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Vault 9

Started by stewartsage, May 02, 2012, 09:43:46 PM

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Good morning Vault Dweller!  Today is May 2nd 2280, 203 years, 6 months, and 9 days since the Vault was sealed.

There are no notices from Vault Security or the Overseer this morning!  Copies of the Vault 9 Messenger will be available at noon; today's feature article is Bonsai Trees: The Hydroponic Way.

Welcome to Vault 9, located beneath the ruins of scenic Circle Pines, MN (just fifteen minutes from the Twin Cities!).  Unfortunately Vault 9 remains sealed on the orders of it's overseers keeping a population of 474 safe, secure, and in the height of luxury.  The current gender ratio is 474 to 0, female/male.  Thanks to a generous donation from Poseidon Energy, the original inhabitants of the vault were almost entirely made up of the student body and faculty of the all-female Wool College.  Indeed, a clerical error* resulted in the entire population of the vault being female.  Serendipitously Vault 9 is also equipped with the best artificial insemination facilities on the planet, contact the vault medical staff for details!

Character Creation
All you need to do is make a post with a name, age, general physical description, personality sketch, and SPECIAL values. If you like, pick a couple (no more then four) perks and tag three skills!.  Don't worry!  Vault-Tec will see to your career assignment!

Vault 9

Entrance level (entry restricted) - beneath Burroughs Hall, Wool College Ruins
-Vault Entrance (entry restricted)
-Security Outpost (entry prohibited)
-EMT Station
-Storage 1 & 2

Command level
-Overseer's Office
-Security Office & Cells
-Armory (entry prohibited)
-Mainframe 2 (entry restricted)
-Storage 3 & 4
-Cryo 1 (entry prohibited)

Living Quarters 1
-Cafeteria 1 "Alice's Restaurant"
-Main Clinic
-Cryo 2 (entry prohibited)
-Recreation 1: Pool, handball courts, sauna
-Quarters 1-168
-Shops (privately owned)
-Storage 5-8

Living Quarters 2
-Cafeteria 2 "Banquet Hall"
-Beauty shop
-Level 2 Emergency Room
-Recreation 2: Track & Field
-Quarters 169-336
-Storage 9-12

Living Quarters 3
-Cafeteria 3 "The Bunker"
-Level 3 Emergency Room
-Cryo 4 (entry prohibited)
-Recreation 3: Concert Hall
-Quarters 336-503
-Storage 13-16

-Maintenance office
-Maintenance shops
-Chief Engineer's office
-Pip-Boy lab
-Mainframe 1 (entry restricted)
-Storage 17-19

Sub-Level: Reactor 1 (entry restricted)
-Reactor 1
-Storage 20

Sub-Level: Utilities (entry restricted)
-Water Purification
-Oxygen Purification
-Cryo 3 (entry prohibited)
-Storage 21

Sub-Level Reactor 2 (entry restricted)
-Reactor 2
-Storage 22


This sounds interesting so far. : D I'm working on my character now.


I'll work on my character later :3


Posting sketch later. I draw slowly.


NAME: Cat Crovan - AKA, Catrionya II MacDougal-Rurikovich-Crovan, Archduchess of Argyll, Countess of Orkney (Please don't. Just call me Cat.)
AGE: 17 (born 10th of May 2262)
APPEARANCE: Bright red hair, cut short, an extremely pale complexion (even with regard to the total lack of sunlight any Vault dweller gets) and patches of freckles on her left cheek. Very tall (6 feet sharp), otherwise reasonably attractive. Somewhat slender, otherwise of average build.
PERSONALITY & HISTORY: Cat is the somewhat unlucky great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Catriona MacDougal-Crovan, who inherited the seat of the scottish duchy of Argyll when the ruling Campbell dynasty died out paternally. Not that anyone ever cared much for the title itself, but Catriona was filthy rich anyway, so the good highlander lady thought it was just fine to keep going. She married the son of a Russian businessman, who turned out to be - after some genealogy research they did for fun - a VERY far-off descendant of House Rurikovich, the viking jarl who conquered and founded the Kievan Rus, the first united Russian state, way back in the 9th century. Both good-natured rich people with not much mind to old nobility and their ways, they happily declared that all children of their union be of the MacDougal-Rurikovich-Crovan dynasty, and many good laughs were had at the baptism of their daughter Catrionya. Who, as rich kids often are, were sent off abroad to a private school early in life, and then another, and then another. Wool College was the first one she'd picked herself, but it was very much routine, even then. And then the Vaults happened.

Fast forward 200 years to now, and Cat. Her mother has recently died, which is of some relief to her since she doesn't have to put up with her elitist bullshit anymore. The bad part, of course, is that all the little elitist ladies in the clique that surrounded her mother, and praised her for her (totally irrelevant) status, now stalk Cat with their every step. Cat is not amused.

Cat lives in the engineering department, and is an absolute magician with most sciency stuff. She is reasonably geeky and has a pretty thorny personality, thanks to her mother, and when she gets angry (which she does pretty easily) she gets Angry. She does, however, tend to treat people fairly. Very fairly.
With regard to other people, she's not a very social type. Nor is she very much into the whole sexuality thing. It simply seems so unnecessary. Instead, she spends her time doing her work, and she does it splendidly.

CK2 PERSONALITY TRAITS: Genius / Mastermind Engineer (Educational) / Wroth / Just / Chaste / Scholar / Diligent / Shy
"On personality traits": ShowHide
I think the CK2 system is a good one to use for summarizing your character. All the traits and their effects are: [spoiler="Traits, in code"]############

amateurish_plotter = {
   education = yes
   intrigue = 1
   stewardship = -1
flamboyant_schemer = {   
   education = yes
   intrigue = 3
   stewardship = -1
intricate_webweaver = {
   education = yes
   intrigue = 6
   martial = 1
   diplomacy = 1
   stewardship = -1
elusive_shadow = {
   education = yes
   intrigue = 9
   martial = 2
   diplomacy = 2
   stewardship = -1

naive_appeaser = {
   education = yes
   diplomacy = 1
   martial = -1
underhanded_rogue = {
   education = yes
   diplomacy = 3
   martial = -1
   fertility = 0.05
charismatic_negotiator = {
   education = yes
   diplomacy = 6
   intrigue = 1
   learning = 1
   martial = -1
   fertility = 0.05
grey_eminence = {
   education = yes
   diplomacy = 9
   intrigue = 2
   learning = 2
   martial = -1
   fertility = 0.1

indulgent_wastrel = {
   education = yes
   stewardship = 1
   diplomacy = -1
thrifty_clerk = {
   education = yes
   stewardship = 3
   diplomacy = -1
   fertility = 0.05
fortune_builder = {   
   education = yes
   stewardship = 6
   martial = 1
   learning = 1
   diplomacy = -1
   fertility = 0.1
midas_touched = {
   education = yes
   stewardship = 9
   martial = 2
   learning = 2
   diplomacy = -1
   fertility = 0.15

misguided_warrior = {
   education = yes
   martial = 1
   learning = -1
   health = 0.5
tough_soldier = {
   education = yes
   martial = 3
   learning = -1
   health = 0.5
skilled_tactician = {
   education = yes
   martial = 6
   intrigue = 1
   stewardship = 1
   learning = -1
   health = 0.5
brilliant_strategist = {
   education = yes
   martial = 9
   intrigue = 2
   stewardship = 2
   learning = -1
   health = 0.5

detached_priest = {
   priest = yes
   education = yes
   learning = 1
   intrigue = -1
martial_cleric = {
   priest = yes
   education = yes
   learning = 3
   intrigue = -1
   ai_zeal = 10
scholarly_theologian = {
   priest = yes
   education = yes
   learning = 6
   diplomacy = 1
   stewardship = 1
   intrigue = -1
   fertility = -0.05
   ai_zeal = 20
mastermind_theologian = {
   priest = yes
   education = yes
   learning = 9
   diplomacy = 2
   stewardship = 2
   intrigue = -1
   fertility = -0.05
   ai_zeal = 30

# HEALTH - Events

stressed = {
   is_health = yes
   intrigue = -1
   stewardship = -1
   health = -1
   fertility = -0.1
depressed = {
   is_health = yes
   diplomacy = -1
   stewardship = -1
   martial = -1
   intrigue = -1
   health = -1
   fertility = -0.05
lunatic = {
   is_health = yes
   # Highly event driven
   vassal_opinion = -25
   sex_appeal_opinion = -25
   same_opinion = 10
   ai_rationality = -50
   cost = -10
possessed = {
   is_health = yes
   sex_appeal_opinion = -25
   same_opinion = 10
   ai_rationality = -40
   # Highly event driven
ill = {
   is_health = yes
   is_illness = yes
   opposites =  {
   martial = -1
   health = -2
   fertility = -0.1
   customizer = no
pneumonic = {
   is_health = yes
   is_illness = yes
   opposites =  {
   diplomacy = -2
   stewardship = -2
   martial = -2
   intrigue = -2
   learning = -2
   health = -4
   fertility = -0.5
   customizer = no
syphilitic = {
   is_health = yes
   congenital = yes
   is_illness = yes
   sex_appeal_opinion = -30
   diplomacy = -1
   stewardship = -1
   martial = -1
   intrigue = -1
   learning = -1
   health = -2
   fertility = -0.2
leper = {
   is_health = yes
   is_illness = yes
   diplomacy = -2
   health = -2
   fertility = -0.2
   sex_appeal_opinion = -50
   same_opinion = 10
   vassal_opinion = -20
wounded = {
   is_health = yes
   opposites =  {
   martial = -1
   health = -1
maimed = {
   is_health = yes
   opposites =  {
   sex_appeal_opinion = -15
   same_opinion = 10
   martial = -2
   health = -2
infirm = {
   is_health = yes

   diplomacy = -3
   intrigue = -3
   stewardship = -3
   martial = -3
   learning = -3
   health = -1
   fertility = -0.3
   ai_rationality = -10
incapable = {
   is_health = yes
   incapacitating = yes # Will need a regent
   diplomacy = -6
   intrigue = -6
   stewardship = -6
   martial = -6
   learning = -6
   health = -3
   fertility = -0.3
drunkard = {
   is_health = yes
   stewardship = -2
   same_opinion = 10
   church_opinion = -10
   sex_appeal_opinion = -5
   ai_rationality = -5
has_tuberculosis = {
   is_epidemic = yes
   is_illness = yes
   health = -2
   customizer = no
has_typhoid_fever = {
   is_epidemic = yes
   is_illness = yes
   health = -3
   customizer = no
has_typhus = {
   is_epidemic = yes
   is_illness = yes
   health = -3
   customizer = no
has_bubonic_plague = {
   is_epidemic = yes
   is_illness = yes
   health = -7
   customizer = no
has_measles = {
   is_epidemic = yes
   is_illness = yes
   health = -2
   customizer = no
has_small_pox = {
   is_epidemic = yes
   is_illness = yes

   health = -3
   customizer = no

# SOFT STATUS - Undecided

crusader = {
   martial = 2
   church_opinion = 25
   same_opinion_if_same_religion = 30
   ai_zeal = 10


bastard = {
   diplomacy = -1
   same_opinion = 10
   customizer = no
twin = {
   twin_opinion = 30
   customizer = no
legit_bastard = {
   diplomacy = -1
pregnant = {
   spouse_opinion = 25
   customizer = no
excommunicated = {
   diplomacy = -5
   same_religion_opinion = -30
kinslayer = {
   diplomacy = -3
   dynasty_opinion = -25
homosexual = {
   sex_appeal_opinion = 30 # Only to those of the same sex
   vassal_opinion = -10
   fertility = -0.15
   cost = -10


clubfooted = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   sex_appeal_opinion = -10
   same_opinion = 5
   martial = -1
harelip = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   sex_appeal_opinion = -10
   same_opinion = 5
   diplomacy = -1
hunchback = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   sex_appeal_opinion = -30
   same_opinion = 5
   vassal_opinion = -5
   martial = -1
lisp = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   sex_appeal_opinion = -5
   same_opinion = 5
   diplomacy = -1
stutter = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   same_opinion = 5
   diplomacy = -1
fair = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   sex_appeal_opinion = 30
   opposites =  {
   diplomacy = 1
ugly = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   sex_appeal_opinion = -20
   opposites =  {
   diplomacy = -1
dwarf = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   sex_appeal_opinion = -30
   same_opinion = 10
   martial = -1
genius = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   opposites =  {
   diplomacy = 5
   intrigue = 5
   stewardship = 5
   martial = 5
   learning = 5
   ai_rationality = 30
   vassal_opinion = 5
quick = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   opposites =  {
   diplomacy = 3
   intrigue = 3
   stewardship = 3
   martial = 3
   learning = 3
   ai_rationality = 15
slow = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   opposites =  {
   diplomacy = -3
   intrigue = -3
   stewardship = -3
   martial = -3
   learning = -3
   ai_rationality = -15
imbecile = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   sex_appeal_opinion = -30
   opposites =  {
   diplomacy = -8
   intrigue = -8
   stewardship = -8
   martial = -8
   learning = -8
   ai_rationality = -30
   vassal_opinion = -10
inbred = {
   inbred = yes
   congenital = yes
   sex_appeal_opinion = -30
   fertility = -0.3
   health = -1.5
   diplomacy = -5
   intrigue = -5
   stewardship = -5
   martial = -5
   learning = -5
   vassal_opinion = -20
   ai_rationality = -20
strong = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   opposites =  {
   diplomacy = 1
   martial = 2
   health = 2
   fertility = 0.1
   sex_appeal_opinion = 10
   vassal_opinion = 10
weak = {
   congenital = yes
   birth = yes
   opposites =  {
   health = -1.0
   fertility = -0.05
   martial = -1
   sex_appeal_opinion = -10
   vassal_opinion = -10

# LIFESTYLE - Events - only 1 lifestyle (adult)

celibate = {
   lifestyle = yes
   opposites =  {
   fertility = -10.0
   church_opinion = 10
   opposite_opinion = -10
   same_opinion = 20
   monthly_character_piety = 1
   ai_zeal = 30
hedonist = {
   lifestyle = yes
   opposites =  {

   fertility = 0.2
   opposite_opinion = -5
   same_opinion = 20
   church_opinion = -10
   monthly_character_piety = -0.5
   ai_zeal = -30
scholar = {
   lifestyle = yes
   learning = 2
   same_opinion = 20
gardener = {
   lifestyle = yes
   stewardship = 2
   same_opinion = 20
mystic = {
   lifestyle = yes
   intrigue = 1
   same_opinion = 20
impaler = {
   lifestyle = yes
   intrigue = 1
   same_opinion = 20
   ai_honor = -15
duelist = {
   lifestyle = yes
   martial = 1
   same_opinion = 20
hunter = {
   lifestyle = yes
   martial = 1
   same_opinion = 20
poet = {
   lifestyle = yes
   diplomacy = 1
   same_opinion = 20
falconer = {
   lifestyle = yes
   diplomacy = 1
   same_opinion = 20

# PERSONALITY - Events, should happen more often during childhood

lustful = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   fertility = 0.2
   church_opinion = -10
   monthly_character_piety = -0.25
   ai_greed = 20
   ai_zeal = -10
chaste = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   fertility = -0.15
   church_opinion = 10
   opposite_opinion = -10
   monthly_character_piety = 0.5
   ai_zeal = 10
gluttonous = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   sex_appeal_opinion = -15
   church_opinion = -10
   same_opinion = 5
   stewardship = -2
   ai_greed = 20
   ai_zeal = -10
temperate = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   church_opinion = 10
   opposite_opinion = -10
   same_opinion = 10
   stewardship = 2
   ai_greed = -20
   ai_zeal = 10
greedy = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   global_tax_modifier = 0.1
   diplomacy = -1
   ai_honor = -10
   ai_ambition = 15
   ai_greed = 100
charitable = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   diplomacy = 3
   church_opinion = 10
   opposite_opinion = -10
   same_opinion = 10
   ai_honor = 10
   ai_ambition = -15
   ai_greed = -100
   ai_zeal = 10
slothful = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   vassal_opinion = -10
   diplomacy = -1
   intrigue = -1
   stewardship = -1
   martial = -1
   learning = -1
   ai_ambition = -10
   ai_greed = 10
   ai_zeal = -10
diligent = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   vassal_opinion = 10
   opposite_opinion = -10
   same_opinion = 10
   diplomacy = 1
   intrigue = 1
   stewardship = 1
   martial = 1
   learning = 1
   ai_greed = -10
   ai_zeal = 10
envious = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   intrigue = 2
   diplomacy = -1
   liege_opinion = -15
   ai_honor = -10
kind = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   intrigue = -2
   diplomacy = 2
   vassal_opinion = 10
   opposite_opinion = -10
   same_opinion = 10
   ai_honor = 10
wroth = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   diplomacy = -1
   intrigue = -1
   martial = 3
   ai_rationality = -10
   ai_honor = -5
patient = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   diplomacy = 1
   intrigue = 1
   stewardship = 1
   learning = 1
   opposite_opinion = -10
   ai_rationality = 10
proud = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   monthly_character_prestige = 0.5
   ai_ambition = 10
humble = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   monthly_character_piety = 1
   opposite_opinion = -10
   same_opinion = 10
   ai_ambition = -10


deceitful = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   intrigue = 3
   diplomacy = -2
   opposite_opinion = -10
   ai_honor = -25
honest = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   intrigue = -2
   diplomacy = 3
   opposite_opinion = -10
   same_opinion = 10
   ai_honor = 25
craven = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   vassal_opinion = -5
   martial = -2
brave = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   vassal_opinion = 10
   opposite_opinion = -10
   same_opinion = 10
   martial = 2
shy = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   diplomacy = -2
gregarious = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   sex_appeal_opinion = 5
   same_opinion = 5
   vassal_opinion = 5
   diplomacy = 2
ambitious = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   intrigue = 2
   stewardship = 2
   diplomacy = 2
   martial = 2
   learning = 2
   same_opinion = -5
   ambition_opinion = -50 # Against those they want something from
   ai_ambition = 40
   ai_zeal = 10
content = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   intrigue = -1
   liege_opinion = 50
   monthly_character_piety = 0.5
   ai_ambition = -40
   ai_zeal = -10
arbitrary = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   stewardship = -2
   learning = -1
   vassal_opinion = -10
   ai_rationality = -20
   ai_honor = -10
   ai_zeal = -10
just = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   stewardship = 2
   learning = 1
   vassal_opinion = 10
   opposite_opinion = -10
   same_opinion = 10
   ai_rationality = 20
   ai_honor = 10
   ai_zeal = 10
cynical = {
   personality = yes
   opposites = {
   intrigue = 2
   church_opinion = -5
   opposite_opinion = -10
   same_opinion = 10
   monthly_character_piety = -0.2
   ai_rationality = 10
   ai_zeal = -100
zealous = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   martial = 2
   church_opinion = 10
   infidel_opinion = -50
   opposite_opinion = -10
   same_opinion_if_same_religion = 30
   monthly_character_piety = 1
   ai_rationality = -10
   ai_zeal = 100
paranoid = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   intrigue = 2
   diplomacy = -1
   ai_honor = -10
trusting = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   intrigue = -2
   diplomacy = 1
   ai_honor = 10
cruel = {
   personality = yes
   opposites =  {
   intrigue = 1
   diplomacy = -1
   vassal_opinion = -10
   ai_honor = -10
   ai_greed = 10
Not that it has any direct effect, but I think it's a decent way to sum things up. Also, I changed the church education ones to sciency education, since it's the closest related one. Just replace "theologian" or "priest" with "engineer" or what have you. Please try this system out, it's good stuff![/spoiler]

Str 5
Per 7
End 7
Cha 2
Int 10
Agi 5
Luck 4

Skills tagged:
Repair (INT)
Science (INT)
Survival (END)

LEAD BELLY - She quite often uses herself for test subject, so she's hardened.
EDUCATED - Well, duh.
COMMANDO - Yeah, about that...

That's Cat, ladies and gentlegirls. Don't hit on her too hard, or she'll bash your skull in!


Alright Nej, as soon as I get everyone's bio's in I'll hand out everyone's jobs.


Name: Nova Fuller
Age: 19 (Birthday 12 - 12 - 2260)
Sex / gender: Female / ?
Appearance: 5'5'', average build, pale, cropped dark brown hair, gray eyes. Overall she looks fairly androgynous and dresses/acts accordingly. Wears glasses.
Personality: Somewhat quiet and withdrawn, doesn't make friend easily, but is loyal to the ones she does have. Comes from a family with several successful engineers, perhaps explaining her affinity toward tinkering, building and repair (though she doesn't show much aptitude for the more scientific end of things). She's also quite skilled with firearms.

Str: 4
Per:  6
End: 5
Cha: 3
Int: 8
Agi: 7
Luck: 7

Skills tagged:

-Cherchez La Femme
-Jury Rigging
-The Professional
-Rapid Reload


Catrionya Crovan!  Congratulations! You have been identified as a superior security officer candidate by the Vault Staff!  Congratulations!

Starting inventory:
-Vault 9 Security Armor
-Pip-Boy 3000
-10mm N99 pistol (#1)
-36 10mm rounds in three clips
-Police baton

Nova Fuller! Congratulations on your continued service as Vault 9's Chief of Security!

Starting inventory:
-Vault 9 Security Chief Armor
-Pip-Boy 3000
-.44 Magnum revolver
-18 .44 rounds in three speed loaders
-Police baton
-Armory key
-Security override code

Spoiler: ShowHide
Note:  All jobs determined by percentage die roll.


Name: Adeleine Freeman
Age: 18 (Born September 9, 2259)
Description: Roughly 5'11'' of an average build, with short jet black hair
Personality: She's generally a bit goofy, but when the need arrises, she's focused and serious; analyzing the situation at hand before rushing in. She can generally use any weapon you hand her, but her strong point is with energy weapons.

Str: 4
Per: 7
End: 5
Cha: 6
Int: 7
Agi: 6
Luck: 5

- Energy Weapons
- Speech
- Lockpick

- Swift Learner
- Nerd Rage!


Congratulations on one year of service as part of Vault 9's medical staff Adeleine Freeman!  We hope your career continues to be rewarding and fruitful!

Starting Inventory:
-Vault lab uniform
-Pip-Boy 3000 with radio attachment
-2 Stimpaks
-1 RadAway
-4 Med-X

If nobody else signs up, we'll start this tomorrow afternoon.


i'll make a character, but i've never played fallout. all i know about it is word of mouth; i've never even seen it played.

if that's not an issue, i'll join in the fray.
click to make it bigger


I've never played either, but I have been known to occasionally wikiwalk the Fallout Wiki... .w.


but i haven't. i know jack shit about the series and the premise. i'm wondering if it's even possible for me to play. :\
click to make it bigger


I think you probably could

If you'd like, I can send some links your way to help you get the basic idea of what the series is like, and in turn this RP; much like the Changeling Quick-Start Guide :3
Well, unless Stew beats me to it; in which case he'll help you


Sure!  I thought I sent you a PM with everyone else, but it must've been one of the ones that timed out.

That'd be great Pentium, thanks.


It's not that strange a premise, anyway.

What I'm a bit confused by: I thought the entire thing was based upon the Cold War going "hot" somewhere in the 70's or so, and thus the old-timey computers and whatnot? So why vaults closed in 2080? Or am I just entirely off my rocker here?