Your favorite OS-tan

Started by FabianN, April 09, 2005, 10:14:08 PM

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About OS-Tans.  I like each and everyone of them...especially ME-tan and Mac Sonata-tan.

But if we're talking about OS-kuns. i'll stick to OS9-kun


I just have to go with my favorite os of all time, 2k-Pro. Suprisingly enough, i realised that i also love my favorite OS's personification most also. I think its the attributes of both that make them so appealing. Well im going with 2k-tan on this one.

EDIT-----Are we counting Firefox-ko and Tunderbird-ko? because i have to change my vote to Firefox-ko then :P


Hi I'm new here!

I love XP very much

She's very cool I think :)


I like the most Xp tan and I KNOW that the reason is obvious  o_o , although my other favorite non-canonical or whatever is Firefox-tan  ;012


My vote goes to Linux-tan as far as the standard OS-Tan line-up is concerned.  Among the Linux distros, however, her design really isn't my favorite (perhaps due to the low exposure).  In that case, my hat has to go off to Juzo-kun's veeeeeeeeutiful rendition of Fedora-tan.  ^__^

Too bad I only have SUSE...  ^__^'


Good thing somone noticed Juzo-kun's linux art. I even like it too.

Plus his "Knoppix-tan" caught my attention. It was hot! :P


Quote from: "Alfamille"Good thing somone noticed Juzo-kun's linux art. I even like it too.

Plus his "Knoppix-tan" caught my attention. It was hot! :P

I think it's her "Knoppix-tan", but yes definitely, her art is fantastic.  Not just the artistry, but just the fact that she managed to produce not one or two, but TEN new original OS-tans in very good quality never ceases to amaze me.  (And that's not counting her rendition of GNU/Linux and the second Slackerware pic.)

Even though another cute-looking Knoppix-tan appeared on Waka recently and it follows the Anime-style more closely, I'm still partial to Juzo-kun's version.  If I ever incorporated Knoppix-tan in any of my future drawings, I'd have to stick with 90% Juzo-kun, 5% perhaps some borrowing of version 2's spear and bunny ears, and the remainder my own embellishment.  

One can dream, anyway....  ^__^'


QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

Quote from: "Alfamille"Good thing somone noticed Juzo-kun's linux art. I even like it too.

Plus his "Knoppix-tan" caught my attention. It was hot! :P

I think it's her "Knoppix-tan", but yes definitely, her art is fantastic.  Not just the artistry, but just the fact that she managed to produce not one or two, but TEN new original OS-tans in very good quality never ceases to amaze me.  (And that's not counting her rendition of GNU/Linux and the second Slackerware pic.)

Even though another cute-looking Knoppix-tan appeared on Waka recently and it follows the Anime-style more closely, I'm still partial to Juzo-kun's version.  If I ever incorporated Knoppix-tan in any of my future drawings, I'd have to stick with 90% Juzo-kun, 5% perhaps some borrowing of version 2's spear and bunny ears, and the remainder my own embellishment.  

One can dream, anyway....  ^__^'

Whoah! She named herself with a -kun? LOL!

She actually did the right thing. Producing more rare os-tans can really help the movement globally...


Quote from: "Alfamille"

Whoah! She named herself with a -kun? LOL!

She actually did the right thing. Producing more rare os-tans can really help the movement globally...

There was a huge (and at times nasty) discussion about her art and the "-kun" thing here:

And she definitely did the right thing, but it risks being a vain effort unless people help contribute towards establishing a fanbase.  Without sufficient exposure, this version could very well be considered the "first" Knoppix-tan:

Not that it's a bad rendition (it's quite nice actually), but it's always good to recognize prior efforts.  

(For that matter, maybe there was a prior Knoppix-tan before Juzo-kun's?  There are definitely other versions of Redhat, Fedora and SUSE out there, although not sure of their age...)


There are some few there that haven't got their "rare" ones exposed, not to mention the other "-tans" and "-kuns who are "not in the main cast". But what Juzu-kun did really helped. For me, it doesn't matter if the thing is not that popular. What you like is what you like. If you feel those things then go represent it, I'm sure that's what her purpose is.

Who knows those rare ones have some comic strips although it's either not exposed (what you said) or the other's just can't accept it.


Quote from: "Alfamille"There are some few there that haven't got their "rare" ones exposed, not to mention the other "-tans" and "-kuns who are "not in the main cast". But what Juzu-kun did really helped. For me, it doesn't matter if the thing is not that popular. What you like is what you like. If you feel those things then go represent it, I'm sure that's what her purpose is.

Who knows those rare ones have some comic strips although it's either not exposed (what you said) or the other's just can't accept it.

It's settled then.  ^__^

Currently working on a PalmOS-tan picture and already have a PC-DOS-tan picture scheduled right after, but I'm now determined to produce a RedHat-tan / Fedora-tan combo right after that.  I'll try to make as a nod to the Linux community as well as to Juzo-kun's designs.

But anyway, don't want to tangent too far off the original topic.....

Don't mind us,.... "Y'all" please continue posting about your favorite OS-tans if you want....  ^^'


For me, I can't decide between 95-tan and Firefox-ko. I like 95-tan because of her split personality between warrior and "average" woman. Also, my first computer ran Windows 95. Firefox-ko, because Firefox is my favorite browser and the character design is the best of all the OS-tans.

BTW C-Chan:
QuoteCurrently working on a PalmOS-tan picture and already have a PC-DOS-tan picture scheduled right after, but I'm now determined to produce a RedHat-tan / Fedora-tan combo right after that. I'll try to make as a nod to the Linux community as well as to Juzo-kun's designs.

Someone has beat you to doing RedHat-tan:
However, I look forward to your take on this elusive OS-tan.


Quote from: "NewYinzer"Someone has beat you to doing RedHat-tan:
However, I look forward to your take on this elusive OS-tan.

Yo, NewYinzer!

Actually, that is in fact Juzo-kun's design, so you now know which design I'll be using for RedHat Linux.  I usually prefer to propagate other people's designs other than my own -- aside from an issue of convenience, it helps expand recognition for the design efforts of others, and paves the way for new canon characters.  ^.^

My take on RedHat-tan?  I'll probably keep her paired with Fedora-tan, since the two form something of a Linux "hit squad" in my mind (probably because of how they're dressed).  I'll likely give it a try in my 4th pic, when both Fedora and RedHat have a little "chat" with certain older members of the Windows Family.  I'll try to keep as much of Juzo-kun's designs as possible, but I'm also interested in blending in some design elements from other RedHat/Fedora renditions I've seen elsewhere (especially in the Gallery).


bah if the first design of a character was always the only one, 3.1sama would still be a white block with a face.  Thank god that one didnt stick around.
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Quote from: "CaptBrenden"bah if the first design of a character was always the only one, 3.1sama would still be a white block with a face.  Thank god that one didnt stick around.

Oh yeah,... I remember seeing that one.....  -v-

Thank GAWD Kami-Tux didn't stick for Linux.  I still have nightmares seeing it....  ^^;