Sorry if this is in the wrong section or if a topic like this has been posted. I looked all the way to page 4 so I think I'm good.
Anyway, what is your favorite song? I shall start~
I like Hello Windows. *shot dead* XD
Now you~!
Fun topic~
Hm. I have a ton of favourites, but Let Down (by Radiohead) is my personal theme song, so I'll say that.
Speaking of which, I'm going to try doing that OK Computer/In Rainbows album-blending experiment after this radio show I'm listening to is over and see if there's any credence to the theory that the two are, in fact, two halves of a single album recorded ten years apart. -W-
Quote from: Bella on January 30, 2011, 11:52:50 AM
Fun topic~
Hm. I have a ton of favourites, but Let Down (by Radiohead) is my personal theme song, so I'll say that.
Speaking of which, I'm going to try doing that OK Computer/In Rainbows album-blending experiment after this radio show I'm listening to is over and see if there's any credence to the theory that the two are, in fact, two halves of a single album recorded ten years apart. -W-
PFFFF. I misread that as "get down" XDDDDD anyway, Let Down is a really nice song, i just listened to it! :) (I can't understand it but it
sounds nice)
i'm indecisive. as a result, i have two favourite songs: "Burning for You" by Blue Öyster Cult and "I Won't Be There" by Simple Plan. (the guitar riffs on both of them kick ass. >:3)
my favourite bands are Blue Öyster Cult, Queen, Green Day, PUFFY, and Simple Plan. (i think i had one more, but i can't remember. ;__; )
Quote from: CanaryTan on January 30, 2011, 12:13:50 PM
PFFFF. I misread that as "get down" XDDDDD anyway, Let Down is a really nice song, i just listened to it! :) (I can't understand it but it sounds nice)
Most of their music is like that; incomprehensible but beautiful. :,)
SPEAKING OF WHICH, PART DEUX: I've conducted aforementioned experiment.
One song sung by Mac System 7, two songs about car wrecks, two about suicides, three about lust, one about love and/or plane crashes, and twenty or so about feelings of paranoia, depression, inadequacy, neuroses, psychosis and schizophrenia later, I think I can say - in my expert opinion - that there really is something to this "OK Computer and In Rainbows are two halves of a whole album spanning a decade of time" theory (aka the
01s and 10s Album Conspiracy).
Questions to ponder:
-Is Thom Yorke an alien?
-If so, is
Subterranean Homesick Alien an autobiographical song detailing his arrival on earth?
-Who is Sara?
-Could Sara possibly be a slick reference to the Apple /// computer, continuing the noble Radiohead tradition of featuring Apples in their works?
-Can Mac System 7 be hired to sing at weddings, parties and bar mitzvahs?
My favorites list change a lot over time, that's for certain...
But there are a select few that linger within since times forlorn - one album in specific mention, as I have a hard time picking any one track from it; Nightfall in Middle-Earth by Blind Guardian, which is essentially a musical version of the Morgoth saga of Tolkien's Silmarillion. It's quite calling for a writer such as I, as it draws one back to the very roots of my genre; it also depicts the very beginning of my voyages into the metal genre as a whole, as one of my two first metal songs (I can't remember the order) was Mirror Mirror from said album (the other one was Nightwish' Over The Hills and Far Away cover). The rest of the entire album soon followed, and though I usually prefer the tracks Thorn and A Dark Passage when I listen to it these days, Mirror Mirror still has quite an amount of blast to give, as do all the other tracks as well.
All in all, Blind Guardian is a band I've listened to steadily through the last 10 years; their latest album At the Edge of Time, which forays a bit into Symphonic metal territory, is quite high-ranked in my current opinion.
All-time favorites include And then there was Silence (Blind Guardian), a 14-minute version of the epic of Troy, Illiad; and the whooping 24-minute (literal) insanity that is Octavarium, from the album of the same name by Dream Theater. As you might notice, I like my music in long stretches. -w-
Other bands I've recently opened up eyes for is Trivium (their Shogun album specifically), Amon Amarth (Twilight of the Thunder God's title track and end track Embrace of the Endless Ocean - pagan metal, yeah -w- ) and Arkona (russian pagan/folk metal) - I've recently remade their song Nebo Hmuroe Tuchi Mrachnye into a 4-staff choral with ten.solo and imported it for use in my mother's (church) choir. Yes, I make the church choir sing pagan metal. You read that part right. _3_
On the japanese side, long-time favorites LAST ALLIANCE and Janne Da Arc are joined by touhous and vocaloids, but, well, that's another story entirely. -w-
My favourite song: ^.^
Eh, such a hard topic to reply to! I tend to like almost every song out there (anything Disney will be slaughtered) I like songs that vary from Rock to crazy ass techno remixes. But I guess I'll put down my favorite songs by genre:
Classical- Ode to Joy
Rock- Chicago's 25 or 6 to 4
Metal- Slipknot's Duality/ Disturbed's Deify/Tenacious D's The Metal
Nationalistic- Red Army Choir's Civil War Songs: The Red Cavalry/Beyond the River/Hello, On the Way
National Anthem of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland God Save the Queen
Rap- Black and Yellow by Wiz Khalifa
this list could go on forever but I'll stop it here
I'm on the same terms as nejin when it comes to Japanese music, always a lot of Touhou and Vocaloid
Excellently done, Pitkin-sama.
Quote from: Pitkin on January 30, 2011, 02:53:05 PM
My favourite song: ^.^
moar vocaloid than i can count. plus techno and music from video games and anime.
i also love anything from 1890's - 1940's with the exception of especially racist music. "Goodnight Children Everywhere" by Vera Lynn is known to make me cry.
Choco has good taste in music!
I, uh... Hmm...
My favorite song is... Fear Factory - Controlled Demolition. Or anything Fear Factory.
...Or this:
that was so cute, i found this:
combines one of my favourite songs with one of my favourite characters. <33333
Uber Feuer by Electra Combo
Choco...that was frightening. >_>
am i the only one who turns their ipod on shuffle then flips through the songs, thus defeating the purpose of shuffle? :\
One of my all-time favorites is Round Here by Counting Crows . Adam Duritz is one of the best live singers I've ever heard, his voice is simply astonishing.
See for yourself ^^~ (
i just found this song a few days ago, and i have to say, it rocks. ^^
Quote from: Paul on March 07, 2011, 08:26:40 AM
One of my all-time favorites is Round Here by Counting Crows . Adam Duritz is one of the best live singers I've ever heard, his voice is simply astonishing.
See for yourself ^^~ (
Ah, I love that song too. Counting Crows is made of pure awesomeness; I'm sure they're amazing to see live. :]
Make Your Own Kind of Music by Mama Cass Elliott's my own theme song. In English I don't know if I have an absolute favourite apart from that "theme". x)
In Finnish my favourite band's clear and this is one of my favourites by them: Raparperitaivas by Leevi and the Leavings ( - a lot of other songs from the same band make it to the top as well, but this is really something I love listening to.
I have many favorite songs, but one that sticks out to me at the moment is Ten Thousand Fists, by Disturbed.
This song has effectively become the call-to-arms for my team in the various Disgaea games. When I mute the in-game soundtrack during a battle, break out my laptop, and play this song, it's a sign that things about about to get awesome; that it's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum...but I'm all out of gum.
@pentium: then buy more.
personally, i love the song "Underworld" from the Disgaea OST, which makes fighting in the item world all that more fun. :3
My two favourite songs are and always will be this ( and this ( both feature the most amazing guitar riffs i've ever heard. <333
Quote from: Pitkin on May 04, 2011, 04:32:48 PM
Make Your Own Kind of Music by Mama Cass Elliott's my own theme song.
*awards Pitkin-sama One Internet* : D
is it a long song? if not i'll have a listen. :3
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 04, 2011, 11:18:32 PM
@pentium: then buy more.
Or, just take some from my dad; he practically stockpiles gum
Since it hasn't been mentioned earlier, my theme is probably Counting Flowers on the Wall by the Statler Brothers.
Shogun by Trivium...
since it's in the same vein, does anyone have a favourite genre? i try not to pick favourites but i find i listen to alot of techno, jpop, and alternative. :3
I mostly listen to rock and metal, but I'm pretty much open to anything except modern country (Sadly, living where I do means I hear that sort of country music more than I care to. The older stuff, like Johnny Cash, is fine; why can't they play more of that?).
i have a few country songs on my ipod, but by "a few" i mean about 5, and the dixie chicks account for over half of that. :\
i actually have almost every genre on my ipod, come to think of it. :3
Metal, rock (just about anything harder than your average stone is usually fine as long as the musicians have some sort of UN-common sense or are just plain doing it very right), and most japanese stuff. Also classical and orchestral music, mainly from soundtracks from strategy games and movies. Some other varieties fall through to the catacombs as well, but they're rarely in any sort of position to make impact.
hmm, i suppose i have alot of soundtracks on my ipod as well, so that's worth mentioning.
@nej: too bad you don't have an ipod, since we could have listened to it in the car when we went to pick you up. ^^;
iPod, you say? Fah, that's the stuff of last decade. I've got EPSILON.
but you can't plug it into a car.
I don't see why not. If nothing else, I've got transmitters.
well alright then. -w-
This talk about plugging iPods into cars makes me wish I still had a car with a CD player, cassette player, or at least FM. It's the curse of being stuck driving a car from 1974; having a dead AM radio that's only there for looks.
it's a miracle that car's even ALIVE.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 05, 2011, 09:58:44 PM
it's a miracle that car's even ALIVE.
Well, my dad did completely rebuild the engine, so it has less miles on it than my mom's car, which is from '08...but, this one has some electrical issues, a ratty interior, a leaky windshield, no working air conditioner or heater, it doesn't always want to start up, chugged gas like cheap beer, has a fetish for leaving me stranded, and has a dead AM radio that's only there for looks. I wish he'd either get this one fixed up to a point it's actually decent or would finish fixing up the other car in the backyard (Which is much newer, has the motor out of a car I was much more familiar with, will be more fuel efficient, and is all in all superior in every way)
Another song I like is Whisper, by Evanessence. That song was easily their best; from the opening guitar riff all the way to the ominous Latin chanting that closed it off, it was easily the most epic song on their first album.
ah, evenessence. my favourite tunes by them include Breathe No More, Listen to the Rain, Where Will You Go (which i have an urge to sing to an ex of mine), Hello, and Imaginary. Needless to say i have alot of them on my ipod. -w-
I wouldn't mine hearing more off their 2nd album, but I have a feeling that the songs will fall short of the same level of awesomeness as Whisper.
i can send you the albums if you want. :3
also, they did a cover of Smashing Pumpkin's "Zero" that kicked ass. i only have the live version of that, though. :\
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 06, 2011, 12:22:42 PM
i can send you the albums if you want. :3
Yeah; I'll PM you one of my e-mail addresses to send it to (Since I'm not sure of posting a zip file of music is ok on here). I already have access to their first one, since my sister bought it several years back.
Which, speaking of, my sister's collection of music is demented; featuring Johnny Cash and System of a Down, to name a few
nothing wrong with either. :3
i don't think it's either encouraged or discouraged to post music here, as no one ever does. :\
Yeah; it's just jarring if you listen to it on shuffle. Of course, my mix of music can do the same thing; let's just say going from Enya to Dethklok, or from Hootie & the Blowfish to Iron Maiden, is a little jarring
yeah, that's why i'm in the habit of switching over songs, even on shuffle. :\
I do if I'm not really in the mood for a song that comes up, or a song comes up that conflicts with the mood in a story I'm writing (Let's just say, writing one of the more dramatic moments in one story while listening to Weird Al's "Genius in France" is a weird experience)
i'd imagine. :\
my ipod has a nasty habit of following up a song with one of a COMPLETELY different genre, so i tend to pause it when the song's done and search for a similar one.
The only genre of music I have in my collection is AWESOME. Thus, no matter what comes up, I am happy. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
My favourite songs change on a daily basis... even my favourite artists do... the only musicians I know of whose ENTIRE musical works I like, and that I have liked consistently over a long period of time, are Radiohead and The Beatles. (And Frederic Chopin if you want to include composers too [which I do]).
composers = musical artists
i have a feeling that there will be radiohead breaks when we hang out this summer. =w=;;
@pentium: i'm uploading the music to a file sharing site, cause it was too big to attach. it'll take awhile for you to download, probably. >__<;
Quote from: Bella on May 07, 2011, 08:43:49 PM
The Beatles
I am the Walrus; goo-goo, g'joob
(Easily my favorite song by them)
@Choco: It probably won't take too long to download...I hope
it's 297 megs. :\
"let me take you down, cause i'm going to......strawberry fields......nothing is real.....and nothing to get hung about....strawberry fields forever~"
and of course,
"i~~look at all the lonely people...."
Windows Whistler 2296 was bigger, but didn't take too long to download. It will probably take about an hour at most
gl then, ya got everything on there from 2000-present, including a bootleg live performance from Cologne, Germany, that isn't canon. -w-
That will be good, although one questions remains: will it be enough music to top having the entire discography of System of a Down, or roughly 95% of all Iron Maiden albums?
that's up to you. :\
Yeah; we'll see after I download it.
haven't gotten it yet? :\
I'm about to, after I finish uploading some pics
uploading to where? here? (i wish people would post when they upload pics here, so i'd know which ones to skip and which ones to get >_>; )
To my Photobucket, to post in the member pics topic
aaah. sorry, i'm just sick of downloading pics and then discovering we already have them. >__<;
the interesting thing about all the music i've downloaded, is that it's music that almost no one in this country cares about. you don't see the government running to arrest me for downloading a copy of Perfume's 2003 single "Sweet Donuts". :\
Same thing with some of the stuff I have. I'm sure I'll sooner get in trouble for downloading one song by Led Zeppelin before I get in trouble for downloading the entire discography of T-Ride (Which literally amounts to one CD; since they didn't really go over well. A shame, because they where awesome)
at this point, i think the government has bigger fish to fry than a couple'a nerds downloading some obscure mp3s. :\
Anyway, my mentioning of T-Ride brings me to my next favorite song; Luxury Cruiser, by T-Ride (
It was noteworthy for being one of T-Ride's few claims to fame; as this song was on the soundtrack to Encino Man. Also, this served as the theme to my other car (The one that replaced the one I'm stuck driving again) before it suffered critical existence failure. That car was awesome; it was a 4-door subcompact hatchback that could have used a new coat of paint and was very fuel efficient while being fully capable of blowing the doors off a sparkly new Mustang when needed.
EDIT: As a note, the video I linked to containing the song is unfortunately low quality; it's listenable, but it doesn't do this song justice
that car sounds like the beast. the beast was a legend. -w-
Yeah, that little Dodge Omni had quite a bit of power in it; there's a reason my nickname for it was the Silver Bullet
lol. the beast (aka Emo Car) was my mom's old Subaru wagon. got great gas mileage, had LOTS of room, and was great for beach trips. survived a couple crashes, even had black duct tape around the lights (hence the "Emo Car"). that thing got my sister to Connecticut and back, in a snow storm, one one tank of gas. -w-
The Silver Bullet had a long history in my family; being bought used by my great uncle, then going from person to person until it found it's way to me...where, following a catastrophic brake failure, it met it's unfortunate end.
However, Two Ton Paperweight (My other car; a '74 Dart) still lives, as much as I've come to hate it in recent months
at least you have a car. my sister could use one. :\
i have the SVU theme song on my ipod. Favourite show = favourite song?
Do we need a car thread? Since they keep coming up?
I want to throw in a shout out to The Men They Couldn't Hang here, for being a kickass Irish folk-punk band who write songs about the Battle of Cable Street, 1984 Miners Strike, and World War I.
they sound like a badass group. -w-
already mentioned Blue Öyster Cult. -w-
Another song I like is There's Only One Way to Rock, by Sammy Hagar.
That is the song that introduced me to rock and metal, at the young age of 3; hearing the song while riding in my dad's car. It blew my mind; it was like the Power Rangers theme song, but turned up to 11 in terms of everything. Even years later, I still like that song; now that I actually know what the song is about.
when i think back to my childhood, the songs i can remember are by:
Bob Marley
Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks (?)
As for me, the songs I remember the most from my childhood (Limiting it to stuff I heard during the '90s) are by:
- Hanson
- Marcy Playground
- Blackstreet (No Diggity)
- Backstreet Boys
- Sammy Hagar (Of course; being my introduction to rock, leading to a majority of the rest of the stuff here)
- Queen
- Eric Clapton
- Molly Hatchet
- Led Zeppelin
- ZZ Top
(EDIT: Took me two times to get this right; as I'd click Save and realize something wasn't quite right)
lol, ya always remember new stuff. xD
2 songs i remember from my childhood are "I'll Be Missing You" ('ll_Be_Missing_You) and "Ghetto Supastar". ( i hung out with my cousins alot when i was little, and they loved rap. :3
i listened to some Eminem when i was young, too. :3
Currently Fallen Icons by Delirium.
been listening to alot of perfume lately. :\
@Choco: The rap songs I remember the best from when I was a kid where No Diggity (Which I liked when I was younger, but don't care much for now) and Baby Got Back (Which I still like).
Another song I like, which I remember hearing on the radio as a kid, was Sex & Candy, by Marcy Playground. I remember hearing it for the first time during the ride home from the store after getting my N64; so, ever since that day, I think of the day I got my N64 whenever I'd head that song...which became weird once I got older and learned what the song is about.
yeah, it's a little disturbing when you hear stuff you heard as a kid and are like "wait a minute, that wasn't--oooh. o__o;;"
i have sex and candy on my ipod, and have been meaning to get baby got back (my sister has it).
It's like with a lot of Sammy Hagar songs; way back then, I used to think that "My Baby's On Fire" was about combustible infants
you guys ever hear a song where you can't quite understand the lyrics, and then you find out what they are, and you're like "wut" o___o;
@Choco: That was my reaction when I read the lyrics to the ending theme to Amy Rose's story in Sonic Adventure; it was completely nonsensical, with lines like "He reminds me of parsley when he's standing there all alone"
lol, at least that's cute/funny. i read the lyrics to Kings of Leon's "Sex on Fire" and was like "wtf O___O; "
Another song that made me go "WTF?" when I read the lyrics was System of a Down's "This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song"; but, giving the title, that was probably intentional
Speaking of nonsense lyrics, I think Ben Folds could be the single most lyrically-bizarre artist in my music collection. (Compare Beck, whose lyrics are also very strange but give the impression of being a stream-of-though... whereas Ben Folds is just, confusing. Sometimes. He does have more coherent songs...)
all this talk of strange, nonsensical lyrics is reminding me of Dadist poetry:
Karawane (by Hugo Ball)
jolifanto bambla ô falli bambla
grossiga m'pfa habla horem
égiga goramen
higo bloiko russula huju
hollaka hollala
ankigi bung
blago bung
blago bung
bosso fataka
u uu u
schampa wulla wussa ólobo
hej tatta gôrem
eschige zunbada
wulubu ssubudu uluw ssubudu
tumba ba- umf
ba - umf
@Choco: That looks like somebody punched the keyboard a few times and decided to call it poetry
it was written in 1916. :|
More like, somebody's cat walked across the typewriter and they decided to call it poetry
it was a major part of an art movement i consider myself a part of. xD
Maybe I should let my cat walk across the keyboard and sell whatever he writes as poetry...I could make enough to get my own infomercial!
However, I'd first have to figure out what said infomercial would be about...
Quote from: PentiumMMX on May 11, 2011, 07:38:15 PM
@Choco: That looks like somebody punched the keyboard a few times and decided to call it poetry
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 11, 2011, 07:47:27 PM
it was written in 1916. :|
Quote from: PentiumMMX on May 11, 2011, 08:15:35 PM
More like, somebody's cat walked across the typewriter and they decided to call it poetry
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 11, 2011, 09:35:21 PM
it was a major part of an art movement i consider myself a part of. xD
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 11, 2011, 09:35:21 PM
it was a major part of an art movement i consider myself a part of. xD
Quote from: PentiumMMX on May 11, 2011, 10:15:51 PM
Maybe I should let my cat walk across the keyboard and sell whatever he writes as poetry...I could make enough to get my own infomercial!
However, I'd first have to figure out what said infomercial would be about...
at him or me? :\
jeez, that's the last time i share anything from one of my classes.... >.>;
Both of you. You post too much. Like, Eastern European Spambot levels. Srsly.
at least we're relevant >:\
and that block of Dadist poetry was aimed at YOU. it's not my fault that you don't post as much as we do. >.>;
It's not like we're derailing a topic to discuss paperclips or anything of that sort
This is a topic about favorite Songs.
Not music in general, or lyrics in general.
While good in intent, if you have enough material on something, consider starting new threads instead of dumping it in an existing one.
Quote from: NejinOniwa on May 12, 2011, 12:35:22 AM
This is a topic about favorite Songs.
Not music in general, or lyrics in general.
While good in intent, if you have enough material on something, consider starting new threads instead of dumping it in an existing one.
I hate it when people create new topics for every random thought, but it's worse when topics get hijacked too - for instance, I'm disturbed that
car talk has entered about six separate threads, including /Topicless, /Favourite Song, /Random AND /Member Pictures, and oh let's say /Favourite OS.
The uber back-and-forth thing bothers me too, since posting-every-twenty-minute-back-and-forths should really be saved for a chat or IM session - especially when the conversation devolves farther and farther off topic (it starts are talking about favourite songs, then it goes to lyrics [which is still cool cause lyrics are an important part of songs] then it goes to weird lyrics, then it goes to poinless lyrics, then pointless poetry, then random statements about art, then cats walking over typewriters or some shit. Wut.)
I don't say this to be mean or rude, I like Pentium and Kari, but posting like this can make the forum very difficult for people to follow. :/
Another one of my favorite songs is Stargazer, by Rainbow.
To put it simply, this song is epic; opening with an awesome drum solo, having a slow but heavy guitar riff, epic lyrics, and the awesomeness that is Ronnie James Dio on vocals to make for one of the most awesome hard rock songs of all time.
(If Choco and I end up wondering too far off-topic again, I'll switch to sending PMs to keep things from getting too out of hand again)
tsundere-mon is aggervated by your words. urusai, baka!
sakasama reinboo. (
and i found out that one of my favourite songs from a webcomic went from being a 30-second scrap to a full-fledged song. ^^ (
Quote from: PentiumMMX on May 12, 2011, 03:07:24 PM
(If Choco and I end up wondering too far off-topic again, I'll switch to sending PMs to keep things from getting too out of hand again)
If you guys like talking that much you should exchange IM info. : D (I think a lot of us already have each other as contacts, so if you want to talk to somebody just ask, it's not impolite.) ^^
They aren't favourite songs (not even favourite bands, though I love some of their work), but right I could listen to
You Are A Tourist - Death Cab for Cutie and
Be Still My Heart - The Postal Service like a dozen times without getting sick of them. They're just so catchy. >w<
I'm just glad you kids get along so well.
I can given a definitive favorite album answer, semi-related; it's Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Or any Beck album.
@Bella: That could work; since I have a Yahoo account (Mainly for my primary e-mail address). I'll probably send that info to her later
Anyway, another song I like (Going into video game soundtracks now) is Tower of Ice, from the soundtrack to "Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero?" (
I love this game's soundtrack; it was a stroke of genius that NIS America included the soundtrack CD with the game. However, if I had to pick one song as my favorite, I'd have to go with this one; it's nice and heavy, putting me in a mood to break out my PSP and go to Item World on Disgaea 2, or maybe get around to playing more Prinny 2.
The White Album and Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band are probably my favorite Beatles albums; Odelay and Modern guilt are awesome, Mellow Gold was pretty good too... those are the only Beck albums I've heard in entirety.
I love every Radiohead album except for Pablo Honey.
As for other albums I really like:
-Fleet Foxes (I listened to it in its entirety yesterday for the first time in ages, it never fails to amaze me how beautiful their music is)
-Under the Iron Sea (which is weird, cause I don't even like Keane but that it an amazing album)
... I can't think of any others atm.
i already named my favourite bands, and i don't really have any favourite albums. :\
random song i like: "Underworld" from Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (and also "Sorrowful Angel" from the same game -w-).
Since favorite albums came up, here's a some of mine listed in no real order:
- Led Zeppelin IV (Led Zeppelin)
- Boston (Boston)
- The Mob Rules (Black Sabbath)
- Blow Up Your Video (AC\DC)
- Painkiller (Judas Priest)
- Steal This Album! (System of a Down)
- Indestructible (Disturbed)
"steal this album" reminds me of "download this song". :3
@Choco: By "download this song", you wouldn't happen to mean Weird Al's "Don't Download This Song"?
Anyway, I would talk about my favorite songs off of Steal This Album, but it's a case of it being easier to name off songs I don't like on that album (Which, for the record, the only songs I don't care much for on that album are "ADD" and "Ego Brain"; the rest ranges from very good to awesome). Instead, I'll talk about another SOAD song I like from a different album; that song being Holy Mountains.
"Holy shit" was my initial reaction to hearing it for the first time; it's probably the heaviest, most epic song they have ever done. Really; all I really have to say about this song is "holy shit, it's awesome"
personally, like their song "Violent Pornography". :3
and no, i don't mean that song. :\
Another song I like, getting into some of the sillier stuff, would be The Thing That Should Not Let It Be, by Beatallica.
To summarize, Beatallica is a band that's entire focus is taking songs by the Beatles and Metallica and mashing them together to create new songs. Of all the stuff I've heard by them, my favorite would have to be their mash-up of Metallica's "The Thing That Should Not Be" and the Beatles' "Let It Be". I'll try to find a link to it later; it's just too weirdly awesome to ignore.
@Choco: Violent Pornography is also a pretty good song; it's not among my all-time favorites by SOAD, but it's among the ones that are in the "very good" category
my sister got the image in my mind of dead nuns dancing to that song. xD
if we want silly music, how about the couple of Monty Python songs i have? :3
Another song I like is Lemon Demon's "Your Evil Shadow Has A Cup of Tea"
They're more well-known for Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, but they did have other songs; like Your Evil Shadow Has A Cup of Tea, which is just as weird as it's title makes it sound. This is another one I'll dig up a link for later.
@Choco: Yes. This topic needs moar Monty Python
@pentium: that sounds epic. is it LEMON tea? >:3
has anyone besides me had the problem of playing their music in the car? not the actual playing of it, but the worry that not many people will like it because half your music is in japanese? :\
You don't say. Furthermore, the half that isn't japanese is mostly Metal, which nobody likes either... -_-
Yeah; whenever my mom is in the car, I usually put in a CD or set it to a radio station I know she'd prefer, since I don't figure she'd want to listen to some of the stuff I like (Also, to save the weird looks she'd give me when my PSP, while set on shuffle, goes from Asagi My Love (A J-Pop song from the Prinny soundtrack) to Through the Fire & Flames)
I'd post links to those two songs I mentioned in my previous two posts, but YouTube seems to be down now
Since it's working again, here are the links to those two songs:
The Thing That Should Not Let It Be (
Your Evil Shadow Has A Cup Of Tea (
was that rhyme on purpose?
most of the time my mom's willing to put up with it, if only for the fact that there IS some music on my ipod she likes (i happen to have alot of 80's music for some reason). however, occasionally there's a song that she doesn't like. case in point, when i played konata's version of "cha-la-head-cha-la" for her, she described it as "a song she never wants to hear again" :\
@Choco: The rhyme was unintentional, actually; it just happened to fall into place like that. Also, your mom's reaction to that song sounds like my mom's reaction to Trogdor
Anyway, another song I like, which I actually found the very cheesy music video to, is I Want Out, by Helloween ( This song was used as my battle anthem for that 2nd job toward the end; when things where finally starting to look up for me after a very rough 2 months, although any hope of meeting the approval of the boss I had in that department was long gone by that point (Because, as I soon figured out, she was trying to do to me as Fox did to Firefly years before).
that songs reminds me of the lost boys, lol. xD
if we're speaking of semi-cheezy songs, then i feel like mentioning "Onegai Sweetheart" (, the ending from the anime Fight! Ippatsu! Juden-chan. it's so sugarcoated and bubbly and high-pitched. >w<
on the topic of cute, bubbly songs (that we love), "Romantic Strike" ( from the anime Taishou Yakyuu Musume is a personal favourite. ^^ every time i hear/sing it, it makes me smile so big i can barely form the words. <333
Another song I really like is Welcome Home, by Coheed & Cambria (
This is one of the bands I discovered from back when I still played Rock Band and Guitar Hero regularly, and I was blown away by how awesome it was; it was easily one of the best songs on the first Rock Band, and possibly even better than the grand finale of it's World Tour mode (That song being Run to the Hills, by Iron Maiden; another one of my favorites). This song lead to me reading up on the band, and now has me interested in tracking down the album this song was off of; I wouldn't mind hearing some more stuff by them.
Lemon Kid by PUFFY. (
it's the only non-english song i can sing full through w/o the song playing. i get the lyrics a little mixed up sometimes, but i get a little better each time. ^^
i love the feel of it. it's so smooth. -w-
That reminds of how, at one point, I could almost sing Hare Hare Yukai in full without hearing it
Another song I like, which I found the cool although a little creepy music video to, is Pull Me Under, by Dream Theater (
Even though this version is the 4-minute music video version, it still manages to maintain some of the awesomeness of the 8-minute album version; which really takes talent and proper knowledge of what to do when abridging a song for a music video. Still, if you want the full experince, go look up the album version; it's twice as long and twice as awesome, although the cool music video makes up for the shortened song.
why is everyone here obsessed with such long songs..... ><;;
i love teto music... ;v;
oh, and to answer your question from topicless/rpt (can't remember which), that picture of the 3 girls in yellow was the band Perfume (, which has been a bit of a current obsession of mine recently. :3
if you want to listen to them, i reccomend the songs Dream Fighter (, Chocolate Disco ( have no idea how long it took me to find a working vid of this, so watch it before the audio is taken away), Sweet Donuts (, and Computer City ( ^^
I'll watch those when I get off work.
Also, the obsession with long songs is generally because long songs are awesome; although, for Dream Theater, 8 minutes is considered "short" by their standards (Which would make the 4 minute version of Pull Me Under practically a ringtone)
ugh, i don't get the appeal. the longest song i have that i can name off the top of my head is Jesus of Suburbia, and that's only cause 1. i love Green Day and 2. My favourite song lyrics of all time are at the end of the song.
most of my songs are anywhere from 1:30 to 4:00. :\
oh, also, another song i love by Perfume is their cover of "Jenny in a Bad Mood". (i'll find you a vid later.) I've almost adopted it as a personal theme song, given the translated lyrics. ^^;
I think the longest songs in my music collection are Mild Und Leise by Paul Lansky (20 minute computer-music epic composed on a System/360 mainframe in the 1970s), and a few Porcupine Tree songs whose names i can't remember atm, since I'm really not that into Porcupine Tree... ~v~
Octavarium forever. 24 minutes sharp of solid musical gold.
The 5 longest songs on my laptop, starting with the longest, are:
1: In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida -- Iron Butterfly (17 minutes)
2: Rime of the Ancient Mariner -- Iron Maiden (14 minutes)
3: Halloween -- Helloween (13 minutes)
4: I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That) -- Meat Loaf (12 minutes)
5: Albuquerque -- "Weird Al" Yankovic (11 minutes)
Of them, the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th ones are among my favorites, while the 1st is pretty cool and the 4th is decent (Not one of Meat Loaf's better songs, in my opinion). guys are insane.....
1: Octavarium (24min)
2: The Count of Tuscany (19min)
3: In the Presence of Enemies: Part II (19min)
4: A Nightmare to Remember (17min)
Dream Theater, all of it.
5: Na Moey Zemle (15min) - Arkona
Song's name is russian for In My Land, btw.
Note that this list does not include various mashups, concerts and kumikyokus and whatnot (since that's just cheating).
Honorable mention also goes to And Then There Was Silence by Blind Guardian, at 13 minutes - essentially a retelling of the Illiad, in music METAL form. A must-listen. Here, have your fill: Meh quality and a bloody audiosurf video, but damn was this hard to find.
Now also comes in 8 bits of pure flavor! (
Jesus of Suburbia - Green Day - 9 minutes
Paradise by the Dashboard Light - Meatloaf - 8 and a half minutes
most of my other songs are in japanese and usually top off at anywhere from 3-5 minutes. :\
The longest songs for me:
Bluesia Pieksämäen asemalla - Juice Leskinen - 16 minutes
Trapped in the Drive-Thru - Weird Al Yankovic - 11 minutes
oooo, trapped in the drive thru. -w- i wanted that one when i first heard it. ^^
any chance you could send it to me? i'll trade you one of mine if you like. :3
EDIT: i also found a decent youtube of "Jenny in a Bad Mood" (the cover by Perfume), for anyone who's interested.
it's a crappy set of pictures, so for anyone that wants wants translation, it's here. (
A noteworthy fact:
Finnish is a fucking AWESOME language for metal lyrics.
Ensiferum, that's you I'm talking to.
@Choco: Is that all the Meat Loaf you have? I have the entire Bat out of Hell trilogy on my laptop, if you're interested
(I also have Trapped in the Drive-Thru, in case Pitkin can't get it to you)
Anyway, another one of my favorite songs is Dumpster of Chicken, by Kitsune^2 (
I only just discovered this song a few days ago, but I love it; the style and everything reminds me of the music of the original Mega Man games, which makes me want to storm the front gates of Dr. Wily's fortress and kick some butt. After discovering it, I found myself listening to it several times throughout the day; it's quite simply an awesome song.
unrelated: SatW taught me to swear in Finnish. :3
i just edited my last post, so not much point in saying anything else. :\
@pentium: i have alot of songs from single artists, since i go by a song-by-song basis of what i like vs an artist-by-artist basis.
and if i can get the full version of trapped in the drive thru, idc who i get it from. ^^;
@Choco: I have a few songs from single artists (Korn, Iron Butterfly, Sir Mix-A-Lot, etc.), but a bulk of the music on Asagi is full albums (Minus the songs I don't care much; why waste space keeping "Ego Brain" on there when I can fit "What Is Love?" in it's place?).
Speaking of, another one of my favorite songs is What Is Love?, by Haddaway. I think anybody who grew up in the early-to-mid '90s remembers this song either from the radio or the SNL sketch it was famously used in, so it shouldn't need any introduction...but damn it's a catchy song.
eh, if i like a song i get it. that's my mindset.
and i find albums clog up my ipod, so it's rare to see multiple songs from the same album on there.
On an iPod or other MP3 player, I can understand cutting it down to just your absolute favorites by single artists to have more variety.
Anyway, another one of my favorite songs is Pussy, by Rammstein (
I remember the first time I heard this song; it was when I was playing Mario Kart Wii, with the TV setup so I could listen to satellite radio while playing. While I was blasting through one of my favorite tracks in Time Trial mode, in an attempt to beat my younger cousin's record, this song came on...and I ended up falling off the track and screwing up my record-breaking run because the song had me cracking up.
..... :\
an ex boyfriend played me their song "Te Quiro Puta". :\ i also have their song "Moskau", a crossover with T.A.T.U.
I haven't heard those songs by them; aside from Pussy, all I know of is a spoof of Aqua's "Barbie Girl" they did that my sister likes (She may not understand exactly what they're saying, but Ken sounds like an asshole in that version)
Anyway, another song I like (Which I found the cheesy but awesome music video to) is Hall of the Mountain King, by Savatage ( This song is cheesy, but awesome at the same time; it proudly being part of the epic 3-song finale of my 12th mix CD, with those 3 songs flowing surprisingly well from one to the next regardless of being by 3 different artists (I'll talk about the other two later; the last one won't need much of an introduction, though, as I'm sure you'll know it when I say it's name)
ohmigawd, thankyou. *w* i never knew who that version of barbie girl was by, and now i can get it. ^^
and yeah, ken sounds like totally angry, and barbie sounds kinda stereotypically gay (since she's played by a guy). xD
If I had a little quicker access to my sister's laptop, I could easily fetch it for you
Anyway, another song I like and the 2nd part of that epic 3-song finale of that mix CD is Sweet Soul Sister, by the Cult (
This song is another one I just like; it's slower than the previous song on the mix, but it's still pretty awesome (With less cheesiness, as well). There is a music video for it...although said music video sucks; while the video itself is fine (Consisting of footage of one of their concerts), what they did to the song was unforgivable; taking an awesome 5-minute song and butchering it down to 3 minutes by removing several sections of the song and putting the outro right after the intro with the rest of the song following thereafter. Now, where the drums at the end of the song leave off, the next song picks up and wraps up the entire CD...which I'll talk about in a bit; I just need to find it on YouTube first
already got it.
and i'm letting everyone know, if the video is over 3 and a half minutes, i'm not watching it. ><;; (tl;dl. ><; )
What if it's just 9 seconds over 3 and a half?
...Which brings me to the final part of the that 3-part finale to that mix CD; Hare Hare Yukai (, which shouldn't need any further introduction. I love that song...
how dows that flow with the others.....? .___.;
it's like going from "Forgotten" ( by Linkin Park to Lilium ( by Kasane Teto.
no transition whatsoever. :\
How I thought of the flow when I made the mox CD was something like this:
Hall of the Mountain King ends with a slow outro, which picks up with the slow intro of Sweet Soul Sister, which ends with drums, while Hare Hare Yukai opens up with drums. Not the best flow, but at the time, I though it was pure genius.
eh, i suppose when you look at it like that, it's alright.
some of the made-up-on-the-spot music i see on Who's Line i wish i could get on my ipod. >w<
Going through this thread I realized something....
......everyone here has WILDLY different tastes than I do, musically-speaking. Not even on the same planet. Or galaxy. I'm pretty sure the only OSCer I have musical taste overlap with is Stewart-kun... .w.
@bells: your new sig is like O__O
so ducktails is stuck in my head.
i hate that song, but i'm tempted to put it on my ipod just in case it gets stuck in my head. ><;
Correction: Bells' new sig is like
◕‿‿◕ do you want to be a magical girl too?
Quote from: NejinOniwa on May 29, 2011, 05:19:39 AM
Correction: Bells' new sig is like
◕‿‿◕ do you want to be a magical girl too?
Correcting the correction:
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ Contract?
it's a little creepy.....
is it weird to be able to sing in a language you can't speak?
Alright, here's a new one I like a lot.
Explosions In The Sky - A Poor Man's Memory
starts off nice and slow (it's instrumental), but that guitar part during the last two minutes is one of the most epic things I've ever heard. And the snare! The snare!
(btw, saw them live a few weeks ago, that gig was incredible)
cool. :3 (i've only been to one concert, but it was awesome. >w>; and the snare is cool, too. ^^)
a song i rediscovered recently (that's a bit hipsterish but oh well) is "New In Town" by Little Boots. the chorus in particular reminds me of me, since i sometime have a tendency to randomly lead a group through a city, having confidence even when i don't know where i am. :3
I woke up this morning with the song Meadowlarks (Fleet Foxes) stuck in my head. Dunno why... :o
I've been to a ton of concerts, mostly at summer festivals/park events/etc - last year I saw Weezer and The Gin Blossoms (though that was a free, outdoor venue on the Cape and it got cut short by thunderstorms).
A few years ago I went to a Trans Siberian Orchestra concert with my family at an arena in Manchester. I'm not really fond of TSO but they put on a amazing show.
it sounds cool. :3 i'm not much of a crowd person, though, so idk if i'd like a huge concert. :\
I've never been to a concert. Of course, if I where to go to a concert, I'd have to resist the urge to be the guy in the audience shouting "Free Bird! Free Bird!"
Speaking of, another song I like that I think everybody knows is Free Bird, by Lynyrd Skynyrd. To be honest, this is the only song by them I really like by them; it starts slow, but ends with a classic, nearly 4-minute long guitar solo.
Unarguably I have participated in more concerts than I have been to.
Not much of a guy for having my eardrums blasted out, 's all.
@pentium: i have Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Black Betty". not often you find such BADASSERY with guitar solos. :3
we listened to "I'm Not Ok" by MCR in the car earlier. classic. -w-
i also like "Helena" and "Cancer" by that band. :3
Nothing at the moment
Currently stuck in head:
Latimer's Mercy -- Ozzy Osbourne
This is easily one of my favorite songs by him. Of course, the entire album it's off of is awesome
"Chocolate Disco" is stuck in my head, since that's the last song we listened to in the car. :3
i listen to alot of jpop, i've noticed. of course, that was already obvious, lol. xD
This is the appropriate place to post when you have a song (that you like) stuck in your head, yeah?
I've listened to Sailing to Philadelphia - Mark Knopfler approximately a half-dozen times since hearing it on the radio yesterday. It's such a pretty song. ^^
if we're going to name off place-songs, then Amsterdam by Guster is a good one. -w-
One that I like that fits into the same basic theme is A Passage to Bangkok, by Rush
Although not one of their best songs, it's still a pretty good song all around. It'd be better, though, if it didn't come right after the conclusion of 2112 on the album it's on.
Ben Folds Five - Ben Folds Five
The Eraser - Thom Yorke
Two of my new favorite albums.
sounds cool, man. ^^
lately i've been finding alot of new vocaloid songs i like. 2 i reccomend are "Bathroom Garden" by miku and "Seven Colors of the Pallet" by miku, kaito, meiko, rin, and len. (i made a ringtone out of the latter).
both of them are titled in japanese, so if you can't find them i'll try to track down some links for you. :\
One I've recently discovered and like is Bible Black, by Heaven & Hell
No, this song has nothing to do with a similarly titled hentai series, but it is an awesome song sung by none other than Ronnie James Dio. It's truly among his best songs with any band he was part of i the only one here who occasionally sings along to tv show theme songs? ./////.;
Not at all. I often sing along to the theme song of Atop the Fourth Wall, among other shows
Coins, robots, amazons, and trucks~~
oh god you just got the ducktails theme stuck in my head. ><;
to keep on subject, that's one of my LEAST favourite songs. (though out of habit i sometimes sing to it when it's on.)
This is the place for favorite bands, too, no? I really like Jonathan Richman and/or The Modern Lovers... I can identify with so much of their music.
And a lot of it is damn catchy to boot. ^w^
i listen to a variety of different artists, so i judge "favourite artist" by amount of songs i have by them x how much i like said songs.
as a result:
green day
blue oyster cult
simple plan
btw, does anyone have any songs they're ashamed of having? i have a couple that i hate to death but ate so catchy that they were stuck in my head till i got them. :\
My criteria for Favorite Artist involves being familiar with the majority of their body of work (or the ENTIRETY of their body of work, for newer artists or those with small discographies) and consistently enjoying the majority/all of their body of work over a sustained period of time.
It's tough for some, though - I love Fleet Foxes, for example, and have consistently liked every song they've made so far. But since they're a relatively new band with a small discography AND I have yet to listen to their most recent album in entirety, I am hesitant to call them a "favorite".
Another example would be Beck, I've consistently liked his music so far but I've only listened to four of his albums in entirety + a handful of other songs on their own, so I'm really not familiar enough with his works to make an informed decision.
TL;DR, favorite artists are srs bsns.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 06, 2011, 12:28:06 AM
btw, does anyone have any songs they're ashamed of having? i have a couple that i hate to death but ate so catchy that they were stuck in my head till i got them. :\
Yeah, I have a few I'd rather not admit to having. That's all I'll say. ^^;;;;
Quote from: Bella on August 06, 2011, 01:49:55 PM
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 06, 2011, 12:28:06 AM
btw, does anyone have any songs they're ashamed of having? i have a couple that i hate to death but ate so catchy that they were stuck in my head till i got them. :\
Yeah, I have a few I'd rather not admit to having. That's all I'll say. ^^;;;;
that's all i have to say on the matter. ><;;;;;
The only song I'd be ashamed to admit having is "I Believe in a Thing Called Love", by the Darkness
It's...alright. It's not one of my favorites, but not one I hate either
how can you be ashamed of that song!? it's AWESOME!!
Well, it's about the only one I could think of that I'd be remotely ashamed to admit having. Otherwise, I could care less what people think of my taste in music, because if I did, I wouldn't have J-Pop and Dethklok next to each other on my iPod
idc, except for songs like fergalicious. thankfully i don't have that on my ipod anymore, but for awhile there it was constantly getting stuck in my head, and it was annoying not being able to get it out. :\
Its got to be this right now:
I can't get enough of Tutti Sound!!!
Since we've already discussed what the longest songs we have in our music collections are a while back, I got to thinking: What is the shortest song in your music collection?
Off the top of my head, the shortest I have would be 36, by System of a Down; at about 45 seconds long
heh. the shortest songs in my collection are sound effects, at just a few seconds long. the shortest song on my ipod is "The Song That Isn't Very Long" by Nekomura Iroha (Hello Kitty Vocaloid). it's 6 seconds long.
The shortest song in my collection is Theme From Flood by TMBG, at 0:28. -w-
The shortest recording is that of an IBM 7090 computer room, it's only 0:03. (I wish it was longer, 'cause it would make for good white noise.) ;-;
On the topic of FAVORITES...
I had a fangasm when I heard a Fleet Foxes song on my local radio station today... ever since I discovered Fleet Foxes in 2009, I've been pissed at the fact I've never heard their music on any radio stations, aside from Stew's radio show (and this one satellite radio station I used to listen to played Mykonos quite a bit... but that doesn't count since satellite "radio" is the devil's work.) But I digress. It was really amazing to see that their music had finally found its way to the airwaves, and on my favorite radio station no less. /Highpointofmyday
happy to hear that, dude. :3 i miss the days when my local radio stations played a variety. i found out about alot of cool songs that way. :[
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 06, 2011, 10:41:22 PM
happy to hear that, dude. :3 i miss the days when my local radio stations played a variety. i found out about alot of cool songs that way. :[
I usually have to listen to the NH broadcast (WLKC; it's the same station, but run by computers so no interesting DJ chatter/song trivia/less musical variety), but it's still a really good station... classic rock, alt rock and pop, indie, new wave, some funk, blues and jazz, folk, occasional bluegrass, alternative country and oldies, and in the case of WXRV, sometimes whatever the DJs want to play.
It's introduced me to a ton of good artists and songs. ^^
we have that programmed in the car. it's almost the only good station left, lol. but i used to hear alot of cool 80's songs and stuff on stations like 104.5 . :\
I think Mrs. Potter's Lullaby by Counting Crows could be considered a favorite song of mine... every time I hear it, it makes me happy (or, happier than I was before).
i have two universal "favourite songs", but after that, "favourite songs" depends on my mood. for example, i found myself listening to "NO SCARED" by ONE OK ROCK today, since today was crap. :\
i also have a habit of listening to a newly-added song on my ipod for days after putting it on. it gets stuck in my head, and everything else sounds weird when a song's stuck in my head. :\
My favorite would be, without a doubt, Killed By Death ( by Motörhead.
Runners up would be Godless ( by Danzig and Freedom of Choice ( by Devo.
As far as what's really got my ear right now, there's this ( and this (
holy crap powerman 5000 did a devo cover.
will watch when i'm not dead *w*
To tell you the truth, few things are quite as bizarre as Fear Factory doing a cover of Cars ( @.@
...that song you heard is actually one of a whole cover album that PM5K just did called Copies Clones & Replicants ( yeah.
Can't say I care for their take on Should I Stay or Should I Go (
i need to check that out. i have 1 song by PM5k on my ipod, and i love it. >w<
Well try to avoid anything from Transform or Destroy What You Enjoy or any single/EP they may have released in the 2003-2006 timespan. I wouldn't call either of those PM5K albums, really.
i have "Worlds Collide", from the THPS2 soundtrack. i think that game dropped in the late 90's. :\
Yeah, I think everyone has heard that song. It's from Tonight the Stars Revolt!, which is a pretty good album. The two albums that I mentioned are from when they dropped the industrial sound for a more straight-up hard rock or "alternative metal" *cringes* style. I'm sure you've heard of Rob Zombie, the frontman for PM5K is actually his brother.
really? that's so cool. *w* rob zombie is cool, though he's another artist i only have one song by. :\
Hellbilly Deluxe is a badass album. If you like any of the songs from it, then they're all really good to listen to.
Just so you know, PM5K and Rob Zombie are very similar sounding, but they each take on slightly different subject matter. Zombie is a horror freak, and his brother loves scifi.
i could tell.
and the song i have by Zombie is "Living Dead Girl." :3
The only Rob Zombie songs I have (Well, White Zombie, but hey; he was their lead singer) are Thunder Kiss '65 and Black Sunshine; both of which are awesome
judging from the titles, they sound it. :3
Metal.... isn't my thing .W.;
I'd like to get into Explosions In The Sky, but the sheer epicness of the band is intimidating to me. (I have the same issue with Porcupine Tree and Sigur Rós). It's like, unfitting to listen to while doing something as mundane as sitting in front of a computer... I should be, like, snowboarding a black diamond or preparing to skydive or at least composing some great work of literature or some shit listening to them.
Has anyone else had this problem?
I started being a metalhead at age no. ^^
Black Sunshine is so good. I especially love how Iggy Pop does the awesome spoken word intro.
It's fine if you're not into metal. I didn't really get into it until I was in college. Before that, I had an ex that was really into it, but it was just too abrasive to me. For me, it took a few "gateway bands/songs" (A Perfect Circle, Korn, System of a Down) before I could really enjoy the really brutal stuff (Slayer, Acid Bath, Soilent Green). Nowadays, for someone new to the genre, I'd probably recommend something like The Sword (c'mon, one of their songs actually made it into American Dad) or Opeth (seen 'em live, very epic listening) based on a very scientific accessibility:awesomeness ratio, but pretty much any melodic metal (where there's lots of singing in-between the guttural growling or visceral screeching) is a really good starting point. Also, when I say Opeth is "epic" listening, I mean it in a very literal sense - expect songs reaching in excess of 10 min often. Now if you'll excuse me...
~Ghost of... Mother~
~Lingering Death~
I got into metal when I was about 4 or so; starting with the tamer stuff (Sammy Hagar, Ratt), before moving onto heavier stuff when I was 12 (Iron Maiden, Judas Priest)
my dad loves offspring and metallica, and me and my sister would listen to it with him when we were kids. that's where it started, lol.
an amv my friend made to "Evolution" by Korn, one of my favourite harder songs. :3
Lucky you, Pent.
My family was more reserved with their music tastes. The "hardest" music I grew up with was Creedence Clearwater Revival, if you could even call it that. Granted, I like CCR to this day, but it would've been nice to have been introduced styles of music other than Country, Gospel, Classic Rock and Pop before having taken art appreciation.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 16, 2011, 10:25:55 AM
an amv my friend made to "Evolution" by Korn, one of my favourite harder songs. :3
That was pretty good.
As for music I was exposed to growing up...hmm... I specifically remember listening to The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The B-52s, Bonnie Raitt, Bruce Springsteen, Warren Zevon, Marvin Gaye, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sheryl Crow and Deee-Lite, as well as classic rock and pop, grunge, 80s/90s dance and old school hip hop in general. (Via either my parents or brother).
And I really loved this song as a little kid...
It's also worth noting that two of my favorite genres as a young child were jazz and classical... heh. -w-
@Dan: My dad had been a metalhead for years, so being introduced to rock and such was no problem for me : )
listened to some 80's music, bob marley, offspring, metallica, and various forms or rap through family members. :3 after that, most of my discovery was via radio or tv.
I also remember loving Benny and the Jets as a kid... oh, and I'm told I used to love I Got You by James Brown as a baby. (But isn't that something of a cliche?) XD
Anyway.... since this is /Favorite Songs....
I recently gave a listen to the Amnesiac B-sides by Radiohead. They're all the tracks that got cut from the great esoteric masterpiece Amnesiac; not for lack of quality, it was apparently executive meddling that got them axed. (Either that or it's all a part of Radiohead's master plan to hide all their best tracks on their B-sides and EPs, thus keeping them intentionally unknown and out of the mainstream.)
Whoa. I mean, like.... holy crap. This is one of those albums that seriously make me wish I had a really good set of speakers or pair of headphones, because there's a ton of bass and it would probably sound so much more awesome through quality speakers. ><
A track-by-track review (since i know so many of you care about this):
Trans-Atlantic Drawl: The first part: DAT GUITAR RIFF! The second part: Not as great as the first.
Fast-Track: Would be FUCKIN' AWESOME if not for the "ching ching ching ching" sample playing throughout the entire thing. It's still AWESOME though.
Kinetic: Makes me want to dance.
Worrywort: It's so plinky and 8-bitty, but like, 8-bitty in an echo chamber.
Fog: Tambourines and bittersweet little ditties in MY Radiohead? Its more likely than you think!
Cuttooth: A great song outside of the context of this album, but after The Amazing Sounds and Fast-Track and Kinetic... it doesn't seem so great. Still a really cool song though, and the lyrics make me think of TIME TRAVEL for some reason.
Quote from: PentiumMMX on September 17, 2011, 08:38:37 AM
I have to post this (can't say it's my favourite song, but I listened a lot of songs from this band few years ago):
I'm not sure where I first heard this song, but it was either in Digimon movie or in THPS4 which I still have on my GC... Weird how that game only cost 5 € (or was it 10 €?) at the store I bought it from.
Anyway, if I'll start posting songs that have been (or are) my favourite, the list will be endless. I'm just going to say Panic! at the Disco - There's a Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought of It Yet.
that song is from the digimon movie. it's one of my favourites from that movie. :3
@bella: i have a pair of speakers with mini-subwoofers. you could borrow them if you want. :3
Mentions of Digimon, Less Than Jake and Panic! At The Disco, this thread has officially transported me back to my tweenage years.
Speaking of which ... musically-speaking, my tweens and early teens were a terrible, terrible dark time for me, and I am hesitant to mention the atrocities that I listened to. Literally, the one and only good artist that I discovered during that time was Beck.
Thankfully, I rarely got to listen to "pop" stations in the car (the family would have none of that), instead listening to a lot of classic rock and light rock (*shutter*) and my taste in music slowly diverged from the still-infantile choices of my friends (for instance: I had no less than four acquaintances who thought Crank That Soulja Boy was the greatest thing to happen in music since The Beatles appeared on Ed Sulliva- oh wait, I'm sure they had no idea what either of those things are, nevermind). By about my 16th birthday I'd given up on mainstream pop (and rock, hip hop and country...) AND light rock (*gag*) and adopted many of the musical likings i have to this day. Although I'm constantly trying to broaden my horizons.
Thanks for the offer, Kari. ^^ I'm thinking about getting some speakers or headphones as a christmas gift to myself this year...
i got those speakers at the flea market! they were 20 bucks, and they're REALLY nice (which is surprising given that they're from the flea market!). ^^
i don't have a computer to plug them into, though, so they kinda just hang out in my closet. :\
Oh crap... Bella... why'd you have to mention that song...
now... now there's something stuck in my head... again.
Sonic, man I am parched homie... (
last week, me and the anime club happened to talk about the song "AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!" by Team America. however, we were in the classroom, so we were joking about how every other word would have to be bleeped in order for it to be played in school. xD
"AMERICA! -bleep- YEAH! COMIN' AROUND TO SAVE THE -bleepinbleepin- DAY NOW!!"
While listening to my iPod earlier, a song came up I forgot I had on there; a song that was my "motivational theme song" during a rough time in my life (That being 2007)
The song being Hang Tough, by Tesla ( (This being the first one in a while that I feel the need to post a link to). It's still a damn good song, even years after I first stumbled onto it
Does anyone here have artists/songs that they really like, but can't listen to very often because the songs/artists in question are somehow sonically or emotionally-jarring? (IE, really energetic and catchy music when you tend to listen to mellow stuff, avant-garde music when you like less experimental stuff, or sad songs when you tend to like neutral or cheery ones?)
I only ask because I've realized I like a lot of They Might Be Giants' works, but I have to be in a specific mood to listen to their stuff and like it.
For me, it'd be most southern rock (Lynyrd Skynyrd, Molly Hatchet, etc.). A lot of it is good, but I have to be in the mood for it to enjoy it; otherwise, I end up skipping past the song for something else, like Hare Hare Yukai or Master of Puppets
most of my music evokes that response, but mainly it's influenced by the song preceding it in shuffle. for instance, i don't want to listen to "Onegai Sweet Heart" after i've listened to "Silent All These Years".
on an unrelated note, an old friend introduced me and my mum to the singer Katie Melua yesterday. he said he loved her voice and her, and as i was feeling a twang of jealousy he said he loved a popular male artist, and i felt better. :3
that said, she has a very pretty voice, and her songs are quite deep and calming, if a bit sad.
I have to be in the right mood for the Beatles and a few other bands, but most of the time I just let shuffle flow. Play what it wants to play. Music can effect my mood more then my mood effects my music.
Since I don't recall ever posting here before, might as well post my favorite song. Probably Copperhead Road by Steve Earle.
@Kari: I've known about Katie Melua for a few years, but have only heard a handful of songs by her... my favorite is probably her cover of the Cure's Just Like Heaven.
Speaking of artists we've recently discovered, I gave the album Andorra by Caribou a listen a few days ago... the first half of so I found mindblowing, it was a modern, but still very authentic-sounding, take on 1960s psychedelic rock. The second half was decidedly more electronica-esque, but still really good too.
Quote from: stewartsage on October 11, 2011, 10:09:58 AM
I have to be in the right mood for the Beatles and a few other bands, but most of the time I just let shuffle flow. Play what it wants to play. Music can effect my mood more then my mood effects my music.
Since I don't recall ever posting here before, might as well post my favorite song. Probably Copperhead Road by Steve Earle.
That's really interesting; there are some Beatles songs I can listen to just about anytime, and others I can't unless I'm in the mood to hear them (which I guess can be said for most artists in my playlist). Only wanting to hear certain things usually only becomes an issue if I'm trying to do art or feel a certain way.
I knew this before... every time I hear that song I think of you. >//3//>
so i just heard the ducktails theme in about 10 different languages. :\
which leads me to a point i may have already made: when a song is stuck in my head, it's as if i can't listen to another song untill i listen to that one to get it out of my head. when i get a new song or listen to one alot, it's common for a song to loop. :\
@stew: i'm too picky to let shuffle go most of the time. xD and while music effects my mood, once a mood is imprinted it typically effects the music. (although, usually i have to be feeling the mood lightly in order for it to fully imprint, such as listening to saddish songs when you feel down.)
I'm the same way, actually. If I'm feeling a little sad, and happen to hear a sad song, it'll often make me feel worse
Particular moods are why I have different playlists set up.
i used to have playlists, but they took up too much time, and i didn't feel like recreating them when i moved all my music over to a new computer. they were mostly for roleplaying purposes anyway. :\
I have some playlists, but they exist mostly for preparing future mix CDs. I've never gotten around to making any for my iPod
currently listening to "When the Day is Rainy" by KISH (aka that song from the depressing luna animation on DA).
the only existing playlists i have are the one for my FLELE (which this song is a part of), "untitled playlist (aka my ipod's music) and "Stuff Mr. Barret doesn't want me to listen to" (which was made in direct defiance to my teacher's dislike of metal music).
Quote from: PentiumMMX on October 11, 2011, 10:25:54 PM
I'm the same way, actually. If I'm feeling a little sad, and happen to hear a sad song, it'll often make me feel worse
Ironically, I'm the opposite. I like to listen to neutral/sad/dark songs when I'm feeling down, and upbeat or happy stuff when I'm feeling good. Listening to cheery music only makes me feel worse if I'm not feeling so great already...
I don't do playlists.... actually, I tend to try to listen to albums in their entirety, or just leave iTunes on shuffle and skip past songs until I find one I want to listen to.
I agree with Bells here. When I'm sad I prefer quiet, rather sad songs, often curl up in bed. It is during those times that I cry often, but sometimes the crying helps a little. One thing that always stays the same is that in these moments I rather desperately wish for a (sadly non-existent) girlfriend to be there and hold me. Just someone who'd say "I'm here, it's alright".
Happiness = happy music too ^^
I'm with the Mood=Music camp here. Though there is some utility in using music to CHANGE your mood as well...
@Paul: That's so sad that you don't have a gf, and a bit confusing too ... you're smart, musical and creative, girls tend to love those traits in guys. :/
Anyway... I really like this song atm
It's kind of stuck in my head though. >v>;
i believe i mentioned my take on music vs mood, but i'll clarify so i'm relevant:
sad music + seeds of sad mood (ie: my current mood after last saturday) = potent sad mood (the more sad songs in a row, the sadder the mood)
happy music + seeds of happy mood (ie: my mood after getting my dollfie) = potent happy mood (" ")
the whole "a certian song can make me this mood" only works in extreme cases, like with the song "Cancer" by My Chemical Romance, which will make me sad 95% of the time.
more often than not, my mood affects what i want to listen to, though the preceding song can effect it too. i'm a chronic shuffler and song skipper, so this is semi-important in music choice.
example: listening to the song "Strawberry Fields Forever' should not be followed by "Eleanor Rigby" (unless it's a Beatles binge, which hasn't happened yet).
As mentioned before, I'm the same way.
Like, if I'm feeling a little down (Example: In July, during the "emotional confusion" phase of my summer-long saga), a sad song will often make me feel worse (Example: System of a Down's Roulette), while if I'm in a really good mood (Example: In September, when I passed the GED), a triumphant song will make me feel even more awesome (Example: Iron Maiden's Losfer Words (Big 'Orra))
However, certain songs regardless of how I'm feeling can effect my mood; like how Iron Maiden's Judas Be My Guide will make me depressed (Not because of the song itself, but the bad memories now tied to it), while DragonForce's Through the Fire & Flames almost never fails to reignite my fighting spirit (Especially if I get up and do air guitar to it, regardless of how silly I may look to everyone else).
Unless a certain song I don't feel like hearing right now comes up on my iPod, I don't skip too much; I just set it to shuffle and go about my day, no matter if I end up going from Hare Hare Yukai to the Dethklok song, Hatredcoptor.
i think DragonForce will ignite fighting spirit regardless of mood or who you are. :\ it's like "We Will Rock You" only after about 5 bottles of Bawls. :\
Blitzkrieg Bop by the Ramones.
I have a lot of "sad" songs in my collection, but there are only a few that can actually make me feel depressed. The Long and Winding Road is probably at the top of that exclusive list.
As for songs that make me happy... a lot of Jonathan Richman and/or The Modern Lovers songs cheer me up. I don't think I can get through I'm a Little Dinosaur or New England without breaking into a grin at least once...
Last February when I was feeling (more) depressed, I listened to the album The King of Limbs when it was first released and it managed to comfort me somewhat. I wouldn't go as far to say it made me happy, but it was like the musical equivalent of being wrapped in a big warm blanket (which was a fairly large departure from pretty much anything else Radiohead has done).
Anyone else here into electronica? Or indie?
(I ask because I've liked indie for years, and have recently started to get into electronic music, particularly intelligent dance and folktronica...)
The only indie band I know of and follow is Sons of Albion; an up-and-starting hard blues band from England. They only have about 3 songs out the last time I checked, but they are a damn good band regardless. I suggest looking them up sometime
idk what's regarded as "indie" anymore. when i was a kid, guster and incubus were regarded as "indie", but idk if that's the case anymore. that said, i have both of those bands.
i recently heard a couple songs from local bands, and i wish i could get them on my ipod, but they're so small they're not on the net. :[
as for electronica, depends on what you define as electronica. i have alot of techno which could double as electronica, or if you want to be more literal, i have some songs that are literally electronic noise.
@Kari: Yes, techno is a type of Electronica.
Indie's a bit harder to define, but for me it's some combination of mainstream obscurity or having a "niche" fandom, low-budget records, an unusual musical style and belonging to a small label... of course there are exceptions, and not every band that falls under these categories is indie and there are some indie bands that are wildly popular.
i always considered techno its own genre. but in that case, i have ALOT of electronica. :3
as for indie, i have a couple, but not as much as some other genres i have.
i suppose this counts in the same catagory: i can't get my itunes to work anymore. ;^;
the dream of having katie melua and keane's 'is it any wonder' on my ipod have died....
It is not what has gotten into me, ( but instead, what is going into you! (
So, I have a question for everybody:
What is a song you loved, but you never knew the title and/or who sang it until years later?
For me, the ultimate example is the song Desert Rose, by Sting. When I first heard this song way back in 2000, I loved it because it was very unusual; it sounded like nothing else on the radio at the time, before then, or ever since. However, I never knew what the title was or who sang it; the fact it seemingly disappeared from radio without a trace only a year later made it harder for me to solve this mystery.
It was a good 12 years later that I finally solved the mystery, and it was by pure chance. While out and about last Saturday, going to garage sales with my sister, she bought the Sting album Brand New Day for $.50; wanting something to listen to while we're driving around aside from the crappy local radio stations and her husband's mix CDs (Which both of us have heard more times than we care to), and because Sting is awesome (After all, another one of my favorite songs is Message in a Bottle, by the Police, but that's beside the point).
Once track 2 of that CD started playing, and I heard that song, my exact reaction was "Holy crap; I've been trying to figure out who sang this song for the past 12 years". At last, the mystery is solved and the song is now on my iPod :3
cool ^^ even if you hadn't figured that out, i have that song on my ipod, so there might have been the chance you'd have heard it anyway. :3
that said, i know there are several songs like that, but i can't really think of any off the top of my head, other than "Melt" by Hatsune Miku. i didn't find out about vocaloids untill about my last year of high school or so, but about a year or so before, my friend Kai had sent me a Link x Pikachu (SSB) video with that as the back track. i ended up getting the video and the song with it, but didn't know the name or artist until my friend Mike gave me First Sound Story along with a bunch of other albums in one of his mass music transfers (he would occasionally borrow one of my flash drives and load it with a couple hundred to about a thousand songs by various japanese and korean artists).
Sting's alright, I'm fonder of his work with The Police though.
I can't say I've ever gone very long without identifying a song I like, but awhile back I discovered that I was familiar with more Kinks songs than I thought I was, just because I'd heard them on the radio before but never knew who the artist was. It was kind of surprising listening to a Youtube playlist of their songs and recognizing many of them...
i think i had moments like that when i was a kid, since i listened to the radio back then. xD i think the songs i have by the pretenders were like that; when they came on the radio i'd recognize them instantly, but if you told me the name i'd stare at you like you were speaking a foriegn language. xD
That's actually how I was about the Beatles at one point. I knew While My Guitar Gently Weeps for years, but didn't know who sang it xD
i don't have as many moments like that anymore since i don't really listen to the radio >>;;
though there's one song i heard last october during the snowstorm that's by a local artist that i want. i know the title is "Silly Boy" but idk who the artist is. :\
Same here, actually; I generally listen to a CD or my iPod when I'm out and about, as the only semi-decent radio station in my area has terrible reception most of the time :\
all the decent radio stations don't play anything i like anymore. :\
EDIT: i just had one of those moments of discovery!!
when i was young, my sister got a bunch of computer games for a birthday, one of which was this program called 3D Petz, where you got to have a 3D cat in a 3D environment. you could play with it, feed it, and do other things (like play connect 4, weirdly enough). they had an option where you could leave the radio on, so there would be music playing all throughout the house and yard. i had a favourite song on there that i always (incorrectly) attributed to "Zippidy-do-Dah".
here i am today on a Ragtime wiki walk, and i find out that that song is "The Entertainer" by Scott Joplin. :3
(*is so excited* ^^)
With stuff like that, the soundtracks to a lot of games by the Learning Company fall under that.
I remember being over at my great uncle's house ages ago, doing something while one of his CDs of classical music was playing, and I clearly remember stopping at one point when I realized the song that was on was the theme to the Greece & Rome level of Ancient Empires :3
maybe it's because it's license-free. xDDD
Eric Church: Homeboy
Eli Young Band: Even If it Breaks your Heart.
Rascal Flatts: Let It Hurt
Bastion: End theme, A Proper Story, and Slinger's Song, Lindsey Stirling all of her songs
Brad Paisley: When I Get Where I'm Goin
AWOLNTION: Kill Your Heros
Skillet: Sometimes, Monster
Shinedown: Cry For Help, Cyanide Sweet Tooth Suicide, Sin With a Grin, Sound of Madness.
Alterbridge: Slip to the Void
Unkown artist to me: Song name: Stand My Ground, Song name: Across The Line
Katethegreat: Zelda's lullaby(she has a youtube channel)
Other artists: Three Day's Grace, Linkin Park,
Genre: Country, dubstep, techno, rock, metal, classical, Game ost, indie.
Good source for indie is (
the one i posted about awhile back that i heard during the snowstorm of Oct 11'? i finally got it! "Silly Boy" by MB Padfield, a local artist. :3
Do you think you could send me a link or something
Bastion: In Case Of Trouble ( (
to what, Silly Boy? here.
EDIT: btw guys, love this song. it's a stepmania video but the song is awesome anyway. plus if that really, REALLY bothers you there are plenty of vids without it. this was just the first link i clicked. (it's not originally a SM song, after all.)
Not necessarily favorites but I can't quit listening to the new Besnard Lakes and Atoms For Peace tracks.....
February and April can't get here soon enough. ;u
At the moment? My Heart Will Go On (
Get some fucking airwaves of your own, you hopeless romantic bastard. XD
haha. Right now, at this very moment, I can't stop listening to this:
Maybe I'll stop when it gets warmer. I'm associating this movie with weather, I think...
everyone says it's really creepy but i find it so calming....
At the moment, Dogs Like Socks, by Psychostick ( I cracked up when I first heard this song, as it made me think of my sister's chihuahua stealing my socks xD
i found a different version of the one i just posted, supposedly the "real" version. tbh i believe that, since it would make more sense to retool existing music to be more friendly rather than make a whole new song.
i like both though.
Three Day's Grace: Chalk Outline
Skillet: Sometimes
30 Seconds to Mars: This is War
Waltz of the Damned Yoko Shimomura Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
One Click Headshot: Feed Me
Terrible Things: MayDay Parade
Take me Under: Three Days Grace
Never too late (
currently have "Misery Loves Company" by Emilie Autumn stuck in my head.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 15, 2013, 11:44:22 AM
everyone says it's really creepy but i find it so calming....
Girl... that was the Goddamned Book of Mormon all over again... and I've just listened to it right now! 11:17 am...
I'm glad they decided to change it
and I'm hearing all versions of this:
i downloaded some Xros Wars openings last night. but only because livetune composed them. THE MAN IS A GOD
speaking of which, SO MUCH DANCEY
Psychostick is fucking awesome... I've sent Bells Girl Directions before.
Indeed they are. I have their first two albums (We Couldn't Think Of A Title and The Flesh-Eating Rollerskate Holiday Joyride), as well as the "Dogs Like Socks" single -w-
Cloudburn (
I can see clearly now the rain has gone.
i hate that song.
i've had Transfer by Livetune adding Megumi Nakajima stuck in my head all day. <333
(warning: listening to this song may cause you to start running for not much reason, leading to asthma attacks, headache, and nausea. oh wait, that's not you, that's me. ><;; )
Every day on the work I put a neverending cycle of "we're Xros heart" by wada Kouji
i always do stuff better when there's music. commuting, working, even browsing goes smoother if there's music. :3
(i think it has to do with when i was young, my sister would get us a snack after school and we'd do homework with the tv set to cartoons. ever since neither of us can get any work done without something in the background. ^^; )
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 05, 2013, 11:00:19 AM
i always do stuff better when there's music. commuting, working, even browsing goes smoother if there's music. :3
(i think it has to do with when i was young, my sister would get us a snack after school and we'd do homework with the tv set to cartoons. ever since neither of us can get any work done without something in the background. ^^; )
we did pretty much the same....
I did that later into school; doing everything while listening to some music or something :3
i had a teacher last semester that wanted us to do all our homework in silence, because "music stimulates the same part of the brain that is supposed to be focused on drawing". i tried to follow his instructions. my work suffered. >>;
Indeed. I write better when I'm listening to music...even if sometimes the mood of the song clashes with the mood in the story ^^;;
(Nothing like writing a tragic death scene while Weird Al's Dare To Be Stupid plays in the background ^^; )
see, i can't do that. it's part of the reason i skip around on songs so much, it's because if a song doesn't fit what i'm doing/feeling, i don't feel right about listening to it. commuting to fast-paced music was much easier than dirges, and relaxing on the bus ride home wasn't easily possible with upbeat techno.
(listening to songs like dirty digital by kors k ( wasn't too far off from relaxing, however. *experiences eargasmic euphoria at hearing this song again* *0000000* )
In my case I go a little further, as i drain energy from the songs themselves... sometimes adapting the attributes referred to the song
so wait, if they say something in a song, you're prone to doing it? :\
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 07, 2013, 02:09:00 AM
so wait, if they say something in a song, you're prone to doing it? :\
Something Similar, For Example, When Hearing "repulsive Food eater Conchita" My Hunger goes off the Scale, In fact watching every living Being as Food potential, but Don't get Tired and Energy Levels increase by at least 400%, While hearing "Starman" from SSB Melee I endure hits lots better...
i always feel accomplished and confident whenever i listen to the Cyborg 009 dubbed theme song. so i think i know what you mean. :3
also, ugh wtf conchita. that song was disturbing, lol. >>;
Conchita disturbing...? girl you're messed up... disturbing the link to the beta PKMN BG
fair enough. :\
this ( song is so relaxing.
fair enough then...
I loved this one:
@choco: thank you for that post.
What's it from though?
@alfonso: SA-MU-RAIII
(love that song >w< )
@simon: SHW, the composer/creator of that song, makes free-license music. i first heard it in a Koi Koi app i have for my phone. you don't have to pay to use it in your works or even credit the guy (though it's really nice to).
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 11, 2013, 01:24:29 PM
@alfonso: SA-MU-RAIII
(love that song >w< )
@simon: SHW, the composer/creator of that song, makes free-license music. i first heard it in a Koi Koi app i have for my phone. you don't have to pay to use it in your works or even credit the guy (though it's really nice to).
thinking of Cutting it To Make "The Meltdown Of The Ojamajo Prince of Hammers"
it was hard to find your comment at first! ;^;
that sounds.....interesting. if you do, poast toast. :0
gonna be getting the Re:Dial album soon, hopefully. :3
OCMS's most recent album, Carry Me Back to Virginia, is amazing.
what genre is it?
hm, i still need to preorder that album. >>;
Any good video editor to do seamless joins you can recommend?
1. bootleg copy of premiere
2. learn ins and outs
3. make video
4. ??????
5. PROFIT!!!
either that or get yerself a copy of Cinelerra. but you'll need linux for that.
Just dumping some of my drawing songs
EDIT: another favourite little tune from anime:
also, listen to this and chill out, maybe contemplate the universe for awhile~
Fireworks - The Wild Bunch
so i just purchased Re:Dial....
I like the Cutey Honey '73-74 theme song.
I didn't really like that anime, the combination of cartoony cuteness and over abundance of nudity ruined it for me.
Kono goro hayari no onna no ko
Oshiri no chiisana onna no ko
Kocchi wo muite yo Honey
Datte nandaka
Datte datte nan da mon
Onegai onegai kizutsukenaide
Watashi no haato wa
Chukuchuku shichau no
Iya yo iya yo iya yo mitsumecha iyaa
Honey Flash!
(i love the theme song too. and i lol'd at the original intro. i have the Koda Kumi version from the recent OVA on my ipod. >> )
I got Myself Animetal USA's Disk where it comes with the "Heroines' Medley" And still can't believe they put Munraito Densetsu in the Medley and Yuzure negai as a Stand Alone...
can you post a link with info on that album? i'd like to know moar. :0
ty. :3
aw man, that looks cool. i totally have to get that. :0
Joshi Animedley:
The Motherfucking Father of Mechas Medley! (
Shine Down: Sound of Madness
Trainer Battle (
I like this song:
ファインダー (
풍선 (
京都慕情 (
우동 (
The Meltdown of the Ojamajo Prince of the Hammers:
I usually listen to video game music. But picking a few favorites is quite diffucult. But I'll list a couple of my favorites.
1. The soundtrack of Mega Man X6. If there's one thing people like about this black sheep of the X series, it has to be the music. This is one of the best in the series. This also seems to a common thread in certain games: It may be bad, but the music is damn good.
2. BlazBlue's soundtrack (Up to Continuum Shift Extend). With the exception of Black Onslaught (Unlimited Ragna's theme), this is very well composed soundtrack. From the hard rock and roll of Rebellion, to the epicness that is Awakening the Chaos and Sword of Doom, to the troll-tastic Gluttony Fang and Endless Despair, this is a go to soundtrack if you are looking for awesome battle themes. Is it just me, or does Alexandrite (Makoto Nanaya's theme) fit in a techno level of a platformer? ???
Here's a link to listen to it:
Quote from: SoldierSpence on April 14, 2013, 02:46:05 PM
I usually listen to video game music. But picking a few favorites is quite diffucult. But I'll list a couple of my favorites.
1. The soundtrack of Mega Man X6. If there's one thing people like about this black sheep of the X series, it has to be the music. This is one of the best in the series. This also seems to a common thread in certain games: It may be bad, but the music
I actually liked Megaman X6. You're not wrong about the soundtrack, it was definately awesome *w* In fact, I think I might burn an ISO onto a blank CD for my modded Playstation.
Like I said, X6 is considered the black sheep of the series. Some people like it, some people hate it. I too enjoyed the game. When I got the Mega Man X Collection on the PS2, and when I got around to playing X6- I couldn't get past the first stage of Gate's Lab. Last summer, I finally did 2 complete playthroughs as X. Now all I need to do is the Zero run, and I'm set.
I've never played X6. Of the others on the PS1, I didn't like X5, but loved X4
i can relate to the love of video game music, at least. the video games, not so much.
Quote from: PentiumMMX on April 14, 2013, 03:19:51 PM
I've never played X6. Of the others on the PS1, I didn't like X5, but loved X4
I can see why some fans are torn about X5. Keji Inafune had originally planned X5 to be the last of the X series, but the development for said game had secertly work on X6, in an attempt to revitialize the series. The end result was a mixed bag, but a decent one, none the less. Even though the game was pretty hard, I got some enjoyment out of it.
Edit 1: As for X7... Yeah, the less talked about that train wreck, the better we're off. I don't own the game, and I don't plan on it either. I have heard that X8 was pretty good. I have the demo on Mega Man X: Command Mission for the PS2.
Edit 2: Another soundtrack I completely forgot about- Demon's Crest. The fact the Super Nintendo can handle Organ music is absolutly amazing. Quite the underrated gem of the SNES library if you ask me. Look it up when you get a chance. ( (
currently listening to Hatsune Miku's "Secret Police", the song that inspired an entire Ace's High plot arc. -w-
Meg & Dia - Monster (DotEXE Remix) (
go listen to this. now. i mean it. (
( ( ( (
I literally cried for 40 minutes straight listening to the album IBM 1401 - A User's Manual by Jóhann Jóhannsson. (
& Breaking Benjamin/Sebastian Davin - The Diary of Jane
- [Acoustic]
& Halestorm - I'm Not An Angel ('re%20Gone.mp3 ('re%20Gone.mp3)
So, listening to a '90s pop station at work, I've rediscovered some songs from my childhood I forgot about, or in some cases, remember fondly but never knew who sang it. Now, I at last knew who sang of seeing signs that opened up their eyes; a burning question left hanging from a bygone era xD
To name a few I have rediscovered and added to my iPod:
The Sign -- Ace of Base (Goes back to when I rode in a booster seat in the very truck I'm currently driving. Never knew who sang it until 20 years after it came out)
Children [Dream Mix] -- Robert Miles (Reminds me of the level theme to Rusty Ruin, from the Saturn version of Sonic 3D Blast)
Who you'd be today. (
Please remember me. (
しましょ! (!) ( (
Clannad: Dango Family (Nagisas' Theme)
w/ sheet music.
This entire playlist is now my favorite music of all time
i know the topic has been covered before, but any of you guys like techno/electronica? synth-pop? synth-classical? i torrented all (well, i THINK all) of the various Homestuck soundtracks to date and decided to start listening to them (31 albums, 689 songs total). ik most (okay, all) of you aren't really into Homestuck, so i was wondering if anyone wanted to give the albums a try. they run the gambit of beautiful piano tracks to music boxes to synthesized wonderlands(or, in the case of a few tracks, demonic children's music). no 2 songs or albums are alike, making it hard to pin down a particular genre on any one (and some of them have upwards of 50+ or even 70+ songs) outside of perhaps Homestuck for the Holidays, and even that has a pretty wide span.
lemme know if anyone's interested, i can post a few YT links to some of my favourites if you like.
I'm always game for new music! Maybe post links to a few of the electronic tracks? :3
i'll provide some YT links as a sample and the torrent. it was rather large, but i figure more is better than less.
the most awesome yet creepiest carnival music i have ever heard (
the title of this adorable kitty-techno made me lol (
rather delightful for a song entitled "Hate You" (
one of the prettier piano tracks i've heard from Homestuck (
whatisthisidon'teven--- (
techno version... (
...and non-techno version. (
edited post to add this techno wonder~ (
Double-edited to add this, this is one of my favourites of the new stuff thus far (
Triple Edit, why does Vol. 5 have such amazing music (
Quadruple Edit; never expected an Acapella track... (
if i ever get into an epic fight, i want this to be playing (
i remember this from the last cutscene of act 4(?). play it on the way to something epic and/or life-changing. (
arguably one of the most beautiful songs i've ever heard (i played it to death on my old hard drive) (
I had a nice response written for this but Firefox ate it. >:z
These were good! My favorites of the group are Walls Covered In Blood, Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitler's Water Apocalypse (do I even want to know the meaning behind this title?), Lotus Land Story, Jane Dargason, White, I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew and Descend. :3
did you begin the torrent? i'll post a few more vids tomorrow. ^^
also, i have no idea the logic behind the names of the songs. considering few to none of these are actually PLAYED in the game/comic/whatever, i can only assume they were either nonsense or some SUPER-obscure reference that only someone who's played to current 3 times will get. >>;
on the other hand, some of the titles make sense (read: Maplehoof's Adventure), and Homestuck IS pretty random, so it could just be a mad lib title. :\
(also, how did i know you'd like Jane Dargason? tbh it reminds me of you a little bit. >w> though i am surprised you liked the Midnight Crew one and Lotus Land Story, i had you pegged as liking Lotus more. :0
there's a 3rd version of Lotus that i've yet to listen to. i'll post a link tomorrow. :3 )
I also want to revise my list of favorite entire albums because I accidentally left off Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska. Probably because I'm a dour person but all the songs on there really just strike a chord in me.
possibly best new christmas song?
possibly best new christmas song. -w- (
Best Christmas song? No contest. (
Quote from: stewartsage on November 15, 2013, 07:37:32 PM
Best Christmas song? No contest. (
you wanna go, man
you wanna go
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 16, 2013, 09:44:07 AM
you wanna go, man
you wanna go
Sure, we can do this. (
Quote from: stewartsage on November 19, 2013, 08:55:23 PM
Sure, we can do this. (
oh yeah?
I dont care what anyone says, Rascal Flatts-I'll be home for Christmas, it the best Christmas song ever.
Of course it doesnt really help that I dont have access to youtube.
school PC or poor connection? :\
Not to interrupt the Christmas music battle, but something I just thought about...
Has anyone else ever listened to a song they heard as a kid, and realize the song is a lot dirtier than it initially seemed?
This came about when listening to the '90s station at work; as I heard Christina Agulara's Genie in a Bottle for the first time in forever. As a kid, I heard it and thought "oh cool; a song about genies"...and then I hear it as an adult and I'm like "WOW. MUCH INNUENDO. VERY SEX" -w-;
@choco: the answer is yes.
The 90s were pretty crazy now that you think back on it...
@nej: yeah, god i miss it.... -w-
@simon: ouch.
@pent: i loved that song as a kid but all the parents hated it for the bad message. tbh i was savvy enough when it came out to know how dirty the line "you gotta rub me the right way" was, but i wasn't listening to it for the message or the lyrics, i was listening to it because Christina Agulera is an amazing fucking singer and the song was super, SUPER catchy. *dances*
lately i have been on a massive she kick, after torrenting the discography. it's a sophisticated sort of techno i'd picture listening to while sipping tea in the city on a rainy day. some of the songs are just so beautiful it's as if the guy took watercolours or stardust or that warm, tingly feeling you get when you're happy and turned it into audio. wow. much eargasm. so transcend.
have a few sample tracks:
destination luna4 (
in time (i have a comic planned after Ace's High; this is now the opening to its non-existent anime that i will someday make in flash) (
fuse (
autumn in space (
moonlight (
day 5 (
monochrome (
tokyo nights (
circuit lover (
orbit (the future project i mentioned would use this in its fake anime at some point as background music) (
gum (
niji no kawa (
trains (
atomic (first she song i ever had) (
orion (
generic eric (
elemental nights (
nebula (
pioneer (
yeah yeah beats (
calico (
songbird (
coloris (
kicks (
a gentle breeze (
click a few and see what you like. my favourites of this list are in time, orbit, moonlight, autumn in space, circuit lover, and atomic. yeah yeah beats, destination luna4 and day 5 are really good, too. ^^
I need to listen to that one song you sent me -w-;;
Also, I liked that song as a kid; mostly because the innuendos went over my head (As mentioned, I thought "oh cool; genies"), and amazingly enough, mom never objected to it -w-;
So I forgot to mention that while we were in Farmville, we went out to eat and as we enter the resturaunt what starts playing but Hey Ladies ( Get funky brother.
all that's coming to mind stew is this ( song i heard in a steakhouse one time. xD;
You know, random thought that made me want to revive this topic: What are some of your favorite albums, and why? I figured I'd share a few of mine, in no real order:
- Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd - 1975)
While The Wall and Dark Side of the Moon, the other two albums by them that I own, are great in their own rights, I'd have to say that Wish You Were Here is probably the best. I mean, really cool yet simple cover art aside (, the album itself is very well assembled; it just works on so many levels, and is enjoyable to listen to each time. Also, there's something satisfying about an album that bookends itself (The first and final songs tie into each other)
- Steal This Album! (System of a Down - 2002)
This is another case of great cover art ( in that it technically doesn't have one; the disc is designed to look like a CD-R with the album's title written on it. Of the entire discography of SOAD, this album is easily my favorite, with the follow up album Mesmerize being in a close second. I mean, what other album is going to have a war protest song and a song about sending a groupie to buy pizza while the band's watching baseball?
- Led Zeppelin IV (Led Zeppelin - 1971)
First off, This cover art ( is really simple, and yet, it works so well for this album. As for the songs, the one song everybody knows from it is Stairway to Heaven; a good song, yes...but the rest of the album is so damn good that it's definately worth a listen for more than just the big hit. I mean, their cover of classic blues song When the Levee Breaks is easily one of my favorite songs from them, and Four Sticks has a very unique rythim to it that is unlike any other song I've heard.
- Painkiller (Judas Priest - 1990)
First off, I must say: This album art is amazingly over the top ( You see a metallic angel flying over the ruins of a city while riding on a dragon-shaped motorcycle with circular saw blades for wheels, along with the Judas Priest logo in the corner, and you know you're in for some epic rocking. Just, every song on this album works; it's wall-to-wall metal from start to finish...and the song Hell Patrol would end up being the name of the faction of villains in a story I wrote, just because it sounded cool.
- Bat out of Hell trilogy (Meat Loaf- 1977, 1993, 2006)
Honestly, it's hard for me to pick just one, so I'll go over the entire trilogy.
All ( three ( albums ( have some of the coolest artwork of all time, and in all honesty, they sound as awesome as they look. As for my thoughts, having listened to all 3 back-to-back, I will say the first is classic, the second is pretty good but not as good as the first, and the third, while a favorite of mine and what got me into Meat Loaf to begin with, has one major flaw in my eyes: they should have saved the duo of Monstro and Alive as the album's grand finale, instead of dumping them at the album's half-way point and instead having Cry to Heaven as the final track.
i can't think of many albums i have twanging nostalgia over the way you do, so i can't write a good follow-up post in that regard. i like your synopsis(s) though, and in return, rather than albums, i'll offer my thoughts on some of my favourite artists' best musical years (in my eyes)
Green Day: 1990 - 2003
Green Day stands as one of my favourite bands of all time, so i will say nothing to slander their name (ever). however, if i am to narrow down their sound to what i think was their high point, i would pick the 90's. my favourite Green Day song stands as At The Library (first released on 39/Smooth in 1990; re-done and re-released in various forms/on various albums till 1995), because of the catchy riff, excellent harmony on the chorus, adorably relatable lyrics and grunge sound. Green Day's early years were coming off the punk era and into the grunge, which may be why there's a bit of overlap between the two in the band's early years. time went on and they released Dookie (1994), Nimrod (1997), and Warning (2000), which contain some of the band's most quintessential tracks, such as "Basket Case" and "When I Come Around" (Dookie); "Hitchin' a Ride", "The Grouch", "Redundant", "King For a Day", and "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" (Nimrod); and "Warning", "Misery", "Deadbeat Holiday", "Minority", and "Macy's Day Parade" (Warning). American Idiot, their grand revival album from 2003, is how most modern fans remember the band, and i also remember it fondly ("Jesus of Suburbia" remains as one of my favourite songs, mostly due to a part at the end, around 8:00), but it was around this point when they were really rocketed into mainstream success, and while this is excellent (as they make money and get more exposure), it glazes over their past musical styles and achievements in favour of what will air best. they tend to only stick to the fringes of this idea, but it's been many, MANY moons since we've heard anything even REMOTELY grunge-y out of them.
most people will remember Green Day by what they're doing today, but i like to think of them as the way they were back then. ^^
(will update post later with more, i need to go clean)
In addition to the favorite albums I've mentioned before: Since I Left You by The Avalanches. I've actually had it in iTunes for ages but it took me awhile to appreciate the whole thing...
Also, any of Tokyo Active NEETs' Touhou Bakuon Jazz albums.
Probably OT, but: what role does an artist's personality/personal life play, or NOT play, on your opinion of an artist/group?
Not that much. I mean, while I'm not fond of Ted Nugent as a person, I will say he has made some pretty good songs.
same here. i've heard a lot of things about Chad Kroger being a douche, but i'm still fond of Nickelback's music. as long as they don't advocate hate speech in their lyrics, i don't really care what they do (except extreme cases, but i've yet to see that).
will update my most recent post later~
I tend to separate artists from their works, but I do love it when I find an artist (or group) whom I like as a person (or people) also.
Radiohead is probably the classic example of this dynamic for me.
I love that they've managed to avoid essentially every pitfall of stardom. They've been together since they were practically kids, have expressed genuine loyalty to one another, haven't allowed drugs or alcohol to interfere with their craft (although parts of OK Computer were supposedly recorded in a drunken haze...), haven't had any infighting or power struggles, and seem like they're all genuinely nice, normal people (as long as you aren't Noel or Liam Gallagher or Miley Cyrus)...
Say what you will about their music or how "weird" they sound, but the fact they've been together for so long and seem to be sincerely devoted to their art should make you at least respect them, even if you don't like them.
i like AND respect them! : D
was gonna post something, but i have to hold my iphone cord in, so typing's a bitch. so i'll ask a music-related question instead: know any good-yet-decently-priced MP3 players? i'm thinking about getting one for Steve for xmas.
My advice would be to track down an older iPod, as IDK if any companies still produce MP3 players these days, besides some cheapy no-name ones at my work :\
he was using a Gigaware. my concern with getting an ipod is that 1, i don't think he uses itunes, 2, they tend to be a bit more expensive than others, and 3, since i'd be buying it used in that case it may either not be supported by current itunes or risks being broken crap. i'm fine with playing russian roulette with my tech, but not stuff i'm giving as a present. :[
(still, it's something to think about...)
i just read something quite sad, but an okay kind of sad: It looks like Evanescence is coming to an end. ( i can understand why Amy Lee would be alright with ending the group, since i agree with what was said in the article, that the average consumer who thinks of Evanescense thinks of songs like "My Immortal" or "Wake Me Up" or "Everybody's Fool". while they're all great songs, since they came AFTER their establishing period and really sprung them into the stars, it's pretty limiting, especially given the Gothic genres of music have/are starting to die off in the mainstream. sure, you can be a hipster and say "who cares about the mainstream, they're still so jive!", the fact is that it doesn't translate to dollar signs, which doesn't translate to success, which would mean the end of her music career as a whole. combine that with the fact that Amy Lee's style is ever-evolving (paraphrased from her own words) and it's not quite a relief that the band is likely ending, but i can understand and accept it.
what's tragic, though, is that if their earlier works had gotten more recognition in the way Green Day had, this may not have had to happen. their earlier stuff is still Gothic, but extremely varied compared to their later stuff. chorals, orchestrals, rock, grunge, possible pop, etc etc. if their early stuff was more well-known, then them turning to different musical styles may have been more acceptable by the public eye, the way Green Day evolved over time and the public ate it up. All of this leads me to....
Evanescence: 1995 - 2004
Evanescence has always been one of my favourite bands. i spent my preteen and teenage years listening to burned mix CDs of them, Green Day, and several other artists/music styles ranging from Japanese Jazz to Classical. I somewhat regret, though, that at the time i only had access to their first CD, Fallen, as did most every other teenager of the time. It was only much later that, upon torrenting their discography, did i find out that they had more early stuff than they did of Fallen and after. they could take all the old stuff (including demos, covers, alternate versions/EPs, live versions and their first album, Origin) and make a multi-CD epic out of it. by the time i was hearing this, as well, my musical tastes had matured somewhat and while i had nostalgic feelings for Fallen, i quickly found their earlier works to be much more my taste. their sound back then was so multi-faceted and experimental, so raw. it was really a treat to hear all the different versions of Imaginary, find that my favourite one is the Grunge edition one from the Evanescence EP (1998; only 100 copies made), and then lie awake at night contemplating the reasoning behind altering the original lyrics (probably to dumb it down for the masses, honestly). i began filling up my music players with volumes of lesser-known tracks, such as "Listen to the Rain"(Origin; cut), "Where Will You Go" (Evanescence EP, Origin), "Farther Away"(Mystary EP) and "Breathe No More"(Elektra OST, Fallen; cut), reveling in Lee's self-described "finding herself" period. These became my favourites because, while the band may look back at them and cringe a bit, they have such a different (and interesting) sound compared to their actual albums that it was like finding a whole new side to one of my favourite bands. I had found a secret, hidden treasure trove of eargasm-worthy tracks.
Today, they still remain as my favourite stuff. I will always have nostalgic feelings for Fallen (and indeed, a lot of the CD's tracks are still excellent songs that i love to listen to), but the problem with enjoying it was that because the band got so popular, and right at the time when i was in middle school (and my sister in high school), the album got played to death, to the point where, while i was happy to hear them, i got a bit sick of Evanescence in general. (s'why i put the end date a year after Fallen dropped; by that point, i was beginning to gag a little on some of their tracks.)
I will note that, while i think aesthetically The Open Door is a great album, only 2 of the tracks really stuck out to me (my sister on the other hand adored the album and owned a copy, which is how i got the songs in the first place). since this post is based solely on personal opinion, that's why i didn't officially include it.
(i think i'll let the posts be broken up into 3, so i'll do the Puffy post later.)
Mmm. I have all their stuff that you sent me :3
(Also, Whisper is one of many songs that will be part of my "Epic Rocking" mix CD, once I begin production of it)
I suppose I may as well share my thoughts on a favorite band of mine; since we're on the subject:
- System of a Down (1998-2005)
To be honest, I didn't really care much for them at first; mostly due to getting them mixed up with Rage Against the Machine, as the two were often mentioned in the same sentence. However, then while I was listing to the radio while playing Mario Kart one afternoon, the song Boom! came on, and was like "hey; this is pretty good". Then, I was riding around in the car with my sister and heard Chic 'N' Stu for the first time, and was like "wait...they're singing about pizza?", and immediately wanted to hear more. This was when I learned that a former friend of my sisters had included MP3s of their complete discography on a DVD-R he burned for her, so I borrowed the disc and copied it all to my hard drive.
Of their albums, since I've already established Steal This Album as my favorite, I'll say that my second favorite would probably be Mesmerize; which was a more-than adequate follow-up (Giving us the song, Violent Pornography; a song I now associate with the mental images of nuns dancing, thanks to Kari). Toxicity and their self-titled albums were also great, and to be honest, probably my least favorite of their albums is what is currently their last album, Hypnotize; which was kinda weak (Given it was produced alongside Mesmerize, it felt like they dumped all the best tracks on the first album). Given the band's back together, it's entirely possible we might finally see a new album from them sometime in the future.
i hope so. also, you're welcome for that image. -w-
this is currently my craze
also featuring
and this especially
this as things that i will listen to for hours on end and have the lyrics memorized
So I'm into Boards of Canada now.
I actually first gave their music a shot a few years ago, enjoyed some of their songs but ended up being creeped out by their music as a whole, stopped listening to it (more or less, there were a few songs I liked), but revisited their work earlier this year with newfound appreciation.
Maybe it was becoming more familiar with their background and influences that allowed me to appreciate their music. TV Tropes describes them as sounding like "the dying sounds of a recently-excavated machine from the seventies" or something along that line, which I think describes them quite well: the warm scratch of vinyl, the static of an untuned radio, constant sampling of vintage educational films and documentaries, human voices woven into beats and the occasional strain of birdsong all make their music somehow warm and organic and nostalgic in ways I've never heard from an electronic band before.
Nostalgic is a word that comes up constantly when people describe BoC, but listeners can't seem to agree on what it gives them nostalgia for, or when. Although BoC themselves are clearly aiming for a 1970s feel (consider their graphic ( design ( direction (, many listeners agree it's meant to evoke a sense of any past, rather than a specific one. Their music makes me think distinctly of the 1970s, and not a happy, colorful re-imagining of the era but something grittier and more authentic, optimistic but tinged with paranoia and fear, at the intersection of the industrial and natural worlds ... and the otherworldly. There is a heavy helping of the conspiratorial and mystical in every BoC album, with motifs that run the gamut from numerology to cults to numbers stations and subliminal messaging, though whether it's meant to convey a greater message or simply keep fans running in circles trying to decipher it is anyone's guess. (These are the guys who released a track consisting of nothing just to pad out an album to 66 minutes and 6 seconds long just to screw with conspiracy theorists, after all.)
Their music has been compared to the works of Thomas Pynchon, so there's that. (They also remind me of Scarfolk Council ( in terms of Spooky British Zeerust (, so there's that, too.)
If you've never listened to their music before I'd suggest starting with Rue The Whirl ( and roygbiv (, though all of Music Has The Right to Children is pretty safe. Some of their early ( tracks ( are solid too. I may post more about my thoughts on their albums but I don't want to wall-of-text more than I already have.
certianly classier than what i've downloaded recently... (
sounds like the type of band i'd like to get into when i get my damn life together.
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 20, 2015, 09:33:40 PM
certianly classier than what i've downloaded recently... (
sounds like the type of band i'd like to get into when i get my damn life together.
hadn't heard of that one in a long time ago....
as for me I'm more a song-Oriented guy, so my current Playlist goes: (Not this one, but the Just demo version of Ep. 1) or (been delaying changing it for the TV Size version) (not the version I have, but waiting for the official one of this) (I know it's the same song, but somehow them both feel different)
My favorite song is:
heh, a top 40 fan, huh? that's rare around here. ^^;
hey new kid, go introduce yourself in Member Introductions ( :0
mainly comiket stuff lately
got the opening to this ( as a ringtone last night. wearing it now. :0
anything sung by Sam Tsui
Can't See My Face~Cover (
Memphis May Fire~No Ordinary Love (
a favorite album of recent (Last Surprise) (Life Will Change) (Rivers in the Desert) (Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There)
I got hyped with these songs because I did.
Beyond the Time from Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack -
Wild Wing from Mobile Suit Gundam Wing -
Century Color from Turn A Gundam -
Zeta - Toki Wo Koete - from Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam -
Anime Ja Nai (It's not Anime) from Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ -
All of P5 is god Tier music but Nier was more god tier so it won that at The Game Awards.
Gundam, Gundam, Gundam, I do like a good soundtrack.
I've been listening to a lot of REOL lately.
At the moment, one of my favorite songs would be:
Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town -- The Du
(It's such an upbeat and fun song for the first dozen or so episodes of Diamond Is Unbreakable)
Somehow, these days I am in more of a chill period, with songs such as :
Spyra - Birds on the Wire:
Boards of Canada - Skimming Stones:
Brian Eno - Emerald and Lime:
Hiigh Skies - The World Forgotten:
Echo Grid - Aonarach:
Interesting how I only got a taste for this kinda music in the last few years, like I felt the need of something to relax to.
Boards of Canada is awesome!
Been listening to some Deadmau5 lately. Never really paid much attention to him because I thought he was another generic bro electronic artist, but some of his works are fantastic. These two mixes are my favorite and I'm hard pressed to find a song I don't like on them.
Odd, hours and hours of songs, and none of them are the ones I knew from the guy.
I grew fond of these instead:
Right now, probably "Expensify This" by 2 Chainz or "Number One Spot" by Ludacris.
lately, there's a 50/50 chance that this song gets stuck in my head in the morning. it's damn catchy. and despite the language difficulty, i can sing the chorus pretty well now. ^^
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 06, 2022, 02:19:10 PMlately, there's a 50/50 chance that this song gets stuck in my head in the morning. it's damn catchy. and despite the language difficulty, i can sing the chorus pretty well now. ^^
See also:
oh cool, thanks!! :DDD
i have so much going on this morning, this song accurately describes where my head is at. just a feeling of frenzy:
...and now a sequel a post I made in this topic back in 2014 (, specifically on the bit at the end discussing Meat Loaf:
So, a couple weeks ago I stumbled onto a copy of Meat Loaf's final album, Braver Than We Are from 2016, and picked it up out of curiosity; as between the cover art (, and with the dream team of Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman working together once more, this was in essence Bat Out of Hell IV in all but name. Thus, I was curious over how well this song stacks up to the trilogy, and also the statement on the back cover of "this record is explicit and politically incorrect" had me wondering how far he went with this one (Spoiler; there's really nothing here content wise that's any more extreme than what's on the Bat trilogy...aside from him saying "fuck" exactly once in the opening track, Who Needs The Young; a song that feels like a villain song from a musical).
Many of the songs contain subtle callbacks to the earlier trilogy, primarily the first album; for example, Going All The Way (A Song in 6 Movements) featuring vocals provided by both Ellen Foley and Karla DeVito (Whom performed with Meat Loaf on the album and live versions of Paradise By The Dashboard Light, respectively). Also, strangely, Skull of Your Country (A song I otherwise didn't care for) incorporates the "turn around, bright eyes" bit from Total Eclipse of the Heart; which caught me off guard for how out of left field it felt, even if Steinman also worked with Bonnie Tyler back in the day.
Honestly, the album itself is decent, but never quite reaches the same heights of the original trilogy; for me it kinda feels like half the album is really good and half of it fails to stick the landing. I don't regret buying it, but if I'm in the mood for Meat Loaf, I'd probably reach for my copy of Bat III before this.
i imagine that he was trying to reach that level of glory with every song he wrote ever since he got there. this sounds a bit pretentious, but as an artist, i know i've been there. there have been plenty of things i've drawn and written that i look back on and think, "if i can make anything half as good as that is, i'm gonna consider myself lucky." but i also undervalue myself, soooo.....
you're lowkey making me worried to check out Huey Lewis and The News' newer stuff. what if it isn't as good as Sports? ;v;
I mean, I feel it'd be worth looking into at least; after all, Meat Loaf's Hell in a Handbasket (The album released a few years before Braver Than We Are) is honestly really good, and I'm surprised I never heard people talk more about it when it came out.
i agree (with 'it's worth looking into'), since given his caliber, it's unlikely that he made ANYTHING that was absolute shit (and if it is, it's probably on purpose and VERY funny).
considering yesterday was Earth, Wind & Fire Day, i have them stuck in my head. kind of flip-flopping between "Got To Get You Into My Life" and "Let's Groove", with the occasional interlude of "Love's Holiday". just like last year, found a bunch that absolutely slap, and this time around i heard a bunch of classics i had no idea belonged to them. mum was also quite surprised that they're still going (and touring, but rn they're only touring in the SE US), and i was a bit surprised and saddened to learn that the founder and frontman has passed away. damn did he have range.
some of my tabs rn are artists i've found out about via reading Kurosagi, as it seems the author has a penchant for naming the chapters after songs by a particular artist (so like, volume one all had songs by the same artist, as did volume two, etc). i haven't investigated them yet, but if i find any gems, i'll share em'. :0
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 22, 2022, 11:27:38 PMi agree (with 'it's worth looking into'), since given his caliber, it's unlikely that he made ANYTHING that was absolute shit (and if it is, it's probably on purpose and VERY funny).
Very true; like a few Weird Al songs that he begrudgingly made to spite his record label, whom kept pressuring him into doing stuff he wasn't interested in. Like, they wanted him to parody
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, but he didn't have any solid ideas for it...and threw together
Girls Just Wanna Have Lunch, making that song intentionally awful just to annoy the label.
that, ironically enough, puts the song closer to "art", since it was made in protest. xD;
got the Creamy Mami opening stuck in my head since i watched a few episodes earlier, am trying to memorize the song, and they repeat it quite a bit through the series (that old trope of "we can't afford music so just remix the theme song a bunch" ).
It changes from time to time, but currently it's "Expensify This" by 2 Chainz.
This song has been stuck in my head
"Ride It" by Regard.
Been obsessed lately with Free Radicals by Flaming Lips.
Specifically the version used in Hi-Fi Rush, but the original is also incredible.
Preußens Gloria İs My Favorite I Love Military Songs But That One Hits Different
Quote from: PearBey on February 23, 2025, 09:45:13 AMPreußens Gloria İs My Favorite I Love Military Songs But That One Hits Different
Gotta be one of the weirdest intro's to this site in a while lol
ANCIENT military music!
Been getting super obsessed with Wesley Willis lately, for whatever reason.