OS-tan Collections

Lounge => General Chat => Topic started by: fedora-tan on November 10, 2009, 04:40:36 PM

Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: fedora-tan on November 10, 2009, 04:40:36 PM

The ostan-collections.net domain name will be transferred from one registrar to another, so even if it shouldn't cause any trouble there, i prefer to tell you this.

Transfer will occur from tomorrow until end of month, max.

Apart from that, i hope you're all doing well  ;010
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: NejinOniwa on November 10, 2009, 04:52:00 PM
We seem to be, no problems on this end apart from the occasional spamfaggotry planes who are hurriedly shot down by our amazing mod pilot Aurora-dono.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: IanDanKilmaster on November 10, 2009, 04:56:26 PM
It also helps we have the ever-vigilant team of mini-mods consisting of Nej, the recently-returned Bella, and myself ready to kick any spammers square in the spambags (only by invoking the name of Aurora Supreme anyway).
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: fedora-tan on November 11, 2009, 04:22:01 AM
Well, i made a checkup of the sites i have to see which ones i can remove and which ones i keep, to reduce expenses (it gets a bit expensive, the whole). Don't worry, ostan will stay as it is as it's active and have a  nice community :)

As you know i'm more than hyperbusy so i can only deal with the servers, hosting and such, but if you feel there is something i could help with (spam, etc) then don't hesitate to ask me, we may find a solution (changing forum engine, updating it, etc)
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: Raffaele the Amigan on November 11, 2009, 04:53:03 AM
hope the transfer will occur with no problem...

And BTW Good Job!  ;010

Take also a look if register ".net" domain sites will cost you some less expenses if registering in other countries where english is spoken and check also if it is more convenient by also counting too the fact you must paying IBAN international bank money transfer fees!  ;022

Maybe in some countries like New Zealand, or India, or perhaps some little countries it could be very cheap to register domains...

Just check it for a matter of curiosity...  ;012  :smoke:


P.S. Send us loyal users a mail message to the mail address we used to sign-in here in OS-TAN Collection site entitled "OSTAN COLLECTION SITE FEEDBACK MESSAGE", so we could reach you by e-mail  just in case there were were some troubles after the registrar transfer, and then we could be able to contact you to your public mail address and report you if if we encountered any troubles...
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: NejinOniwa on November 11, 2009, 07:52:59 AM
Well - with all admins and all mods except one out of reach 99% of the time, the future might produce needs for more of the kind. I don't know how big the load on Aurora-kun is, though - from what I can decipher the situation is under control as of now. Preparations for such things might be in order, though - we never know when the need will arise.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: IanDanKilmaster on November 11, 2009, 04:50:29 PM
Yeah, Aurora hasn't shown any indication that she's having trouble, so this would definitely be a topic where her input means the most.  I have also wondered what would we'd do in the event business does pick up again, or if Aurora were to take an extended hiatus (as most of us do at some point).
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: NejinOniwa on November 11, 2009, 06:03:02 PM
If that ever happens...

...someone WILL get us V&.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: IanDanKilmaster on November 11, 2009, 06:11:57 PM
I'm surprised (pleasantly, mind you) that she sticks around as long as she does.  Quite possibly the most loyal OSC member there is.

Everyone needs breaks from time to time though, and it wouldn't really be fair to expect her to be around when she should be vacationing or whatever other precedence-taking RL circumstance that may occur.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: NejinOniwa on November 11, 2009, 06:55:00 PM
Indeed. Backups are necessary, from my pov.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: Aurora Borealis on November 11, 2009, 07:35:02 PM
I've been really lucky over the past three years, I guess. I'm in college now, but my class load is surprisingly light this semester.

Still, unforeseen circumstances could happen, plus it wouldn't hurt to have another active mod. Just in case.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: stewartsage on November 11, 2009, 08:37:12 PM
Safety first of course, especially on an internet forum.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: NejinOniwa on November 12, 2009, 07:16:01 AM
Especially anywhere on the internet, more like? -w-;

Oh well. If we're appointing new mods, this isn't the best place to discuss it - let's move over to support/admin forum for this issue.

Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: Raffaele the Amigan on November 12, 2009, 05:07:04 PM
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Indeed. Backups are necessary, from my pov.

Yes! You are right!  ;010

Remember to make a backup of the whole site Aurora!
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: NejinOniwa on November 12, 2009, 06:24:26 PM
Oh, damnit. -.-
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: Chocofreak13 on November 12, 2009, 09:17:51 PM
well, nejin, other people deserve a say on this, too. you're not the mod yet; you can't officially close it. ;]

it's like a system of checks and balances: multiple mods = balanced system. :3

but who gets the honor? are we going to have an IDOLM@STER competition?

Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: IanDanKilmaster on November 12, 2009, 09:58:23 PM
Nej is actually on the right track here, but not so much about closing the thread as having this discussion elsewhere.  First off, it's entirely off-topic (which is largely the fault of Nej and myself for allowing it to continue so), but secondly this should be started as a new topic in Suggestions, opinions, problems (http://ostan-collections.net/forum-14.html) (as Nej stated outright, and the original topic would best be archived in News and Announcements (http://ostan-collections.net/forum-8.html)).

I might be mistaken, but standard procedure for selecting new mods is appointment by an official, not election.  Our current mod/admin was appointed by such a method anyway (http://ostan-collections.net/topic-633.html).
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: NejinOniwa on November 13, 2009, 03:22:19 AM
A one-man election is also an election. -w-;
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: Red-Machine on November 13, 2009, 05:27:41 AM

I'd be happy with Nej as a mod, but I think others should be given the chance, too.  So on that note, I'd like to nominate Choco and Ian, that is if they feel up to it of course!
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: NejinOniwa on November 13, 2009, 08:07:38 AM
Fine enough, but could we take this over in the sup/admin forum where it belongs?

Added after 48 seconds:

(also my one-man election saying was more referring to that with an official appointing someone, it's also an election with the official doing the electing by himself, etc)
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: Red-Machine on November 13, 2009, 08:08:38 AM
I would, but unfortunately I don't have access.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: NejinOniwa on November 13, 2009, 08:24:23 AM
Yes you do, boi.
Thread made here:

Can we take this where it belongs now, and let this thread be? Thank you.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: fedora-tan on November 14, 2009, 04:18:15 AM
This is right.
This thread is for the domain name move, please only post here if you encounter problems regarding that or if you have questions, as i cannot parse 50 posts to find a related one :)

Who do you consider unreachable btw ? I'm maybe not on the forum often but i'm _prefectly_ reachable via mail, as i always was.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: fedora-tan on November 16, 2009, 10:48:28 AM
Domaine has moved, but there was - according to the registrar - a problem with the move. I am currently checking that, so far i don't see any problems... It's currently on the new registrar anyway.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: NejinOniwa on November 16, 2009, 09:09:34 PM
I'm not perceiving any problems on this end either...

...maybe it's just a problem with the problem-finder? =w=
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: fedora-tan on November 17, 2009, 01:35:23 AM
I checked all and it doesn't seem to be any problem in the config.

Please notice that this is prequel to a server change which will occur before March of next year which should be again quite transparent for you. I'll just move all domains first, then servers.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: Chocofreak13 on November 18, 2009, 12:34:04 PM
hah! position of power! lolz!

there is mod fourm? yes, let us move there! xD

srsly, am i of all people nominated? lolz.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: fedora-tan on November 23, 2009, 12:46:32 PM
The transfert is done.
Title: Domain name transfert
Post by: NejinOniwa on November 23, 2009, 01:15:04 PM
Good job then, Fedora-dono~ ´v`

Can we get this thread a lockshot, Aurora-kun?