What Manga are you reading?

Started by Gummster, March 28, 2007, 09:21:26 AM

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recent manga i've aquired:

I am Here! - vol. 1 (it's the size of an omnibus @__@; )
1520 - vol. 1
Tramps Like Us - vol. 5, 10, 11
Kedamono Damono - vol. 1&2
Tower of the Future - vol. 1
Happy Lesson - vol. 1
Love Lesson (yaoi oneshots)
Stand By Youth - vol. 1&2
Club 9 - vol. 1
Manga University Background Collection Workbook #1: Tokyo Sites

(everything but the first one was gotten at the con)
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I′m currently reading Otaku no Musume-san and re-read the first 6 volumes of Gunslinger Girl by MANGA in german.
I also re-read Welcome to the NHK!, because I was thoroughly confused the first time around I read it.


here's my recent reading and still ongoing:

  • Tasogare otome x amnesia - its about a school ghost who has an amnesia and forgot how she died, kinda ecchi
  • Gto shonan 14 days - well, its the extra story from the original series
  • Cradle of monsters - A school trip ended up in a cruise full of zombies during their way back
  • Until death do us part - A blind swordsman who's protecting a girl who can see fragment of the future
  • Onihime VS - A boy's dying from his weak heart, makes a contract with the Oni clan to trade his heart as the elixir for throne for a sum of fortune, kinda ecchi as well.


Wait wait wait wait.  Someone else is reading Tasogare Otome x Amnesia?  KICKASS!


I wish I had manga that I liked reading..... ;____;


@Bella, well you could always try Mahou Shoujo Oriko Magica.. its an alternate story for Madoka Magika =D

@stewartsage, Yuuko-san!!! xD


QuoteTasogare Otome


What was the last chapter you read?


its something about Yuuko(ghost) disguised as Akihiko-san to save Yuuko(Student).
chapter 23.


(late)@bella: come down here. with nearly 400 volumes, you're bound to find something in my collection you'd like. :\

recently got "Strawberry Panic: The Complete Manga Collection". read it full through, but either the series was never finished or it left off at an extreme cliffhanger. this was quite dissapointing, as while it had more than the volume i already had (vol. 1), it never finished the plot, dissapointing for an interesting story such as this. :\ i'm gonna have to look it up, and hopefully there's more manga to be had, or at least more story. :\

i meant to get volume 2 of i am here!, but i missed my chance to get it. that's likely going to be my next acquisition.

(i also recently got a manga called Genkaku Picasso. i love it. i wanna get the next volume. the art style is so different from other mangas (it looks like everyone's wearing lipstick, lol!!), and the plot is really original. combine that with the artsy motifs and the mindfucks involved, and it makes for a pretty cool story.

never mind the fact that the main character is technically a walking dead. xDD
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I just bought the first volume of Haruhi-chan (The Haruhi Suzumiya 4koma). If it's anything like the few episodes I saw of the online series, this is going to be funny


Yes.  Yes it is.  Plus, there are a few stories in there they didn't animate.


hmm. maybe i should pick up a copy, it might finally get me into haruhi.

manga i'm on the lookout for:
i am here #2
bunny drop #3
honey hunt #3
kimi ni todoke #3
the wallflower #7
high school debut #3

i have alot of unfinished series (in fact, i only have 2 or 3 completed series, one of those was never finished anyway, and i have another series i'm missing #2 of), but these are the ones that are really catching my brain right now. :3

also, i just learned that i wasn't jipped out of a story; strawberry panic's manga was never finished in japan, either. however, there seem to be more light novels and anime than manga, so i might torrent one or both. :\
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I might've seen that Wallflower at the book fair the other day.  They had 4, 5, and 6 at least.


i bought 1-6 at a building 19 in conneticut. they had all the way though 17, but it was so far away i doubt i'll ever make it back.

i got pitchi pitchi pitch there, too. all manga was 3 bucks. :3
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