is there even a graphical representation of Vistatan yet? [/quote] Vista there is, but it not so big yet. oh and it's on page two of ostan image gallery ... we're growing. i'm trying to find i picture, but its hard.
ah yes.. i take it back, i have seen the bunned one
I personally prefer Vista over Longhorn... it sounds a little more, well, better in my opinion...
So, Microsoft is trying to do their own art of Vista-tan? Well, I guess I saw it coming (actually I didn't, but it doesn't surprise me is all). OS-tan have become pretty popular now, and I would assume that Microsoft doesn't want Vista-tan to reflect any of Windows Vista's shortcomings or problems. I don't think they would have let XP-tan have such a ravenous appitite if they had the choice (the fact that XP eats up so much memory isn't the feature they would want to advertise, I think).
Alright, but that's just my opinion. Hope you all didn't mind my rambling...
Quote from: "Jioruji_Derako" So, Microsoft is trying to do their own art of Vista-tan? Microsoft does? I dont think microsoft ever recognize those things....
//Microsoft does?
I think microsoft ever recognize those things....//
I don't know for sure if Microsoft is actually doing anything, I originally heard it from CaptBrenden... but it really wouldn'r surprise me.
I don't personally believe in Microsoft having any interest in the field of anime / manga or in the online phenomena coming from either of those fields. Anime girls / guys are not necessary considered the best way to express their image to companies, and diversifying their OS symbology from the nearly perfect Windows logo to including also 'cartoons' sounds a bit strange for a huge multibillion company like them.
I'd say CaptBrenden-san was joking. Were you, Captain? Correct me if I'm wrong. ;)
no i dont remmember where I heard it anymore, but personaly it dosent suprize me that they would jump on anything that promotes them. anything to make money I guess
meh, I don't think microsoft would really take notice on it. It would be awesome if they came up with themes of the os-tans when you install a new computer and what not.
About the Vista/Longhorn, I would just go with Vista. It would cause confusion and what not on forums I think if somebody keeps naming the same thing with two different names.
I think we readed that statement in the older version of OS-tan Collections (when we had Quotes and Shoutbox). As I remember, Agelu posted it, but I'm not sure its really, I'd want to know Bill Gates opinion about XP-tan eating so much resources.
By now, I got used to Vista, it doesnt sounds so bad after a few months
Vista=it fits the character well. It sounded like a mystical princess which i think she looks like one.
i prefer longhorn cos it sounds better....but i guess i cud get used to Vista
I like the name Vista. It sounds more fit for an OS-tan. I actually think the name Vista sounds kinda cute when associated with an OS-tan
ãÆ'“スタ-ãŸん (I think that's right...) (bi-su-ta...shortens to bisu...which means "bitch" I think)
Quote from: "Jon Fawkes" ãÆ'“スタ-ãŸん (I think that's right...) (bi-su-ta...shortens to bisu...which means "bitch" I think) ??! sauce?
Actually, acording to my computer consultant buddy, Longhorn is now the name for their current server. So a Longhorn tan can still be used.. just she has become Sabas younger sister
Thats an interesting development!
Back when the Vista and Longhorn-tans were pretty much the same person, I liked Longhorn better because I've heard of it first but now I think Vista sounds better! Mainly because I can make puns and references to it! :D
I never liked longhorn -_- I was born on a ranch.. long horns are big ugly stupid animals.. that smell.. and i cant help but thing of them when I hear that name. Longhorn should be like saba.. but a longhorn with a hub on its head
I agree!
I don't know, if done correctly, a Longhorn-tan would be cute
Why did they choose the name Vista, anyway? I know Longhorn is just a codename, but yeah, I already used to Longhorn.
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"I never liked longhorn -_- I was born on a ranch.. long horns are big ugly stupid animals.. that smell.. Well, I guess it is not too far off then... isn't it? I mean, all those not implemented features and the fact that need 9 GB harddrive space for this OS...
bloody heck, for the last time, take the bloody bashing about the OS to the thread about the OS. We are disscussing the NAME of it here. wether people liked longhorn as a name or vista as a name.
sorry, I was out of line. I dont want to sound angry or mean, but seriosly, we know what you think about it. If you would like to make a bash microsoft and everything they have ever made thread, feel free too that way like minded people can help you bash and those of us that dont hate microsoft dont need to keep reading it.
Not every thread that even mentions them needs a quip in it about why you think they suck, especialy when its not even close to what the topic is. Some people here do use microsoft and dont hate it and might be getting a little annoyed by the bashing in every thread that you get the opertunity.
Sorry, a Tux can't get out of its feathers...
As for why it's called Vista: My guess is that it has to do with the updated GUI and all the eye candy (which I admit is really nice looking!) and "Vista" is Spanish for "view" (has some other meanings too) and Vista is supposed to be a whole new viewing experience.
Longhorn was a interesting pre name until they thought of vista and vista sounds better. Longhorn reminds me of rodeos or some kind of ranch, cowboy stuff ;011
I like Vista...Longhorn always makes me think of a Texas But that is going to be the server name.