We have all been gender flipped

Started by stewartsage, January 11, 2011, 12:49:20 AM

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Upon hearing the theme song to Jem, Penti-chan pauses her game and begins watching; feeling nostalgic in the process, as she used to force her older brother to watch this show


Chalk gets so into the show, he sings along to the theme song. However, due to the helium still in the air, it comes out more barry white than madonna. Chalk quiets down in slight embarassment to this, forgetting his voice situation.
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A wrongly pressed button leads to weird things happening with the heliums in the air. "Well, this is not what it was supposed to-"

Bright lights shine on and on and on and on and on. And when they stop and everyone have regained their senses...

[The Saga Continues Here...]


*Bumping in an attempt to get people back in here*


Chalk wakes up from that pony-induced nightmare groggy and cranky. Though he is not happy to be here, on behaf of Boris he will suck it up.
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A young man with glasses and long brown hair wakes up. He has no idea how long he's been asleep, or why - the lack of memory deeply unsettles him, along with the fact that he's seemingly alone. Rolling off the couch, he exits the room and hesitantly creeps down a hallway, racking his mind for any recollections of his location. He sees a light shining from under the door of another room; slowly pushing it open, he is relieved to see a familiar person inside. "Chalk!" he cries, the name of his friend coming back to him as he pulls him into a hug, "It's so good to see you here -- do you know what happened ... ? Have you found any of the others?"


Chalk seems to have retained the voice from before the dream-skip. He hugs Boris. "No one's here," Chalk says in his Barry-White-like voice, "but we can look."
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Penti-chan woke up in a daze, lying on the floor of her room; wondering what, exactly, was in the tea she drank which caused a dream about all her friends turning into ponies, and also what happened to result in a change of appearance; now having shoulder-length brown hair, and was wearing a snug-fitting plain green t-shirt with a miniskirt of a slightly darker shade of green, a pair of ankle-cut dark blue socks, her usual pair of glasses, and a set of Pentium earrings.

Confused as to why she was in her room, and why exactly her room was so messy, she sat up and left to room to try and find out where everybody else is...


Chalk spots Penti. "Over here," he says in the chocolate rain voice. >w>
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Recognizing the voice of the person whom she considered like a little brother, Penti came running down the hall to see what was up; finding Boris was also waiting with Chalk

"So, any idea on what's going on?"


"Not a clue." Chalk responds, looking around. "Seems like it's just us."
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"Hopefully everybody else is fine..." Penti said, sounding worried. "Wherever they may be"


Chalk looks around, confused. "We've lost Boris."
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Boris is relieved to see Penti, but a dark cloud of worry soon gathers in his mind. Breaking away from the group, he begins hunting the house for his two other dear companions - the girl he called Colonel-chan, and that tall blonde gal, Nejina.


"I think we should try to find him" Penti suggested. "It's better we stick together than risk getting separated like this again"