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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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d'oooohhhhh pikachu <3333

i'd wear those earrings proudly. same goes for the adam and eve vial earrings i saw awhile back. :3

i'm gonna save a few of these pics......

also, i feel safe trusting in DERP. :3
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I want to get one of these for my cat

My cat wants me to get him one of these

My favorite musical instrument is guns! [/90s_kid]

Not sure if I want coffee from this Starbucks

Lemons: Good for more than just burning life's house down with

I'm surprised I've never seen anybody in my hometown try this:

I love how straight to the point their sign is

He should have done a barrel roll

This sounds like one of my Sunday school teachers from eons ago. I didn't like her one bit

RIP Your argument

I can relate to the latter half

Brock sure loves onigiri donuts


i took a picture of a restaraunt in a nearby city once that has a sign setup like that subway. :3
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Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


It's so bad...but I laughed so hard at this.



everyone's a little bit racist, it's true~~~

that said, anything funny will offend someone. :3

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Dr. Kraus


all that reminds me of is that kings of leon song....... .___.;
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Dr. Kraus

Some sketches I did today, got my nibs in today from Wacom so I'm happy happy!

Was trolling my one friend on facebook today and used this to finish him off.


nice, dude. jealous of the wacom. ^^

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If this is what Bambi II is like, than can't wait for the next direct-to-video Disney sequel

I wish somebody at work would do this to one of the vending machines

...And now, a really lame science joke

I want these

This is wrong, but I LOL'd anyway

So this is what the inside of a Pokéball is like...


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 14, 2011, 10:36:08 PM
nice, dude. jealous of the wacom. ^^

Get a Wacom then! The Bamboo is an awesome tablet, and pretty inexpensive too (I paid ~$70 for mine). ^^

Dr. Kraus

I happen to be upgrading to a Intous 4 soon enough (hopefully wireless version)

I drew this earlier today:


Quote from: Bella on September 15, 2011, 01:38:37 PM
pretty inexpensive too (I paid ~$70 for mine). ^^

if this is inexpensive to you, i'd hate to hear your definition of expensive. :\

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