OS-tan Collections

Lounge => General Chat => Topic started by: fedora-tan on October 31, 2012, 07:01:50 PM

Title: Stats chars per posts
Post by: fedora-tan on October 31, 2012, 07:01:50 PM
Just for nothing (or maybe stats purpose, for those who might be inerested), here is a list of the average characters per posts, per user, for users who have more than 100 posts.
Title: Re: Stats chars per posts
Post by: Chocofreak13 on October 31, 2012, 07:29:55 PM
is it still possible to track the top 5 gallery uploaders? i miss that feature. gave me reason to upload to the gallery since it was like a competition. xD
Title: Re: Stats chars per posts
Post by: Nichi on October 31, 2012, 07:33:29 PM
I use more letters per post on average than Kari? Interesting to note, since I always though I left the shortest posts out of all the active users on the site :3
Title: Re: Stats chars per posts
Post by: Bella on October 31, 2012, 11:51:20 PM
C-chan has us all beat by a long shot, hahaha.

I'm actually surprised I'm so high in the standings! @__@ And right next to Aurora, too. ^^
Title: Re: Stats chars per posts
Post by: SleepyD on November 01, 2012, 12:52:46 AM
haha, oh C-Chan. I kinda expected that.

but man, some of these names. Whatever happened to Darknight_88, anyhow? Or Codi for that matter?
Title: Re: Stats chars per posts
Post by: Chocofreak13 on November 01, 2012, 10:28:26 AM
we need a way to create "OSC: Where Are They Now?"

@pent: well, i DO type a lot of code. xD
Title: Re: Stats chars per posts
Post by: stewartsage on November 01, 2012, 10:48:50 PM
Ahaha, I'm very nearly at the bottom.  Can't say that doesn't make sense.
Title: Re: Stats chars per posts
Post by: Bella on November 01, 2012, 10:49:22 PM
Quote from: stewartsage on November 01, 2012, 10:48:50 PM
Ahaha, I'm very nearly at the bottom.  Can't say that doesn't make sense.

Talk moar. :U
Title: Re: Stats chars per posts
Post by: stewartsage on November 01, 2012, 11:43:31 PM
I think you mean I need to say more per post, don't you?  That's kind of a chronic problem with me, I'm naturally brief.
Title: Re: Stats chars per posts
Post by: Chocofreak13 on November 02, 2012, 12:13:57 AM
well, if you don't have much to say, you don't have much to say. maybe post more, that should get her off your back. xD