The point of this game is to make a wish, then the person below you grants it, but corrupts it in the process. Then you make a wish, and the person below grants it badly and makes his/her own wish. And so on.
Example:QuoteI wish for $1 million.
QuoteGranted, but it's in Monopoly money.
I wish for 2 brains.
QuoteGranted, but it fills up your head and you explode.
I wish for some sleep.
End example.Anyway, I wish for Firefox 4 to be released tomorrow.
(New forum games? New, AWESOME forum games? New, AWESOME forum games with Massive Lulz Guaranty?
The King of Games is pleased. Z'approval'd.)
Granted, but it's actually just a reskin of the latest Internet Explorer 8 beta.
Added after 45 seconds:
I wish to be a Moderator on 4Chan.
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"(New forum games? New, AWESOME forum games? New, AWESOME forum games with Massive Lulz Guaranty?
The King of Games is pleased. Z'approval'd.)
Granted, but it's actually just a reskin of the latest Internet Explorer 8 beta.
Added after 45 seconds:
I wish to be a Moderator on 4Chan.
But you would be mistaken for a tripfag because of some weird futaba glitch.
I wish they put women in Team Fortress 2.
(you forgot your "Granted"! THE WORLD IS DOOMED!!!)
Granted. The new class is called The Miner, who lays can guess the rest. -w-
I wish for Haruhi Season 2 to start airing...this thursday.
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"(you forgot your "Granted"! THE WORLD IS DOOMED!!!)
Granted. The new class is called The Miner, who lays can guess the rest. -w-
I wish for Haruhi Season 2 to start airing...this thursday.
Granted. Because of the short deadline it will feature static frames 80% and a "reading it for the first time dub".
I wish for a spin-off from Eternal Sonata featuring Viola.
Granted, but the game is for the 3DO. And it doesn't work because of DRM.
I wish for an online vacuum cleaner.
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Granted, but the game is for the 3DO. And it doesn't work because of DRM.
I wish for an online vacuum cleaner.
Granted. But it doesn't suck, literally.
I wish for Duke Nukem Forever to be delayed a few more years.
Granted, but a prequel called Duke Nukem: Dead End is being released Next Thursday.
I wish for Geass.
Granted, you get a fine, new Code Geass box set.
I wish I could fly.
Granted, but you are so happy with your wish you commit suicide.
I wish my site would instantly transfer to my new host.
Granted, but /i/ takes it over instantly and suddenly you have NO SITE AT ALL...
I wish for a complimentary loli and bottle of soda.
Granted, but the soda is poisoned.
I wish that I could have a chocolate sandwich that is mine, not poisoned, is invisible to anybody else, and not making me heavier.
Granted, but it's on pumpernickel bread. Eww!
I wish for a good wish idea.
Granted, but it's a bad idea to write it out...
I wish for a personal army...of catgirls.
Granted, but they have the intelligence and character of cats and you know what they say about herding cats...
I wish that I would no longer need to sleep without it affecting my health negatively and without me feeling tired anymore.
Granted, you now have too much time and you go mad.
I wish I actually had a use for Windows Home Server.
Granted, but as soon as you want to set it up for the use, a Tux spears you *looks cuddly and innocent*
I wish my craptop would work faster.
Granted. You overclock it and it fries after about an hour.
I wish I could understand Japanese.
Granted, but you forget your native language and other ones, you might know.
I wish my craptop would work again.
It works...but it's EVEN SLOWER than before, and all it ever does is rickroll people over ipconfig.
...I wish to know how the HELL that would be done, by the way...
Granted, but it's a secret too horrible for humankind to bear. You take it to your grave. Now.
I wish my site didn't go down before I was able to finish reconfiguring everything.
Granted, it now goes down just as you finish reconfiguring anything. However, you weren't able to save the settings and the last backup is from Last Thursday so yeah, you're even more screwed now.
I wish for Norwegian to stop sounding so damn silly.
Granted, but now your native language sounds silly instead.
I wish my PHP config allowed me to upload files bigger than 2MB.
(By the way, my last backup was yesterday)
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Granted, but /i/ takes it over instantly and suddenly you have NO SITE AT ALL...
/i/ - Oekaki?
Never been to the other *chans, have you?
Well, let's just say. ED is not your friend, but it's damn right more friendly than /i/ ever was. THE I IS FOR INVASIONS, LULZ (
In short, /i/ is the Raid board.
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Never been to the other *chans, have you?
Well, let's just say. ED is not your friend, but it's damn right more friendly than /i/ ever was. THE I IS FOR INVASIONS, LULZ (
In short, /i/ is the Raid board.
But 4chan in THE chan!
I know there's an /i/nvasion somewhere else, but I wanted to give a shot at lulz, guess I failed.
On my way of becoming an hero -->
QuoteI wish my PHP config allowed me to upload files bigger than 2MB.
(By the way, my last backup was yesterday)
Granted. But they get garbled on their way to the server.
I wish to know what Max is thinking.
(Bonus points for getting the reference and answering correctly)
Grated, but he wants to kill you.
I wish I could live forever.
Granted, but it gets boring after awhile and you run out of things to do, so you stay home and become a couch potato.
I wish for someone to grant this wish.
granted, but your computer crashes before you can see that
I wish hat I was twice as smart as I am now.
Granted, but Hat I is now your sworn arch-enemy. And you have no weapons.
I wish that I could connect my brain to the interwebs.
Granted, but you electrocute yourself in the process.
I wish Pidgin was more fully-featured.
Granted, now it needs 3 GB of RAM ;)
I wish that I was perfectly healthy.
Granted, but in order to be so you have to eat nothing and drink only water for the rest of your life.
I wish I was an uber h4x0r.
Quote from: "icerain"Grated, but he wants to kill you.
I wish I could live forever.
*TF2 sad medley*
It was "Granted, but he's thinking about nothing at all" or something like that, as in the game.
QuoteI wish I was an uber h4x0r.
Granted, but you can only hack in Cobol.
I wish I had a wish.
Granted, but you blow it on something stupid you wish you didn't have later, and you blew your only wish so you're stuck with it.
I wish I was at Taco Bell.
Granted. You are now inside the taco bell. Everything stinks of old rotten tortillas and the time is 11:59.
I wish my melatonin pills had funny side effects.
Granted. It causes you to become addicted to melatonin pills, and you run out.
I wish the torrent I'm downloading now would go faster.
Granted, but your network adapter will explode in ten seconds. Have fun.
I wish I had a deathstar in miniature.
Granted, but a miniature Luke Skywalker blows it up and causes your room to catch fire.
I wish that I could draw better.
Granted, but your mom catches you drawing hentai.
I wish the TOS I'm writing for my site would write itself.
Granted, but they will write themselves in Ancient Tibetian.
I wish that my clothes would never get dirty or get smelly, thus eliminating my need to do the washing ever again!
Granted, but in order to do so, your clothes become radioactive. You get cancer.
I wish Taco Bell didn't screw up my order earlier.
Granted, but the ones who fixed that was Anon, so naturally you get ALL of the town's pizza delivery boys camping at your door.
I wish for post to be delivered on sunday.
Granted. You get "Mail on Sunday" by Flo Rida instead of your PC.
I wish that this unnecessary phone jack was out of my room.
Granted. You know have a combined TV/Phone/LAN jack instead, which you HAVE to use. And to top it off, whenever the phone calls, the internet connection breaks off.
I wish there wasn't so much stuff I'd have to transfer over to DELTA...
Granted. You lose all your files.
I wish LHR development was never canceled.
Granted, but the head of every department will be George Bush.
I wish that you didn't loose those 2 or 3 darts from the nerf guns the first time you use them.
Granted. I shove the darts up your rear so they don't get lost.
(By the way, LHR never had departments xD)
I wish I had every song ever written on my hard drive and a hard drive big enough to hold all that plus everything I have on my PC now.
Granted. Hard drive number one is overfilled, crashes and burns. Hard drive number two is 1x1 meter in size and when you attempt to mount it on your computer you drop it and both of them break. No hope of recovery.
I wish could hear Sonar!
Granted. It's really irritating and you get headaches.
I wish that the TV in here would break so my mom buys a new one.
Granted, but the new one is black and white and tiny!
I wish I'd understand the concept of threaded code.
Granted but you don't understand anything else.
I wish my life was more awesome.
Granted. You go insane and now look like an idiot because you think your job as a janitor is an adventure.
I wish I had fewer windows open.
Granted your PC bluescreens, killing all applications!
I wish MS would go bankrupt.
Granted. But the world ends because the 90% or so of computer users who use Windows go crazy and destroy the earth.
I wish for Windows 7 to have the Ribbon.
Granted, it however does not support colors.
I wish, that I could access my subconscious via a command line :)
Granted, but you get bored and see what "format" does.
I wish for a bigger house.
Granted, but your house has no running water or proper heating or cooling.
I wish I had eternal youth.
Granted. You're now stuck as a newborn baby forever.
I wish my hosting account was unsuspended.
Granted but all your other accounts are suspended.
I wish I were a fish!
Granted. You forget to wish that you were in water.
I wish for more MSN accounts.
Granted, but the "MSN IS NO LONGER FREE" chainmail finally reaches M$ and comes true. Sucks to be you.
I wish for micro-phones. (not microphones.)
The world is given Tiny phones, they are all rotary.
I wish for an action packed adventure with Christopher Walken.
Granted. A one way trip to no-where island with Christopher Walken (a 65 years old retired mailman from Ohio).
I wish to have powers like Spiderman.
Granted. You can now spew your idiotic "How-did-i-shot-web-wtfbbq!?" spam all over the interweb. Have fun.
I wish for a rail gun.
Granted, but the first time you try to use it you load the rail in the wrong direction and it gives you a few new piercings and a nice scar to boot.
Granted. You didn't tell me it was supposed to work properly, though, so it malfunctions on the first try and explodes in your face. -w-
I wish for...a yellow submarine.
Granted, but without the Beatles to control it you accidentally go too deep on your first dive and it implodes.
I wish I was an Angel.
As you utter the wish, you stumble slightly upon your tongue, forming the word "had" instead of "was". Your punishment is an infinite assault of an old, crappy Nightwish song.
I wish wishing was illegal. Highly.
Granted, you get sent to jail for making that wish since statute of limitations is 90 days, during which time old cases may be brought back up.
I wish I had my own research facility.
Granted. It explodes when you enter.
Added after 30 seconds:
I wish I had a very large chunk of meat. On a stick.
Granted, but the meat in question is roast human.
I wish I had cybernetic implants.
Granted. I implant them and hack into them the moment I'm finished. Now it REALLY sucks to be you. -w-
(and what was that? Roast human tastes like chicken, you know! delicious. try harder!)
I wish for world peace...AS IF.
Granted, we send all humans to Jupiter so that the planet earth can have peace. Until Monkeys evolve into humans anyway.
I wish I had the ability to make something happen just by wishing it.
Granted. However, you do not know yourself how to use it, or even THAT you have it. OSHI-HARUHI~
I wish for a car running at 2.4 jiggawatts.
Granted, however in order to start the engine you must load Plutonium into it.
I wish I was Haruhi ~_~
Granted. You are now trapped inside my avatar, and cannot get out.
I wish for a 100" LCD screen, FULL RESOLUTION.
Granted. You now have your 100 inch LCD television with full resolution but your pet enter the house and scratches the screen and your warranty is void because it do not cover "The will of pets" XD
I wish for a 60gb model of the ps3 with FULL backwards compatibility
Granted, however it's power supply burns up within the first five minutes of running, and the warranty does not cover power problems.
I wish I was a woman.
Granted. You are now a woman who wishes she was a man, and you can't change back, haha. ^^
I wish I could see the misery of every single human on the planet, for maximum enjoyment.
Granted, however you soon go insane because you can't stop seeing it, and there is nothing you can do to help those people.
I wish I could control the weather.
Granted, but you can only control it to create vicious hurricanes...and it's veeery hard not to. >:3
(also, I am insane, so I need not worry. -w-)
I wish for an exoskeleton with a built-in adrenaline synthesizer and injector.
Granted, however the Plutonium that powers it is exceedingly difficult to get, and you can't use it for more than one hour a month due to radiation exposure from it's power core.
I wish I had an android.
Granted. It arrives in a package while you're on vacation, and it's only got an operating capacity of 2 weeks, then it breaks. So when you come home, you're android-less, AGAIN.
I wish for an unstealable bike.
Granted, however it gets rained on and the special theft-proof metal it was made out of melts because of the water.
I wish Haruhi was one of my classmates.
Granted, but with one sad part: INSTANT BAD END.
I wish for my own personal dimension, accessible anywhere, with a combined over-sized fridge/freezer.
Granted, however restrictions on transporting objects from one dimension to the other means that you cannot bring any food, beverage, clothing, electronics, or other items with you and can only make the transition from one dimension to the other while fully nekkid.
I wish I had a bottle of wine.
Granted. However, you didn't specify the kind of wine. You now have a yo-ho and a bottle of rum. From the 17th century.
I wish for a storm of PM's.
Granted, however whoever sent them spammed the whole site and it gets taken down for repairs.
I wish I had a brain.
Granted. You now have two, and your neural system isn't made for dual-core, so it crashes.
I wish I had a processor built-in inside my brain, and working together with it.
Granted, but you run into a dilemna experienced by the BORG unit 7 of 9, where you have downloaded too much information for your processor to handle and your brain just about implodes from trying to sort it out.
I wish I had a 68HC11 CPU and bluetooth reciever in my head.
(Btw 68HC11 is the descendant of the Motorola 68000 CPU used in the Apple IIe, it is such a low-power and off-beat CPU that viruses etc for it don't exist, and coding is done in good old assembly.)
Granted. However you get allergic reactions from the bluetooth part, and you DIE from brain cancer.
I wish for a mostly harmless planet.
Granted, you get Pluto. However expect a very high energy bill to heat your home, because with evening temperatures approaching absolute zero it's kind of cold outside.
I wish I had lots of cookies.
Granted. Your web browser crashes from the sheer amount.
I wish I had a huge, rolling ball.
Granted, you also forgot to wish for something.
I wish I had Vis-tan sitting on my lap.
Mind if I join?
GRANTED, but then you have pain over your legs since she also bring your pc to sit on your lap.
I wish I meet Aliens
Granted, but they're invisible, smell really bad and make strange sounds. IE, it's more like meeting a sentient fart.
I wish I could time-warp to Monday...
Granted, but you take a wrong turn and ends up in monday year 1000 B.C.
I wish I had a full scale 1/1 Gundam
Granted, however it requires plutonium pellets as an energy source since Nuclear is about the highest energy density that is practical and they only last about 10 minutes.
I wish I had a device to upload myself into Windows with. Dancing with XP-tan lol.
Granted, but your cyber-molecular structure breaks down and you are deleted within two days.
I wish I had a PET (PErsonal Terminal) from the Rockman.EXE series.
Granted, but it's got a broken card slot. -w-
I wish I had...hell, it's my birthday today! I can wish for whatever I want, can't I? So, I want the entire server this place is hosted on, wrapped in LOTS of ribbons.
Of topic for a while
Happy Birthday NejinOniwa. May you live a long and happy life.
Back to topic
Granted, but since the timing is tight, the project is suspended untill next year. (Hope nobody gone for whale hunting me for this joke)
I wish today is raining (It's so damn hot these days)
Granted, but it never stops raining and you drown.
I wish I had a functioning Duel Disk.
Granted, but in the crossfire of your first live-ammo duel it gets destroyed.
I wish I had more Vis-tan pics.
^okay you have 2 new Vis-tan photos that fill your hard drive
I wish had more mudkips in my days
-Dos, Meow
Granted. I put you inside a pokeball, one which is filled with mudkips. However I then get killed in a car accident, and nobody realizes you are in that pokeball and lets you out.
Thus you end up spending your life trapped in a pokeball with lots of mudkips.
I wish I had more pics of XPMCE-tan
Granted, but the .zip file contains an internet-armageddon type virus.
I wish I had a sword...
Granted. I sword your eye and leave it there. You now have a sword. In your eye. Fancy, eh?
I wish I had a calculator that could divide by zero.
Granted. Get a Ti-89 Titanium. It divides by zero no problem, simply displaying infinity.
I wish I had my own aircraft.
Granted, during its maiden voyage you inadvertently go back in time to 1920.
I wish I had some pizza...
Granted, but it was ordered for C.C and you must now join forces with Britannia and defeat the black knights, and do so before C.C eats it on you
I wish I had a Geass.
Granted. But because of abusive use, your geass goes out control.
I wish I can stop time.
Granted, but it is a geass and your time gets stopped as well- meaning excessive use would kill you.
I wish I had someone to love.
Gran- HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! Screw you! You think you'd EVER? Stay in your closet, nobody wants you!
.../b/ sends its compliments -w-
I wish Lots of it. Come on, give me your worst.
Granted, but it snows in the summer and you get buried by freak 30 ft. drifts and die.
I wish that I had Portal.
Granted, but because you're still alive you find that your need to keep living gives you absolutely no time to ever play it, and by the time you finally get that chance you're dead.
But there's no sense crying over every mistake.
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
And when the science gets done
Then you make a neat gun
for the people who are still alive
I wish I was a Windows Operating System -tan.
Granted, but then you meet Virus-Tan, infected and have to be treated by no other than the Dr Norton (AKA Ero Jiji).
I wish a Big Black Forest Cake.
Granted. It crushes you.
I wish that I had gold. Lots of gold.
Granted. You have a huge pile of gold, but it's inside a cave with a raging dragon, and YOU have no weapons whatsoever, nor any exit. Good luck, mate.
I wish for MOAR FOOD.
Granted, however it tastes like sand and is most likely nothing more than pure concentrated nutrients.
I wish I was a cyborg.
Granted, but your implants break, and you can't move because you weigh too much.
Granted. You get banned.
I wish for a good movie version of either Pendragon or Artemis Fowl.
Granted but it's a limited edition direct to DVD so limited infact that they only make one and it's possessed by an insane fanatic who wants to keep it in mint condition and never opens it or shows it to anyone.
I wish someone makes an OS-tan anime.
Granted. It's very good, but 4Kids gets the dubbing rights and turns it into crap. And the original Japanese episodes are never uploaded to Youtube.
I wish for OS-tans in the real world.
Granted, they all turn into porn stars because Microsoft decides that Windows should be sold purely by it's sex appeal and not it's quality.
(I blame Vis-tan)
I wish I had XPMCE-tan sitting on my lap.
Ummm, actually, I probably wouldn't mind that...
Granted. She crushes your legs.
I wish that I had a D-Wheel. Or, in America, it is known as a Duel Runner.
Why can't 4Kids leave things alone?
Granted, 4kids gets taken off the air entirely for poor ratings because people can't understand the Japanese voices without subtitles to translate, and the new shows put in that block are crappy soap operas.
I wish I had XPMCE-tan on my lap, and she isn't so heavy as to crush my legs. (I've had heavier on them before, as in 300+ lb of bagged shelled corn, and they're fine. A real woman that size would only be between 170 and 200 lbs.)
Well, you took one of my accidental 2-in-one wishes.
Granted. She pours acid in your mouth to 'freshen' your breath.
I wish that I were a Traveler.
Granted. You get eaten by the Traveling Monster as soon as you kick in your first door.
(ok, just couldn't resist. bonus points to anyone who gets it.)
Granted. *chains you to a huge stereo system that only plays AvenueQ songs, and ships you to some ugly girl who lives in Canada*
Incidentally, take good care of her she is my evil ex. She'd just as soon kill you as kiss you.
I wish the wind would stop howling and shaking the house so I could get some sleep.
Granted. The wind instead pushes your house over.
I wish that we hadn't elected Barack Obama, in America.
Granted. You get elected and shot in his place.
I wish for snow and ice.
Granted. You are teleported to Antarctica, whlie wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
I wish that I had an Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device.
Granted, however in the process of doing what you must because you can, you get killed.
For the good of all of us,
except the ones who are dead.
But there's no sense crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake
And when the science gets done
then you make a neat gun
for the people who are still alive
I wish I knew what that song was really from, all I know is that it is related to Portal and is the song Valve: Still Alive
Granted. Your brain explodes because of too much knowledge.
Actually, that is part of the first verse. The song, Still Alive, is the end credits and is apparently a concluding report about Chell.
I wish that I could interact with the OS-tans.
Granted, however you find that you cannot get back out of the computer you climbed into in search of sexy Vis-tan, and are soon captured by Dr. Norton as a suspected virus. He then proceeds to delete you from your toes up.
I wish I knew what game that was from and had the system it ran on.
Granted, LOLOLOLOLOL WINDOZE. Your mind breaks. Roll a d20 for initiative...if you DARE!
Granted, but you suddenly realize when you see sporks walk, talk, play and realize that you have also become a spork.
I wish I have a cat robot with time machine.
Granted, however it claws you from 10,000BC to 3001AD because it goes back and forth through time with each claw stroke.
I wish I had GLaDOS-tan to play with.
I wish for...err...a gingerbread man. Who regenerates his gingerbread after I munch on his arms.
Granted. He eats you alive while you sleep for revenge.
I wish that Clippit (the f***ing paperclip from MS Office) would be in real life, to annoy everyone else.
Granted. However he does your job so much better than you, that you get fired.
I wish I had more of the vintage OS(-tans) for my museum computers.
Granted, but for some odd reason they go viral, infest a floppy and infect all your computers. So now even your NEW comps have old OS'es, good going there.
I wish for broken noses dealt out at the markets.
Granted. *sells you a baseball bat with a RFID tracking tag so the cops know whose it is*
I wish I had bought PORTAL sooner. *just got it tonight and is installing it now*
oooh, what a delightfully original cynical concept. May I try? ^o^
*Granted* but it cost more than you life savings causing you to take out a variable rate, sub-prime loan whose interest is more than you could possibly make, driving you to, in desparation, take hostage the US President causing mass pandemonium giving the Australia its' chance to invade and conquer
I wish time was measured with a Ten base. (ie ten hours per day, ten days per week, etc. )
Granted, however since you sleep 8 hours a day and work 5 days a week, you're shoved into MASSIVE PIME TARADOX and divide yourself by zero.
I wish I could freckin' PURIFY computers of filth.
Granted. The first one to purify is your own brain, which is by definition a computer as well despite it's synaptic technology instead of silicon. It has become infected with malware, viruses, and general crap (like impure thoughts) over the years and must be reformatted.
I wish I had a Flux Capacitor
*Granted* but it has the capacitance of 1×10^âˆ'19 Farads.
I wish my collocation server hadn't been destroyed
^okay you server move to new york and get rob by Al Gore
I wish for some blacken catfish
-Dos, Meow
Granted. Unfortunately your specimen is mutated and has grown legs and lungs. It eats you whole.
I wish for an universal remote EVERYTHING.
*Granted* but it turns out "EVERYTHING" is an obscure name-brand for outdated servos that no longer work.
I wish for a better public transportation system.
Granted, but the power stations distributing to the rail powerlines aren't juicy enough to handle you end up with electric failures every second day, and a LOT of pissed people.
(actually, this is an RL example of Stockholm's public transportation since they upgraded the trains...they draw too much juice out of the system >_>)
I wish for an hero, that is not me.
*Granted* but you realize HERO stands for Heathkit Educational RObot an educational robots sold by Heathkit during the 1980s.
I wish for a better office environment
Granted, but you'll have to wait until 2010 before the smell of the pesticides Anticimex threw in to fade away.
I wish for...err...more poster ranks, haha.
*Granted* but they all have exactly the same name. ^v^
I wish I were a competent programmer
Granted, but the only language you can use is Brainfuck/[url].
(yes, that IS a programming language)
I wish my computer would vacuum clean itself. (
Granted. The vacuum's motor is so hot that it fries your computer.
I wish that card games could be played with holograms.
*Granted* but the holograms gain sentience and declare a holy war against biological life forms declaring "All life is photonic"
I wish I was omniscient
Granted, but in order to store all of them, your head became so large, it don't fit when you pass a door anymore
I wish the concorde will fly again
*Granted* but it's not particularly useful for a Metro Station ( to fly.
I wish for greater forum membership retention.
Granted, however the forum soon experiences a catastrophic server failure and all is lost.
Fear not however, for servers are relatively easy to obtain.
I wish the cake was not a lie.
Granted. You get to the cake and eat some, but you realize that you should have listened to GLaDOS's blue sphere, who was spouting the recipe, and die of poisoning.
I wish that I had Shadow Card Game Powers.
Granted. You end up getting consumed by them, and are exorcised as a demon without having accomplished anything else.
I wish I had GLaDOS-tan as my laptop's operating system. She can't get out of it if I disable it's wireless, and would be effectively trapped in there only able to cuss at me on screen.
*Granted* but you forget to disable bluetooth whereby she jumps to a innocent passerby's phone and then, through a series of complex jumps and invasion she infiltrates the tactical computers of the worlds superpowers and launches every tactical missile towards you in retribution.
I wish I had the debug codes to life. ^v^
Granted, but all codes are caps-sensitive, and since you need to enable CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL to use them, you can't use a single one.
I wish I had a Capslock Pillow.
Granted. However it breaks from being abused too much, and leaves a mess of feathers all over the place.
I wish I had an XP-tan pillow.
Granted. However it breaks from too much RAE-*gets carried off by riot squad*
I wish that I AM IRON MAN.
Granted. However you soon run out of oil and get stuck in the middle of nowhere, and by the time you are found you no longer are functional and get tossed into a furnace as scrap metal.
I wish I had a 1TB Hard Drive. *has capped 2x 250GB Hard Drives storing Anime*
Granted. However it will only work with a Commodore 64.
I wish nekosaka had made a wish <_<
I wish I had made a wish too...
Well, you apparently broke that wish yourselves, so I don't need to do much, now do I? Har har.
Granted, but it comes in the form of a cycling multi-phasic subspace implosion/explosion on Christmas Eve which eliminates all sentience, thus eliminating the concept of Christmas.
I wish server updates would go smoothly.
Granted, but then techsupport comes to hunt you down for putting them out of a job by making things work too smoothly.
I wish more people would post.
Granted, but the only people who post guessed it. THE WAVE OF SUMMER NEWFAGS FROM 4CHAN!
I wish for the existence of Fart Perfume.
(i wonder what you'll do with this one, folks -w-)
Granted. It actually does exist and has a most foul smell. However I get a can of it first and outright douse you in it, along with your furniture and your entire bedroom. Enjoy, because it doesn't wash out easily.
I wish I had more cake.
Granted. It's poisoned, and has crystals of sulphuric acid instead of strawberries. Good riddance.
Granted, however it will be Two Minutes to MIDNIGHT! before it is ready because you have to cook it yourself.
I wish I didn't have to go to work at 8AM tomorrow.
Granted. Due to special extra stuff and overloaded workmates, you'll go to work at 5 AM, and work 'til MIDNIGHT. Suck on that teat, baby boy!
I wish I had a machine that could turn create a J-Techno-remix copy of ANYTHING.
Granted, but it breaks after the first use.
I wish I didn't have such lame comebacks.
Granted. You lose the ability to come back at all, so you're gonna stay FOREVER side. Go away, you smell. Ew.
I wish for a house like THIS.
Granted, but then I eat your house...and you in the process (Mmmmm...)
I wish for an increase in the level of cowbell in my life
Granted. YOU are now the cowbell. Enjoy your morning, midday, supper, evening and nightly RAPE.
I wish for others unconnected to me to become affected piss!
Granted. However they realize you wished for it, and you find yourself assaulted by numerous people with large knives.
I wish I had a Lightsaber.
Granted. You just have to use the force to pick it up and cut yourself down from the icicle before the creature tears you apart. I hope you actually have the force...
I wish I could slow down time, go temporarily insane, and go about slaying any opponents in the room, at will.
Granted. However, there are no possible opponents within a 5-mile(metric) radius, and your time-slow is effective for only two minutes. I hope you find a car that fast, otherwise, well, good going.
I wish for bagloads of silver.
Granted, but it turns back into lead within an hour of receiving it.
I wish my sister's roommate didn't wreck my copy of Mario Kart 64
Granted. He/She wrecks the N64 instead.
I wish that I had a Nintendo Wii.
Granted, in a bizzare twist of fate it gets the Red Ring of Death an hour after you start using it.
I wish I had a 1TB Hard Drive.
Granted, but it's filled with garbage files that can't be deleted, leaving you with only 50KB of free space.
I wish I had a new memory stick for my PSP
granted, but it had a virus on it that bricks your PSP.
I wish for world peace :p
Granted. Every human being grows bored of it within a year, and, being unable to start war, they kill themselves until the system is totally wiped out and anarchy rules the world. Good riddance.
I wish for dualscreen in puppy linux...
Granted, but every second monitor you attach spontaneously catches fire...
I wish i had a nuclear bunker...
Granted. It has a lifetime supply of plutonium in it. You did ask for a 'nuclear' bunker.
I wish for telekinetic powers.
Granted, but you have yet to learn how to use them and no-one alive can teach you...
I wish i had 25 billion Euros
Granted. Due to massive inflation from massive amounts of new printed money, all you can buy with it is a loaf of mold formerly know as bread.
I wish for gold, much gold.
granted, however it is delivered to you in the form of pre-pentium processors... have fun prying it from the silicon... :D
I wish i had a couple of klingon friends...
Granted. However, they are your friends only under the condition that the free-of-charge Borg Cube in the package is wiped out. Good luck with that, Redshirt.
I wish for a torrent of seeders.
Granted.........Literally! have fun with the shitload of people pouring down on you... :D
I wish for a keyboard and mouse...
Granted, but they are too old you work with your PC.
I wish my main desktop had more then 380MB of RAM.
Granted...Your desktop now has 1MB more than 309485009821345068724781056TiB (~16 exbibytes) of RAM wich even a 128bit processor cant even handle...Oh and it's stuck to your system so you can't remove it...
I wish for a new PC...
Granted. You get an IBM PC from 1986. It's 8MHz 8-bit 80088 CPU and newly upgraded 64kb of high speed RAM is sure to satisfy any computing task you may have. And now for a limited time only you can have an 8MB hard drive to store your software on for the low low price of $1500.
Happy Computing.
I wish I had another 1TB hard drive.
Granted, but it has no connectors whatsoever...
I wish i had a private jet...
Granted, however it needs a new engine due to birds getting sucked into the turbines.
I wish I had a Delorian.
Granted, but like a true DeLorean, it breaks down all the time and given the fact that it's a rare car you can't find any spare parts for it...(that wish doesn't need breaking :D)
I wish i had a LandRover...
Granted, but the transmission is busted, the color of the passenger door doesn't match the color of rest of the SUV, the windshield is missing, and the radio only picks up AM stations (No CD, cassette, and/or 8-Track player avaliable).
I wish I had some kind of time machine (You a TARDIS?)
Granted. You get a Delorian that was converted into a time machine by one Dr. Emmet Brown. However you need more Plutonium for it, and it needs a new starter and battery along with some maintaince so it doesn't stall so much.
I wish I had a Plutonium pellet.
Granted but the pellet is considered a Weapon of Mass Destruction, and America has been notified...
I wish i had a can of Coke(r)... (sometimes a simple wish is best)
Granted. However it's empty.
I wish I had a gigabit switch and matching NICs for my PCs.
Granted, however every cable you insert into either one of them, breaks...
I wish I was a L33t programmer...
Granted, but you also lose the use of your hands...
I wish I knew Thai Kickboxing...
Granted, but you find yourself in a match against a huuge greased up kickboxer.
I wish I had bacon in my fridge...
Granted. However, your oh-so-annoying neighbor, the legendary vego-ninja, dislikes you eating that, and pounces you from behind. Enjoy your spine fracture.
I wish I had a Terabit connection to the internet...
granted, but the internet stops at the day you go online...
I wish i was a cyborg...
Granted, but you can't move because your power supply is broken.
I wish I was exactly 169 centimeters tall.
granted, but the metric system undergoes major change and 1CM is now 2 microns...
I wis i knew what to wish... (a hard one, but doable...)
Granted. You wished for nothing, and moments after this post you think of something wonderful to wish for.
I wish I didn't lag so much in this MMO.
Granted, but you forget all your computer skills...
I wish i had bullet-time
Granted. However, the bullet caliber you chose was too low to be of any use. Enjoy your b&.
I put in pizza...
You get C.C from Code Geass. However because you got your threads mixed up, she now gives you the geass of heightened english skills. Congratulations Dr. Nejinn, you lecture at Cambridge tomorrow at noon.
I wish I had C.C waiting for me at home.
granted, but she thinks you cheated on her, and she's pissed...
I wish i had Code Geass on DVD...
Granted, you have your stomach.
Enjoy your stomach operation.
I wish for OVER 9000 GET.
Granted, but you have to hear Mario saying "Yes! I got a Star!" over 9,000 times.
I wish I had a legit, complete-in-box copy of Windows 2000
Granted, but it's sealed so good in mylar, you can't open it....
(Boy will this backfire on me if that was what you wanted)
I wish i had a Jaguar XJS...
Granted. But the first time you try to drive it, you end up going head on against a tree and it is effectively sliced in half by the tree's abnormally strong trunk.
I wish I had a Delorian DMC-12
Granted but every time you try to open the door, it time-travels 5 mins to the future....
I wish i had a wheel of brie...
Granted. But the Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin
Don't know where I'll be tomorrow
I wish I had my own MMORPG to run an official server for.
Granted, but for some reason nobody will ever know about it...
I wish i could tell the future...
Granted. However you accidentally see your own death one day while playing with your newfound 6th sense because you die in a most horrible manner that cannot be prevented (incurable diseases ftw), you end up losing your sanity and in a drunken rampage have sex with a person who gives you said incurable disease. Thus, you have now tasted firsthand what the power of self-fulfilling prophecy is like.
I wish I COULDN'T make prophecies like that and have them be correct from time to time.
Granted, but the times they are correct they are horible, and the rest of the time, insanely boring...
I wish i were good at drawing...
Granted, but it's so good it rolls back over into being bad.
I wish I had the 2nd series of Haruhi Suzumiya on DVD before anyone else in the world.
You get it, but the package is smashed and covered with bird crap.
I wish for a fish, not just any fish, a magical fish.
Granted, but the health inspector deems it unsafe and confiscates it to be destroyed...
You didn't make a wish.
I wish for a trout of doubt.
(aaah, crap!)
Granted, but you start doubting that it´s really a trout of doubt, instead of a doubting trout, or even a trout, wich ruins it for you and you end up having it eaten by doubting cats...
I wish my keyboard a cted normally again...
Granted. However this normality is outdated, making it act like a keyboard from the 80's.
I wish I had one of those freaky, circular Mac mouse, for who knows what reason.
Granted, but the button is messed up so it only worked half of the time.
I wish I was a Time Lord. That would be awesome
Granted, but you mess up time and the universe ceases to exist.
I wish I had a windows computer.
Yea- ah- mnaeh- gaeh..., you don't. ಠ_à²
I wish I could make THIS ಠ_ಠface. Like, ASCII plastered all over my face.
I wish my head would stop hurting.
Granted. All your nerve cells in your head stop transmitting information.
Enjoy being brain-dead.
I wish I had a .txt file with ALL weird unicode signs.
Granted, but a HDD failure leaves you with no computer because that file was actually a virus code.
I wish I wasn't braindead.
Granted. You now have high blood pressure, 100V of electricity running through your limbs and a foot made of WEEDS.
Also, someone stuffed your bed full of WET MAID OUTFITS.
Congratulations on your getting...whatever THAT condition is called. >_>
I wish for a bath filled with the blood of 500 /b/tards.
(I mean, it's not like anyone will miss them, except their basements)
Granted, but you get every sexual STD known to man.
I wish for a new mouse.
Granted. It's got a tail, eyes, teeth and brings its 50 friends with it. Enjoy your crap-filled house.
I wish for a desecrated cremation urn.
You get it.
I wish my nose would blow up.
Granted. Your house is now overflooding with miniature Dostojevskij's that materialized in the explosion, hooray.
I wish for a piece of Chopin...
You get chopped up.
I wish my puns didn't suck so much.
Granted. Your puns now have no mouth to suck with, meaning your mouth gets taken as well. Enjoy muteness and starvation, lawl.
I wish for torrents of snow.
Granted but the seed fails.
I don't know shit about torrents lol
I wish my mac would stop going LOL BEACHBALL OF DEATH
Granted. You are suddenly teleported to the beach. It is now going LOL BEACHBALL OF BEACH, have fun with that. Oh, also, lots of sand, be careful~
I wish for magical grapefruit seeds.
Granted, but they won't grow.
I wish this wasn't a posting fight now.
Granted. I summon candleja
oh cra
I wish the world didn't just explode because you didn't make a wish.
Granted, the world implodes....
I wish i had instant noodles...
Granted, they're nasty.
I wish I was dying a horrible death.
Granted. An unsuspecting hero comes in and saves you.
I wish I had a new date.
Granted, but it's a dried date. Yum.
I wish the internet didn't exist.
Granted. However then OS-tans would also cease to exist becuase they were created on the internet, and so would many other things you love.
I wish I had more game OSTs to listen to.
Granted, but they don't exist because the internet doesn't exist.
I wish the internet existed.
I don't think I could live without the OS-tans.. -sob-
Granted. However, the second internet is just like 4chan /b/ - ALL OF IT.
Enjoy your ocean of piss.
Granted, but guitars are outlawed, punishable by death...
I wish my mouse wasn't so screwy
Granted, now the mouse is always screwing your hand, ew.
I wish my nose was cleared.
Granted, your nose is cleared...for launch, that is. TO MARS. 10-9-8-SEE YA!
Granted, now it's Cerberus, barking at you from the door of hell.
I wish my mashed potatoes weren't so fakkin nasty
Granted. They now are foldering tasty, tasting like cardboard.
I wish for world piece.
granted, now there is interstellar war!!!
I wish for a Scimitar class battlecruiser... (from ST Nemesis)
Granted. However it's smaller than your finger, and you step on it without ever noticing it was there.
I wish for a piece of the world.
Granted, here, have this pile of shit.
I wish for an OSC vending machine.
I wish Nej would stop destroying the world by not wishing for anything...
Granted. I now have the slightly more effective means of a huge particle ray on the moon. ENJOY THE APOCALYPSE MAN
I wish for a random skyline.
Granted, but it's got godzilla in it.
I wish for format c:\
or however you spell it
Granted, but it accidentally formats the partition where you keep all your precious stuff....
I wish for immortal HDDs
Granted, now you can't delete things off of your HDD. This means viruses.
I wish for a broken windows computer. Gah, I'd go with ANY Windows computer.
I might be desperate enough for a Windows ME-fitted computer
Granted but you get emuii-tan armed with a minigun with that computer...
I wish you'd stop writing in such small fonts
Ctrl-C -> Ctrl-V ing that stuff is a crappy job
Granted, but I start writing in small again.
I wish for a better office chair.
You can just quote me without posting
Granted, but it's from IKEA and it is missing all screws...
I wish for a BMW 750 iL
Granted, but you crash it on its first day of use.
I wish my butt would stop hurting.
Granted, now your face hurts, go palm it... :P
I wish for a really, really epic pic to post in either the facepalm or random pic thread...
I wish for more asparagus. I love asparagus~
Granted you get a field full of them, but no tools what so ever to harvest them....heh
I wish for spare ribs...
Granted, but they're just the ribs. Have fun nibbling on bones.
I wish my guacamole wasn't so nasty.
Granted the guac now dissapears...
I wish fo the meat on the ribs...
Granted, but the meat is rancid.
I wish for more food.
granted, you get 200 pounds of tofu....
I wish for a fresh, good tasting hamburgr...
Granted, but it's a tofu hamburger.
I wish my foot was a tentacle monster so it could r- ok.
Granted, but it only raeps you...
I wish for a pet behemoth
Granted, it eats you. Yum.
I wish for 4chan.
granted but you drown in its shit....
I wish, for a 4chan firewall....
Granted, but it fails.
I wish 4chan didn't just pwn the shit off my ass from that thread, argh.
Granted, now the n00bs do...
I wish i could understand everything i see, do, hear, feel or think about
Granted, now you understand japanese, and subsequently look at one of those HORRIFYING japanese sites that you've always been curious about.
I wish for a 24K gold macbook.
granted, but it doesn't work and the gold melts at room temperature...
i wish for a solid gold bread...
Granted, it was very delicious.
I wish for a fish.
granted, but it's in the ocean and always stays just out of your reach...
i wish for a private gunship
Granted, but it gets a misfire, so JOO DAI.
I wish for a Carriage, including horses. From hell.
granted, but the horses get hungry and see you as food...
I wish for a castle...
It falls down.
I wish for an impenetrable fortress that has immunity to diseases and only I can get in and there's fully functioning plumbing and endless food and water. It can survive the end of the universe plzkthx.
Granted. However, time starts going in reverse once you enter, rapidly rewinding until you hit start. WHICH IT CANNOT SURVIVE, HAR HAR!
You die.
I wish for the essence of FABULOUS!
Granted. You become a supermodel and are shunned by normal society as a total skank.
I wish I had more coins.
Granted. They are obsolete aluminium 50-öre coins, which aren't worth crap and can't be used anywhere. 'gratz.
I wish for The Heaviest Subwoofer Ever Made.
Granted, you have a 1,5 ton... 1.6litre diesel powered subwoofer, wich the mythbusters proved was useless...
i wish for my own country...
Granted. However the United States of Amerikah invades you suspecting weapons of mass distractions (Your heavily-chested bodyguards), and your country is assimilated by the US as the 51st state.
I wish I had the equipment to colonize the moon.
Granted, however, upon arrival, you find that the moon is already heavily colonized by Russia, who are building a second, secret CCCP...
I wish i had a personal battle mech...
Granted, but it's the size of your hand.
I wish windows wasn't so slow. I just got her today, she's damn slow. -kicks-
granted, you now have Win3.11, one of the fastest windows-versions there is...
I wish i was a little bit taller...
Granted, now you bump your head on the door every time.
I wish my crap would work on windows because obviously she doesn't wanna do anything... >_>;
granted, but now your computer fails everytime...
I wish i was a baller...
Granted, but you die. :(
I wish my ear drum didn't just fail
Granted. But Windows breaks again.
I wish Windows was easier to tame, it's taken me weeks to get Vis-tan to actually cooperate reliably.
Granted, now every time a virus tries to get in, windows welcomes it with open arms. Have fun with your popups.
I wish Homeko actually worked DirectX right.
granted, but DX now can't handle programs right...
I wish i had a girl, in a minute i would call her...
Granted, but she's a necrophile. Uh oh.
I wish... for my computer to work right. ):
granted, but you turn into a three year old every time you approach it, thus thrashing the poor thing...
I wish this loop-ish phenomena would end...
Granted. Every memory of yours is erased from your mind, and thus you can't percieve it. Grats.
I wish for an insertion in this thread...
Granted, but everyone else leaves...
I wish i had a portable Exit...
Granted. However, it leads to FESKEKÖRKA. Enjoy smelling like fish. ALL THE TIME.
I wish for sudden death.
Granted, however, sudden is now agonisingly slow, and it applies to you...
I wish programming on TV didn't suck so much...
Granted. All of the world's TV stations are suddenly and simultaneously struck by lightning and destroyed, killing all of the operators and actors. Enjoy your 24/7 Static.
I wish I was a cyborg.
Granted, but humanity has come to fear and hate cyborgs...
I wish for a universal translator
Granted. Enjoy your BRAIN-EATING FISH INSIDE EAR, dude.
I wish for lots and lots of senbei crackers.
Granted, but they make you sneeze saying Shakin every time, and random sinks and heavy objects fall on your head along with numerous other unlucky things.
I wish I had a goddess to hang out with.
Ganted, but she is a goddess of pestalince and disease, making her rather nasty, and giving you gods knows what.
I wish, I had, more time.
Granted. Time slows down for you in a non-relativistic way, and you end up dying of old age in exactly 10 years because you continued to experience time and age at your present rate while the rest of the world slowed down by 5x. Nobody else noticed either, all they could see was you seeming to move unnaturally fast.
I wish I had the goddess of cookies on my lap.
Granted, but she ate tons of cookies for the last three millenia and is very large (250 pounds, like)...
I wish I had a Rolls Royce Merlin (27 Litre V12) engine and a car to put it in... (yes I'm very green;006)
Granted. However the engine compartment of the rare Delorian DMC-12 is far too small to hold anything larger than it's stock turbo EFI 6-cylinder. Better luck next time.
I wish I really did have the goddess of cookies on my lap, even if she was big.
granted again, and she fulfills your every fantasy, however you're asleep and don't notice anything...
I wish my cat lived exactly as long as i do, and exacty as healthy and virile...
Granted. However cats also tend to reproduce quickly to make up for their naturally high death rate, and you end up with your house being completely overrun by cats.
I wish I had a goddess like the goddess of cookies by my side the rest of my life. (Btw so far you've yet to actually corrupt one of my wishes for a goddess of cookies. So what if she's squishy, she's still worth loving.)
Granted, but she's a dominating, agressive, jealous woman, who thinks you have an affair with every girl she thinks you're looking at...
I wish i'm far, far away (liek afghanistan, or US) when i become an uncle...
(BTW, my cat's been sterilized... ^_^)
Granted. However Afghanistan is now a glassy green crater as a result of the atomic wars.
I wish I had a better connection
granted, but now your modem craps out every 10KB...
I wish i had a better job...
Granted, it's cleaning dumpsters.
I wish my thumb would stop throbbing and actually type on the keyboard without making me lash out in pain.
Granted, but then your thumb falls off. What a bloody mess...
I wish I lived somewhere in Europe so I could watch new episodes of Doctor Who.
Granted. Unfortunately the broadcasting channel goes bankrupt, and is replaced by 4kids.
Granted. Here, have this bottle of turds.
I wish for food.
Granted. Enjoy your grass, since it's cow food.
I wish I had my own house.
Granted. Have fun with mortgages and money and the like. P:
Granted. It's also Lolicon, and contains a tracking virus the FBI can use to locate and arrest you for child pornography.
I wish I was an Anime character.
Granted, you're a hacker in GITS who gets brutally murdered by the Major...
I wish i was a (corrupt, of course) superhero...
Granted. However you are very promptly stabbed with Kryptonite, and die a most painful death.
I wish I had a Delorian DMC-12
granted, but you're obligated by law to keep and maintain it, and you realize you don't like it... you hate it...
I wish i won the state lottery...
Granted.. However after taxes on your winnings, you end up owing the IRS and state government a grand total of $0.10
I wish I had my own business.
Granted, have control of the stock market.
I wish my hair would clean itself.
Granted. Set your hair on fire. It will only hurt for a minute, but then it will stay as clean as a shiny bald.
I wish I had an easier time meeting people.
Granted, now you don't have the internet.
I wish my hair was on fire.
Granted. Fire extinguishers are expensive though.
I wish I didn't need a laptop to surf the internet.
Granted, now you need to live on the moon to surf the internet. By the way, you need a laptop on the moon.
I wish for apples.
Granted, but they're all rotten...
I wish i was in Bill Gates' will as his sole benificiary...
Granted. However, the sole reason for this is because Bill was in your ass, and liked it.
I wish my humor wasn't so damn off.
Granted, but it lost all its funnyness alltogether....
I wish i had a T-72 tank...
Granted. But you get shot clean through by my M-1 Regime Changer.
I wish I had a Boeing B26 bomber.
Granted, but the kerosene fill-up is screwed up and you run out just above the dead middle of the atlantic....
I wish i had a Typhoon Submarine, then... (biggest subs, and supposed to be damned luxurious, too)
Granted. However a USSR-built Diesel sub soon torpedoes you, and being in that enormous sub of yours you end up sunk because you can't turn fast enough to shoot back.
I wish I had a B24J Liberator. WWII vintage, but very practical as a flying fortress.
Granted, but you're continually harassed by MiGs...
(BTW, Typhoons have multiple pressure hulls, so they can take a you haven't watched "The Hunt for Red October, wich shows just how kick ass that sub is)
Anyways, i wish i had that Japanese Sub-Aircraft-Carrier...
Granted, but it's full of sewage. Have fun with that.
I wish for chickens.
Granted. Enjoy your feathers, lice, and dung all over.
I wish more people saw Spaceballs the Movie.
Granted,the whole world has seen it, they hate it, and they find out that you wasted their time...
I wish i had a Nimitz class carrier...
Granted, however you soon find that the fuel costs and crew wages to actually use it are far too high to be practical, and you are forced to sell it for scrap metal.
I wish I had NCC-1701 Enterprise.
Granted, however ownership is transferred to you moments before James T Kirk self/destructs it to prevent the klingons from getting it...
I wish i had a Klingon Bird of Prey...
Granted, however Kirk hijacks it at the Genesis planet as a ride home after Enterprise got blown up.
I wish I had a girl on my lap.
Granted, but she weighs 600 pounds.
I wish my pants weren't ripped.
Granted, but they are too small.
I wish I could teleport myself to work.
Granted, but you Spawn-frag your boss and get arrested for murder...
I wish i had a Minigun...
Granted, but it's so small only a doll could possibly use it.
I wish they'd stop making a new Madden football game every freaking year
(I now have 69 posts? Awesome!)
Granted, but your post-count has been reset... ^_^
I wish i had A rackmount case full of Quad Opteron servers...
Granted. however the electricity prices quadruple, and you can't afford to use them all.
I wish I had better tools.
Granted, you get a set wrapped in mylar so tight, you can't use them...
I wish i had a pizza...
Granted. However, it's made out of plastic padding. Congratulations, they gave you the one from the Pizza Hut highway sign. ^^
I wish for something that kept my throat FRESHMA.
tanted, someone stops by and installs an industrial airconditioning unit around your neck...
I wish summers were nice again...
Granted, however your air conditioned habitat dome results in massive global warming, and people soon blow up your refuge for ruining their world.
I wish I knew how to solve this design problem.
Granted, but you find out that it is impossible...
I wish i had a trilithium torpedo...(to see if it can really catastrophically end fusion in a star )
Granted, however it does not end fusion in a star and in fact is so terribly unstable that it tends to explode at random.
I wish I had some Dilithium.
Granted, however it is supplied to you in it's natural form and without container so you are left with nothing since it is a gaseous substance...
I wish i had a nice mansion...
Granted. However it gets repossessed because you could not pay the taxes on it.
I wish I worked at aperture science.
granted, but you're stuck in the plastic hamster cage along with everyone else.
i wish i had an espeon. :3
Granted, but she runs away, never to return again...
I wish i had an EPIC Tank (
granted, but this is it... (
i wish i could come up with a proper name for my tits.
Granted, but it will be Sinistra and Dextera
I wish I still had My good ol TNT
Sure, you get your TNT (, all nicely printed an in mint condition...
I wish i had lots of paint to paint my new pink tank with...
granted, but all of it is in the colour "blushing rose".
i wish mah stomach would stop hurting. :[
Granted, but now you have a smashing headache...
I wish i had the Power Nine (
(irony: i woke up today with a smashing headache.)
granted, but they are all replicas drawn by a 5-yr old.
i wish that i woke up with mah lover-type-person sleeping next to me.
granted, but the only thing he does when you're around is sleep...
I wish i could post an unbreakable wish here... ;006
granted, but this causes a rupture in the fabric of space-time and you kill us all....the ENTIRE UNIVERSE
i wish i had telepathy. :3
Granted, but you go insane from not being able to control the people's thoughts that you hear.
I wish I had Technopathy (
granted, but it only works on drive thru clown heads at jack-in-the-box.
i wish i had a softer floor.
Granted, your floor is now made of mushy, rotten cardboard.
So is the ground beneath.
Enjoy your dinner.
I wish for an evil student council in a box.
Granted. They decree that you must carry the box with all 12 members inside on your back every day from 7AM to 3:30PM or else you have to serve detention and take them to dinner and a movie.
I wish I saw that coming.
granted, but it is the last thing you see coming before your eyes pop out and roll down a sewer drain...
i wish i had airconditioning in my room...
Granted. It hits you in the face and gets into your eyes. What's that? Don't fancy evil, face-burning ant-infected air conditioners? Why poor you, Billy!
I wish for a blimp.
granted, but it's the remains of the Hindenburg (wich is still legaly a blimp)...
I wish i had a death star...
granted: you get a lovely plastic death star out of your morning cereal.
i wish my friends got along more.
Granted; they now all conspire against you...
I wish i had superhuman hearing...
granted; now you are driven insane by the high-pitched noises that no other humans can hear (fridges, computers, dog whistles, ect.)
i wish i had more soda.
Granted. SODA TIDAL WAVE!!! You have drowned.
I wish I had dimension-shifting abilities.
granted. you shift all the dimensions together, causing catastrophic spatial collapse. GAME OVER.
i wish i wasn't feeling so creeped out right now.
Granted. You are now in total bliss. It lasts until you, so out of it you can't even see, walk out in the street and get run over by a tree.
I wish I had a tree...with a steering wheel.
granted but it gets flat roots all the time...
I wish glow-ball warming didn't screw up the climate...
Granted. The glow ball is now screwed out.
granted; you now have no place to live and die in space (either freezing to death, head explosion due to lack of pressure keeping it together, or suffocation. i'll let you decide which comes first. ^^ )
i wish for a bunch of persocoms modeled after os-tan (and pizza-tan ^^ ).
Granted. You get a Pizza the Hutt running PizzOS. He wants to eat you. Enjoy your space van.
I insert warp fluid.
granted...? the fluid replaces your brain fluid, thus warping your brain.
For not inserting anything, you get the bread crumb that was stuck under my SHIFT key.
I insert a swedish keyboard...
you get a chonklit monkey? O___o (this is the wish thread, wtf is happening? )
i insert/wish for magic pizza.
Granted. You get that warp hole in your sig. Enjoy your trip to...wherever that leads.
I wish for CONTINUUM
granted. you get john mayer's "continuum" album.
i wish for a better digestive system. T__T
Granted. Your entire stomach now consists of
Enjoy, I'm actually not entirely sure what'll come of this, let's wait and see.
I wish for Cancer.
The crustacean.
granted; a little plastic figure of spongebob's mr. krabs.
i wish for CAKE (
You get a horde of mytomaniacs.
I insert an axe...
you get *facepalm*
i insert/wish for/dream of jeanie
Granted, Billy Jean is now yours.
By the way, you're Michael Jackson's fourth child.
I wish for armageddon...
granted; the apcolypse ponies decide to pay a visit to your house.
i wish for a moped.
Granted, but because of delivery mistake rather than Moped you get MOAB at your door. (incase you didn't realize, MOAB = Mother Off All Bombs).
I wish I can get an Ambram Tank as private vehicle.
Granted, but it runs on a 45/10/5/40 mix of rainbows, tuna, orange and unused WHAM cd's.
And it's pink.
I wish for my private ass-beating pad.
granted; but it is used by mine whenever i wish. see you next wednesday.
i wish my body was completely rejuvenated just like night in absolute boyfriend after he and riiko, uhm......
Granted, you-
Nope, no show on that one...
I wish for image flood.
i wish i could locate my best friend.
Granted: he was tied up in the basment
i wish for a good thunderstorm
granted: you now have constant thnderstorm swirling around your head.
i wish for chinese food.
You got shark fin, but for practical purpose, you got a whole living and angry great white shark on your plate.
I wish for Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood soundtrack album.
granted, but it's all static.
I wish ReactOS would become beta in a week.
granted, but it's just a bunch of screenshots.
i wish i could jump into the internet and start screwing with all your computers.
Granted, but then you meet with norton and he start chasing you because he think you are a virus.
I wish for a nice boiled egg
granted; humpty dumpty shows up at your door.
i wish for a real-life sanji.
granted, but he's only an infant
I wish he'd love me back
granted, but it's as a brother.
I wish Microsoft would die out.
(I'm a chick)granted but Linux takes over the world
I wish for a better Ipod, and nothing from the black market...Already tryed it. >.> <.<
granted; it's a prototype that apples tracks to you, claiming you stole it. enjoy the clink.
i wish for a sweater.
granted, but it was eaten by moths
I wish for an escape
Granted, but the moment you escape, you met a executioner on patrol.
I wish for a new CPU
granted. you get something fished out of the junkyard, new to you.
i wish for the armoire to narnia.
Granted. However, the wardrobe (IT'S A WARDROBE) is full of non-erasable fish odour...
...and Narnia is ruled by whales.
I wish for William Wallace to return and kick some ass.
granted; but he (and you) get ass kicked by wild chuck norris. WILLIAM WALLACE IS UNABLE TO BATTLE! WILD CHUCK NORRIS WINS!
i wish for a rice cooker. :3
Insert- I mean, I wish for an Everlasting Gobstopper Launcher.
granted, only it only shoots potato-sized gobbstoppers. turns out to actually be a converted spud launcher.
i wish for ribs and rice. owo
Granted. You get a grain of rice stuck in your ribs. Enjoy your operation.
I wish for the ULTIMATE CHEMO.
granted: get ULTIMATE CIRNO.
insert-i mean wish for- complete song.
Granted. Cirno's Perfect Math Class is now LOOPING INSIDE YOUR HEAD.
(also uncross your legs and remove your hand from your chin.)
I wish for more useless memes to troll newfags with...because my blood is worth too much to be cried constantly >_>
granted: get unlimited amount of rule 34.
i wish for present to give nejin for birthday day :3
I wish for Black Rock Shooter-flavored marshmallows.
granted. you get 2.
i wish for a vacation. *sigh*
Granted. You're fired/expelled/deported to bahamas.
I wish for lots and lots of blood.
granted; you bleed out all over the floor. CLEANUP IN AISLE--
i wish for moe uniform ( :3
Granted, then them sent you a male moe uniform n_n...
I wish all of my favorites DVD movies *w*!!!
granted; they're bootleg. the police catch you, and as they're hauling you off, they laugh, saying "hey, mike! look at this, they're scratched anyway, she couldn't watch a thing!"
i wish for food.
Granted. All of it is 50-year-old Twinkies, which actually can be classified as food.
I wish for a PSP.
Granted. It's radioactive. Enjoy your mutated/mutilated leg, and weird questions whenever you attempt to fly somewhere.
I wish for a Jetlag Potion. (not an Anti-jetlag potion, mind you!)
granted; you get a bottle of reeeeealy cheap scotch.
i wish for magic hair.
granted, chair disappears magical ^^...
I wish a laptop *w*...
Granted. You get the P-P-P-POWERBOOK!
I wish for a Red Hat...
granted. you get a knockoff of red hat linux.
i wish for speedier healing time.
granted, your body tires a lot and death more fast than normal TwT...
I wish finish my current videogame project ^___^
granted; you finish it, but with half the quality of what you started with.
i wish for SLEEP~
GrantOH NO YOU DIDN'T, you are now stuck browsing the entire Advice Dog gallery on ED and LAUGHING TO EVERY SINGLE PICTURE.
I wish for bread.
granted; you get the moldy bread eaten by the girls who started the salem witch trials. enjoy your halloucinations.
i wish to be warm-blooded. :3
granted, but it is the wrong blood type and your body kills itself fighting the foreign blood.
I wish for a better graphics card.
Granted, but it's of poorer quality than your current card. Have fun playing pong!
I wish for a solid gold telephone.
You get it, but solid gold electronics don't work.
I wish for a college where there was something to do
Granted, but "party" or "fun" is not among the things you can do... enjoy.
I wish that idiot would stop calling me.
Granted. Your friendly neighborhood asshat cableman comes into your house and short-circuits the phone wires into a loop.
I wish for pink jellybean-flavored pizza.
Granted. Proudly made with idiocy ( try not to choke.
♪ I wish those days could come back once more. ♪
Granted, but those days brought back many diseases leaving you to be the cause of many deaths.
I wish for a really fast download speed.
Granted, but everyone in the neighborhood leeches off your bandwidth, so you now have EVEN LESS power to draw off - and it's laggy as fuckshit.
I wish for a super-powerful shower.
Granted, but its made from a power washer. Good luck.
I wish for a good radio signal.
granted; but it turns out it's the police's radio broadcast. enjoy being arrested for hacking a private line!
i wish dominic had better hours at work. :\
granted, but the hours sync up to whenever you wanna be online
I wish for a zombie apocolypse.
Granted, but it's cancelled out by a meteoric collision... and Jesus... and this all happens while you're on the can.
I wish turkey tasted better.
granted, but it's filled with so much MSG that one bite = CANCER BISHES.
i wish for ultimate downloading powers~~
Granted, but you can't control the powers and end up downloading the worst of the internet... hope you have anti-malware installed.
I wish I had a set of reality-breaking brass knuckles.
Granted, but they are from the dollar store and only dent reality then they break.
I wish to control other peoples minds
Granted. But you can only control people who are nice to you (no revenge! lol).
I wish for a dancing chia pet
Granted. Satan.
I wish for a working iPod
Granted, but all your music files have DRM on them, so your favorite files wind up getting deleted just when you want to listen to them most.
I wish I had a hammer.
granted; you get a child's squeaky hammer.
i wish for moar pizza.
Granted, no toppings, no cheese, no sauce... that's the way you like it, right?
I wish for snow.
Granted. It is warm. You now have lots of tasteless slush ice covering your entire state. Enjoy your meal!
I wish for an infinite supply of infinite supplies of catgirls.
Granted, but they all have rabies.
I wish there was a legitimate source of news.
granted, but it is all reported to you live from your illegitimate son.
i wish for what i want.
Granted but it is what you really wanted and not what you were thinking about at that time. You got a rotten taco.
I wish to divide by zero .5 times.
The world promptly ends
I wish for the Bluesmobile
you get the general lee.
i wish i could RELAX~
granted but it's only your muscles so you suffocate because you cant breath anymore.
I wish for all the anime in the world.
(choco, how's that a bad thing? ;))
Granted, good luck digging out
I wish for a fire truck!
Granted. Enjoy your red toy car.
And explaining it to your friends.
I wish for prominent webhosting.
granted, but you don't own it; yahoo does.
i wish for time-travel pocketwatch.
Granted, but you end up killing your great-grandfather. And grandmothering yourself. O.o
I wish for world peace~
granted; the world forgets EVERYTHING and joins hands to sing "Someday at Christmas" by Stevie Wonder. Within a week they all die, either by super-annoyed aliens due to CONSTANT singing, or due to starvation.
i wish for faster healing time.
Granted, your enemies now heal 10x faster.
I wish for the world to speak in 1337 speek. XDX
granted, everyone on the planet speks in leet, having gained this knowledge from your brain. enjoy being a medical oddity that does not understand the international speech.
i wish for something good to happen.
Granted. An enormous flying castle appears over New York. Bowser and my other selves are holding a party there, which spills over into a firefight. This is a good thing. Rejoice. ´v`
I wish for a BAD thing, involving cute penguins, frosted butts and gasoline, to happen.
Granted, you have a dream about all that and wake up screaming due to almost being suffocated by a penguin...
I wish for me to actually sleep instead of passing out in front of my CPU at night XD
granted; enjoy your 20-year rest, rip van winkle.
i wish everything would fall into place for once
Things would be going too well and you'd get very bored.
I wish for free food
granted; free ROTTEN food for you.
i wish for pokemans!!
Granted; the world is full of Pokemon, and one day a Snorlax decides to trip and fall on you.
I wish for snowboarding. NAU.
granted; the world freezes over, leaving you alone to snowboard everywhere in search of food and companionship.
i wish i wasn't so cold.
Granted, but you end up in mah belly.
I wish for change the world at my will.
Granted, but your will is taken over by a brown-striped innocent little kitten.
Enjoy your world filled with opened tuna cans.
I wish for ketchup rain.
granted, but it floods the earth. and the chocolate rain guy makes a song about it. xD
i wish for moar cash.
Granted. Every mugger in the city is alerted.
I wish for sleep
Granted, you get to sleep for 40 hours straight with nobody else at home to disturb you. Every robber in the city is alerted.
I wish for more CORRUPTION. (not the economic kind, mind you)
granted; you gain a network of corrupters doing your evil bidding all over the world. however, once the world is corrupted, they, too, become corrupt, and revolt against you.
i wish for cure for the common cold. >:[
Granted. You invent the cure, distribute it to the world and find out the sample was contaminated because everyone gets syphillis.
I wish I worked at the Social Welfare Agency. (Little cyborg girl assassins, if you don't know)
Granted but after a day it is reorganized into an all-male organization...
I wish i had fast internet at my new home
(Damn you, Smokey!)
Granted, but you find it has a 1GB download limit per month.
I wish Asuna Kagurazaka would turn up on my doorstep one day.
granted, she kicks you in the face yelling that you took negi.
i wish for sayo aisaka to make some friends. :3 (you want a negima! fight, hur? >:3 )
Sure K, she gets along fine with other ghosts, and thus she drags ol' Yuyuko to the school, who promptly proceeds to BLACKHOLE FUKKEN EVERYTHING. >:3
I wish for a pun so unforgivably bad that someone must be executed for it.
granted. you purchase a sandwich at the beach, but sadly, trip and your tasty treat falls onto said beach. a passerby notices and decides to crack out the gem of "NOW THAT'S A REAL SAND-WICH, HUH? GET IT? SAAAAND-WICH??"
he is dragged off by the gestapo in speedos.
i wish for cure for addictions. :[
Granted. You get entiredly addicted to danmaku shooters, removing all other addictions simply because you don't have time to satisfy them. -w-
I wish for Patchy's hat.
Granted, you get a patchy hat.
I wish for my very own nekomimi.
Granted, but she isn't housetrained.
I wish for a 3Dfx Voodoo 5 6000 gfx card.
granted. you get a greeting card with "3Dfx Voodoo 5 6000 gfx" written on it.
i wish for my cat to feel better. :[
Granted. She's sick because she doesn't have any soul. She takes your uncle John's soul, and subsequently becomes a cat with the personality of a bad-mannered company director with asthma.
I wish for detention.
granted. the dean gives you a saturday, which only existed 4 years ago. you keep getting more saturdays cause you have no time machine to go and serve the one you had.
i wish for more glass vials.
Granted. They get tossed at you over a nearby fence, and shatter. Enjoy your feet.
I wish for Chirumiru powder milk (it makes you smarter).
granted, but all the cans are empty.
i wish for hundreds of little anime boys [/shotacomplex]
I wish for Insta-Minion spray.
Granted, however the minions are all hostile to you...
I wish AMD would pwn the processor-scene again...
granted; the new AMD processor literally takes a hammer and PWNS all of the other processors.
however, it's speed is that of one from the 80's.
i wish i had psychic powers. :3
Granted, but you can only read the minds of rodents and small animals.
I wish to be able to dance.
granted; but you can only do the box-trot and the safety dance. on a good day, you can also do the electric slide. :3
i wish i had my own computer. :[
Granted. It hates you. Enjoy your malignant AI.
I wish for the rest of the people around me to become EXTREMERY RONERY.
granted. EVERYONE IN THE WORLD (sides' you) is now a setreotypical asian who cannot find love. however, everyone finds YOU, and falls in love with you. enjoy your polygamist marrage to THE ENTIRE FUKIN WORLD.
Granted, but all the cheese are made by Gunnar Damm secret organization and have a strange look.
I wish that I can read other people's mind.
Granted but you can only read them from the bottom of their feet... have fun being known as "the foot weirdo" XP.
I wish I could still drink coffee.
Granted, but because of poor harvest around the world, coffee price skyrocket to kingdom come.
I wish for a new alarm clock.
Granted but it's atomic and always set to go off at 3AM.
I wish for methadone.
granted; but it's misspelled as "methodrone" and is turned into an amusement park ride by disney.
i wish for a never-ending bottle of coca-cola that never loses its fizz. :3
granted but it doesn't stop fizzing. get ready for a big mess..
i wish for some cake!
Granted - one urinal cake coming up! Ewww... I hope it isn't used...
I wish for a hammer.
i wish for world peace
Granted, you ge-YOU'RE LYING. (╬ಠ益ಠ)
I wish for a donut mountain.
granted. birds nest on it as it is an easy source of food.
i wish for MOAR SONG IDEAS
Granted. but they all have the same tunes.
i wish for a million dollars
granted; but it's in monopoly money. xD [/thread-starter-reference]
i wish i could speed up and slow down time.
Granted, but its cassette based and after you start fast forwarding the tape wraps around one of the knobs and destroys the universe.
I wish I had a new watch.
granted, you fish a broken fake rolexxx outta the trash. it's new to you....
i wish for lunch-items. :\
Get bones, an apple core, and something rotten from last month's lunch.
I wish for a decent pair of headphones
Granted. They're a KOSS Porta Pro...
...made out of wood.
I wish for a third leg/arm cannon.
Granted, but you accidentally SHOOT YOUR GENITALS OFF
I wish for a fish.
Granted - I present you the corpse of one Albert Fish ( I hear he smacks of moth balls.
I wish for some Robotussin.
granted; you are given a vial of cherry sugar-water.
i wish for every tv channel to play Law and Order: Special Victims Unit every hour of every day till then end of time.
Granted. but it will only play episode 4
i wish that then one who grants this wish dies a horrible death
granted: i haunt you for the rest of your days.
i wish for the ability to control internal tempature of objects and people at will.
Granted, but your own temperature overheats after each use.
I wish for a lucky Buddha statue.
granted; it attracts bad luck.
i wish for MOAR SONGS O_____O and time
Granted, but they're all by that band you hate... you know the one.
I wish for less marsh.
granted; it freezes into MOAR ICE.
i wish for live tv-pausing powers.
You pause REALITY instead. FOREVER.
I wish for six months more winter! ;O;
Granted by the Nuclear Winter clause, you cause a missile war between all the equipped nations and there you go. Beware of various side effects... -w-;
granted, though YOU must fund it.
i wish for MOAR CLASS TIEM
Granted, the school day is now extended to 12 hours.
I wish for an nVidia GeForce 8800 Ultra.
Granted. It is made out of 35% raspberry, 9% marshmallow and 205% YOUR DOG.
I wish for a spin-o-meter.
Good thing I don't have a dog. :smoke:
Granted, but it doesn't spin.
I wish for the United States to revoke its independance and come back to the motherland!
Granted, the United States is now an African colony...
there's so many meanings for "motherland" doncha know?
I wish dis pollen would cease & sekkle! coverin' everythin'.
Granted. All pollination processes around the world skip to an immediate halt and never resurface. Flowers wither, die and the green spots of the world quickly turn into a muddish brown. Humanity can only watch as the pale blue dot becomes less and less habitable...until they finally can't, because they're all...
transformed into BLIND GOLDFISH
I wish for global lampshading.
Granted, the entire world turns into an episode of Excel Saga... but it turns out everyone in the world has a poor sense of humor.
I wish every audible electronic device could only play some form of The Girl from Ipanema.
granted; it plays it at a frequency that makes your ears bleed. ;___;
i wish for moar compys to play with :3
Granted, hope you're fond of VTech...
I wish for a steampunk reality.
granted; but all the technonogy is powered by pieces of YOU.
i wish for technomancy powers. ^^
granted, but you electrocute yourself by using them.
i wish for the ability to change the song stuck in my head itunes style.
Granted, but you need to use headphones now to listen to your thought.
I wish people will avoid me more in public.
Granted, but this is achieved through use of massive amounts of BO. Prepare to have EVERYONE avoid you....
I wish I could know what specific type of plant a plant was just by looking at it.
Granted, but you lost all your knowledge about the computer.
I wish to have a peaceful night.
Granted; but this comes at the price of all future "rowdy" nights....
i wish for the ability to beam food directly into my tummy. :3
Granted: But now you'll always hungry.
I wish for an ability to duplicate anything I want at my own will by simply touching them.
granted, but it also duplicates yourself. AAARRRMMMMY OF CLOOONNNESSS~
i wish for ability to instant-download anything on the net i wish.
Granted: One download per 24 hour tho, so make sure you choose what to get.
I wish to be struct by lightning and comes out without any injury.
granted, but now everything you touch gets zapped by that same bolt of lightening.
i wish for unlimited paypal account.
Granted : But you will never be able to withdraw it as cash.
I wish for a pizza delivery every afternoon to my place and its free!!
(that's ok. SHOPPPINGGG~~~)
granted: it's always your most hated flavour (even if that flavour ir raw sewage).
i wish for the ability to blackhole things, like kirby. :3
Granted: But those thing are going into your digestive system (watever you suck in, get compressed and goin into you stomach for digesting)
I wish I(and the only) can bend the rules made by human without any penalty
granted; you get locked up by marvin the martian for crimes against mars.
i wish i could filter the air around me at will.
Granted: everytime you filter the air, those filth stuck at you.
I wish I could do an evil laugh (no seriously, I never had a loud laugh before.)
Granted, but it sounds like this.] (
i wish my father had an off switch.
lol if only i could do that xD
and your wish is granted, but his snores will be much haunting you in your sleep xD
I wish I could travel thru dimension at my own will.
Granted, but each time you do, YOU DIVIDE BY 0 OH SHIII-
I wish for MegaMan.EXE-style armor (w/ powers and everything)
Granted: but each time you wanna use them, you'll have to do transformation, magical girl style with that brief moment of nudity >.<
oh, but changing back to normal would have to do manually ze.
I wish I have a camera with X-ray function which I can control at will >.<
granted, however each time you use it the object/scenery you are photographing is stripped of everything except for that which is visible in x-ray mode (ie: human into skeleton, ect.)
i wish i could get more cosplayers for otacon. :[
Granted, but they all look like Sailor Bubba
I wish to resurrect this ancient topic
granted, but we're the only ones who will post in it!
i wish for a skort. (if you're unfamiliar, it's a rareish garment that's a skirt with built in shorts.)
Granted, but you have to fight my sister for it
(I know what they are. She has one -w-)
I wish I had a clone to help at work
granted, but it's of the same quality as bitch stewie.
i wish i could conjure cokes out of thin air.
Granted, but you can only conjure Diet Cokes
I wish I got paid tomorrow
granted, but it's in gum. CRAPPY gum.
i wish i could get my skirt back.
Granted, but it's too big for you to wear now
I wish I has a Weighted Companion Cube
granted, but it's parked on your foot.
i wish for an antidote to tiredness.
Granted, but it tastes like coffee
I wish to be a cat -w-
granted, but you're feral.
i wish for softer hands.
Granted, but they're now made of Play Dough
I wish to screw the rules
granted. you have a good, long night with those rules, and roll over in the morning to discover that they have made you breakfast and are prepared to drive you to work.
i wish for those t-shirts.
Granted, but you receive them in dollfie size
I wish I was made of ice, because that would be cool
granted. but you're in texas.
i wish i had retractable wings.
Granted, but you live in a no-fly zone, and have no way to get to somewhere where you can fly
I wish I had the Wing Cap from Super Mario 64
granted. but it's a .jpg.
i wish i could transfer stuff i see in my mind onto the computer.
Granted, but it transfers every thought to your computer and posts it on Twitter / Facebook / etc. >:3
I wish I was Mario
granted, but you have the physical characteristics that mario would have irl. (pot belly, exposure to hazardous plumbing environments, etc.)
i wish [as] would stop making live action shows.
Granted, but Squidbillies is renewed for another season
I wish I had breasts
(tbh i wouldn't mind if SB was renewed if it meant the end of delocated >>;;;;)
granted, but they're cheap sillicone, and while they're fun to squish, you can't find a place on the shelf for them that will keep them away from the cat.
i wish for energy.
Granted, but you now run on AA batteries
I wish I could throw fireballs
granted, but they burn your fingers when you do.
i wish i could skate on subway tracks using the electricity.
Granted, but you can no longer take a bath or shower without risk of electrocution
I wish I had a Chocobo
granted. it's inbred. (
i wish i could increase hard drive size at will.
Granted, but you're unable to increase it higher than 500MB
I wish for faster internet
granted. but every time you get above 500 kb/s, the computer crashes.
i wish for rarity's magic.
Granted, but it only works when you're in Equestria
I wish I had a shark with a laser attached to it's head
granted, but it's prevented from being delivered by the ASPCA.
i wish for the ability to print stuff from my mind.
Granted, but it prints out embarrassing mental images without control ^_^;;
I wish I had an Apple II
granted, but it's a maquarium.
i wish i could redecorate without moving.
Granted, but you can only redecorate in a theme you don't like
I wish I had the power to kill fleas
granted; you kill them with nuclear power and irradiate the former host.
i wish i could remove headaches when they occur.
Granted, but now you have to deal with achy feet
I wish I could do a barrel roll
granted. you fall out of the plane every time you do.
i wish i could control the stuff on tv with a snap of the fingers.
Granted, but it always works against you (Snap fingers, the music video for a song you hate starts playing really loudly)
I wish I had a different job
granted. enjoy your new employment as a Chippendale's Dancer.
i wish that no matter how old it was, food was fresh when i put it on my plate.
Granted, but you're unable to use ketchup
I wish I can has cheezburger
granted. it was eaten by a kitty before being coughed up on your plate.
i wish setsuko didn't die. ;^;
Granted, but now Ponyo dies in Setsuko's place
I wish there was a crossover between Ronin Warriors and Sailor Moon >w<
granted. it has a $5 budget and has a deadline of 1 week. enjoy your 3rd-grade piece of crap.
i wish i could materalize all the things i wanted. -w-
Granted, but it's always in dollfie size
I wish I had a cool cape
granted, but it's made of ice.
i wish all the ants were out of the house and dead.
Granted, but now you have to deal with double the fleas >_<;;;
I wish I lived on my own
granted. the rent per month is double your monthly salary.
i wish i could work all night.
Granted, but you end up needing to sleep all day
I wish I wasn't so confused about what time it was right now @_@
granted. your internal clock is set for the other side of the world from where you are. and it doesn't adjust for daylight savings time.
i wish drinking milk didn't make me sick. :\
Granted, but now you can't drink Coca-Cola without getting sick
I wish I could stand to drink plain white milk
granted, but you can only drink it when it's sour.
i wish i had a suicune.
Granted, but it ignores you because it was traded and you lack the needed badges to control it
I wish I had a bagel
granted. someone pre-chewed it for you.
i wish i had a never-ending, never-flattening can of coke.
Granted, but it tastes almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Coca-Cola now
I wish I had a Persocom
granted. he's defective and a tad slow. but you love him anyway. :3
i wish i spoke japanese.
Granted, but you can no longer speak English
(Translation: あなたの願いが付与され、しかし、あなたはもはや英語を話す能力を持っているされていません)
I wish I was a catgirl
granted. enjoy the litterbox.
i wish i could poof my homework done.
Granted, but now you can't draw
I wish I could fly
granted, but now you don't have limbs, only wings.
i wish i had ALL THE BOOKS
Granted, but your furniture is now replaced with books stacked in a way to resemble the furniture they replaced
I wish I had soup
granted. it's on fire.
i wish i found the correct torrent every time.
Granted, but it has no seeders
I wish I had the power
granted. the electric company shuts it off.
i wish i could reverse decisions on facebook.
Granted, but now even so much as saying "I has cheezburger" is grounds for a flamewar >_<;;
I wish I had cheese
granted. it has spoiled, which is damn near impossible for cheese to do.
i wish i could correct posts without going back and re-typing.
Granted, but you have to pay $50 a month to have this power
I wish I had a bento
granted. it costs you $75, has the portion size of a 5-year-old girl, and isn't microwave safe.
i wish i could refill soda cans by looking at them.
Granted, but you can only refill them with Pepsi
I wish I had a giant robot
granted. ye guilty.
i wish the music i listened to granted me special powers depending on the song.
Granted, but it only works with songs you hate
I wish I had an iPad
granted. it's this one. (
i wish i had an ipod touch 4th gen.
Granted, but it can only sync with an original Macintosh 128K
I wish Shinji wasn't so damn annoying
granted. he's written out of the story, leaving Rei to be the main character. but it's too much of a psychological burden for her to bear alone, so the job is given to Asuka, who turns the anime into a testament to her greatness spanning 13 episodes.
i wish i had a never-ending, always fresh and hot pizza.
Granted. The Pizza of Särimner resurrects every night. Unfortunately for you, Odin steals it back.
I wish there were no more stupid people.
Granted, but now life is boring; as you have nobody to make fun of
I wish my cat would quit trying to knock over everything on my desk >_<;;
granted. he's now trying to knock over everything on your bookshelf.
i wish i could literally recharge by plugging into the wall.
Granted, but you have to be tethered to the wall by an extension cord; as you can only function for a maximum of 5 minutes on your battery backup
I wish I was Hideki
granted. but you're here, while chii is with dragonfly back in japan.
i wish i had kotoko.
Granted, but she got lost in the garden ;_;
I wish Evangelion had Domon, from G Gundam, as the main character instead of Shinji
granted. evangelion's quality is halved, making it just another run-of-the-mill anime.
i wish life wasn't so frustrating.
Granted. Enjoy a frustrating afterlife -w-
I wish I had psychic powers
granted. you can make an object the size of a 100-yen coin levitate for 3 seconds before being too worn out to use them again.
i wish i could teleport.
Granted, but you can only use your powers when you're inside a dark, small closet, and can only teleport to similar small, dark closets
I wish I had a rocket lawnchair
granted. it's this one. (
i wish all the japanese .hack media was released in english.
Granted, but you can only purchase it in an Ultimate Edition box set for the low price of $9,999.99
I wish I had a plush ME-tan >w<
granted. she comes with a built-in mini PC, which crashes, setting her aflame.
i wish i had something to stop the burning.
Granted, but now you're freezing
I wish I had a parrot
granted. all it does is curse at you.
i wish i could press a button on the remote and watch anything that was played on tv in the past.
Granted, but you need old issues of TV Guide in order to figure out what's on in whatever timeframe you're channel surfing in. As a heads up, Gundam Wing was on at 5:30 circa 2000 -w-
Why do I remember the time of the afternoon that show came on so well?
I wish I could make use of the useless knowledge that I have
granted. you write an encyclopedia and post it on the internet. reviews are mixed, with 4chan and trops bashing you and attempting to hack the website.
i wish i could hack any website at will.
Granted, but you're also turned into a dolphin for some reason; thereby making it a useless superpower, as you can no longer use a computer
I wish I had a room big enough to contain my ego xD
granted. the room is simultaneously large enough to crush the world under its own weight, yet small enough that a single building block of an atom is enough to burst it.
i wish i had a device that could pull disease out of me when i got sick.
Granted, but it's very complicated to operate and the instructions are in Klingon
I wish I had more bread to make sandwiches out of
granted. it's moldy.
i wish money trees were a real thing.
Granted. It's not quite what you expected ^_^; (
I wish I had more bras that are comfortable >_>;
granted. they're ugly as hell, unsupportive, and make you look butch.
i wish i lived in japan.
Granted, but you're banned from all the stores nationwide for crimes you didn't commit
I wish I had an occasion to wear a fancy dress in public
granted. it's to a pig party.
i wish i had moe money (but not moe problems).
Granted, but the money isn't accepted anywhere because dollar bills with the image of Moe from the Simpsons on them is not legal tender
(Hey, you did say Moe money)
I wish I could put myself into a coma that would last from right now until the week before my trip
granted. you die of starvation.
i wish i could take in nutrients from the air, like a sponge.
Granted, but you lose the ability to eat and drink
I wish I didn't have a sore throat
granted. your body is now sore.
i wish it was just a tad cooler today.
Granted, but the humidity increases tenfold; making it feel no different
I wish it wasn't so humid
granted. the air is so dry that simply breathing through your nose causes a nosebleed.
i wish i could control television programming.
Granted, but you can only control the shows when you eat spicy food
I wish I didn't have this cold ._.
granted. you have the stomach flu instead.
i wish my grandma was well :[
Granted, but she has to cut ties with her family to go become the next hokage. Believe it -w-
I wish I was a ninja
granted. your pay is a bowl of rice per day.
i wish i could sing Ragtime Cowboy Joe without stumbling. >>;
Granted, but you sound like Donald Duck when singing
I wish I had the ability to transform into anyone at will
granted, but whenever you use this power you gain 5 pounds.
i wish i could zap the dishes clean.
Granted, but you destroy the dishes when you zap them
I wish I could come up with more good ideas for the "Band Name Battle" topic
granted. you steal what little ideas i have.
i wish i could plug my brain into the computer to download my thoughts.
Granted, but every little thought effects the computer
WWYP: Purple or pink?
i wish you would look before you post. :3
Granted, but now I'm intentionally mixing up topics
I wish I was a housecat :3
granted. your owner decides you'd look cute with a lion cut, so you get shaved. after your appointment to get fixed. -w-
i wish i could skadoo into the television like blue from blue's clues could skadoo into pictures.
Granted, but you accidentally end up in your most hated TV show
I wish I had the Bag of Holding
granted. someone put a portable hole in it.
i wish people would instantly get my references.
Granted, but then they'll find references in things you didn't intend to make a reference in -w-
I wish I had mime powers
granted. you trap yourself in an invisible box and suffocate.
i wish i could open this jar.
Granted, but you then discover that this isn't the jar you where looking for
I wish I could change the startup sound on Windows 7
granted. you realize how simple it is and facepalm repeatedly.
i wish i had windows 7 again. :\
Granted, but it's Windows 7 Starter Edition. Enjoy not being able to change your wallpaper -w-
I wish I was XP-tan for a day
granted. you're not used to the chest girth and the weight throws out your back, so you have to spend the whole week in bed.
i wish i could pause the release of carbonation on my soda.
Granted, but you freeze time as a whole when you do
I wish I had TV in my bedroom
granted. it's broken.
i wish i had the ability to colourize things like lady rainicorn.
Granted, but you can only color stuff using the colors of a typical Windows 1.0 desktop (
I wish I could get on the internet with Windows 2.0
granted. it has the fast, fast speed of 1kb/s.
i wish i could snap my fingers and whatever i wanted was cleaned up/together/etc.
Granted, but there's a 1\8 chance it'll burst into flames
I wish I had everything I needed to crossplay as ME-tan
granted, but there's some assembly required.
i wish i could turn plushies into humans. -w- (or demons, or whatever they're supposed to be.)
Granted, but they ignore you and go off on their own adventures
I wish people would actually listen to me when I'm trying to give them advice
granted. but they misunderstand all advice and end up doing stupid, stupid things.
i wish i could sketch at the speed of sound.
Granted, but you can only use special paper that costs like $50+ a sheet; as everything else bursts into flames when you start drawing ^_^;
I wish I was a wizard :3
granted. you turn into the one from the adult swim bumps. (
i wish i could heal my mouth instantly.
Granted, but now your hand can no longer heal from papercuts.
I wish I had the power to raise dead computers from the grave
granted. they eat your living computers for their mechanical 'brains'.
i wish i could sleep for 5 minutes and be completely refreshed.
Granted, but nobody can leave you alone for 5 minutes; so you don't get the sleep you need
I wish I was Spoony
granted. you turn into a spoon.
i wish i could go back in time a week and kick my own ass till i do work.
Granted, but upon kicking yourself, you rip a hole in the space-time continuum, which causes some wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff to happen, resulting in you being back where you are right now; with the same amount of work done
I wish I had cheesy garlic toast to go with my spaghetti
granted. it's a display model.
i wish i had more doll furniture.
Granted, but it's actual doll furniture and comes alive at night, rozen maiden-esque.
I wish this freaking zit on my forehead would go away.
granted. it explodes and you bleed out.
i wish i had the state of mind to think of what i am now 3 hours ago.
Granted, you lose all your memories, though.
I wish for a fish.
Granted, but it's burnt
I wish I could burn my bread
granted. you vaporize it so there's not even dust left.
i wish i could organize my thoughts.
Granted, but then you get distracted and your thoughts get messy again
I wish I had fish
granted. a live fugu blowfish appears in your lap.
i wish i had more sewing needles.
Granted, but your fabric suddenly goes missing
I wish I was Hideki
granted. rather than going to tokyo for college, you stay in hokkaido to help out the farm. chii ends up with shinbo instead.
i wish i could transfer my sleepy onto someone else.
Granted, but *yawn* it goes to me...zzzzz
I wish I had coffee
granted. it's in bean form.
i wish i had a pack of my favourite gum.
Granted, but it's so old that the gum is more like a hard candy than anything
I wish I wasn't so sleepy
Granted, you lost a ton of blood and died.
I wish I could cook well.
granted. but you can only cook one type of food, and you can never find the right ingredients for that food.
i wish SVU came on earlier.
Granted, but the show only airs in French
I wish I had the monies to buy an iPod Touch
granted. but you can only get a broken one.
i wish I had an ipod touch. -w-
Granted, but it's such an old model that you can't use the apps you want
I wish I had a plush Nyan Cat
granted. it's in great disrepair.
i wish they had a week of svu.
Granted, but you end up so busy that you can never watch it
I wish I had fangirls
granted. they overwhelm you and you end up cowering in a closet to get away from the CONSTANT attention.
i wish all pizza i ate tasted fresh.
Granted, but it always has toppings on it that you don't like
I wish I had the power to read people's minds
granted. you can only read stuff you wish you hadn't.
i wish i had the powers of inspector gadget.
Granted, but you have no control over your powers
I wish I had a parrot
granted. it bites you till you bleed, then screams profanity.
i wish i could spray any liquid i chose out of my hands.
Granted, but it always sprays at inappropriate times ^_^;;
I wish I had a Portal Gun
granted. it malfunctions and you end up falling into an infinite loop.
i wish i could delete any account anywhere at will.
Granted, but it also deletes a random episode from your anime collection
I wish I had the Wing Cap from Super Mario 64
granted. it runs on diesel and gets .1 miles to the gallon.
i wish the world had less bureaucratic nonsense.
Granted, but now it has ninja nonsense
I wish I was hokage
Granted. You die in the first episode.
I wish Skyrim stopped being so damn buggy...
granted. there's a dragon every 5 seconds now, and they stack. oh, and they start at level 30 and go up from there. good luck, newb.
i wish there was better tv on at midnight.
Granted, but it's all in Spanish
I wish I could find what I'm looking for
granted. but you lose something else important in the process.
i wish i had a bunch of doll furniture. >w<
Granted, but you have no furniture for yourself now
I wish I had Nyan Scarf -w-
granted. but you don't have any other clothes.
i wish my dad could be poofed away.
Granted, but it literally costs you an arm and a leg. Hope you know where to get Automail
I wish I could use alchemy like Edward Elric
granted. but equivalent exchange isn't so equal; for everything you transmute, it takes the materials + something else at random.
i wish i could bottle creativity, put it in a syringe, and inject people with it.
Granted, but every time you bottle creativity, it increases your banality
I wish I had the entirety of Wikipedia downloaded into my brain
granted. the stress causes an aneurysm and you die.
i wish i had my own printer that hooked up through USB.
Granted, but it's a dot matrix printer
I wish I had cat ears
granted, but they're just a costume.
i wish i had those instant-rest pills from american dad.
Granted, but they don't work on you
I wish I had the ability to instantly know exactly what's wrong with a computer by putting my hand on it
granted, but you fry it in the process.
i wish we could all just jump to the left. and maybe step to the right.
Granted, but you do the Hokey-Pokey instead of the Time Warp, somehow
I wish I had a TARDIS
granted. it's been eaten by the house.
i wish more people would play.
Granted, but everybody abandons the rest of the site
I wish I had a clone
Granted, but it's a psychopathic serial rapist and murderer.
I wish for meat.
Granted. Enjoy your mystery meat
I wish I had coffee
granted. it's coffee grinds.
i wish FLELE would play any .mp3 i give it.
Granted, but it'll randomly play Justin Bieber
I wish I had a Polaroid camera
(but i don't own any justin beiber.)
granted, but it's broken. in pieces.
i wish i could play with my friend's cat more. >w<
Granted, but now you never have time for your cats
I wish I didn't have to shave
granted. you have no hair ANYWHERE.
i wish i would never bite my cheeks again.
Granted, but you now have fewer teeth to allow for this
I wish I had my own spaceship
granted. it's broken and you don't have the right parts.
i wish i wasn't so tired.
Granted. Enjoy never needing to sleep again...or be able to sleep when you have nothing else to do
I wish I had a bikini >_>;
granted. it's various neon colours, stretched out to the point where it's 3 sizes too big, and used to belong to her. (
i wish this keyboard was quieter.
Granted, but the fans are now twice as loud
I wish I had the ability to easily change genders at will
granted. but each time you do, you run a 50% chance of getting stuck inbetween, where you can't change out of it.
i wish i had one of those summer uniforms. :[
Granted, but it's in dollfie size
I wish I had the ingredients to make the Sauce
granted. they're rotten.
i wish i had enough money to run after the ice cream truck every time i heard it. -w-
Granted, but the truck stops coming through your area
I wish an ice cream truck would come through my area again
granted. but it's a ruse, selling only canned spinach. prepare to be overrun by popeye cosplayers.
i wish i could get that uniform. NOW.
Granted, but all your other clothes go missing
I wish my sister's laptop would finish disk repairs already
granted, but the motherboard fries.
i wish speedy was fixed.
Granted, but she's now running an obscure variant of Linux that you cannot find software for
I wish I lived on my own
granted, but the bills are so high that you are forced to live with several people. who they are is another matter.
i wish i could spend time outside while still being comfortable.
Granted, but you're no longer comfortable indoors
I wish I had a bus that's like a TARDIS on the inside
granted. it runs on dreams, of which you no longer have any.
i wish this sore on my tongue would go away.
Granted, but now your butt hurts from all this sitting
I wish I was a bard
granted. you can only play the holophoner.
i wish i had a time turner.
Granted, but it's a modified one that can't function outside of the school grounds of Hogwarts
I wish I had a laser pointer
granted. it misfires and blinds you.
i wish i had my sweatshirt.
Granted, but it shrunk from being improperly washed
I wish I could just relax
granted. you relax too much and sleep for the next 3 days.
i wish things for the game would run smoother.
Granted. The game runs so smoothly that you end up running out of material quicker than expected; forcing a hiatus until you can craft some new material for it
I wish Ed would pop up again later into the game
granted. she comes with you on all missions now.
i wish i could remember where i was going with parts of the plot. >>;
Granted, but now you lose other notes and end up forget where we left off in the story; meaning we're stuck with Ed forEDver~
I wish I was Haruhi Suzumiya -w-
granted. you end up doing a cosplay of her a la' sailor bubba or man misty. enjoy scarring people for life.
i wish i could transfer files to disk WITH MY MIND.
Granted, but you only have the capability to transfer files to Amiga formatted floppy disks
I wish Cartoon Network would air the shows I like at more convenient times
granted. cartoon network creates several new sister networks, and all your favourite shows end up airing ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
i wish i could find my character sheets.
Granted, but you lose your dice
I wish I had more tea
granted. it's stale.
i wish teleportation guns were real.
Granted, but it's very error-prone; with a 60% chance of materializing inside a wall
I wish my hair was longer
granted. it's to the floor and keeps getting stuck in stuff. and every time you go to cut it it gets angry.
i wish i could get a song on my PC just by hearing it.
Granted. Enjoy having 1TB of elevator music
I wish I had chopsticks
granted. they're cheap, splintery bamboo disposables.
i wish i could get rid of bad smells in the air instantly.
Granted. You lose your sense of smell
I wish I could set sail for One Piece -w-
(god that theme song sucks. ><;; )
Granted. but i kill you and take your place.
i wish i had a license to kill. :3
Granted. You can only kill macaroni & cheese -w-
I wish I had Ed as a companion
granted. she runs off.
i wish i had thigh-high socks.
Granted. You steal mine from me ;_;
I wish I could find an EGL dress in my size >w>
granted. it's $1000.
i wish i could cancel this order. ><;;;
Granted, but then suddenly everything starts working properly...until you go to order again
I wish I had a fez
granted. it's minature, ripped, and you fished it out of hot, wet garbage.
i wish i could go back in time.
Granted, but you get stuck there without a way to get back home
I wish Asagi could speak
granted. she says mean things.
i wish i could plug myself into the wall.
Granted, but nothing happens when you do
I wish I had a taco for lunch :3
granted. it tastes HORRIBLE.
i wish this pizza crust was softer.
Granted. It's now undercooked and doughy
I wish I could fit a bicycle inside a fanny pack -w-
granted. but every time you try to use it, you get Oak's voice in your head screaming "RODNEY!! THIS ISN'T THE TIME TO USE THAT!!!"
i STILL wish i coul find Alice's character sheet.
Granted, but it's an incomplete back-up copy
I wish I could skip to Friday night
granted. but you forget your bag in the morning.
i wish i could wish my room clean.
Granted. All your stuff, including furniture, disappears
I wish I had a chibi Miku figurine >w<
granted. it has ditto face. ._____.
i wish my back didn't hurt.
Granted. Your feet now hurt instead
I wish I could make stuff materialize just by thinking about it
granted. but when you do, it's always on fire.
i wish hitler would come back to life and that captain america would punch him in the face. FOR LIBERTY.
Granted, but there's a huge explosion brought on by the raw awesome; resulting in nobody capturing the moment
I wish I had more tea
granted. it's horrible.
i wish we could go to ALL THE PLACES.
Granted, but we run out of money for food
I wish Asagi would return to being awesome
granted. but all your other computers fail.
i wish it was saturday every day. -w-
Granted, but then you end up trapped in a endless recursion of time
I wish I could actually get sleep
granted, rip van winkel.
i wish i didn't catch everything that's going around.
Granted, but now you lose the ability to take off from school for any reason
I wish 2k-tan the Desktop would materialize in this room
granted. but only the case does.
i wish i had a second tv in here.
Granted. It's a 52'' screen that takes up 90% of the walking space
I wish I had a banana :3
granted. it's rotten.
i wish i could levitate objects.
Granted, but you can't move them; only levitate
I wish I had a plushie of Mikuru
Granted, but MIKURU BEEEAAAAMMMM burns it to ashes.
I wish I could sleep.
granted. but you stay awake for the 3 days after that.
i wish i was slightly less sleepy.
Granted, but you are too hyper and have a heart attack and die.
I wish that Choco and Pentium would come visit me.
granted. we steal you away and your parents over react and we all go to jail.
i wish that we could visit cockle.
Granted, but my parents overreact and you go to jail.
I wish Pentium was as fast as us in these posts.
granted. we three crash the site.
i wish my dad wasn't my real dad.
Granted, now he's your brother and youre your own dad.
I wish for more caffeine.
granted. you get too much and your heart stops.
i wish these bug bites would fall off.
Granted, you have a disease where all your skin falls off.
I wish I could come visit Kari and Penti
granted. the goats go unfed for three days.
i wish we could get bells, pent, cockle and choco together. :\
Granted. We all die of sexual exhaustion.
I wish you guys didn't post so fast, it's hard posting on my phone.
granted. your phone turns into a laptop, while everyone else on site has their laptops turned into phones.
i wish i could talk to my anime paraphenelia.
Granted, you can, with Pentium voicing them.
I wish you'd message me on Skype.
i wish i could loan pent some instant creativity. :\
Granted, he gets my mind and starts molesting furniture and writing smut.
I wish I could go to bed, damn meds
granted. but now i'm up all night. DAMN YOOOOOOOOUUUUUwait i can put up the lights now :3
Granted, you die of paper cuts.
I wish this enormous stink bug would leave me alone.
granted. but a giant spider moves in.
i wish i didn't have heartburn.
Granted, Pentium pounds on your chest until it goes away.
I wish I was asleep.
granted. but you do so for 20 years.
i wish my mum would go to bed.
Granted, but now you can't get to sleep
I wish that my laptop wasn't such an epic piece of shit. You know, like the old days?
*walks into thread by accident*
Dude. Stop. Dude. I would slap a homeless terminally-ill Nam War vet for a laptop half as good as your laptop.
*exits thread*
i wish people who come in here would actually PLAY.
Granted. The rest of the site it ignored :3
I wish I had a bag of M&M's
granted. they're in a flavour you hate.
i wish i had some volvic.
Granted, but it tastes like water from Boston
I wish I had a shrubbery
granted. but it eats you like the plant from little shop of horrors.
i wish the grocery service from s. korea (where they have poster displays of food in subways that you can photograph with your phone and recieve later that day at your doorstep) existed here.
Granted, now everyone is even more irreversibly fat.
I wish my legs would stop hurting.
Granted. Your arms hurt now
I wish I could stay here
granted. but you have to get your own place and the rent is quite high.
i wish ghost was out of heat.
I wish the Riotgames servers STOPPED BEING SO SHITTY
Granted, but now the rest of the internet is unstable
I wish I had a waffle
granted. it's that one that fell behind the toaster oven.
i wish i had a photographic memory.
Granted, but you're out of film :P
I wish I had a TARDIS to take my stuff home in
(aw man! ><;; )
granted. but it's burnt out, having been eaten by (greg) HOUSE.
i wish i could complete projects at light speed.
Granted, but the quality is lower as a sacrifice
I wish I didn't have to sleep
granted. but now you have to eat, drink, and go to the bathroom twice as much.
i wish i could stop time.
Granted, but it only lasts for 5:07 minutes exactly (The duration of the Rush song, "Time Stand Still"), and cannot be activated more than once an hour
I wish I had Mario's cap
granted. enjoy your cosplay item.
i wish i had known about this ebay thing 2 weeks ago.
Granted, but it somehow disrupts the flow of time; erasing my trip
I wish I could take a return trip :3
granted. hotel prices spike due to winter storms trapping all the christmas holidayers here.
i wish i could absorb the information contained within .PDFs simply by touching the screen.
Granted, but it only works with Adobe Reader 1.0. Good luck getting that to run on a modern version of Windows
I wish I could find a job
granted. you now work in a coal mine.
i wish they would invent technology that could clean and dry someone in a matter of seconds.
Granted. Sadly, it costs $100,000,000,000
I wish I didn't have allergies
granted. you now have an aversion to light and sound.
i wish i could remotely access the computer downstairs.
Granted, but it's pointless popups spread to your laptop
I wish I could find a plushie of 2k-tan
granted. it's on display in a mueseum in Akihabara.
i wish i had a map of my manga.
Granted, but you need a special compass too
I wish I had the brains to rule Lylat </starfox_64>
granted, but now that's all you can do. prepare to be hooked up to a feeding tube and wear an adult diaper.
i wish i could find a good black hair dye.
Granted, but it costs an arm, a leg, and your little brother </fullmetal_alchemist>
I wish Automail was real
Granted, but it will be used for military purposes, killing innocent people in the process.
I wish for a cheap and very effective hair growth formula.
granted. you get a box of rogain.
i wish i had a hot twin. or low-maintenance hot boyfriend. or a hot twin boyfriend.
Granted. He leaves you because he's gay for trap mode me >:3
I wish I had a beef bowl
granted. your new laptop eats it.
i wish i had the missing 7 for the 400.
Granted. It's several volumes of your most hated manga series
I wish I had a banana
granted. it's too gone to eat.
i wish the cats had more to do around the house.
Granted. The house is now taken up with so much cat stuff that there's no room for anything else
I wish that I had telekinesis
granted. but every time you use it, it backfires.
i wish i could show off all my manga instead of having some behind others. >>;
Granted. You sacrifice your futon to make room for a 3rd bookshelf
I wish there was a Dunkin Donuts in my hometown
granted. but all other coffee shops, donut houses, and bakeries suffer.
i wish TK had a better processor.
Granted, but TK grows to the size of a Compaq Portable in order to have sufficient airflow for the new processor
I wish I had a plush cheezburger to give to my cat :3
granted. but it's covered in dog slobber.
i wish i had a dedicated desktop to hook to my TV for anime. :\
Granted. You get my grandma's office computer; which can barely handle Windows XP
I wish I could instantly watch old episodes of a favorite TV series whenever I wanted to; without waiting on my crappy internet connection
granted. the technology to do so costs all of your computers.
i wish locating the cat was less like locating Demonica in stretch panic. (
Granted. They become like trying to find shiny Pokémon
I wish I had more money
granted. it's monopoly money.
i wish i hadn't forgotten that book. ><;;
Granted. You forget your iPod, so no music :[
I wish I had a minifridge in my room
granted. you can't get the smell of rotting meat out of it.
i wish i could put the minifridge and extra microwave we have in my room. >>;
Granted. You unfortunately lose the armchair, so I have nowhere to sit when I come visit ;_;
Also, it blocks access to some of your books
I wish I had more Bagel Bites
gRaNtEd. tHeY'rE iN a fLaVoUr yOu dOn'T lIkE.
i wIsH tHiS wAs a fOnT sO i cOuLd tYpE fAsTeR.
Granted, but it's based on Comic Sans
I wish I could see a double rainbow
(i lIkE cOmIc sAnS)
gRaNtEd. iT's rEaLlY yAoI hApPeNiNg bEfOrE yOuR eYeS.
i wIsH sVu wOuLd pLaY mOrE.
Granted, but it always airs in Spanish with Japanese subtitles
I wish I could have privacy >_>;
i wIsH pEoPlE wOuLd mInD tHeIr dAmN bUsInEsS aBoUt tHe wAy oThErS tAlK.
Granted, but the way people write or type became globally standardised with any deviants shunned and prosecuted, just to give a couple of examples.
I wish the rabbits ruled the world.
Granted, but they eat all the salads
I wish I was a honey badger
granted. you turn into a badger that is covered in honey. enjoy the bees.
i wish i could do something different without people making a big fucking fuss.
Granted, but now they complain about everything else with the site
I wish I was better at swimming
granted. now you suck at walking.
i wish i had the funds to build my house.[/size]
Granted. You sell everything short of the clothes on your back, so you have nothing to put in the house nor a bed to sleep on
I wish I could go to Yogurt and study the Schwartz
granted, but you become a spaceball in the process.
i wish more criminals could be caught around the world.
Granted, but [insert sadistic but mildly amusing "but" here]
I wish I didn't feel the way I felt right now ;_;
granted. you cease to feel anything at all.
i wish the rain would continue all day. :3
Granted, but the power gets knocked out from all the rain
I wish I had more Pop Tarts
granted. they're stale.
i wish my neck and back didn't hurt.
Granted. Enjoy the headache and foot pains -w-
I wish I had a TARDIS USB Hub
granted. the ports don't work. enjoy your little desktop decoration.
i wish i could get any song i wanted just by thinking about it.
Granted. You end up with about 10,000 copies of a song you hate that somehow ends up getting stuck in your head ^_^;
I wish my cat had the ability to shoot lasers out of his mouth
granted. but he accidentally shoots a neighbor when he escapes outside and they put him down. :[
i wish the griffins would treat meg better. or that she would run away. or something.
Granted. She runs away and gets her own spin-off series, which unfortunately only lasts one season and never receives a proper DVD release
I wish Nimue had longer battery life
granted. but you need to buy a new battery every time it runs out of power, cause it shorts out each time. :\
i wish every time i bought the first volume of a manga, i'd get the rest of the series for free. -w-
Granted, but only volume 1 is in English
I wish I had some string cheese
granted. it's in a flavour you hate.
i wish i had a never-ending supply of coca-cola.
Granted. It's Coca-Cola Zero, though
I wish they still made Crystal Pepsi
granted. but they sell it in a cans made out of lead crystal and swarski crystal, so it truely is "crystal" pepsi. and the pricetag shows that.
i wish i had another cat.
Granted. The cat ignores you most of the time
I wish I had more Nerf weaponry
granted. it's all broken.
i wish things would always turn out okay.
Granted. You get bored of how everything turns out ok everytime, and begin wishing it'd sometimes screw up
I wish this hem of dress was longer ^_^;
granted. the stitching starts to fall apart.
i wish we had a fucking glade plug in in this house.
Granted. It's knock-off that you can no longer get cartridges for
I wish the Avatar knew what a paladin was
granted. but he forgets everything not related to paladins (aka breathing, sleeping, eating, his powers, the meaning of money, why the sky is blue, etc).
i wish i could put my comics online and they'd be successful.
Granted, but you're unable to get new issues out on time to please the fanbase
I wish this shirt didn't have holes in it
granted. your pants do instead.
i wish i knew a way to stop this fancy text campaign.
Granted. Pit begins posting everything in Finnish
I wish I could pull off the most epic trap mode ever
granted. but you become a girl in the process.
i wish i could find the damn item.
Granted. Your bag is full and you accidentally hit the wrong button when it asks "Would you like to throw away an item?"; causing you to lose it
I wish I had the real Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
granted. but it's illegible.
i wish i spoke japanese in addition to english.
Granted, but you can't read or write in Japanese
I wish I had Spider-Man's powers
granted. but they ONLY work in the limits of NYC, which you are now barred from entering.
i wish my room had an infinite amount of space.
Granted. Your room becomes a TARDIS, but you accidentally lock the key inside
I wish The World was a real MMORPG
granted, but it gets infected just like in the game, only there are no .hackers to fix it. so it goes down in about 6 months with several lawsuits for the families of the coma victims tailing it. :\
i wish i was less tired.
Granted. You suddenly have cravings for coffee
I wish the houses of OSCers were connected via a portal network
I can get my stuff home quickly and give Bella the Wheelwriter I have lying around!
granted. but there's a 50% chance that a limb will be severed by the portal in transit.
i wish i was less annoyed.
Granted, but your bowl of Goldfish goes missing for no reason
I wish my truck could transform into a giant robot
Chicks dig giant robots -w-
granted. but you're not the proper pilot of MegasXLR, so it rejects you.
i wish i had all the art supplies i could ever want.
Granted, but you have nowhere to comfortably work on your art
I wish stuff I order online would instantly appear on my doorstep within an hour of purchase
granted. but it's always broken when you get it.
i wish there were more hours in a day.
Granted. Nighttime no longer exists
I wish I could be more creative
Täytetty, mutta kukaan muu ei osaa arvostaa luovuuttasi.
I wish I could return to typing in English.
Granted. All you are capable of saying now is "cheese omelet"
I wish I had a minifridge in my room
granted. it breaks and all your food spoils.
i wish i had magical powers, lol.
Granted, but you're forbidden from using your magic in front of muggles. No showing off!
I wish I had a floppy disk that contained every piece of Amiga software ever
granted. but it's on a 11" floppy. GOOD LUCK FINDING A DRIVE FOR IT
i wish i could put on/take off songs on my ipod by saying it.
Granted, but every time you say "fuck" it replaces more of your music with '70s porn music xD
I wish I was a squirrel
granted. but you get stuck between the species. enjoy life as a carnival sideshow, SquirrelBoy. :\
i wish i'd win the lottery.
Granted, but you're struck by lightning right after
I wish I could make a scarf out of noodles
granted, but it's cut-up spaghetti, so it falls apart.
i wish i could take the annoying parts out of commercials.
Granted. They're inserted into your TV shows at random
I wish DC's livestream was running right now
granted. but they're doing it of a game you hate, and the same 5 minutes of video keeps looping.
i wish i could calm the kittens down. (and my mum.)
Granted, but then stuff happens that results in you needing to calm down; creating a never-ending cycle
I wish I could quickly get your laptop to you
granted. but you include one of your computers by accident.
i wish we never had to give the kittens away.
Granted, but they somehow clone themselves rapidly; resulting in your house being overtaken by kitties
I wish I didn't have to shave so frequently
granted. you are now completely hairless, including head, eyebrows, and eyelashes. enjoy the sunburn.
i wish i could literally barf on paper and have it come out as amazing art.
Granted, but the only aviable market for your art will be amish comunities
I wish my other me stop dying every month...
Granted. He becomes an Immortal, and ends up in the Highlander universe
I wish I had a nice pair of shoes to go with the dress I just bought
Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 29, 2013, 09:24:09 PM
Granted. He becomes an Immortal, and ends up in the Highlander universe
I wish I had a nice pair of shoes to go with the dress I just bought
Granted but are tuna shoes
I wish... for unlimited, non monkey-palm styled wishes
granted. after wishing to become rich and powerful, you are killed on the street by being hit by an armoured car.
i wish for a coca-cola fountain.
Granted, but you have to order the syrup to use it, and it costs a lot
I wish I could move out now
Granted, but your new place gets hit with a tornado as your moving in.
I wish I was a Charmander.
granted, but you will only stay at level 15 tops
I wish upon a star
Star crashes on top of you.
I wish I had my dog back.
granted, but your Dog is a zombie ith the ability of zombify otters others
I wish we had snow every year...
Granted, but you aren't allowed to do anything fun in it (No snowball fights, sledding, etc.)
I wish I could have my friends appear in person at anytime I need them
granted, but they only offer moral support, not actual help...
I wish I could have every WWE DVD made a couple days after it's release
Granted, but you go to jail for copy right infringement.
I will I had an unlimited supply of burritos...
granted, but they are the animal kind
I wish Pi wasn't 3.1415
Granted, but a black hole rips the world apart
I wish I could go swimming in my home.
granted, but every spot is a warm spot.
i wish i could suck in food directly without having to chew.
Granted, but you cant stop the motion once it starts.
I wish I could stop time.
granted, but you get stuck.
i wish i could bend reality.
Granted. You're Haruhi now
I wish I could pull off a perfect impression of the Cinema Snob
granted. but you can't get out of it, thus limiting your career choices to being his body double.
i wish every coke i drank boosted up my health and energy a number of points, like in a video game.
Granted But It decreases the intelligence and charisma Level by a factor of 75
I wish Arsenal and Liverpool decided it and make a One sided Game!
granted, but you lose all knowledge of what that means.
i wish shit was less tense around here.
Granted. It smells like shit now
I wish I had the ability to have any audio or test on a foreign language be instantly translated into English by my mind
Granted, but it only works on insults
I wish it would snow again
Granted, but all your anime DVDs will be destroyed in the frequent snow storms.
I wish people would stop calling me Mexican.
Granted. Everyone calls you a Vulcan now
I wish I could pull off a convincing impersonation of the Cinema Snob
Granted, but most don't know where your coming from.
I wish I had a monkeys paw
Granted, but your monkey paw will contain a deadly and poisonous fluid that bursts and kills you when caught in anything.
I wish for some oodles n' noodles.
Granted, you find cockroaches in it.
I wish I could turn invisable
granted, but it only works for 60 seconds
I wish every country in the world was Property of Mexico
(your wish grant makes no sense
for the record)
granted, but it's in such broken english that you can't understand 80% of it.
i wish i had Starfire's ability to learn any language by kissing a speaker.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 31, 2013, 05:04:38 PM
(your wish grant makes no sense
for the record)
granted, but it's in such broken english that you can't understand 80% of it.
i wish i had Starfire's ability to learn any language by kissing a speaker.
(think US before 1776)
granted, but you can only learn it by kissing the ugliest, grossest guys/gals on the planet
I wish I had a Powah Ring!
Granted, but now everyone is trying to kill you to take the ring
I wish I had some chocolate
(@alfonso: what happened was that i thought i was replying to the last post of the last page, i didn't notice the new one. hence the confusion.)
granted. you chew my foot off and i never speak to you again.
i wish i could enjoy the smell of cleaner without it being overwhelming or harmful.
Granted, but you can no longer enjoy the smell of garlic
I wish I had a coffee maker in my room
granted. it's from the 50's and shorts out so your coffee's on fire.
i wish i could snap my fingers and the tv would play whatever i wanted, regardless of if it's on, in print, or even from this country.
Granted, but you can only get the Klingon dub
I wish I could pull off an accurate cosplay of 2k-tan
Granted, but you get amnesia and think you're actually 2-K chan
I wish I was part of an anime dimension
Granted, but it's full of violent giant mechs.
I wish anime was honest.
Granted but there's no point any more.
I wish I had a sandwich
Granted, but it's a song (
I wish I had more tea
Granted but it's Luke warm.
I wish villains would just accept defeat.
Granted, but then the show gets cancelled because viewers get bored
I wish I could brew coffee with my mind
Granted, but your eyes pop out when doing so.
I wish for the theme tune to an overrated anime.
Granted, but You Get We are! (Strawhat Version instead)
I wish The Creation STAYED THE FUCK FINE!
granted, but everything else about it falls apart.
i wish i could recharge via plugging into the wall.
Granted, but you get heart contractions when doing so.
I wish I could visit BeanMachine.
granted, but it eats you alive.
i wish i could look at any language and know what it says.
Granted, but after the first 24 hours you gain severe dyslexia.
I wish I could legally send a letterbomb.
Granted, but you can no longer legally send plain letters
I wish I knew how to make a donut
granted, but you lose the ability to make anything else. enjoy your life as the "Time to Make the Donuts" guy.
i wish i had an unlimited supply of fresh Cobbett's Pond Pizza and Garlic Bread.
Granted but everytime you get one you get it with exiration Date of a week before
I wish the Death of bad comics Writters/Editors
Granted, but Rob Liefeld becomes immortal. Enjoy badly drawn artwork in comics
I wish I could pull off trap mode so convincingly that even mom wouldn't recognize me
Quote from: PentiumMMX on February 02, 2013, 03:54:18 PM
Granted, but Rob Liefeld becomes immortal. Enjoy badly drawn artwork in comics
I wish I could pull off trap mode so convincingly that even mom wouldn't recognize me
Granted but Because of that You become a homeless (No Money, no Id no nothing...) and you pull it off SO well that no one, not even you, recognizes you any more, throwing you into a crippling identity crisis. enjoy therapy~~
I wish I could trade the Immortal Liefeld with an Immortal Sergio Aragonez
granted, but mad magazine fails and no one else will hire him. so HE becomes homeless.
i wish i could sense when people had posted on OSC, and reply psychically (without typing) instantly.
(@pent: you asked me to write a response, so "Granted. you pull it off SO well that no one, not even you, recognizes you anymore, throwing you into a crippling identity crisis. enjoy therapy~~")
Granted But it is the only higher Function your brain can do now
I wish The guy writtng Spider-Man was hired to Script the new MLP Series
granted. suddenly everything pony is superheros and the fanbase falls apart.
i wish i could bring all the insanely hard-to-make creative ideas (animations, etc) to life just by thinking about them.
Granted, but they're encoded in an obscure video format that can only be played on a Sega Saturn
I wish I could have longer hair
granted. but it gets tangled so easily that it turns into one giant rat's nest and thus still looks short.
i wish something dirty would happen cause this is page 69.
Granted, but ME-tan prevents me from doing [censored]
I wish my room had a cat door
granted, but onlhy real pussies come from it (ie floozies)
I wish Today was a World observed Holliday
granted. it is a day of mourning.
i wish puppy bowl was more than once a year.
Granted, but it results in SVU coming on less often
I wish they'd finally finish this season of Warehouse 13
granted, but production is crammed into 2 weeks resulting in it being mostly "Scene Missing" cards and poorly done crayola animation.
i wish we had unlimited chips and dip.
Granted, but the dip becomes way too spicy
I wish I was a penguin, dood
granted. but any time something touches you, you explode.
i wish i could get this done faster.
gfanted but it's all you ever done...
I wish today's mourning day is because Walt disney's back
granted. he broadcasts that bleeding video i shared on every network all day, until he returns to the dead. but not before giving me a hug and signing a few autographs.
i wish i could psychically remove all the shedded fur from this cat.
Granted, but whenever you use this ability, it upsets the cat
I wish I had a plushie of Stew, that I could use to lure Bella when I need her assistance
Granted, but it's all chewed up when you get it.
I wish the characters in my dreams were real
granted, but they don't like you and they're out for blood.
i wish i could time travel.
Granted, But you can only go backwards
I wish I had the power to heal people insantly
granted, but it sucks life force away from you.
i wish i had a set of 6 pokemon.
Granted, but none of them obey you.
I wish I was a heartless.
Granted, but you get your butt kicked by Sora
I wish I didn't have to shave
granted, but the nair you've taken to using makes you break out in hives.
i wish i could curl up like a cat and take a nap for an hour.
Granted but you turn into a cat
I wish had radar hearing
(damn, i knew it! *licks paw*)
granted, but your ears literally turn into satellite dishes and you become a medical curiosity.
i wish i had more time to walk around this afternoon.
Granted but your stuck in today for eternity
I wish Soul Eater was a longer anime.
(actually, i wouldn't mind that.)
granted. but they run out of plot so it becomes akin to high school musical.
i wish i could put on nail polish and not have it come off till i take it off.
granted, but you can only take it off for an hour starting at 2:30 am
I wish for the old 80's cartunes to get back on air and the public disgrace and death of this whore ( (Single handedly killed Anime on public TV)
granted, but his/her insane followers bring her back from the dead and they all kill you.
i wish that time moved slower.
Granted, but your Banquet dinners take 2 hours to heat up as a result
I wish I could find a golden egg
granted. but it was from a golden goose that is now dead, so everyone who knew about it wants to kill you.
i wish i could make people cease to exist just by thinking about it. ^^
Granted, but it works on people with a Q in their name
I wish I could grow wings
granted. (
i wish life sucked less.
Granted. Life now blows
I wish I had cake
Granted, but the factory accidentally adds a dangerous chemical to their cake supply/
I wish I could touch wasps without getting stung.
granted. but now they like you so much they won't leave you alone. enjoy your new life as "the bee man".
i wish i could sit cross-legged/seiza for as long as i wanted without my legs getting numb.
Granted, but they get stuck instead
I wish there was no such thing as insults or the feeling of being insulted.
Granted. Everybody is annoyed for no reason
I wish every jump was like an adventure
Granted, but any one of the jumps could kill you.
I wish love didn't hurt so much.
Granted. Love now stinks
I wish I had a storage building that's bigger on the inside
Granted but they close down the mall to do so.
I wish that I had a destroy everything button.
Granted, but the driver file requires Windows Blazengah 430
Granted. You never get any sleep because you have no idea how to turn it off
(@Simon: The mall closes down? No big loss; it's been dead since the '90s)
I wish I knew how to replace the engine in my truck
Granted but you don't have a truck anymore
I wish people would debate more than argue
granted. but EVERY discussion in your life turns into a debate, from what to watch on tv to what music you're listening to right now.
i wish i could be free of earthly binds.
Granted. You're a ghost now
I wish I had a taco
Granted, but it is made with any kind of food you don't like...
I wish for Porld Weace
(@pent: yay!)
granted. a man named Porld Wease shows up at your door.
i wish i could control the minds of others.
granted, but it only works at a 20 ft radius
I wish they stopped remastering moves and focused on 80's cartoons
Granted. They ignore Thundercats, Transformers, and other stuff people actually care about in favor of stuff like The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo
I wish I could erase Melanie Bush ( from the Doctor Who timeline entirely
granted, but you go too far and erase the remaining past seasons along with it, much like the BBC did with the original tapes of the first seasons. prepare to be hunted by packs of angry nerds.
i wish i could procure funding for a hotel room in the form of people.
Granted, but you end up with people who snore as loudly as my grandma. Enjoy not sleeping well
I wish I could go to an anime convention
granted, but it's overrun by Hollywood guys like that time in the Cleveland show
[EDIT] I wish I hadn't forgotten to add the I wish part
granted, but for the next 3 weeks all your posts end up in random places. SUDDENLY, PORN IN THE WEATHER THREAD
Granted, but you end up injuring yourself because your vision is frequently blacked out for a card showing what people around you are saying
I wish I could shoot lasers out of my hands
granted, but the universe becomes dbz 4 you
I wish physics lwas were cheese
(@pent: granted, but it backfires and shoots you in the eye.)
granted. everything gets a nice nachoey coating as it drifts away into the sky.
i wish someone would fund a stage play of Lolita complete with operatic musical numbers and top-notch broadway cast, and that i was there to see on opening night.
Granted but goes Hamlet on ya! (Every try gets tons of troubles)
I wish All my city's streets were repaved properly
granted, but all the water mains fail.
i wish all my coloured pencils were back to their original state.
granted, but you can't sharpen them now
I wish KOF would return
granted, but it now stands for King of Fellatiors.
i wish i had a banquet meal.
granted, but it's for other person and you get sued for everything you own
I wish it all...
(@Kari: Granted, but it's freezer-burnt)
Granted, but nothing happens
I wish I had a rabbit :3
granted. you get the ones from monty python and they eat you alive.
i wish i could sleep, wake up rested, and resume what i was doing at exactly this time.
Granted but you are asleep for three years
I wish I could understand computer language as simple as understanding English.
granted, but you lose your ability to speak english and instead communicate through beeps and boops.
i wish every time i looked in the fridge the exact food i wanted was there.
Granted, but the fridge is now combination locked
I wish I was a Dragonite
granted. but you're owned by team rocket and forced to commit atrocities.
i wish i HAD a dragonite.
Granted but your hunted for your strenght
I wish I could shape shift.
Granted, but you lose the ability to differentiate between "your" and "you're"
I wish I could button mash faster
(@simon: granted, but like the tardis, you get stuck in one form.)
Granted, but your thumbs fall off from the stress.
i wish i could find stronger shampoo.
Granted, but it makes your hair fall out.
I wish I was an Os-tan
@pent: that wouldn't be too bad.
@choco: DAMNIT, welp, better make this good.
granted. you're ME-tan, in a perpetual freeze state.
i wish i could never run out of coca-cola.
(damn it, am I a least male?)
Granted but your sick of it in a week.
I wish the concept of words would get twisted over time.
granted, but time doesn't move at all
I wish the world supn faster
(@simon: no; no such thing as getting sick of it. -w- )
Granted; we're all flung into the depths of space.
i wish the rest of the tvs in this house had real cable boxes.
granted, they only receive Russian cable
I wish for weird al to allow me to translate his parodies to Spanish and have the Vocaloids sing them
granted. but his record companies don't, and you get sued for copyright infringement.
i wish gas was cheaper.
granted, but everything else gets more expensive
I wish the atheists stopped trying to destroy faith...
granted. they turn militant and try to destroy countries instead.
i wish the local dollar tree didn't exist.
Granted. Enjoy having yet another Dunkin Donuts within walking distance of at least 5 others
I wish I had the power of Greyskull
granted. enjoy the hideously large muscles that make it impossible to get into any of your clothes.
i wish OSC wasn't filled with so much infighting.
Granted, now there's nothing to talk about.
I wish I had my own theme song.
granted. it's a triple-remix Lady Gaga cover of "Call Me Maybe".
i wish there were more hours in the day.
Granted. It throws off the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff and results in a Cyberman invasion
I wish my sonic screwdriver was a real one; not just a flashlight
granted, but it explodes in your face and you lose an eye. (and it sets something off in the time stream.)
i wish i could understand any word i hear.
Granted, but it gets annoying when you know when people insult you in another language
I wish I had a female twin :3
granted. she's a clone of your mom.
i wish my pencil would never get dull and never break.
Granted, but you run out of paper
I wish I had a box of classic Trix cereal (When it was still fruit shaped)
granted, but is Krusty brand
I wish I had a Better looking hair
granted. that one hair you have now is gorgeous.
i wish i could extend my limbs at will.
Granted. You become Lanky Kong IRL
I wish I could use the Sexy Jutsu
granted but it doesn't work right and you end up looking like a old man
I wish this blizzard would drop a crap ton of snow
granted, but you're literally snowed in. open the door and a wall of snow falls in through, like in the cartoons.
i wish i could help the cat stop shedding so much. (it's becoming worrisome.)
Granted. The cat's hair will from now on keep growing uncontrollably without ever falling and as a consequence you will have to shave the poor thing once a week.
I wish I had a more open mind.
Granted. Your mind is now open to unwanted guests who drink all the coffee while you're not paying attention
I wish I had the power to instantly heal from severe wounds
Granted. However, to balance things out a bit, you're now permanently covered all over by small, extremely painful slash wounds that keep infecting. To forget the pain from them you might try to hack off one of your legs, but too bad, it would grow back and heal nearly instantly, gravely undermining its distracting value.
I wish all the lasagne in Europe was made of horse meat. I also wish no further questions on the lasagna topic.
granted, but it's imitation horse meat.
i wish i was a Yuki-onna.
Granted, but you end up having very low tolerance for heat and have to live inside a freezer during the summer
I wish I had longer hair
Granted, you are now Rapunzel's imitation.
I wish when I clicked on XP-tan in the top right she'd do a funny dance.
granted. you revive the changing, animated banners of yesteryear. there is one hour of nostalgic bliss (god i miss them) and then the site crashes.
i wish i could switch on/off my pain receptors at will.
Granted, but turning them back on results in an intense pain before you settle back in
I wish I had a copy of PaRappa the Rapper
Granted, but it requires the Sony BananaStation.
I wish for like likes.
granted, but they all turn into dislikes.
i wish i had more time to watch movies.
Granted, but you only have time for cheesy movies like what's commonly found on Mystery Science Theater 3000
I wish I could get a foot massage
Granted, but it's from an anthropomorphic cactus.
I wish Mike Dawson could win the ring toss in one try.
Quote from: LeaflameSD on February 10, 2013, 07:59:19 AM
Granted, but it's from an anthropomorphic cactus.
I wish Mike Dawson could win the ring toss in one try.
granted it's the only thing he can do...
I wish I could do Kaze Bushin no Jutsu...
granted, but you drain all your Chakra in one blow.
i wish every time i saw a movie i acquired a physical copy of the DVD.
(Damn it Choco... I need 20 of me to follow up both my Dad and Granddad... So blowing up the chakra doing it is a no-no)
granted, but those are pirated DVD's and you got the FBI hounds on your posterior
I wish people didn't visit Fighting Spirits Mexico
granted. they visit Tijuana and get ebola instead. happy lawsuit, mexico~~
i wish i had a subscription to all my favourite magazines.
Granted, but you only receive the ancient Egyptian translation
I wish I had all 3 Egyptian God Cards
granted, but they're in bootleg mandarin.
i wish there was no way this wish could backfire.
Granted, you don't get anything.
I wish I could see my own future.
granted, it gives you such a powerful migrane that you get amnesia.
i wish i could think of something, and then get it.
Granted, but it only works for things smaller than a can of Coke
I wish I had Peach's dress
granted. but it's ripped and torn from being kidnapped all the time.
i wish i could get any anime boy i want.
Granted, but it's always Nejin in cosplay regardless of character
I wish I had snow
(ughhhhh. dammit. ><; )
granted. but it's 5 feet of the crappy grey slush that's usually found in cities. (bleh. ><; )
i wish i could feel less guilty about everything under the sun.
Granted, but you're still guilty. You might want to call Phoenix Wright
I wish I had a baked potato
granted, but you become the baked potato you have.
i wish i had a complete set of copic and neopiko markers.
Granted, but when it arrives in the mail it's a hologram.
I wish for unlimited unlimited unlimited orange juice.
Granted, but then I steal your unlimited supply of orange juice for myself
I wish I could find one of the lost episodes of Doctor Who
granted, but it's all in spoken ancient egyptian, and thus un-understandable.
i wish this took less time.
granted, but the rest of the stuff takes more time...
I wish I had a whole set of Magical swords (Sword of the Omens, Master Sword Tessaiga, tenseigsa, (s)Excalibur, Kusanagi)
granted. you get the Benizakura, which is cursed.
i wish i had a personal channel which i could set the lineup of (and was available on every cable provider and package).
granted but nobody watches it.
I wish I had the keyblades oathkeeper and olbivion
Granted, but they're action figure sized
(He-Man has a Keyblade!)
I wish I had a replacement keyboard for my laptop
Granted, it's in Korean
I wish I could transfer thoughts to others but not read theirs.
Granted, but you send the wrong thoughts to the wrong people; resulting in uncomfortable situations
I wish I could be a cat for a day :3
granted, but that day goes on forever.
i wish i could get my to-do list done with a snap of my finger.
granted, but your fingers break
I wish I could forget all the annoying internet sites
Granted, but you also forget your favorite sites as well
I wish someone would give me a box of chocolate
(that can't happen I have 1992 tabs open with my fave sites)
granted, it's dark, bitter chocolate
I Wish I could have every version of iParty
granted, but it's all made by apple and thus too expensive to afford.
i wish i had all the candy i wanted and it would never rot my teeth.
Granted but it all tastes like something you hate
I wish i could get more sleep.
Granted. You keep sleeping in later than you intend to
I wish I had a pilot's license
granted, but the plane crashes
I wish I could never get sick.
Granted, but your health is at danger because you have sugar rushes 24/7
I wish that when I pour milk into my muesli, it would be the adequate amount.
granted, but you get tired of it in a week.
I wish a had a cheezburger
Granted, but the Hamburgler steals it from you
I wish I had someone to snuggle
granted, but the sasquatch isn't having any of it.
i wish i could get rid of this headache. ><;;
Granted, but now your feet hurt
I wish I had a pony
granted. it's derpy and she bakes all your furniture into muffins.
i wish my debts were gone.
Granted, now you live in a treehouse.
I wish people would understand the target audience for edited anime.
Granted, but now they don't understand the target audience of prime-time television shows
I wish I had more of that strawberry-orange soda
granted, but it's diet.
i wish i knew everything there is to know about something just by picking it up. -w-
Granted, but you forget everything about it as soon as you set it down; going back to how it was before you picked it up
I wish I had a microwave in my room
Granted, but Eimi comes to kick your ass when you accidentally leave it on too long.
I wish there was a day where we broadcast full TV lineups from 1992.
granted, but it's all news broadcasts from that era.
i wish we had a system to flash-cook food (leaving it ready in less than a minute).
Granted but it all taste freezer burnt
i wish I had new art supplies.
Granted, but they run out/break in the first 5 minutes of use.
I wish GTA 3 would convert the textures faster.
Granted, the graphics have been down graded.
I wish there was a way to have a computer in my head.
Granted. You become like the Borg from Star Trek
I wish I could have gone to meet Linkara last weekend ;_;
Granted. This happens...
I wish people wouldn't mock Chistians.
granted. they just hate them now like america treats muslims.
i wish i could freeze time on this forum so i could post without being sniped.
Granted, but you can't unfreeze it; meaning nobody but you can post
I wish my watch could shoot lasers
Granted, but they require AAA batteries. And you know how expensive they are...
I wish I could use 2 mouse cursors at the same time.
Granted. Enjoy your new Amiga, and trying to figure out how to get on the internet with it :3
I wish I wasn't caught in the middle
granted. you're on the outside looking in.
i wish whenever i had to do a bodily function (bathroom, sneeze, burp, etc), i could beam it into the proper receptacle like scotty beams people down.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 18, 2013, 10:32:47 AM
granted. they just hate them now like america treats muslims.
(whats new)
Granted, but it sometime transports your whole body.
I wish I could a lot and not get fat.
granted, but now you every other word.
i wish i had more room. >>;
granted, but all colors are switched with one: blood red
I wish My dad's old soccer team got reunited to play on the veteran's league...
(wtf? how does that make sense?)
granted, but their legs have all been broken by the mafia.
i wish AB would comp my registration and room.
Granted, but they give you a cheap, rat-infested motel to save money
I wish I could be totally radical like '90s Kid
granted, but you fade into obscurity like he did.
i wish i had a never-ending supply of banquets.
Granted, but you receive more of the ones you don't care much for than the ones you really love
I wish I had longer hair
Granted, now you look like a chewbacca dog.
I wish I could sharpen my pencils with my mind.
Granted, but when you space out the tips of your fingers get peeled.
I wish I could get a nice loft studio apartment in down town Providence. (not my wish)
granted, but it was owned by a mobster and you're constantly threatened to go the Ben Parker way to find some cash the mobster hid in there...
I wish I could go to space
Granted, you die.
I wish I had some jelly beans
granted, they're all puke flavoured.
i wish my skin wasn't peeling.
Granted, but now you're made of vinyl
I wish I had a replica of Cloud's sword
granted, but it's too heavy to lift.
i wish my appointment was later on in the day.
granted the doctor was in an accident.
I wish I had a zebra.
granted, it's an adorable plushie.
i wish my teeth were indestructible.
Granted. However, since indestructible materials are stupidly rare and sought for by every military in the world, you are assassinated 2 days after posting about it on facebook and your skull is stolen by the murderer, who works for the chinese government. 20 days later they have developed this into a fully functional indestructible power armor, and in a few years they have them mass-produced in enough quantities to invade the rest of the world. Shortly thereafter China Invades Everything, nuclear war breaks out and the world ends.
All because you wanted a "Get out of dentist's free" card. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR.
I this burn in my mouth would stop hurting so much (totally not related at all).
granted. all your teeth fall out.
i wish i could survive death in the way of Jack Harkness.
granted, now you'll see everything and everyone you hold dear wither away and die..
I wish mom doesn't get mad at me for this couple of allnighters
Granted, now she is never around.
I wish I had a four terabyte hard-drive.
Mine is full
granted, gets inaccessible as soon as you install it....
I wish the universe
Granted, it explodes.
I wish I had a cheezburger
Granted, but it's undercooked
I wish I could accidentally the whole cup
Granted you accidentaly everything else too
I wish i had a bottomless stomach
granted, the acid eats through your organs since it has nowhere to go.
i wish i could sit crosslegged for long periods without getting leg cramps.
Granted, you get stuck like that, now really don't have a choice.
I wish I had bionic strenght
granted, you become the $6,000 man. they have the technology to repair you, they just don't want to spend the money.
i wish i could imagine something and have it appear.
Granted, but it works on anything you can imagine. Changeling just got real
I wish I could join Team Rocket
granted, but you are the lowest of all the grunts and you get the crap kicked out of you every day for your lunch money.
i wish i could get my dream house.
Granted, but it's a Lego set and not a full-size house
I wish I didn't encounter so damn many Zubats
granted. you encounter golbats instead.
i wish i had a full wardrobe of various gothic clothes.
Granted, but I make one of the dresses go missing >w>;;
I wish I had an EGL dress
granted, but it's 3 sizes too small.
i wish i could move things with my mind.
Granted, you do it subconsciously
I wish I was a mushi
granted, you're troublesome, so Ginko is forced to come and deal with you by sealing you in a jar.
i wish i could jump into any series (book/manga/anime/videogame/etc) i wanted.
Granted, you die in Deadman Wonderland.
I wish it would rain more.
(i would never go to deadman wonderland since i don't like that show/manga. SO THERE)
granted. but all the rain of the year falls today, the rest is dry.
i wish google would respond.
Granted, it responds with Chuck Norris
I wish I had more memory space.
granted. your chest increases 5 sizes.
i wish my room was clean.
(but, I'm a guy T_T )
Granted, you are still the one who has clean it
I wish there were no content filters
Granted, but then more crazy moms such as mine start complaining about inappropriate content :\
I wish I could be a girl >w>;
granted, but you're a porn star and nothing of your body is natural.
i wish i could decipher the meaning of a song the instant i hear it.
Granted, but you then find out the meaning of Warrant's "Down Boys", and you go mad from the revelation
I wish I knew how to use the Shadow Clone Jutsu
(WHAT DOES IT MEAN!? :0000 [/doublerainbow]
granted, but all your clones suck and fool no one.
i wish i could meet/adventure with the doctor.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 27, 2013, 04:30:10 PM
(WHAT DOES IT MEAN!? :0000 [/doublerainbow]
granted, but all your clones suck and fool no one.
i wish i could meet/adventure with the doctor.
Granted, but it is the Doctor Gregory House... Welcome To Hell...
I wish My tummy stopped aching
Granted, now you have a splitting headache.
I wish I had $300.00
Granted, but it's only in Monopoly money
I wish I had cake
I wish I didn't have a head ache
granted, it's a back ache instead.
i wish that VRMMORPGs (as in Sword Art Online) were real and that i had the setup for one.
Granted, but the game is just RuneScape with virtual reality tacked on xD
I wish I had a bag of holding
Granted , it's filled with T-virus viles.
I wish I just knew what the time was, without having to use a clock.
granted, but your brain tricks you into thinking it's 5oclock ALL THE TIME.
i wish i had one of every videogame console known to man.
Granted, but you don't have any games for them
I wish I had bacon
granted, it's nothing but fat.
i wish i could drink as much coke as i want without my teeth getting hurt.
granted, it's radio active
I wish I didn't eat so much at lunch
granted, it all falls out of you when you eat it, meaning you never get full.
i wish i was a mermaid.
Granted. You have to listen to Under The Sea on a never-ending loop for the rest of your life; forever haunted by the Little Mermaid level of Kindgom Hearts
I wish I could ride on a dolphin
Granted, but the dolphin rides you first.
I wish I could go to Orlando Florida
granted. you get mugged by an out-of-work Mickey Mouse and humped by Shamu. prepare to be scarred for life.
i wish i could get into paid things for free. -w-
Granted, it's all drug smuggling.
I wish this damn headache would go away!
(i don't get it....)
granted, now it's in your stomach.
i wish the government wasn't so heavy-handed.
(you have to smuggle drugs in order to get in to things for free since your pay is tickets to everything for free, doesn't end well)
Granted, it doesn't exist.
I wish I knew what my future will be.
Granted. You get to see your own funeral
I wish I had the ability to shoot fireballs out of my hands
Granted, your hands are now too charred to use for anything else
I wish i didn't feel any physical pain
granted, you can't feel ANYTHING anymore. enjoy the injuries without any of the fun in between.
i wish my tongue could never get burnt.
Granted, but you still burn the roof of your mouth
I wish I had a girlfriend
i wish i would wake up and my plushies would be flesh-and-blood versions of their characters.
Granted, but they leave on their various adventures (Joining Luffy in finding the Grand Line, etc.) :\
I wish I was a pony -w-
granted, you're this pony: (
I wish I had every WWE DVD ever made
Granted. You have them...stuffed into your mouth.
I wish I had the power to create peanuts.
Granted, you poop them, the entire plants.
I wish I knew all languages.
Granted, but while you can read and write in every language in the history of the world, you can only speak in Pig Latin
I wish I wasn't so sleepy
granted, you're too awake to ever sleep again. you die in a few days.
i wish i had never gone to college. >>;
Granted, but now you have to deal with everyone demanding you drop what you're doing and go now :\
I wish I could make any food I wanted appear instantly on my plate
(still better than this!)
granted, but it's poisoned.
i wish i could fix broken stuff with a wave of my hand.
Granted, but then you break your wrist; making it hard to do that
I wish my shoulder didn't hurt
granted. you don't have a shoulder now.
i wish that, like a dress-up doll, i could stick and unstick clothes to take them off, and i could cut pictures of clothes out of magazines to get new outfits. :3
Granted, but as most Chinese dolls do, the clothes soon start to erode.
I wish I could eat a cactus.
granted. you die from the trauma.
i wish i could time travel the way they did in Chrono Trigger.
Granted, but you come out on the other side as a frog
I wish I had a real, working Pokéball
Granted, you accidentally get yourself caught in it.
I wish it wasn't snowing right now.
granted, it's hailing instead.
i wish they made a special wrap that when you put it over a part of your body, it fixes it (cleans/clears skin, whitens and repairs teeth, heals cuts, etc etc).
Granted, it's addictive. People then start hurting themselves in order to use it.
I wish I had a Mokena
granted. Mokona makes fun of you and then teleports back to his dimension.
i wish we could pull the fat off of ourselves like adipose and stick it to other things to get rid of it, such as trees.
Granted, it still hurts like a bitch.
I wish It was 4:00 p.m. est.
granted, you get into a timeloop being forever more between 4:00 P.M. Est. and 4:02 P.M. Est.
I wish there was an increase of excess power between my other self and me...
Granted, you explode.
I wish I could find my doppelganger and kill him.
Granted, but the doppelganger is actually a clone of you, ergo you kill yourself.
I wish the person below me would do a funny dance.
I wish I had a cheezburger
Granted, but the Hamburgler steals it
I wish I had the brains to rule Lylat
Granted, you're overthrown at the 3 minutes
I wish Simon stops granting my wishes with me exploding...
Granted. You explode (this time it's me granting the wish). The end.
I wish for a blanket.
granted it's an electric one that ends up burning 99.99% of your body with third degree burns
I wish not to be exploded no more
Granted. Every instance of you exploding has now been altered to instead have you kidnapped by aliens and replaced by a hamster, forced into slave labor at a condom factory for Aqshozhqbhhhhhhwulzians for 20 years, before finally dying of exhaustion in a back alley one day because you just can't take the smell of those damn things anymore.
I wish five random stars (not including the Sun or any of the Alpha Centauri ones) on the visible night sky just vanished, thrusting astronomers world wide into a panic.
granted. one of them is our nearest neighbor, causing a vague gravitational ripple that winds up fucking up our solar system. thanks a lot for making jupiter crash into us, dammit. >>;
i wish i had infinite drive space and unlimited torrenting ability.
(I actually specified NOT including any of the Alpha Centauri stars (there are 3 of them), and A-Cen IS our nearest neighbor. You broke your break!)
Granted. You have a hard drive with self-replicating abilities that makes more space on it as is needed, and your ISP randomly decides to plug you right into the mainline. However, the hard drive in question uses the SCSI-1 interface and has horrible latency, and sitting on the mainline has the unfortunate side effect that it's horribly easy for any script kiddy to hack your shit.
I wish for a pie...
...with PIE FLAVOR.
Granted, but said pie is nothing but crust on the inside
I wish Nej had a real pony he could ride on, because that would be fucking sweet
Granted. You are now that pony.
I wish Kari a very, very happy birthday.
Granted, but the cake is stolen by ninjas; which ruins it :[
I wish I had sandvich
Granted, but the Same ninjas that Stole the cake steal the Sandvich and Give Kari back her Cake...
i Wish I had a sword Mixture of the Sword of Omens and the Sword of Grayskool
Granted. You transform into Manimal ( (Cinema Snob approved!)
Insert alcohol
Umm... Granted? You die of Kidney failure.
I wish for a brownie cake
Granted, but it's burnt to a crisp
I wish Daylight Savings Time didn't exist
granted, there's moon light savings time now
I wish I had unlimited local storage space for my computer.
granted. but everything higher than 10gb is hit with a virus.
i wish hanging out with friends never had to end.
Granted, but then you run out of pizza and everyone is disappointed :[
I wish I had jet-powered rollerskates
granted. they go so fast your feet rip off your ankles.
i wish life sucked less.
granted, now it blows
I wish I had a goldfish
granted, it's dead.
i wish i had a marketable skill.
Granted. Your skill is playing with a rubber band
I wish my cat had some chicken
Granted, It's in its blood line
I wish I could go back to the dorms.
granted, but they've burnt down.
i wish i could draw the pain out of me and into little pellets.
Granted, but then Namco executives capture you to use your "pills of pain" to fill in the mazes in the new Pac-Man
I wish I had a bunnygirl costume
Granted, it's so ecchi that you can't use it outdoors
I wish for kari as a plushie
Granted, it's made in china.
I wish I wasn't so hopeless
granted, all your hopelessness goes onto me and i die. thanks. >:\
i wish the power of imagination could actually affect the real world. like superpowers.
Granted, my imagination kills everyone while I'm asleep/
I wish nothing I do would hurt other people.
Granted, now they hurt you instead.
(Unoriginal wish grant is unoriginal :-\)
I wish people would stop recoloring.
(okay, okay)
Granted, now they're re shading.
I wish there was a way I could live in the internet.
granted, you are the first person to be digitized, you not only become a medical oddity but you lose your humanity in the process of becoming nothing more than 1's and 0's.
i wish i could change my appearance at will.
Granted, you lose control for an hour every time you do.
I wish I could travel around the world
granted. you are forced to do so by hot air balloon, catch pneumonia in the clouds, and are dead before you reach russia.
i wish religion didn't exist.
Granted, but then everyone finds something else to start pointless arguments and wars over :\
I wish my car was ready to drive
granted. somehow it's ready to drive despite you having to make sacrifices with the quality of the parts, such as having bike wheels and a cardboard engine. it gets a good 500 feet before it catches on fire.
i wish Opera saved my work exactly as i left it each time it closed.
Granted, but now it takes 30 minutes to load
I wish I had smaller feet
granted, now your head is too large and the small feet makes it hard to stand.
I wish new 3DS.
Granted, but it turns out it's Korea's fake 3DS knockoff, the Super Boy 3D Extreme Gamez!
I wish when I drank soda (my stomach) I didn't turn into (a) wild snorlax.
(i hope you mean North Korea)
granted, your confusing grammar leads you to be turned into a captured snorlax. enjoy going on lame-ass adventures with ash and team~~
i wish that, like in The Nightmare Before Christmas, deep in the forest there was a ring of special trees with doors that could take me to other worlds.
Granted. You stumble into the world of Teletubbies
I wish I had my own Digimon
(@Choco: I meant to do that *shot*)
Granted, but it's made out of sand paper.
I wish I had better Internet Logic.
granted, your real world logic takes a hit.
i wish life was a video game, and over time we leveled up and increased our stats.
Granted, but it takes several hours of doing the same thing over and over to build up your skills
I wish I could play Mario Tennis online
granted, but the server crashes and you lose all your data.
i wish i could run and profit from a ponzi scheme.
Grated, but you get caught :\
I wish I had a coffeemaker
granted, but it's really a fishtank.
i wish i could watch anime in my sleep.
granted, it's shin chan and Pokemon
I wish for Pary Moppins
Granted, your are Marry Poppins
I wish for a fish sandwich
granted, you're a fish sandvich
I wish for the power of Rock!
granted. you're now Brock.
i wish i my knee would stop bleeding.
(oh, and i like shin chan, btw.)
granted, it gets infected.
I wish I had enough time to write my stories.
granted. you have so much time that you run out of material and never write again.
i wish my hot food always stayed hot and my cold food always stayed cold.
granted, the hot food scalds your insides.
and the cold food makes you throw up.
oh sorry,
I wish for a Lama
granted, it's a Drama Llama.
i wish i could roll a katamari.
granted, it taste terrible.
I wish I could troll Hazama
( DO know what a katamari IS, right? it's not something you eat...)
granted, hazama trolls you right back.
i wish people instantly knew what i was talking about when i said it.
(f$*king troll, and no I just looked it up, boy do I feel dumb)
Granted, your thoughts and memories can now be freely read by any passerby.
I wish I had a sixth sense
Granted. You now see dead people
I wish I had a cat snuggled next to me
(sweet) ;D
granted, it's a Tiger, and your dead.
I wish I was shorter.
Granted. You're now 4 feet tall
I wish I had a BFG (
granted, it's only a replica though and doesn't do anything
I wish I had a computer with Mac, Windows and Linux OS's built in.
Granted, but when you get it the BIOS is corrupt
I wish I could play the guitar like Haruhi <
granted. you're not playing anything. just strumming random strings and annoying those around you.
i wish i could go to college for free.
granted, the teachers are illiterate and you end up having to teach yourself.
I wish there was a way I could go to the bottom of the ocean alive and return alive.
granted, you can no longer survive on land. congrats on building Sealab 2021, though!
i wish that every song i listened to manipulated the world around me, warping it into its image.
Granted, You get trapped in an infinite loop of Repulsive food eater Conchita... good luck trying to avoid the Supreme devourer
I wish I had a more modern phone
granted, it still doesn't work quite right.
I wish I could have burritos for every meal.
granted, you get explosive diarrhea (literally).
i wish i had better circulation.
granted, you float
I wish I had better communication skills.
Granted, but you become a RL troll because of that.
I wish my life was an anime *shot*
granted, being chase by monsters all the time.
I wish I had access to an inter dimensional space gap, that I could use for storage.
granted, but you get sucked into it and get stuck.
i wish i could understand what you guys are saying.
Granted, but now you no longer understand what I'm saying :[
I wish I was a Pokémon Trainer in real life
granted, but every time you battle every pokemon you have faints. not that there's anyone to battle. you were just attacking trees. -w-
i wish i had all the powers of Jenny XJ9, the Teenage Robot.
Granted, you get captured by an evil militia, and your memory code gets warped, making you their slave.
I wish it wasn't going to snow today. :-\
Granted. It's just really really cold
I wish I had a donut
granted, it's whole wheat and spinach
I wish I had my bike and a place to put it.
granted. the bike, the chain, and the bike rack get stolen by scrappers.
i wish i got better at drawing just by reading about it.
Granted, but the Soviets find out about your skill and kill you.
(Hmm... :-\ )
I wish I could become a Finnish folksong writer.
granted, but it angers finland.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 25, 2013, 05:35:33 PM
granted. the bike, the chain, and the bike rack get stolen by scrappers.
Damn it, not again!
Wait, what was the wish here?
i wish that when i forget to write a wish/item/wwyp, it would write one in automatically.
Granted, but it's nonsensical
granted, you're the one afraid.
I searched STEAK BE AFRAIDED and that's what popped up
I wish I had a collection on all the books I'd ever read.
(I seriously can't remember the name of one of the best ones.)
granted, but they're all bootleg copies from china. enjoy your crash course in mandarin~
i wish i didn't have dry eye.
granted, now you have pink eye.
I wish I could meet people on the internet, in the internet, in person.
Granted. They're secretly Chris Hanson with Dateline NBC; who then has you arrested on charges of pedophilia (Basically, my mom was right)
I wish I had a smaller body
granted, now your a mini-moi.
I wish for rubies.
granted, but the grant fairy mixes up some letters, so now you have rabies.
i wish i had special eyes.
Granted. You now have Changeling's Eyes as a character flaw
I wish we could continue our Changeling game :\
granted, but only two people show up and i have 5 minutes to put together some semblance of a plot, so it sucks so bad we never speak of it again.
i wish i could take things from the future and bring them to the past, knowledge included (future driver's license + driving knowledge = get!).
Granted. Everyone thinks you have a fake ID
I wish I could found a bag of Sour Patch jelly beans
granted, they're all tainted with cynaide.
i wish that i had a mobile hot spot wired into my purse.
Granted. I swap our purses around and pretend nothing happened >w>;;
I wish I had a soda fountain in my room
granted. all it dispenses is Black Cherry Lime from Recess.
i wish every plushie i got transformed into its human counterpart when it came to live with me. -w-
granted, they all run away.
I wish I had a trustworthy life companion.
granted, but THEY run away. (so there. >>; )
i wish i was a black hat hacker. -w-
granted, but your also the mad hatter.
I wish there was a way to actually hear the music I was thinking of and share it from my head.
granted, but it comes out 3 keys higher and 2 times faster, so everything sounds like squeaky crap. >>;
i wish i could use the wayback machine on my account on a site.
Granted, but you forgot you changed your password since then, and you don't remember what your old password was :\
I wish I could help people with their problems
granted, you transform into MAGICAL LADY DEAR ABBY~~
i wish technology had advanced to a point where glitches were no longer a thing.
granted, now cheat codes don't work. They patched that up too, thanks.
I wish I could make things appear with just my mind.
(some games put in the cheat codes on purpose~~)
granted, but they're all illusions only you can see.
i wish i had Synergy's powers on my side.
granted, some what... i think...
Somehow you get turned into a Smeargle.
I wish I had long hair instead of thick hair.
Granted, you are now the Elephant Man.
I wish I could cancel singers record labels (Frankly I can't stand Nicki Minaj)
Granted, but you have no control over who; it's merely a big red button which will cancel any singer's record label at random
I wish I had healing powers
granted. but you sick the life force out of others when you do it.
i wish, like in many video games, i could go around punching people and be paid for it.
Granted, you become the best paid kung fu Mistress Hit monkey in creation
I wish I could destroy my restrain so I can actually attack the idiots..
Granted, but you lose control and attack everyone
I wish I had some orange juice
granted, it's pure acid.
i wish 5 minutes of sleep was enough to leave me feeling refreshed. the rest would just be gravy.
Granted: You're me
I wish my sisters weren't so hypocrit
granted, they still do what they're hypocritical about, only now they're mute.
I wish I had a mobile hotspot.
Granted. It's located in the purse I..."traded" with Kari. Good luck getting it from me >w>;;
I wish I had cake
granted, the cake is still a lie.
I wish I had a replica of one of the turrets, with a voice button so it makes the same sounds.
granted, it won't stop trying to kill you.
i wish i could snap my fingers and make things happen on the internet (make gold appear in a virtual account, fill up a bank account, customize a webpage, etc etc).
Granted, but you have no control over where the changes end up (The latest page of Aces High ending up on VGCats? Entirely possible)
I wish I had a taco
granted, it's done with taco bell's dog meat
I wish for it to ne'er end
granted, weird spelling ne'er does.
i wish i knew the lyrics to a song perfectly the first time i heard them.
Granted, but you find the lyrics still don't make sense ("The sphinx was so cute that I had to shave it"? What?)
I wish Sega would actually allow Amy Rose to grow beyond "shallow love interest who cannot function without Sonic"
granted. she realizes her true potential as a murderess and slaughters everyone else in the franchise with a maniacal grin.
i wish i was one of those farmers that gets paid not to grow anything.
Granted, but you talk in the most incomprehensive voice, ergo nobody understands you.
I wish MegaMan Battle Network was easier.
(how does that even make sense???????? (ノ °益°)ノ 彡 ┻━┻ )
granted. it's so easy that it becomes stupid to play, thus no one does, and it is shut down.
i wish i could figure out the root cause of my illness whenever i get sick.
(I don't know! *cricricri*)
Granted, but there is no cure for it.
I wish *sniifffffffffffffffscocaine* people wouldn't do crack.
granted, they do cocaine instead. (though they have the same root source they're two different things, you can't really snort crack and you can't really smoke cocaine :3 )
i wish i could get the word out about my sites more. :\
Granted. The traffic is so heavy that the servers go down due to the stress (Or, as Penny Arcade puts it, the server gets "wanged")
I wish I had a parrot
Granted, all it does is swear at you and squawk really loud.
I wish I could finish something, for just once in my life.
(am I invisible?)
(awesome. -w-)
granted. it bites you and flies away, off to join the colonies of wild parrots in NYC. (those actually exist, btw.)
i wish the barter system was still in place.
Granted, but someone makes a career out of half-assing their end of the deal; breaking the system for everyone
I wish I was a robot ninja
granted. you malfunction and kill everyone.
i wish the futurama was now.
Granted, bender keeps harassing you.
I wish I had a giant squid.
granted. you get shot in the face with ink before it eats you. (btw, squid ink reeks.)
i wish i could catch up on shows i want to see, but have time stop while i watch them, so i can watch them all in one go. -w-
Granted, your electricity goes out when you finally get the chance.
I wish I had more dreams.
granted, they're all about tellitubbies and homicide.
i wish for rattlesnakes. SO MANY RATTLESNAKES.
Granted, but they try to bite you
I wish I had waffles
(i expected that!)
granted, they're dry and cakey, due to being like, 2 weeks old.
i wish i had a full jar of biscoff spread.
Quote from: PentiumMMX on April 03, 2013, 01:03:05 PM
I wish Sega would actually allow Amy Rose to grow beyond "shallow love interest who cannot function without Sonic"
instead of
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 03, 2013, 01:18:53 PM
granted. she realizes her true potential as a murderess and slaughters everyone else in the franchise with a maniacal grin.
QuoteGranted. She realizes her true potential and proceeds to exterminate Everything that ever bothered or hurt her, starting with a certain individual whom never ever seemed to return her undying love and affection...
Granted, is slate
I wish for Porld Weace
BTW, Archie Comics is doing this month a Megaman Sonic Crossover
granted. a man named Porld Weace shows up at your door. he wants snacks.
i wish i could be a telemarketer from home.
Granted. You're possessed by the spirit of Billy Mays
I wish I didn't run out of coffee
granted, you have an unlimited supply of 8 o'clock coffee, the most horrible, bitter, instant coffee in the world.
i wish that life worked like final fantasy 7, and that me and my party could find a save point in boston and use a tent overnight for AB.
Granted, but all the booths at the con only accept Gil
I wish I could play soft tennis
granted, but your skill level is less than Chitose's.
i wish my brain had all the knowledge of wikipedia.
Granted, but you can only recall more "useless" knowledge than anything that can actually come in handy (Like, you'll think "Crystal Pepsi" before you think of the answer to "Who is Shigeru Miyamoto?")
I wish I could make the hair fall out of my legs just by thinking about it
granted, but it falls out everywhere else, too.
i wish we had a dishwasher at home.
Granted, but it breaks down
I wish I had grape juice
granted. but it's fermented. enjoy your drunken stupor~
i wish AB was an extra month away.
Granted. The extra time allows me to come...and unfortunately, I get all of us thrown out because I bust in through the windows on a motorcycle, while in a cosplay of Cloud Strife. Although, you have to admit, that was pretty badass regardless of the property damage
I wish I didn't have the Working theme stuck in my head @_@
granted is stuck in your posterior
I wish the simpsons had ended in season 995
Granted, it ends in 2063.
I wish /b/ was never talked about.
granted. 7chan is the new 4chan and THAT'S talked about.
i wish i had all of King of the Hill on dvd.
granted, its in Korean with crappy subtitles.
I wish I had the time to sun bathe
granted, but you do what i did when i went to florida 5 years ago: burn horribly enough that your tan lines don't disappear for 5 years.
i wish i would always have enough food and money to survive.
Granted, it's still bare minimum.
I wish it was always 62-65 degrees
granted. you're now on mars.
i wish i was better at sewing Yukata.
Granted, but you can't find the right fabric to make it
I wish I wouldn't stay up so late :\
Granted, now you get up too early for anything exciting to happen.
I wish modern Saturday morning cartoons weren't so mediocre anymore.
granted, we all live in japan now.
i wish i spoke perfect japanese.
Granted: Nihongo is a dead language now
I wish to get away from the heat
granted, you get frozen in antarctic ice, only to be rediscovered thousands of years from now.
i wish i was immortal.
Granted, you're also paralyzed.
I wish I had more vivid dreams
Granted, but the word 'vivid' is taken out of context, therefore you have wild seizures.
I wish the MLP English song was as catchy as the Japanese one.
granted, it becomes "catchy" as in it's not catchy in the slightest. (i HATE the japanese theme and i wish they had just kept the original. it sucks.)
i wish japan would treat our stuff with the same regard that we treat theirs (ie: keeping the opening even if you dub the series).
Granted, but now they treat their stuff like shit
I wish Nintendo would finally try something new with Mario, instead of remaking New Super Mario Bros for the billionth time :\
Granted, they try out a new idea and pretty much a total flop.
I wish the "mew-three" Pokemon really is a continuation to the Mew-two story
Granted. It goes over badly
I wish I had some soup
granted, it's all over your body...
I wish to have UMC3
granted, it explodes.
i wish i knew why i was so tired so early.
Granted. It's because you've traded sleep schedules with me; resulting in you going to bed early and me staying up extra late
I wish I had a replica of Edward Elric's red jacket
granted, it's eaten by mots
I want my browser lets me use da letters dat ain't getting used again
Granted, now you can only use those keys.
I wish there weren't so much polotics on TV.
granted. EVERYTHING on tv (including things like sitcoms and the news) is converted to a mixture of cartoons and puppets. as a result, all "serious" topics like politics, news, and weather shifts to every OTHER form of media, meaning every UK website now is devoted to those topics. :3
i wish i had a persocom.
Granted. She's a bit clumsy and accidentally breaks your favorite dishes as a result
I wish I was an alchemist
granted. but you're a sped at it and thus can only transmute dandilions and cheese.
i wish i could land a modelling contract for some goth publication.
Granted, but Nej ends up in the hospital due to massive nosebleed at the sight of you in an EGL dress, and demands you pay for his hospital bill as a result
I wish I could wear an EGL dress without mom noticing
Granted. Your mom's in the hospital because her own EGL dress strangled her.
I wish Tacos. Tacos everywhere.
(@rodney: granted, she's blind and is COMPLETELY dependent on you for every little task.)
granted, you slip on the lettuce grass and fall on the ground beef walkway. the fall shakes loose a Tacofruit from a nearby Tortilla Tree and it falls into your mouth. you choke on the delicious and die.
i wish i had succubus powers. -w-
Granted. You can't control them for shit, however, so now every male in the world, human or not, lusts after your body the moment you're spotted.
I wish for Burrito Barrage Monday.
Granted. The burritos are from a local place called El Toro; hence, they're nasty as shit
I wish my cat would ride on my shoulder like a parrot
Granted. It rides on your shoulder...with a motorcycle.
Awesomeness aside, your shoulder is now very broken, good job.
I wish for MORE TIME
granted, a shipment of Lotte's NOTIME gum is dropped at your door. it has "time" in the name, after all. -w-
i wish i had a successful psychic reading service going.
Granted: your system only predicts catastrophes... and you can't save any one of your clients
I wish Nej tasted real tacos
granted. they're all disgusting fish tacos.
i wish that the copy of pokemon gold i have was made of real gold.
Granted, but the real gold soon melts off the cartridge.
I wish for poetic justice *shot*
granted. you get shot.
i wish i knew how to coupon.
granted, you know nothing else and die in 3 minutes for not to know how to breathe....
I wish above them all...
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 13, 2013, 02:17:12 AM
(@rodney: granted, she's blind and is COMPLETELY dependent on you for every little task.)
granted, you slip on the lettuce grass and fall on the ground beef walkway. the fall shakes loose a Tacofruit from a nearby Tortilla Tree and it falls into your mouth. you choke on the delicious and die.
i wish i had succubus powers. -w-
Quote from: NejinOniwa on April 13, 2013, 04:45:21 AM
Granted. You can't control them for shit, however, so now every male in the world, human or not, lusts after your body the moment you're spotted.
I wish for Burrito Barrage Monday.
Sounds like there might be a brutal gang rape. Watch out for the elephants.
Granted, the one ring destroys you.
I wish I had more skill when it came to art.
granted... you are the most skillfull mime... congrats for a mute life
I wish for the end
Quote from: alfonso_rd_30 on April 16, 2013, 01:33:48 AM
granted... you are the most skillfull mime... congrats for a mute life
I wish for the end
Wish Granted! However, it's The End from Minecraft. Have fun fighting the Ender Dragon! On Survival Mode!
I wish for a helicopter that has two miniguns and two rocket launchers. That, and a license to fly it.
Granted, but you don't have ammo for it; so it's just a helicopter with decorative weapons
I wish I didn't have heartburn
Granted, now you have a splitting hedachi.
I wish my shoes didn't weigh me down so much ;o-o;
Granted. Now your socks weight you down instead
I wish for the world's most comfortable pair of underwear
I shall grant your wish, though there is a problem. Someone thought it was a good idea to wrap a pair of meat buns around said underwear. If you see Taokaka- run like hell.
I wish Capcom actually gave a crap about Mega Man again.
Edit: Oh, wait... Mega Man x Street Fighter and Project X Zone. That's right...
Granted now there is a CRAPman, congrats.
I wish my legs didn't hurt so much right now.
(@ Soldier: Street Fighter X Megaman is nice... @Simon. there's Crap man... they call him "Box Art Megaman")
granted, now your arms hurt...
I wish for the power to revolutionize the world, Bride of the Rose included
granted. you get cut by a thorn and die of infection.
i wish i had a door that led back to victorian era england, and i could come and go as i pleased. (plus, i'd have a key, so no beggar kids with polio coming in to loot my house.)
Granted. You lose the key; leaving just a useless door in your room
I wish I could find a plushie of Sheska
Granted. But, it's being protected in a steel case at a wherehouse. With Unlimited Iron Tager, a Shiny Metagross, Giga Bowser, Ultimate Armor X (the X8 version), and Pit using the Great Sacred Treasure to guard said wherehouse. Yeah... Have fun with that *Gives a billion 1-Ups as a bonus*. In the words of Lord Kat, "You are going to die. Alot."
I wish I had a clone of me.
granted. it wants to be the "real" spence and it kills you.
i wish i was a god.
Granted, but you're like Haruhi Suzumiya in that you have god-like powers, yet you don't realize it
I wish I was a Star Mage
(you can't grant Kari's wish, Penti... wrong sex...)
granted, but you never grow beyond level 1
I wish the Gods stopped bothering my other self to join the Pantheons
granted. a new set of gods starts bothering you instead.
i wish that i could get any series i wanted in full on DVD.
Granted, they are all Chinese bootleg boxsets.
I wish for:
Granted, but you instead get Konata with a cat ear headband
I wish I had a more normal sleep schedule
@Pentium- Dang it! You beat me to the punch!
Granted, but now you start missing out on your classes, and important events. Every. Single. Day.
I wish this generation was not filed with stupidity.
Granted, now it's filled with Idiocy.
I wish I didn't have to wear clothes
(pent doesn't attend a school, so there's no class to miss -w- )
granted, but you're carted off to the nearest nudist colony, which happens to be filled with ducks. angry ducks. angry, hungry ducks.
i wish when i was out of something, it would refill automatically without me having to go out to the store and buy more.
(Indeed -w-)
Granted, but it only works so long as you continue to put money into your piggy bank; as a monthly fee for this service is automatically deducted from there
I wish Nerds jellybeans were available all year
(still not a bad deal)
granted, but they're all crap flavours like barf and hot sauce.
i wish i could get in touch with my mum. >>;
Granted, but it takes all day to do it.
I wish I had a nerf tommy gun
gra nted, it's a chinese rip off
I wish for a second season of Utena
granted, it's done in crayon by the producer's 3-year-old daughter.
i wish they would play America's Most Wanted more.
Granted, you're on the n° 1 spot on EVERY show
I wish that the crayon-made season 2 of utena had a nice plot...
Granted, but it's as convoluted and needlessly complex as the love child of Naurto and Kingdom Heart's plots.
I wish most FPS's did not have Russians as the main enemy.
Granted, now they're Puerto Ricans.
I wish that some people online had better grammar.
Granted, but now they are complete and utter stuck-up d-bags.
I wish I could go to Australia. Or Japan, which ever works.
granted, the locals treat you like shit.
i wish i had all the spells i had in my .hack game irl.
Granted, but you don't have any MP, and items to restore it are expensive
I wish I was a catgirl plushie
Granted, but it's made out of thin paper.
I wish I was so damn philosophical.
granted, but you come off as pretentious so no one wants to talk to you.
i wish my skin wasn't this bad.
Granted, but your nose becomes very itchy.
I wish there was a better President then the one we have now...
Granted. The next president is Cyborg Abe Lincoln; which sets the bar too high, so no president for the next 50 years will hold a candle
I wish I had a walk-in freezer at home
granted. you get locked in it and die.
i wish i could peel the rough sketches off the plot book for Ace's High and stick them to the bristol for the pages, the images showing up clean and finished when pasted on the bristol.
Granted, but the blot book ends up destroyed in the process
I wish I was a
granted, you're a new car, with monster truck tires.
I wish a certain "scenario was different"
I assume you know what I'm talking about
granted. it still goes badly.
i wish i could draw at the speed of sound.
granted, it's all mindless scribbles.
I wish when I thought something bad, it would automatically be taken out of my mind.
granted. you now have the cognitive ability of a lobotomy patient.
i wish i could hop between realities.
Granted, but the realties you hop to aren't ones you'd expect... Plus things go horribly wrong.
I wish Geometry was not as complicated.
granted. everything is now 1d. thanks for destroying the plane of reality~
i wish i knew physics.
Granted. You're now working at Black Mesa, in place of Gordon Freeman
(Hope you know how to fight off aliens with a crowbar ^^; ) </half_life>
I wish I was an Oscar Meyer wiener >w>;;
granted. everyone is in love with you, resulting in a hell of a lot of stalking and potential harassment.
i wish i was well-versed in tonfa combat.
Granted, but your tonfa constantly break; putting you at a major disadvantage
I wish I was Eggie
granted, but you're married to chedr.
i wish i had more of a way to amuse the cats. :\
Granted. Now they attack your feet because they're amused by them
I wish I had a little fez to put on my cat
Granted, but everytime you put it on, the cat gives a death stare.
I wish I had a private bullet train.
granted. it's 50 years old and so rusted it won't move.
i wish vampire series weren't as popular as they were.
Granted. Now, werewolves are the next big thing
I wish I had a pool
granted. it's overrun with algae.
i wish i could seal time into a loop whenever i wanted for as long as i wanted.
Granted. Unfortunately, any sort of progress you make (drawings, reviews, etc.) is lost when the loop starts over unless you travel to Clock Town Bank ( and deposit everything there
I wish I had more tea
(i'm fine with that.)
granted. it's Garbage Tea (trademark of me).
i wish things were going better in my life.
Granted. Now things are going bad for me instead :[
I wish I had some popcorn
granted, It's stale
I wish I could be close to the one I care about the most.
granted, but they hate you now.
i wish the cats didn't smell so much.
(Arceus dammit)
Granted, not they claw at your legs every time they see you, to the point where you need stitches.
I wish I wasn't hungry right now.
Granted. Now your stomach is messed up :\
I wish my car could travel through time and space
granted, you get reverted back to primordial ooze on your first try.
I wish I had a more meaningful existance
Granted. Suddenly you're a celebrity, and now nobody is capable of leaving you alone; as you're surrounded by cameras at all times
I wish I had a RAM upgrade
granted. it's cheap chinese shit that breaks within a week of installing.
i wish i had better skin.
Granted, but now you have problems with your hair
I wish I had a bathroom I could play baseball in
granted, but you hit a home run right into the porcelean claw-foot tub and break it. way to go.
i wish it was possible to sk'doo into paintings the way they do on blue's clues. :0
Granted, but your power is limited only to paintings from little-known artists
I wish my laptop had a second screen, like a DS
granted, it's dead.
i wish windows 8 didn't exist.
Granted, but in the process it takes both editions of Windows 98 with it for having "8" in their names
I wish I could attach my soul to a plushie
granted, but it gets stuck. ENJOY LIFE AS A POLTERGEIST
i wish that the weapon/meister system existed and that we were all students at DWMA.
Granted, but you're in a different class than the cast of Soul Eater; so you only occasionally run into them in the halls
I wish there was such a thing as a boarding school to learn how to play a children's card game
(still awesome. and there's such thing as a transfer. -w- )
granted, the uniforms are too tight for you so every time you move your pants/shirt rips.
i wish i could go to tokyo and tower over everyone. xD
Granted, but you're too tall to get into any of the stores ;_;
I wish I didn't have to go to work
granted. pizza hut doesn't exist and you need to do job hunting again.
i wish i wasn't so tired.
Granted. Now you find yourself unable to relax
I wish I had some tea
Granted, it tastes horrid and you're allergic to it.
I wish I had a burrito.
granted. it's a glass and lemon juice burrito.
i wish this bag of bordeaux cookies was bottomless.
Granted, you get sucked in.
I wish there was a bridge I could use to get to a different dimension.
granted, you end up getting sucked over to Alfheim by inadvertently finding the Bifrost. enjoy running from dead vikings.
i wish my TV remote had a lettered keypad where i could type in what i wanted to watch and it would play on screen (as in typing "Muromi-san" would bring up listings for the anime).
Granted, but the autocorrect is broken and cannot be disabled
(Good luck finding SVU on when it thinks you want NTSF:SD:SUV)
I wish I was more like Kim Pine
granted. you're now a lesbian trapped in a man's body.
i wish pine needle tea was a real thing.
Granted. It tastes terrible, though
(Also, that is a surprisingly accurate description of me >w>; )
I wish I could find fuzzy slippers in my size
granted. the insides are coated with the spikes from the floor of Tubba Blubba's castle.
i wish my dad was mute.
Granted, but he gets a voice synthesizer to compensate; so now he sounds like a Dalek :\
I wish I could go swimming
granted. it's just in toxic sludge.
i wish i could find a peaceful resolution to this situation with teddy (the cat).
granted, it dies.
I wish I could understand what animals are saying.
(oh god that's horrible)
granted, they're all laughing at you.
i wish i had a moped (THAT COULD FLY).
Granted. But, you can't fly in public; it'd be a mess for the Ministry of Magic </harry_potter>
I wish I knew how to play the drums
granted, you can't use your arms now.
I wish I could teleport to locations by thinking of them.
Granted, but you run the risk of getting stuck in a wall
I wish I was Blue Toad (
granted, but given that it is sometimes hard to determine a toad's gender, you wind up gender neutral like GI Joe. enjoy life as a eunich! : D
i wish i was good enough to be a professional manga artist, and had a contract for my work.
Granted. Your contract is with Kyubei
I wish I could kill a yak from 200 yards away with mind bullets
granted. you are hired by the men who stare at goats and they pay you like crap.
i wish my dad died and left a big fat insurance policy.
Granted, but it's in Rupees; meaning your money is useless outside of Hyrule
I wish there was a local FedEx office I could go to, so I could pick up my package
granted, but it's a sexy FedEx, so it's not quite the package you were looking for.
i wish i had a complete collection of Twins books.
Granted, they're written in Chinese.
I wish I had a 64 terabyte harddrive
granted, but it's one of those ones from the chinese market. (
i wish i could freeze time.
Granted, but now you can't un freeze it, you're stuck walking an endless world of silence and lonelyness.
I wish I could say the right things all the time and mean them.
granted, you get promoted into the high ranks of a company and spend your life working for the man. you die of heart failure due to hypertension at age 53 with gray, thinning hair and a severely wrinkled brow.
i wish i could translate things as they are being said.
Granted, you're mute
I wish I didn't have the capability for health issues.
Granted. You're a robot now
I wish there was an Arby's in town
granted, it gives everyone who so much as walks in the door food poisoning.
i wish that whenever i needed manga supplies i just had to click a button and they'd be sent to me free of charge.
Granted, but it takes 2 weeks to arrive and turns out to be a box of no-name dollar store markers
I wish I could race against my friends on Rainbow Road
granted, a glitch in the game sends all of us flying off into space in random directions, never to be seen again.
i wish i had enough energy to focus.
Granted. Now you're so full of energy that you find yourself still unable to focus; as you suddenly have an urge to run a marathon while listening to Eye of the Tiger
I wish I could get free ice cream
granted, it's all "used", if you catch my drift.
i wish i could sing any song i hear from memory.
Granted, but you require someone to play the song to trigger your memories of it
I wish I had a bag of jelly babies
(still acceptable. -w- )
Granted, they're really Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans in Barf Flavour.
I wish my room was like a bag of holding in that i never ran out of space.
Granted, Your room is now a giant sleeping bag of holding; which, while making it portable, unfortunately also makes it very hard to get out of as it lacks a bathroom, plus you have to keep a stock of Coke.
I wish I had the skills to digitally remaster songs when a higher quality version isn't avaliable
Granted, but the new remastered song doesn't work on any media player/platform.
I wish that when I wished for something, it wasn't broken in the process.
Granted. the Universe collapses.
I wish i could transfer my pain to other people. -w-
Granted. It's transferred to my boss; who ends up becoming hard to deal with as a result
I wish I could make a nice cup of coffee tea
granted. it burns you alive.
i wish all ants across the globe would die.
granted, all the animals who rely on them as a food source suffer
I wish I had the ability to wish food into existence so that the texture and taste are exact.
granted, it's carcinogenic.
i wish my bag of holding was an actual bag of holding.
Granted. Unfortunately, it ends up getting damaged, causing it to explode; sending the entire contents of it flying in every direction
I wish I had a Miku plushie
granted. she comes to life at night and does bad things to you. bad, BAAAAD things.
i wish i could wave my hand over broken items and they'd be fixed, much like Hermionie in Harry Potter did with Harry's Glasses.
Granted, but it doesn't work on glass for whatever reason
I wish I could power me car on cardboard boxes
granted, the fuselage catches on fire from the kindling you've been throwing into it.
i wish my plushies were alive.
Granted, but now you can't :[
I wish my horse was amazing
granted, it is, and reality collapses from the lack of sense in this thread.
i wish i could extract data from my iphone my a wave of my hand and waft it upward like a jellyfish, then deposit the little electric ghost onto my hard drive with another flick of the wrist.
Granted, but it only has a 50\50 success rate
I wish I was ME-tan
granted, you end up in perma-freeze.
i wish i could ride my skateboard.
Granted, but you hear the voice of Prof. Oak echo out saying "This isn't the time to use that!" every time you ride
I wish I was like Black Star when it came to optimism
granted, but everything you read is a piece of Crona's poetry.
i wish i had a plushie of any character i thought of. -w-
granted, know you only think of slenderman.
I wish I had a car that never needed fuel.
Granted, it needs animal blood instead.
I wish I could drink something without it running out.
granted, it's filled with delicious chocolate (laxatives).
i wish my stomach could never get sick again.
Granted, but that requires you eating the worst tasting food.
I wish I could experience my childood again.
granted, but you get all the trauma from MY childhood tacked on. >>;
i wish i could afford that shiny red vespa. ;^;
Granted, but it comes without tires.
I wish I had a turbo-charged bicycle I could ride to work
Granted, controlls like the characters in Sonic R though.
I wish Yu-Gi-Oh! cards could work in real life.
granted, it becomes sheer anarchy. (ALL ACCORDING TO PLAAAAN)
i wish i had pandora's box, could aim it at people/things and that it never ran out of malice.
Granted, but the Doctor's greatest enemies steal it from you
I wish someone would draw artwork of Rise Kujikawa ( teaming up with Maka Albarn ( -w-
granted, the commission costs you your life savings and the life of your first born child.
i wish i could snap my fingers and get food.
Granted, all the food is cooked by this girl
Baka and test.
I wish I could get the best tasting chocolate for free whenever I wanted.
is that bad? is she a bad cook?
granted, it's all poisoned (possibly by some upcoming villians in Ace's High).
i wish that there was a guide for decoding cryptic dreams.
Granted, but the guide itself is so cryptic that it has to be decoded
I wish I could enter the world of MapleStory by way of a virtual reality headset, ala Sword Art Online
granted, you get stuck in there in midget form for the rest of your life. and considering no one else is stuck in there, i don't expect it to be long.
i wish i could speed read.
@choco: yeah, last time they had something she made they all almost died.
Granted, now you only speak in pig-Latin
I wish I could obtain the new tech Items at a dollar a piece.
Granted. It has the build quality of something you'd buy at a dollar store, so it breaks in about a day
I wish I had a personal airplane
granted, it is made of twigs and held together with scotch tape and bubble gum. your personal pilot is Big Ed. (
i wish i would stay this age forever.
Granted. You're now immortal, but unfortunately everyone you cared about has died 1,000 years ago
(This was nearly used as a dark twist ending to one of my stories years ago, BTW)
I wish I had muscles like Armstrong
Granted. You bust through every shirt you try on.
I wish i could make a living with my creative persuits, including sewing yukata and making chainmail chastity belts for men.
Granted, but somebody requests you produce huge basketball shorts for them; which throws off your system
I wish I has a Dalek costume
granted, it's so realistic that it shoots you in the face.
i wish i didn't get tired as easily.
Granted. Enjoy being an insomniac
I wish I could bypass September entirely; waking up in October to cooler weather and all of my bills being paid off
Granted, but you spend the entire time in a coma with the song "Wake Me Up When September Ends" playing.
i wish i had a closet full of cool mod threads.
Granted. They're in doll size, yet too big for your dollfies
I wish I had Wario's cap
granted. it's the perfect size....for your future newborn.
i wish i was less dizzy.
Granted. Now Chunky Kong is, making him hard to control (Good luck getting out of the ship now -w-; )
I wish I could cosplay as one of my MapleStory characters
granted. the costume is 4-5 sizes too small and you are arrested for exposure.
i wish i could plug my brain into a machine so i could make comics while i sleep.
Granted, but your dreams affect the comics
I wish I had a pet Dragonite
(aw, fuck...)
granted, but it doesn't respect you because you have no badges. it turns evil, defects to team rocket and lives happily ever after without you there. go choose a starter pokemon from oak, kid. i think he still has the Bike.
i wish i was more ambitious.
Granted. You become a ambition vampire; therefore, you have to feed on the ambition of others
I wish I was a monster
granted. your Monaters defect and go off to Graduate School to Practice Buddhism. in despair, you go off and Serve the Devil.
i wish i had telekinesis powers.
Granted. It only works if you drink a Pepsi beforehand, and after that it only lasts for about 30 minutes
I wish I had a panther I could ride into battle on
*hooks self into pepsi IV*
granted. you get embroiled in an S&M scheme by "riding" your "partner".
i wish i had top-notch hacking skills.
Granted; you have top-notch payphone hacking skills. While you know how to place free calls with them, among other neat tricks, you unfortunately can't find one that's still functional.
I wish I had a personal airplane
granted, the fuel needed to run it is made of a 50/50 combo of pure norwegian unfiltered diesel and melted gold.
i wish i could buy a persocom.
Granted. It's an NEC NBC model; that requires frequent RAM upgrades via doing it -w-;
I wish I could import an NEC laptop
(who said that's a bad thing? -w- )
granted. it's fried and covered in gum. melon gum.
i wish i could escape into my favourite stories and live out my days there.
Granted, but you're haunted by the ghost of Nejin riding on a unicycle, juggling fish; which keeps you from being able to enjoy yourself.
I wish I had all the duct tape
granted. it's all stuck to you.
i wish i had all the powers of a storybook witch, and could fly/command animals/make potions/cast spells/etc.
Granted, but your powers only work when you wear the silliest-looking witch costume you can find at a thrift store
I wish I was a Toad
granted. prepare for hoardes of girls as lovely as this ( to be all over you.
i wish my computer turned all downloaded raws into subs with the push of a button.
Granted, but it only works on episodes of Digimon Frontier, I My Me Strawberry Eggs, and Hulk Hogan's Rock-N-Wrestling
I wish I had a functional replica of Death the Kid's skateboard
granted. it bucks you off and goes to find its original master.
i wish i had a machine that turns garbage into delicious looking, smelling, tasting, edible, perfect food.
Granted, but the machine can only be used once every 48 hours to produce a single meal
I wish I could earn extra lives by eating green mushrooms
granted, but bitch be trippin' balls.
i wish i had a personal massuse. one that was handsome and single and just my type and actually turned out to be boyfriend material and if there's a happy ending there's a happy ending.
Granted. The guy in question is more interested in men than women, and the "happy ending" is a free eggroll -w-;
I wish I was a blacksmith IRL
granted. you are now an African-American Stan Smith.
i wish i had one of those machines like jimmy neutron has to do his hair. :0
Granted. It malfunctions and shaves off all your hair ;_;
I wish I was more of a moeblob
granted, but with more emphasis on the "blob" than the "moe".
i wish it was physically impossible for people to mispronunce words.
Granted, but then a new disease forms that causes mispronunciation; which infects most people involved with anime dub voice acting
I wish I was Luigi
granted. You're Mario.
i wish i had a doting (hot) male Persocom.
Granted. While physically attractive, he speaks in the voice of the nerd from Robot Chicken; making it hard for you to take him seriously -w-;
I wish I could insert my iPod into my head and play music to myself without headphones
granted, you have a 50/50 chance of giving yourself a lobotomy with the electricty each time you do.
i wish i coul jump into video games and run around in their world (ie: actually BE jimmy when i run around in bully, or maybe be another (female) character).
Granted. You're now trapped in La Tale; ala Sword Art Online
I wish I had a TARDIS
Granted. You're stuck inside it as House eats it alive.
I wish my hair was always clean.
Granted. The rest of you keeps getting dirty, though
I wish I could fit anything and everything in my pockets, like Cloud does in FF7
granted, while you can fit anything in there, you don't retain your figure like he does. prepare for bulging, awkwardly-shaped thighs.
i wish i was cut-and-burn proof.
Granted, but you're now weak against ice attacks
I wish I could enter The Shake Dimension (
granted, but you get your wires crossed and accidentally enter The Snake Dimension. (
i wish i could eat whatever i wanted and never get fat.
Granted. Your stomach is now a black hole
I wish I'd have an opportunity to wear a maid costume on Halloween this year
granted. it's a fetish outfit and you can't leave the house because you can see your junk.
i wish i could start an etsy shop for my sewing.
Granted, but your regular customers end up with their orders delayed because Bella commissioned a costume based on Multics-tan's dress; which eats up your free time ^^;
I wish there was a crossover between Sword Art Online and .hack
granted, but it is made on a shoestring budget so it's all drawn in chinese sweatshops by children with crayons.
i wish there was a machine to wash my hair while i do other things.
Granted, but it malfunctions and dispenses Nair instead of shampoo ^^;
I wish I could beat my bro-in-law at a children's card game
granted, you beat him at go fish using a barney card set.
i wish i could draw crayon drawings of money on paper and people would accept it as real currency.
Granted, but now people stop accepting paper money and only accept coins or bottle caps
I wish my cat could shoot lasers out of his mouth
granted, but it backfires and he gets burnt. ;^;
i wish i had super teeth.
Granted. You are now like Jaws, from the James Bond films
I wish I had a cookie
granted. it's chinese, so it explodes in your hand as you are about to take a bite.
i wish i had more processing power on loly.
Granted. Your laptop is now too powerful for its own good and needs to be kept in a freezer so it doesn't burn your house down, unless you can afford to have someone upgrade the cooling system
I wish I could reach into a pocket dimension and pull out my old Magic cards before I sold them
granted you cause a temporal collapse.
I wish I had a large amount of money in a savings account.
granted. it's all gold coins...chocolate gold coins.
i wish i had infinite reserves of this fancy cheese.
Granted, it goes sour in a month. Enjoy your rotten cheese.
I wish things like ketchup didn't stain my shirt.
granted, it stains your skin now.
i wish at night my dolls came to life and helped me complete projects and the like.
Granted, they act like gremlins, destroying everything they touch.
I wish I had a roller coaster in my back yard.
granted, it's a crappy rusted one from the 1950's you hauled out of some junkyard and haphazardly assembled into a very rickety-looking contraption. enjoy your tetnus and compound fractures! : D
i wish i could make money by scamming people with popups.
Granted, nobody sees them because they all use ad blockers.
I wish I had a pet monkey.
Granted, but the monkey ignores you and escapes through the window in search of golden bananas
I wish I could find the perfect pillow
granted, it bursts all over the place when you lie down on it.
i wish i had a car named Katja.
Granted, but it's not a car, it's a snail.
I wish for...
Hah, you can't break my wish now. (I wish Touhous were real)
granted, your lame joke backfires on you and you stay that age forever. ENJOY NEVER BEING ABLE TO DRIVE, VOTE, DRINK, SMOKE, OR MAKE THE SEXY TIEMS, BOY
i wish this thread was like it was when it started, where people posted and actually put some thought in it.
Granted, but they're all about evolution.
I wish to be a Moderator on 4Chan.
granted, you get trolled in every way, every day, on every site you go to.
i wish i had a genderflipped clone.
Granted. He steals your favorite dress and makes a run for it
I wish I had a starship
granted. it's the great space coaster and you get lost on it like peter griffin.
i wish they had a device you could use to zap your teeth clean in all of 3 seconds.
Granted, but now it chips off most of your teeth and breaks three in the process. Have fun at the dentist's office.
I wish people were not reckless when driving.
Granted. Now they're reckless in everything else
I wish I had more tea
granted: it's garbage tea. like, literally tea made of garbage.
I wish that no matter where I was, I always had the ideal snack.
Granted, but it's the ideal snack for a cat. Have fun with that mouse!
I wish Microsoft would hire Johnny Ives for a new Design team.
granted, but by some coincidence it's Johnny Ives from Decatur, IL. so all their new designs suck.
I wish Seinfeld would revive for a season.
Granted, but it has an alternative cast.
I wish this topic would die.
Quote from: LeaflameSD on January 21, 2014, 01:21:14 AM
Granted, but it has an alternative cast.
I wish this topic would die.
Granted! But another topic with a similar title picks up where this one left off!
I wish you all liked Windows 8*
*DISCLAIMER: I mean no harm with this wish nor mean it seriously. No offense is intended.
Granted! But MICROSOFT DOESN'T, and it now has a predicted lifetime of 9 months - with no long-term support - while they churn out their next OS at absolute maximum speed.
I wish for BLANDA UPP.
Granted, but none of the girls want anything to do with you, so you have to BLANDA UPP alone. thus, to fulfill this requirement, you become a chimera.
I wish I had all the powers of the Pork Wizard. (
Granted, but they instead give you the powers of Wizpig ( by misunderstanding -w-;;
I wish I had a PO Box again
granted, but you have to share it with a porn company.
I wish I had unlimited supplies of silk brocade.
Granted, it's all invisible. I wish I had a plane ticket to Arizona
Granted, but the plane is missing its wings; leaving it to have to drive down the highway very slowly as a bizarre-looking bus
I wish I had a cup of coffee
Alright then, but just so you know, it will never fucking cool down.
I wish I could wear it better.
Too bad 'it' is a chastity belt
I wish there was a way that my dreams could come true.
Granted, your nightmares are now all realised and an integral part of your everyday life.
I wish I were truly and utterly miserable.
Granted, but a bunny appears
I wish I had a pet dragon
Granted, but you get arrested for having an illegal pet.
I wish OS-tans were real.
Granted, but they all speak Klingon; so you have no idea what they're saying
I wish I had a taco
granted. it's very large and starts following you around, beating the shit out of you wherever you go.
i wish the forum would SLOOOOOOWWWW DOOOOOOOWN.
Granted. New posts occur once every year
I wish I was like Pyro
granted. everything you touch turns to fire, including cereal. enjoy your new life as a sim.
i wish i could, in effect, divorce a chunk of my brain and place it in a persocom, so that the persocom may write my ideas day and night, meaning i'd never run out of time to write them.
Granted. Due to bandwidth issues, you only get one page of output every 2 months.
I wish there were more OS-tans
(eh.......still worth it.)
Granted, but the quality dips with the demand, meaning they're all just shitty-drawn recolours of the same -tan.
i wish i could wave my hand over my screen (in the manner of a theramin) and create the art i want.
Granted. Due to your inability to properly control your thoughts, the resulting artwork consistantly alternates between psychadellic and nsfw.
I wish my ship would go faster in eve online.
granted, but every time you accelerate it crashes the game.
i wish i could stream anime from my external onto the back of my eyelids.
Granted, but you can only watch Scan2Go.
I wish I had boob implants.
Granted. They develop leaks, causing intense pain and discomfort. Eventually the leaks make the shape of the chest become lopsided, and you have to get them removed before they cause an infection.
I wish I had a motorcycle.
Granted. For 2 whole months, you are the proud owner of a big swanky motorcycle, going fast every day!
Then the inevitable happens and all your intact organs are donated to some cancer patient or whatever.
I wish I had a built-in USB my MOUTH.
(warning: this may actually happen at some point)
granted, but given the lack of funding/means, you do the surgery yourself, and it gradually becomes infected. before you can remove it, however, to save what's left of your now-rotted face, the wiring becomes loose from the shifting tissue and you are electrocuted. the close proximity to the brain makes sure the process is quick.
i wish i had an unlimited supply of simple woven-reed sandals. (turns out, even Chinatown doesn't have them.)
Granted. Your sidewalk gets repaved to be flaming coals. Every time you leave your house, your sandals very quickly catch fire from walking on embers.
I wish I knew how to plan a wedding.
granted, but the bride is super-flighty and changes everything on a daily basis. after 6 months of stress and going WAY over budget, you end up with a tacky, plastic wedding in a drive-thru chapel, with a 70's halloween-themed reception at the local Red Roof Inn.
i wish my art was good enough for me to make commission money.
Granted. You quickly get requests to make rather disturbing nsfw content.
I wish I had a remote control that could change the weather.
(you think i mind? TROLOLOLOL)
granted, but during the first rainfall it sees it short-circuits and suddenly everything is set to EXTREME.
i wish i could beam stuff onto any screen i wanted, at command (like screen sharing, but with my computer, mind, eyes, etc).
Granted. But you can't control it very well, and every image to come to mind is projected onto every usable screen in a 10 meter radius. The consequences of this for your personal life could be disastrous...
I wish I had a winning lottery ticket
granted, it's fake.
i wish i could imbue life into anything i wished.
Granted. But it dies again minutes later, and soon begins to decay after becoming organic.
I wish I had a bigger computer.
(it was more spark of life, as in fantasia, but sure, why not.)
granted. you get this one. (
i wish i had the job as a phone psychic.
Granted, but you end up receiving calls from angry customers for TracFone; because your phone number is one digit different from their customer service line
I wish I could snuggle with a clone of myself
(eh.....i'm still willing to put up with that.)
Granted, but it's an imperfect clone who develops a disorder akin to schizophrenia. eventually it snaps and kills you.
i wish i could conjure up a plushie of any character i wanted.
Granted,but all of those plushies are defective products。
I wish i could get a moe girlfriend,no cross-dressing!
Granted. She speaks only in Klingon; making it hard to carry on a conversation with her
I wish I was a wizard
Granted, you're now an obsolete setup wizard. Of a particularly useless software.
I wish we could adopt more rabbits.
Granted,but sadly ,the rabbits ruin some framing field so that a rapid of farmer Demonstrations is held.
I wish i could acquire C#
granted, but it fails to compile.
i wish i could steal the soul of anyone i wanted (fictional or not) and place it in a container (human, plush, object, etc).
Granted, but you can only do it once every year, and it has a 60% chance of failure
I wish I had a cute plushie of 2k-tan
granted, but it's 2k USA. (
i wish i could summon endless kittens at my will.
Granted,but the kittens are alien aggressor.
I wish i could get a trip to across the Mainland
granted, but it's on roller skates.
i wish my college debts were gone.
Granted, everything you learned is gone too.
I wish that for just once, everything would go as I planned
Edit: @Choco: who is to say that wasn't my plan?
granted. and the universe explodes.
i wish i could skadoo into tv shows a la blue's clues.
Granted. You end up in a season 13+ episode of SVU
I wish I could shoot fireballs out of my hands, ala Goku
Granted,but they are just illusion burning nothing.
I wish i could know others are thinking what
Granted, but others can also read your mind.
I wish I could stop procrastinating on damn near EVERYTHING.
granted, and you end up getting things done.....really, REALLY poorly.
i wish i could talk to objects (and they'd talk back).
Granted, but they would keep talking to you, even while you are trying to sleep.
I wish I would need only a low amount of sleep to keep myself away from being tired.
granted, but it comes with horrible night terrors, so you have a 50/50 chance of not being able to sleep at all per night (and the nights you can, it's sorta shit).
i wish we could plug our brains into the computer, and debug them with software.
granted but you now need to pay a 49.99 a month subscription fee to the debug program of your choosing for life or go insane
I wish I had a Flemish Giant Rabbit as a pet.
granted, but it has been crossbred with a Monty Python rabbit. happy trails dealing with that host of flesh-devouring behavioural issues.
i wish my computer would stop telling me to correct my spelling for using queen's english.
Granted: now it automatically translates everything to Spanglish
I wish for World Pez
Granted. The World is now a Giant Pez Dispenser.
I wish my credit was better. :0
Granted; you're listed at the very end of the "Special Thanks" section of the credits to Disgaea -w-;
I wish I had a life-size replica of the Buster Sword from FF7
granted. enjoy your piece of cardboard ripped off a Cloud standee.
i wish Katja was self-repairing. :0
Granted: it will run on GladOS and use Skynet as a telecom provider...
I wish for a decent rainbow brite reboot
(my car runs on GlaDOS? dunno if that's scary or cool....)
Granted. But it comes in late and overbudget, and barely sees any release. Good luck finding a torrent.
I wish I could feasibly live as a squatter in one of the vacant houses in the area. :0
( yup... Uses GladOS as onboard OS... Best wishes trying to survive the experience)
Granted you are not the only one who is there...
I wish I could have my dream talking dog.
granted. it speaks a language you don't understand.
Granted. You now know all and are responsible for solving the problems of the entirety of existence and everything that lies within.
I wish this wish wouldn't be corrupted. c:
Granted. You're given exactly what you asked for---nothing.
I wish i had a trailer. :0
Granted. You get my dad's trailer; it's only good for hauling a car around
I wish I knew what the fox said
Granted. The fox says
I wish I could marry pizza.
Granted, but we have no idea where PizzaDrill is, so good luck finding your new Waifu.
i wish i could give any room TARDIS-like capabilities in that it could store more stuff than it looks like it could. :0
Granted, but you break the laws of physics, causing a rip in the fabric of time and space. Life ceases to exist. (But damn, look at that closet space)
I wish I was happy.
Granted. The results are...not what you expected. (
I wish i had a better sense of what my future finances were like so i could sit down and plan things out.
Granted, but your plans go out the window with you developing a heroine addiction (As in, you buy up the entire manga series of Sailor Moon in every language it's available in; from Japanese to Klingon)
I wish Knuckles was playable in Smash Bros.
Granted, but it's a poorly crammed in mod, so every time you try, the game crashes.
I wish the library had a bigger budget. :0
Granted. They now charge $6.99/book to check out, and if you subscribe to their "readers delight" tier for only $8.99/mo. books jump down to $1.99/book. As an introductory offer to new subscribers, every visit includes 50% off any coffee beverage at the new in-library Starbucks.
I wish (post-Ballmer) Microsoft knew how to design a mobile OS better.
Granted. They port Pen Windows 3.1 to all Windows Phone devices
I wish senpai would notice me
Insert stereotypical anime schoolgirl here
Granted. sadly, every time he sees you you have some defect (food in teeth, acne etc...)
I wish BBC would do a Doctor Who the movie with Every Single Doctor (Including stand ins for the Dearly departed), be able to see it free whenever I want and in a Language I can understand...
granted; they've begun ripping everything off from Apple.
i wish i could genetically enhance my digestive system to be less sensitive.
granted... the enhancement is complete... nice to meet you choco-Dalek
I wish They thought more before doing a reboot of classic animation/series
Granted but they're full of animation inconsistencies and paradoxes.
I wish air boards existed (like the ones in sonic riders)
Egg smart
granted, but they're insanely expensive, only run on processed hydrogen, and have an erratic, herky-jerky way of flying half of the time. be careful if they stall!
i wish i knew the recipe for homemade gas. :0
Granted. You have to modify your car to run on it, though
I wish I could run longer without running out of breath
granted, you now have literal iron lungs and can no longer swim.
i wish we could feasibly live in an abandoned shack.
Granted... it becomes the new fad and the housing expenses become 100 times more than regular houses
I wish for a Mr Horse Pillow
(sweet, then i can get a regular house!)
i wish i could afford to see a dentist.
Granted... you get to see the state appointed Dentist I'm forced to bear with...
I wish choco could afford 2 dentists...
granted, but they're both plotting to kill her using a dagger sharpened by old teeth
i wish i could make up a good wish
granted, you wish for a complicated world domination plan that, after many painful, exahusting years succeeds, but not before plunging half the world into nuclear winter and the other half into scorching desert. the only safe place is your base at the south pole. enjoy what little time you have.
i wish cavities healed themselves.
granted: not only they self heal, but the whole body becomes that of slenderpony...
I wish Choco's teeth didn't hurt...
granted. now yours hurt.
i wish i could get enough hours and pay per week to make over $100.
Granted.... The price of living in your community increases by 10000%
I wish I can install my phone virtual keyboard on my tablet
Granted, but the app FCs when it tries to start.
I wish I wasn't in foster care.
granted. your dad is.
i wish i could pluck out blemishes/zits/scabs like berries and throw them away, leaving things smooth underneath.
granted, they are now the only thing you can eat. As such your only line of work is a dermatologist
I wish I owned my own house
granted, but it's in a colder region, and the frame has sustained extensive water damage from faulty, poorly-insulated pipes over a period of years. if the pipes go through one more average winter they'll burst, and the house is close to being condemned from wood rot. as such, the ground floor has begun to sink into the basement. good luck in the death trap.
i wish i had my car back.
Granted, but it now has the engine from my old Dart under the hood. Enjoy burning half a tank of gas just getting the bastard to start up and stay running
I wish there was a crossover between Rick & Morty and The Brak Show
Granted. It's the first original content by 4Kids Entertainment.
(also, since they spent all their money getting Eric Stuart to do all the voices, the animation budget is this ( :0 )
i wish Mr. Meeseeks could help me clean.
Granted. He uses his tongue to do it, and you are so weirded out you have to bleach everything he touches.
I wish it was illegal to put christmas music on before thanksgiving.
granted. all music is now seasonally-approved, meaning you either need a license to play any song outside of its season or risk being locked up. the US national Anthem is now only allowed during the month of July.
i wish it were possible to, on humans, snap out damaged parts and replace them with new ones the way it is with certain machines. :0
Granted, the connectors for said parts are faulty so within 2-5 years everything has been replaced two times over.
I wish indecisive people were able to process what they want and why they want it faster.
granted, but the mental strain of doing so shortens their lifespan. as such, two races of humans eventually develop.
i wish that, like in South Korean subways, i could just take pictures of the products i wanted, have them charged to my bank account, and when i wake up/get home they're on my doorstep. :0
Granted, its a 100% inevitability that one of them will be a bomb.
I wish for all the bacon
Granted but it's all the turkey bacon.
I wish for better dorm food.
Granted; it's now supplied exclusively by Church's Chicken
I wish I was a squid kid
granted, but rather than combining in a Splatoon form, you are now a merman with a squid head and human legs.
i wish that, like Alphys in Undertale, i could concentrate 'Determination', and then proceed to inject myself with it.
Granted. But it goes horribly wrong and you turn into a monsterous mutant flower. Shortly before I bring home a new weedwacker to try and clean up the garden.
I wish good artists were still on deviantart- they've all migrated to patreon or pixiv.
granted. they all do Modernist Abstract (such as this ( in reeeeally ugly colours.
i wish this building was bigger on the inside, with plumbing.
Granted. ALL of the pipes are leaky and ruin everything you put near them.
I wish my car could go mach 1 without losing control.
cool, but you warp to 1666 as soon as you hit mach speed
i (unironically) wish my waifu was real and loved me
Granted; she's gone full yandere, so she'll kill anyone else that gets close to you
I wish I had the materials to make a pillow fort
Granted but all the materials are made from the itchiest wool.
I wish for hot pepper plants that grow well indoors.
granted. they're so hot they spontaneously combust.
i wish for better-quality internet here. :0
Granted, but you move out before it becomes available.
I wish for gainful, full-time employment.
granted. it comes with bonuses and benefits, including a free apartment, with utilities included. it's teaching English and US culture to North Korean agents. hope you like barley.
i wish for a mint-condition 1996 Buick Century.
Granted, but it's in the ugliest shade of pink you've ever seen.
I wish I had an occasion to wear a fancy dress
granted. you are now a baby in a christening gown, about to be baptized catholic.
i wish i could go back in time and punch Hitler in the face.
Granted, but it's at the perfect time to cause the worst possible result to World War II.
I wish I could live in the Pokémon world.
granted, but they're all feral and uncatchable. the majority of humanity is devoted to defending against the beasts.
i wish i could make any snack or drink i want appear.
Granted, but they're never for you.
I wish I didn't have insomnia.
Quote from: Hālian on September 12, 2022, 08:39:01 PMGranted, but they're never for you.
I wish I didn't have insomnia.
granted. you name is now Rip Van Winkel.
i wish i could think in 3D.
Quote from: zwakbs3 on September 13, 2022, 08:44:25 AMwhat are the mods doing?
please save posts unrelated to game topics for non-game threads, okay? there are better threads to post that in.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 13, 2022, 11:07:28 PMgranted. you name is now Rip Van Winkel.
i wish i could think in 3D.
Granted; the world is now 2D.
I wish I wasn't broke.
Quote from: Hālian on November 09, 2023, 04:09:52 PMGranted; the world is now 2D.
I wish I wasn't broke.
Granted, but the apocalypse happens and money is useless.
I wish I was a real goblin girl.
Granted, but nobody recognizes you as sapient.
I wish for more wishes.
Quote from: Hālian on November 11, 2023, 09:02:13 PMGranted, but nobody recognizes you as sapient.
I wish for more wishes.
Granted, you are now a genie and you can grant more wishes for everyone.
I wish I could fly.
Granted; there's now a 787 in your driveway.
I wish the English-speaking OS-tan fandom wasn't dead. :(