OS-tan Collections

OS-tan discussions => OS-tan Fan-Fics, Comics and Fan-Stuff => Topic started by: C-One on September 16, 2006, 07:48:25 AM

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on September 16, 2006, 07:48:25 AM
Cccc C!

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 16, 2006, 07:48:52 AM
You never know what the future holdsââ,¬Â¦. -__-'

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on September 16, 2006, 07:49:21 AM
Cccc ccc cc!

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 16, 2006, 07:49:48 AM
Those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it.  -_-'

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on September 16, 2006, 07:50:19 AM

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 16, 2006, 02:40:37 PM
Scheduling & Ideas

C-chanââ,¬â,,¢s Drawing Schedule

Additional Ideas

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on September 16, 2006, 05:34:58 PM
Can't wait to see the results!
This sounds like a good project!
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 16, 2006, 05:59:16 PM
AWESOME!!! The great NewYinzer hath arrived!  Welcome to the Annex!  ^__^

Please don't mind the mess,... I'm still painting caulking, replacing tiles, fixing old pipes,... you know, the whole shabang.  -v-
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: CaptBrenden on September 16, 2006, 06:51:14 PM
About time someone made a thread like this.   You better work round the clock to fill it out now!
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 16, 2006, 08:27:01 PM
I've got a couple things to say!

1. I made a Leopard-tan! Hope you all like her! :D

2. Sorry to be nitpicky, but the Mac OS 6-tan is more specifically Macintosh System 6.0.8-tan; but I could tweak her character design and personality slightly to involve some sort of puns and references for the codenames of System 6 so that she represents all of System 6

3. How come some of the Linux Distro-tans are in the wandering class? I mean, what sets them apart from the rest?
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 16, 2006, 09:44:48 PM
QuoteAbout time someone made a thread like this. You better work round the clock to fill it out now!

*eyes twitch*  Round the clock?  Ovo
You have no idea........  -___-'

*C-chan deflates with fatigue*

[mumbling] What did I get myself into........
Someone shoot me now.............................  -_______________-

Quote've got a couple things to say!

Welcome Aurora.....
Thanks for showing up, though sorry for the mess.
This place is still technically not ready yet.....  -_____________-

Quote1. I made a Leopard-tan! Hope you all like her!

Saw her, liked her, ask C-One to update the roadmap...............  -v-

Quote2. Sorry to be nitpicky, but the Mac OS 6-tan is more specifically Macintosh System 6.0.8-tan; but I could tweak her character design and personality slightly to involve some sort of puns and references for the codenames of System 6 so that she represents all of System 6

It's gonna look a little strange,... but then you're the original artist AND a Mac user, so I figure there's a good reason to use 6.0.8 specifically (just like there's a good reason to call 3.11-sama "3.11" and not "3.0").
But just like with 3.11-sama, I'd recommend just making 6.0.8-tan represent all of System 6 anyway.  That way (unless you REALLY REALLY want to) there won't be a need to draw a separate OS-tan for Mac 6.0.  -_____-

Quote3. How come some of the Linux Distro-tans are in the wandering class? I mean, what sets them apart from the rest?

Glad you asked, although I'm sure the question would've been answered had I gotten all the faction descriptions posted up.  Without them, there's a lot of explaining to do.... -v-

Let me just catch my breath.........  -_________________-

C-Chan added the following  13 minutes after last message :

There are some Unix descendants in the Wanderer class too, plus mixed in everywhere else (e.g., our beloved QNX-tan is with the A$C... ^^')

But in short, the Wanderer Class is really just slang for "unaligned" characters -- mainly OS-tans who travel too much within the different factions to settle in a particular one, or those who want to live completely on their own without any strings attached, or those who simply aren't aware (due to so-and-so predicament) that they can join a particular faction.  That's the story explanation.  ^__^

The practical explanation is that the Wanderer Class is where I toss in all OS-tans who either I'm undecided as to where they should go, or I feel are bonified lone wolves, or I'm saving for a tearful reunion in some future story (e.g., Commodore VIC-20 and C128).


...are new OS-tans that were created by an indepedent artist who may not appreciate that I align them to a particular group.  In your case, I'm not sure if you want to subject your poor girls to membership in the Linux/Unix Consortium, since it currently is (to put it mildly) a quagmire.  ^___^'
That's the reason why other Linux/Unix-types have chosen to go off on their own paths -- they either like their independence or just don't want to deal with the chaos that is the LUC.  ^^'
If you'd prefer to move them, though, just let me know and I'll consider it permission.  That's the reason I set this Annex thread up -- to make suggest-making easier.  ^.^
Title: Golly!
Post by: MisterCat on September 16, 2006, 10:03:59 PM
C-Chan, this Annex you're building is a shoo-in for Eighth Wonder Of the World!  I know next to nothing about the OS-tans, but I appreciate all this research and work you're doing.  I've got to go sit down, just to contemplate the magnitude of this place!


Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: CaptBrenden on September 16, 2006, 10:06:27 PM
I could shoot you if you want.  After your done and not before.   but we will have a breakfast bacon feed in your honor when your done.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 16, 2006, 10:30:11 PM
Thank you, Mister Cat-san....  -v-
It's your words that encourage me to take the extra step....  ^v^

The....... ex-......... -tra............ step.................  -o-

*flops on ground*

[muffled] On second thought, maybe I should just stay here and die for a bit,... at least until the Captain gets annoyed-enough and shoots me anyway..... ugh....  So tired.......... x________x

A thread of this magnitude is indeed a liability....  -___-
But since I really want to avoid any self-promotion, I have to go the extra mile to make this as much a resource and educational tool for emerging OS-tan fans, than simply a showcase for new OS-tans.  

It's the kinda place I wanted when I first got hooked on the OS-tan phenomenon,... and, well, if I can do my own drawings, I figured I might as well construct this kinda thing too.....  -v-

In any case, thanks for visiting and being patient with the awful mess.  ^__^

C-Chan added the following  4 minutes after last message :

Oh, some Annex Updates:

- All Faction Logos are now up.  Hopefully some will strike you as cool/memorable, although I'll be content if they're just passable.  Reinvented the M$ and Apple logos for obvious reasons.  ^__^

- A special thanks to Alex Stankevitch for supplying the CIOST logo.  Sorry it didn't get voted for the forum icon, but hey,... at least it went on to serve an important role.  It looks like a stylized asterisk (the VB wildcard for "any other character"), so in a way it's strikingly appropriate.  ^v^

- Will work on the Faction descriptions next.

- Will start uploading individual OS-tans after that.  My OS-tans will get priority just so I can go ahead and close their individual threads.  All other -tans will trickle in thereafter.  -v-
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on September 16, 2006, 10:42:31 PM
Finally! A database for all the OS-Tans! This is gonna put this website on the map!
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Kami-Tux on September 17, 2006, 12:40:07 PM
Cool! Can't wait for Unix-sama!
Post by: C-One on September 17, 2006, 02:58:45 PM

10 ? "Annex Roadmap Migration and Faction Descriptions are at 100% completion."
20 PRINT "Thank you very much for your patronage."


30 GOTO 20
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 17, 2006, 08:35:04 PM
Thank you, NewYinzer and Kami-Tux!  ^v^

I'll try my best to make this all worthwhile!  ^__^

Can't wait to get to Unix-sama as well.

C-Chan added the following  4 hours 52 minutes after last message :

Sorry SleepyD, Darknight.
I'll need to move your OS/2 sketches here, since the data transfer is almost done and we'll be closing the OS/2 thread soon.
Did I forget to mention how extremely, utterly and unbelievably awesome they are?  ^___^


Post by: C-One on September 17, 2006, 10:28:38 PM

40 ? "Preliminary OS-tan File Transfers complete for Binteji Renmei, Anti$oft"
50 ? "Coalition, DOSSE and Wanderer listings."
60 ? "Authorizing purge of thread redundancies."
70 PRINT "Thank you very much for your patronage."


80 GOTO 81

C-One added the following  1 hour 9 minutes after last message :

C ccc....

81 ? "Added Mac OS8 to the Roadmap"
82 ? "Added Aurora's Palm OS rendition to the Wanderer Class listing."
83 PRINT "Thank you very much for your patronage."


90 GOTO 83
Post by: C-One on September 18, 2006, 09:37:48 PM

10 ? "Added NewYinzer's Card Renditions to corresponding Binteji Renmei OS-tans"
20 ? "Integrated Resource Links into Binteji Renmei OS-tan (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6100#post_6102) name headers."
30 ? "Clicking on each name header should redirect you to an appropriate information website"
40 PRINT "Thank you very much for your patronage."


50 GOTO 40
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 19, 2006, 01:22:36 PM
I wonder if the Oh Great Penguin God will show up again?  ^__^

I'd like to ask him if he has any scrap, bit or widget of information regarding Xenix.  -v-'

If I could squeeze in at least a small OS-tan rendition for her, then the Microsoft product line would be complete from beginning to end.  ^__^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on September 19, 2006, 07:27:56 PM
Quote10 ? "Added NewYinzer's Card Renditions to corresponding Binteji Renmei OS-tans"

What you say?
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 19, 2006, 08:39:10 PM
Sorry, the ROM currently loaded in C-One has her talking in C64 BASIC.  ^^'

Essentially she's saying she added links to your cards wherever Binteji Renmei characters appear in.  ^v^'
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on September 19, 2006, 08:44:53 PM
QuoteEssentially she's saying she added links to your cards wherever Binteji Renmei characters appear in. ^v^'

I have only one thing to say to that:

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 19, 2006, 08:55:08 PM
And when you finally have the time to finish more, we'll be sure to give them all good homes.  ^__^

Like you said, when all is said and done, the Annex is gonna look like a mini OS-tan encyclopedia.  Currently you're able to access information on all the Binteji Renmei OS-tans through their headers.  ^v^
Of course, we'll be doing that for ALL the OS-tans on the Annex, even the absolutely obscure ones.  ^__^
Post by: C-One on September 20, 2006, 01:21:44 PM

10 ? "Integrated Resource Links into Anti$oft Coalition OS-tan (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6100#post_6103) name headers."
20 ? "Clicking on each name header should redirect you to an appropriate information website"
30 PRINT "Thank you very much for your patronage."


40 GOTO 50
Post by: C-One on September 22, 2006, 12:15:25 AM

50 ? "Integrated Resource Links into the DOSSE OS-tan (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6100#post_6107) name headers."
60 ? "Clicking on each name header should redirect you to an appropriate information website"
70 ? "Added Windows 3.2-tan into the Wanderer Class."
80 ? "Aurora's descriptions and additional 3rd party citations will follow pursuant to the next scheduled ANR."
90 PRINT "Thank you very much for your patronage."


95 GOTO 90
Post by: C-One on September 24, 2006, 01:11:29 AM

10 ? "Integrated Resource Links into Windows Family, House of Mac, UserSpace Gang and Mainframe Guild OS-tan name headers."
15 ? "Clicking on each name header should redirect you to an appropriate information website"
20 ? "Implemented new indented format for OS-tan entry detail to facilitate reading."
25 ? "Replaced 'No Data' placeholders with "Data Pending" to assure that"
30 ? "existing information or artwork is not being ignored."
35 ? "Corrected graphical defect in Windows 3.11 Wiki Avatar"
LOAD "w31wiki", 8, 1
40 ? "Deployed protoype of Wiki-style Annex avatar for Mac OS9"
LOAD "mac9wiki", 8, 1
45 ? "Added MkLinux-tan to the Linux/Unix Consortium."
50 ? "Added Plan B-tan to the User Space Gang."
55 ? "Added A/UX-tan and DarwinOS-tan as Wanderers."
60 PRINT "Thank you very much for your patronage."


65 GOTO 60
Post by: C-One on September 28, 2006, 10:57:18 PM

10 ? "Added GS/OS-tan to the Binteji Renmei (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6100#post_6102)."
20 ? "Added Aurora's Rendition of GEM OS-tan and GS/OS-tan."
LOAD "aurgem", 8, 1
LOAD "aurgsos", 8, 1
25 ? "Added additional Aurora Rendition of QNX-tan."
LOAD "aurqnx", 8, 1
30 ? "Deployed second protoype of Wiki-style Annex avatar for AmigaOS"
LOAD "amigawik", 8, 1


40 ? "ANR for Linux/Unix Consortium and CIOST member lists will be deployed shortly."
50 ? "ANR for Windows Family and House of Mac data entry will follow."
60 PRINT "Thank you very much for your patronage."


70 GOTO 60
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on September 30, 2006, 12:41:09 AM

10 ? "Integrated Resource Links into Linux/Unix Consortium and CIOST OS-tan name headers."
15 ? "Clicking on each name header should redirect you to an appropriate information website"
20 ? "Replaced all instance of "Unix-tan" with "Unix"
25 ? "By decree, Unix is to be referred to by a high honorific or simply as 'Unix'."
30 ? "Use of the title 'Unix-tan' is prohibited going forward."
35 ? "Implemented additional name changes and corrections."
40 PRINT "Thank you very much for your patronage."


45 GOTO 40
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: SleepyD on September 30, 2006, 06:46:35 PM
eeto, I have no idea if this has been brought up, but how about juzo kun's renditions of some linux distros?
I mean it's in the wiki, but i don't think I've seen any mention here...

Can't ignore her work.

Possible conflicts? I've taken the liberty of comparing the two.

Apart from the hair length and difference in detail due to art style... looks like no conflict.

Green theme, short wavy brown hair... Other than the difference in costume, looks good to me.

Fedora-tan seems to already have a design with the blue hat and all...

I think that's it...

As for differences in costumes... There are oodles of variations for OS-tans, so it doesn't matter too much. ^^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 30, 2006, 07:01:13 PM
Speaking to the choir, SleepyD.  ^.^
Can't find a pig that's a greater fan of Juzo-kun's work than I....  ^v^

Truth is, despite the LOOOOOOOOOOONG appearance of the Annex as it is now, it's still not finished yet....  ^^'

Consider it the setup of steel beams that precedes the completion of a buliding.... ^^'

Not just Juzo-kun, but I still have to add descriptions for Aurora's OS-tans as well.  (plus a good number of her actual OS-tans...  ^^')
Why I threw in data for my -tans first was really just to get their threads locked -- otherwise, I would've waited my turn too.  -v-'

There will be plenty of conflicts everywhere, but my solution is to try to pick  the best of both worlds.  Love elements of Aurora's Fedora-chan, but also Juzo-kun's, so the obvious solution is to combine them (at least for the Wiki-style avatar).  Preferrably with the clothing, since it's only natural for characters to change their clothing every once in a while.  ^__^

I wish I could devote more time to hurrying up with the Annex, but time is short for me, and without my supervision C-One can't really do much on her own.  -v-

Obviously C64-tan still needs to work on her AI a little more..... Ã,¬vÃ,¬'
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on September 30, 2006, 07:02:01 PM
[protesting]  CCCCCCCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on September 30, 2006, 07:04:27 PM
Do a reboot, C-Chan!
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 30, 2006, 07:09:49 PM

I'd have done it if I could, but I'm hardly a C64 Basic expert, ya know!  `v'
Tried typing in "REBOOT" and she just slaps me....  ;^~^;

Wanted to reset, but don't know where C64-tan hid the reset button on her.


And I'm way too pure and modest to go "searching" for it, mind you....  Ã,¬__Ã,¬'
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on September 30, 2006, 07:12:19 PM
Hmm...what happens if I push this button?
*pushes button*
What the?
*NewYinzer gets trapped in Dilspace*
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 30, 2006, 07:27:07 PM
Serves you right, ya perv...  ^v^


*sweatdrops*  You were being a perv, right?  ^v^'


*sweatdrops profusely*  I mean seriously, which button did you press...?
I don't want to get stuck in Dilspace too....  @v@'
I don't even like pickles!  ^^;

*eyes C-One's keyboard interface fearfully*
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on September 30, 2006, 07:28:26 PM
*crawls closer to C-chan*  [menacingly]  Cccccccccccccccccccc.....  
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 30, 2006, 07:30:08 PM
*falters to the ground in fright*  Gyahaha!!!  Stay back!  Bad!  Bad android!  Go away!!  No!!   GAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!  ;^0^;

*runs away, crying out hysterically*
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on September 30, 2006, 07:36:12 PM
From Dilspace: Vote yes on proposition 4269: Android Rights Amendment!
No, I don't think I was being pervy. I just pressed the C= Button the Left!
Harem Anime is good!
*shots fired*
Mysterious E: You Perv!
*shots fired*
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 30, 2006, 07:37:46 PM
I was wondering how you'd make wiki avatars for the OS-tans that have multiple character designs. A compromise!

Unless... I can draw wiki avi's for my versions of those particular OS-tans while you draw ones for the other design or so.

So, for the OS-tans with multiple designs, what do you more specifically have in mind for combining them?
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 30, 2006, 09:18:17 PM
Hohoho... don't know yet.... ^__^

I'll find out once I get to them.  -v-

Naturally it's gonna be case by case, just as long as they more-or-less match the style of the preexisting OS-tan avis currently up on Wiki.

Keep in mind this shouldn't be too much of an issue.  Most of your OS-tans are original (such as GEM-tan, Leopard-tan, etc), so 9 times out of 10 I'll be basically drawing Aurora fanart.  ^.^

(With TWO artists supporting a single design, they'll be on their way to canonhood! ^v^)

The Wiki-style avi's themselves will only be like my own mini fanart of those particular OS-tans, since the majority of them will be meant to stay in the Annex for the time being. (Loading Wiki with too many new one-shot OS-tans will likely get the purists rallying... ^^')
Besides, the "Known Depictions" links are the most important part, since they will include (as it's set up know) all known depictions of that particular character, be it by me, you, SleepyD, NewYinzer, Darknight or unknown artists.
For the canon OS-tans (e.g., ME, XP-tan) with TOO many depictions, I'd have to link to sample galleries (such as ours, Niijura, Troubled Windows, etc.)

Returning back to the Wiki Avi's, for OS-tans with TOO many alternative depictions (such as Vista), I may have no choice but to follow Wiki's route and simply choose my favorite design (in Vista's case, the Rozen Maiden-style goth girl).

Then again, I was also bouncing the idea of holding a referendum here (or on another thread) to choose, once and for all, what will be the OS-tan Collections-Approved Vista design.

We may not be a Futaba or a Niijura, but I think we've all done enough to earn the right to choose a favorite design for that soon-to-be popular OS-tan.  `v'

C-Chan added the following  58 seconds after last message :

Quote from: "NewYinzer"From Dilspace: Vote yes on proposition 4269: Android Rights Amendment!
No, I don't think I was being pervy. I just pressed the C= Button the Left!
Harem Anime is good!
*shots fired*
Mysterious E: You Perv!
*shots fired*

Fufufu....  ^.^

As the ol' saying goes, "the proof is in whatever Mysterious E says".  ^v^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on September 30, 2006, 09:28:33 PM

Returning back to the Wiki Avi's, for OS-tans with TOO many alternative depictions (such as Vista), I may have no choice but to follow Wiki's route and simply choose my favorite design (in Vista's case, the Rozen Maiden-style goth girl).

Even though I abhorr Rozen Maiden crossover, I do like the goth girl style Vista. For me, the "Big-Tittied Loli-Jutsu" didn't win.

QuoteWe may not be a Futaba or a Niijura, but I think we've all done enough to earn the right to choose a favorite design for that soon-to-be popular OS-tan. `v'

Soon to be popular, eh? You must know something, eh?
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on September 30, 2006, 09:36:58 PM
(Horde-of-Massive-Windows-Users + Massive-M$-Advertising-Campaign)
Monopolistic-Stranglehold-on-Businesses,-PersonalUsers-and-Gamers-Who Will-Inevitably-be-Forced-to-Upgrade


Instant Popularity  ^__^'

So how about that referendum, eh?  ^v^

I could really use an official Vista design, as I'd hate to rack my brain over a modern Windows OS (much rather rack it over an obscure vintage one).  -v-'

And you're right, ultra-endowed designs wouldn't cut it for me...  -v-'
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on September 30, 2006, 09:41:46 PM
QuoteInstant Popularity ^__^'

Just add water!

QuoteAnd you're right, ultra-endowed designs wouldn't cut it for me... -v-'

We do not need more Shikijou Saori knockoffs...

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 30, 2006, 10:15:21 PM
Rozen Maiden-style gothic Vistan? I don't think I've seen her before. Any pictures of her?

But out of the Vistans I've seen, my favorite one is the silver screw-haired girl wearing a red and white seifuku and usually has a giant scythe with her.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on September 30, 2006, 10:17:26 PM

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on September 30, 2006, 10:24:20 PM
Oh. I agree, that one looks cool too! I assume she's known as the Rozen-Maiden style Vistan because her eyes have the same heterochromia as Suiseiseki's.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on September 30, 2006, 11:02:46 PM
QuoteOh. I agree, that one looks cool too! I assume she's known as the Rozen-Maiden style Vistan because her eyes have the same heterochromia as Suiseiseki's.

Right (As always)! That's my favorite (design)!

Now...as for the Mysterious E...

*Giant mecha shows up*


Yinzer: Oh bloody 'ell!
E: You thought you could get away! Unlikely at the fist of E!
Yinzer: You won't win this!

*Giant mecha battle*

Yinzer: Teh evil E has been destroyed! Now for some Love Hina!

*Runs off to BitTorrent*

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 01, 2006, 10:55:37 AM
Wow, a Mech Battle that spans too threads.  ^__^

Well, at least you can say you canned his arse in the Annex thread!  ^_~

'kay, then let's hold the this referendum, eh?  ^v^


Entry #1:  Rozen-Maiden Vista


Shocked we only have one of these in the Gallery, when in fact the Niijura board is swamped with them.  ^___^
Better remedy that later....  -v-'

Seems to be a recent favorite, given the number of imitations out there.  Quadruple Pigtails earns much pointage from C-chan.  ^v^

Current Votes:  3

Entry #2:  Screw-haired Ninja Vista


Would it be this one, by any chance?  Don't see a full-version pic, so guess this chibi will do.  ^.^

Current Votes:  1

Entry #3:  Shikijou Saori-Knockoff Vista


Given how this one's dressed, I get the feeling she'd ACT like Saori-sensei....  -v-'

Current Votes:  1

I know there's more, but I'll add them as they're being mentioned.  ^__^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on October 01, 2006, 11:26:37 AM

10 ? "Integrated Resource Links into Deceased OS-tan name headers."
15 ? "Clicking on each name header should redirect you to an appropriate information website"
20 ? "Populated the Scheduling and Ideas section."
25 ? "Please contact C-chan with any comments, issues or questions pertaining to scheduling or design ideas."
30 PRINT "Thank you very much for your patronage."


35 GOTO 30
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 01, 2006, 11:27:27 AM
Dagnammit, C-One!!!!  We're in the middle of a referendum here!  ^0^

Go away, shoo!  SHOOO!  ^o^
Title: Erm....
Post by: MisterCat on October 01, 2006, 11:33:53 AM
C-Chan, where do we cast our votes ââ,¬â€ right here?


Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 01, 2006, 12:01:32 PM
Oh right, just pic a Vista design (or choose a new one not listed yet) and I'll count that in her favor with period summaries.  ^__^

Please note that this referendum follows an instant-runoff voting system, so you don't necessarily have to throw your support on a single Vista candidate.  ^v^
Title: Here's my ballot!
Post by: MisterCat on October 01, 2006, 12:48:45 PM
Hello there, C-Chan!  I the un-undersigned, being of neither sound mind nor healthy body, do hereby cast my vote for:

Entry #3: Shikijou Saori-Knockoff Vista

Should it come to pass that an explanation for my preference might be warranted, I shall provide one.  Thank you, C-Chan!


Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 01, 2006, 02:17:26 PM
Nope, I've known you long enough to guess why you'd pick the more mature-looking one.  -v-
Though the Rozen Maiden design is cute, my gripe is that it does throw out-of-balance the tacit rule that feature-rich Operating Systems should have an older look.
(Simple operating systems, like the DOS girls or my Commodore PET, are therefore depicted as young girls, even if they are chronologically older.)

Still, I've learned long since that we can adhere to rules about age-appearance or bust size because they stifle art and they will eventually get broken.  ^__^'
Better to just go with the flow and see what becomes popular.

The transparencies of the Saori-Knockoff Vista better suits the "Aero" feature, if I might add.  -v-
Presuming on who the winner will be, I don't see why we couldn't add in features of the runner-up to compromise.  ^__^
(e.g., making the goth-girl design older)

Alright then, here we go....  -v-


Entry #1:  Rozen-Maiden Vista


Shocked we only have one of these in the Gallery, when in fact the Niijura board is swamped with them.  ^___^
Better remedy that later....  -v-'

Seems to be a recent favorite, given the number of imitations out there.  Quadruple Pigtails earns much pointage from C-chan.  ^v^

Current Votes:  3


Entry #2:  Screw-haired Ninja Vista


Would it be this one, by any chance?  Don't see a full-version pic, so guess this chibi will do.  ^.^

Current Votes:  1


Entry #3:  Shikijou Saori-Knockoff Vista


Given how this one's dressed, I get the feeling she'd ACT like Saori-sensei....  -v-'

Current Votes:  2


And here's another one....

Entry #3:  "Screwy" Generic Schoolgirl Vista


I swear sometimes people get too caught up in their own puns....  -v-'

Current Votes:  0
Title: Aha!
Post by: MisterCat on October 01, 2006, 02:53:33 PM
Thanks for your explanations, C-Chan!  Yeah, thing of it is, I'd much rather look at images of females who appear to have at least reached puberty than gaze at images of little girls.

I do appreciate your point, regarding why some of the OS Girls are depicted as being pre-pubescent.  Also, I've no problem whatsoever ââ,¬â€ in fact it's a joy ââ,¬â€ viewing Aurora's art; and further, I think all the artists involved in (dare I say) The Movement are creating wonderful images.

So my vote demonstrates nothing more than a personal preference, a right we all have.  May Entry #3: Shikijou Saori-Knockoff Vista the best artistic creation win!


Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: brougeXP22 on October 01, 2006, 03:11:49 PM
I vote for:

Entry #3: Shikijou Saori-Knockoff Vista
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 01, 2006, 03:33:49 PM
Yep, I'm glad this thread is being as constructive as I'd hope it'd be.  Not sure how long I'll keep this referendum going, but since I probably won't get to do a Vista Wiki Avi for about a month, I say we have oodles of time to discuss the Official Vista. ^v^

Now then, time to begin two other referendums:


QuoteThe likelihood of my point of view being impeached even as I write it down is great, but I've got to get this off my chest. Just don't shoot me, all right?

What are presently called "OS-tans" I refer to, in the privacy of my brain, as "Operating-System Girls" or "OS Girls." I think of them as being international helpful mascots whose names ought to reflect the language of whatever location they're inhabiting.

(I'm assuming that through the Miracle Of Imagination the Girls can be everywhere simultaneously, helping any local machine which has their specific operating system installed.)

Consequently, I'm wondering why there's still all this Japan stuff attached to the Girls. Sure, the anime genre is of Japanese origin; and having lived in the Ryukyu Islands I've long since come to admire and respect Japanese culture, not to mention the people of Japan themselves.

However, the operating systems don't originate in Japan nor are they limited in their use to Japanese locations. Plus, why must we imitate (what we're told is) a childish mispronounciation of the Girls' Japanese name-suffixes?

It would be nice, or so my train of thought contends, if the OS Girls were figuratively embraced by people of all ages and in all locations world-wide. Sure, they can remain youthful in their depictions; but in my view it doesn't help that they're imbued with infant-girl qualities such as purposely-lispy name suffixes and frilly party dresses.

Niche stuff is all well and good, but I think the OS Girls deserve a wider audience. Please know it's not my intention of offend any of you: I'm just pondering the possibilities of wider acceptance of the Girls should they become unstuck from a single culture and language ââ,¬â€ and if they were freed from extraneous infant-girl baggage, which makes their acceptance by adults problematic due to corporate mainstream media-of-communication contentions that there are child molesters around evey corner and under every rock.

All right, I'm done: Thank you for your patience! *raises hands and slowly backs away*

Calling these wonderful Operating System personfications "OS-tans" is a time-honored tradition.  But as the audience grows, so do the limitations and negative connotations of the "-tan" suffix become more apparent.  Even Futaba Channel, where the "OS-tan" phrase was coined, has dropped it for more normal honorifics (e.g., -chan, -san, -sama, etc.).

So, as MisterCat suggested, if we ever plan to spread our influence among the international "OS-tan' Movement, then perhaps we should also be on the vanguard to readapt the namesake for a wider audience.  So let us propose some options to repackage the "OS-tan" namesake going forward:

1) We change the namesake to "OS-san".  

Number of Arguments for:  0
Number of Arguments against:  0

2) We anglicize the namesake to "OS Girl".  

Number of Arguments for:  0
Number of Arguments against:  0

3) We transliterate "OS-tan" to a neutral language.  

Number of Arguments for:  0
Number of Arguments against:  0

4) We keep "OS-tan" to the preexisting OS-tans, but have newer OS personifications adopt more mature honorifics.  

sans in the real world act more measurably, have concerns for real issues, and certainly address themselves more appropriately.  If these backstories take flight, the "OS-tan" debate can actually serve as a very interesting social plot point.[/list]

Number of Arguments for:  0
Number of Arguments against:  0

5) We keep "OS-tan" out of pure tradition and call it a day.  

Number of Arguments for:  0
Number of Arguments against:  0

C-Chan added the following  43 seconds after last message :

Oh shoot, more Vista responses.  ^__^'

'Kay, Referendum #3 can wait.
Let's just update the Vis one first.....
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on October 01, 2006, 03:43:17 PM
[confused]  Cccccccccc......
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 01, 2006, 03:43:42 PM

Entry #1:  Rozen-Maiden Vista


Shocked we only have one of these in the Gallery, when in fact the Niijura board is swamped with them.  ^___^
Better remedy that later....  -v-'

Seems to be a recent favorite, given the number of imitations out there.  Quadruple Pigtails earns much pointage from C-chan.  ^v^

Current Votes:  3


Entry #2:  Screw-haired Ninja Vista


Would it be this one, by any chance?  Don't see a full-version pic, so guess this chibi will do.  ^.^

Current Votes:  1


Entry #3:  Shikijou Saori-Knockoff Vista


Given how this one's dressed, I get the feeling she'd ACT like Saori-sensei....  -v-'

Current Votes:  3


Entry #4:  "Screwy" Generic Schoolgirl Vista


I swear sometimes people get too caught up in their own puns....  -v-'

Current Votes:  1


Is this the one, Aurora...?

Entry #5:  Blonde-Haired Loli w/ Long Pigtails & Windows Logo Hairclips Vista


Current Votes:  1 (?)


Or this the one,...?

Entry #5:  Blonde-Haired Loli w/ Long Pigtails & Longhorn Logo Hairclips Vista


Current Votes:  1 (?)
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on October 01, 2006, 05:23:33 PM
The 5th and 6th ones are close to the one I was describing. They have their variations, but most commonly looks like the 6th one but with blonde hair.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: brougeXP22 on October 01, 2006, 05:42:33 PM
i think keeping the -tan suffix is fine but i also think that the suffix used to address one of the OS girls should depend on their relative age and the collective respect that the members have for said OS-tan. ;011
Title: Oh!
Post by: MisterCat on October 01, 2006, 06:05:16 PM
Having now viewed the newly-added candidates on the official WINDOWS VISTA OFFICIAL DESIGN REFERENDUM ballot, I stand by my original vote for Entry #3: Shikijou Saori-Knockoff Vista.  Thank you and good afternoon!



MisterCat added the following  5 minutes after last message :

I shall refrain from making arguments and/or voting in the REPACKAGING OF "OS-TAN" NAMESAKE REFERENDUM, because my argument (such as it is) ended up being the narrative on the ballot.  Only a large bribe ($5 US) could make me violate the sanctity of this democratic process!


Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 01, 2006, 07:39:19 PM
Hehe... would $5 Jamaican do?  ^.^'

No seriously, some discussion on the matter is always encouraged.  ^v^

I for one obviously sway more towards option 4, which to a certain degree is what brougeXP22 suggested as well.  The honorific should change based on character and premise, with "-tan" not eliminated, but certainly not always fostered.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on October 01, 2006, 07:53:08 PM
I am casting my vote for:
Entry #1: Rozen-Maiden Vista
As much as I hate Rozen Maiden knockoffs, I hate Mahoromatic knockoffs even more! And I even named the version!
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 01, 2006, 09:10:22 PM
Hehe... actually, I already counted your vote for her.  You did say you liked her, and this is Instant Run-off Voting, so you CAN nominate other designs too.  ^.^'

Can anyone suggest more Vista designs to add?  ^__^
I know there are still hundreds out there, though a good number of them depict her as a schoolgirl (or are, in fact, supposed to represent Longhorn).
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Alfamille on October 02, 2006, 03:05:28 AM
I wanna post my opinions first on the os-tan changing its "namesake" and then I would post my pick on the Vista designs.

About the namesake, like Mistercat...I have thought of this for some time. Although I still believe that we need to change nothing on what should they be called. So I'm gonna go to #5. Even someone would change their name like for example 98-tan will be changed into "Memphis-san", majority will still say "it's 98-tan" or "nii-san". But even though I want the 5th selection....my next least one is to "close affiliation to the term "girl" into a a single word" which is the 3rd selection.

QuoteQuote from : Aurora Borealis

The 5th and 6th ones are close to the one I was describing. They have their variations, but most commonly looks like the 6th one but with blonde hair.

I feel the same way as Ms. Borealis;

But I choose the 5th instead, keep her being blonde and I'll show you why;


The image I've shown is the "Windows Search" available in upcoming Vista (i think the beta has it too). Isn't the Windows search design very familliar to you guys, especially you C-chan? :)

Not only that, I think Vista-chan's outfit should be familliar to Ubuntu. I will show you another image why;



VISTA (Aero interface in a flip3D position)


They really have a very familliar interface.  ;010

Think about it  ;010
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Pitkin on October 02, 2006, 08:18:07 AM
First, the Vista vote... I use my option to not vote for any design; dislike the upcoming system already, but more importantly I feel that no matter which of those designs would be chosen to represent the OS, she'd still end up being my least favourite of all OSes (well, XPME-tan is a worthy opponent in that race, though). So, I just leave the ballot blank. *corrects glasses*

Then, the more interesting question about the names...

QuoteOption 1: We change the namesake to "OS-san"

This way the cultural origin can be preserved, but at least the OS-san in question could be initially referred to with a bit more respect that we all agree she should deserve.  Whether or not an individual chooses to address her later on as -tan, -chan, -san, -sama or even -bozu is entirely up to him/her, but at least we aren't deriding her from the get-go.  Still, the user is tied to the Japanese origin, which may or may not entice a wider audience.

In my opinion, the phenomenom is called OS-tan, and that's it. The girls themselves can be referred to as 98-tan, 98-san, Kyuuhachi-san, Memphis-san, 98-chan, etc (the Japanese-language comics do not feature the characters calling each others 'tans' all the time, if ever, but more like that Win95 calls others -chans, Win2k refers to them as -sans, etc...). I personally am most strongly against trying to change the name of the whole thing, but do think that the characters themselves can perfectly be referred to with -san or other more appropriate honourific suffixes.

OS-san sounds very good to me, but I do not consider it so much better than the original OS-tan, that we should fly the flag and campaign to have it replaced. That, if something, might anger the purists.

QuoteOption 2: We anglicize the namesake to "OS Girl"

Same as above, but swapping the Japanese cultural connotation with an English-speaking one.  Perhaps appropriate since the majority of Operating Systems being personified were created in Western nations, but certainly there are arguments that can be made to the contrary.  Then there's the issue of whether the term "girl' is simply deriding the OS Girls as well, only in English.

I usually refer to OS-tan as OS Girls when talking to someone not knowing the phenomenom. Again, I'm against trying to fight the original name OS-tan, but as a parallel English word (I don't really believe in confusion) it'd be very good in my opinion. I also think that most of the OS 'Girls' would definitely not mind being called that way, comparing the situation to the one rising when one dared to refer to Win95 as 'auntie' or Win2k as something like 'lady' or 'mistress'.

QuoteOption 3: We transliterate "OS-tan" to a neutral language

This likely won't be easy, but at least it could establish a truly international flare.  Ideally, the language should possess some way of fusing a romanized sounding "OS" and a close affiliation to the term "girl" into a a single word.

I've yet to bump into a better word than the OS-tan and OS Girls. OS Women sounds... hmm... somehow colonial to me, and any ruder words for women or girls are absolutely out of the question. T_T;

QuoteOption 4: We keep "OS-tan" to the preexisting OS-tans, but have newer OS personifications adopt more mature honorifics

This has more to do with my Annex faction setting that anything, but as far as the backstories are concerned, the Windows-tans have enjoyed several years of peace and prosperity, enough to live worry-free and spend their majority of their time in play.  Out of that existence, it's only natural that childish habits would be fostered.

Outside of the dream world of the Windows faction, however, life isn't necessarily rosy.  Most OS-sans in the real world act more measurably, have concerns for real issues, and certainly address themselves more appropriately.  If these backstories take flight, the "OS-tan" debate can actually serve as a very interesting social plot point.

Again, the characters themselves can be referred to with any honourific suffix just somewhat appropriate, and shouldn't really be fenced into some specific formula. Naturally, if these 'formulae' could somehow be adapted via some plot and thus become only natural, and not forced as in "Let's call them -sans instead of -tans" (pretty much like the Brazilian government back in the 1950s and their obsession with building a new capital, sheesh), it would be delightful.

QuoteOption 5: We keep "OS-tan" out of pure tradition and call it a day

The easiest route, with two possible outcomes.  Either the OS-tan Phenomenon remains a "niche market", or, over time, we help recategorize the term "-tan" altogether, till no one remembers its childish origin.

I do not believe in the OS-tan name being any kind of factor for the current "niche market" status the phenomenom has. Can it really be said that "freedom fries" sell more to the public audience than the "French fries" did? If the name was something visibly odd (which I don't really see OS-tan being), such as OS Bollocks or Windows Jugend, it might have an effect, but at the moment I personally feel it doesn't really pose any kind of a problem.

I admit being quite conservative on this matter, even though I've pretty much been referring to the "OS Girls" and "-sans" all the time I've known them... at this forum I've actually moved towards calling them -tans, since I don't want to A) confuse new members or B) annoy the more extreme conservatists by calling the girls by names they might not i) understand and/or ii) accept. :D
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on October 02, 2006, 10:16:03 AM
This is too complicated! I hate to say this, but this thread is becoming more confusing than the conflicts themselves! I'm fine with us discussing the Vista dispute, but the idea of changing the name of the OS-tans seems crazy!

In my opinion, calling them "OS Girls" or "OS-sans" is like changing Newgrounds to Nogrounds or YTMND to DNMTY! Even though the name OS-tan is silly, especially if you tell it to someone who speaks Japanese, it is the hallmark of our subsubculture!

Don't get me started on Windows Vista! As for a solution, we don't really have the power to change what they're doing on Nijiura or Futaba! I think we have to wait until Vista comes out. Let the people on Nijiura or Futaba work the conflict out! In fact, if we were to make such a decision, it might create a rift between us and Nijiura and other boards. I worry that such a conflict could leave us like Deja Vu!

As for these things, lets hold back to our other projects:
-Translating comics
-New OS-tans
-New comics
-More members

It looks like my vacation is over...
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: brougeXP22 on October 02, 2006, 01:42:53 PM
NewYinzer does have a good point. We should try to keep this thread as simple and easy to understand as we possibly can -__-
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 02, 2006, 01:54:57 PM
That's funny.  ^__^
Glad it's complicated,... it is a referendum, after all, and one with a roundtable, IRV-type system.  REAL democracy is supposed to be messy like that (no mysterious black boxes here).  ^v^

Don't forget that the true heart of this thread lies with the Page 1 Annex material.  Everything else after that has a purely topicless facet, although I do try to keep the discussions useful to the material on the Annex.  ^__^

Case in point:

VISTA:  Sure, the system hasn't come out yet, and yes we seem to be alright with Niijura/Futaba releasing the "official" Windows-tans.  However, I need one design now for Vista's Wiki avi, so I figured I'd throw in a vote together to choose the most favored Vista-tan of all among us.  ^__^

Besides, the OS-tan phenomenon has subsided alot in their boards of origin, so who's to say they'll agree on a standard Vista design, and not just release the usual medley of inconsistent variations?  ^v^'
It may be several years before an official design emerges past all the horde of mecha musume and cigarette-tans that will be released, so why shouldn't we take the initiative?  If you really think they'll give a hoot about this English-speaking board, maybe this will be just the thing to set them back on track?

"OS-TAN" Namesake:  Really posted it to see everyone's opinions (and to get it off the Website Name thread), but my own opinion on the matter is still back in the Website Name thread.  Love the point raised, but doubt that the actual "OS-tan" phrase will ever be changed.

Still, it gave me a good excuse to post Option #4 and gather up more ideas for Annex plot points.  I always thought that "OS-tan" is ill-suited for members of the Mainframe Guild or the CIOST especially (notwithstanding deceased ones, LUC-ones, some Wanderers, etc), but I didn't think I could do much to point that out until now.  ^__^

How fitting that so many of the world's historical conflicts have been as a result of bickering over what might otherwise be described as seemingly petty things....  -v-
(The definition of the "Holy Trinity", for instance.)
Yes, this will be very useful....  *plots menacingly*  `v'

But anyway, thought I should clear that up.  ^__^
The Annex is home to any OS-tan related idea you wish to bring up, no matter how big or how small, how simple or complicated, how dumb-sounding or how awe-inspiring.  ^.^

So discuss away, and don't mind C-One popping in with updates to the Annex that drag us back to the real world....  ^v^'

(Oh, and Alfamille, you know Windows always rips off other OSes, eh?  `v')



Entry #1:  Rozen-Maiden Vista


Shocked we only have one of these in the Gallery, when in fact the Niijura board is swamped with them.  ^___^
Better remedy that later....  -v-'

Seems to be a recent favorite, given the number of imitations out there.  Quadruple Pigtails earns much pointage from C-chan.  ^v^

Current Votes:  3


Entry #2:  Screw-haired Ninja Vista


Would it be this one, by any chance?  Don't see a full-version pic, so guess this chibi will do.  ^.^

Current Votes:  1


Entry #3:  Shikijou Saori-Knockoff Vista


Given how this one's dressed, I get the feeling she'd ACT like Saori-sensei....  -v-'

Current Votes:  3


Entry #4:  "Screwy" Generic Schoolgirl Vista


I swear sometimes people get too caught up in their own puns....  -v-'

Current Votes:  1


Is this the one, Aurora...?

Entry #5:  Blonde-Haired Loli w/ Long Pigtails & Windows Logo Hairclips Vista


Current Votes:  1


Or this the one,...?

Entry #5:  Blonde-Haired Loli w/ Long Pigtails & Longhorn Logo Hairclips Vista


Current Votes:  1
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: SleepyD on October 02, 2006, 09:42:32 PM
I'll get back to you on the Vis-tan thing,

but vote KEEP OS-tan as the name.

Pitkin summed up quite a bit of what I would have said, so yeah.
Codi gave a compelling point of view as well.

I can't see it as any different. Many call the individual girls different names anyway... Secchan rolls off the tongue so much more easily that 98SE-tan, for example. While OS-san also falls under that, I agree with pitkin that the purists would declare war on us or something. XD

Oh, yeah, btw, C-Chan, could you just edit the orginal post with the Vis-tan votes, and put in links to that post whenever you decide it's necessary?
It's kinda bothersome scrolling through all that.
So yeah. That's it.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 02, 2006, 10:16:43 PM
Not sure,... doesn't seem to work for the Annex (perhaps no one likes to go to Page 1 of any thread...? ^^')
So that's why I keep hauling that thing around.... but trust me, it IS a pain to copy n paste all that BBCCode.  ^^'

I offer a reward for 1,000,000 posts for anyone who can think of a great nickname for Windows 95 OSR 2.5-sama.  Now THAT's an example of a tongue twister.  ^__^'

...Hmm,... hey, that's a thought....  ^.^

C-Chan added the following  3 minutes after last message :


By porcine decree, C-chan offers a reward of 1,000,000 points to any lucky forum goer who offers a suitable nickname for the obscure but unbelievably cute goddess.....


Though I say her name with joy, the truth is that I run out of breath by the end of it.... -.-'
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on October 03, 2006, 01:38:37 PM
[confounded]  Ccccccccccc!!
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 03, 2006, 01:49:02 PM
In other news, I am positively PO'd at the link of commitment I'm displaying for Unix-sama's summoning.  I distract myself for ONE second, and I'm already drawing vastly different things.  >0<

Dear GAWDS, have I no shame?!!!  ;^0^;

I shall have to self-flagellate myself later for this heresy,... -____-

But for now, I'll share my pain with everyone by interrupting our Referendums and previewing what I've nicknamed "Accidental Pic #2.5":


Clearly not done, as I've made changes to this pic (hair, eyebrows, lips, eyes, etc) shortly after loading this up to Photobucket, and still need to add shading, shadows, a background, and (of course) their bodies....  -v-'

But now C64-chan and Amiga-chan will have a little more exposure than before....  ^.^

C-Chan added the following  3 minutes after last message :

Also debating whether to keep the Amiga-checkmark logo intact, or leave it stylized like I've done here.  Really want to get out of the habit of displaying real logos, but then again the rainbow coloring on the hat might add character.....  -___-'
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Silentbob on October 04, 2006, 08:26:39 AM
Yeah, I should comment here, as anyone drawing Amiga (and C64) related stuff can never have enough praise.   ;019

Great work as usual, C-Chan.  Looking forward to seeing it all finished, even though it looks nice even now.   ;010
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 04, 2006, 09:04:28 AM
Thank you very mucho, SilentBob.  ^__^
Recently uploaded it again with the aforementioned changes -- currently working on Amiga-chan's body.  This time I won't take shortcuts -- her checkered shirt will be drawn square-by-square (with some 3D assist, of course.... ^.^).
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: brougeXP22 on October 04, 2006, 10:03:22 AM
i'd like to see if someone could pull off a mature looking amiga-chan. That would be really cool ;010
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 04, 2006, 10:12:33 AM
GAH!  You mean she's not mature-looking in the above pic....  ;___;

*sniff sniff*

Well, she is supposed to be chronically-cheerful, so that'll be hard to do.  ^__^

Unless we depict her as angry (a RARITY!), sad (how cruel.... ;_; ), mellow (hubba hubba... *drools*  ;v; ), or in some hentai pose (over my dead body!  .........er, okay, only if you veer that part a little to the left, and that part their, and that leg raised as such.......  *nosebleed*  ^.^)
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: brougeXP22 on October 04, 2006, 10:57:31 AM
lol pics never want to load by themselves so i didn't notice but yes she looks slightly more mature. ;010
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 04, 2006, 12:53:36 PM
*in drooling stupor over prospect of Amiga-chan hentai*

[hypnotized]  Oh yeeeeah baby,...  183 centimeters of sweet, sweet lovin--... @v@

*snaps back into reality*

Huh,.. wha-...?  '.'


Oh,... right.....  ^__^'
Damn that Photobucket and its crappy weekday afternoon performance....  ^v^'

The sooner I can get done with the pic, the sooner I can upload it to the gallery, the easier it will be to post a link up.  But anyway, thank you XP #22....!  ^___^'

*looks at earlier pervy comments*

Oh,.... and,...... what happens in the Annex, STAYS in the Annex, 'kay?  ^__~

*chuckles nervously*

C-Chan added the following  1 hour 42 minutes after last message :

Oh, btw, poor C-One is up for maintenance, so I have to announce the updates for the time being....

*cough cough*

Ten.  Question mark..... hehe, just kidding...  -v-'

Uploaded Aurora-sama's beautiful rendition of Amiga-chan in her Annex entry.  Thank you, Aurora-sama!  I'm forever in your debt -- in fact, I will be your slave for the next 72 hours just to sweeten things up!  ^V^


Also added the scrap art for the Wiki Avatars that I last drew up (excluding OS9, since I didn't draw but simply reedited her...  ^^')

Contains Amiga-chan, but also Windows 95 OSR 2.5-sama and 3.11-sama....


Although wait a sec, why am I calling those two "sama" if Amiga is older than those two.... COMBINED!!!!  \ _ /

Sorry kids, know you're place....  ^__^

Windows 3.11-chan
Windows 95 OSR 2.5-chan
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: SleepyD on October 04, 2006, 07:20:04 PM
Quote from: "C-Chan"*in drooling stupor over prospect of Amiga-chan hentai*

[hypnotized]  Oh yeeeeah baby,...  183 centimeters of sweet, sweet lovin--... @v@

*snaps back into reality*

Huh,.. wha-...?  '.'

I'll be.... over here. *steps away from C-Chan*

I'll be back... there... later.

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on October 04, 2006, 07:36:28 PM
Quote*in drooling stupor over prospect of Amiga-chan hentai*

[hypnotized] Oh yeeeeah baby,... 183 centimeters of sweet, sweet lovin--... @v@

*snaps back into reality*

Huh,.. wha-...? '.'

Hey, we all have our levances. Look at Mark Foley. From time to time, perverted thoughts are...

*gets hit in the head by frying pan*

You want ecchi! I'll give you ecchi!

Here's your darn ecchi:


I are cruel to the 56k people.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 04, 2006, 09:49:41 PM
309KB?  Whoo-yeah!  You're evil....  ^__^

If Panda were still around, she'd have yer head....  Hehehe....  -v-

Thankfully, this ain't the Topicless Thread, so post away to your hearts content.  ^__^
Even when I was a 56ker, I'd put up with anything just to see the sites I wanted.  That included giant pictures of Mahoro-chan. ^__^

*studies picture*

Hmmm,... I wonder if here character design could make a good OS-tan....  Ã,­Ã,¬vÃ,­Ã,¬

C-Chan added the following  1 minute after last message :

Quote from: "SleepyD"I'll be.... over here. *steps away from C-Chan*

I'll be back... there... later.


Hehehe.... wuss, wuss, wuss....  ^.^

Fine then, means for Amiga-chan for me....  ^v^

*goes off to glomp some more*
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: brougeXP22 on October 05, 2006, 11:09:04 AM
lol a mahou-tan would be awesome ;010
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 05, 2006, 11:28:27 AM
Oh right, the referendum....  -v-'

*begins typing*
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on October 05, 2006, 06:56:49 PM
QuoteHmmm,... I wonder if here character design could make a good OS-tan.... Ã,­Ã,¬vÃ,­Ã,¬

I think it would (though I am a little biased)

In other news:


My idea wasn't that original:

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 06, 2006, 12:44:50 AM
*sadness*  Awwwwww....  ;__;

Well, don't let it get you down. ^__^
These are all fan creations, so there's nothing to bar you from making your own set.  -v-

Course, if you really are bummed out about it, I could always suggest just converting your existing work to Uno cards instead ....  -v-
But then you're aleady so far along....  'v'

BTW, you're right, I think her character design WOULD make a great EXEC-tan.  ^__^

I just combine Mahoro's looks and conservatism with the other unique features I had planned in Exec-tan's preconcept draft, and voila!!
Instant, lovable, retired OS-tan.  ^.^

(The EXEC series was used in the late 50's, early 60's, so yeah she'd be DAMN old.... ^^')


Almost done with the MacOS referendum!  ^v^

*keeps typing madly*

C-Chan added the following  2 hours 47 minutes after last message :

Wow, there simply aren't that many good standalone pictures of her.  ^__^
That speaks volumes.....


Okay, the short and sweet of this as follows:

A)  We know that Futaba/Niijura originally focused entirely on Windows, making it safe to assume that Mac-tans were somewhat of an afterthought.

B)  There have been dozens of alternative designs representing a "generic" MacOS, though the platinum-white, apple-bearing cat suit one seems to have caught on the most.

C)  We acknowledge that OS9-tan is perhaps the most stable traditional Mac-tan design of all, almost as instantly recognizable as ME-tan

D)  We also acknowledge that the OSX catgirls, due to design consistency, are safe to use as official OS-tans for the specific OSX operating system releases.


E) Similarly, since no one else has covered this territory until now, Aurora's designs will represent the specific Classic MacOS releases before System 9:


All this being said, the question is....

What will become of this well-known Mac-tan...?


Getting rid of her is not an option -- I have her on the Annex listing and refuse to take her off.  ^__^
What we need is simply to explain her in a way that satisfies all parties that use her character, be it for artwork, comics, or fanfics.  ^__^

Consider the following choice:

- She can remain a catchall for ALL MacOS releases. Similar to how Apple II-tan is a catchall for all AppleDOS releases, even though specific OS-tan renditions of said releases (such as GS/OS-tan) are being deployed.  ^__^

- She can be a catchall only for classic MacOS releases. This is more the standing held by Alfamille and myself.

- She can be a catchall for Mac OSX releases. This is more Aurora's standing - she even whipped up a Mactel-version just for the occassion.  ^__^

- She can be a catchall for the Macintosh HARDWARE itself.  Might conflict since there are already PPC-tans and G5-tans, but given that hardware still defines the system for the most part, it wouldn't be too awkward to have her appear alongside a true Mac-tan.

- Something else perhaps?  Like all other referendums, alternative suggestions and viewpoints are always welcomed.  ^__^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on October 06, 2006, 12:58:51 AM
Ccccc ccc...

10 ? "Added placeholders for Macintosh Systems 2, 3, 4 and 5."
20 ? "Image upload and descriptions for Windows Family and House of Mac members will be deployed in the forthcoming ANR."
30 ? "Thank you very much for your patronage."


40 GOTO 30
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: brougeXP22 on October 06, 2006, 06:50:21 PM
Me like cat girls and OSX but i hate Apple  ;025
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on October 06, 2006, 08:20:13 PM
QuoteMe like cat girls and OSX but i hate Apple

I feel the same way! As for the OSX Referendum, I cast my vote for:

QuoteShe can be a catchall for the Macintosh HARDWARE itself
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Silentbob on October 07, 2006, 03:54:44 AM
Yeah, I guess I'll get on board with that too
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: SleepyD on October 08, 2006, 03:20:35 AM
I can't in all honesty come to a decision on the Mac girl...

However... I dunno, I've been thinking about the Vis-tan thing, but...
yeah... What I'm thinking is a Vis-tan that is based off of Longhorn, and for reference, I'll be referring to the schoolgirl longhorn with the brown hair and pigtails.

I have this... er... magical girl transformation sequence thing going on in my head. lol It's all Nanoha's fault.

-Longhorn symbol thingys in the hair... change to... wonder if there's a name for this... uh... Tri-Wing Screws (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screw#Types_of_screw_drive)!
-Speaking of wings, the GUI for Vista is called Aero (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Aero), correct? Since I don't want to change much, I'll say this refers to the transparent clothing.
-hmm... Aero = "Authentic, Energetic, Reflective and Open" Which I think reflects in the happy schoolgirl Longhorns and in your Shikijou Saori-knockoff's expression. ^^
-I think we should still keep the two thingys of hair coming off each side. I don't care if they're pigtails or not (I don't know if the hair on the Rozen-Maiden one should be called pigtails... heh), but this is a reference to Longhorn, and gives the screws mentioned earlier a purpose.
-As for the actual clothing... well, that's kinda hard for me to decide. I'd like to see someone combine elements of schoolgirl with elements from the Saori costume, A "Modernized schoolgirl uniform" haha I think... it's better to wear a little more of the green and blue stuff and tone down the transparency. (Hey, non-transparency can be sexy too.)
-A nice transition from schoolgirl longhorn to Vis-tan would be nice. That is, base the design off of longhorn. Sure magical girls change to crazy things... but I like smooth transitions. ^^

Well, in short, my brain doesn't like any of them 100%, but a nice combination might work.  If someone actually decides to do this, (I really don't have time) wow, you rule.  A visit to Nijiura might be in order if we actually get one going.  Then we see if it's accepted. ^^   (That is, if one does not notice a consensus on the desing at Nijiura...)

Ooo, someone could make a flash animation of longhorn turning into vista! XD;; (Jeff doesn't know how to use flash.... I can make a square and a circle move around the screen, but I may have forgotten how to do even that) .gif maybe? ^^;

Eeeto... right, one other thing, can anyone here figure out what's in the OS-tan article in the Japanese Wikipedia?  We may be missing out on some stuff that may pertain to these referendums....

Waitaminute, when did I become Windows ME?

Ok, and so this long reply ends.
I should sign it!

Sleepy-Nerdy-Artistic Procastinator Extraordinaire
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 08, 2006, 03:28:32 PM

Holy cow!  I go on an art pilgrimage for two days, and already this thread take a life of its own!  ^__^

So much new stuff going on, I don't know where to start so let me slug through this....  -v-

POINT #1:  Brought this over from the "Which OS-tan Are You" thread.  Some excellent ideas from our resident Yinzer on what to do about the Vista issue...  ^.^

Quote from: "NewYinzer"Bam! I just had an idea!

- Longhorn-tan represents "Longhorn" Server, which comes out in 2008
- The Rozen-Maiden Vista represents Windows Vista Ultimate
- The Screw-haired Ninja Vista represents Windows Vista Starter
- The "Screwy" Generic Schoolgirl Vista represents Windows Vista Home Basic
- The Blonde-Haired Loli w/ Long Pigtails & Windows Logo Hairclips Vista represents Windows Vista Home Premium
- The Shikijou Saori-Knockoff Vista represents Windows Vista Enterprise
- The Blonde-Haired Loli w/ Long Pigtails & Longhorn Logo Hairclips Vista represents Windows Vista Business

Or something along these lines...

I love compromise and making all parties happy, so I say we veer more towards this.  I can still draw the Rozen Maiden one for Wiki, but at least the doors will still be open for someone like MisterCat-san to get the sexy alternative.  ^.^

Point #2:  Thanks to everyone who's voted on the Mac Referendum up until now.  Still, I'm surprised at the number of people who've opted for the hardware option.  very interesting actually, though not surprising since I've often been forced to represent the hardware part instead of the operating system part for an OS-tan (C64-tan for instance, who's native OS was GAWD knows what...  -v-')

Point #3:  Should note that SleepyD touched on an original compromise idea I had for Vista-tan,... a character that merged together multiple facets of favorite designs.  In spite of my current support for the multiple Vista-tan release idea, I still think combination works are great, and essential for me anyway once I begin doing Linux-tan fanwork.  ^__^
[Juggling my mutual admiration for the works of Juzo-kun, Aurora-sama and all the untold 3rd party artists.  ^__^')

Point #4:  Is this what you were talking about, SleepyD?  ^v^


Probably worth a post on the Translation Thread, but doesn't seem to have much that's not already on the English one.  Plus, noticed there are no pics... ^^'
Hoping I'm looking at the right one... ^.^'

Point #5:BTW, I still have some rusty Flash skills, but sadly all my Flash ideas have been reappropriated by newfound Amiga-san craze...  ^__^

And which reminds me....

Point #6:  That Art Pilgrimage I was referring to was a mad dash to finish this:


Excellent practice for unix-sama, as I managed to pull off some new vectior drawing and 3D assist techniques that will help me with Unix-sama's portraiture.  ^__^

98% of the pic was done in Inkscape.  The remaining 2% was the landscape rendering in Vue D'Esprit, its modification in Photoshop, and the inevitable Photoshop merging and conversion.  ^v^

Already have this up on my desktop and bought a frame for it too, since I'm a little proud of this purely accidental pic.  ^.^

I may not be able to get AmigaOS now, but at least I'm now considering a dive into AROS.  (One of Amiga-san's de facto "daughters", that runs on x86 machines) ^__^

'Kay, have to run, but will be back with a streamlined Referendum Scorecard and stuff.  ^__^

*trots off*
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: SleepyD on October 08, 2006, 03:31:26 PM
sou sou, that article.

Oh also, I didn't explicitly mention this, but my idea keeps Longhorn and Vistan as the same person... ^^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on October 08, 2006, 03:45:04 PM
Google translator sucks, but this is about what it says on the Japanese Wikipedia about Longhorn-tan:

Microsoft OS which is in the midst of developing as the succession OS of Windows XP (Windows Vista) the personification conversion girl. The design which becomes settled from the fact that OS itself is not done release yet does not exist, but there is many a thing which is described with the form which acquires the angle like the water buffalo from the language impression of horn.

Furthermore Longhorn, it is the development code name of the next term Windows in inside the company Microsoft, is not product name. In addition, the name originally as for those which are meant is not the cow and the animal, it was taken from name of the restaurant, which Whistler which exists in North America ([uisura]) is the skiing resort, ââ,¬Å"Longhorn Bar & Saloonââ,¬Â. By the way name of two mountains which is the Whistler skiing resort was, each one ââ,¬Å"Whistlerââ,¬Â and ââ,¬Å"Blackcomb (the black comb)ââ,¬Â was known as the code name of each one Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 succession server OS.

2005 July Windows Vista (development code name Longhorn) announcement is received, the character and position of Longhorn are thought that the possibility in the future of changing is high. Actually the secondary reverse side @ cover with already several degrees Vista (OS doing sufficiently,) the design is discussed, but product release is story ahead for a while, to look at fixation, it has not reached.

But as for design of present condition the girl of ninja style main current, also the character, bis fungus of envy [kiyara] exists. As for oral habit God Satan boy.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: SleepyD on October 08, 2006, 03:54:41 PM
I could follow it until they got to "bis fungus of envy [kiyara] exists. As for oral habit God Satan boy."

lol XD;;
Ninja version current? hm... while I do remember that being the first design i saw for Vis-tan, I'm not sure about its popularity....
Title: LOL!
Post by: MisterCat on October 08, 2006, 04:00:30 PM
"Fungus of envy" would be a good screen name ââ,¬â€ or band name.


Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: brougeXP22 on October 08, 2006, 07:35:00 PM
Quote"Fungus of envy" would be a good screen name ââ,¬â€ or band name.

lol i might use that name for the band i'm gonna be managing ;010
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 08, 2006, 09:31:25 PM
Oh dear GAWDS,.....  @___@
Okay, I can deal with the Envious Fungus at least after a few swigs of orange juice w/ booster shots.  But why do I get the impression that "As for oral habit God Satan boy." is a Wiki vandalism of sorts..... ^^;

Anyway, try using Bestiland if see if that helps in the translation.  It's smart enough to call an OS-tan "OS-tan" on Niijura, though naturally it ain't fool-proof....  -v-'

Honestly not partial to Vista's ninja design, but we only do have a chibi version afterall.....
Perhaps the full version is some beautiful vixen that combines all the best features of the other designs and positively wooes us all with a mixture of oozing cuteness and obscene sexiness.

Or the simple explanation:  perhaps that article hasn't been updated for a while.... ^___^'

Also, SleepyD, I also feel Longhorn and Vista should be the same character (means less drawing.... ^v^').  However, per NewYinzer's suggestion, we can also appease the die-hard Longhorn fans by giving them the chance to reuse her design for the Longhorn server platforms.  ^__^
No sense in reinventing the wheel, after all, if there's some many good ones in the market.  ^.^

That's probably the only reason why I'm not terribly willing to composite various designs together,... At least for this instance, since I'm not partial to spending too much time on Windows-tans as it is....  [GAWD, I'm biased....]  ^v^'

But certainly LONG pigtail-like things are a definitive must, since you're right that they do convey a sense of "horns".
Call it "horn-i-ness" if you must.... ^v^'
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on October 08, 2006, 09:52:55 PM
10 ? "Deployed demo of Condensed Biography solution using Windows ME-tan entry."
20 ? "Please review and provide quality feedback:"

Name: Windows Me-tan
aka:  Windows ME, Windows Millennium Edition, Emui-chan
Nationality: Microsoft
DOB: 9/14/2000
Height: 153 cm
Weight: ?? kg
Eye Color: Green
Hair: Green
Blood Type: 16/32

Quick Facts:

    - Has cheery and cutesy disposition.
    - Has long and unusually-strong cowlick.
    - Keeps hair in long braided pigtails.
    - Dons a maid outfit with an error icon badge.
    - Freezes constantly and is generally considered least reliable Windows OS.
    - Is a certified klutz
    - Is the second most prolific scallion user before Linspire-tan.
    - Is much sought after by OS9-kun.
    - Loves rollcake.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 08, 2006, 10:06:59 PM


That seems fine, as long as I don't have to write too much.  2 or 3 a day should be enough for me to keep my sanity and yet populate the Annex quickly enough.  -v-

Oh, btw, might also have you condense all that referendum stuff into an easy-to-read format.

Might do it myself, but I'm busy doing nothing.  ^__^
Title: Who?
Post by: MisterCat on October 09, 2006, 12:36:22 AM
C-Chan, what's all this about me wanting sexy renderings of OS Girls? Well, you're absolutely correct!


By the way, that's a marvelous work of art you've posted.  Thank you for sharing it with us!


(I refer to the one showing the gal with the patriotic red-white-and-blue shirt, who's standing next to the gal wearing the shirt patterned after either a 1940s airport control-tower paint scheme or a sidewalk-café tablecloth.  Please bear in mind I've given up trying to remember who's who when it comes to all these newly-rendered OS Girls, so I beg your pardon when identifying them in such a vulgar manner:  It's just my way of describing how I tell them apart.)


Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Alfamille on October 09, 2006, 04:56:06 AM
QuoteQuote from : C-Chan
- She can be a catchall only for classic MacOS releases. This is more the standing held by Alfamille and myself.

Good that we almost have the same opinion of it.

Although...I really strongly believe that she is "System 7". She could really represent the classic MacOS releases since System 7.6 (Harmony) dropped the term "system" when its releases was shipped and officially known as "MacOS" for the very first time. This "MacOS" surely represents the struggle of the classic Apple systems from the late 70's to the 90's.

So its either she could fill in the place exclusively as System 7 and all of the characters for the house of Mac can have its own place or take all from Macintosh to System 7 and replace as MacOS in the Annex.

Hope you dont mind giving myself a thought through this C-chan :)
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 09, 2006, 07:21:47 AM
*stares aghast at MisterCat*


*breaks out laughing*

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;^v^;
Well, ya did shower me with praise just now, so it's all good.... ^-^

Amiga-chan does resemble something you'd see at a pizzeria, and I often joke about that with my peers.... ^V^
However, I did see pictures of vintage 50's clothing that bear that checkered pattern (right done to the monogram!), so I'd let the eyesore pass when I first designed her.

Besides, Pitkin fawns over the table cloth look.... ^.^

(still had to laugh over the airport paint scheme reference.... HAHA!  That was timeless!  ^v^)

The younger girl is in fact Amiga-chan's older half sister, C64-chan; and while the Commodore 64 was made in the US of A, her uniform simply bears her old company's colors (check the Commodore logo in the upper-left hand corner).

Both girls represent old operating systems that were prolific back in the 80's (although AmigaOS has had a dedicated user base, especially in Europe, throughout the 90's, and is definitely making a comeback now).  Both were first released by Commodore International, the "Microsoft" of its era (though they played much more fairly).  C64-chan still wears her old uniform; although certainly after her company went bankrupt, she's stripped down a lot of the burdensome decorations (and plain did away with her hat).
Although still a die-hard techie (albeit of the vintage kind), she's also a devoted gamer and does her best to stay current with the latest youth fads (hence the Naruto forehead,... thingie).

Amiga-chan, though, has gotten rid of her old uniform entirely (except for the hat, which is the last thing that ties her to her old Commodore years).
For a full-version shot, you can check out my very first OS-tan pic [although I warn you, it's a little dated by now... ^^']:

Full Version (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/imeeji/displayimage.php?album=8&pos=19)

And for wiki links, please visit the Binteji Renmei section of the Annex.... ^__^


Thank you, though, for enjoying my pic.  ^__^
That's why I draw 'em!  ^v^

QuoteGood that we almost have the same opinion of it.

Although...I really strongly believe that she is "System 7". She could really represent the classic MacOS releases since System 7.6 (Harmony) dropped the term "system" when its releases was shipped and officially known as "MacOS" for the very first time. This "MacOS" surely represents the struggle of the classic Apple systems from the late 70's to the 90's.

So its either she could fill in the place exclusively as System 7 and all of the characters for the house of Mac can have its own place or take all from Macintosh to System 7 and replace as MacOS in the Annex.

Hope you dont mind giving myself a thought through this C-chan  

Oh dear GAWD, Alfamille, why da ya ask.... -v-

[sarcastically]  No, no thoughts from Alfamille are permitted.  Everyone here is allowed to post here except Alfamille.

HAHAHA!!!  ^V^

Of course I don't mind!  ^__^
In fact, I could really use the help of another Mac user as well...  -v-

Actually, perhaps it's because she was never specifically referred to anything with 7 on it, but I can't really see her tied to any particular release.  Certainly I envisioned her as a compression of Macintosh Systems 1 through 8, but that's as far as my imagination would take me.  ^__^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: SleepyD on October 12, 2006, 10:46:26 PM
Regarding the mac-tan referendum...
Jeff has now made a decision.

I have reason to believe that she was the initial design for OS X.
Reasons being in the Japanese description of this picture: http://susu.whitesnow.jp/doodle/04040702.html

And also in the OS X gallery in here http://evo7gt-a.hp.infoseek.co.jp/osmac/

And this pic: http://kazumi386.org/%7Eostan2/pic_uploader/mac/src/1147356985390.jpg that I found at this site: http://kazumi386.org/%7Eostan2/pic_uploader/
Note that this seems to be from the pre-OSXcatgirl era.

Hence, I will support either making her a catch-all for OS X or alternatively, the character for OS X Public Beta.

I will also not be against making her 10.0 and 10.1 (Cheetah and Puma) due to the fact that these were internal code names
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 13, 2006, 12:06:39 AM
Wow! SleepyD!  Talk about above and beyond!  OvO

Thank you very much, SleepyD!  ^v^
That there be hard-core proof,....  -v-

And what a gallery you found!  There are TONS of great pics we don't have yet?  ^__^
(How'd you come across it?  ^v^)

Clearly "the catch-all for OSX" alternative has gathered trememdous steam now thanks to his.  If this is really the case, even the entry on Wiki might need to be changed as well, since it also describes that design as being a classic Mac.  '__'

But of course, can't be too hasty just yet.  This may be a powerful case, but we still need consensus anyway.  ^___^

I know for sure I won't support displacing Cheetah or Puma, as the goal here is to keep as many designs preserved as possible.  ^v^

[Oh, and did you check out the dancing Mac-tan?  It's quite a mixture of cuteness and... creepiness....  -v-'
Probably not that difficult to do such an animated GIF, though.]
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Alfamille on October 13, 2006, 12:52:22 AM
QuoteWow! SleepyD! Talk about above and beyond! OvO

Thank you very much, SleepyD! ^v^
That there be hard-core proof,.... -v-

And what a gallery you found! There are TONS of great pics we don't have yet? ^__^
(How'd you come across it? ^v^)

Darknight gave it like April this year;


QuoteClearly "the catch-all for OSX" alternative has gathered trememdous steam now thanks to his. If this is really the case, even the entry on Wiki might need to be changed as well, since it also describes that design as being a classic Mac. '__'

But of course, can't be too hasty just yet. This may be a powerful case, but we still need consensus anyway. ^___^

I know for sure I won't support displacing Cheetah or Puma, as the goal here is to keep as many designs preserved as possible. ^v^

[Oh, and did you check out the dancing Mac-tan? It's quite a mixture of cuteness and... creepiness.... -v-'
Probably not that difficult to do such an animated GIF, though.]


Tempo-tan LOL!

I really wish they made her more for a character....

By the way I uploaded a dancing Macos-tan in the gallery...although needs admin approval...

Plus it's really impossible for it to be a catchall for all OSX. We can't really ignore those big cats. So I'll stick to the my pick which is she is System 7 (MacOS).
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 13, 2006, 01:29:20 PM
QuoteDarknight gave it like April this year;


*turns red*  Gyahaha....  Now I'm embarrassed.... ^^'

Well, not really much of a necroposter,so I haven't really given any thought to looking at old posts.... -v-'

'Kay, live and learn then.  ^__^

QuotePlus it's really impossible for it to be a catchall for all OSX. We can't really ignore those big cats. So I'll stick to the my pick which is she is System 7 (MacOS).

Oh no, I said we're not.  If anyone suggests we get rid of the kitty's, I'll literally have his/her head.  `v'
The underlying purpose of the catchall is to simply make her a "Generic" OSX, much like we had in mind making her a "Generic" Classic Mac, even though we already had an OS9, OS8, OS7, etc crawling about.

On the other hand, perhaps the hardware solution could help settle some redundancies.  Certainly the OSX-era Macs look different than the classic ones, especially now with their 'Mactel" machines.  ^__^

C-Chan added the following  3 hours 58 minutes after last message :

BTW, my latest C64/Amiga-tan pic recently when "Poster", so had to create an updated version with small fixes and an improved background.  Had it uploaded to the Gallery if anyone wants to take a look... ^v^


Speaking of Gallery, thanks to SleepyD's uploads, I realized the "Running OS-tan" series was a lot larger than I thought.  O__o

And the artist was nice enough to add together various OS-tan designs submitted, including the rarer ones like Linux-tan and MSX-DOS-tan.  ^__^

I say this kind of work must be commended!  ^v^
Not only that, but clearly stuff like this lends more credit to having Mac-tan coexist with the OSX kitties, as well as having the Rozen Maiden Vista coexist with other versions.  ^__^
The proof is in the making.  -v-





Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on October 13, 2006, 04:27:11 PM
I've always wondered who the Mac-tan in Alfamille's post was! I had a feeling it was a OS 8-tan, but I wasn't sure so I drew my own version based off that one just in case!

And apparently there is another rendition of Leopard-tan too. Looks good.  She looks a lot like Louise from Zero no Tsukaima but I just hope that she doesn't have the same personality as her though! That'd be scary! ;013

And that wallpaper with all 6 OS X wildcats = instant awesome to me! *explodes from delight* (Except there are 2 Vistans there too, but I like the Rozen Maiden-style one though)

But what's with the flying Homeko on the wallpaper below it? Can 2 Homekos coexist without fighting over Homeo? And who is that creepy-looking nudist next to XPMCE-tan? ;018 No wonder why she and the others are running away! But it's nice to see XMPCE-tan not looking trampy though-- *shot*

*gets back up*  And on the same wallpaper.. Redhat-tan and Fedora-tan! :D (They're 2 of my favorite Linux distro-tans)

And on that second to bottom one, it looks like 95-tan wants to attack 98-tan! (Possibly for the same reason as Secchan would? RUN 98-TAN, RUN!)
Title: Golly!
Post by: MisterCat on October 13, 2006, 05:43:46 PM
C-Chan, thanks for all this wonderful new art!  (Thanks to you, too, Ms Borealis!)  It's great stuff.


Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 13, 2006, 11:01:38 PM
Thank you MisterCat-san.
The Annex is here to serve all works of art, not just my own creations...  -v-

QuoteI've always wondered who the Mac-tan in Alfamille's post was! I had a feeling it was a OS 8-tan, but I wasn't sure so I drew my own version based off that one just in case!

Aside from the uber-chibiness of the one Alfamille posted, it does kinda look like a baby-version of the OS8-tan you drew.  So no worries here.  ^__^

QuoteAnd apparently there is another rendition of Leopard-tan too. Looks good. She looks a lot like Louise from Zero no Tsukaima but I just hope that she doesn't have the same personality as her though! That'd be scary!

Whoops, that complicates things.  ^__^
*stares at picture*  Actually, aside from the pink hair and the lighter-colored clothing, both your designs are similar.  Before I finish all the OSX wiki avi's, do you feel the need to alter your Leopard-tan a bit in light of this new discovery?  '_'


QuoteAnd that wallpaper with all 6 OS X wildcats = instant awesome to me! *explodes from delight* (Except there are 2 Vistans there too, but I like the Rozen Maiden-style one though)

Yeah, that one's my favorite too since it has a consistent number of OS-tans that I like.  ^__^

QuoteBut what's with the flying Homeko on the wallpaper below it? Can 2 Homekos coexist without fighting over Homeo? And who is that creepy-looking nudist next to XPMCE-tan? No wonder why she and the others are running away! But it's nice to see XMPCE-tan not looking trampy though-- *shot*

HAHA!!  Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that...  ^__^;
Later on, we should gather everyone to play a little "Who's that OS-tan".  Cause there are a couple I can't identify either.  ^__^'

(BTW, the nudist has 64 on it.  Hmmm.... *ponders* -___-)

Quote*gets back up* And on the same wallpaper.. Redhat-tan and Fedora-tan! (They're 2 of my favorite Linux distro-tans)

And the ones who inspired your particular designs, too.  ^.^

QuoteAnd on that second to bottom one, it looks like 95-tan wants to attack 98-tan! (Possibly for the same reason as Secchan would? RUN 98-TAN, RUN!)

FUfufu.... there's another bottle opener....  ^v^'

Actually of all the -tans shown, Linux-tan has to be my favorite one depicted due to her really BIG exposure... ^__^'
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: SleepyD on October 14, 2006, 12:14:11 AM
Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuotePlus it's really impossible for it to be a catchall for all OSX. We can't really ignore those big cats. So I'll stick to the my pick which is she is System 7 (MacOS).

Oh no, I said we're not.  If anyone suggests we get rid of the kitty's, I'll literally have his/her head.  `v'
The underlying purpose of the catchall is to simply make her a "Generic" OSX, much like we had in mind making her a "Generic" Classic Mac, even though we already had an OS9, OS8, OS7, etc crawling about.

On the other hand, perhaps the hardware solution could help settle some redundancies.  Certainly the OSX-era Macs look different than the classic ones, especially now with their 'Mactel" machines.  ^__^

I still stick to my vote on the catch-all OS X.  I'm a bit uneasy on the hardware thing...

Quote from: "C-Chan"
BTW, my latest C64/Amiga-tan pic recently when "Poster", so had to create an updated version with small fixes and an improved background.  Had it uploaded to the Gallery if anyone wants to take a look... ^v^


Jeff likes teh C64/Amiga.  Jeff likes background. Jeff likes sky. Jeff is pleased to see the birghtness of the sky with the tree gone. That is all. ^^

Quote from: "C-Chan"
Speaking of Gallery, thanks to SleepyD's uploads, I realized the "Running OS-tan" series was a lot larger than I thought.  O__o

And the artist was nice enough to add together various OS-tan designs submitted, including the rarer ones like Linux-tan and MSX-DOS-tan.  ^__^

I say this kind of work must be commended!  ^v^
Not only that, but clearly stuff like this lends more credit to having Mac-tan coexist with the OSX kitties, as well as having the Rozen Maiden Vista coexist with other versions.  ^__^
The proof is in the making.  -v-

I couldn't upload the entire thing to the gallery, but here is the image with all the walls put together.  Whether this was the original or if the artist just put them all together, I do not know.

Welp, it be here: http://xs207.xs.to/xs207/06416/runningacross-all.jpg almost 500k, so warning: big image.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 14, 2006, 12:43:09 AM
Okey-dokey, Aurora stays firm on green-haired Leopard-tan.  ^__^

*continues to keep original Leopard-tan Wiki avi on queue*

Though the little ribbon on the front is kinda cute... ^.^
Maybe just that little change, perhaps?  ^v^

As far as those relations go, I have and will have to tackle that question a lot as new OS-tan descriptions get added to the Annex (and the bios are being filled in slowly but surely, btw).

Actually, Mother/Sister relationships are pretty discretionary themselves and surely that's gonna get messy once we get to the Linux/Unix-tans.  But for now, I would say that a plain "sister" is simply a continuation of an OS release (e.g., Windows 95 > Windows 98 > Windows 98SE > Windows ME, etc.), while a "mother" should more-or-less be the first OS release (e.g., Windows NT or Windows 1.0 or Apple I or [of course] UNIX).

And for the others:

Twin Sister: Two independent variants of a common operating systems released and maintained at the same time (e.g., MS-DOS and PC-DOS)

Cousin::  The OS derived from a branch-off in an existing line.  (e.g., if DarwinOS becomes a successful enough OS to have her own "daughter" variants, those OS-tans would be cousins of the OSX kitties.  ^^)

Stepsister:  An OS is merged into an existing line straight from another company.  (should be very rare, but one possible example might be A/UX-tan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A/UX), who  at the time became an honorary member of the Mac family even though she was, in fact, a Unix-tan.)

Half-Sister:  An OS that's produced jointly between two companies, at least one of which already has a functioning OS.  (e.g., OS/2-tan is the half-sister of the non-NT Windows-tans, being a collaborative effort between Microsoft and IBM.  Interestingly, Amiga-tan is also a half-sister of the Commodore-tans, since she combines TripOS-tan's lineage with elements of the abandoned CAOS-tan, may she RIP.)  -_-

Godparent:  Not 100% sure if the Japanese follow any godparenthood (or equivalent), so not sure how this would translate to the OS-tan world unless the target -tans are specifically Western and religious.  I should note that there probably are OS-tans that could be considered "GodParent"-like (meaning unrelated OS that are not merged into an existing line, but still help it out in some way).  
NextSTEP-tan might be a good example, since she helped bring about the OSX line.  And as far as my preconcept design goes, Xenix-tan would be kind of like the old "godparent" and caretaker of the Windows line -- if not for her efforts to bring in revenue for an emerging Microsoft, we'd be glomping over completely different OS-tans today.  ^.^

C-Chan added the following  8 minutes after last message :

QuoteI still stick to my vote on the catch-all OS X. I'm a bit uneasy on the hardware thing...

Alrighty then, it does seem like fate is steering us more towards the catch-all option after all.  ^__^
Personally quite fine with that.  ^.^

QuoteJeff likes teh C64/Amiga. Jeff likes background. Jeff likes sky. Jeff is pleased to see the birghtness of the sky with the tree gone. That is all. ^^

Thank you SleepyD, He who doth refer to Himself by RL name and in 3rd person.... ^v^'
Yeah, wasn't happy with the tree, so just got rid of it.  Really does help brighten the mood, no pun intended.  ^__^

QuoteI couldn't upload the entire thing to the gallery, but here is the image with all the walls put together. Whether this was the original or if the artist just put them all together, I do not know.

Either way, it's beautiful work!  ^__^
Now I'm inspired to do the same one day for all the "OS-Tan Collections" -tans created.  ^.^

Anyway, I think I'll call it a day for now.  -v-
Not only does UNIX-sama need work, but I also have to look through all those cool galleries for upload material.  ^v^

And then we have to figure out who all those running OS-tans are, as there are a couple of ones that I've never seen before.  ^__^'
Post by: C-One on October 15, 2006, 10:18:48 PM

10 ? "Added Mac OS9.2 to the House of Mac' (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6101#post_6101).
20 ? "Changed DOS/V's affiliation from Windows Family to Dosse (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6107#post_6107), due to IBM/PC-DOS origins."
30 ? "Please note that bio files have already been added to MS-DOS thru Windows 98."
40 ? "Thank you very much for your patronage."


50 GOTO 40
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 15, 2006, 11:19:38 PM
Oooh,... in other words, you'll essentially write the bios for me.  ^.^

That could hasten the process by which I populate your -tans, so that does sound great.  ^___^

Thank you, Aurora-sama!  ^v^

[BTW, do you like the short bio format so far?  ^^']


C-Chan added the following  2 minutes after last message :

In other news, the Cheetah Wiki Avi is almost done.  ^.^

If I can average a kitty girl per hour, I might have everyone from Cheetah to Leopard by Wednesday.  ^__^

BTW, you sure you wouldn't like the small bow on Leopard-tan?  ^v^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on October 15, 2006, 11:30:05 PM
Yeah, I like the short bio format! It's straightfoward yet informative! (best of both worlds) Actually, Leopard-tan would look really cute with the little bow on top! ^^

And I'm also curious how you will draw the "unofficial OS-tans with multiple renditions". It's been mentioned before involving some sort of compromise to combine them but I don't know what you have in mind specifically for each OS-tan when combining designs.
Title: Say it ain't so!
Post by: MisterCat on October 16, 2006, 04:06:46 AM
Does this mean there's no place for DOS Kitty?  I'm hoping this is simply a misunderstanding on my part.  *fights back tears*


Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 16, 2006, 09:43:10 AM
Aurora:  I'm gonna have to deal with it carefully on a case-by-case basis.  Leopard-tan is probably a great example, since I specifically promised you a rendition of yours, but in light of this new discovery I feel obliged to honor the efforts of the other artist.  Hence, the little compromises here and there (such as keeping your hair color but the artist's bow).

MisterCat:  Hehe... well these are Mac kitties I'm working on at the moment.  ^^'
But even so, I disclaimed that the Annex is exclusively for OS-tans [with exceptions stated otherwise, in this case as C-One and Bash].  DOSKitty [which is kinda, sort of a prop really], the OS-kuns, App-tans, Hardware-tans, etc., will be part of the OS universe, but just won't have their own listing (at least not yet anyway).  ^__^
Title: Embassy returns!
Post by: MisterCat on October 16, 2006, 06:06:25 PM
C-Chan, I understand and respect the realistic limits you've placed upon the scope of this initial foray into the Wonderful World of -Tans!  Nevertheless, since this involves cats, it was my duty to bring the matter before the International Council of Feral and Household Cats (ICFHC).

Hence, I went to equatorial latitudes seeking opinions:


Then I visited the Frozen North to poll cats there:


Also, I dropped by many cat social clubs and sought input:


Finally, I traveled to Japan for consultation with the present Secretary General of the ICFHC:


Nervously, I passed the time as best I could whilst awaiting the Secretary General's ruling:


So now, I bring you good news!  It's been decided, via the weight of  popular opinion and the wisdom of the Secretary General, that your policy is fair and just; that cats are being given proper opportunity to receive credit they may deserve; and that cats throughout the world are well pleased with your progress on this vast project.  Cool, huh?

Pardon me, but after all this travel and palaver I require a nap.  I'll be back later....



Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 17, 2006, 12:10:14 AM
OMG, I know a friend and uber-cat lover (she owns and/or provides free board to 20 cats) who's gonna LOVE your latest multimedia presentation post!  ^v^

The Equatorial cat village in particular is almost straight out of Miyazaki's 'The Cat Returns'.  ^.^

Well, I'm glad the Secretary General went easy on this poor pig.  ^__^
The issue with DOSKitty is also confounded by the fact there's no consistency in her character.
She's either a cat, pure and simple (the way I like to keep it). ^__^

Or she's a changeling....


Either way, at least now I can rest easy.  Her mention in 3.11-sama's bio should suffice till the Annex starts to really pick up steam.  ^____^

Okey-doke, cat can go rest now, pig can get his lazy ass back to work.  -v-


C-Chan added the following  2 hours 45 minutes after last message :

Art update!  ^__^

Finished Cheetah-sama at least....


Puma and Jaguar are in progress.  ^__^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 28, 2006, 05:59:00 PM
*notices crashed C-One*

Ahh,.. no wonder it's been quiet over here on this front.... '.'

*reboots C-One*
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on October 28, 2006, 06:03:17 PM
*waking up*



Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 28, 2006, 06:06:02 PM
Oh boy,... -v-'

Yeah, um,... uh,......... you take five, C-One-chan....  ^^;
Try to get all those bugs out of your system there....  ^v^;

I'll, uh,...
I'll worry about the Annex for now.  ^^;

FYI, as far as real news is concerned, the Windows Family section is ready!  ^v^
I'll see if I can rush the Mac and Binteji Renmei sections ASAP....  -v-
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on October 28, 2006, 06:19:25 PM
Nice additions! Excellent C64 ROM emulator! I'm starting to get over my cold and I think my bad luck is improving!
*rampaging robot house crushes NewYinzer's car*
*calls police*
Police? I'd like to report a giant house that fell out of the air and destroyed my car. Okay? Thank you.
*screams like a howler monkey*
Post by: C-One on October 28, 2006, 09:54:43 PM

10 ? "Finalized Microsoft Family (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6100#post_6100) Thread'.
20 ? "All Microsoft Family (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6100#post_6100) members shoud now have a corresponding Wiki avatar and brief bio file."
30 ? "Added experimental placeholder Wiki avatars to the House of Mac (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6100#post_6101)."
40 ? "and Binteji Renmei (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6100#post_6102) members.
50 ? "Updated current information and uploaded the following completed Wiki avatars..."


(http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MacOSXCheetah.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MacOSXPuma.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MacOSXJaguar.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MacOSXPanther.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MacOSXTiger.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MacOSXLeopard.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MSX-DOS.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/Neptune.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/Odyssey.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/XPME.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/Vista.gif)

60 ? "Thank you very much for your patronage."


70 GOTO 60
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 28, 2006, 09:56:38 PM
Sheesh,... you make it sound like YOU did all the work this time.... *grumble grumble*  Ã,¬___Ã,¬

Yo, NewYinzer!  What's up.  ^___^
In case you didn't check out the Translation Thread, I have new Wiki avis to upload.  (Except maybe MSX-DOS, as there is no article for her on Wiki yet.)
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Alfamille on October 30, 2006, 03:41:34 AM
QuoteQuote from : C-One


10 ? "Finalized Microsoft Family (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6100#post_6100) Thread'.
20 ? "All Microsoft Family (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6100#post_6100) members shoud now have a corresponding Wiki avatar and brief bio file."
30 ? "Added experimental placeholder Wiki avatars to the House of Mac (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6100#post_6101)."
40 ? "and Binteji Renmei (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6100#post_6102) members.
50 ? "Updated current information and uploaded the following completed Wiki avatars..."


(http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MacOSXCheetah.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MacOSXPuma.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MacOSXJaguar.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MacOSXPanther.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MacOSXTiger.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MacOSXLeopard.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/MSX-DOS.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/Neptune.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/Odyssey.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/XPME.gif) (http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/C-Chan_2006/Vista.gif)

60 ? "Thank you very much for your patronage."


70 GOTO 60

Hey! I believe this is the first time I've talked to you.

With a set of Wiki avatars like that. The list of OS tan pages looks colorful and more interesting to people! good job you've been doing lately, keep it up!
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on October 30, 2006, 07:08:12 PM
BAM! Uploaded! All we need is a minipic for OS8!
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on October 30, 2006, 09:28:06 PM
*loads Romaji ROM*

10 ? "Konnichiwa, Alfamille-san"
20 ? "Yoroshiku onegaiteshimasu"

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 30, 2006, 09:36:05 PM
That's so cute.  ^.^

Yo Alfamille!  ^v^
Thanks for cheering us on, although clearly C-One-chan puts a pretty face on the project.  ^.^

Glad you're liking how the Annex page is turning out, although once I start uploading Wiki avis for unreleased OS-tans, THAT'S when things are gonna REALLY start cooking!  ^v^

I'm excited myself, though sadly, it'll be a while until I return to full swing.... -v-

And I have to return C-One back back to C64-chan for repairs, so we'll both be out of commission for a few days.  ^^'

QuoteBAM! Uploaded! All we need is a minipic for OS8!

Thank ye, NewYinzer!  ^__^
Don't worry, I can take care of the OS8 avi when I return.  ^v^

BTW, thank you for uploading the latest batch of avis!  ^v^
However, you sure it's okay that they're uploaded as GNU instead of Public Domain?
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on October 31, 2006, 06:11:12 PM
QuoteHowever, you sure it's okay that they're uploaded as GNU instead of Public Domain?

According to the upload requirements, you can upload ONLY your own work or work whose copyright expired years ago to the public domain. When the author has given permission, in this case you have, the GNU license is best. Although part of the image was created by someone at Futaba, they remain anonymous and their images remain free for people to use. If you have a better suggestion for policy, I'd be happy to consider adopting it when I upload to Wikipedia.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on October 31, 2006, 06:16:28 PM
Nah, now that you put it that way, the cow does sound like the better option.  Public Domain stuff on other hand can still be used for commercial purposes,....  ^^'

Alrighty then, it's settled.  GNU it is!
Thank ye, NewYinzer.  -v-
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Alfamille on November 01, 2006, 03:14:54 AM
I kinda have a little bit problem earlier when there is a message as I logged in to Wikipedia and tuned in to the "List of OS-tans" section.

But I think it's good now, since i give proper description of the image in terms of its copyright... ;001
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on November 02, 2006, 10:14:16 AM
Thank you for your diligence.  All in all, we seem to have taken control of the "list of OS-tans" article.  ^v^

Kind of great that we [OS-tan collections] were able to contribute "free" wiki avis to that article.  ^___^

I'd love to make free ones for Firefox, Nvu, Seamonkey and Opera, since they apparently pulled them off due to copyrights.... -v-'
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on November 06, 2006, 01:32:39 AM
Hear ye, hear ye!

After a VERY long series of distractions, I finally got a chance to sit down and finish the DR-DOS and QDOS-tan preconcept chibi renditions!  ^v^

Aren't they cute?  ^.^

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on November 06, 2006, 03:54:06 PM
Cute! I especially like QDOS-tan! She's the eccentric mechanic girl who isn't afraid to get dirty, isn't she? ^^ And that giant wrench of hers would make a good weapon!
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on November 06, 2006, 08:20:27 PM
Very Nice! As I said before, I LOVED DR-DOS-tan! QDOS-tan is also very cute with the giant wrench! Tim Paterson and Gary Kildall would approve! I suppose that DR-DOS-tan and QDOS-tan are sisters then (QDOS and DR-DOS were both based off of CPM)? Too bad for Seattle Computer Products and Digital Research! Two companies whose fortunes were decided by Microsoft and IBM!
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on November 07, 2006, 12:28:15 AM
QuoteCute! I especially like QDOS-tan! She's the eccentric mechanic girl who isn't afraid to get dirty, isn't she? ^^ And that giant wrench of hers would make a good weapon!

Fufufu.... Thank you, Aurora-sama.  ^___^

I wouldn't quite call her eccentric, but she is the famous "Quick and Dirty Operating System".  She can literally repair any busted thing imaginable, although the more complicated the hardware is, the uglier and "patchy" the repairs are gonna be.  ^^;

But although she is definitely a prodigy when it comes to mechanics, she's dumb as a rock (often confused with "naivety") when it comes to everything else  and regularly acts spacey (think Osaka from 'Azumanga Daioh').  She's also the shortest of the DOS-tans (roughly 3'10") and very easy to overlook until she's halfway into your boiler (or worse, your CPU tower).  So constantly in need of your attention, but otherwise a charming and helpful little mechanic girl.  ^v^

The giant wrench is really just a comedic tool for the chibi picture, much in the same way as DR-DOS-tan's oversized pills.  But since she can repair everything, there's no reason why she couldn't use those for planes or something.  ^^;

QuoteVery Nice! As I said before, I LOVED DR-DOS-tan! QDOS-tan is also very cute with the giant wrench! Tim Paterson and Gary Kildall would approve! I suppose that DR-DOS-tan and QDOS-tan are sisters then (QDOS and DR-DOS were both based off of CPM)? Too bad for Seattle Computer Products and Digital Research! Two companies whose fortunes were decided by Microsoft and IBM!

Thank you NewYinzer, and indeed M$ and IBM both suck in their own 'suck'erific ways.  -__-

Actually, for practical considerations, I've made CP/M and DR-DOS to be one and the same (hence her hair pin that reads "CP/M" instead of DOS).  That's because DR-DOS is literally CP/M remarketed, first by Digital Rivers, then by all the unGAWDly number of companies the OS has passed through.  One of the running gags for DR-DOS-tan is that she's had tons of aliases, and uses the certification and recertification degrees featuring each and every one of those aliases as wallpaper in her office.  ^__^'

Following that logic, DR-DOS is technically the first x86 DOS, and in turn, following my OS-tan family conventions, would make her the "mother" figure.  ^^
So QDOS-tan, being a 16-bit port developed by another company, should either be a daughter or a clone of DR-DOS-tan (then called CP/M-tan, of course.... ^^;).  PC-DOS and MS-DOS-tan, however, are definitely younger sisters of QDOS-tan.  -v-
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: CaptBrenden on November 07, 2006, 03:19:32 AM
Nice, but I still say your full sizes are better you cheater!  and there is no way I would let osaka work in my tower. *shutter* thats just scary.

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on November 07, 2006, 01:41:04 PM
QuoteNice, but I still say your full sizes are better you cheater!

BWAHAHA!!!!  ^v^
It's about time you admitted I cheat.  ^___^
Thankfully, with demand for my Chibi OS-tans far outstripping the full-sized ones at Youmacon, it would appear that cheaters prosper after all!  ^v^
(That, or it might've been cause the Chibis were cheaper....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬)

Quoteand there is no way I would let osaka work in my tower. *shutter* thats just scary.

Oh come now?  Surely there's nothing wrong with letting a spacey little girl with an obvious tool fetish screw around inside your CPU tower?  She knows how to discharge static, if that's what worries you.  ^___^


HAWK!!!  ^v^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: panithan on November 08, 2006, 02:07:50 AM
Huh? I thought there are 4 XP-tan...
1. XP Home
2. XP Pro
3. XP Media Center
Are you missing this one, C-Chan?

4. XP SP2

Or this is XP Pro in other costume?
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on November 08, 2006, 08:34:48 AM
Granted I'm missing a lot of them, but I'm not sure if XP SP2 deserves an entirely new OS-tan (then again, we do have 98 & 98SE,... -v-)

I'm definitely missing XP 64-bit, but still looking for a consistent design on that one.  ^__^

Annex is a work in progress still, so the moment we reach consensus on a new OS-tan, it gets added.  -v-

(Of course, since I'm not terribly fond of Windows-tans, other OSes get priority... Fufufu.....  ^.^)
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Darknight_88 on November 08, 2006, 02:32:32 PM
About Win XP SP2...no, it doesn't not need a new OS-tan. SP2 counts just as an update, mostly security fixes. That said, then we'd need 4 versions of Win2k (4 service packs).
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on November 08, 2006, 02:43:10 PM
Precisely.  ^__^
Besides, Deja Vu tried slipping in a later version of Windows NT, and look what happend to them.... ^v^;
Post by: C-One on November 12, 2006, 12:29:22 AM

10 ? "Populated bios for a number of House of Mac (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?p=6101#post_6101) members."
20 ? "Special thanks to Aurora for writing the bios and creating so many wonderful Mac-tans."
30 ? "Thank you very much."


40 GOTO 30
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on November 12, 2006, 01:23:52 AM
I am most pleased with the latest updates! Thank you C-One for getting so much done at once and thank you, C-Chan for hiring her. She's so polite! :D
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Alfamille on November 13, 2006, 02:31:16 AM
C-one has done a very good job so far! The Annex looks so neat and organized!  ;001

And to Aurora too! For adding life to Mac-tan roster ;010
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on November 14, 2006, 01:31:37 PM
*loads Romaji ROM*

10 ? "Konnichiwa, Aurora Borealis-san"
20 ? "Konnichiwa, Alfamille-san"
30 ? "Yoroshiku onegaiteshimasu"

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on December 07, 2006, 10:00:39 PM
*trots in*

Jeez laweez, what a mess.  What happened around here?!  >_<

*spots frozen C-One*

Crashed again?  GAWD, you're just as bad as ME-tan!  \ _ /

Come on, now!  Get back to work -- the Annex needs some major updates!  \ 0 /

*restarts C-One*
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on December 07, 2006, 10:01:43 PM
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on December 07, 2006, 10:11:41 PM
That's better.  `v'

Now,... go off and,... do,... stuff!  >o<
You ain't cheap, you know!  `.'

*clears throat*  Oh, and to Raffaele....
If you're see this, just wanted to let you know that I did visit your DeviantArt page.  ^___^

It's a bit small, but I do like what I see.  Your tribute to Akira Toriyama has some gorgeous curves, and I particularly like the efficient way you worked the curls in her hair.  ^__^

*takes down notes for potential curled-hair OS-tan*

And your Miyake-chan could be a deviant itself -- not sure why you keep it in the scraps section.  ^__^
Does bring back memories -- although I'm not fond of lechers as protagonists, Urusai Yatsura was a fun series nonetheless.  ^__^

Alright, that's all for this pig for now.  -v-

*trots off*
Post by: C-One on December 08, 2006, 01:58:12 PM

10 ? "If anyone is having trouble viewing Raffaele-san's rendition of MorphOS-tan"
20 ? "due to DeviantArt linking restrictions, here they are in their original"
30 ? "scale for your viewing pleasure:"




40 ? "This is in reference to thread"
50 ? "http://ostan.blackdiam.net/templates/gg_Harmony_blue/images/common/ft_topic.gif"
60 ? "Thank you very much for your patronage."


70 GOTO 60
Title: Ahh...!
Post by: MisterCat on December 08, 2006, 03:09:10 PM
Thank you, esteemed C-One, for your help in this situation.  Your good work here at the board is greatly appreciated!


Raffaele, those are very interesting drawings!  She's a nice-looking young woman, to be sure; and I quite like her headgear.


Post by: C-One on December 08, 2006, 11:08:16 PM
Cc Cccc!!!!

*loads Romaji ROM*

10 ? "Dou itashimashite, MisterCat-san"


*loads English ROM*

20 ? "Cleaned and updated the Annex Main Page (http://ostan.blackdiam.net/viewtopic.php?t=231)."
30 ? "Thank you very much for your patronage."


40 GOTO 30
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Raffaele the Amigan on December 09, 2006, 03:01:13 AM
Wow! Mille grazie C-One!

Domo arigatou gozaimasu C-One sensei!

Oh wise one... (http://www.faccinebuffe.it/smile/omini/omini12.gif) You resolved the problem far before I came here and attach my drawings directly.

However I already updated the discussion with attachs.

If I had knew you did it, I had avoided to make all the fatigue to attach it by myself.  ;012

Thank you again!
Post by: C-One on December 11, 2006, 11:19:31 PM


*loads Romaji ROM*

10 ? "Dou itashimashite, Raffaele-san."


*loads English ROM*

20 ? "I have transmitted the images of MorphOS-san to C-Chan and."
30 ? "am happy to report that I received a response from him today."
40 ? "Please allow me to convey his message...."


*loads PorkOS ROM*

Yo Raffaele!!!  ^__^
What's up?  How's it goin'?  ^v^

Just heard the big news,... that you released sketches of MorphOS-sama shortly after I had left!  'v'
Shoot, what a helluva time for me to go on vacation.  -___-;

Hopefully you're getting some good comments from my friends, whom I'm sure right now are raking in the post count.  ^__^
And if not, feel free to give them a good beating for not partying or going on NewYinzer-style posting rampages across admin threads.  ^v^
(Gwahaha!  I remember that....  ^___^)

Regardless, let me throw in my 2 Euro cents....  ^.^

*pulls out coins tube from carry-on suitcase filled-to-the-brim with Euro coins*

For one thing, by virtue of being, not only an alternative OS-tan, but MorphOS-tan at that, there's no way in hell I'm going to do anything but love it.  ^__^
And since the design is not all that dissimilar from my preconcept notion I had in mind for her, I love it even more,... enough to do disparaging things to the palm pilot I use in my travels.  ^^;

But even if that weren't the case, I still don't do criticism and probably am useless if you're looking for both "pros" and "cons".  You could try to seek out the great Darknight_88 in that respect; he may or may not say something about the broad shoulders, but even so tell him to go easy on you as it is just a sketch.  ^__^

Of course, in this day and age it's easier to fine roses growing in the sea than Darknight in our threads.  ^^;

So guess you're just stuck with praises and suggestions then.  -v-

First the praises.....

(That way, Amiga-chan can be my in-law.  ^__~)

Not much to say about pic #1, but #2 is a wealth of interesting perspectives.  ^__^
Might be the helmet, but for some reason she keeps reminding very strongly of Nausicaa,... more so than Nadia.  It doesn't help that Amiga-chan's personality is partly based on Nausicaa (with some parts Belldandy and Sakura mixed in), so it seems natural to me that MorphOS-chan would have a little some of that.  ^__^

Her expressions speak volumes, btw.  She strikes me as a kind, friendly and elegant young lady, but also strong-willed and independent, with a Linux-like courage that befits her own use of a helmet.  ^__^

Now suggestions.... -v-

Placing the butterfly wings on the helmet instead is an original idea; even though I feel putting some larger cyan wings on her back instead would make for a more powerful and dramatic effect, I also don't want the helmet to look empty.  ^___^

So how about a patented C-chan compromise....  -v-


A) Move the butterfly wings to her back (and naturally enlarge so she can fly really fast, not unlike these Might and Magic characters)...

(http://www.archangelcastle.com/ab/p_sprite.gif) (http://www.archangelcastle.com/ab/conflux02.jpg)

B) ...and at the same time, put smaller pegasus wings (as in PegasosPPC) on her helmet (and maybe even sharpen the angles to get a cooler effect).  Maybe it's cause I'm a coin collector, but Mercury comes to mind  (albeit with butterfly antennae)...


Try it out for effect and see if it sounds feasible.  ^__^

(FYI, the reverse also came to mind (butterfly wings on helmet, angel-like wings on back), but it's not as aerodynamic and besides the butterfly is the stronger symbol.  ^.^)


Can't really say this until there's a colored version, but I was thinking,... as a homage to the elegant Ambient GUI, how about making the helmet a tinted semi-transparent material?  Either crystal or plastic (well okay, crystal,... can't be cheap with MorphOS-chan... ^^;).  That way, you can offer a design feature that's not been tried before, add another layer of beauty for her, and also allow her gorgeous hair to be (almost) viewable at all times.  ^__^

Eyes are a big thing for me -- especially in the AmigaGold family line (excepting TripOS who's part of the older generation), i'd love to see each member have unique eyes.  Naturally Amiga-chan already has rainbow eyes and AROS-chan will undoubtedly be feline.  For MorphOS, I always envisioned her's as lumiscent cyan (of various degrees, of course -- mildly glowing most of the time, but raging fiercely as a goddess' eyes when very active).  'v'

Also, a correction on your height.  I believe 170cm is actually much closer to 5'7".  But for C-chan's purposes, C-chan likes that very much more.  ^___^
In fact,.... -v-


*lecherous grin*  C-chan might just lobby for 172cm.  ^w^
But that's my limit, as story-wise it's still important for Amiga-san to be the tallest of the AmigaGold-tans.  (AROS-tan should probably be a shorter pre- or early adolescent-type, given that she's still the least feature-rich.)

Weight seems low, but not a problem for me since I usually omit that from my Annex (most girls worth their salt wouldn't want it posted, you know...).  ^__^
Flatter chest is fine by me.  -v-
I view the OS-tan "memory" thing as being relative to the age of the system.  That's why Amiga-san, who should have inverted breasts by today's standards, is in fact quite well-endowed because it was a completely different story in her heyday.  ^__^

And that's about all I have to say about that.  ^__^
It ain't easy typing on a Palm, you know,... even more so for a pig... ^.^'

Just some quick news about my vacation, though.  ^v^

Everything's going fairly well,... stopped by a certain South American country to view an interesting conference and pick up some coins, then flew over to several European countries to pick up more coins.  I'm actually embarrassed to say I stopped by your country and didn't visit ya, but as it was only to transfer flights (and pick up coins), I was strapped for time.  ^^'
I did get to see Rome a little, and while at the Piazza di Spagna I got to meet some new friends. ^.^

Here's a picture of me with them.... -v-


Cute as buttons, aren't they?  ^__^
Don't ask me about the guns, though -- I was just there to flirt, not ask them 50 questions... fufufu.... ^.^

I'm in Moscow now, picking up coins, and I'll be heading over to NewYinzer's favorite country to pick up more coins and maybe sign a few trade deals while I'm at it.  -v-

Art isn't as prolific as I thought, but I am still getting a few things done.  Nearly done with eComStation-tan and it's looking quite nice if I may say so (probably the reason why it's taking so long to finish...  ^^;).  Maybe by tomorrow I'll be able to relay it to C-One so she can post it to the Annex.  ^v^

Plus I have more ideas for other smaller projects too.  -v-

BTW, please make a colored version of MorpOS-chan as soon as you can.  ^__^

I REALLY want to make a chibi version of her so badly.  ^v^

Must.... draw.... MorpOS-chan.....  That's.... Priority One.... @v@

Alright, that's all for me.  ^__^
I'll send you the bill for the transmission time, since it was your awesome artwork that made me praise so much.  ^.^

Please say hello to my fellow forum goers for me!  ^v^



I mean, "Ciao".  ^.^

*loads English ROM*

50 ? "Thank you very much for your patronage."


60 GOTO 50
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Raffaele the Amigan on December 12, 2006, 05:10:47 AM
Actually in the week-end I extended more MorphOS concept...

And I explored other solutions without helmet (or headgear), and more than battlesuit, I draw her wearing an all-days common life seifuku uniform.

I believed that a battle suite with winged helmet it is original! I am quite happy that you all find it if not pretty good at least interesting and different from other OS-TAN solutions...

Quote from: "C-Chan"
Might be the helmet, but for some reason she keeps reminding very strongly of Nausicaa,... more so than Nadia. It doesn't help that Amiga-chan's personality is partly based on Nausicaa (with some parts Belldandy and Sakura mixed in), so it seems natural to me that MorphOS-chan would have a little some of that. ^__^

Well... Nausicaa wears just a white aviator leather cap...


(this is a black one... but fits the idea...)

I get most inspiration from Robot anime girl of early '80...

For example Baldios Robot:



Here she is Jamie:




And Starzinger princess Aurora (Starzinger it is also known as Spaceketters), an ending '70 futuristic remake of Son Goku-Saiyuki middle age japan tale



I like very much those sexy heroines from eighites in their suite all plastics (techno-plastics) or leather, or compound fibers (as clearly stated in some animes! And compound fibers was a very sci-fi solution in those times)...

In the end of '70 almost all heroes and heroines wear headgears.

Luna from Kyashan (Casshern)



Also I had in mind some minor anime like Cosmo Rangers Jota9


And the idea of power stick/baton it is not from Sakura...

In the early '80 all manga mahou shojo (magical girls) have one to transform themselves:

Princess Gigì aka Minky Momo


Or Creamy Mami


I just desired to indicate the continuity from Amiga to MorphOS.

Amiga donate her power to MorphOS, and this is done via the magic/power stick...

Also the power stick as being hold into hands indicates that Amiga it is something EXTERNAL to the body of MorphOS...

Added after 1 hours 1 minutes:

Here are some more ideas:

Added after 5 minutes:

Added after 7 minutes:

Sometimes I get well inspired!

Here she comes:


Added after 1 minutes:

And an early color version of it....

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on December 12, 2006, 05:19:34 AM
Your MorphOS-tan is really cool! I especially like her butterfly helmet (never seen anything like that before!) and that she's a magical girl! Extra coolness! ;010

And wow! Anime were really different back then! The art-style for some almost looked like American cartoons (but now all anime these days have their own very distinct style) and magical girls' outfits were a lot simpler back then too!
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Pitkin on December 12, 2006, 05:32:06 AM
Yaaay! It's about time a 'classical' magical girl appeared! ^o^

Raffaele-san no suketchi ga daisuki da yo! ^__^

But my opinion counts for nothing... I always say, 'I love it', and I cannot help it... >_>

Still, they're awesome. T_T
Title: here she comes!
Post by: Raffaele the Amigan on December 12, 2006, 05:32:41 AM
This a sketch very close to final design!

[attachment deleted by admin]
Post by: C-One on December 12, 2006, 09:32:11 AM

10 ? "Added all new preconcept renditions of MorphOS-tan into her section [The Wanderers]."
20 ? "Special thanks to Raffaele-san for all his hard work."
30 ? "I will expedite copies of all your latest work to C-chan, as I "
40 ? "know he will love them very much."
50 ? "Thank you all very much for your patronage."


60 GOTO 50
Post by: C-One on December 13, 2006, 03:39:23 PM

10 ? "I am happy to report that I received a response from C-chan today."
20 ? "Please allow me to convey his message...."


*loads PorkOS ROM*

Yo Minna-san!!  ^v^
O-genki desu ka, y'all?  ^__^

Hehe,... I've been through hell.  ^^;
You'd think I'd have trouble in NewYinzer's favorite country, but ironically it's in Japan where I'm stuck....  ^v^;
Apparently there's some issues with me hauling 15 suitcases filled with coins.  -v-;
I'd ship 'em, but already spent all my paper yens on Meiji-era coins and maxed out my three credit cards at Akihabara.  So till I get some paperwork straightened out, this is where I'm staying for the remainder of my vacation.  ^^;

But it's not all bad,...

All those romance comedy titles were right -- it really IS easy to attract harems here. ^__^

They're crawling all over the place, waiting for unsuspecting losers to swarm over.  ^v^;

I'm staying with a particularly-zany troupe of high school girls, which is great cause I ain't got no money for hotel fees.  ^^;

Here's a picture... -v-


I'll be back on Friday, btw.  ^v^
Which is great cause I've only got, like, 2 minutes of battery power on this thing and am too embarrassed to use their outlet.  ^___^
(but not flirt, go figure... -v-)

Just some quick bullet points:

1) Finished my eCS-chan pic!  ^v^
This is now my most advanced picture made to date!  A great experiment for dynamic lighting and stuff on Inkscape!  ^-^
I know have enough confidence to go ahead with the Captain's 2.0/3.11 pic.  -v-


Larger version (http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Images/eCS-tan.jpg)

2) Raffaele-san, WHY didn't you submit those wonderful pictures earlier?!!  ^0^
I mean I liked your sketches, but these were beyond awesome and cuuuuuuuuute!
And I'm a sucker for cuuuuuuuuute!  ^.^
I'll say more when we get back, but I love that extra flexibility of having her switch between normal and battlesuit mode.  That way, we can definitely combine the best of both worlds!  ^v^

Make sure you finalize quickly so I can do a chibi.  Already have a preconcept notion for AROS, but might wait for your input in case you were interested in making one as well.

And dude,... hehe,... wrong Sakura.  ^^;

Yeah, I know, I'm cruel.  -v-

3) Aurora-sama!  ^v^
Check out my new eComStation pic to see someone veeeeeeeery familiar to you!  ^v^
Oh, and your pre-Mac wiki avis are on the way!!!  ^V^
The sooner I get them ready, the faster C-One can finish the House of Mac section of the Annex.  -v-



Oh #&@%!  Low battery... -v-

See y'all fri--

*loads English ROM*

30 ? "eComStation-tan's picture has been uploaded to the Anti$oft Coalition (http://ostan-collections.net/viewtopic.php?p=6103#6103) page."
40 ? "Thank you very much for your patronage."


50 GOTO 40
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on December 13, 2006, 04:38:44 PM
*looks at picture*

All 5 of the A$C members have known character designs! This calls for a celebration! :D

Also excited about the upcoming update for the House of Mac!

And you having 15 suitcases, did you smack anyone with one of them? A certain suitcase-wielding OS-tan would be proud! ^^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on December 13, 2006, 08:12:01 PM
Yeah...I've been contributing to the gallery and Wikipedia. As for other stuff, I've been on a domestic vacation (essentially an excuse to post less and enjoy the last few days before winter break). Sweet...Tandy-tan!

QuoteYo Minna-san!! ^v^
O-genki desu ka, y'all? ^__^

Hehe,... I've been through hell. ^^;
You'd think I'd have trouble in NewYinzer's favorite country, but ironically it's in Japan where I'm stuck.... ^v^;
Apparently there's some issues with me hauling 15 suitcases filled with coins. -v-;
I'd ship 'em, but already spent all my paper yens on Meiji-era coins and maxed out my three credit cards at Akihabara. So till I get some paperwork straightened out, this is where I'm staying for the remainder of my vacation. ^^;

But it's not all bad,...

All those romance comedy titles were right -- it really IS easy to attract harems here. ^__^

They're crawling all over the place, waiting for unsuspecting losers to swarm over. ^v^;

I'm staying with a particularly-zany troupe of high school girls, which is great cause I ain't got no money for hotel fees. ^^;

Here's a picture... -v-

*holds in tendency for head to a splode*

Well...C-Chan...it's good that you're in Japan...

*holds it in*

...and those harems and bathhouses must get tiring...

*holds it in*

...kinda cool considering my new fun is only to look at North Korean propaganda and finish a huge social studies report...

*holds it in*

...you're really living the life of Piro/Keitaro/Negi/Suguru...

*holds it in*

...and those girls you're with...

*head a splodes*

Seriously, it's great to hear you're having a great time in Japan. Don't forget to take a picture of those vending machines where you can buy...

*gets hit in the head with fan*

Perverted thoughts are bad!

*regains composure*

Anyway, all jokes aside, have a nice time!
Post by: C-One on December 13, 2006, 08:59:38 PM

*bows apologetically*

10 ? "I am very sorry to remind you that C-chan will not return until Friday"
20 ? "so he will not be able to reply to any of your inquiries at this time."
30 ? "But I will brief him on your questions and comments immediately upon his return."
40 ? "Please accept my apology for this inconvenience, NewYinzer-san."
50 ? "Aurora-san."

*bows apologetically*

50 ? "I can at least offer to say that there are officially only 4 members in"
60 ? "the Anti$oft Coalition.  eCS-tan has been excluded membership but I have been"
70 ? "unable to confirm the reason provided for this.  Nonetheless, I will be happy"
80 ? "to order vending machines and party supplies if you are interested in holding"
90 ? "celebrations."
95 ? "Thank you very much for your patience."


99 GOTO 95
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NewYinzer on December 13, 2006, 09:19:14 PM
*starts reading from script found among trash at convention center*

Everything I tell you is a lie -- remember that! Everything I tell you is a lie! Now listen to me carefully, C-One; I - am - lying!

*finishes lines*

Now that you're confused, C-One, get me some soramimi cake!
Post by: C-One on December 13, 2006, 09:41:02 PM
*bows apologetically twice*

*loads Romaji ROM*

10 ? "Moshio ka arimasen"
20 ? "Hai, douzo meshiagare..."

LOAD "Soramimi Cake" 8, 1

SORAMIMI CAKE (http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Images/soramimi_cake.mp2)
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on December 16, 2006, 12:18:20 AM
OMG!!!!!!!!  WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?!!!!!!!!  >O<





*chases after C-One in piggy rage*

Added after 10 hours 33 minutes:

Shoot, lost her.  -v-

Well, okay, till I can find her again and find out what the deal is with all this junk, let me go ahead and reply to Raffaele-san.  ^__^

A continuation of our undocumented discussions if you will.  ^^


QuoteWelcome again.

Tell me about your journey.

Spanned all continents except Antarctica (that'll be next month), in search of rare and delicious coins.  ^__^
Met tons of beautiful ladies that had no problem being around a talking pig.  ^__^
And drew to my hearts content.  ^v^
Actually drew my eCS-tan picture a little too much,...
Though I finished it faster than my old hand-drawings, it was hardly efficient compared to my recent standards.  Oh well, it was an experiment anyway.  ^^;

BTW, I didn't realize this when I sent you over there, but the main Annex page was completely screwed up.  Apparently when we switched domains, half of my links were ruined -- meaning all the links to my artwork were lost along with it.  ^^;

It's fixed now, so feel free to revisit the site if you'd like.  ^__^
My pictures usually begin with "C-chan" something or other, of course.  ^v^

QuoteThere are things you must say on about Miggy, so I am preparing a compendium to be added to your Annex.

I will let you read it soon.

That's good.  ^__^
You may not have realized upon first glance, but both Amiga and ZX Spectrum are using an older biography format.

The modern format is more like what what you see in the Windows and Mac sections, meaning I will eventually need to rewrite the articles for Amiga and ZX Spectrum.  So that's a good a time as any to add/revise based on your expertise.  ^__^
Also would be nice if we could flesh out the Wikipedia section on Amiga-tan so it doesn't look as desolate -- I would've done it earlier, but without many drawings for her I worried about purists attacking.  ^^;

QuoteMOS: I am wondering if to continue last sketch, or change a bit hair style, in a shape like thiese two letters: "MD".

Hmmm,... hair seemed fine to me like this....


Maybe if I saw this "MD" hair I might change my mind, but I'd rather you just proceeded with what you've gotten so far.  The concepts you've come up with are great, and besides you'll tweak them anyway during the drawing process.  ^__^

Besides, I yearn to make a chibi MOSchan.  ^v^

Speaking of which, I should've clarified the whole Mother>Daughter bit regarding her and Amiga.
I use the term "Daughter" loosely here, since it only means MorphOS shares "material" from Amiga, but not necessarily that she was nurtured, lived with or was physically conceived by Amiga (unlike with Windows NT and all the modern Windows-tans that everyone likes).  The actual term for MorpOS (or AROS) would be a "clone" of Amiga, but naturally "Daughter" is sweeter and much more personal label that the kinder OS-tans (like Amiga-san) would use.  "Clone" is better used for the shakier relationships, such as VMS with Windows NT or Unix with Linux back in the early 90's.  ^__^

BTW, have you thought of an AROS-tan at all?

I'd like to draw one along with chibi MOSchan (she and AROSkitty would be protecting AROS-tan), but if you have one planned I wouldn't want to step over your work or ignore any of your design concepts.  '__'

I can at least put my ideas on the table so we compare if necessary, and use/disuse anything that is/is no relevant to the real OS:

- She is younger-looking.  If MOSchan is still 17, I'd put AROS as a 12 or 13 body-type.
- Not sure of the hair color, but it would only be of medium length and only slightly wild (the current mascot's hair suits a much older body-type).
- I always picture her with winter gear for some reason -- a nice plush burgundy coat, grey stretch pants, white mittens and boots (likely thinking of the mascot again)
- She has a small tail and drooped cat ears.
- Her eyes are feline and also very penetrating -- though a pacifist, her looks deters aggressors.
- She is not a magical girl like MOSchan but she is clairvoyant, able to listen to the thoughts and feelings of animals, inanimate objects, and other sounds inaudible to MOSchan or Amiga-chan.  (x86 systems are more widespread than PPC and Pegasos -- so she's more "in-tune" to a greater user base)
- She is intelligent, but shy and reserved, and somewhat insecure about her abilities or the power she could be wielding with more confidence.
- Her companion AROSKitty, however, is bold and aggressive, and in a way looks after AROS-tan until she can finally fully fend for herself.

QuoteI agree about her '80 dress and about the Gala dress...

'80 dress is really good:

See here for example Sandybell '80 cartoon:

Wow, you're right!  The girl to the right is definitely spot-on to the kind of clothing I'm looking for.  ^__^
Might need to change the color slightly to make it more "Commodore"-looking, but otherwise excellent observation Raffaele-san!  ^v^

Now it's just a matter of actually getting to the drawing.... -v-'
It'll include her, Commodore PET, VIC-20, 64 and 128, all in their former uniforms and colors, so that'll definitely take a while.... ^v^;

QuoteAnd she also is an orphan and when adult she is working as freelance journalist all around the world...

Already have her as a freelance artist, but as communication is important I can definitely see her creating more than a fair share of newsletters and exposes.  And naturally she excels at video editing, so it'd be a good way to keep her skills from dulling.

In that case, AcornMOS-tan would likely seek Amiga-chan's sevices quite a bit (AcornMOS = OS for old BBC Micro computer).  ^___^

QuoteMay you haven't noticed it, but Amiga was the second coloured GUI interface in the history of computing right on the market (Atari ST preceded it of six months if I remember well... Or was just it the opposite?)

But Amiga sure was the first GUI of which any user could hange aspect, colours and even editing mousepointer and icons...

Sho she should have an enormous collection of dresses of various colors, including a Gala one...

Hehe, I see what you mean.  It's also a nice way to compensate for the lack of release-specific OS-tans -- whereas the Windows girls have the luxury of having one OS-tan for each major release, poor Amiga-chan only has herself.  ;__;

That does it then, time to consider some new clothing for her.  ^__^

Indeed I'll definitely do the 80's Commodore pic and the gala dress -- after that, we'll think of more styles for her to try out.  ^__^

As far as the gala dress goes, I'd like to pair her with at least another OS-tan in the same pic.  Or maybe even an OS-kun, as it was originally intended as a date scene.  Just not sure who in either case, and probably can wait till the time is right.  ^^;

Funny you mentioned the Atari's GUI, btw.
That would be GEM-tan, no?
Aurora-created one a while back, and it is in fact GEM-tan who (according to the date scenario I described) handcrafts the boing-ball crystal earrings that accompany the gala dress.  I guess now there's an added dimension to this, since Amiga was able to live the life that GEM wanted but ultimately was denied.  Almost like saying, "Please be happy for both of us."

Indeed, the more I think about it, the more enticing the prospect of seeing Amiga-chan dolled up is for me as well.  Gala dress it is!  I know Pitkin would happily pay to see that.  ^___^

QuoteC-Chan wrote:
QuoteHAHAHA!!! ^v^
Required reading, then... ^v^


Read the section entitled "Breast Size, Hunger and Memory", and you'll see what I mean. ^.^
[lecherous] Guess a girl needs at least one venue to talk dirty. ^w^

*sits down and waits for Amiga-chan to crash*

Remember me that I must introduce you to Amiga Ram-Disk option included into her deep, making her consuming large amounts of RAM with unexpected dynamic results...

Haha!  I know this requires some added clarification to anyone new to this conversation.  ^__^

Essentially, Raffaele-san and I are exploring new and exciting ways to spice up the Guru Meditation crashes of Amiga-chan.  ^__^
Thus far, the self-diagnosis options can lead to rather XPesque-style humor.  I like it.  ^__^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Raffaele the Amigan on December 17, 2006, 02:56:34 AM
Quote from: "C-Chan"
A continuation of our undocumented discussions if you will.  ^^

Yes, as I said on PM, feel free to made it public.

Quote from: "C-Chan"

Quote from: "Raffaele the Amigan"Welcome again.

Tell me about your journey.

Spanned all continents except Antarctica (that'll be next month), in search of rare and delicious coins.  ^__^
Met tons of beautiful ladies that had no problem being around a talking pig.  ^__^
And drew to my hearts content.  ^v^

We all saw the photos...

And be prepared to be "crunched" because you just passed to Italy without saluting "the Family"...



(Here you an spot an ancient image of an U.S. Gold videogame (for Amiga and AtariST featuring our "patron")

Quote from: "C-Chan"
Besides, I yearn to make a chibi MOSchan.  ^v^

Well... just wait and see...

Quote from: "C-Chan"
Speaking of which, I should've clarified the whole Mother>Daughter bit regarding her and Amiga.
I use the term "Daughter" loosely here, since it only means MorphOS shares "material" from Amiga, but not necessarily that she was nurtured, lived with or was physically conceived by Amiga (unlike with Windows NT and all the modern Windows-tans that everyone likes).  The actual term for MorpOS (or AROS) would be a "clone" of Amiga, but naturally "Daughter" is sweeter and much more personal label that the kinder OS-tans (like Amiga-san) would use.  "Clone" is better used for the shakier relationships, such as VMS with Windows NT or Unix with Linux back in the early 90's.  ^__^

Hope that this flowchart could help you:


Quote from: "C-Chan"
BTW, have you thought of an AROS-tan at all?

Nope, because you announced you are working at it.

Quote from: "C-Chan"
I'd like to draw one along with chibi MOSchan (she and AROSkitty would be protecting AROS-tan), but if you have one planned I wouldn't want to step over your work or ignore any of your design concepts.  '__'

Chibi AROS-Tan playing with AROS Kitty, and MorphOS chan supervisioning the little girl playing with cat will be KAWAIII and funny...

As you saw from flowchart AROS and MorphOS are mutually depending each other because they share the same AmigaDOS (command line interface "keyboard only" GUI) like engine, because MorphOS team asked AROS team the permission to include their Open Source DOS module into MorphOS, as in those times (5 or 6 years ago) it was almost ready and already available.

Quote from: "C-Chan"
- She is younger-looking.  If MOSchan is still 17, I'd put AROS as a 12 or 13 body-type.
- Not sure of the hair color, but it would only be of medium length and only slightly wild (the current mascot's hair suits a much older body-type).
- I always picture her with winter gear for some reason -- a nice plush burgundy coat, grey stretch pants, white mittens and boots (likely thinking of the mascot again)
- She has a small tail and drooped cat ears.
- Her eyes are feline and also very penetrating -- though a pacifist, her looks deters aggressors.
- She is not a magical girl like MOSchan but she is clairvoyant, able to listen to the thoughts and feelings of animals, inanimate objects, and other sounds inaudible to MOSchan or Amiga-chan.  (x86 systems are more widespread than PPC and Pegasos -- so she's more "in-tune" to a greater user base)
- She is intelligent, but shy and reserved, and somewhat insecure about her abilities or the power she could be wielding with more confidence.
- Her companion AROSKitty, however, is bold and aggressive, and in a way looks after AROS-tan until she can finally fully fend for herself.

I believe it is all good, and it will be pretty to have AROS-tan with tail and cat ears playing with an AROS kitty (a sort of tributing homage to Eric W. Schwartz)

Quote from: "C-Chan"
Quote from: "Raffaele the Amigan"I agree about her '80 dress and about the Gala dress...

'80 dress is really good:

See here for example Sandybell '80 cartoon:

Wow, you're right!  The girl to the right is definitely spot-on to the kind of clothing I'm looking for.  ^__^
Might need to change the color slightly to make it more "Commodore"-looking, but otherwise excellent observation Raffaele-san!  ^v^

A little reminder for those who knows nothing of Sandybell(Sandybelle)


Quote from: "C-Chan"
Now it's just a matter of actually getting to the drawing.... -v-'
It'll include her, Commodore PET, VIC-20, 64 and 128, all in their former uniforms and colors, so that'll definitely take a while.... ^v^;

Quote from: "Raffaele the Amigan"And she also is an orphan and when adult she is working as freelance journalist all around the world...

Already have her as a freelance artist, but as communication is important I can definitely see her creating more than a fair share of newsletters and exposes. And naturally she excels at video editing, so it'd be a good way to keep her skills from dulling.

Don't forget Audio skills. For all age of 8 bit audio, Amiga was the best, and teached music even to MS-DOS and Windows upto 3.1/3.11.

An entire generation of PC musicians was grown with AmigaMod files played on their 8bit Soundblasters...

Do you remember .MOD files and MOD players and Soundtracker editors?

And more...

Did you know that:

All Information Technology of an Amiga program called Bars&Pipes was bought by Microsoft because its internal structure was used to get inspiration and create the audio section of DirectX.

Bars & Pipes



Quote from: "C-Chan"
In that case, AcornMOS-tan would likely seek Amiga-chan's sevices quite a bit (AcornMOS = OS for old BBC Micro computer).  ^___^

Quote from: "Raffaele the Amigan"May you haven't noticed it, but Amiga was the second coloured GUI interface in the history of computing right on the market (Atari ST preceded it of six months if I remember well... Or was just it the opposite?)

But Amiga sure was the first GUI of which any user could hange aspect, colours and even editing mousepointer and icons...

Sho she should have an enormous collection of dresses of various colors, including a Gala one...

Hehe, I see what you mean.  It's also a nice way to compensate for the lack of release-specific OS-tans -- whereas the Windows girls have the luxury of having one OS-tan for each major release, poor Amiga-chan only has herself.  ;__;

That does it then, time to consider some new clothing for her.  ^__^

Indeed I'll definitely do the 80's Commodore pic and the gala dress -- after that, we'll think of more styles for her to try out.  ^__^

As far as the gala dress goes, I'd like to pair her with at least another OS-tan in the same pic.  Or maybe even an OS-kun, as it was originally intended as a date scene.  Just not sure who in either case, and probably can wait till the time is right.  ^^;

The screenshots I shown you may help you figuring the various other GUI look&feel aspect.

See also here:

Workbench Nostalgia site:


All the various versions of Amiga GUI...

Quote from: "C-Chan"
Funny you mentioned the Atari's GUI, btw.
That would be GEM-tan, no?

Aurora-created one a while back, and it is in fact GEM-tan who (according to the date scenario I described) handcrafts the boing-ball crystal earrings that accompany the gala dress.  I guess now there's an added dimension to this, since Amiga was able to live the life that GEM wanted but ultimately was denied.  Almost like saying, "Please be happy for both of us."

Amiga can wear more and more dresses than you can imagine...

Amiga emulated in those times all other systems, Including:

PC Intel 8088 MSDOS, PC 80286, PC 80386SX and DX and 80486SLC and running upto Windows 3.11.

This was done either by hardware emulators and software emulators (8088 and 286) when Amiga reached high speed 68040 and 68060.

Amiga Sidecar gives Amiga1000 a complete PC 8088 at its side. She power it with her graphics facilities.

In the photo you can see Amiga Workbench Screen underneath, with PC screen on the front going upsy-daisy, thanks to unique Amiga capability of scrolling screens of various resolutions...


Amiga A2091 Bridgeboard 286 card for Amigas with expansion card slots:


Vortex pc-ATOnce gives power of 286 (complete with CGA EGA and VGA) into Amiga500:


Amiga Vortex Golden Gate 486SLC and VGA card for Amigas with expansion card slots:


She also emulated in those times Atari ST thru emulators like the german Medusa:



Or even Macintosh:

AMax Amiga card to read ROMS of macintosh and connect Mac "variable speed" floppy disk readers:






Emplant Macintosh emulator card emulates various other computers like PC 286:


And an image of explicit text buried into silicon of Emplant card:




(Amiga was particularily skilled in emulating Atari and Macintosh due to the fact the shared same Motorola 68000 family of processors)  ;010

Also Amiga generates various replacements to standard workbench GUI:

Here is ScalOS:


Directory Opus: A directory Lister which then evolved in a complete GUI called Magellan:



here follows two images too big:



AROS Zune/Wanderer:


MorphOS Ambient:



(Hei! C-OneTAN will be happy for this! Here in the player you can spot Jeri Ellsworth the mommy of Commodore-One, aka C-ONE computer)

Also programs into Amiga can have their own graphics (their own dress) even in personal screens separate from main Amiga screen:






These facts:

Enanchement of GUI engines to became object oriented

Multiple different GUI solutions

Emulation of other systems of the market

it all let us free to create any kind of Gala dress for Amiga-TAN

Also her name "Amiga" it is the anagram of "Magia" that in latin stands for "Magic"...

And the fact she could emulates also other systems changing face with "shapeshifter" let us free eventually to render her graphically as a Mahou Shojo, a Magical Girl...

Added after 15 hours 19 minutes:

 ;015  OH!

I forgot to mention new Feelin interface for all Amigas (AmigaOS MorphOS, AROS)

It is based on XML intenal engine.


Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on December 18, 2006, 12:46:13 AM
Hehe,... FYI, it's probably best not to try and PM C-One.
She's forbidden from participating in anything outside of the Annex thread, which is why you've never seen her in any other thread.  ^__^

Well, with that out of the day.  -v-

QuoteWe all saw the photos...

And be prepared to be "crunched" because you just passed to Italy without saluting "the Family"...

Hoho,... who says I didn't?  `v'
But I ain't gonna make it public if I did, of course.  ^-^

If I recall, wasn't the Amiga and AtariST capable of 16-bit gaming long before consoles?  Yes, I believe that's right.  -v-

QuoteHope that this flowchart could help you:

Oh right, that's the one I saw on Wiki too.
Essentially, that's the very flowchart that gave me the idea!  ^v^

Before that I was like.... MorphOS what?  AROS who?  ^__^;

QuoteNope, because you announced you are working at it.

My schedule is packed, but a MorphOS/AROS chibi pic can't take me too long.  I'll start once you've finalized MOSchan.  That way, you'll have time to design her the way you want, and I'll have time to finish the Captain's picture.  -v-

QuoteChibi AROS-Tan playing with AROS Kitty, and MorphOS chan supervisioning the little girl playing with cat will be KAWAIII and funny...

As you saw from flowchart AROS and MorphOS are mutually depending each other because they share the same AmigaDOS (command line interface "keyboard only" GUI) like engine, because MorphOS team asked AROS team the permission to include their Open Source DOS module into MorphOS, as in those times (5 or 6 years ago) it was almost ready and already available.

Gyaaah!!!  That sounds impossibly cute!  ^v^
I'm in the process of watching an anime series called "Karin".  It's strictly speaking a comedy, but one episode with the main character Karin and her younger sister Anju was very heartwarming, and made me think a lot about the MorpOS/AROS pairing.  I wouldn't actually see AROS-tan smothering her "onee-chan", but there definitely would be sisterly love of the most charming kind.

QuoteI believe it is all good, and it will be pretty to have AROS-tan with tail and cat ears playing with an AROS kitty (a sort of tributing homage to Eric W. Schwartz)

Hehe,... a "tribute" is the safest thing, but it should also work to enhance the cuteness in its own way.  Heck, if it works for 3.1-sama,...


QuoteDon't forget Audio skills. For all age of 8 bit audio, Amiga was the best, and teached music even to MS-DOS and Windows upto 3.1/3.11.

An entire generation of PC musicians was grown with AmigaMod files played on their 8bit Soundblasters...

Do you remember .MOD files and MOD players and Soundtracker editors?

And more...

Did you know that:

All Information Technology of an Amiga program called Bars&Pipes was bought by Microsoft because its internal structure was used to get inspiration and create the audio section of DirectX.

Bars & Pipes

Gyaah!!  MS bastards pillaged everything!  >_<
But oh well, que sera sera.... -v-

The music part can be added too, but methinks that's where we start getting into the drama she used to have with her stepsister C64-tan.  
Cause PANchan was known for her excellent musical ear as well, and would've scorned Amiga's attempts to "steal the title".

She would've kept on doing art and video, since these were impossible for "Onee-san" to handle.  But I can see Amiga-chan surpressing her own musical talent so as to not overshadow her sister's.  This habit would carry through to the present day, only now C64-tan would've long gone over that petty jealousy.  Now she actively encourages Amiga-chan to let people hear her beautiful singing voice, although easier said than done give her complex. -v-

QuoteThe screenshots I shown you may help you figuring the various other GUI look&feel aspect.

See also here:

Workbench Nostalgia site:


All the various versions of Amiga GUI...

*cries*  That's just said that OS4 is there, taunting us.
And we can't use it (the full version, anyway)..... ;____;

QuoteAmiga can wear more and more dresses than you can imagine...

OMG, that's a lot of pictures.  ^^;
Couldn't have presented those points better even if you had written them on me with a marker.  ^___^;

(and heck, you even slipped in the MorphOS and AROS GUIs in there too)

There's certainly no lack of will to make more costumes for Amiga-san, now that it's become more and more clear that she deserves a far more powerful leadership role.  Certainly her ability to "emualate" other systems so easily makes it easier to understand why she's so remarkably charismatic to the vintage-tans (and everyone she meets, for that matter).

Now it's just an issue of time.  ^v^'
But emulation does present some interesting cosplay possibilities.  -v-

*images Amiga dressed up as 3.11-sama, holding AROSkitty for effect*


*plots and schemes other cute things*  ^.^

These facts:

Enanchement of GUI engines to became object oriented

Multiple different GUI solutions

Emulation of other systems of the market

it all let us free to create any kind of Gala dress for Amiga-TAN

Also her name "Amiga" it is the anagram of "Magia" that in latin stands for "Magic"...

And the fact she could emulates also other systems changing face with "shapeshifter" let us free eventually to render her graphically as a Mahou Shojo, a Magical Girl...

Hehe... that's an interesting way of putting it, and would offer some logical connection to MorphOS-tan's magical girl abilities.  ^__^

But while I would love seeing Amiga as a magical girl, that seems like a secret weapon we can keep hidden away until a climactic moment warrants it.

I mean, she grew up in an environment where her stepsisters never supported her, her company stifled her potential, and her users never really needed anything overly powerful (users requiring "magic" could simply ask AMIX-tan for help), so there was no way for her to realize her magical girl potential then.  And nowadays, she keeps her own potential down so as not to distance herself from her vintage friends.  You can't realize what you don't want, need or don't know you have.  -__-

But surely one day, something terrible might happen.  The Binteji Renmei could be invaded, her sisters could be in trouble,... or MorpOS/AROS could be in peril.  Naturally she would desperately try to help them, only to quickly come to the realization that years of her own neglect has left her powerless to help her friends/sisters/daughters.  Still that won't stop her, and she'll keep trying even if it costs her her life.

And just when things get the most dramatic....

With a passionate yell and a blinding late.....

Her true form.... Magia-sama.....

It's the stuff of legends, I tell ya.  ^__^


I forgot to mention new Feelin interface for all Amigas (AmigaOS MorphOS, AROS)

It is based on XML intenal engine.

Hehe,.. methinks that's too many pictures.  ^___^;
Sorry if my brain can't handle all that data.  -v-;

*brain explodes*

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-One on December 18, 2006, 12:48:20 AM
Cccc ccc....

*cleans up mess left behind by exploding C-chan*

10 ? "Ellsworth-sama..."

*grovels with reverence before image of Jeri Ellsworth*
Post by: C-One on December 30, 2006, 11:27:08 PM

10 ? "Updated MacOS9.2-tan profile in the House of Mac (http://ostan-collections.net/viewtopic.php?p=6101#6101) section."
20 ? "Thank you very much for your patronage."


30 GOTO 20
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on December 31, 2006, 11:07:04 AM
Saw the update and 9.2-tan's avi is really cute! Btw, how is C-Chan doing on those other Mac-tan avis?
Title: REPLY
Post by: C-One on December 31, 2006, 04:44:27 PM
*loads Romaji ROM*

10 ? "Chotto matte kudasai."

*beckons Fark-tan over*

*borrows printed signs and starts looking through them*

*pulls out sign that reads "Slacking Off"*
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on January 24, 2007, 11:41:55 PM
[continued from http://ostan-collections.net/viewtopic.php?p=12674#12674]

QuoteI didn't save the proposal of Warp-tan at Futaba. I'm calling my memory and it probably looked like this. I have tried to find the image again for many times at everywhere but it fails. And in addition, the proposal image didn't seem to be drawn by the proposer. Maybe he picked a game CG or something and just put "OS/2 Warp" logo onto it. It didn't get comments at all.

*sigh*  That does strike me as odd considering how important OS/2 was in relation to Windows back in the past.
But then Linux is still largely ignored in the OS-tan scene, so maybe that's not so odd?  '__'

Admittedly, before I began learning about OS-tans, I didn't know OS/2 existed.  ^____^;

Like most users, my world then revolved around Windows and Apple and this elite thing called "Linux", although once I heard about this exotic Operating System called "BeOS".  And that was all I knew.....  -v-'

QuoteI'm running OS/2 related web site in Japan and have connections between some worldwide OS/2 webmasters. So if we need to ask OS/2 users something, please let me do it. Most of OS/2 users are old enough to hesitate 2D stuff, however. (OS2World.com is polling to ask which animal is good to be eComStation's mascot....eh, animal!?)

Haha!  Animal.... ^__^'
For eComstation, I'm surprised they're debating such a silly thing.  -v-

Obviously a swan makes the best animal mascot for eCS, and I've already seen several used on wallpapers.
Clumsy and old-fashioned outside of its element, but graceful and majestic within its element.  ^___^

Then again, maybe they'll modernize the interface a little in eCS 2.0 so it won't have that 1990's feel to it.  If that were the case, I would purchase it definitely.  ^.^

Thank you for the offer to liason with other OS/2 users, by the way.  ^___^
I'm not very knowledgeable about technical stuff for ANY system, so I'd be too shy to approach OS/2 users who are surely the elite of the elite.  ^v^'

I can't even summon up the courage to approach an AmigaOS forum, even though I've heard Amigans are notoriously friendly (albeit a little elitist themselves... ^^')

QuoteShould I list unique points of OS/2 here?
- Branched from same root of WinNT.
- User says "OS/2 is very stable". doubtful in many cases...
- Many companies used to use it for mission critical system (e.g. automated teller machine of bank).
- GUIed OS but requires small memory. (I tried 8MB system. It took 20 minutes to boot...but it did work!)
- Enough modern OS (DVD playable, DVD burnable, Firefox workable, USB usable) but nobody knows.
- IBM stopped OS/2 support at end of 2006.

Sadly I haven't gotten a chance to write OS/2-tans's biography on the Annex page, so most of the details for her character are still stuck in my head.  ^^'
But based on what I read before and what you're telling me here, this is how her backstory is more or less:

- In my backstory, OS/2-tan was born during the era when Microsoft (M$) and IBM were still cooperating.  It was a cloistered childhood -- she had everything she needed, but saw or dealt with few other OS-tans in the market outside of her immediate family:  Windows 1.0-tan, MSDOS-tan, PCDOS-tan, Xenix-tan.  

- OS/2-tan was trained from the start to be the operating system of the future -- although she was a nice girl, she would at times come off as a little overconfident and arrogant.  When Windows 2.0-tan was born, for example, OS/2-tan took pity on what she thought would be the "last Windows" ever created, and looked after her like an overprotective step sister.  Soon both would become genuinely friendly though.

- Naturally, 3.0-tan's birth and rumors of M$'s secret collaborations with non-IBM entities (to creat NT), were (to not get too much into details) what broke up the family.  I will leave the cause of the breakup ambiguous -- but rather than say that IBM betrayed M$ or M$ betrayed IBM, I'm convinced that it was purely intentional.  IBM may have lost money in their software business, but since then made a fortune in the hardware business catering to "WinRot".  ^___^

- OS/2-tan would take the loss of her family hard, but was still firmly loyal to her company.  Plus it was her hope that in defeating the WIndows line, the victor could decide the rules,... hence, she would fight in order to get her family back.

- It was during the so-called "OS Wars" of the mid 90's that she finally got a chance to face off against the Windows champion (95-tan) -- the battle that ensued was long and hard, and although OS/2-tan almost succeeded, her company accidentally(?) sabotaged her effort, handing the victory to 95-tan.

- This loss + IBM's growing indifference to her + watching the world fall in love with (in her mind) devious OS-tans + her own lonely life, are what begin to drive her a bit insane and vengeful. Since she was still too loyal to take out her frustrations on IBM, she focused all of it on the Windows-tans.

- The section on the Anti$oft Coalition is in the front page of my Annex, but she does get funding for it by brokering various "financial assets" (e.g. automated teller machines).  ^__~

- In a potential story idea, it's shortly after IBM discontinues her (12/31/2006) that events lead her to discover the truth behind IBM's own treachery.  The truth is naturally devastating, but also liberating especially now that she has friends and "family" (eCS) by her to support her.  After that, her personality and vengefulness softens considerably.

As for her personality:
- At the moment she is cold and professional, and not particulary friendly unless you're a user or a Star Trek fan (based on the old version names).  Deep inside, however, she is still a natural-born leader and very considerate (leftover traits from her childhood).

- She has a strong vendetta against all Windows-tans -- and it's usually during fights where OS/2 the cold and calculating fighter destablizes into a berserk, trigger-happy mess.

- Her uniform is Star Trek inspired, and she uses a phaser as a primary weapon (but lately it hasn't worked very well due to part shortages,.. due in turn to poor sales in her business and no support from her no-good company).  ^^'

- Her long hair has a life of its own, and can branch out into several "threads" like an octopus that independently handle different tasks.  Very useful at the office, and gives her an added advantage in fights -- but unlike eCS-tan who can generate many more threads, OS/2-tan is limited to the mass of her hair.  ^__^'

- Her only OS-tan friends are all part of the Anti$oft Coalition right beside her, and include RISC OS-tan, TRS-DOS-tan and QNX-tan (part-time).  All of them are, or where, sleeper hits in the OS market, so I thought they'd make for a nice and odd group of friends.  ^__^
All out of humor can be had from the mismatched chemistry between them, the botched plans to destroy M$, and the constant funding problems.

- eCS-tan isn't a member of the A$C, but instead is OS/2-tan's self-proclaimed biggest fan and little sister.  OS/2-tan has always been put off by the young girl's energy, cheerfulness and clinginess to her, but admires her powers and her great potential.  She slowly but surely warms up to eCS-tan, and slowly discovers additional secrets about her.

Sorry, I think might have bored you.  ^___^'

QuoteWow thank you!
I set it to my server's wallpaper (http://www.serina.org/~online/desktop.html.en)(^^)

Whoops!  Oh no, I'm not finished with that yet.... ^^'
I need to shade, highlight and add 4 more characters behind her.... ^v^'

Added after 11 hours 10 minutes:

I'm sorry, couldn't continue work on the wallpaper today.  -___-

Will try again tomorrow though.  ^__^

The end product will look great on your WorkPlaceShell snapshot, I hope.  ^v^

By the way, you know I'm basing the montage on this artist's work, correct?  'v'

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on January 26, 2007, 12:46:45 AM
*sigh*  No good,... I think weekdays (or at least on THIS week) aren't very good for me, cause I lose a great deal of efficiency drawing at weird hours.  ^^;

Oh well, some minor progress...

Finished adding the rest of the details to OS/2-tan and her flag.  No shading yet, or other characters.  eCS-tan will be next.  ^.^

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Raffaele the Amigan on January 27, 2007, 11:48:19 AM

Regarding Sandybell and the fact she looks like your Amiga-TAN, here is to you two links that may help you:



Italian historical opening:


Unfortunately in the opening you could see her only as a girl, and not adolescent or mature with her complete style- look wearing the hat.

Only in the fixed image used as background of the title of the episode, you could spot her a bit, while wearing the hat and flashing photos. But I think it is not just enough for you.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on January 29, 2007, 12:02:20 AM
Fufufu.... you overestimate me, Raffaele-san.  ^__^
I'm uber-easy to satisfy.  ^v^

The fixed image you sent me before was enough, but certainly seeing Sandy Belle in motion was a real treat!  ^___^
You're right, even if it is the younger version, she captures the spirit of Amiga-tan spot-on!  ^v^

(Besides, Amiga-chan had to been young at some point, so it gives me some interesting ideas on how I could depict her in an 80's rendition along side her Commodore stepsisters.)  ^.^

Thanks for finding those, Raffaele-san!  ^___^

Sorry, btw, if I'm currently in an OS/2 mindset, but I'll return back to the Amigold's shortly.  ^.^
I still have that rendition of Amiga-san in that gala dress to finish.  ^^;

Added after 13 hours 15 minutes:

Had a few stalls, but managed to squeeze in some time to work on the OS/2 montage!  ^v^

Current additions include eComstation-tan.  ^__^

Still missing 3 other characters and shading...  ^v^'
Sorry for the slow progress.  ^___^;


Added after 12 hours 28 minutes:

UPDATE!!!  ^__^

RISC OS-tan added!  ^v^

Two more characters to go, plus shading... ^.^


Added after 8 hours 46 minutes:

Yay!  Managed to squeeze in QNX-sama very quickly.  ^__^

One more character to go + shading....

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on January 30, 2007, 12:37:35 AM
Added TRS-DOS-tan!  ^__^

Shading's all that's left!  ^v^


Also, since it's almost nearing completion, here's my first 1024x768 version.  ^.^

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on January 30, 2007, 04:01:34 PM
Great job, C-Chan! And it'll be even more awesome when shading is added! By the way, how does eCS-tan make those threads? (But she could take advantage of that ability of hers and reenact scenes from "SpiderMan" though!)

BWAHAHAHAHA! QNX-sama took Tandy-tan's book! (But I like Tandy-tan a lot too and she's probably my favorite of the OS-tans you made) I didn't know she could be such a troublemaker! :D
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on January 30, 2007, 04:45:30 PM
QuoteGreat job, C-Chan! And it'll be even more awesome when shading is added! By the way, how does eCS-tan make those threads? (But she could take advantage of that ability of hers and reenact scenes from "SpiderMan" though!)

Fufufu,... come to think of it, this is the first time you see eCS-chan multi-threading.  ^.^
For OS/2-tan, the art of multi-threading comes naturally -- it's built into her hair.  ^v^
eCS-chan however needs the use of a special device in her hand (that metal circular thing you see in her big picture: http://www.verytragicalmirth.com/Images/eCS-tan.jpg).

The threads aren't nearly as strong or as autonomous as OS/2-tan's, but they have a far greater range and she can generate many, many more of them.  ^___^

So you can imagine why sowing with them is super easy for her, in addition to other daily chores and hobbies... ^.^

But they're especially fantastic for fighting, as the make her into a cross between Spiderman (as you say) and Walter from 'Hellsing'.
Even if you disable her multi-threader, though, her hand-to-hand is nothing to sneeze at either. That's why it's a little hard to understand why she prefers to be a pacifist.  -v-'

QuoteBWAHAHAHAHA! QNX-sama took Tandy-tan's book! (But I like Tandy-tan a lot too and she's probably my favorite of the OS-tans you made) I didn't know she could be such a troublemaker!

I think you told me that QNX-sama was a bit of a trickster (maybe half the reason reason OS/2-tan calls her "Q").  ^___^


OS/2-tan = serious
eCS-tan = playful/serene.
RISC-tan = Sweet
TRSDOS-tan = crone

So naturally, we need someone to stir up a little mischief every now and then.  ^.^

Besides, it's the only way she could get tired ol' Tandy-tan to join the race.  ^v^'

BTW, if you do like Tandy-tan that much, I guess I should create a bigger version of her soon.  She's very very old, but still has her cute look and I don't think this uber-chibi style gives her any justice.  ^^;
(though you drew her quite nicely atop that roof... ^v^)
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Tsubashi on January 30, 2007, 08:41:16 PM
Wow! It looks amazing, I can't wait till it's done!

Though I don't think "crone" is a good descriptor here...

Quotecrone |krÃ...n|
an old woman who is thin and ugly.

ORIGIN late Middle English : via Middle Dutch croonje, caroonje ââ,¬Ëœcarcass, old eweââ,¬â,,¢ from Old Northern French caroigne ââ,¬Ëœcarrion, cantankerous womanââ,¬â,,¢ (see carrion).
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on January 30, 2007, 08:57:25 PM
Hehe,.. nope,... definitely a crone in spirit at least (and in the old part -- you do know when TRS-DOS/TRS Tandy Computer line was released, right?).  ^v^'

If I ever do any 4koma work, that's probably what OS/2-tan will call her.  ^^;

(The things people put up with for free tech support, ....  -v-;)

Added after 2 minutes:

Thank you, BTW.  ^__^

My inspiration for that montage design is not far from here.... ^v^'

Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Tsubashi on January 30, 2007, 09:29:07 PM
Quoteyou do know when TRS-DOS/TRS Tandy Computer line was released, right?

Well yes, of course, I was thinking the "thin and ugly" part didn't fit. But you're right, she is very old
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on January 30, 2007, 10:18:12 PM
Fufufu.... ^.^

(http://www.computermuseum.li/Testpage/TRS-coco.jpg) (http://www.computermuseum.li/Testpage/TRS-80-Model-IIgif.gif)
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on February 01, 2007, 12:27:49 PM
Sonotori-desu!!  ^v^

The TRS computer line is definitely from the late 70's, nipping right at the heels of the Apple II and Commodore PET.

Between ][chan, PETchan, HABitchan (aka Atari "8-bit) and Tandy-chan, they're all pioneers and should be the best of close friends.  ^__^

As it so happens, though, Tandy-chan wants nothing to do with the Binteji Renmei....

Hmmmm....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Kami-Tux on February 09, 2007, 10:15:45 AM
No new Unix/Linux-Tans? :(

BTW: The Kami-Tux is back
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on February 09, 2007, 10:29:40 AM
OMG!!!!!!!!!!  TALK ABOUT A BLAST FROM THE PAST!!!!!  ^___^

Actually, you're wrong this time....  -v-

While other OS-tans keep distracting me away from Unix-sama (I've even drawn an eComStation-tan!!), and you're not around to serve as a Unix lobbyist, I did manage to produce a really sweet little Linux chibi:


It's a combination of both the original GNU/Linux design, and Juzo-kuns.  ^__^

So don't give up yet,... and try not to disappear for months on end this time.  -v-'

Added after 1 minutes:

Oh, and we also have a new OS-tan Wiki, so I'm slowly but surely phasing out the Annex contents.

So no new updates are gonna be appearing on the main page going forward.  -v-
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Kami-Tux on February 09, 2007, 10:33:24 AM
Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! Well done!

*downloads as soon as the bandwidth is no longer meassured in bits per fortnight*
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Alfamille on March 01, 2007, 10:36:03 AM
Quote from: "C-Chan"Fufufu.... ^.^

(http://www.computermuseum.li/Testpage/TRS-coco.jpg) (http://www.computermuseum.li/Testpage/TRS-80-Model-IIgif.gif)

I saw that thing months ago being kept in a hardware storage on the nearest computer school from here.

I only remembered that because it always displays the message "BOOT ERROR HC". Although I have no idea what that is....
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on March 01, 2007, 01:50:52 PM
You now, I actually made a mistake about that.  The second picture's fine, but the first picture references the Tandy Color Computer, which despite the same model number is a totally different system (and does not use TRSDOS-tan as it's OS).  Fortunately, a CoCo-tan is already available.  ^.^

FYI, due to the existence of the Wiki, I'm slowly phasing out the use of the Annex.  Just in case anyone was wondering why it hadn't been updated in so long.  ^__^'
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Bella on March 31, 2007, 12:11:04 AM
This thread is incredible! It's filled with lots of info I've been wondering about!
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on March 31, 2007, 12:22:09 AM
Thank you Bella.  ^__^

Unfortunately, I'm discontinuing this thread since a lot of the info on the main page will be migrated to the OS-tan Wiki.  That's why neither I nor C-One have kept this thread updated recently.  -___-

It also used to be where I posted all my new artwork, but as the current trend is to create user-specific art threads, i think I'll try that too eventually.
Might call it "C-chan Concoctions" or something like that.  ^v^

Hopefully, though, the Annex list might inspire you to create OS-tans you hadn't considered before.  ^___^
Naturally, though, I was far from finished -- I only posted as many as I felt comfortable working on at the time, but even then I knew there were still 10x more OSes in existence (past and present).  ^___^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Bella on March 31, 2007, 08:47:35 PM
QuoteHopefully, though, the Annex list might inspire you to create OS-tans you hadn't considered before. ^___^

Perhaps...I liked the first page and the backstories behind the different families and factions. It also answered some questions I asked regarding the relations of the different Windows-tans. It kinda makes me want to do a magna about the different groups...if only I could come up with an good idea, let alone muster the attention span XD
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on March 31, 2007, 09:04:26 PM
Thank you again, Bella.  ^^

A manga's a big job, so certainly wouldn't want you to overextend yourself like I have.  ^^'

But certainly if you need ideas, I have plenty to spare.  ^.^

While not working on a manga per se, my next big project will in fact be a "visual novel" of sorts (I call it a "micro-OVA").  If it's successful, I'll probably integrate more elements of these backstories into them.  ^__^

For the first planned micro-OVA, however, the setting will be back in 1985, before any of these factions existed.  -.-
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: chuk90 on July 02, 2007, 06:29:49 AM
What does it mean if their breast size get bigger? :|
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on July 02, 2007, 09:11:24 AM
It means you gave her more RAM....  -v-

I'd show you the perfect picture illustrating the point, but...

a) You'd have to be over 18 to see it.  ^^;

b) It involves a Mac-tan, which may not appeal to a hardcore Vista fan such as yourself.  -v-;

c) Not sure if this is the thread for it.  I mean I don't mind anything being posted here, but I kinda haven't touched this thread in months.... -.-;
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NaGeL on July 08, 2007, 06:16:41 AM
konnichiwa C-chan and C-One!
this topic is great!!! i have found all the info i was wondering abot the Os-tans.

is there a posibility that your goinng to make the same database with the Console or program-tans? like Firefox or norton?
i would be really happy, it would help me with the fanfic i write on my own language, if i know them better.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Tsubashi on July 08, 2007, 02:45:29 PM
Well, the annex thread has somewhat been discontinued in favor of our OS-tan wiki (http://ostan-collections.net/wiki/Main_Page). It's not finished, but we hope to eventually include all OS-tans.
Still, what Senpai did here was amazing, and really helped start the wiki. It's probably why he is such a great wiki contributor/moderator! ^__^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on July 08, 2007, 04:58:47 PM
Thank you NG, thank you Tsubashi-san.  indeed, the Annex has been discontinued, but fortunately the Wiki is intended to cover Console and Program-tans as well, so to answer your question,....  yes and no.

Yes,, we'd love to do the same for Console/Program-tans (although it will be MUCH more difficult), and no it won't be here in the Annex page.  ^___^

BTW, hopefully in your fanfic you'll feature some of the non-Windows-tans you've seen around these parts.  ^.^
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: CaptBrenden on July 08, 2007, 08:44:39 PM
Speaking of discontinued.. I was under the impression we locked this too.. I need to go through alot of old closed topics and make sure they are really closed
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: C-Chan on July 08, 2007, 10:30:04 PM
Even though I may not like it, I really don't see myself doing anything else here -- though I liked it, it was also a bit of a resource drain.

Very well, we can lock but not delete.  -.-
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: fedora-tan on March 29, 2010, 01:17:14 PM
If you want to participate in improving this topic, please PM me. It's locked to prevent vandalism.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: MaccasWell on June 02, 2010, 03:04:32 PM
Could all posters re-post as soon as possible as there is a lot of broken links (404 Errors), and could some of you who posts through Photo Bucket get them out of there and put them in the forums where they are supposed to be posted?

I'm sorry to sound like I am winging, but I (and I strongly believe many others agree) know that many have had problems accessing Photo Bucket either during registration or when logging in after registration.

Also there are (as I said), a lot of broken links not only on this page but other links in other parts of this forum, especially where access to pictures are required.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: NejinOniwa on June 02, 2010, 03:16:33 PM
Well, most imagery is private user-uploaded pics in the first place - afaik, the gallery isn't easy to use for such purposes, but I dunno.

Anyway - many posts by many different (and possibly dead) users mean lots of work for the admins. They have PLENTY of such already. I wouldn't load this on them for nothing - you'll have to ask nicely and see.
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Chocofreak13 on June 02, 2010, 06:02:40 PM
half these people don't even access anymore. it feels a little lost, sadly. :[

and what a random necropost. and who's complaining? this is the first i heard about that.... :\
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Alex S on June 02, 2010, 06:07:52 PM
Speaking of necropost, when did this get unlocked again?

I get the impression that it was locked previously by the discussion on this page (Fedora even posted so...).
Title: OS-tan Annex Project
Post by: Aurora Borealis on June 02, 2010, 06:22:10 PM
This one is very outdated and should be closed.

The current version is here (http://ostan-collections.net/viewtopic.php?t=231), with discussion in this thread (http://ostan-collections.net/viewtopic.php?t=1187).