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Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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@remillia: lol. i've managed to get away with not wearing makeup for 20 years, and most of those were spent with people thinking i was wearing makeup. >w>;
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Quote from: stewartsage on January 25, 2012, 12:13:15 PM
No, it's directed at everyone.  Internet needs to chill out, there's enough space for everyone's series' to coexist in peace.

My sentiments exactly. There may be a lot of fandoms I'm not interested in, or even actively dislike, but I respect the members of those fandoms as long as they respect my fandoms... so, the same as I am about religion, politics or any srsbsns topic.

Quote from: Remilia on January 25, 2012, 03:19:42 PMThat dog is awesome. I saw that gif on another forum just a few days ago... Internet feels small now.

A friend sent me a link to that image a few weeks back too! I love that dog, almost - but not quite as much - as I love baby-face-pouncing-cat.

Quote from: Remilia on January 25, 2012, 03:19:42 PM

I also saw this awhile back, to be honest I think this character look best WITHOUT makeup, but looks bad here because she's making a freaking sucking-on-a-lemon-slice squinty/frowny combination face. >____<;;;

As for me personally - I tried doing the makeup thing for a year or so, mostly eyeshadow, lip gloss (which is disgusting, btw), mascara (I actually like how it makes my eyes look a little bigger, but its not worth the trouble it takes to clean it off at night), a bit of foundation and even tried plucking/trimming my brows (honestly, I think I look better with full brows than plucked - it suits my face better). I think it worsened my skin problems, and only served to make me look older than I actually was, which NO teenage girl wants to have happen to her. I've been makeup free for the last couple of years (excluding the occasional bit of concealer to hide blemishes) and my skin has never been so healthy before.


On the subject of makeup, I think I'd look better in trap mode with some concealer to hide my acne scars. Otherwise, I'd pass

Also, I want a duck burger, thanks to Persona 3:


All I ever manage with makeup is looking more like a psychopath/crazy clown than usual. -_-;




Quote from: Bella on January 26, 2012, 11:57:06 AM
As for me personally - I tried doing the makeup thing for a year or so, mostly eyeshadow, lip gloss (which is disgusting, btw), mascara (I actually like how it makes my eyes look a little bigger, but its not worth the trouble it takes to clean it off at night), a bit of foundation and even tried plucking/trimming my brows (honestly, I think I look better with full brows than plucked - it suits my face better). I think it worsened my skin problems, and only served to make me look older than I actually was, which NO teenage girl wants to have happen to her. I've been makeup free for the last couple of years (excluding the occasional bit of concealer to hide blemishes) and my skin has never been so healthy before.

Very much true for me too, especially the skin problem part. I still trim my brows from time to time, plucking the hairs that are outside the "main figure". Would never want narrow brows though. ><


With how often I've talked to Stew while he was in class, I can picture him doing this

Stop smoking; start taking bunnies with you instead :3

This is good stuff

This is how I feel about babies


I know some people who'd love to have one of these jackets

Epic poster placement

The only Team Edward I'd support

This is why we cannot enter mirror land


Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 27, 2012, 09:44:11 AM

I suddenly have the urge to break out into the Power Rangers theme song...

Screw it.

Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


any idea where i could buy one of those? my (future) man is on the prowl for a MM power rangers beltbuckle and i figure he'd cry if i got him that for his birthday :3

@pentium: in order:
~that's the problem i have with people using computers to take notes. every time i've seen someone do it in one of my history classes they were using it for facebook or youtube. and they wonder why their grades suck. >>;
~cute bunny is cute. :3 now if only it really was the cure for addiction. :\
~i want to buy that just to have it. :3
~babies are cute about 20% of the time. the rest of the time they're screaming, smelly, and bratty. once they start hitting the talking stages they get cuter, cause then you can teach them nerd words. :3
~pedoboard is go!
~once again, where do i buy that.
~finally, something good comes from the movies. -w-
~the original <333
~so....we shoot our evil reflection twin and walk on through?
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so THAT'S how he was sealed the first time.
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I nearly break my keyboard hammering out notes.

Raid up!

As a commenter said: My Little Maid RPG: Favor is Magic

A1D Skyraider


More MPs

Ah, the Soviet Navy


I really like her shotgun


Quote from: stewartsage on January 27, 2012, 09:27:45 PM

As a commenter said: My Little Maid RPG: Favor is Magic
Me gusta maids

Quote from: stewartsage on January 27, 2012, 09:27:45 PM

I really like her shotgun
This picture is badass


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