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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Nice one, guys 8)

This seems like something my bro-in-law would do :3

This show was ahead of it's time

Best bracelet ever

Play me off, keyboard Quagsire!


why did i almost read that as keyboard quagmire.
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Giggiddy giggiddy goo!

Since Stew's been all sulky and hasn't posted anything here in awhile, I have to take up his pic-dumping duties. u_u;;

First, some Touhou (genderswapped and non-GS):

And now some Kino, 'cause Kino is love.

A character from Rose of Versailles, I have no idea who but she looks gorgeous here:

Cereal Experiments Lain: 12 vitamins and nutrients and a full daily serving of high-grade paranoia fuel!


inb4 Brohou

Second, Kino introduced me to one of my favorite pistols; Colt Woodsman Match Target

Also, this is a page old but I live like twenty minutes from Stuarts Draft and know one of the vets that works at that clinic.

Look, there were ponies on my desktop!

Ah, Dr. Doo.

The Great and Powerful Maid!

Celestia and Woona, catching up on a 1000 years of sisterly activities.

A teacher is fine too.

Flutterfire: Why not?

Its fun as hell.


my sister has Kino on DVD. :3

@bella: that last one reminds me of this series:

@stew: cute pics :3
also, what's the last one? :0
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Quote from: stewartsage on March 09, 2012, 04:35:26 PM
inb4 Brohou

Second, Kino introduced me to one of my favorite pistols; Colt Woodsman Match Target

Also, this is a page old but I live like twenty minutes from Stuarts Draft and know one of the vets that works at that clinic.

Lol, Brohou.

Oooh, really? : o

Also, small world internet. @_@

Quote from: stewartsage on March 09, 2012, 04:35:26 PM
Its fun as hell. this an actual game?


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See the link attached to the image :3



me too, but later. too many tabs right now.
for example, these pics i was saving for you:

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Last weekend, on Asagi:

Well, before she equipped magic armor


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Dr. Kraus

So I had a meeting with my guidance counsellor today about college choices and what ones I'm applying to, lovely meeting that just placed a dead lock on my college choices.

1. Michigan (I can get a half/full ride) [TARGET]
2. University of Pittsburgh (I can get a half ride with lots of scholarship money) [TARGET]
3. Stanford (Its going to be really competitive but its the best choice for what I want to major in [computer science]) [REACH]
4. Branch school of University of Pittsburgh or Penn State (Back up schools if I can't get into my target schools)

As long as I keep going at my current pace I can most defiantly get into Michigan or Pittsburgh, Stanford would probably require two years of a branch school then a transfer to make it out there. Overall, I'm really happy about my post high school life if its in Michigan due to my love for the campus and the school in general, same goes for Pittsburgh (home town advantage).

My dorm room would probably end up like this: