Your favorite OS-tan

Started by FabianN, April 09, 2005, 10:14:08 PM

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*scribbles something about "80" and "lashes" on some random card and gives it to QAM*


Now then, you're Pitkin's close friend.
Tell me where I can find him so I can start a-whippin'.

*eyes light with fire*  Must,... whip,... stuff!!    *o*


MUHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA *very good evil laught*

my plan work, u the giver of the card have now entry my contract for the get out of for 80 lashes card, u don't want to know wht i'm planin to do with this card



*peeks in*

Err... ummm...

*exits fast again*

All systems green, carry on!

*runs away and hides*


QuoteMUHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA *very good evil laught*

my plan work, u the giver of the card have now entry my contract for the get out of for 80 lashes card, u don't want to know wht i'm planin to do with this card


*uses IME Pad to dicepher words, but fails*

Jeez,... you know, I have enough problem as it is trying to translate Japanese.  `0'

Oh alright, I'll find him myself.  -__-

Quote*runs away and hides*

Huh?  Wah?  Thought I heard something.  '__'

QuoteOoh! It's 95 OSR 2.5-tan! I like her too! She, 3.1-tan, 3.2-tan and Secchan are my favorite Windows-tans! Although ironically, none of them have appeared yet in zerOSanity and the 'common' girls (ME-tan, XP-tan and 2K-tan) plus CE-tan are 4 of the main characters. Perfect time for Fark-tan to appear with the "Ironic" tag! But "Asinine" works too! *points to signature, reminded with the need to finish p.22!*




C-Chan's Coolest Forum-Goer Chart

1st place - Aurora-sama
2nd place - everybody else
3rd place - forum lurkers


Can't believe it took a Mac girl to figure out something that EVERY Windows user should know off hand.  For shaaaaaaaaaaame to the whole lot of you,... `v'
[Invader Zim-like]  For shaaaaAMMMEE!!!!!!  ^0^

*scribbles down "SHAME" on a card and hands it over to QAM*

All of youz Windows users, get down on the ground RIGHT NOW and BOW your heads in shame!!


*lashes whip*

LOWER!!!!!!!!!!!  ^0^

Now time for a little subliminal propaganda...  -v-

*plays theme of Segasaturn Shiro!*

"95 OSR!!  95 OSR!! 2.5-sama,... shiro!!!!!!  ^v^

*music swells*

"95 OSR!!!!!  95 OSR!!!!! 2.5-sama,......... SHI-ROOOOO!!!!!!  ^V^

*lights fireworks*



C-chan u really shouldn't hand out card when i'm addin contract on to them, right now i've got a 80 get u C-chan to do card not Pitkin, as i say u gave me the card u do the wht the card say lol.

i'm goin to make a new jackass movie a C-chan the star


i did say 2.5 i just missed "95 OSR, -tan" and added DOS don't i get a point for tht


*scratches head*  Hoe?  You're gonna turn me into a star or wha?  '~';

Quotei did say 2.5 i just missed "95 OSR, -tan" and added DOS don't i get a point for tht

Okay, now it's my turn to laugh maniacally.... -v-

[Naga-style laugh]  UWAAAAAAAAAAAH-HAHAHAHA!!!  ^V^

1) I've already left you off the hook for a much-deserved whipping.  To be mercifully-freed from the fate of being whipped by a piggy is far more rewarding than any points.  -v-

2) True, Windows 95 was simply a glorified DOS shell.  -v-
But that title can be kept for the piddly little 95-tan, whereas the goddess deserves oh-so-much-more....  `v'

3) And you're still not doing it right -- you should learn a thing or two from Aurora-sama.  Now repeat after me....  -v-

Windows - 95 - OSR - 2.5 - sama

*sigh*  Just saying it makes you feel holy....  ^___^

Now then.... -v-

*cracks whip*

I ain't seeing enough Shame from everyone!!  `v'

Y'all get down right now and G-R-O-V-E-L for forgiveness...!! ^v^  

*cackles maniacally*



c-chan, you have strayed from the path.  you need repent and once again accept 3.1 sama as your goddess, 2.0 as the prophet and of course the holy kitten.  only then can be saved!  Give not into temptation!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


*sees 2.0-sama's beautiful blue puppy eyes staring back at him*

Haiii,... I guess you're right.  -__-
How can i say "no" to that adorable little mason face....  ^__^
And besides her, I just finished watching Rozen maiden and 3.11-sama  sorta reminds me of Barasuishou...

*gets down on knees*

In the name of the Prophet, the Goddess and the Holy Kitten...
[does best Integra Hellsing impersonation]  Ai-men....  -__-

Juri Harushi

My favorite is the Win98 Tan. What's her name?


The one in your Avi?  98-tan, but you can nickname her Hacchan...  Ã,¬__Ã,¬'

Seems like your new, though... feel free to visit the Members Introduction Page when you get the chance.  Ã,¬vÃ,¬


Hmmm, a topic about the favorites... nice.

I have three favorites:
1. The first one is obvious (just look my signature): go XP-tan go!!:D
(I have a lot of reasons but I can't write them all because of the limited place to write:))
2. The second one is 2k-tan (combination of intelligence and beauty)
3. The third one is 95-tan because ... she is a classic.


My favavorites right now is 3.

1. 3.1 sama - Her light-purple dress sometimes look likes white. I also like her red eyes too. In my opinion, white represents purity. I think most fanarts make her look cute! > 3 <
2. Vis-tan (ninja) - Maybe she looks fast and active like me sometimes?

3. ME-tan - She's also cute! I like her ! ribbon and her hair. That's not enough, me and ME-tan also have the same birthday!
Note: The first appearance of ME-tan was on 6 Aug 2003. I could be her older brother. - _ -

What do you call that, is it 'aerial'?

I like other OS-tans too.
INU-tan - In SD form is cute!
98 & 98SE pair - I think 98SE is a good bonebreaker in Nijikaku game. ;064  
Longhorn pair - They're also cute.
CE-tan - Can you be my guardian fairy?


Somehow after seeing enough pics of Homeko, she kind of grows on you. Added homoko to my list.


Quote from: "panithan"

What do you call that, is it 'aerial'?

hm.... ahoge? ^^


Quote from: "SleepyD"
Quote from: "panithan"

What do you call that, is it 'aerial'?

hm.... ahoge? ^^
I always thought it was a funky cowlick.