This will be a topic dedicated to discussing updates to the site and getting feedback from users.
We have just moved to a new server computer with much more processing power and to Linux Mint 20 from Debian 10.
Mint was chosen because much of it can be configured without the terminal making things far more lovely to work with.
Currently the Forum is fitting in very snuggly on new setup, however other parts are having a few issues.
The Wiki:
The Wiki is having issues with the new setup and needs to be updated. I expect this to be done soon. But even afterward there may be some issues that may take a while to iron out.
The Gallery:
No doubt many of you have noticed we have 3 galleries now. Not ideal I know. The new Danbooru gallery will now be considered the main gallery. It is immensely powerful and has a lot of features that make managing stuff super easy!
The issue with Gelbooru was a lack of any updates to it. I originally chose it because it ran on PHP like the Wiki and Forum also Gelbooru's own site is immensely powerful and has lots of nice features. It claims to be open source, and at one point I was contributing to its Patreon. However there lies the problem. Gelbooru 0.1 has its source avaliable, not 0.2. For years they have teased releasing 0.2 but they just haven't. You can use 0.2 if you let them host it/subscribe to them, but that's not very useful for us as a small self-hosted site.
The ancient Piwigo gallery is being held together by duct-tape for the most part, it's more of a site for personal galleries than one for something like OS-tan art.
Email across all areas of the site still doesn't work, I am trying to make it work, but it's easier said than done.
Also a reminder that the Forum, Wiki and Gallery each have a different account.
Well good for you then keep up the good work.
proud of you! thank you so much for keeping all this alive. it can't be anything close to easy, especially since you have an actual factual grown-up job. :0
not asking for anything, but would it make things easier to slowly import the Piwigo gallery into the Danbooru one? ik we wouldn't be able to make personal galleries in that, which would be mildly annoying for anything that the uploader wanted to keep separate/private from the main, but as for everything else, we could just tag it all by author and establish a parent-child relationship between certain works. idk if this helps at all, it's just a thought.
thanks again! if there's anything we can do to help, please let us know. :3
It would be very helpful to move the images over from the Piwigo to the Danbooru. The Danbooru also has a private favorites list users can create.
Remember though with Piwigo to always get the original resolution image. It likes to resize things.
I also stream and take care of my sick cat so I have a busy schedule lmao.
Quote from: Goujer on September 20, 2022, 06:37:54 PMIt would be very helpful to move the images over from the Piwigo to the Danbooru. The Danbooru also has a private favorites list users can create.
Remember though with Piwigo to always get the original resolution image. It likes to resize things.
I also stream and take care of my sick cat so I have a busy schedule lmao.
Do you Stream on Twitch/YouTube
also what kind of updates are coming to the site?
Quote from: Zacian King of Windows on September 20, 2022, 11:23:59 PMDo you Stream on Twitch/YouTube
also what kind of updates are coming to the site?
I stream on Twitch.
Site updates will just be updates to the software that the site runs on.
if i fuck up and forget to get the original resolution, please let me know! hopefully i'll notice beforehand. ;^;
It'll all be A-okay
- Attachments work on the forum again.
- Fixed some security holes.
Quote from: Goujer on September 28, 2022, 11:43:37 AM- Attachments work on the forum again.
- Fixed some security holes.
The forum now has working email and reCAPTCHA this means that we can open up registration again publicly.
Quote from: Goujer on October 18, 2022, 10:42:09 AMThe forum now has working email and reCAPTCHA this means that we can open up registration again publicly.
That's great would it bring some new/more people to the site wait is this site now VPN proof Hālian said something about 1 of those soap opera crew members always changing their I:P Address is it now VPN Proof I just wanted to know now we can't have the soap opera do it again anyways does that mean it could bring some new or more peopleto the site to make it less dead?
@Zacian King of Windows I think I'm understanding your run-on sentence to say: You want to know if the site is VPN proof and will these changes make the site less dead?
The site is not VPN proof, members of the "soap opera crew" that are banned will remain as such. Many people use VPNs, some by necessity due to censorship laws sometimes, so I will not ban all VPNs.
As for whether or not these changes will make the site less dead, it will certainly make things more accessible, but site activity levels has little to do with any changes I make.
ALSOThe Wiki has been updated and now has working email.
I will soon be going over and revamping stuff in its permissions for better accessibility and will probably update it again soon as there are still a few bugs in regards to settling the Wiki down in the new up to date server environment.
Quote from: Goujer on October 20, 2022, 07:02:25 AM@Zacian King of Windows
I think I'm understanding your run-on sentence to say: You want to know if the site is VPN proof and will these changes make the site less dead?
The site is not VPN proof, members of the "soap opera crew" that are banned will remain as such. Many people use VPNs, some by necessity due to censorship laws sometimes, so I will not ban all VPNs.
As for whether or not these changes will make the site less dead, it will certainly make things more accessible, but site activity levels has little to do with any changes I make.
The Wiki has been updated and now has working email.
I will soon be going over and revamping stuff in its permissions for better accessibility and will probably update it again soon as there are still a few bugs in regards to settling the Wiki down in the new up to date server environment.
Okay But I do hoep there could be at least activity with 10 or users on the site
if it happens, it happens. if not, we're all still here, which is something to enjoy.
RE: VPNs - tbh doing a blanket ban on them is probably more harm than good, especially considering how common and popular they are these days. i'd like to subscribe to one at some point (i've heard FreeVPN is kinda crappy and might actually track your data...?). unfortunately, this also means that it's still very possible for trolls to make their way in, but the likelihood of that is still on the low end.
thanks as usual, Goujie. ^^
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 02, 2022, 08:17:42 PMRE: VPNs - tbh doing a blanket ban on them is probably more harm than good, especially considering how common and popular they are these days. i'd like to subscribe to one at some point (i've heard FreeVPN is kinda crappy and might actually track your data...?)
Mullvad is my VPN of choice.
A pronoun field has been added to your forum profiles.
Seemed like a reasonable thing to add.
So what's is there going to be any more changes to the rules on the site...?
Quote from: The Computer Otakou on July 01, 2023, 08:08:58 PMSo what's is there going to be any more changes to the rules on the site...?
Just occurred to me that no one could make a Wiki account.
You can now.
Have at it.
Wiki updates this time.- Wiki now has user page edit protection, meaning only you and admins can edit your user pages.
- Emails are required for making accounts, and email verification is required to create and edit pages.
- Cologne Blue, Minerva Neue and Modern skins are all working now.
- Mobile view now uses Timeless skin for a better mobile experience.
Account creation is still closed but I think I will be comfortable with opening it soon.
Broke the Gallery, whoops, I will hopefully get it working soon.
Gallery working now
Hey so what about Direct Image uploads I hate having to use other services such as ImageBB, Imgur, or other services I would like it if we could upload to the site directly instead of having to use Image services.
Quote from: Nanami Madobe Fan on November 27, 2023, 07:18:05 PMHey so what about Direct Image uploads I hate having to use other services such as ImageBB, Imgur, or other services I would like it if we could upload to the site directly instead of having to use Image services.
You can totally do it, simply add an image as an attachment and a prompt should show up to embed the image in the post.
Quote from: Goujer on November 28, 2023, 07:31:52 PMYou can totally do it, simply add an image as an attachment and a prompt should show up to embed the image in the post.
Thank You also you should add Yubi Key as a 2FA doing SMS and apps are not as secure plus I think the hackers would need to have physical access to the key plus its much more secure than Smart Phones also I think it would be a nice option to have.
I don't think our software supports it unfortunately.
Quote from: Nanami Madobe Fan on November 28, 2023, 07:49:26 PMThank You also you should add Yubi Key as a 2FA doing SMS and apps are not as secure plus I think the hackers would need to have physical access to the key plus its much more secure than Smart Phones also I think it would be a nice option to have.
I don't think our software supports it unfortunately.
Quote from: Goujer on November 29, 2023, 07:03:59 AMI don't think our software supports it unfortunately.
I don't think our software supports it unfortunately.
Oh :( well sorry than
I use a YubiKey myself, and sadly there aren't a great many sites that support it. :/
Quote from: Hālian on November 29, 2023, 12:35:11 PMI use a YubiKey myself, and sadly there aren't a great many sites that support it. :/
Well I hope more sites in the future could support them.
The forum has themes now, based on Windows XP, Ubuntu and Open Suse.
I changed the default theme to XP to celebrate the occasion.
The banner now changes every page load, putting those classic banners back to work!
Gallery registration requirements have been lowered a little, some users may or may not be required to verify their email before they can upload.
Gallery also now defaults to 10 uploads for new accounts, as always the more approved uploads you bring the more you can upload.
The gallery now has a safe mode enabled on the main link so those under 18 can look at the gallery and you can safely look at your favorite gijinkas at work or in front of you grandparents.
The Gallery v2 (Gelbooru) is getting its images moved to the v1 (Piwigo) gallery. This will fix a lot of the missing images in the v1 gallery. Current Progress: 195 remaining/298.
Eventually the v2 gallery will be scrapped and the v1 gallery will simply be title "old".
The v1 Gallery was also recently updated, getting rid of those pesky php errors on the pages.
The v1 gallery is also getting drained into the current Danbooru based gallery. I have been doing so using the "random photos" button so there's a little bit of everything so far.
Wiki Registration is still closed, but there has been a lot of exciting work being done by myself and
@Hālian to increase organization and ease of use.
There is also a standards guide (,1884.0.html) that I would greatly look for feedback on so we can help make the Wiki a clean, efficient and organized place for writers, editors and readers.
I've gotten a few private reports that peoples browsers will not connect to the site sometimes.
If anyone else is experiencing this, even occasionally let me know!
Yeah I had that one too may times I use
Quote from: Goujer on December 11, 2023, 11:38:51 PMI've gotten a few private reports that peoples browsers will not connect to the site sometimes.
If anyone else is experiencing this, even occasionally let me know!
Yeah I had that one too many times its a bug I think also I'm using a very up-to-date web browser in Mozilla Firefox version 120.0.1.
hmmmmm is it me or did something about the site change since my last visit?
Quote from: The Computer Otakou on December 22, 2023, 03:45:16 PMhmmmmm is it me or did something about the site change since my last visit?
Yes it has, some new updates and rules.
All designed for better ease of use and organization.
Is that why the UI is kinda different also I didn't know that this site came with more then a single theme.
The signup process on the gallery has now been fixed.
The gallery's wiki now has a lot more pages copied over from Danbooru's wiki, so help pages should appear more often and be more useful.
Let me know if any issues that show up.
Screenshot (37).png
Yeah its still busted up for me.
Quote from: Nanami Madobe Fan on February 23, 2024, 11:32:10 PMScreenshot (37).png
Yeah its still busted up for me.
I am noticing that the Recaptcha box is missing from the bottom right corner.
I was able to make a new account though, what browser are you using and what version is it?
Also do you use a custom DNS, firewall or anything like that?
Quote from: Goujer on February 24, 2024, 12:50:59 PMI am noticing that the Recaptcha box is missing from the bottom right corner.
I was able to make a new account though, what browser are you using and what version is it?
Also do you use a custom DNS, firewall or anything like that?
Screenshot 2024-02-24 211648.png
I just use Ublock Origin + Privacy Badger + NoScript that's it also I turned them off and still didn't wanna work and there is no DNS or Firewall on my network I also use the most up-to-date version of Firefox ever version 123 as seen in the screenshots.
Quote from: Nanami Madobe Fan on February 24, 2024, 08:14:18 PMScreenshot 2024-02-24 211648.png
I just use Ublock Origin + Privacy Badger + NoScript that's it also I turned them off and still didn't wanna work and there is no DNS or Firewall on my network I also use the most up-to-date version of Firefox ever version 123 as seen in the screenshots.
Firefox's enhanced tracking protection could be the issue.
I would also try to see if you can make the account in a private window, then login to it from a non-private window.
Quote from: Goujer on February 25, 2024, 11:40:31 AMFirefox's enhanced tracking protection could be the issue.
I would also try to see if you can make the account in a private window, then login to it from a non-private window.
Alright I will try that.
Edit: It finally worked!
Edit 2: I did my first upload I don't see the image thouh :'(
Quote from: Nanami Madobe Fan on February 26, 2024, 09:05:37 PMI did my first upload I don't see the image thouh :'(
Images require approval to make sure they meet the guidelines, I have approved your image and will check at least daily for any other submissions.
Quote from: Goujer on February 26, 2024, 09:13:57 PMImages require approval to make sure they meet the guidelines, I have approved your image and will check at least daily for any other submissions.
Alright I think I will let you upload the rest of the images.
Quote from: Nanami Madobe Fan on February 27, 2024, 12:39:19 AMAlright I think I will let you upload the rest of the images.
That will take a while.
Also if not being able to view right away what you upload is an issue, remove "status:pending" from your blacklist on your user profile.
Quote from: Goujer on February 27, 2024, 06:35:44 AMThat will take a while.
Also if not being able to view right away what you upload is an issue, remove "status:pending" from your blacklist on your user profile.
What does removing "status:pending" from your blacklist on my user profile mean? Also how? anyways I will let you do the uploading since they are on your server anyways it doesn't matter if it takes a while anywho I wish to make some cool OS-Tans Games some day by getting groups of people to help me.
Thinking it could be cool to make a new downloads page.
A lot of OS-tan media is buried and no longer available via their original downloads, could be a useful archive. Thoughts?
Quote from: Goujer on March 06, 2024, 07:19:54 AMThinking it could be cool to make a new downloads page.
A lot of OS-tan media is buried and no longer available via their original downloads, could be a useful archive. Thoughts?
Yeah that is alot of OS-Tan media that is not accisble anymore or you can no longer easily find... that would be a good idea that where some OS-Tan images I should have saved but was too stupid not too.
Quote from: Nanami Madobe Fan on March 06, 2024, 07:29:44 AMthat would be a good idea that where some OS-Tan images I should have saved but was too stupid not too.
Not 100% sure what your saying here, but for images and videos in particular I re-emphasize the importance of
everybody contributing to the gallery when possible, so we do not lose media.
Quote from: Nanami Madobe Fan on February 28, 2024, 05:02:51 AMWhat does removing "status:pending" from your blacklist on my user profile mean? Also how?
In your account settings in the gallery there are blacklist tags defined in a box. "status:pending" is there so when people upload scat, bestiality or pedophile crap to the gallery it's not visible by default.
The site is kinda broken when it comes to trying to reply for some reason?
Quote from: Nanami Madobe Fan on August 05, 2024, 09:58:02 PMThe site is kinda broken when it comes to trying to reply for some reason?
Fixed, thank you for reporting :)
So, I know I'm not in a position to be asking this (because I'm not the most active person on these forums and I take huge hiatuses, coming back out of the blue only to go on another long hiatus again lol...), but can I ask what the next changes on this site will be? For example, changes to the rules or existing features, the addition of new features, or the removal of old/redundant ones.
I would really like to know.
Quote from: The Computer Otakou on August 30, 2024, 08:53:20 PMSo, I know I'm not in a position to be asking this (because I'm not the most active person on these forums and I take huge hiatuses, coming back out of the blue only to go on another long hiatus again lol...), but can I ask what the next changes on this site will be? For example, changes to the rules or existing features, the addition of new features, or the removal of old/redundant ones.
I would really like to know.
Probably just more gallery migration.
Maybe some Wiki updates or unlocking edittability on the wiki eventually.
Changes happen as needed or requested if they make sense. There's not really a road map or plan if that's what you're looking for.
Noticed a big spike in sign-up errors on the logs.
If someone is having issues signing up you can contact me via other sites for help, such as Twitter, Bluesky, Tumblr, Twitch, etc.
Quote from: Goujer on October 03, 2024, 12:02:13 PMNoticed a big spike in sign-up errors on the logs.
If someone is having issues signing up please contact me via other sites for help, such as Twitter, Bluesky, Tumblr, Twitch, etc.
What is with the errors does this also affect password resets too?
Quote from: Nanami Madobe Fan on October 04, 2024, 02:08:44 AMWhat is with the errors does this also affect password resets too?
Probably not.
Quote from: Nanami Madobe Fan on August 05, 2024, 09:58:02 PMThe site is kinda broken when it comes to trying to reply for some reason?
How so?
Quote from: Hālian on October 24, 2024, 08:50:15 PMHow so?
Replies were not showing up to certain posts, this was fixed though.
I was having some problems reseting my password today.
Quote from: Nanami Madobe Fan on October 30, 2024, 01:06:49 AMI was having some problems reseting my password today.
If you could elaborate what issues you were running into in the new Report Issues (,1952.msg176908/topicseen.html#msg176908) topic that would be great.
Quote from: Goujer on October 30, 2024, 12:06:50 PMIf you could elaborate what issues you were running into in the new Report Issues (,1952.msg176908/topicseen.html#msg176908) topic that would be great.
Yeah I should have taken a screenshot but it said something about my session being expired.
Can you add a Dark Mode to the site, also can you please add support for Wide Screens/Larger Displays now can we have a setting that enables Fluid Widith?
Quote from: Nanami Madobe Fan on November 03, 2024, 09:59:41 PMCan you add a Dark Mode to the site, also can you please add support for Wide Screens/Larger Displays now can we have a setting that enables Fluid Widith?
I added a darker theme called Lunarfall.
If you want something "wider" you can look here ( and recommend one for me to check out to add to the site. Make sure it supports version 2.1 though.
Quote from: Goujer on November 03, 2024, 10:56:29 PMI added a darker theme called Lunarfall.
If you want something "wider" you can look here ( and recommend one for me to check out to add to the site. Make sure it supports version 2.1 though.
Thanks I will take a look. Thanks for adding the Dark Theme.
Reworked the social links on profiles.
Added: Bluesky, DeviantArt, Mastadon, Tumblr, YouTube (All are clickable and take you to the profiles)
Remove: A.I.M.
Skype has an icon.
Fixed Twitter's icon size.
Steam now has a clickable link.
If you previously had your whole link for a field you may need to change it, the entire link system was removed in-case bad-actors want to put bad things as their links.