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Topicless thread

Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Don't worry choco. we were a few blocks away.

all the roads were blocked last night so we couldn't get home till like, around 1:30 am
My my, aren't you lovely~


like me, today. >__<;
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Holy fukken shit you guys, what's up with all the dental (and, well, medical-in-general) misfortune? o______o

Just about everyone in my family (near and extended AND adopted) has had major issues except for me..... Thank God. >____>


i'm just unfortunate? and live with a neglectful, abusive chain smoker? :\
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could be. but you should get an oral xray to see if you have them. (you might not; every generation decreases the likelihood that we have them, but we're not to the point where they're rare yet.)
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Quote from: Aurora Borealis on April 30, 2011, 11:02:47 PM
I still don't have any wisdom teeth. They never came in. Is that lucky?

Aurora-chan is magical and has good fortune. D:

Three of mine still haven't shown up, and they better stay that goddamn way. >____>


Broya is a beacon of good fortune? MUST RESIST INSTINCT TO MONOPOLIZE.

Well, my whole dental issue package comes from me failing to activate my brakes while at my second judo training session, and thus headbutting my left upper front tooth out in a very gruesome way. So yeah.


sweet tooth = cavities >__<;
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or not brushing properly or often enough D:
My my, aren't you lovely~


I have a really bad track record with dentists:

-My first trip at age five or so to get a couple of BABY TEETH that would fall out a year or two later filled/capped left me EXTREMELY DENTALLY PARANOID.

-When I was 12 or so my dentist found a small cavity in one of my back teeth and said "oh, we can take care of that at your next visit in a year." Guess what? Before that time, it was so rotted out that I nearly needed a root canal. (This motherfucker also said that I needed braces - god damned Florida Keys and their fourth-world level medical "professionals").

-When I moved to NH I went to my brother's dentist, a semi-senile old man whose practice was on a FARM and had a jesusfreak dental assistant. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind jesusfreaks... as long as they aren't FREAKING OUT ABOUT JESUS WHILE I'M GETTING GODDAMN NOVACANE INJECTIONS IN MY JAW AND HAVING DRILLS SHOVED INTO TEETH. Gotta admire the old guy's work though, the filling has held up very well.

-Then I started going to my brother's new dentist, who was a self-proclaimed sadist. She spent the entire exam telling me how I would - in no uncertain terms - need all my wisdom teeth out (I was like 15 at the time) and that I DESPERATELY NEEDED BRACES. My mental reaction was 1) Panic 2) FUCK YOU, I'M GOING SOMEPLACE BETTER.

But it got better!

-I found the dentist I currently go to. Actually, it's an entire practice, so I see different technicians/doctors each time. They uncovered a fact that none of the other doctors seemed to notice - namely, that while my teeth are in good health, my gums are abnormally receded. Like, at a medical-oddity-level. They say it's probably due to some sort of combination of stress, hormones, genetic predisposition and NEVER BEING TOLD BY MY PAST HACK-DENTISTS HOW TO PROPERLY BRUSH. Once a technician mentioned that braces might be something I consider in the future, but I told her quite bluntly that 1) NO GODDAMN WAY I'M PUTTING MYSELF THROUGH THAT and 2) My family is too poor to anyway. Nobody has ever brought it up again. I now go there twice a year - once for xrays and an exam, once for a cleaning - and it costs a couple of hundred dollars, but still, it's cheaper than having problems down the road + the mental anguish THAT would entail. (Seriously, you can't get a tooth pulled for less than $1000 here.) My parents and brother have/had a fuckton of dental issues, so I know I have to be more responsible with myself... I brush twice a day, floss, use a waterpik and fluoridated mouthwash (not that nasty alcohol stuff that just makes things worse). >__>


lol, waterpik. how 70's.

dude, you should consider moving a little more south. my mom's dentist is WAAAAY cheaper than that and my dentist is extremely nice, funny, and likes broadway plays! ^^
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All this talk about dentists... ;_; I've had all my wisdom teeth removed (twice at a time: first two were an emergency removal as they were causing a huge infection in my mouth), and have the ugliest and most deviant "healthy" teeth among people I've ever met. It used to be a major self-esteem issue still a while ago, but I've pretty much just stopped bothering about them. I was told around when I was 13 that I'd lose some teeth by 35 as they were growing wrong, so woo, really motivating. :/ Haven't had cavities though.

Otherwise I've never suffered many health problems: appendectomy at the age of 14 and the operation I had earlier this spring being my only times in a hospital. I had a fracture in my foot back in 2004, but other than that I've also never really hurt myself.


I'm in and out of the hospital regularly...because I work there.

As a note, when browsing these boards late last night, I read this topic title as "Topless thread"


Mah boi, don't be ashamed. You're just a few pages off. THAT thread is here (though it's pretty dead atm).

And what, you a nurse, or studying towards it? Or possibly on the upper side of that spectrum? =W=


My appendix has been going for almost a decade now. At least I think that's where the pain is coming from. My grandfather's appendix actually burst when he was a kid and nearly died; my dad's had appendicitis but was able to keep his; hopefully I'll be the one to break the currrrrrrse.....

@Pentium: now I'm curious to know what your job is...