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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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The teacher teaches and the students code <3

Useless fact: I'm writing this off a Computer running HP-UX :D

Dr. Kraus

I figured out some admin codes for my school's computers, teachers and the tech department weren't happy about it though...


Quote from: SleepyD on March 23, 2011, 01:31:51 PM
OOP isn't... that bad... right?

OOP is evil! Kyuubei loves OOP because it obfuscates real functionality and insight behind layers and layers of intangible, unsettling magic that... they... designed to... confuse you!

I hates it a lot because it teaches poor programming practices
And is unreadable in terms of control flow
And it's annoying to reverse-engineer once compiled
And is annoying to link to when used for libraries
And it is inefficient, given that colleges teach only "the right way" to do things; that is, to focus on readability versus functionality (svx ams against this paradigm)
(and svx is Batman)


Who do you trust more??? Kyuubei? That little... thing? With its... ears and, eh, eyes? And fur? And its eerie cuteness? Or me? With my assortment of *Pods and technology? Actually, Kyuubei is pretty awesome, and I only one the one *Pod...

Touche Kyuubei...


@svx: you get funnier every time i read your stuff. 8)
@everyone else: i wish i knew how to program....
and i haven't had an actual 'computer' class since 8th grade, and i only took it cause i failed french the previous year. (je nais parle francais.) it was filled mostly with the slacker-esque kids, and those who didn't want to take a language. :\ otherwise, it was a good class (the teacher was semi-strict, but nice). :3
i don't remember much about my middle school's computer lab outside of the fact that it was small, had no windows, and was carpeted. -w- my high school's computer lab had 2 rooms (though one was usually used for a class), and the teacher who moderated it (Ms. Wilmarth) was very, very nice. ^^ i had a couple classes in there, and it was usually quite peaceful . ^^
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Quote from: Pitkin on March 23, 2011, 02:54:22 PM
What do people do in your computer labs? ._.; Never smelled anything strange in Tampere, now I'm too afraid to go back to make sure I wasn't imagining when I thought there were no odours... -.-
People spend the whole day and night in the labs here working on projects and things, (Operating Systems class, I'm looking at you).  That implies they don't shower. Ever been to a crowded arcade? Anime con panel? Yeah. Smells like that.

Quote from: svx on March 23, 2011, 04:02:11 PM
OOP is evil! Kyuubei loves OOP because it obfuscates real functionality and insight behind layers and layers of intangible, unsettling magic that... they... designed to... confuse you!

I hates it a lot because it teaches poor programming practices
And is unreadable in terms of control flow
And it's annoying to reverse-engineer once compiled
And is annoying to link to when used for libraries
And it is inefficient, given that colleges teach only "the right way" to do things; that is, to focus on readability versus functionality (svx ams against this paradigm)
(and svx is Batman)


Who do you trust more??? Kyuubei? That little... thing? With its... ears and, eh, eyes? And fur? And its eerie cuteness? Or me? With my assortment of *Pods and technology? Actually, Kyuubei is pretty awesome, and I only one the one *Pod...

Touche Kyuubei...
Hm. Interesting viewpoint.
well you probably already know this, but as someone who took a CS Minor course at my university, it's pretty much Java and C++ they work with for all the core courses.  Not to mention the AP course in high school is also an OOP course in Java. Not to mention all the jobs I've been applying to want experience in OOP.   Given a good (documented) design, OOP shouldn't be some sort of magic box of mystery anyway.  Unfortunately, I hardly ever see well-documented code, even if it is brilliant.

As far as programming goes, OOP is really all I know (Java, C++, Python). haha That and MATLAB. And some SQL. but... that's not really programming, that's just databases.

/ 人◕‿‿◕人 \


sleepy, you should stick around this time, since besides you, svx is our only real programmer, and he's drunk. :\
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I've never had a computer class, not even a typing class!


we had typing in 5th grade, and i sucked at it. funny now that i can type faster than alot of people i know. :\
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I've never had any computer or typing classes in school either....


be thankful, i guess...?
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We had a computer hall in our school. At breaks, we'd be gaming.



reminds me of a class from freshman year that i totally slacked off in. ^^;
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We had computer class once a week through elementary school, Computer Literacy I & II (6-7th Grades), and somethin' or other in 8th Grade.  All Macs.  I used the first iMac in the entire county.  Remember the day we got OSX and they hadn't figured out how to disable all the fun stuff yet.


Quote from: stewartsage on March 23, 2011, 08:12:23 PM
We had computer class once a week through elementary school, Computer Literacy I & II (6-7th Grades), and somethin' or other in 8th Grade.  All Macs.  I used the first iMac in the entire county.  Remember the day we got OSX and they hadn't figured out how to disable all the fun stuff yet.

Awesome >w<

My first interaction with a Mac was an eMac running OSX at our library in ~2005; but really didn't work with one for any extended period of time until we got our iMac in late 2009...


my first mac experience was in middle school. they were in the art room, but i think i only used it once, if that. the other kids played computer games on them, though.
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