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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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kickass, man! ^^ and good for you for planning it out. i applied to one school and got lucky. and if i were you, i'd go for stanford if that's really where you want to go. even if you have to transfer, a degree from there would likely be quite shiny. :3
click to make it bigger


Happy Birthday, Kari ^_^

I made you some-- *trips* OH CRAP~


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 09, 2012, 09:06:43 PM
me too, but later. too many tabs right now.
for example, these pics i was saving for you:

I love it. :D Oh and that Great Gatsby game is VERY addictive, play at your own risk! : o

Quote from: Dr. Kraus on March 09, 2012, 11:22:04 PM
So I had a meeting with my guidance counsellor today about college choices and what ones I'm applying to, lovely meeting that just placed a dead lock on my college choices.

If you go to University of Michigan I might be able to drop by and say hi sometime. : p

Going to school in your hometown also sounds nice, since you're already familiar with the area and can keep in touch with family and highschool friends.

Though Stanford is an awesome school, if I wanted to study computer science and lived on the west coast, I'd aim for that place too.

Anyway, I'm sure no matter what university you end up in you'll do fabulously. : )


@pent: thankyou~ ^^
hope that image is in the gallery btw :3

@bells: i feel bad for the kitten but it's so cute. ^^;
also, thanks for the heads up. i already have enough time wasters so i'll only play it if i really, truely finish everything i need to this week.

or if i'm uber stressed and need a break.
click to make it bigger


@Kari: Yep; it's in the gallery. In fact, that's where I got it from :3

Dr. Kraus

@Choco: Thanks! Though getting over to Stanford is going to cost me A TON and I'll be on the other side of the country so that's why is toward the bottom of my list, a degree in Computer Science from Stanford would set me for life though.

@Bella: I'm probably going to settle for Ann Arbor due to all my connections which gives me an upper hand in going there (3 generations of legacy, my grandfather is a really close alumni and hands them money every month, large family influences, close ties to Professors and higher ups, etc.).

In the end its just a political game in which I own most of the pieces and can dictate a fair amount of influence throughout the campus.








Quote from: Dr. Kraus on March 10, 2012, 12:19:05 PM

Fancy dress and big guns? Me gusta o_o

Domo is watching you

Roomva of death!

Bill Cosby as Zordon xD


Roosevelt is a total gangster

Damn you, Abra!

Dr. Kraus



Don't mess with this chick...


I want this gun

This gun aswell

and this one...


Shes on my team, don't you dare fucking argue with me on that...


Quote from: DocUBER PANZER!!

That's a Panzer III.  Even an M3 Lee can take it on without difficulty.

R: Your glasses are in the way, let me take them off.
L: My body isn't ready!

Watch the landing.


Oh my god I love that last picture. (Okay, I love all of them, but that last one is filled with nigh-Chuck Norris-level badassery.)

-Stew on this image


@Stew: That last picture is epic
@Bella: and Stew are schoolgirls? *looks at you sideways*

Then again, I feel this is a good representation of myself :3


Replete with penis remover?
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@Pent: The gender/age of the characters isn't the point, it has to do with their body language.

@Red: That was my first reaction too. .__.;;

Dr. Kraus

How people whom I'm antiquated with see me:

How people who know me well see me:

How people who have got to know me over 1+ year(s):

How people who go shooting/airsofting see me within the first 5 minutes of start (When I've started shooting a target or person[airsoft]):

How people see me when REALLY engaging a target (enemy personnel/base of opposing team during airsoft match):

> tfw I took an entire base of 20 men by my self one match just because one dude flicked me off as I was advancing


Picture #1 or #3 probably best match my mental image of you. ^^;

This looks fun... now I wanna try to find some pics that represent me...