Your favorite OS-tan

Started by FabianN, April 09, 2005, 10:14:08 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Gentoo is a kind of penguin. The Linux distro with the lizard mascot is SuSE.


I... would switch to Sourcemage in an instant.  If Gentoo's thing was a lizard.  Or a confused cow named Larry.  Which it (officially) is/was.  Why don't I run Sourcemage?  :(

Enough Absolut should fix that train (sic -- it should be spelled different, right? Because "train" has about ten definitions already? Trains are terrible. I'll never ride one. Or indicate my affinity for aiming in such a way. Or prepare in that manner. Or... Embark upon... such an... odd... series of consequences? Where am I again? Oh. Back to the main thing...) of thought.  And staring at Chrom[e|ium]-tan.  Mmm...

But seriously, what was I doing before I started ranting about SUBJECT GOES HERE?  Hey.  Hey, Nejin?  That's a cute avatar.  Mm.  Like Chrumb-nyan.  Chrom[e|ium]-tan actually.  Whomever.  I forget.  :(


@aurora: my bad. ^^;
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Don't mind him, he is like that.

Also, in Sopot there was an Absolut Bar. It had little box-stools with "Absolut" and the whole on them. It was classy.


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Mmmm, vodka.

Hey, what if Gentoo-tan was involved in an accident that turned her into a scientist that has to wander aimlessly around the surroundings of Chernobyl's nuclear power plant?  An impressive background such as that would... make her... Uhnmn.  Compete with Chrome-tan?  Maybe?

She could tug a cardboard box overstuffed with package USE flags along with her as she searches for UFOs and combats the military.  Some random nation's military.  Around Chernobyl.  I forgot what I was getting at again.


You, sir, win at the Internets. Somehow you've made Gentoo-tan seem a ton more interesting... even if I'm not sure wth is going on. >:3


i don't get it and all that's popping to mind is GNULinux-kun OHGAWDSMYEYES

but it has chernoybl. :3 i like it.

ps: what about CIRNObyl?
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I like my 7 tan, but thats isn't a notable -tan.

I got to say.......ugh that is tough!

Is it wait Me-Tan....but then again....Xp-Tan! but Vistake is cute too......

I like my 7-tan because I created it.
I like xp-tan because it's the first -tan I seen
Me-Tan because it was the first OS i used and it's persona lifted the hate i had towards the OS and moe.
vistake's personality matches vista and visbou is adorable.

I can't decide,I love all of them : D


lol. we all feel that way. ^^
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Quote from: "Alex_Reetz"I like my 7 tan, but thats isn't a notable -tan.

I got to say.......ugh that is tough!

Is it wait Me-Tan....but then again....Xp-Tan! but Vistake is cute too......

I like my 7-tan because I created it.
I like xp-tan because it's the first -tan I seen
Me-Tan because it was the first OS i used and it's persona lifted the hate i had towards the OS and moe.
vistake's personality matches vista and visbou is adorable.

I can't decide,I love all of them : D

I'm going to draw your 7 tan now. :3

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1. hayate teh combat butler = win.
2. that's gonnd be cute. ^^
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1. Osaka = Win
2. Yes, it'll be cute. XD

go JCStaff

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i was actually considering changing my avatar, but i can't seem to find one that really jumps out at me. :\
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