We have all been gender flipped

Started by stewartsage, January 11, 2011, 12:49:20 AM

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"I'm not sure...if there is, maybe Nejina is in there?"


The freezer door is promptly impaled from the inside by a giant icicle, and then shatters with it into small, frosty pieces onto the floor. The icicle, however, wasn't quite as devoid of other objects as the door - a tall, fit girl in a square-pattern shirt, suspenders and a very long blonde ponytail lands with a heavy thump on the floor. Briefly, she manages to look up from the floor. "H'aw...shucks," she manages before passing out.


Chalk nudges the frozen newcomer with his foot. Receiving no response, he picks up the new girl and plops her in a chair at the kitchen table.

Chalk turns to Colonel-chan. Smiling, he picks her up in a hug. Upon setting her down, he gets two bowls, and fills them with soup. He sits down with one, setting the other in front of the new girl, but far enough away that she would not drown in it were she to fall over.
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Penti makes herself a bowl of soup, before sitting down. "So, does anybody recognize the new girl?"


Chalk tilts his head when looking at her, then looks back to Penti and shakes his head. Instead, he focuses his attentions on the delicious-looking soup. ^^
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Boris turns his attention to the newcomer - she looks awfully familiar, yet there is something slightly off about her. "Nejina...?" he asks, giving her a small poke in the shoulder, "Is that you?"


Chalk leans in for the response, being careful to not get his yukata in the soup.
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The girl stirs briefly upon being poked. Her eyes flutter open for a bit. She slurs a bit while speaking. "Wh...whaer's mah hat?"

A second later, her eyes burst wide open and she springs up, looks around and promptly jumps into the now doorless freezer, yelling loudly. "GIMME BACK MAH HAT YOU CONNIN' PIECE OF-"

The sound cuts as she moves through, but a distinct smell of grass wafts through the air from the freezer's open frame.


"Ok..." Penti said in a confused tone. "Anybody up for following her?"


Chalk knows where this is going, and angrily returns to his soup.
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A Disembodied Voice speaks up in Chalk's head. It is most likely female.
"Trust me, sir, that is not the case. And either way, the passageway has been opened. There is little any of you can do save wait, lest you try seal it."


Chalk finishes his soup. Grumbing, he downs the mysterious girl's soup, and proceeds to walk through the freezer.
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On the other side of the freezer, a vast field of grass, intermingled at some points with sunflowers, spreads out. A girl - or at least, a somewhat wobbly, monochrome image of her head, a projection of some sort - awaits. She has short hair and a very peculiar accessory of a heart-adorned headband, connected by some cord-like string to a sphere of some sort. "Yes," she says - her voice is the same as the Disembodied Voice. "Good. I would have sent one of my pets to accompany you - or possibly the woman you seek - but they have been little but trouble lately. This projection is losing its power - I do not normally work over distances, see. You shall be on your own, shortly. The girls you met are through paths within, or possibly through a passageway; the woman you seek is through another few passageways. One of the girls should be able to find the passageways. Convincing them may or may not take effort, but you may need it. Is there anything you wish to know before I leave you on your own?"


Chalk nods. "What the hell am I doing here."

Chalk walks over to one of the sunflowers and picks it, taking in its scent and noming some seeds.
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Penti walked up to the freezer, signaling for Boris and Colonel to join her, before climbing inside to join Chalk