OS-tan Collections

OS-tan discussions => OS-tan Talk => Topic started by: Chocofreak13 on September 27, 2008, 11:38:41 PM

Title: galleries?
Post by: Chocofreak13 on September 27, 2008, 11:38:41 PM
(idk if i can put this here, move if necessary)

galleries are down....i wanna see! anyone have an idea of when they're going back up? ;_;

g'night. (no one's here, and it's almost 12:45 xD)
Title: galleries?
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 28, 2008, 04:02:17 PM
Uwo. I didn't notice, nanito!?

This would probably go in the "Suggestions, opinions, problems" forum under Site Management, though, but good pointing it out.

No possible idea why this would be. Anyone, halp plox!?
Title: galleries?
Post by: icerain on September 28, 2008, 04:15:47 PM
LOL just noticed it When will galleries be back?
Title: galleries?
Post by: BraveFencer on September 28, 2008, 07:09:16 PM
yeah, they havent come back....
i want visit it!
Title: galleries?
Post by: C-Chan on September 29, 2008, 11:39:37 PM
As Nejin-san mentioned, feel free to ask in the Administrative threads, or consider even dropping Fedora-Tan a quick line.  It might be more encouraging for him to know that there are lots of people eager to see the Galleries back on line.
Title: galleries?
Post by: Odin Yggdrasil on September 30, 2008, 12:01:18 AM
Fedora-tan? You mean the one for Fedora 9 Linux? o.o

Awesome, you guys have made OS-tans for everything.

Hey does one exist for Amiga yet?

And I am hoping to see the galleries again soon too, I'm curious what all this is about and what they all look like in action.
Title: galleries?
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 30, 2008, 07:15:01 AM
Most likely pretty much every OS you've heard of before joining is already -tan'd. With Sempai and Bella and Aurora and the lot going on as they are, few things escape THE FURY, if you know what I mean. >_>
Title: galleries?
Post by: C-Chan on September 30, 2008, 12:19:08 PM
QuoteFedora-tan? You mean the one for Fedora 9 Linux? o.o

Awesome, you guys have made OS-tans for everything.  

Well actually, a RedHat-tan and Fedora-tan already existed in the Japanese boards many years ago -- and while I'm not sure which predates which, the artist known as Juzo-kun (she still has a DeviantArt page) also drew redesigns of several popular Linux-tans including Fedora-tan, but also Debian, Arch, Gentoo, Mandriva, etc.  

Hi, by the way.  Sorry I couldn't reply directly to your C-inspired greeting in the Introductions thread.  :P

Judging by your name, I wonder if you've ever used Yggdrasil Linux at one point.  -v-

QuoteHey does one exist for Amiga yet?

Since you're the first person in 1.5 years to have interest in an Amiga-tan, I'll just take this as Murphy's Law rearing its ugly head -- in other words, this is the worst possible moment for the galleries to be offline, depriving you of much Amiga, MorphOS, AROS and Commodore goodness....  -.-'

As Nejin-san said, we've done extensive work to try to represent all known Operating Systems in existence -- we're far from finished, but I believe we've covered extensive ground.  Just don't expect to see them passed around in the other image boards -- 99% of the time, what goes on in OS-tan Collections STAYS in OS-tan Collections.  -v-;

Here's a small [pun-intended] sample of a Mini Amiga and Fedora-tan drawn by the artist Infinity_Zero:

(http://ostan-collections.net/imeeji/albums/userpics/11498/mini463.jpg) (http://ostan-collections.net/imeeji/albums/userpics/11498/z064.jpg)

The Amiga-tan above is based on one of my designs for her, which after extensive search could quite possibly be the first Amiga OS-tan in existence.  I just can't drill the fact, though, since Amy the Squirrel is Amiga's first de facto mascot.  ^^;

As for Infinity_Zero, he's no longer around, but his legacy lives on in our small shrine for his uniquely standardized art style:


In lieu of the Galleries, threads like those will have to do.  -.-

QuoteAnd I am hoping to see the galleries again soon too, I'm curious what all this is about and what they all look like in action.

You and me both.  Don't forget to take my prior advice into account.

QuoteMost likely pretty much every OS you've heard of before joining is already -tan'd. With Sempai and Bella and Aurora and the lot going on as they are, few things escape THE FURY, if you know what I mean. >_>

So now we're a furious force of nature.  ^____^;

*sees activity progress at a snail's pace*

Right....  ^^;

Don't forget Siya, who draws all sorts of weird Linux and Unix-tans, or Gussy who turned lowly viruses into a whole new niche market.  ^^;

Etc etc...
Title: galleries?
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 30, 2008, 12:58:29 PM
Pretty much every active member of this place is doing something worthwhile here...except me. I'm just leeching. -w-
Title: galleries?
Post by: C-Chan on September 30, 2008, 01:24:07 PM
Well in fairness, you did draw DC++-tan, ne?  :P

Title: galleries?
Post by: Odin Yggdrasil on September 30, 2008, 05:16:00 PM
There are -tans for more than just OSs then?

Hey is there a CS3-tan yet? What does she look like?
Title: galleries?
Post by: Razgriz1 on September 30, 2008, 06:53:35 PM
Yes, I was wondering the same thing about the gallery.

When it first went down, I thought it said it would be up soon.

That was a few weeks ago though.