Strange things you've eaten because you were bored.

Started by Kyo-Chan, October 09, 2007, 05:07:57 PM

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I've seen orange soda floats before, I bet those - and really any sort of fruit-flavored soda float - would be quite good.

I'm tempted to buy some vanilla ice cream and start experimenting with random floats...


@stew: i'd be careful with the egg rolls if i were you, if they're of questionable background. >>; my sister recently got food poisoning from one of the local burger kings, so i'm taking a suspicious stance on alot of meat-based things.

@bella: don't forget to report your findings! ^^
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@Kari: Well, Burger King isn't all that great to begin with. Besides, it could be a random occurrence; like the time I got food poisoning as a kid from some rather questionable chocolate coins my mom bought for me at Wal-Mart (It was some no-name brand they had around Christmas one year, circa '98; the candy being packaged in a transparent plastic piggy bank).

It turned out to be a freak incident (My sister had the same exact kind of candy, but she didn't get sick), but long story short, mom put a boycott on anything chocolate for a few months, as she didn't think "Maybe that one package of candy was contaminated with salmonella or something. I should avoid that brand", but instead thought "It has to be chocolate in general" >_<


That's freaky that you would get food poisoning from chocolate (even if it was a sketchy brand), but your mom's related ban on chocolate actually doesn't seem so weird given the circumstances - once when I was little, I got a nasty bout of food poisoning from a corndog at a balloon festival and my mom pretty much steered me away from corndogs from that day forward (not that I protested much, the memories tied to that food made me avoid them).


that's an insult to chocolate. >:[ just because one batch is lousy doesn't mean all chocolate is. case in point, while that no-name brand might have been terrible, brands like lindt and godiva are magical. >:[

mind you, there are some times when common sense should take over. for instance, that time i ate that 3-year old peppermint patty, i wouldn't call that good chocolate. :\

does anyone else put ketchup on the chicken fingers from chinese restaraunts?
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Actually, her thinking was "My son spontaneously developed an allergy to chocolate"...nevermind I haven't had any problem before or since; it was just an isolated incident with some sketchy brand :/

As for the latter, ketchup & chicken are made for each other. That sounds normal to me :3


glad i'm not the only one with that thinking. i don't take the type of food into account, it's more about the ingredients for me. so italian chicken would be just as good with ketchup as chinese or american chicken. :3
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on the topic of expired food, i found some white cheddar kraft mac and cheese in the back of my grandparent's cabinet. the last time i remember them having mac and cheese at their house, i didn't have glasses. (about when i was 10.) it was a year and a half past its expiration date, but thinking that those things rarely go bad, i took it home to make it. i knew something was off when i opened the cheese package, it smelled weird and was a much darker colour than i expected. going off my mum's and friend's advice, i mixed it anyway, noticing large clumps of it were coming out (still they said it was fine). it smelled worse after mixing, to the point where i almost got bowled over, and upon smelling it themselves they agreed with me.

you look on the box and expect a yellowish white. this was a mustardy yellow-orange. ><;;
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At work, in one storage room, I stumbled onto 9 unopened glass bottles of Coca-Cola, circa 2003. If I could, I'd love to take at least one bottle of it home, chill it, and see if it's still any good (It still has carbonation to it, from what I can see, so it likely is)


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One of the weird things I sometimes enjoy, that came about from when I was little, was drinking the water that's in the can with the tuna. It's weird as hell, but there's something about it, man :3


eh, everyone has their habits. i picked up a habit from an ex boyfriend, for example: with the frozen dinner mac and cheese, i lick the tray clean. :\
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it's covered in can i not..... >w>
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I have a bad habit of licking plates/trays clean as well. But only when I'm by myself, it's kind of rude to do in front of others.