What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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You should; I'd like to read it ^_^

In addition to Digimon, also slowly getting back to Cardcaptor Sakura; beginning to tackle the final season of the series. So far, it's off to an interesting start...and the video quality is horrid compared to Digimon


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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 13, 2012, 04:27:02 PM
lol. new torrent needed? >w>

>Torrenting a 60+ episode series on a dialup modem



@Bella: Uh...I haven't used dial-up since a few months after I went absent from the OSC; which would be roughly summer '09. I have DSL now, and although it's a pile of crap compared to the internet connections of literally every other person on this site, it is about 10x faster than what I had before


that's right, bells. not everyone who has crap internet has dial-up. :3

that said, the other night i previewed the 2nd episode of Urusei Yatsura (the 2nd half of the first episode, really) to make sure there was no nudity. lulz were had.
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Hey, my dial-up wasn't crap up until the very end.


i loved dial up. it was slow and unreliable, but the sound was so nice. ^^
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@Stew: I'm willing to bet you probably had AOL / MSN / other big name dial-up provider. My mom swore by these no-name fly-by-night local providers, which had the worst service possible >_<

Well, we're getting off topic, so that's the last I'll say on the matter


Nope, Juno.

Still watching Dantalian and that's about it.


So, current good stuff for the new term is Rinne no Lagrange and Nisemonogatari.

Not too much this year. ^^


I... never used dial up. At least not at my house. The first time I had my own internet connection was in ~2005ish, and that was broadband of some sort...

As for anime - still watching HSotD and Dantalian (though I'm only to the half-way point on both.) ^^;


Dial-up, i think, was when my mother's work issued her a copy of Internet Explorer. Via post. On cd. It was fairly early, just after we got our Win95 computer, which should reasonably have been somewhere around 1996 or so.

We got 10mbit broadband in 2000. ^^;


we used dial up till we got rid of the internet when i was about 10. we didn't get the net back till i was 14, which is when we first got broadband via fairpoint (we switched to comcast not soon after). i have fond memories of dial-up, as well as trolling for hentai when i was like, 8. and all those nights i would spend on SM fansites. <333 good times.

that said, nothing ostracizes a kid in this day and age quite like not having the internet. it was an awkward couple of years, and it took me awhile to catch up.
now, i'm ahead of most. >w>

next anime club isn't till the end of the month. ;v;

must.....resist.....watching more UY......
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We used dial-up from roughly '95 (On the unknown 486 that came before the Yeti) until '09; when, after nearly 10 years of trying to talk mom into upgrading, she finally moved to DSL. It's the slowest internet connection of every last person on this site, but it's still 10x faster than what I had before it

Anyway, I'm currently watching Digimon again. I haven't sat down to episode 2 yet, but I have up to episode 35 available when I'm ready