OS-tan Collections

Lounge => General Chat => Topic started by: fedora-tan on February 06, 2010, 08:24:47 AM

Question: How do you feel about the new forum signature standards?
Option 1: They are just right votes: 4
Option 2: Could be smaller...(post why) votes: 0
Option 3: Could be larger...(post why) votes: 0
Option 4: We need to do away with them completely votes: 0
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: fedora-tan on February 06, 2010, 08:24:47 AM

I would like to attract attention of everyone on the rules regarding signatures :

Quote6.b : Signatures maximum size is 500x90 pixels (width x height) all included. If you use pictures, the total maximum size is 50kb for all of them. Animated pictures in signatures are allowed, even if not recommended, as long as they fit the total 50kb maximum size and dimensions.

Therefore, i count on all members to respect that so everyone can enjoy reading the posts without being bothered by signatures.
I attract your attention especially on the 90px height and 50 Kb size limit.

Any signatures not fitting those criterias by the end of next week will be removed by myself. It may eventually lead to a deny to put further signatures for concerned members.

Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Red-Machine on February 06, 2010, 01:06:17 PM
Fedora-dono, my maths always sucked, so could you confirm whether or not mine is acceptable?  If not, what would I need to do to make it so?

Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: fedora-tan on February 06, 2010, 01:23:08 PM
Currently it is 200 pixels height, 400 pixels width for a total of 221Kb.
Allowed is 90 pixels height, 450 pixels width for a total of 50kb.

Details :
35 pixels height for KagurazakaAsuna, 3.5Kb
20 pixels for all pictures below (6 times == 120 pixels total)
* Elfen Lied : 5.2kb
* Swat 4 : 101Kb
* Anime : 90kb
* Msdos : 1Kb
* Win98 : 15Kb
* Amiga : 6Kb

Suggestion : Removing the animated signatures, which are size-hogs, or making them static. height is twice too much, so just try to half it ;)
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Red-Machine on February 06, 2010, 01:30:16 PM
This better?
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: fedora-tan on February 06, 2010, 01:40:06 PM
It's better but still not fitting (20 px for text + 35 for KagurazakaAsuna + 20x3 for the 3 bars == 120px, spaces included)

Why not something like that ? (it's a suggest, maybe it looks crap)

Else, your current one fits with just the KagurazakaAsuna removed.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Red-Machine on February 06, 2010, 02:02:39 PM
I think I'm safe now, swapped the Asuna one for a smaller version and deleted the MS-DOS one.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: fedora-tan on February 06, 2010, 02:03:35 PM
Perfect, thanks for understanding !  ;21
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Red-Machine on February 06, 2010, 02:04:11 PM
Btw, is anyone here good at making these userbars?  I'd like a Windows ME User one, but I can't find any and I'm crap at it myself.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Sora on February 07, 2010, 12:40:42 AM
Is mine within the limit?
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: fedora-tan on February 07, 2010, 02:43:19 AM
Yes, 5 lines of text makes exactly 90 px height ;hi
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Chocofreak13 on February 08, 2010, 08:57:13 AM
i realize i'm not within the limit. could you post a picture that is 90px high as an example?

(i was meaning to change my sig anyway :\ )
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: NejinOniwa on February 08, 2010, 10:05:54 AM
Also, pic in my sig is 90px high, as a reference.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: fedora-tan on February 08, 2010, 12:12:25 PM
I'm fully aware that i'm going to be considerated a old picky moron but if i may, i would point the fact that the 90 px are for overall sig (pictures + text) and the width is 500px max... but well, i say that, i say nothing...  ;151

As info, a normal line of text takes approx. 20px height.

All in one, i really appreciate the efforts and comprehension of every of you so far, i know the sig is something quite personal so thanks  ;hi
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Last Angel on February 09, 2010, 12:50:52 PM
why my signature doesnt appears? O-o
i cant understand it x3
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Sora on February 10, 2010, 01:18:21 AM
Did you click "attach my signature" when you posted?
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: fedora-tan on February 10, 2010, 04:41:48 PM
Quote from: "Last Angel"why my signature doesnt appears? O-o
i cant understand it x3

I have activated the option for you in your account :)
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: fedora-tan on February 12, 2010, 06:24:46 AM
Like announced, all signatures that are not matching the rules are removed from their owner's sigs. Please consider shrinking them if you want to put them back.

I tolerated up to 110px while 90 is the max allowed, but i consider over that is not acceptable.

Thank you for your understanding  ;hi
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Chocofreak13 on February 12, 2010, 09:02:09 AM
^^ compromise is nice. ^^
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Bella on February 12, 2010, 10:39:24 AM
I'm just going to stick with snarky text from now on. >.> <.< >.>
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Chocofreak13 on February 13, 2010, 01:03:14 AM
i has idea for my snarky text, so i can post more than what is allowed.

.gif!! make a gif with all the text just looping. ^^ and make it 90 px high. xD
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: fedora-tan on February 13, 2010, 03:02:20 AM
As long as it's 50kb max it's perfectly ok *nods*
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Chocofreak13 on February 13, 2010, 03:36:26 AM
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: NejinOniwa on February 15, 2010, 05:08:43 AM
The fact that Yamaxanadu got kuro'd on this is so hilarious I cannot bear it. (I dropped off my chair when I realized it, really)
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 16, 2010, 10:24:08 AM
Always ironic when the biggest rule breakers scoff at things they themselves have been guilty of many times in the past.

However, I need to bring some evidence to light.

I present to you this thread :

and this quote:

Quote from: "Fedora-Tan"(Hello to everybody i never met  ;hi )

Let's try to set these as forum standards sigs :

* Graphical Sigs must not exceed 500 (w) x 200 (h) pixels as Panda-san suggested
* If there are more than 1 picture, then 500 x 200 is the limit for all pictures together
* Text Sigs must not exceed 5-6 lines (else it gets messed up with post text) and not exceed 150 pixels height. Using another font style or color for sig may be a good idea but not required (i suggest to put all in size 9 : text )
* Mixed Sigs (pict + text) must not exceed 500 x 200 total and 5-6 lines total

I prefer using lines limit than chars, since chars doesn't mean much (can be 3 chars each lines... ).

It's just a suggest for now, please tell me if you like the idea or not :)

N.B. No problem for Alfamille sigs, i don't think they will lose any quality if you take even MS Paint and resize them to fit the limits... If you don't know how to do just send your sig to sigs@blackdiam.net and i'll resize them for you (but it's really not hard i think)

and finaly, if you check the image in my sig, youll see it fits these perameters with room to spare.

Concidering I'm a legacy member, and our other admin is away so often that they forget what it is they posted.

Since changing and making rules falls under my new authority I could arbitarily change the rules but that would be an abuse of power.  I will discuss the situation with Fedora to clear up the conflicting rules.

However, I will remind you that it was the abuse of the liberal signature policy that forced enforcement of standards. Oversized pictures, animations far beyond file size etc. Thats right, you abused the signatures a little too much. If you dont correct your ways I will have no choice but to send you to hell.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Cockleshell on February 16, 2010, 10:36:52 AM
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"If you dont correct your ways I will have no choice but to send you to hell.
seriously, some people (coughchococough) really went overboard with ANIMATED SIGNATURES. that thing took up like 5% of the page...
yet I only had this little error message ):
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: NejinOniwa on February 16, 2010, 11:17:47 AM
Hmmm. Well, I know what you mean but as for myself, I can't bring any overly crazy violations to mind...(aside from troll-night that is, and that was just the avi i think?) And as for consideration that those old rules have been played by in the past, I think mostly image width rule has been broken by me before, and that doesn't seem to matter all that much anyway...

...I need dinner. Too much thinking. >_>
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Chocofreak13 on February 17, 2010, 11:04:03 AM
Quote from: "Cockleshell"
Quote from: "CaptBrenden"If you dont correct your ways I will have no choice but to send you to hell.
seriously, some people (coughchococough) really went overboard with ANIMATED SIGNATURES. that thing took up like 5% of the page...
yet I only had this little error message ):

=P foo on you. i fix-ed it, didn't i? sides, i was unaware of the plight, although i admit mine was rather large and impressive. ^^

but foo. i fix-ed it. don't start re-hashing the past. =P
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Ultimaninja on February 17, 2010, 09:16:47 PM
I would like a slightly larger signature to be allowed...nothing insane, but just a bit larger...Like a smaller height then Nejin's avatar...but I'd say 4-5x long.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 18, 2010, 12:38:44 AM
How does everyone else feel about the size restrictions?
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: NejinOniwa on February 18, 2010, 12:57:29 AM
Well, If I am to say it, it's considerably harder to downsize a picture to a good 90px-high sig than it is to downsize it to, say, 150px or even 200px...it allows for more liberality, but, sadly, the eleven-wacky-pix-ontop-of-each-other-type sig gets easier to go out of hand with that way...

150px is a possibility, though.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 18, 2010, 01:20:14 AM
well, personally I feel 90 is restrictive as well, but I dont want to choose signature size on my own feelings.  Ive had one person express that they are fine with 90, but they would rather sigs go away.

While on the subject however, Nejin, Id like to point out as where you signature is mostly in regs (its actually too long length wise, max is 500, yours is 614) your avatar is 165 x 182 which also exceeds the 150 by 150 maximum.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Chocofreak13 on February 18, 2010, 09:23:10 AM
i don't really like restrictions of any kind. it also raises the problem that i have a lovely collection of pics, but barely any meet the requirements. :\

*sigh* i'll just have to make my own over vacation......someone remind me puh-leeze? :3
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 18, 2010, 01:42:52 PM
To be clear, I'm asking for serious input here. I need to know if the bulk of the userbase either likes or dislikes the new dimensions and why.

No restrictions is never going to happen, especialy after people have proven they cant show any restraint without an enforceable size.  Since I received several complaints, now its something that has to be regulated.  

Currently its about tied and the new standards will remain.  If you want a say please chime in now.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: NejinOniwa on February 18, 2010, 01:54:33 PM
Protip: change thread to announcement, perhaps? Draw some attention and whatnot.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 18, 2010, 01:56:49 PM
Good point, tho a poll may help.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Red-Machine on February 18, 2010, 02:06:57 PM
Well, I think that it should be really a case-by-case basis.  Nej's avatar doesn't cause any framerapage, so I think he should be allowed to keep it.

With regard to sig sizes, I think 500x200 is acceptable; but I acknowledge that some people may find that excessive.  I'd be happy with say 500x150 if someone objected to the larger.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: CaptBrenden on February 18, 2010, 02:14:54 PM
Case by case doesnt work, people can claim favoritisum or descrimination. Standards have to be uniform across the board. you can go under but not over.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: IanDanKilmaster on February 19, 2010, 10:44:25 PM
Honestly, I preferred when rules weren't so strictly enforced, but over the past year, things have become really out of control - it's absurd.

More specifically, I think it's good we have a strict policy on signatures now.  Of course, this means missing a number of the sigs I grew so attached to seeing here, but great deeds require great sacrifice, right?

I'm fine with the regulations as they are, but I think some negotiation on the dimensions would be fine (file size should stay where it is).  I just don't see why a sig needs to be much bigger than the page banner, anyway.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Chocofreak13 on February 20, 2010, 10:58:24 AM
i like red's dimensions. 90 seems a little ore restrictive than it ought to be. :\

this one seems a bit taller than 90px, but it's not huge. :\
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Red-Machine on February 21, 2010, 04:50:04 AM
Quote from: "Chocofreak13"i like red's dimensions.

WHy thank you Choco-chan. XD
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: NejinOniwa on February 21, 2010, 04:58:23 AM
Red itself is just one dimension, despite being all the others at once originally...colors are confusing. -.-;

Anyways, 150px seems like a good mark for me as well (I think I stated this already).
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Chocofreak13 on February 21, 2010, 02:15:50 PM
seems fair. :3
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Red-Machine on February 26, 2010, 03:51:09 AM
btw, how do the new polls work?  I tired to answer "They could be larger" but it kinda didn't work...
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: IanDanKilmaster on February 26, 2010, 12:05:10 PM
My guess - put a 1 next to your vote.  That's how I voted.
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Red-Machine on February 26, 2010, 12:13:48 PM
well, I tried that, putting all the others to zeros and it didn't register my vote.  Also, I can't vote again either...
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: IanDanKilmaster on February 26, 2010, 12:31:21 PM
I would think you'd have to order them, 1-4... I know that doesn't make any sense, but that's the only other thing I can think of.  Of course, you can't vote again so...
Title: Signatures on forum: Input Needed
Post by: Sora on February 28, 2010, 04:05:15 PM
Whatever happened to the radio buttons?