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Merry Christmas!

Started by FFViper, December 25, 2006, 10:12:56 AM

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Yay!  Praised be Lord Buddha!!  ^v^

Thank you Panithan, I too wish you well in 2007!  ^__^

It's gonna be a special year for me,... you know why?  `v'


Be sure y'all give me presents now, ya hear.  Or I'll curse you with misfortune.  `.'

Added after 1 hours 37 minutes:

Quotewait... the pig has a consel?!?!?! ITS A SIGN OF THE END TIMES!! THE END IS NIGH!!!

Oh right, almost forgot.... ^___^

As the official Year of the Pig deity, I hereby declare that 2007 will not in fact represent the End of Times.  ^__^
Let the 2008 animal worry about that.  -v-'

True, I'm not much of a button-masher anymore, but I've always loved games that kept me active, such as Dance Dance Revolution and Taiko Drums.  To have a system that's built 100% around that notion is something of a dream come true.  ^___^


-_- its just not natural for a gamer to move much!  Its HERESY I say! Blasphemy!  Id call for all gamers to stand up in protest, but most would have to imediatly sit back down wheezing!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Wheeze, baby!!!  Wheeze!!!!  MWAHAHAHA!!!!  ^V^

I'm still hoping Blazing Angels will see the controller being used as a Flight Stick.  But at the moment, I'm more interested in getting my beloved Super Swing Golf ~Pangya!!  ^v^

...Wait a sec, it's not Xmas anymore....  
*sweatdrops*  Am I necroposting....?  '__'


bah. no... if it is, Jeff is necro-ing.
A little belated, but Jeff will point you to his holiday pic:

If jeff may add a little detail, it's not the year of the pig until the chinese new year on February 18, 2007. ^^


HAHAHA means your not safe yet PIG!!

-_- actually, I was dissappointed with blazing angels.. unless the wii version has something that makes it oh so much cooler, meh -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


QuoteLet the 2008 animal worry about that. -v-'

Which one do you mean - the Elephant or the Donkey?


Anyway, yinz may look forward to 2/18, but I look with dread toward 2/14, 3/14, and 3/15.

For every 2/14, I always forget to get a girlfriend (this is true)
For every 3/14, I always forget to get stuff for those who gave me something (even though I never get anything)
For every 3/15, I always get mugged by students armed with pens (never has happened, and probably never will)


SleepyD:  Another marvelous masterpiece!  Thank you much for sharing!  ^v^
She does indeed have a sweet and charming face.  ^__^

Captain:  Wii controller makes all games better.  ^__^


Well,... except for that Tony Hawk crap.  I feel asleep trying it at a friend's house.  -v-'

NewYinzer:  Elephant or donkey?  '__'
You're thinking too far ahead -- please direct all attention to the pig in front of you.


*points to snout*  Pig.  Feed the pig.  ^__^


*feeds pig*

In other news, Jerry Ford is dead. You might remember him from such movies as "It came from Michigan's 5th congressional district", "They Saved The House Minority Leader's Brain", "The Vice President of the United States Knows What You Did Last Night", "The President of the United States", "Revenge of the Republican Party Presidential nominee", "The Groovy Electric Chair of the G8", and "Nixon in 3-D".

*stops feeding pig*

Does anyone have any old news?


Does anyone have any new news?


Did anyone spend the night together?


I know i'm late but merry christmas and have a happy new year more os-tans/kun to come 2007


Better late than never!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, oh friendly anti-Trojan program that loves to bog down my work computer's system resources.  ^v^;

Don't forget to ask me for tips regarding e-Frontier's Poser.  ^.^

Newyinzer, I got news for you..... ^v^

"NewYinzer Stingy With Food!"  ^0^
It's on all the free papers and tabloids this morning besides the Ford thing... amazed you missed it.  -v-

Now then....  ^__^

*opens maw, awaiting more goodies*

Added after 28 minutes:

Oh, and btw,....

Better hurry up and post over in Wikipedia, or they'll delete all your hard work.  ^__^

I don't mind as much cause I have the Annex, but the reaction is somewhat Gestapo-like.  I can see now what Raffaele-san was talking about regarding it.  -v-'


*head a splodes*

It seems that things are kinda falling apart on Wikipedia. I think the list of OS-Tans article has grown to oversize proportions, too big for Wikipedia. How about we move the information and the avatars to an "About" page here on the website? Or create our own wiki?



Well, I sorta answered your question already on the "Project Wiki" thread.  ^___^


Honestly, Unless i can play the games with a normal controler, I wont get a wii. I hate that thing -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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