Started by Chocofreak13, January 01, 2009, 10:51:11 PM

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@nej: most often i see the two number sets mashed together. :\
@aurora: thanks, but it's a bit hard to use since it's not really labeled. :\

and it doesn't cover the early early macs ><;;;;

(eh, oh well, i'll get to that when it comes to it.)
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Aurora Borealis

For the early Macs, I'll use names based off of either number set. Either will do. ^^;


heh. but a concensus is easier. ^^;

EDIT: for storyline purposes, i'm making a system 7.5-kun. he's going to be like 95-kun, only shyer and more professional.
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Quote from: Aurora Borealis on May 22, 2011, 03:58:59 PM
Mac System 3.4: Sayoko (San=3, Yon= 4- JP name)
Mac System 4: Yoko (possible JP name)

That's it, I am so doing a cosplay parody picture of Mac System 3.4 + System 4 as Miki Sayaka + Yoko Ritona. ~W~

Also, moar potential OS-tan human names here (though it should probably be taken with a grain of salt since it's for an alt-universe story):

Aurora Borealis

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I'd love to see that! XD


@bella: this summer. needs moar cosplay.
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This thread's name is now changed.


ummmmmm.....what now?

and don't worry. there will be cosplay this summer. -w-
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 22, 2011, 06:09:16 PM
@nej: most often i see the two number sets mashed together. :\

That's because the number sets are used in different contexts: the Japanese have different numbers for counting differently shaped items, animals and so on. >< Hitotsu applies to "one thing of roundish shape", ippiki to "one smallish animal" (neko ga ippiki imasu, "one cat"), ippai to "one cup of something" (asa ni koohii wo ippai nomimasu, "I drink a cup of coffee in the mornings"), ippon to "one bottle of something" and so on.

The counters for people are a mix of the two, with hitori and futari coming from Japanese and everything from san nin going regularly in the Chinese way. Dates are especially cute as the first ten days (plus the 14th, 20th and 24th) of the month have Japanese words, with the rest being Chinese. Tsuitachi, futsuka, mikka, yokka, itsuka, muika, nanoka, yooka, kokonoka, tooka, juuichinichi, juuninichi, etc.

I wonder how the Japanese learn to count anything. ;_;


and this is why i'm going to have trouble learning it.

that, and the 3 alphabets.

@aurora: i never commented on your name choices, btw. i like them, and as for the two, i like "shizune" better. :3

(ps. accessing from tanky, at my grandparents, right now. ^^)
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A name I forgot to mention before: Future!Leopard's alias is Snow Leopard, usually just shorted to "Snow". I like this because:

1) It's my favorite meteorological condition
2) It's the name of that slightly off-kilter scientist in Solaris
3) It can be translated into a lot of other languages. Some names that mean "snow" are Yuki (Japaense), Nix (Latin), Xue (Chinese) and Lumi (Finnish)


to be honest, i think it would depend on the story. it's canon to you guys to have leopard and snow leopard be the same person, but to others they might want to keep the two characters seperate.

that said, i've always liked the name yuki. depending on pronunciation, it can also mean "courage". :3
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 10, 2011, 12:39:34 PM
to be honest, i think it would depend on the story. it's canon to you guys to have leopard and snow leopard be the same person, but to others they might want to keep the two characters seperate.

that said, i've always liked the name yuki. depending on pronunciation, it can also mean "courage". :3

To the others who want to split the characters up, I say screw th- please do so. But Snow Leopard = Leopard has already been established in at least three/four story canons: my own, Nej's, Aurora's and Stewart's (?), and makes perfect sense from a technological standpoint:

Quote from: Cnet.comThis is not a complete overhaul of Mac OS X. Rather, it's a series of small to medium-sized improvements, what Apple calls "refinements." Much of the new shine to OS X 10.6 comes from changes that are under the surface, possibly not obvious to the unobservant. But Apple does say that the improvements make the overall OS much faster, including a 45-percent faster installation than the previous version of the operating system, OS X 10.5, or Leopard. Apple is also promising faster boot times, quicker shut down, a speedier process when joining wireless networks, and faster backups to Time Machine. And it's not just quicker, Apple says, it's lighter: Upon install it frees up 6GB of space.

There you have it. There's really no telling Snow Leopard and Leopard apart graphically, and they operate about the same as well. The main difference being that SL is far more refined and optimized. It just makes sense that Snow and Leopard would be one and the same - throw in Leopard's time-bending nature, and you have the perfect recipe for a two-versions-of-the-same-person-from-different-points-in-time-living-side-by-side scenario.


eh, since there's an actual application called "time machine", i'm suddenly inclined to agree. however, that will be a doozy to put into my comic. oh well, that's just the challenge, i guess. -w-

did we ever come up with a name for Apple I?

(also, just to let you know, the name "Shiroyuki" for Apple ][ has become canon, in my comic at least. she's really only referred to as "Shiroyuki-sama" though (though 3.1 might occasionally refer to her as "Shiroyuki-san").
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 14, 2011, 01:02:55 PM
eh, since there's an actual application called "time machine", i'm suddenly inclined to agree. however, that will be a doozy to put into my comic. oh well, that's just the challenge, i guess. -w-

For the record: Everyone besides Snow, Leopard-tan and the Apple higher-ups think that Snow Leopard-tan and Leopard-tan are (twin?) sisters (or maybe clones), and frankly, Snow-tan and Leopard-tan treat each other about the same way. On account of their personalities being so different, and all. -w-;

So you certainly wouldn't have to include the timetravelish elements into your comic, or treat them as anything different from siblings.