Anyone and everyone can post their art freely in this thread, its not for just one artist...
This is an Image thread, go nuts! Please post responsibly...
however I will start it off with a few doodles i did at work.
Oh great,... NOW he makes a thread like this.... -v-'
Dagnammit, you couldn't have done this before I went through the trouble of creating Concoctions...?! ^0^
*Piggy Madness Syndrome tantrum*
Oh well,... a little to late for the multi-page thread artists, but maybe it can still catch-up. -.-
Announcing my Freespire/Linspire 4koma, Beta 2:
( iwth 20% more 2006. ^___^
Two more years to go, plus a helluva lot of post-production. ^.^
Oh, and 3.1-sama is taller than Gin-sama? O__O
*rewatches Rozen maiden*
Well I be darned, didn't realize that.... -v-'
technicly I drew her way to big, but the picture looked cuter that way.
Sou sou, now that you think about it, she should be smaller still. But the Rozen Maiden "pintedness" was never really big with me, so i'd rather see her that size. ^__^
Oh, and although it's not my drawing, it is my translation so....
Reposting this just to plump up this fledging art thread AQAP. -v-
Oh Wow !!!
amazing o_o Arts Captain Brenden ^^
I Like those pics esspecially that pic with Suigintou and 3.1-sama ^^ (i should add that to my manga too :D uhmm... ähhh did I say something ...)
So will you be posting your manga here too, Thurosis? ¬.¬
Just keeping tabs of who will or will not post here, since a general art thread DOES help consolidate everyone's efforts.
No C-Chan I won't post my manga here !
That what I mean was to add Suigintou and 3.1-sama to my manga! ^^"
*scratches off Thurosis' name from list*
Ooooookay,... So Thurosis won't be posting to this thread.... -v-
Now we just need feedback from these other individuals..... ^^'
*trots off to find more artists*
Quote from: "C-Chan"*scratches off Thurosis' name from list*
Ooooookay,... So Thurosis won't be posting to this thread.... -v-
Now we just need feedback from these other individuals..... ^^'
*trots off to find more artists*
OMG ! Did I missunderstand something or said something wrong again !? ;015
I said that i won't post my manga here because we would have a second "Thurosis"-manga-thread!
But if you want that i post some of my (other) arts here, C-Chan/Capt. Brenden, I would do that!
That's up to the captain, really. -v-
I'm just trying to run a feasibility study... whether this thread can become the new epicenter of independent artistic output, or just revert to a Brendan Art Thread. ^^'
You've already built up your nice manga thread, so yeah by all means keep it growing. -v-
like i said, its not soppose to be MY art thread, its for everyone.. regardless of wether or not they have holed themselves up in their own personal thread -_-
However, Ill note that I may have beat you two it Thurosis, Ive been idly sketching on a follow up comic where I find out what that doohicky is and run off to bring 3.1sama and Sugintou to life ^_^ or you could draw it, its your manga
SleepyD will post here....
.... prolly after finals.
somewhere in between I should do that wallpaper.... things aren't looking good for me in terms of time. u_u
*adds checkmark before SleepyD*
Cool,... you've got ONE enlistee, so this need not be just YOUR art thread anymore. -v-
[BTW SleepyD, since I'm no longer in the contest, please fight hard for /C-chan.... -.-]
Although with a topic title like that, how could blame the csual visitor from running away in terror..... ^___^
[e.g., OMG!!!!!!!!!! Anyones looks pissed in all CAPS, and is gonna jump out of the thread and rip my lungs out!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! *runs away in terror*]
So yeah, if you want people here, lose the CAPS, add the apostrophe, or better yet come up with something more marketable that would get people stampeding to post here. Otherwise, they might as well stay "holed up" (you make it sound like they're inpillboxes.... -v-)
Course, some of these personal threads have been around for illenia, and were already very considerate efforts to avoid creating multiple threads to begin with (Infinity Zero's consolidated art thread is a good example). So I'm not sure if even a mace/sword/whatever wielding bloke's gonna pry them away from their homes. -.-
On the other hand, perhaps an incentive might help,... like allowing them to REPOST all their pictures from their threads here. That way, you'd very quickly turn this 1-page thread into a 50-pager, and give them everythign they need as well to relocate. It's all about the planning. -v-
BTW, how much would you charge me to brining Suiseiseki-sama to life? -.-'
I Will say that here too ! ^^"
Sorry i can't post/upload my manga because i lent my Scanner to my cousin and he forget to give it back, but he will give it back on friday) until then i will draw a lot ^^
I really dont think its the capital letters that scare people. -_- but ill change the topic just the same.
Okay, I'll stay for free cookies. Great sketch, although now that I have my mind on cookies, I swear DOSKitty looks like a giant one. ^__^
.... threatening to eat doskitty in both mine and 3.1samas presence with a whole honor guard of the emperors finest on standby... I didnt know you had such a hard lot in life that you wanted to commit suicide...
I assume you are one of those armored guards in your latest 3.1-tan picture?
Anyways, excellent sketches! 3.1-tan and Suigintou look beautiful and majestic and the armored guards and weapons are very detailed (and definently look like people I sure do NOT want to mess with if I value my life!)! ;010
C-Chan's Linspire+Freespire 4koma in progress looks very good too (even I don't understand what's supposed to be going on but still... I like it!)
Thank you Aurora. ^___^
Actually, with 2007 it might start to shed a little light on the so-called "plot". ^^'
Today I got a lot of 2008 done, but can't post it yet due to other things that need /C-chan's attention. ^.^'
Besides, i still have to figure out how I'd depict Compize-Beryl armor. -v-
Amazing Amazing Capt.Brenden !!! XD XD XD ;010
I thought the same! I mean I have the same idea! XDXDXD
I because i want to make a Grey Knights-Bodyguard(s) for 3.1-sama! in my Manga! hehehe...
and in the manga you will betray the God-Emperor from Warhammer 40k. because of 3.1-sama!
Betray the emperor? NEVER! As the perfect being and emperor of mankind, he will surely recognize her as the perfect woman and make her the queen of man kind T_T so saggest betraying him, Im ashamed of you.
I drew blood angels in that picture because I havent really drawn grey knight before and I couldnt think what they looked like exactly off the top of my head, as where ive drawn blood angels hundereds of times.
however, just a side thought... the gothic lolita style that both gin-chan and 3.1sama have fit perfectly with the team of 40k.
oh and while we are on the subject.. as capt B used to look before I became a grey knights player (beign a bunch of blood crazed vampires is cool, but being holy knights that slay demons is so much cooler..)
regular space marines are a hell of alot easier to draw tho..
and they are off to fight in her name!
and on an unrelated note: a t shirt I drew for work. I wonder if this is proof im not suited to drawing cute romance comedy comics -_-?
Captain Brenden did you ever thought about making a Warhammer 40k. Manga/Comic?
The Pics are SOOOOOOO COOOOLLLLL And AMZAING!!! Esspecially the Details! XD XD XD So COOL, no TOO COOL !!!
If I only weren't such a lazy "Detail-drawer", my arts would be in a greater quality ^^" ;013
hhehehe ;027
Id prolly be more suited to it.. i got told last night my 3.1 pictures suck cus the lack cute -_-
If i can ask, which one ?
Right now in my opinion all your Arts with Space Marines, 3.1sama and Suigintou SUPER COOL and AMAZING ! XD
the problem is that everyone have his/her own opinion!
all of them -_- said they looked too... western, not cute
i have to say i kinda agree, my art so far is more suited for serios western style comics
In my opinion i don't care in which style a manga, comic or a pic is drawn aslong it has a interesting story!
I must learn it by myslef too that I can't compare my art style to other art styles!
Every artist draw in his/her own good way!
i anyhow (sorry if it is the wrong word) like your Art style!
dragons anyone? (
Currently in a place where the DNS link to this site is still screwy and I can't view your sketches, but will do say later.
But just wanted to ask you who the hell told you that? O_o
Can't be anyone from this forum because as far as I'm concerned we pretty much respect different art styles,... if anything, I think the majority of art criticisms per capita come from you. -v-
But whoever said that about your thing probably has a particular bias on what's considered cute and probably can't appreciate detailed artwork -- in other words, "if it's not loli, it sucks" kind of assessment. ^^;
Hope you just mentioned that for the sake of mentioning it, cause it doesn't sound like a comment that's even worth your time paying attention to. -v-
QuoteCan't be anyone from this forum because as far as I'm concerned we pretty much respect different art styles,... if anything, I think the majority of art criticisms per capita come from you. -v-
I seem to recall coming to people defence when harsh critizisum came down T_T like aroura when someone started bashing her style. I bet your just refering to the "i prefer not to short cut" comments. thats a discusion of art philosiphy not about bashing peoples individual work
I'm here to help you, not make you cry more, so don't get me citing examples now. -v-
Besides, whoever said art style and art philosphy were too separate things -- without the willingness to understand predicaments, making fun of someone shortcutting when you're physically able to do these things the old-fashioned way can be just as fan as deriding someone using stencils and tin cans to eek out an existence, when you're the one with the computer and copic markers. -v-
Don't forget I'm not an artist, so I have a pretty hefty handicap to begin with and little patience to deal with crap. So can I help you, or just go back to what I was doing? -__-
anyhow, if someone else dosent start posting art im gonna deleat this thread, i dont need a dedicated art thread -_-
Don't close!!
I will post!!!
my new ava - my zjhentohlauedy form (prototype). ok a zjentohlauedy/human mixbreed anyway.
and my mecha, (also in prototype stage) a mixbreed as well, a VF-1A valkyrie mix with a Nousjadeul-Ger or a zjentohlauedy male battle armor
and something i made a looooong time ago I just love Ann-chan!
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"
and on an unrelated note: a t shirt I drew for work. I wonder if this is proof im not suited to drawing cute romance comedy comics -_-?
... *jawdrop*
Yep, you are more suited for these kinds of things... you planning on completing that? Cause that looks like it could sell ;025 ;010
Well the T shirt company finished it for us actually. I have one of the shirts some where. Got it for drawing the design.. tho they messed up on it some... id have to scan the shirt to explain
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"anyhow, if someone else dosent start posting art im gonna deleat this thread, i dont need a dedicated art thread -_-
time, time, time.
Jeff needs time. XP
#include <stdio.h>
#define TRUE 0
#define FALSE -1
int main()
int offTopic = 0;
printf( "Procrastination hurts. And its too late now to change. It's been too late for a while. >_>\n" );
printf( "Trying to finish something by a deadline prevents me from working ahead on anything.\n" );
printf( "I have this really boring C programming project to finish. pfft. why a cash register program?\n" );
printf( "I did a game back in high school. (but in Java. Not that there's much of a difference)\n" );
printf( "Is Jeff off topic?\n" );
scanf( "%d", &offTopic );
if( offTopic == TRUE )
return 0;
anyway, on topic, I plan on scanning the doodles in my notes into here.
I don't have any nice, finished drawings planned.
All my recent art stuff has all been in class notes....
mmm delicious cake...
Wow those Dragons are sooooo cool!!!
looks like for me that i have to learn more than backgrounds!
What i have to learn in the subject drawing:
- Anime Cell- style
- Backgrounds
- Animals & Fantasy Animals
- CG (btw what does CG stand for ???)
computer graphics
Oh ! o_o I never notice that ;140
Just in case anyone was wondering how I look like when I'm under the influence of Piggy Madness Syndrome, the Captain did me the favor of demonstrating for you.... -v-
piggy madness syndrom my ass, thats when happens when the cult of the amigan begins to worship you as a god for your inkage for vintage drawings.
The Piggening!!!
Be afraid!! Be Very Afraid!!!! ;026
Quote from: "C-Chan"Just in case anyone was wondering how I look like when I'm under the influence of Piggy Madness Syndrome, the Captain did me the favor of demonstrating for you.... -v-
GREAT WORK C-CHAN (or should I say Cee-Chanagura) ;010
**Thurosis start too think **
**He make an evil smile **
and say:
hmmmmm ;155 i have a another idea .... ;155 hehehehe....
**after that he gone away**
Anooo.................. ^^;
I appreciate the thought, Thurosis-san, but, uh.......
Do you want to get me killed....? ^^;
QuoteJust in case anyone was wondering how I look like when I'm under the influence of Piggy Madness Syndrome, the Captain did me the favor of demonstrating for you.... -v-
Thought you knew that I don't hand-sketch,... I mean I can, but they never look good:
Instead, I vector sketch, so my drafts always look like this:
Quotepiggy madness syndrom my ass, thats when happens when the cult of the amigan begins to worship you as a god for your inkage for vintage drawings.
But yes, coincentally, when my ego is way up there, I automatically trigger P.M.S. so that's still an accurate assessment.
QuoteThe Piggening!!!
Be afraid!! Be Very Afraid!!!!
Ahhh, it ain't so bad you know.... ^.^
You should consider joining me. ^__^
Anyone know when this one popped into the User Galleries? '__'
Looks very cute... wonder why it's been so under-the-radar? ^^
The Chibis are soo CUTE XD AWWWWWW ^^
I found my weakpoint! ^^ I'm weak when i see cute chibis !!! XD XD XD
OMG!!! ME She is more dangerous than Xp-tan (at least i believe so if she comes to our world) thread...nice
But unfortunately, I don't have anything worth enough to post here right now >_<. Haven't been able to draw a lot lately
Quote from: "C-Chan"Just in case anyone was wondering how I look like when I'm under the influence of Piggy Madness Syndrome, the Captain did me the favor of demonstrating for you.... -v-
QuoteInstead, I vector sketch, so my drafts always look like this: vector art takes too much time to be considerated as a "draft" >_>
Darknight_88 prefers to draw drafts on paper, then vectors (more like trace in photoshop...) it only if it's good enough to become a finished work.
Finished Works: 2
Good finished works: 1 (OS/2)
lol. Nice one. Darknight_88 specially likes the 3rd and 4th panel vector art takes too much time to be considerated as a "draft" >_>
Darknight_88 prefers to draw drafts on paper, then vectors (more like trace in photoshop...) it only if it's good enough to become a finished work.
Yo Darknight! Long time no see! ^__^
Daijoubou,... once you've drawn vectors as long as I have, you get used to putting them in everything, even your coffee.... -v-
Although in fairness, I have been taking unusually-long lately with my drawings lately,... probably cause SOME people instilled a concern for quality in my pictures. Bad peoples! No cakes for you! >__<
No but seriously, all that fussing around over minor details will be the death of me art-wise. -v-'
QuoteFinished Works: 2
Good finished works: 1 (OS/2)
Don't worry. ^^
Your OS/2-tan pic counts for THIRTY good finished works, so you're basically set. ^v^
Quotelol. Nice one. Darknight_88 specially likes the 3rd and 4th panel
Thank you. ^^
I still need to fix and shade it, but lately I've also allowed more and more of my RL to interfere with my art, and it's really taxing on my inspiration. At this rate, my drawing days are not long for this world. -.-
Fortunately, there's no shortage of excellent pics elsewhere....
Like check out this awesome Viru-tan gif over at Nijiura:
MMM cake... Is it delicious cake? I must eat it!
Updated, and compleated, at least unless i decide to digitaly ink and color or tone it[/img]
ARGH! why!!?
I doubt I'm going to finish the wall anytime soon. but I will post it when I'm done.
In the meantime, here's a work in progress screencap:
nice sleepyd too bad you didn't make it to the competition
haha, it's okay. ^^ my ideas seem simple to me, but tend to be a lot more complicated once I start drawing. haha...
oh, btw, captain, how long did that pic take? o.O
multi-character pics is something I don't do often...
That's a lot more detail than what I usually put in my pics so... o-O
and 3.1-sama is cute in that pic. X3
YeaH! ^^ I want to know that too! How long do you need?
That was about 4 hours. It would have been exponentialy longer if it was inked
wow, four hours. ok now i'm gonna need alot more patience to draw...
me too ! o_o I couldn't do that in 8 eight hours ^^"
but everyone have thier own talent in drawing
I... I.... I.....
haha, the stuff I have up for OS/2-tan took me about 1-2 hours to think about and sketch, and another 3 hours to get as far as I have in the screencap above.
SleepyD is a slow worker. yepyep. XD;
....I... love you too. hahaha. :3
Sorry for having OS/2-san deprive you of some much needed sleep. But still, she's looking absolutely wonderful! ^__^
You've been really good at making dynamic shots, and this one is bound to be leaps and bounds ahead of your last one (which was also fantastic, btw). ^v^
oh don't worry, I've been getting sleep, since finals are over with. ^o^
and thank you muchly! ^^ Nothing like a good comment to keep someone working. hehe :3
but yeah, it took forever to get that angle and shot right... even still I think there might be something wrong with it... ^^;
(but the last time I kept correcting and correcting, I ended up hating it and never finishing it, so I'm keeping myself from doing that hehe)
hm... is she missing a skirt? XD;; oh well, I'll leave it this way. Sexier.... I guess. hahaha.... *phasered*
I agree,... hubba hubba,. and stuff.... *lecherous grin* ^w^
Or it could be in the laundry bin,... since IBM cut off funding in December, you'd be amazed how much she's had to cut corners with her budget, poor thing. ^.^
If only she were open sourced,... IBM bastards.... -v-
Oh and BTW, sorry if I can't offer any criticisms about the angle. As the old saying goes, "Love blinds". @v@
*C-chan stare* TvT
OS/2, my favorite non-Windows-M$-and-IBM-screwed-over-OS!
Can't wait to see her finished ^_^
Quote from: "C-Chan"I agree,... hubba hubba,. and stuff.... *lecherous grin* ^w^
Or it could be in the laundry bin,... since IBM cut off funding in December, you'd be amazed how much she's had to cut corners with her budget, poor thing. ^.^
If only she were open sourced,... IBM bastards.... -v-
Oh and BTW, sorry if I can't offer any criticisms about the angle. As the old saying goes, "Love blinds". @v@
*C-chan stare* TvT
*slapped by OS/2*
haha it's okay. I don't have the full pic up anyway. I don't expect many crits on this anyway. I'll think I'll take em when I'm done, and make the future stuff I do better. :3
Quote from: "Bella"WOOHOO!!!!
OS/2, my favorite non-Windows-M$-and-IBM-screwed-over-OS!
Can't wait to see her finished ^_^
Sankyuu, sankyuu. XD OS/2 pwnz. X3
Ah, good old OS/2! Loved the OS, love the -tan!
Speaking of OS/2, you'd never guess what I found going through my old CD's!
Added after 28 minutes:
From what I remember, this specific version stayed exclusively within the company, it was a bit unstable. ^^'
Too bad the CD's broken, else I'd fix my old OS/2 Computer!
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"(
Updated, and compleated, at least unless i decide to digitaly ink and color or tone it[/img]
Cute. This definitely needs to be digitally colored ;010
Quote from: "SleepyD"ARGH! why!!?
I doubt I'm going to finish the wall anytime soon. but I will post it when I'm done.
In the meantime, here's a work in progress screencap:
Nice. Looks like someone got attached to a certain C-Chan character :D
Could get some critic to make it even better, but by now this is probably finished, so It'd be pointless.
Still, very nice. And with the extension of the Wallpaper contest deadline, I think there's a good chance for this to be finished ;)
Yatta!!! Go SleepyD!!! ^V^
Here's hoping that you can finish this beauty (who's perfect in every single way imaginable, so I can't even FATHOM how divinely gorgeous the final will be) before the new extended deadline. ^__^
Oh, and if I can help in any way please let me know -- I've still got some Photoshop skillz intact, plus a copy of VMWare-server-running-barebones-XP-w/PS-on-Linux to put them to practice. ^.^
BTW, Darknight,... in light of the wallpaper not showing up yet, can you give us some idea of how it looks? 'v'
Quote from: "C-Chan"
BTW, Darknight,... in light of the wallpaper not showing up yet, can you give us some idea of how it looks? 'v'
Oh well...
And this is the fastest way to lose 50k C-Chan points :D : A 95-tan Wallpaper!
And that's pretty much my wallpaper. Just a gradient as a background because I like simple wallpapers (Darknight's excuse for his lack of imagination and ability with Photoshop filters).
New techniques used:
-Colored linework
-gradient Spam
C-points are worthless anyways, invest in potatos
Hoe! That is a very gorgeous pic, and really displays the phenomenal level of skillz that you showed me when making the OS/2-tan pic! ^__^
(Speaking of which, that offering came with a very HUGE pool of C-chan points, so it's gonna be decades before you start hitting the negative range.) ^v^'
I know you've done an excellent job with faces before, but this one is spot-on and pleasant. Hair is well-stranded and flowing, and the clothing (and folds thereof) comes as sharp and well-defined, yet with appropriately gentle shading. (It almost looks, btw, like she's trying to artificially prop up her chest to be more XP-like... ^^;)
The colored linework does take some getting used to, but it does help soften the palette and make the overall picture quite pleasing to look at.
This could easily be at home alongside AIR or Kanon (or name your favorite high-quality anime), and would find it inexcusable if this attracted even the least bit of heat from those darn imageboards. `v'
(although you probably won't have much trouble at +ã«ã˜ã†ã,‰ï¼‹)
Added after 3 minutes:
BTW, what the HECK happened to your personal gallery?!!! @___@
Your old battle suit 95-tan and the great OS/2-sama sketches aren't anywhere to be seen....! ;___;
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"EPIC WIN!
C-points are worthless anyways, invest in potatos
Quote from: "C-Chan"Hoe! That is a very gorgeous pic, and really displays the phenomenal level of skillz that you showed me when making the OS/2-tan pic! ^__^
(Speaking of which, that offering came with a very HUGE pool of C-chan points, so it's gonna be decades before you start hitting the negative range.) ^v^'
I know you've done an excellent job with faces before, but this one is spot-on and pleasant. Hair is well-stranded and flowing, and the clothing (and folds thereof) comes as sharp and well-defined, yet with appropriately gentle shading. The colored linework does take some getting used to, but it does help soften the palette and make the overall picture quite pleasing to look at.
This could easily be at home alongside AIR or Kanon (or name your favorite high-quality anime), and would find it inexcusable if this attracted even the least bit of heat from those darn imageboards. `v'
(although you probably won't have much trouble at +ã«ã˜ã†ã,‰ï¼‹)
lol, potatoes
Thanks for the comments ^_^
And talking about linework, an alternate edition with black linework (messed around with levels):
( (
Seems the colored linework looks better with my exaggeratedly fat strokes xD. I guess I'll try to improve this style until I can get a tablet...which seems very unlikely ;_;
I can't even read what they talk about xD
o_o IT EES 95-SAMA!!!!!!
Serious GJ! Not only is it a completely gorgeous piccy, but also it comes in a time of extreme 95-piccy famine! Ganbatte!
good work!
AMAzing!!! XD Swoonnn....
i didn't read everything so with which programm did you use? Photoshop or was it inkscape??
Quote from: "C-Chan"
BTW, what the HECK happened to your personal gallery?!!! @___@
Your old battle suit 95-tan and the great OS/2-sama sketches aren't anywhere to be seen....! ;___;
Well...2:00 am and I was sleep deprived, so only one pic uploaded. And wasn't exactly sure about uploading twice. Anyway, OS/2 added to my personal gallery. Battle suit...don't really like it by now >_<. Same happened when I was doing my Deviant Art gallery =/
Quote from: "Thurosis"AMAzing!!! XD Swoonnn....
i didn't read everything so with which programm did you use? Photoshop or was it inkscape??
Well, I didn't mentioned it anyway :P
Photoshop 7.0
Can't get used to Inkscape or Flash MX. Also, Inkscape uses HUGE quantities of RAM >_<
Now, time for another half-year hiatus in my drawing schedule :D
Yeah, inkscape is horrible in that respect. "Ohoh, here she comes! Watch out she will swap you out! Ohoh, here she comes! She's a memeater!" one trout for the one who gets this reference :)
Hey Darknight! That was nice! Kinda like her pose over there! And you really did a great job on the kimono dress-very lively!
And take a look at those beautiful and sincere but strong willed eyes! :)
QuoteWell...2:00 am and I was sleep deprived, so only one pic uploaded. And wasn't exactly sure about uploading twice. Anyway, OS/2 added to my personal gallery. Battle suit...don't really like it by now >_<. Same happened when I was doing my Deviant Art gallery =/
Awww, but I kinda fancied your battle suit picture. It was the first pic I saw in this forum when I first came here (no member = no ability to see regular attachment pictures), in a way if it weren't for that picture, I probably would've gone to Net Characters instead (thank GAWD, that didn't happen). ^^;
So if you don't mind, the pig feels like lobbying for its rerelease. ^.^
Well, I didn't mentioned it anyway :P
Photoshop 7.0
Can't get used to Inkscape or Flash MX. Also, Inkscape uses HUGE quantities of RAM >_<
Oh now, it's not that bad. It's gotten better with 0.45, although the introductino of blurring does tax the system in new ways. -v-;
QuoteYeah, inkscape is horrible in that respect. "Ohoh, here she comes! Watch out she will swap you out! Ohoh, here she comes! She's a memeater!" one trout for the one who gets this reference
Oh great Penguin God,... please stick with godly stuff and not advertisement, cause you'd starve. ^^;
And speaking of starve, I'm obviously not getting a trout cause I have no clue. -v-;
QuoteHey Darknight! That was nice! Kinda like her pose over there! And you really did a great job on the kimono dress-very lively!
And take a look at those beautiful and sincere but strong willed eyes!
Don't let the strong-willed eyes fool you!
BEHOLD!!! Their true identities!!! @o@
Actually, I think XP-san looks more beautiful than usual in that shot. ^__^
Hehehehe... Doctor Norton reminds me of Indiana Jones in that picture! :D And ME-tan the mouse looks kinda like Mickey Mouse! (especially in the first cartoons of him)
Bwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...........*slowly draws wooden sword*'ve never seen what gintoki-sensei can do with a bokutou, have you? bwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh..............
Quote from: "C-Chan"
Awww, but I kinda fancied your battle suit picture. It was the first pic I saw in this forum when I first came here (no member = no ability to see regular attachment pictures), in a way if it weren't for that picture, I probably would've gone to Net Characters instead (thank GAWD, that didn't happen). ^^;
So if you don't mind, the pig feels like lobbying for its rerelease. ^.^
God bless imageshack (or was it photobucket?) :D
'k, but it'll go into another folder >_>
Quote from: "Alfamille"Hey Darknight! That was nice! Kinda like her pose over there! And you really did a great job on the kimono dress-very lively!
And take a look at those beautiful and sincere but strong willed eyes! :)
yo alfamille
lon--short time no see. Good to know you still come here from time to time :)
heh, I liked your battlesuit pic. ^^
I even played around with photoshop to give you a fancy background. :3
wasn't sure where to put this, but since I'm not asking for an extension or anything I'm not posting in the contest thread, and I don't want this to be buried in the Topicless Thread, so I'll post it here:
I won't be making the contest deadline due to family stuffs... and as a result I did not have the drive to complete my wallpaper. My grandmother in the Philippines died... I have a journal post on dA about it if you'd care to read it:
So, I've unexpectedly and suddenly taken up a few more responsibilities around the house as a result.
Rest assured, I will finish the wallpaper, just not in time for the contest. Good luck to the rest of ya. ^^
I did resume working on it yesterday, and I'm playing around with different shading methods...
I'm sorry to hear that, SleepyD. ;__;
Don't worry about the contest, as it really is supposed to be a fun thing, and can't preside over important RL matters (reason why I retracted my own independent entry).
Good luck man, and please contact us if you need anything. ^__^
Oh, and thank you very much Darknight! ^__~
Added after 2 minutes:
BTW, does anyone know if the artist known as "Ken-Shi kun" has tried to post his work on a thread yet?
Can't have artists emo just cause they're too shy to post where people can comment on them properly. -v-
Cool picture, Ken-shi Kun! I don't think I've seen any of your posts!
*Does Research*
Hmm... That ( would explain why. He hasn't posted yet. ^^'
Still, for a "First Try" it's magnificent! Marvelous work. Had you not explicitly stated, I would have assumed you were a pro! ^__^
Deshou? ^^
Now if only some other alternative-Vistan-drawing-people would follow suit.... -v-;
Not sure if the fellow will look for "cookies" to find his pic (I'm assuming "he" from -kun here....), so who volunteers to drop the guy a line? ^^
Once again, the time when I resurrect this thread has come.
(previous one: 95-tan)
Yeah, it's more likely than you think
And there she is, Gamma-tan. And she's not just the mascot of a random MP3 player. She's the mascot for the exact same model and color of my MP3 player:
great MP3 players, I dare to say.
Been on the works for 1 month (more than 3/4 of that month weren't actually occupied for working on this...I blame videogames and lazyness). Rushed it at the end because I REALLY wanted to finish it (or else, it'd go into the "hiatus" picture has ever made it out of that folder)
Gradients mostly, solid cell shade and some airbrush.
Her legs are made like that in purpose. I doubt she can stand on her own (just like the device she represents...>_> )
Open to critics, may actually modify the pic if necessary. Specially, I'd like to have opinions on the color. Dunno if the colors are too saturated.
ZOMG MY 700th POST!!!
Windows XP rank :D
WOW! Darknight-san!
My eyes are stuck to the screen!!
Woohoo!!! It's completed!!!! ^V^
Even though you claim it's a rush job, it looks pretty damn fantastic. ^___^
I'm sure the extra time could've been used to add mutli-color lines, soft shading and such, but can you honestly say it would've added much more to this masterpiece? Maybe, but then the time savings can be used to draw another memorable character. ^__^
Speaking of characters, MY BROTHER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER!!!!!! ^V^
*bear hugs Darknight*
Thank you for drawing a new and original character!! ^0^
Though it may not be appreciated in OTHER places.... ¬¬ least you know that here we'll ALWAYS receive you with open arms! ^___^
Quote from: "C-Chan"
BTW, does anyone know if the artist known as "Ken-Shi kun" has tried to post his work on a thread yet?
( (
Can't have artists emo just cause they're too shy to post where people can comment on them properly. -v-
A nice one from Ken Shi Kun! It's actually good he chose to have the ++'s rendition than the traditional Vistan. Bless that guy! ;001
Quote from: "Darknight_88"Once again, the time when I resurrect this thread has come.
(previous one: 95-tan)
Yeah, it's more likely than you think
( (
And there she is, Gamma-tan. And she's not just the mascot of a random MP3 player. She's the mascot for the exact same model and color of my MP3 player:
great MP3 players, I dare to say.
Been on the works for 1 month (more than 3/4 of that month weren't actually occupied for working on this...I blame videogames and lazyness). Rushed it at the end because I REALLY wanted to finish it (or else, it'd go into the "hiatus" picture has ever made it out of that folder)
Gradients mostly, solid cell shade and some airbrush.
Her legs are made like that in purpose. I doubt she can stand on her own (just like the device she represents...>_> )
Open to critics, may actually modify the pic if necessary. Specially, I'd like to have opinions on the color. Dunno if the colors are too saturated.
I think the color's fine! :D
This is rushed? I think this has been given a lot of work around 1 month! Maybe you were planning to add more shading or a decent background. But as far as her looks, she seems fine. The suit is surely simply smooth but cool thing is that how you made the "Sony" logo at that size so as her button at her waistline. :D
...also the boots had the same color as her hair. Good job on that one not to mention you made the boots smoothly done and
unique! Love those boots! :P
...a nice touch to her face's expression by the way ;019
You know... upon second looking,.... she kinda/sorta/maybe reminds me of a gray-haired, purple-clothed Nuku Nuku..... *siiiiiiiigh* Sweet sweet bittersweet memories of yore.............. ^______^
In any event, with this cutie done, it's time for the â,¬65,000 question.... What's next on Darknight's agenda? ^__^
zjhentohlauedy, C-Chan and Alfamille, thanks for the comments :D
I'm glad everyone likes her, and that I don't have to make any changes (maybe I should add a proper background...but I just suck at that) :D
Quote from: "C-Chan"You know... upon second looking,.... she kinda/sorta/maybe reminds me of a gray-haired, purple-clothed Nuku Nuku..... *siiiiiiiigh* Sweet sweet bittersweet memories of yore.............. ^______^
Care to explain? the googles do nothing only show a purple haired girl >_>
Quote from: "C-Chan"
In any event, with this cutie done, it's time for the â,¬65,000 question.... What's next on Darknight's agenda? ^__^
I was thinking about a Kagami fanart...
...but I think I'll go with some
Vis-tan :D
QuoteI'm glad everyone likes her, and that I don't have to make any changes (maybe I should add a proper background...but I just suck at that)
Easier solution,... just collage her with a preexisting wallpaper. Worked with my PCLOS-tan pic. ^___^
QuoteCare to explain? the googles do nothing only show a purple haired girl >_>
Oh darknight, darknight darknight, how can you not knoweth she of the android body and cat brain, the first ever Anime that I loved, the one whom I based my first game modificaiton on. ^___^
Here's TV series #1 Nuku Nuku with her battle-mode ears:
I'm actually thinking your Sony-chan looks more like OVA Nuku Nuku, who has a more subtle drawing style and yellow/white "ears". ^^
I was thinking about a Kagami fanart...
...but I think I'll go with some Vis-tan
*twitch twitch* ^___^x
Not withstanding the blasphemy of foresaking Kagami-sama for someone who's been drawn 1,342,864 times, you know of course that I don't mind what you draw as long as you draw.... ^____^x
*twitch twitch*
Certainly as long as we keep the community going, you can draw Saseko on Homeko hentai and I'd support you 100%. ^^x
*twitch twitch twitch*
Or more realistically in that particular circumstance, 70%.... ^^X
*twitch twitch twitch twitch*
Course, it's just occurred to me... ^___^
Since you're more likely than anyone else to help out a fellow
paisano, I know for a fact that you'll be kind, understanding and righteous enough to consume what our country produces.... ^___^
In other words,....
You'll be drawing..........
Jijiji,.. yeah, I can live with THAT Vista.... ^_________^
Quote from: "C-Chan"
*twitch twitch* ^___^x
Not withstanding the blasphemy of foresaking Kagami-sama for someone who's been drawn 1,342,864 times, you know of course that I don't mind what you draw as long as you draw.... ^____^x
*twitch twitch*
Certainly as long as we keep the community going, you can draw Saseko on Homeko hentai and I'd support you 100%. ^^x
*twitch twitch twitch*
Or more realistically in that particular circumstance, 70%.... ^^X
*twitch twitch twitch twitch*
Course, it's just occurred to me... ^___^
Since you're more likely than anyone else to help out a fellow paisano, I know for a fact that you'll be kind, understanding and righteous enough to consume what our country produces.... ^___^
In other words,....
You'll be drawing..........
Jijiji,.. yeah, I can live with THAT Vista.... ^_________^
I like Frida... but I like Nijiura's Vis-tan more >_> it goes: Vis-tan drawing alpha version .02 :
Just a quick 5 min sketch. Generic pose (don't have the imagination for more right now...). Need to check eyes size, head tilt, draw a proper left hand, give a proper end to the right hand, check overall anatomy of the body, etc.
ETA: 3 weeks -2 monts/forever. Taking into account that uni is about to start.
QuoteI like Frida... but I like Nijiura's Vis-tan more >_>
Hmmmm...... -v-
What's the word that's coming to my head right now.....
Ah yes,...
"Malinchista". ^.^
Fufu... just kidding,... ^v^
Strangely enough, the Nijiura version does have an uncanny resemblance to Frida, who if I recalled also made a very brief cameo appearance on that board (though not sure if prior to or after Nijiura-version appeared)...... ¬¬
Yeah, I like her too,... In fact, she'd be the only Vistan I'd vouch for an official version, if not for the fact I think she's way too nice and sweet. -v-
Someone more bigoted and short-fused would fit the bill better.... ^v^
( it goes: Vis-tan drawing alpha version .02 :
Just a quick 5 min sketch. Generic pose (don't have the imagination for more right now...). Need to check eyes size, head tilt, draw a proper left hand, give a proper end to the right hand, check overall anatomy of the body, etc.
ETA: 3 weeks -2 monts/forever. Taking into account that uni is about to start.
Well no complaints here,... I reckon I admire a person who can sketch a nearly-complete character in 5 minutes. ^__^
And the characteristic feathered "ears" of the Nijiura version invites swoonage. ^__~
But what's this I heard before about hands somewhere else? `v'
...Y la olla contestó como las bravas
¡Miré joven, puras habas! ^__^
Quote from: "C-Chan"
Ah yes,... "Malinchista". ^.^
Quote from: "C-Chan"
Fufu... just kidding,... ^v^
Strangely enough, the Nijiura version does have an uncanny resemblance to Frida, who if I recalled also made a very brief cameo appearance on that board (though not sure if prior to or after Nijiura-version appeared)...... ¬¬
Yeah, I like her too,... In fact, she'd be the only Vistan I'd vouch for an official version, if not for the fact I think she's way too nice and sweet. -v-
Someone more bigoted and short-fused would fit the bill better.... ^v^
actually yeah, Frida and Nijiura Vis-tan are very similar in looks. I think Frida was first. Maybe the ponytails were based on Frida's design (or a reference of "longhorn")
What's so bad about her being nice and sweet? It actually represents Windows Vista accurately. Though, I would add her a touch of Yandere.
Yah. You don't want to make her angry. Much like 95-tan.
and I didn't wanted to post this because this was unfinished, but a certain post from a certain SOMEONE forced me to post it...
Inked. My first and only inked pic. Still isn't as finished as I would want, but I never finished it due to exams and whatnot.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeet, pig-forgiving H-chan,....
But wait a sec.... -v-
"FIRST" inked drawing? But haven't you been inking drawings all this time? (all the way back to to Battle Suit 95?) @o@
Or am I just confusing terminology here.... -v-'
Quoteactually yeah, Frida and Nijiura Vis-tan are very similar in looks. I think Frida was first. Maybe the ponytails were based on Frida's design (or a reference of "longhorn")
That's the thought that occurred to me. Despite all the rantings and ravings of certain lunatics elsewhere, art can permeate
in reverse if given the chance. -v-
Although now that you think about it, we're all technically "malinchistas" since we're so fascinated with another culture's products. ^____^;
Quote from: "C-Chan"Sweeeeeeeeeeeet, pig-forgiving H-chan,....
But wait a sec.... -v-
"FIRST" inked drawing? But haven't you been inking drawings all this time? (all the way back to to Battle Suit 95?) @o@
Or am I just confusing terminology here.... -v-'
inked as in "inked with real ink", using an stylograph :p
Everyone's drawings are so pretty. *_* I wish I could draw...
Quoteinked as in "inked with real ink", using an stylograph
hoh..... funny, I always thought you did that for some reason. '__'
(and then scanned the results into PS)
QuoteEveryone's drawings are so pretty. *_* I wish I could draw...
Well technically speaking you can. ^__^
Every time you pick up a pen and draw the glyphs we call "words" on a piece of paper, you're essentially "drawing" writing. ^v^
And if you can be trained to "draw" an entire alphabet (maybe 2 or 3), then you can certainly learn to "draw" more complicated imagery, such as Anime cel-style drawing. ^__^
Always bear in mind,....
If an elephant can create art with its trunk:
... you can easily create such things with your much more dexterous hands! ^v^
Now if coordinate positioning and proportions are a problem for you (as it is for me), then computer vector graphics can assist you with that as well.
Ultimately, though, it all boils down to how much faith you have in yourself to achieve a goal. If it's non-existent, then yeah there's no point cause you'll have failed before even starting. -.-
But if it's really something you want to try, then by all means try it. We'll be here to help! ^__^
Quote from: "C-Chan"Quoteinked as in "inked with real ink", using an stylograph
hoh..... funny, I always thought you did that for some reason. '__'
(and then scanned the results into PS)
Actually, after I scan the drawing I have to retrace it in Photoshop in order to obtain a clean there's no use in wasting time inking the original.
Drawings phases:
1) Sketch on paper using pencil
2) Refined drawing on paper using pencil
3) Scan drawing
4) Digital Linework (digintal inking..): Trace over the scanned pic.
5) Color
Quote from: "Icelilly"Everyone's drawings are so pretty. *_* I wish I could draw...
Well...As long as you want to, you can always draw. It's just about practice.
I started drawing anime (in fact, humans) 2 and a half year ago [more or less] , and while I'm still far from being an expert, I have improved a lot.
So, yeah, you can also draw as long as you have the desire to do so ;010
Quote from: "Darknight_88"
Drawings phases:
1) Sketch on paper using pencil
2) Refined drawing on paper using pencil
3) Scan drawing
4) Digital Linework (digintal inking..): Trace over the scanned pic.
5) Color
Sounds like my method. XD;
4 and 5 take forever. >->
speaking of which.... OS/2 is stalled at step 5.
sorry guys. ^^ Calculus seems to be taking up more time than expected.
Actual inking is pretty fun, but I still can't get it to look right. I use Sakura Microns and Sharpie if I somehow decide to ink with pen. ^^
NOOOOO!!!! ;^0^;
Hang in there, SleepyD!!! Don't give up! ;^~^;
On the other hand,...
if the calc stuff won't let up any time soon, I can always help finish the coloring for you. ^__^
Without Bella-san, I'm suffering from a bit of collaboration withdrawal, so I wouldn't mind.... -v-
Quote from: "C-Chan"NOOOOO!!!! ;^0^;
Hang in there, SleepyD!!! Don't give up! ;^~^;
On the other hand,...
if the calc stuff won't let up any time soon, I can always help finish the coloring for you. ^__^
Without Bella-san, I'm suffering from a bit of collaboration withdrawal, so I wouldn't mind.... -v-
ahaha, sure. I don't mind if you want to color OS/2. ^^
And if you think you can draw a better hand, please do. XD; I remember spending hours trying to get it to look right, and I still think it doesn't look right. haha... curse my perfectionism, why can't I just draw? (well, eventually I just gave up on trying to get it right and started coloring. ^^;
hrm... in what format would you like it? png?
Thank you, SleepyD! ^__^
I'm not good at hands either, but I have some things which can help so I'll see what I can do. ^.^
And why I certainly, I would love it in PNG. You know I'm a sucker for free formats. ^v^
Quote from: "C-Chan"Thank you, SleepyD! ^__^
I'm not good at hands either, but I have some things which can help so I'll see what I can do. ^.^
And why I certainly, I would love it in PNG. You know I'm a sucker for free formats. ^v^
haha, it's ok
welp, I'll get the lineart for ya tomorrow. My brain is mushy at the moment. ^^;;;
Never done any OS-tan fanart, so here's a quick try.
( (
oh gawd, another vista, shows great promis in the art at least :D
Not liking vista? Oh well, I'll do some other -tan next then.
( (
Quote from: "C-Chan"Thank you, SleepyD! ^__^
I'm not good at hands either, but I have some things which can help so I'll see what I can do. ^.^
And why I certainly, I would love it in PNG. You know I'm a sucker for free formats. ^v^
here ya go C-Chan. ^^
You know, it's been a long time since I addressed you directly. haha...
This is the original size I scanned it in... it's a BIG image file.
I don't know about you, but things look better when I start big and then shrink it. In any case, it's best to have the original to play around with, right?
I'm more than willing to talk about the lineart and if it requires improvement. ^^ Especially that hand/phaser.
Yo VonDaab. Indeed that would be Vistan #1,368,490, but by GAWD the chibi version is cute and sooooo incredible fitting..... ^v^
Full-sized version is pretty sweet as well. ^v^
And thank you a billion SleepyD! ^___^
I'm working on OS/2-sama as we speak, although I may leave her on a transparent background cause...
A) I know you're a master of awesome backgrounds, and
B) I might be adding an appropriate cameo right behind her. ^.^
disregard my previous Vis-tan sketch. This is the new version:
this is getting right into Photoshop. Maybe some corrections about the hair, but other than that I don't spot any serious mistakes. So feel free to post some critique.
Adding future lazyness, uni work and exams, expect this to be finished by early December :D
also, something unrelated to OS-tans:
So I have been watching School Days
this is Kotonoha when she snaps at the end of episode 6. Well, not really, she hasn't turned in a serial killer as far as episode 7. But knitting needles could be awesome weapons.
Fastest drawing ever. Like 12 hours along 3 days. *fast*. Not really something serious, just did it for fun. There was no quality/QUALITY control for this drawing, so it's not surprise if there are mistakes...
I think the best part of this is the yarn :D
kotonoha ;_;
episodes 6 & 7 are sad episodes ;_;
Quotedisregard my previous Vis-tan sketch. This is the new version:
Yep this one definitely looks like a preink sketch. ^__^
The fine folks at would be proud. -v-
Quotethis is getting right into Photoshop. Maybe some corrections about the hair, but other than that I don't spot any serious mistakes. So feel free to post some critique.
Adding future lazyness, uni work and exams, expect this to be finished by early December
You still tryin' to fish for critiques, eh? ^_____^;
I know they say "Do onto others as you want them to do onto you", but this is really hitting me at my achilles heel, not to mention that she's too hypnotically cute to tear into... It just ain't easy, ya know..... -v-
*tilts head back and forth pondering*
*light bulb idea* *v*
*pulls sticky pad with random critique out of his a##*
*reads* Um..... It's not Sailor Fuku? ^___^
..........Nah, this ain't Net Characters.... ^.^
*tosses sticky pad*
*pulls out another one from same place*
*read* Um......... you're planning to take WAY too long to finish this? ^____^
........Yeah, that sounds like something I'd be concerned with. ^.^
*stamps, approves and deoderizes critique, then hands it over to Darknight*
QuoteSo I have been watching School Days
this is Kotonoha when she snaps at the end of episode 6. Well, not really, she hasn't turned in a serial killer as far as episode 7. But knitting needles could be awesome weapons.
Fastest drawing ever. Like 12 hours along 3 days. *fast*. Not really something serious, just did it for fun. There was no quality/QUALITY control for this drawing, so it's not surprise if there are mistakes...
I think the best part of this is the yarn
Oh dear me, not the start of another Anime character craze, is this? I was hoping youz guys would settle with Kagami-chan. ^___^;
In any event, the chibi is uber cute here too, even if I don't know who she is (and yes the ball of yarn is superbly rendered). ^v^;
My only gripe is that the eyes are both dark and have no highlights, so it kinda looks like I'm staring into black holes. However, I'm assuming this is a style match with the actual Anime drawing technique used for these characters,... OR, this is just a part of that psychotic snap you say she gets. ^.^
Either way, fantastic work, and more importantly,......... YOU DID IT QUICKLY!!!!!!!!! ^V^
The C-chan is proud of ya in that respect! ^____^
The C-chan is also wondering why you haven't uploaded any of your art to your User Gallery in like forever. `v'
(I'm like only finding OS/2-san and your 95-tan submission, but no Vista sketch or battle suit 95-tan or that MP3 player-tan....) `.'
The C-chan thinks that must be rectified........ ASAP. ^____^
Quote from: "C-Chan"
*read* Um......... you're planning to take WAY too long to finish this? ^____^
I was more concerned about artwork critique >_>
Oh dear me, not the start of another Anime character craze, is this? I was hoping youz guys would settle with Kagami-chan. ^___^;
In any event, the chibi is uber cute here too, even if I don't know who she is (and yes the ball of yarn is superbly rendered). ^v^;
My only gripe is that the eyes are both dark and have no highlights, so it kinda looks like I'm staring into black holes. However, I'm assuming this is a style match with the actual Anime drawing technique used for these characters,... OR, this is just a part of that psychotic snap you say she gets. ^.^
Either way, fantastic work, and more importantly,......... YOU DID IT QUICKLY!!!!!!!!! ^V^
The C-chan is proud of ya in that respect! ^____^
The C-chan is also wondering why you haven't uploaded any of your art to your User Gallery in like forever. `v'
(I'm like only finding OS/2-san and your 95-tan submission, but no Vista sketch or battle suit 95-tan or that MP3 player-tan....) `.'
The C-chan thinks that must be rectified........ ASAP. ^____^
But Kagami doesn't has a sad story like Kotonoha...
Kotonoha really deserves support :)
Also, don't worry. I think I'm the only one on this forums who likes School Days, so you won't be seeing Kotonohaiism signatures everywhere...unfortunately....
Also, yes, the eyes without shine are actually the sign that she snapped into *knitting* mode. Yanderes, gotta love'em
And about the gallery...I was about to upload them when I went into another of my Away From the Internet seasons. And I forgot to upload them when I came back >_>
Will upload when I get time <_<
QuoteI was more concerned about artwork critique >_>
*rummages butt for more ideas*
*comes up empty-handed*
Sorry, check back later or buy me some wheat bran. TvT
QuoteBut Kagami doesn't has a sad story like Kotonoha...
Kotonoha really deserves support
Also, don't worry. I think I'm the only one on this forums who likes School Days, so you won't be seeing Kotonohaiism signatures everywhere...unfortunately....
School Days, eh?
Well,... I now have an Anime backlog up the wazzoo,.... but might consider getting it if you think it's a good series. Certainly if I can watch Hell Girl and Goodbye Mr. Despair, I can handle this one. ^^
QuoteAlso, yes, the eyes without shine are actually the sign that she snapped into *knitting* mode. Yanderes, gotta love'em
The C-chan's perceptiveness is peerless, I see. ^.^
QuoteAnd about the gallery...I was about to upload them when I went into another of my Away From the Internet seasons. And I forgot to upload them when I came back >_>
Will upload when I get time <_<
Better do that before,... and I quote, " future lazyness, uni work and exams",... or else we'll never see your artwork consolidated in a single location again.... ^________^'
Indeed, it's time to kick this thread back to the first place...
+Nijiura+ Vis-tan > Vistake.
Now we only need an interesting personality for her.
lol gradients. Forget solid shading, gradients are the future! But they cause the .PSD to be 75mb heavy...
IMHO, this one surpasses anything else I have done before. Could have been done better, but right now I have no idea of how. Generic pose, etc.
I had no idea of what kind of background I should use, so I just stole the Aurora default wallpaper from Windows Vista :D
Critique encouraged, etc. I'm eager to fix/add things.
Also, 40% size, white BG version:
...I envy you all...
Mr.Darknight, that there Vis-tan pic is made of many kinds of Win and Awesome! You say this pic surpasses anything you've done and it's clear that you were tellin the truth
anyhoo, thought it would be my turn to put some o my creations on the table(?)
drew this sometime ago, maybe a candidate for an Virus-kun, who knows...
And a Burrito monster...
Thanks ^_^
and nice drawings.
I LOL'd. The burrito monster its awesome :D
What program are you using for the lineart? and you're using a tablet, right?
This picture does not need a comment to confirm its awesomeness.
W00t!!!!!!! You finished it, and in record time for such awesome lighting (and considering you were planning to finish this by next year)! ^__^
Could it be that maybe that so-called
piedrada filled you up with motivation? If so, I better think of some more! ^.^
She reminds me a lot of your 95-tan submission, so i reckon you used a lot of the same lineart techniques. Her feather thingies have a remarkable translucent glow that really compliments the background gorgeously. Don't know what you mean about gradients being the future since everything still looks like your trademark soft shading, but I assume you mean what you did with her hair. If so, it really looks good with the background as well. (and I guess,... um,... "Go! Gradients!" ...and stuff...) ^.^'
However,........... I do have two MAJOR critiques that are SO grave and SOOOOO damning.... >0<... that you'll feel compelled to crawl underneath a rock in SHAAAAAAME! ^0^
1) You don't have this loaded up at the Gallery yet! >0<
*checks gallery*
.......... Oh,.... okay, so you have it up now.... ^^
Very good,.... dodged a bullet there.... -v-
2) You don't have it posted at +Nijiura+ yet! >0<
*checks ++*
HA!!!!!! YOU SEE!!!!!!!!!! NO DARKNIGHT VISTAN!!!!!! >v<
You drive her home this instant, young man, and post her up for mom and pop to judge accordingly!!! ^v^
I think it looks good enough to post there anyway.
Although in fairness, while this is not exactly a critique as much as a possible addition, I should probably point out that your lovely gradient-bearing hair is uniformly colored throughout,... hence, it kinda looks like her body is not casting any shadows over it. Then again, it hardly detracts from the beauty, and besides one could also make the argument that, A) her hair is flowing outward slightly, hence the light is able to slip in and bathe it in glorious mellow colors, or B) her hair is self-luminiscent to begin with. I go for the latter since it's inherently "Aero"-like. -v-
Oh, btw....
Felizidades Paisano!!!!! ^________^
Quote...I envy you all...
Mr.Darknight, that there Vis-tan pic is made of many kinds of Win and Awesome! You say this pic surpasses anything you've done and it's clear that you were tellin the truth
anyhoo, thought it would be my turn to put some o my creations on the table(?)
drew this sometime ago, maybe a candidate for an Virus-kun, who knows...
Yo Gus-san! Long time no see. ^__^
I yearn for more Virus-chans, but seeing some of your Misc. artwork is cool too. ^__^
I guess Pichu-kun could make for a decent Viru-kun (as long as you keep him short... ^.^),.... but what's with the PimpDaddy thing? O___o
Burrito monster was also cute. -v-
Yeah, I plan to make a comeback soon, just been sufferin from a lil' burnout lately >_<
PimpDaddyPichu is my name for DA, being most of my work ends up there, I usually put that name somewhere on my drawings as a sort of 'signature' so folks will know I drew it
Quote from: "C-Chan"W00t!!!!!!! You finished it, and in record time for such awesome lighting (and considering you were planning to finish this by next year)! ^__^
Could it be that maybe that so-called piedrada filled you up with motivation? If so, I better think of some more! ^.^
She reminds me a lot of your 95-tan submission, so i reckon you used a lot of the same lineart techniques. Her feather thingies have a remarkable translucent glow that really compliments the background gorgeously. Don't know what you mean about gradients being the future since everything still looks like your trademark soft shading, but I assume you mean what you did with her hair. If so, it really looks good with the background as well. (and I guess,... um,... "Go! Gradients!" ...and stuff...) ^.^'
However,........... I do have two MAJOR critiques that are SO grave and SOOOOO damning.... >0<... that you'll feel compelled to crawl underneath a rock in SHAAAAAAME! ^0^
1) You don't have this loaded up at the Gallery yet! >0<
*checks gallery*
.......... Oh,.... okay, so you have it up now.... ^^
Very good,.... dodged a bullet there.... -v-
2) You don't have it posted at +Nijiura+ yet! >0<
*checks ++*
HA!!!!!! YOU SEE!!!!!!!!!! NO DARKNIGHT VISTAN!!!!!! >v<
You drive her home this instant, young man, and post her up for mom and pop to judge accordingly!!! ^v^
I think it looks good enough to post there anyway.
Although in fairness, while this is not exactly a critique as much as a possible addition, I should probably point out that your lovely gradient-bearing hair is uniformly colored throughout,... hence, it kinda looks like her body is not casting any shadows over it. Then again, it hardly detracts from the beauty, and besides one could also make the argument that, A) her hair is flowing outward slightly, hence the light is able to slip in and bathe it in glorious mellow colors, or B) her hair is self-luminiscent to begin with. I go for the latter since it's inherently "Aero"-like. -v-
Oh, btw.... Felizidades Paisano!!!!! ^________^
Well...aside the "pedrada", the lack of online gaming and the end of the first period of exams may have influenced in the "strikingly fast" end of this (lol, 1 month since the final sketch) . I miss my Internets ;_;
And the gradients...well, it may not look like it, but every shadow was made entirely by the gradient tool. No "fill path" was used in the creation of this, except in the base colors and lineart. The same shading techniques as with 95-tan, but used on a larger scale. Indeed, I used again colored lineart. Both gradient shading and lineart color weren't used in Gamma-tan (some gradients, but not on a large scale) and Kotonoha. bad, how come I forgot to shade the hair?! F'g LOL
Fix'd version:
added a highlight, but dunno If I should remove it, since it's the only place where it fits. Adding highlights in other parts looks awful.
Any more thoughts?
40% size fixed version:
And I know no Japanese...
But yeah, I think this fits more into +Nijiura+, given the fact that they're the ones who gave birth to her...
Aha! So that explains it. ^__^
Well, guess it's a nice trade-off. ^.^
No silly games and evil exams, in exchange for boundless art growth potential (and also time to watch your Anime backlog, if applicable). Heck, I wouldn't mind trading places with you if only I had something comparable for you to have fun with. -v-
(you don't look like a Wii guy to me. ^^)
QuoteAnd the gradients...well, it may not look like it, but every shadow was made entirely by the gradient tool. No "fill path" was used in the creation of this, except in the base colors and lineart. The same shading techniques as with 95-tan, but used on a larger scale. Indeed, I used again colored lineart. Both gradient shading and lineart color weren't used in Gamma-tan (some gradients, but not on a large scale) and Kotonoha.
Fufufu... in that case, you know what this means, eh? ^___^
You're only a stone-throw away from Inkscape territory. -v-
*beams out more curiosity waves* bad, how come I forgot to shade the hair?! F'g LOL
Fix'd version:
Awwww,... I was getting into the whole luminiscent hair explanation. But oh well, winnage has increased an extra 10% as a result, so it looks great. ^__^
Quoteadded a highlight, but dunno If I should remove it, since it's the only place where it fits. Adding highlights in other parts looks awful.
Any more thoughts?
Nope, retain since it enhances the "Anime" feel. I figured you wanted a strictly "soft" look, so didn't mention anything about that before. -.-
As for adding highlights in other parts,.... I dunno, I think some smaller ones would look really nice in her pigtails. Because of the luminiscent feathers and all. ^^
Consider experimenting on her armlet, transparent clothing and any metallic parts,... I think you'd be surprised by the results. ^^
QuoteAnd I know no Japanese...
But yeah, I think this fits more into +Nijiura+, given the fact that they're the ones who gave birth to her...
Cobarde! ^v^
*cluck cluck cluck*
Well okay, it's a valid concern, but it's not like you couldn't just pull any generic Japanese greeting phrase off Google, then post it up along with Vistan. ^^
Or you can hook up with Alfamille-san,... he might be able to arrange something for ya. ^v^
Quote from: "C-Chan"Aha! So that explains it. ^__^
Well, guess it's a nice trade-off. ^.^
No silly games and evil exams, in exchange for boundless art growth potential (and also time to watch your Anime backlog, if applicable). Heck, I wouldn't mind trading places with you if only I had something comparable for you to have fun with. -v-
(you don't look like a Wii guy to me. ^^)
In exchange, I can't use the York class heavy cruiser I had just acquired ;_;
Fufufu... in that case, you know what this means, eh? ^___^
You're only a stone-throw away from Inkscape territory. -v-
Hogs too much RAM, etc. And I already know how to use Photoshop :P
Final (?) Version:
and BG less, 50% size version:
generic Japanese greeting phrase off Google
Google translator it's terrible...
I have tried to translate nijiura/2chan replies, but they don't make sense in english. I guess the same happens when you translate from english to japanese...
QuoteIn exchange, I can't use the York class heavy cruiser I had just acquired ;_;
Fufu... well given that the government has traditionally refused to invest in anything beyond F-5's (and hand-me-downs at that!), probably better not to get used to weaponry that we'll never see in our lifetime.... -v-;
(and if this heavy cruiser thingie is space-faring, then more so ^^')
Just get yourself a Xiuhcoatl and caress it lovingly. -v-
Hogs too much RAM, etc. And I already know how to use Photoshop :P
Oh, you'll succumb one day -- everyone always does. -v-
*plots and schemes*
Course, it helps to be a pig,... cause you know, "hogging" just comes naturally to us. ^____^
QuoteFinal (?) Version:
Okay, it's looking great still. ^__^
But how come you flat shaded the highlights in the skirt? The way you did that soft highlight on her left shoulder guard is I think the way to go. On the other hand, manipulating a 75MB file is probably getting annoying, so if you want to cut, print and publish as it is now, I hear that. ^__^
QuoteGoogle translator it's terrible...
I have tried to translate nijiura/2chan replies, but they don't make sense in english. I guess the same happens when you translate from english to japanese...
Haha! Well of course you ain't gonna use it's translator. ^__^
Just look how badly it translates from English to Spanish and vice versa,... and those languages have coexisted with eachother for centuries! ^v^
Nah, I mean just pick out a generic phrase from sites like these:
ãŠå...ƒæ°— ã§ã™ ã‹? ^__^
Quote from: "C-Chan"
Fufu... well given that the government has traditionally refused to invest in anything beyond F-5's (and hand-me-downs at that!), probably better not to get used to weaponry that we'll never see in our lifetime.... -v-;
(and if this heavy cruiser thingie is space-faring, then more so ^^')
Just get yourself a Xiuhcoatl and caress it lovingly. -v-
nah, its just a WWII British cruiser, from a WWII MMORPG. But I had just purchased it...;_;
And the army cancelled the SU-27 purchase =/. And I have yet to see the FX-05 in use by other forces aside the special forces =/. During the time, this year, I was in the SMN, they still used the G3 in most places.
And they only let us use the "mosqueton" ;_;
Oh, you'll succumb one day -- everyone always does. -v-
nope :D
Okay, it's looking great still. ^__^
But how come you flat shaded the highlights in the skirt? The way you did that soft highlight on her left shoulder guard is I think the way to go. On the other hand, manipulating a 75MB file is probably getting annoying, so if you want to cut, print and publish as it is now, I hear that. ^__^
Well the skirt was shaded like that by accident :D. But since it kinda looks like the Vista taskbar, I left it like that :D
And the only problem with working a 75MB file it's saving, It takes like 30 seconds >_>
Haha! Well of course you ain't gonna use it's translator. ^__^
Just look how badly it translates from English to Spanish and vice versa,... and those languages have coexisted with eachother for centuries! ^v^
Nah, I mean just pick out a generic phrase from sites like these:
ãŠå...ƒæ°— ã§ã™ ã‹? ^__^
oh ho, why not post in english?
Quotenah, its just a WWII British cruiser, from a WWII MMORPG. But I had just purchased it...;_;
Wait a sec,...... you mean you can actually BUY stuff of of online multiplayer games now? '___';
Wow,... I've actually not played one of those in over seven years, so I hadn't realized how far they've evolved. ^^;
Well not to worry,... I paid quite a hefty sum for a voice audio software app in Windows shortly before I switched to Linux. And I can't reinstall it anywhere (Windows, Virtualbox, Wine) because of some weird licensing scheme with it. After some lengthy complaints and a quick 'f**k you', I acquired a newer, better version through "alternative" means, but have not installed it at all since,... well,... I don't quite need it anymore. ^_________^'
Yep, just like buying a game at full retail price, playing it once, then just letting it sit there collecting dust,... What a waste, but thankfully one that won't repeat itself ever again..... -v-
QuoteAnd the army cancelled the SU-27 purchase =/.
Well since they were Russian planes, you kinda knew from the start that the idea wouldn't exactly fly well with... you know.... neighbors. ^^;
QuoteDuring the time, this year, I was in the SMN, they still used the G3 in most places.
And they only let us use the "mosqueton" ;_;
Oh dear god, we are so screwed. ^^'
Well think of it this way,... if you ever played Command and Conquer Generals, you can pretend to be Chinese riflemen.... in 2040!! >v<
QuoteWell the skirt was shaded like that by accident . But since it reminded the look of the Vista taskbar, I left it like that
And the only problem with working a 75MB file it's saving, It takes like 30 seconds >_>
Okay, then it's settled! ^__^
Cut! Print! Pull out the cappucino! ^.^
Quoteoh ho, why not post in english?
*cough cough hack hack wheeze wheeeeeeeez* X__x
Why not just post in Spanish instead? ^^;
I suppoooooooooooooooose it's okay to post a few words in English............ just as long as it's nice and simple and not particularly imposing........ -.-
We'd just have to have a purification ceremony for you when you return. -__________-;
Quote from: "C-Chan"
Wait a sec,...... you mean you can actually BUY stuff of of online multiplayer games now? '___';
Wow,... I've actually not played one of those in over seven years, so I hadn't realized how far they've evolved. ^^;
Well not to worry,... I paid quite a hefty sum for a voice audio software app in Windows shortly before I switched to Linux. And I can't reinstall it anywhere (Windows, Virtualbox, Wine) because of some weird licensing scheme with it. After some lengthy complaints and a quick 'f**k you', I acquired a newer, better version through "alternative" means, but have not installed it at all since,... well,... I don't quite need it anymore. ^_________^'
Yep, just like buying a game at full retail price, playing it once, then just letting it sit there collecting dust,... What a waste, but thankfully one that won't repeat itself ever again..... -v-
Well, yes, you can actually buy in-game items with real money, but I meant "purchase" as in buying it with the in-game credits system (X credits by winning a battle) ^^'
I don't have the moneys (and I wouldn't waste it in MMORPG items anyway>_>)
But yeah, I have experienced that with a few games (not compatibility, I mean let them sit there collecting dust). Truly a waste of time when the program it's not up to one's expectations.
Well since they were Russian planes, you kinda knew from the start that the idea wouldn't exactly fly well with... you know.... neighbors. ^^;
but they don't let us buy their F-16 ;_; (which are more expensive, and have the risk of suffering a replace-parts embargo...)
I'm not a fan of Russian hardware, but those were fine planes, at a nice price ;_;
QuoteDuring the time, this year, I was in the SMN, they still used the G3 in most places.
And they only let us use the "mosqueton" ;_;
Oh dear god, we are so screwed. ^^'
Well think of it this way,... if you ever played Command and Conquer Generals, you can pretend to be Chinese riflemen.... in 2040!! >v<
They never told us the name of the model, but it looks strikingly similar to the Springfield 1903 bolt-action rifle. But it was produced in 1946, in Mexico >_>
*cough cough hack hack wheeze wheeeeeeeez* X__x
Why not just post in Spanish instead? ^^;
¿Porque probablemente nadie entenderia? :D
My point exactly,.... ^__^
If they're not gonna understand you,... let them not understand you,... IN STYLE!!! ^__~
*plays jazz*
*high fives*
b..but I already have the STYLE!!
Style can only be truly gained through a STYLUS DUEL!!!
*magically summons boxing ring around Darknight and C-Chan and two giant styluses*
Aw hell, no way....
My threads are tangent havens, true, but this happens to NOT be my thread..... ^___^'
So you guys duke it out until you get ban-hammered,...
I'll be over at my pub with the lovely Viru-sama and BeOS-chan if you need me.... -v-
*swaggers out of thread*
I saw this on devART at school today. ^^
hawt stuff. :3
Something looks out of balance with the legs, but it could just be me. ^^; Don't have much time to analyze it.... welp, back to physics homework!
Quote from: "Darknight_88"
nah, its just a WWII British cruiser, from a WWII MMORPG. But I had just purchased it...;_;
you don't happen to be playing navyfield are you?
Quote from: "SleepyD"I saw this on devART at school today. ^^
hawt stuff. :3
Something looks out of balance with the legs, but it could just be me. ^^; Don't have much time to analyze it.... welp, back to physics homework!
Well, she's supposed to be crossing her legs (walking?). But since I never drew the legs due to lazyness (and they didn't fit in the piece of paper anyway), there may be some balance issues >_>
you don't happen to be playing navyfield are you?
I used to play Navyfield, until I started to live inside the campus and discovered that they block it, along every other online game. >=/
So I'll be playing again in december, when I return home. I miss my 1.5mb connection... =/
*swaggers back in*
Aha!! Just came back from ++ and there's no doubt they love your Vistan. So I suppose your gamble paid off, but I shouldn't have expected any less from ++ (they're actually NICE people, unlike they're western counterparts). 'v'
Unfortunately, good ol' Alfamille-san also happened to conscript my unfinished sketch, and with my name on it to boot. So while I like him and thank him to bits,.................. I'm still gonna give him a beating for that... Fufufu..... -v-
*swaggers off*
Great choice of Vistan (the magical girl one from ++) and so fantastically well-done, that is one of the best Vistan pictures ever! ;019
And you got it done way before you first expected too!
Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"Great choice of Vistan (the magical girl one from ++) and so fantastically well-done, that is one of the best Vistan pictures ever! ;019
And you got it done way before you first expected too!
Thanks =)
Quote from: "C-Chan"*swaggers back in*
Aha!! Just came back from ++ and there's no doubt they love your Vistan. So I suppose your gamble paid off, but I shouldn't have expected any less from ++ (they're actually NICE people, unlike they're western counterparts). 'v'
Unfortunately, good ol' Alfamille-san also happened to conscript my unfinished sketch, and with my name on it to boot. So while I like him and thank him to bits,.................. I'm still gonna give him a beating for that... Fufufu..... -v-
*swaggers off*
lol. Indeed, I'm amazed from the response @ +Nijiura+. They really like Vis-tan :D
And now, for something completely unrela--- somewhat related:
ChiVis-tan (looks like that's her name) :D. Alpha version, but I think this is going directly into Photoshop
Pose idea referenced, I had no idea of what to do with her weapon. Details and corrections yet to be added. My scanner kinda sucks =/
Ah yes, that one I saw you link to. ^.^
Very very promising... i do recall the weapon they give her was a little bulkier, although this could be a lightweight version. ^__^
However..... -v-
I do second the request for... shall we say,... "fruit-based" OS-tans? ^___^
*staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaares at Darknight with anticipation* ^______________^
Quote from: "C-Chan"Ah yes, that one I saw you link to. ^.^
Very very promising... i do recall the weapon they give her was a little bulkier, although this could be a lightweight version. ^__^
However..... -v-
I do second the request for... shall we say,... "fruit-based" OS-tans? ^___^
*staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaares at Darknight with anticipation* ^______________^
Well, the "bulky" version seems like it has a seat in the middle, and it's used for transport. I guess it transforms in some light combat form (as the Viru-tan vs Vis-tan pic shows).
And I'll quote myself
At the moment I have no plans to draw Mac OSX-tans, but the idea isn't discarded.
but note that the statement "the idea isn't discarded" doesn't specifies when. But I can assure you that it won't be on 2007 :D. I have planned at least 1 more Vis-tan drawing and 1 or 2 95-tan drawings :D.
Although, another NG Evangelist parody would be a nice idea...
p.s: Fruit based?
Please excuse sempai his pun.
*walks out*
*dies from laughter*
oh lawlz :D
more like rotten fruit :D
Wow! Nice job on the Vistan Darknight_88!
Although I'm no fan of the OS, I'm kinda liking the Nijura Vistan.
QuoteI do second the request for... shall we say,... "fruit-based" OS-tans? ^___^
I third that!
Tiger-san is so cuuuute!
Fufufu... there is no escape, my young Darknight.... ^.^
What better way to spend your free time,.... DEVOID of any online entertainment to speak of, if I might add.... than to draw beautiful gorgeous, catgirls. ^______^
Now why would darknight draw the catgirl that he himself indended to KO in hurt heal? Fufufuf.. i think we need a classic windows picture with say 3.1sama and 95sama at the same time
GREAT IDEA!!!!!!! `v'
Quote from: "Bella"Wow! Nice job on the Vistan Darknight_88!
Although I'm no fan of the OS, I'm kinda liking the Nijura Vistan.
QuoteI do second the request for... shall we say,... "fruit-based" OS-tans? ^___^
I third that!
Tiger-san is so cuuuute!
ahaha, Thanks :)
Quote from: "C-Chan"GREAT IDEA!!!!!!! `v'
I was already thinking about a Tiger-tan Evangelion parody...but you had to post *that* ^_______________^
Put into queue, after ChiVistan, Vis-tan, 95-tan, more Vis-tan pics and whatever I think about.
lol, I haven't even finished the lineart.
Probably will finish in October, since another exam season it's starting next week.
Any suggestions? Specially with anatomy >_>.
Just for the record, update of the update:
Lineart finished. The staff was a PITA to finish >_>
I'll see If I can finish this along the week, but I don't think so.
Still open to anatomy critic.
ah, nice pose. ^^
Crit with hands, even though I myself suck with them:
Her palms seem off. Her left palm looks a bit small.... or... OH I know, you know how the knuckles on your hand aren't straight, but in a bit of a curve? Yeah. The position of the fingers on the left hand should reflect that. It looks to me that they're lined up in a straight line.
And for the right palm.... It looks... small? flat? I dunno... I'll come back to it.
Otherwise, I think you're ok. Pupils make me think they're tilted a little bit too much... maybe just her right pupil...
Welp, keep it up sir! I like your stuffs! :3
Major critique here!!!!!! ^v^
Get ready to cry, cause you'll throw up a storm after this admonishment of mine..... >v<
She's not Tiger-sama. ^___^
Nah, just kidding.
Just refer to SleepyD's comments above,... I can't critique for #@%&, and you should know that by now. As far as I can tell, she looks "a'ight". ^.^
QuoteCrit with hands, even though I myself suck with them:
Her palms seem off. Her left palm looks a bit small.... or... OH I know, you know how the knuckles on your hand aren't straight, but in a bit of a curve? Yeah. The position of the fingers on the left hand should reflect that. It looks to me that they're lined up in a straight line.
And for the right palm.... It looks... small? flat? I dunno... I'll come back to it.
Otherwise, I think you're ok. Pupils make me think they're tilted a little bit too much... maybe just her right pupil...
Welp, keep it up sir! I like your stuffs! :3
Critique and thou shall be heard...
New hands. not still too sure about the left one, but I think it looks a bit better than the previous one. I will see If it works once I shade it. If not, I'll change it again. Same with the right one, although now that I look at the .png, I should've made the palm a bit larger. Or the pinky a bit smaller.
Eyes less tilted, but maybe too large...?
Quote from: "C-Chan"
She's not Tiger-sama. ^___^
And there won't be Tiger for a long time ¬¬
looking better!
I'll withhold critiquing the eyes, since I'm starting to think it's a style issue. ^^ If it looks off when you color it, I'll tell ya. XD; When I first saw it I thought she looked cross eyed... after imagining where the skin and the whites of her eyes would be, it felt better.... if that makes sense. haha....
Her right hand now looks correct to me now. ^^ you can tweak the size how you want, but I think you're on the right track. Pinky might be a bit large... then again, it could depend on how you color/shade it.
Now for left hand.
Left palm looks perfect to me. now just gotta tweak those stubborn little fingers. XD; I mess around a lot with hands myself... spend hours sometimes trying to get it right.
At this point I'll leave it up to you, but maybe the thumb should either curl up around the weapon or stretch out alongside the bottom of it. Holding a pole weapon with the thumb like that seems unnatural to me, but what do I know about pole weapons? XD;;
...I'm not exactly sure how to go about the rest of the fingers... how about trying to make the pinky smaller, just showing the last third? (since it is short, and most of its length would be going around the pole) And maybe showing more of the middle and ring fingers? around with it if you want. I suck at hands too, and I seem to only get it right by just messing around really. XD;
Drew one of my charas dressed as XP.
She's straightening her shirt, not pinching her jellyrolls as it might look like, heh.
not bad, not bad at all
Sou sou.... I was wondering what that Run.exe-tan was all about. ^__^
Me likey, although not that I'm a stranger to liking your work after all. ^__~
Quote from: "VonDaab"Drew one of my charas dressed as XP.
( (
She's straightening her shirt, not pinching her jellyrolls as it might look like, heh.
And yeah, it doesn't look like she's straightening her should have used only the fingers to pinch the shirt, not the whole hand >_>
Quote from: "VonDaab"Drew one of my charas dressed as XP.
She's straightening her shirt, not pinching her jellyrolls as it might look like, heh.
Good job sir, I'd like to see more from ya. :3
Well, at least you noticed the error. ^^
doesn't seem like you're going to redo, but for future reference:
when you straighten your shirt you're usually pulling on it. So I'd think that line, (between her hands, just above the skirt) should be a lot more straight.
Furthermore, like darknight said, it should be pinched. You can do it the way darknight suggested, by pinching it between two fingers or by making it look like she's gripping something smaller. i.e. her hand would look like she's gripping a pencil, and cloth would be coming out from a small area (more wrinkles from there of course)
In both cases, we're reducing the amount of "stuff" in her hand. By pinching, there can only be so much between two fingers. By gripping it tightly, you create the same effect by "compressing" the cloth.
Result of an IRC-discussion with Kami-tux.
Somekind of a Gentoo-tan.
( (
Hmmmmm.... a bit removed from J-kun's Gentoo-tan and the guys might say a thing or two about the arms, but the design is very cool and I do like your prop-work and draping detail. ^__^
She does kinda strike me as a "Slackware"-based Distro-tan, but that's another story altogether. ^.^'
I have no idea what kind of distro Gentoo is, I just drew it by kami-tux's description.
What about the arms?
*scrolls at high velocity*
2 more wow works from Darknight-san! Vistan's very awesome. and I'm excited to see what the finished Chivistan will look like!
Nice works too VonDaab!
*stares at avatar*
I wish my run.exe was like that! hehe
Nice to see the free cookies thread kept alive and well!
I know I'm late...but I just came to congratulate Darknight on having a great work on the Chivis-tan. People on ++ caught that illustration on their eyes. ;010
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Proceed.
I really dont think its the capital letters that scare people. -_- but ill change the topic just the same.
OH SH--!! o_o
Ummmm...Uhh...Heheheh *Innocent smile* *Hopes no one remembers the whole "Hurt and Heal" thing..*
*Freezes Me-tan Style*
Anyway..Nice art Captain.
3.1-tan has Storm Troopers (or at least they remind me of Storm Troopers) either way awesome work Capn' Brenden
hmm...A carrot demon, adeptly named 'Incuroot'
And a blind amphibous monster in which I call a 'Mugrot'
Note:Once again that 'PimpDaddyPichu 07' thing is just my signature, for DA
Quote from: "Gussy Keniji"3.1-tan has Storm Troopers
Correction:They are Warhammer 40k's Space Marines
Not finished yet, but I'm just getting bored of this. Don't know what else to add/fix. Any crit?
Humm humm...
Do like. *stamps a seal of approval*
Yo Darknight? Bored of what? Vistan itself or the fact that you're not getting critiques? Or both? ^__^
Lesse,... -v-
*brain lights on fire*
*douses flames*
Her spear is too Linux-like. Needs more bloat. ^____^
Nah, just kidding. -v-
Well here's a thing,... for her transparent skirt thingie, you know how we can see the front and back of the left portion, but can only see the front of the right portion? Is that intentional (camera angle?), or do you still need to draw a hint that the thingie wraps around her leg? '__'
Also, I recall it's made out of very glossy plastic, no? so I would recommend at least adding a small sliver of pure white to complete the gloss effect (both on her skirt and on her plastic armlets). You're the artist here, so I don't need to tell you where. -v-
Other than the fact that she's no OSX, it's lookin' good. ^__^
More importantly, you did it very quickly again, so that's reason enough to celebrate! At this rate, you'll be rolling out Tiger-sama before the holidays! ^v^
Needs moar cowbell.
Changed some shadows following VonDaab critique. Thanks!
Made the eyes smaller, dunno if they look better? I should make the eyebrows more angled to the inside, but messing more with a 104mb .psd @ 2:00 am...nah, later.
Quote from: "C-Chan"
Well here's a thing,... for her transparent skirt thingie, you know how we can see the front and back of the left portion, but can only see the front of the right portion? Is that intentional (camera angle?), or do you still need to draw a hint that the thingie wraps around her leg? '__'
Also, I recall it's made out of very glossy plastic, no? so I would recommend at least adding a small sliver of pure white to complete the gloss effect (both on her skirt and on her plastic armlets). You're the artist here, so I don't need to tell you where. -v-
Well, I think the rear skirt thingy not showing in the right side it's more of an issue of camera angle. Actually I tried to make it appear in the first stages of sketch, but I didn't liked how it looked. Tried once again now and failed miserably >_>
Added some more white, but not a lot, since I'm trying to keep it along the same style as the previous vis-tan drawing.
Quote from: "C-Chan"
Other than the fact that she's no OSX, it's lookin' good. ^__^
More importantly, you did it very quickly again, so that's reason enough to celebrate! At this rate, you'll be rolling out Tiger-sama before the holidays! ^v^
quoting myself ^____________^
Quote from: "Darknight_88"Put into queue, after ChiVistan, Vis-tan, 95-tan, more Vis-tan pics and whatever I think about.
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Needs moar cowbell.
I don't think so Tim!
Yo Darknight. -v-
Well the skirt kinda looks the same as before, only with brighter highlights. '__'
But the armlets are spot on to my suggestion. ^^ b
(although perhaps a bit too broad,... almost metallic; ah well, it still works.... ^.^)
QuotePut into queue, after ChiVistan, Vis-tan, 95-tan, more Vis-tan pics and whatever I think about.
Oh right, almost forgot. ^__^
You've had Amiga-tan a lot on your mind for over a year now. ^v^
Oh well, can't be helped.... I guess I'll give you permission to draw Amiga-tan before Tiger-sama. ^.^
We all know that darknight is a supporter of windows. 3.1sama is on the list well before either of those two. Maybe with some slightly yuri action with the slightly younger 95sama, showing that mature girls are hot. THEY'RE BOTH WOMEN, AREN'T THEY??!
hence the word yuri in my statement. We have a rabid yaoi fangirl here, lets get some yuri going on to counter act it. Whats wrong? cant handle 3.1 and 95 joined in loving embrace?
beautiful sisterly love?
the concept sounds interesting.
But not anytime soon. But way ahead than Tiger-tan in the queue. Just not straightforward yuri >_>
QuoteBut way ahead than Tiger-tan in the queue
k, I give up. I suck at backgrounds. Specially the ones that require a lot of SHINY and glowing things. Only changed an eye (slighty larger).
PNG version, backgroundless. Official final release.
I MUST PLAY NAVY FIELD. They're going to release an new patch that will change a lot of things, and WHAT AM I DOING MEANWHILE??! (
Again, draw sum 3.1 and 95. ^_^
Plus, it shouldnt be that hard to google a computeresk free floating shiny light type background, possibly something from vista or something for her.. Please try harder!
Added after 32 minutes:
Well I guess I can post this now...
Unfortunatly Tsubashis representations is kinda creepy and scary compaired to her -_- Le sigh..
Well, I was trying to do something along the lines of a magical girl, but I just fail. Anyway, this is the result of said effort:
( (
Well, I could always just attach her to the Windows Vista default wallpaper. Which would be just lame, as I already did that to my previous pic...
( (
try chainging the magical circle to white light and put it over the vista background?
haha, magical circles are fun. Remember the combat suit 95-tan? muahaha... (although, twas the swords in the ground that had the circles)
........riiight, I need to get back to OS/2... curse these physics assignments.
3.1 and 95? Interesting..... I've never really drawn something like that..... wonder if I should give it a try?
lol, oh, where does my time go?
glowing ChiVistan glows...
( (
now was that so hard? :B
somewhat >_>
Wow! I love her (<did I just say that O__O)! You have a great style of drawing, it looks very professional!
I have to admit I really like the ChiVistan character :D
whoa, Bella saying she loves her...that's a HUGE compliment >_>
thanks :D
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"
Well I guess I can post this now...
Unfortunatly Tsubashis representations is kinda creepy and scary compaired to her -_- Le sigh..
I'm supposing she's 3.1-tan?
And I think you mean Thurosis...>_>
Quotewhoa, Bella saying she loves her...that's a HUGE compliment >_>
I didn't even see your new drawing until I went onto Nijura...then I was like "Where has he been hiding this?!" ;010
Though I do kinda hope that in the end the multiple Vistans trend becomes popular...with XP pro, home, MCE, etc, it only makes sense that there'd be a Vistan for each release.
click for full version: 1400x1050 (which is a 4:3 res)
sorry, no 1600x1200 since I decided to make it wallpaper res after I finished. ^^;
( (
( (
( (
I had way too many ideas, and it looked ugly when they were all in one picture. XD So, all my ideas were split into 3 and simplified. So it's not as flashy as my last one, but I still like it. ^^
Okaaay, explanation.
The default background of OS/2 WARP is employed in the first two. I also used three particular colors. Converting "OS/2 WARP" into hexadecimal, I got three colors. These colors were employed in all of them, although with all the filters and stuff I did, I doubt you can find them. XD; And of course, the WARP logo is in the second.
Edit: whoops, I seem to have forgotten to do something in the pic....
ah, but I'm too lazy to fix it. ^^;;;;
Excellent work, SleepyD!!!!!!!! ^v^
I knew you the Master Backgrounder could not let us down!! ^.^
The dynamism in all three is certainly a welcomed change of pace from the boring gradient I had up. ^__^
The only thing that does seem odd is the pixelation in the phaser's light arc, although I imagine (like with my pixelated background for the C64-Amiga pic) that this was an intentional reference to OS/2's color modes.
Of the three,.....
I'd have to say the Second one is my favorite. ^__^
The First is pretty original, but a shadow is missed. The Third has a great shadow, but the plain white is a bit too simple (perhaps if it had the same kind of mini square pattern, only much lighter, the texture alone would give it interest).
When I look at the second one, I think of her as running down a glass corridor, ready to kick some major butt. ^___^
Course the real test will be to see how the Great OS/2 User Achain thinks of them. ^___^
(although sadly, he uses 16:10 ratio wallpapers.... ^.^;)
43 minutes!! To be expected! bacon is always fast and easy to prepare, and I would expect it to be as fast when replying to OS/2 warp pics.
Tho I expected moar swoonage.
lol... well for swoonage, you should see some of these ideas in my head that I can't draw at my skill level. XD;
well, i still have a few ideas festering in me brain, but those will take a LOT of time, and I don't really have that time. ^^;;
I whipped these up in about 2-3 hours. When I was playing around with turning on and off layers, I got to the third one, and thought it would be a nice, simple wallpaper. ^^ (I prefer simplicity in my walls)
Hence the split into three. My original was way too chaotic for my taste. Maybe I'll use the second one as a base next time. ^^
well, if you'll excuse me, I have to do some physics/calculus and then program something with linked lists.
to me, the last one looks.. unfinished. The white spaces dont look intentional. I think a different flat color would suit it better and would make it look as you intended it, simplistic.
nice. From the 3, I like more the last one.
But what kind of effect are you trying to get with the lines, cause the blurred sides look a bit unnatural >_>. Maybe more lightning instead of blur?
I'm supposing she's 3.1-tan?
And I think you mean Thurosis...>_>
Opps.. yeah... thurosis.. and no.. shes not 3.1sama. Shes not the onlyone with her own dos-cat dont you know.
so...if she's not 3.1...who is she?
Oh, yeah, fastest PS work ever:
generic pose is generic.
Inked in paper, scanned and cleaned. No digital lineart. Was trying a new technique.
Working at resolutions smaller than 6000x4000 really helps to reduce saving times <_<
At this rate, it seems like I'll never draw anything else aside Vis-tan...well, also 95-tan. :D
Any opinions?
Needs moar 3.1, no exeptions.
Keep it up tho, with such hot Vista pics, maybe that version will gain canondom?
I should learn some photoshop from you.. you obviously do yours differntly then I do.
QuoteKeep it up tho, with such hot Vista pics, maybe that version will gain canondom?
thanks. Maybe I'll give her a rest. Maybe not.
Actually, I wanted to contribute since the beginning of 2007, but due to distractions and work I never materialized something. Don't know if it's too late now, but I'll keep supporting her. I often see the ninja version, but at the same time I still see new pics of alternate designs from the different futaba boards. So I guess I can still support her >_>
QuoteI should learn some photoshop from you.. you obviously do yours differntly then I do.
Well, here's a list of the only tools I use:
-Pen tool (using "fill path" for solid colors)
-Gradients (restricted in area using the Pen tool's "Make selection" option)
-Gaussian blur filter (again, restricted with "make selection" option)
-smudge tool @ 50% (not much, but it helps to blend colors and vanish edges when gradients and gaussian blur fail).
Don't really do anything too sophisticated >_>
Also, that reminds me I haven't seen you coloring anything in Photoshop lately >_>
Quoteso...if she's not 3.1...who is she?
Think of her as a "Captain-tan".
QuoteOh, yeah, fastest PS work ever:
Excellent! I'm a sucker for speed, so I MUST compliment you on your latest work!!! She's looking very gorgeous for someone you say you didn't spend much time on! Tell me again why we should pay our respects to Sailor Fuku when we have this cutie? ^__^ b
QuoteWell, here's a list of the only tools I use:
-Pen tool (using "fill path" for solid colors)
-Gradients (restricted in area using the Pen tool's "Make selection" option)
-Gaussian blur filter (again, restricted with "make selection" option)
-smudge tool @ 50% (not much, but it helps to blend colors and vanish edges when gradients and gaussian blur fail).
............................ ^^;
That sounds suspiciously familiar to a vector-line approach (right done to the blurring). ^.^.
Quote from: "Darknight_88"
generic pose is generic.
Inked in paper, scanned and cleaned. No digital lineart. Was trying a new technique.
Working at resolutions smaller than 6000x4000 really helps to reduce saving times <_<
At this rate, it seems like I'll never draw anything else aside Vis-tan...well, also 95-tan. :D
Any opinions?
That was only inked in paper then cleaned on Photoshop?
By the way, the
Magical Girl Lyrical ChiVis-tan in ++ was a hit. Heck you even started to inspire them with your design of Chivis-tan.
Well, this ended up weird.
( (
I need to practice drawing xp more.
Edit: Some random XP sketches.
( (
Love those finished OS/2-san pix! I have to agree with C-Chan, I like the 2nd one the best :)
Again, I like your Vistan pic! You sound like you colored her using a method similar to my old non-vector one...but honestly, you've done it with a level of clarity and perfection which I think alluded me. Great job :D
No offense, but the first one creeped me out a bit (I think I have to agree with 2k-tan's reaction!) ;)
The second sketches are really cute, though, and I'd love to see either colored! Both poses are perfect for XP-san, and I really like the way you drew her face. Though, being so close to those ducks, you make me wonder if she's scouting out some delicious lunch ^_^
Quote from: "Bella"No offense, but the first one creeped me out a bit (I think I have to agree with 2k-tan's reaction!) ;)
Yeah, it's kinda meant to be creepy.
Here's one of the sketches in colors.
Edit: Managed to get some colors wrong.Fix'd.
( (
That's as lot cuter ^_^
Wild Onion Oni appeared!...But seriously I dunno where this came from
[attachment deleted by admin]
QuoteThat's as lot cuter
Yes, I do concur with Bella-sama that XP-tan sketches and XP-tan drawing #2 does the sweet young lass some justice! ^__^
Although I should note that at least TWO perverted Forumites would kill to have those "mega knockers" on my rendition of NT-san. ^^
QuoteWild Onion Oni appeared!...But seriously I dunno where this came from
Kinda reminds me a little of that rabbit character from Pani Poni Dash. ^^
Quote from: "C-Chan"Although I should note that at least TWO perverted Forumites would kill to have those "mega knockers" on my rendition of NT-san. ^^
Sir, That would be unlogical and insane!
But I like the idea...
Been a while since i posted here but:
I bring to you a drawing in process of non other then Cpl. Adrian Shepard, protagonist and all around bad ass character from Half-Life Opposing Force
That soldier in back looks like he's going to do Can-Can any time now.
Great drawing!
Awesome drawing, Captain!
Quote from: "C-Chan"Although I should note that at least TWO perverted Forumites would kill to have those "mega knockers" on my rendition of NT-san. ^^
Hmm... something like this?
=_= how motherly of her
Well, she's gotta feed the children
(Always think of the children ppl)
Also freakin' awesome drawing Cap'n
QuoteHmm... something like this?
Yeah,.... I think they're gonna love that. ^^;
If I had put MegaKnocker NT-tan in my Wiki Logo, I betcha those things would've
poured into the treasure chest and squashed all the chibis. ^^;
they defy physics they do. =_=
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"they defy physics they do. =_=
I need to make a better drawing of nt-san soon.
I don't really think so. I mean she looks great, and the boobs are just there to drill the point comically. ^__^
BTW, you've already accumulated quite a portfolio,....
Ever think of opening up your User Gallery? ^v^
Quote from: "C-Chan"BTW, you've already accumulated quite a portfolio,....
Ever think of opening up your User Gallery? ^v^
Nah, i'm too lazy, and i have no idea how it works.
At some point, maybe.
Lazy eh? ^___^
Well we have ways of beating that out of ya..... `v'
*cracks knuckles*
In any event,... once your black and blue, and ready to open up your gallery, feel free to refer to my quintessential User Gallery tutorial:
I really should PDF this at some point.... T__T'
Oy. Her endowment's bigger than Harvards!
I always thought NT-tan would be....a lot less...chesty....than that....
Quote from: "VonDaab"
Hmm... something like this?
That's along the lines of what I was thinking!
C-Chan could learn some things from you ;_;
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Been a while since i posted here but:
I bring to you a drawing in process of non other then Cpl. Adrian Shepard, protagonist and all around bad ass character from Half-Life Opposing Force
AWESOME. Though, the guy in the rear looks a bit weird in that pose >_>.
Coloring this?
Currently 2 projects on hiatus, due to final exams in uni. And after that I'm probably going back to Veracruz, back to family...and my beloved 1.5 Mb internet connection :D
So that means In 2 weeks I'll be playing once again Navy Field :D. And after the changes in the game, I'll be able to use my York Heavy Cruiser just as I left it :D.
So yeah, I guess I'll try to finish this after the last exam and before vacations:
( (
SVMS-01 Flag mobile suit, from Gundam 00.
And a 95-tan drawing which I'm not posting because I have yet to fix some things about hands and details.
And I also need to fix an ear, arm and the impossible cleavage on my first Vis-tan pic >_>.
Work in progress. Ive been plaing with manga studio Debut and ive just about got the program figured out. I loves it. This is the first time Ive drawn something ENTIRELY on the computer. Not a single pencil or peice of paper was harmed in the making of this picture.
Its going to be completed in 2 forms probobly, a color form and a manga screen tone form. Its was a doodle practicing drawing when it started to turn out okay, a background got added and next thing you know it was a full promo poster.
damn imageshack for chainging the way they give their code. I dont want a bloody thumbnail, I want the image itself >_<
And for whatever reason, it seems artwork into personal galleries has to be approved now as where it didnt used to.
Wow! Sugoi desu! I really like your artwork ^.^
Dos-kitty is cute ^v^
Though about personal galleries, are you sure it needs approval? I don't have any pics in my approval box. Did it give you an error, or what did it say? Sorry if it's broken, I'll try to fix it ASAP ^^'
I uploaded it to my photoshop complete (tho it should have gone into sketches) and I belive it said uploaded and placed sucsesfully, but i didnt see it in there when i went to find the image to post. Resorted to image shack.
Okay, problem found. It's the same as our last server move, the image convert isn't in the same place as it used to be (or just isn't there ^^'). Fedora-dono will have to take care of it. Thank you for alerting us to this problem
Completed the line work. Now it needs color and comic screen tone versions. I had to redraw her lower portion from what was on the original sketch (for reasons undisclosed) but it kinda ruined how her hands are positioned, but i didnt know what to do with them, so shes kinda pulling up on her dress.. fidgeting? The floor tiles turned out wonderfully for how little work was involved. when they get colored/toned they will be a checker board patten. The whole thing was drawn with a tablet without the aid of automatic line drawing/adjusting tools such as photoshops "pen" tool, or readjusting a drawn line like in Flash. I did use digital rulers on the floor tiles tho... However it didnt draw the line for me, it just gave me a ruler edge to guide my pen stroke. Awsome tool I must say. I should make a Manga studio tutorial after i finish figuring out the rest of the process, but its a very powerful usefull tool indeed.
You did all of that, hand-drawn on the computer? That's amazing! I'm especially impressed by how you were able to draw those straight lines by hand!
And you also draw 3.1-tan so wonderfully and with your fantastic attention to detail, I say that picture is made of WIN! I thought that she was pulling up her dress a bit to get out of bed safely without tripping on it. ^^
I will leave out all the other "slightly inappropriate" thoughts I got from this pic first time (you know what I mean, cappy ^-^;) and just say the most important part:
your not the only one to say it tho -_- I may need to change that before i get into the tone work too far... not sure what to do with her hands since i wont be able to move the arms..
FIXED. She no longer is akwardly holding her dress which some people thought looked like... well never mind what it looked like, its fixed now. Now she is holding a quickly drawn but detailed rose. Im happy with the change exept that her left hand looks a bit big =_= Still far better then the original. I also cut the print guide off this version to save on screen space.
Added after 6 hours 29 minutes:
Ive finaly figured out most of the ins and outs of tone placement.. tho it will take more practice to get good at it and pick up the advanced techniques ive at least figured out how to paste them in the program.
NICE CATCHY! I have no further complaints now. Massive winnage! Expect a delivery of equally massive booty-box to arrive very soon.
Cute! ^_^ You did an excellent job! She looks so sweet and cute with her rose and DOS kitty!
And I'm amazed you did in entirely on the computer. I have no eye for computer sketching, I really can get by without paper ;)
Did you use a tablet, or anything...? And what program did you use (Manga Studio)?
Indeed, It was drawn in manga studio debut with a wacom tablet. ._. i couldnt even begin imagining doing that with a mouse. Hardest part right now is figuring out what tones to use.. working in black and white ads a whole new difficulty to the mix. and damn.. didnt notice i missed a few spots on the floor with the garadiant tone.
Pretty firm grip for handling a rose...
still, it's a really nice drawing.
So that's what Manga Studio can do...
cool illustration Captain! ;010
*smiles at 3.1*
Nice drawing Captain. She looks cute.
Though I'll second VonDaab about the firm grip on the rose >_>
eh ill deal.. its far better then what some people thought of the old posing of the hands =_=
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"eh ill deal.. its far better then what some people thought of the old posing of the hands =_=
dirty thoughts are bad =_=
Anyway, see all those unofficial Aero themes for Windows XP?
Well, here's the result.
IMO, the original will always be better ;) (interpret that in any of the 2 possible ways ^___________^ )
Also, one more thing: please don't even try to compare this as related to that horrible hate club that just got founded =_=
And this is probably the last work of this year. Moving back to Veracruz tomorrow, and the availability of decent Internets will keep my busy :D. And anyway, the scanner is staying here in Monterrey, so I can't scan anything even If I wanted =/.
So no more Vis-tan ( ;_; ), sisterly love, 95-tan, Magical Heart Kokoro-chan, SVMS FLAG or Tiger-tan for this year.
P.S: you know the drill: critique, etc, so I can fix mistakes :).
i thought the hate group would have taken tiger off the list completely by now. Seems we need a vista/microsoft supporters group around here as well.
Thankfully digicom will be strictly MS ostans, with maybe a linux or mac thrown in as an enemy
haven't been here in a while either. XD;
well, seems the captain's been busy. ^^
Great job, I really like it! Her hands are small and slender, so SleepyD approves! :3 I also fail at tones, I applaud you for that too.
Juuuust one thing:
You're probably not going to redo it, but for future reference, if she's sitting on the bed, then we'd see more knee than thigh. Perspective is a pain though, I'll give you that. XP
Off topic:
regarding the little OS factions here, I shall remain neutral, as I use Win2k, WinXP at home, and I use Solaris at school. Furthermore, I have Ubuntu and Vista on the computers here, which I do intend to learn how to use (eventually)
And, I kinda know my way around a Mac. ....kinda. ^-^;; Not owning one is a bit of a problem. haha
tones are hard ;_; but i love traditional manga so much Im determined to get good at it like Akamats-san *burning with passion* -_- I just wish i had what ever program it is he uses for his backgrounds in Negima.. I know they are computer rendered somewhat (not sure to what extent) because that would save alot of time -_-
On that note, Digi Com is officialy started. I have three pages sketched out! All it took was learning this bloody program. I have no intention of releasing any pages untill complete tho.. at least the first issue, but work has begun
QuoteAnyway, see all those unofficial Aero themes for Windows XP?
Well, here's the result.
IMO, the original will always be better (interpret that in any of the 2 possible ways ^___________^ )
Also, one more thing: please don't even try to compare this as related to that horrible hate club that just got founded =_=
BWAHAHAHA!!! Too late, Batman. ^_____^
Between the sugoiness of the finalized XP-tan Cosplaying Vista, and that cryptic statement, that's just perfect marketing material for our campaign. ^^
Plus you posted it there anyway, thereby sealing your fate as an involuntary collaborator. ^.^
Good job! I knew I could count on you! ^__~
Updated version. Fixed: right boob was smaller than the left one. Also, pointy elbows. Thanks VonDaab!
Original size:
( (
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"i thought the hate group would have taken tiger off the list completely by now.
oh, yeah, I almost forgot that :D
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Seems we need a vista/microsoft supporters group around here as well.
Seconded. In normal situations I wouldn't even bother. But due to the rising of such an evil haet club...>_>
Quote from: "An evil pig"
Between the sugoiness of the finalized XP-tan Cosplaying Vista, and that cryptic statement, that's just perfect marketing material for our campaign. ^^
Seriously, I don't need any more proofs of how evil your club is >_>
I made a politically-free statement, and you somehow twisted it to your own convenience -_-'
Quote from: "once again the same evil pig"
Plus you posted it there anyway, thereby sealing your fate as an involuntary collaborator. ^.^
As a sign of good will -__-'
Obviously, seems like I was mistaken in trusting your civility -_-
Evil pig? As if we didn't know pigs were evil from reading
Animal Farm? :P
(Yo know I'm kidding? Right ;) )
OMG! I love the cosplaying XP-tan! ;010
I've actually had the thought to do a drawing of XP-tan cosplaying as Hacchan (IE, the Windows Classic theme) that I've seen this, I made have to go forward with it...!
After all, I think there's a lack of XP-tan in my collection of drawings...
QuoteIMO, the original will always be better both ways, I think...?
QuoteAnd this is probably the last work of this year. Moving back to Veracruz tomorrow, and the availability of decent Internets will keep my busy . And anyway, the scanner is staying here in Monterrey, so I can't scan anything even If I wanted =/.
So no more Vis-tan ( ;_; ), sisterly love, 95-tan, Magical Heart Kokoro-chan, SVMS FLAG or Tiger-tan for this year.
I hope we hear from you soon, and good luck on your trip ;hi
All pettiness of OS politics aside, ope we see more of your incredible artwork in the coming year!
Well done on Xp-tan's expression on her face. Very good on her dress as well.
Thumbs up to DK88! :D
I have been trying some watercolors recently.
First round, practice.
Second round, some more advanced.
Still a work in progress, feel free to critique.
Edit: WIP update.
Nice-o! ^__^
I always reckoned that watercolor would be particularly difficult to work with, since it's hard to fix mistakes and the color can potentially "bleed" out of its intended positioning. Still, your detail in the Inu-T watch if relatively razor-sharp,... especially if that was your first go at it. I have a an issue with Inu-T's eyes, but everything else about her (head size, hair, body, arms, accessories, shading) is done with remarkable precision and the watch is also brilliantly crafted (no pun intended).
The second girl, however, is downright perfect through-and-through, and looks no different than using colored pencils or chalk.
Because this took extra effort to do, I have to label these as brilliant!! Remarkable masterpieces!! ^___^
Unfortunately, her name escapes me at the moment and I've lost the location of your older characters (though I do recall BarCode-tan). Perhaps NOW would be a good time to revisit the User Gallery thing, since you desperately need one. '__'
Quote from: "C-Chan"Blah blah, lots o praise and stuff
Yeah well, I posted the inu-t picture only because it was the first of the watercolor works, i'd never show something this bad if it would not been the first one.
QuoteThe second girl, however...
This doesn't really feel like contructive critism.
QuoteUnfortunately, her name escapes me at the moment
Maybe because there are only 3 persons in the whole world that know her name?
QuotePerhaps NOW would be a good time to revisit the User Gallery thing, since you desperately need one. '__'
nice :D
i never used to to use watercolors ... hehehe ... so i do everything with copic markers or with the computer (photoshop)
QuoteYeah well, I posted the inu-t picture only because it was the first of the watercolor works, i'd never show something this bad if it would not been the first one.
I think you underestimate its quality, but oh well to each his own. -v-
What I meant to say was that is it your first watercolor EVER in the existence of
ye who art known as VonDaab? Or have you watercolored stuff before? Cause that'd be pretty good first try for someone who would be considered by professional watercolorists as a "n00b". -v-
QuoteThis doesn't really feel like contructive critism.
Well OBVIOUSLY not. `v'
Cause if you know the C-chan, he doesn't criticize anything he doesn't feel particularly qualified to critique. That includes standard hand-drawn artwork and,... ESPECIALLY.... oil paints, acrylics, watercolour, copic marker jobs, etc etc etc....
If you did vectorized work, or if you want to be judged by speed, efficiency, productivity or social merit,... then yeah I can give you QUITE the earful if you really want it.
My advice, though, would be to wait until another artist like you stops by for "free cookies". -v-
QuoteMaybe because there are only 3 persons in the whole world that know her name?
Guilty as charged! Truth be told, I checked and you did in, fact, never name her:
Which is a shame, since she appeared running rather "bouncily" on your avatar for well over a whole month and I could never pop the question. ¯x¯
Then again, I hardly see you much by my neck of the woods. -v-'
Speaking of bouncy,
Here's an answer to your last question posited at my thread:
...which in turn was a reference to this....
A most "boobaciously" funny thing. -v-
Oh alright, alright... I'll let you keep your "freelancer" status then. ¯v¯
It's not like I can get you to post your MSPaint stuff anyway,... cause, by common law, that sector's off-limits to the pig. ¯.¯
Quotei never used to to use watercolors ... hehehe ... so i do everything with copic markers or with the computer (photoshop)
I used to do watercoloring, but for the most part it ended up looking like elephant art. ^^'
Colored pencils and markers were a little better, but computer art has been the kindest to my handicap. -v-
Quote from: "C-Chan"Or have you watercolored stuff before?
Some, but nothing in this size category, these are done on A5 paper.
It leaves little for mistakes.
My earlier watercolor works were pretty much fruits and naked people on A1+ canvas, but that's almost 3years ago.
Nice job, VonDaab! Watercolors are pretty hard to work with, too...
I second you need a gallery :D For instance, I didn't even know of your awesome Gentoo-tan until C-Chan posted the link to that page!
Though I should be one to talk...I have to upload a ton of stuff to mine : /
Humm pretty good Id say, and a drastic improvement between the two, you picked it up fast. Inu-T looks as you said.. a first attempt, as where the watch or the second picture definitly look like someone that as least understands the concepts.
Great use of shade I must say, very good indeed. I especialy like how the pink hair and fur bits turned out. I would saggest maybe picking out the lines on her again with maybe a extream fine point felt tip pen or the like.. the dull light grey of the pencil just detracts from it somehow.. Especialy on the flesh parts such as the cleavage or her thighs. That or maybe get a brush with a fine tip and paint the lines, but that wouldnt do so well for say the leather straps holding that otfit togeather... You could also just make the contrasts darker, like putting a very dark line of flesh tone in the deepest parts of the cleavage or where the thighs cross.
For landscapes or backgrounds using color breaks and contrasts is fine,infact perfered, but for an anime-esk drawing such as that, the lines should be more defined IMO.
Other then that Id say its a pretty good job, far better then I can do with water color.
I got enough of the watercolors already, so henceforth, this one will be called completed.
Watercolors are HARD to use.
Let's see if I can get my hands on some acrylics next.
That's a great job! And yes, I do think acrylics are somewhat easier to use...
BTW, what is her name?
ooh very nice, I see you did pick out those lines using deeper shade, very good! Background is simple but effective. Its hard i know but i wouldnt give up on water color, seems your decently good at it for starting out.
BTW, did you use tube or block water colors? and did you concider using pencil water colors (tho that you caun usualy tell and it doesnt seem you used those.
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"BTW, did you use tube or block water colors? and did you concider using pencil water colors (tho that you caun usualy tell and it doesnt seem you used those.
Wut? Watercolors come in tubes!?
I used block colors.
Pencil water colors? Never heard of those.
"washing" the shade colors is such a pain, the brown color was incredibly difficult to controll and try get it into an smooth gradient.
I don't like the fact that the colors aren't "permanent".
tube is best, and the pencils draw just like color pencils exept you go back over them with water to spread the color. Seriously, get tube water colors and try those out. easier to mix, use, etc. youll need a little paint tray tho, a pallet wont work.
very good tutorial:
Bumping with fresh acryl mess.
First go.
Second, WIP.
I suppose I should posit the question again: Is this your very first go with acrylics, or have you had experience with it in the past?
If the the former, then I'd like to see how you progress after becoming a little more comfortable and experienced with the medium.
I wouldn't call it a "mess" since you have a knack for capturing general form and lighting well in your characters despite the medium used. However, based on just these two pictures (and the disclaimer that I have never handled acrylics even once) it does seem like the richer color and extra photorealism is a trade-off for the clarity and finesse of the watercolor images.
On the other hand, maybe another question I should be asking is which medium is faster to work with so far?
Quote from: "C-Chan"Is this your very first go with acrylics
Not really, used some acrylics in school for few paintings in school, but that was 2years ago.
Quote from: "C-Chan"On the other hand, maybe another question I should be asking is which medium is faster to work with so far?
Took me about 4hours to do that second thing.
Both mediums are equally slow, acrylics have the advantage of better control of the paint, still it can be thinned with water like watercolors.
Good/bad side of the acrylics are that when it's dry, it cannot be used anymore, same goes with the paint you got on your palette, means that you got to choose your colors wisely.
Acrylics are much thicker when used straight from the tube, brushes tend to take damage from "hard brushwork".
Mixing colors is still something I've not practiced enough.
"D-Don't misunderstand me! It's not that I l-like you or s-so-something...I...I j-just had an extra gift! yeah, that's all!"
She always gave me tsundere vibes...
Once again bumping this thread...
A fast one. Had the idea of doing something like this the previous week, and I managed to finish it in time despite all the work I had to do (And still have to do...).
YOU LIE THEY NNNOOO COOKIES so made some try than
Quote from: "Darknight_88"
==image here==
She always gave me tsundere vibes...
Once again bumping this thread...
A fast one. Had the idea of doing something like this the previous week, and I managed to finish it in time despite all the work I had to do (And still have to do...).
I don't think I've seen this thread in a while...
Then again, I haven't really posted much, huh?
She seems...
loli-er younger than your last one. ^^
As for crits, nothing I can point out right off the bat, but the lower body seems off to me. Can't say exactly why, sorry. ^^;
Dos.... that was... random. XD;;
I do have a paper to start and finish tonight, so I shall excuse myself now.
Haha, sweet.
Not at all Kagami influenced no?
Torso might be a bit short.
Still, verry nice.
Quote from: "SleepyD"
She seems... loli-er younger than your last one. ^^
As for crits, nothing I can point out right off the bat, but the lower body seems off to me. Can't say exactly why, sorry. ^^;
Well, yeah. She's supposed to be loli, but I just couldn't make her more flat than this.
K, tried to fix hips.
Quote from: "Dos"YOU LIE THEY NNNOOO COOKIES so made some try than
Quote from: "VonDaab"Haha, sweet.
Not at all Kagami influenced no?
not at all :D
Torso might be a bit short.
Still, verry nice.
Edited version:
Now with a longer torso, smaller hips (I tried...) and without silly background. All I can say about the background is this: Midnight and sleep deprived D:
I liked the pink BG.
Quote"D-Don't misunderstand me! It's not that I l-like you or s-so-something...I...I j-just had an extra gift! yeah, that's all!"
BWAHAHA!!! Well who can say 'no' to a face like that? (and accompanied by free mystery treats at that). ^^
Thanks, that's looking very good, although I second VonDaab on the exclusion of the pink background. It takes too much away, especially that interesting 3D look. -v-
QuoteYOU LIE THEY NNNOOO COOKIES so made some try than
No mystery in these though........ except in that one with swirls on it. ^^;
And is that milk REALLY fresh? Been sitting there since yesterday. ^u^;
Aw, tsundere Vistan!
Good job Darknight! Hope we see some more of your work soon...I think you still owe the Captain a sisterly love picture :P
And we need to see your rendition of Tiger-tan :)
Oh well, due to popular demand the silly pink background is back D:
Quote from: "Bella"
Good job Darknight! Hope we see some more of your work soon...I think you still owe the Captain a sisterly love picture :P
And we need to see your rendition of Tiger-tan
oh noes >_>
On the other hand...
Quote from: "C-Chan, in the EVIL ANTARCTIC COMMIES HQ Thread"
I do have planned drawing a ChiiVistan at some point.
Maybe after I see this. But I'm sure he wont, so its a moot point...
Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteYOU LIE THEY NNNOOO COOKIES so made some try than
No mystery in these though........ except in that one with swirls on it. ^^;
And is that milk REALLY fresh? Been sitting there since yesterday. ^u^;
It is fresh from the farm i ran out to milk the cow myself and werid cookie is one that mega cookie it a cookie in a cookie in a cookie in a cookie. I think i should run a debug on that one.
QuoteIt is fresh from the farm i ran out to milk the cow myself
But that was yesterday? Am I gonna die if I drink it now. ^^;
Quoteand werid cookie is one that mega cookie it a cookie in a cookie in a cookie in a cookie. I think i should run a debug on that one.
Yeah....... please do, DOS-chan. I want to live to see tomorrow.. ^.^
*pats DOS on head*
QuoteMaybe after I see this. But I'm sure he wont, so its a moot point...
Oh don't be so sure,... after all, it could be for a disparaging cameo afterall. `v'
But not to worry, as it's not. ^^
Now I said earlier that I may not be able to do it due to the dawning of my semi-retirement. However,... I think you underestimate my interest in drawing my Chiivistan pic, if only because of two reasons:
1) It's mainly to showcase EeePC-tan, Cloudbook-tan, Classmate-tan and OLPC-tan.
2) It's.... how shall I say this,.... well,...... hmmm..... to the kind of..... person of my.......... special interests............. the pic............... is something akin............ to...... um........... *cough cough* erotica *cough hack cough*. ^o^;
So i guess if I have the right push.... AND I treat myself to turning up the "heat" a little........... then yeah, I would love to draw it. ^______________^
*lecherous grin*
okay i made new cookie and i got farm fresh milk
*sips milk* ^___^
*taste taste taste*
*C-chan moooos*
*C-chan moooos again*
*eats cookie to get rid of mooing*
*dies* XvX;
Quote*lecherous grin*
"dos put her head on C-Chan body and start to cry"
*C-chan gets revived by magic DOS tears*
*hugs DOS-chan*
Oh believe you and me, it's not gonna be hands that are on her. ^_____^
Sabes, eso se oyo mal...
"GGGRRR don't do that agin please we got lucky you rez before i put you in the ground
*grabs folk guitar*
C'mon people, there's a lotta bad ch'i around here. Let us join hands for a singing of Kumbaya!
*Someone's bickering, Lord, Kumbaya,
Someone's bickering, Lord, Kumbaya....*
Quote"GGGRRR don't do that agin please we got lucky you rez before i put you in the ground
Fufu... don't worry, wouldn't be the first time I got buried a live. Happens a lot with me, what with all the swooning I do. ^___^'
QuoteC'mon people, there's a lotta bad ch'i around here. Let us join hands for a singing of Kumbaya!
Oh no worries. ^___^
[crocodile tears] Whereas Batman consciously refuses to draw Tiger-sama,... I on the other hand.... am forbidden from drawing a Chiivistan....
But since I'm such an obedient piggy,... 'tis a sacrifice I AM willing to make.... [/crocodile tears] ;v;
So guess I'll have to continue drawing alternative OS-tans, no? ^______^
Oh well, c'est la vie. ^.^
*walks off to draw PilotOS-tan*
Because I'm sure you'd only use her for your own EVIL COMMIE PROPAGANDA purposes.
[crocodile tears]Yeah, truly a shame...[/crocodile tears]
Why does she suddenly remind me of Tosaka Rin? ._. awsome as always. Tsudere is always best.
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Why does she suddenly remind me of Tosaka Rin? ._. awsome as always. Tsudere is always best.
it's the hair, sir. Different color, same style. :3
that and the tsundere, yesh.
tsundere is great. yandere is fascinating to watch. as long as I'm not directly involved with said yandere.
tsundere is great. yandere is fascinating to watch. as long as I'm not directly involved with said yandere.
Yanderes are the greatest invention since tsunderes!
Yanderes are love.
Quote from: "Darknight_88"Quote
tsundere is great. yandere is fascinating to watch. as long as I'm not directly involved with said yandere.
Yanderes are the greatest invention since tsunderes!
Yanderes are love.
I agree, but I wouldn't want to be killed by one. XD; The do look pretty cool (and crazy) when they're holding their weapon of choice. :3
Well, I was going off topic in the what anime are you watching thread....
I wasn't sure whether to put this in the Guns thread or this one, but since it is about art, i guess I can put it here....
so here's all the relevant posts:
Quote from: "SleepyD"
Someone give me tips on how to properly draw guns. I don't think I can do a good gunslinger girl fanart without doing at least a semi-decent job on that.
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"perspective and research my friend, perspective and research. Research the weapon first, get as many pictures of it as possible from differnt angles etc.. then draw your characther, rough box where the weapon should be to its approximate size (remember, they are little girls so the guns will be oversized compaired to most examples IE: the FN-P90 is about as wide as my chest, but on henrietta it looked alot bigger) once you get a rough box laid out, use what ever perspective method you think will work best for you (probobly 2 point) and draw away! after that its a matter of coloring or shading it in whatever style you plan to do..
Quote from: "SleepyD"
Most pictures just have the weapon just sitting there. And yes, they serve their purpose in showing me the visual details. But I need to find videos of the guns too. The P90 and a few others I can find easily, but I have ideas that capture the girls in the middle of reloading or with shell casings falling all over the place. heck, my ideas involving guns aren't just limited to the gunslinger girls.... *sigh* now if only I had the time... >_<
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Well there is a more pricy alternitive... get some good airsoft weapons and have someone pose.. or the alternitive.. get real guns for reference and have someone hold them/pose.
Maybe I could slap togeather a quick tutorial on gun drawing...
But anyhow at the very least, if you havent, go to a range and fire a gun for a bit. Familurize yourself with a gun and how it operates. Artists often draw from personal knowlage and a little first hand knowlage would do you some good.
Added after 7 minutes: Excuse the double post, but if you wanted to quote me, I'll save you the few seconds it takes to erase it yourself. :3
Edit: well, I didn't realize that double posting combined your posts. haha... A nifty piece of code there...
Keep in mind though, I don't have very much time, given my area of study. And I have a feeling that the nearest range here isn't so near.
ah.... california. XD;
I may go to a range eventually, but I don't think I'll be able to in the near future.
So for now, I'll have to rely on the internet.
A small tutorial would actually be nice, if you have the time. There aren't many tutorials out there for artists about guns. The How to Draw Manga book regarding guns, is basically just a collection of drawings with a few blurbs about how a couple parts of the thing functions. Didn't help me too much.
Quote from: "SleepyD"all what sleepyD said
Guns are indeed very hard to draw, not only to get it look like it should and the correct size, it is very hard to get the character to hold the gun in a proper and comfortable way. Drawing someone aiming with a gun in a proper way is even harder. I know I have tried... orz.
So what would be the gun you are planning to draw?
Here's some of my attempts on gun drawings.
Note that they both have a common problem, I've pretty much got the basic looks of the guns but they both got really wrong "anatomy" like the really thick barrel and some other really wrong stuff.
And perspective problems.
I had both of them posted on /k/ once, weird, they didn't get flamed to death.
humm they arnt that bad actually. the difficult shots are when they are pointed at the camera/viewer more. But I will see what i can do.
Good job VonDaab!
They're a lot better than any guns I've ever drawn XD
Seeing how your drawing goes, it's a good start on putting characters with guns! Smile Vdaab!
work in progress.. trying to decide if i should color it or tone it -_-
O_O... Nice work... ;010
Other than the fact that I have a hard time deciding on what it actually's good. Rawr.
*swallow thread whole*
'tis spicy-
You will show us when you've colored it or toned it, right? ^-^
*sticks thums up*
Nice... :D
*chomps on Toki's head* Duwishoush!
K-k-kyaaa ;-; * flails *
I can't understand anymore!! H-heeelp!
*swallows Toki whole*
Mumf. -w- I told you, resistance is useless...
...ooh great. Now I look like I'm some sort of mpreg sicko. Just my damn luck.
Haven't posted anything here in a while...
Trying out new ways of working on teh compjutar.
Even if it looks very plain and simple, this is new stuff for me.
Never really tried doing "non-lineart" stuff.
Umm...wait. Is that...Sheriff Mario...?
Soviet Mario?
Yeah! Soviet Mario, wicked!!! :D
Yes, Soviet Mario that is.
Dunno where I got the idea of drawing that, maybe from the flash that already exists or the fact that there is a historical person that seems to share similar moustache look.
I am shocked and amazed o.o * claps *
No that is "Shock and Awe"....
Quote from: "VonDaab"Haven't posted anything here in a while...
Trying out new ways of working on teh compjutar.
Even if it looks very plain and simple, this is new stuff for me.
Never really tried doing "non-lineart" stuff.
I'm practicing lineart, but I still suck at it...
Well it's not half bad...
Not bad at all :D
Actually.... it's kinda good ;010
You made me lose all my confidence in my own drawing skills, damn you... -.-
*laughs out of recognition of Nej's position*
Been there, Lost all my confidence, and started building it again...By learning how to draw... ;010
Yay good plan! I am also regaining my ability, building my ability and trying to wash away the months of stagnant creativity <3
hehehe, well it was easy for me, i didn't have much drawing skillz to start with ;010
But you're learning and thats what counts ^-^
Thing is I have basically no time to spend on drawing whatsoever. What free time I have (or should I say, unbooked time, since training is free time too) is spent on vital randomness and lazing around, some writing and little else. I'm leveling up my various skills but that leaves me with a very crammed schedule... ~w~
Heh I know what you mean there....
Good jobs Capt., VonDaab, and Toki! :3
And of course, nobody starts out a great artist; the only way to become good is to practice and always be attempting to advance your work. And never say "I'm not good enough"...
Hear, hear... ;010
* cough * ._.
And of course there are the natural born artists, who are good -> excellent from the first attempt...
*looks at Toki, who coughed quite demanstratively*
Let's also not forget the people who have this complex i can't remember the name of, they are sheer geniuses in one single field (art, music, science, etc.) but suck in all other things...
Quote from: "Smokey"...the natural born artists
What next? Pink Unicorns and Spaghetti monsters!?
Srsly, there is no such thing as "natural born artists".
Maybe in fairytales, but not in the real world.
People who you would categorize as "natural born artists" have more likely been motivated to draw at an young age, or have the passion and inspiration to work hard on improving.
Altough, fast learning is a very important fact, still it doesnt make the person a "natural born artists".
It's a figure of speech...
It's not to be taken literally...
Actually there are people who are like
gshfdgdsl I never draw but when I do it's amazing.
Haha, oh wow... Cthulhu-tan:
LOL, mythical -tans... :D
*goes to winamp to skip to Call of Ktulu in his Metallica playlist*
It's a mythical creature...
Makes me think of a certain forum game...
Oh, Smokey, you, you!
I'm good at low blows, aren't i? :D
Not as good as Captain Falcon you aren't.
carefull,you're talking to someone who caused 12 injuries in a single football match... (on the GC off course)
Bitches don't know 'bout mah 5-meter judo throws!
Added after 43 seconds:
Also, off to Topicless with you if you're full of CRACK, boy.
Well let's drop a question in for VonDaab first...
What is she saying?? (Cthulhu-tan that is)
Fhtagn, which is the last word from "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", which translates as "In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming." This is often shortened to "Cthulhu fhtagn", which might possibly mean "Cthulhu waits", "Cthulhu dreams" or "Cthulhu waits dreaming" [size=0]Quoted from Wiki[/size]
If I remember right, there is a webcomic featurin The Great Old One, and he used to say Fhtagn randomly.
After some intensive research(5seconds of google). I've come to a point where just the word "Fhtagn" would mean "dreams," "sleeps," or "waits."
In the end, Cthu-tan is not my idea. It's originally from Nijiura or Futaba or some other similar site. I just stumbled upon it some years ago and remembered it again couple of days ago when I was having a conversation about Cthulhu.
Here's a fresh scan of some skeches from couple of days ago. Funny, this person who I was talking with about Cthulhu, he's really into all the occult and horror stuff but when I showed him these sketches, he just replied:
"-Now that's scary"
Don't mind the Karnaugh map in the corner.
Uwaahn~ o-o * flibber gibber *
Why have you unleashed a Great Old One on this site?
No matter how cute it has become....we are all doomed!
Naaah, we're not doomed yet...
We just need a hero...
Are you sure you don't mean...AN HERO?
That does not do anyone any good!! o.o;;
well, an united /osc/ alliance, then?
(btw, Nej, isn't it "an" when the next word starts with a/e/i/o/u?)
(lurk moar, comrade.)
She's a tentacle monster! See the tentacle ports?
Come on! tentacle "monster"??
Monster sounds so harsh...
Tentacle... monger? xD I dunno! She's so cute. Doesn't mind doesn't mind.
Yup, she is cute...
So she's a tentacle girl... :D
If you insist <.<
Ha! A real man has tentacles growing from the BACK OF HIS HEAD!
I'll show you sometime.
sure, i'll bring a bunch of rubber bands to tie them all into a nice bow...
Doc Oc is a real man...
Wait, you lost me....
From Spider Man!! xD
Oh right...
Tee hee~ I'm such a geek ._.;;
don't get me started...
Oh, wait, i'm more of a nerd... :D
Yeah o.o I'm just a geek, because I'm not smart...
Shouldn't be a problem...
It's not >.> I don't mind being dumb at all. Alot less to worry about i think.
Got that right...
^_^ * all smiles and such *
*joins in the smiling*
*is smiling too, with a very annoyed look on his face*
So... when is this site going to get back on its rails again?
*runs off*
This thread needs to get back on topic, peoples! T__T
Sadly I nearly forgot about this thread and all the picturey goodness within!
Right now!
somewhat old pic, drew it mainly as an excuse to see if I could actually pull off a loli character.
Awww, cute :3
Hey!! I posted a picture, and it was related to a previous picture too >.>
You guys have to be here at all times to keep up on track!! * runs away too and cries *
Heh, yeah I wonder why...
...Surely it has nothing to do with some people spamming this thread with replies?
Your tentacle girl is a very good drawing, bit too freakish for my taste though...
Sou na o.o;; All my drawings are a little freakish.
Added after 1 minutes:
Also, I didn't know holding a conversation is spam..
...seriously, Toki, what IS that slimy thing on her foot!?
It lookg good, but indeed, what has she got on her foot?
My kitten (
(lol redundant, j/k, cuet kitty ^^)
It's one of those T-1000 kitties which you can toss at a wall and it will slowly collects itself whole again...
Or something...
Have some DFC Coffeeportal-daemon.
Wow!! I never knew there was something called T-1000 but sort of. You can't rip him in half he's very very stretchy but he gets a little melty when wet.
That counts as art right? >.>
Lol, Cats on Mars...
That music freakded me outd. o_O
Wow, that was weird in so many ways...
But it's art, that it is... ;010
Toki...trippy, in a very good way @.@
VonDaab...nice, I really like her eyes.
Want some milk with that?!
Srsly, I dont know...
Have some Cake...
...a bit of Eggs...I like eggs...
...And a demoness forged of gluttony...
-Protip: You'll need the cake and eggs to keep the demoness from eating you...but you didn't hear this from me...
All i have is a cooke but if you want some i willing to share
-Dos, Meow
Wow, lotsa art all of a sudden... :D
But, err.. that's some evil milk lady ya gots there, VonDaab :D
Looks good though...
And, Gussy, is that an angel who landed in a cake?
Oh wow, suddenly, lots of consumable drawings...
Err... I mean consumable in a way the things they represent, I mean like, cake and, cookies... Nevermind, I think you know what I mean...
The thread has turned into an art exhibition again, great stuff... ;010
Eurasian Eagle-owl, Bubo-tan:
Is it edible? OwO
Well the Swedes did almost hunt it to extinct in the 19th century, because of its left foot that they thought would bring luck.
But if you ask from Big Boss.... then its edible.
Great, I'll fire up the barbee... :D
QuoteBut if you ask from Big Boss.... then its edible.
Reminds me of a certain saying; As long as my boss acts like he pays me a lot, i act as if i'm working hard...
I see it's bird teim noa...
And to answer your question, Smokey: it's not nessicarily an Angel landing in a cake, more like an angel INFUSED with a cake...why I don't really know
Ah I see... And that's a scary face on bird-onee-san, there...
(btw i also see my five shiny new stars, I'm an OS-tan mastah!!! :D)
This thread need more epic drawings like this one from my archives of 2004.
Epic like in Epic FAIL.
Why fail, and above all why EPIC fail?
It's just very, very badly made in my opinion.
Though, I had some good lulz today when digging trhu my 3-5years old stuff.
But hey, gotta start from somewhere.
If that's how you started out with drawing, then, wow, that's not half bad... :D
Well, I didn't start from that...
It was first in the age of 15 that I realized that to get good in drawing, It would require much more practice than just occasional doodling.
When I drew that one, i think i was 16 or something. Still, I'm a lazy person, so my progress in drawing is pretty slow.
Ah, so...
Bubo-tan is neat, VonDaab! As for your older works, everyone has a starting point; but it's clear how much you've improved over the years. And Gussy, your bird-girl is really cool, too.
Though, Unix-sama and Lunar Linux-tan would greatly disapprove of this discussion on the edibility of owl-girls!
Quote from: "Bella"Though, Unix-sama and Lunar Linux-tan would greatly disapprove of this discussion on the edibility of owl-girls!
As well BBC Micro-tan, if there would be one of course...
Owls are a protected species (at least in Holland), so edability is out of the question...
That drawing is not bad at all! It's pretty good!
Heck a lot better than what I could draw back then!
Hey, guise.
Just wondering.
When did this thread became MSPaint Drawery thread?
I'm pretty sure we've got one of those in GC.
This is OS-tan / related forum, no? And even you, Aurora-dono! Lenience! I say!
Added after 27 minutes:
Angry French Guy is Angry about this. Do something!
Added after 21 seconds:
(yes, I suck at pixel art. now go away.)
[attachment deleted by admin]
This is an art thread, so art and discussion is posted...
There was no rule concerning the nature of the art posted so it's open for all art, i assume...
Besides.... is that hat and coat textured? Not something i would think M$paint to be capable of...
Yeah! This is an art thread!
An art thread....yeah...that'll show 'em.
*runs off*
Well, here's some art...
Peace - The final version, after dozens of doodles i always made at school...
[attachment deleted by admin]
I see it's...uh...Art Thread(?) teim noa...
(I should stop...that was in horrible taste...)
[attachment deleted by admin]
AFAIK, I havent posted any MSPaint in this thread. My latest stuff are made with Shi-Paint, an Oekaki software which indeed can prosess anti-aliasing. But I dont like anti-aliasing, therefore I make them look like MSPaint stuff.
QuoteAnd another Demoness, that seems to have slightly perverted clothes...
You mean, a lack of them.
I love your pixel arts, vondaab *-*
How did you think of a top in the form of two hands?...
epic... :D
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"You mean, a lack of them.
Quote from: "Smokey"How did you think of a top in the form of two hands?...
How? by simply ripping of some other characters design...
Quote from: "Toki"I love your pixel arts, vondaab
This isn't pixelart, even if id put every pixel individually on its place, this still wouldn't count as pixelart, just ask DevianTart.
Only because this is Animu, this cant be classified as pixelart.
Bit annoying how I've made some works that can really be categoried as pixelart, only to get DA staff bawwing of it not being it. Only because it's Animu...
(yay, rant.)
some Tarts are just annoying, really.
Also lulz on that top ^^
Yeah, as Tsubashi said.
This post has now been edited.
Subtle... ;010
More than NSWF; That thing is LOLWUT ANATOMY PEAR.
We seem to have our very own fledgling ecchi meme, i guess... :D
Hey guys. With all due respect, do you think you could quit with the NSFW things? I don't want to seem rude, but the sysadmin at my work has been going through my logfiles and is somewhat mad at me now. I might not post a lot anymore (gomen nasai) but I often check the site while I wait for things to compile. If the sysadmin decides to block the site I wouldn't be able to check much, as I really don't have any free time anymore.
I really don't want to be rude, but please keep NSFW things off-site or in the Hentai section.
Gomen nasai
Ooh, sysadmins...
I remember breaching schools internet policies with the admin sitting 10 ft from me, oh, and the lulz i had when i tricked gullable (read naive n00bs) classmates into doing stuff they would obviously get caught for... (net send * <insult> is a great source for lulz if they never worked with DOS before) :D
Quotewhat Tsubashi said.
Okay, I edited my posts.
I kinda knew that they're not suitable here.
Thank you. You all are very kind.
OSC relevant stuff!
Love the sunglasses, gives her a nice "cool" look... ;010
I never thought that Oekaki softwares would be good for pixel art...
And I still think so.
Oh, LOL... :D
Oh, the service is here.
Cute! ^_^
Just passing by...
Ugh, my boats are far from being nice...
She's actually smiling, and not faking it... :D
Just enforcing some maritime borders, don't mind me...
Okay, now i would've drawn a submarine to kill of the cruiser, but then the image would get bigger than 1024*768...
And we'd be starting a new version of the Geterator...
Haha, oh wow...
Pure genius.
Edit: I just noticed that I forgot to draw her ears...
Awww crap, my pep talk disappeared too. ;___;
Oh well,... let me post something better....
This is another piece done by the ever-elusive Sildias Since he/she is still incredibly shy, I figured I'd post his/her drawings in someplace more public. See if maybe that can flush him/her out into the spotlight.... `v'
Wauw! Stunning!!! ;010
*snatches pic to set it as background*
That's really, really good.
Yeah, Sildias! Great job! Please introduce yourself! :D
Sorry that its only lineart.
Noticed here one day that it seems like there is no Mechamusume for Heinkel He-162 aka Volksjäger.
"Designed and built in a rush, and made primarily of wood as metals were in very short supply" -wikipedia
And some indecent Victorian-era bathingsuit.
Nice one...
But, yeah...You should color her sometime... :D
I should be sleeping now...why am I up?...
[attachment deleted by admin]
Hey, it's the tax-man!!! :D
Nice one, BTW...
The conglomeration of the Yakumo Family of Gensokyo commences...
...And yes I'm insane
*runs outta thread*
What the!...
*creeps out*
Quote"The conglomeration of the Yakumo Family of Gensokyo commences..."
Aaanyways... some Oekakking again.
Quote from: "Gussy Keniji"The conglomeration of the Yakumo Family of Gensokyo commences...
...And yes I'm insane
Awesome! XD;
Although, I'm still stuck in the Scarlet Devil Mansion on Normal. XD;;;;
current work in progress.. still adjusting the sketch at the moment but there wont be any major changes..
Pic is me, with my Doskitty and B&hammer
Will post updates at I go, feel free to critique, (now preferably if your going to, so i can fix things before i start to ink)
Its going to be compleated manga style in Manga Studio EX
Whoa... You've got one kick-*** banhammer! o_o
Yeah, that reminds me of a docu i saw on NatGeo about warhammes...
Scaringly devastating...
okay, update.. ink complete, nex is tone work!
DOSkitty is lookin' kinda O_O thear.
Also, nice rubble!
once I put tone on her I hope she will have a kamineko from azu look on her face
Lol, k.
...wait...Who what when?
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"okay, update.. ink complete, nex is tone work!
Looking nice.
Open to critics or considerated as finished?
Im always open to critics. I dont get offended by critics as much as some i know...
anyhow fire away. I already know I have the perspective on the hammer off, Im lazy.
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Im always open to critics. I dont get offended by critics as much as some i know...
anyhow fire away. I already know I have the perspective on the hammer off, Im lazy.
Well, her left leg is way too open. That's a pretty long leg.
That's the thing that strikes me the most.
I suppose I can see that... now that you point it out... humm, is it worth the time to fix... :/ wish you would have pointed it out before the inking :P
Yeah, I have missed many pages from this thread. =/
Any thoughts about coloring? 'Cause if i may, i'd suggest a dark (-ish) hue of red with green accents (not too dark obviously :D)...
like I said before, my intention is to do it in comic book screen tone. AKA manga style. Tho if it were colored i tend to wear a mix of black red and white. The skirt will be plaid, and that will be obvious once i tone it.
pink and green is the cute little toki's style :3
Must've missed that....
In that case, i've said nothing and i'll wait for the next update... :D
see, pink and green is tokis style :P tho she does have cute taste in clothes X3
Sweet... ;010
Nice picture, Captain....and Toki's picture is adorable, too! :)
Where's she been lately, anyway?
I miss her. >_>
Yeah, where is Toki??...
I stolded her away, Ill let her out for air once in a while tho
(srsly tho, I spoke to her last night but i forgot to ask her where shes been)
Ooooh, well maybe she'll post back... :D
YOU STOLED HER!? SONOVA- ******************
I tied a loli under a wash basin held up by a stick... Toki could resist and shed was caughted.
Oh, LOL...
That old trick?!
Served her right. One must know when the loli is free for the taking, and when IT'S A TRAP!
nice pun...
But let's leave some room for this threads resident artist (VonDaab) to post some actual art...
Smokey, read the first post :P this is a thread for EVERYONE to post in, rather then having exclusive threads for individual people... anyhow, heres and update
Still working on the tone.. need to re do the lines on the skirt, i tried to draw those with a mouse and they are all messed up, tho you can see how im going to achive the plaid pattern with tone. Im also happy with how the smoke effect turned out, simple yet effective. I might shave the tone down some so that gradiation pattern isnt uniform to make it look more like billowing smoke.
Added after 31 minutes:
and on another note, here is a test sketch with manga studio that I had forgotten about
Added after 2 hours 12 minutes:
and here, in the spirit of Nejins "lets complete old unfinished works" campaign, I finaly finished the 4koma everyone was thinking about a while before
It was a mixture of peoples ideas but I belive C-chan takes most of credit for it. Drawn inked and sketched in manga studio.. it taught me a few important things to keep in mind in the furture when doing comics in that program.
Added after 5 minutes:
original 4koma thread..
needing more ideas for 4koma
Added after 8 minutes:
humm come to think of it tho, i think that panel 3 could use some focus lines... back to the drawing board
Actually I meant "Lets have some more art in this thread instead of only talk..." kinda like you did just now... :D
BTW, wich lines are supposed to be messed up? I don't see it...
No lines are messed up, it needs focus/speed lines to increese the impact of the third frame
and on the 3.1sama drawing, you cant see it zoomed out but the lines are very messy up close
Oh, like that...
Well, the plus of digital drawings is the possibility to undo and redo everytthing as often as you want... ;010
Time for a post to prove that I'm still alive.
Yes, I know that her gun-safety isn't the best.
Edit: Found an interestingly well preserved apple from 2005:
Finaly completed!
Ive learned enough of Manga studio to finaly start finishing these old drawings that I was being fustarted with before because I was fumbling with the program.
Neco Arc Chaos' prepares to unleash his full power...No one is safe...
[attachment deleted by admin]
avatar for mangarevolution..
YU! YU! YU!!
Take it easy, mkay?
Incomplete but seeking feedback... Its Cpl. Adrian Shepard from Half-life: Opposing Force
Added after 2 hours 11 minutes:
Okay.. not its pretty much complete, updated the image.
Added after 5 hours 55 minutes:
oh and
In durring whoring :P Could everyone click next to the picture where it says +major style ? Im trying to get past level 1
Alright, so heres some honest feedback:
Trigger finger, looks bit dislocated, too far from the rest of the fingers.
Also, might be a bit too thin for male fingers.
The pouch on the right looks a bit too rigid to be made of canvas or some other "soft" textile/material.
I dont know, might be just me but with all the halftoning, the image seems very cluttered and "overtoned".
The angle his feet are in makes me think that hes squatting or something similar.
Its still a very well done piece, I can see that you've put much effort in this one.
:P as I would expect from a fellow artist. "it looks pretty" doesnt help me much. I agree about the hand thing, I fought with it forever and it still looks wrong...
However.. the Desert Eagle bit.. Please dont call it a deagle.. it sounds somehow... dirty... The character used a Desert Eagle(it replaced Freemans 357 revolver), and thats why I drew him with it. Plus as a Desert Eagle owner, I can personaly say its one of the Finest hand guns Ive ever used.. Counter Strikers can suck the sweat off a dead mans nutsack. (Gawd I hate counter strike.. any game that bills itself as a tactical shooter shouldnt have pulling out your knife and jumping around like an idiot be a legitimate tactic)
As for the over toning.. If I were drawing the frames of a manga yeah Id cut back alot on the tone.. but since this was a full page sized drawing designed to have a great deal of detail I did alot more to it.
anyhow, thanks for the constructive advanced critique
No problem.
Personally I dont like the DE, mostly because of the weird choice for action, bulky appearance and it being a bit of a "gimmick" among guns.
I'd understand a DE in .357 magnum, where you still got some magazine capacity, but the .50AE model... what the hell?
Oh well... have some IS-3-tan with dislocated leg.
Honestly, do you really need more then 8 shots of .50 AE? I dont think the action is all that bad personaly (tho I wish It were double action not single.. but hell the 1911 is single action too and its one of the greatest handgun designes ever created). I find mine to be extreamly acurate and powerful, yes has a fraction of the kick a .50 revolver has due to the way the slide is built. With the heavy barrel and only the rear portion of the slide going back it remains balanced when firing reducing muzzel jump and recoil dispite its insane round size. And besides, the version I have (the MKXIX) I can swap out the barrel and bolt as fast as I can feel strip it and convert it to .357 or .44.
If you want a magnum, the desert eagle is it. The only other one Id concider is Smith and Wessons new sheild gun 8 shot 357
( tho, the DE still wins in that its got easy to change magazines, as where the model 327 isnt really ment to be reloaded in combat (a sheild man would have a second one in a holster behind his sheild, if he runs of of bullets he drops it and pulls the second)
The DE is in a whole nother class then most handguns, its a specialists weapon. Oh, another perk is its the only semi auto magnums I know off the top of my head, which makes it one of the only ones that its possible to get a silencer and such... Plus the addition of a 10inch barrel and scopes or red dots.. its just an awsome weapon and ill stand by it.
Normaly Id be the first to disown something for being a gimmic or over hyped, but I feel the desert eagle has earned its reputation.
Now back to art discussion...Your pic, putting aside my distaste for strapping hardware to a girl and calling it a tan, looks pretty good. Its been a while since ive seen you do something that wasnt drawn with pixels in paint. I do think her trigger finger is a tad long tho. Wrapped around the grip it should still only stick out about a knuckle length and a half then the rest.. But who am I to judge? I cant draw hands for shit most of the time. That and I cant help but feel sorry for her, her breasts being as big as her head and all... I can only imagin how much of a pain that is.
Yeah, her trigger finger might be a bit too long. But theres so many other things aswell wrong it that drawin, so...
This whole IS-3 drawing was pretty much improvisation, I had no earlier sketches that I could get some desins from, thus the drawing was ridiculously slow.
I blame the IS-3's thick armor as the reason for the heavy chest.
230mm front-armor is pretty impressive for a WW2 era tank.
Compared to the TigerII that had only 180mm.
Also, Anime + Physics = Kittens die.
EDIT: I dont know if this really counts as "art" because its just a bunch of random sketches, but I hope this will put a smile on your face.
XD P head in a suit.. I guess its raep time! Oh and the ocelot with the neko mimi is priceless. Yeah I loled
also.. Related?
Okay, this peice is a gift art for a friend who got me into Dream Of Doll ( ). It shows one of her characters Felicia-Val (find her on DA here.. at least untill someone can convice her shes good enough for MR) holding her doll and my manga avatar Evangline with my doll. If you would like to see my actual doll view here here : Anyhow, I said something to my friend that made her upset and this is sort of a very long in the coming apology.
Okay, some things about the picture.... VonDaab commented on my previous picture that it was too cluttered with all the half tone shading, so for this one I attempted to avoid using tone for shading effects.. the only place where tone was used to shade was on the bushes. Instead I used hatching lines and highlights. I eched the tone on the bushes with a parallel lines ruler on the bushes to create the impression of light shining down. This is also my first real attempt at a proper background. Perspective rulers were used to create the walls and I had to do a bit of research to decide how to draw the trees. The leaves were quite time consuming but I think they turned out wonderfully. I also experimented a little bit with texture and pattern tones on this one, with the stone effect on the wall and plaid pattern on the tie and skirt. Also I dropped a computone background in instead of etching my own clouds like on Unsung Hero of Black Mesa. I also tried to recreate an ocean effect I spotted in a manga with white lines on a falt color tone, but Im not sure Im happy with how it turned out...
If you like the picture, please visit this link and click next to the picture where it says +major style. It helps me move up through the ranks of the artists there
Beautiful and brilliant work, Captain! Although you skipped the shading process in that picture, it is still of equally fantastic quality as your other manga-style works!
The background is really nice and maybe I can study from it as well (as I cannot draw trees, bushes, or waves worth ****)
I checked the Dream of Doll website and all I gotta say about those dolls: DO WANT! But alas I cannot buy anything or spend any money online. Too bad for me :(
I'm sure your friend you made that picture for will love it!
Don't piss off angry square.
"Stop that, It's silly"
This thread needs more proper military clothing.
This picture is not an example of that.
I like her... combat boots. :P Actually those kind hurt my ankles, the leather is too stiff. anyhow awsome pic is awsome.
My latest work. Damn it took forever -_- I was playing with using black more. Its got a few problems but I like how it turned out over all.
As always if you like it, please visit this link and click the +major style link next to the image and help me raise through the artist ranks there
I've never really been that interested in Warhammer, so I cant give any advice on that.
But the tone looks better, the black gives it good contrast.
Do you resize the pictures after toning? Because that might produce the "irregular dots" thingie, which kinda bugs me.
Hmm... Nothing else to say really.
Some Futuristic Tacticool:
Something of a test run on Shi Painter Pro. Can't say it's good...maybe next time when I use Shi Painter Pro again or somethin...
Behold: Hate-chan lolz
...I uh dunno why she's in such a pissy mood...
Edito: Apparently, the pic wasn't displaying at first, but it should be okay now.
Gussy: Its not displaying...
Von Daab: Tacticool XD Im gonna have to remember that one :P Looks awsome too. Shes got tiny feet <_<
Any yes, there is some resizing. The original file is megaz big. I keep it for prints and such, but for web display it must be made smaller. I did it as a PNG in fireworks so the distortion is minimal.. If I resize it in photoshop it looks fuckshit crazy <_<
Trying some landscape and realistic style in Oekaki:
And my fat, hairy Man-fist:
My last draw, is from Detective Conan and it´s a ficticious scene, I wish I could painted on my computer:
Meanwhile Shinichi was doing as Mouri in one of his cases, Ran discovered him, when all was finished Ran got him and took with her for interrogate it alone, I really do not want to be Shinichi at that moment XD.
Hope you enjoy ;001
Here is an fan art that I finnished yesterday. Hope you like it ^^
Regards ;hi
Q4(V) asked me by IRC if I'd "-tannify" his mobile HDD.
After a couple sketches, this was the result:
desu~ ._.
I have a jumpsuit like that now, tho in navy blue. Very nice. The net shirt is an interesting choice for someone who seems otherwise tacticaly dressed. I imagin shes going to have some problems getting that jump suit streached out over that rack @_@
Just out of curiosity, since you didnt say really, what HDD would that be? May I saggest slapping a logo or something on the picture so if it floats around the net people will be able to recognize it?
a sketch I did last night, revamping an old character for a web comic. Now with moar tacticool!
I sense an evil smile o' BISHIE doom on that face. -w-
Oh wow, this thing is alive?
Oh sweet, pretty cool suit design there Capt.
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"I imagin shes going to have some problems getting
that jump suit streached out over that rack
Well, yeah... never really thought about that. Just got to hope the suit is big enough.
I must say that her assets might be bit too big as the HDD capacity is only 250GB IIRC.
I blame Q4 for demanding them to be so big.
QuoteJust out of curiosity, since you didnt say really, what HDD would that be?
May I saggest slapping a logo or something on the picture so if it floats around the net people will be able to recognize it?
She got a logo on her top, but its bit small and hard to notice. She's a Samsung laptop HDD thats put into a custom case.
Oh, btw. I've been trying to improve my coloring skill.
QuoteWell, yeah... never really thought about that. Just got to hope the suit is big enough.
I must say that her assets might be bit too big as the HDD capacity is only 250GB IIRC.
humm indeed.. Id hate to think what my TB Western Digital external HDD would look like then...
QuoteOh wow, this thing is alive?
Oh sweet, pretty cool suit design there Capt.
By "this thing" do you mean me or the thread? :P
Anyhow yeah, Im pretty happy with the suit design. I tried to make it look both sci-fi but still legitimately tactical. His body armor is designed to cover a good portion of his body but is till light enough one can imagin him having a wide degree of mobility. His pouches are layed out in a way that a right handed person could most easily access their gear...
In short im shooting for some beliveability in at least the combat aspects of my webcomic.
BTW, are you still working on your bunny corps? I had an Idea for one, and I cant remember if youve done one like it.
QuoteBy "this thing" do you mean me or the thread? :P
Both maybe, heh.
I got a good short comic idea today that would include pretty lot of military stuff, but today was a very busy day and I didnt get time to sketch it down. Hopefully I'll get it tomorrow done.
Bunny Corps? well yeah, the project is kinda on hold at moment, mostly because of the lack of ideas. (and motivation)
But I got some bunnies done. Here's the ones I've done so far.
So you got an idea? Well, may I hear it?
a marine one of course :P I was thinking wearing the M40 feild protective mask
with either the marine corps saber or and M16 on her shoulder like shes a watchman and maybe some medals on her chest.
Allright. Here's my first try at it.
It looks like a blend of a multitude of things I can't think of...GUU. -w-
Here's the "Military-ish" idea I got yesterday but first today got to sketch it down.
dood.. that is...
FREAKING AWSOME! You sir win my internets for the rest of the year! Far better then I had even imagined X3 the full blues top and the belt really added to what I had saggested. I was suprized that it wasnt done in paint like your others, but this is none the less awsome for it!
<_< Im tempted to reduce and use for my avatar...
as for the second picture, pretty freaking awsome too. Its somehow captured that drark gritty war feeling while still being obserd.... THE TARGET SOLDIERS WILL GET YOU! ... Come to think of it tho, concidering I trained extensivly for targest like those, Id really kick ass fighting an invading army of them!
Heh, well thanks. Good you like it.
Yeah, I too have had my moments when I had to punish a legion of targets.
Also blue balloons, which really gave the "boom! headshot!" feeling.
Btw, your image kinda stretches the page so that the text doesnt really wrap correct. Any possibility to crop it a little?
Oh yeah, found this. It's one early sketch using the new way to color.
Dark...i like that. Her face seems a little bit out-of-place color-wise, though. Is that intentional?
Intentional? Probably not, as my coloring and understanding colors are pretty much at noob stage.
I went 3 years art school, still, I was never taught any decent color theory...
Woah, that's one shitty art school. Not getting your money's worth, I'd feel.
Yes well, it was a Graphical design school. But Graphical design should require color theory.
The education was free though.
I guess that's true...your time's worth then? Haha ^^
I dont know, I personaly think nejin is insande and sucks at art critique cus that picture looks pretty good. I feel you did an exellent job of color on the picture. I feel her head looks like it belongs as much as a pink haired big eyed anime girls head can in a situation like that. He head stands out as much as anyones would in covert ops that doesnt do something to subdue it (cammie paint, balacava or whatever) I feel she looks pretty much like I would expect someone too standing in the dark once your eyes have adjusted.
Now what I notice about the picture is her expression... It really makes me wonder what it is shes seeing. Im not sure how to describe it, but its like whatever it is had made her drop her guard... like it put her deep in thought or something. She doesnt have a tactical air about her at the moment, more of an innocent one which seems od for someone with side arm in hand wearing tactical clothing.
Sure, Im not sure if you were even thinking about any of that while you were drawing it, but it just seems like there is alot of hidden thought and emotion coming from her which give the peice a nice feel.
QuoteI personaly think nejin is insande and sucks at art critique cus that picture looks pretty good.
Oi. Discretion, use it. Don't slam down on people for casual comments, you.
I had an idea behind that drawing, but I got bored with it and never finished it.
People have opinions, bear with it Neijin. Personally I agree with you and think the colors arent that well choosen.
I've been lately in a mood of drawing not-so-tacticool military stuff.
Why does the lower part give me the impression of a hockey player...?
Kneepads, maybe.
Oh well; it's got nice detail, I've got to say. A huge load of that tedious stuff I'm always to lazy to deal with ^^
Yeah, they're kneepads.
Though, I dont know where you get the hockey part...
Humm, good stuff that. I almost want to try toneing that :P Interesting detail, actually putting the knee pads down in the standby position instead of the knees if Im not mistaken. Tho, normaly when I see that people also rotate them outboard as well as drop them to shin level. More comfortable to have them there when not inuse. Overall I like it. Mind if I give it some tone?
Well, sure. I think I could check if I got a hi-res of it.
Yeah, some people rotate them, probably to get it out of way when you kneel and dont have them in use, or something, dunno. I just pulled them down.
EDIT: Slightly bigger one.
I just thought it was an interesting detail to include. Hi-rez would be great tho I could probobly work of that one if I had to
The one I linked to in my last post is the highest resolution I could get.
Ugh, I always seem to draw on too low resolution.
And now that I tried some hi-res. My computer craps itself...
512MB's isnt really the optimum I say.
Anyways, some wip:
counter work in progress!
I really need to learn to resize...
Anyhow, this is just a random catgirl, requested by Q(4)v
Heh, Q(4) and his catgirls...
I kinda finished that earlier wip, or more like got bored with it and decided it was finished.
Why am I thinking of Cirno now? >_> that a cucumber in her hand?
Hell, Cappy was right, I just see all the weird stuff when I look at things ^-^;
I got bored, inked it, and then slapped some tone on it. I cant figure out why but the cat pattern in the background doesnt show up very well after I export it but It shows up fine in the work file. Tone is such a headache. Anyhow, about the onlything Im proud of on this peice is the hair. I made an effort to do hair differntly then I normaly do, doing it more manga like then anime like (fine pen strokes creating the feel of hair rather then the kinda simplified hair shapes. I think in that it turned out well,Ill probobly start doing that more often
and is it just me, or does that hat scream underated little brother living in his older brothers shadow?
I would have liked to see how the water effects would have turned out if you had been motivated to complete them :P
It's Nitori Kawashiro
And yes, it is a cucumber what she's holding.
The water reflection was one reason I didnt want to finish it, yet...
That's pretty good Capt. Even if her eyes kinda look "spaced out".
The cat pattern problem might be from the resizing, if you did some.
delicious fog, om nom nom!
Looks good. colored with photoshop again?
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Looks good. colored with photoshop again?
Yeah, that one was a quick one though, so I didnt really put any time on details.
Redid the background and resized it, I think it looks much better now
my latest work in progress.. Might be done with it by the end of the night. Thought Id post it now so you guys can pick out the picture breaking mistakes BEFORE I finish for once -_-
Oh, Fate/stay night(or somethihng)....
Never finished watching that show.
Still, this looks really good.
Ilyas(?) hat looks bit flat though.
I never even tried. >_>
Ill put that on the long list of reasons why nejin fails.
However, the confidential list of why I win is longer than the UNIVERSE.
update: Ink is almost done, now would be the time for people to pick out horrible horrible mistakes ...
Holy crap, all of you. My skills feel woefully inadequate now.
I never get enough practice nowadays. I hardly have time to doodle in my notes even.
I had this whole lengthy paragraph about archer, but I kept looking at it and looking at it, and then whatever weird thing I saw, I couldn't see anymore. Something to do with the overall shape of his head... I think. argh. I won't think about it anymore. It's finals week, and my brain is running in safe mode.
And anyway, whatever correction that was would have required major re-inking for such a small thing. Well, someone mentioned Ilya's hat. It does look a little thin. I think making the corners up on top a little more curved will help that aspect.
Otherwise, I can't find anything to really speak out about. Saber's armor looked well done in the sketch too. Really awesome stuff. I had finished Heaven's Feel just a few weeks ago, so f/sn is still very much fresh in my mind. Love to see the end result of this cap'n. :3
Anyone remember Gussy's whale-tan from some time back?
Quick doodle of her.
Bunny marine, reporting for duty!
Btw, I never asked for her number. I mean, every bunny has had a number between 1-100 as its name.
Numbers 1,2,3,21,24,29,34,42,54,69,77,87 and 88 are already taken or planned.
humm... since 03, or 3 is taken, ill go with 11. as in 0311, rifleman.
Okay, 11 it be then.
New one, though, I have no idea what it is:
<_< on false move.. and those are going to pop out and freaking KILL someone.
But I like her jacket
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"on false move.. and those are going to pop out and freaking KILL someone.
Haha, err.... hmmm.... didnt think of that.
Keeping up the military-ish theme:
ajajjajajjajaj xD
Added after 50 seconds:
ups me equivoque :$
sorry u.u
I envy her her figure, but that flak jacket doesn look like it will close :P Ilike the smoothness of that peice, looks like you blended the colors alot more on this then your recent painted works. the lines are crisp and smooth where they need to be, but still not overly defined making it feel sloft.
somehow it also reminds me of cellshaded videogames,...
in other news, the ink is finished. I touched up the other frames a bit, and completed saber. I think her armor turned out well. It looks sharp and precise like it should, but still looks hand drawn to match the rest of the peice. Im pretty happy with all of the line work exept for how archer turned out.. he just seems.. off. Too young for starters... But Im getting too burnt out on this peice to redraw him. Its time to slap some tone on and get it done before I loose the desire too..
I tried to emulate the style of Advance Wars game series art style, but it didnt really work on that drawing...
Speaking of that game:
whew... finished at last. It will be a while before I try something that complicated again -_-
That's quite something, huh. It's looking much better than the last sample I saw from you, Capslock~ -w-
Evolution of all kinds is quite astonishing, huh~ .W.
well thats part of the reason for the updates, besides wanting feedback as I go to try to fix any errors i may regret later.
anyhow, I forgot to drop my MR link for that one
If you like the image please go to the link and click where it says "+major style" next to the pic and help me move up the artist ranks :p </whorith>
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"well thats part of the reason for the updates, besides wanting feedback as I go to try to fix any errors i may regret later.
anyhow, I forgot to drop my MR link for that one
If you like the image please go to the link and click where it says "+major style" next to the pic and help me move up the artist ranks :p </whorith>
haha, okay sure, I'll do just that. You really have improved by leaps and bounds.
well, I just finished my last final about an hour and a half ago. And now, I have a little more time than I used to. XD
hey cappy, can I color your untoned lineart? I feel artistically deprived. I'm not sure whether my skills have changed much since the last time I drew something... but my sisters say that they inexplicably improve after a hiatus, so... yeah. XD;
Sure, I have no problem with that. If you want a larger version let me know, I work at like 1200 dpi so its much bigger then that :P
Can I? that would be great.
wow, 1200dpi... that's massive. My old computer might not be able to handle that, but I could resize it to fit my needs.
I didn't mention this in my last post, but that's some awesome tonework. I really like how you did Saber's armor. I may need to incorporate that technique for highlights/shinymetalthing for other doodles I've made. :3
50% size.
As for sabers armor, there are alot of techniques for metal in manga, thats just one. A simple cylinder gradian with a bit of white ink on the side that you want to have the gleem come from.
also... GINGERBREAAADD!!! X3 I love that stuff too, thats pretty much my reaction..... now I want some, and I dont have any. This makes me sad. ; n ;
I am in freaking awe at all of you're art, people. :O
Cockle: I'd say thank you, but I haven't really submitted art here in forever, so I'm not qualified. XD;;
Quote from: "VonDaab"I tried to emulate the style of Advance Wars game series art style, but it didnt really work on that drawing...
aha, I kinda see it now. ^^
I remember that game... speaking of which, I need to finish the dual strike one...
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"
50% size.
As for sabers armor, there are alot of techniques for metal in manga, thats just one. A simple cylinder gradian with a bit of white ink on the side that you want to have the gleem come from.
I absolutely sucked with tones last I tried, but that was a LOOONG time ago. Still, I'm sure I can apply that to coloring.
Thanks muchly. :3
After about 2 hours: (yes, I know I'm slow)
Getting Ilya's hair and skin to be distinguishable is kinda hard.
Don't mind the blue, that's only there so I didn't need to differentiate between white bg and ilya. XD;
I don't think you can critique much since I've barely started the shading portion, but suggestions are always welcome.
good start so far, Im anxious to see how it turns out
Also, digital painting progress animation.
bomb suit?
anyhow, Love the crisp lineart on the first. the second one is kind of informative. Id love to see a video of you working sometime. Do you ever work in open canvus? If you do youll have to let me see an event file from you sometime
btw, I dont think I ever asked.. why does she use a shovel anywho?
Oh yeah. I completely forgot that OC has that function. I havent been using it so much because last time it was crashing suddenly for unknown reasons.
A shovel is one of the best multifunction melee weapons you can have.
"It's a foxy shovel that likes to dance"
haha, the wine glass turned into a cookie.
I lulz'd as well. -w-
It's been quite awhile hasn't it, Touhou Mindrape is a GO
Luize from Mystic Square only in her 'Stage 4 Mode
Uh, gussy?
....mindrape, indeed.
I totaly forgot about this thread, again.
But heres some doodles:
I don't quite understand how that top one is supposed to be a "doodle", or if the definitions of those somehow changed since last time I looked, because it looks fabulous. -w-
Other than that, what the hell it is supposed to be? And why is the second picture censored there...curious. -w-
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"I don't quite understand how that top one is supposed to be a "doodle",
I call it a "doodle" because the concept wasnt so good and I didnt use that much time on it in the end.
QuoteOther than that, what the hell it is supposed to be? And why is the second picture censored there...curious. -w-
Seen those Ketchup commercials with talking tomatos?
They make ketchup out of anthromorpic tomatoes!!
....actually...ok, I have.
"continuation" of that last doodle:
Those are some very awesome 'doodles'! I especially like your latest one!
Looks good...
But I can't stop laughing at the fact that her body looks like it's MOUNTED on a pair of...I dunno, TANK LEGS or something. Even for you, her thighs in this one are just a bit over the top.
Heh, I know...
ooooooooos cute img very nice
Added after 1 minutes:
im upload img now but, my internet is very slow and the pc off O___O
And some selfportrait.
Moar liek, GentleKITCHENGTFO, amirite? :V
Also, looking kinda SRS BIZNS thar, VonDaab.
I've been reading too much Golgo13.
Donmai. Also, gj. -w-
Donmai = Don't mind. Engrish, you speak it? ^^
Matter of fact, I dont.
Awesome... ;010
Somekind of continuation of that last pic.
LOL, yeah being big does have its downsides...:D
Northern version of IT'S A LION? In my car?
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Northern version of IT'S A LION? In my car?
More likely than you think.
Also. Obligatory megane joke.
Good artwork, sad girl...
i actually pety her, good job VonDaab... ;010
Oh wow, magical post #666.
Nice pirate you got thar -w-
LOL nice, and harsh, though... :D
Quote from: "Smokey"LOL nice, and harsh, though... :D
Eh, I hope you understand that it's just a joke and not a statement.
I dont hate it if someone has a bit of extra.
Otherwise you'd have shot yourself for your own drawings many times over, yan~ -w-
Yeah, true.
New one.
interesting... o_o;
Quote from: "VonDaab"Eh, I hope you understand that it's just a joke and not a statement.
I dont hate it if someone has a bit of extra.
sure i do, that's why i had lulz...
...WHAT is that, boy?
A triton or something?
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"...WHAT is that, boy?
A triton or something?
Well, not really.
I see you're not old enough to get the nostalgia rush and follow the megaman francise.
QuoteWell, not really.
I see you're not old enough to get the nostalgia rush and follow the megaman francise.
Yeah, I've noticed Nejin has this remarkable ability to make me feel old - you too, eh? What gets me is that I know he's not that much younger than me...
On topic, why is Mega Man a mermaid? Is this one of the many improvements I've heard about the new game? Seriously though, it looks great, although I still can't figure it out. IS a triton.
A Megaman Triton.
Dear me...
Crashes my browser.
I'll live in ignorance, i guess ->-
hey, btw... where are the cookies... this art deserves them...;010
Need I say more?
*bows to VonDaab*
btw, kick-ass avvi...;010
You know what I think would be cute? Chibi generic Mac-tan and chibi ninja vistan playing in a sandbox.
Sorry, someone told me they wanted to see that.
/r/? In my /OSC/?
It's more likely than you think.
Quote from: "Cockleshell"You know what I think would be cute? Chibi generic Mac-tan and chibi ninja vistan playing in a sandbox.
Sorry, someone told me they wanted to see that.
I could draw that!
guess you could, being an artist and all....
would be interesting to see, indeed... peace between rivals...
2009 is the year of the Cow.
oh, LOL...
she's happy and motivated, isn't she? :D
I doodled some GameBoy-tans.
I thought I'd show how far I had gotten before school and sleep ate up all my time:
Ilya's pretty much done. Sakura needs shading, and Rider only has her base colors down.
I'm so slow. ^^;;;
I'm amazed, VonDaab, at how you put these pics up so often. I couldn't do anything like that to save my life.
Although when I REALLY get into it, I lose all track of time and just go crazy with the doodling. Shading still takes me a while though. hah, and sometimes, I end up putting details that end up too being small to see anyway. XD;
Wow, your sakura frame is more like what I had intended when I was doing it, but I got lazy and wasnt sure how I wanted to draw the cherry trees. anyhow, looking forward to seeing the final thing.
I did a BarrelRoll
I loled, hard.
These are really just prototype sketches.
The Gameboy-tans are very cute, VonDaab!
I recognize Gameboy Pocket-tan and Gameboy Color-tan but who is the girl at the far right in the second picture? I especially like Gameboy Color-tan with her roadkill companion and crazed facial expressions! :D
And excellent progress on the Fate/Stay night pic, SleepyD! The background on Sakura's panel is my favorite especially because the background suits her perfectly!
Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"who is the girl at the far right in the second picture?
Now that's something to wonder about.
So far everyone has guessed GameGear. But no, its not GameGear.
Looking at the ears (and the number of batteries), I'm guessing that last one is Lynx-tan (Atari).
Also, good job, VonDaab, your "doodles" never cease to amaze me.
Yes! It's Lynx.
Be proud, you're smarter than the average DevianTart user.
Also, I Lol'd at your avatar.
Thanks, that's good to know, lol. Also thank you for being the first to comment on my humorous avatar, I know the text is really freaking small, but since when is a guy with underwear on his head not funny? I also can't take credit for it, sadly, I got it from a webcomic called HH (it's on JAST USA's website, funny as hell). Anyway, I should also mention that I lol'd at the short-bus'd Colors-tan.
Sweet, good art, good art...
But i have to say, a mate of mine has a lynx and they actually really pwned the GB series... so extra respect for drawing Lynx-sama...;010
Yeah... we can see how much it pwned the GB.. as the gameboy series was alive and well untill recenetly and its sucsessor is the top selling system, and I have only vuagly heard of the lynx.. more like a mythical beast that once existed. Very sucsessful indeed <_< not.
It doesnt matter how much more advanced a system is, hardware does not mean pwnage. I mean, look at the PS3.
Anyhow, back on topic... Im suffering a bit of an art block for random doodly stuff at the moment. Tho some insperation as been sparked at my new project in the restricted areas, maybe it will get me out of my art funk.
Captain-sama makes an excellent, if terrible, point. Human history is littered with tales of better technology being discarded because of superior marketing or economy. Beta tapes, Lynx, Amiga, PS3...
From a practical standpoint, Captain-sama is absolutely right.
That does not mean we need to like it, though, ne? ^.^
I am sorry to hear of your art funk, Captain-sama. I hope it clears up soon!
Without turning this into a discussion of console loyalties, it seems Nintendo has always known how to make more of less. Generally speaking, whenever Nintendo has opted to make a seemingly less powerful device, they've done extraordinarily well. Of course in the handheld market, it also helps that they made their devices actually portable ("handheld" is hardly an accurate description of the Lynx or Game Gear, unless of course, you're Yao Ming). Before anyone gets the idea I'm simply bashing here, truth be told, as a kid I always wanted the Sega Game Gear (or a GameBoy, but I really wanted to play Sonic) but never got one, so perhaps I'm just a bit bitter because of that :P.
On topic, we needs more doodly people.
yeah, you had good art....
but indeed maybe the new manga will spark some inspiration...
*dresses like a cheeleader and cheers captain on*
Oh, and Ian... (OT, i knooooow) a 19" wide, 2-3"thick, 15 pound laptop was also considered portable, so the lynx wasn't that bad, my friend has one with a nice carrying bag wich also holds about 20 games...
Big Lynx is XBOX.
the handheld that doesnt fit in your hands XD
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"the handheld that doesnt fit in your hands XD
In soviet russia, its your hands that dont fit on the handheld!
It just makes me chuckle when people complain about the PSP - kids don't know how good they have it.
"Well, when I was your age, a handheld with a color screen cost over $200, and it really wasn't a handheld, you had to position your hands like you were using a keyboard. Also, you had to get six AAs for it, and you'd go through those in a day. This was before those newfangled rechargables you gots now, it wasn't cheap!"
you just got old points...
Har... well I'm not MisterCat...
Heh, good art on the Lynx, i gotta show that to my mate, he'll appreciate that... ;010
And the PSP shows how far we've come, i have respect for that thing too, although i rarely use it... ^_^
Just more handheld doodlan...
isn't that an old Nintendo Game and Watch?
Respect for the nostalgia...;010
Yep that it is. Donkey Kong is the only G&W that I own that has survived these decades without any big damage. I got Parachute and DK jr. that work, but Parachute's screen isnt really allright and DK Jr.'s buttons are worn out.
Donkey Kong was probably my first videogame ever, remember playing it when I was 5 or something...
Heh, awesome...
I once saw a couple of 'em in a gameshop somewhere...
Good old times....
I doodl'd a Gameboy in Oekaki.
o_O the wonders of a tablet...
Some crappy selfportrait, for a change...
Also, Epic battle!
oh, yeah, you could link those gameboys...
Is it punday already?
Btw, why are they fightin'?
Quote from: "Cockleshell"Is it punday already?
QuoteBtw, why are they fightin'?
Well, you know how those Lv.100 Pokemon fights get out of control...
I can just imagine them using Glitch Pokémon and illegitimately-gotten Mews...
I think Punday comes after Caturday.
Indeed you're right, Alex.
Just don't use the dreaded missingno.
WTH is missingno?!
also, derailing slightly........
Quote from: "Smokey"WTH is missingno?!
also, derailing slightly........
It's one of the dozen Glitch pokemons.
Looks like a turd of pixels.
Quote from: "VonDaab"Looks like a turd of pixels.
That must have been painful.
Missingno. is harmless, except for screwing your Hall of Fame data over. The glitches to watch out for are 'M, which looks the same as Missingno., and any glitch obtained through the Extended Mew Trick, such as .4, h POKé, p T, and PokéWTrainer.
Anyway, the thread needs to get back on track.
My turn to post crappycrap art. Nyon.
The only thing I like about it is the clouds. MMM, wisps.
Good to see other people posting than just me.
I would have lot more to post, but I leave them dA exclusive, as I dont think theyre really appropriate for this site... or something.
So this is the only thing I can offer right now.
moar portrait, this time, me, da captain:
Drawn by Von Daab, not me. He technicly drew it off my Xbox Avatar but with a few differences to make it more like me, and honestly, it looks so close to me, not even funny ._. tho a few things are off, my hair is a bit longer, my frames are more squarish, but other then that its spot on! X3
oh, yeah... that is a very nice portrait...
but i may be predudiced, i´m a sucker for ties on a girl...
(not to offend VonDaab, but as a suggestion) ink, maybe...?
it was something he threw togeather for me, thats plenty good enough thanks.
well, it was just a suggestion...
that's also why i said i didn't want to offend anyone... i know how nice it is to get a portrat from someone...
i wish someone would make a portrait of me... [/mope]
Quote from: "Smokey"i wish someone would make a portrait of me... [/mope]
I dont see what you're aiming at...
Anyways, some work in progress of a drawing which I got bored at and hopefully get it finished tomorrow or some other day... maybe.
nothing, really...
just rambling... i was just wondering how a portrait of me would turn out...
So disregard that... and unfinished, how?
Quote from: "Smokey"unfinished, how?
Well, you know, shading, background and stuff...
ah, yes. Shading... but I do not deem a background critically essential....
But, then, I'm not the artist making that picture....
I updated that WIP image so you'll get the idea of the shading.
Backgrounds area always nice, they help lot in creating an atmosphere.
true enough, but if the background isn't done properly (not that i think you'd mess that up ^_^) it can ruin the whole image...
Alright, so its finished. I think...
Ah, nicely done...
Good background... ;010
Woo, latenightdoodles.
Dragon... nice...
Especially japanese dragons, they are cute... ^_^
did someone say dragons?
old drawing is very old:
OH SHIZNITS. Another dragon artist.
Awesome, btw...
Cool, dragon lifespan...
For some reason i love dragons...
Thar be dragons much?
Lulz'd. ^^
To all resident artists, challange time! complete this with one of your characters and post it!
eehm, huge pic....
but i agree with the exercise, though...
whoops, didnt relize it was so big XD removing image tags..
Oohh, this looks interesting.
Might try it....
Double post HA!
Here's some older, surprisingly site relevant art.
Quam(Q4) requested a -tan of his new 1.5TB external HDD.
Also, gimme a shout if this doesnt belong here, and I'll move them to the dirty cookies if needed.
This one's recent though.
Heh, Cool...
As for suitability, it's border;ine i think...
A terabyte....
-looks at her linux computer-
Oh jeez, someone needs to draw that.
Found this "oldie".
it seems they are smaller in that last one :p
LOL, what files, where? She's not even trying to look innocent :D... Wait a minute, i have over a terrabyte on my PC si it is related to my hardware aswell... ^_^
I still need to finish my XPS tan one I started long ago =_=
eh who am I kidding, thats never gonna get done =_=
Cool, Dell is sweet anyway... I loved their Poweredge servers...
Heh, looks nice. Bit technical though.
Anyone remember when I posted, really, really long time ago, in my noob days a drawing of my external HDD-tan Lacie?
So, here's a bit "refreshed" version of her.
Oh, Sweex -err- LaChie...:D
Damn, i'm starting to like these HDD-tans...
Lacie is XBOX size.
Also, enough spamming from me.
That's not spam, that's delicious cookies!!! ;010
Okay, last one then. Not Os-tan related though.
Delicious Watermelon!
oh gosh i lol'd
Hmmm Watermelon...... graaawaaahaaagh...
*drools like homer*
Srry, watching Simpsons...
Man so much of VonDaab's stuff is made of humor and WIN, lol.
Gyah, the height comparison and watermelon were so cute as well, haha.
Haha, thanks people.
It's great that theese bring a smile.
Shouldn't i be thanking you?
VonDaab=Great Fanservice
Quote from: "Smokey"Shouldn't i be thanking you?
No really, it's great to see that people enjoy my stuff.
Oh, in that case...
Cool, just keep em coming and i'll be happy ;010
New Cookie fresh from the oven.
I never thought that people could be so rough on their hard drives!
Your revamped Lacie-tan looks really cool, and uhh... really tall! :D
Great work as always! You're really on a roll, posting up lots of wonderful stuff! ;010
Hes onna roll, thats why he has butter on his pants!
Well, those were stuff that has been laying around some time. So they were posted in bit of a burst. I usually dont draw that quickly, heh.
Looks like she's hooked up to a Mac. >_>;
I read that as "posted in a bit of wurst".
Damn. How would that even work!?
Also GJ, vdb. -w-
A mac?
A wurst is fine too.
God grief, how bad do people manhandle their drives?
Mine is either sitting on a desk or in my laptop bag...never dropped it once, but it's making lots of hours....
A quick sketch of Von Daabs Bel
Whoa Capt, that's awesome.
Do like it a lot, thanks.
Bonus points for Bunnysuit.
Yeah, I dont know how he handles his drives, but hopefully he would learn to handle them better. My Lacie sits always stationary on my desk and only time it gets moved is when I got to wipe the dust off it, heh.
(I was speaking of the Wurst and where it should go, for obvious reasons. Oi, oi.)
And that's some finger-lickin' goodness right there, cap.
Also on the recent topic I request someone draw someone inside a bit of wurst. _W_
Isnt Dirty Cookies for that? people with some wurst in them, no wait...
You, you, vdb! It's the other way around, you!
Lulzworthy idea there, and yummie cookie there, captain... only, who's Bel? [/fail for not knowing]
Quote from: "VonDaab"
Yeah, I dont know how he handles his drives, but hopefully he would learn to handle them better. My Lacie sits always stationary on my desk and only time it gets moved is when I got to wipe the dust off it, heh.
Yeah my Lacie gets the same treatment >.<
Quote from: "Smokey"only, who's Bel? [/fail for not knowing]
It's one of my characters. The one with the pink hair.
Also, Western Digital external HDD.
Pretty coal, but what's with the outfit? Masked HDD? Is all the content on it hidden, or what? :)
No it's to add more coolness and WIN, because WD is the best there is... :D
I LOLed a couple of minutes over that one... :D
It's not that boring when you're crying over soap in a cut. owie...
LOL, Or when your electric razor thinks it's an epilator...
Hurts more in some places than others...
Quote from: "Smokey"LOL, Or when your electric razor thinks it's an epilator...
Hurts more in some places than others...
The reason I like the oldskool razor more. It also gets the job done much better.
yeah, but i'm lazy as hell when it comes to shaving...
Even better - POWERED oldschool razor. It's like an electric sword! >w<
Oh, i got one of those Braun Cruzer4's, great for shaving, trimming etc...
Quoteyeah, but i'm lazy as hell when it comes to shaving...
Me too, and it shows -__-;. Sometimes I'd just much prefer to not have facial hair, I mean it works for some people, but mine is just... blah. Normally when I shave I just trim with an electric and then finish it old-school, but shyah, nicks and bumps... I hates them >__<.
Anyway, on topic - another hilarious pic, VonDaab!
Well, i have to compliment you, VonDaab for bringing us pics wich spark such conversations... ;010
Hey, guys.
Art generally consists of literary works as well, right?
I'm more into that department, you want some, fresh from the oven?
Well if it says, "post art" i guess it's allright...
But i think i'm not the one to ask that stuff...
Eh well, the thread was ment for visual art, I would saggest creating a new thead for written works.
Then I'll do that...when I come home~ -w-
I was asked if I've ever drawn anything in vector...
This was the last thing I've drawn, and its from early '06.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure I havent posted this earlier. My memory fails me at moment...
O__O Wow, that's really impressive!
Given that I've only recently been frequenting this thread, I wouldn't know about anything from '06 (hmm, looking at my start date, I wasn't even a member then), but I can tell you that I haven't seen this before. So given that this one turned out so well, why'd you stop doing vector (that is, if you don't mind me asking)?
Eh, I stopped it because it started feeling more like programmin, than drawing. There's too much technical stuff involving vectoring.
Layer orders, fills, gradients, closed loops. All the endless tweaking. Eh, I dont have enough patience for vectors.
personaly I think more traditional art looks better anyways
Well, your usual art looks better than vector art, to be honest...
Quote from: "Smokey"Well, your usual art looks better than vector art, to be honest...
You got to remember that its a 3 years old drawing.
ah, yes... forgot about that...
But still if i read it right, and i like to think i did ^_^, traditional art is more fun anyways...
So what is the benefit of vector art anyways?
What are the benefits to vector art?!
BWAHAHAHAHA! You've got some learning to do! Gather around, everybody as I teach you the benefits of vector graphics!
1. Vector graphics are about precision, a benefit if you are looking for precision!
2. They can be resized to any size without any loss of quality! This is something I really like because in my hand-drawn sketches, something always turns out to be too big or too small but in the vectorized version, I can adjust the sizes to what I intended but couldn't draw on paper!
3. Efficiency: Shapes and combinations of shapes can be reused over and over in parts of a picture or even between several different pictures meaning less redrawing to do!
4. By manipulating paths, you color as you go!
5. Because of their sharp look, vector graphics are very good at replicating cartoony and anime art styles!
6. You can change the color (or add or remove the color) of an object without degrading its quality at all. The color of the outlines can be changed just as easily!
7. Mistakes are easier to fix: This is the main reason I switched to vector graphics. I screw up a lot and it was very tedious to try and fix my mistakes when hand-drawing pictures in Photoshop. At least now my screw-ups are easier and quicker to fix!
But of course vector graphics are not without their setbacks:
1. Blurring: It's possible (and easy to do) in Inkscape but it is very taxing on the CPU's performance.
2. Variable-width outlines are possible but difficult and tedious to do.
3. Cannot easily replicate a manga-style.
4. Not ideal if you AREN'T looking for precision, and prefer the hand-drawn look and feel.
But as with any art form, you have to take the drawbacks along with the benefits.
Aurora beat to me it... (thank you, you provided a much more thorough explanation)
Really, it seems that each one has its own advantages/disadvantages and really whether one is good or bad is more dependent on what you're seeking to accomplish. At the end of the day it all comes down to what you're more comfortable with and what exactly do you want out of it.
To put things in perspective it's kind of like programming languages. For example, people will often complain that one programming language is too bloated, but on the other hand this other programming language is too limited. Things are generally this way because certain languages are just better at writing complicated programs, and then other simpler languages are much better for writing scripts and extensions that the program can use. At least this is the way that I see things.
hmm, i guess i should give vector art a shot then... see how bad i am at that... ^_^
Can't hurt, former forum regular, C-Chan, has a beginner's guide .pdf around here somewhere O__o? I have it on my computer as well if you'd like me to just send it to you (but I do know it's still here in the forum if you don't mind google searching this page).
Here's the thread (
Here's some even older vector arts from me. Yeah, I know "eyes bleeding and stuff".
These are from early '05. Also, there's something special with these, as these have been made on an old Mac Performa 5xxx and with its ancient Macromedia Freehand.
Hmm, now that I think about it... I think I colored these in Photoshop...
What a crappy memory I have.
Those are still very good! :D
My artwork from 2005 on the other hand... well consider yourselves lucky you haven't seen them!
I don't think I have produced coloured artwork in years... XD. Ive never sketched something, scanned it and then coloured it either.. heh. I do have a few random sketches that I could maybe post at some point... they are old though..and not full body pics...
There is a custom fire emblem character I made quite some time ago..
Anywhoo... Thanks or the pointer to the tuts...
Interesting you used cyan hair for your earlier works thar, vdb. Reasons or something, or just randomness? -w-
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Interesting you used cyan hair for your earlier works thar, vdb. Reasons or something, or just randomness? -w-
Wait a couple of years and I'll be using only Yellow, or Keytone...
Eh, I dont know the reason why those happen to have cyan hair.
Quote from: "VonDaab"Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Interesting you used cyan hair for your earlier works thar, vdb. Reasons or something, or just randomness? -w-
Wait a couple of years and I'll be using only Yellow, or Keytone...
Eh, I dont know the reason why those happen to have cyan hair.
Coincidence?? Or is it O.O! DUN DUN DUN!
Oh shoot, that's hot.
Yes, yes... Strange gun however...Barrel sawn off?
Looks good! I especially like the armor.
Quote from: "Smokey"Yes, yes... Strange gun however...Barrel sawn off?
Nope. It's a Stey MP34.
QuoteNope. It's a Stey MP34.
That's some advanced file format you've got thar, mah boi!
Oh, cool...You nailed it... Too bad she's pointing it to the right, mag's on the other side... ^_^
Awesome Von Daab, tho as cool as it looks just goes to show how much the helmet really makes the protect gear stick out,
I guess there's no helmet because it would cover too much of her face... (i'm thinking riot gear here, with a full faced helmet)
shes wearing protect gear from jin roh...
Oh, cool... but that helmet reminds me of a WWII Axis helmet... mixed with star wars darth vader a bit...
Mamoru Ooshii seems to have a thing for WW2-era weaponry and gear.
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"shes wearing protect gear from jin roh...
My first thought:
Looked like a MG32 gunner from MOH Airborne to me... ^_^
Quote from: "Smokey"Looked like a MG32 gunner from MOH Airborne to me... ^_^
I think you mean MG42?
Eh, "colored" it.
Eehm yes... The Spandau... Fear of the allied forces...
Quote from: "Smokey"Eehm yes... The Spandau... Fear of the allied forces...
No no, Spandau is the MG08 from WW1.
Sigh... Smokey... you need to work on your gun knowledge.
Also. Screenshots!
Sigh, too...
Quote from: "Wikipedia"The gun was sometimes called "Spandau" by British troops from the manufacturer's plates noting the district of Berlin where some were produced, much like the Germans' own World War I Maschinengewehr 08 had been nicknamed.
Also, nice work, there... (necktie ^_^)
Nice acrobat. -w-
Got the drawing urge the other day.. Here's some of what i sketched.
Aaah, decapitation!!!! :D
Seriously though, it does kinda look her cap is about to fall off...
Anyways, far better than i can draw... ;010
Ya the cap is supposed to be kinda on the side of her head (like a pic i saw recently). Id say I did alright for not drawing in over a year though XD.. Still suck at hands and feet though lol.
Quote from: "Smokey"Aaah, decapitation!!!! :D
x_o where...
Nice work, tons tons tons better than what I could do.
phht, hellgast are rip offs of the protect gear
Meh, too lazy for proper coloring.
Hell's bells, for this thread that's proper enough, lawl.
I Liek.
Likes too, but what's not proper about that coloring?
Quote from: "Smokey"Likes too, but what's not proper about that coloring?
Lacks shading.
Oh, right... Didn't even notice that... ^_^
Smokey! Train yourself, you, you!
*hauls up hueg locomotive* (
Added after 26 seconds:
oh hay guys guess who got better.
For real, Toki, that some really nice work you did there, I'm impressed. I think this is the first time I've seen you post in this thread (though I'm sure it's not the first time you posted).
Errr... I'm really, really wanting to draw some stuff for this thread now...
Eh i dont think shes posted her art before, but I have :p Her art I mean.
Anyhow, nice improvement there. Much crisper, tho I kinda miss how you had your hair colored before..
and awesome action bunny there von daab.
Less pencil, more pastel, huh. -w-
I liek, Toki. I liek.
Just watch out for cockles -w-
I SEE SKILLS. -chews on the skills- Teach me teach me.. I'm stuck on drawing dragons! I need INSPIRATION SOMEONE GIVE IT TO ME
Sorry, sorry... Just got up and drinking my SHOCK coffee.
Draw The Burninator, then.
He was a dragon-man, or maybe just a dragon, after all.
Eehm, what can i say, Toki...
I has teh MOE, so it is goooood.... ^_^
@VonDaab: Once again I've fallen way behind in this thread but great work with your last two pictures! Your latest one makes your character look really kick*** and I'm awestruck by your picture before that too! (Heheheh... I could never draw guns or body armor! x__x)
And of course I really like your "shaving is boring" picture. There's just something about that pic that made me really laugh!
@Hicamajig: Nice work! You just need to put the head and body together! ^^; I'm happy to see another artist posting up their work!
@Toki: That's a major improvement,! ;010
The original is still good and I liked the multicolored hair in that version but I really like the sharper and more vibrant look of the new version, most notably in the more detailed eyes and defined frills. Great job!
Sankyu evury one ^-^ I have posted here before, but it was waaaay back when I first joined.
That character is based on me, and my hair isn't three colors anymore >.>;; Plus like that it's difficult to colors. But I dunnnoooo.
You had multi-coloured hair???
I thought everyone knew I had lotsa colored hair all the time... o.o
waaah so long ago.
Gradient hair in minamike~ -w-
Heh, thats cute.
Here's some tech support cat.
Also, dunno lol:
Aww kittens ^__^
QuoteI thought everyone knew I had lotsa colored hair all the time... o.o
Wow, incredibly accurate self-drawing Toki. The pic is too cute.
QuoteAlso, dunno lol:
Suggestive much? ^.^ Having somewhat regular contributions from you
and Toki is just too awesome. We're not worthy. *kow-tows repeatedly*
* hides face * it's the only picture I got before I cut my hair.
*freezes due to moe~ overload*
And VonDaab, cool... You are now officially the guns-n-chicks master... ;010
Sniper Rifle, big boobs?
You've taken liking of MisterCat's type of girls, have you. -w-
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Sniper Rifle, big boobs?
You've taken liking of MisterCat's type of girls, have you. -w-
Uh oh...
No, more like the terrifying thought of mistercat...
heh, LOL
Okay, completely awful anatomy, seriously. But atleast I got something done...
I dont even know what kind of or who this character is...
lulz, did someone hire you to do PSAs, VonDaab? Great work, keep in mind, I happen to like the way you draw thighs.
Umu. Simply put they're quite a bunch more realistic than most allow their drawings to be.
(and those girls with stick-width hips and large packages can just gtfo, rly)
Well, I meant the wonky legs and feet that I couldnt be arsed to figure out correctly.
Nah, nah. That's just refraining from drawing the details. And you sketch stuff, so it'sa ok. -w-
Public Service Announcements
I know you've done other images that seem to fit that kind of description, but the only that occurs to me is "Shaving is Boring".
Well, I did study some years Graphical Design and Media, so maybe its lurking somewhere deep in my mind and occasionally sticks out in form of drawings?
Yeah, your captions always seem to be very accurate statements/advisories, ^.^.
That pic is sweet... LOL
I was bored so I doodled a few pics in Kid Pix:
Suweeet~... Reminds me of the good ol' 486-era...
So yeah the other day I posted something in here to the effect of "I'm gonna post some artwork". So Saturday night, with nothing else to do but watch the snow (which actually wouldn't have been that bad), I decided to get out my sketch pad and do a doodle. It's a self portrait because that seemed to be the easiest thing for me to do. I used to draw stuff all the time in my early teens, and one thing I realized right away - I suck at drawing women. In general I'd say I'm not very good at all, but my women always came out looking very masculine (not my intention). Anyway, without further attempts to save my own ego...
( (
Gah, it looks even worse than it did on the sketchpad >__<. I should also point out that on top of the errors in perspective and proportion, it's lacking facial hair, which I have (although I'd prefer not to, but "Shaving is Boring").
lol @ IanDanKilmaster's sig. But does it have the Dagon antivirus system and the Hydra media player? ;061
Cool, and eet eez on ze internetz now, so ve have seen eet and vill remember eet... ^_^
But don't worry, if it ever comes to me posting a doodle all users will die and the server will melt.... (something like that, or i will just be banned for raeping art ^_^)
gasp. I actually have something to contribute.
Link cause it's hyooooge
i don't think it's too big to post here...
everything 1024x768 and smaller is accepted...
Nice drawing though, dragons are impressive...
Nice dragon.
I realized that I've never tried drawing 3.1-sama.
Oh, also:
It was only a matter of time for this to be made.
Quotelol @ IanDanKilmaster's sig. But does it have the Dagon antivirus system and the Hydra media player?
QuoteCool, and eet eez on ze internetz now, so ve have seen eet and vill remember eet...
But don't worry, if it ever comes to me posting a doodle all users will die and the server will melt.... (something like that, or i will just be banned for raeping art )
Thank you... I think...^.^;
Quotegasp. I actually have something to contribute.
Link cause it's hyooooge
Great job, but if you're worried about posting heug pics, you can use picamataic ( The code they give for forums actually includes a thumbnail (like my pic on the last page).
QuoteI realized that I've never tried drawing 3.1-sama.
Yet another set of great drawings, VonDaab, but 3.1-sama looks really pissed and she has a gun ( oh noes ;__; ).
3.1-tan is really cool and so are assault rifles. Put them together and you've got a picture of EPIC WIN!! ;019
The Megurine Luka octopus thingy is cute too and I've seen several pics of it, but it still makes me think "WTF?!" to this day 0_o
It's a small miracle Cappie didn't storm in, drooling over that 3.1... :D
But good art, like the cute gun... ^_^
X3 I like bel even more now :p that is just too adorable!
I like the 3.1sama one too, tho the face makes her look kinda like alice cosplaying... :p tho... concidering how old school she is, shouldnt she have a nice M16 A1, rather then that nice high end modern stub nose M4? ;p maybe even old, like a M14 or M1grand... I love the little windows symbol eched above the magazine
Yeah, nice detail, that logo... ;010
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"X3 I like bel even more now :p that is just too adorable!
Heh, so you identified it as Bel and not as Takoluka, like the others seems to do.
QuoteI like the 3.1sama one too, tho the face makes her look kinda like alice cosplaying... :p tho... concidering how old school she is, shouldnt she have a nice M16 A1, rather then that nice high end modern stub nose M4? ;p maybe even old, like a M14 or M1grand... I love the little windows symbol eched above the magazine
Yeah, didnt really put any thought on the weapon, just drew something out of my mind. Hell, 3.1-sama should atleast have a M1903 Springfield rifle or something... Maybe blackpowder rifle like old Mauser or Vetterli?
Yeah, I need to work on her face if I'm gonna draw more of her...
Come on guys, at least give her something Japanese... Like a Type 100 ( or so...
Ewww, no thanks.
I'd rather fling the ammuniton with my bare hands than use that turd.
Added after 3 hours 28 minutes:
I'm bit out of ideas right now. So here's some Combat Weiner.
Anti-tank dog?
waah I'm always at school or babysitting when I have internet so I can't draw even though I see things that are inspiring :<
*pets* insperation is everywhere, not just on the internet
I am usually at school or babysitting though. When I am not, I'm probably sleeping. Or drawing if I can... but probably sleeping.
Phht if you have time to sleep you have time to draw! X3
._. don't make me want to stab you. I don't like wanting to stabs peoples. But I want to do alot of it lately.
I was just playing wif you babe X3 *pets* its just something my gunny used to say to me alot that always pissed me off
I don't really mind ;__; * crawls under teh rocks *
To this day I avoid using the excuse I didnt have time, even if i didnt =_= not having time is not an excuse in the military
I'm not in the military, I'm just a little girl. <_<
>_> i know, thats why I was joking... I obviously know you need to sleep
Toki apparently doesn't realize how fun it is to tease her. XD
Heh, so OT suddenly...
VonDaab post without relevant doodle??
Anyway, hey VonDaab, how'ya doing?
Quote from: "Smokey"Anyway, hey VonDaab, how'ya doing?
Eh, dunno. Feeling lazy as usual.
Here's something completely different.
any chance you've caught the flu, vondaab?
I'm too ugly and stupid to a catch flu.
Nuh uh ;_; VonDaab has a beautiful personality and is very smart. I don't know how you look but I'm sure you're not ugly.
Haha, right. I look like the usual basement dweller.
But anyways. Here's some doodly, colors maybe tomorrow, or someday.
I am a basement dweller and people tell me I'm pretty cute.
Yes, but puberty hits usually pretty hard on the male-type of human thingie critters. Well, except Neijin...
Neijin doesn't count he's not human. Mou!
I am really excited I have something to show everyone ^__^
And what do you have to show us?
I have to finish one and start the other. And then I have to borrow my freinds flash drive so I can transfer it from my internetless computer to a internetful one. It's tedious process but I care about everyone here very much so I want to share anyway!
QuoteYes, but puberty hits usually pretty hard on the male-type of human thingie critters.
Yeah, pubescence is a bitch, like the transformation sequence in
American Werewolf in London.
QuoteI have to finish one and start the other. And then I have to borrow my freinds flash drive so I can transfer it from my internetless computer to a internetful one. It's tedious process but I care about everyone here very much so I want to share anyway!
Thank you, that's much appreciated.
btw. Awesome Dr. Mario pics, VonDaab, brings back memories...
thanks VonDaab, now i think you look like Hyde from That '70s Show...
Quote from: "Smokey"thanks VonDaab, now i think you look like Hyde from That '70s Show...
Whoa, wait... what?
Btw, that first Dr.Mario pic was inspired by this commercial:
O_O freaky...
QuoteYes, but puberty hits usually pretty hard on the male-type of human thingie critters. Well, except Nejin...
Hey, puberty didn't hit me like that. I gave it an angry stare when it came, so it said like, "Just gonna leave this here" and dropped all the goods. I ditched the voice fuckups, the pimples and the general nuisances, and grabbed myself a DEEP voice while still keeping my HIGH voice, my fair share of testosterone and some extra FABULOUS with that. Fuckdamn, I don't think I ever saw a pimple anywhere on me. That's so awesome it's almost scary.
The price was pretty much all my sanity, mental bounds, restrictions and some hard-coded shit, but in hindsight it was a pretty good deal. (Well, excluding 8th grade. The hormones, man, I was pretty much RAGE all the time back then lol)
Puberty made me into a mobster, you could buy anything off me, loan money and get even with people, just give me a sign...
I havn't changed a bit... I reached age eight and just stopped... o.o;;
No zits, but also no boobs. No voice change, no height change.. >.>; However I did kinda look like a tiny Angelina Jolie back when I was like thirteen o__O I was always pissed off so I think that made my mouth look bigger from the excessive pouting.
so cute ; _ ;
also straying from topic.. we need moar art
On the OT, as a guy, I was always teased for having massive lips. Those who were actually musically inclined would make fun of me by calling me Mick Jagger. Everyone else would just call me "Mouth of the South", but that was also because I talked very loudly.
On topic, I made another drawing, but I've been hesitant to post because I'm so bad. Anyway, it's inspired by one of my favorite movies and it's of one of my favorite actors. A doughnut (or cookie, as it were) to anyone who can figure out where it's supposed to be from, because it's really not all that good and it's also not one of the well-known scenes.
( (
Apparently, my ass is superior to Jennifer Lopez'.
So far, I haven't heard her opinion on this, but it's from a trusted source, so I'll let it hang.
I seriously never thought of that until the guys (that is, the MALES) in my class started going all "DAT ASS", and now some of them just randomly grab it in the corridor. And somehow I feel it's just too stupid to care about, so I'm all, "meh".
I dunno if this is good or bad. -w-;
Maybe they like big butts and they cannot lie, all you others cannot deny!
Maybe so. Because I'm not THAT feminine just everyday...maybe I am without realizing? Damn. But THESE EYEBROWS prevent that, I guess it's good for me I've got something masculine. Fuckdamn, just realized I'm plenty masculine beneath all layers of fabric but with any kind of clothing on that decreases by several thirds! O_o
I'll just mimic Toki.
I'm seeing double?
Thanks for telling me that they both look the same, even if the other drawing is 2years older...
Wow! NT-tan looks absolutely adorable in the revamped version! :010
NONOON i meant the one on the right is lots better xD
Niice...looks more crisp...
I rewatched a certain movie, for great justice.
Judge Dredd?
I drew Raul without reference, so his look is bit off...
but, the movie? that was judge dredd?
I'm a bit confused nao...
No, it's not Judge Dredd.
Didnt you read my last post?
Sure it's an awful movie, but who wouldn't be able to recognize M. Bison (or Vega, depending on your region) from Street Fighter? Even if you haven't seen the movie, it still looks like he does in the game... srsly. Anyway, great job again VonDaab and yet another reference that I am the only one to understand. Two of a breed, eh?
Oooh... sorry, i totally got mixed up...and i've seen street fighter as well, go figure...
Dedicating my 666th post to this thread
Nice portrait, vondaab.
Congrats for your demonic achievement.
Here's some wip.
Also a completly random character design.
Oh and also, behold! Mutant kitty!
Demons, you say?
Oh, and is that some virus you've got thar?
I don't know how you do it, but you draw the best girls...
Moar random doodlin
Makes your butt look fat, lol.
Awesome as always~
LOLrd t the pocket watch... this page is finally filling up with good art, here... ;010
*head explodes from the VonAwesomeness*
DanKillmaster: Sorry to notice your drawing first now, there was lot of discussion about gay buttocks, so I hastly skipped them.
But is that drawing from The Shining?
Eh, I'm not good at drawing real people without reference. But this is my try at 'ol Jack.
Heeeere's Danny!
QuoteMoar random doodlin
Another brilliant one, VonDaab. Inserting those funny little comments always seems to make it that much better ^^.
I don't know what to say. It's incredibly cute, but at the same time I'm not sure if I get what's going on, lol. Still another example of how your attention to detail keeps improving, you can even see some detail in the face of the chronometer... that's cool.
QuoteDanKillmaster: Sorry to notice your drawing first now, there was lot of discussion about gay buttocks, so I hastly skipped them.
But is that drawing from The Shining?
Yeah, I could see how that would be a bit distracting, but yeah it's Jack from the Shining. Here's your cookie.
( (
Added after VonDaab's edit: That is waaaay better than mine... for me it was a bitch getting his hair to do right, but you've nailed it. I think you also did a really good job of capturing his crazy look. Originally I had wanted to draw the scene where Jack is chasing after Danny with his axe in hand, but that probably would've ended up looking worse than the one I did draw (and I couldn't find a reference pic for that one either). Also, while I don't know if it's been done before, I wanted to use the "All work and no play" as a background, but I was too lazy to actually print (by hand) all that typeface. -__-; Anyway, this picture has instantly become one of my favorites - good job.
Ooh, cookie! OM NOM NOM.
... huh? tastes bit like paper...
Thanks for the compliments.
Heh, I find it slightly amusing for you to call that watch a "chronometer".
(dont mind. profession inside joke)
What I've learnt with these years of drawing, that to learn drawing good "charicatures" of people, you need to put attention on the parts on the people that make them unique looking. As example with Mr. Nicholson, his receeding hairline and eyebrows were his trademark look back in the days.
Oh, and here's some more doodle.
LOL, yeah i would get tired of it too if i were clinging to a watch for a couple of hours ^_^
SRTSPLOSION! guess your not feeling lazys no moar. Great stuff this, especialy the fat butt one >:3
Well, still lazy enough for all the stuff being just sketches.
Which comes to a question. I seem to be spamming pretty lot this thread with these sketches.... Should I limit the posting only to more finished work, or are you people really interested in these sketches?
I dunno about the other guys but I really enjoy the sketches.
oh wow, you nailed that japanese horse archer...
But this is a bit different than your normal sketches... ^_^
Scanned pencil-and-paper sketches - I like.
As for my vote - keep all your sketches comin' VonDaab!
Seriously guys...
You got a pretty bad taste for art.
Also Smokey... Of course its different if its eons old!
But that doesnt mean my style wouldnt be flexible.
Gah, I just want to see more of your scans - are there any of them that you like?
thats the thing with artists, even if we like something we drew when we drew it, its not likely it will stay that way for long.
Well, all of my paper drawn stuff is kinda old.
And drawn during class at school. These ones are from the electronics class last year.
I'm afraid they make less sense as my usual digital stuff...
is dad sum GORDAAAN?!
Dat it is.
And he got his trusty crowbar, equipped with a scope for maximum accuracy.
XD I love the Gordon Freeman caricature, too... it's awesome.
Heh, glad you like it.
Here's one from couple days ago, I kinda forgot about it...
Also, epic masterpiece tiem!
Who's the sketch girl at bottom left?
Looks inturrestan.
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Who's the sketch girl at bottom left?
Looks inturrestan.
The one with the Lazor claws?
Its my interpretation of Rika from Phantasy Star IV.
But that was a game of the Genesis. Long time ago when I was a wee child...
And...that fruit bowl...HOW old is that, exactly? Are we talking decades here?
Oh, sweet... Too bad that Gordon caricature is small, i know someone who would love that... :D
And yes, an artist is it's own worst critic...
QuoteAnd...that fruit bowl...HOW old is that, exactly? Are we talking decades here?
I can make it out as being dated this month 1997...
I feel old...
Just to keep it on topic.
Oh, i Lole- wait a minute, that pic looks familiar!
Yeah, srsly *refrains from posting "srsly pic* i think i saw that one some time earlier, way-back-earlier, but still...
I think you need to get your eyes checked. Because I made that pic only a couple of hours ago.
then this must be a real doozey of a deja-vu...
well, then at least your art also works in mysterious ways... ^_^
Cus the forum needs moar of him, NO EXCEPTIONS
Added after 52 seconds:
also cus von daab said he felt weird being the only one posting in free cookies
Wow, another great pic of ol' Jack. I have to agree the forum definitely needs MOAR NICHOLSON! Might I recommend the Joker, eh?
This is just too awesome for words.
You are posting up so much winnage, VonDaab! ;010 ;010
And thank you for sharing your very old drawings too. Even then they were still good, especially that archery pic!
The bunny girl with the pancake on her head is so cute and I really like her facial expression! :D
I remember back in 2004 when I thought my drawings were awesome and I was going to keep my art style, now I can't possibly look back on anything of mine made before 2007! ^^;
Fantastic work too, Captain! Though I'm not sure which Jack that is. I'm guessing Jack Bauer from "24"? He certainly has that tough "Dont f*** with me or I will kill you" look!
It's actually actor Jack Nicholson (we have a theme going here) with his signature "I just fucked a hot actress" look, lol.
Haha, awesome Jack is awesome.
Lot better resemblance than my version.
eh well I worked with reference, you said you didnt. You win.
Added after 58 seconds:
who would not have thought M. Bison and Jack Nicholeson were so obscure no one would recognize them :p
Jack Nicholson, one of the few great actors still active... good one...
Also the whole
Quotei drew raul without reference
confused me, if he hadn't said that i wouldn't have thought of Raul...
And besides everyone knows ol' Jack...
I tried something new.
Hmm, the thick lines make it rough but well defined... It's a bit strange, but then in a good way...
Hey, dude! For once there's a genuinely happy-looking character there! Rarity, boy. Lookin' good!
That was it, i couldn't quite put my finger on it... ^_^
Happy, you say?
LOL, could make a nice avatar if it was a tiny bit smaller... ^_^
VonDaab do you take requests?
Quote from: "hicamajig"VonDaab do you take requests?
If it's good enough, then I might.
Oh, I was just wondering if you could draw Maya Shidow from Phantasy Star universe/portable.
Oh PSU... how I did NOT waste hundreds of hours playing you like I did with your predecessor...
Awesome! :D Ya I'm currently racking up the hours on phantasy star portable at the moment >.<
Just a random doodle. Cant get anything decent done today.
From the look in her eyes, you can tell she's gonna pluck some neckhairs... ^_^
Neck... hairs?
she has a look in her eyes that tell me she is going to do something painful...with those tweezers...
Am I that bad at drawing that you wont notice that she's already holding something in her tweezers....
Ah, no i'm just that dense that i hadn't noticed that... srry...
Happy Pi Day everybody! (
(link goes to my newly-posted picture celebrating Pi Day!)
Oh you. -w-
How bout some good ol' "JUSTIN BAILEY"?
That looks like...a really bad...samus cosplay.
Or something. I don't even want to know.
I've been working on a "new" character. Yet to figure out a good name and stuff. But here is some concept doodles.
Also color one.
She's meant to be a somesort of a "housekeeping boss" of a big mansion.
You know, maids and shit. Awesome stuff.
Yea, epic stuff here...
Loved the "kids and their modern games" one
Good attitude aswell... ^_^
She def seems like shed make a good housekeeper, she has that whole loving caring vibe to her.
Quote from: "hicamajig"she has that whole loving caring vibe to her.
Obviously, of course.
No really, I dont know where you're getting that from...
Well, she does look like the person who's harsh on the outside but has a hart of gold...
Quote from: "Smokey"Well, she does look like the person who's harsh on the outside but has a hart of gold...
I've decided on her name.
This is Antonie.
I like her! She's cute, tough and great at wielding large guns! :D
Well, thats good.
Now, lets learn some biology.
European Garden Spider (Araneus diadematus)
I'm liking the monstergirl there.
Poor girl, you tore off 4 arms/legs...
You evil spider-molester, you...
BTW, nice gun... Lokks like a .50Cal... ^_^
It was a very boring day at school...
So I grabbed a ballpoint and some paper.
Is that Raven, from Metal Gear Solid?...
And a Thompson M1A1?
And a scene from Return to castle wolfenstein?
It must've been boring indeed at school to doodle so much on one piece of paper... ^_^
Haha I do enjoy your doodles. What do you go to school for?
Quote from: "hicamajig"Haha I do enjoy your doodles. What do you go to school for?
I thought it was already obvious...
QuoteIs that Raven, from Metal Gear Solid?...
Well that certainly resembles his minigun, but the character wielding it looks a might too feminine and petite to be Vulcan Raven ^.^ .
True but i didn't refer to the girl holding it... ^_^
And i think VonDaab is following a surgical education... :P
Art, right?
Quote from: "Smokey"And i think VonDaab is following a surgical education... :P
Art, right?
Nope. I did study 3 years of Graphical Design. But now I'm in a completely different school.
Something to keep this on topic.
LOL, i immediately thought "airforce girl"...
Don't mind me, although i do get a sudden urge to color her and apply rank and dutch badging... :D
Quote from: "Smokey"Don't mind me, although i do get a sudden urge to color her and apply rank and dutch badging... :D
Well, go ahead and do that if you want. I dont mind.
*remembers what software there is on the PC*
Damn, i need to reinstall Photoshop...
*goes to find photoshop disc*
*saves image for coloring*
Cool.... ^_^
And btw, the thing on her wrist is what you're looking for, smokeyboy.
Sorry to take this OT, but I think Smokey gave me the perfect opportunity for a segue. That is, do we have any professional (or at least, good amateur) colorists on this forum? I ask because not only does Capt-sama need some for a contest, but I also know of an artist who is looking for one to pay. Gah, I hate to sound like I'm advertising - I'm just a little worried because I haven't seen many who profess to be "colorists" or anything like that.
Sorry I have no crappy art to post to keep this on topic -__-; .
Well, i'm going to be very busy (if i have a bit of luck) for the next year-and-a-half or so...
Plus i don't think i'm that good... ^_^
Eh, some videogame "fanart".
( that the one from Mario...?
Not that I'd know...
But you said videogames, so I guessed...then what's it from, eh?
Resident evil...
No, not RE either...
Here's some work in progress or something.
Colors later, maybe.
Ahem.... funny though a bit eehm, well funny... ^_^
Okay, let us see if I can correctly guess what VonDaab has doodled for us here - is that Alura Une from Aria of Sorrow? I'm assuming she's stuck or something?
EDIT: btw, good work on the Lynx/Gameboy-tan WIP - your portable-tans are really amusing... and the older ones exceptionally busty ^^.
Quote from: "IanDanKilmaster"is that Alura Une from Aria of Sorrow?
EDIT: btw, good work on the Lynx/Gameboy-tan WIP - your portable-tans are really amusing... and the older ones exceptionally busty ^^.
That is correct. It is an Alura Une.
Yeah, they're sort of busty, as the Lynx had superior graphics to any portable console of its time AND ate a sick amount of batteries.
Old GameBoy then again is because she's kinda the mother of whole Game Boy line and she wasnt that sparing on the battery side either. Sort of a "mother character" bit like NT-san.
Also the old GB's were hueg. -w-
Tell me about it. Compare an original GB to a GBA. Nuff said.
Just guessing here, but they haven't shrunk that hard...
*looks hard at his GBC and GBA*
Yeah, they the original GBA is just slightly slimmer. Funny is that the fat DS and PSP-1000 are pretty much both old GB sized.
But neij, you dont seem to even know how hueg Atari Lynx is...
See below image.
Also, some doodlan to keep this on topic.
Something about that picture makes me want to pick her up and give her a hug. D:
And something about that above picture makes me wanna go planetstomping that damn iPhone. -w-
Yeah she does look a bit lonely...
Quote from: "Cockleshell"Something about that picture makes me want to pick her up and give her a hug. D:
A serie of completly pointless doodles.
Wat? thousandth post of this thread?
Also, nice jawb. Gives one an awful lot of flashbacks to an awful lot of animu Akikan 10, for example. Lawl.
Lol VonDaab you never cease to lighten my mood XD.
On a side note....
WHAT ONE THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, good to see the 1000th post was indeed art (although a discussion/comment about art would've sufficed aswell) and not OT rambling... ^_^
BTW VonDaab, you should get bored more often and doodle randomly, those moments produce fun art... ^_^
I realized that its been 10 days since I last time drew a bunny.
And that's terrible. So here's some remedy.
Yes, I'm lazy, so lineart only.
eehm... eehm...
Damn! lookin' good... ;010
Moar bunny. Now with some important looking crap as spacefiller poop.
hehe, lovable as always, but-eehm, is she holding that watch so she can swing it?
I'm late, so late, so very very late...
She's gonna whack you with a watch XD
Tick. Tack. Be warned. Your current, tick, debt exceeds two thirds of your expected lifetime. Tack.
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Tick. Tack. Be warned. Your current, tick, debt exceeds two thirds of your expected lifetime. Tack.
Anyways.... Here, some Sega GameGear prototype sketch. What do you think?
Yay! More of VonDaab's bunnygirls! In the last bunnygirl pic, it looks like when she's not serving drinks at a nightclub, she's ready to serve some whoop-*** on somebody! It's not that I've ever been hit been hit on the head by a pocketwatch but I imagine that one of those could make for a pretty good improvised melee weapon! :)
Sega GameGear-tan looks very cute yet very tough! I like her design! ;010
Yep, like one of those tough girls i haven't seen since a year or 6-7...
Good art, makes me think of them good ol' days...
I seriously dont think a pocketwatch would make a good improvised weapon, especially if you dont want a yellin from the watchmaker you send it for repairs.
true, you're better off using your keys...Especially if you have a lot of em hanging on a carabiner like i have...
Also, I tried to give GameGear-tan a sort of a "badass" look.
The way they were markettin it in the US, GameGear was the console of the "cool kids".
"The Sega Game Gear: Separates the men from the boys."
That slogan could only mean that the GG-tan should be toughter than steel... or something. So I made her be a Yakuza-like motorbike gang leader. She would be that at nighttime. Gotta figure out what she would be like on daytime.
Bike gang name would be AzureHedgehogs, for obvious reasons.
Nice, me lieks...
From the times they still were best friends.
Wait, wut?! they were friends?!
Yep, before the fight that started in '89 and '90.
I didn't know that the GameGear and Lynx were around for that long!
Obviously, that picture is from before the consoles were released. As like in, before they got into "working career".
Lynx is only 5 months younger than the GameBoy that was released in early 1989, and Gamegear was released in late 1990.
QuoteI seriously dont think a pocketwatch would make a good improvised weapon, especially if you dont want a yellin from the watchmaker you send it for repairs.
Weird really, that that's the first place peoples' minds go. Does everyone here have some repressed violent tendencies?
QuoteThe way they were markettin it in the US, GameGear was the console of the "cool kids".
Yeah, I remember that, and that always seemed to be Sega of America's shtick. I remember the Genesis, Saturn, and Dreamcast being marketed the same way - forget Sega CD, I don't even think they bothered to advertise it, at least not on the same scale as the others. Still, as a kid, I actually bought in to all of that hype, but it's funny how a trip to a retro game store can make you realize how silly that was.
QuoteThat slogan could only mean that the GG-tan should be toughter than steel... or something. So I made her be a Yakuza-like motorbike gang leader. She would be that at nighttime. Gotta figure out what she would be like on daytime.
Bike gang name would be AzureHedgehogs, for obvious reasons.
I was really looking forward to seeing you design a GG-tan, and now that I see it, I'm not disappointed - I'm really digging the whole gang vibe.
Now in monochromatic form!
Good thing that the GG-tan design wasn't a dissapointment. The idea was bit spontaneous though...
Well, she does look "Sega" all the way... Boy, if Williams (friend of mine) consoles turned into tans, his Megadrive would look exactly like GG-tan... Because he now mostly uses his Whee and NES 8bit...
Lynx back in the days, in her combat dress.
Cool, never saw her in technicolor before... ;010
Oh, right...Forgot all about it due to all the B&W drawings... ^_^
This Lynx looks nicer though... ^_^
I think Smokey's been hitting the sauce a little too hard. In a competition with svx are we? :P
Heh, no I don't drink often and while i do drink alot when i drink, that doesn't neccesarily affect my memory, it's just the lot of different things i have been concentratin on lately...
Meh, IRL my memory's not all that good either, but that's usually due to my general state of unattentiveness/lethargy.
On topic, I lieks Lynx-tan's battle wear, but I needs moar Game Gear-tan! My childhood is calling to me! Seriously though, I really like the side ribbons and the Atari logo is a great touch (I'm sorry my praises are so generic, but I really don't know where to start).
Heh, no problem. Any feedback is nice to read.
Moar GG-tan? Sure, but I'm sleepy now, so GG will have to wait for later.
Must say...fancy thar.
Eh, I will try GG next, I promise.
Lynx II just had to be drawn first.
EDIT: Will this suffice?
Hoo. Now that's coal...
There was a lynx 2??
And Wow... GG looking nice there...
Yeah, Lynx II was just a remake of the original. Bit longer battery life and smaller dimensions, though, it still was bigger than a Wii.
I'm planning on making a Lynx-tan figurine, maybe. Depending on how I succeed...
But here is the concept sketch for it.
Also, beach tiem.
EDIT: Uh, okay...? Photobucket decided to delete that mini-lynx pic. Well, fix'd.
Gawd, it's moments like that that make me wanna have a private beach... ^_^
Jeebus, so much to catch up on in such a short time...
Lynx II - Atari logo cheeks, huh? I'm guessing this was a part of the first Lynx design, too, but it just wasn't as easy to notice. I see a bit of breast reduction, but not much - makes sense considering battery life only slightly improved (as you noted). I can see dual-tone in the tail now, much easier to tell she has a tail now. She's very cute, like Lynx, only a little smaller.
Game Gear - Where to start? Obviously I'm quite happy you posted a new GG-tan. I don't think I noticed the ring tat before - I guess I thought it was Sonic's head or something. The buckle reads "SEGA"... nice. The overhead sword draw looks pretty badass. Great job again, VonDaab.
You sculpt? That's awesome, I hope you go through with this... sounds awesome.
Yeah, some tweaks here and there. I was bit on a roll this weekend.
Original GG did have a sonic head, but I thought a golden ring would be bit more casual, yet keeping the game reference.
Original Lynx-tan did have dual-tone tail, like real Lynxes, it just didnt show. The atari logo cheeks was something I came up with first when doodling Lynx II, and I think it should be a design feature only used for her.
GG's buckle is sort of the blue powerbutton, with just the added 'sega' text.
Yeah, I wonder what the sculpt will become. Its been over 2 years since I last time did anything with clay.
Hey, you're the only artist here that i know of who sculpts... so give it a whirl, can't possibly turn out that bad... ^_^
Added after 17 seconds:
Do posts results here BTW... ^_^
The ring is also convenient for detail, it'd be a lot more recognizable from a greater distance. Yeah, I noticed the older Lynx drawings had tails, it just wasn't until the dual-tone started showing up that I started to find them. Having the logo on the cheeks only for II is probably better, it'll help make her more easily distinguishable.
Here's something where everything is out of context.
I was pondering some time about that red line thingie if its good or not.
No, no, no, no.
Oh, sweet...
Even though the Blood seems to be coming out of the mountain, wich is the only flaw (if you can call it such) i can spot, damn, why don't i have any frames left... >_<
Eh, atleast its something...
I have the Powwwwwer...... Glove! (
Anyone remember the glove accessory for the Playstation?
I just realized that I should've made it more Manovar cover-ish... orz
Manowar, really?
That's like my brother's favorite band.
While it might not be entirely faithful to her gear, for Manowar-ishness, I would suggest leather pants and have the shirt be tear-off style instead and keep the boots as they are.
Well, i meant the pose and the lightning in her hand.
As Turrican on the Amiga did.
Sorry, OT.
Well, I noticed the pose, but how would one make that more Manowar-ish? Left hand instead right, I suppose? I mean, there have been similar poses, as I referenced, there's Masters of the Universe. Kind of hard to nail down a specific reference - it might have been easier with GG-tan, she could be holding a ring, much like the one on the cover.
Is it really OT? We are after all, discussing possible influences on a drawing you posted. Do I sound really snakish when I say things like that?
GG holding that ring description made me think of this.
Therefore, I think I must make something like that, but instead with GG in it.
And yeah, you're right, its not really that OT...
This is not OT, no...
Anyway, Frames as in frames to hang pictures in... that last pic of GG-tan was nice and finished enough to hang in a frame...
As for the Manowar-ish-ness... she's smiling to cutely... ^_^
And she needs to be gripping something really tight, maybe the triforce and a sword in reference to Zelda?
And yes i remember that glove... BTW we now have (at least in holland) a Neural Impulse Actuator ( for PC games...
QuoteNeural Impulse Actuator for PC games...
Been there, done that, bought it, stopped using it after 2 weeks because it was IMPOSSIBLE to learn to use properly.
(or my product is just badly calibrated, I dunno.)
no those things just suck...
I remember when you were talking about that in the "Club" thread (I can never remember which order the damn initials are in). Hmm, I thought it was turning out much better than that. Still what I was talking about was far different from that, the only thing it shared in common with the Power Glove was that it was a glove. The PS controller was just a glove controller - no motion sensing (at least, none that I remember). It was largely criticized because its design was so unlike a Playstation controller, so much so that it was unwieldy and uncomfortable. Still there were those that managed to stick with it despite the learning curve and enjoyed being able to play with one hand. There was no analog control for it, but that wasn't a big deal considering Sony had yet to adopt analog as a standard.
Anyway, now we're veering OT.
Yep, i say that manowar pic should be (S)NES Zelda style...
So I doodled.
Also, another self portraid for a change.
Ah, nice self portrait... Done without a mirror? makes it a bit harder i guess... ^_^
Also, i do believe you deserve the title of Grand Emperor of all things Doodlin'...
Yeah, I dont use a mirror. I dont want to look volunarely at my face.
Grand Emperor huh? that's bit too much...
Quote from: "Smokey"Ah, nice self portrait... Done without a mirror?
You'd be surprised what you remember about yourself when you have self-image problems (that goes for self-consciousness or conceit). Of course, this is me conjecturing based on my experience with my own self-portrait.
Quote from: "Grand Emperor VonDaab"Grand Emperor huh? that's bit too much...
I don't know, seems pretty fitting to me XD...
EDIT: Corrected really painfully obvious grammatical error, I usually leave 'em in, but that one made me sound like an oaf.
People usually remember traumatizing things...
Also, this sketch might be bit semi-NSFW, but not enough to be posted in the other cookies. So just as a warning.
Just to keep this on topic.
Oh yeah, also a comic of the same category.
Just give me a yellin if this needs to be moved to the other thread.
I LOLed, you make good comics, you should make more... ^_^
And btw, the first pic is indeed a bit iffy, but i think it can stay here safely...
Also, about the self-image... yeah i can relate to that... ^_^
Here's something completly different. I used to design all sort of fictive handheld consoles back when I was 9 or so...
So I tried it again, for lulz.
Btw, what do you think is the most important part in handheld gaming?
Well I obviously meant in console design. If you dont mean button layout and ergonomics...
ergonomics, then...
Batteries can be charged, games can be changed, but a sore hand after a short while gaming is deadly to any console...
The sweat. God, can't people design controllers in a way that your hand ISN'T FULLY WRAPPED AROUND IT AND THE SWEAT JUST POOLS?
sorry, tmi...
just incorporate a cooling system... it has been used in sertain types of computer mice for some time now...
And i would rather grip my handheld firmly than hold it loosely, because i hate the feeling that i am going to drop it any minute... then again, i don't want my stuff to be fragile... this is why i will never have a MacBook air, i just get the feeling that i am going to break it if i were to hold it...
I don't know, I find ergonomics to be incredibly subjective. Well with some examples excepted, the Wu Tang controller and that weird boomerang prototype controller for the PS3 (I don't think anyone had a chance to use that one, but I doubt anyone would find it comfortable). Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that some people have big hands, some people have little hands, and that really factors into how comfortable they are going to be holding a certain handheld. People with bigger hands (or longer fingers, like myself) are not going to find a really small handheld (say for instance, the GameBoy micro) very comfortable. There's always this odd feeling that you're going to break the damn thing (like Smokey mentioned). Of course, this sensation can be countered if the device possesses enough heft - it gives a feeling of durability. Another problem with smaller handhelds is button placement, often there'll be problems with the buttons being improperly spaced - making it difficult to push only one button at a time. On the other hand, people with smaller hands are going to find large handhelds clunky and awkward. Larger handhelds also wear your hands out and cause a lot of sweat, and forget rubber grips, that just makes it worse.
Despite everything I've said, I still think ergonomics is the most important aspect of design, but it's followed shortly by simplicity. This is going to sound absurd, but I'll say it anyway. The PSP negates the principle of KISS, by having that damn joystick. I guess it would be fine if it had just a D-pad or just a joystick, but having both just makes it awkward. The point is, a handheld should only have a few buttons - which is why I like the handheld you've designed VonDaab. Three face buttons and two shoulder buttons... nice.
Nooooooooooooo!, My PSP!
Although, yes even the PSP has its flaws... Wich show when i'm playing burnout dominator, trying to brake into a drift while boosting can be a bit tricky... ^_^
But wasn't this the art thread?
Yeah, this went bit off topic.
I just asked about HANDHELDS, and it suddenly became a rant about computer mice and home console controllers, wtf?
Also, yeah, this an art thread. but I dont see any art...
I just see crap I'm spamming.
Like this, maybe I should start putting some effort into things. Because lately, most of my stuff is just doodles...
Art, it is actually art... the prophecy came true "Behold there shall be art on the art thread"... ^_^
But don't worry about your doodles, they're fun too...
Although a bit of Technicolor in this monochromatic world would be nice, yes...
You haven't been posting a lot of colored art, no...
"a lot"....
Well I dont know what's "lots" in your opinion.
But I'm sort of out of ideas right now.
Meh, doesn't matter...
And a lot means in this case that the monochromatic art has been more present than the technicolor ones.. ^_^
Okay, here's some color.
Though, I'm not sure what the NSFW-police will say about this...
Aww, poor girl...
Wait, is that bra-stuffing?!
No it's meant to be a cover tape, for these kind of accidents.
Ah, sou... well-preparedness...
srsly, it was a good pic, but then i saw the title when saving it and now it is a deep pic...
* blush *
Ah yes, finally someone else's work.
I was sort of getting tired of being the only one posting here.
There's something very special with the emotion she's showing.
Also liking the Dynamic Ponytailâ,,¢.
We need moar of this.
I would post my art more often but I have neither internet nor scanner of my own so it is a difficult process also I feel silly uploading things to file sharing sites but I'll do it for you :3 I'm still working on that think that I said I was working on before sorry it's taking so long but it's neat!
Well, i for one am not going anywhere... ^_^
I do post every so often on my dA account. Hm! I wonder... brb~!!
Added after 12 minutes:
yaaay I can just use deviantart~!
Added after 6 minutes:
Added after 28 seconds:
lolol toki is not very good with a tablet yet.
Cheesy content sammich?
grilled cheezu :3
That was exactly what was missing here...: Cute! ^_^
VonDaab can do funny hands down, but you can make Cute pics like no other i saw here (at least in a long while)... ;010
You're good enough with a tab;et, keep em coming... ^_^
I scribl'd.
In oekaki.
heh, sure i'll play... ^_^
Happy easter, or something.
She's eating it... with her boobs!
Sorry, I would love to offer my praise to all the works I missed, but I can't really think of anything helpful to offer. Plus I just feel a little spent for some reason (probably the sick).
LOL, she's doing it wrong ^_^...
And you've proven my point in that you're good at funny pics... ;010
I want a t-shirt like this... But theyre ultra rare.
Yeah, haven't seen much of those...
I doubt btw that you could fill it as good as she does... ^_^
Hehe, yes I doubt that too...
I should get a protective pouch for my lynx.
LOL, reminds me a bit of 98-tan, but Lynx-tan is much cuter...
Sort of meant to parodize that.
I'm stepping on Toki's turf, now that I drew something cute... heh.
Yeah, better watch out :P
Thats okay you can step on it all over you like x3 Maybe I'll draw something funny. Or sexy and big breasted.
oh, please do! Now that i've actually seen some of your art, i can't wait to see more...
Added after 52 seconds:
BTW, it would be nice to see a girls position on sexy, instead of just the guy's... nice for comparison...
Well I'm a lolicon so... jk!! I think that all types are sexy. Also I think that Von Daab's art is sexy, but thats not the sort of sexy I would draw... theres so many different ways... I'll go find an example of my art perhaps o.o
Added after 2 minutes:
Seems I mostly draw cute stuff or WEIRD stuff. I think peircings are sexy...
can be... depends on the type of piercing and the place of it...
I like most peircings except genital peircings X___x
out of curiousity, is nudity aloud in this thread as long as it's non pornographic?
Don't know what kind of nudity... the above pic is fine for this thread... you can link to be safe...
Added after 2 minutes:
btw, she is the main "nemesis" in the video game I've been working on for a couple of years, she is supposed to be ancient, creepy, powerful, but eerily beautiful.
Hmm, yes there is nudity, but it's art, and a lot of art has nudity...
Personally i'd say it's safe to put here, but i'm not the only one here... ah well let's just wait for someone else to see if it will fit here...
It is a really nice pic btw, it's a shame you don't live around here, i think we could have some great philosofical talks...
I am coming to the Netherlands for Sensation Black :D I'd love to have a few reasons to stick around for a bit.
o_o SRSLY?! that would be awesome!!! Although Black is held this year in Belgium, not holland, but hey, i haven't been to a concert/event for too long....
You're right I forgot D:
Meh, doesn't matter, Belgium is a bit of land that still has to be annexed by holland anyways... ^_^
Yeah :D haha I'm a stupid ametrican so I don't know what the exact difference is ;___;
Jeeeezus, I can't keep up at all...
Feel free to post that second pic in the Dirty Cookies thread in the H-section, it would be great because the whole H-section has been neglected for quite some time -__-. As a general rule, nudity should be in the H-section - mild stuff is still tolerated elsewhere, but to be on the safe side, ya know?
That reminds me, I used to have a piercing, but I was pressured into getting rid of it. I didn't have it very long, so the hole is completely healed... it sucks -__-.
Anyway, I'm all in favor for seeing VonDaab and Toki swap themes for a bit. I mean, I've seen some cuteness in a bit of VonDaab's drawings (it's been awhile), but for him to use that as a theme for a time would be... interesting (no worries, VonDaab, I'm not talking loli). Are we going to see this?
So I should switch into MOE-mode for a while eh?
( (
Sorry, I shouldn't be posting such pics in here, but it just seemed to fit the moment...
This'll be interesting... ^_^
Maybe I should jump on this train too. I dunno since most of the crap I do turn out just that, crap, or I just overwork myself and never finish, but hey, I might try.
I'll just throw out a fishing line for the people's vote to pull.
I dont really know what you're trying to say...
If you feel like drawing, then do it.
This is the only "moe-ish" I managed to do today.
That's it, VonDaab, haha. Very cute, but I'm sorry that's the only thing moe you were able to do today. If you have other art that you completed, it would only make sense to go ahead and post those as well.
Well I got this. But the idea was sort of crappy, so I didnt feel like putting much effort in it.
Quality as usual, vdb-boy.
Well, let's just say INDECISIVE NEJIN IS INDECISIVE on this one, k?
Eh, okay...
Just had to make another quick diabeetus.
but I can take more sugar than that, you know! _W_
things a living up here... good... always nice to see moar art...
Professor Layton... <:3
Prof. Layton is such an awesome game. Hope they publish the rest of them soon...
Oh yeah, diabeetus now in color.
Heck, yeah! that improved!
Diabeetus b/w was fun, this is awesome... :D
"It's Arcana is The Hanged Man, be careful, I sense it's a strong one!"
Gussy Keniji, i'll be dammed!!!
Long time no see, how'ya been?
I drew meself.
Nothing else.
Ho-ly crap! that is one bad-ass flexible arm you got there ^_^
I like it so much xD
Monkey VDB Luffy, much? ^^
Oh, what a surprise, I was bored during a class in school...
Wow... action!
Among everything I'm seeing here, it's odd that I feel most compelled to mention what I perceive to be a logo. So what does it stand for?
The logo was sort of meant to symbolize a "W".
Dont ask me why.
Somehow..., not going to say that.
Good as usual, though. -w-
Oh, I was thinking you had come up with a name for it, but I recognized it as a "W". You know, I'm always surprised with how much detail you put into your doodles - seems like it would be a major distraction. Aside from the half-dog and bat-head, those creatures seem pretty fantastical, should I recognize them from somewhere or are they your own design?
In a combat mood much, VonDaab? Diggin' the awesome fight pose on the first one...
Nah, theyre just random creatures.
That console was just a try of "if I ever made a handheld" project.
Creatures and that combat girl could be concept art for a 2d platromer/shooter/adventure game, or something...
Like that eye creature... made me think "Spore" ^_^
And a lovely combat pose...
Doing your flavor text honor... (been doodlin') ^_^
Oh, btw... Gameboy's gonna be 20 years old tomorrow.
Wow, 20 years...
Wait that means Gameboy is as old as my computer-habits... ^_^
The big ones.
Imma give it a big hug. -w-
Well even though i don't have the original gameboy, i do have the original tetris for the GB... suppose that one's 20 years old tomorrow aswell...
In honor of GameBoys birthday, I took her with me to school and opened up the game carts and cleaned them. Then on my way back home sat in the train playing pokemans...
Just wonder how much people went lolwut from seeing that brick...
Also, crappy doodle.
Oh yeah. Diabeetus.
Heh, LOL
As I sad, I'm not professional so I hope someone of you can teach me) Corrent if there are any mistakes in illustration.
So when I bought NOD32 I draw this
Wow, that's excellent Vae-san ^^b. I don't think I'm anywhere near the level of expertise to help you improve, but I would think VonDaab would be able to help you - he's really good and the artist that posts the most often. He's our resident "Emperor of All Things Doodlin'" (was that not the title we bestowed upon him, Smokey?).
Hi Vaereth. Great to see new members, and even better new members who contribute to the art side of this site.
I'm no professional either, but I can provide some help.
Still, looking at your drawing, I dont really see any big mistakes in it.
Composition might be bit boring maybe, but the rest is really good.
Vaereth!! Uwaah I love mecha musume I should try my hand at some.
Like VonDaab said there certainly aren't any glaring mistakes I would just suggest studying anatomy for future reference. But really it's just a matter of preference when drawing in manga-style.
Oh you guys just wait til I get home I have so much to show you. I went under some sort of art demon possession and sketched out lotsa fun stuff... all between 3 and 6 in the morning. I also did something really geeky and everyday I did a sketch of myself. I'm on my way home tomorrow! Still need to pack..
Quote from: ÃananKillmaster""Emperor of All Things Doodlin'" (was that not the title we bestowed upon him, Smokey?)
Well Grand Emperor of all things Doodlin, in wich case Emperor can be swapped with Imperator to make it a bit more impressive... (Impeator being the Latin word for Commander from wich Emperor was erived)
Anywho... Good art there Vae, first thing i said when i saw it was "Wow, you're really good", but then i got to the nitpicking and indeed your drawing is nearly flawless... But my eyes were drawn to her hands... and after much thinking and putting my hand on my face for measurements, i nitpicked a smal inperfection... her hands could be a bit larger, try it, your hand should be able to almost cover your face top to bottom...
But that small flaw was found after looking long and hard, plus i'm not an artist, so do with the comment as you will... ^_^
For the rest it's a good pic, though... put some color in, add a backdrop, and voila; great art...
Added after 29 seconds: Oh, and so definately want to see your stuff, Toki... ^_^
Thank you all for enjoying my pic^^
When I drew I actually don't think about any composition (I don't very good at it also( But I am trying to study it when I got free time ;012 ) and my illustrations are practically always in sketch stage . But if you like I will try to color my pics))
Yes, the hands and feet are my weak points in all drawings( (especially fingers, large and shape) and some times it takes more than 2 hours to draw them in properly way ( but after that they are still not look like "real") but I think some anatomy study will swallow this problem^^ As soon as I get a new book about it ;012
lol, I still have my GameBoy. Not sure what generation it is, but it's red and my bros was see-thru. Great machine, didn't care about the b&w or the crap sound.
Quote from: "Red_Machine"lol, I still have my GameBoy. Not sure what generation it is, but it's red and my bros was see-thru. Great machine, didn't care about the b&w or the crap sound.
Those are the "2nd" gen DMG-001 that were released in '95.
So they're same as the original gray brick GB, but only in colored/transparent cases.
Also, to keep on topic.
Quick selfportrait or something.
Cool^^ Is it chibi-art stuff? Very funny-drawen and cute. ^_^
Super cute ^__^ I want to draw more with my tablet.
I rarely draw the traditional way anymore. I found digital lot easier and flexible. I used to bend over the table when drawing on paper, which isnt the best thing for your back.
Seriously, sometimes I found myself staring at the paper from 3 inches away when doing details.
Quote...or something
LOL... ^_^
Something I drew for OCR's Fan Art Contest:
And a bunny.
I really don't know much about the Professor Layton series, but that drawing is really impressive - it's got a much different look than the official art for the series. Odd though, it almost seems ominous, one could say villainous even.
The bunny reminds me of a question I was going to ask you, have you ever consider drawing Chun-Li ( Those kind of thighs would be perfect for her, ya know? Very cute drawing, btw ^^b.
Yes, well the contest was about picking a hero and turn him into a villain.
Yes I know chun-li, since mid 90's.
Reason why I havent drawn her is that I rarely draw fanart. And sort of not sure if I'll get it right.
I've been already asked to draw a sort of similar character, Prier
but I've yet to start working on that.
Prier!! Eeeek!!
I really love that piccucha of the professor *__* I wish the next games would hurry up and get exported ._.
Quote from: "Toki"Prier!! Eeeek!!
A scream of horror?
This bunny resembles me Rosetta in pink dress when she was at casino with Chrono ^_^
Yet more great art from VonDaab. Keep it up, mate!
Haha, oh wow, Redmachine, I though first that you were Pitkin when I saw your avi...
lol, yes it was him I "pinched" it from.
Epic avi, GET?
Geez, you scared me Red, i thought you were pitkin too...
Also, this is turning into one of those pages with more talk than art... ^_^
Let's all snatch old mod avis.
I take Cappy's, smokey takes C-Chan's, and IDK snatches the hat off Fedora-tan...
Something tells me <--this isn't what you had in mind...
BTW, i've been using Cappies old (before current one) avvi as my MSN avvi for ages... And i don't see any reason for all of us to use ad/mods avvis...
Concept sketches, weeeee!
Progress is good. One outstanding comment - is ME in the recycle bin similar to when you're in the sink? XD
I hadn't thought about it that way, but yes! xD
Sorry, it's just anecdotes like that are kind of hard to forget. XD
Oh wow, that's really cute.
Heh, love those curled ears one.
Cool, never seen emuii-tan so cute before... ^_^
This is what I was talking about a while back, I just no finished it! ^_^
Added after 1 minutes:
I barely remember that mention, but this is great. Pirate? Hmmmm... she drops anchor... on ye head!
Sailors v Pirates?
Thats because it was a long while back >.>;; Sorries.
May is the first mate of the May ship in Guilty Gear <:3 I don't usually do fanart but I'm trying to get better at it.
I smell delicious booty in this bay. <3
Wow, your art is like drinking a 7-up® after being used to drinking Coke® all the time... ^_^
Good to see two styles again... ;010
Wow, Toki draws excellent, i love it ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
continue the theme of Me-chan))
I love ME-tan! <3
ME-tan looks like she's gonna fight... ^_^
Yeah It wasn't Me-tan from beginning, than I saw that the girl come out to be like her so she becomes Me-tan ^_^
Yeah I also think it is middle :) cuz i was in a hurry when drew it. Can you tell me about mistakes though? :)
I was more thinking about the fact that it gives me a "middle"-y impression, something about her posture says middle...or just that the picture's focus is on its center, I dunno. ^^
As for mistakes - personally I think the arms and legs are a bit too much two-partly accentuated. The face is a bit too small (more realistic, of course, but you've gotta decide on manga-style or realistic before you start drawing ^^) and lastly, the way you've placed her braid makes it look like a tail growing out of her butt. I'd change that.
Other than that there's of course anatomy, detail and finesse and so on, but that's nothing I can help you with. ^^
I dont see the "mistakes" Neij is pointing out...
They sound more like personal opinions.
I dont know why one should "decide" on the style like they would be rules written somewhere.
The fact that you dont follow any "style rules" is the foundation for your own art style.
Of course this requres basic knowledge of proper anatomy first...
Only thing that sort of gets my attention is the lineart, or the lack of it.
There's lot of gaps in between the lines, but as you said, you drew it quickly, so that explains it.
Well, you're more of an artist than I ever was, but that also makes us prone to seeing things from different viewpoints.
You can't see both sides of the coin at the same time, you know.
Yes you can.
Use a mirror.
Not if the coin is lying on a table.
Maybe a glass table?
If not, then you're doing it wrong.
Do you have a glass wallet, too?
If its one of those that are always empty, then yes.
Oh you. -w-
Need recommendations about art anatomy books. You can frealy recommend books on eglish also i will seach a translation of them or read it in original ^_^
No need, if i remember correctly CaptBrenden posted helpful charts ITT a time ago...
Well, I got 2 anatomy books, but theyre both published in finnish, so I dont know what they're called in any other language...
Well, found some info. The other one is by Andras Szunyoghy & György Feher called
"Anatomy Drawing School: Human, Animal, Comparative Anatomy"
It includes humans and some animals, which is nice if you're planning to draw dogs or horses.
It's a very thick and heavy book, so I found it big clumsy to keep it besides my computer when drawing...
Usually the best way to find good anatomy book is to walk into a book store and see for yourself if a book has good content.
Then again, I dont bother much with basics like proportion and things, so the books I have are more for detailed stuff like muscles and bone structure.
One really good way to learn human figure is to draw real humans, so if you got some friends with some patience, ask them to pose for a couple of minutes while you do quick sketches.
Smokey: what charts?
Well cappie posted (way back) a couple of elaborate images with helpful tips on drawing manga/anatomy...
Quote from: "Smokey"Well cappie posted (way back) a couple of elaborate images with helpful tips on drawing manga/anatomy...
Yes, but those are obviously for people who already know basics of real-life drawing...
Ah, my bad...^_^
Thanks for recommendation ^_^ Will seach for the books
You can just use the internet for reference pictures ^_^
Plus, you have yourself! You're a person and you have anatomy right? I use myself as a model all the time. It's especially good having hands that I can look at whenever I need to.
Gotta agree with Toki there - although I usually use it for things like "which side is the thumb on now again", over and over (i never seem to remember it ^^; )
true, so true... although i believe siblings are a bit handier in such cases as you would then have a full specimen of a human body for reference while you can stay put and draw.... ^_^
how is geimboi formd?
Looks like we have ourselves a gameboy fan here, btw... ^_^
Okay, where's all the art?
oh, riiight.... this tread did kinda die... ^_^
HAY GAIZ, the Captain lent me something here back in January or something.
I'm here to return it. Enjoy.
Awesome, great job coloring, Sleepy!
Man, it's been forever since Cappy last visited. Really, it's been forever since anyone visited... this place is like, really dead. WTF?!
Thank you muchly. :3
It has been empty, huh? There IS some activity from a handful of members out on devART.... don't see too many of them out here...
This place is just like a ghosttown with some kids still running around every now and then...
Anyways, great job indeed Sleepy...
And on yet another note, where did VonDaab go?
Eh, just lurking around.
Nice work, SleepyD! I'm glad to see some artwork being posted on here again! On DeviantART, I've seen that you've posted up a few new deviations in the past few days too! :D
Quote from: "Smokey"This place is just like a ghosttown with some kids still running around every now and then...
Anyways, great job indeed Sleepy...
Sounds like something from a creepy horror movie that features creepy kids....
And thank you, sir. :3
Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"Nice work, SleepyD! I'm glad to see some artwork being posted on here again! On DeviantART, I've seen that you've posted up a few new deviations in the past few days too! :D
Yep yep, thank you!
And I'm not done posting! bwehehe.
I don't know if any of you watch my scraps, but here's a work in progress:
Damn, everybody's on devart. It seems like I'm always having to register for an account on a bunch of different websites just to keep up with everyone ><.
AFAIK, DevTart doesnt need registering, as long you dont need to see mature tagged pictures. Of course you cant comment neither.
Yeah, I've lurked at devart before, but as you pointed out, I can't contact/comment without an account. There's also the mature pics thing, too ><.
Now that this thread got some life again, maybe I should post something relevant.
Anyone remember that Lynx bikini picture from this post?
I decided to do a remake of it, this time with bit more effort.
Also, something in slightly different style.
Ooooh, shiny! I notice that the colors are sharper, too. Oil? Sweat? Both? It is the beach, after all...
Awesome, this place could really use some more MGS fanart. I mean, it tends to be fairly common on the intarwebs, but I rarely see any here (other than the other one or two fanarts you posted). I seem to recall you made a slightly obscure reference to MGS in another thread ( as well, so you seem like a pretty big fan, as am I (though I've yet to play 4, yeah, I'm lame). Have you done any pics of Meryl?
BTW. Almost forgot to mention how floored I am you can do so many styles. You seem to work equally well in a bright, cartoony style as you would a gritty, realistic style. Kinda rare to see one who can adapt his style to so many themes...
Yeah, I'm sort of a MGS fan, even if I dont own half of the games, but still played most of them, even the one on the GameBoy Color.
Eh, no Meryl, because I'm not much fan of that particular character.
I still have to say that my strongpoint has to be the cartoon style, or atleast the "realistical" style doesnt get as much practicing at it should.
I try to work on it whenever I feel like it, which is bit rare.
Anyways, might spam some moar.
Somesort of dude I doodled when taking a small break from working on that MGS pic.
And then a colored version of one earlier pic.
That's enough I think.
Heh, LOL
Aaaand...... *drumroll* awww cute... ^_^
haha, I wonder what the astronaut is fishing for...?
I have to concur with Ian. You are amazing in that you can do so many different styles... yet i can see that you've developed a particular.... shall I say, "VonDaab anime style" that is instantly recognizable. :3
as for me, I'm still playing around with my style. My engineering classes have left me little free time to work on my artistic endeavors, as it were. heh
Now it's summer break, but I am a VERY SLOW artist, so I can't churn out drawings like you can vondaab. ^^ I'm amazed at how you and other artists can draw so much... My perfectionist tendencies slow me down so much. haha
Moon bunnies?
Yeah, my 3rd school year starts in early august and I'm prepared for it to be a VERY hectic with all exam test in the spring and all kind of other things.
So no clue if I will have any time for drawing then. Oh well, I got a month left of my summer break.
This school is good in its way that it rarely has any homework, other than reading for tests. So it has given me a decent amount of free-time after school, which I then have wasted on drawing or gaming...
And weekends dedicated completely for drawing, gaming or anime.
Yeah, "VonDaab anime-style"...
Usually when an artist picks up the "anime-style", they usually take an existing style and make an own version of it, but still you usually can see the influence in their style.
This comes to a thing that I've been wondering.
I dont know what "anime-style" my style imitates...
Eh, you say you're slow... Well, I have too little patience to work on a drawing for a longer time, therefore I try to work on it fast before I get bored with it. Still, quickness comes with experience.
Moon Bunnies? (
Tewi! Tewi! Tewi!
....okay, I'm done.
I wish you luck with your studies! My assignments are generally group projects or lab work, so it isn't exactly busywork, but it does drain a lot of my time. I expect next semester to be the same too.
I see what you mean. My style doesn't really imitate anyone in particular. I do adore Kuroboshi Kohaku, Makoto Shinkai, and Tony Taka, but apart from me trying to imitate a certain painted "look," there really isn't any one style that I try to emulate. It's more a combination of influences + my capabilities. I can't deny that my 2 sisters have had an influence on me as well.
Yes, quickness does come with experience... I don't get much experience, to be honest. haha...
I've found that I need to start and finish things within a week, else I get tired of working on it. School makes it hard to keep that deadline, and I have a lot of unfinished works as a result. After a few months I see so many things wrong with it, I eventually give up. The Prisma Ilya drawing I just uploaded on dA took me around 4 days. Hopefully I can get more in before summer break ends. [/url]
A week huh?
I've been trying to learn work on things longer than one day...
Great new works, VonDaab! I also like that you can draw so well in many different styles ranging from cute to creepy to realistic! The chibi Lynx-tan is adorable!
Heeeeey! Long time no see, Darknight! Your latest Chivistan pic is looking great so far! Nice pose- I especially envy your ability to draw hands well! I haven't seen much of Chivistan in some time since the Windows 7-tan craze picked up!
Why now! I never!
Heeeeey! Long time no see, Darknight! Your latest Chivistan pic is looking great so far! Nice pose- I especially envy your ability to draw hands well! I haven't seen much of Chivistan in some time since the Windows 7-tan craze picked up!
Indeed quite the long time >_>
I'll check later the 7-tan thread when I have some more time. Has anyone agreed to a design? (among us and among futaba).
Why now! I never!
It seems I'm still unable to understand some of your posts =_=
Repostan from other thread and dA, because one place is never enough.
Smells like delicious.
Strawberry flavored, much?
Oooh, cool style... ;010
Hmm... prototype concept of NGPC-tan...
Heh, was to be expected, since you now have one ^_^
Loooong time no see, ese.
[attachment deleted by admin]
I haven't seen you in a long time either, Gussy!
Hmm, do I sense an improvement in art, Gussy?
Might aswell post something, something I did last night.
You know, we could use moar DAT ASS. I mean it. I might just draw sum.
Good work, guys.
delivery of first-class DAT ASS received. -w-
Anyone googled "datass.jpg"?
I'm getting a kind of funny result.
PNG's are DATASS factor +1.
So be it. I shall post some images here for your amusement.
...long post is long...
*Edit*: Also the chibi lies. Doam.US is dead.
Bottom post scares me. O_o
yeah What the?!
Great works, and I like your art styles, especially in the 3rd and 4th pictures which combine your anime style with elements of realism that work together nicely. ;010
Are those also original characters of yours too?
Like with the other posters, I'm curious about that 5th picture- what's going on there?!
Heh, I am quite pleased with the responce of the last one, though I really should have elaborated. Firstly, everything there is of orignal characters. Some much newer than the others.
Image one: Kinguin. I took my oldest character, Kata, and made him into a penguin.
Image two: This showcases a power-suit created for my original project "Doam." Doam doesn't really stand for anything important yet, and the project has been set aside for now.
Image three: Atticus of Mana: 404. My current project. My style has done some real evolving as of late.
Image four: Robin of Mana: 404. She's a spirited girl.
Setting up image five: Every good story has misleading fan service and related images. Here we see Robin shouting Atticus' name in Ecstasy as he is standing off to the far side of her, rather confused.
Cool! I have a strong appreciation for original characters! I used to draw OS-tan stuff a lot but in recent months I've been mainly focused on my own original character series which I had neglected for way too long.
I didn't notice the penguin was Kata! Should have guessed that was him, based off your depiction in your avatar! ^^;
And I forgot to ask earlier but in the second picture, is the guy really short, the mecha girl really tall or both?
Oh, now I see what you were going for in the 5th pic and I like it! Heheheh... I like that kind of humor!
BTW, do you have a gallery for your projects?
The guy in #2 was simply a watermark attempt. So neither really.
I do post crap on deviantart alot as of late.
Doam is hosted at
Mana:404 has yet to have a page, I'm still doodling character design pages in my book... Speaking of which, I need to find my SD card so I can take photos of that book...
Hmmm here are some sketches ^_^ I'm hoping to color them soon but I havn't had my tablet lately...
My own Delores :) I have a thing for heart shaped sunglasses
Mdm Merluvlee from Paper Mario xD With slime hands. idk
Another OC "MC KASSET" Currently pixeling :3
Those things are in grave need of coloration, Toki-nom.
I'll color soonies ^_^ This was the last one that I had thought I finished, but when I uploaded it onto dA and saw it on a brighter moniter than my own I saw lots of problems ;__; But I worked really hard.
Woo. /liek on that poem, too.
You mightn't be sitting on some Scrap Paper, as well?
Ummm but I can't scan it. I can only scan things about once a month. But I do doodle alot. Now that I've learned the secret art of MS paint maybe I'll do it more. Used a touch pad on this!
You could transcribe it, you know. A bit workish, but also quite good for the process itself.
-blink- o.o
My gawd, been long a time since thar be such fair art on this here thread.....
Your drawings are adorable, Toki! I especially like your pixel art! :D
In the spirit of International Talk Like a Pirate Day (it's still the 19th in my timezone), here's a sketch I drew of Commodore 65-tan and PET-tan, the pirates of the Commodore family!
And I haven't even mentioned it at all. Ho ho, what a hypocritical existence I am.
AAAAARGH! What kind of pirate are ye, not speaking of this glorious holiday?
Lessee here, ninja, pirate, viking, demon, how much more is there?
o.o Lots...
Which one do you gais like better?
I prefer the first one, even though both drawings look really good.
1st one looks lot more cheerful, which is always a nice thing.
Also are those googles? and mini bunny decorations on her stockings? nice.
Havent been in much drawing mood lately, but managed to squeeze out an another NGPC-tan concept. This time "Navy Camo" color alternative.
The neo geo pocket color came in several different color alternative, some which were great, some lesser great...
Oh, the times when everything didnt need to be fingerprint sucking piano black...
I prefer the first one too. o3o It is deffinately more my personality, but mostly I was referring to the outfits. I know they don't look like much but respectable dancers do wear skimpy things like that! The first one I designed(which is silver raincoat-type material) , the second one my friend (who I'm essentially "working for") designed the second one (but I drew it. It's black with florescent pink accents) so I'm trying to figure out how to perhaps take both and come up with something we both like. Not that I don't like the second one. However I could pretty much just buy all the pieces. It isn't very uncommon but I suppose that is alright...
First one is better...
Second seems a bit more consistent, though.
And the question is...
Wow, you've improved more since I last saw you. XD; ugh, I really need to find time to do some arts stuff of my own.
The first one is really dynamic, and indeed suits you. heh
The second one is much simpler, and while it may be more realistic to not have so many things flying around while dancing, it's not very... interesting. heh
hm... so you want to compromise?
Keep the skirt, I like the zettai ryouiki. XD
It seems your friend prefers something simpler?
Try taking your friend's design and accessorizing it? Or making latex/shiny clothing?
Black is usually presents a much more subdued feeling than something with more color. (for example, black fits slow and sexy more than energetic and cute), but I think you should get creative with the pink accent color and find something you can both enjoy.
Thought of neon green and pink highlights in the hair randomly... not sure if want. haha see if you can do anything with that.
Well the first one is more based on myself, whereas the second one is more based on my friend who is not a super genki as I am but prettier and a good dancer as well. Just to clear that I guess, we're partners and I want us to have matching outfits :3
I'll redraw them both, with both of us together. And a little tweeking.
Imma waitin mah lazor.
I decided to try colors that were unconventional for me. I don't know if I really like her lip gloss but it made me want to eat her face and I think that might be a possessive thing.
Indeed it is...
Or the larger image here:
Be warned, it will kill your dialup/slowed broadband connection with fire.
I was about to ask what happened to shota leopard-kun...
...better not answer that. -w-;
I don't like that shota Leopard-kun. There are still new pics of him. T_T
Nice work, Bella! And right on time for Leopard's two year anniversary! :D
Neither would I, if it weren't for the fact that he's so often drawn together with Sonata so the imagery of her has increased tenfold...
...but then again, shota-leopard is >_>
Yeah. There's that. The fact that he often appears with Sonata is the only thing he has going for him.
What's really sad is that Mac OS 9 turned 10 years old a few days ago (the 23rd), and no new pictures of her have been drawn to celebrate! :(
WHAT IS THIS oh wait, it's mac, nobody cares. -w-;
Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"Yeah. There's that. The fact that he often appears with Sonata is the only thing he has going for him.
What's really sad is that Mac OS 9 turned 10 years old a few days ago (the 23rd), and no new pictures of her have been drawn to celebrate! :(
I dislike all of the MacOSX-kuns. They really scare the hell outta me. O.o
And I didn't know it was Sonata's bday; I'll have to try making a anniversary drawing. :)
Yay. -w-
Happy Birthday Sonata-tan!
If you go my my DA page, you can actually download the SVG for yourself:
And here's a drawing tutorial I made out of the image:
Happy belated birthday, Sonata! She looks adorable, and very elegant in that pose and longer skirt!
...but there's something off about that smile. It creeps me out. >_>
Thanks...but maybe her smile's too white? Or BIG? :p
Added after 6 minutes:
Oh yeah, and in memoriam of the last Multics' site shutdown (this day in 2000), I present two Multics-centric drawings:
A Cupertino Catgirl in Queen Multics Court:
Oh gawd, I hope Leopard-tan doesn't end up killing Multics-sama by accident.... or else she'll totally pull a Marty McFly. xD
Unix-sama and Multics-sama; like Yin and Yang, except Yiniger and Yangier.
The comments on these images can of course be read at my dA page [/shamelessplug]
Their outfits in the first pic are amazing! That has got to be the most fancy and elegant outfit Multics-sama has worn! Her outfits go Beyond The Impossible in terms of fanciness! :)
In the second one, the poses, the flowing hair and dresses really amaze me! But I wonder... Is that the reborn Multics-sama who FINALLY lives happily ever after with Unix?
Yin/Yang is <3.
Also hilarity on the first one -w-
And I have to say, I really do like your drawn pictures more than your rendered ones. It's...spirit, sort of.
@ Aurora: I think in every Multics-sama drawing I do, the dresses become more and more complex.
And yeah, I do suppose that's what a reborn Multics-sama would look like (I drew concpet sketches for that outfit awhile back, but never posted them). Somehow I wonder how happy Multics-sama and Unix-sama's "ever after" would be, though; Multics-sama could do nothing but dredge up a past most Unix-tans are unaware of, and bring a lot of past pain to the surface.
@ Nejin: Yeah, I feel the same way about my drawn pictures as well... there's so much more variability and spontaneity in a hand drawn image.
This is why I'd like to try using a tablet...
^It certainly would be for the best that Multics and Unix rebuild their lives in secrecy, never letting their descendants find out about it.
I don't suppose they could ever admit to the general population if they did patch things up.
Wow, fresh cookies!
So colorful, Toki... this is very good! ^^b
Ooh, rainbow colored cookies? Delicious.
Von Daab always has lots to share! Golly!
Well it's a beautiful drawing.
I dont know what else to say?
-sits gaping- -mouth sort of forms the letters A W E S O M E-
-passes out-
Ehh? I meant you have lots to share artwise o3o but you don't post it here all the time. I feel like an asshat ;_;
Oh, sorry, my misunderstanding.
I suppose I should post some drawings...
oh wow . this thread has been epic since i was gone *_*
Hmm, well here's something.
It's not really finished, and not sure if it will ever be.
You are amazing *-*
Heh, I see.
I suppose I could post this too.
srsly, NGPC... awesome... just awesome.
Just the level of detail, I almost thought it was a picture when I was just scrolling past. Retro gaming ftw.
The second pic is very cute... and the pocketwatch... good work.
Heh yeah, though it kinda looses its "photo" effect when you look at it the second time.
Hmm, maybe one more drawing and then I'll take a break.
Just to avoid over-saturating this thread.
And it's even OS-tan related, kinda...
The Atari Lynx family.
Quote from: "VonDaab"Heh yeah, though it kinda looses its "photo" effect when you look at it the second time.
True, but it's still pretty awesome.
More Lynx-tans! Oooooo, garter!
Mama Lynx? :O
We should do an art trade some time ^///^
Yes, Mama Lynx.
Art trade sounds like a great idea.
very nice posts everyone, hope youfolks wont mind postin mine here.
There's a lot, some are old some are recent :D
Comics first...
Ill jes put some random preview pages...
Coming Soon (~38 pages)
( (¤t=CS6.jpg) ( (¤t=1CS14.jpg) ( (¤t=CS27_3.jpg)
"Yoshi" and Mario (Warning, might not be appropriate for some folks) ~31 pages + Extra
( (¤t=mvy3.jpg) ( (¤t=yk1_3.jpg) ( (¤t=kaboom1_3.jpg)
The welcome to windows 7 comic is somehwere in this section :)
and some unsorted ones...
( (¤t=vegetacell.jpg) ( (¤t=RazielEat.jpg) ( (¤t=Tetsuo.jpg) ( (¤t=MaD.jpg) ( (¤t=altair1.jpg) ( (¤t=boxing2.jpg) ( (¤t=gb2.jpg) ( (¤t=away.jpg) ( (¤t=shanoa.jpg) ( (¤t=JanosRaziel.jpg)( (¤t=conserve.jpg)
No trouble at all, Viper, we could always use new art here.
I haven't the time to look at them each individually and offer specialized praise yet, but from I've seen, they look really good. I'm very impressed. I'll have check these out as I see a lot of things I like.
i envy you guy's awesome mad drawing skillz XD
all i can do are messy stuff like this
( (¤t=Copyof1-12-201011-10-32PM_0047.jpg)
Very cute, Zen-kun! Who's that a drawing of? ^^
I've been playing aroudn with me new tablet, I think I'm finally getting the hang of it--
It's so much fun. *.*
Holy jesus I can't even think anymore there's just too much GREAT ART going on in this thread
i feel like i cant post my shitty scribbles, lol
Great to see new art here, and especially from new artists.
Keep it up everyone.
I actually saw that pic on your devart, Bella-san... it's very cute. Good job!
Don't beat yourself zen, you're still beyond my capabilities.
A few useless comments about Viper's drawings - nice fanservice... especially the last one ^///^. I never thought I'd see a LoK fanart here... props! Amused especially by the RE3 fanart...
Good work, Cocleshell. :)
@IanDanKilmaster: LoK ftw!, too bad CD aint making any now :(
ill try to post a couple more :D
My first attempt at drawing nanami madobe :D
Not a "tan" but a mech, a mech of ATi Radeon HD 4870 X2 :)
( (¤t=4870x2.jpg)
This one is for GeForce 8800GTX Mech
( (¤t=GTX.jpg)
A "tan" of GeForce 9600GT, i drew her before i knew about OS tans
and before 9600 GT is 8600GT
( (¤t=XS3.jpg)
and waaay before was GeForce 6600GT. Ive always portrayed midrange GPU's in humanoid form, the higher end ones are in giant mechanized form.
( (¤t=6600GT.jpg)
A creature for my supposed to be large scale comic
( (¤t=Creation.jpg)
and more LoK :D
( (¤t=pillars.jpg)
It's a shame indeed, Viper. I know the games weren't too much in terms of gameplay, but LoK has to be one of the best stories ever... video game or otherwise. At least Defiance brought what I consider to be a satisfying end to the series. In any case, do you have any drawings of the Elder God?
This is all great work, Viper. I find it interesting which components people choose to anthro on their system. Most people usually just make a -tan for their entire compy, but some, like you, seem to prefer the individual parts (like hard drives and video cards).
Impressive stuff.
8600GT-tan FTW!
@IanDanKilmaster: story and voice acting/dialogue is win, even the music imo (although defiance recycled it), Amy Hennig left CD, and one of the devs for LoK died along with Tony Jay (Elder god's voice).
Ive only drawn Elder god twice though, both are quick draws :D...
If i knew those hardware/software tans long ago maybe i had resorted to same system-tan as well, but in my case, video cards specially in the recent years has the "sexiest" look on a computer component and as a pc gamer, i opted to draw em like that XD
OT: i remember your avatar, that's Lime from Saber Marionette right? i used to watch the series last time, and i must say those androids are one of my basis for the GPU tans :D (and one of the first anime females i was able to draw)
@Red-Machine: Custom 8600GT, she has those X-Striker 3 cooler and i slapped it in her back :D
and btw, here's Yoshi-tan, from the Mario series. Someone made a lil girl version of Yoshi the dino and i kinda thought "So Mario would ride her and make her swallow things? omg!!"
So i asked permission to use the character, then it gave birth to a random comic, i only planned for a few pages but it eventually spanned to around 40+ XD
Here's the first page btw...mebbe i can post it ina different thread so all 40+ pages would fit better...
I agree with you once again, Viper. Michael Bell, Simon Templeman, and Tony Jay (well the whole damn cast, really) were just so awesome in that game. I was very disappointed when I read of Tony's passing - I don't think there's another guy that can do "the voice of god" like him. I love the soundtrack too... it's on my computer. All this being said, our gushing for this beloved series would probably be better reserved for the computer & gaming section.
As with everything else, your Elder God pics are total WIN.
Video cards... sexy? I dunno... I do like your take on them, however.
Yoshi...-tan O_o?
hehe, i guess so...
as a PC gamer, yesh, they are "Sexy" on a way their heatsink fan are designed, and how they are the heart of 3D gaming.
Yes Yoshi tan, the comic is a little perverted in the beginning though and somehow could turn off for those who take internets too seriously, maybe i should post it on another thread...
Some sketching I did during boring classes at school.
LOL at the bullet-proof bear... ^_^
man those are really awesome >_<
@VonDaab: like your style :) and lulz at the invincible bear and wrist brush :D
Oh wow, sort of creepy stuff Gussy... but I suppose its meant to be that.
I think it's ok for me to post this now.
It's my entry for the monthly Fan Art Contest at OCRemix.
This month's theme was "Free for All", in other words, no theme at all.
EVGA's NVIDIA Geforce GTX 295 Video Graphics Card!
Otherwise known as 295-tan!
(its a link because the image is scaled way to high to post it)
^hehe i was expectin some rather strong lookin girl though :D
btw, some supposed to be H manga project >_>
and some random quick draw/sketchl
Yea, most likely going into redesign. Just something I did when it was 2 in da morning! Your art is amazing Viper! :D
Easter time.
Can only mean one thing....
Obligatory bunnies and MÃ,,MMI.
lolz glutton D:
Morrigan Aensland, will try to scan it soon...
@VonDaab I could've sworn you had already explained mämmi to us some Eostre before. I think I said something to the effect of wanting to try it.
Funny pic, but who's that being fed? I recognize the other two from some of your other work, but I'm not sure I've seen her before. If I'm not mistaken, this forcefeeding mämmi appears to have become an Eostre tradition of yours. ^^
@ViperXtreme Mor-ri-gan... *drools*
I was thinking this forum could use more succubi...
Looking forward to seeing the scan ^^b.
well, here's the scanned version
a redraw from i did from this one:
and a random wip:
it's a bit annoying to draw though.
i wanted to make a seductive look while making her creepy lookin :)
@ViperXtreme: Ooh, nice.
Quote from: "IanDanKilmaster"Funny pic, but who's that being fed? I recognize the other two from some of your other work, but I'm not sure I've seen her before.
Hmm, that's strange...
Well, it seems like I really been away so long that I never posted any proper art of her.
This is Tebi, originally a hardware -tan for a 1.5TB external HDD but later remade into a regular character of my cast.
Extremely shy person. Works in an office, doing programming and computer stuff.
QuoteIf I'm not mistaken, this forcefeeding mämmi appears to have become an Eostre tradition of yours.
Well, mämmi is delicious and everyone should atleast taste it before making any sort of opinions of it.
This year I actually forced one person to eat mämmi, just because she said she never had tasted it.
OBLIGATORY DRAWING SUBJECT CHANGE: From human(oid)s to robotic dragons.
Warning: pencil gore up ahead!
Click the pic to view full...
( (
Fran-chan is such a winrar. -w-
that looks good D:
A WIP of OpenVMS-tan (-sama, -hime?)
And a WIP of OpenVMS-sama's sworn frienemy, OpenVME-tan:
God, I love GIMP + Wacom Bamboo.
sweet :D
those are awesome bella :D
Frienemies to the bitter end!
Oh look, Franken Fran....
Well, I drew my Phantasy Star Portable character.
Thanks guys. ^^
Oooh, I love her chainsaw-sword VonDaab. And the colouring is excellent as well. ^.^
cool stuff everyone! :D
here's my share...
Ezio Auditore from AC2, similar style i did when i drew AC1's Altair
Ah, AC2. The only game with an "absolutely foolproof" copy-protection. CONSTANT UPLINK REQUIRED LOLZ
Pretty cool, still. -w-
This contains massive amount of lulz. Well done, I daresay.
thanks :D
here's some concepts, PCOS-tan
PCOS (SmartMatic) is a voting machine that is currently "famous" in our country since the national elections has just concluded few days ago...
(googlin PCOS helps)
( (¤t=DSC00310.jpg) ( (¤t=DSC00311.jpg) ( (¤t=DSC00313.jpg)
wow those are really good D:
several characters from my comics or potential comics. pictured are characters from Ace's High, Shoji Seven, OS-tan Comiket, Yugasaga/Ogasaga, a.l.o., Europa, Il Dulce Paradiso, Mi Estas, Baka Baka Baka, and Surrender!!.
lol i drew something for a friend.
yeah i am so messy XD
Late nights make me do weird things.
haven't drawn for a long time, feels like i need to start over again :|
some practice drawing wip :|
Amagami of the Dead :|
( (¤t=amagamiofthedead.jpg)
Wow! This is really good!
and now, this:
May or may not be a referance to a certain game.
A character I drew for someone else on a forum somewhere else.
I've...taken a dive for eldritch lore? Why of course I have!
quick draw Kumashiro Maya from Occult Academy
Tourist destination:
( (¤t=touring.jpg)
I Livestreame'd...
For 8 hours.
With a "massive" amount of 12(!) people watching at times...
Oh yeah, I have a new desktop now, which finally allows me to do streams.
Leave it to me to turn disgusting intestinal parasites into cute, moe girls~
Roundworm Ascaris-tan; small but likes to live in large groups because she gets lonely quite easily. A freeloader by nature, she likes to take it easy and isn't picky with what she eats. Whatever her host eats...she eats too. However, Ascaris-tan's tendancy to live in large groups can cause various problems for her host...
Hookworm-tan; despite her assertive nature to get blood...she's fairly soft and will behave herself if you poke her in the stomach. Apparently, she gets all bashful if you point out she's a bit on the husky side. Unlike Ascaris, Hookworm works on her own and can be quite the glutton when it comes to blood.
So, from actual virus/worm-tans? Well, some transition, I'd say... -w-;
mouse, 5 minutes
Tapeworm-tan; The tallest of the worms and, apparently, the more imfamous of the three. Tapeworm's personality varies depending on which host she has and usually, the host will never know she's there. However on other circumstances, things don't always end peacefully. Even so, Tapeworm is believed to be sought after the most when Weight Loss is concerned...
It's unknown where food goes of any of her headmouths eat...
Kenji-dono, thanks, for bringing the nightmares back ><;
i'm sad cause my art is a pile of poo compared to what's here ;___;
and i was testing some new brushes i instaled in GIMP. :3
Got Bord and sketched this out, been a while (around 3 weeks) since I've sat down and actually drawn something with the intention of finishing it.
Did this one 3 weeks ago lol
Lovely take on Sonata-sensei Kraus-san! :D
I love the virus-tan xD
THAT is spectacular, Toki. In a delightfully psychedelic way... @o@
Woah. I picked the wrong day to quit doing psilocybin mushrooms.
@Dr.Kraus: Yay! Mac OS 9-tan! :) Can't wait to see this finished!
@Toki: Long time no see! Very psychedelic, and awesome job with the coloring- I like how the colors stand out yet blend together so well!
Hey guys, I'm officially a dick now.
linked cause it's big.
whoo boredom
Quote from: "Cockleshell"
linked cause it's big.
whoo boredom
I know your dA now Cockle... imma stalk you... >:3
Oh me-gosh arts!
Virus Tan is awesome, but scares me Xd
Not being an artist, most of this art is not mine.
First off, we have a picture of Lisa, done by my friend Nim.
Then I have a couple headshots by my friend Black-Cat, Antares and Mac
Then more by the artist who did my original avatar (I'm trying to decide on one) did a few for me as well, Mac Tan Antares Tan and a Mac Tan headshot
I also have another of rather debatable content by my friend Zeal, starring me
Now for some more from Black-Cat, some star me, Mac sleeping me, Mac and Antares Me and Mac
QuoteDrawing is all about a random concept i thought about several months ago.
It's about a poor little girl (with her poor family) who is a squatter in the putrid depths of a certain city. Life is harsh there and her family works hard just to get by. One day, her father, manage to win on a bet/gambling and bought some stuff for his family to use, one of them is an old TV (connected to an illegal cable connection).
The little girl got a little interested on the TV so she tried watching several channels, but one channel got her attention, a certain channel that mostly shows Japanese Anime. It changed her life (and everything around her) forever.
They are supposed t be drawn semi/realistically at first, but after the incident, her drawing slowly becomes more anime-ish and everything she interacts with becomes anime-ish as well. Its mostly a spice of life genre and depicts parodies of several issues in our country today, all of it in her anime-ish point of view.
I gave em names btw, (aside from their real names)
Squatter-tan (the main character)
Sugalero-toosan (sugal/sugalero means gambling/gambler)
PokPok-kaasan (*****, well she's not really a ***** here)
Adik-kun (addicted to rugby and constantly sniffs it, her emo elder brother)
*sniffle* you all are putting me to shame again ;____;
oh, and toki's is amazing *0*
such is not my intention :)
another one based from teh preivous drawing
little poor girl is mimicking what she sees on TV anime, using chopsticks (or rather twigs, :( ) for eating...
Had this playing when I decided to draw this. (
The rabbit guy in the pic is Touji Suwagata, shown below...
Also lookitdatbutt
Bappy herpday Borya.
Words can't properly describe how excited I was to see this - my gawd, it's AWESOME! I LOVE IT!!!! :D
Nice try with the subtle link, but this is an image thread -- fate demands it be posted here for posterity!
Also, bday gift from Choco:
Reposted here since Multics in a Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt parody - especially one so darned adorable - demands inclusion in this glorious thread.
Two of the six demon servants that work for the Witch of the 5th Dimension.
Warufuwa has eyes that are basically the gate to an alternate dimension of pure madness.
Omoisouryo holds immense psionic powers due to him possesing 3 third eyes. The one on his forehead is what he uses for sight. If the other two under neath his bandages ever open. The psionic energy released will literally cause your brain to explode.
Cool! Are those for a game or story you're making? :)
Characters from a comic I drew back in the 7th grade. I've been doing alot of digging through my old drawings and comics and I've been compelled to re-design alot of characters since...well, I'm alot better at drawing now than I was when I was like, 12.
I'll say that the comic itself had alot of potential if I actually put work in fleshing out the characters more and did a bit more world building. Back then, I wasn't as skilled at those things as I am now so, plotlines were kinda lame and straightforward, but that didn't seem to stop me from drawing over 250 comics :V
I think I can make it even better if I go back and work on it now.
Well, its a C64.
Because Pitkin asked me to draw one, but I dont personally like "old" rendition of it, so tried a fresh design.
Quote from: VonDaab on February 17, 2011, 05:07:17 PM
Well, its a C64.
Because Pitkin asked me to draw one, but I dont personally like "old" rendition of it, so tried a fresh design.
How very respectful of you. =________=;;;;
i think both are cute. :3
page 1, feel free to laugh. v.v;
the panel when she comes in is a parody of this. (
Harsh, but I like both C64-tan designs.
First page up! I like it, Choco!
it needs some cleaning. i wasn't going to post it until it was, but i wanted to contribute, too. :[
Dunno who she is, but the lineart looks quite nice. Especially liking how you've done her hair....
And that's a cute first page, Kari. Patiently awaiting more~ ^^
no offense to viper, but every time s/he posts something i feel so discouraged. ;__;
: \
Assuming you like his/her style, don't feel that way - whenever I see an artist who's style/skill I like, I try to be inspired by it rather than think "oh s/he's so much better at xyz and I'll never be that good (or better)". Think about what s/he's doing and how you can do that yourself; don't be afraid to emulate and try new things~ -W-
Just as a frame of reference, I was really in awe of C-Chan's and Aurora's work when I came here and never thought I'd be able to pick up Inkscape like they did; but I was so inspired by their art - and the artists themselves - that I learned anyway. I can't say I ever got as good as either, but seeing their work and having their encouragement constantly pushed me to try my hardest.
Same goes for Stewart and Nejin and writing. Their stories inspired me to try writing OS-tan fanfiction, and they themselves continue to make me want to do my best to this very day. -W-
eh, it's not entirely that, it's also partially that i've never heard viper say that s/he had these sorts of worries. it's like s/he never even practiced or anything, that it just sorta came to him/her.
it's also that viper told me once that s/he doesn't plan on going pro. i don't mind it as much with you, since you used to be in the same boat as me (and that you worked hard to get where you are today), but just writing this off as a simple hobby bothers me. this is what i want to do for a living. >__<
anyway, this isn't the time or place to debate this. so next post, i'll be showing my next class project. :3
Trust me - s/he HAS practiced. A lot. Drawing doesn't "just come to" people, it's a learned skill like playing an instrument or picking up a foreign language. : \
I don't think I've ever posted any watercolourings here, have I? Anyway. Some OS-tannage, traditional style!
Mertvaya Ruka
Harvard Mark I-tan
IBM 728-kun and SAGE-tan
thanks, that sketch is supposed to be one of the new characters in the win7 comic im makin (which is on currently on a hiatus), still thinking of the final design. Btw im a "he" :D
I used to draw a lot, im already infesting papers before i even go to school as a child, its practice in a sense, but i don't wanna call it that since it feels like your just forced to learn, i draw to enjoy it, not to be a chore. Im still stuck on pencil because im interested on developing concepts and story more than improving the way i draw thats why i can't color like you Bella XD
And I can't draw. Shouldn't either.
i shouldn't post in these threads....
Mr. Bomb with a Gun and Icepick amuses me. .___.;;
Guess who....
and nice pic : creepy, but nice. :3 (reminds me of salad fingers......)
latest project for school (unfinished):
i get the feeling it might be too small, in which case i'm going to convert it into a vector and scale it up. :\
still brainstorming on the final design, a super quickie one -_-
Disorder and confusion everywhere...
i see!
lolz thunder tits XD XD
stilll brainstorming for the concept >.<
These were so much fun to make~~~
(yes, I'm still obsessing over it)
@Gussy: I'm guessing there's some sort of Touhou reference involved. Not familiar with it in the least bit, but I'm glad to see you back again and posting up art! :)
@Viper: Your character designs are really cool! Is she a character of yours?
@Bella: Panty and Stocking look so adorable in your art style! And thank yoooou! Chibi!Katt looks sassy and confident, and since she's in her student president campaign costume, looks like she's ready to pwn Ima in the elections-- oh wait! Bwahahahaha!
@Canary: Looks very cute! I'm a fan of Ubunchu too, it's too bad I've never got to drawing any fanart.
ty bells ;v; i saved it ;v;
Thought I'd post this, an ambitious drawing I just finished:
from L-R: UMES, GMOS, IBSYS, BESYS. Four of the earliest OSes made.
how pretty! as i'm not completely up to speed on this sort of thing, how old are they? :3 (and is it just the os, or the hardware too? :\)
All of them are deceased, but their OSes are from the 1950's, which they mostly represent.
Glad you like the artz Kari, Aurora. <3
Looks spectacular Aurora! Of course the ladies look very pretty, but there's also something really special going on with the shading and colouring... you've managed to make bright, airy and harmonious, the sort of thing I could look at all day. *__*
IBSYS is still alive under emulated systems...
Thanks! I'll still need to touch this up before submitting it to DA- Didn't realize 'till now that the chair in the bg is lopsided. x_x
Coloring this was a challenge, but it was fun trying to replicate that watercolory, shoujo manga look, and mess around some with using shadows and highlights of different hues.
Neat find- I didn't know IBSYS was still alive in some form, or brought back from the dead, whatever the case is. What do you think her whereabouts would be?
it's still an interesting concept of how we consider a -tan/-kun "alive" or "dead". either way, crooked chair or not, aurora, the picture still looks nice. :3
@Aurora Borealis: thanks and ye, an OC, supposed to be the successor of my 9600GT "tan" (one of the characters on the comic im workin on)
Unlike 9600GT, i design the new one a bit more like the actual hardware. She is also smaller/shorter physically. Her personality is also more of a bit "tsundere" like because of her actual model.
Was planning to introduce her during the Win7 comic progression but my severe procrastination has been affecting me lately...
some quick drawing of the body...
based from:
( (¤t=DSC00402.jpg)
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on March 10, 2011, 06:29:05 PM
Thanks! I'll still need to touch this up before submitting it to DA- Didn't realize 'till now that the chair in the bg is lopsided. x_x
Coloring this was a challenge, but it was fun trying to replicate that watercolory, shoujo manga look, and mess around some with using shadows and highlights of different hues.
Neat find- I didn't know IBSYS was still alive in some form, or brought back from the dead, whatever the case is. What do you think her whereabouts would be?
Minor mistakes considered, you still did an excellent job of it! I've been trying to experiment with using variable hues for shading + highlighting too.
I don't know if IBSYS-tan is alive or not... : \
IBSYS is dead I thought.... but available in force ghost form for consultation by her descendants. But not OS/360, NEVER OS/360.
this is taking alot of guts...
after getting my first how to draw manga book ( at a book fair, i made this:
to show how i've improved:
That's a great amount of improvement! How old is that first pic?
Love the colorful buildings and composition in the second pic. :D
...oh god /scary flashback
Didn't finish this one as well since ive noticed sumthin...a bit lewd or at least not depending on the viewer, i was supposed to draw sumthin in the lines of "teasing"
some random idea of k-on! + KoЯn :D
quickie sketchies...
Oh wow, those are uncanny likenesses! *w*
iscribble is fun :B
I had an explosion of artistic epiphanies that resulted in a drastic increase in the quality of my art,
or maybe that's just the Ritalin. I don't know.
I did the entire thing. There was no blur tool involved in any of it except the background :3
Looks nice Cockle. ^^
(Ritalin, I'll have to look into that...) >>;;;
I want to draw like all of you!
Is there a Japanese onomonopoeia for "practicing, practicing"?
I'll just go biribiri instead
Drawn to the tune of this. (
Quoteonomatopoeia for "practicing, practicing"?
Renshuu, renshuu i believe. Or at least, it's the most commonly used I can think of in the sense of it, such as denoting the weight of practice for skill etc, which commonly utilizes that line.
ganbare, yopparai-san ^^
A day late, but a WIP for OSX Cheetah's 10th anniversary (which OSX Puma will also have later this year, so I added her too):
yay! :D
*applause* ^^
My contribution to OSX's tenth b-day celebration:
It's beautiful! Love the coloring on both Snow's outfit and the background, and with the pose, and the outfit, such an elegant combo!
You're just not letting her go, are ya, bells. -w-
;v; *tears of joy at the sheer epicness and beauty of it*
( (¤t=id2011.jpg)
Updated my ID for deviantart :)
I see what you did there. >_____>
you didn't see what i did thar <____________<
Owl rly? >___>
I saw part of what you did there.
Finally got this done. It was another overdue picture. Again.
Oh my guuuuh, so cutttte
Their beautiful outfits
All the chibi facesssss
Looks good Aurora. Really digging those little chibi heads~ ^.^
*applause for aurora and bella* ^^
I have no idea why I focused on this area.
A character of mine and a friend's character. Just a quick doodle.
Mac OSX Lion-tan! Wearing a... leopard-skin coat.... get it? Cause Lion's replacing Snow... Leopard... ahahaha.
wip...kinda H but-
Saseko "crashing" due to lack of "resources" wip >_>
Actually managed to pull of a re-skin of one of my tanks for World of Tanks in GIMP.
meh, was bored, Katarina kept commenting on Samus earlier today.
Actually surprised with what I can do with a little motivation.
The tank looks good Stewart. .v.
Major points to anyone who gets which of my drawings there are parodies/redeuxs of.
Nice work, everyone!
I recognize each of those, Bella!
1. Redux of your picture of a melancholy Multics holding her staff.
2. Parody of the Multics+Unix pic, but this time with Whirlwind and a young!SAGE.
3. Parody of the Multics portraiture of her in that pose, but this time with Snow Leopard-tan.
Very good!
*Gives Aurora-sama her gold star*
Snow actually looks good in that picture. Good, as in nice - not beautiful-but-a-total-asshole but just plain nice. CHARACTER MISREPRESENTATION!? -w-
Ehhhh.... I don't know if Snow is "nice" but she certainly comes off as amiable. (Except when dealing with her earlier incarnation. And Tiger-tan. And Lion-tan. And Puma-chan. And Linux, and Unix-sama too, and just about everyone else she's ambivalent to.) And considering the amount of dirt she has on, well, everyone, it's friggin' saintly of her to keep it all under her hat. -V-
That's what I meant...she looks too nice in that picture. -w-;
Here's a revamp of a pic I drew 3 years ago, thought I'd redraw it around the time of the Apple I's 35th anniversary, though in Aurora tradition, I'm late to it yet again. :P
Looks beautiful Aurora! I love Apple I-tan here.... *v*
Quote from: NejinOniwa on April 24, 2011, 02:05:22 AM
That's what I meant...she looks too nice in that picture. -w-;
But she does come off as nice... extremely so. (Excepting most of her sisters, Linux and Unix). 'W';
Oh jeeze her hair is long 030
quick doodle concept of Wheatly & Aperture Science Turret :|
Those Aperture Science Humanoid Interface Analogues are un... settling. But still good artworks.
Random subject change, I've started drwing again, and using Paint.NET in lieu of Photoshop/GIMP:
Merging each hand on to the clock face was easier and less confusing than figuringout how to draw all three hands at once, especially with the complex designs of each.
@bells: cute pics. -w-
@aurora: d'awwww. <33
@alex: how's the interface on i always like trying new programs (if they're free).
just uploaded 10 pics i did for a final to DA. i'll post one here, and a link to the rest:
no one saw my other stuff, but i'll put this here anyway... ;^;
I wanted to practice my new coloring/shading technique, pioneered in this image:
But I didn't want to draw a new lineart, since I was feeling lazy and all. I don't know if I captured the magic of the first one (though that might be because the second had a much better/cleaner lineart to begin with), but I like it so far.
(Click image to see fullsize)
It is done.
Quite beautiful, I must say. Good job
That is fantastic! I love the coloring and lighting, and am also happy to see what Whirlwind-hime looks like in color! :D
Thank you Pentium, thank you Aurora. : D
I really like how this picture turned out too, like, a lot. Which can be pretty rare for me. ^^;
Nej is gonna draw sum ponies?
Well, I have no tail to twitch about it, but the general consensus is of that opinion, yes.
I should warn you, it's a big image.
I like it. With artwork, bigger is often better
i'm semi-jealous of your colouring skills, but that's likely since you do digital colouring alot more than me. i should use my coloured pencils sometime soon and upload it here. ^^
(btw, there's copics at my local art store now!!! WHOOOOOOO~~~~~~~)
@nej: put that guide i gave you to good use!! ^^
also, i'm hoping to upload some comics sometime soon, even if they aren't coloured or polished or anything. wouldya like that? :3 (but i found out that i inverted 95's kimono on one of the comics.....dammit...... ><; )
Awwwww yeah, PDP-1 hugs can cure cancer.... too bad that's not what's going to kill CTSS.
@Pentium: Indeed it is... that's why I usually try to upload my images at original size on dA...
@Kari: Post those comics, polishing is for perfectionists.
@Stew: PDP-1-tan has medicinal uses? Right, CTSS died of Not Being Loved Enough (you might doubt that Not Being Loved can kill a person..... but it totally can in the OS-tanverse).
@bella: as you wish, m'lady! >:3
Have some PDP-8xLINC-tan!
This drawing is based on this old photo:
It's even better because this pairing is historically accurate.
I second that motion, Nej
thirded, if that's a word. :3
O hai there
This is totally getting colored. Since I freaking love this lineart and am really pleased with how it turned out. (Except for PDP-8-tan's hand, which I messed up rather badly...)
to be honest, i think the hand looks good, but if you're dissatisfied with the lineart, just do what i do and fix it in editing. :\
I'd also like to see that colored! Agreeing with Choco here- if you want to tweak PDP-8-tan's hand, do so when digitally editing so you don't risk smudging/unwanted eraser marks/etc.
or, in my case, when you screw up the inking. >w>;
I'm coloring that LINC-8 lineart, just so you know.
Chibi Bella and Stew!
you guys make a great couple. and chibi stew looks the type to enjoy metal detecting and bowling! chibi bella looks like she's backpacked a continent and has a large dog. :3
But I don't like bowling (it only leads to pain) or metal detecting! Though I have a strong interest in owning a van and a comics shop.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 24, 2011, 10:51:33 PM
you guys make a great couple. and chibi stew looks the type to enjoy metal detecting and bowling! chibi bella looks like she's backpacked a continent and has a large dog. :3
Hahahaha, thanks K. <3 ^^
Quote from: stewartsage on August 25, 2011, 11:51:25 AM
But I don't like bowling (it only leads to pain) or metal detecting! Though I have a strong interest in owning a van and a comics shop.
Just for that, I'm taking you candlepin bowling when you visit (I'm not entirely keen on it either, but it's an Olde Newe Englande tradtion).
Make that a VW van and a used book store, and you have a deal. :3
An experiment:
pretty cool.
and don't knock metal detecting. i love my metal detector, even if i've never actually found anything. :3
That is cool. Is she an original character or someone from a series I haven't seen?
@Pentium: She's OpenVMS-tan. Created 1977, VMS is a minicomputer/server OS that's virtually uncrackable, virus-free, crash-free and fault-tolerant; computers running VMS commonly run for months, sometimes years at a time without having to be rebooted or shut down.
Thusly, VMS-tan is an uber-badass of the highest order; a stoic, misanthropic, sword-swinging, knife-throwing, possibly-sociopathic leather-wearing masked vigilante who hunts (and kills) crackers, virii and other computer security threats as a hobby. While she likes solitude her general air of coolness (and the promise of protection) has gained her quite a following of fanboys and -girls. Has two adoptive "children", one genetically-modified clone (you may know her: she's Windows NT-tan), an an assistant who pretends to be her husband despite the fact she's 100% asexual and uninterested in relationships. More info can be found on her wiki page:
if this forum ever makes an os for a persocom, let's modify openVMS. :3
Yo dawg I hear you like vintage computer yuri?
I approve of this
Sparkly wins tho.
Thanks guys. ^v^
Very well done, Bella. I can definitely see where you've improved since I've been gone. As always, there's very little I can offer in terms of technical analysis, but I really like the level of color and use of lighting. Doing more non-vector art, then?
Quote from: IanDanKilmaster on September 14, 2011, 09:44:59 PM
Very well done, Bella. I can definitely see where you've improved since I've been gone. As always, there's very little I can offer in terms of technical analysis, but I really like the level of color and use of lighting. Doing more non-vector art, then?
I've all but abandoned vector art, I think my last finished vector piece was in late 2009 or whereabouts... did a lot of traditional art after that, and in early 2010 I got a Wacom Bamboo tablet and started doing raster art in GIMP. Last winter I acquired Photoshop, and haven't looked back...
Pencils, photoshop and watercolors are probably my top three mediums at the moment.
Well okay then :3. It looks as though you're really doing well. I mentioned it because I noticed the last pieces I saw before my hiatus were hand-drawn as well. Anyway, it's a been a pleasure watching you grow as an artist; you just keep getting better and better.
Thanks IDK, that really means a lot to me. : )
Starting nuclear war....... LIKE A BAWWS.
SAGE-tan is the biggest troll ever. -w-
Linux-tan cuddling with her waifu Unix-sama...
I'm sort of freaked out about the size-and-apparent-age difference here.... but I guess it drives home the fact that there IS a size/physical age difference (Unix is ~5ft, Linux is 5'6'', Unix is in her mid-teens in apparent age, Linux is in her late teens or whereabouts)
I heard you like OS-tans, and i heard you like ponies, so I put some OS-tan in your ponies.
I like the SAGE-tan pony the most out of all of them. Good job
D'aww, it may be my love of grey/black color schemes but I really like the look UNIX has. Though each pony sort of exudes their OS-tan's personality.
Still linux lacks horn. Sorcerer and all.
I'm pretty sure this should be posted here and not in /Dirty Cookies (since lingerie =/= sexual content) but forgive me if I'm incorrect and I'll move it.
This drawing was inspired by my checkerboard socks, electronica + Beck music and random late night musing upon the yet-unmentioned fetish-fueliness of Whirlwind-tan. (She's a fairly well-endowed glasses-wearing tall dark 'n bishoujo exotically-accented hot scientist who may've worn leg braces in the past, was in the military and thus probably wore a uniform, sometimes wears a labcoat and occasionally dons corsetry, produced several cute/attractive children and ended up a bandage babe in her final days (complete with eyepatch/head-bandage combo a la Rei Ayanami!)
I just saw that on my dA not long ago
I approve of this
Stamp of approval too small, need bigger stamp
In the meantime bake something for yourself, because that's just silly amounts of good. <3 Fucking checkerboard patterns I love them.
Haven't baked myself a cookie, but a bunch of delicious muffins were brought home, so yeah.
WIP lineart:
Did you know Plan 9-tan is a huge Evangelion fan?
You know now.
I threw her in a test plugsuit from Rebuild because they are 20%
more fanservicey cooler.
Quote from: StewPlease never let Plan 9 have an Eva
Quote from: methe disturbing thought crossed my mind, "if she had one, would it be powered by Unix-sama's soul?"
I think that's as valid an explanation as any other one as to the current location of UNIX-sama's soul. Though, I happened to think later, is it powerful enough to power an EVA?
Quote from: stewartsage on November 01, 2011, 09:31:54 PM
I think that's as valid an explanation as any other one as to the current location of UNIX-sama's soul. Though, I happened to think later, is it powerful enough to power an EVA?
You better believe it's powerful enough... and full of bloodthirsty rage... @____@
CB Unix and PDP-11
I like this influx of drawage.
^^^ I can't be the only one who thinks PDP-11 looks like Ritsuko Akagi.
@Bella: That it looks awesome? I can't immediately spot anything wrong
Quote from: stewartsage on November 17, 2011, 04:11:37 AM
^^^ I can't be the only one who thinks PDP-11 looks like Ritsuko Akagi.
And bingo was her name-o! (That was totally my first impression too, lol)
@Penti: Quite certain, now, that it's the eyelessness. Eyes are such a giant indicator of emotion (especially in mangaesque drawings) that somebody missing them (or hiding them) only looks half-complete.
@Nej: That's because the left hand "ribbon" is the tie to her blindfold....
The Control Data Corporation OS-tans. (
The Plan 9 in a plugsuit pic made me chuckle- Unix has a soul? XD
Besides, wouldn't she have to be dead to power an Eva? Or maybe that is the joke, she has enough pent-up rage to power one while alive!
The SAGE portrait looks amazing- I don't see anything wrong with it!
Your latest picture looks adorable- the CDCs (and Cray-1!) are a wacky bunch. :P It's been a while since I've seen any of them, but I recognized NOS and SCOPE instantly- especially NOS. That expression she has on is sooooo her! :D
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on November 19, 2011, 10:24:36 PM
The Plan 9 in a plugsuit pic made me chuckle- Unix has a soul? XD
Besides, wouldn't she have to be dead to power an Eva? Or maybe that is the joke, she has enough pent-up rage to power one while alive!
The SAGE portrait looks amazing- I don't see anything wrong with it!
Your latest picture looks adorable- the CDCs (and Cray-1!) are a wacky bunch. :P It's been a while since I've seen any of them, but I recognized NOS and SCOPE instantly- especially NOS. That expression she has on is sooooo her! :D
If Unix rage could be harnessed, the national energy crisis would be solved in an instant. I'm pretty sure an Eva would be easy as pie for her.
Thanks! I'm happy everyone likes it, even if it doesn't set right with me. ^^;
The Minneso-tans picture pretty much drew itself, honestly. : D Glad everyone's recognizable, even under layers of winter-wear.
Coming soon to a manga retailer near you*, 360 Muyo!
Filed under: Comedy, harem, romance, ecchi
Follow the life of System/360-kun and his amorous, zany OS-tan coworkers as they embark on offbeat adventures!
*Not really
That is awesome, even more so for making it look like something right out of a harem comedy manga! XD
I'm not sure if I recognize all the characters, but from left to right I see: TOS/360 (that is unmistakably her...), TSS/360, DOS/360, OS/360 (I'm guessing here- those two look a lot like each other, but OS/360 is usually drawn with a fancy hat on), TSOS (?), I don't know who's next to her, BOS/360, and I'm guessing the last one is UMES (since she's one of GMOS' daughters).
O_O That is something that needs to be done
Thanks everybody~ ^^
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on November 23, 2011, 09:19:41 PMI'm not sure if I recognize all the characters, but from left to right I see: TOS/360 (that is unmistakably her...), TSS/360, DOS/360, OS/360 (I'm guessing here- those two look a lot like each other, but OS/360 is usually drawn with a fancy hat on), TSOS (?), I don't know who's next to her, BOS/360, and I'm guessing the last one is UMES (since she's one of GMOS' daughters).
You're pretty close. Left to right (corrections highlighted in bold) - TOS/360, TSS/360, DOS/360, OS/360,
VM/CMS, Michigan Terminal System (MTS), BOS/360, and
VM/CMS was my second guess who the girl next to OS/360 is (I've drawn VM/CMS as having braided pigtails), I thought the next one was MTS because of her hairstyle but wasn't sure, and I've never seen MUSIC/SP before (and there's pretty much no way UMES and MTS could be seen together since UMES died shortly after MTS was born). Still, I'm glad that some of my guesses were right. :)
Just a quick Mac OSX Leopard and Snow Leopard-tan color map.
Why is Snow Leopard-tan so pale anyway?
and for those who don't age, inducing that effect requires energy input into the anchor in the form of Ra Quinyin or a substitute of it, which shifts your anchor's prismatic configuration to the hue of the power used, in this case white
Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 08, 2011, 08:23:36 PM
and for those who don't age, inducing that effect requires energy input into the anchor in the form of Ra Quinyin or a substitute of it, which shifts your anchor's prismatic configuration to the hue of the power used, in this case white
Snow Leopard obviously hails from some cold/snowy/sunlight deprived region in space/time, and developed the lighter color scheme to blend into her environment better...
See, snow!
She can even use it to fly : o
I hail from the cold/snowy/sunlight depraved region of space/time, and no such thing has happened here in modern time, nor is it likely to have happened before that. YOUR THEORY IS BASELESS AND UNTRUE
Clearly, disproving yours makes my theory superior.
Wait, what about all of the various arctic creatures that have white/pale fur to blend into their environment?
Quote from: stewartsage on December 09, 2011, 04:48:33 PM
Wait, what about all of the various arctic creatures that have white/pale fur to blend into their environment?
Snow/Leopard-tan is like a stoat, she develops lighter hair/skin when the environment calls for it. d:
Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 09, 2011, 09:15:05 PM
Quote from: Bella on December 09, 2011, 09:29:38 PM
Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 09, 2011, 09:15:05 PM
Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 09, 2011, 09:38:53 PM
Quote from: Bella on December 09, 2011, 09:29:38 PM
Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 09, 2011, 09:15:05 PM
Wait, what?
Quote from: Bella on December 09, 2011, 09:29:38 PM
Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 09, 2011, 09:15:05 PM
« Last Edit: Today at 04:45:32 by Bella »
Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 09, 2011, 09:51:21 PM
Quote from: Bella on December 09, 2011, 09:29:38 PM
Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 09, 2011, 09:15:05 PM
« Last Edit: Today at 04:45:32 by Bella »
Really, Nej? Getting me to draw a Honey Badger Don't Care/Snow Leopard parody was the final aim of this troll?
>honey badger don't care
>honey badger
Unprecedented amounts of win were achieved.
Quite a bit happened in this thread while I was gone. :P
Been a while since I was here, so Ill drop a few highlights in.
Modeled in Maya 2011
Physical medium, chalk on colored canson:
Copics, stadler felt tip pens, and colored pencil on bristol paper
Pen and ink on bristol paper:
Acrylic paint, gouche, colored pencil, copic markers, stadler felt tip pens on colored canson paper
just a few peices I was rather happy with.
Fullview here (
Why does the cutest AT couple also have to have the saddest backstory? ;_____;
Quote from: CaptBrenden on December 13, 2011, 12:12:49 AM
Been a while since I was here, so Ill drop a few highlights in.
You use Maya and Chalk, I can respect that.
And oh, you do comic-style black and white with heavy shades, I'd be very interested in a commission from you.
Well give me a day and ill be on christmas break and I'll be available.
I don't think changing the email setting was the only thing Fedora did to the servers...must've magnetized them or something!
I like that second sketch of yours, the lady with the noodles for hair and a takeout-box hat(?)
Ah, thanks. She be a chinese food box youkai. Or something :T
Robe design was based off of the Kitchen God, named Zao Jun ( from Chinese mythos.
I see. ^^
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on December 16, 2011, 08:05:18 PM@Bella: I've only watched like one episode of Adventure Time, and I don't know who those characters are, but that's an adorable picture!
I can't really say who they are without spoiling things. >>
...What episode did you see? :o
It was the episode where the protagonists were in a chaotic village where everyone steals everything from each other, or something like that.
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on December 16, 2011, 09:29:12 PM
It was the episode where the protagonists were in a chaotic village where everyone steals everything from each other, or something like that.
City of Thieves! ^^
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on December 16, 2011, 08:05:18 PM
Wow! Long time no see, Captain and Gussy!
@Captain: I'm amazed by the attention to detail in all of those pictures, and in different mediums too!
Thanks! Youve changed a bit too, been following you on DA for some time now.
From my dA page (with minor name modifications, since I used dA aliases on dA):
2011 Summary of Art:
January: Connecticut-tan, who a friend on dA and I designed. This was a gift art for him, because he gave me a three-month subscription.Watercolors on cold-pressed paper.
February: Watson-tan, an OS-tan representing IBM's Watson artificial intelligence system. (This was of course inspired by Watson's historic appearance on the trivia competition Jeopardy.) Digital painting in Photoshop CS4. I experimented quite bit here with lighting and bioluminescence and REALLY want to draw this character again because she's so much fun to color!
March: Mac OSX Snow Leopard-tan. CS4. I thought this one was kinda dull at first, but in hindsight I really like it and am impressed at how I was able to make a predominantly white color scheme both subtle and vibrant.
April: Nothing uploaded.
May: Sketch of my Strike Witches RPG OC, Celia Baumer. Pencils.
June: My aforementioned RPG OC Celia and my boyfriend's [Stewart's] OC Elenore Petrisse. This was a gift drawing for his birthday and still stands as some sort of personal crowning moment of achievement coloring-wise. Really, I adore how it looks on a screen, I adore how it looks in printed form, the coloring just feels so harmonious and crisp! CS4.
July: SAGE-chan and Whirlwind-hime, two of my bf's OS-tan OCs. I continued to refine the coloring methods I had worked out on June's painting, and am VERY proud of this one too. Both because of the coloring and how I was able to portray the characters - SAGE-tan turned out so cute and sweet-looking and Whirlwind feels so mature and elegant. CS4.
August: OpenVMS-tan. Lineart and some coloring in The GIMP (earlier that year), finishing work in CS4. The coloring looks softer in this one than the others because it was largely colored at an earlier date when I was using a softer style (see February's painting). I'm impressed by the clothing and hair in this one, since I haven't been able to re-capture a similar level of detail in more recent works.
September: PDP-8 and LINC-tan, OS-tan characters created by me and my bf, respectively. CS4.
October: Whirlwind-hime pinup. This drawing makes me really happy because it was so much fun to work on and I got a lot of good feedback about it! CS4.
November: God-mode SAGE-tan. I love this drawing in theory but it was such a pain to work on, and I don't think I did strong enough lighting effects (considering the huge stain-glass window behind SAGE). I might try making a version with eyes showing in the future, since I suspect I might be put-off by the lack of eyes in this image. CS4.
December: Princess Luna, from MLP:FIM. This was one of those rare paintings that felt effortless and consistently FUN to put together - I think the dark color scheme and gentle lighting had a lot to do with this. Or maybe it was just beginner pony-artists' luck? CS4
ah very nice... I would like to do one of these.. except I didnt really have time to draw... in art school.... . _ .
This is still the place to post random art, right?
In that case... In the time I've been non-memory resident (since like April/May, I think?) I've actually somewhat improved my artistic ability, which currently culminates in the art I've done of two of my DnD characters for one of my friends' campaigns.
@AlexS: Yes.
You've made a lot of progress, and I think this is the first time I've seen you draw people. I remember back with the calculator-tans brainstorming, you described several of the character designs and drew some details, but I can't recall if you drew full characters, or did digital drawings. What classes are those characters? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with DnD- actually, I have no idea where to start with trying to understand it! ^^;
A fairly quick, "Mac-mas" picture I finally got to making! Well, more accurately, it's a snapshot of what Xmas would be like at the Apple family reunions. :D
(the cards that GS/OS-tan, System 6-tan and 7-tan are holding are a reference to HyperCard stacks, and the background was done partly in Mac Paint)
When adding in another character in the background (originally it was just Cheetah-tan), I was trying to decide between having the other character be either Lisa-tan, Mac-tan or Lion-tan, but decided on Lisa-tan because this would be the first time she's been depicted smiling... :P
Merry "mac-mas"!
System 6
Lisa and System 7-tan = <3
Beautiful job Aurora! : D
@Aurora Toward the end of that thread, I did try to draw some full-body art for a few of the calcu-tan, such as HP-01-tan and Windows Calc-tan, but they were entirely on paper, and I wasn't good at drawing faces or doing shading back then!
Both of the characters I drew are Warforged, which are essentially robots/androids/etc. The first one is a monk, using a set-up that lets "him" benefit from weapons, unlike 'traditional' monks. The second image is the same character at a higher level.
The other character is a "hybrid wizard/sorcerer", which in terms of the character, means "he" gets lasers. "He" is a mass-produced artillery drone with a chest-mounted cannon, and gained sentience. Which boils down to lasers.
These are hotlinked from my deviantart (http://''), which sat mostly unused until I decided these were good enough to go up.
On your art, that looks like what the Mac House would send out as a Christmas card! Or at least the Vintage Macs.
just a typical scene in our country during/before/after the new year...
warning. some blood and gor-
Oh you sheep-devil you. :3
And that's why I'm afraid of handling fireworks. >>
wip/unfinished :(
DEC-tan sketches:
Top, L-to-R: PDP-10-tan, PDP-11-tan, PDP-8-tan (she doesn't wear glasses so I gave her science goggles) and PDP-1-tan
Bottom: VMS-tan doesn't do physicals. Especially not when LINC-tan is involved. But PDP-8-tan would be a willing patient.
Top, L-to-R: PDP-10-tan AND -kun; PDP-7-tan.
Bottom, L-to-R: PDP-7-tan and little Unix-tan; PDP-3; PDP-4.
I have no idea why OS/8, RT-11, TOPS-10, RSTS and DOS/BATCH-11-tan are having a race dressed in Japanese school gym outfits...
Nice sketches!
Awwww.... Poor LINC! Aside from PDP-8-tan, she gets no respect from any of the DECs!
The sketch of PDP-7 and little Unix is very cute! Is PDP-7-tan still alive, and how did she react to Unix becoming... what she became when first corrupted by Multics' power? 0_0
In the last sketch, it looks like OS/8 is pwning everyone except for RT-11, who is one of the few OS-tans that can rival her in speed! :D
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on January 02, 2012, 06:44:25 PMAwwww.... Poor LINC! Aside from PDP-8-tan, she gets no respect from any of the DECs!
Not to mention VMS-tan's general aversion to stripping for anyone, doctors included. ^^;;
QuoteThe sketch of PDP-7 and little Unix is very cute! Is PDP-7-tan still alive, and how did she react to Unix becoming... what she became when first corrupted by Multics' power? 0_0
PDP-7-tan is very much alive. I imagine she was wildly protective of Unix back in Unix's youth and maybe even tried to integrate her into the DEC clan (to no avail) and is still loyal to Unix today. Even though Unix has been corrupted by Multics' power, PDP-7 still sees her as that friend she helped create all so she could have someone to play with...
So PDP-7-tan is very innocent-minded, just wanting someone to play with, though when she created Unix, she ended up with a lot more than she bargained for! Too bad that she wasn't Unix's mentor. If she were, do you think Unix would have been a lot more well-adjusted? Considering that Unix became the enemy of the DECs, I'm guessing that PDP-7-tan was dishonorably discharged. Where would she be now?
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on January 04, 2012, 12:20:50 AM
So PDP-7-tan is very innocent-minded, just wanting someone to play with, though when she created Unix, she ended up with a lot more than she bargained for! Too bad that she wasn't Unix's mentor. If she were, do you think Unix would have been a lot more well-adjusted? Considering that Unix became the enemy of the DECs, I'm guessing that PDP-7-tan was dishonorably discharged. Where would she be now?
I gave a very lengthy answer to your questions over in this thread (,1154.msg115389/topicseen.html#msg115389), since that's where I posted a preconcept bio for PDP-7-tan - and because I don't want to clog up this thread with more text that need be. ^^;
cant see imageshack images D:
some ararararagi quick doodle
That's very good for a quick doodle. :) Like how quick was it?
Nice plane. : D
QuoteThat's very good for a quick doodle. Like how quick was it?
around 5-10 minutes just liek these:
and yes nice plane :D
I'm pretty sure the tall girl's identity is unmistakable, but will anyone be able to figure out who the short girl is?
Too lazy to jog my memory. Never too lazy to love your art style. Amazing in pen, and it'd be glorious in color.
Thanks Nej, means a lot to me man. ^^
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on January 14, 2012, 06:24:50 PM
@Bella: I can't remember who the shorter character is, or even if she was introduced, but I know the taller one is MTS-tan.
1) Yes, it is MTS-tan
2) The shorter girl has been introduced. She has appeared in a few of Stewart's stories, been sketched before, and appeared in chibi form. She's also one of a few Burroughs-tans if that helps.
*Gives gold star* :3
Very nice drawing :3
doodling my favorite character in the game Xenoblade
Conan the barbarian-esque feeling, i get. GJ!
thats pretty awesome actually.
moar Xenoblade character: Carna/Sharla
re doodling GF 9600GT/G94 girl '__'
(damn it, i drew it too large, wasn't able to draw the feet lol)
okay now thats pretty awesome, but i got a thing for girls in armor so maybe im bais xD
thanks, its very roughly patched up tho since im still deciding on stuff i want to slap on her body lol
doodle in progress...
Lineup of various PDP (and related)-tans; from L-to-R:
PDP-1-tan, PDP-4, PDP-3, PDP-7, PDP-8, LINC, PDP-10-tan, PDP-11-tan and PDP-10-kun
Page of DEC-tan doodles featuring VMS-tan, RSX-tan, TOPS-10-tan, OS/8-tan, and a lone TENEX-tan.
On the top left, we have Inferno-chan being attacked by her spirit animal in a cruel twist of irony; top right, KRONOS-kun learns why it's probably not a good idea to get MTS-tan overexcited; bottom, PDP-1-chan considers fleeing for her (and her dog's) life when MTS-tan takes an interest in the poor puppy.
^i...i can only see yellow frogs D:
It looks awesome, but I have no idea what it's supposed to be. >_>
Because I don't think Bells'll put this up, here, have the nose art she made for my B-17, Queen of the Skies campaign.
Belle of Baltimore II
Thanks dear. ^^ I was thinking of posting that on my dA too.
That is nice ^_^
Nisemonogatari doodle
But he wasn't even using an electric brushie...
...oh well. It was an awesome ep anyway XD
yeah, but it in the ending, it was supposed to be best of 3 where each of them taking turns hehe
koyomi merely brought out a secret weapon >_>
Clockwise from top:
-Linux-tan being a hipster with an awesome shirt.
-Unix-tan asserting her unhipsterness.
-Selectric-kun being a sexy colorfully dressed beast.
Moar of dat Linuxhipster, Unix-tan and a chibi Selectric-kun. (
Annnd he's at it again, ho boy. -w-
w-what? @_@
Quote from: Bella on February 28, 2012, 05:23:23 PM
Moar of dat Linuxhipster, Unix-tan and a chibi Selectric-kun.
It would appear that the little fuckmuffins at Imageshack find doodles of hipsters to be against their TOS.
I WANNA CUT A BITCH (by which I mean the person who reported those sketches, whoever he or she may be) RIGHT NOW. :Z
they weren't even naughty. you were posting them out of the hentai section so it's not like they were even bad. :\
also, considering how many times i've been called a hipster and how many times i've denied it, I AM UNIX. o__o;
nice pics though :3
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 02, 2012, 01:34:31 PM
they weren't even naughty. you were posting them out of the hentai section so it's not like they were even bad. :\
also, considering how many times i've been called a hipster and how many times i've denied it, I AM UNIX. o__o;
This is the "offending" image in question ( (on the left side).
Also, I don't know how anyone could mistake you for a hipster... you're way too emotive, actually care about things, and like anime too. Which I'm pretty sure are three no-no's of "conventional" hipster culture.
Pretty ^_^
I especially like OS/360
comment'd on the DA pic. maybe it was flagged for naughty cause you can see someone's crotch? but it's clothed, so idk what the prude's problem is. >>;
that said, my sister has called me a hipster before because i have a tendency to say "you've probably never heard of them (band)". however, i only do that because 90% of the time, NO ONE HAS. i doubt anyone here has heard of BEAST or DBSK, and i doubt that someone i know in person (who isn't into anime) would have heard of Miku or Perfume, or even PUFFY for that matter. :\
i remember you calling me a hipster at one point too. it was a subject of fierce debate. :\
Lol, yeah, I thought that maybe somebody mistook crotch + skinny jeans for nudity, but it's not like there was any anatomical detail ... ><
One problem with your sister's hypothesis, LIKING J-POP IS LIKE THE LEAST HIPSTERISH THING. EVER. For that matter, liking any kind of pop that's not indie pop/folk pop/baroque pop probably puts people out of the running for having hipsterist musical tastes.
Kari, if I ever called you a hipster I was being sarcastic or joking, because 1) You're about the least hipsterly person on OSC (which is saying a lot, since nobody here is hipsterish in the traditional sense, and the one person who DOES display hipster traits identifies as something else entirely) and 2) I have no recollection of calling you that. However I do recall a fierce debate about whether or not I'm a hipster after I mused about some of my own hipsterish traits, but I quickly came to the conclusion that being able to call oneself a hipster probably disqualifies one from using that label.
Beautiful work on the Ubuntu and OS/360 pics! They do a great job also conveying their personalities- especially the powerful and confident OS/360!
Thanks Aurora, I nearly gave up on that OS/360-tan picture but I was able to fix it up. : D
Quote from: Bella on March 03, 2012, 11:54:15 AM
Lol, yeah, I thought that maybe somebody mistook crotch + skinny jeans for nudity, but it's not like there was any anatomical detail ... ><
One problem with your sister's hypothesis, LIKING J-POP IS LIKE THE LEAST HIPSTERISH THING. EVER. For that matter, liking any kind of pop that's not indie pop/folk pop/baroque pop probably puts people out of the running for having hipsterist musical tastes.
Kari, if I ever called you a hipster I was being sarcastic or joking, because 1) You're about the least hipsterly person on OSC (which is saying a lot, since nobody here is hipsterish in the traditional sense, and the one person who DOES display hipster traits identifies as something else entirely) and 2) I have no recollection of calling you that. However I do recall a fierce debate about whether or not I'm a hipster after I mused about some of my own hipsterish traits, but I quickly came to the conclusion that being able to call oneself a hipster probably disqualifies one from using that label.
If you want to be a hipster, like Jam Project.
I've never really gotten into the whole hipster definition thing, but I probably am one anyway.
Sonic and Knuckles
and Miles Tails '__' super quick doodles
Quote from: Krizonar on March 03, 2012, 07:53:13 PMIf you want to be a hipster, like Jam Project.
I've never really gotten into the whole hipster definition thing, but I probably am one anyway.
I never would have guessed you're a hipster, tbh. : o
Circa early 1960s CTSS-sama; Lower right hand side, sorcery-mode CTSS.
A page of CTSS and Selectric-kun cuteness. And a lone IBM 7090-kun.
Summary story will prolly be added soon '__'
Tsuhiki doodle in progress, will post the whole pic soon :)
Finished doodling :D
Nisemonogatari 10 "spoiler" :D
Nisemonogatari Z
A Series of Unfortunate Events
moar doodles:
So, I actually uploaded something I made: a quick doodle of TOM 1.0 (Host of Toonami circa 2000), a day after the block was cancelled in September 2008
This was done entirely with pencils and paper, aside from using the GIMP to clean up some spots that came from it hanging on my wall for several years (In fact, you can see it in this excerpt from a pic I took a while back, next to the 2 doodles of TOM 1.0 I made back in 2000 (
Have I posted this here since it was drawn before I joined?
@Kriz: I remember seeing that sketch before, though I dunno if it was on OSC or dA.
@Pent: Hooray for decorating with your own artwork.^^ I have a few framed prints of my artworks around my room (even a slightly yuri-ish one, which has somehow evaded notice, hahah).
Quote from: Bella on April 09, 2012, 12:51:12 AM
@Kriz: I remember seeing that sketch before, though I dunno if it was on OSC or dA.
It is on my DA... so probably there.
ICL OpenVME-tan
My favorite winged asexy steampunk civil engineer!
Nice :3
You know, I often find myself mixing up VMS, VME and VMU ( ^_^;;
Jormungand and Upotte!! crossover
Iorveth of the Scoia'tael (The witcher 2)
Thanks for the comments everyone~ ^^
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on April 22, 2012, 12:57:52 PMHowever, in the first one, what's that guy doing to that girl? o_0
I wondered the same thing ... considering that Upotte!! is about anthropomorphic guns, I'm kind of scared to ask.
First picture of WAITS-tan and DTSS-tan in years!
And ITS-tan too!
*shuffles out*
Quote@Viper: Not familiar with those series your art is from, but I like your art style! However, in the first one, what's that guy doing to that girl? o_0
Series is a crossover of Upotte!! and Jormungand
Upotte!! is a manga (with a currently airing anime) that portrays personification of guns (much like OS tans), and the guy is holding a bullet magazine, you will know what he's up to...
Jormungand is also a manga and a currently airing anime that portrays the story of arms dealer Koko Hekmatyar...
Apparently, that particular doodle got a bit popular and was posted on several imageboards D:
WIP image of IBM Watson-tan.
I have links to the "making-of" of this image in /What Manga are You Reading.
Nice ^_^
So, upon Kari's request, a single-panel comic I made last night ( I may have labeled this as "A quick doodle", but it took me about an hour to get what you see here; as I ended up needing to trace the original drawing onto a new sheet of paper so I can have sharper lines (Directly drawing with a pen over the pencil was not wanting to work for me), and lastly, coloring in everything.
The art is a bit simplistic, but given the goofy nature of the comic, I think the artstyle works in it's favor. Any thoughts?
lol. but i don't have short blue hair anymore. ^^;
or was that supposed to be Windows 2k?
It wasn't anyone in particular, actually; although one could say it is 2k :3
that works. -w-
Homolust detected. XD
Something not very good that I drew while trying to fall asleep...
coo-oool :0
That looks pretty good ^_^
You're a good draw-er Cockle-san. ^^
wouldn't "draw-er" translate into "artist"? somehow i don't think cockle is a part of a bureau or night stand that you can store things in. :3
Embrace the truth, minion. Some people are secretly furniture.
(Like Penti, who apparently is a table)
I finished it more thoroughly, like I wasn't half asleep...
Skyrimming has been detected.
Not even. I haven't ever had the chance to play skyrim. Best I have is oblivion on the oldest ps3 on a standard definition big-ass TV... ;_;
what's wrong with regular TVs. i was offered an HD TV and i REFUSED IT. >>;
that said, *clap clap clap clap clap*
You refused an HDTV? @__@
I love mine. Bought it off of my bro-in-law a few years ago, and it's amazing for everything I've thrown at it save for my VCR, Atari 2600, and TRS-80; those are best saved for the standard TV I have in storage :3
Figured I should post this eventually to showcase my small improvements:
(and only hyperlink it because the image is gigantic) (
uber quick doodle
one does not simply log in to Diablo III
We felt that all the way over on the LoL servers. "DURR D3 IS DOWN SO WE'RE CHILLING HERE PLAYING ARAM"
@alex: cool. :3 is that an original character?
It's a DnD character I've used, and before that was a character in a free-form roleplay my friends and I were doing.
He's also the character I've done the most art of, making practice easier.
looks cool. ^^
You draw dragons really well. : o
I did that maybe 6 months back. Also, thanks Bella <3
1. Properly position face on screen
2. Suck her drool'ed finger

4. Profit!!!
Random doodle of Urabe Mikoto from Nazo no Kanojo X
(p.s. i enjoyed doodling the background )
tutorial is go~~
Go claim your belated birthday gift, Kari. ;)
Just a something I did in geometry. Hurrrrdurr
Oooh, Utsuho! Nice sketch! :D
fancy-schmanzy. :3
i hope someone benefits from my tutorial.... ;v;
some OCs and crossover
Amazing as always, Viper. @_@
trying to color some doodles...Avast!
More nose art, courtesy Bells (
Thanks for posting that for me. ^^
I'm thinking of putting that on dA too...
They look nice ^_^
Me gusta o_o
Those are amazing! Will you submit them to the OS-tan blog?
EDIT: I saw them on your vintage tech blog, so I'll reblog them.
@Aurora: Thanks! I was gonna send you a note asking if you could reblog them, but you went ahead and read my mind first... ^^
I'm just going to leave this painting of Multics and Emacs here......
Glad to see the full version of this, which you hinted at back in the Theories thread. Both of them look amazing, and so do their Victorian-inspired outfits, and their color schemes go great with the scenery, though I didn't recognize Emacs in a dress!
Thanks. :D
Yeahh, I didn't think many people would recognize Emacs here... it's the power of R63'ing. ^^;
Or crossdressing?
Wait; the girl with Multics in that pic is actually a guy? o_o
I find this strangely hot... >w>;;
I invite the viewer to draw their own conclusions about Emacs-san...
Since I forgot to post this here yesterday
"Showdown on Lake Michigan"
MCP- and NOS/VE-tan get into a game of chicken fight with MTS-tan and KRONOS-kun, whilst BUIC-tan lurks in the background with a camera.
Looks nice :3
Is there any other art of Emacs-san I might not know of? The mystery intrigues me
If female, I'd do her. If male, I'd wish I could trap like that...and would probably still do him >w>
Granted, by "do", I mean "snuggle with" >w<
Shoulder-length Brown Haircut
Amazing Crossdress
Possible Trap
Related to Computers
EMACS = RITSU NAMINE!!!!!! o___o
(btw, kickass art bells. :3)
Quote from: PentiumMMX on June 30, 2012, 12:52:43 PM
Looks nice :3
Is there any other art of Emacs-san I might not know of? The mystery intrigues me
If female, I'd do her. If male, I'd wish I could trap like that...and would probably still do him >w>
Granted, by "do", I mean "snuggle with" >w<
I haven't drawn Emacs-kun in so long, unfortunately, the only things i have are a few very ( old ( sketches (, and a character meme ( But you've inspired me to write up a wiki article for him. ^^
No need to be abashed, in-canon Emacs-kun is something of a chick/dude/everyone magnet.
Hell, he even has his own religion ( from: Chocofreak13 on June 30, 2012, 02:46:57 PM
Shoulder-length Brown Haircut
Amazing Crossdress
Possible Trap
Related to Computers
EMACS = RITSU NAMINE!!!!!! o___o
(btw, kickass art bells. :3)
Lol. xD
Thanks Kari! :D
glad someone laughed at that. xD
if you search for ritsu on gel/danbooru, he does bear a resemblance to that picture. it's weird. :0
do eet, bells. why not make an article for him? we can try to rival wikipedia for amount of articles! xD
@Stew: Nice drawing, but who is it of?
Just a random Volkspolizei girl.
cuuuute. :3
It looks nice ^_^
: o
Thank you both so much!
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on July 19, 2012, 09:52:15 PM
Thank you both so much!
@Krizo: Thanks! I don't mind that the apple has a bite in it. :P
At last, here's Plan 9-tan and Cirno!:
I plan on coloring this and fixing up the lineart a bit more.
I can't wait to see this colored! : D
(Stew and I have constructed a WMG involving the child being VOS-tan.... or Unix-sama....... this has to be an alternate universe fanfic.)
I like it ^_^
Thank you~
Memory Test Computer-tan:
And a sky:
All of them look nice! I see that SCOPE has her distinctive wild hair and eyes-wide-open expression, and I also see TX-0's resemblance to Whirlwind; she inherited Whirlwind's fondness for ribbons and computer part jewelry.
Thanks. :D I'm glad TX-0-tan looks enough like her mum without being a total copy. ^^'
Of course she's unreal Nej, she's a drawing. 'u'
"Whiskey Rebellion" (B-17F-100-B0 42-30344)
153rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 281st Bombardment Group (Heavy)
October, 1943
The purple-haired chibis are amazing, and each with a different shade of purple! However, I didn't know all of them were OS-tans though; I recognized Multics, Linux and Unix right away but didn't know the left two are TOPS-20 and TOPS-10; in particular, TOPS-10's design looks very different than your earlier renditions, but I like it nonetheless.
Nice work with the noseart too. :)
I finally got the Plan 9 + Cirno pic done! This one was hard for me because I wasn't used to raster coloring with shading and had some more correcting to do, but at last!:
@Aurora: I love it *w*
@Bella: Stuff like that is always neat. BTW, you should upload the 2k portrait you made for me :3
Though I wouldn't be surprised if Plan 9-tan considers herself the best/strongest OS-tan, period. XD;
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on September 16, 2012, 01:09:37 PM
The purple-haired chibis are amazing, and each with a different shade of purple! However, I didn't know all of them were OS-tans though; I recognized Multics, Linux and Unix right away but didn't know the left two are TOPS-20 and TOPS-10; in particular, TOPS-10's design looks very different than your earlier renditions, but I like it nonetheless.
Nice work with the noseart too. :)
Thanks on both accounts! I remembered a conversation Nej and I had wayyy back, about there being too many purple-haired OS-tans ... this sort of became an exercise in showing how much variation can exist in that hair color. : p
I changed TENEX-tan's eye color, and made modifications to her hair style and color but that's about it. TOPS-10-tan is pictured in her modern-day, casual attire - somehow I see her as being a fan of boots and denim and leather jackets. (Heh, she's channeling the greaser spirit.)
Quote from: PentiumMMX on September 16, 2012, 02:15:10 PM
@Bella: Stuff like that is always neat. BTW, you should upload the 2k portrait you made for me :3
Thanks for reminding me. I keep forgetting. : (
quick doodles for pent (bonus one in topicless):
I love 'em >w<
Is the girl with red hair a representation of me in trap mode, perhaps? :3
yes, yes it is. xD
Nice ^_^
I love them.
Very cute!
I especially like the Penti-chan one. ^^
lol, i should post stuff here more often. xD
You should!
I've been playing around with landscapes in SAI....
niiiiice. of course, you're always good at digital stuff. i suppose having a tablet helps. xD
what's the sai interface like? similar to photoshop or gimp, or is it completely standalone?
@Choco: Your chibis are so cute! :D
ty ;v;
(made in mspaint~)
Very nice :3
When are you going to start uploading the comic, though?
someday, lol. i'm still missing some things that i need before i start redrawing it (inking materials, colouring materials, a place to post them (such as a website), etc.). and i'm making the plot more coherent, nailing down details such as setting and character details, etc.
i can upload the old comics if you want, but fair warning, the art and coherency of the comics has improved since they've been drawn. and some details are subject to change (i'm still deciding the name of the city, rival school, one of the characters' names has even changed). :\
i'm fine with uploading the old stuff if people want to read it. i'm just giving the disclaimer because later versions will look and sound a bit different.
as for a domain, i've considered hosting through a service like smackjeeves or wordpress, but i'd rather have my own since i was planning on hosting multiple, and i could have features that i'm not sure i could have through a hoster.
what do you think of it, though? i haven't heard from my brother in awhile, and he was supposed to be building it for me, so i might need to look into alternatives. :\
oh damn, that sounds perfect! :0 (can you put polls in?)
how much is the hosting fees per month?
that's good enough for me, lol. does the site keep the revenue from the advertising on the sides?
danke, danke. this is such a huge help. ;v;
Disregard this post. It was in the wrong topic
Shouldn't that have gone in Scrap Paper, Pent? ^^;
Stratus VOS-tan, Burroughs MCP-tan, Inferno-tan, ILLIAC-tan, Solaris-tan and ORDVAC-tan.
@Bella: Yes I did. The constant talk about Kari's comic threw me off, though; since it was also being discussed in Scrap Paper ^_^;
Also, nice drawing :3
Berkeley Timesharing System-tan makes a reappearance
I never posted this here.....?
Bella. Your art is so goddam amazing *tear*
only way to describe this:
(also has anyone ever noticed that MR looks a bit like the 4th doctor....?)
Nonsense! All Snow was missing was someone grabbing her ASS. Which, incidentally, MR is doing right here.
Quote from: Cockleshell on December 15, 2012, 11:48:39 PM
Bella. Your art is so goddam amazing *tear*
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 16, 2012, 12:28:40 AM
only way to describe this:
(also has anyone ever noticed that MR looks a bit like the 4th doctor....?)
Gyah! Stop it you guys, you're flattering me. ;//0//;
*hugs Kari and Cockle*
(Hm, I DIDN'T notice that, but now I can't unsee it. XD)
Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 16, 2012, 07:52:30 AM
Nonsense! All Snow was missing was someone grabbing her ASS. Which, incidentally, MR is doing right here.
Mister, I'll have you know that Ruka is putting her arm over Snow's shoulde-
....waaaaaaaait, have we just discovered who Nejin ships?
Very nice ^^
Quote from: Bella on December 16, 2012, 09:26:44 AM
Mister, I'll have you know that Ruka is putting her arm over Snow's shoulde-
....waaaaaaaait, have we just discovered who Nejin ships?
Why do you think she wears her bearskin coat? She loves the fluff. Giant fluffy tail on firm catgirl ass? Irrefuckingsistible*.
SO NOW you must draw the back side of that picture, with gratuitous assgrabbing from all ends and Ruka fighting over the rights to it with Cray.
Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 16, 2012, 10:44:19 AM
Quote from: Bella on December 16, 2012, 09:26:44 AM
Mister, I'll have you know that Ruka is putting her arm over Snow's shoulde-
....waaaaaaaait, have we just discovered who Nejin ships?
Why do you think she wears her bearskin coat? She loves the fluff. Giant fluffy tail on firm catgirl ass? Irrefuckingsistible*.
SO NOW you must draw the back side of that picture, with gratuitous assgrabbing from all ends and Ruka fighting over the rights to it with Cray.
It all makes sense now!
*adds to queue*
@bella: i can picture Cray and Ruka's arms crossed over one another so each is grabbing the cheek on the other's side.
Badly drawn Vistan on a raptor, looking pensive:
That isn't badly drawn, that's fantastic. :D
Os-tans + dinosaurs = <3
this gives new meaning to the term "prehistoric os". :0
He's made of jelly -3-
How to Train Your Dragon: Gummi Bears Edition
@Cockleshell: The Vistan on a dinosaur pic is an awesome idea, but Vista is far from being a prehistoric OS! Damn, technology marches on so fast. The jelly dragon looks good too, it looks very jelly-like, but does it jiggle, and worry about getting eaten?
@Bella: The Mertvaya Ruka, Snow Leopard and Cray-1 pic is pure fabulousness! Wonder how they'd do as a team of nuclear winter/snow/ice-based uhh... heroes?
BTSS-tan's redesign looks great! I remember that she was originally created a few years ago and remember some things from her original concept, like her clairvoyant abilities. Do those still apply?
I can't comment much on MLP stuff because I can't keep track, but the coloring looks great.
That jelly dragon looks delicious~
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on December 18, 2012, 04:12:30 PM
@Bella: The Mertvaya Ruka, Snow Leopard and Cray-1 pic is pure fabulousness! Wonder how they'd do as a team of nuclear winter/snow/ice-based uhh... heroes?
I think Cray-1-tan would be the leader of the group, but she and Snow Leopard-tan would constantly be getting in battles of ego leading to snow power vs. ice power fights! Meanwhile, Ruka-tan would quietly lurk in the background, only stepping up when her powers were needed (or to break up an especially obnoxious fight between her two teammates).
QuoteBTSS-tan's redesign looks great! I remember that she was originally created a few years ago and remember some things from her original concept, like her clairvoyant abilities. Do those still apply?
She's still clairvoyant, although now I imagine her abilities are a little less crippling and merely just annoying for those around her. I've dug up some more info on the actual system and am trying to work that into her character - I've been writing a wiki bio for her, so once that's up you can lean more about her.
QuoteI can't comment much on MLP stuff because I can't keep track, but the coloring looks great.
Thanks, I'd like to experiment more with the style of coloring I used in that picture. ^^
Cray I, Snow Leopard, and Ruka as superheros.
they need to be in skintight superhero costumes.
Choco, he eats gummi bears for breakfast. Huhuhu.
Aurora, he just steps on people and watches them eat the inside of his paws and die. /morbid
Dangit. Now I want to make a lot of Jelly animals ;a;
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 18, 2012, 08:24:30 PM
Cray I, Snow Leopard, and Ruka as superheros.
they need to be in skintight superhero costumes.
someone should post some art to make this an art thread again.
me earlier:
(alternate ver. )
geez, i need to replace my tablet. >>;
but it's cute. ;^;
EDIT: your MS paint escapades inspired me to have some of my own.
Thanks Choco. I freaking hate my art though. And also your handwriting looks kinda like mine :O
just don't give up, okay? i look back at my old stuff and it makes me want to vomit. but if i hadn't kept at it, i wouldn't be in art school, and i wouldn't be able to make stuff that makes me proud, like this:
i've been drawing since i was way younger than you are now, but i got my first "how to draw manga" book when i was about your age, and i went from there. (twas this ( one, drawn by a UK girl~) learning from books doesn't work for everyone, but it worked for me! and even if you can't get it or can't learn from it, just keep trying and study life and the masters! you'll improve with practice. ^^
and also, i made a drawing tutorial that i posted on my DA. if you want a link, i can hook you up. xD
no you don't. i can actually read it. that's more than i can say for my dad's handwriting. :\
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 26, 2012, 08:26:47 PM
'Zat Hollerith Tabulator-tan...?
indeed it is! ^^
Working on this for da bells. <3
WIP obviously
updated again
updated yet again
@cockleshell Even it's not finished, awesome artwork man!
Quote from: Cockleshell on December 28, 2012, 09:20:07 PM
Working on this for da bells. <3
WIP obviously
updated again
This looks great so far Cockle! :D I'm 'specially digging the detail on her hair and the knives and gloves, and I like the way you made her shirt look a bit armor-like. (And now you have me thinking that some sort of armor / other protective gear would really fit her well, no pun intended.)
Very nice, everyone ^^
Taking a break from VMS-tan, working on this =3=
is that spike? :0
You're so good at fine details~
hell yees on that one. makes me want to do something hyper-detailed to compete. >>;;
you know, i was thinking earlier that i want a skin for my laptop. but i can't decide on what picture i'd put on there, and then i thought of maybe using the characters of ace's high. but idk if i like my drawing style enough for a spread, which brought me to this idea (getting away from the skin idea):
i want bella to draw the ace's high crew someday. -w-
Some icon I made on my Dad's friend's harddrive:
pretty cool, man. :0
Quote from: Cockleshell on December 28, 2012, 09:20:07 PM
Working on this for da bells. <3
WIP obviously
updated again
updated yet again
Oooh!!! This looks great so far! :D
And I'm also really liking how the dragon is coming along too!
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 01, 2013, 08:11:53 PM
you know, i was thinking earlier that i want a skin for my laptop. but i can't decide on what picture i'd put on there, and then i thought of maybe using the characters of ace's high. but idk if i like my drawing style enough for a spread, which brought me to this idea (getting away from the skin idea):
i want bella to draw the ace's high crew someday. -w-
Give me some character references and details on the drawing (for instance, would it just be a simple portrait or do you have a scene in mind?) and I'll give it a shot. :3
idc what the characters are doing. but i'll get back to you on the reference shots. -w-
Kay, that'd be good. :)
Since I never posted this here........
*applause* :000
Nice ^^
Thanks. I actually edited that from Megaman's mugshot in Megaman 3.
if you meant the little comment i made on your icon before, then okay. but me and pent were just talking to bella just now.
i think i might post that MSPaint doodle i was doing of Rona soon....just gotta finish it first.
Very nice!
why does that sound familiar....
Image won't load so here is the original uploaded somewhere else, but feel free to comment on DA:
Something I uploaded to DeviantART. Sorry the image quality is so suckish, I only had a camera at the time, and my printer/scanner wasn't working :(
comment'd on DA.
Once I resize my Disgaea sprites, I plan on trying that out since you tagged me
I love the whole black-and-white blurryness thingy going on.
That looks so cool *w*
Quote from: LeaflameSD on January 20, 2013, 07:28:46 AM
I love the whole black-and-white blurryness thingy going on.
do you mean the sky? i smudged the hell out of it and used the eraser a couple times. i actually only used three tools to make it, the brush, the eraser, and the smudge. ^^;
Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 20, 2013, 09:54:08 AM
That looks so cool *w*
thanks ^^;; the next one will be cooler since it'll be in colour. i've decided to do the OC meme i was working on with it. -w-
installed some new art software. i've had the program for at least 5 years now, but haven't really gotten the chance to install/use it till now. it's a little old as programs go, and i have a few beefs with it, but otherwise it's just as glorious as i remember. (i found out about the product when i was 12 or so, and wanted it for years before i got it, so nostalgic value runs high. plus it's still a quality piece, worth the 50 bucks i spent on it at the time.)
Well fuck, this means I'll have to draw again damnit a chance to use my fresh set of inks, I guess.
Just don't hope too much -_- Sorry for lateness, but I've had a puking spell for a week, alongside moving out.
Did the flu get you Nej?
The recent arts look good, Kari! And I love my birthday picture! Thankyouthankyouthankyoooou~ ^w^
np. there's more to come. ^^
The drawings are the cookies. : p
cool, dude. :00
@alphoso: what bella said. but there's a good chance i'm going to be baking or mailing cookies in the next couple days. -w-
hey here's a gift, Bella...
captain america on gaia?
i should get back to using my gaia account....
posted this in the "what can you draw with basic drawing software" thread, but i'll repost it here.
thanks man. tbh though i think i should get back to this OC meme i've been meaning to work on. xDD;
Thanks Alfonso ^^ And nice work Kari, that drawing looks very good. :D
thanks man. ^^
so, habd a niceB-day, B-lla?
the entire reason i drew this was for the vending machine game. .__.;
After school today I went to my years computer cluster, I drew a character that I created in my head, call her Ayako (lit- pretty child). I sooo wanna share it with you guys, but the scanner doesn't work
digital camera till the scanner's fixed? or look for an alternate scanner? some libraries have them.
I want it in the highest quality so I guess I'll do it tomorrow.
worth the wait, i suppose. :3
cute, dude. tbh her hair ribbon actually reminds me more of Cirno. :3
Holy shit... I gotta start getting into Touhou again :3 I also drew XP-tan (doublepost?)
love the eyes, super-cute. but i think you put the XP clip on the wrong side.
cute. is it a pokemon or an OC?
I like it ^z^
It's an OC. Although pokemon is where I got the inspiration from, it is not a pokemon.
ahhh. is it in the same vein as a Fakemon, or is it not intended to be anywhere near the franchise?
still cool.
no where near
this was such an awesome pun. -w-
Makes a cute wallpaper ^z^
Nice doodle. Also, I LOL'd at the pun
thankyou. when i thought of the pun i just had to do it. -w-
Pun? What pu- oh ahah, haha!
Well, it's been a while since I've posted in here:
This is Holly, an OC of mine. I normally draw her at Christmas, a personal tradition of mine to draw that character I drew when I first joined dA. At the very least, it forces me to post something about once a year.
Things got really busy around the holidays this year for me, so this was supposed to be done on Chinese New Year's about 2 weeks ago, but things got in the way again. So I got it in just before the end of yesterday, which was the last day of Chinese New Year's. (In which case, I technically should have replaced the firecrackers with a paper lantern, but it would have been too much work to change at that point, and I wanted to retain some vague sense of being on time. haha)
On the flip side, it does make for a nice art improvement showcase thingy. Haha, so many of these are rush jobs, which I guess show my true skill at the time, as opposed to some skill that I'm not used to doing yet.
Christmas 2004:
Christmas 2006:
Christmas 2007:
Chinese New Year 2009:
Christmas 2009:
Christmas 2010:
February 2012:
She's a great character, and has something original too ^z^
i favourited like, half of them, haha. looks cool dude, i like the evolving theme between them, how each one is connected but distinct. and yeah, draw moar. -w-
thanks guys~
lol, yeah, I was like "where the hell did I get a crapton of messages from?"
I don't really think about what the previous pic of her was. It's just something I've elected to do every holiday season, so it'll always have some holiday theme to it. Hence her name, Holly.
I don't think I even named her until 2 or 3 years after I first drew her. haha
it's a name worth waiting for. :3
and as i said. draw more than 4 times a year. >>;
I'm going to join the chorus of DRAW MOAR. ^o^
nice. :0
Very nice work, Balrith! Will we be seeing any more drawings from you? : o
(While you're at it, why don't you introduce yourself over at /Member Introduction Thread.) :D
@Kari: I already left my comment on dA, but i'll say it again - I really like that character design and it's eerily close to my concept for Linux Mint-tan. @.@
hrm, new linux mint-tan? .__.;
Maaaaybe. There may be some physical similarities between Mintzy and Linux Mint-tan (though it'd probably mostly be skintone and hair color). ^^;
LINC-tan, PDP-8-tan and (baby) PDP-12-tan.
1) This ship / family is historically accurate (The LINC and PDP-8 computers were packaged and sold together, and then later the PDP-12 was made as a combination of the LINC and PDP-8).
2) Of all the OS-tan factions, somehow I see DEC as the most likely to dabble in making Lesbian Science Babies. (Notorious for pursuing [relatively] trivial-but-advanced / interesting technologies instead of figuring out ways to, er, keep from going belly-up. Not to mention the rather ingrained family structure and that the members probably would have had enough time to raise kids if they so chose...)
Baby PDP-12 is so cute >w<
love it, love it, love it. draw moar bells. and draw more babehs. :00
EDIT: hey guys, i'm not getting a response on facebook so i figured i'd ask here: if i were to get the comic started and all that, would it be bad if i were to get an account on adfly and redirect all the links through it to make some extra pennies? :\
Normally I wouldn't do this, but since she hasn't posted it yet...
New drawing from Bella. More Language-tans :3 (
Quote from: PentiumMMX on March 15, 2013, 02:07:00 PM
Baby PDP-12 is so cute >w<
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 16, 2013, 07:01:59 PM
love it, love it, love it. draw moar bells. and draw more babehs. :00
Thanks guys. ^u^ I've only drawn a few little kids / babies in the past so I'm quite happy that I managed to draw one without it looking like a miniature adult. ^^;
But I'd like to draw more of the LINC-8 Family, so you'll probably get to see Lil' PDP-12-tan again.
QuoteEDIT: hey guys, i'm not getting a response on facebook so i figured i'd ask here: if i were to get the comic started and all that, would it be bad if i were to get an account on adfly and redirect all the links through it to make some extra pennies? :\
I don't think there's anything wrong with that at all. As long as the service is free or cheap (i.e. - no chance of losing money in case you don't get as much traffic as you'd like), it seems like it'd be good idea. :)
Quote from: PentiumMMX on March 21, 2013, 09:29:19 AM
Normally I wouldn't do this, but since she hasn't posted it yet...
New drawing from Bella. More Language-tans :3 (
Thanks Pent. ^^
you think so, bells? i heard from someone on facebook that it's not as big a moneymaker as it sounds. i figured it'd also annoy the crap out of people to have them constantly there, but if you think it's a good idea, maybe i'll look into it.
love the pics, btw. moar babehs indeed. ^^
When Ucie's Village was destroyed, the stone rhinos only wanted to help, the territorial instincts of Ucie and her tribe, as well as the old war tensions left the crystal dragons feeling defenseless and unwilling to accept help at the time, later that week the monster attacked again. This time killing several leaders and leaving only ten left. Truly needing help the crystal dragons went back to the Rhinos, but they had been humiliated for the last time. The Rhinos took over the home of the dragons, leaving the dragons devastated and now homeless to boot, the dragons were now on the run. Things never looked more bleak.
also, i posted a pic for my Deviant ID. finally.
Nice ^z^
I like Duce and Myeko the best.
I'm sorry about the horrible image quality, took it from an Android tablet.
dem eyes. :000
also, YAY! (sorry, i got excited when i heard you liked it. ^^) anything in particular you like about them, or you just like them in general? :3
made some fanart for someone on gaia:
It's OK to get excited,
I'm not sure really, they kinda just stood out for me I guess ^z^
And now for some mediocre MS Paint art (I gotta stop using Paint, but the *better* image editors are so hard and cluttered)
I call it manhands, because his hands are freakishly huge.
yeah, but sonic's hands are ALWAYS freakishly huge.
as for them being 'cluttered' and 'hard' that's in the eye of the beholder; if you put in the effort to learn about them, they're quite a useful tool. ^^
Then I shall persevere in my course of loyalty.
do eet. i'm willing to bet that no matter the program you're using you'll find someone here who knows how to use it like second nature. pent's got Paintshop Pro, bella has Photoshop, i have GIMP, and Aurora has Inkscape/Illustrator (not sure which, i think it's inkscape; i have inkscape too but i'm less masterful than her).
i've undertaken a challenge to make a guy on gaia laugh. this is my first attempt, drew it in about an hour and a half.
Aurora uses Inkscape, as did I for a number of years. But yeah Leaf, Choco is right, if you need any pointers on Photoshop or Inkscape I could probably help you out. For the record, I started out doing art on a very simple image editing program (I believe it was called Picture It?), moved up to Photoshop 5 (Or was it 7? I honestly forget at this point), then onto GIMP, Inkscape, and eventually Photoshop CS4, and I've also used SAI a bit as well. It's mostly a matter of finding a program that looks like it will fit your needs, and then messing around with it until you get a handle on all the different options and tools (and looking for tutorials when you're unsure / confused about something).
@Choco: That comic is very cute! I love the kitty's expressions in the first and last panel. >^^<
Finished PDP-8-tan, LINC-tan and baby PDP-12-tan picture.... check out the fullsized version ( too, since there are a lot of hand-drawn patterns in this.
sweeeet, we finally get a colour version! checking the fullsize now.
thanks for the props man. i was considering doing it in colour, but i got lazy, and then thought grayscale was outside my norm anyway so it was a good change of pace. -w-
I use SAI primarily for sketching and coloring and Photoshop primarily for effects.
And going by my recent endeavors, looks like I'll be using MangaStudio (JP: ComicStudio) for lineart.
aw man, did you buy it? i was thinking of torrenting it, so if i ever get my hands on a copy can you give me some pointers? :0
well, I am more a pixel artist, so I use paint a lot... alongside PSP for palette work and PS for comic translation...
i think it's cool that we have such a varied bunch here. no matter what kind of art you choose, you're bound to find an expert on it here. ^^
it is... we all are kinda tech support on our area of expertise...
Quote from: alfonso_rd_30 on April 14, 2013, 01:40:04 AM
it is... we all are kinda tech support on our area of expertise...
I like that way of looking at it. X)
Quote from: alfonso_rd_30 on April 11, 2013, 11:34:45 PM
well, I am more a pixel artist, so I use paint a lot... alongside PSP for palette work and PS for comic translation...
*raises hand and waves!*
*shoots at the waving hand [kidding]*
RSX-11 x TOPS-10-tan
OS/8-tan x RSTS-tan (totally random pairing because Why Not)
And a random PDP-7-tan watching all of it from above.
cuuuute. ^^
have i posted the first one here yet? i know i haven't for the second, i just made that the other day.
@Bella: Nice. Also, given the era they existed, it draws a parallel with the yuri I'm writing :3
@Kari: Bert posted your drawing in a topic of livestream fanart on the DC Forums :3
Also, I love the Aces High drawing
@Choko: The first AH bonus image is pretty awesome ^^
thanks guys! ^^ also pent, i expect a link. -w-
Here's the collection of livestream fanart; featuring yours :3 (
(As a note, they display as thumbnails unless you're registered for the site)
just registered, ty. -w-
scratch art. ^^
This mysterious game called Hanafuda has always intrigued me. You gotta teach me this.
i adore hanafuda. tell me, child, do you have an ipod touch/iphone/ipad? because it would make teaching you a lot easier.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 28, 2013, 12:39:33 PM
i adore hanafuda. tell me, child, do you have an ipod touch/iphone/ipad? because it would make teaching you a lot easier.
*facepalm* I do, but it's been gone for quite some time in my home outside London ;^;
Maybe it has been stolen, or lost. If I get the chance I will have a good search for it.
And it was the first gen iPod touch anyway, so I don't think it would work tbh.
Sorry dude... ;(へ_へ)
in that case i will provide you with the flash game that taught me to play, and a website with some instructions(i haven't read the second website yet but it looks alright):
for that flash game, be prepared to lose. a lot. and when you finally do win, there's a reverse version that activates, so be prepared to lose a lot AGAIN.
if you do ever find it, let me know, we might be able to get you that app, so we could face off against each other. -w-
in the meantime, i'll be searching for an online version that has 2-player.
Not sure if this goes here or in its own topic, but here goes:
I made a few sprites that fit in a 32x32 pixel square.
Sprites are ME-tan, 95-tan, and TI-83Plus-tan, using the design that Aurora drew a few years ago.
I uploaded these and some facing other directions to my gallery here, but I could post them here I anyone thinks I should.
Also, while we may or may not be on the subject, I use Paint.NET for most editing tasks, including these sprites.
i get the feeling that someone else here uses, but idk who. and this is the correct topic for it, yes.
cool sprites bro. i haven't seen any that are that small before.
They spin, too:
Spin, spin, spin...
all that comes to mind is them spinning to terminal velocity and shooting into the sky. >:3
I'm now reminded of the spinning during a Mario Party 2 minigame xD
They look good Alex. :D
Two more sprites, virus-tan this time:
I also realized that this is probably one of the only pieces of Byte Bandit-tan artwork since Gussy Kenji's original drawing (which was used as a reference).
Do we have a Morris Worm-tan yet?
@alex: mm, indeed. the Viru-tans are really underrepresented. did you know that plenty of viruses don't have wiki pages, and that the few Viru-kuns that exist on the wiki weren't unified with the -kuns page at one point? :[
(they look nice, btw, made me laugh ^^ )
@stew: don't think so. there aren't many Worm-tans. :\
@Alex: Those look great! Viru-tan fanart ftw! :D
@Stew and Kari: I haven't seen a Morris Worm-tan either.
For what it's worth, I'd like to make a Creeper ( and Elk Cloner ( I even have a few ideas for them. I just haven't gotten around to solidifying those ideas into a coherent concept. : /
go for it if you want, but it could be a whole seperate project to give more art/personality/recognition to those virus/software-tans/-kuns who don't already have it. there are A LOT of viruses which would fall into that catagory. :\
I'm afraid viru-tans aren't quite my area of knowledge, but if you want help in giving personalities to one-shot viru-tans I'd be glad to help!
the thing is, the only people that WOULD be experts on the subject would be Aurora, C-chan, or GussyKenji, and only one of them's here, and that's only half of the time. i get the feeling that if you read the wiki article of a particular virus you'd be able to come up with some kind of personality. :\
If plans for an Elk Cloner-tan don't include antlers that would be sad.
Anyway, there isn't a MacMag ( either, though I'd have no real idea of what to do regarding design. I think the Mac House has gotten off kind of lightly in regards to viruses.
I'd be willing to throw my halfway-decent art skills at something, like a new ILOVEYOU-tan design or something.
Quote from: Alex S on May 01, 2013, 11:54:46 PM
If plans for an Elk Cloner-tan don't include antlers that would be sad.
Considering that I envision her as a deer kemonomimi, that shouldn't be a problem.
i prefer to keep old designs whenever possible, so in terms of a "new" iloveyou-tan, it'd be best just to update the old design a bit, imo. :\
I don't remember too much about the current ILOVEYOU/LoveLetter-tan, since the last time I saw it was as an avatar on the wiki a year or two ago. (And I tried looking for it again yesterday in the avatar gallery on the wiki, which appears to be broken.) What I remember was a sort of bonnet/wing hat thing, and since it was an avatar, there really wasn't anything else (like how none of the virus-tan designs have their feet drawn, so I had to guess).
My ideas are a postal worker with a heart motif. And a flamethrower.
Also, currently working on a TI-83 Plus-tan drawing, mostly to test my skills at drawing females. Shading should make it work, even though I do not into anatomy at all...
look it up on the wiki. i remember it having at least a stub or something.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 11, 2013, 08:54:11 PM
aw man, did you buy it? i was thinking of torrenting it, so if i ever get my hands on a copy can you give me some pointers? :0
Forgot about this thread. lol
I did buy it yes, it was on sale around Christmas last year.
I can't give you pointers just yet, but it looks like I'll be working on a project that will involve copious use of this tool in the near future. =3=
let me know, man. :0
Niiice *w*
very cute, bells. -w-
Linux XP-Tan
Good job. I like her; she's cute :3
nice, dude. different enough to be recognizeable, while still having the similarities. -w-
I've put off working on this for like a month. Finally got it together today...more or less.
I approve of 2k artwork
That is a mighty fine drawing you've done there Balrith.
srsly man, poast moar. :00
How did I miss this post? Great work Balrith! :D
PDP-10, -7, -4, -11, VAX and PDP-12-tan go to jail.
Cool pic ^^
If they were arrested, I wonder what for?: P
nice drawing bro.
was that background a template, or did you make it? if it's a template, could you send it to me? :0
God it been years since I've sat down and attempted to actually draw something, that ended turning sour so I knew I need to return to my roots and start up just tracing until I build confidence and skill to sketch and then improve.
So here is a little trace of AR21-tan that took some time but was fun, I obviously do not claim this as my own work.
even if it's not an original piece, it's still nice. i can see the sketch lines, but that's the way i draw too, and yours lines up real nice. steady hand is steady. :3
I very proud of this one.
I'm pretty sure you've met Ucie before, I posted somethings of her a while ago.
Short character Bio:
The last of her kind, when Ucie came to earth she lost her memory of her previous life, which was well enough due to the fact that everyone she loved was dead. She crash landed on Simon and he died, she revived him and walla Bio. She can travel though dimensions with Simon due to and ability she gained during the Nexus series (a pet project we had in high school). And for a while she has been staying in the Pokemon universe, where she fell in love with a Flygon.
And a collage of it and my team. And well a girl.
Roughed out 3.1 and doskitty
nice, dude, real nice. but what is she doing with her dress, holding it up so she won't trip while she walks? (i have to do that all the time going up stairs since i like wearing long skirts. ><; )
It's supposed to be something like that though I'm pretty bad at drapery—especially with such a weird perspective. It's probably not going to look right even after I redraw and polish the lines.
Maybe I should come back to this one if I get better.
Who am I kidding? I don't have that kind of patience.
lol. if i could get a camera at a high angle like that i'd take some reference shots for you. xD
I know it looks like 95's standing on 3.1's dress right now. I'll figure something out eventually. maybe
but references are cheeeeeaaaating :C
jk I really should do more studies from reference.
references aren't cheating, they're studying, duh. >>;
as for 95, it looks more like she's pressing against 3.1 and the dress is getting sandwiched in between. like it's scrunched against a wall. xD
curious, why is 3.1's hand like that? is she just contemplative, is she catching something, or is she maybe activating some sort of power? :0
Looks great! I can't wait to see it finished! ^^
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 16, 2013, 11:45:32 PM
curious, why is 3.1's hand like that? is she just contemplative, is she catching something, or is she maybe activating some sort of power? :0
Hmm don't really want to make any promises. Probably contemplative/catching something. I'd rather the viewer draw their own conclusion once they see the finished product. The way I see it, if an artist has to go back and explain a picture with words then the artist failed. That being said, I'm pretty sure most of the things I churn out are failures.
I did a little coloring today though.
Wonder how it looks on other people's monitors. I colored it on my new monitor but it looks really desaturated on my crappy lappy screen in comparison. Hope that's just the extra $$ at work and not an error in color calibration.
Looks Very Very good on mine, I'd say.
Aside from the part where she's want for a pair of legs, but that's another thing.
I love it *w*
is that 95 or Asuna? :0
looks good. and i don't consider it a failure on the part of the artist for having to explain shit with words. it's a failure on the part of the viewer. -w-
Rest of it looks great, but the legs look... off. ^^
it's called forshortening, people. i can see the foot, can't you? >>;
The coloring looks alright on my monitor. Better than alright, actually, I love the soft and watercolor-y look you have going here.
Derp, I thought the foreshortened legs were just robe...
My bad lel.
i wish i could do that level of foreshortening. i suuuuck when it comes to foreshortening. >>;
I drew some character body-type references / headcanons.
L to R: MTS-tan, OS/360-tan, SAGE-tan and Multics-tan
Also, Kari, this video ( has some really useful tips for foreshortening, I recommend it.
not that your art isn't amazing (it really is), but you have a backlog of drawings. when are those getting out? >>;
Dat porn poster....
I've lost the ability to draw with pencils and have gained the ability to draw on a tablet........?????
Quote from: Bella on August 28, 2013, 11:26:13 PM
Dat porn poster....
you're the second or third person to say that exact phrase today. :0
also, noice. :0
The secret to getting Bells art is holding her captive in your home for a week and making her draw for you.
Oh Beeeeella, come and geeet it... *holds up collar and leash and PDP-8*
If it was even remotely possible to get her to my house, I'd consider it. But, that'd be impossible; as even I don't want to be in the place I'm in now
heeeeeere bella bella bella....*shakes bag of kibbles and PDP-11s*
I need to post my Bells original sketch of the end of SAGE
as in, her death or something? :0
Is this going to be some confusing End of Evangelion like stuff, but with SAGE? .__.;
*resists urge to fall into PDP-trap* @__@
Stop giving everybody tips on how to art-enslave me, Stew! ;0;
Quote from: PentiumMMX on August 31, 2013, 11:06:02 PM
Is this going to be some confusing End of Evangelion like stuff, but with SAGE? .__.;
I say, very good piece of work ma'dam, tell you what.
that is adorable. xD
So, what do you think? :D
@Bella: That is the best picture of all time xD
@Leaf: Nice Sanic, dood
i lol'd. xD
New doodle
Now back to studying
Grrrrreeeat ^^
*enthusiastic applause*
now upload it to the gallery.
The DEC-tans (and company) as Portal characters.
Inspired by a comment that Stew made about DEC being the IRL equivalent of Aperture Science, what with their shared tendency to throw science at to see what sticks, crazy awesomeness and almost-comic-in-scope blundering incompetence.
See if you can recognized the characters and then go over here ( to check if you were right!
I swear, Stew is like a fountain of fanart ideas. You can take anything random he says like that and make art from it.
...and now I want to see something created from the quote "Duck Dynasty is Evangelion for rednecks" -w-;
(Old men with ZZ Top beards piloting giant robots to protect the world from duck-angels? Might make Duck Dynasty into a show I could stand xD)
For what it's worth, he made that comment like a year ago. I didn't actually comprehend it until I played Portal 2 and I've been trying to do something with it ever since. ;^;
Not to mention the fact that I seem to be only drawing DEC-family OS-tans these days (Well, the DEC-tans + Whirlwind + SAGE). It's like 5 years after the DEC-tans were invented I finally hit my stride drawing them. 0.0
i need to actually DRAW stuff again...
also, DA wouldn't let me comment, so i post here:
"you forgot companion cube. ;^;
and would SAGE still be Potato!GlaDOS or would that be relegated to someone else? :0"
Yes you do~~ ^.^
Hmm, I wanted to include the Companion Cube, but I didn't know who should represent it. Originally (before I played Portal 2) I assumed it would be PDP-8-tan (because of the PDP-8 - LINC-tan connection and all that), but PDP-8-tan ended up taking Wheatley's place because it's a better fit for her. This is one of those cases where I'm outta ideas. :C
As for SAGE and POTaDOS ... hmmmmm. Well, GLaDOS became POTaDOS when she was disconnected from her mainframe and the Enrichment Center control system, so I guess you could draw a parallel with prime-of-her-life, full-power SAGE-tan and SAGE-tan after she was disconnected from her radar network and became a wanderer. So yeah, I believe SAGE-tan would represent POTaDOS as well. -w-
As I asked on dA, what about Space Core? :3
Obviously it's Apollo Guidance Computer because she's the best at space.
GENIAC seems a more likely candadate for Companion Cube, imo. :3
Quote from: PentiumMMX on September 21, 2013, 08:55:12 AM
As I asked on dA, what about Space Core? :3
Quote from: stewartsage on September 21, 2013, 04:41:39 PM
Obviously it's Apollo Guidance Computer because she's the best at space.
My first instinct was PDP-16-tan, but AGC
would work really well... even if she isn't a DEC-tan, she is kinda/sorta related to SAGE. >>
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 21, 2013, 08:11:08 PM
GENIAC seems a more likely candadate for Companion Cube, imo. :3
Again, even though she isn't a DEC I like this idea. :3
also colossal titan is sad about kicking the wall q_q
lol. didn't know you watched AoT, how is it?
also, sweet drawings bro. *brofists* 8)
started off as an anatomy sketch and it turned horrifying jesus christ
yes choco i am an avid snk fan, u should follow me on tumblr my url is 2enaba <3
thinking about it but i heard you repost like, EVERYTHING. :0
also, that's not horrifying, that's fascinating. (reminds me of that manga matrix book i have.) :0
Nice ^^
The coloring of hew outfit does remind me of the Xubuntu logo, which works IMO :3
Went exploring in the gallery for inspiration.
Photoshop 7.0 was the shit.
Your anatomy is so good. 0u0
Sorry for the second over-the-shoulder pose in a row idk what happened in just evolved this way.
Probably a subconscious desire to show off dem wings.
isn't it!? i have the hardest time getting Royale's skin tone right and i'm kind of dreading doing him in marker since idk which colours to piiiick ><;
also, i feel so lazy in my drawing. i really need to get back to that. ;^;
lineart version here~ (
Shrunk... but great artwork nonetheless, Choco ^^
ikrite? i'm so pissed at photobucket for shrinking it. note to self, start using tinypic.
here's a link to the fullsize. >>;
I'm a leakin' secret Bells sketches!
TIL Stew is the Julian Assange of Bells Arts.
@Kari: I mentioned it before, but that looks good~~ ^^
@Bella: Nice, although I can't quite place who she is ^^;
(I'm assuming she's one of the -tans for one of the System/360 OSes; given how she's dressed similarly to Stew's avatar)
It's MTS-tan, who is more or less CDC aligned.
Quote from: stewartsage on October 02, 2013, 11:05:42 PM
It's MTS-tan, who is more or less CDC aligned.
I thought she was an IBMer. Honorary IBMer.
More or less = honorary
You're both wroight.
part of two factions, loyal to neither. and thanks, bells, i'm working on a yonkoma featuring the same characters, hope to post it soon.
Final version:
cuuuu-uuuu-uuuu-uuuuute. :3
Good stuff, Bells.
Niiice ^^
Drew this intending for it to be Himari from Penguindrum.
Everybody thinks it's Iori from IDOLM@STER
lookin' extra spiffy, regardless. :0
Your style is so pretty and painterly. :)
Haha thanks.
I've been working on my color picking :3
Still need to get more resolution/have a better idea of the 3d shapes of things.
Rather than post again... Some WIPs
I should do more backgrounds.
Those are beautiful! Really digging the first (I am somewhat ( obsessed ( with painting ( skies ( myself, and want to practice more with star fields), and the atmosphere in the second is lovely too. Good work!
WIP ENIAC-tan and entourage.
I like. Then again, I'm a sucker for fancy dresses -w-
gr8 drawings guise
i should post something. >:I
@bells: lurvely. :000
@balrith: now i want an excuse to draw a night sky, i love doing that. ><;
< Look, I made myself a new avatar. Don't ask why a 1918 London Scottish Sergeant is guarding a bunch of 1914 French cavalry (It's because I accidentally the wrong set).
Oh ho! So that's what that is....
i was going to mention what a sweetass avatar that was, it's really cool. even cooler since you made it. :0
So here is a *rough* sketch I just did (if you can call it that).
cool drawing bro. OC or what series is it from?
sweet mother of lines this was complicated.
@Kari: OC, I guess.
Also those are some kyoot drawings indeed :three
@Kari: Cuuute >w<
they're supposed to look cute and disarming.
yes.....cute and disarming..... >:}
Always the kind of characters I like. Look at Twinkle, from Bust-A-Move '99; you see a cute court jester girl...and you will understand fear as a flood your side of the screen with rainbow bubbles >:3
hence why i said LOOK INTO THE FACE OF EVIL
(it's kind of hard not to be when your mantra is "cleanse the earth, yay!" : D )
Working on a updated style WinPho tan drawing. Since im not good with making the basic figure, i used Nanao Bing as a help, but after i had the basic figure down, the rest i've done so far is my own work.
cute. I like the hair bows.
I present: Metra! A slightly updated WP-tan for WP8. :)
I took a WP7-tan i found online, used nanao bing as a base, threw in some Kyoko from Yuru Yuri, and added a Microsoft logo to boot.
Whatdya guys think?
Pardon any anomalies or errors. Im not the best at color and shading. ;w;
I enjoy the tiles as buttons on her coat. The colors are also nice and appropriate, although I believe the rainbow in her eyes could be windows logo colors, it is acceptable as is.
She does seem a little too friendly to me though. Why is she looking at me like that..
N-not that I think a windows tan is nice, b-baka.
Quote from: Krizonar on November 27, 2013, 08:41:43 PM
I enjoy the tiles as buttons on her coat. The colors are also nice and appropriate, although I believe the rainbow in her eyes could be windows logo colors, it is acceptable as is.
She does seem a little too friendly to me though. Why is she looking at me like that..
N-not that I think a windows tan is nice, b-baka.
The rainbow eyes was inspired by the colored tiles eyes of Yu & Ai. However, i tried a more elegant execution with the gradient transition of colors. Its meant to represent her customizability and multiple color schemes.
And i figured windows phone-tan would be energetic and cheeky, as well as well dressed, but would fall flat in areas she's lacking in (representing the os' fun and bouncy interface and attention to app/ui design, but lack of things like a file chooser and unified notifications, etc...)
ADDITIONAL:Character Sheet for Metra :)
Kyoka. I lol'd. xD
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 27, 2013, 10:05:51 PM
Kyoka. I lol'd. xD
Thats where the bow came from. And in ways i see winphotan being similar. Just like Kyoko was awesome at making mangas and art, but fell short in thinking things through and was naive at times, i think wptan would be the same way, being really great at what she can do, but fall short in other things and have a sense of naivety.
I also see WPtan being good at photography, because lumia 1020.
What does everyone think of her? Im especially proud of the first image, despite its flaws
Looks promising, Dusti. I like the colors. They fit really well.
She could use a few more detailing embellishments. Maybe add a few highlighting white or teal stripes to some areas. White stripes could help the white lapel stand out a little less, while also representing the white text. Also the bottom of the blazer and/or the skirt look a bit too simple and generic.
Lastly, I'm not sure how to implement this attractively, but WP8 looks like teal rectangles outlined with black. Maybe try making larger sections of WP8-tan's clothing teal.
I agree with balrith. Also, her hair and coat are pretty similar, so maybe lighten the hair just a smidge so it doesn't all blend together. :3
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 20, 2013, 01:05:16 PM
Dammit, I thought I posted here back when you put these up. :(
Anyway, I'm really digging the character and costume design here. gj! :D
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 28, 2013, 10:47:53 AM
I agree with balrith. Also, her hair and coat are pretty similar, so maybe lighten the hair just a smidge so it doesn't all blend together. :3
Any better?
I was going to comment that her skirt could be alternating 'tiles' but decided against it. I see that has already been established by your own discretion, though.
Good work.
Quote from: Bella on November 28, 2013, 11:48:11 AM
Dammit, I thought I posted here back when you put these up. :(
Anyway, I'm really digging the character and costume design here. gj! :D
ty. ^^
just so you know, the dark parts of their outfits are chocolate brown, and the light parts are cream-coloured. :3
Quote from: DustiiWolf on November 28, 2013, 07:16:51 PM
Any better?
much! : D
Quote from: Krizonar on November 28, 2013, 07:54:28 PM
I was going to comment that her skirt could be alternating 'tiles' but decided against it. I see that has already been established by your own discretion, though.
Good work.
Im contemplating whether i should backtrack that decision myself. It adds color, but at the same time, the skirt looks a tad off...
Anyways, thank you.
well, they don't alternate, really, they're arranged into a pattern.
but maybe you could make them darker? or is that colour significant?
I believe the teal-blue color is representative of a color windows 8 uses often, though I of course have no experience of the exact color it would use.
And yes, I suppose they're not exactly alternating as there are two blacks between the teal-blues.
Quote from: Krizonar on November 28, 2013, 09:06:23 PM
I believe the teal-blue color is representative of a color windows 8 uses often, though I of course have no experience of the exact color it would use.
And yes, I suppose they're not exactly alternating as there are two blacks between the teal-blues.
Exactly. I figured a pattern would be decent.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 28, 2013, 08:59:53 PM
well, they don't alternate, really, they're arranged into a pattern.
but maybe you could make them darker? or is that colour significant?
Good idea. A darker variant could work. I still Wonder if it would look good though. Perhaps the whole skirt should be a (darker) teal blue?
if you're worried about it looking too dark, lighten the dark parts for a more unified look. :\
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 29, 2013, 03:40:33 PM
if you're worried about it looking too dark, lighten the dark parts for a more unified look. :\
I actually was worried about parts being too light. Im conflicted between making the outfit stand out and use more color, and having the outfit be more matching and elegant.
Anyways, here is Metra design v2:
I like this one a lot better, it's really cute. but I must say, she has kind of a bad case of derp face going on. xD;;;
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 29, 2013, 06:18:10 PM
I like this one a lot better, it's really cute. but I must say, she has kind of a bad case of derp face going on. xD;;;
Im by no means the worlds best artist, and i changed my mind on facial features in the middle of drawing, thus the face.
it's funny, go with it. xD;
I came up with an idea for Security Essentials-tan / Defender-tan
A woman in a white lab coat, with a stethoscope, thin framed glasses, an id badge with bricks and a magnetic strip, a defender icon hairpin, and a serious demeanor.
might be a good stand-in for MS's built in security system. just don't make her blonde, she'd look too close to McAfee-tan.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 07, 2013, 11:03:55 AM
might be a good stand-in for MS's built in security system. just don't make her blonde, she'd look too close to McAfee-tan.
I figured on doing black hair
I could see that. any thoughts on eye colour or are you gonna make them little windows logos again?
SAGE-tan has finally found That Special Someone~
Nice pic
Cool drawing! But... i dont geddit....
The funny thing is, neither does GLaDoS.
Quote from: DustiiWolf on December 09, 2013, 04:43:35 PM
Cool drawing! But... i dont geddit....
The joke's that SAGE-tan finds GLaDOS enough like herself to be in love with her. You know, birds of a feather flocking together and all.
Only replace "birds" with psychopathic, manipulative, über-tsundere AIs.
dude, he's not gonna get it because he doesn't know who SAGE-tan is.
that said, I love it. but I always pictured SAGE being with Ruka. -w-
The problem there is that SAGE is abandoned, mad and broken and wants to kill things, while Ruka is still connected to her doomsday weapon - more or less - as well as VERY much aware what's going to happen if she uses it. Half the reason she exists is to make sure that World War 3 doesn't happen by accident.
still, I could see them being a very cute yuri couple.
in fact, I meant to draw that for your birthday. perhaps i'll throw it at you for Christmas instead.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 09, 2013, 07:15:37 PM
dude, he's not gonna get it because he doesn't know who SAGE-tan is.
I don't even know who GLaDOS is...
Quote from: DustiiWolf on December 09, 2013, 09:04:09 PM
I don't even know who GLaDOS is...
Good lord, son! Go play the Portal games. Nau.
Yes. Portal good :3
sugoi na, you're REALLY out of the loop.
Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 09, 2013, 07:23:50 PM
The problem there is that SAGE is abandoned, mad and broken and wants to kill things, while Ruka is still connected to her doomsday weapon - more or less - as well as VERY much aware what's going to happen if she uses it. Half the reason she exists is to make sure that World War 3 doesn't happen by accident.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 09, 2013, 07:45:07 PM
still, I could see them being a very cute yuri couple.
in fact, I meant to draw that for your birthday. perhaps i'll throw it at you for Christmas instead.
SAGE x Ruka makes for a fairly delicious crack pairing (though I'm slightly more partial to WWMCCS-tan x Ruka), but Nej points out the main reasons it would be unlikely to happen ... I mean if SAGE found out she was an ex-Soviet it would probably be shiving time. o__o
Actually, that would make for an interesting story ... SAGE meeting undercover Ruka ...
Do eeeeeeeeeeeet Kari!!! The world can never ever get enough vintage-tan yuri. owo
I picture it this way: they're both old, they're both weary, worn, and tired, and they're both ready to call it a day. they don't have the energy to fight anymore, or at least can't see the point.
and they strike up a friendship, over friendly chess games and quiet afternoons.
and Ruka sees how damaged Sage is. and she wants to protect her.
and one day, Sage is harassed by [insert aggressor here, ie. birds or enemy OS-tan], who Ruka fends off, and as she is helping her dear friend out of the dirt, she gently brushes the hair out of Sage's still-pretty face.
and she kisses her. she holds her close and kisses her, and tells her that everything is going to be alright.
and Sage starts to cry and holds her back, and Ruka vows that she will safeguard Sage for the rest of their days.
now, picture that in a cozy-ass image of Sage leaning her head on Ruka's shoulder, as Ruka kisses Sage's forehead.
Wait wait wait. I just thought; if SAGE doesn't like birds, does that mean her greatest enemy in the modern age is Angry Birds?
*might be tired*
Thing is though, Ruka may be from the old days, but she certainly isn't very old mentally. As stated in the MR@S pilot, she had - before going undercover in the story - gathered somewhere around 42 days total of uptime. She may be "26 years old" but that, as far as Ruka is concerned, is just paperwork.
*is not caring too much about canon considering yuri doujins are not canon anyway* owo;
i'm sorry, mashtur ;^;
but you can't deny it's a cute mental image, them two cuddling. :3
That is seldom untrue for yuris in general. :)
hence why it is named for the lily, since it is a rare and prized flower.
at some point I will draw that. it's too cute not to.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 10, 2013, 12:36:55 AM
I picture it this way: they're both old, they're both weary, worn, and tired, and they're both ready to call it a day. they don't have the energy to fight anymore, or at least can't see the point.
and they strike up a friendship, over friendly chess games and quiet afternoons.
and Ruka sees how damaged Sage is. and she wants to protect her.
and one day, Sage is harassed by [insert aggressor here, ie. birds or enemy OS-tan], who Ruka fends off, and as she is helping her dear friend out of the dirt, she gently brushes the hair out of Sage's still-pretty face.
and she kisses her. she holds her close and kisses her, and tells her that everything is going to be alright.
and Sage starts to cry and holds her back, and Ruka vows that she will safeguard Sage for the rest of their days.
now, picture that in a cozy-ass image of Sage leaning her head on Ruka's shoulder, as Ruka kisses Sage's forehead.
That is so cute it made me make a "hng"-ing noise. ;___;
Quote from: Krizonar on December 10, 2013, 01:29:09 AM
Confirmed as GLaDOS OTP.
Exactly. 8)
*is disappointed nobody commented on SAGE hating Angry Birds*
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 10, 2013, 12:36:55 AM
I picture it this way: they're both old, they're both weary, worn, and tired, and they're both ready to call it a day. they don't have the energy to fight anymore, or at least can't see the point.
and they strike up a friendship, over friendly chess games and quiet afternoons.
and Ruka sees how damaged Sage is. and she wants to protect her.
and one day, Sage is harassed by [insert aggressor here, ie. birds or enemy OS-tan], who Ruka fends off, and as she is helping her dear friend out of the dirt, she gently brushes the hair out of Sage's still-pretty face.
and she kisses her. she holds her close and kisses her, and tells her that everything is going to be alright.
and Sage starts to cry and holds her back, and Ruka vows that she will safeguard Sage for the rest of their days.
now, picture that in a cozy-ass image of Sage leaning her head on Ruka's shoulder, as Ruka kisses Sage's forehead.
I'm not even familiar with these tans and i
"hng-ed". Kawaii~
Quote from: PentiumMMX on December 10, 2013, 03:42:25 PM
*is disappointed nobody commented on SAGE hating Angry Birds*
It sounds amusing.
*now wants to draw a follow-up image to the yuri one of them in Mario outfits fending off the birds*
(fyi, I did notice, and I lol'd, but was preoccupied with other things. ;^; )
@bells, dustii: I shaaaaalll. -w-
but you can't let me forget. xD;
Quote from: PentiumMMX on December 10, 2013, 03:42:25 PM
*is disappointed nobody commented on SAGE hating Angry Birds*
I'm just imagining angry birds starring SAGE in lieu of the pig. -__-;
Since I've never drawn pyromancer!Unix either.
I like it! >:3
I love this. So cool~ *w*
Looking good. Nice colors.
funny thing is, this pic reminds me of changeling, considering there's an expanded art called Pyretics. -w-
Loving the lighting effect, Bella.
Thanks everybody. :D
here, have a look at my latest tabletop characters.
my Shadowrun character, Ju-mei Xiang
my Roguetrader character, The Mayor
also, i drew this during a demonstration for the library kids last month. she's from Ace's High. :3
Cool ^^
The Mayor reminds me of a character from Zelda when wearing that mask
The Mayor basically never takes off his mask. The Mayor is also pleased that you appreciate his appearance. -w-
The Mayor makes me think "post apocalyptic plague doctor". I really like the aesthetic you have going there. OwO
Though I thought he was a woman at first. ^^;
When the fuck did you start playing Rogue Trader and why are we not on a campaign right fucking now!?
Because everyone is too lazy to RP these days, damnit! You included! Take responsibility RIGHT NOW!
^ my thoughts exactly.
that, and i'm not the one running it, my brother in law is. if I figure out the system enough, I might be willing to venture a try (I torrented the book).
The Mayor is an Explorator, in case it wasn't obvious. -w-
@bells: lulz, The Mayor doesn't mind your assumptions, as The Mayor treasures ambiguity anyway. it's part of the reason he never takes off his mask. -w-
and yes, The Mayor is sporting a plague-doctor inspired mask. the traditional exploratory/tech priest getup didn't completely suit the look I was going for. (he ( was, ( after all, inspired by two homestuck ( characters. (
The Mayor also insists on wrapping all wounds in his special Safety Tape. (
Out of time. I should start studying for finals.
I'll probably keep working on it later.
Happy holidays OSC
lulz, I love it. and am I to assume that the bald one is SE?
(also, where's XP?)
Bald one is SE.
XP hasn't been sketched yet. I was planning on making her walking through the scene somewhere chewing on some roasted squid or something.
Might add DoS kitty making a lunge at Saba-tan.
kaay. -w-
We need coloring on these. Someone needs to pile in some work *W*
his or mine?
That's not a question.
Quote from: Balrith on December 14, 2013, 02:29:33 AM
Out of time. I should start studying for finals.
I'll probably keep working on it later.
Happy holidays OSC
Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 14, 2013, 05:42:24 PM
That's not a question.
understood. -w-
OSC, I pose a challenge to you: take screencaps of the OSCers as they are, then put them side-by-side with the avatars you'd pick for them from your personal avatar stock. -w-;
Am I doing it right?
(I might do more later)
love it.
osc, everyone getting a present is getting a homemade Christmas card. rejoice and sing.
some teaser art for those getting Christmas cards
Cute, although I'm trying to figure out who the characters are -w-;;
If you don't mind me guessing: (left to right)
Multics-sama, Maka w\ glasses, unknown guy (Me? Bella as trap?), random catgirl, a shaven Nej in trenchcoat, unknown lady (Me in trap mode? Bella w\ padding?)
you got multics right.
willing to bet bella could name them all, but since she's late to the party, L to R: Multics-sama, Unix-tan, Selectric-kun, Snow Leopard-tan, Mertvaya Ruka, SAGE.
this wasn't meant to be the serious draft, this was more me getting down what clothes I wanted them in.
These are too awesome Kari!! Excepting Selectric-kun, I recognized all of them at first sight. >:3
They all look good but there's something about the way you draw Ruka and SAGE .... they're just 2cute4me.......
*faints so hard she disappears into other dimension*
3/5 of the cards are set, but i'm wondering who should get the other 2. it's a toss-up, since you and stew might enjoy both. :0
also, tankya. :3
I love them >w<
two sides of the same ornament, but still. it was SOO COOOL. >:3
Was playing around with Macromedia Fireworks:
Whaddya think?
LOL. Nicely made; as it does look like that could actually be in-game
I lol'd. xD
I present: Defender tan, Mamoru Aizawa.
Click to enlarge...
I disliked my first defender/se tan idea, so i went back to the drawing board.
• Black Hair
• Thin purple frames (glasses)
• Violet Eyes
• White lab coat
• Black Hoop Skirt (think Madoka-like) [Magical Girl]
• Black Pencil Skirt [Normal]
• Big Breasts (Since even the lightweight Windows Defender takes up a lot of memory at times)
• Stethoscope
• "Classic" nurses cap with brick pattern (representing Defender's icon, a brick wall)
• Is a Kūdere
• Magical girl transformation
• Abilities:
- Manifest and manipulate bricks (weapons/protection)
- Scan for viruses by launching a glowing cerulean magnifying glass that has a "boomerang effect" and highlights viruses with a cerulean glow
- Quarantine: Captures anywhere from a fragment to the entire body of a virus for examination
- defend: Manipulate manifested bricks into a wall like shield for temporary protection
- Final Move "Defender Deletion": Manifests millions of bricks, and sends them hurdling in the directions of viruses identified with "scan"
Working on a full torso sketch so you can see her outfit.
@Kari: Those look awesome! :3
@Dustii: All in all, this seems like a solid design. I like. 0w0
@dustii: nice, bro. though if I were to give an opinion, i'd integrate the two halves together. none of the other antivirus -tans/-kuns have to transform to use their powers.
Finished! Here is a full drawing of Mamoru:
Click to enlarge...
Also, here is a little preview of a wallpaper im working on:
Click to enlarge...
kinda cute, man. -w-
>spend 1/2 hour drawing something in Paint Tool SAI
>click save button
>"Oh good, now time to Puush it"
>go to My Documents
>Isn't saved
@Leaf: Ouuuuuch, that sucks. I obsessively save because I've been burned too many times.
Not totally related, but: Back when I used GIMP (2009 or so), it was pretty crashy, one time it crashed and DESTROYED half the layers in a drawing I was working on, I just about died. Also, Inkscape used to crash and destroy whole drawings from time to time, the suffering is real. :C
The only time I LOST MY WAY was when my brother came in and shut down my computer while I was off elsewhere...without saving the huge Inkscape project I'd made first.
To this day, I still haven't remade it. ;_;
But soon...SOON. Fate of 10 years is coming...soon.
wtf? he just....shut it off?
if we're talking about lost art, I might win this due to HEY LOL I'M AN EXTERNAL HERP DERP 80 GIGS OF YOUR STUFF DOWN THE DRAIN LOLOLOLOL
I lost my entire first year of college work, my high school portfolio and 15,000 un-uploaded, unique OS-tan pics. I became a banshee that day.
bells' Christmas card, for those unaware.
Finished the Mamoru wallpaper. Comments? Critiques? I desire feedback! :)
click to enlarge...
I'm not too crazy about the drawing of Defender-tan, but other than that, it's pretty good!
Quote from: LeaflameSD on December 29, 2013, 05:57:20 PM
I'm not too crazy about the drawing of Defender-tan, but other than that, it's pretty good!
She didn't come out quite like i wanted, but i tried my best. Still need to improve my art skills more....
EDIT: Crap. Forgot the glasses -.-"
all the critique i can offer has to do with the character herself, and it can all be fixed with practice.
but....why did you choose raspberry pink...?
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 29, 2013, 06:18:22 PM
all the critique i can offer has to do with the character herself, and it can all be fixed with practice.
but....why did you choose raspberry pink...?
Its more of a pinkish purple then raspberry on my device... And i chose it because grey is too bland, and it's the color i chose for her eyes.
grey is only bland if you think of it that way. -w-
@Kari: Thanks for posting a pic of the card! I can't wait to see what everyone else's cards look like too! :D
@Dustii: I quite like the color scheme you have going there, it's eye-catching but it feels harmonious as well. Maybe it's because Mamoru's color scheme is monochromatic and subtle, but I don't find the magenta background distracting at all.
The character design itself looks good, the only issues I can point out have to do with anatomy, which (As Kari noted) can be fixed with practice and such.
thanks man. hopefully the other cards don't get steamrolled by other art the way this one did. =w=;;;
Decided to make a pic of License-tan (,1547.0.html), seeing as theres not much of her.
i did not draw the background. Its from a photo i took. (I did draw License-tan though) | Click to enlarge...
I imagined her saying something like, "BAKA! You didn't accept the license agreement!" or something like that.
that.....that is amazing.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 12, 2014, 10:43:30 AM
that.....that is amazing.
Life's just a b-ball, that we all, dribble wi-i-ith
mark the opposing team, UNLEASH THE SLAM DUNK WITHIN!!!
i lol'd, kid. xD
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 12, 2014, 11:23:31 AM
i lol'd, kid. xD
Just you wait and see what I have in store for OSC next~
Quote from: Toki on October 25, 2010, 05:26:24 PM
I love the virus-tan xD
any particular reason you're quoting Toki's work?
(she made her own avatar, too, for the record. -w- )
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 12, 2014, 04:37:04 PM
any particular reason you're quoting Toki's work?
(she made her own avatar, too, for the record. -w- )
It-it's... fabulous!
fair enough, but spoiler it next time would be my advice.
will be posting some kind of art thing soon.
Decided using actual, scanned Time and Delay reports looked awful. So I took one of mine as an example, then combined the best/needed features from a few to make my own:
I first read that as "Derails of Service" and was all lol
@nej: I lol'd. -w-
@stew: is cool, but what is it for? forgive me if I'm out of the loop.
new timeline cover for Studio Cha-Ko. (
DA link here. (
I approve :3
tank-you. -w-
Gave the page a like~
thankyou~ ^^
Had a little idea in my head while watching GA Design Class (it's an anime) that what if someone parodied it with software-tans for art applications, so i made the quick doodle that is attached.
Dustii why?
Quote from: Balrith on January 15, 2014, 12:32:50 AM
Dustii why?
God, i need to work on my drawing skills.I chose software more specific to drawing. Yes photoshop is a popular, heavily used art application, but i didn't think people made hand drawn art start to finish in it.
also, though I'm sure you guys are aware, there are a few photoshop-tans out there.
Quote from: DustiiWolf on January 15, 2014, 11:09:42 PM
I chose software more specific to drawing. Yes photoshop is a popular, heavily used art application, but i didn't think people made hand drawn art start to finish in it.
People do. I personally don't, but a lot of the more serious people sitting on /ic/ use it from sketch to finished product.
Actually in my general experience, most people that paint are more likely to use photoshop. It's also the industry standard for digital painting.
It all depends on your tastes, what brushes/plugins you have. The fact that plugins can be added and that photoshop has a kickass and versatile brush engine are major reasons why people use it. A good craftsman never blames his tools blahblahblah.
Examples from a Medical Whiskey drawfag that exclusively uses photoshop if anyone's interested: (slightly NSFW)
...and from his livestream
I personally am using a lot more of CLIP studio paint recently, which is pretty much the japanese analog of Manga Studio.
since I can't use my copy of Deleter CG Illust anymore, I use gimp completely whenever I do digital art. unless I'm doing vectors or gifs, in which case I use inkscape or a combo of gimp/jasc animation shop respectively.
not that I do vectors by choice anyway. fucking hate vectors. >>;
I've been trying ArtRage lately. I prefer it to SAI, due to it having more features (after using it idk why people get worked up over sai getting features it already has), and because it emulates actual tools and drawing surfaces, which I prefer (since I can still control the brush/pen/etc. settings, but can use it relatively like the tool's real world equivalent.). It also has a WAY friendly touch interface, and scales properly in portrait mode on my tablet w/o hiding the drawing surface with toolbars like SAI.
I also use GIMP from time to time for UI concepts and advance editing.
god i miss CG illust. maybe I should get a second copy.
Quote from: DustiiWolf on January 16, 2014, 11:06:41 AM
scales properly in portrait mode on my tablet w/o hiding the drawing surface with toolbars like SAI.
Just curious, do you draw on a graphics tablet, a tablet pc, or both?
Quote from: Balrith on January 16, 2014, 12:28:27 PM
Just curious, do you draw on a graphics tablet, a tablet pc, or both?
Tablet PC. Atera (formerly Crapsung) is a Samsung Ativ Smart PC XE500T1C (Samsung sure knows how to name 'em! /s). It's a windows 8.x tablet, with Wacom digitizer.
Ah. Being able to draw "directly" on the canvas sounds nice. I'd like to try something like that sometime. Would probably be the closest I'd ever get to a cintiq.
I've drawn directly on screen before. it's weird at first, but I imagine you get used to it. (my friend's school had these neato huge Wacom monitors that reacted with special pens.)
It's weird, using a graphics tablet and watching the brush move around on the screen separately should be weirder to me, but I've gotten so used to it now. I bet having your hand get in the way of being able to see the canvas would be very different though.
I'm guessing those wacom monitors were cintiqs. Fancy. Best my school has is a tiny crappy graphire tablet that nobody uses. Digital art is pretty much unheard of.
are you still in high school or in college? my friend was going to a college-level trade school, so that's why. my college was chock full of tablets of all sizes (though idk if they had upgraded to direct-draw monitors, especially since EVERYTHING is Mac there).
our high school, though, our high school had regular PCs and Macs and maybe one or two tablets.
I'm a junior in college. Started drawing seriously when I entered. It's a small college and the media lab here is pretty much devoted to video editing and film studies. Definitely not what I expected when I signed up to work there, though I guess video editing was still a nice set of skills to learn.
Sad thing is that my high school had better tablets. Again, next to no interest in digital art here.
that sucks. if your focus is drawn art, though, maybe switching schools would be a good idea? :\
if not, then grad studies might eventually be an option.
Quote from: Balrith on January 17, 2014, 08:31:24 AM
Ah. Being able to draw "directly" on the canvas sounds nice. I'd like to try something like that sometime. Would probably be the closest I'd ever get to a cintiq.
Quote from: Balrith on January 17, 2014, 10:37:14 AM
It's weird, using a graphics tablet and watching the brush move around on the screen separately should be weirder to me, but I've gotten so used to it now. I bet having your hand get in the way of being able to see the canvas would be very different though.
It is nice. But unless you're lucky to have a device with palm detection/rejection, you have to avoid placing your hand on the "canvas" though. So the "covering the canvas" thing isnt much a problem for me.
Also, theres an upcoming 8" Windows 8 tablet with Wacom tech. Perfect for drawing on the go. So you could try it if you can afford it.
Quote from: Balrith on January 15, 2014, 12:32:50 AM
Dustii why?
See attached pic.
It is only a junior college.
Is that SAGE wearing a jersey from the Grand Rapids Owls hockey team I made Bells draw? It is!
I love how every time I draw SAGE, she either looks melancholy and puppy-eyed or like a raving lunatic attempting to murder with her stare, there is literally no in-between.
well, remember that computers back then were more binary than now. there is literally only a 1 or a 0 here, thus, only murderous or adorable. nothing else.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 17, 2014, 08:54:23 PM
that sucks. if your focus is drawn art, though, maybe switching schools would be a good idea? :\
if not, then grad studies might eventually be an option.
Meh, I've been here for almost three years now. Not much point moving to a larger college. Also my majors are biology and neuroscience and this college is decent for those.
I was definitely considering going for an art major instead of neuro, but I know pretty well what I want to draw, and I just don't have the time needed for high level traditional media art.
Ah, this drawing takes me back... mind you, it's not the best thing I've ever done.
DA Link Here (
That's the one you're giving my sister, right? She'll love it :3
yes, yes it is. -w-
but as previously stated, she has to print it. silly pent, thinking I have access to a printer. -w-;
This seemed like the best place to put these, even though the screenshots and models themselves are months older than the submission dates: ( ( ( ( (
I could probably upload the schematics here as attachments.
Also I didn't remember how to hotlink from my deviantArt.
Quick doodle. Been watching more Minami-ke.
I really don't see what's so special about this show :/
Does the third season get better?
SE wat are you doing
Made this with a transparent claudia
Darn, we're not gonna make it!
Let's take this thing into overtime!
A little late night doodling
Just found out my test for today is canceled
Edit: Now in crappy color
drew this for the girlfran for valentines and our anniversary
If thats crappy, my art is sh**. You do art well.
I have to post this in reply -w-
Quote from: Bella on February 16, 2014, 11:43:34 AM
Attached Linked is something i was toying around with today. It's incomplete, and nothing serious. Just an idea i've had that i thought i'd write down. Not very good, i suppose, but i'll let you guys be the judge(s). (
And FYI, the site needs it's upload system file format support changed from DOC to DOCx. DOC is practically deprecated, if i'm not mistaken.
I don't know the first thing about values.
A coloring tutorial for skin. Maybe it'll help someone.
Spoiled for mild lewdness.
All it's really taught me is that right now I need to grind more figure sketches and study musculature/anat.
This was pretty cool too.
I drew a wizard duck.
You finished my vision Balraith, truly you are some sort of psychic art completing genius.
Attached is something i'm working on (used the Ai chibi as a reference). Metra-tan!
Looks cute, Dustii.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Okay, I may have been hyperbolic, but I still appreciate that you couldn't resist.
Attached is the final product! Yay! \(^○^)/
Finally decided on a final uniform design. I like this one the best of all.
How about some Mac tans now?
/pokes tile
Nice costume design Dustii!
@Kriz: Well I've been thinking of drawing Apple ///-tan, would that count at all?
Of course it would!
In that case,
pics of several of my roleplaying characters
Mr. Barnaby Bubbles (Battle Lords)
Molly Teuxdol (D&D)
The Mayor (Rogue Trader)
Ju-Mei Xiang (Shadowrun)
Quote from: Krizonar on February 20, 2014, 08:02:55 PM
How about some Mac tans now?
Here you go.
@Kari: You should make a group pic with several of your RPG characters, hanging out at a bar (Maybe Royale's bar? :3)
A beautiful Tiger-tan if I do say so myself! Sketches are some of my favorites to look at. Many thanks for entertaining the Mac tan enthusiast of the site.
@Kari: I've already mentioned how much I like the design of The Mayor, but Molly looks good too. :D
@Balrith: Dat Tiger. :O
Now draw Snow Leopard-tan~ ;D
@bells, pent: thanks! i actually added a medallion to The Mayor since his friend was turned into pulp by zombies. the mayor got all her useable equipment and picked the rest out of the pulp, then we burned the remains and sent the ashes back to her family. the medallion was her pocket watch, which was flattened.
also, thanks for the props on Molly. she's actually a reboot of a character i had back in high school. (Molly Teuxdol is actually the name she gives to people, her real name is Esther.) she's the party's rogue and part of the reason we've survived this long! : D
also, she's the master of NOPE.
@balrith: loving it, so adorable. >w<
and yes, give us more. -w-
Quote from: Bella on February 25, 2014, 12:50:27 AM
Now draw Snow Leopard-tan~ ;D
I love it Balrith!
I love sketches and I love Mac tans.
Yay! Mac-tan drawings! Seeing those inspired me to draw something, which I'll post up soon! :)
Quote from: Balrith on February 24, 2014, 09:12:33 PM
Quote from: Balrith on February 28, 2014, 11:49:14 PM
(ノД`)・゜・。 If only i could draw that well....
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on March 01, 2014, 07:19:52 PM
Yay! Mac-tan drawings! Seeing those inspired me to draw something, which I'll post up soon! :)
Why hello Aurora!
sooo jealous of balrith's mad skills... all i have are my wierdly mutated dragons
@Dustii: Keep practicing!
And you have fine art skills Cockle. :>
Since I keep forgetting to post stuff here:
I wanna learn how to draw people in battle clothing
as mentioned over in Top(ic)less, the pics of Allen the Garbage Fire Elf, aka Molly's Boyfriend. these pics were declared SCIC (So Cute It's Canon).
@Leaf: You mean armor and stuff? The only suggestion I can make is look at lots of reference pictures and try to emulate them.
@Kari: They are cute but all I noticed was the "humpa humpa" in the corner. ^^;;;;
Seriously though I <3 Utsuho and I <3 System 6-tan so this is awesome to see.
This is probably better suited for Topicless but what have you been up to lately, anyway? :>
yeahhhhh, everyone kinda noticed that. almost wish i had put that elsewhere since it seems to detract from the KAWAIIDESUUU.
i think it's cute though, especially when combined with the dialogue from the game. -w-
"So, Girlfriend, yeah?"
"That's how this works!? Okay!!"
Been working on some things and have some finished things too. Here's a peek:
Click to Enlarge.
From my "Yuru Denwa" Yuru Yuri Parody idea
Click to Enlarge.
A redo of License-tan i'm working on, using the Claudia wall as a reference.
Have one or two more, but not far enough along to display yet.
@Dustii: Nice :3
@Kari: Cuute >w<
@Aurora: Glad to see you making art ^^
now that i can see shit, i second pent's comment, it's good to see you back in the saddle, Aurora. -w-
@dustii, leaf: you're both improving and your drawings look nice. -w-
@bells: liking the drawings quite a bit. -w-
who is the first one, though? Glados? Chell? Caroline? something in between?
I made Bells draw my old D&D character. Not like, old old, but the last one I played.
I'm so lucky Aurora exists and draws my favorite tans every time she shows up.
So few Mac tan art is posted and even less of stuff like Antares Tan!
@stew: everyone needs to move to new hampshire
so that we can game
(btw, what is she? dark elf paladin?)
@Stew: Niiice :3
@Kari: Agreed. I want to RPG again
Drow priestess/underdark envoy.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 03, 2014, 07:57:00 PM
yeahhhhh, everyone kinda noticed that. almost wish i had put that elsewhere since it seems to detract from the KAWAIIDESUUU.
i think it's cute though, especially when combined with the dialogue from the game. -w-
"So, Girlfriend, yeah?"
"That's how this works!? Okay!!"
I thought it was cute too. (better than the sexy doodles I occasionally draw, which tend to end up more mind-scarring than anything else.) -w-
Also, that's a drawing of GLaDOS in hypothetical android / humanoid form.
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on March 04, 2014, 11:42:13 AM
Thanks, everyone! It feels great being in the mood to draw OS-tan stuff again! I'm coloring the team sixball picture now, and got started on a new drawing! :D
It feels great seeing new Aurora-sama arts!! And I'm glad you're having fun making art, I can't wait to see what you'll draw next! :D
for some reason i love drawing my paired-up characters as sexy chibis. don't really know why. either way, i now want to draw ALL THE FANART of them because it just gets cuter and cuter.
and when we leave this town i SERIOUSLY want to see if i can take Allen as a ward. that way, if we're out on the road, he can take the wagon with the horses away and i can stay and fight. (because sadly, i did not have enough to spring for a warhorse in the beginning, and when you get a second horse you want them to match (somewhat), and when they're not trained for battle they get spooked and the cart gets tipped over by stupid Unicorns who are Dicks.)
@stew: cooool. :3
I've been on a roll today and yesterday! I sketched two drawings yesterday, and sketched another this morning.
Here's one of the drawings I sketched last night, and inked this morning. It's EvilEntity-tan.
I remembered that she can transform into a vampire penguin, so I sketched this. I originally intended for just the first drawing, but ended up expanding it into also showing off Barbie Linux-tan's new characterization! >=D
ADORABLE AURORA SKETCHES ... just like the good old days .... *weeps joyously*
EvilEntity is looking properly dapper and sinister in that first drawing! But her reaction to being handled in penguin form makes me think of this, ahaha. ^.^
Interesting that you've decided to make Barbie Linux-tan a phantom-like character — and it makes me wonder about the status of other hoax / unbuilt systems in the OS-tan universe. What are her powers, anyway?
Quote from: Bella on March 05, 2014, 07:32:59 PM
ADORABLE AURORA SKETCHES ... just like the good old days .... *weeps joyously*
EvilEntity is looking properly dapper and sinister in that first drawing! But her reaction to being handled in penguin form makes me think of this, ahaha. ^.^
Thanks, Bella! That picture suits her perfectly! :D
I envision EvilEntity-tan trying to be like Remilia, but a lot less competent. :P Hmm... I see another OS-tan/Touhou crossover idea!
Interesting that you've decided to make Barbie Linux-tan a phantom-like character — and it makes me wonder about the status of other hoax / unbuilt systems in the OS-tan universe. What are her powers, anyway?
It's been such a long time since I did any OS-tan conjectures, but she'd be of the same character class as Macintosh System 5-tan (assuming she only represents System 5, and not System Software 5, which is System 4.2), who I envisioned as originally being an apparition of some sort.
I've heard that several years ago, there were Barbie-branded computers that used a Palm OS derivative, and allegedly there was a full-fledged Linux distribution being announced back in 2006, called Barbie Linux, which Barbie Linux-tan represents. I had to look back through the pinned OS-tan theory thread, but I think I said that these ghost OS-tans could travel between the living and deceased OS-tan worlds.
coooool. :0
i like the idea of world-crossers in OS-tan canon, but who else would be on that list besides Barbie? (*does not keep up on these things, lol -w-; *)
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on March 05, 2014, 08:08:24 PM
Thanks, Bella! That picture suits her perfectly! :D
I envision EvilEntity-tan trying to be like Remilia, but a lot less competent. :P Hmm... I see another OS-tan/Touhou crossover idea!
Haha, I can totally see it! And Maybe I'll join the OS-tan/Touhou fray ... goodness knows I've always wanted an excuse to draw Multics-tan and Yukari together. Besides them being ancient god-tier trolls with nice dresses and fancy spatial manipulation abilities and all. (That and the red and purple color schemes.) Or maybe VMS-tan and Sakuya?
QuoteIt's been such a long time since I did any OS-tan conjectures, but she'd be of the same character class as Macintosh System 5-tan (assuming she only represents System 5, and not System Software 5, which is System 4.2), who I envisioned as originally being an apparition of some sort.
Same heeeeeere, it's been ages since I've published any OS-tan ideas!
Hm, yeah, I remember you mentioning this as well. Aren't there a few 'mythical' Mac OS-tans you've drawn?
QuoteI've heard that several years ago, there were Barbie-branded computers that used a Palm OS derivative, and allegedly there was a full-fledged Linux distribution being announced back in 2006, called Barbie Linux, which Barbie Linux-tan represents. I had to look back through the pinned OS-tan theory thread, but I think I said that these ghost OS-tans could travel between the living and deceased OS-tan worlds.
Ah-ha. I've always been fuzzy on the origins of the Barbie Linux myth, I remember hearing you and C-Chan talk about it when dinosaurs roamed OSC, but i don't think I'd ever heard it mentioned anyplace else.
That sounds about right to me. But now i wonder - what the heck IS the OS-tan afterlife? Or do they just cease being? 0__0
Honestly I'm undecided whether SAGE would be better as a match for Utsuho or Shiki.
Quote from: stewartsage on March 07, 2014, 11:45:06 AM
Honestly I'm undecided whether SAGE would be better as a match for Utsuho or Shiki.
I always pinned Ruka as the Utsuho type, lol.
If SAGE was Shiki would that make BUIC Komachi?
Happy b'lated b'day Kari~!
you forgot Ace's earring! :0
either way though, I love you so much for this. post a DA link so I can favourite it. and I don't care what you say, this is going in the fanart section of the comic. ^^
(srsly, you've made me so proud I am literally giddy right now.) (
you have also confirmed my faith in you to carry on Ace's High should anything happen to me. (
in response, have a pic (also related to the comic) that I started months ago but only got around to finishing today! xD;
DA Link Here~ (
Alternate Version Here~ (
I've said it already, but that looks so pretty Kari~ I love the amount of work you put into your outfit designs and backgrounds and stuff, you're much better with detail than I am. 0w0
I love the light colours, Kari.
Thanks guys. ^^
Their colour schemes are based off baked goods, hence the chocolate and cream. :3
@bella: the pattern on the blanket, trees, and houses were brushes, but the rest was me. I wanted each one's outfit to match, but still be distinct. ^^
Also, if you guys didn't read the DA page, l to r is Despha Nitalle, Romy Culeta, Anita Rosavi, Galerina Legar, and Aris Siphil.
Based this off one of the Bing Girls' pic
Needs moar RAM.
@Dustii: The art style makes me think of K-On :3
...and now, a portrait of me as a girl, courtesy of Bella (Is it weird that I want to snuggle myself? >w>; )
Vury cute. -w-
whoops i hit the senketsu button
Kill la Dragon?
*photoshops ice cream cone into pic*
this got a bunch of notes on tumblr i'm trash i'm a tracer ohhhhh
still funny! :0
Some more adventures in color
10/10 be my drawfag
is that Yakui?
because if it is, hug yourself for me, sir.
Yes it is Yakui
.....Yakui is my favourite maid.
Thankyou. (
Quote from: Balrith on March 24, 2014, 01:50:29 PM
Yes it is Yakui
Hey, can you draw me something?
What do you want drawn? I have a lot of long term projects right now though.
Quote from: Balrith on March 27, 2014, 04:08:39 PM
What do you want drawn? I have a lot of long term projects right now though.
check your PMs
You need to think about these things going in, kid
Not everyone has time ^^;;
Back on topic kids..
I can't see it all on the phone, but dame, that is a pretty sweet claw right there.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 27, 2014, 05:41:40 PM
You need to think about these things going in, kid
Not everyone has time ^^;;
>Implying I'm rushing her
>assuming s/he has time for anything but random stuff to give us
It's a fever dream come true~ ;v;
holy crap, she actually finished something.
btw, who's marrying who again? i can't tell from mere context clues and it's been so long i don't remember. ^^;
- Nej in labcoat, preforming the wedding
- Me, as the blushing bride
- Bella, as the groom with a very nice top hat
- Stew and Kari, reacting to this
ahhh. -w-;;;
i lol'd, and probably would react like that.
I look a lot more rustled then I've ever been at anything...
@Stew: No more tears; only fever dreams
@Kari: Indeed. Granted, I did ask for feedback from you on how you'd react ages back, for info for Bella :3
@stew: yeah, you look quite a bit more ruffled than i've ever heard of you being......but then, s/he stole your woman. >:0
True that -w-
Maybe there should be sequel art; with Stew taking my cat or a member of my fleet? :P
idk if it would have as much impact. :0
Not sure if want to participate or look on from afar.
you could be applauding! :0
Good computer > Candace > cat
Therefore, we need sequel art. Stew (Dressed as Medic, from TF2), running off with 2k-tan the Desktop -w-
This entire line of comments has made me lol, good work guys. :D
I've been meaning to re-draw Medic!Stew for the longest time. ;^;
Quote from: stewartsage on April 02, 2014, 10:11:44 PM
Good computer > Candace > cat
This coming from the man who's expressed annoyance at my committed relationship with my desktop....
*pic of me snuggling with 2k-tan the Desktop*
It's totally not weird or anything -w-;
it's only weird if you make it weird. -w-
we need something to get us back on topic.
Here, have some art I made with my mind
...or rather, via DeviantArt's April Fool's joke. Looks vaguely like Venusaur
shit's inspired, dude
i'm afraid to see how any of you would depict me
Most likely, like this:
(You are a sentient cockle shell, right?)
I'll try to see what I can do. This is getting to be a busy and depressing part of the school year though so I might need you to be a bit patient.
Quote from: PentiumMMX on April 03, 2014, 01:26:00 PM
Here, have some art I made with my mind
...or rather, via DeviantArt's April Fool's joke. Looks vaguely like Venusaur
Reminds me of that laughing lizard reaction image.
Quote from: Balrith on April 03, 2014, 05:15:53 PM
I'll try to see what I can do. This is getting to be a busy and depressing part of the school year though so I might need you to be a bit patient.
Take your time.
@pent: that's beautiful.
now, for mine.
"The Month of Tacos", Choco-la-te, 2014
Still say that looks like the cover to a book *w*
it looks like a how-to guide or a textbook. :\
I was thinking a magical tome, TBH
um....vectorized cheap art looks magical to you....?
Well, it's more the odd design in the middle that makes me think it's the cover to a magical tome :\
it looks like modern art or a floor plan to me. (they're not as different as you might think. :0 )
LOL -w-
So, I finally remembered I made this, and decided to upload it: a comic about one of my Disgaea characters -w-
I love it.
Poorly scanned artwork from me:
(I can only draw people from the side, for some reason.)
that's more 3/4 view, but give yourself credit, 3/4 is hard (according to the books).
(i like it, btw.)
@cockle: i liek. why is one of the eyes more open, though? :0
Someday I will stop doing OS-tan crossovers ............ today's not that day.
Commented on that on dA :3
Also, it can't stop until we get VMS and 2k as Batman and Robin -w-;
sweeeeeeet. -w-
if i may make a suggestion, it would be grand to have the OSCers as the TF2ers. -w-
yes, yes YES please. i'm medic, never not medic
I would much like most big weapon plz
I'd want to be Demoman; disregarding the fact I'm not black -w-;
(Engineer is ok, but not really "me" IMO)
either scout or spy for me.....since they're the only two i fit.
I can't decide if i should be Scout or Pyro.
On one hand I'm little, fast, can't stop talking for a fucking minute, have weak lil' bird arms and am kind of arrogant.
On the other, Pyro is my favorite class. (There's no real reason besides this, lol.)
I think there's only one real choice for me. (
bells, you be scout, i'll be spy. maybe nej can be pyro.
EDIT: better yet, Fedora can be, since i've only seen 1 or 2 pictures of him in my life, and i think the second one may have been a dream.
I'd nominate Nej for Snoipah (handsome outdoorsman with lots of fangirls? Yes.) and maybe Aurora for Engie.
Spy - Me
Scout - Bells
Engie - Aurora
Medic - Cockle
Soldier - Stew
Pyro - Fedora
Demoman - Pent
Sniper - Nejin
Heavy - .....? (maybe Cappy? but she hasn't been around in like, a year)
and if we're getting fancy, Administrator - Pitkin
dear bella, this needs to be a thing. love, kari.
I think Kriz wants to be Heavy; given he popped in and said "I would much like most big weapon plz" -w-
You know, stupid thought. If that OS-tan TF2 pic had been all DEC-tans, would it technically be called Team Fortran 2? >w>;;
oh yeah, i forgot, sorry. ^^
so with kriz on that roster, we have the perfect Team Fortress 2. -w-
(and yes pent, yes they would.)
Here are some WIPs of a part of another WIP.
For the record, at school, I can use Illustrator, but at home I use Inkscape, hence the two different screenshots. If I use Photoshop tomorrow, I'll probably take a screenshot of that too.
By the way, this is supposed to be Windows 1.0-tan. She looks kinda like Haruhi Suzumiya to me though.
here's a wip
@Kari: Don't worry, OSC Fortress 2 is happening ......... it's only a matter of time. -w-;
@Duko: Not bad, keep practicing! While I haven't done vector art in a very long time, i used Inkscape regularly for several years and have made a few tutorials; if you need any pointers, lemme know.
Only recently have I gotten into vector art, to be honest. It's the only kind of art that I have at least some potential for, as I learned in an art class that I'm taking. Some pointers would be amazing. :)
Completed Part of WIP with character description:
This is Yuno Yamada, and she represents both Windows 1.x and Windows 2.x. I don't consider 2.x different enough from 1.x to have a different -tan, and Futaba didn't make a 2.x-tan. Yuno's design is based off of the Futaba!Windows 1.0-tan, and because that design reminded me of Yuno from Hidamari Sketch, and so her name came to be Yuno, though I think she came out looking more like Haruhi Suzumiya in my drawing.
Nice :3
@Bella: On the OSC Fortress 2 pic, I just thought of something. We should be Team Blu; given the site's color scheme :3
WIPs for Picture I'm about to share:
Completed Part of WIP with character description:
This here is Azusa Yamada, and she represents Windows 3.x, which includes Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11, and Windows 3.2. None of these are different enough to warrant their own -tan in my opinion, in spite of the existence of a Windows 3.2-tan. Her design is the same as the Windows 3.1-tan that already exists, as she is that particular character, unsurprisingly. I chose Azusa for her name because for some reason I liked the idea. It was the first name I associated with a -tan, and I can't imagine using another human name for her. I learned later that Azusa contains goroawase for the number 3. Though not intentional, it is notable, as it's the closest thing I have to a legitimate reason for her name being Azusa. She reminds me of the Professor from Nichijou. It helps that DOSkitty greatly resembles Sakamoto, the Professor's cat.
we will have vastly different ideas about characterization and thus i won't discuss them with others.
i have a bit of experience with vectors (5/10 of an illustration project from college, made with inkscape, except for the text) (, so i can give you some tips too, if you like (though idk if i'm the best at teaching). aurora has the most experience with vectors of all of us, though, so if she stays around consistently she might be able to help you.
also, that 1.0-tan sort of makes me want to cosplay her again. but god that was difficult. -w-;;;
@cockle: fantabulous, as usual. *0*
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 04, 2014, 04:09:07 PM
we will have vastly different ideas about characterization and thus i won't discuss them with others.
And that's what drew me to OS-tan, the vastly different ideas about characterization. I feel that different ideas could allow for progress within individual works, so I try to not argue over it, as it's pointless and unnecessary to argue, as I feel that, for OS-tan, canon is in the eye of the beholder. I try to not say that what is in my canon is fact, as what makes sense to me might not make sense to you, and that's okay. And if you want to share them, that's also up to you. If you don't want to share them, more power to you. :)
Sappy paragraph over.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 04, 2014, 04:09:07 PM
i have a bit of experience with vectors (5/10 of an illustration project from college, made with inkscape, except for the text) (, so i can give you some tips too, if you like (though idk if i'm the best at teaching). aurora has the most experience with vectors of all of us, though, so if she stays around consistently she might be able to help you.
Yes. I'd love tips. The more tips the better. I want to improve in my art, and the opinions of others is vital, in my opinion.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 04, 2014, 04:09:07 PM
also, that 1.0-tan sort of makes me want to cosplay her again. but god that was difficult. -w-;;;*
Thank you. xD
Hm, I wonder what I could advise you on. Is there anything specific?
Not really, to be honest.
Quote from: winduko on May 04, 2014, 06:56:11 PM
Yes. I'd love tips. The more tips the better. I want to improve in my art, and the opinions of others is vital, in my opinion.
I recommend searching dA for inkscape tutorials. To start you off:
Here's a good basic Inkscape tutorial ( by ex-OSCer C-chan, who's one of the best Inkscape artists I've ever known.
Here's a hideously old and outdated Inkscape drawing tutorial ( from yours truly - though the fundamentals are still quite sound, IMO.
A guide to cell-shading ( in Inkscape (also mine).
Thank you Bella. Those three tutorials you linked are all very helpful. I'll look for more as well. :D
Good luck. If it helps any, before I do any vector drawings, I always do a rough outline and then vector over it.
Also, the handles are your friends when making curves. ^^;
I considered doing that, but I don't have consistent access to a scanner, and I kinda doubt my phone's ability to do such.
As for the second thing, yes, they really are. They're my best friends, as a matter of fact. xD
I decided to redo the drawings (as Bella's tutorials are very inspiring), so you people get some WIPs:
Glad I could be of service. :)
It looks like you're doing alright with the actual vector-y end of things - your lines seem pretty smooth and even - I'd suggest paying closer attention to the anatomy. The shoulder/neck in particular needs better definition and the arms should probably be brought in closer to the torso. You're off to a good start though!
Yeah, that's honestly my weakness. Never really did understand it. xD
Thank you for telling me what I should fix. :D
might draw something full body... need suggestions
This is the best art I've ever done in my life. :D
I'm so happy. ;D
Also, the things that I mentioned about Yuno in the first picture still applies.
Wow!!!!! That's awesome! you've really got your anatomy down pat on the bust, now try making individual studies of hands and feet and they will slowly (and painfully) get better!!
I spent a good amount of time on that.
And now I just realized that I have a shitton of references for situations like this. xD
Looks much better. :)
As for anatomy — observation and practice are your friends. A lot of artists would suggest going straight into real-life human studies to learn drawing anatomy, but tbh I feel it's alright to just stick with anime/manga-style studies at this point, since anime/manga does a decent job of creating easier-to-understand analogs for real-life human anatomy (which has much more detail and is harder for somebody starting out to grasp).
I will warn you that hands and feet tend to be more difficult to create in vector vs. "hand-drawing" — either with pencil or in Photoshop, SAI, etc. — simply because vector leaves no ambiguity of line/form. Put simply, it's easier to gloss over trickier bits when drawing by hand by making your lines ambiguous and sketchy. When our eyes see an ambiguous line, our brains tend to pick out the "path" that looks the best; this is why artists often complain that they like the form of their sketches better than lineart. Since there's no way to produce a "sketchy" look with vector art, the line you put down is the line you're going to see, and any "defects" are going to be readily apparent.
Honestly, I recommend getting a hold of stock images of hands/feet and using them as guides when drawing. dA has a good selection of stock anatomy images and almost all of them are free to use in noncommercial art. Of course, when "converting" from real-life to anime/manga style, you'll have to leave out detail and stylize a bit to make it "fit", but it's much easier and a better way to learn than simply drawing what feels right and hoping for the best.
You're making progress. :D
The thing about anime/manga style is that it covers a huge range from more realistic like the art in Vagabond or Berserk, to extremely stylized like PSG. This is true for a lot of styles though.
Not saying Bella is wrong or anything, I mostly learned that way so I can't really judge, but just to clarify, a lot of artists suggest that you learn anatomy from life partially because of the presence of this range from realistic to stylized. The general worry is that when you study from other people's art you learn their symbols for how human bodies work and look from different angles, rather than the underlying anatomy. In addition, the natural posing of the body is best learned by doing lots and lots of figure sketches of real humans that focus on flow rather than detail. Stuff like PSG may look simple and easy to reproduce, but there is a lot of nuance that goes into simplifying. Drawings are stylized representations of reality and trying to learn to draw by only looking at these representations can just make you a watered down version of the original artist. It can also make it difficult to switch between different styles or find your own style since you learned the fundamentals from from someone else's stylistically distorted proportions. Basically, it's a good idea to know how something works before simplifying it.
Also, I'm not sure purely vector drawing would be good for learning. Like Bella said, vector lines are very defined, and I've found that a rough sketch first helps me pick the right lines I want in the end. That said, clean lineart is very clear and not sketchy at all. Show someone a sketch with lots of lines drawn over and over, and in a way they're as responsible for drawing the picture as you are since they are picking the lines that look the best in their head. This is where polishing or going over your sketch with a vector comes in. Doing this helps you pick the right lines and forms in your head and then actually place them.
Some more resources:
Refs that are more focused on anime. I have my doubts about a few of these but w/e.
Some are NSFW
The references I have are of a real person, though I did steal some hand and foot references.
As for the sketch thing, I don't have regular access to a scanner (which I probably shouldn't even be using to scan in OS-tan pictures, but I used Inkscape at school, so that doesn't really bother me a lot), and I doubt my phone would make a good scanner.
I also kinda worse at that, but I think the OS-tan sketches that I have aren't horrible, but I haven't gotten around to scanning them in.
My OC from when i was like 9
i adore her.
@kodomo: looking much better! ^^
to give some bullet points though....
@Anatomy: as someone who has done sketching from books, sketching from the mind and sketching from real life models (Art School: Granting You the Opportunity to Draw Naked People), i can tell you right off the bat that in the end it's really going to boil down to what's easiest for you. i've heard others (some of my classmates, bella, a couple other people) say that they learned by drawing from life and had quite an easy time from it. i learned to draw from books and observation of others' art, and actually find drawing from life quite hard. (doesn't help that i find it PAINFULLY boring).
try out different methods, and in the event you're like me and life drawing just doesn't do it for you, then look up every tutorial you can on manga drawing and study ALL OF THEM. i'd advise you to look into buying books, but i doubt you'd be able to achieve the amount of book learning i did (for many reasons, not least of which that it's cost-prohibitive), especially when there are literally thousands (probably millions) of drawing tutorials on the web for you to take advantage of. DA is ripe with them, so give them ALL a look. the more you see, the broader your horizons, and the more rounded a style you can develop.
to get you started, here's one i made on a dare. it's not the best, but it's a jumping off point. (
@Sketching: dearie, you're missing the point a bit on this one. we're not asking you to practice sketching for the express purpose of making a finished work to put on the web. having a scanner is irrelevant here. sketching is excellent practice to help you get a handle on the basics of anatomy and thus improve your artwork on the computer. once you realize where a shoulder, elbow, hip, ear, knee, chest is properly placed, you'll have a much easier time translating that into the computer.
@Inkscape: frankly, i was a bit confused as to why this was your first choice of art program, but i didn't question it as everyone has their preference. but i agree with bella that this may not be good for a budding artist as the program is a bit too harsh for a newbie who could use the benefit of blurred lines (finally, a good use for that term). did you pick it BECAUSE there's no sketching involved? (cause if so, don't avoid the problem.) is it because you want to do art on the computer but don't have access to a tablet? (that one makes more sense.) is it the ability to manipulate lines without really needing to draw them? inkscape is a nice program but in your case, i wouldn't limit yourself to just it. if you want to improve, you need to expand your circle. :\
@Stylization: the point balrith was making about using manga as a reference is an excellent one, but only if you're observing only one style. the point i made earlier in this post in that you need to look at ALL the tutorials you can find is so that you don't end up cloning another artist's style. in the beginning as an artist, it's best to stick to a more general style than to align yourself with one school of thought. when i was young, i observed Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, and many others whose styles were nothing like each other. this was after learning from books whose styles were nothing like those series, so doing that got me to stop sticking to one (other person's) style and to find a comfortable, blended mix that ended up being mine.
more conversation and i'll be able to make more points, but i hope these helped~
It feels worth noting that some people who are unable to draw by hand have done wonderfully in Inkscape. C-chan was more-or-less unable to hand-draw things due to hand tremors and an admitted lack of practice (though in hindsight, his sketches weren't that bad):
Yet he was able to accomplish feats like this in Inkscape:
Might be something of an anomaly, but I've known a number of people who found vector art easier than sketching/hand drawing, or whose work in vector was markedly better than their hand drawn stuff.
I'm the opposite, however. While I'm alright at vector, I find it hard to capture the spirit, liveliness and natural imperfection of hand-draw artwork.
Compare this...
...with this.
at the same time, though, C-chan had much more experience than Kodomo does and i feel that Kodomo would benefit from sketching, at least till she has a better grasp on how the body works/connects.
in C-chan's case, he (?) already knew.
@Bella: What's that first pic of yours, with the girl in the teacup? I don't think I've ever seen it before
Quote from: winduko on May 05, 2014, 05:54:36 PM
This is the best art I've ever done in my life. :D
I'm so happy. ;D
Also, the things that I mentioned about Yuno in the first picture still applies.
I'm just going to be honest (please, no hate).
The atonomical structure here is just plain . The body is too long and thin, not to mention the arms aren't properly "attatched" and you didn't even give one of them a hand. Also the feet look small. IMHO, you need to practice. Read Choco's posts.
I've been looking at the way I draw things, and it definitely feels like my facial anatomy has a ZUN-like influence. That's what I get for growing up on Touhou.
I like to think that observing multiple styles helps too. But they'd probably have to be the right styles. Anime has a central culture to it and there are a lot of common stylistic choices like the angular chin and large head. Overall, it's akin to recreating a knowledge of the original language from a bunch of different scattered dialects, only in anime's case, some of the clues are missing from most dialects.
Vector is perfect for finalizing and polishing. Maybe they were better at vector because they put more thought into the lines or spent more time tweaking them. Just a hypothesis.
When I started trying to work on line confidence, I noticed putting more thought into every single stroke I made had a great effect. It helped me get the right structure down on the canvas and reduced clutter.
In addition, a lot of artists don't even use vector tools to make lineart. In sai, I'm partial to sketching something and then refining that sketch on the same layer with the pen tool until it becomes clean lineart. I find that keeps a lot more of the sketch's original feel than going over it again with a vector line. It's kind of masochistic thing to do though, and I usually give up halfway.
Also I'm pretty sure that the reason I can't make satisfactory lineart by using a new layer is due to my own inexperience with placing lines where I want them. Sculpting the lines into the right shape is easier. Line stabilization can also help a lot, but I'm conflicted about supporting its use since it is a bit of a crutch.
An example from a project I've most likely abandoned:
That's the way I do my lineart. It takes a good chunk of time, but I'd rather something that I like instead of something that looks too clean for my style.
Fabulous work, Cockle and Balrith. : O
Tbh I feel like I don't "draw" so much as I "paint with lines" .... which sounds dumb and kinda pretentious, but at this point I don't even really do sketches/lineart in a traditional sense. I don't feel like explaining the process right now — maybe someday I'll put together a GIF of my start-to-finish process.
I have a couple problems
Drawing fem classes ...
... and yuri families / lesbian science babies.
God help us if those two things ever combine.
Yay, another science baby fan~ ^.^
LOL -w-
Also, I'm now picturing gender-flipped me and 2k-tan creating lesbian science babies >w>;
Not sure if want pic or not
Well, if we have Yaoi Liver Babies, then we should have Lesbian Science Babies too. -w-
I thought it was Magical Yaoi Babies ^^;
(Because it's magic; we don't have to explain it : D)
I've always been curious — lesbian science babies are pretty simple. The baby-making equipment is all there, you just have to fertilize an egg with another woman's dna. How to yaoi science kids work? It seems like that would require a lot more intensive biological/medical engineering. 0.0
Nice Twilight :3
Also, I assume yaoi babies would involve magic -w-;
sparkle sparkle twilight.
as for what i said, yaoi wasn't exactly the right word and i tried to edit it from my phone but evidently it didn't stick. >>;
when i was in high school, an old friend of mine, Kai, decided that when two gay men have sex a liver baby is formed on the recipient. being that Kai turned out to be gay himself, i'm taking his word for it. i have no idea how it works.
double posting fuk da poleece
Cute lil' Ace. ^^
the hat is the key here. that's not Ace, that's Duce, his apprentice. :3
though to be fair Ace was freaking out on the same page as this doodle. -w-;
She looks fabulous and appropriately sinister, Aurora! I like the dark, creepy lighting and portrait-like feel of the picture. It fits her very well. :)
Stew's new OS-tans, HT11, MUMPS, HDOS along with Nova-tan.
Very nice ^^
(I'm a sucker for buns in hair like that. Maybe it's because of Sailor Moon or possibly Sage -w-; )
Oooh! I really like what you've done with 3.2-tan's design! It's a good combination of cute and elegant. :D
@Pent: You and BSD-tan both. ( -w-
Indeed. I loved that comic -w-
@aurora: SHE'S BEAUTIFUL (EE-tan)
also, i adore the Qipao. i never thought of how good she'd look in that, but damn, she really would. maybe it's because i always thought of her as a wanderer/fighter and that doesn't really seem practical/too high class. perhaps before her wanderer days, she wore that? :0
@bells: lurvely. any chance you'll do more in colour? :0
Thanks, everyone! :)
@Choco: She is a wanderer and fighter, and I'm torn as to whether she should wear that outfit as her main one (because of the parallel to 3.1-tan's), or if that's the old outfit she wore before her wanderer days. It'd be totally impractical for melee combat, because it's an ankle-length dress with long and flowing sleeves.
I can see 3.1-tan and 3.2-tan both being spellcasters, and their DOS companions serve as their familiars. That way, wearing impractical clothing in combat isn't completely ruled out, but I also envision 3.2-tan being experienced in melee combat, which she learned as a wanderer. :-/
This picture would have to be one that takes place in the present or recent past, because 3.2-tan was isolated from the rest of the Windows-tans (perhaps aside from 97 and 95 OSR 2.1) for a long time.
mmm. i could see her wearing that and learning her magic pre-exile, but not having as much of a grasp on it as 3.1 does, since .1 had more time to practice. .2 was shoved out into the world sooner than it should have, which may contribute to her distrust of others. :0
Nice job Aurora and Bella!
Haven't had time to draw for a while. My summer is worse than my school year ugh.
*weebing intensifies*
I blame 3.1-tan's sadistic expression on the dubstep.
christ almighty, Balrith, your art is insane... I love it. that 2k-tan is calling my name..
Those look fantastic Balrith, you have excellent command of perspective and anatomy! :D
Quick(ish) painting inspired by Salar de Uyuni salt flat. (With obvious fantasy elements thrown in.)
Colonial-era me.
Still love those :3
So, Bella made a new painting of SCOPE-tan (, which lead to me making this comment:
Quote from: PentiumMMX, on dAAlso, would she prefer Listerine for mouth wash, or Scope?
...leading to me taking the pic and making this:
Quote from: PentiumMMX on June 04, 2014, 11:06:41 AM
Still love those :3
So, Bella made a new painting of SCOPE-tan (, which lead to me making this comment:
...leading to me taking the pic and making this:
Oh my god. I snorted with laughter when I scrolled down and saw this. Nicely done, Pent. :D
Quote from: Aurora Borealis on June 04, 2014, 11:59:26 AM
The comments on Bella's newest SCOPE-tan painting make me want to draw an OS-tan + Magic School Bus crossover, and I like your edit, Pentium! :P
Alternatively, we can try doing a collaboration ... if you only want to do part of it. Up to you!
Mission accomplished -w-
i can into art.
She looks good, Cockle!
Nice one Cockle.
Also I really like this one. Beautiful work, Bella
Quote from: Bella on June 01, 2014, 10:49:45 PM
art art art art art i love all of it.
only i couldn't see Balrith's pic on the last page cause it kept making the computer crash. ;^;
Posting this as a courtesy to Bella, and because I love this pic so much: the tie-in to that short story I wrote a few months back, about PDP-11 and 2k swapping costumes accidentally (
Discuss -w-
2k's hair is so swoopy. Swiggity swoopy. End of discussion.
i didn't even recognize 2k at first, her hair looks so cute. >w<
got bored
sweet coloring jobbu
Red Eyes Black Daddy. Smack dat Pimp Ass and grab a Natty. Two Days a Dragons and a Sweet Ass Bitch, Slap a Trap Card an' gon' get Rich. Tournaments be' illin and I'ma jus be Chillin' wit my Homies Joe, Thea and Trist, willin' ta win cause i got the gift, a higher power my callin' dark forces i'm pissed, dis ain't no card game son dis is mothafuckin life, you get the jist?
why the hell did i write that, seriously. whyyyyy. awesome picture cockle, looks a bit like the Red Eyes Black Dragon from Yu-gi-oh. that was a compliment i swear. will edit this later with some art to commemorate the first book of Ace's High being done.
EDIT: i apologize in advance for the incoming flood
Why's all the cool art get posted when I'm away....
@Bella: Well, one of the cool pics was yours :3
@Kari: I'm just reminded of when LittleKuriboh translated episode 1 of Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged into Ebonics, using a translator he found. It gave us "Blue Peeps Whitey Dragon" xD
@Cockle: Dragons are cool
@Stew: Indeed -w-
I have the urge to draw Michigan computers doing Michigan things. Like MTS-tan, UMES, BUIC, MCP and GLaDOS going ice fishing or something.
Some births herald death.
@Cockle: Pretty *w*
@Bella: Do it >:3
(Which, the back area of Wal-Mart kinda reminds me of the back areas of Aperture -w-; )
i don't know what it is.......but i love it.
@bells: poast toast!
if you can actually get it done this time har har har
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 24, 2014, 04:54:08 PM
@bells: poast toast!
if you can actually get it done this time har har har
s'not ice-fishing but I feel I managed to make it pretty darned Michigany nonetheless.
If you're curious what's going on I recommend reading the artist's comments (
comment'd. it took me a bit to figure out what UMES was holding, and at first i thought it was bread. -w-;
New tablet came in today, decided to do some tracing to get used to how it feels
hahaha, we get to see a picture of your spirit animal.
finished versions of the art for my sister's birthday
old art that i photographed today
Nice work guys. :3
Old or not that pineapple mosaic looks really good!
loving the scout pic, bells! : D
@Pineapple: hahaha, thanks. i believe it was made in Crafts in High School, meaning my freshman year (so it's 7 years old). i remember a substitute teacher we had frequently remarking "It's a Pineapple!" over it and i expressing some pride in it. ^^
Mr. Falkenberg was so awesome, and he was even cool that i forgot his name constantly and kept calling him Mr. Falkner (so suddenly he was a flying-type gym leader). ^^;;;
also, those pics seem to be broken, lemme fix em'
C#-tan practice trace for today
heh, cute. ^^
How can such an ugly language have such a cute -tan?! ;^;
Now for some THEN AND NOW pics~~
March 2009
July 2014
July 2013
July 2014
Your proportions and posing have definitely improved a lot, Bells. I love it <3
Thank you so much Cockle!!
your understanding of bone structure has gotten better, too. dat 09 nose was alright but a bit middle-school-manga-book-y. on the upside your old colouring is still fabulous despite time. is that watercolour?
also, yeah, second look tells me your grasp of anatomy has gotten better. no more noodle arms ^^;
Thank you! I was long plagued with noodle-limb syndrome. C-chan always suspected I was influenced by CLAMP (Code Geass WAS one of the first animu I really got into...) but truth be told my tendancy toward pencil-like bodies and spaghetti-limbs predates my interest in anime by a few years. For example this 2004/05-era sketch of some OCs of mine...
Thankfully, I seem to have finally shaken that particular issue for once and for all. I'd tried to get rid of my pinheads and noodle bodies before, but more often than not I ended up going too far in the OPPOSITE direction (as evidence by this piece from what I like to call my "Terrible Massive Heads Era"):
As for nose/facial structure, 2009 me had a very poor grasp on head shape for some reason. I do agree that the nose isn't bad per se, but the nose-mouth region is jutting out way too far, almost like a muzzle. If i'd had the cognizance to move them closer in, it'd have held up a lot better, imo:
To answer your question, yes, it's watercolor! I wish I could work with watercolor more but I'm running out of supplies and it resupplying them will require a bit of an initial investment (tubes of paint can easily cost $5 a piece and I believe a standard watercolor paint kits requires about 8 different colors). There's also paper pads, which cost more than regular sketch pads. And I'm probably due for a new set of brushes too.
hahahaha, you got yours for 5 bucks a tube? lucky you getting them so cheap. (you don't want to know how much we shelled out for my watercolour class. and i still have an entire block of D'Arches at home... ;v; )
also, that first pic makes me feel weirdly better, since at least i know you weren't always the pencil goddess you are now. your early work sucked just like my early work sucked. -w-
only difference is, rather than noodle limbs, i had box torsos and eyes like motherfucking saucers. and grapefruit boobs, god the grapefruit boobs. >>;
Nah, I actually got mine in an art kit years ago, but I've looked at Michael's and the 5ml tubes go for something like $5 or $6 bucks a piece. That's for 5ml — they're absolutely tiny. ;^;
Seems we had opposite stylistic weaknesses then — I've always suffered from spaghetti proportions and creepily long face syndrome. (See first picture.) I didn't even begin to have a grasp on normal proportions until a couple years ago. Better late than never, I guess. ;^;
Although I DID go through a grapefruit boob phase also. >_>;;
to be fair i started learning anatomy from HtDM books. xD
and yeah bro, "real" watercolours aren't fucking jokes. gouache is even worse. i'm somewhat thankful that i likely won't have to buy them ever again. ><
I wouldn't mind investing in a nice watercolor set but ... but ... I'm not experimental enough with traditional mediums. I get nervous that I'll ruin everything with one out-of-place brushstroke and it kind of keeps me in my own little comfort-level box, which isn't a very good way to progress as an artist. :/
Indeed you did ^^
and if i could find my old watercolour notes i'd send them your way. in the event i'm forced to take another WC class i'll get some info for you, since while growth as an artist is important, not wasting $50 materials (and that's JUST the block of paper) is also important.
-Artemis, On This Picture
Thanks for the kind words, everyone~ :D
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 26, 2014, 06:45:20 PM
and if i could find my old watercolour notes i'd send them your way. in the event i'm forced to take another WC class i'll get some info for you, since while growth as an artist is important, not wasting $50 materials (and that's JUST the block of paper) is also important.
That'd be great. ^^
Quote from: Cockleshell on July 26, 2014, 11:33:27 PM
It is one of my artistic missions in life.
np bells. and i believe you've done this, but ever try messing around in a painting program (i forget the name of the freeware clone of Corel Painter, Mypaint, right?)? if nothing else, testing it in theory might be a good way to work up to practice.
I don't think there's an OS X version of MyPaint. I have Painter installed but it's such a resource hog it's barely worth using. x.x I do feel as though my work with digital art has given me a better foundation for traditional art, mostly in conceptualizing 3d objects in 2d space and color theory type stuff.
Kawaii VMS-tan.
Pent accidentally suggested a thing.
I can't decide if that, my wedding picture, the 2k and PDP-11 costume swap, or Tsundere GLaDOS should be Pic of the Year
also, bells, didn't you have some kinda PC for this exact reason...?
oh yeah, i had fresh art to post. that's rare.
my friend Arty's D&D character, Xyno (our Monk, she's female if you're wondering)
i wasn't aware of how much molly/allen art i had uploaded, so if these two are repeats, i apologize
the bottom picture on this one was drawn last night, but idk if the rest has been posted either
this one was also drawn last night
@Kari: Nice pics :3
@Pent: Why not bo- I mean, all three?
@Kari: Ehh, I use my PC for SAI sometimes but it's extremely difficult to work with since the screen isn't very good and doesn't accurately represent color at all.
Seconding Pent, I like those drawings. Especially the action shots!
W-what happened to Molly though? Arrow to the chest? 0__0
Acid Arrow to be specific. she's been springing a lot of traps recently (unintentionally) that all happen to be acid arrows. it hurts her pride more than her, though, as she's supposed to be the master disarmer. (i have the highest search and disable device, for fuck's sake. >>; )
also, haha. i'll have to find an excuse to draw more of Action!Molly and Action!Allen, then. suppose it makes it even more exciting when she's given the opportunity to master her Were-Boar powers. xD;
also, i don't believe i mentioned to you guys, but i'm toying with the idea of paying to get Molly a set of dragon wings. :0
You were having trouble looking for an image editor/drawing app? You shoulda asked! Is a good free drawing app.
edit: forgot to mention this: I browse the art here a lot and enjoy it, keep up the good work everyone.
Thanks for the lead Kriz, I'm gonna try it out right now. ^^
So I'm trying to become a Victorian Era-style painter.
BELLA OMG <3 its so amazinggg
Thanks guys~ :D
invisi-posts, kraus.
So I got bored in class.
that's some adora-boredom right there.
i should probably draw something
do eet.
God I'm sleepy
n'awww, brushie brushie.
for anyone who ever wondered about that weird-ass card game i obsess over.
i'll attempt to update this later, since there are actually more rules and tips than just what's listed here. i'm gonna write them into the description when i upload this to DA/tumblr.
EDIT: evidently i need to size it up. will worry about it later.
EDITEDIT: wait, it's the correct size, tinypic just sucks ass. including a link to DA at the bottom, you can view the fullsize and the description there. (really, read the description if you want to accurately learn how to play. i couldn't fit all the info into the picture.)
CARD GAMES ON tables like normal people.
it's nice, right? having a card game that doesn't involve hair which will pierce the heavens?
I used to play that card game religiously back in the 8th grade...
... though, I always lost.
it happens a lot. though i am shocked and delighted to find another Hanafuda player. ^^
the more i look at this the more i cringe...
EDIT: deviantart (
...wait; that's not the sound he makes -w-;
What model is it?
Bamboo CTL-460. i want to exercise it as much as possible, so expect shitloads of posts from me in this thread.
Kono Dageki (
Ace vs Slim Timeline Doodle (
Jamie Peters 1 (
Jamie Peters 2 (
been playing over the past day or two (or longer, hard to keep track) about a new comic idea called Last Fall. the idea was born from me wanting to write a comic using only colours i had scanned from leaves i found outside. it's a bit late in the season, so i may have to source the colours from google images (sadly!!! ;^; ), but the idea still stands. i don't want to reveal too much atm since most of it is backbone (ie: spoilers), but i can say that it's a coming-of-age tale about dealing with depression, guilt, grief, and LGBT issues.
Sounds interesting :3
thanks, man. i'm aiming it as a long one-shot....basically, what one might expect to see out of a producer such as First Second Comics (aka :01 Comics).
A fluffy Mac-tan!
original by eric muentes
Everything is adorable.
d'awwwah. >w<
it was suggested that i double-post since if not this likely won't get seen.
my photoshop skills have advanced to the point where i made a passable fake id.
like, someone actually used it for id purposes and it worked.
not sure if i'm comfy posting the id here, but, well, yeah.
@Kari: Badass -w-
So, I honestly feel an urge to make a random doodle. I might do that later, and then try to get my scanner back to post the results -w-
do eeet.
This is a preview of what could happen in the future.
Do note that the inaccuracies are either a result of the limitations of The Sims 2 or intent. The Sims 3 will make it easier for accuracy to happen, as customization is more possible. Either way, it's not too hard to figure out who they're supposed to be.
I say good enough, and I don't think the Sims 3 will help much with the XP sim. Maybe make her hair longer, but I predict that hairclips will still be a pain in the ass, and XP's clothing design is quite a fancy one. I only know very basic modding, so making the XP hairclips or her outfit isn't going to be easy for me. Thankfully the ability to change body size in the Sims 3 will change the playing field quite a bit.
Her hair was a fucking pain in the ass. Blue hair is not a default, though the hairstyle is. It was a pain in the ass to colour her hair. With the Sims 3, blue hair is an option, so that'll make my life far easier. Her glasses colour isn't something I did on my own, but it's a simple enough pattern, and if I wanted to do the same thing as I did with her hair, I could make the glasses more accurate from there. Sadly, I am rather lazy. As for the outfit, her design is simple enough where I believe that can get it with reasonable accuracy with the Sims 3. Really the only differences are that I'm going to have to remove the poofy shoulder thingies and the hair accessories. The rest of it shouldn't be hard to do, however.
She looks the most accurate out of the three imo, but she also has custom content that I didn't make. It'll definitely get more accurate with the Sims 3 as well. Sadly there isn't a height slider in any of the Sims games period, so she will end up the same height as 2k and XP, which decreases her accuracy in a way that is annoying to me and probably many others.
As a general note, in the Sims 2, they are adults, while in the Sims 3, they'll be young adults. They're not young adults here due to, again, technical limitations. If I made them young adults, I'd need to put them in college. That's not a bad thing, as I headcanon them as college roommates, but for the purposes of the previews, that just can't happen.
As for other OS-sims, I have Sims 2 concepts for some -tans and the occasional -kun. More -kuns will end up with Sims 3 designs than they will with Sims 2 designs because I am lazy and I know I'm getting the Sims 3 in a week.
to be completely accurate you're likely better off making 2k an adult, XP a young adult and ME a teenager or preteen. that's basically how they act, look, and are treated in OS-tan literature.
Good idea. For whatever reason, I didn't think to do that. I'm not planning on having them age anyways, so it doesn't matter how old the game sees them.
Though complete accuracy is hardly my goal, the height differences being accurate is still good.
np, hope it works out. also, may i ask why 2k's face is square.....?
(and ME's is shaped like a long bean or seed of some sort?)
take this late-night stress relief dragon
take it and go
Iz so beautiful :000
Made from these:
Plus scratch building work.
I still wanna know the backstory...
I once saw my kitteh doing that -w-
now we need Snow Leopard cuddling her tail on a Starship. =w=
Snow Leopard art! Yays!
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 23, 2014, 01:12:20 AM
now we need Snow Leopard cuddling her tail on a Starship. =w=
Mac Trek? :P
Alicorn Multics & Unix and draconequus SAGE.
Multics kinda looks like Cadance -w-
silly, that's because MULTICS is the lovechild of Cadance and Chrysalis. Adarkable.
Finally got a concept for Erika done!
The girl who dared reach for the light above; Known as The Ashamed, The Disgraced, The Kraut, The Unwanted. Erika was taken down inside the Cumberland Mine as soon as the first alarms were raised for humanity's doom. She was only 7 years old when taken down into the "darkness" as she tends to refer to her home in the mine shaft, her father was one of the first workers on the mine expansion project which would allow more room for the residents to move around in for future years. After a terrible accident where a new section of the mine kills her father, Erika's mother goes into a state of despair turning into the mine shaft's whore. Two years later at the age of 9, Erika's mother dies to starvation due to giving up whatever food she had to Erika. Erika was taken in by the last android of the "old times", Janus, who taught her much of human history and survival which gave Erika hope for a better future.
depressing, but interesting! i like her look, too. :0
EDIT: by the way, while i remember....
"The Sketchbook" (
i was gonna post a picture of the curry i made, but that seems better suited to MPT.
It's so cute >w<
i REEEEALLY want to see his sketchbooks. :0
Messing About With Manga Studio. (
I like the way that turned out; it looks really good *w*
heh, thanks man. i'm a bit disappointed with the lack of tones in the program, so i'm looking for ways to remedy that before i commit.
still got it
introducing: something i always draw... like 24/7 everywhere on my sketchbooks everything
i fished out basically every piece of college artwork i could find
need to photograph it for a portfolio
shit's gonna get real
so i haven't posted a drawing in a while
maybe with me getting my samsung galaxy note n7000 back, I can use it as a mini tablet
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 21, 2015, 10:13:47 PM
still got it
Beautiful :^)
thanks man. weirdly enough drawing a doll made life drawing fun. and manga studio made it somewhat easy. ^^
i love working over nebular backgrounds because so many creatures just jump out at me to be drawn
lookin' sweet, brohime. :0
i got so frustrated with a facebook friend that i made a tutorial.
Oh ho! I'm going to be referring to this whenever I get around to making a petticoat. I've wanted to for awhile now... how much harder would it be to have it button or have the elastic band sewn together instead of having it tie?
Look, obscure Norwegian OS-tans!
not much harder than just sewing up the back. i made this as easy as possible since she had 0 confidence in her abilities and kept making excuses. buttons are tricky though even with a machine so if you want something to fasten besides a tie-back, use some snaps.
Valentine's Card for Steve (
Pencil Work (
Partially Done (
Everyone's (my) favorite Boston Marriage in both the geographical and literary senses of the term.
so fluffy and fuzzy ahhhh i could just fall asleep in your art bella
izsocute ;v;
Quote from: Cockleshell on February 16, 2015, 05:52:23 PM
so fluffy and fuzzy ahhhh i could just fall asleep in your art bella
That's one of the sweetest comments I've gotten in awhile, thanks for the smile. :D
i think it helps that you somehow manage to make art out of cotton candy. i picture you ripping off clumps and just smearing them on the screen to make art. :0
been so damn long since i uploaded a drowwing
i need to stop using paint
that face is fuckin' sweet, bro. :0
also, paint can be effective for people that are SUPER experienced with it (search for a user on here named VonDaab, all of his stuff was done in MSPaint), but for the most part, yeah, it can be a little restrictive. if you want to jump upward, give GIMP a try. :0 (i HIGHLY recommend you get version 2.6, though, as 2.8 sucks asssssssss)
In my personal experience, GIMP really didn't like Windows.
In my friend's experience, GIMP really didn't like Macs.
I highly recommend using a Linux distro if you use GIMP.
Edit: I recommend Paint.Net if you are on Windows and can't switch to Linux (like my Windows-loving mother did to me).
I use Paint Shop Pro 4. It's nearly 20 years old, but I'm well adjusted to the interface and it's capable of most things I want to do -w-
(I'd love to migrate to PSP5, which was more powerful than PSP4 and IMO the last good version, but it's a pain in the ass to find the full version of; so I settle for the bugged "trial version" of PSP4; which never expires. I've seen the counter say "You are on day 1400 of your 30-day trial", and it still worked)
Use MyPaint. It's god's blessing among opensource artists.
Quote from: winduko on February 18, 2015, 12:40:07 PM
In my personal experience, GIMP really didn't like Windows.
In my friend's experience, GIMP really didn't like Macs.
I highly recommend using a Linux distro if you use GIMP.
Edit: I recommend Paint.Net if you are on Windows and can't switch to Linux (like my Windows-loving mother did to me).
i have NEVER had a problem with gimp using it on windows. in fact, i had a worse time using it on linux. >:\
I'd recommend Paint Tool SAI (drawing & painting) or GIMP (drawing, painting and general image editing).
loving the arts, bells. who is?
all the other programs i've used you either have to torrent and crack or pay for, so shouting out for GIMP again. :0
i'll play around with some of these programs you guys have recommended to me
thanks alot
hope to see results, bro! :0
Yuri science children and strong lighting, this is my life now.
Messing around with some filters and film grain.
The part where she's both visibly pregnant and cradling a not-very-far-from-infancy child at the same time makes me sort of...wonder.
Also, the way you've outlined the wrapping makes it look like the baby's head is a separate entity, like if she was holding two babies at once with one only showing its head and the other only showing its body
This sort of thinking could throw me for a dangerous loop so I'll stop here, but hey, good job.
Thanks; I needed to see something cute, after the day I had
Quote from: NejinOniwa on April 05, 2015, 03:41:05 PM
The part where she's both visibly pregnant and cradling a not-very-far-from-infancy child at the same time makes me sort of...wonder.
Ladies do tend to put on some weight after having a kid, you know. (And not that you can see it very well, but she's a little chestier here than she's generally ( portrayed ( as being as well). Chalk it up to maternal abundance/nourishment symbolism or something, but super-skinny moms have always freaked me out in art.
QuoteAlso, the way you've outlined the wrapping makes it look like the baby's head is a separate entity, like if she was holding two babies at once with one only showing its head and the other only showing its body
This sort of thinking could throw me for a dangerous loop so I'll stop here, but hey, good job.
It's not perfect (in fact her head is proportionally huge, but that was intentional [rule of cute and all that]), but I'm not quite seeing what you're seeing.
I think he might be making the point that the shoulder (?) wrapping beneath is far enough away from the head that it looks like a seperate baby.
This is so goddamn adorbs, btw.
@nej: depending in age of the child she could still have the swollen belly, it can sometimes take up to 3 months for it to retract. Some kids come out with full heads of hair, and open their eyes within about 2 weeks (I think?), so the age might be a little bit hard to peg on this one.
I was board and found a nice reference image
Here is the ref image (yea I only removed her arm and some stuff [^^;]) but I believe this is Mari<?> from <?>love live<?>
lookin' swag, man. :0
Whirlwind, [forgot name], and 2 kida? :3
EDIT: Saw who on dA ^^;
happy mudder's daaay
I needed to make sure I could still color.
awwww yiiiis. -w-
(who is?)
since my day didnt go terribly have a 5 minute dragon
I like : D
how can you even 5 minutes a whole dragon
Nebula E0102!
what a beautiful thing i barely know is
Just some concept art I made up real quick today for a new game idea I'm working on.
uwah, so cuute! i barely know what it is and i love it!
@choco: Thanks!
Here is another concept of one of the main characters. Game is probably going to be a simple rpg by the use of rpgmaker.
Thanks to this the OS-tan game and my first personal project, Robotic Tears, has been largely placed on the back burner.
Largely because I want to make the OS-tan project game and RT some of my best work but at the current moment I can't produce anything I quite like.
Hopefully this game comes out well because I'll be using rpgmaker assets and whatnot.
sounds cool, bro. though the isolation angle has me worried. ;^;
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 29, 2015, 12:04:10 AM
sounds cool, bro. though the isolation angle has me worried. ;^;
It will work out well in the end, though she does show restraint when Baijan shows up.
They will be inseparable forever! Hopefully...
here is a sketch of one of my FFXIV:ARR characters based off Hime up there.
so cute! though i must point out that her head is out of proportion to the rest of her body. ;^;
Marcelle Feino, Test Character for a Tabletop Game my boyfriend is making. (
Yay! >w<
(TBH, I kinda want to commission some art from you sometime; I'd get cool art, and you'd get something like manga or plushies in exchange -w-)
i am totally game for that. :0
(i should start making an amazon wishlist or something...)
She looks cute, Kari!
is he.....drinking bottled Charleston water!?
link (
alternate version (
bonus: no space edition which looks kinda cool
Happy one-month belated birthday Stew!
MTS-tan & OS/360-tan and their Soviet mainframe friends, OS/ES & DOS/ES-tan!
I'd like to think this puts me a little closer to achieving mastery of the art of 1970s kitsch. (I also hope to someday perfect 50s and 60s kitsch as well!)
I'm also trying to master the art of dynamic illumination, I feel I could have done better but I'm pleased overall!
@Bella: Yay! >w<
Thanks guys. :D
@Cockle: Maybe at some point I'll do a tutorial trying to outline the method to my madness, but it comes down mostly to:
-Observing photographs and artwork depicting the kind of dramatic lighting I'm going for. It's hard to actively look for, but whenever I see a work with lighting I like I download it and put it in my references folder, then before doing a piece I browse through and try to figure out what kind of lighting scheme I want to aim for.
-Trying to think in 3d to sort out highlight and shadow patterns — the reference image thing helps a lot with this, as does drawing out rays radiating from the lighting sources as a way to figure out what surfaces they'll hit. Also doing very quick sketches from other angles (usually top-down) to get an idea of what the light will hit from other perspectives.
-A friend once told me to start imagining every physical object as a dull mirror; that is to say that everything reflects light just to different extents depending on the material. If everything is mildly reflective, that means it's going to reflect not only strong lighting sources, but also nearby objects. Blue sky results in blueish / cool highlights, an object sitting on a red surface is going to have shadows that take on a reddish cast, etc. This goes for everything - the lighting in the scene, other nearby characters and objects, the other items of clothing the character is wearing. If light's hitting it, it's reflecting light. The hard part is figuring out what it'll hit, and how intense it should be.
even with art school behind me you're a caliber above me, bells...
if only i paid this much attention to detail in math
edit: lol i found this thing i drew in 2009 (
there's some improvement (/ 'з')/
yeah, you have improved. looks nice. :0
Your pencil work is really good Cockle, do you ever use/have you considered using colored pencils?
bah, i was supposed to finish art for the show tomorrow but i gave up because i only gave myself like 3-4 days and i didn't want to stress myself out because it's complicated.
now everyone's making fancy-schmancy digital art and i feel dumb. >>;;
(nice pics, bells. who is?)
:^) it's Sugilite and i drew it listening to Nicki Minaj
glorious. =w=
part of a larger project i'm working on
that's Pearl, isn't it. that's Pearl.
A "quick" sketch off of a reference
Sakura Shinguuji from Sakura Wars on the Sega Saturn
Original Image used as ref
now with some colour
looks good, bro. loving the eye detail on both pics.
Made some Cd Jewel Case inserts for the Va-11 Hall-a demo which I burned to a CD just so I could have physical copy for my shelf
These were approved by Sukeban games just this morning where I can release them for people to use.
Personal Use only!!
Here is the physical stuff I made and shared on Twitter with Sukeban a work in progress
Goat Mom ;v;
its actually goat son please save him
you must be further along in Undertale than i am. or else it's fanart?
(also i think from now on it's advisable to spoiler super-large images i had a hard time getting down here to post)
there's a reason i link to my drawings lol
dooooouble post~
starter art for my client (holyshitihaveaclient), Steve's friend Kylie. (this will be displayed on her channel, if she likes the sparkle effect.) expect to see more of her in art form.
if they don't bob up and down in a simple animation, get a better browser.
...and now, I wish I had monies to commission art from you ;v;
soon, dear pent. there are more important things now. :0
moar please
if i can get the images to send through skype, i'll post more. atm my connection sucks balls. (well, not atm, since i'm at work, but at Steve's it does.)
My White Mage character Woods from FFXIV: AAR!
Though I did use another image for guides -.-
(Explanation here (
Can't SAGE get Beyond Thunderdome?
Also, as I mentioned in the comments on dA, I now expect PDP-11 as a maid and Selectric-kun as Billy Mays. Don't question it; it makes as much sense as a turkey costume xD
comment'd! loving them all, but especially Turkey/Frizzle. xD
Happy belated Halloween, as some of my MapleStory characters form their own magical girl team :3
Details and some lulzy bits in my description here (
#bestmagicalteamever #SugarSparkleSquad4evr
Just a doodle
d'aww. ^^
more twitter doodles
Also Stella from VA-11 Hall-A, I used some poorly constructed French here lol
@kraus: cute ^w^
made this wallpaper a while ago
image is not showing up, swaggy. :0
@kraus: cute. ^^
i drew a shitpost the other day at work. i should upload it or something.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 05, 2015, 11:08:45 AM
image is not showing up, swaggy. :0
@kraus: cute. ^^
i drew a shitpost the other day at work. i should upload it or something.
should show up now
that wallpaper is glorious
Had this unfinished idea sitting in a forgotten folder for a year.
Antispam measures seem to have been beefed up here
I give that image a "thumbs up"!
*budda chi*
I removed some unrelated posts here. I'd like to think it's for the right to one's privacy. I should've dealt with some things in PM system rather than in public. Sorry about that, everyone!
Pose sketches
This isn't nsfw is it?
fucking FF eating my post. as far as i'm concerned, if they don't have enough detail to have faces, they're fine. nice sketches btw, smooth lines and a nice grasp of anatomy. i'm also mildly jelly of your lower-perspective one on the right (was that the intention)? i have trouble with that at times. :\
Also yeah, that was the intention. Everything in this picture should be from the same low angle. I'm going to try to turn it into a scene with 2k-tan, XP-tan, and 3.1-tan + DOS Kitty (left to right). Maybe even color it now that I've got a bit more free time.
i seriously dig it. :0
I thought I was gonna get so much done, but then I bought Endless Space.
Oh well
I just realized how weird it is for 2k-tan to be putting on her stockings in the living room anyways.
not really bro, if you're close enough with your roommates every room's a dressing room. :0
nice pic, btw. :3
Looking good NAFTA, you have a fantastic command of perspective! I look forward to seeing the finished lineart. ^^
One of Stew's Pathfinder characters (tiefling).
noice. :0
*dusts off thread*
Gawgeous, but her sleeve's getting wet. xD;
(I can't stress how much TF2 has taken over my life)
The blue look is kind of awesome :o