Win XP Media edition

Started by CaptBrenden, August 02, 2006, 04:31:18 AM

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There is an XPME-tan that's around (has her own folder now at the gallery), but I always DID wonder who that cat-eared -tan is.  Could be an alternative version of XPMCE-tan,... could also be a [cuter] version of Windows Media Player-tan herself.  ^__^

Either way, it's well worth the necropost to investigate this mystery once and for all.  ^v^

BTW, welcome ZShadow.  ^__^

I take it you like lurking in the shadows, eh?  ^_~


I like this version better because the colours make it different, plus XPME looks too much like homeko imho :3


Quote from: "ZShadow"I like this version better because the colours make it different, plus XPME looks too much like homeko imho :3

Or a mix of Homeko + ME-tan :S But this one is better, even though I remembered her as Windows Media Player-tan...


Should I upload the pics to the gallery then ?:3


wait so...Windows Media Center isn't the same thing as Windows XP Media???

Tupolev Wolf

well i got Windows XP Media Center, and it's very different than normal Windows XP.


Hehe,... well not THAT different, but yeah the default interface is more glitzy, it seems NOT to like networks very much, AND it has higher hardware requirements (more RAM).  ^__^

I also looked at the "Media Center" itself, which is kind of a glorified version of Windows Media Player (except with MORE bloat, if you can imagine that...  ^^;) that comes with XPME.  

I do think that -tan looks cuter than the ME-tan + Homeko + Lindows crossover, but I'm still suspicious that she might be a media player.  -v-'

Aurora Borealis

I've seen a version of XP Media Center Edition-tan that has short brown hair, wears a green schoolgirl outfit and has a guitar case that doubles as a jetpack and I like that version best because she doesn't look trampy like the more common XP+ME crossover (although I like the visual puns to her design)


Yep, the trampiness is kinda my gripe too.  But I don't mind it, cause,... hell, it's not like it hurts me to paint Windows in a bad light.  -v-'

*hears XPME computer complaining*

[to XPME computer] Oh, shut yer pie hole, you non-torrent seeding storage space, DVD burner and part-time game machine.  `v'


I'm pretty sure its not a media player, because one has a start button on the tie (WMP has no start button), 2 have "MCE" on their top, and 2 are holding the remote which comes with MCE


The play buttons do out number the start ones, but I will agree that "MCE" is a dead giveaway.  ^__^

(the remote not so much cause my XPME didn't come with one.... Ã,¬__Ã,¬)

*kicks XPME machine, and hugs Xubuntu machine lovingly*

Okay, I'm sold.  ^__^
There's an 85% chance she's a competing design for Windows XPME-tan.  ^__^

When the time comes, this'll make for an excellent debate on the new OS-tan Wiki.  ^__^

(oh, and yeah,... feel free to upload now that there is definitive proof of her identity.  ^v^)