Started by Chocofreak13, January 01, 2009, 10:51:11 PM

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In MR@S, the macs' surname is Cupertino.
Linux-tan is Lina Torvalds.
And most likely the Windows' have Redwood as their surname. Maybe. I'll see about that when I get there, though.


I KNEW Linux-tan was a Lina! I KNEW IT!

Hm, in my stories, the -tans are from wherever their systems originate - the Macs are Californian, the Windows-tans are Washingtonian, a lot of the early OS- and computer-tans are from Boston and Cambridge and the surrounding metro area... HOW Japanese honorifics and/or culture got introduce to them is left a bit of a mystery, lol. -w-


Seconding origins. I mean, Ruka was born/built or whatever in that bunker where she's housed, so yeah...

And Linux=Lina wasn't exactly the hardest of guesses, I'd say ^^; Good for you though -w-;


Ehhh, I figured there might be some obscure Finnish or Swedish name you'd give Linux-tan.


why does every os-tan topic i make turn into a can of worms..... .___.;

well, thankyou....i'll be leaving now....

EDIT: oh, i suppose i should mention publicly that i'm making a -kun for XPMCE. i might also make a -kun for 1.0 and 2.0, down the road.

for now, just the list i mentioned, though i've decided to throw Apple II into the mix. (edit:)

have come up with the name "Shiroyuki-san" for Apple II. bella says she loves japan, and later models of the Apple II used the Snow White programming language, which is the closest thing i can come up with for a codename (the next closest being "platinum").

seems to fit well. ^^
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Lina IS a swedish name. Obscure, well. Who knows. It's swedish, that's obscure enough (were it not for bloody Slayers)


I always thought Lina was... vaguely Germanic in origin. Or possibly Spanish. According to Behind the Name it's found in dozens of different cultures, so, yeah - I guess it can be argued that makes it an even better fit for Linux-tan, since she's pretty multicultural herself. -w-

Aurora Borealis

What a shift in setting the OS-tan verse has encountered! What started as a mainly Japanese setting has turned a lot more multicultural. I like the suggested names for many of the other OS-tans, but suggest keeping the Japanese names for the Windows-tans (who themselves are portrayed living in a large, Japanese-style manor) for the sake of tradition, even if they seem out of place to the other OS-tans. This leads me to suggest that the OS-tan verse is in an anachronistic world based off the real world, but also a fusion of cultures.

@Choco: Apple II-tan was created before the sudden westernization of the OS-tan verse, but her design still fits really well. And if anything, the Apple II was successful in Japan too.


@aurora: this sounds like a job for....THE OS-TAN THEORY THREAD~!!!

lol, no. jk. ik it's not getting revived. but i agree with you that at this point, the os-tans are sort of a giant mess of different cultures.
but i consider canon to be absolute rule. :\ (created in japan = japanese name. and i don't mean the computer itself, i mean the character.)

there were alot of bootlegs of Apple II, but Japan was one of the countries to receive the legal version, so giving her a japanese name to match the personality (plus it sounds better than "Snow White-san") seems to be a perfect fit.

just because we're on the topic, did Apple I ever get a name?

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Silly aurora! Mac OSX' name is obviously


@nej: pff.
@aurora: i liek it. -w- and now i have a name for OSX-san >:3 (Cyan-san)
i consider 7.5 to be the upgraded version of 7 (maybe she was sick as a kid but premiered later or something), so in my storyline they're one and the same.
3.4: i've heard an alternate reading of "4" in japanese as "shi", but i've also heard that that reading of 4 is usually only standard in karate. xD so a possible alternate name for 3.4 could be "Sanshi" (lol, sounds like "senshi"!).
3: i looked up "3" on that website i posted, and i found "Hinoe", which means "3rd in rank". :3
III: "Sara" is a common name in both cultures (since it can be easily pronounced in either language), so i'd say that could work for both (for simplicity's sake).

also, since you're up and alert, and i figure you'd be the one to ask, do you have any reference pics of the macs? i found some yesterday of apple II and Lisa, but after that the earliest pics i have is a family portrait, which 7.5 is at the center of. any pics of older macs or male macs are appriciated (as stock is slim and i haven't organized the picbomb enough to find any in there). :3
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Aurora Borealis

@Choco: "Hinoe" sounds like a nice name for System 3-tan!

For the Macs, there this group pic I drew earlier this year:


Japanese has two separate numeral systems - one japanese and one chinese. Much like the whole Kanji-Kana thing. They are used quite differently, however 'yon' for 4 is almost universal standard everywhere due to 'shi' also meaning Death, thus making it an ominous numeral in general (much like 13 in the west).

Numbers go as thus.
CN: Ichi, Ni, San, Shi, Go, Roku, Shichi, Hachi, Kyu, Juu etc
JP: Hitotsu/Hi, Futatsu/Fu, Mitsu/Mi, Yotsu/Yo/Yon, Itsutsu/Itsu, Muttsu/Mu, Nanatsu/Nana, Kokonotsu/Kokono, To etc

TL;DR - Counting in japanese. It is fucking complicated.

Aurora Borealis

I didn't know that! I only knew of the Chinese system!

Using the Japanese system, I think "Mitsuko" would suit System 3-tan even better!

System 4-tan considers herself unlucky, so I think a name beginning with "Shi" would work for her. i.e: "Shizune", or "Shiina".