Since there is a 'What animé are you watching' thread I thought why not have the same kind of thread, except about manga. So it's basicly you just say what manga you're reading and if you want you can tell something about it.
I'll go first.
I'm currently reading:
Samurai Deeper Kyo, great manga goes more into the details then the animé, and there are no freaky monsters, that's a bonus.
Battle Royale, so much better then the movie, more characters and more gore, follows the storyline better to, and it goes more into the details.
Elfen Lied, I have to admit that the first 60 chapters weren't that great, because it was almost exactly like the animé or actually it's vica versa, but after that it's more fun.
Gantz, I don't even have to say ow great that manga is, there even is a special thread about that one.
Hellsing, I can't describe the awesomeness of that one, it's not just entertainment, it's art!
Well why don't more people join in!
i am currently re-reading the following
(they are good since i am re-reading them)
GTO (man this is so good!! too much for the anime to handle i guess this is one of those manga you can re-read again and again)
Ichigo 100% (I love toujou and tsukasa!!! definitely a good romance comedy!!)
homunculus (this is such a good read. its filled with mystery and stuff. very nice art and deep characters)
Devil Devil (this is a very nice action comedy. very good as well)
these are the once i recently finished
Salad Days (damn manga, can't stop crying while i was reading this one. is obviously romance)
these are the once that are still not yet done
angel densetsu (pretty funny stuff once you get pass the so so artwork in the first few volume.)
Bleach (of course everyone knows that)
naruto (of course everyone knows this as well)
Golden Boy (comedy, definitely. ecchi, very much warning adult content!)
Capcom Gals (as it says capcom GALS!)
these are the ones i am currently finishing
psychic academy (fighting psychics, action comedy, the girls are pretty cute, they are just too big breasted for me. :/ )
I am not reading to much atm, just girls braqvo and mahoromatic, I am always buying something new though I just havent found the next thing to watch as of yet
just finished Psychic academy! man that ending was kinda sad ;269
JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
Witchblade manga
Fist of the North Star manga
Trinity blood
Air Gear
Tenjho Tenge The online Version not the gay cut version
Shaman King
Battle Royal
and lots lots more.
damn i cant stop reading battle angel alita!
Claymore I love this series The anime just aired today and it was good.
currently im actively collecting rozen maiden, negima, and hellsing.. other then that its an off and on thing. im not made of money
come to think of it, when the bloodyhell are they going to put out the next book for hellsing?!?!
Hellsing releases are Bi yearly now Don't know why but thats what darkhorse is doing sounds pretty retarded to me.
Its been bothering me for a few days now. one person said that they were reading the Elfen Lied manga is that actually out in america in manga?? That anime is probly on my top 3 favorites of all time I would love to read the manga for it if it is out...
might be a scanilation.. im a few volumes ahead in negima that way...
I will have to research that here sometime in the near future...
That's right, Elfen Lied isn't out yet in the Western or Northern world in my case. It's a scanlation by Illuminati.
Felt as I should revive this thread because of all the new peeps.
I just started reading a manga called Akuma Jintei. I like it, although i think it's kinda too much of an 'wannabe-famous-manga' it's a drag down but it's nice anyways.
I also found lying on a shelf in a bookstore the three first volumes of Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angelic days. I bought it seeing that I had never read it before I thought what I saw to be interesting. In short I love it, the cheerful Rei thing is beautiful!
all I know it's been months since they've released Gunslinger Girl here. In Japan they're up to Vol. 8. I mean, I know Yu Aida is slow in releasing them, but if that's slow, ADV is glacially slow. :P
i dont think they have done more then 3 volumes here in the US now -_
as for angelic days.. personaly Im rooting for asuka, even if it feels doomed.
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"i dont think they have done more then 3 volumes here in the US now -_
you are quite correct. Volume 3 was released here on the 6th of June, 2005. going up to two years now. :P
And I'm seeing new characters, new girls. Jeff is quite interested.
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"as for angelic days.. personaly Im rooting for asuka, even if it feels doomed.
It is quite doomed, Shinji even said it himself =O I'll be rooting for Rei, well because she's my favourite anime character
Mx0.... magic school!! wohoo...
i like that manga much
I'm reading Video Girl Ai, Naruto and El-Hazard ;010
Quote from: "Kimo"I'm reading Video Girl Ai, Naruto and El-Hazard ;010
Video Girl Ai? I just managed to buy two parts of this, and I can say it's good in it's way. I wonder if I can buy the other parts sometime...
Currently reading more Negima, from where THIS came from (Latest chapter raw):
Video girl Ai is very good!
masakazu Katsura draws awsomeness!!
all of his works i've read are good, video girl ai, I's, DNA and zetman. lots of ecchiness in his works are just bonuses!! i totally recommend! ;010
currently reading lilim kiss!
I'm currently reading Fruits Basket! I just finished Vol.1 and 2 ^^
mmm. fruba!
The Os-Tan Forum Manga XD hehehehehe....
You're writing that, you cheat. -.-
i'm currently reading berserk..... damn i can't stooopppp.... need sleep. school just started and i'm staying up so late for berserk.
im currently reading
Project ARMS,
One Piece,
Fairy Tail,
many more...LOL, but i got lazy to update them for some cos my net's slow T-T
Well currently i am reading:
Death Note (for about the 3rd time)
Black Cat
NGE Angelic Days
Full Metal Panic
Trinity Blood
Hayate no Gotoku
Excel Saga
Elfen Lied
Battle Vixens
possibly more ... cant remember (i start things then wait a while and then continue)
Added after 1 minutes:
oh i forgot berserk.
Berserk is so good.
Highly recommended ... just there is so much of it ... kinda takes over your life
Hmmm... well since it's so good why did you forget it hmm?
Anyways I started reading something called Demon Diary, I thought it wouldbe good because of the name, and I wasn't wrong. It's really good, fun and all that, although it is a shojo manga mind you, so if you don'ðt like love stories, you won't like this. But if you do like love stories, I recommend it.
Stared reading Azumanga Daioh. <3
azu (unlike luckystar) is full of win!! :D all hail osaka!
after more than 2 years, Gunslinger Girl vol 4 comes out on the 30th. XD;
Just finished Berserk Volume 31 Need MOAR~!!!
Blade of the Immortal Volume 16 Also Need MOAR!!
and Zetman Volume 6 Also Also NEED MOAR!!!
Quoteafter more than 2 years, Gunslinger Girl vol 4 comes out on the 30th. XD
Mm-hmm, at last, (although I've already read it). But I'm still gonna buy it, for the collection =)
NOt exactly an official manga, but i'm reading a lot of TOUHOU doujin.
And MAR, and Tsubasa Chronicle, and Blame.
hmmmm..... TOUHOU.... got to read...need to read...
Yup, i recommend you to read doujin based on TOUHOU games.
Ah, and also, find a parody of FF7:advent children with touhou characters. The title is Advent Cirno, short doujin but i think it's really amazing.
Quote from: "redrackham"NOt exactly an official manga, but i'm reading a lot of TOUHOU doujin.
Good, good... Touhou is good for you! ^^
* looks his avatar *
So it's not that unknown that I had thought...
I started reading Anne Freaks, and it's awesome.
Must say that I really like Anne
Well im currently reading.....
Asatte no Houkou
Hayate no Gotoku/the combat butler
Soul Eater
To Love Ru
Until Death Do Us Part
Urayasu Family
My B%lls (Seriously its a manga)
also reading some touhou
I started reading a manga of something called Daa Daa Daa.
Not something that I would recommend, it's sucks in all ways possible.
At least the first volume did.
Just reached the last volume or second to the last volume (i'm not really sure) of 20th CENTURY BOYS! and I can't wait to read the end. This is one of the best mangas i have read! Naoki Urusawa is The best!
I definitely recommend this! ;010
I'm reading Trinity Blood, Grenadier, and Excel Saga.
Found vol.1 and 4 of Death Note at my local library and I must say, it's really good! ^_^
Just read Neon Genisis Evangelion Angelic days part 4. and I have to say its about damn time T_T this is the type of eva story Ive wanted to see for some time. I like this reality more. Tho.. by his selection.. Shinji must be a glutton for punishment
gunslinger girl volume 4! murhaha~
(finally, ADV... finally...)
yeah i looked for it that day but my boarders was out. I will remain vigilant in looking for it.
I picked up the first four volumes of Black Cat, and so far it seems okay. Some of it seems a bit stock, but it's good nonetheless.
picked up hellsing vol 8, rozen maiden vol 5 and gunslinger girl vol 4 today.. its is a very good day....
Actually reading:
Keroro Gunso
Ah My goddess
(it started again from number 1, because old magazine which published it eventually closed, and splitted in four different magazines! DARN!)
Gundam Origins
(What a great thing to read again Gundam 0079 with drawings made by its original author Yoshikazu Yasuhiko!)
Sakura Wars
("Sakura Taisen" from Kosuke Fujishima, the same author of "Ah, My Goddess", and not to be confused with CardCaptor Sakura)
And when new tankobon (volumes) are ready from Japan, I also read:
Steel Ball Run
Also reading:
Mickey Mouse and all its associate publications here in Italy:
Mickey Mouse Magazine
Donald Duck Magazine
Uncle Scrooge Magazine
Great Classics of Mickey Mouse
Paperinik Magazine
Minnie Mouse Magazine
Enigms and Mysteries of Mickey Mouse
Donald Duck, in the costume of his alter-ego "Paperinik" the super hero, a.k.a. "Duck Avenger" or "Phantom Duck".
Also I am reading italian comics, such as:
Nathan Never (special agent in the future)
You need a view of it to understand how it is:
Martin Mystère (the detective of impossible)
He is a scientist who indagates unsolved mysteries of the past, improbable situations, alien invasions, time travelling and who always solves it with a bit of humor...
I really love this comic, smart, intelligent, full of culture, many many quotes, and humor!
He is also addict of Macintosh machines since Mac Plus!
An attempt to recreate a character (who resembles like Audrey Hepburn) as a Universitary Reader in Criminology:
John Doe
(What could happen if you were a common man employed by the Death itself, in order to help her to kill people???)
Oh... I forgot to mention I read also W.I.T.C.H. Magazine from Buena Vista Comics (Disney) an italian shoujo-majokko which mix-up western style, Disney style, and Manga style.
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"picked up hellsing vol 8, rozen maiden vol 5 and gunslinger girl vol 4 today.. its is a very good day....
I can't find an official release date, but Amazon gets it on September 5. ^^
Wow, Raffaele, that's... a lot. ^^
official release date for what? all of the ones i mentioned were there... thats why i have them. moar gunslinger?
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"official release date for what? all of the ones i mentioned were there... thats why i have them. moar gunslinger?
aha, whoops. brainfart.
I was talking about Gunslinger Girl vol. 5 ^^
what? no year long wait this time?
Quote from: "SleepyD"
Wow, Raffaele, that's... a lot. ^^
Yes. I am running quickly out of budget... ;011
@ SleepyD and CaptBrenden
About Gunslinger Girl...
Edited by Mod. Someone took serious offence to the statements made here. Please refrain from political/religious discussion on the board.
Man! That i read the first volume of yu-gi-oh! (yeah i was board)
that was not the same with the anime. i didn't see any cards. i just saw people almost dying from yugi's "Darkgames"
Quote from: "zjhentohlauedy"Man! That i read the first volume of yu-gi-oh! (yeah i was board)
that was not the same with the anime. i didn't see any cards. i just saw people almost dying from yugi's "Darkgames"
Ah, the reason being, is that the anime showed by the accursed 4Kids is really the second season, so I'd guess that the manga you read was the very, very beginning. ^^
Wow, I didn't know that. That sucks. It's things like that that make me despise censorship. *sigh*
Is that on the wiki article?
.... it's not! *gaspeth* go find some news sources and plug in a sentence or two! XD; (if you want)
ain't it great? ^^
Currently reading Death Note. X3
Currently using the Death Note as my doodling sketchbook. ;006
I started to read a lot this week,
Full Metal panic: Overload, only first two books though.
Yu Yu Hakusho
Neon Eva Angelic days 4th volume, beware of obvious ending.
Full Metal Alchemist
All of them are still being made, Except FMA.
Post blanked by Mod to remove offensive political material
hummm we try to avoid political discussion here -_- if you were offended by our members comments, I could remove them if you like.
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"hummm we try to avoid political discussion here -_- if you were offended by our members comments, I could remove them if you like.
OK, naturally I agree with you in your decision of remove the political comments, Its really important to restablsh the real intent of this forum...
Sore de wa...
Doomo arigatou gozaimasu...
Oy I hate having to do that -_-
I can't remember how long I've waited for a semi-realistic war manga & anime without mecha, magical girls, and/or stupid. Episode order aside, the anime is proving to be very true to the manga, right down to the frame angle in most cases. Very much recommended.
I have Negima 15, and rozen maiden 6 on the way in the mail. Buying online, it is the way to go.
I finally got around to reading Great Teacher Onizuka, and I'm on volume 6 of School Rumble.
Currently reading Pita Ten (vol5 iirc, I seem to go through about a volume a day recently). It's a truly heartwarming story, I recommend it to all :P It's a bit more serious than the more slapstick-comedy anime version though, but they're both good
BERSERK (English) (Spain)
ELFEN LIED (Spain) (English) (Japanese)
DEVILMAN (Italian)
BASILISK (English)
Added after 1 minutes:
i remember it take me 2 or 3 months read ALL Berserk... now i read the new chapters.
battle royale!!! is great!!!
The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service!
I tend to stay away from the "popular" mangas on my local bookstore, unless it is a manga I know a lot about. Anything I read, or watch, or take into my body is put under rigid inspection. I am -not- a religious freak, quite the opposite, but there is so much mind numbing stuff out there, it is sometimes hard to find a manga you like.
I want to finish the Sailor Moon manga ( So pretty. . we all have our guilty pleasures! ) and -finally- get a manga I saw years ago, Clover. There is another one I'm looking for, something along the lines of Aqua Knights or whatnot. Again, I haven't seen it for years, and I now that I have my own income I wanna play catchup! <3
Currently reading naruto, bleach, one piece, and monster hunter orage as they are released. Occasionally read a few chapters of air gear when i have some time.
I read too much. I can't keep track of all the releases. -w-;
Ichigo Mashimaro ^o^ Sukiii!
Chibi Vampire
Azumanga Daioh
Social life = fail
Social life = overrated.
social life = perks and stuff no manga/anime/hentai can offer...
internet = speed above everything.
Naruto = waiting the new chapter 439...... Awakened Kyubi VS Pain..... Who's gonna win?
Binbou Shimai Monogatari = social life about 2 sister.... touching story
h = Gunma Kisaragi works! Rockssss!
Is naruto still going?! O_O
It.. will.. never... DIE!!! >_<
Not until someone gives the fag writer money for ending it, that is.
Geez! you're so rude....!
Just said that Naruto will never die as long as there's a fan like yourself...
That's more like it.... ^_^
and other than Naruto, i'm waiting the new chapter of Bleach too....
Don't narutard-stamp people in the face there, oi. I try to stay away from that particular abomination as much as inhumanly possible.
I couldn't keep up with the anime, so i'm not going to try to keep up with the manga...
srsly how do you keep something interesting for that long? it's not a sitcom or something like that...
Answer - you don't. You just DL it and watch it while waiting for the other stuff.
Quote from: "Smokey"srsly how do you keep something interesting for that long? it's not a sitcom or something like that...
That's because you didn't read the manga! For the anime, i too don't like it... it's too much incoherent interlude story that makes it no fun to watch.... it's totally different from the source story(manga)...
As for the manga, i find it really interesting..... the story is hard to guess, not like some movie or drama in my country.... and every chapter always leave you anxious for the next chapter more and more...
It's hard to describe it with words.... why don't you try it yourself? Read the manga and you'll understand...!
could give it a shot... sounds like it did to you what DN did to me...(it had me literally sitting on the edge of my seat ^_^)
DN? Could it be DNAngel? or DNA2? or Death Note? or Dorky Nej?
by the way, have you read Girl Saurus?
I'm a little disgusted with the saurus pictures but overall, i find it interesting...
Oh i was referring to the anime, Death Note... I havent had the chance (read i haven't put up the effort to buy some, although there is only one shop that sells them here) to read any manga...
First Girl
Queen's Knight
Ghost in the Shell
+ Anima
RG Veda
Currently reading Type Moon Complex X. Note though, it is NOT H-manga.
Yes, it's actually a Fan Art Doujin, but despite fan art, it is really good. Created by CCC.
BTW, Anyone know where to find the translated version? They have created many doujin, but so far only Type Moon Complex X have been translated.
Type Moon Complex X...don't read it actually but saw some pages and liked detailed representation of it ^_^ On Russian it translated only 4 vol and can't find any on English((
BTW right now reading 1/2 Prince. Star to read cuz the story starts in MMORPG world with 99% of reality XD Just thought it will be funny story and it appers to be it and it just reflects everyday MMO situations XD
Well, the english ones are also only 4 volume translated. I have it though. Because of this, somehow I really interested in some of doujin manga, and surprisingly, some of them are really good despite almost all of them really short. My other favourite doujin manga is "Childcare is War".
1/2 Prince? Looks interesting. Worth to check it out.
Elfen Lied. Though I don't understand a word of it, it still makes a great "look". lol
1/2 Prince is hilarious. Do check out.
Also reading Akumetsu, and the three giants that are Negima, One Piece and Bleach.
Other stuff that might be interesting is Vinland Saga (OH HELL YES VIKINGS), Franken Fran (mad scientist GIRL? rawr!), Hajimete no Aku (modificationsXreverse sudden girlfriend appearance, aka Sudden Boyfriend Appearance), Beelzebub (OH HELL YES DEMONS and...naked babies? wut.) and of course TLR. Do I seem like a person to read and enjoy reading harem mango? I dunno, but TLR is just enjoyable, somehow.
muhyo and roji's bureau of supernatural investigation. :3
Reborn! :3
me and my brothers. :3
i forgot wat else D:
Only know Bleach and One Piece from the listed manga. They are too long so I gave up in the middle :(
Me and my brothers...saw somewhere, need to check
Elfen Lied was cute detailed representation but gave up too cuz it was cruel for me :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
+Anima - shapeshifting half-humans! Rawr, i liek.
Adarshan no Hanayome - Loli-princess marriage. Wtf, but good.
i heart onepiece .
but i can't afford the manga, and i haven't seen the anime in nearly 3 years. ;__; so i get my info from the interwebs. :3
Well, I just bought the English versions of the first two volumes of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and I've been reading fantranslations of the Gold and Silver arc of Pokémon Special, as well as MahŠSensei Negima! on the internet.
Ugh, I'm fed up with bleach for a while after the last Bleach marathon anime ;026 Maybe later after a while.
Looks like you give tons of recommendation nejin. Now the problem is when can I try to find it, since I'm still busy finding all Crazy Clover Club translated doujin.
QuoteDo I seem like a person to read and enjoy reading harem mango? I dunno, but TLR is just enjoyable, somehow.
Well, because it's everyman dream. MAIDS AND A HAREM ;010
Don't get scared, now! OneManga .com reader has all the stuff I read, because that's where I get it from -w-
Yeah also read manga that this resource have
Finished + Anima and 1/2 Prince (want the continuation!!)
Now reading Claymore! Love when girls acts as a swordsmen ^_^ ^_^
Mhah. I never really got the hang of Claymore...damn women are way too emotionless to be fun at all :<
Eh I know that it hard to understand (sometimes too get bored with loong monologues)...but I start it to read cuz of the design of chars and just love to see women with swords ^_^
Claymore? I've seen the anime. And boy did I regret watching the anime. The ending what makes it leave a bitter taste. At least the manga are better says some of my friend. Errr....women with swords? I prefer women with guns, like Mahoro with her twin magnum (mind you, I'm not talking to THAT direction). But for some unknown reason, I hate Lara Croft.
Somehow, female charas don't seem to be able to pull the sword-gimmick off right, usually...
and after this message notice that girls usually pull the sword with left hand 0_о
Good observation... but why would they do that? are all anime girls lefties? ;018
Dunno, but many girls-swordswomen in manga take their sword with left hand ;018 May be it is so just to shows some differens between men's and women's sword-fighting ;018
Could be... i will keep an eye out for such situations...
Wonder if Motoko is a leftie too?....
I shared pictures: at many of them she handle her weapon with right hand and sometimes with left. So I think she is right-handed person :)
BTW about Lara Croft. It is all my imagination or Revy from Black Lagoon is her copy? o_o
Naah, Revy is way better... ;010
I think the same ^_^ Beside Lara she is very funny ^_^ ^_^
sorry to jump in so abruptly, but
recently found new title called "maid-sama". very cute, very funny. :3
Yeah Maid-sama is very funny, I likes it too ^_^
I read some Shonen Jump mangas. I guess I'm sorta mainstream. And i looked at maid-sama, it is funny :D
maid sama?
news for me.....
Thanks for the recommendations......
Ah! By the way... did anyone read Kodomo no Jikan?
naw, what's it about?
i recently found xxxHolic. burned through the frist 5 volumes in 3 days, and craving more ^^;
reading Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei.
mm, recently purchased #6 of Muhyo and Roji's, and before that, #8 of Me and My Brothers, and before that, #12 of Reborn! .
Type Moon Complex X 5 finally out. Currently downloading it.
#2 of Cherry Juice is the most recent manga i bought. that was last week, this week i got a bonus allowance (o___o; ) and bought 2 things o anime. ^^
Haven't finish Ai Love You from years ago... still reading it whenever I find the time but it still enjoyable lol
I read all sorts :-) I tend to really like CLAMP a lot and XXXHolic is great I think I read through Vol. 13 is it? I also read Bleach and a lot off off beat stuff that would make the list here very long( for eample the hating girl. I looked into the Kampfer Manga is which is different and I think worth reading. Though there are a lot of light novels of that will most likely never see the light of day. Think my favorite Manga IF i had to name one would be Gantz. Its over 24 vols long and in its final phase according to the Mangaka. That one has it all! Violance, Sex, Scifi, awesome weapons etc. As I tell people one of the fastest reads out there...
Right now I'm reading Rebirth and Priest, I fell behind in AI love you, shonan junai gumi and Negima but I'm still always willing to add anything Akamatsu to my collection.
I am reading ã,ˆã¤ã°ã¨ï¼(yotsubato!) find it cute and love it so much. :D
can no wait for next.^^
What's that I hear? New DNAngel chapters? OwO
kimi ni todoke. been watching the anime in anime club, trés bien. :3 also recently bought a yaoi one-shot called "the devil inside". ^////^ *squees*
This doesn't sound good. SWEEP SQUAD, SCRAMBLE!
idk if it counts as "manga" per se, but today i am drooling over this:
I didn't read much manga 'til the Bleach turn back the pendulum arc... Got tired of waiting week to week for the anime so read ahead in the manga... and now I have to wait for the manga XD and sometimes it's disappointing...
Also been reading Naruto, but don't think it's so great anymore...
Not sure if I should read FMA or just keep watching Brotherhood.
Just finished reading K-On! and The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan, restarted reading TMHS manga, and considering starting Negima. Open to any and all suggestions.
Um... I haven't read many manga, but Eureka Seven and Gunslinger Girl are pretty good.
I read Naruto now...
Try to find more OS tan comic to read, but no luck...
I'm reading one called "Butterfly", "No Bra", and "Kampher"
Spent most of my time in those long Australian train? rides with Spice and Wolf *or Wolf and Spice* on one hand and a dictionary *also my DS* on the other for those frequent words I don't understand. Awesome read but had to hide some of the more revealing pictures from my fellow passengers, don't wanna break any laws now -w- *Keyword:Flat chest*
Is Horo really that flat in the mango? Couldn't have guessed that.
Rereading Silent Sinner in Blue now that its complete. Also, reading The Inaba of the Moon and the Inaba of the Earth for like.. the 5th time XD
I never really liked Inaba much...possibly because of kaguhaet, but meh.
SSiB was very delicious. I saw it on OneManga recently as well...someone's catching up thar, lawl. -w-;
Well all of Rocketfuel 21s doujin are awesome. Im glad Zun picked them to do it. There is one series of them Ive yet to see the end of, i dont think its complete, but its an Alice x Patchy one where they both think the other likes Marisa. Also, Remi in SSiB is the best. LETS GO TO THE MOON IN A ROCKETSHIP.
Personaly I love Inaba, but I dont hate Kaguya. I dislike the NEET personality fanon gives her, but in canon shes a whimsical light hearted person and funny to watch. IN is also the best game (danmaku wise) and I love the story to it. Also, I have an affinity to Reisen so a 4koma comic focusing on her is awesome.
I realized that my kaguhaet might partly be due to my many times more awesome than Kaguya, she is. Mokou <3~
Oh mokou is one of my absolute favorites, but Im a moko x kagu supporter :P Im working on a doujin for exactly that actually.
and I have read the entire archive.
Soooo, I'm about two chapters into Negima.
KaguXMokou is way too much two-way-TSUN/YAN for me to enjoy, most of the time...
Besides, nothing beats KeineXMokou as far as that is concerned imo...I mean, whom else is the poor hakutaku supposed to target? RINNOSUKE? >_>
Is Horo really that flat in the mango? Couldn't have guessed that.
Not really, Horos at least a B or C cup. But you can never be too careful with them Australians and their anti-pedo laws *More-so if said Manga is drawn by the erotic doujin meister Koume Keito* -w-.
Now attempting *Attempting as in the only Korean I know is where's the bathroom and Is their pork in this* to read a South Korean Manga about what it seems a Racing Queen who sings and poses to make Motorcycles go faster??? *Ala Macross*.
It seems everyone has read the entire translated touhou doujinshi it seems.
And JOO should do it too. It's good for you.
Silent Sinner in Blue
QuoteAnd JOO should do it too. It's good for you.
Of course I do Nejin. I still have the entire 26gb*or more* of touhou doujinery saved on my com for prosperity.
The world can never have too much of touhou doujinry, can it -w-
Whilst I might mention, Ennui Akadoko is so damn awesome.
Actually Rinnsosuke x keine is a popular pairing for her. I prefer kagu x moko as they are ying and yang, they compliment each other perfectly. Firey tomboy and dainty princess, white and black. Both Keine and Eirin seem to me part of that ying and yang, as both of them have someone thats nuts about them that is their comfort and care giver, and both of which may be gone some day (Eirin also taking the hourai elixer is a fanon assumption, I think shes too wise for that) and in the end, its going to be just Kaguya and Mokou. They are each others most important person and they will always be there for each other. Besides if you look how they interact in canon works, mokou x kaguya is practicly canon :p
There really should be a shipping thread...
Anyhow, like I was saying, I'm drafting out a Kagu x moko doujin revolving around Moko trying to restore her fathers honor to settle things (Keines saggestion) so she sets off to complete the impossible tasks from the Kaguyahime legend (which no mortal could complete, but for Mokou...) and when she does Kaguya takes it as a marrige proposal. Halarity ensues.
That sounds like an interesting setting indeed -w- Fight-o with it, hope it comes out well!
Still can't say I agree with you on the KaguXMokou, and frankly Rinnosuke-ing just about ANYONE seems so much like wasting a character (MarisaXRinnosuke is possibly the worst pairing ever in my book) - I suppose the lack of definite male characters (and the presence of MANnosuke) makes anything but strawberry-mode rageworthy as hell. Not that I dislike (regular) Rinnosuke as a character, but, well, yeah, being the sole male just about anywhere where there is a strong female cast makes you pretty, he's weak. -.-
...yeah, it definitely seems like we need a pairing thread. >_>
May be reading Fullmetal Alchemist soon, the girlfriend's reading through it so I am considering doing the same.
Still reading Negima, but now I'm reading Hellsing and Kurogane Pukapuka Tai. That last one, I don't even know....
knights a genial manga read it ;001
Okay, caught up on Negima and keeping pace with K-On! for a while but now I'm reading through Maid-sama and Maria Holic.
jojo's bizarre adventure
I am reading "Perfect Girl" at the Moment. It is so funny. Everytime I read it I have to laugh about it.
uh, manhwa counts too right?
then I'm currently reading King of Hell. finally after some years i managed to found english version.
finished part 5 of jojo's bizarre adventure.
did a marathon of liar game and kaiji... MILLIONS OF YEN!!
Now read up to date in Yandere Kanojo, very enjoyable and seems to apply to real life.
read liar game and kaiji
gambling mood :D
GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class now, first two volumes.
Ranma 1/2, I'm afraid.
team medical dragon and wild life.
Cyberdoll... does anyone else read this? i want the next volume
Hmmm, nope, I'm afraid I don't
Finished my two volumes of GA, but want MOAR. In the mean time, suppose I'll settle for Saitama Chainsaw Shoujo.
finishing jojo's bizarre adventures stone ocean
Back to Maid-sama! Finally they're &@^$ing dating!
Jojo's bizarre adventure steel ball run.
I am currently reading Skip Beat, Hajime No Ippo, The One, Youth Gone Wild, Vampire Knight, Crimson Hero, and Kaichou Wa Maid-sama.
i'm reading UNTIL DEATH DO US PART. and i must say this is really really great
Woooooooo Negima!
rereading maniac road a bit ^^;
Maybe it's just me, or is anyone else not expecting a good ending (I'm talkin' ultimately) for the Negima gang? Because that's the big one I'm actually keeping up with. That and Yandere Kanojo.
Moon phase vol 1-6 (rereading because I am going some money soon and debating if I should continue with it.)
I was actually kicked out of school for porn because my sister stole them and showed it to here weeaboo friends....
I still love the series, but I need to remember why i did.
Yotsuba vol 6 (WHEN THE HELL IS VOL.7 COMING OUT!!!!)
Starting Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, still trying to catch up with Maid-sama
Tasogare is pretty nice, isn't it. -w-;
Very much so.
EDIT: Aw yeah, two chapters out of the last three with my favorite psychotic Shinmeiryuu swordswoman in Negima!
MOAR TSUKUYOMI. I have no idea why I love her soooooo much.
Magic ban remove!! Hyde and Closer
this was nice, looking forward for the next chapter
Ken Akamatsu, you magnificent bastard! I read your book!
He did it again, right before the week I won't be able to read! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH
but srsly. been getting truckloads of manga lately, mostly free. o___o; titles include the wallflower (good series, and thankyou building 19 for selling it at 3 bucks a pop!), ouran high school host club, xXxholic, and many, many others. ^^
My only problem with watching anime based on manga I read, is going back to the beginning and starting again....
Yandere Kanojo cp4... Hau~
I wish....
For Yandere Kanojo? I just finished the most recent English chapter.
Quote from: "stewartsage"For Yandere Kanojo?
well I prefer tsundere than yandere, and that girl is more to being a tsundere.
I just found that one >.<
Oh yeah, the "Yandere" in the title apparently is a combination of Yankee and Tsundere, rather then, you know, an actual Yandere.
whats that vid again, from nico nico about some yandere audio.. I got freaked when she take the scissor sound next to my right ear.
Oh, I just read Onani Master Kurosawa again and finished for the 2nd time.. the ending really is unexpected.
Latest Tasogare Otome x Amnesia extra: Teichi in a girl's uniform. The hits just keep on coming.
hm i dunno. i guess i can say waiting for the next negima, next hayate no gotoku and next one piece. hehe ^^;
It seems we'll be waiting a lot longer for the next Negima, if you read it on One Manga.....
i recognize those titles, the last two were in shonen jump, right? ^^
one piece is on of my fav. manga, but i'm WAAAAY behind.
the only manga left out of the ones in the "aquired" campaign that i haven't read is the second volume of Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji).
i also recently recieved 4 boxes worth of manga and art books. titles include Legal Drug, Death Note, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto, Bleach, and maybe a few more. (think i'll start with legal drug, always wanted to read that. ^^ )
One Piece, yes. Hayate no Gotoku, you're close cuz its on Shounen Sunday. I actually was reading some other manga but... i forgot what they were. ^^;
and whoa, 4 boxes. I hope you got some death note notebooks too. hehehe
my bro/friend (a friend who's like a brother) wanted to do that at otacon. get a death note and leave it open in front of the dealer's room and label it "guestbook". xDDD
Hyakko. I'm gonna be sad when OneManga closes.....
There ARE other reader sites, though. But yeah.
my friend melissa is reading tegami bachi on one manga (she's upset about it going under), so she's been sending me funny pages from it. ^^
I had all my manga categorized there. Pretty much all I want to keep reading online are Hyakko, Negima, Yandere Kanojo, and Tasogare Otome x Amnesia.... Maid-sama too when I get back around to reading it.
Picked up some Princess Resurrection on the cheap. Enjoyable.
Reading Broken Blade/Break Blade.
End of the world averted. Negima Ch. 298
Finished Vol-5 of Franken fran
Troubled Spirit! Its so.... friggin adorable.
my sis has started reading Tegami Bachi.
i recently bought and read the first two volumes of Honey and Clover, and have issue 15 or 16 upstairs of Reborn!
also took out first volume of Eureka Seven from the library. :3
There's only one chapter of K-On! (the manga) left. Ever. EVER. It was the second manga I ever read, with the first being Azumanga Daioh One and Two ~six years before. Now it's almost over and once again a manga is leaving me needing a hug. Dear god who knows what'll happen when Negima ends....
The manga i am currently reading is Battle Angel Alita and Shaman King...
A Lollipop or a Bullet.
Caught up with that, remembering why I enjoy Yankee-kun to Megane-chan.
Finally got around to reading the rest of The Miko's Words And The Witches Incantations.
Toooooold you.
Damnit you guys, now I'm stuck in it. -w-;
Zatch bell vol 1-22
Couple of manga series I've caught up on; Dageki Joi Saori was pretty good "But where did the panther go?". Plus more Yankee-kun to Megane-chan. It just keeps getting even more epic.
Not to mention Negima approaches the big battle with fate. I'm going to be seriously pissed without a serious Setsuna on Tsukoyomi battle here.
It. Is. Finished.
Not really a manga, but....
How to draw anime
How to draw loli
how to draw scenery
All anime based.
Gyakusou Shoujo... oh my god...
Yankee-kun to Megane-chan, home to manga's most hot blooded student council elections.
SZS Volume 2
Katekyo Htman Reborn! Kanokon Tetsunabe no Jan R!
Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl, just picked it up hoping to breeze through.
Update: Not going to happen, since I can't find the last six chapters. On the Negima front: just started reading Chapter 309, shit just got real.
Negima 310 Summary
310 chapters? I admire your stickwithitness. o.o;
When you have chapters like this it's not so much sticking with as it is being addicted. Full Disclosure: I've only been following it for 100 chapters, I read the first ~210 straight
"I am here!".
in the bookstore.
a few days ago.
does want.....
So do I, there's a few more that I'm looking for at the moment.
might i recommend Kimi ni Todoke and Me and My Brothers. :3
you might also like pitchi pitchi pitch, though i have only one volume, and it's a bit of a little kid manga :\
I've already started Kimi ni Todoke, but I haven't read past the third chapter.
Negima 311: Shit got real in 309, shit got realer in 311. Open mouthed gape and swearing real.
Fight Length Prediction: +/-10 chapters
10 chapters for a fight? Reaaaaaaallly?
Read Fuyu no Shi, I d'awwwed, even though half the time I was thinking something to the effect of A-chan needs a better heatsink. .__.;
Borya, so far the longest has taken up an entire tankÅbon and the build up for this one is already at 1 1/2 I think. Probably overestimating BUT THERE ARE *spoiler alert* AT LEAST FOUR FATES (unbeliveably high level bosses no one but the two most powerful characters in story has managed to beat {neither of them are there at the moment} and that was only one) PLUS THREE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTY MEMBERS ARE OUT OF IT AT THE MOMENT!
Excellent, excellent. She does now, that's what Minami's for.
Just finished reading a fantastic oneshot manga, only thing is THAT WAS THE MOST UNSATISFACTORY END EVER!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
Okay, well, there are a few others BUT STILL.
Bunny Drop. :3
Corrector Yui.
about to finish
i need to get #2. :\
they're by yen press, though, so they're expensive. :\
The World God Only Knows and BreakBlade.
Eagerly wait for the next chapter every week for both... Translation teams of BreakBlade have fallen behind.
And I've watched the entire anime first season for TWGOK and the 2 for BreakBlade so far.
I really don't read a lot of manga or watch a ton of anime anymore, though I have a few to read/watch still.
Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl. Into the last volume, the final countdown.
Also: HSQ is now impossible to calculate for Negima, a new scale must be created.
panty and stocking in terms of anime, but i don't have the cash for manga right now, since i have other priorities. ^^;
Yes! Yay!
because it smells of sequel. :3
oh, and sadly k-on is just a loaner, but it was so good i'd like to go out and get my own copy. ^^
I got myself Vol. I for Christmas.
Well, if Volume II has as many chapters as Volume I there are still two or three more chapters before it ends. I'm straight up terrified of August 31st now though.
wait, it already ended in japan? how long was it? :\
No idea, it's extremely obscure to be charitable. But I don't think it's a long runner, so it'll probably end with this second volume.
In other news, I read all of Strawberry Shake and Christ on a Bike was that hilarious/awesome/Yuritastic.
very nice. worth linkage? :3
I think so, yes. But you're more then welcome to decide ( for yourself.
Yozakura Quartet gets a mention for providing two of the most straight up ( awesome ( pages I have ever read.
And ( again! (
I'm reading Ubunchu, it's pretty good
Ah, Ubunchu.... a bit Linux-preachy but fun nonetheless.
i have a hard copy of the first volume of ubunchu. ^^ it was cute. and i found it refreshing that the linuces were getting representation, even if ubuntu already has a character. ^^;
not reading anything, but i'd like to start writing some again. :3
A demon infested gecko
it looked wrong ;__;
my friend melissa was reading tegami bachi. this prompted her to ask me about the hat i got for her, and i found out that it had already come in the mail last night. :3 can't wait to tell her. ^^
Kasimashi in physical form; the bookstore wins this round! (I bought both omnibuses at once ><)
Also, the Authority #1 & #2
I'm still reading ubunchu 8D
Elfen Lied, in Japanese.
Wow, skillz. D:
I dunno any Japanese. : \
i know some, but only speaking or romaji. :\
i re-read some of Me and My Brothers (namely the beginning and end) and it got me all depressed.....i shouldn't read the ending to mangas..... ;^;
One of the Code Geass series..... because.
I didn't even know there was a Code Geass manga. Huh... must've been adapted from the anime....
There are a couple of them. This one is not based on the anime.
I know what I'll be reading at work this summer
....It's this. (
I'm entertained for you... >w<
There aren't manga that I'm following at the moment. .__.;
Borders is shutting down here so I got a bit of manga for cheapz
Some novels too...
I has hardcover The Sigh of & The Boredom of Haruhi
And Higurashi curse killing arc
I wish I could read kanji and hiragana... I'd like the 4rlz versions
I've been reading Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, DNAngel, Alice in Heart Land, the Legend of Koizumi, Sakura Hime Gaiden (?) - it's one by the same mangaka as Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne - and this rabbit one by Koge Donbo.
At the moment, I'm taking a break from Pokémon Adventures (It's the series I'm mainly following at the moment) to read the 2nd volume of Lucky Star. Yeah, I love me some Lucky Star...
Just finished what must've been near a hundred (at least) Touhou yuri doujin. Well, that was time well spent.
Oh, stewart. -w-
Quote from: stewartsage on April 26, 2011, 07:10:04 PM
Just finished what must've been near a hundred (at least) Touhou yuri doujin. Well, that was time well spent.
Allow me, bells...
Hey, you spend twenty plus hours awake at a time and see what you start doing around hour thirty.
Quote from: stewartsage on April 27, 2011, 05:13:49 PM
Hey, you spend twenty plus hours awake at a time and see what you start doing around hour thirty.
That wasn't sarcasm, I'm actually impressed. ^w^
I read The Enigma Of Amigara Fault a few days ago...
...I was kinda disappointed. :|
Three new, unread volumes:
Shrine of the Morning Mist Vol. 2
Mahoromatic Vol. 6
Kasumi Vol. 1
recent manga i've aquired:
I am Here! - vol. 1 (it's the size of an omnibus @__@; )
1520 - vol. 1
Tramps Like Us - vol. 5, 10, 11
Kedamono Damono - vol. 1&2
Tower of the Future - vol. 1
Happy Lesson - vol. 1
Love Lesson (yaoi oneshots)
Stand By Youth - vol. 1&2
Club 9 - vol. 1
Manga University Background Collection Workbook #1: Tokyo Sites
(everything but the first one was gotten at the con)
I′m currently reading Otaku no Musume-san and re-read the first 6 volumes of Gunslinger Girl by MANGA in german.
I also re-read Welcome to the NHK!, because I was thoroughly confused the first time around I read it.
here's my recent reading and still ongoing:
- Tasogare otome x amnesia - its about a school ghost who has an amnesia and forgot how she died, kinda ecchi
- Gto shonan 14 days - well, its the extra story from the original series
- Cradle of monsters - A school trip ended up in a cruise full of zombies during their way back
- Until death do us part - A blind swordsman who's protecting a girl who can see fragment of the future
- Onihime VS - A boy's dying from his weak heart, makes a contract with the Oni clan to trade his heart as the elixir for throne for a sum of fortune, kinda ecchi as well.
Wait wait wait wait. Someone else is reading Tasogare Otome x Amnesia? KICKASS!
I wish I had manga that I liked reading..... ;____;
@Bella, well you could always try Mahou Shoujo Oriko Magica.. its an alternate story for Madoka Magika =D
@stewartsage, Yuuko-san!!! xD
QuoteTasogare Otome
What was the last chapter you read?
its something about Yuuko(ghost) disguised as Akihiko-san to save Yuuko(Student).
chapter 23.
(late)@bella: come down here. with nearly 400 volumes, you're bound to find something in my collection you'd like. :\
recently got "Strawberry Panic: The Complete Manga Collection". read it full through, but either the series was never finished or it left off at an extreme cliffhanger. this was quite dissapointing, as while it had more than the volume i already had (vol. 1), it never finished the plot, dissapointing for an interesting story such as this. :\ i'm gonna have to look it up, and hopefully there's more manga to be had, or at least more story. :\
i meant to get volume 2 of i am here!, but i missed my chance to get it. that's likely going to be my next acquisition.
(i also recently got a manga called Genkaku Picasso. i love it. i wanna get the next volume. the art style is so different from other mangas (it looks like everyone's wearing lipstick, lol!!), and the plot is really original. combine that with the artsy motifs and the mindfucks involved, and it makes for a pretty cool story.
never mind the fact that the main character is technically a walking dead. xDD
I just bought the first volume of Haruhi-chan (The Haruhi Suzumiya 4koma). If it's anything like the few episodes I saw of the online series, this is going to be funny
Yes. Yes it is. Plus, there are a few stories in there they didn't animate.
hmm. maybe i should pick up a copy, it might finally get me into haruhi.
manga i'm on the lookout for:
i am here #2
bunny drop #3
honey hunt #3
kimi ni todoke #3
the wallflower #7
high school debut #3
i have alot of unfinished series (in fact, i only have 2 or 3 completed series, one of those was never finished anyway, and i have another series i'm missing #2 of), but these are the ones that are really catching my brain right now. :3
also, i just learned that i wasn't jipped out of a story; strawberry panic's manga was never finished in japan, either. however, there seem to be more light novels and anime than manga, so i might torrent one or both. :\
I might've seen that Wallflower at the book fair the other day. They had 4, 5, and 6 at least.
i bought 1-6 at a building 19 in conneticut. they had all the way though 17, but it was so far away i doubt i'll ever make it back.
i got pitchi pitchi pitch there, too. all manga was 3 bucks. :3
how about Ryuushika Ryuushika?
If you love Yotsubato then this is a must!!
Ryuushika Ryuushika~ what should I do today?
Negima 337: And now, more Chachamaru!
I read up to chapter 8 of Gunjo yesterday. It made me even more depressed than I was before.
How come I always end up reading depressing/terrifying manga?
Because I link you to it and you read it?
Quote from: stewartsage on September 15, 2011, 03:41:29 PM
Because I link you to it and you read it?
In this case, yes... >>
recent stuff:
Purgatorial Queen - so a queen is the hero this time? while SM is her way of life, her attack is bdsm whipping >.<.. oh and there's a loli nun, an innocent one which become her plaything... too bad its a oneshot doujin.
Splatter Sister - little sister having fun scaring her brother, warm story
Witch Craft Works and TWGOK
good stuff
@Acher: Hey, I read that second one. Not too bad.
went to a comic shop near my school the other day. at first, i spotted a couple wall shelves of manga, mostly your garden-variety stuff you'd see in a bookstore, with a couple odds and ends mixed in.
then i spotted sailor moon. and i pounced. which led me to.....
(including an entire wall shelf of yaoi <333)
gonna go back when i have money to burn. :3
[cellphone girl haven]... well uh, so like.. um.. yeah if I have this one cellphone, screw all those smartphone that is selling like crazy these days.. its f'kin win!! YES I WILLL USE THAT PHONE!!! >:D
too bad I cant find the next chapter anymore.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 24, 2011, 01:21:36 PMENTIRE HALF OF STORE IS MANGA
(including an entire wall shelf of yaoi <333)
idk. didn't have the time to thoroughly check.
that said, a friend of mine is cleaning out her stuff and i'm getting her manga. i'll let you know what turns up. :3
You're Under Arrest, Gunsmith Cats, and Kerberos Saga from the mid-nineties acquired at the flea market.
Quote from: stewartsage on October 08, 2011, 11:47:38 AM
You're Under Arrest, Gunsmith Cats, and Kerberos Saga from the mid-nineties acquired at the flea market.
I wish we had flea markets like that, let alone flea markets period, here. ;__;
I finished Dragon head in 2 nights.
Post apocalyptic stories are really entertaining
This is belated, I know, but the Magical World arc is finally over in Negima. That was..... well....
I read volume one of Narutaru.
They say it's the Evangelion (or alternatively, Madoka Magica) of 'mon manga in terms of both horror and mindfsck...
doing typesetting and cleaning for Extrascans, getting my read on with:
Okujyouhime, Fukashigi Philia, Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, and Musunde Hiraite!
All recommended by the way, all great works!
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha is my fav due to all the economics involved~
today i bought:
Aria (finished 1/2, very cute ^^)
The Gorgeous Life of Strawberry Chan (finished, and all i have to say is wtf.....)
FLCL (yet to read)
I've always wanted to watch Aria, on account of it frequently being compared to Haibane Renmei and Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou...
*see post in animu thread*
i've been meaning to pick up aqua and it's sequel aria for a long while now, so when i saw it in the store i couldn't resist.
that said, that store is pretty cool. they have manga titles that haven't been on the shelves for almost 10 years. :3
Chapter long battle sequence in Negima.
Assorted titles on Dynasty.
read FLCL, and idk what to make of it. but it's only two volumes, so i'ma pick up the other one from the store when i get the chance.
Reading some Negima?! and raging at the storyline changes, and some Haruhi-chan
Yesterday, I picked up some volumes of Bleach from a thrift store for $1 each. I've had volume 1 for years, but now I also have volumes 2, 3, 4, 7, 13, 16, and 17
Not bad for $1 each
recently bought from the used book superstore:
FLCL Volume 2
Fake Volume 2
Sokora Refugees Volume 2
Vermonia Volume 2
Soul to Seoul Volume 1
bought from amazon a few days later:
Doll Volume 2 (got it today~)
Kedamono Damono Volume 3 (" ")
Soul to Seoul Volume 2 (still in the mail)
Just caught up on the most recent chapters of Negima. My continued trek through various translated yuri doujin continues.
I wish there were new OR used book stores around here that had manga. : (
@bella: keep looking. barnes and noble sell them. :\
read most of Doll. all the stories are so depressing. >>;
I am currently reading Love Hina, and I cannot believe how different it is to the anime (which I have).
I am currently waiting for issue #1 as all the Mangas in the series are from my local library and I have to wait for it ::).
I'm reading Ch. 354 of Negima... Chapter 355 is the very last one. If we don't find out who Negi ends up I will travel to Japan and murder Ken Akamatsu.
oh jeez, negima has an end? something that great should never end! >:[
that said, i think his japanese fans already would have if he screwed it up. after all, they take shit seriously over there. >>;
and if not, there's always fanfiction. :3
was trying to find scans of The Stellar Six of Gingacho the other day. failed in doing so, which sucks since i've seen the book in the store awhile ago but all my cash will be poured into cosplay now. >>;;
My murder drive is mildly slaked by the "Where are they now?" chapter/adult Yue as a magical detective.
Nooo, don't murder Ken Akamatsu! Think of all the harem mangos he has yet to create!
Negima is one of those manga I occasionally read a chapter of and feel totally confused by, though I kinda want to see the animu.
the animu was GREAT.
@stew: sounds badass. see? akamatsu wouldn't let down the fans. :3
Sounds cool. I never got far into Negima; the library had the first 15 volumes of it...but volume 3 went missing; preventing me from finishing it >_<
Anyway, I recently bought the first volume of the Sailor Moon manga, although I'm currently reading more Lucky Star :3
Damnit stew.
(have been recieving How to Draw Manga books via mail-order. Got the one on Shojo techniques yesterday. -w-
for the record, i get these not because i doubt my ability, but because i believe i can achieve greater heights through study. and i'd like to have the complete collection. :\ )
Since last time, I obtained through various means:
- Bleach (Volume 5)
- Chobits (Volume 1)
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight (Volumes 1 and 2)
- Naruto (Volumes 1 and 14)
- Trigun (Both volumes of the original)
Special thanks to Kari for giving me the .hack manga :3
marry birfmas, man. -w-
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 09, 2012, 06:28:53 AM
It's a mango/animu about anthropomorphic guns. Gun-girls.
I'm surprised it's taken him this long to start reading it.
ah. file that under the "gonna get popular, i'll duck out now."
see ya later. *flees* >>;
Popular? Not likely. In fact, anything about Upotte! i'd file under the H board.
Quote from: NejinOniwa on May 09, 2012, 02:14:31 PM
Popular? Not likely. In fact, anything about Upotte! i'd file under the H board.
Is it really that ecchi? o___o
Anthromorphical weapons. Where exactly do you think the "trigger" corresponds to on the body of a human female?
Yes, that's entirely correct.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 09, 2012, 11:56:58 AM
ah. file that under the "gonna get popular, i'll duck out now."
see ya later. *flees* >>;
Not..... really? It's alright, but nothing to get excited over.
any time i see the words "anthro", "anime", and "guns" within the same post, and it has nothing to do with furries, i assume it's some new wave thing the whole forum will be buzzing about again. >>;;
i love these how to draw manga books. :3
I wish I could ever draw anything from a how to draw book, but my hands are too shaky.
Finished Upotte!!
Quote from: stewartsage on May 11, 2012, 08:25:53 PM
I wish I could ever draw anything from a how to draw book, but my hands are too shaky.
I need to teach you Inkscape. :L
@stew: you might benefit from a set of french curves. :\
and yeah, inkscape is useful for making pin-straight lines/curves. idk how people make art that doesn't look like it's from a design student, though. :\
(and practice makes perfect ^^)
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 11, 2012, 09:19:47 PM
@stew: you might benefit from a set of french curves. :\
and yeah, inkscape is useful for making pin-straight lines/curves. idk how people make art that doesn't look like it's from a design student, though. :\
(and practice makes perfect ^^)
It takes a ton of practice to get good at making smooth/organic-looking shapes in Inkscape ... but it's certainly ( not ( impossible (
If it's any consolation, C-chan was self-admittedly a poor artist when it came to handdrawn stuff (he complained about his hands not being steady enough) yet managed to become one of the (if not THE) best Inkscape artists I've ever known (at least as far as anime/manga-style works go).
Quote from: Bella on May 11, 2012, 08:29:59 PM
Quote from: stewartsage on May 11, 2012, 08:25:53 PM
I wish I could ever draw anything from a how to draw book, but my hands are too shaky.
I need to teach you Inkscape. :L
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 11, 2012, 09:19:47 PM
@stew: you might benefit from a set of french curves. :\
and yeah, inkscape is useful for making pin-straight lines/curves. idk how people make art that doesn't look like it's from a design student, though. :\
(and practice makes perfect ^^)
Yeah, there's also the fact that I'm shit at art.
Quote from: stewartsage on May 11, 2012, 10:44:39 PM
Quote from: Bella on May 11, 2012, 08:29:59 PM
Quote from: stewartsage on May 11, 2012, 08:25:53 PM
I wish I could ever draw anything from a how to draw book, but my hands are too shaky.
I need to teach you Inkscape. :L
Yes it did, I'll show you if we hang out this summer. >w>;;;;
Quote from: stewartsage on May 11, 2012, 10:44:39 PMQuote from: Chocofreak13 on May 11, 2012, 09:19:47 PM
@stew: you might benefit from a set of french curves. :\
and yeah, inkscape is useful for making pin-straight lines/curves. idk how people make art that doesn't look like it's from a design student, though. :\
(and practice makes perfect ^^)
Yeah, there's also the fact that I'm shit at art.
No you aren't, you're one of the best writers i know personally. :z I can't comment on your visual art skills since you don't seem particularly interested in doing visual art...
@stew: if you can draw a stick figure, you're an artist. whether or not you're willing to improve upon that is up to you.
tell you what. i made an animoo/mango doodlin' tutorial for nej (but i sent it with him back to sweden before i could upload it to DA), so i'll make another and upload it and you can use it if you wish. >>;
as for inkscape, i had to learn it by poking at the various buttons till i got something to work. now, i can make simple stuff with it, like the game board i made. if you'd like, i'll make a tutorial for that too, since if you say bella didn't make sense, maybe i could have a crack at it. but don't expect to be working MOTHERFUCKING MIRACLES like C did; i can't even get results that good in gimp. (not due to program flaws, but due to lack of ability. i plan on using markers whenever possible since i take forever to colour one picture digitally. >>;;; )
@bella: ( (
I plan on learning to draw soon. I suppose my #1 problem is trying to decide what to draw more than anything ^_^;;
Anyway, to get this back on topic, I plan on reading volume 1 of Trigun during my flight next month :3
cool on both accounts. :3
i plan on going through my bookshelf one of these days to figure out which of the beginning volumes of HtDM i'm missing, then i'm gonna start filling in the gaps. :3
Nice :3
I'm slowly filling in the gaps in my Bleach collection. Maybe if I find them cheap enough, I might do the same for Naruto; since I ended up with volumes 1 and 14
I really need to finish Trigun.
I'll keep an eye out for Bleach and Naruto, they're pretty easy to find secondhand around here.
Kay. Naruto is easy enough (Anything between volumes 1 and 14, and 15+), while Bleach gets tricky with my collection
checked the archives. (almost got buried under 200+ volumes in the process.) i already have volumes 1 and 2, meaning 3 and 4 is my first gap.
Since the subject of tutorials came up - I made two walkthroughs illustrating my drawing/coloring process.
The sketch:
The coloring (part 1):
Download them for best quality. No annotations, unfortunately, maybe if I stop feeling lazy I'll add some. (Though the really aren't meant to be tutorials, but a glimpse into my creative process.)
@Pent - if you want to learn to draw, the only advice I can give is start drawing! It can be anything - faces, flowers, stick figures in different poses, household items, scenes, animals, even working on penmanship / playing with lettering and text. A really important part of drawing (that a lot of people overlook) is developing the hand-eye coordination / a steady enough hand to produce more "advanced" drawings. Most art books jump right into tutorials on drawing certain things without suggesting random doodling (and the hand-eye coordination it helps improve) as a vital part of the learning process.
that's because most (good) art books focus on a specific subject. there's a reason that the original HtDM series has 43 volumes released (in america) over a course of about 10 years. the cheaper (good) ones still focus on a particular subject, such as my first How to Draw Manga book (not part of the series) focused mainly on figures, but had a chapter on objects, textiles, and shiny stuff. anything that tries to get everything into one book is a piece of shit not worth your pennies.
that said, the way you're describing drawing sounds like a contour line drawing. while it works for some, for others (like me), it sucks. not to say it's not a good method, but plenty of people need a tutorial to get started. once they have the base built, then they can work on the detailed stuff.
also, why are those on google docs? what is the deal with google docs and drop box being so popular these days? and what are they, videos or images or something? :\
just to keep up, i'll upload a cliffnotes tutorial either later today or tomorrow. >>;
They're PDF files. Using Google as a host since there are no good, free PDF hosting sites. And I already have a Google account, which means I don't have to sign up for some sketchy-ass filehosting site that may or may not have insane rules/file size limits.
fair enough. i'm probably about halfway to 2/3 through the tutorial i'm making. >>;
Quote from: stewartsage on May 14, 2012, 07:54:18 PM
Because K-On is adorable and you love adorable things?
Because the Kool-Aid Man is red? </at4w>
It's because it's adorable and he loves adorable things. : P
and he didn't say lazy. :3
got two new ones yesterday, Kare First Love and Imadoki Nowadays (vol 1 on both).
The former i picked out mainly because the main character's name is Karin Karino (my mother's name is Karen and her facebook name is Karina, so i cracked up when i saw it), but when i started reading it i devoured it in almost 2 hours (had to stop reading for a bit cause i was in the car). i want MOOOOAR. ;^; maybe i'm on a shojo binge or something.
it's wicked cute, and involves this nerdy girl somehow falling into the lap (almost literally!) of this pretty boy. doesn't help that her 'best friend" (more like blonde leech) likes the guy, where as she couldn't care less. however, over the course of the first volume, she warms to him, much to the chagrin of the bitch (her new name in my opinion). we left off on a cliffhanger, so i'ma have to go back to Double Midnight Comics (lovely comic shop in Manchester, NH, stop in if you're ever in the area, DO EET!!!) to get more cause it was cheap ($4!!!).
as for the latter, i picked it up after reading the back, not realizing who wrote/drew it. when i realized it was done by Watase Yu (author of my most hated guilty-pleasure manga, Absolute Boyfriend), i was all like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" but then i decided to make the best of it, hoping it wouldn't have a BAD END like Absolute Boyfriend (god i hate that manga but i couldn't stop reading it, it was like fucking crack). read the first volume, and it turned out to be surprisingly mild given the author, largely due to the sunny, ditzy nature of the main character. the main male character bears a striking resemblance to the main male of Absolute, but i'm chalking that up to art style. Imadoki was quite cute, and i'm looking forward to the next volume. plus, i got it on the cheap (another $4, WHOO!!).
The main character gets into a FANCY-SCHMANTZY PRIVATE AS FUCK high school where 95% of the population got in due to nepotism and money, making her an outcast from the start. her love of plants combined with her name (Tanpopo, meanding "Dandelion") and a little stunt she pulls involving an IMPASSIONED SPEECH and a beat-up dandelion earn her the nickname "weed". desperate to make friends and to be a rebel without a cause, she starts a gardening committee, which involves acts of vandalism via planting real flowers (since all the plants on campus are fake due to a convenient plot twist in the form of a weirdly strict school rule). a covert bitch signs up to help, as at first it was Popo and the main male character (who is not only cold but inspires further bullying for poor Popo due to a sort of idol-worship involving the entire student body with him). Tsuki, as the bitch is called by Popo (ironic considering Tsuki means "Like" while simultaneously being a shorter version of her name, Tsukiko) covertly bullies poor Popo while she is none the wiser, though she discovers this at the end (but due to her ditzy nature misintreprets this as a love rivalry, which it ends up being for all the wrong reasons). at the end of all, Popo INSPIRES A REVOLUTION and ends up starting to get her original goal, which was to force the male character to be friends with her.
i kind of can't wait to read more. :3
EDIT: For anyone who's ever wanted a peek at my manga collection. 393 volumes total as of today, Wednesday, June 20th, 2012. (
Nice. Wish I had known you had Yotsuba&, as I wanted to try that one
Well, during my trip I picked up some manga:
- Bleach: Volume 6
- Cardcaptor Sakura: Volume 1 omnibus
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight: Volume 3
They'll be in the mail soon, along with my copy of Trigun vol. 1 (Which I left behind with my stuff, to make my bags a bit lighter. Asagi's bag got heavy ^_^; )
in good time, dude.
if i can make it to double midnight the next time i get cash, i'm going to pick up the next couple volumes of imadoki and kare first love. :3
EDIT: picked up some more manga today and updated the list; i've broken the 400 volume mark!!! ^^
Actually I am reading Berserk and Guyver (but they got updated very slowly -sometimes even at a rate of one publishing any six months-)
Also I read Soul Eater ( it was just for sale volume 19 three days ago), Rinne from Rumiko Takahashi (yep. Mrs Urusei Yatsura got back with humor again)
And in the end I am enjoining Bakuman, Mirai Nikki and Cloth Road.
[Edit] I made really lot of laughs reading a three volumes only manga named Thermae Romae
Takahashi-sama has a new one? what's it like? :0
finished up Kare First Love the other day. GOD IT WAS SO CUTE.
just got the last volume of Imadoki! Nowadays in the mail today. have yet to read it, but considering the last volume left off with that desperate cow trying to off herself, i'm looking forward to the next one with much anticipation. HANG IN THERE, TANPOPOOOOOOO
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 18, 2012, 10:51:34 PM
Takahashi-sama has a new one? what's it like? :0
Pure humor [insert ASD smiley here]. Mamiya Sakura is a girl who sees ghosts and helps them to reincarnate. A classmate of her, Rokudo Rinne, never got to school. She believes he is dead. Once she encounters him and nobody is capable to see the guy. So she got the idea that he is really dead.
No! He is a Shinigami wearing a magic coat that makes him invisible to perform his missions. And he needs money to perform any magic act or buy magic items. LOL! :D
Iono-Sama the Fanatics physical copy~!
Quote from: stewartsage on July 19, 2012, 10:27:29 PM
Iono-Sama the Fanatics physical copy~!
I got to read the first few chapters of this when I was there. :D
@raffaele: sounds like my kind of manga. ^^
also, i both lol'd and deadpanned that the guy's last name is Rinne, since there's a song with a similar message called Lynne. (it's in japanese, so it could be pronunced either Lynne or Rynne/Rinne.)
got the last volume of Imadoki! the other day. have been too busy to read it.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 21, 2012, 09:42:28 PM
@raffaele: sounds like my kind of manga. ^^
also, i both lol'd and deadpanned that the guy's last name is Rinne, since there's a song with a similar message called Lynne. (it's in japanese, so it could be pronunced either Lynne or Rynne/Rinne.)
got the last volume of Imadoki! the other day. have been too busy to read it.
As long Rinne stands for re-incarnarnation it has various meanings...
AH... I forgot to mention I am reading also this:
Shingeki no kyojin ( the attack of the giants), but it is on sale any three months so I ever forgot I buyed issue 1 and 2.
Very crude horror splatter manga...
read Beauty Pop 1 and 2 yesterday, along with Neck and Neck vol. 1.
today will likely involve D.N. Angel vol. 1, Demon Sacred vol. 1, and RG Veda vol. 1.
Whoa I missed Soul Eater 19 at newspaper kiosk. Now I must take it at comics store... :(
ever considered looking online? sure, being patient for your book is annoying, but i only paid $.01 for the last volume of Imadoki! (before shipping, but even with it i saved $6 vs the list price). i reccomend amazon. (also, unless you can and will spend a bit on books and plan to get a bunch, i'd ignore the super-saver shipping deals.)
speaking of which, i read the last volume of Imadoki! the other day. thoughts include "DIE BITCH ERIKA" and "NOES GRANDPA" and "HOLY CRAP THAT'S CUTE Y U NO HAVE MOAR".
currently working my way through DN Angel, next is Demon Sacred.
note to self: update the manga list.
Choco are you talking with me? :?
yes, i was suggesting amazon's books to you. :\
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 24, 2012, 05:17:21 PM
yes, i was suggesting amazon's books to you. :\
Too sad... I don't think that manga publishers in Italy have agreements with Amazon. They manage sells all by themselves and reselling of ancient issues too...
The best of internet I could do is to wait someone to ebay sell their comics in an online garage sale...
um, dude? i don't buy from the publisher. they're all from used bookstores/sellers or thrift shops or libraries. i almost bought one from a bookseller in the UK.
also, started RG Veda today. :3
Quote from: Gummster on March 28, 2007, 09:21:26 AM
Since there is a 'What animé are you watching' thread I thought why not have the same kind of thread, except about manga. So it's basicly you just say what manga you're reading and if you want you can tell something about it.
I'll go first.
I'm currently reading:
Samurai Deeper Kyo, great manga goes more into the details then the animé, and there are no freaky monsters, that's a bonus.
Battle Royale, so much better then the movie, more characters and more gore, follows the storyline better to, and it goes more into the details.
Elfen Lied, I have to admit that the first 60 chapters weren't that great, because it was almost exactly like the animé or actually it's vica versa, but after that it's more fun.
Gantz, I don't even have to say ow great that manga is, there even is a special thread about that one.
Hellsing, I can't describe the awesomeness of that one, it's not just entertainment, it's art!
Well why don't more people join in!
The last manga I read was the deadman wonderland manga. The anime was good too.
Currently reading Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl. So far, it's an enjoyable yuri; I'd suggest checking it out if you're in the mood for one that's humorous
Vinland Saga is fucking badass.
I have both omnibus of Kashimashi, it's a favorite of mine.
As for me, a print copy of Yozakura Quartet vol. 1 I got for .50.
recently (well, last month) attended a cosplay event where i ended up walking off with a ridiculous amount of swag FOR FREE. (or, rather, i paid for 3 manga and the rest of the stuff was free. -w- ) the manga i walked away with include:
vol. 1-11 of Strawberry 100% (i now have doubles of 1 and 2)
doubt!! vol. 1 (read, twas enjoyable)
beast master vol. 1 (read, also enjoyable, and mum enjoyed it too [YAY I FINALLY GOT HER INTO MANGA])
My HiME vol. 1-5 (complete)
Crescent Moon vol. 1-3 (the ones i paid for; have read about half of vol. 1 but it's in a pile somewhere and have yet to dig it out)
also, dunno if it counts, but i've really been getting into buying/reading anime periodicals. 2 of them are from the UK, and the last is from the US, and all are enjoyable, if a tad expensive. :3
started reading Switch Girl!!. why isn't this series licensed, it's AWESOME. :\
Kutsuzure Sensen. This is amazing.
been awhile since anything was posted in this thread. i wanted to revive it but i haven't read anything in awhile. what's Sensen about?
Was reading Deadman Wonderland
Really historically accurate WWII adventures of a Soviet witch.
hot damn. :0
has anyone else noticed stuff like this? it's kind of laughable just what lengths they'll go to....
EDIT: this one's also a good read...
EDIT EDIT: and another!
Indeed. I'm let down that the 2010 reprint of Pokémon Adventures removed a hilarious scene involving Green stuffing Pokéballs in her bra (It was left in Viz's original 2003 print...but the first edition prints are hard to find :\)
mel loves that scene! guess it's a good thing she's reading the manga online. >>;;
tbh though, this gives me more ammo to dislike this country. and the second article gives me plenty of ammunition to dislike canada, which i didn't think was possible. searching someone's computer because they're on a weekend getaway? what the fuck, canada?
My fucking God... those Canuck "Migra" officers seemed like two bit morons... I guess Canada is off my World tour... i have Memory sticks packed with comics, manga and Doujinshi... such a shame anyone gets marked like a pedo for having manga to read...
TIL don't bring any electronics with you to Canada.
i still find it weird given that i've been to canada and they never searched us like that. none of my family up there would believe this either (if they understood anime, that is, the median age in that village is likely in the 40's). mind you, it's been 7-8 years since i was last there, but my mother never reported anything that invasive and she was there last year. :\
i'm canadian and usually proud, so this makes me especially sad. :[
Quote from: Bella on February 19, 2013, 05:27:11 PM
TIL don't bring any electronics with you to Canada.
I'm a Fucking Geek for Goodness sake
can't survive without tech!
don't have it out and look as unsuspecting as possible? :\
(srsly, i'm less proud to be a canadian. :[ )
Not gonna lie, if I ever go to Canada I'm tempted to stuff a suitcase full of porn/other naughty things JUST SO I CAN SEE THE LOOK ON THE CUSTOMS OFFICERS' FACES WHEN THEY SEARCH MY STUFF... 'u'
make sure it's not filled with child hershey kisses, though (even comic ones), lest they label you a pedophile. :[
Still keeping up with my Dynasty-scans stuff. A lot more stuff worth reading recently.
oh, a friend of mine just mentioned yesterday that he signed up for dynasty. i was gonna ask him to send me some links. :0
been reading Chikan Otoko (Molester Man). also meaning to get back to Switch Girl and start Tokimeki Tonight. none of these series are licensed here.
Signed... up for? Like, to get update news? Because it's free. You can just go to the site and read everything they've got (which is a lot).
he signed up for dynasty so that he could track certain series, like get updates on when they post new chapters and all that. seems he'd been following the website for awhile now. :\
So've I. Four years. I'm just too lazy to sign up for anything.
guess he wanted to. :\
Because I said I'd link it somewhere.
ty dude. :3
i listed the stuff i got at the con, but i'll list the manga i scored for myself again here:
1 Shonen Jump All-Ages Sneak Peek (bundled with the promotional volume)
2 100% Perfect Girl (vol 1-2)
1 Abenobashi Magical Shopping Arcade (vol 2)
1 Eat Man (vol 1)
1 Red String (vol ?)
1 Harlequin Ginger Blossom (vol harlequin violet response ??)
1 Translucent (vol 1)
1 Tramps Like Us (vol 5, turns out it's a double ^^; )
1 Gamerz Heaven (vol 2)
1 Magic Knight Rayearth (vol 3, being given away)
1 Instant Teen - just add nuts (vol 2)
1 Almost Crying (yaoi manga, vol - )
1 Laugh Under the Sun (yaoi manga, vol - )
1 Words of Devotion 2 (yaoi manga, vol - )
1 Millennium Darling 2006 (yaoi manga, vol - )
1 Don't Blame Me 2 (yaoi manga, vol - )
also just scored Codename: Sailor V volume 1 at the town festival's book fair for a fucking buck!! that's over a 90% discount!! and the librarian who runs the anime club at the library asked them to round up all the manga, but they missed this one. >:3
Anybody got any recommendations for manga?
Because I haven't really read any commercial manga... doujins but that's it really.
Preferably something akin to Lucky Star/Acchi Kocchi/anything that is SOL or yonkoma.
hm, a lighthearted series?
well, k-on started out as a yonkoma. yotsuba&! might be to your liking, too. there's also school rumble, harukaze bitter bop and dr. slump, but the 3 of those are kind of ancient relics by now. ^^;
Thanks! (^ o^)>
A-Channel. Azumanga Daioh.
I wanted to pick out a Yotsuba! Manga at AB, but alas no monies :c
I was gonna recommend Azumanga Daioh too ... my endorsement should probably be taken with a grain of salt though, as I've seen a only a few episodes of the anime and managed to read through a small part of the complete collection while hanging around a Books-a-Million last week. ^^;
Sometimes I read shit on Dynasty and just ponder..... what the fuck.
Yuri Mekuru Hibi is funny though, so its worth the reading.
Fly by Yuri's probably my favorite scanlation group/single person now. She's got an excellent eye for yuri oneshots.
not sure if i should call these two Love Hina volumes swap meet fodder, or collect the rest of the series.... >_>;
updated my manga list. have offically hit 460 volumes.
What the fuck is a Dowman Sayman, you may ask. Awesome, I say quietly, slightly stunned and disoriented after reading his collected work.
why do publishers license manga and then just leave them? it would have been better had they never licensed it at all. :\
Sometimes they go out of business too, and leave the manga without a distributor.
yeah, that's what happened with Iono-sama fanatics, but 90% of the time it's from a well-known brand. in the case of tokyopop i sometimes forgive it, especially for later titles, but Gamerz Heaven was released by ADV and had 2 volumes to go (out of 4). wtf. >>;
speaking of, they released 16 volumes of Reborn!. they left off in the middle of a super-potent arc
(the cast flash-forwards to the future and finds that the main character is dead)
, leaving the fans quite confused. ><;
or in the case of Seven Seas, if a manga doesn't sell well enough, they stop releasing it. even if they're only one volume away. they don't even release it online. and most of the series they drop are Yuri titles, which is a small enough genre already. >>;
was reading a Yaoi manga the other day called Jazz. i almost skipped getting it, because the book was placed facing away from me so i didn't know it was a June title. glad i checked, since i saved over 90% on it. -w-
I remember when Viz cancelled the original run of the Pokémon Adventures manga. They at least waited until the Yellow arc finished, but it ended with a sequel hook for the Gold\Silver arc...and they dropped the series and didn't translate the first volume of that arc until nearly 10 years later when they finally listened to the fans :\
Now, the Kingdom Hearts manga still pisses me off; as they did release every volume of it in the US, and yet it still wasn't finished, as the series was cancelled in the middle of Kingdom Hearts II because they wanted to start over from the beginning with light novels. If they had at least finished the KH2 story arc before ending it, I wouldn't have minded so much, but the final KH2 volume ends basically as soon as the story really begins >_<;
that's more the artist's fault than the publisher, honestly. :\
in the case of Stand By Youth, however, they were ONE volume away from finishing. one or two. (out of 5.) ik Tokyopop went under, but COME ON. >>;
Yeah, but at least Seven Seas imports yuri. Almost nobody else bothers.
true, but with that in mind you'd think they'd be more diligent about it. at least, that's what a good person would do. seven seas seems to take the douche approach of "oh, no one else is doing it, so i can do what i want! *tosses book carelessly on floor*"
did i mention here that i had updated my manga listing? i'll post a link later in case i forgot. i'm thinking i should start reading some of the stuff i haven't, especially since i can whip through a volume in like, 20 minutes when i'm on a roll.
now that i've finished the anime, i'm thinking of collecting the manga of Video Girl Ai. :3
(double posting since it's been almost 2 weeks)
from library, read: A.I. Love You, vol. 1
unread: Magical x Miracle, vol. 1 & 2
Momo Tama, vol. 1
Cherry Juice, vol. 3
Instant Teen: Just Add Nuts!, vol. 3
Peppermint, vol. 1
Translucent, vol. 2
I Am Here!, vol. 2
Kill Me, Kiss Me, vol. 1
Mink, vol. 1
D.N. Angel, vol. 2
Neck and Neck, vol.2
Honey and Clover, vol. 3
Beauty Pop, vol. 3
Fall in Love Like a Comic, vol. 1
trading on sunday: Love Hina, vol. 2 & 11
Tramps Like Us, vol. 5
Love Hina Again DVD
Aw whaaaat, they have I am Here vol 2?
Nothing notable from Dynasty, just my A-Channel fix. Not sure Overload's still in operation since their website's down which makes me sad...
herly shert, you like I Am Here! ? :000
you know what's funny, i had been staring at my copy of vol. 1 for days beforehand thinking, "i really liked that one! i should read it again!" and lo and behold, they have volume 2. -w-
at some point i need to buy it (2) :0
Yeah, I've got volume one around somewhere but I've not seen 2 in stores around here yet.
i was aware some sort of 2 existed, but i had never seen it. doesn't help that i bought volume 1 at borders, which proceeded to go bankrupt, go out of business, and have their space turned into all manner of stores, from a seasonal shop to a building-themed toy store, leaving the mall bookless. >>;
i just always figured i'd get it online. at the very least, there's a good chance the manga will be completely released, given it was being put out by Del Rey.
@Kari: The mall in Tyler has been bookless since '00 or so; when B. Dalton closed down :\
However, the one at home became more bookful (If that's the right term) when the library moved in -w-;
did you copy + paste that from topicless? :\ that's where my post for Topicless went. I swear I posted that, but it was missing fairly quickly, so I reposted it :\
Also, apparently I got topics mixed up again; as the relevant bit I was replying to was here and not in Topicless. This is what happens when you're tired and also sidetracked
it's all good.
is anyone else reading any manga lately? i need to get back to switch girl. =w=;
I honestly need to get back to Kashimashi ^^;
so i'm thinking of buying the disgaea art book. that's mangaish.
Kashimashi is fantastic.
Indeed. I actually just got back to it; picking up where I left off (Half-way through the first omnibus)
you guys and your fancy yuri. i should get some... >>;
EDIT: tripped over the volume of Kill Me Kiss Me i borrowed at the cosplay event yesterday. bought it for 2 bucks. -w-
Nice ^^
I just finished the volume 1 omnibus of Kashimashi. I might start on volume 2 after I get some other stuff out of the way
lately: Kill Me Kiss Me vol. 1
I Am Here! vol. 1 & 2 (completed)
Momo Tama vol. 1
Magical x Miracle vol. 1 (about half, working on it)
Would Scott Pilgrim count under manga? If so, I just finished volume 1
i think it does, in a way. not officially, but hey, you just read a comic, go you!
almost through with Magical x Miracle vol. 2. after that, either Beauty Pop vol. 1 or Neck and Neck vol. 1.
finished off everything on my list except Cherry Juice and Honey and Clover. even managed to finish off Instant Teen while sitting in traffic (including the preceeding two volumes, lol). i read Honey and Clover vol. 1 and 2 today. -w-
Nagato Yuki-chan manga caught up in full. Checking on Dynasty.
finished H&C vol. 3 earlier today, dabbling in Translucent vol. 3 as we speak. probably gonna read H&C vol. 4 next.
our old friend Kuro left us a hidden present.
That was pretty lel €:
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on October 23, 2013, 11:20:02 PM
I'll be in my bunk.
Evangelion - The Shinji Ikari Raising Project
@genpop: you're welcome. ^^
there was another manga posting, but it was all in japanese. :\
i was gifted the first volume of K-ON! College the other day, alex bought 2 copies by mistake thinking they were different volumes. lucky me. ^^
I'm totally up to date on my K-Ons. I also need to check to see if any new chapters of Yuki-chan have been posted though. Pretty much the only series I'm following regularly since Negima ended has been A-Channel, since Yandere Kanojo has so many formats it appears in with different (but still relevant) events in each I've really given up hope of continuing without a guide.
i need to actually start GIVING a shit about manga again. i was thinking of collecting the Paradise Kiss books, but they're early TP titles so i imagine they'd be difficult to find, even by amazon standards. :\
Indeed; I'm so far behind on Pokémon Adventures, Bleach, and every other currently-running series I'm collecting :\
maybe after i hit up the shops in manchester and boston i want to see. -w- (though after that, i have 2 plushies and a smackjeeves subscription to get, and after that i might start christmas shopping)
Because I promised at some point, a full inventory of all the comics I own:
52: Week Forty-Nine (DC)
Ambush Bug #3 (DC)
Assignment: Earth #1 (IDW)
Assignment: Earth #2 (IDW)
Assignment: Earth #4 (IDW)
The Authority #1 (Wildstorm)
The Authority #2 (Wildstorm)
Battler Britton #1 (Wildstorm)
Battler Britton #5 (Wildstorm)
Blue Bettle Cross-Over Legends Chapter 15 (DC)
DC Who's Who: Phantom Girl to Pursuer (DC)
Dreams n' Schemes of Col. Kilgore #1 (Special Studio)
Fort: Prophet of the Unexplained #1 (DH)
Gunsmith Cats: Mr. V #3, 6, 10, 11 (DH Manga)
Gunsmith Cats: Bad Trip #6 (DH Manga)
Gunsmith Cats: Shades of Gray #4 (DH Manga)
Gunsmith Cats: Special (DH Manga)
Hellhounds: Panzer Cops #5 (DH Manga)
Kilgore #3 (Renegade)
Legends from Darkwood #1 (Antarctica)
Lost Squad #1 (DD)
Lost Squad #2 (DD)
Lost Squad #3 (DD)
Lost Squad #4 (DD)
My Little Pony: FiM #1 (IDW)
My Little Pony: FiM #3 (IDW)
My Little Pony: FiM #5 (IDW)
My Little Pony: FiM Micro-Series #1 (IDW)
My Little Pony: FiM Micro-Series #3 (IDW)
Serenity #1 - 3 (DH)
Serenity: Better Days #3 (DH)
Sgt. Rock: The Lost Battalion #1 (DC)
Sgt. Rock: The Lost Battalion #3 (DC)
Sgt. Rock: The Lost Battalion #4 (DC)
Sgt. Rock: The Lost Battalion #6 (DC)
Star Trek Crew #1 (IDW)
Star Trek Crew #2 (IDW)
Star Trek Crew #3 (IDW)
Star Trek Crew #5 (IDW)
Star Trek: Early Voyages #5 (Marvel)
Star Trek: Early Voyages #6 (Marvel)
Star Trek: Early Voyages #7 (Marvel)
Star Trek: Early Voyages #8 (Marvel)
Star Trek: Early Voyages #9 (Marvel)
Star Trek: Early Voyages #10 (Marvel)
Star Trek: Early Voyages #11 (Marvel)
Star Trek: Early Voyages #12 (Marvel)
Star Trek: Early Voyages #13 (Marvel)
Star Trek Voyager: Encounters with the Unknown (bound volume) (Wildstorm)
Star Trek: Year Four (bound volume) (IDW)
Star Wars Clone Wars (bound volume) Vol. 8 (DH)
Team Yankee #1 (First)
Warhammer Monthly #9 (GW)
The War Time Forgot #1 (DC)
You're Under Arrest! #1 of 8 (DH)
You're Under Arrest! #6 of 8 (DH)
I might as well share mine; since I had this on file
Single issues:
- The Amazing Spider-Man #350 - #352
- Cage #1
- Donald Duck Adventures #27
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #2, #4, #5
- NFL Superpro #1
- Pokémon: The Electric Tail of Pikachu #1, #2
- The Spectacular Spider-Man #189
- Spider-Man #1, #16, #18
- Spider-Man 2099 #1
- Superman: The Man of Steel #1, #5, #6 (DC Silver Edition)
- TRS-80 Computer Whiz Kids in: The Computer Trap
- Tandy Computer Whiz Kids in: A Deadly Choice
- Tandy Computer Whiz Kids in: Safeguarding the Environment
- The Little Mermaid #4
- The Twilight Zone #89
- Web of Spider-Man #83 - #90
- X-Men #1
Trade paperback:
- Penny Arcade Vol. 1: Attack of the Bacon Robots
- Penny Arcade Vol. 2: Epic Legends of the Magic Sword Kings
- Penny Arcade Vol. 3: The Warsun Prophecies
- Bleach Vol. 1-10, 13, 16, 17
- Cardcaptor Sakura Omnibus Vol. 1-2
- Chobits Vol. 1
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight (Complete series)
- The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi-chan Vol. 1
- Iono-Sama Fantasies Vol. 1
- Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl (Complete Collection)
- Kingdom Hearts: Volumes 1&2 (2-in-1 compilation)
- The Last Uniform Vol. 1-2
- Lucky Star Vol. 1-2
- Mahoromatic Vol. 4
- Naruto Vol. 1, 14
- Negima! Vol 1
- OS-tan + lro (Yay hentai -w-)
- Pokemon Adventures Vol. 1-4, 8-11
- Pokémon Adventures (Platinum arc) Vol. 7
- Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Vol. 1
- Trigun (Complete series)
- Trigun Maximum Vol. 1, 2
oh god we're listing manga now
oh gooooood
(i was advised to be a troll)
Art Books, Strategy Guides Miscelaneous Culture Books, Etc.
.Hack//Infection Official Strategy Guide (Brady Games)
The Anime Encyclopedia (Revised and Expanded Edition)
Anime Insider December 2004 (Wizard)
The Art of Inuyasha
Card Captors - Changing Places (picture book)
The Complete Book of Yoma, Vol. 1 (Sailor Moon)
Creating Manga Superheros & Comic Book Characters
Digital Manga Workshop
Dirty Japanese: Everyday Slang from "What's Up?" to "F*%# Off!"
Discover Manga Drawing
Draw Manga Step by Step on Your Computer
Emiko Superstar (Mariko Tamaki & Steve Rolston)
Erotic Manga: Draw Like the Experts
Give Me One More Coin 上 (Illustrated by Freeze-Ex, Circle: Tsumetai Sora, Aug. 19, 2010)
Give me One More Coin 下 (Illustrated by Freeze-Ex, Circle: Tsumetai Sora)
The Gothic and Lolita Bible, Autumn 2008
How to Draw Manga: Couples (Graphic-sha)
How to Draw Manga: Drawing Yaoi (Graphic-Sha)
How to Draw Manga: Female Characters (Graphic-sha)
How to Draw Manga: Getting Started (Graphic-sha)
How to Draw Manga: Girl's Life Illustration File (Graphic-sha, missing)
How to Draw Manga: Illustrating Battles (Graphic-sha)
How to Draw Manga: Maids and Miko (Graphic-sha)
How to Draw Manga: Male Characters (Graphic-Sha)
How to Draw Manga: Occult and Horror (Graphic-sha)
How to Draw Manga: Special - Coloured Original Drawing (Graphic-sha)
How to Draw Manga: Vol. 1 - Compiling Characters (Graphic-sha)
How to Draw Manga: Vol. 2 - Compiling Techniques (Graphic-sha)
How to Draw Manga: Vol. 5 - Developing Shoujo Manga Techniques (Graphic-sha)
How to Draw Manga Vol. 1 (Antarctic Press)
How to Draw Manga vol. 3 (Antarctic Press)
How to Draw Manga no. 11 (Antarctic Press)
How to Draw Manga by Katy Coope
How to Draw More Manga by Katy Coope
The Idiot's Guide to Drawing Manga
JTHM Director's Cut
Kanji de Manga vol. 1
Kimmie66 (Aaron Alexovich)
Magical Pokemon Journey Vol 5., no. 3 (Hazel's Holiday)
Let's Draw Manga: Astro Boy
Let's Draw Manga: Shoujo Characters
Let's Draw Manga: Transforming Robots
The Manga Cookbook
Manga Mania: Chibi and Furry Characters (Christopher Hart)
Manga Mania: How to Draw Japanese Comics (Christopher Hart)
Manga Mania: Shoujo (Christopher Hart)
Manga Matrix
Manga Moods
Manga Statistics
Manga University/I-C Background Collection Workbook #1: Tokyo Sites
The Monster Book of Manga: Draw Like the Experts
The Monster Book of Manga: Fairies and Magical Creatures
Naruto: The Official Fanbook
Newtype USA May 2005, March 2006
Oh My Goddess! Another Me (Part X 3)
One Piece: Grand Battle Prima Official Game Guide
Paul Reveres Issue 1
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Materials Collection Art Book
The Right Stuf Catalogue Fall 2006
Sailor Moon Scout Guide - Meet Sailor Moon: Crystal
Scooter Girl (Chynna Clugston-Major)
Shojo Beat January - November 2008
Shonen Jump December 2005, February - December 2006 (x2 December), Jan - Dec 2007 (x2 Oct, Nov), Jan - Mar 2008 (x2 Jan), May - Aug 2008
Step by Step Manga
Super F*ckers
The Tales of Bloody Mary Issue 2
Thousand Arms Official Artbook (Japanese)
Ubunchu vol. 1
Ubunchu Ubuntu Pamphlet
The Worlds of Final Fantasy
You Can! Draw Manga (Master Course) vol 1. (Antarctic Press)
Fresh Fruits
Japanese Schoolgirl Confidential: How Teenage Girls Made a Nation Cool
Japanese Schoolgirl Inferno
.Hack//Legend of the Twilight vol. 1-3 (complete)
The 9Lives vol. 1
100% Perfect Girl vol. 1-2
1520 vol. 1
Absolute Boyfriend vol. 1-4
Almost Crying (Yaoi)
Aria vol. 1
Battle Vixens vol. 1-5
Beast Master vol. 1
Beauty Pop vol. 1-2
Beet the Vandel Buster vol. 1
Black Butler vol. 1-3
Bleach vol. 1-20
Boy Princess vol. 1
Bunny Drop vol. 1-2
Cactus's Secret vol. 1
Cardcaptor Sakura vol. 2 (2000 Tokyopop Release)
Cherry Juice vol. 1-2
Chobits vol. 1-8 (complete)
Chocolat vol. 4
Chrono Crusade vol. 1-2
Clover (Omnibus)
Club 9 vol. 1
Code Geass Knight vol. 1
Codename: Sailor V vol. 1
Crescent Moon vol. 1-3
Cyborg 009 vol. 1
D.N. Angel vol. 1
Death Note vol. 1-10
Demon Sacred vol. 1
Devil's Bride vol. 1
The Devil Inside (Yaoi)
Doll vol. 1-2
Don't Blame Me vol. 2 (Yaoi)
Doubt!! vol. 1
Dr. Slump vol. 1-2
Eat-Man vol. 1
Fake vol. 2, 4-7
FLCL vol. 1-2 (complete)
Gamerz Heaven vol. 1-2 (complete english release)
Gate Keepers Vol. 2
Genkaku Picasso vol. 1
The Gorgeous Life of Strawberry-chan vol. 1
Gundam Seed vol. 1-4
Gunslinger Girl vol. 1-3
Gurren Lagann vol. 1 & 5
Happy Lesson vol. 1
Hands Off! Don't Call Us Angels vol. 1
Harlequin Ginger Blossom - Harlequin Violet Response (Dark Horse x Harlequin Books)
Harukaze Bitter Bop vol. 1
Hibiki's Magic vol. 1-2
High School Debut vol. 1-2
Honey and Clover vol. 1-2
Honey Hunt vol. 1-2
I"s vol. 15
I Am Here! vol. 1
Imadoki! Nowadays vol. 1-5 (Complete)
Instant Teen, Just Add Nuts! vol. 1-2
Jazz vol. 1 (Yaoi)
Kamichama Karin vol. 1
Kare First Love vol. 1-10 (Complete)
Kedamono Damono vol. 1-3 (complete)
Kill Me Kiss Me vol. 1
Kimi ni Todoke vol. 1-2
K-ON! College, vol. 1
La Corda d'Oro vol. 1
Laugh Under the Sun (Yaoi)
Legal Drug vol. 1-3
Love Hina vol. 2, 11
Love Lesson (Yaoi)
Mahoromatic vol. 1-2
Maid-sama! vol. 1-2
Mamotte! Lolipop vol. 1
Maniac Road vol. 1-2
MAR vol. 1
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi vol. 2
Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitch vol. 1
Me and My Brothers vol. 1-11 (complete)
Midori Days vol. 1-2
Millennium Darling 2006 (Yaoi)
Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation vol. 1-7
Mushishi vol. 1-3
My Bad! (Yaoi)
My-HiME vol. 1-5 (complete)
Naruto vol. 1-18
Neck and Neck vol. 1
Onegai Teacher vol. 1-2 (complete)
One Piece vol. 2-4
One Thousand and One Nights vol. 2 (Han SeungHee & Jeon JinSeok)
Ouran High School Host Club vol. 1-4
Passionate Theory (Yaoi)
Please Save My Earth vol. 1-3
Princess Ai: The Prism of Midnight Dawn vol. 1
Rave Master vol. 1
Real Bout High School vol. 1
Reborn! vol. 1-16 (Complete English Release)
Red String vol. 1 (American Webcomic Manga)
The Return of Lum * Urusei Yatsura, vol. 3: Sweet Revenge
RG Veda vol. 1
Rosario Vampire vol. 1-2
Sailor Moon Super S vol. 1 (2000 Tokyopop Release)
Sailor Moon Stars vol. 1-2 (2001 Tokyopop Release)
Sailor Moon vol. 1-2, 4 (Kodancha Comics re-release)
Sayonara, Zetsubo-sensei vol. 1-2
School Rumble vol. 1
Shonen Jump/Viz All-Ages Sneak Peek
Snow Drop vol. 2
Sokora Refugees vol. 1-2
Soul to Seoul vol. 1
Stand By Youth vol. 1-2
Strawberry 100% vol. 1-11
Strawberry Panic vol. 1 (Yuri)
Strawberry Panic: The Complete Manga Collection (Yuri)
Steel Angel Kurumi vol. 1
Tokyopop Sneaks 2004 Vol. 2
Tokyopop Sneaks 2005
Tokyo Mew Mew vol. 1
Tower of the Future vol. 1
Tramps Like Us vol. 1-2, 5(x2), 10-11
Translucent vol. 1
Trigun Maximum vol. 1
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle vol. 1-9
Ursula (Fabio Moon & Gabriel Ba)
Vampire Knight vol. 1-3
Vermonia vol. 1-2 (by YOYO)
The Wallflower vol. 1-6
We Were There vol. 1
Words of Devotion vol. 2 (Yaoi)
The World of Narue vol. 1
xXxHolic vol. 1-7
X/1999 Duet vol. 6
Yotsuba&! vol. 1
You Will Drown in Love (Sequel to You Will Fall in Love; Yaoi) (390)
Yu Gi Oh! vol. 1-2, 4-6
(Total: 463 books/volumes/etc.)
(fair warning, i haven't done a major count in awhile so there may be more)
All of my manga has been listed previously.
i want to collect the entire one piece series and paradise kiss. also, is it crazy to want to buy a japanese manga, then take the translated text from a scanlation and paste it in the book?
@Choco: ... kinda.
Going through the official Touhou mangos at the moment; cleared Sangatsusei and what's released of Ibarakasen, going through Sangetsusei.
Quote from: Sunny Milk"Hey, maybe they buried something here? You know, Jizou marks the spot!"
@leaf: guess i'm crazy, then.
oh god, i'm so ashamed of myself, i need to return these library manga.... ;^;
brb in forever, there's a Negima sequel.
hm, I should finish that k-on college manga I got.
I plan to read through volume 2 of Kashimashi sometime soon
Hey look. Even Wikipedia can be useful sometimes!
got distracted reading some of the K-ON! college manga today. >>;
Not sure if this is the right thread, but this is one of my recent orders from Amazon:
That there looks positively ancient, chum.
Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 02, 2013, 09:52:40 AM
That there looks positively ancient, chum.
I liked the art style.
I admit, I dig the art style as well -w-
(Very nostalgic IMO)
*pats shoulder* good choice, leaf! that's my drawing series of choice! I do believe I have that volume, to boot. :3
the series is excellent! taught me most of what I know. the books started (in japan) in the mid 90's and went for 42 volumes (the original series, anyway, there are spinoffs) till the mid 00's. they are very professional, but still accessible by newbies, making them a really invaluable resource in a sea of gimmicky fad books. I recommend collecting them as I do, since they cover such a wide range of topics. however, remember that these ARE Japanese, so there may be a lot of materials that you can't get from the local store (such as tone, pen bodies and nibs, etc etc).
if you have any questions about drawing or the other books, leaf, i'd be happy to advise you over Skype. ^^
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 02, 2013, 07:02:38 PM
I knew I was onto something here. Got it for a bargain too.
Appreciate it, Choco! (^u^)
np, man. I can recommend other books after you move on from that one. (this ( was actually the first one in the series I got, it's a pretty basic book so if you want another text to cover a wide, basic range, i'd get this one next. if you're struggling on a particular topic (a lot of guys I know your age who like to draw have trouble drawing women, for example, and I'm still not super-confident with drawing guys), just mention it and I can recommend the particular book. just beware that, as these are art books intended to prepare you to be a pro, they may contain some nudity depending on the book. )
considering their age and wide range of topics, though, a lot of these books get kinda expensive on the resale market. don't even ask me how much the yaoi or animal books go for.... >>;
Found this new work called Boku Girl.
It's about a natural trap who gets turned into a dfc grill by Loki.
Based trickster god.
Trap turned into actual girl? Possibly want >w>;
Have at ye. Make Loki proud.
ooo, this sounds interesting. :0
i got volume 1 of Abenobashi Magical Shopping Arcade (or Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, i'm not splitting hairs here) and volumes 1-5 of Paradise Kiss for christmas. feels good man, feels good. -w-
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Different Story.
I'm going to be wrecked by the end.
*pat pat*
the last manga I read was Paradise Kiss vol. 3. I'm going to NYC in about 2 weeks to shop for manga. -w-
Likely going to start reading the Cowboy Bebop manga later. To be honest, I didn't know it had one
got some new manga at the con and I'm particularly excited about volume 2 of Cyborg 009. I've had volume 1 for at least 6 years now and I've never been able to seek out volume 2; lo and behold, at the swap meet on top of a stack of other manga, there it was. ;v;
Just sorting through the most recent offerings on Dynasty. There's been a new batch of A-Channel out recently.
I've mentioned it before but I feel adrift without Negima or K-On! to read anymore. They were my two ongoing series I followed closely and without them I'm kinda lost. A-Channel's stepped up to fill the gap and honestly I think I like it more then K-On!.
got a buttload of manga at the con. read The Return of Lum - Urusei Yatsura: Creature Features yesterday (funny and adorable, especially when you remember how much they had to smoosh things together to make these books, taking episodes from season 1 and smooshing them with elements from subsequent seasons, etc etc), and read Yuri Monogatari vol. 5 this morning (it's refreshing to have a book of Yuri oneshots vs one of Yaoi oneshots :3 ).
brought some more manga to read for later, probably gonna read Gakuen Heaven. LET THE YAOI PUNS COMMENCE~
I feel this is worth of a second post.
Totaled up my manga today (including some volumes I forgot to add in), and I have broken the 500 mark for a total of 510 volumes.
*wells up manly tears of pride*
Just finished Kashimashi. The ending made me feel warm and fuzzy inside
Also, Ayuki-chan is best character -w-
tomorrow i'm probably not gonna be a lazy derp and actually put my manga away. that'll be nice.
*initiates fangirl squealing with Pent over Kashimashi*
*joins in*
*fangirl squealing intensifies*
*sneakily holds up Yuri Monogatari vol. 5*
*joins in high-pitched squealing*
Binging a bunch of Overload Scans stuff right now, starting with Kumamiko. Also there were new A-Channel chapters on Dynasty.
there was a manga i was going to read online, but i can't for the life of me remember what it is.
well, i finished Looks Like a Teaspoon yesterday, a short Gothloli manga featured in the back of the Gothic and Lolita Bible. also, maybe i should get back to Switch Girl.
I have a bunch of them lost in my bookmarks that I intended to try out but never got around to -w-;
Kari reminded me via a Facebook post that I'm like five chapters behind in Tasogare x Otome Amnesia.
stew let me know via facebook post that i should be reading Tasogare Otome x Amnesia.
You really should. Most major scanlation sites carry it. I don't think there's an official English release.
i don't believe there is, which is strange, but whatever. i'll try mangafox or mangahere, thanks.
i tripped over a fluffy yuri and thought it was adorable, so i figured i'd share it. ^^
I'll check that out when I get home :3
I'll give it a read. Thanks Kari!
i sort of want to try the beauty tip mentioned in it....
I have waited between 6 months and a year to read this manga.
Attack on Titan
For the record, I read manga from my school. It took that long for me to see the first volume of Attack on Titan in the library.
fuck, they imported it? cool.
got a bunch of volumes the other day but i can't remember specific titles. and arty claimed one so i don't get to keep it. however, the last one i read was The Secret Notes of Lady Kanoko, which i got at the anime yard sale.
So I've been reading Unbalance x Unbalance, since I was curious about the characters after seeing some art of them.
Seems interesting so far, your usual high school romance- with a less common twist.
seems arty claimed ALL of them. sort of butts on someone's part for not telling me, i think it was my sister. >:\
Caught up on all of my yuri stories. Takemiya Jin is... prolific.
this reminds me, i need to get back to reading Switch Girl.
oh my god this is beautiful. thankyou. xD
(technically, shouldn't this be in the gallery?)
hung out at Barnes and Nobel with Steve the other day (it was too rainy to cuddle outside). read What Did You Eat Yesterday? (, Sankarea (, and WataMote (, and Manga Dogs ( got the titles of a shitload more so when i have some spare cash i may go on an Amazon buying spree. -w-
Sankarea creeps me out.
Creeps me out.
How's WataMote anyway, Kari?
yeahhhh....the opening is creepy as shit. but after you get past the pedodad part it seems pretty cute.
(fucking FF ate my post)
honestly, WataMote was a bit of a letdown. maybe it's just because it was the first volume, but it's as slice of lifey as you can get. there's no ongoing plot, no drive to change, no nothing, just awkward kid being awkward. the main character is adorkable and i can somewhat relate to her, but she's also kind of a dumbass and really full of herself. i'm still interested enough to check it out, so i think i may watch the anime and see if it's proof positive that the second volume is where shit starts to happen. :\
of the books i read, though, bells, i think you'd be over the moon for What Did You Eat Yesterday? . it's adorable, real, and super-sweet without being saturated. the realistic art style is also quite atypical for manga making it even more its own kind of thing. and despite being Shonen-ai there's no thick layers of it. it is to Yaoi what Aoi Hana is to yuri, only not depressing and also super-tasty-looking.
The Manga Guide to Databases.
how is that one? i found the Statistics one i have quite nice though my sister's college professor found it to be a bit lacking (not in a bad way, i think he just thought it wasn't heavy-duty enough for college). i like it, personally, and should my mum ever decide to go back to college i will be shoving the book in her face.
I decided to read One Piece a few days ago.
One of my better decisions.
Indeed. I like it, but never got around to collecting the series, and it having like 80+ volumes has me scared of getting further in ;__;
Good thing my school library has manga. It has most of the volumes. At least 70-something.
Nice. I might read it post-move; borrow from Kari -w-
(I think she has up to volume 20 or so? IDK -w-; )
haha! no, i don't have that many tankoubon of it, but i have up to the mid-to-end of the Alabasta Arc in my copies of Shonen Jump. though i DO plan on collecting them all. between me and Steve's love for that series, that is a fucking life requirement. >:I
speaking of,
you're likely gonna love it. Sanji is the best character by far, both me and Steve will back up that claim.
on an unrelated note, went to Savers the other day in search of cosplay supplies and found 3 volumes of Kimi ni Todoke i didn't already have in brand new condition (some still had the borders stickers, so cute ;v; )! even got them for 99 cents a piece, such a steal! >:3
(now i just need to get 3, 4, and 7 so i can read them all. :0 )
huh, didn't realize this topic was so dead. got a lot more manga since i last posted, basically all courtesy of savers (including the entire run of Godchild). got a few people on the wire that may eventually be selling me more in bulk, just waiting and seeing atm.
on an unrelated note, i was going through Top(ic)less yesterday and i saw a post about the movie Blue is the Warmest Colour. we were discussing how any and all depiction of gays, female sexuality, or (*gasp*) GAY FEMALE SEXUALITY got an adults-only rating.
how does this relate to this thread? i was browsing the Yuricon/ALC Store online and found this. seems BitWC was a manga. (dunno if you knew, i didn't know).
not Reading manga ATM, but Reading a couple manhuas: the Gamer and The God of Highschool...
Darwin's Game = I'm stick with this!
UQ Holder = Finally Eva have her own!
Freezing = Still Alive
Kannagi = Manga not yet end
Magudala De Nemure = Slow release....
Not Lives = Still Alive & don't mixed her with mirai!
looking forward to maybe getting some new titles at the Anime Yard Sale next week. hopefully my stuff sells. :0
I'm currently reading Fushigi Yugi as part of an manga book club.
It's a really old isekai.
Super interesting stuff, it escalates quite a bit.
It even has some decent trans and gay representation in it.
Edit: Finished Fushigi Yugi, excellent manga series.
Currently reading Ancient Magus Bride now.
Edit (2024/10/03): Found a super cute manga called "Kimi wa Kawaii Reptile". Y'all should check it out.