OS-tan Collections

OS-tan discussions => OS-tan Talk => Topic started by: Raffaele the Amigan on June 03, 2008, 11:05:25 AM

Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Raffaele the Amigan on June 03, 2008, 11:05:25 AM


Hair are too long midshipwoman! ;018 ;022 ;014

I suggest visiting barber on board and cut it a bit...  ;001  ;011


Other news about Wikipe-TAN are here:


Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: CaptBrenden on June 03, 2008, 02:39:13 PM
her hair is fine that long, she just needs to do the proper military thing and put it up properly in a bun or something.

i was always amazed at how much hair could fit in a bun.. we never recognised any of the girls when they let their hair down when we got to ports...
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: NejinOniwa on June 03, 2008, 03:23:47 PM
I seriously need to learn bun-jutsu. Ponytail is starting to get boring.
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Darknight_88 on June 04, 2008, 09:56:27 PM
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"

i was always amazed at how much hair could fit in a bun..


Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: CaptBrenden on June 05, 2008, 02:26:37 AM
*pulls ban hammer out of her hammer space* :3  useful info
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: NejinOniwa on June 05, 2008, 07:30:19 AM
Oh you, you. ^^
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Aurora Borealis on June 05, 2008, 05:48:36 PM
*pulls out hammer, ray-gun, rocket launcher, tomahawk, flamethrower, old sofa, half-used toothpaste tube, pair of frilly tube socks, baseball, karaoke machine, rabid gerbil, cadaver, Ming vase, and assortment of vintage personal computers out of hammerspace* Neat!!

Err... Wikipe-tan looks great in Navy uniform!
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 05, 2008, 08:31:10 PM
My gawd...

BOTH mods off-topic-ing now?!

Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: CaptBrenden on June 05, 2008, 08:39:15 PM
*points her hammer at Smokey* you know.. with both mods present and well armed, should you be saying such things?

and aroura mentioned the uniform :P  and for someone that fills ENTIRE pages of off topic posts with toki, you dont have much room to talk .
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Aurora Borealis on June 05, 2008, 08:42:24 PM
I was partly on topic :D

*tries to decide which of the items pulled out of hammerspace I should use for a weapon*
Got it! *picks up tube socks with the intent to attack* ;006
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: CaptBrenden on June 05, 2008, 08:53:21 PM
a "sock" to the jaw is exactly what smokey needs X3
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: icerain on June 05, 2008, 08:58:29 PM
LOL, sock. Aurora I thought you were going to throw the sock.
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: NejinOniwa on June 06, 2008, 05:25:54 AM
Really? I thought she was going to throw the gauntlet!
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 06, 2008, 05:34:47 AM
Well i was always told that it takes one to know one, so i would have to know what off-topic is....


Anywho... Why would Wikipe-tan enter the navy??
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: CaptBrenden on June 06, 2008, 10:51:44 AM
<_< I shall refrain from spouting seamen jokes about now.
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 06, 2008, 11:13:20 AM

She does look cute, though... ;010
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: CaptBrenden on June 06, 2008, 11:15:46 AM

Smokey is a uniform-moe!!
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Darknight_88 on June 06, 2008, 11:17:59 AM

Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 06, 2008, 11:19:05 AM
Well, you should see some of the policewomen around here... :D

But there is more than just looks...
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: CaptBrenden on June 06, 2008, 11:32:07 AM
Wikipi should have joined the marines:
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 06, 2008, 11:34:03 AM
Oh, sweet!!!

Wait, what happened to her pants?? :D
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Raffaele the Amigan on June 07, 2008, 06:25:15 AM
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"<_< I shall refrain from spouting seamen jokes about now.

HARRR!  ;025

Added after 1 minutes:

Quote from: "Darknight_88"IN THE NAVY


HAHAHAHAH! Village People are pownz'rd now that Navy is full of seawomen serving as sailors...
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 07, 2008, 06:28:53 AM
What about the female russian tank drivers?!
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Raffaele the Amigan on June 08, 2008, 03:08:53 AM
Quote from: "Smokey"What about the female russian tank drivers?!

Never provoke girls driving tanks or let them nervous...   ;025  ;022 ;014

Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 08, 2008, 06:55:47 AM
*imagines a stereotype blonde parralel parking in a Challenger tank*
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Darknight_88 on June 08, 2008, 09:37:25 AM
Or what about the IDF girls?

Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Raffaele the Amigan on June 08, 2008, 12:13:09 PM
Quote from: "Smokey"*imagines a stereotype blonde parralel parking in a Challenger tank*

Actually I remember Tank Girl...  o_o


Do you ever heard of her?

She was drawn by same author of Gorillaz anime band...

Added after 12 minutes:

Quote from: "Darknight_88"Or what about the IDF girls?

Israelian Defence Forces girls are quite pretty girls, unlike the fact that they must serve three years in the Army, and they are always under military laws in a country which is perpetually in a state of war...

So they have only a few periods of free leave, and you have few chances to date them...  ;026

I think that IDF girls have more chances to being dated by IDF boys...  ;012

Also I will date only those israeli girls who are not orthodox hebrew...

I don't like to being circumcised... (OUCH! o_o  ;014 ) just only to make sex with fundamentalist hebrew girl...
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 08, 2008, 12:24:41 PM
That reminds me of my sister, also an army girl...

and i have never heard of tankgirl...
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: NejinOniwa on June 08, 2008, 04:02:58 PM
Tankgirl? Oh PLEEZ. Strike Witches, anyone? There's even a fukken anime about it coming this summer.

QuoteOr what about the IDF girls?
All I saw was the ice cream...

...damnit. I'm being corrupted.
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 08, 2008, 06:27:21 PM
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: CaptBrenden on June 08, 2008, 10:08:42 PM
this seems to have become a uniform-moe thread
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 09, 2008, 05:28:42 AM
Well it's still on-topic... barely...

Come to think of it, why hasn't wikipe-tan joined the CIA?
Seems more logical to me...
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: CaptBrenden on June 09, 2008, 03:12:36 PM
because the CIA relies on acurate information? :P
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Darknight_88 on June 09, 2008, 03:14:09 PM
[citation needed]
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: CaptBrenden on June 09, 2008, 03:16:08 PM
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 09, 2008, 05:19:45 PM
LOL, it reminded me of the Simpsons movie... The part where the government finally found someone they were looking for... :D

But with that reasoning, it should be google-tan joining the CIA...
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: SleepyD on June 09, 2008, 08:55:10 PM
well, while we're on this... well, now vaguely-defined topic,

let me introduce Mari-tan (http://tinyurl.com/yq62by)!

here's the character page on the official site!

complete with Army-san, Navy-san, and the Japanese J-tan and the Irish mike-taisa!
mi-ke people, not mike. Not sure where this name comes from though.
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 09, 2008, 09:01:30 PM
Dude! I saw Doritos wasabi!!! DO WANT!!!

eerrm, and i petty the poor guy having to date her... :D
I mean, swearing, sure... Swearing girls, no problem... But like that?!
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Darknight_88 on June 09, 2008, 09:02:49 PM

Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 09, 2008, 09:04:22 PM
Wait, what?
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Darknight_88 on June 09, 2008, 09:07:30 PM
Who said that?
Who the f***k said that?
Who's the slimmy little communist s**t, twinkle toed cock sucker who just signed his own death warrant?
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 09, 2008, 09:09:48 PM
It was gomer pyle...

Great movie :D
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: SleepyD on June 09, 2008, 09:10:42 PM
haha... I am quite amused.

and currently debating whether or not I should enlighten Smokey. XD;


While I'm at it, have a little Maritan music vid:
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: CaptBrenden on June 10, 2008, 01:50:30 AM
OH GOD!  Sleepy, you won my internets for the next LIFE TIME X3  


Also, I would KILL for that support your troops magnet they sell in the PX with Mari-tan in the center!

Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: SleepyD on June 10, 2008, 02:18:03 AM
judging from that reaction, I assume the Japanese attempt at
Marines + Moe = WIN

haha, I think I started something in the captain's mind.
I knew I kept that link for a reason. XD;

I haven't encountered translations, but I'm sure I found a download for the comics, or rather the how-to comics somewhere..... I think it's on my laptop.

and for those of you too lazy to browse around the links, here's something more direct:

I'd display it straight on here, but this image is a bit big.
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: CaptBrenden on June 10, 2008, 02:23:12 AM
Well unlike the various mechamesume mari tan in the vary little bit I glanced at so far captures the essance of the marine corps perfectly in her tiny moe body :P  and far as I can tell the same with the other branches.  She embodies the marine corps and is not simply just a girl wearing marine corps uniform.   So basicly yes, much WIN is to be had with this.
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 10, 2008, 03:40:32 AM
*Gets really confused*
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Raffaele the Amigan on June 10, 2008, 05:09:15 AM
OMG!  o_o

Maritan is sure very arse girl...




Seems she is used in books to teach english/american slang (and impolite words) to young japanese...  ;015
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 10, 2008, 05:13:59 AM
Slang and curses are the first words you learn... :D
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: CaptBrenden on June 10, 2008, 12:30:47 PM
girl after my own hear X3 she speaks like a true marine!  Gunny Eremy would be proud!
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: NejinOniwa on June 10, 2008, 12:58:04 PM
This makes me remember that wonderful episode from Fumoffu...

...Sergeant Mao's Subordinate Abuse Handbook. LULZ XD
Title: Wikipe-TAN enters Navy
Post by: Smokey on June 10, 2008, 01:08:33 PM
I was raised with the knowledge that cursing (or cursive writing :D) is a form of weakness, since you can't control the language you speak well enough to express yourself...

But i always thought; What if you hit yourself with a (b&)hammer??