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Started by Tenkohime, June 22, 2011, 09:35:32 PM

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i was the one who used gimp in a photoshop class. i tend to get a little defensive of it. ^^;

ugh, the movie director girl is gaining ground? if she becomes 'official' in the canon, then i might propose that for the first time ever, OSC ignores the canon. ><;

also, if you do so much as change the colour of the nanami-8 version, i'd be happy. it's just too close for my taste. :\
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Screw canon if that passes... I'll nevr recognize it nor accept it!!
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which brings me to my point here:

stew directed my attention to this. if anyone has a pixiv account, can they please alert this person that there are already -tans for these OSes....?

(i tried to register and it wouldn't let me)
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Aurora Borealis

There's no need to do that. Alternate designs, even if not part of fanon, should still be acknowledged. Quite frankly I like those designs. :)


I like them too! All of them are so... d'aaawwwww! <3

@Choco: I don't think I can say for sure, but I think he (she?) might be aware of the OS-tan stuff and just wants to join in on the fray. Then there's this that, even though I h do have a pixiv account, I don't really know if he knows english... and I sure as heck don't know any Japanese past the very basic stuff... and none of it allows me to talk to him about existence of other designs. Or maybe he's just a different idea after having seen something from here... or... something.
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 17, 2011, 11:13:45 PM

which brings me to my point here:

stew directed my attention to this. if anyone has a pixiv account, can they please alert this person that there are already -tans for these OSes....?

(i tried to register and it wouldn't let me)

I love seeing alternate designs, even if i don't accept them/agree with them. I would be pissed if somebody wrote me telling me "oh, I already have a design for that -tan", ergo, I would never do the same to somebody else. Everybody is entitled to their own artistic freedoms. :/

Also, I would refer anyone who has issues with "competing" OS-tan designs to take a look at the State-tan community.... from what I've seen, there are often dozens of different -tan designs for a single state, yet the fandom is quite cohesive/supportive of one another. Often you'll see the creator of one state-tan drawing fanart of others' designs, and there don't seem to be any competitions to make one -tan the "official" design.


I do not approve of this OS-TAN

She doesn't have cat ears and isn't cute enough.



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@everyone(sans svx): jeez, i wasn't mad about the designs, don't assume i was. >:\ what makes me mad is when the japanese online community doesn't even know we exist.  it's like saying that this site isn't good enough to be acknowledged over there. the reason i wanted someone to alert the artist to the designs here is that 1. they came first and 2.  if one artist knows about us, the knowledge will spread.
am i the only one who gets upset that this site sometimes gets ignored? >:\

@svx: is there a need for cat ears? what if we just drew her in cosplay?
click to make it bigger

Aurora Borealis

We're still relatively obscure, and at this point, parts of OS-tan canon/fanon have diverged between the Japanese and Western fandoms. Since the two developed their own characters independently from the other, such a split was inevitable, but that's okay. Just be glad the parts of the fandom don't fight each other!


but we recognize them ><; it's only fair we let them know about us ><;
click to make it bigger


But srsly, is that 8-tan really going to be canon?  She's not terrible, but she's certainly a bit... ehhh...

She needs me to drink more before I think she's cool.  Hey, maybe I can get a part in her next risque movie...

I'm all for a new 8-tan if that one becomes canon.
One that's not a film director.
I hate film directors

Let's give her to Sony :p

DISCLAIMER:  Sony(R)(C)(TM) is a registered trademark of Sony International, INC(TM)(R)(C).  The author of this forum post, svx, does not represent Sony International, INC(TM)(R)(C), nor is he a representative of Sony International, INC(TM)(R)(C).  The words "Sony," "Playstation," "Satan," and "DISCLAIMER" are registered trademarks of Sony International, INC(TM)(R)(C), and may not be used in verbal or written communication without a contract written on a Sony laptop by a Sony representative on Holy Ground. Note: Holy Ground constitutes either:  A.  The mountain in Highlander where he jumps off and becomes immortal, or B.  Sony Headquarters, where prisoners are sent when they disobey Sony International, INC(TM)(R)(C).


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 18, 2011, 11:33:59 PM
but we recognize them ><; it's only fair we let them know about us ><;
Welp.. they were the ones that came up with this whole moe mascot business for the OSes. At least we're not stucking with lovable characters such as Clippy and, ugh... the Source Fource (WTF WITH MSFT MARKETING BACK THEN?!?!?!).

Now, there are other things that also influence the current situation. The bigger one would probably be the language barrier itself, with a second important one being the likely stereotyped perception that everything they do is thought of as "perverted" or "weird"... not that they don't help with the constant ecchi/ero material that flows into the internet.

If you (or anyone for that matter) want to promote the site, the first (and likely most influential) thing that one could do is register on pixiv (yes, nocaps) and upload images there with an link in the image and properly tag them to let them know "wtf am I seeing". Outside of that.... well... learn Japanese and try to find Japanese people that speak english. The same could be done for more international sites, such as deviantART, 4chan and Wakachan (they desperately need gijinka material, which is why it's usually Vocaflooded).

So yeah.. made a kinda' senseless post. Oh, and by the way... I didn't assume you were mad at all... I just like to make somewhat obvious statements based on what I know of Japanese people.
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 18, 2011, 11:33:59 PM
but we recognize them ><; it's only fair we let them know about us ><;
I don't recognize them, I'm not part of this we.
I honestly do not care which way they take their perceptions, though, that's their business.


Quote from: Krizonar on July 19, 2011, 12:22:39 PM
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 18, 2011, 11:33:59 PM
but we recognize them ><; it's only fair we let them know about us ><;
I don't recognize them, I'm not part of this we.
I honestly do not care which way they take their perceptions, though, that's their business.

I agree with Kriz.

Pixiv is very insular, OSC is very insular. Put two insular communities together and what do you get? Not a lot of - if any - communication. And I don't care.

Honestly, I'm much more torn up about OS-tan writers not getting enough exposure, even within our community. People seem to be under the asinine impression that "art" only constitutes VISUAL art, what's bright and colorful and can be taken in in a few seconds, and that the written word might as well be ignored. I'd be pissed, but I comfort myself with the knowledge that writers are always ignored in any artistic community, probably due to the fact that most humans have thimble-sized attention spans and things like reading, like, actually getting involved in a story, is far too taxing. So I don't take it personally.