The "Old games I still like to play" thread

Started by Gussy Keniji, November 29, 2007, 08:47:25 PM

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I had a chance to get the N64 version for next to nothing, but it came down to either it or Paper Mario, so I went with what I knew I liked and had been wanting the longest



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I've had my N64 since November '97


been playin' N64 since i was 7 8)
making that.....99'.
bought it off my cousin when i was about 12, making that......about 04'.

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I still remember the 4 games I got with the system when my mom bought it for me:

- Diddy Kong Racing (The only one of these games I still have my original copy of)
- Mario Kart 64 (I had to replace my original copy because a dumbass friend spilled a drink on it when I let him borrow it, and he didn't even clean it up or tell me; leaving me to find a game with a badly water-damaged label and corroded connectors)
- F1 Pole Position 64 (I sold it off when Gamestop opened in my hometown. I should have chose Super Mario 64 instead of this...)
- MRC: Multi-Racing Championship (I sold it off when Gamestop opened because it got dull, due to having so few tracks)

Since I already talked about DKR a few years back in this topic, I may as well talk about Mario Kart.

Mario Kart 64 was the very first game I played on the N64, and the game that made me want that system badly. Coming off from an Atari 2600, the graphics and sound where a quantum leap forward; by comparison, it really felt like I was playing a cartoon. Many afternoons in the late '90s and early '00s where spent playing this game; my sister and I usually having grudge matches spanning across almost every track (Rainbow Road being one we went to a lot), with my dad occasionally joining in on the weekends.


i played family project;

it was the most detailed sim date game i ever played. i just hate the fact, like in real life, one decision ends up screwing someone else over.

example: there is a loli in the game where if you  dont choose her, she ends up becoming a sex slave, or killing herself.

i love the the game though.

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Alex_Reetz on May 28, 2011, 01:04:27 PM
example: there is a loli in the game where if you  dont choose her, she ends up becoming a sex slave, or killing herself.

i love the the game though.

Jesus, that is pretty harsh!

I've been playing a little bit of Pokemon blue which is nostalgic...


oh jeez, that's terrible!! ;^;

.....i still want it ;^;

@pentium: mariokart was one of the first games i played on N64 too. ^^ i actually wrote my first (and best, it was all downhill from there) poem about kalimari desert, which also held my time trial record (12 minutes). ^^

i rented diddy kong racing from the video store, and loved it. ^^ i need to get it at some point. :\

i should mention, though, that likely my favourite video game for the N64 would probably be Mario Party 3, all because of one event:

i was playing against 3 computer players, and it was the last turn. i was in dead last, no coins, no stars, only thing i had was a stopwatch(resets current turn to 5, no matter what turn it is) given to me by toad earlier in the game. as i stood there, disgruntled, i used the watch, saying, "let's do this over....and do it right."

i ended up dusting them all. 8)
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I remember having an experience like that in Mario Party 2. I was in last place when the last 5 turns came around, but everything started looking up when I was given 20 coins as a bonus for being in last place, which allowed me to buy a star and turn the entire game around and pull a close victory.


it's always awesome when you're the underdog, and yet you still win, isn't it? (no matter the game. -w-)
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Yeah. Feels good, man...also, on a unrelated note, if you ever get Diddy Kong Racing and find yourself stuck, just ask me for advice; I'm practically a walking encyclopedia on that game.

Anyway, another old game both my sister and I like is Bust-A-Move '99.

My sister and I where already familiar with the series because of Bust-A-Move 2, so when we saw there was a new one, we rented it quickly and played the crap out of it; engaging in several epic multiplayer matches over the years, such as the legendary 72-Hour War (A series of matches that began on a Friday one summer and, with time for breaks included, stretched out into Sunday morning before we decided to call it a draw because of how closely matched we where). Once the local Gamestop opened back in '04 and we found a copy of this game there, we where sold; ready to engage in more epic multiplayer matches...although none would ever come close to the 72-Hour War in length.


BUST A MOVE!!!!!!!! <33333333333

i LOVED that game when i was young. i rented it all the time from the local video store. when they started going under, i tried to find it, but it was gone. ;^;

just when i was about to buy one online, i went to a vintage game store and found a copy from my old video store!! i bought it on the spot (for about 10 bucks more than online), and, while it turned out to be from a different location that my local one, i'm really glad i have it. ^^

i also have a version of bust-a-move for the ps2. ^^
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The only versions of Bust-A-Move my sister and I own are '99; she had the N64 version, while I have the PlayStation version. I almost bought Bust-A-Move 4 a few weeks ago, but passed it up for the PSP port of the first Disgaea.


eh, there'll always be another time. ^^
the bust-a-move i got for the PS2 was pure chance; when my sister worked at gamestop, i helped during her shift one day, and in lieu of pay, the manager let me take one of the discount PS2 games home. ^^
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