Your favorite OS-tan

Started by FabianN, April 09, 2005, 10:14:08 PM

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i dont think that one could even pass for a "tan"
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"bah if the first design of a character was always the only one, 3.1sama would still be a white block with a face.  Thank god that one didnt stick around.

Oh yeah,... I remember seeing that one.....  -v-

Thank GAWD Kami-Tux didn't stick for Linux.  I still have nightmares seeing it....  ^^;

Probably 2chan or Niijura's wierd fantasies...


Ive never really been to 2chan, just 4chan.  But if they are even similar, I fear what kinds of things comes out of it...
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Speaking of weird fantasies and shady boards, what exactly would be considered our "competition" [as an English-language OS-tan forum/message board]?  I may act like a petulent pig, but the truth is that I'm still relatively new and unversed in the ways of the OS-tan grapevine.  

The only other such site that I've seen frequented regularly is Wakachan, and even then it's not enitrely devoted to OS-tans.  (Probably the reason I'm so hesitant to post there.)  -__-'


Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Ive never really been to 2chan, just 4chan.  But if they are even similar, I fear what kinds of things comes out of it...
FEAR!!! FEAR, Cpt Brenden!!!! The fact that they have 4 random boards (a la /b/) should be more than enough to scare anyone!!!

AFAIK, there are no Japanese forums for OS-tans. There are Imageboards, like the one from Nijiura, and some others (I think there was a hentai one, and I remember seeing an small one once). Aside, there is a 2chan "Online Characters" board: , (similar to Wakachan, not only OS-tans). And on top of that, there are the /b/'s boards, the place that gives birth to most OS-tan material ("urban mith", never tried to search in it...its worst than the /b/ on 4chan). As you see, there aren't any known "registered members" forums aside this (I think there were 2 more, but in English, and smaller than this xP, I think)


Quote from: "Darknight_88"AFAIK, there are no Japanese forums for OS-tans. There are Imageboards, like the one from Nijiura, and some others (I think there was a hentai one, and I remember seeing an small one once). Aside, there is a 2chan "Online Characters" board: , (similar to Wakachan, not only OS-tans). And on top of that, there are the /b/'s boards, the place that gives birth to most OS-tan material ("urban mith", never tried to search in it...its worst than the /b/ on 4chan). As you see, there aren't any known "registered members" forums aside this (I think there were 2 more, but in English, and smaller than this xP, I think)

Thank you as always, Darknight!
(Haven't seen you in a while, btw.  How ya doin'?  You don't think 95 OSR 2.5 is an abomination by any chance, do you?  ^__^)

I'm on one of the other smaller forums, but yes it's definitely "smaller" and not doing too well I'm afraid.  So if I get this straight, it's just us, Waka and the Japanese image boards that are keeping the OS-tan phenomenon updated, eh?


Oh well, at least the odds aren't that bad.  ^___^;
*sharp salute*  Carry on then, fellow posters!  ^-^


Yep, I couldn't put my hands on a computer while I was out of the city for vacations (well, I think once, but didn't had much time to read everything or post =/ ). I'll have to read the Palm-OS and other threads tomorrow, too much to read right now @_@

Also, I remember there was another forum with a thread about OS-tans, and I participated in a thread from a Spanish gaming forum, but It died once the server crashed and the pic's were lost =/
Yeah, looks like there aren't a lot of [known] forums/imageboards out there >.>

Edit: uuuuuhh....smiley @.@




*calms down instantly*

Great to have you back, though.  ^v^
Yep, have some interesting wares to show you this time 'round.  ^-^


QuoteQuote from : Darknight_88

Yep, I couldn't put my hands on a computer while I was out of the city for vacations (well, I think once, but didn't had much time to read everything or post =/ ). I'll have to read the Palm-OS and other threads tomorrow, too much to read right now @_@

You might want to be well rested and have food handy.  possibly a bottle to pee in, cus your onna be there  a while reading the palm tan one.  


Oh god there are more of them!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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@_@ @_@

@_@  @_@  @_@  @_@@_@@_@ They're crawling all over the place!

@_@@_@    @_@



Look out they're coming right at us!


we are so off topic its not even funny
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


@_@ @_@ @_@@_@@_@ @_@ @_@ .......@_@

Melt, MELT DAMMIT!!  ^0^  
So like, um, what's your second favorite OS-tan....?


Second one? Segunda? mmmm....that's a tough question =/
Well, I guess WinXP & WinNT (not inuT) share the second place  ;)
Win 3.1 would be then in the third place.

What can I say, I like old OS'es


Oi, oi, oi! The floating fluffy things are a protected species! T_T;

I cannot put my favourite OS-tans into any specific order these days anymore; Win2k-tan, WinME-tan and of course Amiga-tan (^_^) pretty much share the pole position. :D


@_@@_@ @_@

*sniff sniff*
*sobs joyfully*
*leaps happily towards him*  I LOVES YA!!!!!!  ^V^