Your favorite OS-tan

Started by FabianN, April 09, 2005, 10:14:08 PM

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sweet jebus, its got a NAME?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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I thought it was a radio detector! You know, the kind motorists use to detect if a police officer is near them. Come to think of it, that's a pretty odd guess, but I suppose I could build myself a similar style cowlic and use it as a radio antenna!

*starts drawing up plans*


yeah cus ME needs a radar detector cus shes always speeding along SO fast -_-  Tho, I dont recomend those things. If you do get pulled over it just about makes getting a ticket a sure thing. Because you have a device whos sole purpose is to help you break the law. Busted.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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My faves: Secchan and XP!!
Secchan simply out of nostalgia and having used her the longest on my old IBM Aptiva desktop with voodoo 3 and AMD K6 366MHz (it was like the latest thing in '99), I still used that thing for like 5 years after i got it. And I used win3.11 a lot too when i was little.
and XP for her stability (yes it's pretty damn stable) when you feed XP enough she'll never let you down!
well it of course takes 1GB of high quality Corsair RAM and and AMD64, BUT it runs very smoothly :)


Mines getting fed off of 4 gigs of ram, shes quite happy and fat.

Tho Ill stick to my choices of 3.1 and doskitty, Hacchan, and 95.  I grew up with those systems and I love the design.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Mines getting fed off of 4 gigs of ram, shes quite happy and fat.

4 gigs even can satisfy the new Vista. By the way, is Vista-tan will follow the tradition of previous OS-tans in terms of hunger?


from what ive tried hells yeah -_- even gonna eat some of my video ram
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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I think I asked the wrong question - I didn't want to ask about the real OS's hunger but the OS-tan's hunger. Or did you answer both?


i think he just answered both, vista has even MORE special effects and animated menus, windows,etc. as far as i saw in some videos of it in action.

@capt. just a bit much XD


its a 4500 dollar laptop.. i got my monies worth.. and it had running lights!!

but yes, it is very animated (ive been using my buddies laptop with the buisness ed on it)  its almost rediculus how they animate the windows and such.  reminds meof all the fancy interface of the macs...
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Quote from: "Xyanide"

@capt. just a bit much XD

Nothing is too much when we talk about ram size  ;054


"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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So we have a "he said she said" hidden camera situation, eh?

Seriously, I've heard Vista is cool. I also heard it can work decently well on one GB of memory, as long as you have good enough graphics memory. As for my laptop, Homeo, he couldn't take an upgrade to XP SP3, let alone Vista!


My XPS will take you all on! bring it!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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i run XPpro-SP1 bwahaha
wait, what? SP3?

somebody give me a good reason why i should get the SP2 in the first place.