Whats your favorite type of games
Shooting, first person, 3rd person, etc
Fighting 2d, or 3d
Or Other
For me, as many of you already know is fighting and Action/Adventure games, I can't get enough of them and there are so many. They have in opinion, the best characters and the most original. I've tried Halo, I like the story line but game was boring first person don't do it for me, I've played final fantasy, again good characters boring game play. Right now underground Doujin games are getting really good, Type-moon and Touhou are becoming very popular as of now.
So lets see what you guys and girls favorite genre's are and why.
shooters (1st and 3rd)
tho I love halo. 2 lacked some.. but it was rushed. horror combined ones are bad ass too, like Doom 3, Half Life 2, or FEAR. RE 4 and Gears of war, GRAW or Rainbow 6 vegas really show how pretty and fun a 3rd person one can be ass well. Lots of action and all that. Normaly dont like the WWII ones.. too over done. Ive only really liked the call of duty ones.. at least 2 and 3.. havent played the first. I find people that make them tend to spend to much time trying to make the game authentic and not enough fine tuning the system.
I like RPGs.. but usualy the ones where you have compleat control of the game and your character.. Like Elder scrolls Oblivion. If you dont have control over what your character is or how he is progressing and in what areas.. it isnt much of a role plaing game.. its just a game with really in depth story. Not that I mind those either. Loved games like Xeno Saga where there was as much cut scean as there was game. I dont care for FF anymore.. I stopped playing them back at 7. 7 was awsome.. but ones since have fallen short.
Platform games. What can I say, I love a good platformer. Like Zelda. There hasnt been a zelda game that sucked so far (exept the ones made for that "other" system, and Wind waker) Or mario, metroid, stuff like that.
Survival Horror. Fucked up shit, monsters, and very few guns. thats how I roll. Some suck.. i mean really suck.. But the Silent Hill series (woo P head!) and resident evil will have a place in my gaming collection for a long time to come. Especialy since RE has taken a new fresh direction (they were getting kinda old.. how many break outs was umbrella gonna have before they got caught?)
the genres that I think are mid level in how much I like them are
Flight Sims
Racing (tho i hate realistic ones.. I dont give a damn about the exact parts in the car and all that.. I want the game to be fun, like Full Auto)
RTS Love them, but only have a few.. only ones that concentrate on action, and not build trees and turtling, such as Dawn Of War or Mark of Chaos. I hate spending 30 minutes buildign up my base before I move to attack.. i want to engage the enemy in at least the first 5 minutes of the game.
genres I really dont care for (tho I might like one or two)
fighting games. They normaly just bore the shit out of me. I get no satisfaction from them. They are good for party games.. its fun to sit around and fight your buddys when youve had a few beers.. but fuck does it get boring by yourself. Plus, any game where a players ability to win is determiend by the number of combos and moves they can remember sucks in my opinion. It makes it impossible for a casual gamer to play them without them button masshing one move over and over again with their opponent traped in a corner.
sencless killing (like GTA.. i dont know who decided who slaughtering innocents makes for a great game, but they need to be beat to death with a steel dildo)
You are the complete opposite of me Cap, We have totally different taste but I guess it has to with backround and all that good stuff.
Im not sure what you think you know about my background, but your right our opinions on matter do seem to be quite differnt. But not quite. We both like comics.. just different ones, we both like anime, but differnt ones, we both like games just differnt ones. Alot more similer then you think.
but on that note, i think ever one of my extreamly close friends are ones that I dont agree with. Life is too boring if everyone agrees with you on every subject.
but back on topic..I know I left out alot of genres but I just cant think of them at the moment -_-
oh wait! I got another for the dislike list... Sports games!! Why the fuck do people buy a new madden game every year? Is it really that more inovating? What the fuck is differnt that rates another 50-60 bucks for a new one? the bloody stats? Fuck that shit, you have to be a fan to like them. Its too targeted.
As for the much piggy raved about Wii sports.. If I want to swing a baseball bat, I go outside and swing a baseball bat. Fuck doing that on my TV. I play games for things I cant normaly do. I cant normaly pilot a mecha on a frozen future earth, or get in a spectacular gunfight with clone soldiers and their demonic little girl, I can however go to the bowling ally with some friends, eat french fries and roll a ball down a hard wood floor. Not worth the money for the game, and it keeps me more active and social to actually do it.
What I meant by backround was, you said in another thread you were in the military if my memory is correct, and i'm a guy that like's martial arts stuff like that. But yeah there are other genre's of gaming I can't seem to think of right now. OH, and I hope I'm not crossing the line, but are you A man or woman just curious.
Oh I love martial arts. Kung fu movies are bad ass. tho I havent seen many. I learned some while in the miltiary and Ive been looking for a place around here to learn an art Im interested. Now that will burn more calories then a Wii!! As for the military.. if I remember right, you said you were a military brat. So am I. But my experience with it is positive thus I decided I wanted to join too. But why would you ask something like that? Im not offended, I dont offend easily. If you had said something ment as an insult about say my mom, then I would be offended, but not an innocent question like that. But let me ask you this.. since Im curios how I come off since you asked, what do you think I am?
Come to think of it tho, maybe this convo should move to PM since its extreamly off topic.
Oh sims go in the dislike catagory. I bloody hate the sims, urbz, tychoon games. They really freaking irk me. How can someone spend 6 hours making sure a freaking guy dosent piss on the floor or goes to bed on time? its like picking up after your roomate! How can that be a fun game?!?!
And the MMORPG... Bloody fucking hate them. For one, they are theifs of time and hell, they can be blamed for people loosing as many loved ones as the war in Iraq. How someone can ignore their life, family, and finatial situation for the people playing that game because "they get me" I dont get. Bloody hell, I know people who spend REAL money trying to get FAKE stuff for their character!! FUCKING HELL! Do you really have that much money?!?! If you got that kind of money to spend, why dont you give some to the homeless or something?! On the money issue, HOLY JEBUS why do you have to keep paying that much for the bloody game a month? Does it really cost them that much a month to keep your character data on the server? I mean do you really get what you pay for? You already spent the money to buy the game, and an internet connection, now you have more money to pay to play every month and then buy fake stuff for it? thats a giant freaking void in your wallet. Since there are a few free MMORPGs out there, I say no. There is no reason for it. If you play any other kind of online multiplayer game the game is free to play once you buy the program itself and patches are free off file planet. To charge people that much to keep it updated and play.. dosent make a lick of sence. Its like bloody cigerets. they know they are addicting and they can charge it because people will pay it! On top of that.. I hear so many stories of people complaining about how they waited around 4 hours for the party to be ready to go on an adventure only for people to start dropping out because they ran out of time. well there goes an afternoon. and you have to deal with the wackos on the server as well.. people hitting you up for cyber sex, or they have their character named motherfuckingpolycronopolis or they cant bloody type or they only speak in L33t. SO much for haveing the atmosphere of a fantasy world huh?
Holy jebus Im on a roll tonight. I havent ranted this much since the Palm tan thread.
Oh and Puzzel games! Love em! But they are a time waster. I play them on my DS when i have to wait in a line or something. Cant sit and play them at home, or when i have just about anything else i can be doing.
Arcade shooters rock too. Aero Fighters and games like that, have an odd attraction to them. The more shit going on the screen at one time the better. Challanging, interesting, and difficult. Great for multiplayer, and typicly cheap since there are very few new releases like that. The only recent one Ive played that wasnt a port was Nano Stray for the DS, and some one for the Xbox live Arcade. Both were a blast.. but there just isnt enough to them to make full games anymore I guess. No one wants to pay 60 bucks for something like that.. Like fighter games or light gun games.. they clear far to fast to be worth that money. they were designed for arcades where a pocket full of quarters may let you clear the game if your good.
Primarily RTS and FPS: RTS because it lets you get a handle on management of multiple units and large-scale battlefield tactics; and FPS just cause it's the most exciting of the game genres ever XD
Genres I like (in brackets examples from that genre):
-breakout/Arkanoid clones
-point'n'click adventures (LucasArts games from early 1990s; Monkey Island 1&2, Indy and the Last Crusade, Indy and the Fate of Atlantis, Maniac Mansion, etc)
-platformers (The two Prince of Persia games from early 1990s, the Great Giana Sisters, Superfrog, etc)
-'sims' (Transport Tycoon, Princess Maker 2, Alter Ego, Graduation; the Sims I have zero interest in, for the record)
-football management (Championship Manager and later Football Manager)
-linear-plotted fake-RPGs (Magic Knight Rayearth SNES RPG, The Spirit Engine, Diablo I&II)
-arcade (Bust-a-Move, Metal Slug, Pinball Fantasies)
From general sports games I only like some old games like 4d Sports Boxing, Hat Trick, Powerplay Hockey, Sensible World of Soccer, Italy 1990 and Microprose Soccer; new sports games I don't care much about.
Shooters have been a no-no after Final Doom, with the exception coming from RtCW.
To counter Captain, I consider GTAs fine games (even though only GTA1 and GTA:SA have managed to keep me occupied for longer than very short period, and I prefer not killing people in them ^^;; ), but cannot stand horror games. *shivers*
I used to like C&C games (quite far from being real 'strategy games', but usually put into that class), but after Red Alert 2 I've not played any. Cossacks is a fun game to play, and Sudden Strike was extremely good but proved to be to difficult for me. v_v
Strategies games (both turn-based and real time)
FPS games (even though I'm not very good in them)
Action-RPGs like Diablo
Puzzle games (especially duel types like Puyo Puyo)
Arkanoid clones
Shoot 'em ups (mostly danmaku - "curtain fire" - ones, but I suck in them)
I don't play games... except for kpat aka solitair and roguelikes ...
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Oh I love martial arts. Kung fu movies are bad ass. tho I havent seen many. I learned some while in the miltiary and Ive been looking for a place around here to learn an art Im interested. Now that will burn more calories then a Wii!! As for the military.. if I remember right, you said you were a military brat. So am I. But my experience with it is positive thus I decided I wanted to join too. But why would you ask something like that? Im not offended, I dont offend easily. If you had said something ment as an insult about say my mom, then I would be offended, but not an innocent question like that. But let me ask you this.. since Im curios how I come off since you asked, what do you think I am?
Come to think of it tho, maybe this convo should move to PM since its extreamly off topic.
Oh sims go in the dislike catagory. I bloody hate the sims, urbz, tychoon games. They really freaking irk me. How can someone spend 6 hours making sure a freaking guy dosent piss on the floor or goes to bed on time? its like picking up after your roomate! How can that be a fun game?!?!
And the MMORPG... Bloody fucking hate them. For one, they are theifs of time and hell, they can be blamed for people loosing as many loved ones as the war in Iraq. How someone can ignore their life, family, and finatial situation for the people playing that game because "they get me" I dont get. Bloody hell, I know people who spend REAL money trying to get FAKE stuff for their character!! FUCKING HELL! Do you really have that much money?!?! If you got that kind of money to spend, why dont you give some to the homeless or something?! On the money issue, HOLY JEBUS why do you have to keep paying that much for the bloody game a month? Does it really cost them that much a month to keep your character data on the server? I mean do you really get what you pay for? You already spent the money to buy the game, and an internet connection, now you have more money to pay to play every month and then buy fake stuff for it? thats a giant freaking void in your wallet. Since there are a few free MMORPGs out there, I say no. There is no reason for it. If you play any other kind of online multiplayer game the game is free to play once you buy the program itself and patches are free off file planet. To charge people that much to keep it updated and play.. dosent make a lick of sence. Its like bloody cigerets. they know they are addicting and they can charge it because people will pay it! On top of that.. I hear so many stories of people complaining about how they waited around 4 hours for the party to be ready to go on an adventure only for people to start dropping out because they ran out of time. well there goes an afternoon. and you have to deal with the wackos on the server as well.. people hitting you up for cyber sex, or they have their character named motherfuckingpolycronopolis or they cant bloody type or they only speak in L33t. SO much for haveing the atmosphere of a fantasy world huh?
Holy jebus Im on a roll tonight. I havent ranted this much since the Palm tan thread.
Oh and Puzzel games! Love em! But they are a time waster. I play them on my DS when i have to wait in a line or something. Cant sit and play them at home, or when i have just about anything else i can be doing.
Arcade shooters rock too. Aero Fighters and games like that, have an odd attraction to them. The more shit going on the screen at one time the better. Challanging, interesting, and difficult. Great for multiplayer, and typicly cheap since there are very few new releases like that. The only recent one Ive played that wasnt a port was Nano Stray for the DS, and some one for the Xbox live Arcade. Both were a blast.. but there just isnt enough to them to make full games anymore I guess. No one wants to pay 60 bucks for something like that.. Like fighter games or light gun games.. they clear far to fast to be worth that money. they were designed for arcades where a pocket full of quarters may let you clear the game if your good.
Hey Cap well my first impresion I thought you were a guy but I guess I was wrong goes to prove what I know. ;014 Xbox is cool in all I'm just a big import gamer So I'm a big sony and Gamecube guy. The only real army game I like on Xbox 360 was guilds of war and even that bored at some points. Another one is Samus she is a badass character but I like her more in Smash Bro's series. Metal Gear solid is always fun Snake is badass of course, and resident evil is always fun and a classic as well as devil my cry.
But for the most part I grew up playing fighting games they were the most popular at that time. Here in American everybody is loving the Halo and army games, but in Japan fighting games are the thing which is why I must go there to participate in a tournament.
I am a guy -_- what makes you think Im a girl?
GTA games are fine and fun to play.. but just about everyone I know that has it spends more time slaughtering innocnets then anything else. Personaly Im looking forward to crackdown (and not just because it comes with the halo 3 beta...) its like GTA, but your a cyborg agent for some law enforcement agency. It plays like GTA, but killing innocents more then accidently is a no no, and your abilitys get better the more you do them.
I like the metal gear games, but they are a genre in and of themselves.. there hasnt been anything quite like them. Reminds me.. i need to get portable ops.
I already mentioned I liked metroid... dosent matter which one. The prime series or the traditional side scrollers, I lay alot of metroid.
Smash bros is like I said.. a fighting game that is fun with friends. But unlike most fighters, its very easy to pick up and learn, decreasing the skill gap between veteran players and noobs. Nothing kills the fun more then one skilled player picking on a trio of noobs. Winning isnt everything, but loosing every match hands down gets annoying.
Halo and army games are more enjoyable due to the number of people you can play in them. Take battle field 2 for example.. you have everything! Armor, air, infantry, classes, artillary you name it. You can really bring people togeather and play as a team in something like that.. hell the ones that play as a team are the ones that win. When everyone runs around doing their own things is when they loose, even if individualy they are good players. That makes for much deeper rewarding multiplayer. Gotta love hanging out the side of a blackhawk as your buddies pilot it into the drop zone, while another pair of buddies provide you fire support while you insert with the miniguns. and thats part of a coordinated attack that is inserting you behind enemy lines while a ground assualt of tanks and infantry distract the enemys main force. Now thats multiplayer!
With the import games.. to each thier own. I cant aford to do that.. and I dont read japanese. If i cant read it, I cant truly appriciate it. One day when I can read and speak japanese I will see about getting an import system and games, but not before. -_- Tho i admit, I do miss out on some games that just never make it over here.. like the gunslinger girl RE clone that was voted by a british newspaper the most immoral game ever. Go henrietta!
and pitkin, you are a god amongst gamers :D Monkey island is the shit! "what would you do if I gave you your arm back?" "Id pillage the 7 seas, Id torment the living, Id.. I mean id use it to pet kittens..." "sorry you blew it..."
Opps by bad on the gender thing cap.
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Personaly Im looking forward to crackdown (and not just because it comes with the halo 3 beta...) its like GTA, but your a cyborg agent for some law enforcement agency. It plays like GTA, but killing innocents more then accidently is a no no, and your abilitys get better the more you do them.
There have been only two games so far with cyborgs that didn't turn me away immediately, and from those two only Syndicate had them as your own troops. In Flashback: Quest for Identity you at least got to shoot them. :p
Quoteand pitkin, you are a god amongst gamers :D Monkey island is the shit! "what would you do if I gave you your arm back?" "Id pillage the 7 seas, Id torment the living, Id.. I mean id use it to pet kittens..." "sorry you blew it..."
"The shit"? Being funnier and more witty than, say, _100%_ games made before and after? If that's how you define it, Captain. :D No, seriously though, even though I belong to the minority who always _slightly_ preferred the little bit more serious Indy games to Monkey Islands (again, only the first two), calling MIs rubbish is pretty much a slap in the face to me. Well, naturally I have to accept such reactions sometimes, having called most of the post-1995 games utter crap myself. :D
Quote from: "Pitkin"Flashback
o LAWD that brings back memories XD
Anyway my fav genre is easily RPG. Not mmorpg though, I have better things to waste my money on :p I've played FF7 more times than I can count for instance. I often go back to Zelda too. Speaking of which, top-down dungeon-crawler RPGs are often fun too like Azure Dreams and the older Zelda and Pokemon games.
I also like turn-based strategy games like Alpha Centauri and Civilisation. I enjoy some RTS too like Age of Empires, StarCraft and Red Alert but I'm better at turn-based.
Some beat em ups are good too like DOA, Tekken and Soul Calibur.
Quote from: "Pitkin"cannot stand horror games. *shivers*
I LOVE horror games! Can't get enough of them ;P They have to be done well though. RE is starting to look very tired imo. Project Zero/Fatal Frame is probably my fav survival horror
Ah yes the favorite gamegenres, I like quite a lot of games though, sometimes i like to spend time in it, but mostly i like a game wich you can pick up or leave alone easily.
I usually like a good FPS game without too many strings of realism attached, halflife2, doom3, FEAR, TRON 2.0, wolfenstein: enemy territory(online only) but generally they have to have good atmosphere for me to catch on
Arcade-ish style games can entertain me for hours, burnout3 for example, most people call it a racer but cmon it's mostly about seeing things go boom XD the learning curve is low and the gameplay is great! So i call it an arcade type.
Fighters for me should be 2D, the gameplay is just more fun than the 3D (button-bashing or button sequence mastering) kind of fighting games with the exception of DBZ: budokai 3, i used to watch DBZ when i was younger yeah but that doesn't baise my opinion about this game, it really is a good fighting game.
Also the survival horror genre takes my liking but only the silent hill series actually, it's just so twisted and there's hardly any ranged weapons to keep the nasty beasts away from you. I like the intensity of it.
As for party games i like those too, examples: supersmash brothers, GUITAR HERO, and even eye-toy but DDR is a bit too energetic in my opinion, I prefer dancing on a real technofest :P
I've also played a fair ammount of RTS and platformers, I like them yeah but just not as much as the ones mentioned above.
One exception to RTS genre though is dawn of war: the dark crusade wich i've played recently. That game really makes me go: "BWUHAHA, man look at 'm go!" Sometimes it's even so fun watching the battle field that I forget about sending in some reinforcements or give them more orders. Don't play it when you're in need of relaxing, as a commander you're constantly kept busy.
There are only two Genre that i like/love
Strategy Games (every art! turn based or RTS etc.)
RPG (but those like Xenosaga)
Genre that I hate :
Senseless killing
Genre that I neutral
jump and run
Games from SNES
I Like strategy games because i like to concentrate to "plan the next move"
and "to give orders"
I'm simple. I like racing...
And arcade games...pinball is my favorite :)
I love ship-shooters (Like... I not remember T.T'), adventure (Like Zelda -Nyaaa °(^o^)°-), RPG (Like Mario and Luigi ^.^) and some puzzle games (Maybe Mahjong solitaries -My poor soul ^.^'-)...
I like lots of genres, but lately I've been mostly into strategy, car racing sims and single player RPGs. I like a good action FPS as well, F.E.A.R is the my favourite one of the most recent.
I really like ego-shooter and 3D-jump´n`runs.
I play CounterStrike:Source, HL² and some older Nintendo games.
Playing shooting-games don´t make u to a terrorist/psycho! ^^
You have to know the border between real and virtual!
me...i like MMORPG, RTS, RPG, FPS. fighting is ok with me. like soul calibur and all tht
i like it when everything is on action...
i felt boring when playing some startegy game coz i'm too lazy to arrange my troops
FPS and RPG games for me.
i love FPS. They can be engaging as a RPG but you get the satisfaction of head shots or unbelievable feats regularly which just make my day.
Loving the halo 3 beta atm ...
RPGs for me! ^^
I find hack/slash and RTS's be the best game genres.
I have to say that i am a strange person so:
rhythm & dancing games such as DDR, and beatmaniaIIDX
racing games (the ones that are not too technical) love burnout!!
rpg's with good stories like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
fighting games also not too technical (big fan os Marvel vs. capcom 2... too bad they never made out the 3..
I enjoy.. but not to fancy
fps.. half-life 2 rulez
graphic adventures.. fan of the longest journey, and dreamfall
I can't stand
strict simulators like some flight simulators
games without story... or not good enough to dispose of soty
I love RPGs too. Try dunne in emacs21. really cool and geeky. ^_^
For me, the RPG, adventure, action, and the final fantasy style!!
I actually like em all but for the most part fighting and action.
ALL, unlike SPORTS and CARS.
Quote from: "Silentbob"I like a good action FPS as well, F.E.A.R is the my favourite one of the most recent.
Well...I have one thing to say to such a post.....
YEAH!!!! F.E.A.R. F****** RULEZZZ!!!!
Sorry, but its the first game E-VER to keep me on the edge and creeped out time after time after time... (sadly Resident:Evil becomes predictable)
Anywayz. The genres/ games I like
*Sim [Sims2 for the designing of the houses only :D - Simcity4 + Rush hour, cuz it's serene and allows for Macro- and micromanagement]
*FPS [Like F.E.A.R. and Battlefield 2142 ( I dreamed of PWNING a battlefield in a huge mech since I saw the titan in TibSun) or tactical ones like Rainbow Six: Vegas (finally I can peek and shoot blindly from behind a wall :D:D:D)]
*RTS [C&C (TibSun is the best, I spent hours customizing that one) and warzone 2100 or Supreme Commander ( I like to build up an enourmous base and force to waltz over my opponents, and I think that rushers are impatient cocks that are worthless if they were to play a game as long as I do, 1-2 hours per match.)]
*Flightsims [MS FLightsimX (good for reading a book and one of the few products MS made thats actually good :D )]
Plus any ol' flash-game thats funny...
Added after 5 minutes: Plus Dune2... I forgot Dune2... the Grandaddy of all RTS-es ;010
RPGs definitely.
i like strategy and Rpg games. Or even a mixture of the two.
I like all genre as long as the game are worth playing.
Does visual novel counted to game?? I like to play it alot too.
QuoteDoes visual novel counted to game?? I like to play it alot too.
Yes,i think it can be considered as a game.
For me,I like RPG and strategy(turn-based)
And,i also like to play Visual Novels,usually the one with mini-games inside
action/adventure, tactics game like disgaea, rpg, and yeah, some visual novel...or some called eroge game...=P
My favorite genre is arcade games, since they're all-action and have a near-infinite replay value without things like plot, and long cutscenes getting in the way.
Truth be told, I usually don't play a game for a story or character development, but for the action and gameplay!
Fighting games are my favorite genre, whether 2D or 3D, but the ol' classic 2D sprites will always hold a special place in my heart.
I also love platformers and shooters (I prefer third-person for single player and first-person for multiplayer). I like RPGs, but I've started to shun turn-based for more actionized fare. I enjoy arcade games as well, mostly shoot 'em ups, but I don't mind a story. In fact, aside from arcade-style games, I'll rarely settle for a game that doesn't have some sort of story to draw me in. I find games lacking in plot to be rather disinvolving and dry - I complained a good deal about this when discussing Half-Life in another thread. A good story can actually get me to tolerate certain faults in gameplay that'd otherwise be deal-breakers for me, eroge probably falls under this clause (of course, very rarely does eroge have a good story). I like certain racing games, in fact, it was my favorite genre for awhile, but I rarely play them anymore. I don't really care for sports games, but I'll play basketball games as I'm pretty good at them. I've actually considered giving soccer (football, for the sake of our European members) games a try, but I don't know anyone who owns a game (I live in the south (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeepSouth), 'mmmkay?). Pardon, this is much longer than it should be for a discussion of game genres... so please enjoy this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZsDUSxK5Fs)!
Strategy/RPG/Danmaku/Shooters, I'd think...
...and I do quite suck at Danmaku, but you just need to take some time remembering all the damn patterns. _W_
Shooting things, oh and blowing things up is fun too.
I like strategy games, racing games... and ones with cute characters too. xD
Hmm I enjoy every genre really as long as it peaks my interest but If I do have a soft spot for some genres.
RTS:Tactically crashing an airborn experimental weapon on an turtling enemy defenses to make a path my units can pass through makes me giggle like a deranged school girl ^__^ in Supreme Commander. Sure seeing my massive army swarming them *American Conquest* is fun too but it's all about the tactics.
Simulation: I play a lot of these games really like The Sims,Sim City,Catz/Dogz,anno1402 but my all time favorite simulation game has to be the guild series. Theirs just something special about kidnapping all the rival city officials just so I'll have no competition on the next election, European Politics at it's finest I dare say.
Visual Novels: I just like the story nuff said *Pics don't hurt though*
Action: I'll play any action game that looks cool like no more heroes or games with more substance/unique like Dead Rising. You know It's a magical moment when your doing a spinning lariat in a dress wearing a servbot helmet in a tunnel filled with zombies as Frank West. He's covered wars yah know??.
RPG: I just enjoy managing the stats/skill of my party really. Cool spells/move don't hurt though.... And a good story although rare. Games like Super Robot Wars and Ar Tonelico surprisingly I have no interest in the Final Fantasy series *I say it should end already*.
Rhythm/SHMUP: I just love seeing bullets/Notes flying all over the screen and depending on the genre I'll either have to dodge or hit them. People say I look possess when I play DJMax or any of the tohou series. Both of these genres will always have a special place in my heart ;3.
Mehh but really I'll play any games that peak my interest.
QuoteTactically crashing an airborn experimental weapon on an turtling enemy defenses to make a path my units can pass through makes me giggle like a deranged school girl ^__^ in Supreme Commander
CZAR-dropping <3
Seriously, teleporting Aeon commander swarms are so damn awesome. Build a Paragon and a few support commanders and install teleport modules on them all, and then warp behind your enemy's base and build a FUCKLOADERY OF COLOSSUSES <3
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"FUCKLOADERY OF COLOSSUSES <3
That's "COLOSSI" I think...
My favourite genres right now are RTS (C&C FTW!) and RPG (Obvlivion hell yes!). In the past, I used to be an avid adventure game player (think Broken Sword, Blade Runner and Phantasmagoria), but there hasn't been a real adventure genre around since the late 90s. Though Sierra and LucasArts both said in the 00s that they wouldn't be making any until at least the next decade (the one we're in now), so fingers crossed for a rebirth of the genre!
I enjoy good Real Time Strategy games, and Civ-Style games (Which includes Civilization).
Command and Conquer (Entire series) has been my favorite all time genre picker.
Role Playing Games, such as Star Ocean, Wild ARMs, Thousand Arms, Tales of... etc.
But not Strategy RPG. And I absolutely loathe shooters. (Only exception: MegaMan Legends)
i like MMORPG genre,like as RF-Online
For me, RPG, mostly JRPG and SRPG (FF series, Tales series, Disgaea), some hack 'n slash or adventure, and some shooters (FPS or TPS).
action puzzle
RTS (Real time strategy)
TBS (Turn based strategy)
Simulator (mostly flight simulators, realistic and arcadish, doesn't really matter imo)
Mostly im an RTS fan though ^^
SupCom2 ships next months, mah boi.
Oh i know, i know :D Unfortunatly i won't be able to get it when it's released D: (im gonna build a new computer next month, it's either supcom 2 or a computer without processor)
....although you have good enough connection speeds to skip the noisy part on that one. >:3
Maybe, im a fan of gas powered games though + im a game collector so i will buy it :P
I would have to say racing is my favorite genre amongst many.
I love fighting games!!! I'm so hooked on brawl right now (since my favorite character is kirby)
Games? Well, I love real time strategy game, 3rd person shooter, beat 'em up and hack and slash game... :)
i'm a jack of all trades.
except for mmos, i haven't touched any mmo at all.. except for puzzle pirates and neopets.. if those ever count! XD
racing games i suck about 4/10
fighting games i'm pretty average 6/10
sports games i'm dead 3/10
mmos would be really dead 1/10
turn base strategy would be a good 6/10
real time strategy would be pretty normal 5/10
fps are kinda my forte i guess 7/10
puzzles are my real forte XD 8/10
rpgs are alright 6/10
adventure games are alright 6/10
shooters would be a bad 4/10
Oh, so we're going about it this way, huh? Alright...
Racing games i've done my share 7/10
Fighting games not all the bells and whistles 5/10 (exception: Super Smash Bros. games, ~7/10
Sports games were just about the first thing I started competing with my brother on, so 7/10
MMO's usually bore me, so I never get very far 4/10
Turn based strategy works fine for me 8/10
Real time strategy is my ever-greatest forte 8-9/10 (strategic zoom enabled games 9.5/10)
FPS are pretty average, between 5-7/10
puzzles bore me so hard 2/10
RPGs work well, but I'm picky as hell 8/10
Adventure games...hell if I know what actually defines this genre. 5/10
Danmaku gaming is evolving slowly, but currently at like 4/10 or so
Hey Nej, im curious, does the total war games zoom ability count as "strategic zoom"?
I like a lot of other genres that I can't think of atm.