OS-tan Collections

OS-tan discussions => OS-tan Fan-Fics, Comics and Fan-Stuff => Topic started by: NewYinzer on November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM
Since we stopped editing Wikipedia, I have altered this thread in order to better coordinate our Wiki editing efforts. So, does anyone have anything to say?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on November 07, 2006, 09:21:03 PM
Excellent, dude!  ^v^

Don't forget that I'm your dedicated Wiki Avi maker.  ^__^
If you want, I can also post new drawn and collaged avis here.  -v-

Don't forget this page:


Since I'd like to offer Wiki avis to replace those stripped away due to copyright crap.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on November 07, 2006, 09:31:34 PM
just a thought... I havent read the articles recently.. but ive seen alot of frivilus stuff taken down off of wiki recently.. So just dont get carried away posting stuff up.  But im sure you know more then me
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on November 07, 2006, 09:38:03 PM
That's why they have to be very careful with what they post.  For now, the editors should concentrate on updating the written material (such as the OSX girls entry) and I will make Wiki avis for all the -tans that don't have them yet.  (no -kuns, though.... Ã,¬__Ã,¬)

Any new additions should be added only if there is:

A) Enough supporting artwork
B) A meaty-enough description that can be posted immediately, and
C) A wiki avi propped and ready, to make it look more "official".

I'd love to see the Linux-distros section expanded, so that each distros can get its section (and eliminate that silly stand-alone Ubuntu entry).

Oh, and be sure to keep backups of the whole article, in case purists decide to get cute.  `v'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on November 08, 2006, 06:47:15 PM
When I get around to it, I'll try to refine each section, one by one.  For now, I'll just keep a close eye on recent edits for grammatical errors and such.

As for the Linux distros, I do not believe I know enough to be able to write a sufficient section on it....
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on November 08, 2006, 10:55:05 PM
Which is why you have me.  ^__^

With Kami-Tux playing hookie and Linux-Tan perpetually without Internet Access, I'm afraid to say I'm the only one left who can offer a word or two about the Linux....  ^^;

So I can definitely help you write all that up, but at a later date of course (once their avis are ready).

In the meantime, I've got OS8's Wiki Avi ready!  ^__^


Made a compromise between Aurora's design and the younger version with the bomb diaper currently on Wiki.  Technically it's the same girl, only older (say early teens), and wearing Aurora's clothes (since the baby one doesn't have any.... ^^;).  While innocent as the young girl in the Mac Manga, I figure her spirit is now strong, outgoing and perhaps a bit tomboyish, so I combined the apple swimcap + apple taskbar bandanna to make an army-style beret [sort of].  -v-
Also have her roughed-up a bit, but still not willing to draw any painful prosthetics on her yet.  -___-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on November 08, 2006, 11:15:29 PM
*squeals with delight* Awesome job! Must have been kinda hard trying to think of a compromise for OS 8-tan because my rendition and the "official" one are quite completely different except for the haircolor, eye color and general hairstyle! I approve!  ;010
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on November 08, 2006, 11:26:43 PM
Thank you, Aurora-sama.  ^__^

Sort of a bit of trouble, but like you said you already had the right hair color, eye color and general hair style.  -v-

You're design won the majority rule, though, since it actually had clothing and a real personality to boot.  ^^'

The cute baby one had the characteristic hat, though, so had to import that.  -v-

And the Mac Manga version didn't contribute any additional detail (except for a simple shirt, which you're already had, and a VERY suspicious-looking prison collar which I don't even want to imagine what it's for...  ^^:).  That version stands out as an intermediary, say Tempo-chan circa 6 years old.

So to recap:

Baby Version:  toddler
Mac Manga Version:  child
Aurora version:  young adolescent (not shy about picking fights).  ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on November 09, 2006, 07:08:27 PM
*falls out of blimp*
Hi everybody! It seems that C-Chan has finally exceeded my number of posts! Anyway, I better get down to Wikipedia in order to add the latest avi! I'll see yinz later!
*gets in YS-11*
*YS-11 takes off*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on November 09, 2006, 09:51:23 PM
..................Wow, you're right.  Jeez, I didn't realize that....  O_O'
Oh well, don't worry.  ^__^
I'm gonna be booked all next week, so there'll be plenty of opportunities to surpass me.  Besides, the Captain seems to be upping his ante, so my suspicion is that he'll fight tooth and nail to reclaim the top spot.  ^v^'

Now then, phenomenal work on the Wiki Avi upload!  ^v^
Course, now that's she's been drawn by a number of artists, we can get rid of the whole "one-shot" thing.  -v-
Later down the line, I'll likely make a Mac-tan compilation pic which will feature a cool rendition of the older Tempo-chan....  ^__^

BTW, your choice of aircraft seems like a dull departure from the ekranoplan..... ^^'

Just to recap my Wiki editing requests:

A) Remove OS8-tan's "one-shot" status.
B) Clarify that DOS/V-tan is a variant of PC-DOS.
C) On http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Os-tan, please edit our site description to something like this:

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Alfamille on November 13, 2006, 03:40:24 AM
This is good, we have our own Wiki editors thread concerning OS tans (this needs to be pinned)!

By the way, do you guys think that we should put this site as "guardians" of both articles in their discussion pages. I think there's our chance to get recognize....
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Alfamille on December 04, 2006, 03:01:07 AM
A little bump guys!

Wouldn't be good if some of you guys made a Wiki avatar on Juzo-kun's Linux tan rendition>?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on December 05, 2006, 12:16:56 AM
Hidoi Alfamille!  UWAAAAAAAH!!!!  ;^0^;


Even after I vowed to make wiki avis for all of Juzo-kun's Linux-tans,... *sniff* ...you make it sound as if I said no such thing.....  ;____;

Oh poor me,.... Woe is me.....  ;~;

*wanders off to mope somewhere*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on December 05, 2006, 10:52:35 PM
Speaking of Wiki AVI's, my senses tell me that the Vista ninja and screwy schoolgirl designs have all but been settled upon.  So to prempt for this likely possibility, I've collaged these two:

(http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Images/Vista2.gif) (http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Images/Vista3.gif)

Upload to Wiki at your leisure.  ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Alfamille on December 06, 2006, 03:00:53 AM
Quote from: "C-Chan"Hidoi Alfamille!  UWAAAAAAAH!!!!  ;^0^;


Even after I vowed to make wiki avis for all of Juzo-kun's Linux-tans,... *sniff* ...you make it sound as if I said no such thing.....  ;____;

Oh poor me,.... Woe is me.....  ;~;

*wanders off to mope somewhere*

Sorry, I don't recall anything about that.  ;063
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on December 06, 2006, 08:34:13 AM
Fufufu,.. yep, keep digging that grave.  -v-

In any case, here's my Wiki avi priority list:

- OS/2
- Ubuntu (to get rid of that separate Ubuntu article)
- All of Juzo-kun's Linux-tans
- Nvu, SeaMonkey, Opera, Firefox.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: panithan on December 06, 2006, 11:08:24 AM
OS-tan article in wikipedia.
At 6 Dec, now we have in this article in 8 languages.
They are in English, Spain, France, Korean, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, and Thai.
In Thai, I think I'll do the lists_of_OS-tan, Moezilla articles too, since the person who has edit earlier still lacks the detail for each OS-tans.

would be a good template for me.

my user profile (it's nothing right now TT ^ TT)

In Thai:

For the Vistan wiki AVI, should I put them in as part of Longhorn section or add the other section for Vista separately?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on December 06, 2006, 12:56:55 PM
Good luck, Panithan!  ^v^
Make sure to write sweet things about Amiga-chan!  ^__^

Oh, and two things.  -v-

1) Having trouble seeing your User Profile


2) The current article already renamed the Longhorn section to Vista, but left the Longhorn AVI as she's still talked about a bit at the beginning.
I would do the same since Longhorn is still technically "Vista", unlike Neptune and Odyssey who were whole separate Windows OSes that were eventually scrapped.  ^^'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on December 06, 2006, 04:26:28 PM
Oh no, Aurora's getting jealous again.  ^v^;

Don't worry,... We're just calling them "Juzo-kun's" Linux-tans cause I don't feel like listing out each and every name in the Wikipedia article.  But the avatars themselves will be drawn based on the renditions available.  Arch Linux-tan, for example, will be a carbon copy of her's since she's the only one who's drawn one, but Ubuntu-tan should mix elements of her's and the Betty Boop one, and likewise with Redhat-tan, her's and yours.

That should also give us the excuse to expand a little on the article itself, since as it is now the Linux distros section is quite outdated.  ^___^;

You know I take good care of you.  -v-

Save your worries for when we get to PalmOS-tan. `v'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on December 06, 2006, 05:04:53 PM
Oh yeah... trying to combine our renditions of Palm OS-tan... That is going to be the hardest compromise to attempt! (yours has short silver hair, mine has long blue hair, yours is a genie, mine is a fairy and pilot girl, mine is also more than 1 ft. tall...)

And thanks for clarifying what I said in my last post! ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on December 07, 2006, 12:31:55 AM
Mmmmmmmm-hmmmmmm....  -v-

I have an idea on how to resolve that little issue, but we'll worry about that when we get there.  For now, there are bigger and better things to work on.... -.-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: panithan on December 07, 2006, 11:17:33 AM
My user info in English Wiki was nothing right now. But I planned to do it when I have a time.
In Thai Wiki, the address was too long, so it goes only the first line.

From http://www.microsoft.com/windowsvista/getready/editions/home_basic.mspx

It told us that Windows Vista have 6 editions.
So, there must be 6 variations of Vis-tan. Right?
Which Windows Vista Edition should the screwy ninja girl be?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on December 07, 2006, 12:17:18 PM
Oh yeah, NewYinzer left some recommendations of that somewhere.  Wait until he stops by and you can ask him -- he's a Vista guru of sorts.  ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Alfamille on December 25, 2006, 08:27:51 AM
I was crossing this page earlier on and wish to edit or should I say add some of it >>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:OS-tan_and_related_characters

As I wish to edit, I saw that there are no "codes" for that columned table for that article...

[sigh... -_-' ]
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on December 26, 2006, 12:08:16 PM
I didn't even now that listing in Wiki existed.... Ã,¬__Ã,¬

BTW, not sure if anyone's noticed or not, but they're trying to delete the List of OS-tans article in what seems to be the greatest Purist attack threatening that board for months.  -____-'

Time for battlestations, editors!  ^0^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on December 27, 2006, 03:13:25 PM
I think we can succeed through nonviolence (obviously). I think it's time for our bloated info page on Wikipedia to blossom into several small "info" pages located here so that the information can be preserved for those interested. It looks like the Wiki page is going to be deleted or merged, so we better be gearing up to deliver our info database here once the page closes. I really can't blame the purists. They want a small, concise info page, not a giant essay. Now who's with me!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on December 27, 2006, 04:05:20 PM
It can't be helped I guess.  -v-

I'm already experienced with the Annex, so you know I am.  Representing OS-tans is my specialty.  ^__^

Either we can resurrect the old "OS-tan Wiki" idea that SleepyD was talking about before, or we can use some spare webspace to create a separate page for the OS-tan descriptions (in other words, not in the easily forgettable forum format like with my Annex).

I have a website I can use, but maybe Fedora-dono might be interested in having this "website" be on this server (e.g., ostan-collections.net/wiki).
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on December 27, 2006, 04:53:24 PM
I like the Wiki Idea. I've even made a data file with all the old data from the Wikipedia page, before it was blown up to make room for a bypass. If someone knows how to make Wiki files, we can get started!

To get yinz started, look here: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Wiki_Science:How_to_start_a_Wiki

I've got a few things to attend to, so I probably won't be able to start construction right away. If no one helps, prepare for a boring, white-page database in good, old HTML.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on December 28, 2006, 02:39:36 PM
I kinda expected that someone would end up proposing that for deletion.

For reasons they state, verifiability and stuffs.
How the heck does one cite Japanese online sources, and an image board whose content changes every hour, every minute? no internet archive can possibly record everything on there. Wikipedia's rules aren't very nice to a subject such as OS-tans, where verifiable sources are quite lacking.

Merge is a good idea... And an OS-tan wiki is probably a good idea as well.  I mean I bet if half the articles on Memory Alpha ended up on wikipedia, they'd all get deleted. I'm not much of a programmer (yet heh) but I think I'd enjoy editing individual articles on OS-tans instead of a List of all of them that's bound to get bloated.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on December 28, 2006, 04:41:57 PM
QuoteFor reasons they state, verifiability and stuffs.
How the heck does one cite Japanese online sources, and an image board whose content changes every hour, every minute? no internet archive can possibly record everything on there. Wikipedia's rules aren't very nice to a subject such as OS-tans, where verifiable sources are quite lacking.

Good point. However, you're preaching to the choir. Most of my information is based on conjecture and stuff I've deduced. I think we should start a wiki, or at least a database here on the website. I've already started to write articles.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on December 28, 2006, 09:14:42 PM
We definitely need Fedora-dono's input.  Remember, this forum was once simply part of a main project page, so i wonder if he'd be interested in resurrecting such a feature, be it Wiki-like or traditional.

A wiki would be a great way to have an OS-tan repository essentially build itself up (cause I can attest that doing one yourself is a handful...  ^^'

But it does come with the added risk of vandalism, so you really have to be sure you're committed to making the building of it a group project.  Otherwise, a quick refugee site similar to this one....


... should be enough to keep the character descriptions safe and gradually expanded until we can invest the time and resources in an OS-tan Wiki.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on December 28, 2006, 11:00:43 PM
Well...I kinda took the wikipedia page and adapted it into a series of small blurbs. For example:

The more cutesy personification of the much maligned and infamously unreliable Windows Me Operating System, Me-tan was the first OS-tan created. She is usually known as Me-tan, but is often called Emui-san. She was created by the one now called "ME-aki". ME-tan's appearance rarely varies and is instantly recognizable. She has green hair in long pigtails and wears a maid outfit with an exclamation mark badge on the front modeled after the Windows error icon. ME-tan is a hard worker and always wants to help her master (Toshiaki), but predictably fails at everything she tries to do, and often literally crashing and irritating her sisters. When she is not frozen or out of control, she tends to do things showing a lack of common sense or knowledge, such as putting soda into a microwave oven or attempting to kill people by swinging a scallion or crowbar. In spite of, or perhaps due to, her pitiful plight, the clumsy ME-tan is one of the most beloved OS girls.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 27, 2007, 11:24:42 PM
Sorry for the necropost, but we might or might not be reviving this thread with a vengeance very soon.  ^___^

Testing, testing.... -v-



See if that does anything....
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on January 27, 2007, 11:34:04 PM
Now (most of) the OS-kuns have Wiki pictures too! Can't forget them! (although I actually not too fond of the Windows-kuns) And so do Firefox-ko and uhh.... I forgot who the pink-haired girl is! ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 27, 2007, 11:45:58 PM
SeaMonkey-tan.  ^v^

Have to do an Nvu-tan late, so we can preemptively salvage the Moezilla article before Wikipedia deletes it.  ^__^

Then we can work on the other missing OS-kuns (such as Kyurou-kun and the OSX-kuns, which I'm sure were the ones you had on your mind... ^__^')
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on January 28, 2007, 01:01:46 AM
QuoteAlso, I didn't know the 98-kuns existed, so I can't confirm whether those designs are canon (they're mostly depicted as young men in mechs, though).

Though I'm by no means an expert, what few renditions I've seen appear much like unto those depicted above, though I never knew their "Other Forms" were 'Mechs! better go change the Wiki.


There, I've uploaded all the OS-Kun's picture into their respective articles (except 3.1-kun, who doesn't have an article yet!)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 28, 2007, 02:49:17 AM
Good work, Tsubashi-san.  
Primary Mission Objectives Complete!
The Emperor will be pleased!  ^__^

Too bad I know next to nothing about 3.1-kun, so we'll have to play his article be ear....  ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on January 28, 2007, 11:11:45 AM
QuoteToo bad I know next to nothing about 3.1-kun

I was surprised when I saw your upload of him. I've never even heard of 3.1-kun, so I'm afraid I can't really add anything to the wiki about him. Cool that you found him though!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: fedora-tan on January 28, 2007, 04:00:40 PM
Nothing very interesting to say there, except you're really doing an excellent and awesome work on the wiki ! Congrats ^_^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 28, 2007, 07:57:41 PM
Thank you.  ^__^

Maybe keeping the discussion here is worthwhile after all.  ^v^'

Still need to change the name, though.  -.-

QuoteI was surprised when I saw your upload of him. I've never even heard of 3.1-kun, so I'm afraid I can't really add anything to the wiki about him. Cool that you found him though!

Hehe,... I can sorta relate with the 98-kuns.  ^^'
Worse comes to worse, we can always create a placeholder page with the picture, and worry about a substantial description later.  ^__^

The Nvu-tan page (when it's done) will probably look the same way.  ^.^'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on January 28, 2007, 08:23:57 PM
Since we stopped editing Wikipedia, I have altered this thread in order to better coordinate our Wiki editing efforts. So, does anyone have anything to say?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 28, 2007, 08:35:18 PM
Yo NewYinzer.  ^^

For starters, we're still wondering whether to post here or at the Discussion Panel:

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on January 28, 2007, 08:47:26 PM
Better make it the discussion panel. This thread just ain't doin' its job anymore.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 28, 2007, 09:17:11 PM
Yah sure about that...?  ^.^


...it's got potential.  -v-


A) It's easier to keep on top of new postings here with using email notification on Wiki.  ^^

B) Less places for the global Mods to mod.  ^__^

C) I can post pictures here, but not on Discussion Panel.  -v-

Seems I'm developing a bias against my own work, but "A" and "C" are bigs things for me.  ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on January 28, 2007, 10:50:00 PM
It is my humble opinion that this thread will do a better job than the discussion page because of the the reasons mentioned above, plus...

A) It's more noticeable/accessible to the general public

B) It's easier to tell who said what

C) Segments into pages automatically

Of course, either will work so... Whatever.

Off-Topic: ShowHide

Thanks for the compliment in the Discussion page, NewYinzer-sama!

I've created Nvu and Seamonkey pages, though for lack of further knowledge and content, I filled space by providing a brief summary of what each program actually was (based off Wikipeda articles) If someone with more knowledge could expand on these (personality, variations, common actions, etc.) that would be great!

Oh! and where would We-tan go in the "List of OS-tans?" ?.?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 29, 2007, 11:49:12 AM
Excellent.  I think it's settled then,... let's keep the discussion here...  ^v^

I'll just add some closure to the discussion panel and then bring all the posts here for everyone to follow along.  ^__^

Thanks for creating Seamonkey's and Nvu-neesan's page.  I might add a thing or two later to Nvu-san's page when I load up her avatar.  ^^

As far as We-tan goes, I was thinking of making a separate page entitled 'Os-tan Related Characters & Memes' to put all the miscellaneous characters such as We-tan or Astaroth (sp?) in.  Reason why I want them separately is because:

A) They generally don't personify anything, unless they're based off existing work (e.g., all the Rozen Maiden Futaba memes).

B) There's way too many of them, enough to swamp legitimate Moe personifications.  ^^'

May not sound relevant at first, but just think how much better the OS-tan fighting game will be once you know who (or what) all the other non-OS-tan characters are!  ^v^'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on January 29, 2007, 07:20:10 PM
Okay...we'll keep the discussion here. I like adding the special page for the offshoot characters, such as Azaroth, We-tan, that lemon thing, those funny looking maids, and all the random characters that pass through Futaba.

*goes down the Offtopic Hill*

BTW, C-Chan, it is absolutely necessary that I have intimate knowledge of Ranma 1/2, Gundam, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Cardcaptor Sakura before I can be considered a true otaku?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 29, 2007, 09:44:59 PM
QuoteOkay...we'll keep the discussion here.

Don't forget the name/description change.  ^^
Need something with more "OOMPF!" than just Project Wiki (it is our darling Wiki, after all)... ^v^'

QuoteBTW, C-Chan, it is absolutely necessary that I have intimate knowledge of Ranma 1/2, Gundam, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Cardcaptor Sakura before I can be considered a true otaku

Nope.  ^__^

Add in Slayers and Excel Saga, and THEN you'll meet the infamous Otaku Quota.  ^v^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on January 29, 2007, 10:23:09 PM
Oh NO! I'm stuck! I just uploaded a page on google-tan, but am at a loss where to put her!!! Does she go under Moezilla, or... Where?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 29, 2007, 10:48:56 PM
No prob, no prob....  ^.^

I created a "Site-tans" category, since we eventually have to add Wikipe-tan and some of Aurora's -tans that personify Internet hotspots.  ^^

BTW, finished Nvu-tan,...


...but ran out of time to do other things.  ^^;

Will try again tomorrow....  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on January 29, 2007, 10:54:24 PM
Yay! sugoi! Amazing! and all other good things!
Soon our little wiki will be quite well established

Oh, and nice edits to the main page btw!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 29, 2007, 11:00:53 PM
Least I can do given my tight "shedule".  ^^'

Well, I'm off.  I leave the rest in your hands for today.....  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on January 29, 2007, 11:05:03 PM
meh, I'm out of time too. I'll just upload two more vis-tan gifs and call it a day
*staggers away under a pile of homework*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 30, 2007, 10:54:42 PM
Good work as usual, you two.  ^__^

FYI, created more framed 100x100 avatars for Mcafee and Trend Micro.  Just to keep them similar to Norton....

(http://ostan-collections.net/wiki/images/1/1e/TrendMicro.gif) (http://ostan-collections.net/wiki/images/a/a9/Mcafee.gif)

Also preemptively created an icon for this presumed alternative version of XP Media Center Edition, just in case we can find a home for her, and a Wikipe-tan, just to show we're nobler than our predecessors....  ^___^

(http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Icons/MCE.gif) (http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Icons/Wikipe.gif)

(These two I haven't uploaded to the Wiki yet, btw)

Speaking of obscure Windows-tans, anybody out there can help us identify who these two are?  ^___^



Larger Versions:
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on January 30, 2007, 10:57:09 PM
QuoteSpeaking of obscure Windows-tans, anybody out there can help us identify who these two are? ^___^

Hmmm... bottom one is longhorn, I think (for obvious reasons), but the top one has me stumped...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 30, 2007, 11:06:40 PM
Hooboy, I kinda was worried that she was an alternative Longhorn.... ^^;

Since she appeared here....


...I was secretly hoping she was something other than Longhorn #324.  ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on January 30, 2007, 11:48:32 PM
Oooh! Found it! the top one is Window 97-tan. Windows 97 (the actual OS) is actually Windows 98, M$ just couldn't release it in time...

It was this picture that tipped me off, you can see "97" in the top right.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 30, 2007, 11:51:23 PM
Fufufu,... and then you wonder why I call you a genius.  ^__^

In any case, if memory serves, I DO remember the articles for a "Windows 97" (also a Windows 96 at one point).  

Awesome,... in that case, I say she deserves an article.  ^__^
And, of course, an Avi... ^v^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on January 30, 2007, 11:56:39 PM
Your right, though I've never seen a 96-tan, there's probably one out there.
BTW, while researching Win 96 I came across this utterly laughable quote

QuoteFester emphasized that Microsoft has always seen Internet Explorer
   as "an operating system upgrade. We could have called Internet
   Explorer 3.0 'Windows 96,' but because of the state of the market
   at that time we called it a browser."
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 31, 2007, 12:04:25 AM
Oh dear GAWD, they were just as shameless then as they are now...  ^^;

If only they had the same level of fierce competition then as they do now in every market (game consoles, OSes, internet browsers, music players, etc.), they wouldn't have said such laughable things.  ^__^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on January 31, 2007, 12:15:13 AM
QuoteHmmm... bottom one is longhorn, I think (for obvious reasons)


Ha! Knew I had seen her before! I found this a while ago, back when I was new to the OS-tans

P.S. I've just realized I've been incredibly rude! You go to all the trouble of making amazing and professional looking Avi's for the wiki, and then I ignore all etiquette and upload them, when the honor should be yours. Please forgive my inadvertent error. ~_~
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 31, 2007, 07:04:51 AM
You and your self-degradation again.  ^^;

I usually post them so you have something to upload to the Wiki.   ^v^

A bad habit of mine I picked up in the old Wikipedia days, when I provided editors with article content, but never actually committed to doing the edits myself.  ^___^;

Just make sure to check if I don't have that uploaded already,.. in the case of McAfee-sama and the brat, I already did, and naturally it's always possible that NewYinzer might be you to it on other occasions.  ^v^

And that sounds like as good as proof as any that the rhino girl is Longhorn #300 some odd....  -v-'

WHY?  WHY can't those artists be more collaborative.....  -_____________-;

In each section, I'd love to create blurbs on alternative designs,... but that can be a double-edged sword with all these variants of Longhorn and Vista.... ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on January 31, 2007, 03:08:49 PM
well longhorn is now the name for the new server system.. or so my systems consultant roomate says.. so the design for her is still good.. shes just not the new OS
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 31, 2007, 11:06:14 PM
Oh yeah, I'd forgetten about that.  ^___^

BTW, your AVI = hypnotically cute.  @v@

Added after 6 hours 2 minutes:

BTW, expanded my Amiga-tan section a little today, including references of more Vintage-tans to come.  -v-

When Raffaelle-san finishes MorphOS-tan, I'll set up her article immediately.  That way, we can start populating the Amigoid family a bit.  ^__^

Added after 1 hours 25 minutes:

GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

SleepyD is now officially an OS-tan Wiki Editor!!!!!  ^____^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 01, 2007, 12:06:17 AM
Hooray! Welcome to MediaWiki SleepyD!

I like your user-page, btw!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on February 01, 2007, 12:16:53 AM
hehe, thanks all.

I joined earlier, bu hadn't done anything til now... ^_^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 01, 2007, 12:29:47 PM
Yeah, I was about to approve you, but Fedora-dono beat me to the punch.  ^__^

In any case,...


SleepyD-dono just opened up a repository for links that require additional R&D....  ^v^


Be sure to help him if at all possible!  ^___^
Be forewarned of possible NSFW, though...  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on February 01, 2007, 10:22:16 PM
QuoteYeah, I was about to approve you, but Fedora-dono beat me to the punch. ^__^


Anyhoo, someone's been stalking me at the recent changes page or something. XD

While I have already put the links in, help is still much appreciated. ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 01, 2007, 11:17:45 PM
You got it.  ^__^

Tonight I've got finances to take care of and Panithan's banner to work on, but tomorrow I'll be back to partial swing on Wiki editing (probably more pictures...).  ^.^

I shall also look through more of these mystery links of yours.  -v-

Added after 50 minutes:

Yo SleepyD!  ^v^

Thanks a mil for adding that,... link,... i ran across..... ^___^

BTW, that's a nice template proposal you got there.  ^.^

That's to use on each of the individual OS-tan pages, correct?  ^v^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on February 01, 2007, 11:27:03 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"

Thanks a mil for adding that,... link,... i ran across..... ^___^

BTW, that's a nice template proposal you got there.  ^.^

That's to use on each of the individual OS-tan pages, correct?  ^v^

heh, nu problemo.

Indeed it is to be used on individual OS-tan pages. ^^

So, right now I have:
Original Creator:
Unknown, Toshiaki, Nijura, C-chan, whatever.
First appearance:
insert website/comic/whathaveyou
OS Personified:
OS Devloper:
company. Or person....  
First Released:
Latest Stable Release:

Kinda unsure if "Latest Stable Release" is needed.  What do you guys think?  Is there anything else I need to add?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 01, 2007, 11:51:00 PM
For that matter, could anything from my old Annex bios be salvageable for this template?


Windows 3.11 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_3.1x)
Name: Windows 3.11-tan
aka:  Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1, Windows 3.x, WfW 3.11,
Nationality: Microsoft
DOB: 5/22/1990
Height: 137 cm
Weight: ?? kg
Eye Color: Red
Hair: Grey
Blood Type: 16[/list]

I don't mind "Latest Stable Release" since eventually some technical information has to be added to these articles anyway.  ^__^

Besides, that could second as a comic device.  -.-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 02, 2007, 01:59:04 AM
Wow! I really like that Template Idea SleepyD-sama. I've noticed only one problem after playing around with it. It seems all the texts gathers at the bottom, leaving all the space to the right of it blank/
I don't quite like all the white space, but it certainly is more organized. My proposal is we create a table within a table, so that we can post text adjacent to the info boxes

The downside is that the words are automatically centered vertically, and adjusted depending on windows size. I haven't found a solution short of redefining width to an exact length (which would cause SO many problems when we get more members)

Maybe this was already discussed, or should be obvious, and I'm just slow on the uptake...

Another thing we need to clear up is standardizing the Date format. Is it, MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD or something else?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on February 02, 2007, 02:08:41 AM
well, I kinda wanted it to be a little like wikipedia infoboxes, a box with quick facts.  That bottom part should just be a footnote, really, not a whole bio. ^^

Does anyone know how to get the infobox aligned to the right side so it doesn't get in the way of article text?

And as for date format, I'm personally attached to DD Mon YYYY, like 02 Feb 2007.  Since MM/DD/YYYY and DD/MM/YYYY are both used extensively, depending on the country.  Which of course can lead to confusion.  The format I mentioned avoids all that.

Discuss. Discuss. ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 02, 2007, 08:47:07 AM
Before you discuss, discuss, I wouldn't mind a 'yes' or 'no'... `v'

................oh never mind.  We'll stick to confirmable facts.  -___-

Anyway, you were asking how to align the whole table.  Just add "align = whatever" into the first Class line and you can allow the table to be positioned to the left or right side of the screen while wrapping the text next to it.  I already did it in the Windows 3.1 article that Tsubashi edited.

{| class="infobox bordered" align = left style="width: 25em; text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"
|+ style="font-size: larger;" | '''Windows 3.1-tan'''
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" | [[Image:31-tan.gif ]]<br />
<br />
! Original Creator:
| Unknown
! First appearance:
| Unknown
! OS Personified:
| Windows 3.0 to 3.11
! OS Devloper:
| Microsoft
! First Released:
| 22 March 1990
! Latest Stable Release:
| v. 3.11 December 1993

I did misread you, so I aligned it left rather than right.  Feel free to practice by fixing that mistake.  ^^;

And I changed both the date format to what SleepyD suggested, as well as the actual release date of 3.1-tan.  Despite major differences between 3.0 and 3.1, it's more practical to assume she's still the same OS.  ^___^

(besides, my stories kinda depend on that....)  ^__^'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on February 02, 2007, 03:39:30 PM
QuoteFor that matter, could anything from my old Annex bios be salvageable for this template?

Haha sorries.  ^^

hm.... where exactly did you get the data for height? o.o
Heh, not sure about physical features, but I think the "AKA" thing deserves a spot.  If an OS-tan personifies more than one OS (as in the case of different versions), I think that should go in the OS Personified part.  You did remind me of the nicknames given to the OS girls, and I think an "Also known as:" section is in order.

there's my really drawn out semi-yes,

and my call to
Discuss, discuss. ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 02, 2007, 04:03:46 PM
Okey-dokey, you now have my blessing to discuss discuss all you want.  ^__^

Very much agreement on AKA.  ^v^

Probably better to create a Proposed Height page later on in the Wiki's life.  

Reason is,... while some of those stats were assessed based on a double-blind sample set of drawings (e.g., using a 152cm ME-tan as a primer), the majority are either from my own (or Aurora's) characters, or were pulled from a particular orifice....  Ã,­Ã,¬vÃ,­Ã,¬
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on February 02, 2007, 04:07:24 PM
riiight, yeah you can keep that data to yourself. XD;

It's a good art reference, tho.

The question is, where should the "Also known as:" section be placed?
First, perhaps?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 02, 2007, 04:37:37 PM
/Cchan likes first.  ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on February 02, 2007, 05:23:17 PM
yush, I shall implement that.

Just a note, this hasn't been finalized, so until we all agree that the infobox is the best it can be, it shall remain at 3.1-tan's page for testing purposes.

btw, is 3.1 tan known by any other name?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 02, 2007, 05:37:08 PM
the goddess @.@
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 02, 2007, 08:06:29 PM
QuoteJust add "align = whatever" into the first Class line

Duh! That makes more sense. Thanks C-chan.

QuoteAnd I changed both the date format to what SleepyD suggested, as well as the actual release date of 3.1-tan. Despite major differences between 3.0 and 3.1, it's more practical to assume she's still the same OS.

Sumi masen! I didn't realizes 3.1-tan represented both 3.0 and 3.1. Should have been obvious though, I've never seen a 3.0-tan...

Glad we've resolved the date format!

Quotebtw, is 3.1 tan known by any other name?

Other than what C-chan has already listed in the annex (and what CaptBrenden said, I suppose), I've never heard 3.1-tan called anything else... though it wouldn't be the first if I were wrong
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 02, 2007, 10:40:54 PM
Very cute link, btw.  ^__^
Tuesday -tans.... ^v^


...once I draw some more, I wonder if he wouldn't mind creating an article on Amiga-san.  ^__^

QuoteJust a note, this hasn't been finalized, so until we all agree that the infobox is the best it can be, it shall remain at 3.1-tan's page for testing purposes.

Agreed.  That sounds responsible.  ^___^

Quotebtw, is 3.1 tan known by any other name?

Aside from "3.1-sama" and "Goddess"?  ^v^

Hmmm,............................................ not really.  -v-'

Quotethe goddess @.@

Right on queue.... -v-

QuoteDuh! That makes more sense. Thanks C-chan.

You're welcome, and self-inflicted Duh's are outlawed, btw.  ^v^
The beauty of collaborative work is that we all allow one another to help eachother out.  ^___^

QuoteSumi masen! I didn't realizes 3.1-tan represented both 3.0 and 3.1. Should have been obvious though, I've never seen a 3.0-tan...

The closest thing to an alternative release 3.x-tan is Aurora's 3.2-tan (the Chinese version).
Other than that, nope, no 3.0-tan.  ^^

And that's good, cause that way, especially in my second micro-OVA, I can depict Windows 3.0 as simply a younger, cute-as-a-button version of 3.11-sama.  ^___^

No DOSkitty yet, but certainly would make it obvious that she wants a cat.  ^v^

QuoteGlad we've resolved the date format!

SleepyD's suggestion makes perfect sense.  ^__^
Conversely, we could've just stuck with MMMM DD YYYY, but DD MMMM YYYY is rarely used so I'm all for trying something different.  ^.^

QuoteOther than what C-chan has already listed in the annex (and what CaptBrenden said, I suppose), I've never heard 3.1-tan called anything else... though it wouldn't be the first if I were wrong

If we had a bit more sway, we could probably market a new nickname for her.  ^^

But at this point, we're just reporting what's currently out there....  ^____^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on February 02, 2007, 11:18:57 PM
right then. ^^ Shall I leave it alone?

Ah, right, I'm not exactly sure where to put the Tuesday-tans link. It does, however explain the status of Vista pretty well, I think.  

Oh, I posted a link up there with links to other personifications:

I find Citrus-tans quite amusing. ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 02, 2007, 11:41:28 PM
Quoteright then. ^^ Shall I leave it alone?

You mean her nickname?  Might as well,.. not sure if they'd get the reference to 3.1-sama.  -v-'

QuoteAh, right, I'm not exactly sure where to put the Tuesday-tans link. It does, however explain the status of Vista pretty well, I think.

Given their emerging popularity, I'd venture to create a new section entitled "OS-tan Blogs".  You never know when another one might pop up.  ^__^


See, there's another one!  ^v^

QuoteI find Citrus-tans quite amusing. ^^

Oh dear GAWD, I thought I saw everything with Spiderman-tan.  ^^;

Lime-tan is cute, but I say Lime from 'Saber Marionette' predates her!  ^v^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 03, 2007, 10:58:38 AM
QuoteYou're welcome, and self-inflicted Duh's are outlawed, btw. ^v^

Oh, oops! Didn't see that rule...

QuoteIf we had a bit more sway, we could probably market a new nickname for her. ^^

We could probably could if we just put it on the wiki anyway seeing as our wiki has a better findability / comprehensive-ness than most any of the others (except for wikipedia)

Anyway, speaking of wikipedia, I created a Wikipe-tan page and avi (though not quite up to par with C-chan's). I decided to use the new "infobox" template, cause it look good, and I realized that we're probably going to need to adjust the "OS Represented" boxes for Non OS tans, and omit "Latest Stable Release." Right now the wikipe-tan page still says "OS represented."

Also, it seems we have duplicate pages:


I recommend the first one for deletion, since it's not linked to
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 03, 2007, 01:51:26 PM
Your Wikipe-tan avi is actually very good, but given how similar it is to the one I made here (even using the same Wikipe image), you could've saved yourself the extra work.  ^^;


But oh well, moving along.  -v-'

For the non-OS-tans, it would simply be a matter of creating another template with different wording.  I can probably try doing that later, since I have to learn how to create templates eventually.  ^^;

And I'll go ahead and get rid of TrendMicro then.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 03, 2007, 05:01:41 PM
Oh, well I feel sheepish -v-
I'll replace that eventually, I'm a little busy right now

Quoteit would simply be a matter of creating another template with different wording.

Right, I was just wondering if we were going to make a separate one for each category (e.g. App-tans, Game Console-tans, Hardware-tans, etc.) or make a general "Non-OS tans" Template
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 03, 2007, 08:18:02 PM
QuoteOh, well I feel sheepish -v-
I'll replace that eventually, I'm a little busy right now

I award you 500 points for not bowing apologetically.  ^_~

In any case, now I'm really starting to wonder if perhaps we should agree to that framed 100x100 avatar style as being the standard.

That way, we can produce a really nice (and VERY colorful) page featuring all the avatars in one orderly tapestry.  ^___^

QuoteRight, I was just wondering if we were going to make a separate one for each category (e.g. App-tans, Game Console-tans, Hardware-tans, etc.) or make a general "Non-OS tans" Template

To that I say "why not?".  The more diversified we are, the more expansive and relevant our Wiki will become.  ^___^

I'm gonna go ahead and test run at least two new categories tonight and see how that goes.  ^^

Added after 30 minutes:

Oh BTW, I added you to the "Our Artists" list cause,...

A)  I was in it and am not an artist.  ^^


B)  I expanded the list to included collagers, which you undeniably are.  `v'

Also spruced it up a bit.  ^___^


Now I just have to ask NewYinzer if he remembers where this page is being linked from.  Otherwise, we have to make it more visible.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 03, 2007, 08:38:03 PM
QuoteI added you to the "Our Artists" list

I just noticed the update on the RSS and was about to come post objections on the grounds that I haven't drawn anything (I only looked at the page title).

QuoteI expanded the list to included collagers, which you undeniably are.

I suppose by technical definition, but comparatively, my small amount of work really doesn't qualify me to be put in the same category as all the others.

QuoteI was in it and am not an artist. ^^
QuoteArtist: (n) a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination

Hmm... seems like you fit the description to me ^-^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 03, 2007, 09:34:47 PM
Technically-speaking, I am a Numismatist that allots enough time -- and has enough creative will -- to forge things that look like drawings.  Not necessarily self-derogatory, as there's a certain sense of pride in knowing that my techniques are primarily self-taught.  I never formally trained in carpentry or agriculture either, but I've tried both through the same systematic means and am not that shabby at them in my opinion.  -v-

But as far as you being on the list, I'm glad you at least agree to be on the list as a collager.  ^__^

Otherwise, I would've said there weren't gonna be any Ifs, Ands or Buts about it.  ^v^

Fufufu.... ^.^

Anyway, as far as the standard wiki avatars go, I've redesigned the -kun pics to follow that same 100x100 standard format:

(http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Icons/2K-kun.gif) (http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Icons/3.1-kun.gif) (http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Icons/95-kun.gif) (http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Icons/98-kun.gif)
(http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Icons/98SE-kun.gif) (http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Icons/Homeo.gif) (http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Icons/ME-kun.gif) (http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Icons/OS9-kun.gif) (http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Icons/XP-kun.gif)

Added after 5 minutes:

I rather like the idea of this standard format, for the reasons mentioned earlier.  ^__^

However, while Tsubashi-san already has a template, some of you might want to create avi's of your own.  In which case, I'm making the template I use officially GNU.  ^.^

I've relabled the layers to be a little self-explanatory, but if you have any questions please drop me a line.  -v-

Enjoy!  ^v^

Added after 55 seconds:

Oh, and if you like, maybe I can add this to the Downloads section...  -v-

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 03, 2007, 09:36:41 PM
QuoteI've redesigned the -kun pics to follow that same 100x100 standard format:

I suppose we think along the same wavelength, you're just faster ^^;
That frees up a bit of time for me ^.^

Also, you put the wrong link for Homeo, but I found it:

Later: Apparently, you found it too
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 04, 2007, 12:15:56 AM
Hohoho,... consider it as part of the Pottery Barn rule.

"You break it, you pay for it."

I should've done those AVI's in that style to begin with, so I should be the one to take the time to standardize them.  ^___^

That leaves you more time to focus on the other characters that need articles and avi's.  ^.^

Added after 2 hours 27 minutes:

Oh wait, silly me.  ^^'
Only the infobox table is the template,... the actual headings are still written on the point of service of the article.  ^v^'

That makes our lives easier, then.  ^^

How about this then for Wikipe:

{| class="infobox bordered" align="right" style="width: 25em; text-align: left; font-size: 95%;"
|+ style="font-size: larger;" | '''--Wikipe-tan--'''
| colspan="2"  style="text-align:center;" | [[Image:Wikipe-tan.png|Wikipe-tan]]<br>
! Also Known As:
! Original Creator:
| Kasuga
! First appearance:
| Futaba Channel 08 Jan 2006
! Website Personified:
| Wikipedia
! Website Developer:
| Wikimedia Foundation
! First Deployed:
| 15 Jan 2001
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 04, 2007, 01:07:17 AM
Looks good, shall we apply the same to google-tan?

By the way, can anyone identify these?



They're obviously XP variations, but which?


Regarding the new infoboxes, what will we do about entries with multiple pictures?

Also, I loaded the new avis into all the OS-Kun pages, plus I redid the Google-tan avi, though its still a little fuzzy.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: ZShadow on February 04, 2007, 07:24:16 AM
The second one is homeko, with slightly darker than usual hair, the top one I'm not sure of, XP beta maybe? X3
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 04, 2007, 09:25:09 AM
I think the one in blue is the original XP Pro-tan. Because I've seen pictures of XP Pro-tan wearing glasses and wearing a futuristic-style outfit with wings on it and at the time those pictures were made, Saseko/Pekepi/XP-tan was probably a catch-all for XP. But she then became XP Pro-tan but the original's character design was reused for Homeko later on.

And I think the bottom one was the first version of Homeko but then artists decided to change her outfit, hair length and add glasses.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 04, 2007, 12:27:50 PM
UWAAAAAH!!!  Did you make those avi's or did you find them?  They look incredibly cute, although since I've never seen them before either, ZShadow and Aurora's explanations sound good enough for me.  I hereby declare that those to are official alternative designs, and destined for our historical archive.  ^___^

(Just don't forget about them, or they'll be lost in this thread after we've added about 5 or 10 additional pages to it....  ^^;)

QuoteRegarding the new infoboxes, what will we do about entries with multiple pictures?

That depends.  If they're simply alternative designs for an emerging OS-tan (such as Longhorn or Vista), then I say add them all to the Infobox (we have enough space to put two across in each row).  

But if it's for two different OS-tans (such as Hacchan and Secchan), then I'd say put two infoboxes, one on top of the other.  Or consider breaking out the articles.  ^^;

QuoteAlso, I loaded the new avis into all the OS-Kun pages, plus I redid the Google-tan avi, though its still a little fuzzy.

Thank you Tsubashi-san.  ^__^
And yeah, I forgot about Google-tan and Komepo.  Normal Google-tan looks fine, but Chinese Google and Komepo do seem a touch too pixelated.  If you have the original-sized sources, maybe you can try redoing a bicubic resize and reinserting them back into the avi. (And while you're at it, I guess try and get a bit more of just Komepo's head and chest).

Added after 22 minutes:

Oh, and before I forget....

Here are the avi's for these two fine ladies....  -v-

(http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Icons/Longhorn2.gif) (http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Icons/Win97.gif)

The other dead-giveaway for Windows 97-tan is the kanji for "nine" and "seven" on her forehead.  ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 04, 2007, 12:51:52 PM
There's a Windows 97? (I had a feeling that's who the girl on the right was when I first saw her because of the kanji on her forehead) And I like that rendition of Longhorn-tan! Looks very cute but others need to keep a considerable distance from her to avoid being skewered by her horn! ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 04, 2007, 03:18:34 PM
Hehe.... the Wiki's starting to prove it's worth.  ^__^
Suddenly, more and more obscure characters are becoming less obscure.  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 04, 2007, 08:21:19 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"Did you make those avi's or did you find them?

I actually found them while searching my files for chinese google-tan. I think it's a leftover from when I was first introduced to OS-tans.

Quote from: "C-Chan"Chinese Google and Komepo do seem a touch too pixelated.

Sorry, I was a little rushed. How are these instead? Which Google-tan is better?



Quote from: "C-Chan"The other dead-giveaway for Windows 97-tan is the kanji for "nine" and "seven" on her forehead. ^^;

Oh, Duh! Why didn't I see that?  (wait, not allowed to say that)
Well now we can be sure of her identity!

nice avis btw ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 04, 2007, 10:22:54 PM
Hmmm,... well I'd hate to say the 2nd one since you can barely see the stars in the background.  But the first still has some major pixelation.  '__';


Gimme a sec....

*runs off to load up Photoshop*

Added after 2 minutes:


Okay, I think I figured it out.  ^__^

Before you resized the image, did you switch the color palette from Index Color to RGB Color?

I tried resizing the source file (http://ostan-collections.net/imeeji/displayimage.php?album=8&pos=64) right off the bat and it also gave me a lot of pixelation.

But then I undid, selected Image>Mode>RGB Color, resized again, and presto!  The thing behaves now.  ^__^

Go ahead and try that.  ^.^

Added after 9 minutes:

FYI, I created yet another variant of ME-tan....  -v-'


Just kidding,... it's just a change of clothing.... ^.^


ME-tan Thai-style.  _/|\_

Plus a genkier-than-usual 3.1-sama with a side-order of DOSKitty.... -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 05, 2007, 07:08:45 AM
Okay, thanks for the tip! Though, if you had it all resized already, why didn't you just finish it up? Probably would have been better.

Anyway, here's the Avis for Komepo and Google-tan

Albeit Komepo does need some work, but I just want to know if that was closer to the right proportions than last time. ^^;

I like ME-tans new choice of clothing! Can't wait till you finish it!


Wait a second, is that 2k-tan?!? Where are her glasses? And why are her ears pointier and bow drooping? Any ideas?

Here's the normal 2k-tan for comparison:

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Exa on February 05, 2007, 08:06:24 AM
That 2k-tan without glasses seems a bit tired, too. Maybe some beta or before release edition?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 05, 2007, 08:29:43 AM
Perhaps 2K-tan after one too many Mountain Dews and far too few hours of sleep. ^^;
Nah, just kidding.  Likely an earlier release.  -v-

Oh well,... off the to archive it goes.  ^__^

(seriously, though,... think a Wiki page storing all the avatars would be a good thing?  I know it'd be very colorful, albeit graphics intensive.  -v-)

QuoteOkay, thanks for the tip! Though, if you had it all resized already, why didn't you just finish it up? Probably would have been better.  

But then I would've deprived you of the learning experience.  ^__^
That, in my mind, is far more unforgivable.  -v-

(Besides, I didn't have the Chinese background.  ^^;)

QuoteAnyway, here's the Avis for Komepo and Google-tan

Albeit Komepo does need some work, but I just want to know if that was closer to the right proportions than last time.

Oh yeah!!  Chinese Google-tan is spot-on!  ^v^
Cut!  Print!  That's a Wrap!  ^.^

As for Komepo,....
I'd say closer still.  Try resizing it till the only thing that's captured is everything from half her cowlick, to just shy above the point of her elbows.  If her hands get cropped on the left side of the screen, then you can try nudging her over a little to the right.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 05, 2007, 10:09:13 AM
Quote from: "C-Chan"think a Wiki page storing all the avatars would be a good thing?

I think that would be a great thing! Sure, it'd have tons of grphics, but definitly less than the random picture thread ^^

Quote from: "C-Chan"Besides, I didn't have the Chinese background.

Since it's so hard to find... Ã,¬____Ã,¬

Quote from: "C-Chan"I'd say closer still.

Sorry... Too close last time, too far this time. Maybe I'll get it right this time. ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 05, 2007, 10:19:37 AM
You sure?  I thought they were too far last time.  Not that it really matter since Komepo has the body to flaunt.  ^^;

But still, with these avi's it's best to capture as much of their faces as possible.  -v-

In any case, I'll try making that gallery page later today.  Probably will use that little-known MediaWiki album feature.  ^.^

Added after 1 minutes:

QuoteSince it's so hard to find... Ã,¬____Ã,¬

LOL.  ^v^

Speaking of which, if you ever do want me to do or finish something for you, just ask.  When it comes to artists, I'm strictly laissez-faire unless otherwise asked to lend a hand.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 05, 2007, 12:41:23 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"(And while you're at it, I guess try and get a bit more of just Komepo's head and chest)

Maybe I just interpreted this wrong?

Anyway, anyone is free to take anything I'm working on and improve it, any time. Please!

Good luck on the gallery page!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 05, 2007, 10:49:33 PM
FYI, just posted a shot-load of stuff in the Ubuntu article.  Thanks to NewYinzer for starting it,... helped motivate me to read a little more about the "Betty Boop" version of her.  ^__^

Also created an avi....


Oh right, gotta work on that gallery.  ^^;

*trots back to Wiki*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 05, 2007, 10:57:40 PM
Nice job! I am quite curious as to what will be added to all the Linux distro-tans' wiki articles because most their personalities are kinda unknown.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 05, 2007, 11:30:50 PM
Okay. Here is, what I hope to be, a better Komepo avi!


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"I am quite curious as to what will be added to all the Linux distro-tans' wiki articles

Good question! What are we going to do?

Quote from: "C-Chan"FYI, just posted a shot-load of stuff in the Ubuntu article.

Woah! That's Great! now all we need is to bring the rest of the wiki up to that level!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 05, 2007, 11:54:22 PM
Wow, ain't seen a more colorful wiki page ever....  -v-;


Still needs sorting, but I'm pooped for the day.  ^^;
Just noticed that we will need to rework 2k-tans and Sonata-san's avatars, since they follow a completely different format.  ^^;

I can probably handle that tomorrow.  -.-

QuoteOkay. Here is, what I hope to be, a better Komepo avi!

Methinks the new proportions make her look cuter and sexier.  ^__^
Thumbs up, Tsubashi-san!  Alright soldier, let's load 'em up!  ^>^

QuoteGood question! What are we going to do?

QuoteWoah! That's Great! now all we need is to bring the rest of the wiki up to that level!

Slowly but surely, my friend.  That article ate quite a bit of time to write and research actually (time I wanted to use to draw), so we definitely won't get all the articles like that anytime soon.  ^^;

Neither Rome nor Constantinople were built in a day.  -v-'

In any case, don't worry so much about the Linux distros cause I'll probably agree to handle those.  Feel free to create starter pages, though, since that's what got me motivated with Ubuntu-tan.

I probably won't be touching the Windows and misc characters, though, so you guys have more than enough to keep you occupied as well.  ^v^

Added after 2 minutes:

QuoteNice job! I am quite curious as to what will be added to all the Linux distro-tans' wiki articles because most their personalities are kinda unknown.

/Cchan thinks that question disguises the one about "What are you gonna write about for SUSE, Mandriva, RedHat and Fedora?"  ^.^
Dontcha worry, Aurora-sama.  You know I'll take good care of your -tans. ^v^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on February 06, 2007, 12:27:15 AM
heh, you guys have been busy.

Any support for a History of OS-tan Collections article?
...and any ideas?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 06, 2007, 08:49:34 AM
That sounds like a great Idea SleepyD! Unfortunately, I suppose I wouldn't be much help, seeing as I'm rather new. -v-

Maybe we can PM some of the older members like Darknight_88, CaptBrenden, Pitkin, or Q4(V) to name a few...

In fact, I think I shall do it whether we make the article or not. I'd like to know that kind of stuff!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 06, 2007, 09:32:55 AM
Heck, if there's a Futaba article already, there shouldn't be reason why we can't have an "OS-tan Collections" article  `v'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 06, 2007, 04:10:14 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"

QuoteNice job! I am quite curious as to what will be added to all the Linux distro-tans' wiki articles because most their personalities are kinda unknown.

/Cchan thinks that question disguises the one about "What are you gonna write about for SUSE, Mandriva, RedHat and Fedora?"  ^.^
Dontcha worry, Aurora-sama.  You know I'll take good care of your -tans. ^v^

Actually, not really! I'm curious about about what all the Linux-tans will be like, mentioned in the wiki because not a lot about any of them is really known, as opposed to the common characters so a lot of guesswork will probably be needed to make good articles. But things will be figured out somehow! ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 06, 2007, 04:27:48 PM
In that case, I'll follow the old axiom....  -v-

"A picture's worth a thousand words."  ^___^

Besides, if personality or backstory is lacking, your best bet is to simply set your primary focus on physical descriptions, coupled with a little dash of information regarding the real OS.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 08, 2007, 12:40:24 AM
Ugh, I am sooo dead right now... X_X
That test was FOREVER long

Anyway, sorry that it took me so long to actually do anything, and sorry again for the low quality work. I've stated my excuses, now to improve.

First, the graphic I uploaded needs to be cleaned up. I couldn't find a good sized one, so I embellished a 25X25 pic I had lying around.

Second, the article probably needs to be checked for consistency and fluidity. After some 150 questions about the english language, I wouldn't be surprised if some of it is incomprehensible.

QuoteI hereby proclaim that I'm gonna draw a FreeBSD-tan to end all FreeBSD-tans!!!!!!

I can't wait! You may not consider yourself an artist, yet you turn out amazing. uh, "Sculptures?"

Anyway, Best of Luck!


Oh yeah! I probably ought to mention that I'm talking about the MSN Messenger page...
Should have said that before! -v-
*Bows Apologetically*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: zerodin on February 08, 2007, 12:42:56 AM
Yay! The more Tans the better!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 08, 2007, 01:11:53 AM
Agreed, but the wiki also requires quality and accuracy, neither of which I produce readily. -_-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 08, 2007, 01:13:42 PM
*konks Tsubashi's head with paper fan*

In any case, kudos for adding MSN messenger.  I figured all that red would give us the incentive to turn them blue....  ^__^

BTW, in my next edit, methinks I'm gonna split up the OSX-tans into the different releases.  Any ideas you have on the matter, please let me know before I start.  Feel free to preempt a couple of stubs too.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 08, 2007, 05:49:12 PM
*Rubs sore spot on head*

QuoteI figured all that red would give us the incentive to turn them blue.... ^__^

So true! That was a spark of genius on your part.

Quotemethinks I'm gonna split up the OSX-tans into the different releases

I think this has been brought up before. The only problem I foresee is that we have relative little info now, and spreading it across all the OS X-tans will either be very repetitive, or filled with technical info. Doubtless though, you have a plan. I'm sure you'll pull it off!


What do you think about this for the Safari avi?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 08, 2007, 10:01:13 PM
QuoteSo true! That was a spark of genius on your part.

Well someone would actually call that pretentious given the kind of -tans I'm queuing up.

*hack* *cough cough cough* OS/2 *cough cough* DR-DOS PTS-DOS *cough cough*

Wow, what a coughing spell,... better go see a doctor.... -v-'

BTW, thanks for putting up QDOS-chan.  For a moment there I thought I forgot about her.  ^^;

ROM-DOS and FreeDOS can wait till later.  -v-

QuoteI think this has been brought up before. The only problem I foresee is that we have relative little info now, and spreading it across all the OS X-tans will either be very repetitive, or filled with technical info. Doubtless though, you have a plan. I'm sure you'll pull it off!

Precisely...!  ^v^
C-chan ni Omakase!!!  ^v^

I do have a plan sort of, but I should clarify that they really won't be very long articles.  ^__^
And only a few (such as Panther) will actually mention other alternative designs, since alternative OSX-tan designs are a little broad based.  -v-'

I'll probably mention them when I revise Generic Mac's page a bit.  -.-

QuoteWhat do you think about this for the Safari avi?

Well I'm not gonna say I just "like" it, cause like is a word for wusses in this particular instance.  -v-
I L-O-V-E it!!!  ^V^

And I love more that you actually came across a Safari-tan pic, cause I was a little worried that we'd have trouble finding pictures of her.  ^^;

So far we're doing good,... if for no other reason, the Wiki is definitely making the more obscure -tans more visible than ever!  ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 08, 2007, 10:07:46 PM
OMG! A SAFARI-TAN! This Safari user is most pleased! ;010

At first I was afraid there wasn't one because I've seen -tans for nearly all browsers except for Safari. Geez, the Mac users were getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the OS-tans (and related characters)!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 08, 2007, 10:52:58 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"I was a little worried that we'd have trouble finding pictures of her.

Funny, I think I followed a link on the wiki ^.^

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"Geez, the Mac users were getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the OS-tans (and related characters)!

Yeah, that and the computer industry in general... Ã,¬____Ã,¬

Quote from: "C-Chan"Well I'm not gonna say I just "like" it, cause like is a word for wusses in this particular instance. -v-
I L-O-V-E it!!! ^V^

Arigato Gozaimasu! That is probably the best of the few things I've contributed! Though your praise is quite disproportionate.

And now, onto the Subject! ^__~

I've taken your chibi renditions of the DOS-tans and made them avis for temporary place holders until you finish up whatever you were doing on them. Feel free to critique, modify, or reject any of them.




Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 08, 2007, 11:09:30 PM
QuoteOMG! A SAFARI-TAN! This Safari user is most pleased!

At first I was afraid there wasn't one because I've seen -tans for nearly all browsers except for Safari. Geez, the Mac users were getting the short end of the stick when it comes to the OS-tans (and related characters)!

That's why it's up to you to bridge the gap. ^v^

QuoteYeah, that and the computer industry in general... Ã,¬____Ã,¬

Well like I said in another thread, the hardware industry hates Mac because it's frugal on the resources and generally last longer.  WinRotted PCs demand more resources and break down faster, hence the perfect revenue maker.  ^___^

And that won't change until people know what they're buying themselves into.  -v-

Surely enough people switch to Mac, there'll be more incentive for companies to release more Mac-compatible software, hardware and [especially] games.  ^__^

QuoteArigato Gozaimasu! That is probably the best of the few things I've contributed! Though your praise is quite disproportionate.

And now, onto the Subject! ^__~

I've taken your chibi renditions of the DOS-tans and made them avis for temporary place holders until you finish up whatever you were doing on them. Feel free to critique, modify, or reject any of them.

Don't make me get the fan now.  `v'
Nah, just kidding.  These avis are also fantastic, and I appreciate your willingness to look after my OS-tans better than I have myself.  ^^;

They look perfect and,... at the rate I'm going,... I might as well have their avi's stay as such since I won't be able to get to them any time soon.  -.-
If you really think about it, they're already chibis so I wonder why I even need to redrawn them for Wiki avis.  ^v^'
Better use the time you saved me to draw full-sized versions of them.  ^___^

The only think I might need to change is the position of DR-DOS-tan's mouth (my fault, not yours ^__^).  Looking at it again, I seem to have shifted it over too far to her right.  Not terribly noticeable on the original pic, but it sticks out when she's shrunk down to a 100x100.  Since I have the original SVG, I can easily fix that myself.  ^v^

(BTW, pop quiz question!!! Why are DR-DOS-tan's pigtails shaped in the odd position that they are?  First right answer get 40,000 points!!)  ^v^

PTS-DOS-tan looks so much cuter in a 100x100.  ^.^

Excellent choice in colors, btw.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 08, 2007, 11:41:40 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"They look perfect

Hah, if anything is "perfect" in them, it's your drawings. There's not much else that I actually do, so any imperfections throw the "Perfect-ness" average of my work way off. ^.^

Quote from: "C-Chan"Excellent choice in colors, btw.

Arigato Senpai! I fussed over those a lot, and feared they were the worst part!

Quote from: "C-Chan"BTW, pop quiz question!!! Why are DR-DOS-tan's pigtails shaped in the odd position that they are?

This is a total shot in the dark, but do they signify IDR, seeing as the developers were originally called Inergalactic Digital Reasearch? (See Image)


Much Later:

Before I gave up for the day, I managed to make two more avis (though I can't verify their validity, so many variations O.o)



I'm lost on what to do about PS3-tan though. I've found at least six different forms, none of which appear again X.X

Hope those are OK...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 09, 2007, 04:35:38 PM
QuoteHah, if anything is "perfect" in them, it's your drawings. There's not much else that I actually do, so any imperfections throw the "Perfect-ness" average of my work way off. ^.^

I should probably warn you that I have a bit of an Ed Wood complex.  So the ease with which anyone is able to please me is quite legendary.  -v-'

QuoteArigato Senpai! I fussed over those a lot, and feared they were the worst part!

Don't make me get the fan now... `v'
But yes, the choice of color is really up to the users discretion,... however, a good rule of thumb is to select the color based on the following list of priorities:

And don't be afraid to use patterns either,... you may have noticed I experimented with patterned backgrounds on some of them (e.g., the old Mac OSes, Ubuntu-tan, etc.)

QuoteThis is a total shot in the dark, but do they signify IDR, seeing as the developers were originally called Inergalactic Digital Reasearch? (See Image)



I'm feeling kinda small since I drew them in the general shape of "DR" (= "doctor", just like from the DR-DOS logo).  However, you did stumble upon a damn good (and damn coincidental) easter egg.  ^^'

I didn't know that Digital Research formerly had the "Intergalactic" part, and it actually never occurred to me that CP/M was renamed "DR-DOS" because of "Digital Research"!  ^v^'

Congratulations!!!  ^__^
I'm gonna bump the reward to 1,000,000 C-chan points and throw in a free "Genius" tatoo so you can put that somewhere.  -v-

QuoteBefore I gave up for the day, I managed to make two more avis (though I can't verify their validity, so many variations O.o)

I'm lost on what to do about PS3-tan though. I've found at least six different forms, none of which appear again X.X

PS3-tan is a lost cause....  -v-
360-tan,... don't really care for the system, so that one's fine by me.  Might try asking the Captain for his opinion, since he's a 360 fanboy.  -v-

The Wii, on the other hand, is my turf -- and while I do like the avi, I think we should give credit to the first serious attempt I've seen to canonize one particular design.  ^__^

Check the Game Console Gallery folder and count how many times one particular design appears.  ^__^


To me, that cutie should be the true Wii-tan (and her underlings, Wiimote-chan and Nunchuck-chan).

Added after 6 hours 10 minutes:

BTW, noticed you haven't uploaded your avi's to the Wiki....

Want me to handle it?  ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 09, 2007, 06:34:33 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"I drew them in the general shape of "DR"

LOL! I thought that the very first time I saw her, but I didn't think you'd offer 40,000 C-Chan Points for something that obvious...
I ended up asking around and found out about the "Intergalactic" thingie.
Anyway, for a wrong answer, that's pretty nifty!

QuoteBTW, noticed you haven't uploaded your avi's to the Wiki....

Want me to handle it? ^__^

Sorry, I was busy and forgot! Sure, you can do it. I don't care if other people upload my stuff.

Off-Topic: ShowHide

Hooray! I'm Finally a Mac Rank!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 09, 2007, 10:20:32 PM
That is indeed the best 360 tan around.  However.. C-Chan, as the wiki mod your soppose to be.. dont you think you should try to forget your bias adittudes when writing articles :P  We are trying to collect fair and full info.. not "this is the info we like"

but to that extent.. if you want to see a standardized consel tan, you have to pick one you like and support it.  I may just have to draw a few 360 tan pictures and put them on waka just to keep that design in the spot light and develope interest from other people
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 09, 2007, 10:23:12 PM
Arigato CaptBrenden-sama! I don't really know a lot about the console-tans, so I'm glad I guessed correctly. Seeing how little I know, however, perhaps you could write 360-tan's article?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 09, 2007, 10:26:09 PM
I can only tell you about the system.  I have no idea about the tan.. there is one picture of that design with explinations of all her parts.. but its in japanese and I cant translate it. You would be better off asking the pig for help with that, tho i can direct you to the picture.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 09, 2007, 11:15:24 PM
QuoteHooray! I'm Finally a Mac Rank!

Sou sou,... that reminds me when I was a Sonata-san for a while.  It was shortly after that I mysteriously switched to just "pig".  Wonder why....  -v-

QuoteThat is indeed the best 360 tan around. However.. C-Chan, as the wiki mod your soppose to be.. dont you think you should try to forget your bias adittudes when writing articles :P We are trying to collect fair and full info.. not "this is the info we like"

Haha!  Moot point, cause technically speaking I haven't written any real articles yet (this is still a beta after all).  -v-
Besides, if you remember from the Annex, when it comes to fact-finding I'm very unbiased.  Hell, I left my own girls out in the rain while I serviced those spoiled Windows-tans first!  ^0^

Besides, most of what's on the Wiki right now are stubs -- although if we go Gold and we still don't get many editors, they'll probably stay stubs for a bit longer without contributors.  -.-

Quotebut to that extent.. if you want to see a standardized consel tan, you have to pick one you like and support it. I may just have to draw a few 360 tan pictures and put them on waka just to keep that design in the spot light and develope interest from other people

And that's just preaching to the choir.  -v-

Truth be told, I want to draw that aforementioned Wii-tan design (although I've lost count of how many things I want to draw).  

QuoteArigato CaptBrenden-sama! I don't really know a lot about the console-tans, so I'm glad I guessed correctly. Seeing how little I know, however, perhaps you could write 360-tan's article?

You should add a stub in for 360-tan, ya know.  `v'
It doesn't have to be perfect,... it just needs to get the ball rolling.

QuoteI can only tell you about the system. I have no idea about the tan.. there is one picture of that design with explinations of all her parts.. but its in japanese and I cant translate it. You would be better off asking the pig for help with that, tho i can direct you to the picture.

Cop out!  ^v^
But well, you are the forum Mod, so I guess I'll let it slide since you have way too much on your plate looking after the popularity surge.  ^^'

In the case of the game console-tans, you're best bet is to describe various designs of the Console-tan that have appeared and also discuss a little about the system itself, and why certain features may or may not appear on the girls' personifcation.

With a little creativity, we can come up with something informative that's not very informative to begin with.

The problem here is time,... and the best measure to beat time is to get more hands on the project.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 09, 2007, 11:52:20 PM
Like I said, i can only asume what prompted the character design.  Since you are the onlyone on this site that seems to translate japanese writing redily you can read that picture and decide what it says.. cus its quite obvios it was put out there to explain the tan.

Your rank got changed to PIG cus you are a PIG, PIG.  

As for the Wiki, I havent even looked at it yet. Of the top of my head Im not sure how to access it.  I have no idea what is in it or how accurate your posting to it is.   All I can tell is your general aditude about things.. and its been very baised so far :P  This is what I base my opinion on.  If that was wroung, sorry. Ill use less salt when I cook you.  

I know what you mean about the drawing tho.. mine has gone by the wayside.. but I think it was because i had too much time on my hands.. but even after just one day on the job Ive come home energized and inspired. Hell i know you dont venture out of this section of the forum, but look around at my posts today.. some of them are getting almost to Palm-tan level. Im on a ranting roll!  Tho this all has reminded me I still need to do that 360 with XPS-tan.. and some XP in there. tho I refuse to draw the bastardized me/xp cross over that is soppose to be XP media.. ill just draw regular XP thanks. Or Vista since shes a FUCKING NINJA!  If XPS-tan is done in a oriental style, the threee will fit for the picture, and the three are still compatible with one another (which was the point of the pic.. since the 360 is kinda lezy only wanting to talk to cirtain individuals.. shes a XP/vista fan girl.)  Vista needs more coverage now too since its her time in the spotlight.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: ZShadow on February 10, 2007, 12:12:02 AM
Theres an alternate XP MCE too... X3
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 10, 2007, 12:29:29 AM
QuoteLike I said, i can only asume what prompted the character design. Since you are the onlyone on this site that seems to translate japanese writing redily you can read that picture and decide what it says.. cus its quite obvios it was put out there to explain the tan.

Awww man,... my "to do" pile is already on the verge of toppling over....  -v-'


Oh well, I'll see what I can do when the time comes.  ^__^
Like with Ubuntu-tan, going the extra mile to do some serious research yields some sweet improvisation.  ^__^

QuoteYour rank got changed to PIG cus you are a PIG, PIG.

I am?  Funny, I always thought I was an albatross....  Ã,¬.Ã,¬

QuoteAs for the Wiki, I havent even looked at it yet. Of the top of my head Im not sure how to access it. I have no idea what is in it or how accurate your posting to it is. All I can tell is your general aditude about things.. and its been very baised so far :P This is what I base my opinion on. If that was wroung, sorry. Ill use less salt when I cook you.

AHA!!!  I knew it.  ^___^
I thought it seemed like you were making stuff up about me writing articles left and right.

(HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  I wish.... ^v^')

Yeah of course I'm biased here cause this is still the forum.

Which = YOUR turf, which means I have to be biased to make your job here more interesting.  ^.^

Once I enter the holy sanctuary of the wiki, however, the ball of civility is on the other court.  -v-
Big reason why the old "List of OS-tan" discussion panel was relatively dry and professional compared to what's posted here.  ^___^

Cook me you shant, but if you want to at least dream of that prospect, nothing beats cayenne pepper and dry lime.  Gives the same salty-like flavor without the blood pressure risk.... -v-

QuoteI know what you mean about the drawing tho.. mine has gone by the wayside.. but I think it was because i had too much time on my hands.. but even after just one day on the job Ive come home energized and inspired. Hell i know you dont venture out of this section of the forum, but look around at my posts today.. some of them are getting almost to Palm-tan level. Im on a ranting roll! Tho this all has reminded me I still need to do that 360 with XPS-tan.. and some XP in there. tho I refuse to draw the bastardized me/xp cross over that is soppose to be XP media.. ill just draw regular XP thanks. Or Vista since shes a FUCKING NINJA! If XPS-tan is done in a oriental style, the threee will fit for the picture, and the three are still compatible with one another (which was the point of the pic.. since the 360 is kinda lezy only wanting to talk to cirtain individuals.. shes a XP/vista fan girl.) Vista needs more coverage now too since its her time in the spotlight.

Yeah, I would like to see more of your work.  Especially XPS-tan, since you could have an exclusive article set up at the Wiki (assuming it grows large enough to cover EVERY tech-tan we can find....  ^v^).

QuoteTheres an alternate XP MCE too... X3

Haha!  And you carry around the reminder of that with you.  ^.^
Now aren't ya glad that avi was around?  ^__^
[even used her as the PSD template... ^v^]

We should consider adding an amendment to the XP ME article featuring XP MCE, since after all I do have the picture available in the Avatar Gallery.

And speaking of which, I finally sorted the pictures, btw.  ^__^
Settled for an alpha-order sort, since I didn't feel like repeating the same format as with the List of OS-tans.  Also made the other Wii-tan I was talking about,...


...but I uploaded both since we should try to keep as many versions of these OS-tans as possible.  

Besides, upon closer inspection, that other Wii-tan was actually a Wiimote.  ^___^'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 11, 2007, 02:00:38 AM
QuoteAnd speaking of which, I finally sorted the pictures, btw. ^__^
Settled for an alpha-order sort, since I didn't feel like repeating the same format as with the List of OS-tans.

I noticed! Great job, Suki!

QuoteBesides, upon closer inspection, that other Wii-tan was actually a Wiimote. ^___^'

Oops, that'd be my fault. I ought to start thinking things through more...
*Bows Apologetically*

Sorry I haven't been very productive these past few days, I've been working on some pet projects of mine. Today, however, I made two more avis. IE and Netscape!


Tell me what to fix and I should be able to get to it.
*Bows Humbly*

Oh! and in other news, The Bank of C-Chan issued it's first status report! Go See!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 11, 2007, 02:12:40 AM
Yo Tsubashi-san.  ^__^
Don't worry as I've been locked with half-a-dozen pet projects as well.  ^v^

One of which is updating my user gallery with all sorts of interesting scrap art -- not finished yet, but please take a look now if you want to go join /C-chan down memory lane.  ^__^


As for the two new additions to the family, in typical Ed Wood style I'm gonna go ahead and say "They're Perfect".  ^__^
(Netscape in particular is spot on, although it could be I'm just more familiar with her design.)

While I love making these avis, though, I really am anxious to get back to writing more.  Although for me, that may only be possible starting Monday.  -v-'

Oh, and the Captain's gonna have a classic jawdrop when he sees your fiscal report.  Make sure to keep your camera ready.  -v-'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 12, 2007, 11:48:11 PM
Hmm, I've a few questions about the wiki.

a) How many releases does NT-tan cover? By technical definition, Vista is built on an NT base, so what do we put for "Latest Stable Release?" Right now, I guessed it was NT 4.0, but if its not, we'd better fix it. ^.^

b)Does 95 OSR 2.5-tan cover the entire 95 OSR v 1-2.5, or just 2.5? and for that matter, how many does 95-tan cover? My guess was 95 OSR2.5-tan was v 2.5 only, but like before, change it if that's wrong.

I'm really sorry I don't know a lot, but I'm learning! ^^;

Quote from: "I"Agreed, but the wiki also requires quality and accuracy, neither of which I produce readily. -_-

See, told you I wasn't very accurate. ^^

*Flees before C-Chan get his fan*

Added after 7 minutes:

Oh, and is 95 OSR 2.5-tan known as anything else? (nicknames, etc.)

Added after 2 minutes:

Or a specific release date, for that matter?
Man, I really don't know much, do I?

Added after 8 minutes:

Another problem (I seem to have a lot of those, don't I?)
For 98 and 98SE, are we going to split the articles, or have two info boxes? If we have two info boxes, where do we put them? One on each side, or one above the other?

For right now, I took the easy way out and left it alone (I'm such a slacker ^-^)

Note: Same with Neptune and Odyssey ^.^

Sorry for my incompetence!
*Bows Apologetically*

Added after 31 minutes:

One More Thing! Vista has more avis than any of the others, so do we:
a) Bloat the info box


b) Stack the images?

QuoteWhile I love making these avis, though, I really am anxious to get back to writing more. Although for me, that may only be possible starting Monday. -v-'

I know how that feels. -v-

Tsubashi's Schedule:

-Cooking and Cleaning

Quote from: "Boss"Hey, we have a big task to do... so, you need to work a little extra. Oh, and by the way, we're in the middle of replacing your hardware...

Tsubashi's day:

-Quick Dinner
-Frantic Studying
-Finding out I did it all wrong X_x
-Late Night Studying
-Asleep at Desk (ZZzzz)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 13, 2007, 12:17:53 AM
Yo Tsubashi-san?  ^__^
What news from the north?  ^v^

Quotea) How many releases does NT-tan cover? By technical definition, Vista is built on an NT base, so what do we put for "Latest Stable Release?" Right now, I guessed it was NT 4.0, but if its not, we'd better fix it. ^.^

Everything up until Workstation 4.0, which is InuT.  
Deja Vu's Bootleg NT was meant to be Windows NT 4.0 SP6, but naturally that didn't fly with Futaba Channel.  ^^'

Vista might be built on an NT base, but the same could be said of all non-NT releases being based on MS-DOS.  -v-

Rule of thumb is to switch OS-tans when the name itself switches -- as you guessed correctly, NT 4.0 is the last system release under that name.  

NT 5.0 is what we commonly call Windows 2000.  -v-

Quoteb)Does 95 OSR 2.5-tan cover the entire 95 OSR v 1-2.5, or just 2.5? and for that matter, how many does 95-tan cover? My guess was 95 OSR2.5-tan was v 2.5 only, but like before, change it if that's wrong.

I guess 95-tan was SUPPOSED to cover all Windows 95 releases, but you certainly can't stop a good artist from trying to fill in a gap or two.  ^.^

I guess this particular artist wanted a new but relatively harmless and comedic new character that wouldn't interfere with the original Troubled Windows line-up -- hence the decision to base her on an obscure Windows 95 system release.  -v-

She actually only exclusively represents v. 2.5, as there's a vague reference to an OSR 2.1-tan in the same comic.  She lives afar, as 2.5-sama had to send her a letter through Outlook-tan's services.  ^__^

I can post this comic later if you're interested.

Definitely not known as anything else -- I doubt the artist himself/herself could've possibly foreseen that some crazy pig and a few other artists would draw her enough to care.... ^v^'

Specific release date?  Ah hell,... just "Circa 1997".  ^^

I do hope we can split up the 98-tans/unreleased Windows, since each of the (at least major) girls deserves her own personal space.  ^___^

Some exceptions might be when doing really amorphous characters like the iPod-tans, where it would just be too silly to list out all the color versions.  -v-
(And for that matter, the 98-kuns since they're existence is tentative at best... ^.^')

For Vista, go with the bloat until we're absolutely certain that the Sailor Fuku and Ninja designs will be the only ones used.  We may inevitably have to remove Rozen Maiden vista... ;__;

Anyway, that's all I can spare!  ^___^

Don't forget to visit the OS-tan OVA thread for a 1/4 of a surprise!  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 13, 2007, 02:04:27 AM
WHo has pictures of this alternate XP Media?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 13, 2007, 10:23:44 PM
Ask ZShadow. he not only was the one most interested in her, but also used her as an avatar.  ^__^

Or if you don't mind the way, I can check later to see if ZShadow posted those images to the gallery.  -v-

Added after 13 hours 13 minutes:

BTW, great job Tsubashi-san for updating the info boxes for the Windows-tans, and to the Yinz for elaborating on the Controversy section.  I'm actually fair curious myself to see what there is to say about Vista.

I wonder though,... if it turns out the OS-tan verse is not that chock-full of controversies, do you think maybe we should expand the coverage of that section to include just general OS-tan works (comics, videos, games, alternative memes,  etc.) and discuss the controversy, if any, in the actual article?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on February 14, 2007, 07:27:50 PM
Ok, I really don't have time to write an article on the history of the OS-tan Collections site, but I think we can get a timeline up, yes?

So, anyone have dates?
Opening, date of FabianN's last post, date Capt became a moderator, opening of the wiki, etc. etc.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on February 14, 2007, 07:47:55 PM

*runs off into corner*

A girl was willing to go with me to a dance a few months ago, but my dad got sick and I couldn't go...

*realizes what's goin' on*

Well, C-Chan came here 25 Jun 2006. I think that's a pretty big event.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 14, 2007, 10:59:47 PM
Aw shucks, 'Yinzer....  -v-

Coincidentally, you arrived EXACTLY one month later.  ^^'

This history page, I'm assuming, will have a little blurb at the top explaining our (quote on quote) "mission statement", including what we've accomplished and what we hope to accomplish in the future.  ^__^

Then, so as not to make the article too convoluted at first, we proceed to fill out a simple timeline.  ^__^
It'll be populated with major milestones, and perhaps some minor ones.  Member introduction dates do sound a bit pretentious, though -- but since we're only talking about just our forum here, I suppose it won't hurt to let people have some fun with it.  -v-

I can begin an orphaned stub, and simply add in dates as we find them.  Once the article is large enough and interesting-enough to warrant the public eye, then we can link it to a relevant section.  ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 14, 2007, 11:39:33 PM
If we're making a timeline, I think we should definitely include the switch over, URL changes, PMwiki start and end, Mediawiki start, and maybe even how many users joined each month!

Lets see...

Start - 05 Mar 2005 (I think)
Switch - Oct 09, 2005(just a guess)
New Server - Aug 19, 2006
Another New Server - Jan 15, 2007
URL Change  - Nov 30, 2006
Date Capt became a Mod - Sep 08, 2006
IRC - Apr 15, 2006
PMwiki - ??
MediWiki - Jan 16, 2007

Those definitely need to be verified, most of them are guesses or approximations, but it's a start!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 14, 2007, 11:50:35 PM
Good work again.  -v-

Speaking of starts, here's a stub where you can begin entering in some of those figures:


It's not linked to anything yet, so feel free to post first, ask questions later.  ^v^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 14, 2007, 11:54:48 PM
-_- silly articl if you ask me. We are about the tans, not ourselves.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 15, 2007, 12:13:53 AM
True, but this article won't be a large part of the wiki, and probably won't be visited much, so it won't hurt, right?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 15, 2007, 12:33:02 AM
cant hurt but dosent help -_- seems a bit like tooting our own horn to me...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 15, 2007, 12:54:17 AM
Yeah, "Sins of Omission" and all that right?
Gives me something to do during free time in class though, eh?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 15, 2007, 10:34:59 AM
Actually, if the Wiki were exclusively only about the OS-tans, it actually wouldn't be very long or perhaps even terribly useful.  -__-'

Sooner or later, the Wiki must cover ALL or at least as many aspects of the OS-tan "culture" as possible, from the systems they personify, to the works they've appeared in, to the products sold with them, and even to the websites that are devoted to them, be it Futaba, Niijura, Wakachan or, yes, even us.  

By that same logic, this should be shameful as well:


But in the interest of knowledge, you just have to bite the bullet I suppose.

And like Tsubashi-san said, such pages offer something quick and easy to work on whenever inspiration for the real OS-tan pages is a bit lacking.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 15, 2007, 02:29:36 PM
-_- with all the multitudes of info you have to enter in.. you think you have time between the two off you to make such an article in your "free time"?  apperently, we are paying you too much. Wait.. we arnt paying you.. well then apperently you owe us money now.

What Wiki does, is there buisness. Their buisness is the collection of all forms of info.. our mission statement is a site dedicated to the tans.. and that should be our focus. If the time comes that there is no new info for the tans to place, filling the gaps with system info.. or histories of site dedicated to them might be added then.. but i highly doubt it. New tans are discovered ever day.. at an alarming rate.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 15, 2007, 04:03:39 PM
Well technically-speaking, I only set up the article to for Tsubashi-san and SleepyD busy.  I myself don't plan on adding anything more to it, since I don't feel like digging up dates.  And besides, my previous explanation still stays for the sole fact that a lot of the new -tans have tentative existences at best, so I doubt we'll be able to chase after all of them (with any semblance of accuracy) without more editors.  The Wiki still needs to have its basic infrastructure set up, and the best time to do it is during the beta stage when it's all relatively quiet.  -v-

This just sounds like you ain't reading again.  `v'
I'm surprised you haven't barged in here yet demanding why we haven't written a 3.1-sama article.

(even though she was one of the first ones we added)

Worst thing about it is that you could've donated those 130 words to a needy Wiki article.  Consider that every hour spent posting huge posts at the Lounge is an extra hour your Goddess' article goes hungry.  `v'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 15, 2007, 06:18:56 PM
No, Im just voicing my oposition to a shameless self promoting article.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on February 15, 2007, 08:10:25 PM
Calm down Captain. Take a seat on a couch, watch some anime, and try to calm down. We can't have you swinging the ban hammer when you're in this state.

*covers head with towel*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 15, 2007, 08:53:54 PM
Oh - my - gawd,...
If you think THAT'S shameless self-promotion, I reckon your eyes will bleed if you ever get around to reading the User pages.  -v-;


But I do understand what he's getting at, since I used to feel the same way when I was younger,... heck, even when I first joined here.

But in the age of the blogosphere, that tiny bit of "consideration' gets lost in the see of individualism.  Regardless, anything done with moderation is alright -- as long as you're not being overbearingly arrogant or underwhelmingly modest, do what you need to do with confidence, let others think as they want, and the world will simply runs its course as always.

A great artist once told me that he draws not to be popular and pander to fanboys, but rather to improve himself as an artist.  

Make sure y'all keep that into consideration when you do your wiki editing.  Make sure that everything you do will contribute, in its own particular way, to making the Wiki the best it could be as far as an information source for our particular hobby.  Make sure also to make this a good learning experience for yourselves (editing skills, computer history and technical expertise, teamwork coordination, etc), as this ensures that time spent on the Wiki is not time from your life spent in vain.

Leave any hopes for ballistic popularity at the door for now, cause as they say at Artist Alley:  "It'll soften the blow of disappointment.".  -v-'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 16, 2007, 12:25:43 AM
QuoteA great artist once told me that he draws not to be popular and pander to fanboys, but rather to improve himself as an artist

awww.. shucks.. your to kind.  

Its always been against my nature to do so, and the marine corps has only ingrained that deeper into me.  Marines brag to one another about stupid shit.. but the real shit.. and this goes for soldiers in general.. they dont talk about the real things.  Like that drill instructor in jar head said..  "your old man was in nam?  did he ever talk about it?" "Only once sir!" "good then he wasnt liying!"  Hell, I met a guy the other day whos dad was on Iwo Jima and never once talked about it.  He  only found out after his dad was dead when he found his medal of honor citation.   its the same thing as with that memorial I painted.  I refused to sign it dispite several people telling me I should, and I refused to talk to the combat corespondant about it for the article. The quote they had from me in the article I said to someone else who relayed it to the guy for the story because i refused the interview,  because it was about the marines it memorilized not me the artist. They should be remembered long after the name of the artist is forgotten.

Point is.. when your dedicated to serving something (in the example, their country, their god, and their friends, and in our case, the OS tans) its about that thing your serving, not yourself.  Our role in all of this is just to promote the tans and help the fandom.  To make it about ourselves would bring us closer to being deja vu who claimed the tans for themselves.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 16, 2007, 09:43:09 AM
The comparison is a bit apples and oranges, but point well taken.  -v-
Either way, you still have to have a bit more faith in us, cause no one here, as far as I know, is promoting themselves to the extent you're assuming (certainly not to the level of Deja Vu).  And if they do, I'll see to it that they don't.

Any specific example at the Wiki itself that sounds pretentious or non-objective, it's in your right to bring it to our attention for discussion, or even to change it yourself if you don't want to wait.  For all we know, you could be witholding a lot of interesting things to say just for the sake of not venturing out of your element.

(btw, based on your ideals, I still insist you'd be happier using Linux.)  -v-


As for as the Wiki goes, I recently expanded the Mac-tan article to detail the source of confusion a little more.  For better or for worse, it no longer appears like anything similar to the Wikipedia article, and the same I think should be pursued with the other canon OS-tans.  Naturally, some are already taken care of, but since the majority of visitors are gonna home in on the popular girls first, we have to make sure all their articles are "unstubbed" soon.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 16, 2007, 08:50:33 PM
the wiki is your guys thing.  Thats why your the mod of it.  Im just voicing an opinion like I said rather then attempting to mod it myself.  

Quote(btw, based on your ideals, I still insist you'd be happier using Linux.) -v-

*idly twirls the ban hammer around* now.. what was that about?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 16, 2007, 10:07:43 PM
*twirls Wiki mace*  I ain't repeating myself again, ya know....  `v'
Linux has been talked about so much, by now you should've realized that it is the noblest, self-less and thankless OS out there,...

*catches himself*

AH-HA!!!!  You're trying to get me off-topic so you can hit me with that thing, eh?  `v'
Well it ain't gonna work, see?  ^__^

Cause I've got an ace up my sleeve that's gonna knock you to tears.  `v'



Tsubashi-dono!  Ask something Wiki relevant, please....  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 16, 2007, 10:12:03 PM
-_- i dont pick my OS though ideals and pholosiphy, I pick it by what i know, what plays the most games and programs I use and what I feel comftrable using.  Only a fool would pick thier os based on "I dont like microsoft" "or they dont promot themselves" or something like that.  

Now to stay on a topic... if your gonna do a OStan collections article, you may need to insert notes about common inside jokes that new members could read.  Like 101 ways reasons to eat bacon for instance
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 16, 2007, 10:21:34 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"Tsubashi-dono! Ask something Wiki relevant, please.... -v-

Does MediaWiki support viewable .swf files? I was working on an interactive timeline for the history page, and then wondered if we could even use it. Do you know?

Ooh! Also, do we want to add more info to the "Category:Windows" page, seeing as "Microsoft Windows" Redirects there.

Added after 8 minutes:

Sorry I haven't done much lately, I've been a little busy plus my I've spent a little more time than usual just doodling. ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 16, 2007, 10:32:18 PM
QuoteNow to stay on a topic... if your gonna do a OStan collections article, you may need to insert notes about common inside jokes that new members could read. Like 101 ways reasons to eat bacon for instance

Yeah, you keep digging that hole now, ya hear?  
Might as well add a blurb about the health benefits of eating edible scrap metal.  -v-

QuoteDoes MediaWiki support viewable .swf files? I was working on an interactive timeline for the history page, and then wondered if we could even use it. Do you know?

Ahh good!  Reinforcements have arrived!  ^__^
Answer #1:  I believe SWF is not supported by default on the Wiki engine, although it can be enabled in the Wiki's file extension parameters.  Even then, there seems to be a 2MB file size limit for all uploaded files, so not sure how good that's gonna be.

And then there's the issue of whether we need it at all.  -v-
Unless you've worked on it extensively already, I would think an interactive menu thingie is overkill for a wiki.  ^v^'

I could bring this up with Fedora-dono in the technical Wiki thread, but there's a 75% chance he'll agree with me.  -v-'

QuoteOoh! Also, do we want to add more info to the "Category:Windows" page, seeing as "Microsoft Windows" Redirects there.

Hoho,... didn't realize that.  ^__^
I suppose that in order to make the categories halfway useful, we should add in a small blurb about the system family itself on top.  Since the Wiki is centered around the OS-tans, we don't have to get TOO in depth about the technicalities of the original system.  -v-

Added after 3 minutes:

If anyone has  trouble coming up with quick blurbs for genera operating systems, this site should help:


Beware a slight pro-everything-but-Windows bias, though.  ^^'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 16, 2007, 10:51:09 PM
QuoteAnd then there's the issue of whether we need it at all. -v-
Unless you've worked on it extensively already, I would think an interactive menu thingie is overkill for a wiki. ^v^'

Oh, I suppose that makes sense. The wiki is about collaborative effort, and I suppose my little flash doo-dad would defeat the purpose,eh

*Large CRASH as Tsubashi drops the project, which shatters into 822,384 bytes*

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"101 ways reasons

I'd be a lot more interested in finding out what a "Way reason" is then eating bacon ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 16, 2007, 11:48:13 PM
Well, if it's not too much trouble, can we at least SEE this Flash menu that you were working on...?  Hate to waste talent like that....  Ã,¬.Ã,¬
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 17, 2007, 12:05:47 AM
I'm sorry, the large crash was me performing a 35-pass Secure Deletion of everything in the Trash (I usually do that once each month, but I missed last month). I highly doubt I can recover that. I do, however, have a back-up I was working on at school, so I may be able to post it on monday. Is that ok?

Sorry, probably should have kept the file a little longer, but as I said before, it defeated the purpose of the wiki, so it really didn't have any practical purpose
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 17, 2007, 12:12:53 AM
Wow, you really are a genius.
Cause only geniuses thoughtlessly destroy works like that.... -v-

(make me wonder if there are are some good undelete programs for Mac -- too bad Time Machine isn't here yet.)

Oh well, Monday it is.  Many thwackings will ensue if that version is unrecoverable.  -v-




Wait a sec, that 36-hour grace period is well past over, right?  `v'


Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 17, 2007, 12:37:06 AM
insert a /  between the two words.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 19, 2007, 09:21:05 AM
Itai! Itai! That spot just healed!
*Runs in circles, trying to dodge the mad thwacker!*

QuoteCause only geniuses thoughtlessly destroy works like that.... -v-

That doesn't make sense! If geniuses destroyed work thoughtlessly, they wouldn't ever come up with anything! ^-^

Quoteinsert a / between the two words.

Makes more sense, but do you really need to include both?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 19, 2007, 09:27:15 AM
QuoteThat doesn't make sense! If geniuses destroyed work thoughtlessly, they wouldn't ever come up with anything! ^-^

HAHA!  That's just it.  ^__^
That's the reason why I never did fancy the modern description of a  "genius", since it seems to imply that the person is eccentric and overly inquisitive, but not precisely useful.  Methinks it's just a ploy to put less-than-useful individuals on a pedestal, while leaving all the REAL individuals who can bring about social change on the curb.  -.-

So if I really wanted to flatter you, /Cchan would call you either a  renaissance man or a revolutionary.  ^__^

Now then, Renaissance-san, how about some nice delicious Flash stuff.... ^.^

*stretches hooves out expectantly*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 19, 2007, 10:09:58 AM
Ummm... yeah, about that...
*twiddles thumbs*
It's sorta presidents day, so....
I sorta have to wait till the open the lab again...
15 minutes? Please?

Added after 16 minutes:

Hey! They opened it 10 minutes early! YAY!!! ^V^

Wait a second...
B4k4! I found a backup, but it's one of the very first ones, so it looks like I can't code at all (Well, relative to the other version). I dunno if you can call it "Talent" but I've included the swf.

Added after 6 minutes:

In the newer version, I had fixed the overlap and put more dots with real info. I also had a mini wikipe-tan that followed your mouse and was about halfway through a "Close all" button.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 19, 2007, 11:09:43 AM
You keep threatening your minion bacon breath Im gonna need to call the evil warlord union and the human resorces rep for minons.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 19, 2007, 12:42:25 PM
Poor Tsubashi-san gets called everything on this board but his real name, it seems.  ^^;
But everyone and their dog knows that my thwackings are strictly instructional and/or therapeutic in nature.

For example....

QuoteHey! They opened it 10 minutes early! YAY!!! ^V^

Wait a second...
Trap inst exception! I found a backup, but it's one of the very first ones, so it looks like I can't code at all (Well, relative to the other version). I dunno if you can call it "Talent" but I've included the swf.

I have the weirdest curses, don't I? ^.^

Added after 6 minutes:

In the newer version, I had fixed the overlap and put more dots with real info. I also had a mini wikipe-tan that followed your mouse and was about halfway through a "Close all" button.

*thwack thwack*

I severely cut down on the number of thwackings deserved to praise him for posting the Flash file he's working on, and at the same time to point out that he should never have destroyed the original in the first place now that all he has left is an early beta.  That's because now /Cchan is full of guilt and will probably mope all day rather than draw or Wiki edit.  -v-

*sits in corner and mopes*

But in any event, Tsubashi-san, what you have attached is pretty nifty, and I can only imagine what the later version looked like.  Definitely not recommended for the Wiki, though, for the reason you eventually came upon.  Still, I could definitely have seen this as a Download Section item, given that it is a kind of "fan art" of sorts (and it would've had the adorable Wikipe-tan).  -v-

My recommendation is to rebuild it better than ever.  -.-


BTW, is it my imagination or can you write Flash Actionscript?  Ã,¬.Ã,¬

For all the talk about lack of talent, that IS something that's quite valuable around these parts....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬

*contemplates further investigation*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 19, 2007, 12:55:38 PM
Quoteand I can only imagine what the later version looked like.

Well, not much different really. imagine three more dots, and a bunch of broken, or half-done actionscript!

QuoteBTW, is it my imagination or can you write Flash Actionscript? Ã,¬.Ã,¬

Not very well, I'm very slow, but actionscript was the first programming language I learned (besides TI Calculator stuff). Though I suppose by technical definition its not a full programming language. ^^'
I'm sure there is someone here who can code better than I, didn't you say you knew flash? (I think it was the OS-tan OVA thread)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 19, 2007, 01:35:37 PM
Well I used to do Actionscript as well, but (just like with 3D texture mapping) I've forgotten how to do it a long time ago and don't feel like taking the time to learn it again.  -v-'

Besides, I only need Flash to do simple frame animation for the micro-OVA.  If, on the other hand, I want to parody a DVD movie menu (something that's been on my mind lately), I'll either have to remember how to program buttons,...

Or I can outsource the job to capable individuals and save time.  -v-

But anyway, that we can't talk more about on the OVA thread.  ^__^

As for as Wiki editing is concerned, remind me later to expand upon the XP MCE article a bit more, as it's now essential we mention the alternative MCE-tan design.  (I'll probably have to stick two avis in the info box....)  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 19, 2007, 03:46:39 PM
Okay, um...
Just my personal thought here, but I just noticed NewYinzer's addition of "Important Members" to the history. Maybe a good idea, but I think some people might take offense at not being included. Maybe if we change the title?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kami-Tux on February 19, 2007, 03:58:53 PM
Call them "SIE" like in the Bielefeld-conspiracy!  ;001
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 19, 2007, 04:01:14 PM

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 19, 2007, 04:02:53 PM
Thanks for the scout ahead,....  -v-

*turns to NewYinzer*

N-e-w-y-i-n-z-e-r!!  ^0^

I don't mind a few names being mentioned in the timeline or history blurb,... but methinks that section is a bit too much.  We're in enough hot water as it is for that particular article.  -____-'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 19, 2007, 05:36:26 PM
oooh an excute to complain!  If im nto included I could complain, and if I am I could too! Oh happy day!

I get my kicks out of being a thron in your side porkchop
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on February 19, 2007, 09:03:20 PM
Okay! Changed to Notable members. Well, I'm beat. See yinz tomorrow!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 19, 2007, 11:19:13 PM
oooh an excute to complain! If im nto included I could complain, and if I am I could too! Oh happy day!

I get my kicks out of being a thron in your side porkchop

Meh, knock yourself out as long as I can thorn you right back.... -v-

Okay! Changed to Notable members. Well, I'm beat. See yinz tomorrow!

I guess that's an improvement, but even I still feel a little uneasy about that list.  -___-'

Either way, you've been adding more articles this evening so I'm not one to start capping anyone on a creative roll.  -v-

I'll just sleep on it for a bit and decide later whether we should just compress that down to just an admin list instead.  After all, Moderators on your average forum are supposed to come and go, but Admins are forever.  *snicker chortle chuckle*  -v-

Probably a fair compromise for the moment, since I really would prefer to work on OS-tan articles rather than dwell on the details of auxiliary pages.  -v-

Added after 2 hours 9 minutes:

BTW, just wrote an UNHEALTHY amount of stuff for XPMCE-tan... -v-'

Feel free to review for thoughts, since it's like 10x larger than the original stub.... ^.^;

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: ZShadow on February 20, 2007, 06:30:11 AM

The younger looking MCE-tan on the left is 2003 edition, the middle is 2005, the right is 2004 edition. X3

Very good work on the descriptions though, you deserve a smiley

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 20, 2007, 06:37:30 AM
Thank you ZShadow.  

It was that pic that made me realize that possibility of mult-year versions -- although the only problem is that in this particular pic (aside from the guitar one) they all look the same.  -v-'

So that leaves the original MCE up for grabs, which I suppose we could or could not cede to XPME.  -v-'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: ZShadow on February 20, 2007, 06:50:33 AM
Also, this is the MCE included in Vista (meaning no new versions of MCE as a seperate OS )  http://kazumi386.org/~ostan2/pic_uploader/etc/ref/1171047048080.htm

Also in the description on wiki it says something about a headband, its actually a pair of headphone :S
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kami-Tux on February 25, 2007, 08:50:59 AM
Hmm, I cannot login with my forum account and can not create a new one...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 25, 2007, 11:32:28 AM
Welcome to the OS-tan Wiki Beta Project, Kami-Tux.  ^__^
There is somewhere you can request to be added as a Wiki member, I believe in UserGroups.  But since I haven't had to do that, the exact steps are lost to me right now.  -v-

Regardless, I'm able to add people to the Wiki group, so I've already enrolled you.  Your account info should work now.  ^v^

BTW ZShadow, I fixed that little headphones reference.  ^__^
However, in case you'd like to fix little things like that yourself, are you also interested in joining the Wiki beta?  'v'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kami-Tux on February 25, 2007, 11:39:07 AM
Now I get:

Internal error
Set $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; in LocalSettings.php to show detailed debugging information.

when I attempt to login.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 25, 2007, 11:43:33 AM
Oh try again.  That's just a "welcome message" for newbies.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 25, 2007, 06:26:09 PM
I just noticed the recent (I think) addition of the "Distro-tan" page. While I think it's a good idea to have that page, the two lists confuse me. The first seems a little redundant, and the inclusion of artists is a little off topic, IMHO. In fact, I think both lists are redundant, seeing as all those listed are described as "Distributions of Linux" and are listed on the "List of OS-Tan" page.
Then again, maybe I'm just being negative ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kami-Tux on February 25, 2007, 06:28:35 PM
Okay, I want to tell my thoughts about it: The Distro-tans will sooner or later all be described at that page, and then this like of already designed Distro-tans can be removed. Now it is just there to prevent reinventing the wheel, OS-tan wise.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 25, 2007, 06:55:22 PM
There you are, Tsubashi-san.  I was wondering where you wondered off to.  -v-

I think I understand why ZZKami-Tux added that page, since it's kind of describing a subset of OS-tans.  Not unlike perhaps with the "XP Family" and "Macintosh Family".  But that being said, if you do need the Linuces linked here, it's very important that they get simultaneously linked in the "List of OS-tans" directory as well.  Otherwise, there really will be discrepancies.  ^^'

We can leave the creator's on the list for now since most don't have their pages set up yet.  But once that's settled, we should just keep it as the names of the Distro-tans only (the creators can be discussed in the articles themselves).  -v-

Also, we don't need to describe the 'remarkable' ones only to mention them again later in the links.  Rather, what I'm gonna do is use those descriptions to create stubs for articles that don't exist yet.  Then it'll be easier to expand upon them some more.  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 25, 2007, 07:04:29 PM
Quotehere you are, Tsubashi-san. I was wondering where you wondered off to. -v-

I think I told you I'd be gone in a PM or something, but it's nice to know I was missed. ^-^

QuoteWe can leave the creator's on the list for now since most don't have their pages set up yet. But once that's settled, we should just keep it as the names of the Distro-tans only. -v-

Okay, that makes sense. One more suggestion though, we should probably make the names links. Maybe?

Quote from: "Kami-tux"...and then this like of already designed Distro-tans can be removed. Now it is just there to prevent reinventing the wheel, OS-tan wise.

I'm sorry, but like I told thurosis, my comprehension skills are really bad, so I didn't understand most of this. Would you please explain? Thanks!
*Bows Apologetically*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 25, 2007, 07:17:24 PM
QuoteI think I told you I'd be gone in a PM or something, but it's nice to know I was missed. ^-^

Well yeah, I remember that,... -v-
But without you around, it felt like WEEKS rather than just a simple weekend.  ^__^

Yeah, 'course you've been missed.  ^.^

QuoteOkay, that makes sense. One more suggestion though, we should probably make the names links. Maybe?

No problem, that's in the works.  C-chan ni Omakase!  ^v^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kami-Tux on February 25, 2007, 08:05:16 PM
I reworked it now. Better?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 25, 2007, 08:10:29 PM
Oh yeah, better.  ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kami-Tux on February 25, 2007, 08:21:25 PM
Blood in the caffeine stream is a bad thing... don't wiki when being as tired as I was, you won't make sense.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 25, 2007, 08:29:01 PM
Haha, no problem, no problem.  ^__^
I'm just grateful ZZKami-Tux volunteered to be a Wiki editor,... we haven't had much luck getting recruits.  ^.^

BTW, I edited a few minor things to help us a little later.  ^^
For example, various designs exist for Fedora, Red hat, Slackware and Ubuntu.

Added after 3 minutes:

Time to churn out a few more Wiki AVI's then.  ^___^

Hope you like our Avatar Tapestry,... I'm thinking of breaking them up into separate pages, but for now enjoy the abundance of color:

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: zjhentohlauedy on February 25, 2007, 10:45:14 PM
recruiting wiki people? what are the requirements?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 25, 2007, 10:53:38 PM
Thus far, just wanting to. Has to be, I'm one. ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 25, 2007, 11:11:11 PM
Pretty much,... that, and being a good boy/girl of course.  ^__^

(don't need to be swinging medieval weapons around like someone I know.... ^__~)

What in particular are you interested in editing/contributing?  And if so, are you interested in Wiki Citizenship then?  ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: zjhentohlauedy on February 26, 2007, 02:25:09 AM
well I don't know what i can contribute yet so maybe i'll join when i could be of any help ;047
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 26, 2007, 09:27:36 AM
You shouldn't think too low of yourself, you know.  -v-

But in any case, please let me know when you're ready.  ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kami-Tux on February 26, 2007, 09:28:55 AM
Want me to test the site with even more browsers?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 26, 2007, 09:47:30 AM
Nope,... browser testing isn't as high on my priority list as getting more article stubs going.  [Browsers are more up Fedora-dono's alley. -v-]

Thanks, btw, for adding the Unix-tans section.  ^__^

Now then, how's about giving Brazilian Mate (aka Yerba Mate) a try over that coffee stuff?  ^.^
(Or wherever you get your caffeine shots.... -v-)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kami-Tux on February 26, 2007, 10:00:17 AM
I have Mate, but it is very difficult to prepare when not having special equipment.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 26, 2007, 10:04:11 AM
Tsk tsk tsk,... -v-
I'll lend you my metal straw and gourd then.  Fufufu.... ^.^

In any case, hopefully today I'll finally be able to add my long overdue Mac section revisions.  Thankfully, someone else is handling all the Linuces/Unices.  -.-

(Oh, and note to self:  add "Virus Doctor" to list ot non-OS male characters.  -v-)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 27, 2007, 09:13:24 PM
Quotewell I don't know what i can contribute yet so maybe i'll join when i could be of any help

I'm sure you can help! If nothing else, just go around and correct all of my spelling and grammar errors! ^.^

Speaking of which, I haven't contributed anything for the longest time! I'm such a slacker. -v-
But not today I'm not! I touched up the OS-Tan Wars (http://ostan-collections.net/wiki/OS-tan_Wars) page, so you might want to go check it and fix the mistakes I made. ^-^

Added after 15 hours 13 minutes:

Thanks for fixing it, senpai! ^-^
But I was unaware that Windows 1.0 was ever actually released. I was under the impression 3.1 was supposed to be the last Windows, and that it was the NT project which violated the "Gentleman's agreement" between IBM. Then again, I could be wrong... ^.^

Added after 4 hours 25 minutes:

By the way, does anyone recognize this OS-tan? I'm pretty sure it's a mac (hair) but which one?

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 27, 2007, 11:26:48 PM
Yo Tsubashi-dono.... -v-

Sorry I'm late,... extraordinarily busy day,... I'm just grateful I slipped in SOME kind of Wiki editing.... -v-'

Yeah, thanks for expanding the OS-tan War article, since that's a very important topic that needed to be "deStubbed".  ^__^
I also clarified that the "OS-tan War" is more commonly thought of (at least among the OS-tan circle) as the mid-90's fight between M$ and Apple, even though we're proposing (rightfully so) that the conflict has it's roots way back in history.


True, Windows 1.0 enjoyed extremely limited release as it was basically an experimental platform, but it was used.  (in fact, I have it in my DVD compilation of Windows OSes from start to pre-Vista -- strangely enough, it takes up more floppies than 2.0....).  ^___^'

I reckon that 1.0 was considered a pet project of sorts,... perhaps a demonstration of the kind of GUI M$ could come up with on its own.  In fact, IBM didn't say a peep when 2.0 was released shortly after the start of the OS/2 project -- perhaps the assumption was that some of the technology used on 2.0 could be applied to OS/2.

I imagine NT also caused a stir since they did borrow elements from OS/2 to create this "New Technology".  But it was 3.x that really rocked the boat, as it was released almost behind the backs of the IBM execs.  It sold like hot cakes and gave the fledgling empire the trump card it needed to go it alone.  

(Personally, I think the IBM execs weren't THAT stupid, and probably realized they could make a lot more money selling hardware than software in the consumer market.)

Actually, as for as NT is concerned, I think the 3rd-party people that helped in its development primarily came from DEC.  I'm not sure if anyone else in IBM had a hand in it, although that I'm not 100% sure on that.  -v-

QuoteBy the way, does anyone recognize this OS-tan? I'm pretty sure it's a mac (hair) but which one?

Methinks that's a Mac or Mac OSX alternative rendition.  There were tons of those many years ago, and still quite a number of them in the present day.  -v-

But she is cute, though...  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 28, 2007, 12:58:42 AM
QuoteSorry I'm late,... extraordinarily busy day,

No worries, things like that happen. Jobs come first after all. ^^;

QuoteIBM didn't say a peep when 2.0 was released shortly after the start of the OS/2 project
it was 3.x that really rocked the boat, as it was released almost behind the backs of the IBM execs. It sold like hot cakes and gave the fledgling empire the trump card it needed to go it alone.

Well, you see, the original IBM/M$ alliance was made to combat apple. IBM had developed an extensive open source PC and then licensed MS-DOS (version 3, I think) for it's OS. Then came GUI.
The idea was: User wants GUI. M$ makes GUI. GUI requires new hardware. IBM makes Hardware.
Well, IBM wasn't stupid and realized, "Hey, M$ is monopolizing our PC market" so they decided M$ could make the low end OS and eventually lead into OS/2. So Win 1.0 is released as a sort of basic into into GUI. Then 2.0 introduces more advanced file systems. Finally 3.0 introduces color (oooh!) and the planned switch to OS/2 should have taken place. OS/2, however, was not what it should have been. Version 1.2 was a good OS, in that it was very stable and very colorful, but it's programing limitations were unbelievable, and the required hardware was outrageous! While OS/2 engineers worked steadily, M$ decided to release a "fix" for their operating system. What they released, however, was much more than a fix. It was nearly another OS. It was a true, pretty stable GUI OS. It was what people wanted.
When IBM execs saw how well it sold, they did get nervous, but it was still following "the plan." The success of 3.1 gave M$ the courage to take the next step. The release of Windows 95 was the first stab in the back. 95 was outside of the agreed plan of action, and effectively marked M$'s termination of the alliance.

Quote(Personally, I think the IBM execs weren't THAT stupid, and probably realized they could make a lot more money selling hardware than software in the consumer market.)

Probably not, but after deciding to show your support of OS/2, wiping your semi-new i486's HD of all traces of Window and running OS/2 only, and writing tons of documentation, only to find that the Higher-ups had been helping the enemy, you'd be bitter too. ^^;

QuoteActually, as for as NT is concerned, I think the 3rd-party people that helped in its development primarily came from DEC. I'm not sure if anyone else in IBM had a hand in it, although that I'm not 100% sure on that. -v-

It's true that the actually NT OS was primarily designed by DEC. IBM technicians had, however, been working on the project which eventually split into 95 and NT sub-projects years before the betrayal, and continued working to ensure it was compatible with IBM mainframes. And yes, I'm 95.55% sure of this. ^.^

Anyway, that's the way I saw things. ^^;

QuoteMethinks that's a Mac or Mac OSX alternative rendition.

Figured. Still cool though.

Hey! Where did you find that picture? That's Fwuiked Awesome! (Freaking-Wicked)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 28, 2007, 09:01:32 AM
QuoteSo Win 1.0 is released as a sort of basic into into GUI. Then 2.0 introduces more advanced file systems. Finally 3.0 introduces color (oooh!) and the planned switch to OS/2 should have taken place.

hmmm,... from your description, I'm wondering if perhaps you're thinking of the old Mac System releases, since System 3 was the first to introduce color AND (coincidentally) was released slightly prior to the start of the OS/2 project.  ^___^
Windows 1.0 actually had color, albeit U-G-L-Y color at that.  -v-'

QuoteOS/2, however, was not what it should have been. Version 1.2 was a good OS, in that it was very stable and very colorful, but it's programing limitations were unbelievable, and the required hardware was outrageous! While OS/2 engineers worked steadily, M$ decided to release a "fix" for their operating system. What they released, however, was much more than a fix. It was nearly another OS. It was a true, pretty stable GUI OS. It was what people wanted.

When IBM execs saw how well it sold, they did get nervous, but it was still following "the plan." The success of 3.1 gave M$ the courage to take the next step. The release of Windows 95 was the first stab in the back. 95 was outside of the agreed plan of action, and effectively marked M$'s termination of the alliance.

The fix was in fact Windows 3.0.  It was first released in 1990, shortly after M$ divorced itself from IBM.  Naturally, once the upgrade to 3.1 came a few years later, the usability and popularity surged further, making M$ decision to go it alone pay off.

Windows 95 wouldn't actually come into play until 1995, when it (combined with NT for the Workstation market) outsold the new OS/2 Warp and effectively blew it out of the competition (though again, not without some help from those IBM bastards and their brain-dead commercials).

QuoteProbably not, but after deciding to show your support of OS/2, wiping your semi-new i486's HD of all traces of Window and running OS/2 only, and writing tons of documentation, only to find that the Higher-ups had been helping the enemy, you'd be bitter too. ^^;

Perhaps with the luxury of hindsight it sounds viable, and it might've been the case after the failure of OS/2 Warp.  But perhaps back in 1990, IBM was legitimately concerned about its precious operating system (unlike post-1996).  -v-

QuoteIt's true that the actually NT OS was primarily designed by DEC. IBM technicians had, however, been working on the project which eventually split into 95 and NT sub-projects years before the betrayal, and continued working to ensure it was compatible with IBM mainframes. And yes, I'm 95.55% sure of this. ^.^

Well in that I would have to agree with you, since the IBM/M$ partnership lasted long enough for such under-the-counter partnerships to have developed.  Funny how everything always seems to point back to NT-tan,....  -v-

The fact that she's a minor character is almost insulting, given the potential for a lot of soap opera-style drama in her youth.  ^.^

QuoteFigured. Still cool though.

Hey! Where did you find that picture? That's Fwuiked Awesome! (Freaking-Wicked)

Fwuiked?  O_o

...Hehe... well, I found it at the end of the 95-tan gallery, during the time I rummaged around for pictures to create the Seven Samurai banner.  It's one of the few pictures featuring her battlesuit, as well as the few pieces of evidence left suggesting Mac-tan wasn't limited to OSX.  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 28, 2007, 06:13:55 PM
Quotehmmm,... from your description, I'm wondering if perhaps you're thinking of the old Mac System releases

No, it just that I, and those I have talked to, only ran Windows 1.0 and 2.0 on B&W hardware. Come to think of it, we didn't upgrade until 3.1... -v-

QuoteThe fix was in fact Windows 3.0. It was first released in 1990, shortly after M$ divorced itself from IBM. Naturally, once the upgrade to 3.1 came a few years later, the usability and popularity surged further, making M$ decision to go it alone pay off.

Strange! I could have sworn 3.0 was the proposed switch off! Then again I'm pulling most of this from an IPF specialist I know, so I wouldn't be surprised it he was a little fuzzy on the planned windows releases. ^^;

QuoteWindows 95 wouldn't actually come into play until 1995, when it (combined with NT for the Workstation market) outsold the new OS/2 Warp and effectively blew it out of the competition

Yeah you're right. I should have said the development of 95 was a stab in the back.

Quote(not without some help from those IBM bastards and their brain-dead commercials).

Gah! Don't remind me of those! Now I have an extreme urge to go sword-sniper the people who made those! Grrr!
*Cleans room to vent frustration*
Though this japanese one made me laugh!

QuoteFwuiked? O_o

Yeah, sorry. Drumline terminology I picked up forever ago ^^'

On a side note, where did you learn all of that?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 01, 2007, 02:30:09 PM
QuoteGah! Don't remind me of those! Now I have an extreme urge to go sword-sniper the people who made those! Grrr!
*Cleans room to vent frustration*
Though this japanese one made me laugh!

WOW!  That actually is a pretty C-U-T-E commercial.... @___@
(Damn you American commercials for having nothing but geeks on them... >_<)

The Penguin is a nice foreshadow of things to come.  ^__^

BTW, I wonder if she would count as a very very very very remote ancestor of the OS-tans.  (Doubt it, but it's an interesting thought, in lieu of the fact that Merlin-chan could sort of count as an ancestrial OS/2-tan as well) ^^;

QuoteOn a side note, where did you learn all of that?

You mean the Windows stuff?  ^___^
Well of course I try to read up on the OSes before I start drawing them.  ^v^

Less then a year ago I had no clue that Radio Shack/Tandy made their own computers, and now I can even tell you how many CoCo models exist.  -v-'

Doesn't hold a candle to a regular user of any of the systems, but eh,... at least's its contemporary.  -.-

First stop is the actual Wikipedia (with so many Windows fans, those articles are fairly jam-packed).  ^__^
Then OSdata.com, GUIdebook.com, the actual Windows History page at Microsoft.com, and little pages here and there.  Especially when constructing the Annex, I made it a point to find at least one information article about all the OS-tans featured, right down to SkyOS.  -v-

Probably even invested a little more time than usual reading about early Windows, due to the micro-OVA project, plus my hope of fleshing out OS/2-tan's character).  -v-

Initially, I learned about Mac Systems 1 through 4 from Aurora, but came across the same information again when seeing the history page.  I'm still a little patchy on the GEM OS issue, but may clear that up a bit when I draw my own rendition of GEM-tan.  -v-

Speaking of which, I can probably edit the Wiki some more now that I'm done witht the collaborative comic.  But it's only a short break, as it's back to drawing within the next 24 hours.  ^____^

(gotta get ready for the wallpapers! ^v^)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 07, 2007, 12:11:15 AM
Thanks to everyone for the recent updates.  ^___^

You've motivated me to go in and expand the List of OS-tans exponentially.  My goal is to to have the list include all OS-tans drawn or discovered to date, not hypothetical ones (like the vast majority of those found in my Annex listing).


For that reason, I'll need to revise the paragraph in the beginning of the article to clarify this.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on March 07, 2007, 12:16:32 AM
Good Idea C-Chan-Senpai! Now we just need to turn all the red links blue! ^^;

Oh, and by the way, from what I've heard, "Windows Vienna" may actually be called "Windows 7" (I suppose it's following the NT numbering...) along with M$ Office 14 (it's number 13, but I guess that'd be unlucky ^-^)
Aside from the Blackcomb drawing, are there other renditions of Vienna? I can't find any, but I'm not very good a searching ^^'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 07, 2007, 12:32:43 AM
Nope, that's the only one that I know of myself.  ^^'

We're counting on our great army of forum members to search one out for us from the depths of the Internet, and return their findings here.  -v-

*chortle chortle snicker snicker*

But as long as we have them all listed, that should give the casual visitor an idea of what's been done to date.  ^___^
(plus I'll have the incentive to write a little more about my girls... ^.^)

Sorry if that detracted a little from a certain,... 'side project' I promised you, but I've already scheduled work on that ASAP.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on March 07, 2007, 09:51:19 AM
QuoteBut as long as we have them all listed, that should give the casual visitor an idea of what's been done to date. ^___^

That's true, it also sorta help guide our research and give us goals to work towards ^^

QuoteSorry if that detracted a little from a certain,... 'side project' I promised you, but I've already scheduled work on that ASAP. ^^

Good, good. But do remember that at this point you are *Checks watch* 2 Months ahead of the original schedule ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on March 07, 2007, 04:01:10 PM
Yo. If you haven't checked recently, I've been trying to "firm up" some of our legacy articles. I'm trying to create a small niche for myself in the Wiki as the person who knows quite a lot about the original OS-Tans. Though, as I have stated 100+ times, school puts a massive strain on my ability to contribute. Once I get some time on my hands, I'll get back to updating our articles. Bonam diem tibi exopto!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 07, 2007, 04:13:50 PM
Yeah, I saw your handiwork beefing up the 2K-tan article.  A little bit obsessed with the boob-thing at thing (though that's quite normal as far as the Windows-tans go), but overall it was a fantastic addition.  ^___^

Excellent then -- NewYinzer has most of that covered then.  ^.^

Guess I'll just help then in clamping down on all that red.  ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 15, 2007, 08:43:06 PM
Okay, sorry about the slackness.  ^^'
Let's say we get this show back on the road!  ^v^'
Going forward, I'm thinking of announcing updates here to the Wiki, similar to how Pitkin-dono updates the Picture Gallery, and Fedora the Downloads section.  -v-

Of course, user-contributed announcements are also welcomed.  ^^

Now then (using 3/14 as the starting date)..... ^.^


- Newyinzer cleaned up the 95 article (didn't know you added that Rolling Stone thing... T___T'), and established the Mac System 1 and ZX Spectrum articles.  I might have to update a few things on Spectrum-tan that I've thought of since, but thanks for laying down the essential foundation of the article!  ^v^
Also, I'll take care of her wiki avi.... Ã,¯vÃ,¯

- I also rewrote the introduction to the List of OS-tans page.  As mentioned, I want this to be more inclusive of efforts both inside and outside Japan, Windows and non-Windows, canon and obscure, etc.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on March 16, 2007, 02:16:36 PM
Alrighty then...things are looking good for the Wiki. However, it looks like the people on Wakachan hate us:
-- url removed by Fedora-Tan, offending content.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on March 16, 2007, 04:24:09 PM
I'll admit many articles seem... unrefined.  I think they need structure.  Problem is, we don't really know all we need to know.

Many articles to me... seem like my rambling, going on and on, mentioning everything that happens to come to mind...  Now I know much of this comes from the original Wikipedia article, but it does need to be rewritten. (I feel it would have to be if it were to stay in Wikipedia... which it didn't.)

A lot of articles center around description.  Indeed, that is a valid piece of information. However, I feel that people interpret certain aspects of an OS-tan in such a way that you cannot make it a general fact. (I can't find any at the moment, but it should be something to watch out for. Don't explain every little quirk in every variant.)

A second part of an article on an OS-tan should center on it's history through the years.  Granted, that is extremely difficult given the temporary nature of the image boards and the anonymity of the users.  

I believe these articles really do need sources, particularly regarding the classic OS-tans.  Even from just interviewing random people on wakachan.  Wikipedia won't allow original research, and so I believe we should do that.  There's no point in a wiki that does not seem valid in the eyes of the visitors.  And given that part of our audience is in boards like waka, we should make an effort to make it valid in their eyes.

(Note: Like always, not everyone will be satisfied, but we should still try)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on March 16, 2007, 05:10:17 PM
Very good argument, SleepyD. We need more solid research in order to make the Wiki valid. However, none of us speak Japanese and there are very few English databases on the the subject. What we need is a solution of some sort that will make the wiki credible...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on March 16, 2007, 06:55:49 PM
I'm copying this from a post in the Topicless Thread:
Quote from: "SleepyD"
The wiki is still a work in progress. If anything, I'd like to think that what will go on there will satisfy what some of the Anonymous guys are talking about.  If there is such an opposition to in-house created characters, perhaps we should make it obvious in the infobox.  I think that is the point of the "First Appearance" section.  (which seems to have unknown typed in there pretty often.... Sorry, I haven't been on the wiki lately)  Alternatively [or concurrently] we could place them in a category...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Darknight_88 on March 16, 2007, 07:04:42 PM
My opinion:

>> they are also mixing up other things that have nothing to do with them, such as the Moezilla characters, or Wikipe-tan

Well, in fact those are under the category of "Non OS-tans". And those arent' really OS-tans, but are related to them.
But I agree It could be more organized, like having an special article dedicated to list all the related moe anthropomorphisation.
Also, I think the Wiki should be free for everyone to edit, as that's the spirit of the Wiki system. And the characters should be clasified as "Canon" (or something like that) and "Non-canon", for distinguishing the one-shots proposed designs from the widely accepted designs.

I want to remark something: The Wiki should be free for EVERYONE to edit it. That's how it was designed in the beginning. I'm not talking of only allowing members to edit it (which, by now, not even us can. Only mods.), but everyone.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on March 16, 2007, 07:10:34 PM
As per request to move to this thread:
Quote from: "NewYinzer"Just so yinz know, I've been posting pictures there to cover up the flame war...
Quote from: "SleepyD"haha, much appreciated.

Now, I think it's best to just let it slide down into the depths.  Wait for other threads to be bumped.

Some people clearly have some issues with us, some of which is understandable and solvable.

Note "understandable."  I understand why people are against "pass[ing] them off as equivalent to the other OS-tans."  I have no qualms in differentiating ours and the "originals" (namely, the popular ones)

I don't care much for the tone it's presented in, but it is an valid issue that needs addressing.

Quote from: "Darknight_88"My opinion:

>> they are also mixing up other things that have nothing to do with them, such as the Moezilla characters, or Wikipe-tan

Well, in fact those are under the category of "Non OS-tans". And those arent' really OS-tans, but are related to them.
But I agree It could be more organized, like having an special article dedicated to list all the related moe anthropomorphisation.
Also, I think the Wiki should be free for everyone to edit, as that's the spirit of the Wiki system. And the characters should be clasified as "Canon" (or something like that) and "Non-canon", for distinguishing the one-shots proposed designs from the widely accepted designs.

I want to remark something: The Wiki should be free for EVERYONE to edit it. That's how it was designed in the beginning. I'm not talking of only allowing members to edit it (which, by now, not even us can. Only mods.), but everyone.

Whoo boy, I feel Yinz's post is about to cause sweeping reform. ^^

Well, since we do have dedicated wiki members, I have no qualms with it.  There will have to be rules regarding vandalism, reverts, and all that, however.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on March 16, 2007, 07:12:34 PM
We might want to make all current wiki members the "heads" of the Wiki, so we can allow more members to come in and edit. That way, we have a few core people to make important edits and keep the trolls at bay. Good idea, SleepyD!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on March 16, 2007, 07:37:39 PM
Well, that IS how wikis usually is built up, is it not? (and most other things on the intarwebs, too)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on March 16, 2007, 07:50:11 PM
Yes. We originally only wanted the people who wanted to edit the wiki edit it, but now it looks as though we might open it up to anonymous.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on March 16, 2007, 07:56:00 PM
QuoteThe Wiki should be free for EVERYONE to edit it, without the need to create an account

Good point, but do remember that for now the wiki is still in "Beta" form
Though still, watching that little flame war develop on wakachan makes me somewhat hesitant to open it up so quickly. I don't think we have enough people/time to correct all the vandalism that could occur. Wiki group membership isn't exactly "Hard" to obtain, so I think requiring registration is Okay. ^-^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on March 16, 2007, 08:02:13 PM
Yes, Wakachan is an excellent example of things gone too far, on some matters.
So I'll have to agree with Tsubashi-dono again here. (is it just me or do i do that a lot lately?)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on March 16, 2007, 08:05:35 PM
Is there a way to restrict editing to articles regarding the original OS-tans?

I'd assume anonymous would know quite a bit on that.

And yes, it is still in beta testing. Do we know how long that will be? o_o

Even if we don't open it now, I think we should open it eventually.  I'd assume it would be too early to do so anyway, right after that little episode on waka.  Let the flames settle down first.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Darknight_88 on March 16, 2007, 08:13:53 PM
QuoteThough still, watching that little flame war develop on wakachan makes me somewhat hesitant to open it up so quickly. I don't think we have enough people/time to correct all the vandalism that could occur. Wiki group membership isn't exactly "Hard" to obtain, so I think requiring registration is Okay. ^-^

QuoteYes, Wakachan is an excellent example of things gone too far, on some matters.

First, I don't think they'd really vandalize the wiki. They complained because it was inaccurate at some points (like adding non-canon characters), not just because they felt like it.
If some article is vandalized too much, then all the mods have to do is to lock it, just like Wikipedia.

And then, to justify anonymous wiki editing:
Quote from: "http://wakaba.c3.cx/shii/shiichan"Registration keeps out good posters. Imagine someone with an involving job related to your forum comes across it. This person is an expert in her field, and therefore would be a great source of knowledge for your forum; but if a registration, complete with e-mail and password, is necessary before posting, she might just give up on posting and do something more important. People with lives will tend to ignore forums with a registration process.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on March 16, 2007, 08:16:20 PM
Simmer down...this is starting to look like the debate about what to do about the Iraq War!

Here's what I propose:
- By the end of summer, we open up the wiki to registration. No anonymous users, just registered users. If they like the wiki enough, they can become full forum members.
- We open our own imageboard, to allow anonymous users to become acquainted with the forum. This imageboard would be open to everyone, allowing the free exchange of thoughts and ideas. Imageboards are safer and easier to patrol for admins. If they like it, they can come to the central forum and register for an account.  
- For the central forum, we keep the current registered users system, being that letting in guests might destabilize it.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on March 16, 2007, 08:20:34 PM
Request: discussion in IRC channel, and post results here.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on March 16, 2007, 08:21:34 PM
Agreed. NewYinzer's plan seems reasonable, though Fedora-dono has the final say.
But I agree with SleepyD, opening anything to anonymous users will require more Moderators / more time spent by Mods
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on March 16, 2007, 08:24:54 PM
Since when do we have IRC?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on March 16, 2007, 08:26:40 PM
Um... since 15 Apr 2006
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on March 16, 2007, 08:28:27 PM
Well...it doesn't work for me.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on March 16, 2007, 08:29:55 PM
update java, or, connect to
server: irc.chat4all.net
channel: #ostan
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on March 16, 2007, 08:55:23 PM
I keep getting disconnected for some reason...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on March 16, 2007, 08:55:56 PM
strange, its quite the heated discussion right now
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on March 16, 2007, 09:20:02 PM
I'm unable to connect - access is denied for some reason
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 16, 2007, 11:41:09 PM
*sigh* It's a beta.
It's not supposed to be open to the public yet, nor is it supposed to be easily accessible from the front page.  You want to edit it, then ask -- but if you get permission to do so, then EDIT SOMETHING.  

If I recall, even editing the old Wikipedia article occurred at a snail's pace, and THAT was with no restrictions on who can and cannot edit it.
You also had MONTHS to do original research to save that article, and that didn't happen either, so don't pretend like that's a prerequisite here because, like you say, it's neigh impossible thanks to a everyone's favorite little catch-word, "anonymity".  Hence my greater focus on the "technical" aspects of the design and the OS, since those are tangible facts.

The only concession I will make is that we CAN still have a separate category for Canon OS-tans, so that we know which designs are considered "official".  

But the List of OS-tans must stay as is because it is a pure and simple REFERENCE tool for new initiates wondering "Is there an A/UX-tan?".

Worried that we'll glorify one version over another?
Okay then, we'll just do like I did with Ubuntu... ^__^


THAT would really make the wiki comprehensive wouldn't it?  'v'

*sigh* Okay, that's all I have to say on the matter in public.  -___-
I can't join your IRC, but hope you come out of it with cooler heads.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on March 16, 2007, 11:57:57 PM
Oy, let's all get some sleep and work this out tomorrow. I think that we're starting to act on emotion rather than on better judgment.

QuoteYou also had MONTHS to do original research to save that article, and that didn't happen either, so don't pretend like that's a prerequisite here because, like you say, it's neigh impossible thanks to a everyone's favorite little catch-word, "anonymity". Hence my greater focus on the "technical" aspects of the design and the OS, since those are tangible facts.

C-Chan, Wikipedia built a crusade against the article and we didn't have a place to get research from. My RL is demanding but I do my best to make this site better. But don't come at me in a fit of rage after a small mistake I made. It's in the past. Let's move forward.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: SleepyD on March 17, 2007, 01:29:41 PM
Alrighty now.

Fedora did say the Wiki is in the beta stage.  A point that did not come to mind when I first got into this debate.

Due to that, I will agree with Fedora in keeping it away from Anonymous.

Next, I understand we all have lives.  Therefore, I don't expect major changes in the actual content of the wiki just yet.  However, you must agree with me that a lot of articles here do need work.  Once this thing is out of beta, we really need as much help as we can get on these articles.

Ok, lastly, there are a couple of other issues that were presented in this whole thing regarding the wiki.  Particularly how the list of OS-tans is organized and why it may be necessary to differentiate between in-house creations and the more widespread ones.  
These issues shouldn't be a priority, since this wiki isn't well known to the public anyway. I'd like to focus on the content myself.

Having said that, I'm extremely sorry if any of my comments seemed insulting to anyone in here. I assure you, I didn't mean to do so.
And second, I am sorry for not editing the wiki lately.  

Now, let's all just have a group hug, let bygones be bygones, and edit this suckah like we always do.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Darknight_88 on March 18, 2007, 01:51:18 AM
Quote from: "C-Chan"

The only concession I will make is that we CAN still have a separate category for Canon OS-tans, so that we know which designs are considered "official".  

But the List of OS-tans must stay as is because it is a pure and simple REFERENCE tool for new initiates wondering "Is there an A/UX-tan?".

In fact, one of the new edit proposals, which was the result of the IRC discussion (at least at the time I left), was to do at least 2 "Os-tan lists:
1)The first one classifying the "Official" and with a link to another article that lists all the "Un-official" (obscure, rare, etc. The name for that list needs to be discussed. That includes characters made by japanese people but who aren't well known). This in order to avoid any debates about "forcing" characters into newcomers.
2)The second one would be the actual list, classifying them according to their families (windows, mac, linux, etc)

So yeah, the actual list won't be erased, but I think the "official/unofficial characters" list should be the main one (with a link at the beginning of the article that directs to a "Characters listed by their families". Or something like that, the idea still needs refinement)

I won't say anything more about opening to the general public, as it's still a beta version (didn't knew that. Must read more >_>). But once it passes its beta phase, then it should be opened to anyone for editing.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kami-Tux on March 18, 2007, 03:33:08 AM
You don't understand the problem I wanted you to see. I could show you n+x Devilette pictures and still everyone here would agree that Devilette is not a common character. Because Japan messed up here and ignored the existing 'design'.

This illustrates my point well: what makes an OS-tan accepted? When does it gain acceptance? When is it becoming obscure?

Unless that is solved in a generally agreed-upon way, this is unimplementable.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: fedora-tan on March 18, 2007, 06:31:34 AM
I won't say anything more about opening to the general public, as it's still a beta version (didn't knew that. Must read more >_>). But once it passes its beta phase, then it should be opened to anyone for editing.

Sorry i didn't make it more clear myself then. Anyway, i wait the "it's ok" from C-Chan or NY to consider wiki as public. We need a minimum decent content before making it public, and it's not up to me to decide that.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 18, 2007, 09:14:15 PM
Will do.  -.-

At the moment, the Wiki is most definitely NOT ready for public consumption.  It does not meet the standards of minimum decent content yet, although an official ETC was given for some time during the "summer".  Once that's done and we're comfortable with the level of content, then yes I am in agreement that it should be publicly accessible for editing.  -v-

And I say this not just to attract people who know more about the canon OS-tans, but also to attract artists of alternative OS-tans to contribute a little more information about their own character's personality (if applicable).  Besides, the body of knowledge on the subject is too large to handle even if we could get every single OS-tan Collections member to participate.  The more hands inovlved, the better chances it has to gain relevance to all interested parties.  -.-

BTW, Fedora-dono, the reason I proposed what I did in the Picture Gallery was to provide some solid picture gallery link in each Wiki article where all known designs for that girl can be viewed.  I would rather provide visitors with a single master link,for pictures, rather than half-a-million links to images strewn all over the internet (or even within our own gallery), which may or may not work over time.  -v-

Oh and FYI, Darknight I've added you into the list of beta-testers, since you seem interested to do some editing of your own.
Your first login will produce an error message, but after that you're ready to rock and roll.  -.-

Added after 6 hours 8 minutes:

FYI, I created that separate partition for Canon OS-tans.  Actually, this could work to our advantage after all, since the loneliness does beg the more open-minded visitor to seek out the more interesting Full List.  

Major changes to review are in the main page and the new Canon OS-tan index:


Added after 7 minutes:

Also, you guys decide whether it's safe to put Vista in there, given the volatility of the subject. ^^'

Don't forget what the Captain said here:


I don't really fancy the subject, but I wonder if a flowchart depicting the origins of the OS-tan phenomenon and all the major boards that contributed to this would be useful (naturally it would be saved in an SVG file so people can update it later).  I'm reminded of the Unix family tree in its respective Wiki article:

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on August 26, 2007, 08:39:35 PM
Let's get back to work, shall we? It's time that we get a plan going for the wiki. However, since I don't want to anger C-Chan, I'll leave the implementation to him and concentrate on the broad goals:

To move from "Beta" (where we are now) to "Gamma" (where we want to be before we open the wiki) Stage:

1. Fill in all the holes: Create articles for the more obscure OS-tans on the list. You can tell which ones I mean when you see a link in RED.
2. Fix the bugs: Scan for grammatical issues, both basic and more complicated.
3. Polish the doorway: Make sure that the articles for the Canon OS-tans are concise and complete, ready to be presented. If the articles are too big, chances are that some of the info is not based on hard facts.
4. Put on the Trimmings: Make sure that our OSC-created OS-tan articles are brought up to the same quality standards as the Canon ones, but with more firsthand detail.
5. Gather the Troops: Increase the number of forum members on the wiki, so that they can help out when C-Chan and I are absent. Gussy Keniji is a good example of what we need in the way of extra help.
6. Inspect the Machine: Before opening takes place, we need to inspect the articles and stamp some seal of approval on them.
7. Gain Consensus: Once these steps are completed, we should consult everyone who has worked on the wiki, and hold a poll to determine whether to open it or not.
8. Cut the Red Tape: Open the wiki to the general public!

But wait, NewYinzer, Number Eight seems too easy! What do you mean?

To move from "Gamma" (where we want to be before we open the wiki) to "Delta" (where we want to be shortly after we open the wiki) Stage:

1. Keep It Simple: Signing up for the wiki should be as easy as it is on any wiki - just enter e-mail, username, and password. This should also double for the forum and gallery.
2. Regroup the Forces: Establish a "Village Pump", so that we can better organize the people on the wiki and open a dialog on its progress.
3. Advertise: Once we are ready to open the wiki, adding a link on Wikipedia would increase traffic and signups. Adding ads on flickr, imageshack, and elsewhere would help.
4. Change to Adapt: The wiki shall be led in a way conducive to change - after we reach a point that we can open the wiki, we should not view this as the end, but the beginning. Setting more goals and exploring more ways to make it better should be Priority One!

Hope I haven't said anything too critical or demanding here. I'm just trying to structure our wiki efforts so that we have a good idea of where we're going.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on August 26, 2007, 09:57:05 PM
Progress is going great on the wiki! Lots of new articles up in the past few days! ;010

I wish I could directly contribute to that but I do not know how to edit a wiki at all. But I will be back making new wiki avis and posting OS-tan info that can be put into the wiki by someone who knows how to edit.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on August 26, 2007, 10:45:08 PM
An admirable list of goals to be sure, NewYinzer-san. An excellent idea to be sure, though there are a few things I disagree on.

QuoteHowever, since I don't want to anger C-Chan, I'll leave the implementation to him and concentrate on the broad goals:

Though I cannot speak for Senpai, I would venture a guess that it is precisely your reluctance to carry things out that tick people off a bit.

Quote...If the articles are too big, chances are that some of the info is not based on hard facts.

This is the part that will cause the most grief. Remember, the OS-tans are fictitious. Though many of them have commonly accepted 'stories' and 'personalities' there is no such thing as 'cold hard facts'
This is one of the main reasons why I think Senpai is right in pushing for changing it to the 'OS-tan collections wiki', to avoid offending others.

Quote7. Gain Consensus: Once these steps are completed, we should consult everyone who has worked on the wiki, and hold a poll to determine whether to open it or not.

This step ought to be skipped. When the wiki moderators say the wiki is ready to be opened, it will be opened.

Quote1. Keep It Simple: Signing up for the wiki should be as easy as it is on any wiki - just enter e-mail, username, and password. This should also double for the forum and gallery.

We will probably keep registration the same as it is now. After all, wiki regulars will need to have access to wiki threads too.

Quote2. Regroup the Forces: Establish a "Village Pump", so that we can better organize the people on the wiki and open a dialog on its progress.

You lost me with this one; I'm not sure what you mean. Judging from context, though, I think this thread already serves that purpose, ne? ^-^

Quoteadding a link on Wikipedia would increase traffic and signups.

It might also offend some people because, as Captain-san would put it, it would be 'shameless self-promotion!' ^^'

Aside from that, I'd say go for it. The best thing now is to add content, as I see you've been doing. Keep up the good work! ^.^

Now, as for you Aurora-sama...
What is this about not knowing how to edit a wiki at all?!?
Sure you can! It's really easy. Besides, if I can do it, I'm sure someone such as yourself could pick it up easily! I've added you to the wiki group, so feel free to try your hand at it!

And Lastly, Gussy-san!

Hooray for Gussy-san and his spectacular contributions to the wiki!!! Keep up the awesomeness, ne? ^v^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 27, 2007, 12:37:40 AM
Ohhoho.... this thread lives again.  -v-

QuoteHowever, since I don't want to anger C-Chan, I'll leave the implementation to him and concentrate on the broad goals:

Well think of it this way, there are three major ways to make me angry:

1) Talk much, but not do anything.
2) Backstab me.
3) Create trouble

Soooo,.... as long as you keep productive catching up on Wiki articles, follow the Golden Rule, and not fish for trouble elsewhere,... again... then I'm okay with you doing or saying anything you want, whenever you want to, however you want to.  -v-

I should probably let you know in advance that I'll be away from town next weekend, so be prepared to work without me for a few days.  Most of my current commission work is done, so I'll likely be able to expand upon the articles you set up beginning tomorrow.  

Now then, let's look at this checklist....

1)  Agreed, although that was already our current mission objective.  We probably just want to expedite that process.
2)  This one will probably need to wait till we get some gnomes.
3)  Yeah, have to agree with Tsubashi-dono on this one.  Don't think you'll ever appease the Wakans on this one; instead, consider expounding on the language to sound less assertive when it comes to any OS-tan not of our domain.  ^^'
4)  Agreed, and in fact that would be our greatest strength.
5)  That'd be nice.  BTW, many thanks for Gus-san for responding to the call of duty very quickly!  ^__^
6)  Perhaps its because I don't envision any "grand opening" with ticker tape and such, but I see this as something that's gonna happen all the time, every time we check an edit.
7)  Nope.
8 )  Nein.  I've been through several Linux-related Wikis these past few weeks, and I was amazed how ALL of them required registration of some sort.  It gives me the impression that Wikipedia and Uncyclopedia are more the exception than the norm, and certainly as we change the direction of this Wiki towards greater localization, the need to open it up to the public becomes more and more irrelevant.

However, it is your particular ambition and I do applaud you for having this grand vision to begin with.  If you want to strive for a more public wiki and greater advertisement, I ultimately won't stop you, but should remind you that not everyone thinks as you do and will appreciate the same kind of virtues you're trying to extoll.

Now then, I do have, not necessarily goal objectives, but proposed design changes that I plan to implement in the near future:

A)  Conversion of "Original Creators" fields to "Drawn By", where various artists can be listed and not just the first.  Also propose eliminatino of "First Appearance" field entirely, for the same reason that we don't want to chain ourselves to the original design.

B)  Develop Info Boxes for Gus-san's virus-tans.  Naturally, these would have information specific to malware, such as "Systems Infected", "Threat Level", etc.

C) Wiki Avi standardization to Mini format, and my Inkscape tutorials are in part preparation towards teaching people how to create them.  Naturallyt the current Wiki Avis will not be abandoned, and will be used towards another Wiki feature -- however, as far as the representative icons are concerned, a standard look can help unify all the characters.

D)  Consider alternate OS-tan listings, such as searching by Alpha Order or by Family Tree.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on August 27, 2007, 09:17:53 AM
Quote from: "C-Chan"Well think of it this way, there are three major ways to make me angry:

1) Talk much, but not do anything.
2) Backstab me.
3) Create trouble
I hope I never get on your bad side... ;_;

Quote from: "C-Chan"B)  Develop Info Boxes for Gus-san's virus-tans.  Naturally, these would have information specific to malware, such as "Systems Infected", "Threat Level", etc.
I like this idea a lot. It could be a great help to those that have difficult time finding information on the malware-tans (namely myself). ^__^

EDIT: I forgot to ask, should we create pages for the error-tans like 404-tan?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 27, 2007, 10:20:06 AM
Yo Lilly-san!  ^^
Sure, why not, and I think they would be okay in the Site-tan section since they are, technically, related to websites (in this case, those not found.  That's another reason why I want to convert the avatars to Minis, since there's potential to create one for every single character cooked up in OSC.  ^__^

(in this case, Infinity-san made a Mini for all the error-tans)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on August 27, 2007, 11:05:36 AM
Okay! ^__^
I shall get to it! *eats lunch in the process*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on August 27, 2007, 11:40:38 AM
I'd help out with the wiki, but, I think I'm more into the "speculative" OS-tans...that aren't even close to canon by a long shot.

Plus I suck at any HTML editing ( yeah, even Mediawiki stuff : | )

But I do have a few ideas about the personalities for Juzo-kun's Linux-tans, especially Ubuntu-tan, Slackware-tan, and Archlinux-tan (if they aren't to speculative...)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 27, 2007, 12:57:23 PM
I wouldn't sweat that.  Basically, as long as we're keeping this Wiki in house and local, we shouldn't fear writing about non-canon characters -- if anything, I want to encourage this as the Wiki must also be as much a record of our own forum's creations than anything else.  For example, NewYinzer didn't know that there was already an Apple I-tan, in part I'm sure because he wasn't around when Aurora and yourself created them AND because he (like everyone else) doesn't have the time to weed through the forum threads in search of one.  ^__^

As long as all our creations are visible in one convenient spot, we'll be better able to keep track of them AND expand upon their characters further.  

Which reminds me, here are four more of my own short-term objectives:

E)  If it continues to be a problem, I'll look into enhancing the Wiki editing guide to make it easier to learn how to edit the darn thing.  I'm already doing Inkscape tutorials, so it wouldn't be too much of a change of pace for me -- but it definitely must take precedent, since it's counterproductive to invite people to add to the Wiki when it's not altogether clear how.  ^___^'

F)  Create a new "OS-tan Collections Logo", and ask Tsubashi-dono to load it up as it seems to be a back-end feature.

G)  Consider allowing compartmentalized articles, so we can record any notes or observations by specific artists, visitors and computer techies.  For example, the Amiga article can include a clearly-labeled subsection describing my own notes of her in relation to the Annex storyline, whereas Aurora can have her own section describing her role in Zerosanity, and so on.  Think of them as visible commentaries, and thus something that makes it more possible to describe alternative designs (which will prove very valuable when it comes to Vista).

H)  In addition, for the so-called "speculative" OS-tans, we can probably consider formalizing a list of sample pictures of them (linked of course), not unlike the approach I used at my Annex to identify all known renditions of said character.  I once proposed to Fedora-dono that we overhaul the Picture Gallery so that it can be grouped by keyword (aka, character) rather than by general collections -- this was in the hope that the Wiki article for Me-tan could just point to the Me-tan specific gallery, and BOOM!  The visitor would be able to view 1000 images of her on demand.  ^___^

Naturally, that's not set up and who knows if it can ever be set up, but for the time being we can at least consider something similar.  
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on August 27, 2007, 12:59:24 PM
GUH! Mustn't slack, mustn't slack...

Yahai ^^ I'll do my best as well to fill the holes and give birth to new stars, as well! Sometimes i HAET Nei for being such a slacker, and between school and this, I really have to work on my inner genki-ness.
Yosha! *runs off towards wiki*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on August 27, 2007, 02:27:44 PM
Hmm...looks like we have some activity back on the wiki!

You lost me with this one; I'm not sure what you mean. Judging from context, though, I think this thread already serves that purpose, ne? ^-^

What I mean is a sort of "community portal", like wikipedia has, in which people can share ideas and discuss things. However, it looks like this thread solves that problem already. What I visualized was similar to this:

QuoteE) If it continues to be a problem, I'll look into enhancing the Wiki editing guide to make it easier to learn how to edit the darn thing. I'm already doing Inkscape tutorials, so it wouldn't be too much of a change of pace for me -- but it definitely must take precedent, since it's counterproductive to invite people to add to the Wiki when it's not altogether clear how. ^___^'

Wikipe-tan is way ahead of you:
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 27, 2007, 02:41:53 PM
Oh right, there's no shortage of tutorials on the subject,... but I think it'd be great to repackage one with the.... "OSC Touch" so to speak.... -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on August 27, 2007, 08:43:55 PM
Good plan! By the way, we seem to have allocated pages that no personifications exist for. For example, we have a C128 and VIC-20 links for some reason. We could create "umbrella" pages covering several separate personifications and future personifications, such as a "Other Commodore" page for C128 and VIC-20, and a "Other Linux" page for Sabayon, Red Flag, Puppy Linux, and others. However, it would be good to come to some sort of agreement on these things, since we could be spending years making pages for personifications that don't exist.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 27, 2007, 11:30:39 PM
Well in those particular examples you're using, they ALL exist at this time (even though half are stuck in sketches).  ^^'

With some minor exceptions (Xubuntu, Kubuntu, etc.), I only added placeholders for any OS-tans who's design has at least been formulated to some degree -- VIC-tan and 128-tan, in fact, were not added to the list until much after I created the rough sketches for them.

Regardless, I won't discourage the preemption of non-existent OS-tans as long as they're in context.  In other words, I might not be the best idea to have them on the main listing, but mentioned in an article (such as the Ubuntu-tan one) should be alright since we're clearly stating a fictional requirement for more of her sisters.  In Wikipedia we do see many such red links as well.

BTW, I'll probably fix this tomorrow, but TRS-DOS and Coco are actually two different OS-tans.  TRS-DOS as in the original TRS-80 monochrome computer, and Coco as in the TRS-80 Color Computer (which due to laziness by Radio Shack, still kept the TRS-80 moniker, even though it had greatly overhauled hardware).
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on August 28, 2007, 09:22:33 AM
Ano...stupid question perhaps but, how the hell do I embed images in the wiki posts? I was able to do the rest of DC-tan's post by ripping off the syntax from others, but this is stoppu for me. -w- Halp plz?

Added after 10 minutes:

never mind, found itz -w- Anywayssu, as soon as I've got an avi for DC-Tan, her article will be complete! (it's still up now, though, but image-less for the moment.)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on August 28, 2007, 10:52:25 AM
Just a quick question but does the WIKI support PNG files? I tried to upload a PNG file and it told me it wasn't able to.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 28, 2007, 10:55:56 AM
Yes ma'am, in fact one of my latest uploaded avi's is in the PNG format.  ^^


If you'd like, you can post it here and I'll see if i have the same problems uploading it to the Wiki.

Added after 51 seconds:

[whispering]  (BTW, probably a bad time to request a Windows 2.0-tan stamp, eh?)  ^_____^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on August 28, 2007, 11:02:49 AM
Quote[whispering] (BTW, probably a bad time to request a Windows 2.0-tan stamp, eh?) ^_____^;

I concur :D

BTW, I like the Win1.0 and 2.0 profiles. I mean, 2.0's is manically delicious!  ;010  

( ;014 Ooooh...bad joke at the expense of Win2.0's depressed attitude...and I also have a question regarding her, but I'll save that for the OS-tan family thread)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on August 28, 2007, 11:06:26 AM
It's this one made by Infinity-sama


Of course not. <3
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 28, 2007, 11:53:54 AM
Okey-doke.  Standby for results and step-by-step instructions. ^^

*goes off to work*

Added after 24 seconds:

BTW, Bella-sama, I'll be right with you.  ^___^

*scurries off*

Added after 3 minutes:

*scurries back*

Ano,... you do realize that's a JPG image, right?  ^___^'

....Oh well, no matter,....
Stand by.  ^.^

Added after 9 minutes:

Okay, I got lukewarm news! ^__^

Turns out it was a problem with the actual file, not the extension.  I just resaved it onto itself as a JPG, and that seems to have fixed the data corruption.  

Feel free to check her out.... ^v^


Regardless, I'll still post the Upload entry page just to make sure we're on the same page.  ^___^

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on August 28, 2007, 12:11:31 PM
Ah, I see! ^^;
Now my only problem is that I put the image up on the 404-tan's page. I don't see an edit button on her page. O_O' Does that mean I have to delete the page from the "Site-tans" section and recreate the page?

EDIT: Never mind! I figured it out. It was on the side the whole time! XD

EDIT 2: I finished all the error-tans!! ^__^ I'm so proud of myself! I think it's time for a celebration! <3 *dances*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 28, 2007, 01:06:24 PM
Thank you, Icelilly-san!  ^v^
Indeed you rule ALL that you survey!  ^.^

In fact, now I'm gonna make YOU some peach juice!  ^v^

Hold on,....

*goes off to orchards*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on August 28, 2007, 03:13:53 PM
Yay! Peach Juice! ^_____^

*is still feeling proud*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on August 28, 2007, 08:28:22 PM
QuoteEDIT 2: I finished all the error-tans!! ^__^ I'm so proud of myself! I think it's time for a celebration! <3 *dances*

Wow! Great work Icelilly! Very good stuff for a greenhorn! Just needs a little touch-up...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on August 28, 2007, 08:39:06 PM
Wow, looks like the wiki has been abnormally active, ne?
Arigatou to all of you who are helping add content. I'm sorry I can't really add much content at the moment, school has started again ^^'
Still I will do my best to add what I can, maybe making all the formatting consistent? ^-^

Added after 1 minutes:

Oh!, and do you think this (http://ostan-collections.net/wiki/Abraxas) would work for the virus-tan's infobox?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on August 29, 2007, 09:04:11 AM
Quote from: "NewYinzer"Wow! Great work Icelilly! Very good stuff for a greenhorn! Just needs a little touch-up...
Thank you Yinzer-san!! ^.^

Quote from: "Tsubashi"Oh!, and do you think this (http://ostan-collections.net/wiki/Abraxas) would work for the virus-tan's infobox?
I think it does! ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on August 29, 2007, 11:14:39 AM
I believe the Inu-T and NT-tan entry should be split into two separate pages. Maybe I'll read up of Wiki coding and do it.

What think all of you?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 29, 2007, 11:34:05 AM
Tsubashi-dono:  Yeah, that's fantastic!  Let's just switch the "original artist "to "drawn by", and you got yourself a template!  ^__^
Agreed, that shall be adopted!  ^v^

Bella-sama:  Agreed, we'll split NT from Inu-T, only because now we have more reason to do so.  ^__^
Besides, I thought they were already split, although I might be confusing this with the Annex.... -v-

To everyone else:  Excellent work!  Thank you all for your recent participation.  Please don't be afraid to contribute as much as you want, as this Wiki, first and foremost, is here to serve you and our  community.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on August 29, 2007, 11:38:03 AM
Oops! Gomen nasai, Senpai. I though I already switched the "original artist " to "drawn by,"

Which means I must have been editing the wrong page. T_T
But I am glad you approve, I'll format the rest of the Virus-tans tonight!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 29, 2007, 11:43:08 AM
We'll see if I can set them up and you knock them down, so to speak.  ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on August 29, 2007, 12:13:54 PM
Since we plan on spliting the NT-tan and the Inu-T article, what about spliting the article for Hacchan and Secchan? Your thoughts?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on August 29, 2007, 12:23:36 PM
Most probably all renditions of the same OS or whatever with a large canon base behind both will have to be split. (And more like, splitting 98 and 98SE is like splitting Homeko and Saseko, meaningly, should have been done already.)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 29, 2007, 02:35:30 PM
Strangely, Hacchan/Secchan were already split and Homeko/Saseko were split also.  Like I said, NT-tan simply wasn't all that fleshed out around here (until Bella came along). ^__^

Anyway, preparations for the NT split are complete.  Aurora's avatars are loaded, and some other housekeeping chores were performed.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on August 29, 2007, 08:12:33 PM
Very good! It seems as though we are making good progress. I guess it's a bad time to remind you all that my school year begins tomorrow, eh? As was mentioned last year, the school year is kinda disruptive to my work here, but I'll do what I can nevertheless. We're making good progress, but if we could get more people to work (that is, additional people working on the wiki who haven't signed up yet), we could be finished in half the time. Anyway, have a good day! I'll be back...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on August 30, 2007, 09:57:59 AM
Quote from: "NewYinzer"Very good! It seems as though we are making good progress. I guess it's a bad time to remind you all that my school year begins tomorrow, eh? As was mentioned last year, the school year is kinda disruptive to my work here, but I'll do what I can nevertheless. We're making good progress, but if we could get more people to work (that is, additional people working on the wiki who haven't signed up yet), we could be finished in half the time. Anyway, have a good day! I'll be back...
Good luck with your new school year Yinzer-san! Which reminds me... I have to get perpared for my new school year soon. I start on Tuesday. O_O;

I'm currently working on a design for LimeWire-tan. If I can get her sketch down, just maybe I can write down an article on her. ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 30, 2007, 01:31:27 PM
QuoteI'm currently working on a design for LimeWire-tan. If I can get her sketch down, just maybe I can write down an article on her. ^^

*springs to action*

*starry eyed*

YAY!!  Lilly-san finally decided to jump aboard in that respect!  *v*
I knew it was simply a matter of time.....  ^__^

There was a Limewire-tan produced some time ago, but she was drawn in a very realistic style and hardly what one would consider,... well,............ <__< .............. >__>  .................. "moe".  ^^;

In any event, turns out I will have internet access during my brief vacation, so I will continue to add to the wiki after all during that interim.  Thank goodness too, as these past two days have been to hectic to juggle wiki editing, inkscape tutorial writing, Mini making and commission drawing.....

Dear gawd, for someone who should've retired by now, I sure did get myself into more stuff than I can handle.... ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on August 30, 2007, 03:32:27 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteI'm currently working on a design for LimeWire-tan. If I can get her sketch down, just maybe I can write down an article on her. ^^

*springs to action*

*starry eyed*

YAY!!  Lilly-san finally decided to jump aboard in that respect!  *v*
I knew it was simply a matter of time.....  ^__^

There was a Limewire-tan produced some time ago, but she was drawn in a very realistic style and hardly what one would consider,... well,............ <__< .............. >__>  .................. "moe".  ^^;
There.... was? *stares at pic*
Damn... ;___; No worries! I will still complete it! Just for you C-Chan! ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on August 30, 2007, 03:40:53 PM
...ara? LimeWire? You as well, have been drawn into the Pirate-tans, i see? ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 30, 2007, 03:58:37 PM
Well think of it this way,....

No one saved that Limewire-tan (more like American comicbook-style Limewire) in the gallery, so you could almost say it's lost forever and never existed..... ^^;

So yeah, we'll need a Limewire-tan, especially from I-c-e-L-i-l-l-y... san!  ^V^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on August 30, 2007, 04:13:00 PM
I created the Fark-tan article! So, how did I do for a first try?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on August 30, 2007, 06:35:52 PM
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"...ara? LimeWire? You as well, have been drawn into the Pirate-tans, i see? ^^
Pirate-tans? Nah. It was the first thing that came to mind. ^__^

Quote from: "C-Chan"Well think of it this way,....

No one saved that Limewire-tan (more like American comicbook-style Limewire) in the gallery, so you could almost say it's lost forever and never existed..... ^^;

So yeah, we'll need a Limewire-tan, especially from I-c-e-L-i-l-l-y... san! ^V^
*blushie* >////<

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"I created the Fark-tan article! So, how did I do for a first try?
The article is well detailed. Awsome job Aurora-san! ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on August 30, 2007, 07:20:02 PM
QuoteI created the Fark-tan article! So, how did I do for a first try?

See, I was right. All your excuses about not knowing how to edit were obvious lies! See, Fark-tan's page is documented proof that you are a natural wiki contributor! ^-^

QuoteNo one saved that Limewire-tan (more like American comicbook-style Limewire) in the gallery, so you could almost say it's lost forever and never existed..... ^^;

Well, we can't quite say that, lest the wakans declare our rewriting history, but if I remember correctly, not many people liked that rendition anyways (and said as much, too ^^') So....
Quotewe'll need a Limewire-tan, especially from I-c-e-L-i-l-l-y... san! ^V^

Oh please, Lilly-san? Please won't you draw us a masterpiece? ^-^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on August 30, 2007, 08:06:00 PM
Quote from: Tsubashi
Quotewe'll need a Limewire-tan, especially from I-c-e-L-i-l-l-y... san! ^V^

Oh please, Lilly-san? Please won't you draw us a masterpiece? ^-^
I can't say it will be a masterpiece but I'll try! ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on August 30, 2007, 08:07:46 PM
QuoteI can't say it will be a masterpiece but I'll try! ^__^

hmm... Perhaps you can't but I can! I have confidence in you ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on August 30, 2007, 10:32:42 PM
QuoteI can't say it will be a masterpiece but I'll try! ^__^

Just remember everyone started with drawing a first OS-tan ;010 Can't wait to see her :)

And I divided the Inu-t/NT-tan articles. I added a bit about their attitudes, as well, going by the different depictions I've seen of them....
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 31, 2007, 11:54:52 AM
QuoteSee, I was right. All your excuses about not knowing how to edit were obvious lies! See, Fark-tan's page is documented proof that you are a natural wiki contributor! ^-^

I agree, Aurora-dono you're a natural at this.  Not that it surprises me, since you've always had a history of giving each and ever character of yours an interesting backstory as well as a slew of personality irks and quirks.  ^.^

Thank you too, Bella, for contributing your first activity to the Wiki.

Think of it as posting exactly the same as what you already post in the forums, but just in a different format.  ^___^

QuoteWell, we can't quite say that, lest the wakans declare our rewriting history, but if I remember correctly, not many people liked that rendition anyways (and said as much, too ^^') So....

Well you know what I mean (besides, we could sneeze out loud and they'd call it "rewriting history").  It does make one wonder, however, how many personifications have been created that are now forgotten.  I don't know if Waka or Futaba or ++ keep all the imageboard posts archived in some server somewhere or if they delete them outright, but since it seems to me physically impossible to store all pictures posted in their respective archives (++ and Futaba, specifically), it makes me wonder if these images do indeed get forgetten.  I mean sure there are people who save them to their HDs, but in the case of that Limewire where few if any (besides the Cat) liked that picture, what will become of it?  '___'

A bit sad really, but at least we're not falling into that same trap.  Let's continue thinking forward.  ^___^

QuoteI can't say it will be a masterpiece but I'll try! ^__^

It'll be fine.  ^^
And if you don't like the results, we'll help you adjust it till you deem it worthy to frame in your house.  ^.^

QuoteAnd I divided the Inu-t/NT-tan articles. I added a bit about their attitudes, as well, going by the different depictions I've seen of them....

Thank you again, Bella-san.  I kinda had the impression you were going to volunteer in that task.... ^.^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Gussy Keniji on August 31, 2007, 10:36:02 PM
managed to strike it lucky again from college, and managed to get up some new Viru-tans in teh Wiki today, Huzzah!! even managed to get in 4 new viru-tans that I'll work on later. Double Huzzah!!

QuoteI can't say it will be a masterpiece but I'll try! ^__^

Don't worry dood (ette?) you'll do great, we all have complete faith in ya!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on August 31, 2007, 10:40:16 PM
I was nervous about editing the wiki at first but when digging through this thread several pages back, there was an infobox model and I learned some basic wiki HTML or whatever it is called from there!

However it's been easy typing info so far because I've been writing articles for characters I made.

Got up the BBSpot-tan, Foobies-tan and TotalFark-tan articles today! But I'm waiting for Foobies-tan's and TotalFark-tan's avatars to get uploaded before I add in the infoboxes on their pages.

And I too would like to see Icelilly's rendition of Limewire-tan!


4 new Viru-tans? You're on a roll there, Gussy! :D
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Alfamille on September 01, 2007, 02:53:53 PM
C-chan posted a note on the Introductions (http://ostan-collections.net/wiki/Introduction) article before that and he noted that the article was borrowed from the Wikipedia OS-Tan article and needs major revisions and additions.

I just did some minor edits and add some sub-headings into it.

BTW, that was a nice wake up call from NewYinzer to remind us about our almost forgotten wiki,  not to mention that he encouraged the others to participate as well.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on September 02, 2007, 09:05:39 AM
QuoteDear gawd, for someone who should've retired by now, I sure did get myself into more stuff than I can handle.... ^^;

You and me both, C-Chan. Let's just say that my school is the kind that hits you with a lot of work the first day! I'll get back to the wiki once I'm out from under this workload.

QuoteBTW, that was a nice wake up call from NewYinzer to remind us about our almost forgotten wiki, not to mention that he encouraged the others to participate as well.

Thanks. I didn't think things would turn out as well as they have.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on September 02, 2007, 09:09:57 AM
You guys are all so kind to me... >///<

My only worries of completing LimeWire-tan is the colouring. I don't know how to do digital colouring and I don't know how to shade. I always shade in the wrong places. >__<'

I'll go ahead and create the LimeWire-tan article now since I still have some time left. ^__^

EDIT: Finished the LimeWire-tan article! <3 Hope it's okay. ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on September 03, 2007, 09:27:50 AM
Again, very nice work Icelilly! Limewire is wormhole for porn, I've gotta write that down...

Again, sorry for the hiatus. I've been busy with schoolwork. I've also spent a little of my weekend reading:

On the Edge: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore

Once I get a little time, I'll be back to work on the PET-tan and VIC-20-tan articles!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 03, 2007, 09:36:30 AM
Mhehe, as mother as daughter, is that what you're telling us, lilly-san? -w-
And I see a speculative Kazaa-tan as well there! Is it so that there is a current rendition of her, or is she yet to be designed? If not, I would happily do so! Unless, of course, Lilly-san has ideas for her already.
Also, I'm planning on working my way through the Torrent-tans. This presents me with some problems, though: How to even start? I mean, there are a myriad of clients out there, and they're way too many for me to even start counting, and then there's the whole network, and all that stuff. Maybe like, some big clients, the network, and some big trackers to -tan would be a good start?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on September 03, 2007, 12:13:44 PM
I've been doing work on some Linux-tan articles, like Slackware-tan, and Puppy Linux-tan.

Any chance we could split up the 98/98 SE and Windows Neptune/Odyssey pages?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 03, 2007, 02:01:07 PM
What art program are you planning to use, Icelilly?

Depending on what kind of program you're planning on using, I might be able to help you.

I Read the Limewire-tan article and looks great! Heheheh... I can picture Limewire-tan also being friends with Foobies-tan 0__0


The Puppy-tan and Slackware-tan articles also look great! ;010

And as for splitting the 98 + 98SE-tan articles: Of course! Both have their own very distinct personalities and differences!

But as for splitting the Odyssey and Neptune-tan article: Not sure because not much is known about either of them but it would be more fair if they had their own articles, wouldn't it?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on September 03, 2007, 10:58:07 PM
QuoteMy only worries of completing LimeWire-tan is the colouring. I don't know how to do digital colouring and I don't know how to shade. I always shade in the wrong places. >__<'

Nobody here knew how to do digital coloring at some point ;) I actually started using MS Picture It, and moved up from there. Don't be afraid to ask if you have any questions!

QuoteI'll go ahead and create the LimeWire-tan article now since I still have some time left. ^__^

I checked that out...somehow I see her as friends with my dear Homeko XD

QuoteBut as for splitting the Odyssey and Neptune-tan article: Not sure because not much is known about either of them but it would be more fair if they had their own articles, wouldn't it?

I think I've seen enough renditions of both (especially Odyssey) to make separate articles.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 04, 2007, 05:11:52 AM
QuoteI checked that out...somehow I see her as friends with my dear Homeko XD
Green people stick together, perhaps? ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on September 04, 2007, 11:02:32 AM
QuoteGreen people stick together, perhaps? ^^

Yes, and perverts too -__-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Gussy Keniji on September 04, 2007, 11:05:33 AM
lol that's true color (and perverted) coordination FTW! also Great work on the Limewire article Lilly-san...dood *Big thumbs up*

Also terribly sorry for teh dry spell of Viru-tan desgins, schoolworks been dammin up my time lately ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on September 04, 2007, 02:50:33 PM
Quote from: "Bella"
QuoteI'll go ahead and create the LimeWire-tan article now since I still have some time left. ^__^

I checked that out...somehow I see her as friends with my dear Homeko XD
You've got a point there! I think I should be friends with Homeko-san since we are both rabid yaoi fans... XD

Quote from: "NewYinzer"Again, very nice work Icelilly! Limewire is wormhole for porn, I've gotta write that down...
Well.... it IS true.... XD

Quote from: "NejinOniwa"And I see a speculative Kazaa-tan as well there! Is it so that there is a current rendition of her, or is she yet to be designed? If not, I would happily do so! Unless, of course, Lilly-san has ideas for her already.
I haven't seen a Kazaa-tan yet so I'm guessing she hasn't been designed yet. But please! I don't have any ideas for a Kazaa-tan so go on ahead and design away!

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"What art program are you planning to use, Icelilly?

Depending on what kind of program you're planning on using, I might be able to help you.

I Read the Limewire-tan article and looks great! Heheheh... I can picture Limewire-tan also being friends with Foobies-tan 0__0
I plan on using Photoshop CS2. And thank you! ^__^

Quote from: "Gussy Keniji"
lol that's true color (and perverted) coordination FTW! also Great work on the Limewire article Lilly-san...dood *Big thumbs up*
You mean doodette right? I am a girl after all... ^__^

And thanks! <3
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 05, 2007, 01:11:25 PM
*darts in*

Thank you all for keeping the Wiki alive and kicking lately.  ^__^
I will return with goodies, please stand by while I finish up my rounds!  ^v^

*darts off*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 06, 2007, 10:00:42 AM
Quote from: "Lilly-san"I haven't seen a Kazaa-tan yet so I'm guessing she hasn't been designed yet. But please! I don't have any ideas for a Kazaa-tan so go on ahead and design away!
Then, allow me to proceed. -w- I might need some brainstorming time with myself though, but it shouldn't take all to long.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on September 08, 2007, 02:05:00 PM
Meanwhile, in the NewYinzer's sea of work...

Sorry all. I've been so busy with schoolwork, I haven't been able to get in a full anime episode per night, let alone keep editing the wiki. I'll contribute when I get a break, but the Robotics Club's robot hasn't been working properly, and I've been spending my time trying to fix it. But enough small talk. Let's get to work!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 08, 2007, 06:55:41 PM
*yawn~ssu* There we go...the post for Kazaa-tan has been fix'd. Also her design picture is largely ready, just need to scan it and fix it up. Maybe coloring would be necessary before it goes up to the wiki...oh well, you just keep an eye on the Ninja Pirate art thread tomorrow and it'll show up. In company with a lot of other things. Guehu.

I might have a concept for a Bearshare-tan as well *yawn* but, too tired for the moment. Anyways, doing that would complete (as far as i know, anyway) the p2p client-tan alliance.

Btw, Lilly-san, how's the Limewire piccu going?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on September 09, 2007, 09:34:38 AM
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"*yawn~ssu* There we go...the post for Kazaa-tan has been fix'd. Also her design picture is largely ready, just need to scan it and fix it up. Maybe coloring would be necessary before it goes up to the wiki...oh well, you just keep an eye on the Ninja Pirate art thread tomorrow and it'll show up. In company with a lot of other things. Guehu.

I might have a concept for a Bearshare-tan as well *yawn* but, too tired for the moment. Anyways, doing that would complete (as far as i know, anyway) the p2p client-tan alliance.

Btw, Lilly-san, how's the Limewire piccu going?
The Kazaa-tan article is awesome! I wonder if Lime-chan can turn her around and make her a non-empty shell. ^__^

The Limewire-tan pic has been getting on my nerves lately. I have the image in my head but I'm having a hard time trying to get that image on the paper. >_< I guess it's just me trying to make it perfect....

I've updated Bliss-tan's and (c)Brain-tan's articles with their virus discovery dates. But I haven't found one for Bomber-tan though. ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 09, 2007, 12:38:32 PM
Thank you guys, as usual.  ^__^

Lilly-san, by any chance have you considered maybe trying vector sketching?  It might appeal to a fellow perfectionist. ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on September 09, 2007, 01:15:14 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"Lilly-san, by any chance have you considered maybe trying vector sketching?  It might appeal to a fellow perfectionist. ^.^
What's vector sketching? ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 09, 2007, 01:34:36 PM
Why glad you asked, Lilly-san.  ^.^

Please step into my office.....  -v-

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 09, 2007, 01:36:35 PM
Oh, you beat me to explaining vector graphics by less than a minute! *edits post*


If you've finished your picture and still sticking with Photoshop, I suggest:

1. Open picture in Photoshop (Well... That is a given)
2. Switch layer mode from "Normal" to "Multiply" (the dark lineart will remain, all the white disappears, making a transparent layer. (Although I wish I knew that BEFORE I switched to Inkscape. I ended up tracing all my lineart by hand!)
3. Make a layer below that to color in the picture and a layer above the coloring layer for shading. For the shading layer, I set the layer's master opacity to ~20% and to do extra shading and highlights, I made a layer above that for that purpose
4. Make a bottom-most layer(s) for the background
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 09, 2007, 01:42:09 PM
Ooooooooooh,... probably a bad time to remind y'all that Inkscape also has the Path>Trace Bitmap tool.  In fact, I used that to trace SleepyD's OS/2-tan lineart so that I wouldn't have to retrace it by hand (although sometimes I prefer to do that anyway).  ^____^'

In any event, I'm in the midst of drafting a new OS-tan Collections Wiki logo.  Like I discussed with Tsubashi-dono, I plan to make it something akin to a regular-sized OS-tan opening a chest or book, and out come a ton of micro chibi OS-tans doing all sorts of crazy antics.  Since you, Aurora-dono, are the Queen of cute Micro-Chibi creation (love them in Zerosanity), I was wondering if you'd be interested in helping me with the picture?  It'll be just like old times.  ^____^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 09, 2007, 01:57:19 PM
Aw yes I am interested! :D
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on September 09, 2007, 01:59:17 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"Why glad you asked, Lilly-san.  ^.^

Please step into my office.....  -v-

*steps in*

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"If you've finished your picture and still sticking with Photoshop, I suggest:

1. Open picture in Photoshop (Well... That is a given)
2. Switch layer mode from "Normal" to "Multiply" (the dark lineart will remain, all the white disappears, making a transparent layer. (Although I wish I knew that BEFORE I switched to Inkscape. I ended up tracing all my lineart by hand!)
3. Make a layer below that to color in the picture and a layer above the coloring layer for shading. For the shading layer, I set the layer's master opacity to ~20% and to do extra shading and highlights, I made a layer above that for that purpose
4. Make a bottom-most layer(s) for the background
Must... remember... steps! *writes them down*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 09, 2007, 02:09:25 PM
QuoteAw yes I am interested!

Okey-dokey.  ^.^

I probably won't begin working on this till next week, but we should probably brainstorm some stuff.  My plan (albeit a tad ambitious) is to have the regular-sized OS-tan vary, so that the Wiki can either cycle through a number of different pictures, or a new one can be posted every month or week or so.  Still, knowing me, it's safer to just stick with one representative OS-tan, so now it's just a matter of choosing who.  ^___^

Here's a few candidate OS-tans I'm considering:  

Quote*steps in*

Somehow that reminds me of Alice in Wonderland, somehow..... ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 09, 2007, 02:16:10 PM
Oh how hard it would be to do just one of those! And as for a candidate OS-tan may I suggest 95 OSR 2.5-sama? She has gained a lot of popularity here!

Although I also like the Pu-chan suggestion because of the involvement of lots of Mac-tans!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on September 09, 2007, 02:26:14 PM
May I suggest some candidates? ^__^ Like DOS Kitty and 2.0-san? Or maybe.... Lindows-sama? <3
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 09, 2007, 11:30:36 PM
Hmmm,... sounds like there's an awful lot of interest in this new Wiki logo  ^__^

Very well, I'm psyched too, although for the sake of brevity I think the full body rendition in the logo should be reduced to just a visible upper body.  ^.^

In any event, now comes the difficult part of choosing someone to go first.  ^__^

Based on my previous selection, plus recommendations put forward afterwards, plus some additions I made for the fun of it, I've narrowed it down to 16 characters I wouldn't mind drawing:

Now we COULD have a vote, but that would take time plus I reckon there'd be a lot of issues with bias (myself included.... ^.^').

But since I'm not one to shy away from a creative solution to a particularly creative problem, I think it's time we played a little Wiki game... literally.... ^__^

I've resorted this list of OS-tans by the last two characters of their names, then inserted them into a tournament.....


Naturally, the object of the game is for the OS-tans to "battle" eachother in a game of chance, then move along in the tournament until only one emerges as the first dibs recipient.  ^^'

As far as what that game of chance is,... usually it's a coin toss, but since we can't toss a coin online, the next best thing is what I call a "Sports Toss".

Essentially, we agree to track real life sporting events, then assign each pair of OS-tans to that real life team, so that whichever team wins determines the victor in our OS-tan tournament.  In essence, the RL sporting event becomes our coin toss, and hopefully just in time for next week....  ^__^

I'd prefer to stick to a single sporting event, although a mixture can be allowed if helpful.  Ideally we should focus on sporting events that occur daily, usually don't have tied games, and can be easily monitored through an online sports venue (such as ESPN and such).

UNFORTUNATELY,... I know next to nothing about sports, so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction for that.  ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 10, 2007, 11:11:23 AM
We COULD use the Hurt&Heal system i just made a game of in the games section, and the winner, well, wins.

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 10, 2007, 12:35:30 PM
QuoteWe COULD use the Hurt&Heal system i just made a game of in the games section, and the winner, well, wins.


Well Thank you, Nei-san, I would be happy to support local efforts.  ^__^
However,... um,.......  ^___^'
Yeeeeeeeah,... Hurt&Heal games can often take forever, don't they?  ^^;

Plus since we're trying to emulate a coin toss, we really need a competition that involves only two teams, not 10,... and on top of that you'd have to play 8 rounds of this,.... then four,... then a final.....  ^^'

Plus,.... y'all are picking on poor OSX-sama, and if I joined in I'd probably rag on Windows-tans all the time, and NO ONE without a deathwish is going to attack 3.1-sama (btw, what do you want on your tombstone?).  ^____^

In any event, thanks to Bella-sam, I narrowed down the potential competitions to American NFL or MLB competitions, primarily because of the glitz and frequency.  (I wanted WNBA, but they only play once a week, and no one's gonna recognize my beloved futbol or CFL teams.... ^^; )

Apparently the NFL season is beginning (and even got a cheer from Bella-san for the NeW England Patriots, for obvious reasons), but unfortunately all the games are played on Sunday, with some turnover on Monday.  This could probably work for the Final, but for the Preliminaries we're gonna need something more immediate.  ^^;

In other words, it's gonna have to be baseball.... -v-;

A little research from Yahoo Sports helped me come up with these preliminary pairings, the results of which we'll fortunately find out tomorrow:

Windows 2.0 vs Windows 95 OSR 2.5  =  Chicago Cubs vs St. Louis Cardinals

OS/2 vs Mac OSX Server  =  Toronto Blue Jays vs Detroit Tigers

Solaris vs Mac OSX Puma  =  Washington Nationals vs Florida Marlins

Windows ME vs VMS  =  Tampa Bay Devil Rays vs Boston Red Sox

Windows NT vs BeOS  =  Pittsburgh Pirates vs Milwaukee Brewers

Windows 3.1/DOS vs Fedora Core  =  Minnesota Twins vs Kansas City Royals

Linspire vs Mac OS9  =  Colorado Rockies vs Philadelphia Phillies

FreeBSD vs GNU/Linux  =  Atlanta Braves vs New York Mets

Some of these make a strange amount of sense for some reason... O__O'

In any event, if y'all want to follow along, please visit this page for ongoing scores.  ^___^


From what I understand, you determine the winner by the numbers on the "R" (="Runs") column.  ^^

Also, since I don't like baseball, rest assured that I do this without the least bit of bias, and without favoring any particular team over another.........


...Except maybe Toronto.... ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 10, 2007, 12:46:44 PM
Yan...couldn't ya at least have taken sports that a poor euroist like me even know the rules of? -_-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 10, 2007, 12:49:34 PM
Don't worry, I don't know the rules of it either.  ^^'

In fact, that's the best part,... you just sit down, let the American players put their billion dollar salaries to good use for a change, and then wait until the tickers are filled with mystery scores.  Best coin toss if I've ever seen any.  ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 10, 2007, 01:05:48 PM
I guess it DOES work, then ^^ And let's all cheer for Toronto, yai! ^v^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 11, 2007, 09:15:12 AM
Okay now.... ^__^'
I wanted fair and balanced, and look like it worked cause a lot of the OS-tans I was [secretly] rooting for did not make it past the preliminaries... ^.^'

But no matter, cause the remaining contestants or all great OS-tans to draw and the majority have name recognition.  ^v^

First a recap of the scores....

Here is the updated chart....


...and the next round will be set up shortly.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 11, 2007, 10:33:24 AM
No OS/2 or OSR2.5...NANI DESUKA!? ;_;

And toronto lost, crap! (i don't know anything whatsoever...)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 11, 2007, 02:05:02 PM
QuoteNo OS/2 or OSR2.5...NANI DESUKA!? ;_;

I know I know, don't cry.  -v-

QuoteAnd toronto lost, crap! (i don't know anything whatsoever...)

Apparently, despite their cool logo, they don't seem to be very good.  Or they just had a bad day,... who knows with these silly games.  -.-

In any event, the Qualifier rounds are ready, thanks in part to the "eternal" nature of American baseball (you can throw a rock at the TV at any time and day of the year, and hit twelve baseball games.... ^.^).

Windows 2.0 vs Mac OSX Server = Washington Nationals vs Florida Marlins

Solaris vs Windows ME = Detroit Tigers vs Texas Rangers

Windows NT vs Windows 3.1/DOS = Los Angeles Angels vs Baltimore Orioles

Mac OS9 vs GNU/Linux = New York Yankees vs Toronto Blue Jays

At this rate, we'll get our winner by Thursday and I can start working on that logo.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Alfamille on September 11, 2007, 02:15:46 PM
*quickly puts the red Yankees cap*

I've did  a lot of edits recently in the Introduction article. You can go check for some errors or whatever's wrong in there.


Just reporting in...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 11, 2007, 02:27:53 PM
Ah yes, I did some minor edits of the Intro section as well during my lunch hour.  ^___^

Overall great job of expanding it (especially with facts straight from the source, so to speak... ^_~)
The original Wiki article has nothing on this latest and greatest.  ^v^

Quote*quickly puts the red Yankees cap*

Ah yes, I bent the rules a little with Sonata-san so that she could make you proud.  ^^

Unfortunately,.... that kinda makes us rivals in both respects.  ^___^'

*puts on Toronto Blue Jays........... whatever, and picks up GNU/Linux tea mug*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on September 11, 2007, 02:47:28 PM
What?...... No... No... Lindows-sama? ;________;
*cries the corner*
How could she lose?!?! ;____________;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 11, 2007, 03:00:44 PM
Fufu... well I was just as surprised that your team didn't help out OS/2-tan much.  ^^'

*pats IceLilly*

There there,.... there there....
Linspire-chan will have her day, I vow it.... ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on September 11, 2007, 03:08:28 PM
Its been a while since the Blue Jays actually a championship or gone very far in some cases. But then again, I'm not a fan of baseball so I wouldn't know for a fact.

I hope she goes... ^^

Well, at least 3.1, 2.0, NT, and ME are still in!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on September 11, 2007, 03:20:52 PM
OS-tan Collections Wiki Logo Tournament?


This is the coolest online Tournament ever!

...well, maybe not. OS/2-sama was eliminated ;_;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 11, 2007, 03:35:25 PM
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 12, 2007, 09:15:14 AM
Wow, this has been an exciting week, hasn't it!  ^___^

Quick recap of the scores....

And the updated chart....


For the next round of games, I may just follow a "Best Out of 3" approach, followed by a "Best Out of 5" approach for the Finals, to guard against pitting really crappy teams against really good ones in this most critical stage of the tournament.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on September 12, 2007, 09:28:29 AM
Go Sonata-san!!! ^o^
And, OS X Server-tan. Didn't expect her up here, but she'd better win too. ^-^

Though it will be sad when the two have to go head to head ^^'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 12, 2007, 10:52:55 AM
I hope for an epic OSX:S VS NT battle, here. For all that's good and right in this world. -w-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 12, 2007, 03:00:06 PM
Okay, hope you're all hanging onto your socks, cause we've just entered the Semi-Final stage of the Wiki Tournament!!  ^___^

Mac OSX Server vs Solaris

...to be determined by a Best Out of 3 outcome of the following:

Atlanta Braves vs New York Mets
Cincinnati Reds vs St. Louis Cardinals
Chicago Cubs vs Houston Astros

Windows NT vs Mac OS9

...to be determined by a Best Out of 3 outcome of the following:

Los Angeles Angels vs Baltimore Orioles
Seattle Mariners vs Oakland Athletics
San Francisco Giants vs Arizona Diamondbacks

Good luck to all contestants!  ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 13, 2007, 11:07:00 AM
ZOMG!!!!  @0@

I swear I'm not making this up,... this really was both unexpected AND incredibly appropriate..... ^___^


New York Mets won 4 to 3  => Point for Solaris-sama
Cincinnati Reds won 5 to 1 => Point for Rhapsody-san
Chicago Cubs won 3 to 2 => Point for Rhapsody-san


Los Angeles Angels won 18 to 6 => Point for NT-san
Seattle Marines won 6 to 5 => Point for NT-san
Arizona Diamondbacks won 9 to 4 => Point for Sonata-san


So the Final will truly be a battle of Titanesses,...

Momma vs Momma...


The memorable Final Cup will be a Best Out Of 5 game, which I will set up momentarily!  ^v^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 13, 2007, 12:14:21 PM
Is i a prophet or is this just too awesome not to happen? HAH!

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 13, 2007, 02:39:07 PM
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on September 13, 2007, 03:33:57 PM
COME ON NT-SAMA!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! ^_______^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Alfamille on September 13, 2007, 03:39:56 PM
Heh. Sonata didn't win...

;019  At least she made it to semi-finals. Nice!

After all,  its been assured that she is still included as one of the 16 OS-tans that C will draw to appear randomly in the OSC Wiki Logo no matter what,  

So I still feel like a winner. ^_^

*taps OSX Server-tan's back ;) *
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 13, 2007, 04:54:06 PM
Though part of me wants to pay lip service to the new moderator ([whispers] Go Rhapsody-sama!!), I'm so moved by the vibrance of the event that I'm kinda hoping for a tie (if that's possible in baseball).  ^__^

In any event, let the best OS-tan!!  ^v^

OS-tan Wiki Tournament FINAL CUP

Mac OSX Server vs Windows NT
(http://ostan-collections.net/wiki/images/3/3d/Rhapsodytanavatar.gif)               (http://ostan-collections.net/wiki/images/4/44/WNT.jpg)[/list]

...to be determined by a Best Out of 5 outcome of the following:

Colorado Rockies vs Philadelphia Phillies
New York Yankees vs Toronto Blue Jays
Chicago Cubs vs Houston Astros
Seattle Mariners vs Tampa Bay Devil Rays
Los Angeles Dodgers vs San Diego Padres
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NewYinzer on September 13, 2007, 08:12:38 PM
(Doesn't quite know what's going on because it's been weeks)

C'mon Windows NT! You can do it!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on September 13, 2007, 10:35:56 PM
*Burts into tears*
First OS/2-sama, and now this? T_T

Oh well. Rhapsody-sama will secure a win for the house of Mac. Cadit quaestio, ne? ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 14, 2007, 09:15:06 AM
ZOMG, that was one for the ages!!!  ^v^

I checked in on the games for a change, and the scores did not look good at all for Rhapsody-san:

Philadelphia Phillies won 12 to 4 => One point for NT-san
Toronto Blue Jays won 2 to 1 => One point for NT-san
Chicago Cubs won 6 to 2 => One point for Rhapsody-san
Los Angeles Dodgers won 6 to 3 => One point for Rhapsody-san

And as for the last game, the Tampa Bay Devil Rays were already beating the Seattle Mariners 7 to 1 and it was already the 6th inning.

So I kinda called it a day and began preparations to make Bella-san one very happy camper.  ^___^

And then a miracle happened....

This morning I checked the scores, and Seattle made an incredible come-back play scoring 2 points in their 7th inning, then a whopping 5 in their 8th!!!  On top 8 to 7 and with Tampa Bay unable to score in the last, Seattle won the game!!



I'll get to work on the rendition for the new OS-tan Collections Wiki logo immediately!

However, I must give credit where credit is due and congratulate NT-san for a most memorable event!  ^___^
In honor of her hard work and in the receptive spirit of our Forum, I'm sure I can arrange a good compromise for the two hot mammas!  ^v^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on September 14, 2007, 10:04:07 AM
Ah good. Sonata-san's loss was not in vain ^.^
It's pretty cool how this all worked out, being so close and all. I guess that is the closest you get to a tie, ne? (Then again, can you tie in baseball? ^^')
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Alfamille on September 14, 2007, 02:40:01 PM

But what the heck? What a game! And what a best of 5 series for both NT and Rhapsody!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on September 14, 2007, 03:01:42 PM
Why does this moment reminds of when Ottawa came in second place in the Stanley Cup Finals? >.>

Anyways, Congrats Mac OSX Server! But I really wish it was NT-sama. ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 14, 2007, 04:22:45 PM
Nyahan, well, someone's hand of fate must have slipped, I guess ^-^
But I'm happy anyways! Yattai, minasan!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Gussy Keniji on September 15, 2007, 12:27:10 AM
...I feel crumby for having missed such a glorious event...

But Congrats on Rhapsody-chan, for a Winna is she!!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on September 20, 2007, 08:48:22 AM
*cries* ;___; Just not fair to have two such beautiful young server mommas battle!!!

Great results, though!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on September 23, 2007, 02:57:26 PM
Alright minna! Icelilly-san is back with a question!

Should we create a section for Country-tans? I mean, they exist so why not create a section for them?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 23, 2007, 03:14:28 PM

I dunno, we could but they are, if anything, even MORE obscure than the App-tans, and they are scarce. The only ones I've ever seen are Afganis-tan and some american chick, so I'm not really sure if it "qualifies"...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on September 23, 2007, 05:51:54 PM
I think this site is for the OS-tans and computer (hardware, software, etc.) related characters. If we include country-tans, then we'd be obligated to include mecha musume (did I spell that right?) and just about every other moe anthropomorphism.

See what the Mods have to say about it...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 23, 2007, 06:10:56 PM
Official Position:  No Country-tans.  ^__^

Definitely stick to computer-related anthropomorphisms.  Even those non-computer ones which interact a lot with canon OS-tans (e.g., Astaroth, Pizza-tan, etc) are not gonna get priority (if they get added at all).

I'm even seriously considering dropping the whole Videogame-tans section.  -___-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 23, 2007, 07:05:37 PM
I agree with dropping the whole Videogame-tans section because pretty much nothing can be said about them because there isn't any one 'winning' design. (although there are a few popular Wii-tans as opposed to several one-shot PS3-tans, still don't know if there is enough info to write an article about any of them)

And certainly no Mecha Musume because making a whole section on that would be impossible considering there are so many personifications of so many different mechas and almost all of them are one-shot characters with no distinct personality or backstory at all.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 23, 2007, 10:03:49 PM
You needn't say more, my dear Aurora-dono.  ^.^

Game Console-section,... eliminated!  ^0^
Gomenasai,... Wii-sama,....  ;___;

However, it would seriously be a pain writing articles for you guys, and we'll already have our hands full trying to figure out what to do with the 2,000,000 Vistans.  ^^'

Speaking of large numbers, congratulations on breaking the 1000 post mark, Aurora-dono.  ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on September 24, 2007, 03:32:58 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"However, it would seriously be a pain writing articles for you guys, and we'll already have our hands full trying to figure out what to do with the 2,000,000 Vistans.  ^^'
I hope they choose an offical Vistan soon! @_@ For some unknown reason, I'm getting tired of seeing like 8,000 different Vistans. Plus, it would lighten the load of articles to write no? ^__^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Alfamille on September 25, 2007, 09:02:17 AM
No Country-tans?
No Mecha Musumes?

I guess there will be no Fighter Airplane-tans.

Here's a thing I would like to discuss with you my wiki co-editors;

As you log in to your account.. Click "my preferences". After that, click "skin" and you can choose the skin of the wiki.

The default skin of the wiki is the "OSTan". Although I use the "Monobook" skin. Which do you think of the 5 available skins is better for viewing and editing (especially when making templates, tables, etc.).
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on September 25, 2007, 11:27:07 AM
You know, to tell the truth, I only ever saw those when looking through our MySQL databases (back before we switched servers). I never realized anything linked to those!

After taking a look at the others, I think I'll stick to the default, since it's what I'm used to. ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 25, 2007, 01:13:36 PM
I still think the default one is the best here - somehow the standard "monobook" theme seems a little...off.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 25, 2007, 01:50:25 PM
QuoteI hope they choose an offical Vistan soon! For some unknown reason, I'm getting tired of seeing like 8,000 different Vistans. Plus, it would lighten the load of articles to write no? ^__^;

I reckon it's impossible now to "choose" an official Vistan, since OS-tan canondom is dependent on people recreating the same design, and as far as Vista goes most artists choose the Videogame Console-tan route (aka, "Anything Goes").  ^^;

Besides, the in-joke of multiple Vistans is kind of popular among us as it is, so it might be cuter to approach it from that angle.... -v-

QuoteNo Country-tans?
No Mecha Musumes?

I guess there will be no Fighter Airplane-tans.

Course not.  ^__^
If we did, we might as well change our name to "Wikipedia", cause they'd all be just straight descriptions of whatever they're personifying.  ^___^

Devoid of any personality.... -v-

QuoteAs you log in to your account.. Click "my preferences". After that, click "skin" and you can choose the skin of the wiki.

The default skin of the wiki is the "OSTan". Although I use the "Monobook" skin. Which do you think of the 5 available skins is better for viewing and editing (especially when making templates, tables, etc.).

Ah!!  So THAT's what you were talking about earlier.... ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on September 25, 2007, 02:26:18 PM
QuoteI reckon it's impossible now to "choose" an official Vistan, since OS-tan canondom is dependent on people recreating the same design, and as far as Vista goes most artists choose the Videogame Console-tan route (aka, "Anything Goes"). ^^;

Besides, the in-joke of multiple Vistans is kind of popular among us as it is, so it might be cuter to approach it from that angle.... -v-

My personal belief is that there should be six, one for each Vista release.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 25, 2007, 04:15:51 PM
I think you mean 6,000,000...  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 25, 2007, 04:33:45 PM
That is surely over nine thousand.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Gussy Keniji on September 27, 2007, 06:09:43 PM
Or at least close to it *scouter breaks*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 27, 2007, 10:32:03 PM
Kudos to Aurora-sama for setting up the OSX Leopard article (the only OSX article that I didn't touch).  ^.^

Remind me, though, to update that AVI as that Leopard-chan is WOEFULLY out-of-date.  ^__^

We can either use the wallpaper version:


Or your recent magical-girl hybrid.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 28, 2007, 09:34:34 PM
Thank you! However I did screw up because when editing, it wouldn't preview for me so I had to submit without any previewing. Also, when I did submit it, it didn't show right away -_-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 28, 2007, 10:50:48 PM
No problemo, that was a minor thing to fix.  ^___^
(BTW, love your new avatar.  ^__~)

I too noticed that submitting a picture or article edits drops you off to a blank screen.  The files/changes do go through, however, so this is just a cosmetic issue (hitting refresh usually brings up what you need to see).  

Sounds like something ol' Tsuabashi-dono can check out later.  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on September 29, 2007, 12:15:37 AM
Nice job you two! Great article. Sorry I'm not much of a help, I've been busy with other things lately ^^'

About the submit issue, though, I can't seem to reproduce it. I've only tried what was convenient, though (Safari, Webkit, Firefox and IE on Sazaki-chan ^^') so maybe that has something to do with it. Is it a specific page? I'll test a few more things tomorrow ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: CaptBrenden on September 29, 2007, 10:51:42 AM
QuoteNo Country-tans?
No Mecha Musumes?

I guess there will be no Fighter Airplane-tans.

Damn straight.  I dont think Ive ranted recently on the epic fail of Mecha/airplain/tank/gun tans, but its is epic indeed. as C-chan said, they lack no personality what so ever and are simply MOEification (if you can call it that) but bolting guns and armor plates to a girl.  You know, someone else does that.

The Strogg.  Yes, the strogg in Quake. They capture humans and turn them into horrible mockeries of life and machine by hardwiring weapons onto the recently severed limbs of innocent victums.

Yes thats right, mecha musume is the very definition of evil.

I mean, Imagin how badly the tans would suck if they were just girls with keyboards and computer cases replacing body parts? What makes the tans win is PERSONALITY.  3.1samas quiet non expresive nature and her unseperatable relationship with DOS reflects the personality of the system. Or how 95sama hates apple and turns into a scary lady from flashbacks to the "old days"

he contry tans, like aftganus-tan and Merikan contain the same sort of personality.   Thus, dispite their lack of coverage, they do win big.  Seriously.. Merikan.. richest girl on her block and a good fighter with a super hero fetish, belives her form of justice is right for everyone.. Thats a pretty damn well thought out description that fits well.

Plus I seriously loled when she was sitting on the white house lawn singing "the world was made for me" when osama cat jumped out of no where and bit her ruining her perfect complexion.  

but like everyone has said thus far, I do belive that they should not be included.  

HOWEVER, I do belive the consol tans/video game tans belong there.  Videogames and computers, computers and video games, they go hand in hand. there is some pompetition between computer gaming and consol gaming but they are pretty close to the same thing.  I just think we as one of the largest english speaking os-tan fandom sites should work on developing them more.  Like imagin a dreamcast tan that looks like a female peter pan or something with CE floating around her like tinker bell (since the dreamcast used CE from what I understand)  Or 360tan being a lesbian type with a fetish for girls with large boobs, which explains why she only talks to vista and XPME.
Even c-chans wii tan, an exuberent fitness freak whos always on the go, but perhaps as a loli since shes for the younger crowed, and her system specs arnt up to that of her "sisters"

In summery:  Tanks planes mecha food contries fastfood resturants etc have nothing to do with computers.  But Video games, computer hardware,  and aplications do and I feel they should be included in the wiki.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 29, 2007, 12:47:44 PM
I agree! Mecha Musume is made of lots of fail!

But I guess Videogame console-tans aren't total fail, they seemed that way because there haven't been any artists to unlock their potential to be as good as the OS-tans.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 29, 2007, 09:55:19 PM
Hmmm,... you're injecting me with doubt...  not fun.... T__T
Bear in mind I'm still pulling my ears over this most regrettable decision to deny Wii-sama a viable advertising platform (as if SHE needed one).

Still, I'm still hesitant to reverse my decision, if only because, while I do understand your logic, are we ever going to do much with them to warrant good articles?  '__'

The only way we can personify the "unpersonifiable" is if we take the initiative to give them proper personalities ourselves.  Yes, I know there are still some of you who decry that we have no right to establsih canondom ourselves, but after all this is now our Wiki and can be tailored as such.  At the moment, we can safely say that we've (mainly RenRen, Infinity_Zero and myself) have settled on a single Wii-tan design, and I know Bella-san has drawn a Pippin-tan.  Plus you have those middle-grounders who have historically intermixed with game consoles, such as Coleco Adam-tan, C64-tan and even Amiga-tan.  But these are still fairly slim pickings.  -v-

Because of they're low priority, it's not like we would have written articles for console-tans any time soon -- however, if between now and that hypothetical time, we can do a lot more with videogame console-tans (settling on definitive designs would help, but just drawing more of them is good enough), then for sure I'd reinstate that section.  ^__^

Added after 1 minutes:

Oh, and btw Tsubashi-san, never mind cause I can't seem to get that problem started up anymore.  Weird.... '__'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on November 12, 2007, 10:06:23 PM
*dusts off thread*

Got some work on the wiki done! Expanded upon the articles for DSL-tan and System 1-tan and created the article for System 3-tan!

And sorry to seem like a nag but some of the wiki avis I made didn't get added to the gallery:


And while on the topic of OS-tan wiki avatars, any requests?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on November 13, 2007, 10:11:21 AM
Nah, you can act as a nag.  ^__^
Truth is, I did upload some of those avatars already (Foobies I remember),... just forgot to post them on the actual Avatar Gallery.  ^^;

Gomen gomen,... I'm slipping, I know.  -v-
Vacation, DSL-kun, and illness made sure of that.  -.-

Fortunately, thanks to my beloved 3ePC-chan, I'm bound to make quick comeback!  And since you made a DSL-tan article (great job on those articles, btw), it's only fitting I put a quick word in about DSL-kun.  ^v^

As for requests,.................... Of course, OS-9-tan at some point.  Try to make her look extra-Sonata like so that confusion reigns supreme.  ^.^

Also, we're gonna have to make a new Leopard-tan,... the one on there is antiquated by now.  -.-'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on November 13, 2007, 04:19:20 PM
Hmmm....I've been kinda neglectful of the wiki, too....

I guess I specialize more in long, rambling conjecture XD.....
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on November 13, 2007, 09:05:33 PM
Wahoo!!!  I finally wrote my first Wiki article on 3ePC-chan, and by GAWD it was long!  I'm definitely getting used to that tiny keyboard.  ^__^

Feel free to look:


Oh and yes, I did uncover  very incredible recent discovery!
If you look closely at the Damn Small Linux logo:


You see a penguin holding a little sleeve featuring his picture, but for all intents and purposes looks like he's holding a mini penguin.  ^.^

At last!  A way to explain the size discrepancy with DSL-kun without sounding like I've lost it!  I feel so happy!  ^-^

Plus, it suddenly gives new meaning as to why DSL-tan always carries that bag around with her.  ^^

In other news, I also added a lot of new characters to the General Listing (mostly Siya's), but I haven't fished around in the non-user Gallery for new material yet.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on November 13, 2007, 09:33:11 PM
That is a really neat discovery that perfectly explains why DSL-kun is even smaller than DSL-tan! Also, excellent work with the article!

I also did some more work on the wiki. Added in the wiki avis for Apple I-tan's Apple ][-tan's articles, updated Windows 3.2-tan's article with a little more information and updated avi, and updated TotalFark-tan's and Foobies-tan's articles with wiki avis and adding in info boxes!

And as for Leopard-tan's wiki avis... Since all three Leopard-tans are well supported, I could make the avis for all three of them from the Leopard-tan picture I made recently.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on November 13, 2007, 09:53:07 PM
*phew*  I'm glad,... i was worried I was tampering a bit with your DSL-tan.  But it does add a bit of irony,... although she lives in Mac-tan's apple, she herself has someone living in her bag.  ^__^

Yeah, I forgot to mention the other articles!  Great job again, and I definitely appreciate the time you've taken to flesh out their content further.  ^.^

As for the Leopard-tans', okay, I'm actually all for that!  ^__^
This time I'll be sure to load them ASAP.  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on November 14, 2007, 09:47:34 PM



And the three Leopard-tans!

With these avatars, I did something a little different- convienient filenames! Before now, the ones that I made had some of the most inconvienient filenames possible! ^^;

Any more requests? Also should I make an avi for the 'Magical Girl' Vistan/Chivistan that originated on ++ and has gained a lot of popularity?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on November 15, 2007, 12:46:19 PM

As promised, avatars were uploaded ASAP.  ^__^
Like your OS-9-tan (although she's missing that big "wisp" of hair), but the Leopard-tans look fantastic!  Of course they do, since they're all taken from that great drawing you did a few weeks ago -- they transfered quite well to that small size! ^v^

I also added them to their article, so now Leopard and Vista are truly equals.  ^.^

QuoteWith these avatars, I did something a little different- convienient filenames! Before now, the ones that I made had some of the most inconvienient filenames possible! ^^;

Well maybe they were just a.... little inconvenient.  ^^'
But I could've changed that but didn't, so I was also lazy.  ^^;

QuoteAny more requests? Also should I make an avi for the 'Magical Girl' Vistan/Chivistan that originated on ++ and has gained a lot of popularity?

Not anymore,... just need those microchibis.
Feel free to do that Vistan if you'd like, though.  It's obviously everyone's favorite here, so it might as well be from our forum.  ^.^

If you want it quick, consider using the second to last one that Darknight drew (the one where she's posing with her stick).
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Alfamille on November 25, 2007, 09:57:15 PM
Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"MOAR WIKI AVIS!!



And the three Leopard-tans!

With these avatars, I did something a little different- convienient filenames! Before now, the ones that I made had some of the most inconvienient filenames possible! ^^;

Any more requests? Also should I make an avi for the 'Magical Girl' Vistan/Chivistan that originated on ++ and has gained a lot of popularity?

Awesome work!  ;019

Somehow I feel doing something on the Leopard-tan article.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on December 28, 2007, 05:26:29 PM
Updated the list of OS-tans to include ROMDOS, Fried Chicken Linux, NetBSD, UnixWare, Coleco Adam, CTSS, ITS, MITS Altair 8800, Christmas Tree, Sasser, Fchan, Mixi and Twitter.

Encountered Mixi-tan and Twitter-tan on Wakachan.

Twitter-tan (aka, Twit-tan)

other depictions:

wiki avi: (http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b342/CaptainMiko/OS-tans/twitter.gif)


other depiction:

(wiki avi in progress)

Other new wiki avis:

Windows 1.0-tan

MS BOB-tan


Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on December 28, 2007, 09:18:47 PM
Nice avis! I really like Win1.0 and GEM-tan :)

I've seen Twitter and Mixi-tan, but never gave much thought to them. It's only a matter of time till we see a Facebook or MySpace-tan, I fear XD

Perhaps someday I'll work on some Wiki articles, but I've said it before: My views on certain OS-tans change of a weekly basis, and I'm better at conjecturing :P
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on December 29, 2007, 01:09:39 AM
QuotePerhaps someday I'll work on some Wiki articles, but I've said it before: My views on certain OS-tans change of a weekly basis, and I'm better at conjecturing :P

And you have to focus on working on just ONE project at a time!!!  ^V^

*C-chan's BS and hypocrisy meter bursts*

*C-chan promptly hides mess under carpet*

BTW, many thanks to Aurora-dono for updating and for providing another salvo of cute, lovable avatars!  I can concur that 1.0-chan and GEM-chan are my favorites, although GEM-chan is by far the cutest of the batch.  ^^

I've added only the OS-tans to the gallery, though..... Don't mean to sound dumb, but........ who are those other girls?  ^_________^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on December 29, 2007, 12:25:05 PM
I'm doing a project? o__O

Anyhoo, those others are a couple of social networking site-tans, if I'm correct...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on December 29, 2007, 12:34:22 PM
Correct! Twitter and Mixi are social networking websites. (I also just finished Twitter-tan's article)

And as for Mixi (and Mixi-tan), it is a Japanese social networking site that focuses on meeting people with common interests "community entertainment". Is an invitation-only service. There's a feature called the Mixi Station- a program that uploads songs from iTunes or WMP to Mixi's music section (she'd be an avid music sharer?). Also uses a lot of open source.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 01, 2008, 01:57:34 PM
Okay, I'm sold.  Twitter-tan added.  ^^

Also,... many thanks to Gus-san for adding more Viru-tan (and -kun) articles.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on January 07, 2008, 07:36:27 PM
I gave in and wrote an article for VMS-tan. Somehow I feel she's the most developed character I've worked on (with a lot of help, of course).

Used this image as the avi:

I might write a few more articles (I had a lot of fun!), for whom I'm not sure...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on January 07, 2008, 10:57:23 PM
Excellent work with the VMS-tan article! (Didn't know that she is almost paranoid or that VMS has "Unix-like features"!)


I've done some more work too:

New articles: OS-9-tan, MITS Altair 8800-tan, Coleco Adam-tan

Updated articles: Barbie Linux-tan, TotalFark-tan, DSL-tan
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on January 08, 2008, 06:36:25 PM
QuoteExcellent work with the VMS-tan article! (Didn't know that she is almost paranoid or that VMS has "Unix-like features"!)

Heehee, I thought her paranoia was common knowledge :P

QuoteI've done some more work too:

New articles: OS-9-tan, MITS Altair 8800-tan, Coleco Adam-tan

Updated articles: Barbie Linux-tan, TotalFark-tan, DSL-tan

Good articles! I never knew the Adam was named for "taking a bite out of Apple" XD
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 09, 2008, 12:49:16 AM
QuoteGood articles! I never knew the Adam was named for "taking a bite out of Apple" XD

Fufu... lends credence to the suspicion that Adam was the one who bit into the apple, and simply blamed it on Eve to try and save his butt.  -v-

All kidding aside, thank you very much you two for writing these articles.   ^^

It's quite possible that my artistic rut is due to burn-out, since I've been drawing non-stop for several weeks now.  So if you don't mind [Aurora], I think I'll lay off that for a while and focus on writing tasks, such as Wiki management, the Inkscape Tutorial,... maybe that translation thread for kicks.  -.-

*sighs weerily*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 09, 2008, 11:42:39 PM
Okay, I'm very very very very very happy and proud to report that I FINALLY got back into Wiki editing.  Not just simple articles, mind you, but instead I finally got around to overhauling that Avatar Gallery as I've been meaning to do for months now:


Had to do it as such since the original avatar gallery was getting far too big.  Plus, I think this medium really opens the door for new possibilities -- going forward, I'll certainly advocate for just "getting images up" rather than trying to make them all look a certain way.

[the standard 100x100 pixel size should still remain, though]

So in the next coming weeks, I'll do what I can to fill in a lot of the gaps picture wise, which in turn can be used to add suitable stubs for each character left in red.

Oh, and in lieu of our final OS-tan Collections Wiki Logo, I'm deploying what I had last for now to at least get it up on the site somewhere:


Yep, exciting developments are en route.

But still feel slightly burnt out, though -- maybe just need more sleep.  XvX

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on January 10, 2008, 07:00:49 PM
Hmmm, I was beginning to think that the wiki logo had been swallowed up by the Bermuda Triangle :P

Nice job with the avi gallery. I concur we should perhaps start using existing pix for avis, at least when it's more convenient.

I added GCOS (2, 3, 8)-tan to the listing, as well as Primos and VOS. Gonna make all three -tans soon enough.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on January 10, 2008, 07:47:52 PM
Or you can also request wiki avis from me! I'm working on a few right now. I'm open for requests!

*checks avatar gallery*

Wow! That is one major overhaul to the wiki avi gallery! Those with slower internet connections will especially like the changes you made :D


EDIT: 3 new avis done!

MITS Altair 8800-tan

Coleco Adam-tan

95 OSR 2.1-tan
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 11, 2008, 12:58:42 PM

Well I kinda figured you might've, but since it's your birthday today you're forgiven.  Besides, I'm not one to talk, since I still half a billion commitments I haven't gotten to.   ^___^;

Latest avis are beautiful, and Coleco's one really shows off her beauty (whereas before, with her electrified hair, she kinda had a tomboyish air to her).  By the time you read this I'll have already placed them in the Avatar Gallery -- but you can be sure more B-Day presents will be en route now that I've gotten a lot of much-needed sleep.  ^^

Added after 3 hours 11 minutes:

PS:  Kinda felt bad that Siya-san hasn't had any wiki avis made of his OS-tans yet, so figured I'd plug the hole a little:


Also, I'm using a new Inkscape template to create the avatars. Remind me to post it to the Downloads area later today.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on January 11, 2008, 03:19:29 PM
Oooo.... *gazes in aw*  ^v^
Icelilly-san likes the new avvies. <3 Especially, 95 OSR 2.1-sama looks so pretty! *_*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on January 11, 2008, 07:02:46 PM
Nice avis, everyone! I concur Adam-tan and 95 OSR 2.1-tan are especially cute!

And nice job C-Chan! Maybe some of my newer pix I'll make avis of.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 11, 2008, 10:11:40 PM
Oh don't worry, I was gonna get to yours too (you have the best UNIX-sama, after all).  But I suppose if you want to get a head-start, that'll save me some load.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on January 11, 2008, 11:16:27 PM
Created article for Longhorn-tan and who she is/was. Now there are no longer any red links for the Windows-tans!

Plus... 2 new wiki avis!



Btw, C-Chan and Bella...What wiki avis are you making now or planning to? (So I know which ones I should make to avoid there being double work)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 12, 2008, 01:48:08 PM
Oh don't mind me,... for now I was just planning to make 100x100 cut-outs of existing pictures and posting them in the avatar gallery as placeholders of sorts.  Naturally, if you can make better-looking icons, feel free to replace with.  ^___^

Elive-tan and TRSDOS-chan look great, so off they go.  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on January 12, 2008, 02:11:51 PM
QuoteOh don't worry, I was gonna get to yours too (you have the best UNIX-sama, after all). But I suppose if you want to get a head-start, that'll save me some load. ^^

QuoteBtw, C-Chan and Bella...What wiki avis are you making now or planning to? (So I know which ones I should make to avoid there being double work)

I dunno. Are we just making avis for the gallery, or with some plans to write an article soon thereafter in mind?

Cause I'm a bit superstitious...I don't like to make an avi and or article until I'm really sure of what I want to write...
Trust me, you'd have seen articles for half the DEC-tans by now if I had pictures to back them up ;)

Oooh, TRSDOS and Elive-tan! Man, I forgot about Elive-tan ^///^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 12, 2008, 02:46:48 PM
Well I personally am just making wiki Avatars at this point, only because I still need to help Aurora finish the Zerosanity Xmas comic and can't spare too much time doing more than just that.  

For you gals, though, it's a different matter, and you can approach however you feel best.  Personally, it shouldn't be a problem having the List riddled with stubs, since at least visitors will be able to SEE what they sorta/kinda look like.  ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on January 12, 2008, 03:41:56 PM
Just finished the articles for AOL-tan and Mixi-tan!

This morning, I tried to count all of the OS-tan article links that have been made and count the number that do have articles to find out the percent that do.

I counted... 254 OS-tan article links made, and 148 of those do have articles. And in percentage, that is ~58.2%!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 12, 2008, 03:57:30 PM
WOOHOO!!!!  Can we say "Mission Getting Accomplished"?!  ^__^b
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on January 13, 2008, 10:12:28 AM
Quote from: "C-Chan"WOOHOO!!!!  Can we say "Mission Getting Accomplished"?!  ^__^b
Agreed! ^v^ *thumbs up*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on January 13, 2008, 03:10:48 PM
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on January 13, 2008, 03:40:53 PM
I am very proud of the progress that has been made on the wiki but too bad I have not been keeping track of the stats until yesterday.

Now how about I try to find the percentage of characters that have wiki avis? :D

EDIT: Ha ha! I decided to do a little more than that!


Windows-tans:  25*               *Forgot to add in Windows 97-tan!
   with articles: 24 (100%)  
   with wiki avis: 23 (95.83%)

Apple-tans: 26
   with articles: 19 (73.07%)
   with wiki avis: 21 (~80.76%)

DOS-tans: 9
   with articles: 8 (88.89%)
   with wiki avis: 7 (77.78%)

Linux-tans: 45
   with articles: 14 (31.11%)
   with wiki avis: 14 (31.11%)

Unix-tans: 19
   with articles: 3 (~15.79%)
   with wiki avis: 7 (~36.84%)

Other OS-tans: 36
   with articles: 15 (41.67%)
   with wiki avis: 11 (30.56%)

App-tans: 23
   with articles: 7 (~30.43%)
   with wiki avis: 9 (~39.13%)

Malware-tans: 26
   with articles: 18 (~69.23%)
   with wiki avis: 11 (~42.30%)

Moezilla: 5
   with articles: 5 (100%)
   with wiki avis: 5 (100%)

Site-tans: 21
   with articles: 20 (~95.23%)
   with wiki avis: 19 (~42.30%)

OS-kuns: 11
   with articles: 9 (81.81%)
   with wiki avis: 8 (72.72%) << Corrected this stat

Non OS-kuns: 2
   with articles: 2 (100%)
   with wiki avis: 2 (100%)

Malware-kuns: 6
   with articles: 4 (66.67%)
   with wiki avis: 0 (0%)

However unfortuneatly when adding up the numbers of all OS-tan articles total, I only came up with 253 instead of 254
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 13, 2008, 09:02:28 PM
Thank you for compiling this list, Aurora.

This will be very useful, although I should clarify that the OS-kun area only has 8 articles with wiki avis (haven't done one for DSL-kun yet, although that one I'll take from my CE-chan pic).
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on January 14, 2008, 01:27:33 AM
Now there are 149 articles up, with the newest addition being Elive-tan's article created by Bella!

This brings the total # of Linux-tans with articles up to 15.

2 updated avis!

Darwin OS-tan

I'll be keeping track of these stats and post them up on a weekly basis.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 14, 2008, 01:58:25 PM
OS-tan Wiki avis updated!!!!!!  ^v^

Wow!  It's impressive how much your drawing style has changed.  ^-^

Before I continue with the comic tonight, I'll create an avi for DSL-kun, as well as an updated one for DR-DOS-tan (using one of the shots from the comic).  ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on January 14, 2008, 04:57:12 PM
I worked on Elive and Ubuntu-tan's entries. I kept a lot of the original text from the Ubuntu article but made it fit in better (format wise), plus added there had been some fanart versions done...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 14, 2008, 08:54:52 PM
Excellent excellent, this thing is rolling along nicely indeed.  ^__^

I said I wanted to make a new avi of DR-DOS-tan using the Zerosanity Xmas special,... but then I realized Aurora-dono has the finals.  ^^;

I already revamped DRDOS-tan's current avi anyway, so no need to do anything for her.  But if you [Aurora-dono] can create a placeholder avi for Viru-sama and ROMDOS-tan using the comic graphics, I think that'd be great.  ^.^

In any event, not wanting to be unproductive, I made avis of the remaining A$C members, along with DSL-kun:


Very busy as a bee (now off to start Panel 3 of the comic), so I'll return later to respond to some nice stuff.  ^___^
[but check your gallery comments, Bella!  ^.^]

Added after 2 minutes:

Oh, and one last thing.  I'm attaching that Inkscape template for Wiki avis in case you need it.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on January 15, 2008, 10:37:40 PM
I was wondering (please forgive me if I'm wrong, since I don't really know what all you guys had in mind for the Wiki), but should the pictures C-Chan did for the viruses (the Infinity Zero-style ones) be listed in the avatar list?  I was only wondering since they're currently being used as avatars.

Otherwise, I'm enjoying all of the progress! ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 15, 2008, 10:59:05 PM
Yo Siya.  ^^

Originally no, I was going to have the avatar gallery contain images strictly of a uniform format.  However, I've loosened the requirements a lot recently, so for sure I'll be loading those particular avis up and no time.  ^^

[Including others Infinity-san did, such as Flash-tan and Photoshop-tan]
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on January 16, 2008, 02:38:10 PM
Oh yeah, I should really try to use that template. Sorry!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 17, 2008, 09:53:29 AM
Don't worry,... the only requirement now is that the image be 100x100px (and of course, compliant with standard forum regulations).  ^___^;

*gives evil eye to pr0nsters lurking nearby*  `v'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on January 20, 2008, 09:32:28 PM
Some more wiki avis in progress (C-Chan's requests of Viru-tan and ROM DOS-tan avi placeholders are on the list).

But for now, here are the weekly updated stats!

Unix-tans: 19
   with articles: 4 (~21.05%) ---> up from 3
   with wiki avis: 7 (~36.84%)

Other OS-tans: 37 ---> up from 36
   with articles: 15 (~40.54%)
   with wiki avis: 14 (37.837%) ---> up from 11

OS-kuns: 11
   with articles: 9 (81.81%)
   with wiki avis: 9 (81.81%) ---> up from 8
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 20, 2008, 10:06:12 PM
Thank you as always, Aurora-hime!  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on January 23, 2008, 12:26:26 PM
Oooo.... it seems everyone's been busy when I was studying for exams! ^^ I was thinking about making -tan articles for my new -tans 4Chan and 7Chan (Or at least, I don't think those -tans exsist yet!). I'm debating whether or not I should add them because I don't have any design ideas. Only the fact that 4Chan has blonde hair and 7Chan has blue.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 23, 2008, 02:01:33 PM
I don't know about 7chan, but I have seen 4chan to and fro.  Sure, feel free.  ^___^

BTW, you too are cordially invited to join us for FOSA.  Hope to see you there!  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on January 23, 2008, 02:59:53 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"I don't know about 7chan, but I have seen 4chan to and fro.  Sure, feel free.  ^___^

BTW, you too are cordially invited to join us for FOSA.  Hope to see you there!  ^.^
Well.... if 4Chan-tan isn't very common then I guess I could claim her as my own... >.> *goes through a complex thinking process*

FOSA? What's that? ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on January 23, 2008, 04:12:31 PM
QuoteWell.... if 4Chan-tan isn't very common then I guess I could claim her as my own... >.> *goes through a complex thinking process*
I think that first of all, Yotsuba is sort of something like a 4chan-tan already. Secondly I think that anyone attempting such a thing will be swarmed by illiterate hordes of /b/-tards...
Just my opinion though. Feel free, but don't blame me for any side effects! ^-^;
QuoteFOSA? What's that? ^^;
What...you do not know what it is...?
*Leonidas appears*
THIS IS FOSA (http://ostan-collections.net/topic-744.html)!!!!!!!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on January 24, 2008, 09:13:11 AM
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"
QuoteWell.... if 4Chan-tan isn't very common then I guess I could claim her as my own... >.> *goes through a complex thinking process*
I think that first of all, Yotsuba is sort of something like a 4chan-tan already. Secondly I think that anyone attempting such a thing will be swarmed by illiterate hordes of /b/-tards...
Just my opinion though. Feel free, but don't blame me for any side effects! ^-^;
QuoteFOSA? What's that? ^^;
What...you do not know what it is...?
*Leonidas appears*
THIS IS FOSA (http://ostan-collections.net/topic-744.html)!!!!!!!
God, I've been away for so long that I don't know what anything is anymore. @_@ Thanks for clearing things up!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on January 24, 2008, 09:41:08 AM
Well... I don't think it would be hard to get upto date... even though the whole thread is text-heavy (a lot of stuff to read). In any case, do try contributing if you feel like it... best experiences with the project are gained that way.

In any case... though, this made me think... FOSA is the attempt at making an OS tan anime specifically?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 24, 2008, 10:38:12 AM
Not really,... just called it that because we draw art heavily-laden in the Anime style.  But theoretically, it is possible, just like how open source movies exist:


Speaking of which, a Wiki is a more classic example of open source collaboration.  Not perfect, but given the size and scale of Wikipedia it is quite impressive.  ^____^

QuoteGod, I've been away for so long that I don't know what anything is anymore.  Thanks for clearing things up!

Equipped with that adorable 2.0-chan avatar, everything you say just comes out sounding so cuuuuuuuute!  ^.^

*hugs IceLilly*

But yeah, I'd love to see you more often around here, be it doing stamps, or editing the Wiki or joining us for FOSA'ing, or just chatting from time to time.  ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Techno the fox on January 24, 2008, 05:08:12 PM
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"
What...you do not know what it is...?
*Leonidas appears*
THIS IS FOSA (http://ostan-collections.net/topic-744.html)!!!!!!!

*Kicks Nejin into a horizontally placed portal on the ground, made by Effie*

Sorry, I just couldn't resist myself.

Anyway now.

Quote from: "Icelilly"I was thinking about making -tan articles for my new -tans 4Chan and 7Chan (Or at least, I don't think those -tans exsist yet!).
I may have started something. ^_^
I'm glad someone else wants to make -tans for the other Chan image boards. I always thought of the -Chans as sisters, think : Sibling rivalry to the extreme. I've already made a Fchan-tan. (Who I've given the nickname "Effie".) Check my topic for more on her, and I've thought of a preconcept design for a Desuchan-tan. (Y'know how We is a doppleganger of Emuii and Yamada is a Hacchan impersonator? Well think of Desuchan as a Suiseiseki wannabe.)

I'm thinking of 4chan-tan as wearing a pink outfit, whereas 7chan-tan has a blue-gray one.

Also on a Site-tan related note..I could've sworn I saw a Youtube-tan a while back somewhere.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on January 24, 2008, 05:31:28 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteGod, I've been away for so long that I don't know what anything is anymore.  Thanks for clearing things up!

Equipped with that adorable 2.0-chan avatar, everything you say just comes out sounding so cuuuuuuuute!  ^.^

*hugs IceLilly*

But yeah, I'd love to see you more often around here, be it doing stamps, or editing the Wiki or joining us for FOSA'ing, or just chatting from time to time.  ^___^
*super flying glomp* It's all because of you that I love 2.0-chan now! >v<

QuoteI may have started something.
I'm glad someone else wants to make -tans for the other Chan image boards. I always thought of the -Chans as sisters, think : Sibling rivalry to the extreme. I've already made a Fchan-tan. (Who I've given the nickname "Effie".) Check my topic for more on her, and I've thought of a preconcept design for a Desuchan-tan. (Y'know how We is a doppleganger of Emuii and Yamada is a Hacchan impersonator? Well think of Desuchan as a Suiseiseki wannabe.)

I'm thinking of 4chan-tan as wearing a pink outfit, whereas 7chan-tan has a blue-gray one.
*pictures* Ooooo.... Pretty! *__* I've been wanting to do the Chan boards for a while but didn't have any ideas. To be honest, I STILL don't have any ideas... ^^;

QuoteAlso on a Site-tan related note..I could've sworn I saw a Youtube-tan a while back somewhere.
Whoa! Really? O_O' Do you remember where?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on January 24, 2008, 06:54:43 PM
Quote from: "Techno"Also on a Site-tan related note..I could've sworn I saw a Youtube-tan a while back somewhere.
Quote from: "Icelilly"Whoa! Really? O_O' Do you remember where?

Was it this one?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on January 24, 2008, 06:56:37 PM
uwaaah~ >.<
That thing looks ancient! Somehow...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on January 24, 2008, 07:01:14 PM
Ancient?  XD;;  

Also, to everyone in charge of the Wiki, I've got the original psd files with transparent backgrounds for most of my designs.  Would you want me to make up avatars using them?  I could hit all the ones C-Chan hasn't done, yet.  If so, what is the preferred format?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Techno the fox on January 24, 2008, 07:08:11 PM
Quote from: "Siya"Was it this one?

Yeah that's her ^_^

I'm not really "In charge" of the wiki, but yeah I think It'd be awesome if you made avatars for your -tans. I'm not really sure what filetype though, because I've never submitted any images to the wiki.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 24, 2008, 09:58:31 PM
Ah yes, I had forgotten how cute Chibi SkyOS-tan and Chibi YouTube-tan were!  ^.^

Regarding avatar creation....

You can use the ones on the previoius page as reference, but I can describe it in detail here:


Basically we need a 100x100 pixel image, preferably in PNG or GIF since JPGs often leave unsightly artifacts.  As you can see in the sample, there should be a 1px black outer border, and a 2 pixel white inner border.

Course, I'm just excited enough at the prospect at seeing colored versions of your earlier masterpieces.  ^.^


Now about Parsix-sama....  ^___________^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on January 24, 2008, 11:25:34 PM
Alright!  These looking alright, then?


Anything new shall have to wait until I get a small lineup of commissions finished.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 25, 2008, 08:00:11 AM
Ah yes, these are looking like a million dollars!! [Canadian ones!!  @.@]

Thank you, saved me a trip!  ^___^

Will stick to you like a leech until I get to see your next picture!  ^v^

*sticks to Siya like a leech*

Added after 32 minutes:

Okay, avis uploaded and posted to the Avatar Gallery!  ^v^
Just noticed that Yoper-sama isn't on there yet... want to do the honors, or should I?  ^___^

Speaking of honors, Zeta-tan reminded me that there are other BeOS-tans needing exposure, so I made avis for them too.
Plus one very special and "infectiously"cute Mistress too.  ^>^

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on January 25, 2008, 08:20:05 AM

Hehehe....I forgot all about Yoper. ^__^;;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 25, 2008, 08:35:02 AM
[singing off-key]  You've lost that loooooovin' feeeeeelin!!!!
Wooooah, that loooooovin' feeeeeelin!!!!
You've lost that LOOOOOOVIN' feeeeeelin!!!!
Now it's gone....
Buddum.... buddum.... buddumdumudum....
Baby baby!!  I get down on my knees for youuuuu!!!

...and stuff.

In short, come to Piggy, Yoper-sama!  ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on January 25, 2008, 02:30:20 PM
^ Wow, an 80s song reference O____O

In other news, nice avis!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 25, 2008, 02:33:40 PM
Love makes you dig up all sorts of weird references like that.  ^^

*snuggles up to Yoper-tan*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on January 26, 2008, 07:13:39 PM
Interesting that you two mention "You lost that loving feeling"! I just got done watching the end of "Top Gun" and that song was being played!

2 new wiki avis and 2 updated!

ROM DOS-tan **NEW**
This one is just a placeholder and will eventually be updated

Quantum Link-tan **NEW**

BBSpot-tan (updated)

Something Awful-tan (updated)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on January 27, 2008, 01:40:25 AM
Yay!  I was wondering about Quantum Link-tan's absence, the other day, but I forgot to comment on it.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 27, 2008, 01:53:23 AM
Aurora-hime, you are a doll!  
ADDED!!!  ^v^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on January 28, 2008, 06:01:17 AM
Hmm... after looking through some articles in the wiki, I thought that character personifications should be separated by the place of origin, as in, the site that it first appeared. This could go as:

''OS-Tan Collections''
''Other People''

At least that way, people can know which group of people have adopted which versions of the tans. However, if there is only one globally accepted version, then it should be only one.

Well... that's as much as I could think up to this time. Guess I need more time to really get my mind running on wiki mode... been a while since I worked with wiki stuff.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 28, 2008, 01:42:57 PM
Originally back when it was the OS-tan Wiki, it was our goal to get various OS-tan categorization schemes, including by Alpha Order, History, and possibly even places of origin.

Now that it's just exclusively an OS-tan Collections Wiki, there's a lot less of a pressing need to break it out as such -- certainly not before at least 80% of the articles are drafted up.  All the OS-tans featured (and being continuously added) are OS-tans that we personally have adopted for our own purposes, regardless of their perception on the image boards.  Only the list of "canon" OS-tans can be safely considered halfway-"globally accepted" -- but there is no longer such a coopartive spirit among OS-tan artists (and hence no "offical" anything) when it comes to OS-tans created after the original Troubled Windows group.  That's why you see so many millions of Longhorn and Vistan designs, but only one ME-tan.

Besides, there are instances where the origin of a design may not be entirely clear-cut, so you'd have a disproportionate number of "Other People", and an unfairly HUGE "OS-tan Collections" grouping.  Given the likelihood of just having only 4 major categories, one would have to wonder why bother when the info boxes already indicate where each OS-tan first appeared.

Then again, it's not called a Wiki for nothing.  A user is free to add what he/she deems is necessary.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on January 29, 2008, 06:54:19 AM
QuoteOriginally back when it was the OS-tan Wiki, it was our goal to get various OS-tan categorization schemes, including by Alpha Order, History, and possibly even places of origin.

Hmm... I think I may have been a bit less specific that I thought. I tried to suggest that for being done within the character articles themselves... as in... make mention of the popular designs that have been made by people.

Of course, most of those will be traced back to either Futaba and/or Nijiura historically. If we ever wanted the 'tans to have such info as their date and place of Origin, all we need to do is direct people from Futaba and Nijiura to the wiki or ask for them to send info with proof of facts and the info would likely be updated. A last alternative is to make research ourselves and give the credit to the oldest dated image available. At least that way only the more popular designs known will be the ones to make the cut into the article.

QuoteThen again, it's not called a Wiki for nothing. A user is free to add what he/she deems is necessary. ^^

Uhm... actually, I just wanted to see what were your thoughts on my suggestions for setting some writing standards. On my behalf I guess those were merely thoughts.

- - - --- -- - -- --- - - -

I also have a suggestion for the infobox, but I am not really sure of posting it right now... --__--
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 29, 2008, 08:33:38 AM
You won't know unless you try.  

Go ahead, let me hear your thoughts.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on January 29, 2008, 02:29:11 PM
You'll have to wait until I stop toying with the idea... sounds less complicated (and becomes way much easier to understand) if actually see it for yourself instead of being it explained.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 29, 2008, 02:34:24 PM
Aa sou,....

That would explain all the recent activity at the Wiki.  `v'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on January 29, 2008, 02:51:37 PM
Yep... The Kiss is messing with a template code and is testing things out before letting it up for proposal... don't want it blowin' up something.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 29, 2008, 02:57:57 PM
Bet you're saving the best stuff for last, though, cause so far it looks only slightly improved from our current info boxes.  ^^

Wonder what goodies you have in store in that ol' noggin  `v'

*starts poking and probing Kissu-san for information leaks*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on January 29, 2008, 03:09:28 PM
Nice job with the new infobox!

And I know who created XP Pro-tan! (you were asking on the userbox page, using her as an example)


XP Pro-tan was created by XP-kakiaki, who also created Norton-kun, Buster-kun, and MS DOS-tan in 2004! On another interesting note, MS DOS-tan originally just represented the DOS prompt (I can tell because on the picture on that page, her armband says "prompt")!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 29, 2008, 03:29:54 PM
QuoteThis template is meant to reduce effort in the construction of tables and give all people the ability to fill out the infobox quite easily and without hassle. all you need to do is copy the following code and paste it at the beginning of the article you want to create/modify/whatever.

There we go.  ^__^

*pops champagne bottle*

Oh and thanks for digging that stuff up, Aurora-hime.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on January 29, 2008, 03:35:45 PM
All... I... have... in... mind... is...


Well... at least right now that is.

Yes, I am going to make that template grow... as well as creating new others to help meet the needs of the wiki.

Oh and... why is it that you still haven't created an OSC mascot?

Aaaanywaaaays... back on topic...

I will expand on that template... or create new ones to make due for them.

My goals to meet:
--| Have a template that tells the difference between OS-tan, Software-tan, Error-tans, Console-tans, Viru-tans... among others.

--| Have a "Claim it!/Help-us!" template to place in the foot note section in order to find the origins of a character.

--| Have all possible articles updated to have the templates.

--| Create wiki articles for the FOSA project.

--| Update the Vistan Article to include more variantions, the ones available are rather not on par with the amount of popular versions available.

--| Try and make outsiders come and help get as much info up to date as possible (via e-mail or something).

--| Create a "sandbox" article to help set a good article format.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 29, 2008, 03:48:23 PM
QuoteAll... I... have... in... mind... is...


Good,... I'll call you the "Templater" going forward.  ^_____^

QuoteOh and... why is it that you still haven't created an OSC mascot?

Long story,...

Summed into one line....

"-tan overload."  @@;

Quote--| Have a template that tells the difference between OS-tan, Software-tan, Error-tans, Console-tans, Viru-tans... among others.

Aaaah-ha! yes, the last couple of ones we need desperately.  Gus-san improved a little on the virus info boxes, but that could use some standardization.  APPROVE

Quote--| Have a "Claim it!/Help-us!" template to place in the foot note section in order to find the origins of a character.

Assuming anyone will read it,... yeah sure, why not?  APPROVE.  ^^

Quote--| Have all possible articles updated to have the templates.

Would be a great opportunity to add those much needed stubs.  APPROVE.

Quote--| Create wiki articles for the FOSA project.

Ehhhhh,... I'd hold off on that for now.  Let's focus on populating character profiles first.
Plus I still need to edit the Introduction Page -- stopped at only about 20% editing, and a lot of it still leftovers from the old Wikipedia page.

Quote--| Update the Vistan Article to include more variantions, the ones available are rather not on par with the amount of popular versions available.

Oh yeah, you're gonna love doing Wiki editing!  Considering the millions of varieties of Vistan designs out there, populating the Vista page is practically a job in itself!  APPROVE!  ^___^

Quote--| Try and make outsiders come and help get as much info up to date as possible (via e-mail or something).

Only among registered members, mind you.  This is still a private Wiki, and don't want outsiders to consider such notices as spam.

Quote--| Create a "sandbox" article to help set a good article format.

Fedora-Tan's original Wiki site had such a thing, but sadly the new Wikimedia format does not.  Still, this does seem like something up your alley -- if the quality of your documentation is as good as what you showed me in the FOSA thread.  APPROVE.

Okay, go forth and conquer!  I'll join up maybe later on for some stubbing.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on January 29, 2008, 03:57:58 PM
Great ideas, Kiso! I especially like the template idea...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on January 29, 2008, 04:10:59 PM
Guess that's what happens when you get too much free time at college. To think I pulled that template off with only one hour-worth of wiki-code knowledge... good thing that tese guys have HTML compatibility... I have got to love them for it... but I hate them because I can't seem to work out the cellpadding and spacing to be just one thin line... and don't get me started on wanting to change the coloring of the borders.

Still I will hope to do a lot of this stuff as I come with time... whichi Ironically tomorrow is one of those times... no classes on Wednesdays, wooo!!

In any case... I will continue to deal with wiki-code to help improve the template as a mechanic would go and put a turbocharger into a car. *stolen words from his brother cause he has no car knowledge other than brand names and models*

*comes back to add*

Hmmm... now that I think about it... between Nijiura, Futaba, and my overactive imagination... I think the Vistan arcticle will be the largest of all the wiki articles. But worry not... I will try to also put up info on the characters... that means I will probably add some section like 'Kiso's Perception' within the articles... or maybe simply get to more compromising conclusions and have a collective thought on things...

Though... I think I managed to be quite accurate in presenting the (probably) true Vistan personalities. Still, might change one or two to be the bit of more unique.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 30, 2008, 09:23:21 AM
As far as I can see, the new OS-tan info box template is well-written and polished, and does serve it's purpose of being easier to use.  

Course, like I said to you before last week, try not to spend too much of your surplus free time doing this, certainly not when you can use the time to grow in other ways.  Even though we have the most to gain from having someone like you do all the heavy-lifting, truth is the Wiki is slightly more of a curiosity than an asset.  That pretty much sums up why it hasn't been finished, even though it's been nearly a year since NewYinzer thought it up.

QuoteHmmm... now that I think about it... between Nijiura, Futaba, and my overactive imagination... I think the Vistan arcticle will be the largest of all the wiki articles. But worry not... I will try to also put up info on the characters... that means I will probably add some section like 'Kiso's Perception' within the articles... or maybe simply get to more compromising conclusions and have a collective thought on things...

Putting an "editor's thoughts" is a pretty common practice in our wiki, so yeah I would use that whenever you want to add personal thoughts on a Vistan in question -- and is all but indispensable when you're discussing your own variations.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on January 30, 2008, 10:45:54 AM
Well... I updated the template to make it a tad better... working on the borders now. But by this time it can actually be used on the wiki, so you guys can go wild using it as it is...

In the meantime, I'll be looking up on codes to further increase the 'power' of that one template... it's not exactly as easy as it seems from the developer side.

Oh and... thank you for the feedback on that Vistan comment... I guess it leaves me with an open range of directions to take in order to help expand on the Vistan variations. This may also require explanation of the various ways people represent the features of the softwares and the like.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to say... don't worry about me dude... I only take enough time to do something significant.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 30, 2008, 10:58:48 AM
QuoteOh yeah, I almost forgot to say... don't worry about me dude... I only take enough time to do something significant.

Very good, that's what I like to hear.  ^__^

*sits down and sips some white tea*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on January 30, 2008, 02:21:31 PM
Hey, I was thinking the other day about the 4Chan-tan and 7Chan-tan. If -tan versions of some of the Chan boards exist, then why not create -kun versions of them?! The -kuns don't get enough love... ;_; If it's alright with everyone, if  -kun versions don't exist, I'd like to claim as my own and create articles on them. :3

Also, I had an idea for Google-kun. I might write some thing up about him too.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to sleep now... *sleeps*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 30, 2008, 04:14:29 PM
Well,... I think the one prerequisite for adding new characters to the listing is that they should at the very minimum be drawn to some extent.  I could've added z/OS-tan, but because she only exists in my head I can't feel compelled to add her....  ^___^;

If you'd be willing to do a little sketchwork, I think we can set up something for you.  You can always flesh them out later.  ^.^

But no yaoi now, ya here?  ^___^;

QuoteNow if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to sleep now... *sleeps*

*covers up 2.0-chan in blanket*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Blast on January 30, 2008, 04:17:41 PM
If you guys need junk done on the wiki side (rather than sysop side, with the code and wotev), I'm available.

@Icelily: There's 4chan-tan? oshiâ€"

I wonder if there's a /b/-tan.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 30, 2008, 04:26:01 PM
Alrighty then, show me your skillz....  `v'

*stares at avatar*

Wow! You do love cycling through tons of avatars, don't you...?  ^^'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on January 30, 2008, 04:43:18 PM
QuoteWell,... I think the one prerequisite for adding new characters to the listing is that they should at the very minimum be drawn to some extent. I could've added z/OS-tan, but because she only exists in my head I can't feel compelled to add her.... ^___^;

I'm the same way. I feel I've got to do a finished vector sketch before I add an entry...or else I'd have already done a ton of articles for old OS-tans (like CTSS, ITS, RSX-tan, etc.)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on January 30, 2008, 06:05:30 PM
Here are the updated OS-tan Collections Wiki stats:

Windows-tans:  25
   with articles: 24 (96%)  
   with wiki avis: 23 (92%)

Apple-tans: 26
   with articles: 19 (~73.08%)
   with wiki avis: 21 (~80.76%)

DOS-tans: 9
   with articles: 8 (88.89%)
   with wiki avis: 8 (88.89%)

Linux-tans: 48
   with articles: 14 (~29.167%)
   with wiki avis: 16 (33.33%)

Unix-tans: 23
   with articles: 4 (~17.39%)
   with wiki avis: 8 (~34.78%)

Other OS-tans: 40
   with articles: 15 (37.5%)
   with wiki avis: 20 (50%)

App-tans: 23
   with articles: 9 (~39.13%)
   with wiki avis: 9 (~39.13%)

Malware-tans: 26
   with articles: 18 (~69.23%)
   with wiki avis: 12 (~46.15%)

Moezilla: 5
   with articles: 5 (100%)
   with wiki avis: 5 (100%)

Site-tans: 21
   with articles: 20 (~95.23%)
   with wiki avis: 19 (~92.30%)

OS-kuns: 11
   with articles: 9 (81.81%)
   with wiki avis: 9 (81.81%)

Non OS-kuns: 2
   with articles: 2 (100%)
   with wiki avis: 2 (100%)

Malware-kuns: 6
   with articles: 4 (66.67%)
   with wiki avis: 0 (0%)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on January 30, 2008, 06:45:29 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"Well,... I think the one prerequisite for adding new characters to the listing is that they should at the very minimum be drawn to some extent.  I could've added z/OS-tan, but because she only exists in my head I can't feel compelled to add her....  ^___^;

If you'd be willing to do a little sketchwork, I think we can set up something for you.  You can always flesh them out later.  ^.^

But no yaoi now, ya here?  ^___^;

QuoteNow if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to sleep now... *sleeps*

*covers up 2.0-chan in blanket*
Sketchwork? Well... Only if you promise not to laugh at my poor artistic skills. I couldn't draw to save my life. XD

Aww... No yaoi? ;_; Oh alright. But that's only because I love you and everyone else here. ^v^

*snuggles in blankie*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on January 30, 2008, 07:13:38 PM
Hey people... we need a pair of images for the wiki.

--| "No image available." - This would be for characters with articles, and still have no defined picture. Just in case somebody decides to bring about a written description... something rather but still possible.

--| "No set standard." - This one is to say that the character has images, but there are so many variations and no one has adopted a common design.

-------| Alternatively, we can create animated .gif images with the images of all the popular variations... but... that doesn't really look professional or remotely presentable for either a public or private wiki or even a private character database.

I can offer myself for creating those, but I don't really have much artistic ideas to take on for any of these two images. I know one thing is for sure though, these would have the same format as the rest of the wiki avatars.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on January 30, 2008, 07:45:49 PM
QuoteAlso, I had an idea for Google-kun. I might write some thing up about him too.
I've seen a Google-kun, once.  I'm not so sure I was all that fond of him, though.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Blast on January 30, 2008, 08:48:51 PM
Well, I've only had two. :P

What needs doing?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on January 31, 2008, 08:00:33 AM
Well blasted dude... the main thing to do is wiki article development, creation and/or updating. Other (more important things) things are done by the wiki mods when need be... unless you are good with wiki or HTML coding... then you also have a chance doing things yourself, like the info box template I am developing. ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on January 31, 2008, 11:15:09 AM
Okay, terribly busy so will have to go through all this at a kph speeds.... -v-

Quote--| "No image available." - This would be for characters with articles, and still have no defined picture. Just in case somebody decides to bring about a written description... something rather but still possible.

We can pluck one from the Annex for now....


Should generally be used whenever a picture can't be created.  If the character itself hasn't been drawn yet, I'd be willing to give some leeway if the character is a work in progress (meaning we'll see it in the very near future).  At the very least, the wording should explicitly state that it's a design proposal.

Quote--| "No set standard." - This one is to say that the character has images, but there are so many variations and no one has adopted a common design.

In practice this would only apply to Longhorn and Vista, but in principle there really isn't such a thing.  The avatar is really more indicative of whom we (as OSC) prefer as our character of choice.  In fact, I wanted to get away from having 3 separate avatars in the Vistan info box, and just break them out between the separate Vista releases (starter, Home, Ultimate, etc), since we commonly regard the most popular designs as belonging to one of those releases (e.g., Chiivistan as Ultimate, Ninja Girl as basic, Vistake as,... well you get the idea).  

Quote-------| Alternatively, we can create animated .gif images with the images of all the popular variations... but... that doesn't really look professional or remotely presentable for either a public or private wiki or even a private character database.

Oh yeah, that doesn't fly with me either.  ^__^'
No, but as a compromise to that proposal, you might consider placing the additional avatars embedded within the article itself, when the particular design variation is mentioned.  For practical reasons, of course, you would have to limit it only to only the most popular designs -- but at least it gives the reader a visual cue of what the article is talking about.

I wanted to do this with the Ubuntu-tan article, showing both the Japanese variation and Bella's version in addition to Juzo-kun's original.

QuoteWhat needs doing?

We're in dire need of article stubs, but if you're good with proofreading and editing, we could also use a fix-me-up in the Introductions Page.

There's also a ton of app-tans, hardware-tans and the like in the Gallery and sprinkled throughout the forum that have not been listed in their respective spots.  Not exactly high-priority, but it's a peaceful, quiet area of development that you could work on.

Just remember to link pictures of said "-tans" here, so we can create avatars of them.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on January 31, 2008, 04:34:49 PM
Hey... that is a nice image. Oh and don't worry... it would usually be for temporary purposes. Something tells me the Vista article would be the one to make permanent use of it until people decide to actually support the multiple character versions for each of the OS' versions, like the three XP-tans.

It's is obvious that I am on the works of that... and I think I saw the +Nijiura+ gallery hosting a picture of four OS-tans that would loook the same if it weren't for they having different color schemes. And the four more popular versions of Futaba sometimes have been pointed to be representing X version of the software... but that's not something I would call comfirmed until somebody brings about proof of it.

Anyways... I am making the updated version of the Vistan article... it's already 2000+ characters long and I have yet to finish writting it all. Might have it up by next Tuesday... I can't fully dedicate myself to writting... I also need to help myself to some personal projects like, improving my vectorized character, start work on designing my six(Nijiura-inspired) Vistans... plus think of their possible attires... not to mention keep a watch on sites other than this one that I frequent.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 01, 2008, 10:40:00 AM
QuoteAnyways... I am making the updated version of the Vistan article... it's already 2000+ characters long and I have yet to finish writting it all.

ONLY 2000 characters long?  
Wow, I'm so happy you managed to write a CONCISE article for the Vistans!  ^____________^

(joking, joking!)   ^v^

No, but that really does sound impressive.  ^__^

QuoteMight have it up by next Tuesday... I can't fully dedicate myself to writting... I also need to help myself to some personal projects like, improving my vectorized character, start work on designing my six(Nijiura-inspired) Vistans... plus think of their possible attires... not to mention keep a watch on sites other than this one that I frequent.

And lest we forget reports and papers and homework and research and socializing and eating, etc etc.... ^___^

Do you do work study?  Maybe you don't have to, but having work experience is surprisingly helpful post-graduate (especially if it's at a library or computer lab).  ^v^


In other words, kudos for Bella-sama and her NetBSD-tan article (and avi).  I've also bled in a few Wiki avatars as well -- I'm guessing two a day is not an unrealistic goal.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Gussy Keniji on February 02, 2008, 08:38:58 AM
Haha oh wow...wuts up with me and sudden disappearances

Anywhom, during my 'disappearance' I managed to draw up tihis Wiki avi for Acme-sensei (yeah...I said Acme-sensei...I really dunno why) seeing as there is a certain type of format avi's have to be in.

A newer version of the Acme-tan avi...I shouldn't be so impulsive...

Abraxas-tan wiki avi

Ah-tan wiki avi

Acid-tan wiki avi

Bomber-tan avi

(c)Brain-sama's avi

Bliss-tan's avi

Byte-Bandit's avi

And finally Mikuru cha-I mean, Cascade's avi

I'm gonna work on the other Virus-tans (and -kuns) as well, so these won't be the only one to be made.

Also I'm workin on an Article for Viru-sama as well as Mimail, MyDoom, and Spida. So far Viru-tan's is near completion and should be up by tonight if everything goes as planned. Also I noticed there's a Sasser-tan article up, I could work on a pic/avi for her but I don't wanna steal anybody's chance at drawing a new virus...

Also YAY or NAY to a HELP-tan article(?)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 02, 2008, 07:50:06 PM
Lots of updates and contributions in the past few days! (and silly me almost didn't notice them! Bad Aurora, BAD!!)
*types down changes*

Got a couple contributions of my own to add in:

2 new wiki avis:


Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Gussy Keniji on February 02, 2008, 11:39:03 PM
Ah Aurora-hime, good work on both avi's and articles thar.

More virus avatars...

Last 2 in line are CIH and Butterfly (whom I still have to write up the article for ^^; ) then it's on to the Malware-kuns

Closet Bomber- A-Bomb-tan

Blood Physician- ANTI-tan

Tsuderekko Oni- Disk Killer-tan

Holiday Nomad- Christmas Tree-tan

Mama Ningyo- Whale-tan

Playtime Dynamite- Lamer Exterminator-tan

Viru-sama's Bodygaurd- Cerberus-tan

Modest Bolero- Esperanto-tan
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 03, 2008, 08:02:05 AM
Oooh... more avatar goodness! Good work Gussy-Virus-Dude!

Anyways... I will be implementing the (new) character template through the OS-tan articles... at least the Windows Tans, and then will following with the other tans as they come up.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on February 03, 2008, 03:55:13 PM
Nice work on the avatars, Gussy and Aurora!

QuoteAnyways... I will be implementing the (new) character template through the OS-tan articles... at least the Windows Tans, and then will following with the other tans as they come up.

I'm quite nitpicky, but I kinda sorta like the older template a bit more. I dunno...it just seems more...simple... : |

Anyhoo, I've made avis for:

Ubuntu-tan (I re-did it to look more like the avatars yous use)
Multics-sama (a bit pompous of me, I guess, as I have no plans on making a Multics-sama article in the near future; we just don't know enough about her pre-1970s life, only that it was terribly complicated. I could always cop out and put "little is known about her early life...")

And I've written articles for:

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 03, 2008, 04:57:08 PM
QuoteI'm quite nitpicky, but I kinda sorta like the older template a bit more. I dunno...it just seems more...simple... : |
Hmm... there is truth in that, the other one is simple-looking. However, I am not changing the templates to make them look "edgy", "flashy" or "complex". The change is to keep them consistent... I see some infoboxes with information that others don't have or fields are named differently. The appearance was mainly a way to let people know which articles have the new code and which don't so that they could be changed.

After the template is implemented on all of the character articles, people can simply go to Template:Taninfobox and change the code... after the changes are saved, all of the articles will have the change implemented.

It's the best way to deal with infoboxes.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 03, 2008, 09:33:24 PM
By GAWD!!!!  I think you guys cumulatively uploaded more Avis in the last 24 hours that have been uploaded in the past 24 weeks!  ^^;

In any event, added all of Gus-san's, Aurora-hime's, Bella-san's avis -- as well as a few of my own last-minute additions -- to the Gallery.

Bella-sama:  I humbly request priority Avis for....  ^___^

Plan 9-sama

As far as Kisssu-san's infobox goes, it is hefty... but aside from the convenience factor that he mentioned, I also think it will help establish more weight to article stubs.  Even an ultra-obscure system like GMOS can look substantial.  ^^

Furthermore, if you guys follow my suggestion of adding more avatars to the article representing the other designs, then the clear demarcations will be helpful.

On the other hand, I could use a little padding between the article text and the infobox.  I believe that was also a problem with the previous infobox as well, though I was too busy uploading and writing stuff to revisit it.  ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on February 03, 2008, 09:50:47 PM
QuoteBella-sama: I humbly request priority Avis for.... ^___^

Plan 9-sama

Sure thing!

....but does this mean...articles for aforementioned OS-tans? I mean...not like I'm scared of getting the Unix family mad at me or anything...I'm just sayin' O////O

(^It'll still be easier than a Multics-sama article!)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 03, 2008, 09:57:28 PM
No no, just the avatars.  Once the avatars are loaded, it'll be a helluva lot easier to make some decent stubs.  ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on February 03, 2008, 10:20:37 PM
Did somebody order avis?

Unix-sama (I feel this really doesn't do her a lot of justice; but this was the best...non-cosplay...pic I had of her. Oh well, we can always upload a new one)



Puppy Linux-chan
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Gussy Keniji on February 03, 2008, 11:49:00 PM
Aha, very nice work on the avatars, Bella-san

speakin of which I have new ones myself

Fluttering Bane- Butterlfly tan

Gate Inugami- Cerberus-kun

Ego Dynamite- A-Bomb-kun

Vampiric Terror- Horror-kun

Twitchy Tuesday- Ah-kun

Atomic Aristocrat- CIH-tan

-Also anybody know the story behind Infinities viruses; MyDoom, Rabbit and Spida (like their personalities and such). point being I was gonna make articles (and avatars) for them as well. once I have the details I'll go on ahead n' make their articles and that'll be it with the 1st set of malware (2nd set will the be- Sasser, Sunday, Horror-tan, Acme-kun and Abraxas-kun)

Edito dood: finished articles (1st set).
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 04, 2008, 12:24:48 AM
Great job everyone! Progress is really booming! ;010

That all brings the new total updated stats to:

Windows-tans: 26
   with articles: 24 (~92.31%)
   with wiki avis: 23 (~88.46%)

DOS-tans: 9
   with articles: 9 (100%)
   with wiki avis: 8 (88.89%)

Linux-tans: 48
   with articles: 15  (31.25%)
   with wiki avis: 20 (41.67%)

Unix-tans: 25
   with articles: 6 (24%)
   with wiki avis: 16 (64%)

Malware-tans: 26
   with articles: 19 (~73.08%)
   with wiki avis: 22 (~84.62%)

Malware-kuns: 6
   with articles: 4 (66.67%)
   with wiki avis: 4 (66.67%)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Techno the fox on February 04, 2008, 01:40:48 AM
Ooooooh, Nice work on the avatars everyone.

Quote from: "Gussy Kenji"Also anybody know the story behind Infinities viruses; MyDoom, Rabbit and Spida (like their personalities and such). point being I was gonna make articles (and avatars) for them as well. once I have the details I'll go on ahead n' make their articles and that'll be it with the 1st set of malware (2nd set will the be- Sasser, Sunday, Horror-tan, Acme-kun and Abraxas-kun)

Edito dood: finished articles (1st set).

Hmm No, I don't know the stories behind Infinity's three viruses but now I shall have to make a trip to the wiki.

*A Lightbulb appears above techno's head*
GAH! SASSER! That's right I was supposed to draw her. Sorry guys, I've had my hands full with my three pics. (VBoy-kun, Effie, and the Christmas one) so many Ideas and drawings, so little time. Now I know how C-chan and Bella feel.

Anyway on a more positive note, I'm happy to report that progress on Christmas Chibis.svg is going excellently.
Did any of you notice that Effie's outfit is different in Christmas Chibis?
It's an alternate outfit I designed for her for winter. Gotta stay warm right?
And she can't wear her normal outfit in the dead of winter....You'll see what I mean later....I also decided to give her winter outfit Fuzzy socks and slippers.

As soon as I get her completely vectorized I'm going to put Effie from "Christmas Chibis" into her normal outfit, then put that into an avatar!

I also noticed that someone was kind enough to give Effie and Sasser-tan articles in the Wiki. ^_^ Thanks.

Anyway, that's all I have to say for this topic.
*The Victory theme from Megaman plays as techno warps out*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 04, 2008, 06:58:44 AM
QuoteAs far as Kisssu-san's infobox goes, it is hefty... but aside from the convenience factor that he mentioned, I also think it will help establish more weight to article stubs. Even an ultra-obscure system like GMOS can look substantial. ^^

Furthermore, if you guys follow my suggestion of adding more avatars to the article representing the other designs, then the clear demarcations will be helpful.

On the other hand, I could use a little padding between the article text and the infobox. I believe that was also a problem with the previous infobox as well, though I was too busy uploading and writing stuff to revisit it. ^^;

Wow... I actually didn't realize the stub thing... at least not consciously because something did made me feel like articles looked different... and not in the literal sense.

As for the extra space needed... I tried to build up that space... didn't work... cellpadding does not apply for outside text. But I am trying to find an alternative to that before I continue work on fixing articles and the template... I'll find the way... you'll see.

*pops back into the scene*

Well... as of now... I can say I have done what I intended... I nested the table under another table, set an extra cell padding and other bits of code and voila... awesomely cool spacing between the table and the outside text.

Now... back to devising the "smart" table.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 04, 2008, 11:31:01 AM
QuoteDid somebody order avis?

Beautiful!  ^^

*adds all without second's thought*

As for UNIX-sama, I kinda thought you would add the one where she's sitting there all imperial-like, while Slack-san, Zenwalk-tan and DSL-chan are groveling before her.  But yes, this one will do for now.  ^__^

QuoteAha, very nice work on the avatars, Bella-san

speakin of which I have new ones myself

Great!  ^__^

*adds all to gallery*

I'd swear the virus-tans now outnumber the actual OS-tans.  ^.^

I might add VonDaab's take on CIH-tan later, if only because I think that version's pretty cool too.

Quote-Also anybody know the story behind Infinities viruses; MyDoom, Rabbit and Spida (like their personalities and such). point being I was gonna make articles (and avatars) for them as well. once I have the details I'll go on ahead n' make their articles and that'll be it with the 1st set of malware (2nd set will the be- Sasser, Sunday, Horror-tan, Acme-kun and Abraxas-kun)

Nope.  ^^'
Infinity-san only asked me which viruses were particularly famous, and from a list I sent him came those three (well,... first Spida and MiMail, then MyDoom).  For my own Spida/Mimail drawing, as well as the Zerosanity Xmas special, I just came up with a personality on all their Mini expressions.

Mimail (rabbit.exe) always looked like a rascal and glutton in her minis.

Spida always acted classy and demure, and is able to move her hat's legs (as well as those on her back) with extreme dexterity (as if they were literally extra sets of arms).

MyDoom is clearly a scorched-earth kind of person, and resorts to violence almost as much as Disk Killer.  But rather than brute strength, she uses that biomechanical arm to summon tremendous strength and magical ability.  Unlike the other two, MyDoom is General-grade material.  ^___^

It'd be nice if you could do additional avis, although feel free to college off of Infinity-san's original Minis.  You can also college them off of here if you want to....


...but it was never finished, so I'm not going to directly recommend it.  ^^;

QuoteThat all brings the new total updated stats to:

Yep, this stuff's picking up good steam.  ^__^

Quote*A Lightbulb appears above techno's head*
GAH! SASSER! That's right I was supposed to draw her. Sorry guys, I've had my hands full with my three pics. (VBoy-kun, Effie, and the Christmas one) so many Ideas and drawings, so little time. Now I know how C-chan and Bella feel.

*due to accumulation of hot air, all the items trapped inside C-chan's Queue Pit surge upwards like a geyser*

*resulting downpour of ideas bury C-chan*

BWAHA!  Naaaah!  It's FUN knowing you'll never be able to catch up with anything.  ^____^

*reads over MSDOS/PCDOS manga panel idea*

Wow!  This was supposed to have been my #3 drawing.  *v*;

Quote*pops back into the scene*

Well... as of now... I can say I have done what I intended... I nested the table under another table, set an extra cell padding and other bits of code and voila... awesomely cool spacing between the table and the outside text.

Ah! I see!

I was wondering if having the article be one giant transparent table, with the wording on the left cell and the infobox on the right, would give the desire result.  However this approach you used is similar, but a HELLVUA lot less intrusive.  Good work, Kissu-san.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 04, 2008, 03:52:33 PM
Well CC... making a giant template like that is actually possible... but... there are standards that would have to be met in order for them to work properly. So yes, that method would have been intrusive if you say it like that.

In any case... I hope to do the following stuff by tomorrow:

----|Have the Vistan article finished, and update the current one.
----|Have the "Smart Table" up and running.
----|Start the update all character articles to use the new templates.
----|Create more articles if need be.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 05, 2008, 07:11:18 PM
I'm looking foward to seeing the updated Vistan article!

And I'm back with 3 new wiki avis:

Commodore 64-tan

Free DOS-tan (temporary placeholder just so all of the DOS-tans now have avis!)

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on February 05, 2008, 09:01:34 PM
LoveLetter-tan avi?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 05, 2008, 10:26:09 PM
QuoteIn any case... I hope to do the following stuff by tomorrow:

----|Have the Vistan article finished, and update the current one.
----|Have the "Smart Table" up and running.
----|Start the update all character articles to use the new templates.
----|Create more articles if need be.

I know you're the big multitasker, but I think just the Smart Table or the Vistan article alone are worthy accomplishments for a day's worth of work.  ^^

Speaking of which, noticed you put up a Thank You template, so as you can imagine my curiosity is peaked.  

QuoteCommodore 64-tan

BWAHA!!!  Wow! That one's an unexpected surprise!  Thank you Aurora-hime! ^.^
She actually changes her Commodore Logo accessory based on whatever's big in pop culture.  So the fact that she still has that Naruto headband thingie likely means that Naruto stuff is still relatively popular.  Â¯v¯

QuoteFree DOS-tan (temporary placeholder just so all of the DOS-tans now have avis!)

Fufu... thank you there as well.  ^__^
Still debating what should be her standard wear, but appearance-wise she'll definitely resemble a bronze-skinned Tomoyo (with horns and a whale hat, of course).  ^.^


Oooh!  Bella-sama's gonna love that one!  ^.^
The dolphin's cute too,... although right now she... probably has against dolphins,... at least till the whole Super Bowl thing subsides.  ^_________^'

QuoteLoveLetter-tan avi?

And the viral enchantress appears too.  ^_______^

Uploading all these avis as we speak!  ^^

Speaking of avis, earlier today I uploaded a whole SLEW of Linux-tans from the gallery, mostly from Juzo-kun's stuff, but also including different takes of other prominent Linux-tans.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 06, 2008, 08:30:26 AM
Hmm... I think I hit a brick wall.

Uhm, problem, the wiki seems to not understand the parser functions needed for a smart template... I'm breaking down here... something is telling me that I will have to make separate templates... which would be much more work than having just one. TT__TT'

Because of this... now I may have to make more templates in order to set their differences appart from one another. Added to that, I will have to make a help article in order to properly display and provide all of the templates.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on February 06, 2008, 02:00:25 PM
Nice avis, guys! I really love Zenwalk-tan and C64-tan. LoveLetter-tan is great, too!

QuoteOooh! Bella-sama's gonna love that one! ^.^
The dolphin's cute too,... although right now she... probably has against dolphins,... at least till the whole Super Bowl thing subsides. ^_________^'

Hey, dolphins I can get over. However...

....keep any and all Giants away from me...z/OS-sama included T__T

QuoteHmm... I think I hit a brick wall.

Uhm, problem, the wiki seems to not understand the parser functions needed for a smart template... I'm breaking down here... something is telling me that I will have to make separate templates... which would be much more work than having just one. TT__TT'

Because of this... now I may have to make more templates in order to set their differences appart from one another. Added to that, I will have to make a help article in order to properly display and provide all of the templates.

I don't even fathom how one makes up a template. I hope you can figure everything out, however....

This is why I like to keep it simple ;)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 06, 2008, 02:59:57 PM
Well... the simple part is the thing that was going to make it complex for people to make infoboxes. But worry not... I already figured away around it... well two ways actually. Either:

1. Ask for the wiki's code to be extended to allow the parser functions to work here.


2. Simply make separate templates for each type of personification.

I will go with option number two... it is the much easier task to take on hand and parser functions are not that much needed in here.

As for your like of simplicity, just wait until you see the template codes used for the templates, you'll love how simple it will be to make a table after that... because you will not have to do it at all.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on February 09, 2008, 12:39:43 PM
Okay, I've added an article and avi for RSX-tan.

I've been thinking about adding daemons to the app-tan list. Sure, they're something of a figment of the Unixes (and Multics-tan's!) imagination. But I think I have good character ideas pegged for them...

If I added a Unix Daemon article, I'd probably just do one page for the whole lot, and a separate one for the Multics Daemons...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 09, 2008, 11:19:52 PM
Sorry for the long absence on my part.  
I may not be coming as frequently as before either, so i'm in the middle of negotiating with Tsubashi-dono on... well,... you know.... this and that.  ^^

In any event, I do want to thank you all for the huge flood of contributions during my absence.  Thank you Kissu-san for creating so many useful, well-written templates and adding them to the preexisting articles.  Thank you Aurora-hime for filling in blanks in some of the earlier articles, and creating DSBSD-chan's page.  And thank you Bella for the RSX-tan.  ^^

QuoteHey, dolphins I can get over. However...
....keep any and all Giants away from me...z/OS-sama included T__T

Awwwww.... but z/OS-sama is so big and sexy and stuff.  ^^
And besides, she's a Giantess -- there's a big difference when your colossal-sized humanoid is a beautiful, voluptious woman rather than a male, chauvinist pi--,.... man.  ^^'

But so be it,... guess I'll have to lead her to somewhere nice and safe and secluded where Bella-san won't find us.  ^____^

*secretly smuggles spelunking gear inside travel bag, and sets off on his journey*

QuoteIf I added a Unix Daemon article, I'd probably just do one page for the whole lot, and a separate one for the Multics Daemons...

Yeah, I kinda approached the OSX-kuns the same way.  ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 10, 2008, 01:44:29 AM
Once again, 3 new wiki avis:

Red Flag-tan

Apple Lisa-tan

64 Studio-tan
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 10, 2008, 02:08:39 AM
QuoteIn any event, I do want to thank you all for the huge flood of contributions during my absence. Thank you Kissu-san for creating so many useful, well-written templates and adding them to the preexisting articles. Thank you Aurora-hime for filling in blanks in some of the earlier articles, and creating DSBSD-chan's page. And thank you Bella for the RSX-tan. ^^

Well, it was the template's fault that I had missed my goal of finishing the Vistan article... so I had to do something to make up for that. I guess I can get myself to finish all of the Mac-tans and then get back to the Vistan article.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 10, 2008, 02:13:57 AM
QuoteWell, it was the template's fault that I had missed my goal of finishing the Vistan article... so I had to do something to make up for that. I guess I can get myself to finish all of the Mac-tans and then get back to the Vistan article.

Fufu... I don't think you have to worry about it as much.  For over a year, adding one minor change to the Wiki was considered a MAAAAAAAAAAAAAJOR update, worthy of celebration.  -v-

QuoteOnce again, 3 new wiki avis:

Added, added and added.  ^^

*wipes drool, wipes drool and wipes drool*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 10, 2008, 07:09:56 AM
QuoteFufu... I don't think you have to worry about it as much. For over a year, adding one minor change to the Wiki was considered a MAAAAAAAAAAAAAJOR update, worthy of celebration. -v-

O__O -__- O__O -__- O__O ((interpret as a blinking animation))

Woah... that's... sort of lame activity ratio. So compare to those times... this activity rate is actually "Wikipedia level" or something?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 10, 2008, 10:36:55 AM
Oh yeah.  -v-

Like I said before, the Wiki was always very low priority.  It was much more important at the time to get our voice heard (allegorically-speaking, of course) via drawings and comics first,  

After all, there are OS-tan information sites out there that existed even when the Wiki was founded,  But no one has yet captured [and supported] the same level of OS representation as we have, and that's what' has made us unique.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 10, 2008, 04:49:51 PM
Aaah... I see. I guess I understand what you mean.

I guess I will call a progress report and actually tell you... I made it to "level three" with my Vistan article... well actually, I just wrote up to and went past the 6,000 character mark. I guess my end goal will be somewhere between the 6,500 and the 8,500 mark. I am currently working on writing out info on Chiivistan, which puts me around the 70% completion mark.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on February 10, 2008, 06:33:53 PM
QuoteAwwwww.... but z/OS-sama is so big and sexy and stuff. ^^
And besides, she's a Giantess -- there's a big difference when your colossal-sized humanoid is a beautiful, voluptious woman rather than a male, chauvinist pi--,.... man. ^^'

But so be it,... guess I'll have to lead her to somewhere nice and safe and secluded where Bella-san won't find us. ^____^

*secretly smuggles spelunking gear inside travel bag, and sets off on his journey*

...Sp...spe....spelunking...? z/OS-sama....? Voluptuous?!

And they call me strange for my DSL-chan dentistry remark? XD

QuoteOnce again, 3 new wiki avis:

Nice avis, Aurora! RFL-tan is lookin' cute, Lisa's manically delicious as ever, and 64 Studio-tan I'll have to write an article for.

QuoteI guess I will call a progress report and actually tell you... I made it to "level three" with my Vistan article... well actually, I just wrote up to and went past the 6,000 character mark. I guess my end goal will be somewhere between the 6,500 and the 8,500 mark. I am currently working on writing out info on Chiivistan, which puts me around the 70% completion mark.

Whoa! I can't wait to see this article. It's gonna be...like, the official authority on all things Vistan!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 10, 2008, 07:34:04 PM
QuoteWhoa! I can't wait to see this article. It's gonna be...like, the official authority on all things Vistan!
The official authority on all things Vistan? Nooo... that is merely an overview... well I guess it could be considered the general article for the Vistans. I am planning to do much more, as in, will create sub-articles where I can actually make a complete depiction of the UBER-complex OS for each version. Remember that little reference template I showed ya' back at the FOSA thread (the one I then demonstrated with the multiple Vistans)... well, that can get a bit(word used loosely) more complex... I wonder how far I can get it to.
*starts plotting while still not finishing his Vistan article*

Man... if only I had a Mac... wait... if only I had a PS3, then I'd be able to go nuts with Linux.

Anyways... I will now be making updates to the Vistan thread. I will give you about 80-90% of my work, counted at 7,565 characters... so i guess it will be the draft before I go on. I need comments on how good /bad it is... find errors and junk.

*comes back a few tweaks and an article update later*

Woah... it is actually bigger than I thought... it even dwarfs my info-box which I thought to be somewhat big! O_O

And it's obvious it will grow more because I omitted one portion of the article which I started t work on right about now.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 11, 2008, 11:01:31 PM
Quote...Sp...spe....spelunking...? z/OS-sama....? Voluptuous?!

And they call me strange for my DSL-chan dentistry remark? XD

Technically-speaking, I called that "kinky", not "strange".  Very huge difference, my dear Bella-sama.  ^__^

QuoteThe official authority on all things Vistan? Nooo... that is merely an overview... well I guess it could be considered the general article for the Vistans. I am planning to do much more, as in, will create sub-articles where I can actually make a complete depiction of the UBER-complex OS for each version. Remember that little reference template I showed ya' back at the FOSA thread (the one I then demonstrated with the multiple Vistans)... well, that can get a bit(word used loosely) more complex... I wonder how far I can get it to.

When you mentioned character count before, I did actually think you meant character design count.  ^v^;

In any event, the overview is looking good and does justice to the (quote-on-quote) "official" designs.  Indeed, now you can have a little fun and create sub-articles for additional Vistans, including the ones you're working on.  Be sure to add a small blurb about Frida too.  Fufu..  ^^

QuoteMan... if only I had a Mac... wait... if only I had a PS3, then I'd be able to go nuts with Linux.

Well I can assure you that a PS3 w/ Yellow Dog is the most expensive (and probably not particularly smooth) way to start off with Linux.  ^^;

For that, consider one of the new UMPCs (eg, EeePC or Cloudbook), or a gPC, or just a plain old computer with an Intel/AMD chip and preferrably an Intel Integrated or Nvidia graphics card (the 3D thing is important if you want a 3D desktop).  Stuff built in 2001 are still good for most modern Linuces.  -v-

QuoteWoah... it is actually bigger than I thought... it even dwarfs my info-box which I thought to be somewhat big! O_O

And it's obvious it will grow more because I omitted one portion of the article which I started t work on right about now.

Fufu.... I'm still expecting this thing to grow to MONOLITHIC, DINOSAURIC proportions!  Practically a job in itself!  And woah be you if Windows 7-tan becomes a hit fanart piece!  ^^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 12, 2008, 05:25:39 AM
QuoteWhen you mentioned character count before, I did actually think you meant character design count. ^v^;

In any event, the overview is looking good and does justice to the (quote-on-quote) "official" designs. Indeed, now you can have a little fun and create sub-articles for additional Vistans, including the ones you're working on. Be sure to add a small blurb about Frida too. Fufu.. ^^
Don't you mean... "the Futaba v +Nijiura+ battle for canonizing supremacy"? No really, that's like a "hillbilly gang war"... no offense meant peoples.

Also, mind telling (more like... enlightening) me about Frida? People often say that I am a know-it-all... but I always quote on the phrase "all I know is that I know nothing" to make myself aware of stuff.

QuoteWell I can assure you that a PS3 w/ Yellow Dog is the most expensive (and probably not particularly smooth) way to start off with Linux. ^^;

For that, consider one of the new UMPCs (eg, EeePC or Cloudbook), or a gPC, or just a plain old computer with an Intel/AMD chip and preferrably an Intel Integrated or Nvidia graphics card (the 3D thing is important if you want a 3D desktop). Stuff built in 2001 are still good for most modern Linuces. -v-
Well... my idea with that PS3 thing was merely to check up how much gooder(lol) the people have gotten with making a quick-responding software under a Cell environment. I want to know how much good would software be with a 7 processor (actually 8... a PPE and the actual 7 SPEs) system.

QuoteFufu.... I'm still expecting this thing to grow to MONOLITHIC, DINOSAURIC proportions! Practically a job in itself! And woah be you if Windows 7-tan becomes a hit fanart piece! ^^;
I think I can double the size of that article, but when I think about it, much of it would be irrelevant data. But at least I can increase the size somewhat, I still haven't decided what to include on that "other designs" section I intend to add up to the article.

Man... you just made me feel like dropping from Vista and jump right for designing a Windows 7-tan. But no... I won't do that, I will instead go with first finishing my (not-so-mine) Vistan designs and maybe make a 2008 Server-tan. I think there is an S2k8 designed already (the golden one is it?), but I want to make a human designs instead of the fish-like version.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 12, 2008, 07:14:25 AM
Wow! You gave the Vistan article a COMPLETE overhaul! It looks great!


The green-haired one with the cat ears is Frida. She originated on Wakachan but is despised there.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 12, 2008, 07:56:11 AM
Oh... so the "proto-Chiivistan" actually has a name... eww...

Well, I guess I know why people don't like her... she's too ugly to be thought of as a Vista personification... well, at least the fashion sense used on her is, gotta kill the guy that designed that outfit. She reminds me of that memory game called "Simon".

I guess I will include her... that makes at least four designs that I will be including on there. Let's the there is:
---| "Frida"
---| "Anubis"
---| "Spirit"
---| That pink-haired vistan.
---| The Personification of "Home Premium" that's on +Nijiura+.
---| The Personification of "Business" that's on +Nijiura+.
---| The Beta Version of Vista
---| The "Galaxy Angel" Vistan... not sure if she's the same as that pink-haired.

I will choose from those... or put them all if my mind feels up to it. but at the least I managed to get the most popular ones up already.

Oh and thank you Aurora for the lesson, that would help me add a tad bit more info on the character... if I ever get to decide which proposals to look.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on February 12, 2008, 10:15:06 PM
Good job on the Vistan article!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 13, 2008, 09:50:32 AM
QuoteDon't you mean... "the Futaba v +Nijiura+ battle for canonizing supremacy"? No really, that's like a "hillbilly gang war"... no offense meant peoples.

You want to get beatin' up, dontcha?  `v'

Besides, I don't think OS-tan canonization is much of a priority anymore,... for the most part, both boards have moved on beyond just drawing OS-tans.

QuoteWell... my idea with that PS3 thing was merely to check up how much gooder(lol) the people have gotten with making a quick-responding software under a Cell environment. I want to know how much good would software be with a 7 processor (actually 8... a PPE and the actual 7 SPEs) system.

As sou,... so you like living on the cutting edge of technology then.  `v'

In that case, for sure you jut have to spend $500 for the PS3 and an additional $100 for Yellow Dog Linux (unless there's a free distro compatible with the PS3 that I don't know about.

Probably not the ideal environment to learn Linux, but hey,... you have 3 days out of the work week free to play with.  ^_________^

QuoteMan... you just made me feel like dropping from Vista and jump right for designing a Windows 7-tan.

Yep, and she'd have pieces of BSD-tans sticking from underneath her hood.  ^________^

(joking joking!  ^v^;)

QuoteBut no... I won't do that, I will instead go with first finishing my (not-so-mine) Vistan designs and maybe make a 2008 Server-tan. I think there is an S2k8 designed already (the golden one is it?), but I want to make a human designs instead of the fish-like version.

That actually sounds like a good idea, if only because you haven't had half-a-billion artists drawing a 2008 "Saba"-tan.  In that respect, for sure I encourage you to try that.  ^^

QuoteThe green-haired one with the cat ears is Frida. She originated on Wakachan but is despised there.

Despised is a total understatement, btw.  ^_____^;

QuoteOh... so the "proto-Chiivistan" actually has a name... eww...

Well, I guess I know why people don't like her... she's too ugly to be thought of as a Vista personification... well, at least the fashion sense used on her is, gotta kill the guy that designed that outfit. She reminds me of that memory game called "Simon".

The Net Character people would kill you for the first comment, if not for the fact you eventually agree with them in the second.  -v-;

In any event, all this Vista talk is makng my head spin.  ^^
I'm only gratefui that, so far, there are only THREE OSX 10.5 Leopard-tans.  ^____^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Techno the fox on February 13, 2008, 01:22:17 PM
Quote from: "C-chan"Awwwww.... but z/OS-sama is so big and sexy and stuff. ^^
And besides, she's a Giantess -- there's a big difference when your colossal-sized humanoid is a beautiful, voluptious woman rather than a male, chauvinist pi--,.... man. ^^'

But so be it,... guess I'll have to lead her to somewhere nice and safe and secluded where Bella-san won't find us. ^____^

*secretly smuggles spelunking gear inside travel bag, and sets off on his journey*

Giantess Os-tans? ^__________^ Now you've got my attention.

Wow Kiso, you've given the Vistas an In-depth article. That in itself is quite a feat. Awesome work.  ;010

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"The green-haired one with the cat ears is Frida. She originated on Wakachan but is despised there.

Quote from: "Kiso"Oh... so the "proto-Chiivistan" actually has a name... eww...

Well, I guess I know why people don't like her... she's too ugly to be thought of as a Vista personification... well, at least the fashion sense used on her is, gotta kill the guy that designed that outfit. She reminds me of that memory game called "Simon".

Quote from: "C-chan"Despised is a total understatement, btw. ^_____^;

Don't worry Frida, good 'ol Techno has been known to take in poor internet characters that have been rejected by their creators.
*hugs Furseiseki-sama*

Anyway later today if I have the spare time, I'm going to make myself a wiki account so I can start contributing.
That's all I have for this topic.
*Zooms out*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 13, 2008, 01:58:27 PM
QuoteYou want to get beatin' up, dontcha? `v'

Besides, I don't think OS-tan canonization is much of a priority anymore,... for the most part, both boards have moved on beyond just drawing OS-tans.

That's how I saw that whole matter... don't blame me for being mighty stupid when it comes to understanding people's behavior. But I guess you might be right on what you say.

QuoteAs sou,... so you like living on the cutting edge of technology then. `v'

In that case, for sure you jut have to spend $500 for the PS3 and an additional $100 for Yellow Dog Linux (unless there's a free distro compatible with the PS3 that I don't know about.

Probably not the ideal environment to learn Linux, but hey,... you have 3 days out of the work week free to play with. ^_________^

This is one nice little piece of info, I like what I hear... and that is that I will have a good computer system with the same amount of money that I would use to buy myself a crappy and cheap PC (not talking about my laptop). Anyways, as you said... I like the tech... it's the only thing that I like that my family understands... go in-depth and they would make their brains blow up like Krakatoa.

QuoteYep, and she'd have pieces of BSD-tans sticking from underneath her hood. ^________^

(joking joking! ^v^
I can go with that... provided that I did understand the joke. ^__^'

QuoteThat actually sounds like a good idea, if only because you haven't had half-a-billion artists drawing a 2008 "Saba"-tan. In that respect, for sure I encourage you to try that. ^^
thanks for the encouragement... I hope I am among the small group that actually makes drawings of the Server 2k8-tan without depicting her as a mermaid (that's sort of the correct concept).

QuoteThe Net Character people would kill you for the first comment, if not for the fact you eventually agree with them in the second. -v-;
Heh-heh-heh... I am an agreeable guy... what else could be expected?

QuoteIn any event, all this Vista talk is makng my head spin. ^^
I'm only grateful that, so far, there are only THREE OSX 10.5 Leopard-tans. ^____^
Man... I have to agree with you on that... even my head feels weird after trying to figure out all the Vistans that there are.

QuoteWow Kiso, you've given the Vistas an In-depth article. That in itself is quite a feat. Awesome work.
Thank you for the compliment... though I should not accept it as it is not really complete. ^__^;

QuoteAnyway later today if I have the spare time, I'm going to make myself a wiki account so I can start contributing.
That's all I have for this topic.
*Zooms out*
Woot, we have a new recruit... I mean... w007 w3 h@\/3 @ n3w 43c4u!7!!!

If you do get yourself in... do look around for stuff. And if you wonder about something... do ask... or else no enlightenment will come your way.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 13, 2008, 02:13:31 PM
QuoteGiantess Os-tans? ^__________^ Now you've got my attention.

Good man, NOW you're talking ma langwidge!  ^___^

Here,... don't know when I'll ever get around to drawing z/OS-sama, but have a Mini-Giantess in the meantime:


Rule of thumb in designing a Mainframe-tan is to times a standard unit of measurement (such as the foot) by 20.  So ME-tan, turned into a Mainframe-tan (scary thought) would be approximately 100 feet tall.

The shortest (VSE-tan) would be 80 feet tall.

z/OS-sama,... is 160 feet tall.

Aside from being groomed from birth to be a Mainframe-tan, that's also to ensure that anyone trying to shrink her down to fetch for a fair fight could still get his ass kicked (and thoroughly so).  

QuoteDon't worry Frida, good 'ol Techno has been known to take in poor internet characters that have been rejected by their creators.
*hugs Furseiseki-sama*

I used to be sympathetic to Frida as well, but wasn't fond of the fact that the artist persisted in that imageboard, rather than trying to post here where we might've been more sympathetic to his effort.  

But to each his own, and besides that was eons ago, so as they say:  "Let sleeping dogs lie"  -v-

QuoteAnyway later today if I have the spare time, I'm going to make myself a wiki account so I can start contributing.
That's all I have for this topic.
*Zooms out*

No need to, just log in as you normally do.  ^__^

QuoteBut I guess you might be right on what you say.

One could almost say we're the only schmucks still interested in OS-tans -- but that's cause we've expanded the horizons a little.  Otherwise,... yeah, I can imagine being board drawing the same characters over and over again (without being paid) after a while.  ^_______^;

QuoteAnyways, as you said... I like the tech... it's the only thing that I like that my family understands... go in-depth and they would make their brains blow up like Krakatoa.

In that case, I have a better challenge than a PS3....

Scrap together a bunch of discarded 7-year old desktops, hook them up to a private network, install a high-end Linux or BSD distro, and create yourself a Beowulf Cluster.  Your mini supercomputer might just best your PS3 at only a fraction of the cost (albeit 20x more heat... BWAHAHA!!).  ^v^;

QuoteI can go with that... provided that I did understand the joke. ^__^'

That's operating under the not-always-incorrect assumption that M$ steals code wherever it can.  It was posited that in order to come up with a small, fast and stable Vista-replacement, they could take a FreeBSD build (which comes with a very liberal license), slap on a bunch of Windows APIs over it, and then repackage it to look like something Microsofty,....

(....Oh and yeah, then cry out later about how Linux and BSD infringes on THEIR patents.  ^_______________^)

That's kind of similar to the approach that Apple used to build Mac OSX, which is essentially a UNIX system with a lot of proprietary Mac stuff built over it.

But I digress...

As it turns out, M$ WILL be releasing a small, fast and stable Vista-replacement, and it also happens to be the first Windows release to NOT have the desktop manager (aka GUI) built in....

Hmmmm...... my piggy senses are going off the charts....  ^^

Quotethanks for the encouragement... I hope I am among the small group that actually makes drawings of the Server 2k8-tan without depicting her as a mermaid (that's sort of the correct concept).

In fairness, the pun doesn't translate well into English.  ^^'

QuoteMan... I have to agree with you on that... even my head feels weird after trying to figure out all the Vistans that there are.

My brain exploded from that fact LOOOONG ago.  ^___^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on February 13, 2008, 03:20:31 PM
QuoteIn any event, all this Vista talk is makng my head spin. ^^
I'm only grateful that, so far, there are only THREE OSX 10.5 Leopard-tans. ^____^

Three, and they're all the same character! :P

QuoteI used to be sympathetic to Frida as well, but wasn't fond of the fact that the artist persisted in that imageboard, rather than trying to post here where we might've been more sympathetic to his effort.

I always felt the same way...

QuoteIn that case, I have a better challenge than a PS3....

Scrap together a bunch of discarded 7-year old desktops, hook them up to a private network, install a high-end Linux or BSD distro, and create yourself a Beowulf Cluster. Your mini supercomputer might just best your PS3 at only a fraction of the cost (albeit 20x more heat... BWAHAHA!!). ^v^;

Woot! Mini supercomputer!

QuoteThat's operating under the not-always-incorrect assumption that M$ steals code wherever it can. It was posited that in order to come up with a small, fast and stable Vista-replacement, they could take a FreeBSD build (which comes with a very liberal license), slap on a bunch of Windows APIs over it, and then repackage it to look like something Microsofty,....

(....Oh and yeah, then cry out later about how Linux and BSD infringes on THEIR patents. ^_______________^)

That's kind of similar to the approach that Apple used to build Mac OSX, which is essentially a UNIX system with a lot of proprietary Mac stuff built over it.

This is awfully biased, but...

Apple building a Unix-like system: very cool.
M$ building a Unix-like system: SCO Unix desktop edition. XD

QuoteAs it turns out, M$ WILL be releasing a small, fast and stable Vista-replacement, and it also happens to be the first Windows release to NOT have the desktop manager (aka GUI) built in....

Hmmmm...... my piggy senses are going off the charts.... ^^

Wait, so the OS and the GUI will be separate? Like MSDOS-based Windows? Fast, stable and small, too? This would have interested me, like, a year ago. But any experience I have with Windows is going to end with XP -__-

And I wonder if they're scrapping NT...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 13, 2008, 03:40:38 PM
Oh my dear Bella-sama.... who knows what awful things they'd do to get rid of poor NT,... tarnishing the heritage of VMS-sama.  ^___^

Course,... this is all pure conjecture at this point,... I'm still wondering if they can do a repeat of their success with ME -> XP, even while they're still trying to parade DRM  -.-'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 14, 2008, 12:08:28 PM
QuoteOne could almost say we're the only schmucks still interested in OS-tans -- but that's cause we've expanded the horizons a little. Otherwise,... yeah, I can imagine being board drawing the same characters over and over again (without being paid) after a while. ^_______^;
I can see what you say... even I get tired of drawing the same thing over and over again... even more when it is not a job proffession.

But at least there are still people intending to keep the dream alive, be it us, Futaba, +Nijiura+... some guy wearing a hoop skirt... or whatever. ^__^

QuoteIn that case, I have a better challenge than a PS3....

Scrap together a bunch of discarded 7-year old desktops, hook them up to a private network, install a high-end Linux or BSD distro, and create yourself a Beowulf Cluster. Your mini supercomputer might just best your PS3 at only a fraction of the cost (albeit 20x more heat... BWAHAHA!!). ^v^;
Woot! Mini supercomputer!
Heh... true that both of you. But CC, you forgot one other thing...

Higher electricity bills. ^__^'

QuoteThat's operating under the not-always-incorrect assumption that M$ steals code wherever it can. It was posited that in order to come up with a small, fast and stable Vista-replacement, they could take a FreeBSD build (which comes with a very liberal license), slap on a bunch of Windows APIs over it, and then repackage it to look like something Microsofty,....

(....Oh and yeah, then cry out later about how Linux and BSD infringes on THEIR patents. ^_______________^)

That's kind of similar to the approach that Apple used to build Mac OSX, which is essentially a UNIX system with a lot of proprietary Mac stuff built over it.
This is awfully biased, but...

Apple building a Unix-like system: very cool.
M$ building a Unix-like system: SCO Unix desktop edition. XD
Heh... I guess I -did- understand the joke then... everyone knows the EEE philosofy that M$ dwells under... embrace, extend and extinguish.

But there's nothing that can be done to grow against it... unless people start making "open patent" projects within Linux and/or BSD. That way, the M$ "shithead laywers" would not be able to suit or B-Gates himself won't able able to complain if they see somebody with the same technologies tas thiers.

The only way to do battle with the megacorps is to play on their own turf... if you know what I mean.

QuoteAs it turns out, M$ WILL be releasing a small, fast and stable Vista-replacement, and it also happens to be the first Windows release to NOT have the desktop manager (aka GUI) built in....

Hmmmm...... my piggy senses are going off the charts.... ^^
Wait, so the OS and the GUI will be separate? Like MSDOS-based Windows? Fast, stable and small, too? This would have interested me, like, a year ago. But any experience I have with Windows is going to end with XP -__-

At last the M$ creeps finally understand how things should be done... but I think that thing is going to be used for Server 2008 where the system has the option of installing just the "Server Core"... though both are different in some thing. Well... I don't know for sure how different thay are... and don't really care as I will not have somethingl like that until I see that i need a new OS version to stay current.

QuoteAnd I wonder if they're scrapping NT...
Oh my dear Bella-sama.... who knows what awful things they'd do to get rid of poor NT,... tarnishing the heritage of VMS-sama. ^___^

Course,... this is all pure conjecture at this point,... I'm still wondering if they can do a repeat of their success with ME -> XP, even while they're still trying to parade DRM -.-'
Hmm... as I sniffed around for info on W7... I noted that there is not really anything indicating that NT would be scrapped... W7 so far is can be installed on top of Windos Vista, and in the lists I looked on the OS appears to be built within the NT Family. But even I wouldn't trust my own words on this... maybe it would get scrapped as development progresses on the new OS.

And CC... Microsoft would be having to do quite the lot of work in order to make a powerful comeback with their new OS. it is going to be way hard after the mess-up with Vista... so much hype that it destroyed the trust of the user base with the manything that got added, changed, and/or removed.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 15, 2008, 04:22:43 PM
QuoteBut at least there are still people intending to keep the dream alive, be it us, Futaba, +Nijiura+... some guy wearing a hoop skirt... or whatever. ^__^

The internet tends to make obscurity more difficult.  ^____^

QuoteHeh... true that both of you. But CC, you forgot one other thing...

Higher electricity bills. ^__^'

Nah, I knew that.  I just figured all the heat would melt the hardware first before that ever became an issue.  BWHAHAHA!!!  ^V^

No but seriously, those kinds of improvised supercomputers have definitely helped some movie productions with in-house graphics processing.  But I don't think someone like me would have any use for all that power.  ^^;

I'm into Paleo-SETI, not SETI.  ^____^;

QuoteThe only way to do battle with the megacorps is to play on their own turf... if you know what I mean.

Kinda, but sadly that's really mostly a problem in the US.  Elsewhere, especially in the EU, China and Russia, that patent intimidation simply wouldn't hold any water.  Probably explains the interest of M$ to expand themselves all over the world ASAP, be it by shredding up Classmate and OLPC, selling $3 copies of XP starter, or reward people for using pirated copies.  -.-;

QuoteHmm... as I sniffed around for info on W7... I noted that there is not really anything indicating that NT would be scrapped... W7 so far is can be installed on top of Windos Vista, and in the lists I looked on the OS appears to be built within the NT Family. But even I wouldn't trust my own words on this... maybe it would get scrapped as development progresses on the new OS.

According to my,... "conspiracy theory"... the approach would be something like making a BSD base look and function like Windows NT, and probably copy essential components of it, but not be NT.  ^___^


QuoteAnd CC... Microsoft would be having to do quite the lot of work in order to make a powerful comeback with their new OS. it is going to be way hard after the mess-up with Vista... so much hype that it destroyed the trust of the user base with the manything that got added, changed, and/or removed.

...as you say, this would require a lot of creativity on their part, and quite frankly I haven't really seen that much.  They COULD try contracting an outside party to build the system for them, but then what will happen with support post-release?  And wouldn't they just botch this too?  ^____^

But yeah, for the moment let's just enjoy our time now in good ol' 2008.  ^^

In any event, Wiki's been slow these past couple of days, but that's alright cause I barely have enough time to stay above water lately.  ^v^;

You do what you can, and that's good enough.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Gussy Keniji on February 20, 2008, 10:03:00 PM
As most of you probably already saw, I uploaded both Valentine's avatar and put up Viru-sama's article, article of Valentine tan's on the way, as well as Mimal, Spida and MyDoom
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on February 21, 2008, 04:15:20 PM
Wow! Everyone's been so busy when Secchan died! I fell horrible... I haven't been able to do much with this project... ;_;

If you read on my comeback note in the "Topicless Thread," I have made images for Google-kun and 4Chan-kun! 7Chan-kun still needs to be designed, 4Chan-kun is probably going to get a revamp, and I have to redo my LimeWire-tan design since I have currently misplaced it. >.> *gets working*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on February 21, 2008, 09:34:39 PM
I'm happy to hear you've gotten the chance to put Google-kun, Limewire-tan and 4Chan-kun down on paper! I really can't wait to see them! :D
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 23, 2008, 12:06:17 AM
QuoteAs most of you probably already saw, I uploaded both Valentine's avatar and put up Viru-sama's article, article of Valentine tan's on the way, as well as Mimal, Spida and MyDoom

Thank you, Gus-san!  I definitely appreciate that you gave Viru-sama her much-needed article, as well as those for Infinity-san's virii.  ^.^
The fact that you love everyone's virus-tans makes you truly the Virus King!  ^v^

QuoteWow! Everyone's been so busy when Secchan died! I fell horrible... I haven't been able to do much with this project... ;_;

YEAH!!!!!!  WELCOME BACK!!!  ^v^
It's great that you've done all the drawings you wanted, IceLilly-san!

But wait............................


...........................................................WHAT'S THIS ABOUT SECCHAN DYING?!!!!!!  @@;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on February 23, 2008, 02:44:19 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteWow! Everyone's been so busy when Secchan died! I fell horrible... I haven't been able to do much with this project... ;_;

YEAH!!!!!!  WELCOME BACK!!!  ^v^
It's great that you've done all the drawings you wanted, IceLilly-san!

But wait............................


...........................................................WHAT'S THIS ABOUT SECCHAN DYING?!!!!!!  @@;
Well, about three weeks ago, my dad asked me to install a program for him. After restarting, Secchan refused to get past the 98 boot-up screen. Even after my mother reinstalled her we STILL couldn't get past the boot-up screen. And this time we got not one but two BSODs. But no worries, she's all fixed! ^v^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on February 23, 2008, 07:41:19 PM
On my 98 machine I'd get BSODs on an hourly basis XD

Glad she's all better now!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 25, 2008, 01:27:15 PM
Coincidentally, I just got a "patient" (an old computer) with Secchan on it over the weekend.  Naturally doesn't work as it should, but I'll see how I can salvage it.  (With Puppy-chan's help, of course)  ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on February 25, 2008, 02:37:23 PM
If it has enough resources, you could give Zenwalk a try on that machine :D

I've been playing around a bit with Zenwalk lately....And I recall it ran pretty well on my old 98 machine...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 25, 2008, 02:42:45 PM
Actually, if hard drive space is at a premium, I might consider a setup similar to my EeePC with EeePCLinuxOS.  I recall from my old Gateway that a live environment is a lot snappier than a regular install, if only because you don't have an ancient hard drive puttering away, slowing things down.  ^.^

But I digress... Wednesday is my primary visiting day, so I'll be sure to stop by for some wiki edits, or at least some Avatar uploads.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on February 25, 2008, 07:23:32 PM
Quote from: "Bella"On my 98 machine I'd get BSODs on an hourly basis XD
Trust me. I know how you feel. XD But so far, I haven't seen one! A MIRACLE HAS TAKEN PLACE. *chorus sings*

I might start writing articles for my new -kuns tomorrow if I get the chance. If not, then it will be definitely be Wednesday.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 26, 2008, 06:55:14 AM
Man... I have been quite occupied with lots of other stuff at the same time... i have not been able to get down and dirty with the Vistan articles... I feel useless now, sorry guys.

I hope I can get myself free enough to deal with both my Vistan designs and the articles I promised...


Okay... my freak-out is over.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Techno the fox on February 26, 2008, 07:12:45 AM
Quote from: "C-chan"Good man, NOW you're talking ma langwidge! ^___^

Here,... don't know when I'll ever get around to drawing z/OS-sama, but have a Mini-Giantess in the meantime:


Rule of thumb in designing a Mainframe-tan is to times a standard unit of measurement (such as the foot) by 20. So ME-tan, turned into a Mainframe-tan (scary thought) would be approximately 100 feet tall.

The shortest (VSE-tan) would be 80 feet tall.

z/OS-sama,... is 160 feet tall.

Aside from being groomed from birth to be a Mainframe-tan, that's also to ensure that anyone trying to shrink her down to fetch for a fair fight could still get his ass kicked (and thoroughly so).

Ooooh, I do so love that CE and DSL sibling pic.

But ME-tan as a Giantess? Now that scares me...

........Wait a second.....If maneframe -tans are giantess, then Inu-t as a Mainframe would be....


*mini explosion*

On a sad note, My laptop the Dell Latitude C610.....Is dead...
That plug was it's downfall. The power port has now completely shorted out.
Even when plugged into the charger, it won't charge or recieve power.
And unfortunately, the power port on this model is directly connected to the motherboard. For as much as it costs to fix it, I could just as easily buy a new laptop.

However, I am going to keep it for parts. The LCD Screen, Keyboard, Mouse,  and Hard drive are still in good working order. (The hard drive also has alot of my files still on it -_-)

However, since I don't usually keep enough on me to just go out and buy a new laptop, my mother has offered to pitch in and buy one for me.
After all, my birthday is comming up.

I'm probably going to edit Effie and Sasser-tan's articles later.
Okay, seeya.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on February 26, 2008, 05:03:54 PM
QuoteOoooh, I do so love that CE and DSL sibling pic.

But ME-tan as a Giantess? Now that scares me...

........Wait a second.....If maneframe -tans are giantess, then Inu-t as a Mainframe would be....


*mini explosion*

An NT mainframe...I dunno if that would be awesome or scary :P

*Imagines HUGE Inu-T*

Hey, Inu-T the big blue dog! If you don't get the reference, then your obviously a lot more mature than I am XD

QuoteOn a sad note, My laptop the Dell Latitude C610.....Is dead...
That plug was it's downfall. The power port has now completely shorted out.
Even when plugged into the charger, it won't charge or recieve power.
And unfortunately, the power port on this model is directly connected to the motherboard. For as much as it costs to fix it, I could just as easily buy a new laptop.

Hey, this exact thing, on a similar model, also happened to someone I know...

QuoteHowever, I am going to keep it for parts. The LCD Screen, Keyboard, Mouse, and Hard drive are still in good working order. (The hard drive also has alot of my files still on it -_-)

Your gonna want to find a way to recover those files! Makes me think of the time a friend popped the HD out of my laptop when the motherboard went bad and recovered all the files. And voided the warranty, that is to say, if I had told Best Buy about it.

Ever since then I've been making backups....

QuoteHowever, since I don't usually keep enough on me to just go out and buy a new laptop, my mother has offered to pitch in and buy one for me.
After all, my birthday is comming up.

*points Techno toward Wal-Mart*


What a bargain! Less than $400! And with a very shiny, Mac-impersonating, stable and virus-proof OS installed! :D
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 26, 2008, 11:46:34 PM
Is "Inu-T the big blue dog" reference to "Clifford the big red dog?" by any chance? Ahh.. I remember that book series from looooong ago!

Progress update: Made articles for Red Flag-tan and System 7.5-tan. I wanted to also post up the comics that had 7.5-tan in them but one of them was borderline ecchi (It was from the Mac Manga!) and the other one involving 3.1-tan calling 7.5-tan "Al-chan" I tried to post up on my Photobucket account but Photobucket f-ed up on me and several times wouldn't load pictures after submitting them (a no-go)! >__<

And of course 3 new wiki avis:

Plan B-tan


The OS formerly known as Lindows!
This is a second wiki avi for Lindows-tan/Linspire-tan, this pigtailed rendition is her current self. The one with her hair down is believed to be her back when Linspire was still known as Lindows.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on February 27, 2008, 11:43:04 PM
QuoteI might start writing articles for my new -kuns tomorrow if I get the chance. If not, then it will be definitely be Wednesday.

Speaking of which,... oooh, today IS Wednesday, no?  @@'
Sorry, my bad,... was busy testing out a successful fix to EeePCLOS' Suspend script, among other things.  ^^;

I'll load up some avis, but will do some actual inputting later.  -v-

QuoteMan... I have been quite occupied with lots of other stuff at the same time... i have not been able to get down and dirty with the Vistan articles... I feel useless now, sorry guys.

Daijoubu, daijoubu....  ^.^
I knew from the start that, even despite that schedule, you'd eventually find yourself short of time more often than not (call it personal experience... ^__~), so that's why I was always keen to get you to measure yourself before.  

Suffice to say, the wiki's doing very well, it's growing at a steady pace, and y'all have already submitted enough info to cover two month's worse, so there's absolutely positively zero rush.  -v-

Otherwise, with me playing hookey in another forum, I'd feel probably worse.  ^______^;

QuoteOoooh, I do so love that CE and DSL sibling pic.

Love and adore it too.  ^.^
Plus I still love one of the comments from the +Nijiura+ posters who was imitating CE-tan:

"These children.... look tasty...."  ^v^;

(there was another funny one after that,... but it wasn't exactly PG-rated)  ^^;

QuoteBut ME-tan as a Giantess? Now that scares me...

But has been done.... ^^


*gets closer and takes daring POV shots*

Mmmmm... that's good Emui-chan... ^____^

QuoteHowever, since I don't usually keep enough on me to just go out and buy a new laptop, my mother has offered to pitch in and buy one for me.
After all, my birthday is comming up.

In addition to Bella-sama's most Excellent recommendation,.... might I also interest you in one of these?  ^.^


Certainly would be at least $100USD cheaper, although it would require a bit of tweaking/hacking to get it to really purrrrr.  4G's are a lot better, and also able to handle XP,... but in that case, the Cloudbook might be easier to work with.  ^^

(too bad they really butchered gOS,... all the reviews say there last minute Gnome switch really sticks out like a sore thumb.... T__T )

QuoteAn NT mainframe...I dunno if that would be awesome or scary :P

You forgot sexy.  TT'

Quote*Imagines HUGE Inu-T*

Hey, Inu-T the big blue dog! If you don't get the reference, then your obviously a lot more mature than I am XD

For a moment there I thought it was a Paul Bunyan reference (I MUST be old...) but then remembered that was a big blue OX.  

But I'm certainly game for a giant blue dog girl.  Gimme.  ^___^

QuoteYour gonna want to find a way to recover those files! Makes me think of the time a friend popped the HD out of my laptop when the motherboard went bad and recovered all the files. And voided the warranty, that is to say, if I had told Best Buy about it.

Ever since then I've been making backups....

That might be difficult depending on how the laptop is built, but otherwise that's a very good idea and the first thing you should do.  I know the horror that is losing all your stuff, and in my case a lot of my ancient artwork and game conversions from back in my previous net life.  -.-

Quote*points Techno toward Wal-Mart*


What a bargain! Less than $400! And with a very shiny, Mac-impersonating, stable and virus-proof OS installed!

*hugs Bella-sama*  I'm so proud of you!  ^.^

But for a minute there, I thought you were directing him to this:


*sees 3 star rating*

Damn Everex really screwed up gOS.  It was working so well before, why'd they go and change it!  T________T


Oh well, there's more than enough room to dual-boot another OS, so it doesn't matter much I guess.  -v-

Added after 39 minutes:

Oh, I knew there was more stuff....

QuoteIs "Inu-T the big blue dog" reference to "Clifford the big red dog?" by any chance? Ahh.. I remember that book series from looooong ago!

Yes that's right, but even Clifford is too small to properly recreatea  potential Inu-T Mainframe-tan.  ^__^

QuoteProgress update: Made articles for Red Flag-tan and System 7.5-tan. I wanted to also post up the comics that had 7.5-tan in them but one of them was borderline ecchi (It was from the Mac Manga!) and the other one involving 3.1-tan calling 7.5-tan "Al-chan" I tried to post up on my Photobucket account but Photobucket f-ed up on me and several times wouldn't load pictures after submitting them (a no-go)! >__<

Thank you Aurora-hime.  But I guess I kinda lost track of the Mac Manga, cause I don't remember seeing 7.5-tan in it at the time.  Hopefully they've continued it and she's in one of the later pages.  ^.^

QuoteAnd of course 3 new wiki avis:


Added in a NY heartbeat, as they say!!   ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on February 28, 2008, 06:09:18 PM
Oooh, nice wiki avis! Ya beat me to it on the Octopus and Plan B-tan avis!

I might write up an article for Octopus and Inferno-chan...I'm still trying to work up the nerve to make a Multics-sama article, and waiting until I do finished drawings of CTSS, DTSS, WAITS and co. before I make articles for them....

QuoteIs "Inu-T the big blue dog" reference to "Clifford the big red dog?" by any chance? Ahh.. I remember that book series from looooong ago!


QuoteDaijoubu, daijoubu.... ^.^
I knew from the start that, even despite that schedule, you'd eventually find yourself short of time more often than not (call it personal experience... ^__~), so that's why I was always keen to get you to measure yourself before.

Everyone's so busy....Winter is actually my quite time of year. Not like the summer @___@

QuoteLove and adore it too. ^.^

I third this opinion!

Quote*gets closer and takes daring POV shots*

Mmmmm... that's good Emui-chan... ^____^

Who is that gal on the right...?

QuoteThat might be difficult depending on how the laptop is built, but otherwise that's a very good idea and the first thing you should do. I know the horror that is losing all your stuff, and in my case a lot of my ancient artwork and game conversions from back in my previous net life. -.-

Ever since that scare I've been trying to make backups as often as possible (not often, BTW)...

QuoteDamn Everex really screwed up gOS. It was working so well before, why'd they go and change it! T________T


Oh well, there's more than enough room to dual-boot another OS, so it doesn't matter much I guess. -v-

Yeah, if I had one it'd end up with another OS probably...

Course, you could always go to the gOS site and install the "good" version of gOS... :P
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 28, 2008, 06:44:38 PM

Quote*gets closer and takes daring POV shots*

Mmmmm... that's good Emui-chan... ^____^

Who is that gal on the right...?

That's Shima Katase, the protagonist from "Stellvia of the Universe"

And on an OS-tan wiki-related note, I added on a lot to Linspire-tan's article!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on March 02, 2008, 10:38:56 AM
Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteI might start writing articles for my new -kuns tomorrow if I get the chance. If not, then it will be definitely be Wednesday.

Speaking of which,... oooh, today IS Wednesday, no?  @@'
*is nervous*

Heh... Um... Well, it's Sunday... Never got the chance to write them up on Wednesday liked I planned. I had an Anthropology test to write on Thursday so I had to study. Actually, I should be studying write now for my two tests this week, doing my oral book report, and my world religions project due after March Break. @_@

I did the Google-kun article this morning. It's probably going to get a quick revamp since I'm currently pressed for time. If you're curious to know what a "puffball" is, I'll be posting a pic of that once I get my scanner reinstalled. ^v^ And hopefully, my craptasic chibi-like version of Google-kun.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 03, 2008, 09:59:53 PM
QuoteYeah, if I had one it'd end up with another OS probably...

Course, you could always go to the gOS site and install the "good" version of gOS... :P

Too late, I'm never gonna look back to them again.  ^0^
Certainly not now that I've become an official EeePC aficionado.  ^.^

QuoteAnd on an OS-tan wiki-related note, I added on a lot to Linspire-tan's article!

Thank you, Aurora-hime.  Although you forgot to add your new Linspire avatar.  `v'

Don't worry, did that for you.

Quote*is nervous*

Heh... Um... Well, it's Sunday... Never got the chance to write them up on Wednesday liked I planned. I had an Anthropology test to write on Thursday so I had to study. Actually, I should be studying write now for my two tests this week, doing my oral book report, and my world religions project due after March Break.

Poor, cute IceLilly-chan.
Like I always say, though,... if you're nervous, you're probably not doing something right.  ^^

So don't worry -- like I said before, there's enough done already, and no real reason to sacrifice studying time for this.  Just take it easy and treat it as the fun side project it should be.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on March 09, 2008, 02:23:07 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"
Quote*is nervous*

Heh... Um... Well, it's Sunday... Never got the chance to write them up on Wednesday liked I planned. I had an Anthropology test to write on Thursday so I had to study. Actually, I should be studying write now for my two tests this week, doing my oral book report, and my world religions project due after March Break.

Poor, cute IceLilly-chan.
Like I always say, though,... if you're nervous, you're probably not doing something right.  ^^

So don't worry -- like I said before, there's enough done already, and no real reason to sacrifice studying time for this.  Just take it easy and treat it as the fun side project it should be.  ^^
Well, oddly enough, one of my tests was moved to after the March Break and the other one I had to redo because of the quotes were not from the proper act. XD But I think I did really well. ^v^ Oh, and I did WAY better then I though on my Anthropology test. ^_~

I just got my scanner up and working on Thursday. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my pictures up and ready for viewing asap. <3
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Techno the fox on March 10, 2008, 02:49:18 AM
Hey everyone, I'm back.
An update to my laptop situation. I've found a very likely cantidate.
I'll be keeping my eye on this one.


Anyway, going to update Effie and Sasser-tan's wikis later.
Here are some little facts about Sasser-tan
Sasser-tan is closely realated to the Blaster "Lovesan" worm. Being that they were both created by the same person.
I also see her as being just a bit clumsy. (A reference to the original Sasser.exe, that made computers infected with it crash by crashing LSASS.exe, but only because of bugs in the worm's code itself never intentionally.)
I can see her knocking over an entire library's worth of bookshelves by accidentally bumping into one of them. (Chain Reaction!)

Quote from: "Wikipedia"The effects of Sasser include the news agency Agence France-Presse (AFP) having all its satellite communications blocked for hours and the U.S. flight company Delta Air Lines having to cancel several trans-atlantic flights because its computer systems had been swamped by the worm. The Nordic insurance company If and their Finnish owners Sampo Bank came to a complete halt and had to close their 130 offices in Finland. The British Coastguard had its electronic mapping service disabled for a few hours, and Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Post, and the European Commission also all had issues with the worm. The X-ray department at Lund University Hospital had all their four layer X-ray machines disabled for several hours and had to redirect emergency X-ray patients to a nearby hospital.

Here's another thought, has anyone made a Blaster aka Lovesan -tan yet?
Because if not, after reading it's article in wikipedia now I want to.

And the mere thought of Storm-Worm-Botnet being turned into a -tan...
...That would make her a Mainframe Viru-tan wouldn't it?
Be afraid..Be very afraid..

Quote from: "Icelilly"I just got my scanner up and working on Thursday. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my pictures up and ready for viewing asap. <3

Cool, can't wait to see Google-kun and 4-Chan-kun.
Glad to see you're posting more around here Icelilly-san.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on March 10, 2008, 04:08:08 PM
QuoteHey everyone, I'm back.
An update to my laptop situation. I've found a very likely cantidate.
I'll be keeping my eye on this one.


But...but...that's a Vista machine... :..O

Oh well, I vowed not to butt into people's computer business. At least not non-family XD

QuoteAnyway, going to update Effie and Sasser-tan's wikis later.
Here are some little facts about Sasser-tan
Sasser-tan is closely realated to the Blaster "Lovesan" worm. Being that they were both created by the same person.
I also see her as being just a bit clumsy. (A reference to the original Sasser.exe, that made computers infected with it crash by crashing LSASS.exe, but only because of bugs in the worm's code itself never intentionally.)
I can see her knocking over an entire library's worth of bookshelves by accidentally bumping into one of them. (Chain Reaction!)

Haha! Sasser-tan sounds hilarious! Especially with the knocking stuff over and all :D

QuoteHere's another thought, has anyone made a Blaster aka Lovesan -tan yet?
Because if not, after reading it's article in wikipedia now I want to.

It sounds...vaguely familiar...but I'm unsure....

QuoteAnd the mere thought of Storm-Worm-Botnet being turned into a -tan...
...That would make her a Mainframe Viru-tan wouldn't it?
Be afraid..Be very afraid..

Unless it effects mainframes...I think you mean a supercomputer Viru-tan. Cause that's what botnets are in essence.

QuoteWell, oddly enough, one of my tests was moved to after the March Break and the other one I had to redo because of the quotes were not from the proper act. XD But I think I did really well. ^v^ Oh, and I did WAY better then I though on my Anthropology test. ^_~

I just got my scanner up and working on Thursday. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my pictures up and ready for viewing asap. <3

Glad to hear everything is going well! I, too, await seeing the new -kuns!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 10, 2008, 04:14:26 PM
Yay!  IceLilly-chan is back!!!  And did really great in her tests (that's Canadian education for ya)!  ^v^

Oh and btw,... if you see a Yaoi trap somewhere in a neighboring thread, please fall in it.  I have to ask you a VERY important question.  ^.^

QuoteAn update to my laptop situation. I've found a very likely candidate.
I'll be keeping my eye on this one.


Awwwww... can't see it, but if it's from Staples, it can't be an EeePC.  ;__;

*C-chan curls into a ball and mopes*

QuoteAnd the mere thought of Storm-Worm-Botnet being turned into a -tan...
...That would make her a Mainframe Viru-tan wouldn't it?
Be afraid..Be very afraid..

Oh yeah, I ran that by Gus-san some time ago, but it didn't really go anywhere.  A StormWorm-"tan" would indeed be a MegaVirus-tan the likes of which could rival or even surpass z/OS-sama in size and power.  I kinda imagine she'd be like the Forest God giant from the endingof Mononoke Hime -- she grew so large and so powerful that she's lost much of her consciousness and flesh form, to the point where Viru-sama can no longer control her.  She would pretty much wander aimlessly across time and space, accumulating more and more power and size.  She hasn't attacked anyone seriously,... yet,... but everyone fears that when she does, the damage might be cataclysmic.  @o@
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Icelilly on March 11, 2008, 09:51:15 AM
Quote from: "C-Chan"Yay!  IceLilly-chan is back!!!  And did really great in her tests (that's Canadian education for ya)!  ^v^

Oh and btw,... if you see a Yaoi trap somewhere in a neighboring thread, please fall in it.  I have to ask you a VERY important question.  ^.^
There's a yaoi trap?! *v* I MUST FIND THIS THREAD YOU SPEAK OF. *fuels up and runs*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Techno the fox on March 11, 2008, 12:00:17 PM
Quote from: "Bella"But...but...that's a Vista machine... :..O

Oh well, I vowed not to butt into people's computer business. At least not non-family XD

You're not making me feel any better about it you know. It's not like I really have a choice.
For my laptop I want something that I know, because I'm probably going to use it more than I am my desktop as soon as I get it.
Since I've grown up in Windows I'm more familiar with it.
I am going to try Linux on some of my older outdated desktops.
The perfect target for this is my Compaq Desktop. It's Windows XP wasn't registered and I haven't used it in ages. It doesn't have anything on it because I had just reformated it. It was designed for Win. ME.

Furthermore, I've looked around nearly Everywhere online and can't seem to find anyone who is selling New laptops with my beloved Homeko on them. :,,(

NOOOOO Perhaps you were right with your whole "XP Persecution Complex" thing. *sniffle*

But does getting a Vista machine mean I'm out of the MEWXPZLFUDAWV club?

I just hope and pray that Mugen will run on vista.

The good news, with this new laptop I may finally have the power to play Second Life.
The bad News, Second Life doesn't support Vista. (or at leasat it didn't last time I checked.)

Thanks for your advice C-chan, but I don't really want a small laptop.
The bigger the screen the better. (in my book at least)

I've already noticed the newer programs begining to descriminate against my 256 Memory Desktop. Mugen crashes so much it isn't funny. (OUT OF MEMORY ERROR, I've seen that 'frickin little error bubble SO MANY TIMES)
The new McAfee 10-in-1 doesn't work.  Ect. Ect.
All of this worked back when my C610 was "alive"

C-chan, you said you can't see it? Okay I'll post the Tech Specs.

Acer Aspire AS4315-2535 Notebook PC

-Intel® Celeron® mobile 540 (1.86GHz) processor
-1GB installed memory
-120GB hard drive
-24x DVD/CD RW combo drive
-14.1" WXGA Acer CrystalBriteâ,,¢ TFT LCD display
-Microsoft Windows Vista® Home Premium
-Weight 5.73lbs
-1 year warranty

Although, my hopes are lifted every time I see that laptop.
Perhaps Vista won't be so bad after all.

Anyway, if anyone needs me I'm going to be consoling Homeko on losing her market for new Laptops.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Techno the fox on March 17, 2008, 10:05:03 PM
Hello everyone, I have an update on my laptop situation.

My Mother made a deal with me. I get the laptop now, since my birthday is at the end of the month, and all I get for my birthday is a cake.

Think of it as a sort of "Cash Advance" XD

Anyway, I went to staples looking for an Acer Aspire 1400 series...They were out -_-

They did have a compaq laptop for $599. Although as soon as he (the staples employee) recomended it to me the next few words out of his mouth were an attempt to talk me into buying a huge bundle.

*Takes salesman tone*
"I can offer you this computer, A Compaq Presario with 1 GB of memory And a graphics card with a really good proceessor...and...It also comes with a 3 year extended warranty, if you break this computer we will replace it. If you decide to pour soda on the keyboard we will send you a new one. If you just have really bad luck and break five in a row we will replace it."

He really did say the whole Soda line. XD

And how much did it cost? Why only an extra $200!!!
Onto the price of the laptop.

Anyway, I went over to walmart looking a good laptop that I had the money to buy and that's when I found this little darling.

My new love. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=8187790

Yep, this is to me what EeePC is to C-chan.

Y'know what? Vista Home Premium isn't bad. In fact I like it. Alot. ^__^

To quote "my gym partner's a monkey"
"Don't knock it, 'til you try it."

I'm very happy with my Vista


The screen is Big! It had unbelieveably awesome resolution. It's brighter than any screen in my house. And seems to shine even when it's off. (like a plasma TV)

It has a 1024 Megabytes of Ram Memory (which is 1 Gigabyte)
It seems to FLY through all it's Applications, whereas my other one crawled.

And It has an Nvidia Graphics card. No Rom or Emulator I can get will crash or lag this.

And....I can play second life. FINALLY AFTER A YEAR AND A HALF I Will be able to play SL. I HAAAVE THE POWER!! *dramatic pose*

Anyway, yeah I know I didn't update the wiki like I said I was going to.

But I will soon, I promise.

Anyway, now I'm off to the RP thread. Techno AWAY!
*flies out*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on March 18, 2008, 02:35:30 AM
Don't let the Vista fool you!
I swear, I've used it once for a week in a row (when we were in florida last year), and after that I was just dying to wipe my hands clean on the keyboard of our old Win2k laptop...hell that damn thing was awful.

If you're fine with it, though, I won't stop you ^-^ Just don't come complaining when you can't find an XP to replace it anywhere.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 18, 2008, 09:16:15 AM
I know it's off-topic but I agree, Vista just gets worse and worse.
And I'm speaking from personal experience, I've tested it myself on my iMac (which is not a bad machine in terms of tech specs) and it left me with a awkward feeling afterwards.

Perhaps that's mainly because I only had 1Gb of RAM, but I also had to help a friend set up his new HP laptop which already came with Windows Vista installed so you assume it would work well since it's brand new and it's built for Vista.
Well it doesn't - for starters it takes something like four or five minutes to boot, which is just ridicolous compared to the 10-15 seconds my MacBook takes after a fresh install of Leopard.
I think it's all that crap HP installs on the new computers... just awful.

But anyway, every one has his own experience, perhaps with a couple of updates... though I really hate how bad it performs in gaming compared to XP.
Windows has always been about games if you ask me, and seeing your gaming performance actually drop by a good 40% in most games, that's just plain stupid.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 18, 2008, 10:43:39 AM
Seconded, thirded and fourthed...

If windows stops coping with games... I'll drop it like the pile of crap it is.... (man I feel bad bashing windozers when their respective -tans are sooow cute...)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 18, 2008, 08:59:55 PM
Quote from: "iDarbert"I know it's off-topic but I agree, Vista just gets worse and worse.
And I'm speaking from personal experience, I've tested it myself on my iMac (which is not a bad machine in terms of tech specs) and it left me with a awkward feeling afterwards.

Perhaps that's mainly because I only had 1Gb of RAM, but I also had to help a friend set up his new HP laptop which already came with Windows Vista installed so you assume it would work well since it's brand new and it's built for Vista.
Well it doesn't - for starters it takes something like four or five minutes to boot, which is just ridicolous compared to the 10-15 seconds my MacBook takes after a fresh install of Leopard.
I think it's all that crap HP installs on the new computers... just awful.

But anyway, every one has his own experience, perhaps with a couple of updates... though I really hate how bad it performs in gaming compared to XP.
Windows has always been about games if you ask me, and seeing your gaming performance actually drop by a good 40% in most games, that's just plain stupid.

Hmm... I don't know about that... I've seen laptops run a Ragnarok Online server emulator (requires at least 1Gb of RAM to run optimally), two instances of the game client (50 Mb for one instance... dunno if that counts for the two), the Aero junk, and Mozzilla Firefox web browser on a HP laptop with 2 GB (I think)... that including all other stuff that may have been running in the background.

I believe that people simply have to keep in mind that MS' system requirements are bogus and likely set to very minimal stuff. Vista -does- work... the problem is the amount of useless shit (even though in reality it is what separates Vista from XP aside of the hybrid code) that it has... seriously, you use the basic theme and the performance somewhat increases.

*thinks some and realizes*

Wow... it's the first time I had actually supported MS in quite some time... if that could be called supporting. Well... at least I do give credit where credit is due.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 19, 2008, 12:48:57 AM
For MS stuff that is bigtime supporting, there... :D
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 19, 2008, 10:33:00 AM
Quote from: "Kiso"Hmm... I don't know about that... I've seen laptops run a Ragnarok Online server emulator (requires at least 1Gb of RAM to run optimally), two instances of the game client (50 Mb for one instance... dunno if that counts for the two), the Aero junk, and Mozzilla Firefox web browser on a HP laptop with 2 GB (I think)... that including all other stuff that may have been running in the background.
That's because of the 2Gb of RAM, of course.
But the fact that gaming performance is worse than under XP is not a theory, and they tested systems with 4Gb of RAM if not even more.

And there are other issues too, it's not just because of bad performance.

QuoteI believe that people simply have to keep in mind that MS' system requirements are bogus and likely set to very minimal stuff. Vista -does- work... the problem is the amount of useless shit (even though in reality it is what separates Vista from XP aside of the hybrid code) that it has... seriously, you use the basic theme and the performance somewhat increases.
Aero didn't really had to exist in the first place, even if they really wanted to have translucent windows they could've done it in a far more efficent and less demanding way.
If you pick another modern OS it will run fine with 1Gb of RAM or even less, sure if you want to run more stuff you'll need more otherwise the performance will be seriously compromised because of swapping, but 1Gb should be enough to run a few applications without headaches.

Quote*thinks some and realizes*

Wow... it's the first time I had actually supported MS in quite some time... if that could be called supporting. Well... at least I do give credit where credit is due.
What kind of credit are you actually giving them exactly?
More RAM lets you run more stuff at once, that's no news, but the fact that Vista is far more demanding compared to XP and arguably doesn't offer anything to make it worth the hassle was the point.

Believe me, I'm no Microsoft basher (anymore), but Vista is not going any far if things keep going like this.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 19, 2008, 10:46:47 AM
Well, I always did have the feeling that MS gave us Vista because they had to come with a "new" OS after all these years...
I'd rather see them do a 911 on Win-2k (tweaking her for the next 50 years or so, untill she becomes so good, you don't need anything else...)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 19, 2008, 10:50:18 AM
Quote from: "Smokey"Well, I always did have the feeling that MS gave us Vista because they had to come with a "new" OS after all these years...
Sometimes I wonder... the fact that they dropped some major features (WinFS) clearly shows they either gave up to ship in time or they are just filling the gap before Windows 7 comes out.

Whatever that is I hope they get back on track, we need Windows for alternative operating systems to keep getting better.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 19, 2008, 11:17:12 AM
Quote from: "iDarbert"
That's because of the 2Gb of RAM, of course.
But the fact that gaming performance is worse than under XP is not a theory, and they tested systems with 4Gb of RAM if not even more.

And there are other issues too, it's not just because of bad performance.
That's not necessarily true... considering that there has to be a proportionate amount of power between the HDD, the computer's processor and it's RAM (without processing power and a good HDD you won't get far no matter how much RAM you put on a pc). My firend's lap top had quite the power itself... at least enough to run the good, graphic-heavy games.

And yes, I know there are other issues that make Vista a rather slow performing software.

Quote from: "iDarbert"Aero didn't really had to exist in the first place, even if they really wanted to have translucent windows they could've done it in a far more efficent and less demanding way.
If you pick another modern OS it will run fine with 1Gb of RAM or even less, sure if you want to run more stuff you'll need more otherwise the performance will be seriously compromised because of swapping, but 1Gb should be enough to run a few applications without headaches.
I know much of this as well... I should know... I have Vista Basic and I run it with less than 512 Mb of RAM... and it is quite capable of running Inkscape, Firefox, an IRC client and either AIM or MSN Messenger at the sae time... I consider that that quite a feat for Vista, considering it is quite the memory hog.

Quote from: "iDarbert"What kind of credit are you actually giving them exactly?
More RAM lets you run more stuff at once, that's no news, but the fact that Vista is far more demanding compared to XP and arguably doesn't offer anything to make it worth the hassle was the point.

Believe me, I'm no Microsoft basher (anymore), but Vista is not going any far if things keep going like this.
We all know that Vista is far more demanding than the rest of the OSes... no need to tell me the obvious... even more when I implied that fact already. But then again... that is what happens with any kind software... it becomes more demanding than it's predecessor. Wonder why people haven't realized that already.

QuoteWell, I always did have the feeling that MS gave us Vista because they had to come with a "new" OS after all these years...
I'd rather see them do a 911 on Win-2k (tweaking her for the next 50 years or so, untill she becomes so good, you don't need anything else...)
Sometimes I wonder... the fact that they dropped some major features (WinFS) clearly shows they either gave up to ship in time or they are just filling the gap before Windows 7 comes out.

Whatever that is I hope they get back on track, we need Windows for alternative operating systems to keep getting better.
I believe that Vista got screwed because MS had to heavily re-work XP's security features. Vista was scheduled for release some three years after XP got out.


Uhm... I don't want to be a thread killer or anything.... but we're going out of topic (if not gone out of topic already)... considering this thread is meant to discuss and/or update on the OS-tan wiki.

Getting back on topic is needed... no, really... there is a board where this kind of conversation can be taken to.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 19, 2008, 11:40:34 AM
Well I thought for a moment we were getting off-topic, but I thought this could be interesting back-ground info for the wiki...
But it's an OS-TAN wiki and not an OS wiki... So back on topic we go...
(and by the way, people realize that new stuff is more demanding but they want the new stuff to look better than its predecessor...)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 19, 2008, 12:51:04 PM
Quote from: Kiso
Quote from: "iDarbert"
That's not necessarily true... considering that there has to be a proportionate amount of power between the HDD, the computer's processor and it's RAM (without processing power and a good HDD you won't get far no matter how much RAM you put on a pc).
Actually the RAM is the most important aspect when it comes to running multiple tasks at the time.
The HDD speed can help by making swapping less painful (since the contents of the RAM are transferred to the HDD and vice-versa) but CPU really doesn't help at all in this particular aspect of performance

QuoteMy firend's lap top had quite the power itself... at least enough to run the good, graphic-heavy games.
Probably, but that wasn't the point.

QuoteI know much of this as well... I should know... I have Vista Basic and I run it with less than 512 Mb of RAM... and it is quite capable of running Inkscape, Firefox, an IRC client and either AIM or MSN Messenger at the sae time... I consider that that quite a feat for Vista, considering it is quite the memory hog.
Yeah but what's the point of running Vista if you are running a edition that lacks of virtually any exterior improvement whatsoever?
You are just better off running XP at this point.

QuoteWe all know that Vista is far more demanding than the rest of the OSes... no need to tell me the obvious... even more when I implied that fact already.
But that was what I first said, if you answer to that with a counter point it looks like you are trying to say it's not true.

QuoteBut then again... that is what happens with any kind software... it becomes more demanding than it's predecessor.
Actually some software actually become LESS demanding as their code is optimized, but even if it was that easy it's still legit to complain if the OS wastes the resources to actually give you nothing in return

QuoteWonder why people haven't realized that already.
People DO realise that, it's just that they don't feel like accepting it when Microsoft could do better.

I believe that Vista got screwed because MS had to heavily re-work XP's security features. Vista was scheduled for release some three years after XP got out.
Well, if you go a little deeper the WinFS talk started back in the Blackcomb days.
I think they had major issues they couldn't deal with without pushing the already pushed deadline, which is a shame.

QuoteGetting back on topic is needed... no, really... there is a board where this kind of conversation can be taken to.
Fine by me.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 19, 2008, 01:37:09 PM
oh, man.... here's the P.C. bottlenecks in order from biggest (to be upgraded first) to smallest (upgraded last) in Gaming... (for other, non-graphic-heavy stuff, ignore the videocard)

*1*Graphics card

Assuming that you haven't raped your OS/Swap and Game-install HDD by cramming it full of data or let it fragment.,,

Argue, and prepare for a buttload of info on why this is right.......
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 19, 2008, 02:50:57 PM
That's arguably right, but weren't we supposed to get back on topic?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on March 19, 2008, 03:47:03 PM
At the risk of driving this even more OT, I think if Techno is happy with his new computer that's all that matters in the end. After all, we don't have to use his computer...we have our own choice in OSs.

That said, aside from any system bloat or performance issues, I'd stay away from Vista mostly for the implications of lining the pockets of a corporation that's letting down the consumer and potentially harming competitors. It's the same reason I try to support local businesses rather than mega-corporations, why I have a contract with a rather small cellphone provider rather than a huge multi-national company, and why I have an efficient sedan instead of a gas-guzzler...am I idealistic? I think I am. Unrealistic? Probably. But it's what I think it right ;)

Onto topic, I might try writing a few article for yet-unwritten Linux-tan articles. I dunno if I'll get it done, though...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 19, 2008, 04:42:05 PM
Quote from: "Bella"At the risk of driving this even more OT, I think if Techno is happy with his new computer that's all that matters in the end. After all, we don't have to use his computer...we have our own choice in OSs.

As far as the Wiki goes, perhaps it's already been established in the past pages of the topic, but is there someone in charge of the Mac-tan pages?
I have some interesting speculation I'd like to include in the Wiki.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 19, 2008, 05:00:08 PM
QuoteOnto topic, I might try writing a few article for yet-unwritten Linux-tan articles. I dunno if I'll get it done, though...

That's good and mighty and idea... I would try myself, but I need to make more research in order to bring about quality equal to my personal preference... like the (still incomplete) Vistan article.

QuoteAt the risk of driving this even more OT, I think if Techno is happy with his new computer that's all that matters in the end. After all, we don't have to use his computer...we have our own choice in OSs.


As far as the Wiki goes, perhaps it's already been established in the past pages of the topic, but is there someone in charge of the Mac-tan pages?
I have some interesting speculation I'd like to include in the Wiki.

Actually, if you refer to the wiki articles... there is no one in charge of anything exactly, it's more of a preference thing and one goes by it as one wishes. If you think you can provide for any of the articles there, whether or not they are win-tans, mac-tans or even GNU-tans... you are free to add up to their info... even designs if you have one.


As for myself, I would like to say that I want to get back on track and do al the things I promised I would do... given that I take all the load I have put on myself with the many sites I frequent.

*gets onto dealing with work so he can get back to deal with ~-tan stuff*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 19, 2008, 05:06:15 PM
Quote from: "Kiso"Actually, if you refer to the wiki articles... there is no one in charge of anything exactly, it's more of a preference thing and one goes by it as one wishes. If you think you can provide for any of the articles there, whether or not they are win-tans, mac-tans or even GNU-tans... you are free to add up to their info... even designs if you have one.
The I may be adding something about the family-centric Mac-tans based on the comics that appeared some time ago and the historical Me-tan/Mac-tan comic as soon as I feel like it.

Speaking of Which, if I wanted to add something about the Apple family in general which page should I edit? Or would it be more appropriate if I created a new one to clarify this aspect?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on March 19, 2008, 05:48:41 PM
Alright! Back on topic!

But if you want to continue the discussion you were having earlier, make a thread dedicated to that topic.

To add something about the Apple family in general, you can make the heading "Apple-tans" into a link for a new article/category (like how the "Windows-tans" heading has its own link, general overview and alphabetical list of articles in that category)

I am curious what you want to add exactly and what is this historical comic you speak of!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 19, 2008, 05:54:16 PM
Help has arrived on keeping (at least me) on-topic...

*bows* srry... :D

I still need to learn a lot about the force to stay on-topic, master...

*bows deeper, leaves*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 19, 2008, 05:57:30 PM
Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"Alright! Back on topic!

But if you want to continue the discussion you were having earlier, make a thread dedicated to that topic.

To add something about the Apple family in general, you can make the heading "Apple-tans" into a link for a new article/category (like how the "Windows-tans" heading has its own link, general overview and alphabetical list of articles in that category)
OK, thanks.

QuoteI am curious what you want to add exactly and what is this historical comic you speak of!
The Mac-tan lore can be built around two comics.
One is very old and was linked as "Mac manga" in the (very) old OS-tan archive (the one on infoseek) and is the one were Me-tan meets what I suppose is OSX-tan and taunts her by showing her a cartboard of the Japanese equivalent of Ellen Feiss in the Asian Switch commercials.
As a result X shoots the cartboard with a machine gun, and Me-tan runs away but is chased by X, after which she tries to activate some kind of turbo but freezes.
X then returns to her house, where she meets OS9 and another Mac-tan.

The other comics are newer and focus on the everyday life of OS9, OSX, the OSX cats and "" (formerly Toshiaki).

I think there are some in the gallery.

They are particularly relevant because they both show the Apple family as living together in a fancy house (in a similar way the Windows-tans are sometimes seen in the same household) and give some insight on their personalities (though the female OSX's are missing in favore of the creepy OSX cats).
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on March 19, 2008, 06:51:32 PM
I feel shameless for mentioning this but also I'm working on a Mac-centric series called "Mac Party Redux", inspired by the "Mac Manga"  series but includes all the Mac-tans (and even includes guest appearances). And they all will also appear at some point in "zerOSanity" too.

The OSX catgirls are suggested as:

Cheetah-tan: Mischievious dominatrix but insecure

Puma-tan: Shy and mousy

Jaguar-tan: Confident and outgoing (but I think she'd also be difficult to work withas Jaguar was criticised for being akward to work with)

Panther: Elegant and classy

Tiger: Free-spirited, playful, helpful

Leopard: The blue-haired one is childish and short-tempered but the teal-haired and pink-haired ones are suggested as genius, very wise and powerful but responsible (can time travel but only does for the good of others)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 19, 2008, 09:30:04 PM
Hey... guys... after coming back to the Wiki to check things out... I realized that the "List of OS-tans" page is like... huge!!

No, really... even on my 1280x800 laptop screen it actually takes me around 10 long scrolls and 11 PgUP/PgDn presses to go from one end of the page to the other.

Hmm... I think we should go over re-vamping that page to make it quite smaller. I don't know... may be make a table and place them depending on the type of tan they are... or maybe... do something to reduce the size of the sections and when you clicked it, it showed you the what you want to see.

Hmm... I guess I should take that as my next job... it would not take me too long to figure out which way is better or even what codes to use for that.

But boefore I go with it... I need your opinion on the matter... i want to be sure I do something that you all think is in need to be done.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 20, 2008, 08:27:30 AM
Quote from: "Kiso"Hey... guys... after coming back to the Wiki to check things out... I realized that the "List of OS-tans" page is like... huge!!

No, really... even on my 1280x800 laptop screen it actually takes me around 10 long scrolls and 11 PgUP/PgDn presses to go from one end of the page to the other.

Hmm... I think we should go over re-vamping that page to make it quite smaller. I don't know... may be make a table and place them depending on the type of tan they are... or maybe... do something to reduce the size of the sections and when you clicked it, it showed you the what you want to see.

Hmm... I guess I should take that as my next job... it would not take me too long to figure out which way is better or even what codes to use for that.

But boefore I go with it... I need your opinion on the matter... i want to be sure I do something that you all think is in need to be done.
How about splitting the categories into different pages so we have something like List_of_Apple-tans, List_of_Windows-tans, List_of_DOS-tans and so on and having List_of_OS-tans just linking to the various List_of pages?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 20, 2008, 09:12:25 AM
Hmm... that could do... though I would like to also include that box code I see on Wikipedia that lets people maximize and/or minimize to show an expanded list of stuff that's related.

Let's see if I can find it.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 20, 2008, 09:25:37 AM
Let's not forget that the expansion of said list is a good thing, right?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 20, 2008, 09:32:06 AM
Quote from: "Kiso"Hmm... that could do... though I would like to also include that box code I see on Wikipedia that lets people maximize and/or minimize to show an expanded list of stuff that's related.

Let's see if I can find it.
Yeah, that would work too.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 20, 2008, 11:35:07 AM
Quote from: "Smokey"Let's not forget that the expansion of said list is a good thing, right?

It is a good thing indeed. Who would like to make 10 long mouse scrolls or even press PgUp/PgDn just to find a tan article?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 20, 2008, 11:42:50 AM
Well I personally think it's like being in a thread, scrolling down to see the last post...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 20, 2008, 06:31:41 PM
By the way I've started working on this page, I hope it's acceptable.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 20, 2008, 06:44:18 PM
It's not bad...Not bad at all ;010
Keep up the good work :D
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 21, 2008, 01:35:51 AM
Not bad... though I would say it needs a tad bit of more info. But that's my personal opinion. Anyways... I will make some minors changes... well.. for now just the addition of a "See Also" and make proper use of the category code.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 21, 2008, 07:25:38 AM
Quote from: "Kiso"Not bad... though I would say it needs a tad bit of more info.
The problem is there isn't any more significant information other than that speculation, I could find the mangas and link them in the article as reference.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 21, 2008, 09:52:32 AM
Quote from: "iDarbert"
Quote from: "Kiso"Not bad... though I would say it needs a tad bit of more info.
The problem is there isn't any more significant information other than that speculation, I could find the mangas and link them in the article as reference.


There is never too little information about fan-based stuff. You can always make literal mention of all the known manga, compare one to the other, state their differences. On top of that, making brief mention and description of the key Mac-tans would not be a bad idea either.

That's what I would do though... so I would not be sure if you think of it the same way. Oh, and I may have to tip you on that one fun note... even thought it's a wiki... it doesn't have to meet wiki standards.

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 22, 2008, 05:18:39 AM
In the OS-tan world there is nothing clear, everything can change from one artist to another and since most submissions are anonymous you can barely tell who drew what.
Even breast size is a subject of eternal debate and isn't clear whenever it represents the overall UI or the RAM consuption, or even the RAM size.

Besides I don't really know what else can be possibly speculated with such material.
As for adding brief descriptions of the Mac-tans that's what I'll do next, right now I was focusing on the family matter.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 23, 2008, 10:22:59 AM
Damn it! I ran face straight into a wall... man, NavBoxes in MediaWiki and Wikipedia use those extra #if codes as well.

This sure kills motivation... now I need to find the HTML counterpart to that code... if it even exists... at all.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 23, 2008, 01:31:52 PM
programming is fun (read: tedious) isn't it? :D
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 23, 2008, 04:14:02 PM
No, I think it's all CSS mumbo jumbo... there isn't even any Javascript involved if I recall correctly.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 23, 2008, 05:44:47 PM
Actually, it is a combination of both CSS and Javascript, I've seen the source files at both MediaWiki and Wikipedia.

And as of now, I will tell you... unless the site's wiki code is extended to have the required Java Scripts and Cascading Style Sheet systems... navigation boxes, conditioned tables, or any kind of complex code that is used in MediaWiki or Wikipedia will not work at all in here. Now I know why is it that my first info-box template was not working as it was supposed to. T_T
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on March 23, 2008, 10:46:14 PM
Hooray! There is now an article about the Apple family and it's got a good start! ;010

--Progress updates--

Added in two Apple-tans to the list: System 4.2-tan and System 4.4-tan

New articles: Mac System 5-tan, Mac System 4.2-tan, Yggdrasil Linux-tan, QNX-tan, Darwin OS-tan

other updates: Replaced old infoboxes with the new ones for most of the website-tan articles.


Windows-tans:  26
   with articles: 24 (~92.31%)
   with wiki avis: 23 (~88.46%)

Apple-tans: 28
   with articles: 22 (~78.57%)
   with wiki avis: 22 (~78.57%)

DOS-tans: 9
   with articles: 9 (100%)
   with wiki avis: 9 (100%)

Linux-tans: 51
   with articles: 18 (~35.29%)
   with wiki avis: 32  (~62.75%)

Unix-tans: 26
   with articles: 10 (~38.46%)
   with wiki avis: 18 (~69.23%)

Other OS-tans: 47
   with articles: 18 (~38.3%)
   with wiki avis: 24 (~51.06%)

App-tans: 23
   with articles: 9 (~39.13%)
   with wiki avis: 9 (~39.13%)

Malware-tans: 29
   with articles: 22 (~75.86%)
   with wiki avis: 23 (~79.31%)

Moezilla: 5
   with articles: 5 (100%)
   with wiki avis: 5 (100%)

Site-tans: 23
   with articles: 20 (~86.96%)
   with wiki avis: 19 (~82.61%)

OS-kuns: 11
   with articles: 9 (81.81%)
   with wiki avis: 9 (81.81%)

Non OS-kuns: 3
   with articles: 3 (100%)
   with wiki avis: 2 (66.67%)

Malware-kuns: 6
   with articles: 4 (66.67%)
   with wiki avis: 4 (66.67%)

TOTAL ARTICLES: 180/287 (~62.72%)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 23, 2008, 11:06:04 PM
Well... at least that is enough to raise the spirits. Good, good, good! Now, let's get ourselves to build up on those "red" articles so that our percentage grows!!

*is happy again... even more because this was his best weekend of his entire life*

I have a question though, who has access to implementation and expansion of the wiki system? I mean, I would like (more like, love) to see the more complex code being implemented into the wiki... if it isn't any trouble at all. ^_^'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on March 23, 2008, 11:28:20 PM
Great job, everyone!  ^__^

I should really start taking responsibility for some of the entities I've created.  I shall endeavor to, sometime within the next month, have a wiki account and use it for the good of the OS-tans Wiki and for FCL-tan! XD

...as well as the others. ^__^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 24, 2008, 12:16:30 AM
Yo Peoplez,
First off, thank you Aurora for keeping tabs on this thread, and creating so many articles,  If you have more Wiki avis to upload (say, for Yggdrasil Linux), patch them through and they'll be posted ASAP.

Thanks iDarbert for your interest in contributing to the Apple articles.  The logos are in major need of updating, except for this one here....


...but it's basically the OS-tan Collections Wiki, and can include as much detail about our own fan-based works (or interpretations of canon material) as much as the canon material itself.  That includes your sketches.  ;)

Thanks Kiso as well for the updates, and for looking into adding that code.  Admittedly, the List of OS-tans directory can probably use the same level of "consolidation" similar to what I did in the Avatar Gallery page.  

Fedora-dono set up the Wiki last year -- in fact, we went through many models prior to settling on this one.  It might be possible to add what you need.

However, if the omission was done for security purposes (similar to the SVG attachment exploit that Tsubashi stamped out earlier), then we may have to work only with the tools we have.  In fact, I can probably parse the list out myself if you don't mind (I've actually meant to do it for quite some time).  

Consider one benefit to the manual breakout of each OS family:  you can assign a small group picture to each one to create the right atmosphere -- despite the colorfulness of our own forum, our Wiki lacks color.  ;D

Siya, you've been added to the Wiki roster.  Indeed, you should have the right to update your characters on demand.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 24, 2008, 03:41:05 AM
Quote from: "Kiso"Actually, it is a combination of both CSS and Javascript, I've seen the source files at both MediaWiki and Wikipedia.
Really? You would've said with what CSS3 is capable of doing...
Well it's still inline "onclick()" I guess.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 24, 2008, 04:06:35 AM
Woah... that sure is one nice image. Wait... that the one of the gallery?

But back on scripts matters... I do not think those codes are harmful to security. I mean, Wikipiedia, MediaWiki, Wikia... pretty much every large wiki makes use of them CSS and J-script codes. Maybe they could just be incompatible with browsers that do not have the Java-VM or do not understand CSS... though that would be a rare sight these days.

And one thing that sure would be useful to protecting the site is that of turning important articles (templates, the CSS and J-script sources, as well as other articles that should be left as they are) into read-only articles. That way, no one other than the admins could modify the files and the security of the wiki would increase by itself.

That's what they do in Wikipedia and MediaWiki to prevent malicious peeps from vandalizing the sites.

Now, following onto breaking up the groups... I think it is a good idea, even though the *deep godly voice*BIG LIST*dgv* should be kept still. As for giving color I guess it would grow slowly.

QuoteReally? You would've said with what CSS3 is capable of doing...
Well it's still inline "onclick()" I guess.
I don't know... maybe it is for global compatibility? Or maybe there is something that I haven't catch up to now.

In the meantime... I think I will start imagining color combinations for info-boxes based on the tans families... and think up a good NavBox configuration. In case we end up with new code being implemented.
*has hopes for CSS and JS*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 24, 2008, 04:15:55 AM
QuoteBut back on scripts matters... I do not think those codes are harmful to security. I mean, Wikipiedia, MediaWiki, Wikia... pretty much every large wiki makes use of them CSS and J-script codes.
Those tre Wikis are actually based on the same Wiki software, Mediawiki.

QuoteMaybe they could just be incompatible with browsers that do not have the Java-VM or do not understand CSS... though that would be a rare sight these days.
Javascript != Java.
And yes, every modern browser has basic support for CSS and Javascript, and that includes Internet Explorer 6.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 24, 2008, 04:34:10 AM
Quote from: "iDarbert"
QuoteBut back on scripts matters... I do not think those codes are harmful to security. I mean, Wikipiedia, MediaWiki, Wikia... pretty much every large wiki makes use of them CSS and J-script codes.
Those tre Wikis are actually based on the same Wiki software, Mediawiki.
I know... and none get messed up by the codes section... that was the point.

Quote from: "iDarbert"
QuoteMaybe they could just be incompatible with browsers that do not have the Java-VM or do not understand CSS... though that would be a rare sight these days.
Javascript != Java.
I should know this one by know... I just keep going there. XD

Quote from: "iDarbert"And yes, every modern browser has basic support for CSS and Javascript, and that includes Internet Explorer 6.
Yeah, but the face that is there doesn't mean it isn't required for the site to have the code... yes, the site needs for the code to be available locally so that the system would understand it. Otherwise we won't be able to do squat. I should know... I messed with this already.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 24, 2008, 09:07:09 AM
Quote from: "Kiso"
I know... and none get messed up by the codes section... that was the point.
Well yeah but it's kinda weird to point them out as different examples when they are technically speaking the same thing.

QuoteYeah, but the face that is there doesn't mean it isn't required for the site to have the code... yes, the site needs for the code to be available locally so that the system would understand it. Otherwise we won't be able to do squat. I should know... I messed with this already.
That's not what I said, I was just pointing out that it's virtually impossible for someone not to be able to see the expanding box trickery.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 24, 2008, 09:49:51 AM
QuoteWell yeah but it's kinda weird to point them out as different examples when they are technically speaking the same thing.

Yes... it is... and they speak HTML... most basic markup language ever.

QuoteThat's not what I said, I was just pointing out that it's virtually impossible for someone not to be able to see the expanding box trickery.
thank you for the clarify!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 24, 2008, 10:34:36 AM
Quote from: "Kiso"
QuoteWell yeah but it's kinda weird to point them out as different examples when they are technically speaking the same thing.

Yes... it is... and they speak HTML... most basic markup language ever.
Sorry I got it wrong. I meant to say "when they are technically the same thing", not "speaking the same thing".
The underlying wiki software is the same, so they kinda work using the same gimmicks.

If you pick another Wiki based on a different system like PHPWiki you'll se the boxes are less common, even though technically they can be done in any web page.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 24, 2008, 03:05:41 PM
Ooookaaay... I'll give you the ultimate example. Many pages, whether wiki, actual pages, forums of different code languages... pretty much most known pages use CSS and/or Javascript to some degree... half of them use them with coding that could not be mishandled by people who do not have permission to access it.

So... in essence, it isn't the code itself, but the amount of security placed around it in order to prevent vandalism.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 24, 2008, 03:45:58 PM
Wait a sec, did you two just spend a whole page talking about Wiki code?!  O__o

Well hate to burst your bubbles, but it won't make a bit off difference at this time.  Regardless of what we need, I've not been given sufficient permission to modify any of the codebase in the wiki -- and since I don't foresee getting that permission anytime soon (and since the Wiki is not priority, at least compared to Fedora-Tan's other tasks), bottom line is that you're stuck with whatever we have now.  -v-

So let's make the most of it, and start creating articles -- all the typing that went into the last page could have filled up 20 Vistan profiles.  ^___^'

I rearranged some graphics, and also began some entry-level parsing of the List of OS-tans directory.  If you want to view the original listing, click on "View All", but the other pages are not ready yet.  Each family page should have a description on top, followed by the individual OS-tan listing below, and a cute picture featuring members of the OS-tan family on the right (if possible).

That should make for a very productive start.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 24, 2008, 04:06:23 PM
Quote from: "Kiso"Ooookaaay... I'll give you the ultimate example. Many pages, whether wiki, actual pages, forums of different code languages... pretty much most known pages use CSS and/or Javascript to some degree... half of them use them with coding that could not be mishandled by people who do not have permission to access it.

So... in essence, it isn't the code itself, but the amount of security placed around it in order to prevent vandalism.
Look, nobody's contraddicting you on this, I was just pointing out they were basically  the same wiki system.

There's no need to keep discussing this further.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 24, 2008, 04:23:21 PM
Yep... let's just get back to what matters... OS-tan wikification. lol
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 24, 2008, 04:26:14 PM
That makes me a happy piggy.

Very well, carry on gentlemen,.. Ye of the Mac-Avatars.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 24, 2008, 04:39:13 PM
I'm adding some info about Sonata, going to do OSX later.


Also, in the Leopard page it says the most common version is the teal-haired one, but in my experience the pink haired one is pretty much the canonical Leopard-tan (at least in Nijiura).
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 24, 2008, 06:24:10 PM
Question... why is the Moezilla girls treated as a separate group when they actually should be part of the App-tans? Aren't applications supposed to be grouped together?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 24, 2008, 07:07:18 PM
Quote from: "Kiso"Question... why is the Moezilla girls treated as a separate group when they actually should be part of the App-tans? Aren't applications supposed to be grouped together?
I think they are a separate group because the Moezilla effort is separated from the general "make a tan for" movement that brings us the other tans.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on March 24, 2008, 07:28:45 PM
QuoteSiya, you've been added to the Wiki roster. Indeed, you should have the right to update your characters on demand. ^^
Yay! ^__^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 25, 2008, 10:49:23 AM
QuoteI think they are a separate group because the Moezilla effort is separated from the general "make a tan for" movement that brings us the other tans.
I think I'll have to "whatever" that one... I still think they should be grouped along with the rest of the app-tans.

@Siya: Congrats on your inclusion to the wiki effort! Now be a good person and wander about whimsically!! Oh, and probably play with making articles.

Now... I should tell you all... I made the separate index pages for OS-tans. They are stubbed... so all there is to do is get the info on them.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 25, 2008, 10:58:53 AM
On the Moezilla effort, I would guess that they are grouped seperately because they are non-proprietary, software...
I would also suggest to place her along with the appropriate other -tans in a freeware-app group...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 25, 2008, 11:00:06 AM
Quote from: "Kiso"
QuoteI think they are a separate group because the Moezilla effort is separated from the general "make a tan for" movement that brings us the other tans.
I think I'll have to "whatever" that one... I still think they should be grouped along with the rest of the app-tans.
That's just the only reason I can think, it's not like I want them to be separated.

Honestly I don't even care if they are grouped or not.

QuoteOn the Moezilla effort, I would guess that they are grouped seperately because they are non-proprietary, software...
Or maybe because they are "real" tans, they were created as usual by the anonymous pool which is the japanese image board scene; nah... that's not like it.
Well whatever, they were just born togheter and they were grouped together, that's pretty much it I guess.

By the way, anybody minds if I create a page for Haiku?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 25, 2008, 11:06:05 AM
Haiku? The Japanese poetry thing?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 25, 2008, 11:06:39 AM
Quote from: "Kiso"Haiku? The Japanese poetry thing?
There's even a link in the list of OS-tans that points to a blank page.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 25, 2008, 11:09:05 AM
Then it would be a good thing to fill in this blank, ne?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 25, 2008, 11:11:19 AM
Quote from: "Smokey"Then it would be a good thing to fill in this blank, ne?
Right away sir!

This is gonna be more exciting than that time I played Through the Fire and the Flames in Expert mode!
iDarbert (strums last note): YES! Oh wait, I accidently pressed Start at 15%...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 25, 2008, 11:14:08 AM
QuoteI think I'll have to "whatever" that one... I still think they should be grouped along with the rest of the app-tans.

Yeah, you wouldn't have been the first person to ask that.  ^__^

But basically, they're separated for legacy purposes -- they were a separate project from the canon OS-tans as iDarbert said and even had their own separate Wikipedia article (before they pulled it).  

While I would love to differentiate Freeware or FOSS-tans, the truth of the matter is that their separation is purely symbolic, more out of respect for their original artists.  ;)

QuoteBy the way, anybody minds if I create a page for Haiku?

Sure thing.  ^^
Just don't forget to mention Kami-Tux' Haiku-tan, as she's the only one who volunteered a design for this BeOS successor.  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 25, 2008, 11:26:48 AM
QuoteYeah, you wouldn't have been the first person to ask that. ^__^

But basically, they're separated for legacy purposes -- they were a separate project from the canon OS-tans as iDarbert said and even had their own separate Wikipedia article (before they pulled it).

While I would love to differentiate Freeware or FOSS-tans, the truth of the matter is that their separation is purely symbolic, more out of respect for their original artists.

Cheers to you on this one... lol

*prances about whimsically*
Tra-lala-lala-lala... wonder what was what I was supposed to be doing. Oh yeah! I need to work on certain ~-tan articles!
*runs off to work*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 25, 2008, 11:31:15 AM
Oh right, a quick correction to what I said earlier.  Apparently our new friend iDarbert has been withholding valuable Haiku-tan designs from us for years, so yeah feel free to base the article primarily on your design (you ARE writing it after all).  ^___^

You might also consider opening a local User Gallery so we can help store all your OS-tan pics.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 25, 2008, 11:37:06 AM
Quote from: "C-Chan"Sure thing.  ^^
Just don't forget to mention Kami-Tux' Haiku-tan, as she's the only one who volunteered a design for this BeOS successor.  ^.^
Oh, I didn't knew.
Is there any place I find information about her design so I can put it into the wiki page right away?

Also, this is the first draft

I decided not to include a link to my gallery even if it features many pictures of her for obvious reasons.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 25, 2008, 11:45:04 AM
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 25, 2008, 11:48:19 AM
Here actually, although I mistook her for Syllable (which she did provide a bit of background information for):


Her Haiku-tan is more like a one-shot, so it probably need not be anything larger than a small reference at the end.  -v-

BTW, thanks for providing a cute avatar of Haiku-tan, btw.  :)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 25, 2008, 11:50:01 AM
In case someone wonders my DA page is now empty because I decided to leave DA and deleted all the deviations (one by one by the way... stupid mass-deleting-less system >_>), but you can ask anybody who knows me from there one of my first deviations ever (first was a desktop screenshot) was a Haiku sketch.

Unfortunately I had a hard drive crash that made me lose all of my old pictures (right when Time Machine was temporarly disabled and the old backups deleted, go figure), thus I was only able to re-upload the newer ones.

Shame all of that got lost, but anyway that's a thing of the past.

QuoteBTW, thanks for providing a cute avatar of Haiku-tan, btw.  
Anytime :)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 25, 2008, 11:55:06 AM
*sits and waits for the wiki for FCL-tan and Fedora-tan*

Writing the article for Fedora-tan would be a fitting task for Fedora-Sama, by the way :D
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 25, 2008, 11:58:08 AM
Before I drew my own, Juzo-kun's Fedora-sama was my absolute favorite of all the Linux-tans.  So I entrust you to do justice for one of the finest (and "hawttest") FOSS girls around.  ^__^

BTW, iDarbert, sorry to hear about your loss. I'm actually glad now I never opted to open a DA page -- apparently it was good before, but went downhill last year according to local user reports.  '__'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 25, 2008, 12:00:38 PM
EEK! not me, yet.... I'm still struggling (hard) with ASUS-tan...
I'm still learning to draw..... ;010
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 25, 2008, 12:03:13 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"BTW, iDarbert, sorry to hear about your loss. I'm actually glad now I never opted to open a DA page -- apparently it was good before, but went downhill last year according to local user reports.  '__'
My "demise" actually caused a lot of useless drama with local users, I think that's what went downhill in DA - not really the portal itself but the users who populate it.
But basically I left because it wasn't what I was looking for.

Since barely nobody commented there was really no need for me to be there, so I took everything down planning to reupload it in a personal gallery over which I had more power, but then tragedy struck.
So now I designed my own gallery and it's like I wanted it to be, but with a huge chunk of my past artwork lost forever.

Well, I still have very old drawings around the house (among them some of the lost ones), perhaps I should scan them before they rot.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 25, 2008, 12:54:33 PM
Hmm... you should do exactly that... scan your stuff... oh, and have back ups... even a CD, DVD, BD... or whatever you want is an option... but make sure you do it... or you might regret it for the rest of your life.... like I do for loosing 7 years worth of drawings... and then some. --__--'
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 25, 2008, 01:07:13 PM
Quote from: "Kiso"Hmm... you should do exactly that... scan your stuff... oh, and have back ups... even a CD, DVD, BD... or whatever you want is an option... but make sure you do it... or you might regret it for the rest of your life.... like I do for loosing 7 years worth of drawings... and then some. --__--'
Well I *did* have backups, I was using Time Machine, but ironically a few days before it happened I had the great idea of formatting my hard drive as HFS case-sensitive, while the external one was case insensitive so when I first tried to back up I got a "This hard drive cannot be used with Time Machine" error.

So I either had to format the main hard drive or the external hard drive, I decided to think about what to do and do it later but then the internal HDD crashed.
I back up regularly since I got Leopard, but I guess bad luck can overcome any barrier you put between yourself and massive data loss :/
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 25, 2008, 01:56:14 PM
I learned the importance of backing up/saving when i was using my 386 wich had parity sensitive memory... (really non-fault-tolerant)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on March 25, 2008, 08:12:14 PM
Alright, I tried making FCL-tan's page.  I hope I didn't utterly fail.  I don't want to be the kind of person who just bumbles through all these profiles, leaving everyone else to clean up the mistakes I leave in my wake...

So, if I done bad, let me know! D:
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on March 25, 2008, 08:33:57 PM
I know what it is like to permanently lose all of my stuff on the computer! This is weird but 3 years ago when I was configuring something in the System Preferences, all of my stuff mysteriously got wiped out for good! I lost a couple years worth of drawings, photos and website files ;__;

I checked out FCL-tan's article and it's not bad at all! ;010

I went and updated SuSE-tan's and Tinfoil Hat-tan's articles.

And here are a few new wiki avis that I made a couple days ago: (and the fact that I almost always post new avis in sets of threes is purely coincedental)

Mac System 4.2-tan

Mac System 4.4-tan

Yggdrasil Linux-tan
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 25, 2008, 09:13:00 PM
Suweeeeet!!!!! (FCL-tan that is... ;010
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on March 25, 2008, 10:10:40 PM
Ghostzilla-tan's article is done!  I figured all the characters that have found their way into the site's headers should get done, ASAP.

Hurrah for the new avatars! ^__^
*snatches away Yggdrasil-tan*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on March 25, 2008, 11:28:54 PM
That's the spirit, Siya! Git R' Done! :D Didn't know that Firefox-tan often gets busted for Ghostzilla-tan's actions... That there has a lot of comedy potential! :D

Just got two more articles done: Macintosh System 4.4-tan and Macintosh System 6-tan! *pant* System 6-tan's article was extremely difficult for me x__x but I got it done ha ha! That is a BIG DEAL to me! But in her article includes a huge footnote full of conundrums due to the inconsistency of information on several Mac sites! I don't get it... How could one of the most revered Mac OSes have some of the most inconsistent information?! This baffles me! ARRRRGH! >__<
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 26, 2008, 06:20:10 AM
That's the internet for ya...
If you'll dig deep enough, you'll always find a page/article contradicting what you've just all found... :D
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: iDarbert on March 26, 2008, 10:18:19 AM
Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"But in her article includes a huge footnote full of conundrums due to the inconsistency of information on several Mac sites! I don't get it... How could one of the most revered Mac OSes have some of the most inconsistent information?! This baffles me! ARRRRGH! >__<
What inconsistencies are we talking about here? Maybe I can help.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 26, 2008, 03:23:12 PM
I updated the Vistan article... a very small (close to insignificant) update considering the work I had put into the rest of it. But I guess it is because I lost my usually willing mood.

Well... at least I am getting a bit closer to what I want.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 26, 2008, 04:39:17 PM
Say I see that there are still no hardware-tans...
I am working on an ASUS-Tan based on my MoBo wich is still new....
Should i work her character out and post it?...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on March 26, 2008, 08:08:58 PM
ChainsawLinux-tan's article is....COMPREET!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on March 27, 2008, 09:05:47 PM
QuoteDidn't know that Firefox-tan often gets busted for Ghostzilla-tan's actions... That there has a lot of comedy potential!
Ja!  Since Ghostzilla is only really designed to hide from someone in the same real-world room as the user, network administrators can still see all the sites that are being accessed.  However, since Ghostzilla's code is mostly based off of Mozilla engines that make Firefox work, netadmins see these sites as being accessed by Firefox.

...or, at least that's what I recall having read about it.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 27, 2008, 09:14:09 PM
Quote from: "Smokey"Say I see that there are still no hardware-tans...
I am working on an ASUS-Tan based on my MoBo wich is still new....
Should i work her character out and post it?...

Uhm... any bit of information is good. You can even start it as a stub, then work your way up to fine detailing.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on March 27, 2008, 11:15:00 PM
nice... will start working on that then...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on March 28, 2008, 09:18:43 AM
A lot of good stuff I'm seeing here.  Keep up the great work!  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on April 13, 2008, 09:53:09 PM
I filled out an infobox for IrfanView-tan.  I hope to have an article for her done sometime this week, but I want to get some things sorted out first.  

Also, I was wondering if Babelfish-tan would technically be a site or an application?  Since she's not in the list, yet...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on April 14, 2008, 05:43:09 AM
Hmm... up to the point I have used the translator, I consider Babelfish  as a software/application. Sites just have the Babelfish translator as a service/feature more than it being an integrated part of the site (even though it is actually integrated.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on April 14, 2008, 06:56:42 AM
That makes me wonder how the relation between the programming-languages-tans and the software-tans are...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on April 14, 2008, 03:06:21 PM
Fufufu.... when in doubt, let Wiki decide.  ^^

QuoteBabel Fish is a web-based application developed by AltaVista (now part of Yahoo!) which machine translates text or web pages from one of several languages into another. It takes its name from the Babel fish, a fictional animal used for instantaneous language translation in Douglas Adams' novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The word Babel is a borrowed reference to the biblical account of the city of Babel and the various languages which were said to have arisen there. The translation technology for Babel Fish is provided by SYSTRAN, whose technology also powers a number of other sites and portals.

In other words, even though it's been around for a long time, Babelfish is not unlike the new Web 2.0 apps that blurs the line between applications and webpages.

Case in point, you can now use Photoshop online:


That being said, I think I will concur that she would be an App-tan.  ^__^

QuoteThat makes me wonder how the relation between the programming-languages-tans and the software-tans are...

I'd venture to guess that Program Language-tans would be akin to midwives, nannies and preschool teachers.  ^^;

Added after 16 minutes:

BTW, Siya-san....

To answer your question, the latest version of Irfanvew is version 4.10, released 10-15-2007.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on April 14, 2008, 07:47:36 PM
QuoteBTW, Siya-san....

To answer your question, the latest version of Irfanvew is version 4.10, released 10-15-2007. ^^
Actually, I thought that I had put the version and release date in already, but the output was the question, instead.  Maybe was doing it all in my head.

I think that Babelfish-tan tends to hang around web browsers, anyway.

Added after 2 hours 57 minutes:

I finished up the IrfanView-tan article.  I'm not feeling incredibly coherent, right now, so you might want to check it over for severe errors...or repitition...or repitition...

Also, I was going to try inputing the release info, again, but it seemed to already be there.  I don't know if this is a problem with the coding for this particular infobox or not. Maybe I'm doin' something wrong.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on April 15, 2008, 10:29:20 PM
Seems fine actually.  :)

BTW, I did take a look at the code referenced in

Apparently the last version date should be "reldate" rather than "sorel".  All fixed now, though.  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on April 15, 2008, 11:35:39 PM
Hurrah! ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on April 18, 2008, 08:39:36 PM
Good job on the IrfanView and Ghostzilla articles, Siya!

QuoteI'd venture to guess that Program Language-tans would be akin to midwives, nannies and preschool teachers. ^^;

Hmmm...interesting...I've never thought of program language-tans before...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on April 19, 2008, 08:59:15 AM
aren't we going paradox, now? cause a program language is the very dna a piece of software is made of, so in fact programming languages couldn't be -tans, instead they have to be...eeehhhh....spawnpoints?.........factory's?.........
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on April 19, 2008, 10:35:30 AM
Single-celled organisms?

But in the world of personifying everything you try to think of where they'll fit as people.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on April 19, 2008, 10:45:07 AM
mothers of a helluva lot of kids, then, i guess....
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on April 19, 2008, 05:15:24 PM
Musix-tan article COMPLETE!

I filled out infoboxes for Momonga-tan and TinySofa-tan, also, but I'm not entirely confident how to word their articles, just yet...so I'm putting that part off for now.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on April 19, 2008, 05:18:13 PM
Quotemothers of a helluva lot of kids, then, i guess....





*points at UNIX-sama and RUNS THE HELL OUTTA THERE*

QuoteMusix-tan article COMPLETE!

I filled out infoboxes for Momonga-tan and TinySofa-tan, also, but I'm not entirely confident how to word their articles, just yet...so I'm putting that part off for now.

Thank you, and no problemo.  This is a leisurely Wiki, after all.  ^___^

*latches onto Musix-tan lovingly*  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on April 19, 2008, 05:28:43 PM
Well...Unix-chan (why do i always have the urge to provoke dangerous people/animals?) is born from a programming language, too.....

Sooooow: Who's yo momma? :D
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on April 19, 2008, 06:06:47 PM
Ohhhh,... in that case, why don't we just cope out George Lucas-style, and say all programming languages are Midichlorines residing in the OS-tans' cells, or whatever pseudo-scientific explanation [nonsense] they used?  ^_____________^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on April 19, 2008, 07:25:57 PM
Well if we are to see programming-lanuage-tans-(god-what-a-long-word-link) as mothers, i do pity them, having sooo many children

*the phrase "secando children" just popped in my head*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on April 21, 2008, 01:10:41 AM
FreeSBIE-tan and RoFreeSBIE-tan avis, reporting for duty!

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on April 21, 2008, 01:16:44 PM
Nope nope nope.  I forbid entry to those two lassies until they've passed all of C-chan's strict prerequisites.  Â¯-¯




Okay, now they may go.  ^///^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on May 03, 2008, 06:58:31 PM
Progress update! Added in Mac System 7-tan's article! (which turned out to be easier than I thought despite being one of the longer articles I have written err... typed)

By the way I was wondering when we can start adding in more of OS-tan's backstories into their articles.

3D17: H4H4H4H4! 1337 p0575!! 13375p33k!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Smokey on May 03, 2008, 07:19:44 PM
Good one...
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on May 04, 2008, 04:12:34 PM
System 7-tan's article is good...Nice job!

I, too, was curious about how we can add more backstory into the articles; I guess I was always a bit shy about this, as there's usually no set idea of the backstory of any given OS-tan.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on May 04, 2008, 05:16:19 PM
For OS-tans that were made at OSC, adding in their backstories shouldn't be a problem at all.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on May 04, 2008, 05:24:25 PM
Well no one's never be prevented from writing backstories (this ain't the Wikipedia OS-tan article, after all) so by all means go for it.  If you feel awkward, you can always add it as a separate section in the article entitled "Backstory".

BTW, I love the Mac OS7 article as well!  I don't remember now if we agreed she would use the katana before or after that chibi pic in her avatar, but I always said it suited her well (a duality with 95-tan).  

Course, only fervent OSC readers are gonna know why she doesn't mind the OSX-kuns.  ^3^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on May 31, 2008, 03:30:44 PM
It's been a while once again, but more progress!

Added Yellow Dog Linux-tan's article, updated Lisa-tan's article and added the category-thing at the bottom for each of the Mac-tans' articles that didn't have it before!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on May 31, 2008, 11:36:41 PM
Thank you, Aurora-hime.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on July 02, 2008, 09:04:15 PM
I'm hoping to start another OS-tan wiki revival movement. I'll (hopefully) start with several (mostly) new OS-tan wiki avis! Okay, so three of these were posted a few pages back but forgotten (I'm not blaming anyone!)


(top row: 4K-tan, Atari TOS-tan, Lunar Linux-tan, Mac System 4.2-tan)
(bottom row: Mac System 4.4-tan, Sorcerer Linux-tan, Source Mage-tan, WDEF-tan, Yggdrasil Linux-tan)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on July 03, 2008, 01:08:36 AM
Thank you Aurora-hime!!  All of these have been ADDED!!!  ^v^

Superb work!  It's times like these I'm glad my resignation hasn't been processed yet.  -v-
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on July 15, 2008, 12:47:47 AM
Got the articles for Atari DOS-tan, Atari TOS-tan, Honeywell Kitchen Computer-tan/H316-tan, MenuetOS-tan and IMSAI 8080-tan up!

I have a lot of time on my hands...

Okay, so I can't get full credit for typing up Atari DOS-tan's article because it was heavily based on C-Chan's first descriptions of her, just reworded a little! ^^; And I typed up Atari TOS-tan's and H316-tan's articles more than a week ago.

Also, IMSAI 8080-tan's article is now the longest OS-tan article I have typed, in fact... of the OS-tan characters, she has the second longest article!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on July 15, 2008, 02:37:45 PM
Thank you again Aurora for keeping the spirit alive!  I owe you about,... *counts* ...17 now....    ^___^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on July 20, 2008, 10:13:12 PM
The articles for Lunar Linux-tan and Sorcerer-tan are now up!

And.. A new batch of wiki avis! (from left to right: AtariDOS, Commodore PET, GENIAC, GS/OS, IMSAI 8080, MenuetOS, Mugshot)

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on July 20, 2008, 11:34:30 PM

Actually, had a surprise for you tonight too (see the FOSA Light thread), but this definitely took me by surprise.  Already saw the last five beauties before, but first two....

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DRAWING ATARIDOS-CHAN AND PETCHAN!!!  You did a phenomenal job detailing their uniforms (something which I've made it hard to do thanks to my scant drawings) and capturing their personalities!  ^V^

All of these are gonna be added in a New York minute!
And concurrently, I'll be your slave for the next 48 hours! ^________^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on July 26, 2008, 12:53:06 AM
Thank you! I'll post up the scrap art for them later (and also add in Apple ][-tan so the whole trio can be together!)

Aw darn... I wish I responded to this earlier so I could have bossed you around-- Make me a 12-inch sub-sandwich with turkey, lettuce, tomato and Provolone cheese! And NO MAYONNAISE!

As for updates; Mac System 1-tan's, A/UX-tan's and MITS Altair 8800-tan's articles have all recieved major overhauls to them! Lots of backstory goodness added in!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on August 13, 2008, 12:23:20 PM
A lot more done in the past 3 weeks!

New articles: Lunar Linux-tan, Sorcerer-tan, Source Mage-tan, Visi On-tan [incomplete], VIC20-tan

Updated articles: Macintosh System 2-tan, Barbie Linux-tan, Linux XP-tan

In progress, expected to be up soon: Coleco Adam-tan [updated], GEM -tan [new], Uncyclopedia-tan [new], EXEC-sama [new]

new wiki avis:

Commodore VIC20-tan

Commodore 128-tan

EDIT: And here's C65-tan!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on August 13, 2008, 11:39:40 PM

ADD!!!!!!!!ADD!!!!!!!!ADD!!!!!!!!ADD!!!!!!!!ADD!!!!!!!! ^0^

The Wiki isn't updating these beauties fast enough!!!! AAAAAAArgh!!!  >0<

These are really fantastic, gorgeous, beautiful, GAWDly, swoonable, and Chock Full O' W-I-N!!!    Thank you, Aurora-hime!!!!!!!  ^V^

BTW,  in case anyone is interested, here's the source picture for VIC20-chan and C128-tan -- Aurora thought she could sneak it by me, but no way I'm gonna ignore the gems in her gallery.  ^_____^


Added after 2 minutes:

Oh wait, you DID sneak a few gems past me.  I feel so rusty.  ^^'

Well these pictures need not be hidden any longer... BEHOLD!!  ^0^

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on August 14, 2008, 12:44:15 AM
Oops! I forgot to post those up on my main thread! *slaps self*

Thank you for picking up my slack! :D
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on September 01, 2008, 09:03:37 PM
Here's an avi for StressLinux-tan.  Should I put together an avi for Parsix-tan, as well?

Added after 19 seconds:



Added after 1 hours 34 minutes:

I also typed up Silver Dollar-tan's page and filled out infoboxes for FreeSBIE-tan and RoFreeSBIE-tan.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 02, 2008, 11:42:34 AM
Thank you Siya-san.  ^___^
So happy to see you so out-and-about lately!  ^v^

Well,... suppose it wouldn't hurt to see what you can do with Parsix-sama.  ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 02, 2008, 04:57:33 PM
Yay! Some more OS-tan wiki activity! I do miss the days when it was updated on an almost daily basis :(

I've gotten some more stuff revised. Some of it more than a week ago (and some I can't remember) but I remember creating Commodore 65-tan's article, revamping Plan 9-tan's article to include some of the backstory added (although it may need expansion!) and I also gave Coleco Adam-tan's article a major overhaul! Also got started on EXEC-sama's and Visi On-tan's articles although they are incomplete.

Aside from working on more articles and revising some, I've decided to start expanding on the OS-tan comic articles!

Currently, there are stub articles for Mac Manga and zerOSanity but I may create one for the 4Koma that introduced 95 OSR 2.5-tan although I do not know the name of the series (don't know how to list it as).

And how about creating a page that lists the OS-tan comic series articles? (and where to put it?)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on September 02, 2008, 07:44:09 PM
Nice job! I'm happy you've continued to work on the wiki!

Ack, I miss those days, too...maybe I should put aside a little time to help around the wiki as well...I've been meaning, for the last, oh, six months or so, to work on the Multics (and maybe Unix) articles. how about this. I'll make the info boxes for a few pages....
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 02, 2008, 07:47:15 PM
Okay! Getting the infoboxes in is a good start!

I did get the Mac Manga article updated and de-stubbified! :D

BTW, have you considered making an article about your comic series?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on September 02, 2008, 08:51:09 PM
Well, it's just an avi made from the picture you made, C-Chan.  


Hopefully I'll get around to typing up pages for FreeSBIE-tan and RoFreeSBIE-tan.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on September 02, 2008, 09:04:55 PM
Okay, I wrote up small articles for Multics and CTSS-sama. I didn't write all of Multics-sama's article, cause, gosh, where would I start? O__O'

CTSS-sama's article started to sound like a eulogy. Maybe that's appropriate, though.

I might make an article my comic series, but again, I dunno where I'd start.

And very nice avi, Siya!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 03, 2008, 03:22:59 PM
Oooh... looks like activity is picking back up here.  ^__^

I'll build a quick comic page later this evening to house those new articles, and then go over a few things that I have to say.

For one, although I technically shouldn't be a Wiki mod anymore (long story), I do have a rather inventive idea of where we can "deposit" a lot of our Wiki writings in.

(Hint: has to do with more of my python thingies).  ^___^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on September 03, 2008, 07:55:08 PM
I'm now working on Unix-sama's--YES, you heard me--Unix-sama's article. Oh dear lawd where do I start...O__O'

And I see somebody is hatching another plot... :D
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 03, 2008, 09:43:54 PM
All I gotta say about working on Unix-sama's article is... "Good luck, you're gonna need it!" because that will be the most difficult OS-tan article to attempt, given all the backstory, complex personality and history of Unix!

Multics-sama's and CTSS-sama's articles are up to a great start! ;010
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 03, 2008, 11:14:32 PM
WAAAH!!!  I'm so sorry!!  Please forgive this blatantly-slow pig.  ;^-^;

I needz an extension on that comic page -- tomorrow for sure!  ;^___^;

*pleads*  ;^/\^;
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on September 06, 2008, 11:32:43 PM
Okay, here's some of the Unix-sama article I wrote:

|cname= Unix-sama
|alias= Bell Labs Unix (sometimes spelt in all capitals, UNIX)-sama
|creator= C-Chan
|debut= Preconcept, February 2007; finished, September 2007

|osper= (Bell Labs) Unix
|osdev= Bell Labs, AT&T
|reldate= Summer 1969
|lastrel= Unknown (mid-1970s?)

|fnote= "Comments on the character."

Unix is an OS originally developed in 1969 by AT&T employees at Bell Labs, notably Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and Douglas McIlroy. It was originally developed to run on the PDP-7, a small minicomputer considered no more than a glorified graphics display by many. Because of its sparse development conditions, Unix became a radical departure from the OS designs of the day; intentionally built to be small, simple, flexible and highly portable. From there it was ported to the PDP-11, and in 1973 was rewritten entirely in C. Unix quickly caught on as an academic OS. AT&T had been forbidden to enter the computer industry by an anti-trust lawsuit, and thus sell Unix as a product; but this didn’t stop its creators from sending out tapes running Unix, and source code, to those who asked.

Bell Labs’ Unix went on to have many releases as a research and academic OS, with V7 being considered the “last true (research) Unix”. Its direct descendants include BSD, System V, and Plan 9, to name a few of the most known ones; these OSes went on to inspire all Unixes we see today, like Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, and even Mac OS X. It also inspired the creation of countless more Unix-like OSes, systems that--while not related in code--work as a Unix would.

The history behind Unix, especially its connection to Multics, is an inextricable and long story; but it is accepted that the creators of Unix saw that complexity and budget problems nearly killed Multics on several occasions, and wished to avoid this fate with Unix. Indeed, Unix does carry some traits from Multics; but is the opposite in design and philosophy.

While very old in years, Unix-sama is physically depicted as a young teenage girl of around five feet tall, a reference to Unix’s small, simplistic design. Her hair is long and dark purple; her piercing eyes are blue, with the Bell Labs logo implanted in them, and wears glasses. She has horned owl ears, owls symbolically carrying connotations of wisdom, truth, and darkness (as well as traditionally holding associations with goddesses and magical powers). She often dresses in plain, professional clothing, referencing Unix’s no-frills appearance and design, boots, and wields a polished aluminum staff inscribed with roman numerals, each said to stand for a tenet of the Unix Philosophy. Since the 1990s, she has been all but confined to a wheelchair, due to emotional--and some physical-- trauma which occurred the Unix Wars.

Unix-sama is very intelligent and a skilled mind-gamer; capable of manipulating and defeating enemies without the use of physical force. While she was born without any knowledge of sorcery, in her youth she gained some powers; fire control being one of her most used ones.

I still have to write a bit (lawl understatement) more, but I wonder what y'all think of it so far. I couldn't decide if I should list Unix as Unix-sama or -tan; I figure, since we've always referred to this character as -sama, that's how I should list her.



...I didn't wanna become the shoe-throwing target for an angry Ma Bell Labs!

*has shoe thrown at back for referring to the Goddess as "Ma Bell Labs"*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 07, 2008, 10:03:52 AM
Her article looks great and although it's just a start, it is very comprehensive! ;010

On the dilemma of how to refer to Unix, you should keep the references to her as Unix-sama, but also add in the character footnotes that she is always referred to as Unix-sama or simply Unix.

When I wrote EXEC-sama's article, I the -sama suffix for her throughout.

However... in the Multics-article, you referred to Multics-sama as Multics-tan! XD
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: C-Chan on September 11, 2008, 10:45:09 PM
Aww crap!  Forgot all about this!  Okay, I'll set it up.... ^^'

Added after 1 hours 4 minutes:

Finished -- not gonna win any awards, but I'm pressed for time as it is.  ^^;

In any event, as for what I wanted to say earlier....

1)  Thank you all again for your continued work efforts!  I'm astonished at the level of detail poured into the articles you've written.  ^__^

2)  Ever since I entered semi-retirement, I officially renounced my Wiki Moderator-dom to Fedora-Tan.  That might explain why I'm not active here much (though I guess i was never THAT active to begin with).  However, due to XYZ reasons, I'm still stuck with the label, so not sure what to do at this point.  -.-'

3)  However, while I may not be much into editing the Wiki anymore, I DO intend to use a lot of the articles in my future OS-tan Concentration game.  ^^

Considering the huge scope of characters, as well as the [admittedly quite remote] possibility that non-OSC members might try the game, I need to make sure it comes with a small guide/encyclopedia of all the OS-tans.  Fortunately, there's no need to type one up from scrap -- not whe we already have one built per se.  ^__^

Naturally, the game's character guide won't be anywhere near as formal, so there's almost free reign over what gets written in it.  If the game gets built, I see it as a new opportunity to give our OS-tan characters and stories a more "portable" longevity.  ^^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Siya on November 21, 2008, 10:37:55 PM
I don't know what the future of the wiki is going to look like, right now, but I figured I'd submit this Mutagenix-tan avi while I'm thinking of it.  

Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on November 22, 2008, 08:04:40 PM
Thank you Siya-sama! The current state of the wiki is, as you can probably tell, crashed, but the problem has been isolated and I am doing all I can to gain access to the systems necessary to fix it. Thank you for your patience! ^v^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 08, 2009, 05:56:56 PM
I had a crazy idea and a necropost: Once again I'm trying to revive the OS-tan wiki project, updating articles that really needed updates, create new ones, update OS-tan avatars that really need revamps, and trying to archive all of the OS-tan backstories, conjectures and such*

I'm mainly focused on the articles of the OSC-created OS-tans and I will especially need help with the canon Windows-tans articles as well as that of Windows 7-tan. We have a long ways to go x__x

*Although the OS-tan conjectures thread here is dead along with other art threads that created several OS-tan characters, a lot of new OS-tan activity still takes place at the OS-tan club on DeviantART:
DeviantOS-tans @ DeviantART (http://deviantos-tans.deviantart.com/) (Check DeviantOS-tans's forum section for new activity! You might even recognize some artists from there! :D )
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 08, 2009, 06:04:45 PM
Hmm... I thought this was active before... guess not. Anyways, I think I can get back into this... so long as it doesn't interfere with my studies... I don't mind if it interferes with my life though, I tend to do different things from time to time anyways.

In any case... I should at least re-bookmark the wiki... since I lost it after several recovery/restore/re-install sessions. Besides, I go there a lot to check on links to other sites with OS-tans. lol

*goes over to wiki*
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 08, 2009, 06:11:08 PM
Right now I am systematically giving categories to each OS-tan article, or as much as my stamina will allow! @__@

Anyways, I am glad to hear that you might participate again!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 08, 2009, 06:21:08 PM
Well... I just created the Win7 thread... going to give a little bit of stuff to have it ready for later editing.

Also, it's the least I could do for something that may prove fun for some, beneficial for others... and worthwhile to those who wish to spend time doing something. All three apply to myself. lol
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 08, 2009, 10:29:17 PM
Nice! :D

There are already a lot of Windows 7-tan designs to write about but that shouldn't be a problem to you. After all, you did greatly expand on the Vistan article and documented all of the major Vistan designs!

Still in the process of re-categorizing articles but I created a new category, the vintage category!

EDIT: The OSC Manga Guide section is updated to include the Mac Manga article and a greatly overhauled zerOSanity article! ^_^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 09, 2009, 07:59:48 AM
LOL Note: Although it is late to give mention of it... I had begun giving color to the oh-so dull looking templates. Whatever happened to the system before killed the color features on them.

Also, I wonder how a theme is done... this place sure needs to be brought much more alive that what it currently is.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 16, 2009, 04:43:56 PM
I created the article for Stratus VOS-tan, created a stub article for Windows 97-tan, updated Windows 3.1-tan's article (a lot of the information was very outdated!) and broke up the 98 + 98SE-tan article into two separate articles.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on February 16, 2009, 04:49:47 PM
Woah... at last that is done... kinda' something needed considering they're actually two separate '-tans.

Anyways... I was wondering something after looking at the wiki closely...

Whatever happened to the better-looking skin that it had? Also, is there any chance of another skin coming into the equation for... you know... being brought up as default?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Tsubashi on February 17, 2009, 08:20:47 PM
The skin probably dies when the wiki crashed a while back, but Fedora-dono is awfully cooperative, so if we want to design and code up a new skin, I am sure he would have no problem putting it into effect. ^.^
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on February 18, 2009, 09:37:07 PM
I preferred the old skin too :-/

I updated the wiki a whole bunch and have gotten started on adding in the backstories to characters!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on March 04, 2009, 11:02:51 PM
Once again even more editing. I've added several new articles in the past few days. I'm getting started on making articles on C-Chan's Annex Project and writing articles for each of the OS-tan factions. I'm determined to archive as much OS-tan information and backstories as I possibly can!

EDIT: Got the main article and the Windows Family articles up.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on March 09, 2009, 11:16:59 AM
Oh... goodies... that was an interesting read. I so need to lay off homework and start imagining stuff like that. lol
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on March 09, 2009, 05:39:19 PM
I just typed up the article for the House of Mac! :D

Phew! That was a tough one, even for me and I know just about everything when it comes to Apple history!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: coldReactive on July 25, 2009, 08:14:21 PM
If I create a reactOS avatar thingy, will someone please create the infobox so it can be added to its page?

Right now I'm having someone else do a picture for me that's nicer than my own, I'll make it into a 100x100 avatar thing you guys can use.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on July 25, 2009, 08:39:05 PM
Sure, I can create the infobox for you.

EDIT: Been working on more OS-tan wiki articles again!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: coldReactive on July 26, 2009, 09:17:06 PM
Here you go!

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on July 26, 2009, 09:25:11 PM
Oooh! Nice!

Just less than a minute ago, I also saw it on the DA front page as one of the newest deviations too!

Here, I added in an infobox for her article with your avatar! (http://ostan-collections.net/wiki/ReactOS)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: coldReactive on July 26, 2009, 10:08:44 PM
Thank you~

Jcdr deserves credit for making the base though ;)
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: coldReactive on July 27, 2009, 05:45:41 PM
And by the way. ReactOS isn't really limited by all the limits that Windows has. So a lot of things can be done with ReactOS-Tan than with the Windows-tans. That is, once it becomes beta and/or full.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Sora on September 18, 2009, 06:42:34 PM
Hi, noob to the Wiki here. Thought I might create the IE page. Is it safe to assume most OS-tan fan's use Firefox? And is this image okay? http://t-e-a.deviantart.com/art/IE-tan-26177256

Added after 3 minutes:

"Error creating thumbnail: sh: /usr/local/ImageMagick-6.2.9/bin/convert: No such file or directory." What the heck?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 18, 2009, 06:49:18 PM
Hello, Sora! We could use some more contributors to the OSC Wiki so go ahead! :)

That's a cute IE-tan design you found!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Sora on September 18, 2009, 06:53:28 PM
Any suggestions as to the error message?
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: NejinOniwa on September 18, 2009, 08:23:49 PM
As far as I know, all the wiki mods are retired -.-

Ask the admins.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Sora on September 19, 2009, 12:04:16 AM
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Sora on September 20, 2009, 02:54:42 AM
Another thing, the hardware-tans section is empty, so I chucked in all the Game consoles I could remember seeing of the top of my head...
Is this okay?

Added after 34 minutes:

Thumbnail tool doesn't work. Small pictures (that don't need a thumbnail) work, big pictures don't.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Kiso on September 28, 2009, 02:23:55 AM
Yes, it is okay... you could do that.

THat thumb thing needs checking... hmm...

Anyways I updated the Windows 7 article... now with all its Nanami Madobe glory! lol
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: tyciol on November 20, 2009, 11:59:33 AM
About the entry for Twitter here: http://ostan-collections.net/wiki/Twitter

Does anyone have information on why she is a cat and not a bird? Birds twitter...

All I can figure is, cats eat birds? So I guess a cat would have a stomach full of twittering? *shrug*

I actually found out about her because of some fanart but probably can't post H stuff here.
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Aurora Borealis on November 20, 2009, 12:37:37 PM
She's a catgirl because of one of the pictures that is (or was) displayed when Twitter's server went down was that of an "LOL cat"-style pic of a cat with a screwdriver trying to fix a computer. I don't know if it's still in use though. Didn't the Fail Whale replace it? Well, it still seems that catgirl Twitter-tan is still the most common design though.

Still makes more sense if she were a bird girl!
Title: Project WIKI
Post by: Bella on November 21, 2009, 09:45:12 AM
Maybe 'cause nekomimis are cute? O.o

I'm thinking of fixing up the comics section, and posting links to ZS and my Linux-tan comic. Any objections?