD, you think far too little of your 3 minute masterpiece.  ^__^

In any case, it's about time we get to see more of OS/2-tan's "multi-tasking" in action, and I can't think of a better way to start.  ^.^


-_- humph, we welcome overseas acsess..
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


I thought the futaba channel was hosted on 2chan. Mistaken, am I?


Might be.  ^^;

But anyway....

Has anyone seen Achain lately?  ^___^;

Added after 12 hours 43 minutes:

Oh and SleepyD....  ^__^

I have a present for thee....  ^v^


I'm here~~.

Yes, "Futaba channel" should point to *

However, it's hard to collect OS-tan stuff from the site because there are a lot of image boards on it and hundreds of posting are done in a minute.

Outside OS-tan Hokanko (storage) sites concentrate to collect OS-tan stuff from Futaba (and Nijiura) as much as possible. On the other hand these sites have a trouble in traffic amount. I heard it could be over 10GB per single site a day. Thus they actively shut out first-timers and/or oversea accesses.


Quote from: "C-Chan"Might be.  ^^;

But anyway....

Has anyone seen Achain lately?  ^___^;

He's up there *points*

....what?  *is smacked*

Quote from: "C-Chan"Oh and SleepyD....  ^__^

I have a present for thee....  ^v^

Wah, thanks!  It's so... so.... neat! XD;

Quote from: "achain"
However, it's hard to collect OS-tan stuff from the site because there are a lot of image boards on it and hundreds of posting are done in a minute.

Outside OS-tan Hokanko (storage) sites concentrate to collect OS-tan stuff from Futaba (and Nijiura) as much as possible. On the other hand these sites have a trouble in traffic amount. I heard it could be over 10GB per single site a day. Thus they actively shut out first-timers and/or oversea accesses.

Ah, makes sense then.  Those sites are well known outside of Japan. At least in the anime/manga world.  10GB a day.... wow.  

That would knock out quite a few websites....


Yay!  Achain, there you go!  ^__^

Just wanted to reassure you that OS/2 discussion was branched off to the Annex Project thread.  ^v^

But I suppose to cut right to the good stuff,... I'm happy to say I'm almost done with OS/2-tan's montage....  ^__^

1024x768 version:$C6a.png

I know it's a bit empty,... But so is A$C membership...  ^^;


*sigh*  Achain's still using that hopelessly-outdated picture of mine on his server pics.  ^^'

Wonder if achain will return soon...?  -.-