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Your favorite OS-tan

Started by FabianN, April 09, 2005, 10:14:08 PM

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Definitly 3.1 and doskitty (they are inseperable) in 1st, then 95 in 2nd, and probobly XP pro or 98 in 3rd. its hard to choose with them.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Linux-tan is my favorite, but I like the Kami-Tux as well. but I think my second would be OSX-tan.

BTW: where are Kami-Tux pics?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Oops!  how can I support you 115% if you still have unanswered posts!  ovo'


Gomen, gomen!  ^V^

Linux-tan is cool, the OSX-tans are CUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!!!  ^.^
(I seem to like Tiger a lot.)

But.... I see your partial to.......... Kami........ -Tux.......  Ã,¬___Ã,¬'

*stays mute for several seconds*

*slaps himself back from stupor*

[to self]  115%... 115%....!  >_<

O... Okay.......  H-H-Here's..... his most famous pic.............  ^____^;

W-Would... make a great.... avatar....  ^^'


QuoteW-Would... make a great.... avatar.... ^^' would make...a good...avatar.



...sorry, I just had to. XD


Quote from: "C-Chan"

W-Would... make a great.... avatar....  ^^'



Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!




Way....  ^__^'

Welcome to the club, Kami-tux!  ^v^'


Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Hmmm... The DOS Kitty rox, but besides the Kewl Kitty i'd hafta go wid firefox and thunderbird. Then 98, then XP

Alex Stankevitch

I like 98-tan and XP-tan.


Good choices. My favorite will always be 95-chan, but I do have a penchant for XPME-tan.


My favorite would be 95-tan, followed by XP-tan (Both Professional and Homeko), CE-tan (I do use a PocketPC for college ;) ), and 2K-tan.


thats right, you all keep liking those other oses, means more 3.1sama and DOSkitty for me.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Let me say right away that my favorite operating-system girl is XP-tan, the Professional version.  Having said that, I hasten to add it's my view all the OS Girls are equal in the sight of the Cosmos.  (How am I doing so far?)

Running a distant second to XP-tan would be two girls who aren't affiliated with operating systems per se:  Firefox-ko and Thunderbird-ko.  They're a team, those two, so I don't want to separate them!

XP-tan reminds me of my best friend, though at an earlier age.  You see, I reserve the right to create my own imaginary world for fictional characters; but I respect the various personalities as they've been created by others, unless I find certain traits unflattering ââ,¬â€ in which case I reject them.

For example, this whole business about XP-tan being a gourmand doesn't fit my concept of her; hence, I reject it.  Cast me into the Eternal Fires of OS-tan Hell if you will, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.


In my little world of make-believe, XP-tan is an Alpha chick who thus incurs the dislike of other young females.  It's that way in real life:  The popular gal with the great body is roundly scorned by other gals, those whose positive attributes they themselves fail to value.

[Harangue ends.  Questions commence.]

Here's what gets me about Japanese art, as it pertains to anime/games/manga characters and possibly by extension to the OS Girls: How come all the gals have flat butts?  Why are their legs too long?  What's with the pointy chins?  Why the fixation with the combination of laughably-huge breasts, skinny legs and matchstick arms?  How can they breathe or eat with such tiny mouths?

I'm very glad to see the OS Girls aren't necessarily afflicted by these artistic clichés; and that's one reason I like them!  If it were up to Japanese artists the OS Girls would all have mouthless hatchet faces, blimp-like breasts, no butts and dowels for arms and legs.  Three cheers for Occidental fan art!

