Your favorite OS-tan

Started by FabianN, April 09, 2005, 10:14:08 PM

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 05, 2011, 06:38:39 PM
i'd ask who she is, but i'd chalk that up to me just not being a mac buff.

...Plan 9-tan, you mean? Just so you know, Plan 9 From Bell Labs isn't Mac related, it's an über-obscure research Unix variant.

Plan 9-tan is Unix-sama's defected heir, ran away during the Unix Wars and created her own faction, is a necromancer, 1950s camp-culture enthusiast and general fan of the strange. She has one daughter (Inferno), two clones (Octopus and Plan B-tan) and a small following of zombies. She tends to come off as a bit flaky due to her poor speaking skills and general Cloud Cuckoolanderness. She's generally child-like and innocent and romantically challenged, however she is *totally gay* for Slackware-tan and will PROCLAIM HER UNDYING LURVE FROM THE ROOFTOPS!!!! much to the annoyance/embarrassment of her children. Physically small, pale, wears glasses and has white lop rabbit-ears.


ah right, you've talked about her before ^^
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I like saseko, nanami, vis-tan, Ubuntu-tan, Kubuntu-tan and......DO'H I FORGOT ><
Oh yeah! Emuii! ;D
I'm not kidding. I have all teh animal crossing games and play them everyday.
My profile pic is from deviant art. It's not mine.


i like all the windows -tans, although chivistan's outfit annoys me to hell. >__<\
i like the vast majority of the mac -tans too, although i just don't know about many of them. :\
as for the linux -tans, i haven't heard enough about their respective personalities to make a proper judgement (i don't want to judge all of them on GNU, which is one end of the spectrum, or Ubuntu, which would be the other end :\).
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To keep it to the minimum, I like Win2k-tan and Sonata the most.

And of course Fedora-Tan. x3


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Quote from: Pitkin on March 07, 2011, 04:37:32 AM
To keep it to the minimum, I like Win2k-tan and Sonata the most.

And of course Fedora-Tan. x3

I see what you did there. ^.^


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Hatsune Miku

Hello people i'm Hatsune Miku
i'm SonicFan344 in YouTube


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I think mine's still CP-771.


i'd like more voicepacks for my 7. for now, though, teto and nanami are nice. ^^
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Quote from: stewartsage on March 12, 2011, 03:04:34 PM
I think mine's still CP-771.

She's a good -tan.

I'm currently obsessed with the UNIVAC-tans... all... five or six of them. (EXEC, OS 2200, Burroughs MCP* and CANDE*, TSOS aka VS/9*, FASTRAND and U1050-tan.) I'd really like to craft a culture for them, like the others we've made for the DEC, IBM and MIT-tans... but they be a mysterious lot. : \

*Honourary UNIVAC-tans, were incorporated into the company


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(the os-tan Choco and I created)
I'm not kidding. I have all teh animal crossing games and play them everyday.
My profile pic is from deviant art. It's not mine.